PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News

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PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News

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      DMI International LLC
          Service with a Mission
PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News

Manufactures • Sells • Installs
          B U Y D I R E C T & S AV E

   R-Value Foam, LLC has partnered with the
      leading chemist and manufacturers to
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            Perms / Inch                 2.3

          Contact us today for a
             competitive quote
                (517) 204-4747

               Mark Benaske, President
PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News

         VOLUME 50

                  Published by


            H. M. “Ike” Stemmer

             Universal News, Inc.

                    Tina Bostic
                President / Editor

                   David Bostic

                                                             10                            DMI International LLC
                Vice President

          circulation@pipelinejobs.com                                                     Service with a Mission
                Juan Fitzmaurice
                     Art Director

       Advertising Representative
       Tina Bostic 800/790-5551

     Editorial & Production Offices
          Universal News, Inc.
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PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
Need big iron for your next Pipeline Project?
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PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
GET THE NEWS YOU NEED FASTER!                                         Counties, Alabama. Headquarters is in Toxey, Alabama.
We are updating our website often with the latest job                 The superintendent is Jason Mack. Work expected to begin
information. Always keep a check on the “Contracts Let”               September 6, 2021.
section at www.pipelinejobs.com
                                                                      United Piping Inc., ph (800)269-2968 has been awarded
Troy Construction, ph (281)437-8214 has been awarded a                a contract by Enbridge Energy for integrity digs and
contract to install approximately 24 miles of 36-inch pipeline        sleeve cutouts for fabrication replacement on a 30-inch
for Kinder Morgan near Refugio, Texas. Work set to get                pipeline in Schoolcraft and Marquette Counties, Michigan.
underway around August 15, 2021.                                      Superintendent is Robert Gall. Work expected to begin
                                                                      August 1, 2021.
PeBen USA Inc., ph (281)452-4204 has has been awarded
a contract to haul and rack approximately 24 miles of 36-inch         United Piping Inc., ph (800)269-2968 has been awarded a
pipe near Refugio, Texas. Work is getting underway.                   contract by Blue Water Gas for integrity digs on a 26-inch
                                                                      pipeline in St. Clair County, Michigan. Headquarters is in
Henkels & McCoy, Inc., ph (888) HENKELS has been                      St. Clair, Michigan. Superintendent is Kendall Pilarski. Work
awarded a contract by Duke Energy for the installation                expected to begin August 1, 2021.
of approximately 490 feet of 12-inch pipeline in Boone
County, Kentucky. Headquarters is in Florence, Kentucky.              U.S. Pipeline, Inc., ph (281)531-6100 has been awarded
Superintendent is Bill Adams. The approximate starting date           a contract by Kinder Morgan for the replacement of
is August 2, 2021.                                                    approximately 1,723 feet of 24-inch pipeline in Ontario
                                                                      County, New York. Superintendent is Dana Bratcher. Work
Letourneau Enterprises, LLC, ph (704)448-0100 has been                expected to begin July 28, 2021.
awarded a contract by MPG Pipeline Contractors, Inc. for
the clearing, grubbing and matting of approximately 53 miles          Letourneau Enterprises, LLC, ph (704)448-0100 has been
of 16-inch pipeline right-of-way in Choctaw and Washington            awarded a contract by MPG Pipeline Contractors, Inc. for

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                                                                                  August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com        5
PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
    the clearing, grubbing, and matting on approximately 3,000                      Pe Ben USA, Inc., ph (281)452-4204 has been awarded a
    feet of 16-inch pipeline in Washington County, Alabama.                         contract Michels Corporation for the loading, hauling, and
    Headquarters is in Toxey, Alabama. Superintendent is Jason                      stringing of approximately 90 miles of 8-inch through 24-inch
    Mack. The approximate starting date is August 2, 2021.                          pipe in Burke, Mountrail, Williams and McKenzie Counties,
                                                                                    North Dakota. Headquarters are in Tioga and Watford, North
    Price Gregory International, Inc., (713)780-7500 has                            Dakota. Superintendent is Toby Prawl.
    been awarded a contract by Colorado Liberty Pipeline, LLC
    (Tallgrass Energy) for the installation of approximately 140                    Snelson Companies, Inc., ph (360)856-6511 has been
    miles of 24-inch pipeline in Platte County, Goshen County,                      awarded a contract by Duke Energy for the replacement
    and Laramie County, Wyoming and Weld County, Colorado.                          of approximately 2,760 feet of 24-inch pipeline in Hamilton
    Headquarters is in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Superintendent is                         County, Ohio. Headquarters is in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Terry McDaniel. Work is getting underway.                                       Superintendent is Jeff Sanderson. The approximate starting
                                                                                    date was late July 2021.
    Michels Pipeline, ph (920) 583-3132 was expected to
    get underway around July 17, 2021 with the North Bakken                         Utility Line Services, Inc., ph (610)239-0900 has
    Expansion, approximately 65 miles of 24-inch pipeline, .3                       been awarded a contract by New Jersey Natural for the
    miles of 12-inch pipeline and.5 miles of 8-inch pipeline for                    hydrostatic testing of approximately 45,269 feet of 30-inch
    WBI Energy near Tioga, North Dakota.                                            pipeline in Burlington and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey.
                                                                                    Headquarters is in Bordentown, New Jersey. Superintendents
    Dun Transportation & Stringing, Inc., ph (903)891-9660                          are Cliff Sinclair and Donnie Space. The approximate starting
    has been awarded a contract by Welspun for the offloading,                      date was mid to late July 2021.
    hauling and stockpiling of approximately 23 miles of 36-inch
    pipeline in Refugio County, Texas. Headquarters is the pipe                     Southeast Directional Drilling, ph (520) 423-2131 has
    yard. Superintendent is Greg Norman. The approximate                            been awarded a contract by PL – Enserv for the installation
    starting date was late July 2021.                                               of approximately 3,228 feet of 4-inch pipeline via horizontal

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PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News

                                                                                       Darby logo signifies a stellar reputation
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                                   www.darbyequip.com                August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com                     7
PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
    directional drilling in Clayton County, Iowa. Headquarters           Price Gregory Interational., ph (713)780-7500is underway
    is in Garber, Iowa. Superintendent is Jesse Garling. The             with a contract for Phillips 66 for the construction of
    approximate starting date is late July 2021.                         approximately 18 miles of 10-inch pipeline in Missouri.

    Southeast Directional Drilling, ph (520) 423-2131 has                Gabe’s Construction Inc., ph (920) 459-2600 is underway
    been awarded a contract by Linde for the installation of             with a contract for Price Gregory International, Inc. for the
    approximately 1,306 feet of 8-inch pipeline via horizontal           installation of various lengths of 10-inch pipeline via horizontal
    directional drilling in Wyoming and Bradford Counties,               directional drilling in St. Louis and Franklin Counties, Missouri.
    Pennsylvania. Headquarters is in Mehoopany, Pennsylvania.            Headquarters is in Eureka, Missouri.
    Superintendent is Randy Tilley. The approximate starting
    date is late July 2021.                                              Intercon Construction ph (608) 850-4820 is underway with a
                                                                         contract for DTE Energy for the construction of approximately
    Precision Pipeline, ph (715)874-451 is underway with a               15 miles of 8-inch pipeline in Traverse City, Michigan.
    contract for Enbridge to construct approximately 50 miles of
    36-inch pipeline in Minnesota. Warehouse in in                       Intercon Construction ph (608) 850-4820 has been
    Backus, MN.                                                          awarded a contract for integrity digs in Montana, Wyoming,
                                                                         Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan,
    R. L. Coolsaet Construction Company, ph (734) 946-                   and Nevada.
    9300 has been awarded a contract by DTE Energy to
    replace approximately 1,600 feet of 16-inch pipeline via             OUT FOR BID SOON
    lift and lay in St. Clair County, Michigan. Superintendent is        If approved, Northern Natural Gas Company has a
    Bart Jeannette. Work was expected to begin in mid to late            proposed project to construct and operate new facilities as
    July 2021.                                                           part of its Pipeline and Facilities Construction Project.
                                                                         Northern intends to abandon in-place approximately 79.21

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8       www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
miles of its 14- and 16-inch South Sioux City to Sioux Falls          Enable Midstream Partners, LP is evaluating bids for the
M561 A-line (A-line) and to replace the abandoned pipeline            Gulf Run Pipeline project. The new, 134-mile, 42-inch
with approximately 82.23 miles of 12-inch pipeline in Dakota          pipeline in Louisiana will run through Red River, DeSoto,
and Dixon counties, Nebraska, and Lincoln and Union                   Sabine, Vernon, Beauregard, and Calcasieu Parishes,
counties, South Dakota; install approximately 3.15-miles of           Louisiana (Westdale to Starks, LA). The proposed new
12-inch tie-over pipeline in Lincoln County, South Dakota;            pipeline will run from northern Louisiana to the Gulf Coast,
abandon in-place the existing 0.16-mile, 2-inch Ponca branch          helping deliver U.S. resources to international markets with
line and replace it with an approximately 1.87-miles of 3-inch        increasing demand. Construction is expecting to begin
branch line in Dixon County, Nebraska; abandon in-place the           by 2022.
existing 0.06-miles of 2-inch Jackson branch line in Dakota
County, Nebraska; modify existing and install new above-              Denbury Resources has awarded contracts to two
grade facilities in various counties in Nebraska and South            contractors for construction of a CO2 pipeline in Montana.
Dakota; and abandon and remove short segments of pipeline             Mears, ph (832) 634-2900 has been awarded approximately
in various counties in Nebraska and South Dakota.                     50 miles and Sunland Construction, ph (800)3299-6295
                                                                      has been awarded approximately 70 miles. Work was getting
TO BE LET SOON                                                        underway in late July 2021.
Bids are being evaluated for the Gulfstream Phase VI
Project. The project includes the installation of 3.9-miless of       Nextera Energy has awarded a contract to MPG Pipeline
36-inch diameter pipeline in Coden, Alabama; the installation         Contractors, Inc. ph (713)955-9901 for the Lowman
of a booster compressor at Gulfstream Compressor Station              Pipeline Project from Washington County, Alabama to
410 in Coden, AL; uprating the maximum allowable operating            Choctaw County, Alabama. The job includes construction
pressure for a portion of the pipeline in Coden, AL; and              of approximately 51 miles of 16-inch pipeline. Work is
installation of a meter station in Manatee County, FL.                expected to begin around mid-August 2021.

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PIPELINERS DMI International LLC - HALL of FAME NEWS - Pipeliners Hall of Fame News
Feature Article

DMI International LLC
Service with a Mission
DMI INTERNATIONAL                                                        SERVICE FACILITIES
The character of the pipeline industry is built on integrity and         In 2013 DMI opened its first field service facility in Pennsylvania.
service. Finding a way to get the job done, regardless of the            This strategic move placed DMI in the heart of the Marcellus
obstacles, builds grit into the character of those who run the           Shale gas field. From this location DMI was able to service
equipment on the right of way as well as those who supply the            most of their customers in that area within 24 hours. This
equipment for the right of way.                                          unprecedented move gave DMI a competitive advantage that
                                                                         was rewarded with new business and substantial growth.
Robert Buchanan opened his 1st business in Tulsa, Oklahoma
in 1974. DIECO Manufacturing started as a small machine shop.            Built on the pattern from its first facility, DMI subsequently
Later he incorporated welding and fabrication capabilities. Most of      established four more field service locations across the United
their initial customers were directly linked to the pipeline industry.   States. As a result, DMI can be on most right of ways in 24
As they became more entrenched as a supplier their product               hours with new equipment. DMI currently services the pipeline
range began to grow. It was in that very machine shop where he           industry from the following locations.
got his feet wet building pipe bending machines. By 1992 building
these machines became substantial enough to stand as its own                                 1582 Woodward Ave
company, thus DMI International was formed and officially started                          Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
building equipment for its own sales and rental fleet.                                           (570)726-8432

As demand for competitive pipe bending equipment grew, DMI
International was incorporated and became a major competitor
and a key supplier to the pipeline industry for clamps, mandrels,
pipe bending machines and all of the accessories contractors
need to get the job done. Today, DMI is spread over 10 acres in
Tulsa, Oklahoma and encompasses over 12 buildings.

Supplying equipment became the initial launch into the pipeline
industry. As demand for DMI equipment grew so did the need for
a service branch. Clamps, mandrels and pipe bending machines
needed to be converted in order to match the pipe requirements
for the next job.

Transporting equipment back to Tulsa for service and conversions
was the normal procedure for equipment suppliers. DMI had
different plans. To reduce the time for conversions between jobs
and to be available to the contractors on the line, DMI needed to
be close to the work.

10      www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
2055 Loop 500 East                                              611 Aurora Business Park Drive
                      Center, TX 75935                                                       Conroe, Texas
                        936-591-8006                                                          936-441-4014

                        572 FM 1554                                                       6400 S. County Rd. 1273
                        Alice, Texas                                                          Midland, Texas
                        361-661-0685                                                           432-701-6000

MISSION                                                            INQUIRIES
While following industry trends is important, DMI’s mission has    The DMI website is loaded with updated technical information
always been to design and manufacture equipment that exceeds       about pipe bending equipment as we hope to service the
the customers expectations. "Listening to the voice of the         industry through the technology of the internet. Visit us
customer and helping them solve their production problems has      at www.dmiinternational.com, reach out to us at our Tulsa
been both challenging and rewarding but we are willing to go the   headquarters, or email us at sales@dmiinternational.com for
extra mile", says Buchanan.                                        further information.

When the industry moved toward heavy wall pipe a few years         We recognize that our growth and success is attributed to the
ago, DMI accepted the challenge and began producing bending        pipeline industry and its loyal customers. We pray for everyone's
equipment with greater capacity. Their responsiveness to the       safety as the industry returns to normalcy. We would like to
demand and their manufacturing agility became a hallmark in        thank Pipeliners Hall of Fame magazine for the opportunity to
the industry. Customizing equipment to meet specific customer      be a part of their August 2021 magazine issue.
requirements creates a win-win situation for DMI and their
                                                                   All right reserved / Copyright 2021

                                                                            August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com        11
     Alliance Pipeline has filed an application with the               completion, the project, as proposed, will create 183,000
     FERC seeking authority to construct the Three Rivers              dekatherms per day (Dth/d) of incremental capacity.
     Connection project. Alliance is requesting authorization to       Columbia Gulf’s proposed 30-inch pipeline lateral and POD
     construct, install, own, operate and maintain approximately       Meter Station will interconnect with Venture Global Gator
     2.85 miles of 20-inch diameter pipeline, a new metering           Express, LLC’s Gator Express Pipeline, supplying feed
     and regulating station, and other related auxiliary facilities    gas to Venture Global Plaquemines LNG, LLC’s (Venture
     and appurtenances to provide natural gas transportation           Global LNG’s) liquefied natural gas facility1, all located
     service to the Three Rivers Energy Center, a planned 1,250        in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The pipeline facilities
     megawatt natural gas fuel combined-cycle power generation         associated with the Project will involve the construction
     facility, owned and operated by Competitive Power Ventures,       and operation of 8.14 miles of new 30-inch-diameter
     all located in Grundy County, Illinois. In order to place the     pipeline lateral within Barataria Bay. Pending receipt of
     project into service by June 23, 2022, Alliance respectfully      all necessary authorizations and permits, Columbia Gulf
     requests that the Commission issue an order granting the          anticipates mobilization and construction of the 30-inch
     authorizations requested herein by February 1, 2022.              pipeline lateral and associated aboveground facilities in
                                                                       Barataria Bay to begin by January 31, 2022. Mobilization,
     ANR Pipeline Company has an application before the                clearing, and construction of the Centerville and Golden
     FERC seeking authority for the Skunk River Replacement            Meadow compressor stations and associated facilities
     Project. ANR seeks authority to abandon, remove, and              are also anticipated to begin by January 31, 2022. These
     construct pipeline facilities in Henry County, Iowa, as           construction start dates are necessary in order to meet an
     follows: construction of approximately 1,880 feet of 24-inch-     in-service date of January 1, 2023 for the overall project.
     diameter pipeline using horizontal directional drill method;
     abandonment in-place of approximately 1,500 feet of               Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC is underway with the
     24-inch-diameter pipeline; and removal of approximately           construction of compressor station facilities in East Carroll,
     380 feet of 24-inch-diameter pipeline.                            Catahoula, Evangeline, and Rapides Parishes, Louisiana
                                                                       (Louisiana XPress Project). The new Shelburn Compressor
     ANR Pipeline Company is underway with portions of the             Station in East Carroll Parish, Louisiana, which includes
     Grand Chenier Xpress Project. The proposed project                installation of two 23,470 horsepower (hp) Solar Turbine
     includes facilities in Acadia, Jefferson Davies, and Cameron      Titan 130 natural gas-driven compressors, filter/separators,
     Parishes, Louisiana: modifications of ANR’s existing Eunice       gas cooling bays, 48-inch-diameter suction and 42-inch-
     Compressor Station in Acadia Parish, Louisiana, to increase       diameter discharge piping, and related appurtenant facilities;
     the total certificated horsepower (hp) from 24,000 hp to          the new Red Mountain Compressor Station in Catahoula
     39,370 hp, and abandonment of an existing reciprocating           Parish, Louisiana, which includes installation of two 23,470
     compressor in place; construction of a new 23,470 hp              hp Solar Turbine Titan 130 natural gas-driven compressors,
     greenfield compressor station (Mermentau Compressor               filter/separators, gas cooling bays, 48-inch suction and 42-
     Station) in Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana; modifications      inch discharge piping, and related appurtenant facilities;
     of the existing Dresser-Rand compressor unit and                  the new Chicot Compressor Station in Evangeline Parish,
     installation of 42 feet of aboveground piping at the Grand        Louisiana, which includes installation of two 23,470 hp Solar
     Chenier Compressor Station in Cameron Parish, Louisiana;          Turbine Titan 130 natural gas driven compressors, filter/
     and modifications of the Mermentau River GCX Meter                separators, gas cooling bays, Lisbon 48-inch suction and
     Station, including the installation of an additional meter run    42-inch-diameter discharge piping, and related appurtenant
     and related appurtenant facilities in order to increase the       facilities; and cooling bays with associated piping and
     delivery capability from 700 million cubic feet per day to 1.1    appurtenant facilities at the existing Alexandria Compressor
     billion cubic feet per day. ANR anticipates began construction    Station in Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
     in January 2021 and plans on commencing service by
     January 1, 2022.                                                  Columbia Gulf is underway with the Mainline 300
                                                                       Replacement Project. The project involves the
     Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC – FERC has issued a               abandonment, replacement, and operation of the following
     favorable Environmental Assessment for the East Lateral           facilities in Montgomery and Menifee Counties, Kentucky:
     Xpress project. The project consists of the construction          replacement of approximately 760 feet of existing 36-inch
     of two new compressor stations, a new meter station,              pipeline, with approximately 760 feet of new, 36-inch natural
     approximately 8 miles of new 30-inch diameter natural             gas transmission pipeline (replacement sections would
     gas pipeline lateral, two new mainline valves (MLVs), tie-in      be abandoned by removal and the new pipeline would be
     facility, launcher and receiver facilities, and other auxiliary   installed in the same trench); replacement of approximately
     appurtenant facilities all located in St. Mary, Lafourche,        15 feet of existing 36-inch pipeline, with approximately 15
     Jefferson, and Plaquemines parishes, Louisiana. Upon              feet of new, 36-inch natural gas transmission pipeline at MP

12       www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
6.9 (replacement sections would be abandoned by removal               Driftwood Pipeline, LLC has submitted an application to
and the new pipeline would be installed in the same trench);          the FERC for construction of the Line 200 and Line 300
and abandonment in place of approximately 422 feet of 36-             Project. The project involves the construction of dual 42-inch
inch natural gas transmission pipeline. This is necessary to          natural gas pipelines, approximately 211,200 horsepower
minimize potential impacts to an archaeological site near             electric compressor station and appurtenant facilities, to be
the project area (Site 15Mf490) that is considered eligible for       located in Beauregard and Calcasieu Parishes, Louisiana.
listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).           Driftwood is requesting authorizations no later than the 4th
                                                                      quarter of 2022.
Double E Pipeline, LLC (Double E) is underway with
the Double E Pipeline Project. Double E is constructing               Driftwood LNG LLC and Driftwood Pipeline, LLC have
approximately 116.6-miles of 30-inch and 42-inch diameter             received approval from the FERC for the liquefied natural
trunk-line natural gas pipeline; approximately 16.3-miles             gas (LNG) export facilities and certain interstate, natural
of 30-inch diameter lateral; and meters, mainline block               gas transmission pipeline facilities in Evangeline, Acadia,
valves, launchers and receivers, and other minor facilities           Jefferson Davis, and Calcasieu Parishes, Louisiana. The
at aboveground sites. The project will interconnect with              project would provide gas and processing to produce up
Kinder Morgan’s planned Gulf Coast Express and Permian                to 26 million tonnes per annum of LNG for export. The
Highway Pipelines, and Energy Transfer Partners’ Trans                project facilities include five LNG plants; three LNG storage
Pecos Pipeline. The Double E Pipeline Project is designed             tanks; three marine berths capable of accommodating LNG
to provide up to 135,000 dekatherms per day of firm capacity          carriers of up to 216, each; 74 miles of 48-inch pipeline,
to connect growing production areas in the Delaware Basin             10.6 miles of 42-inch pipeline; 11.3 miles of 36-inch pipeline;
in southeast New Mexico and west Texas to delivery points             and 1 mile of 30-inch lateral pipeline collated with the main
near Waha in Reeves and Pecos Counties, Texas. In-service             pipeline; three compressor stations providing a total of
is slated for 2021.                                                   275,000 horsepower of compression; six pig launchers and
                                                                      receiver facilities, 15 meter stations, and 17 mainline valves.

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                                                                                  August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com          13
     Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. (EGTS) is              HP in Gilchrist County, Florida. Completion of the project is
     seeking authorization from the FERC to construct certain          slated for 2023.
     facilities located in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and
     Loudoun and Fauquier counties, Virginia, which comprise           The staff of the FERC has issued a Certificate of Public
     the Mid-Atlantic Cooler Project. The project will consist of      Convenience and Necessity for the Putnam Expansion
     enhancement work at the following facilities: Chambersburg        Project, proposed by Florida Gas Transmission Company,
     Compressor Station (Franklin County, Pennsylvania)                LLC. The Putnam Expansion Project will consist of the
     - installation of three new electric air inlet chillers and       following facilities in Florida: West Loop- install 13.7 miles
     associated piping; installation of three electric seal gas        of 30-inch pipeline loop in Columbia and Union Counties;
     heaters; Leesburg Compressor Station (Loudoun County,             East Loop- install 7.0 miles of 30-inch pipeline loop in
     Virginia) - installation of one new electric air inlet chiller    Clay and Putnam Counties; Columbia/Union Receiver
     and associated piping, installation of two new electric           Station Relocation- remove and relocate the existing 30-
     seal gas heaters, and installation of two new electric gas        inch loop pig receiver located at the beginning of the West
     coolers; and the Quantico Compressor Station (Fauquier            Loop in Columbia County to a new pig receiver station to be
     County, Virginia) - installation of two new electric air inlet    installed at the terminus of the West Loop in Union County;
     chillers and associated piping. Construction of the project is    Clay/Putnam Receiver Station Relocation - remove and
     expected to begin in June 2022 to meet an in-service date         relocate the existing 30-inch-diateter loop pig receiver
     for the contracted firm transportation service on or before       located at the beginning of the East Loop in Clay County to a
     1 November 2022.                                                  new pig receiver station to be installed at the terminus of the
                                                                       East Loop in Putnam County; Compressor Station (CS)
     Enable Midstream Partners, LP has received FERC                   18- install new automated valves, over pressure protection
     approval for the Gulf Run Pipeline project. The new, 134-         device, and station piping at Florida Gas’s existing CS 18
     mile pipeline in Louisiana would run through Red River,           in Orange County, Florida. Construction start is expected
     DeSoto, Sabine, Vernon, Beauregard, and Calcasieu                 soon. The planned in-service is April 2022.
     Parishes, Louisiana. The proposed new pipeline will run
     from northern Louisiana to the Gulf Coast, helping deliver        Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C. has received a
     U.S. resources to international markets with increasing           Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to abandon,
     demand. Construction is expecting to begin by 2022. Bids          construct, and/or operate certain natural gas facilities for its
     are in and being evaluated.                                       Phase VI Expansion Project in Mobile County, Alabama,
                                                                       and Manatee County, Florida. Gulfstream proposes to:
     FERC will prepare an environmental document that will             (1) replace approximately 4 miles of 36-inch-pipeline in
     discuss the environmental impacts of the Big Bend                 Alabama with thicker-walled pipeline; (2) install additional
     Project involving construction and operation of facilities        compression facilities and uprate the maximum allowable
     by Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT)                    operating pressure (MAOP) on part of its system; and (3)
     in Calhoun, Jefferson, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Santa Rosa,            construct metering and auxiliary facilities and appurtenances.
     and Taylor Counties, Florida. FGT proposes to construct           Specifically, Gulfstream proposes to conduct the following
     and operate the Big Bend Project to provide about 29              activities in Alabama and Florida: install one 16,000
     million standard cubic feet of natural gas per day to             horsepower (HP) gas-fired turbine driven compressor
     serve the need for additional firm transportation service         unit and related appurtenances at Gulfstream’s existing
     in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Florida for current        Compressor Station 410 in Mobile County, Alabama; uprate
     and future electricity generation. The project facilities would   the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of the
     consist of the West Loop: approximately 1.7 miles of 36-          approximately 55-mile, 36-inch segment of pipeline from
     inch pipeline loop extension in Calhoun County, Florida;          MP 3.9 in Mobile County, Alabama, to MP 59.0 in offshore
     East Loop: approximately 1.5 miles of 36-inch pipeline            federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico from 2,180 pounds per
     loop extension in Jefferson County, Florida; relocation of        square inch gauge (psig) to 2,296 psig (beyond MP 59.0,
     associated pig receiver stations in Calhoun and Jefferson         the MAOP will remain at the current 2,180 psig); abandon in
     Counties, Florida; and upgrading existing natural gas-fired       place approximately four miles of 36-inch onshore pipeline
     compressor turbines at four existing compressor stations -        in Mobile County, Alabama, between MP 0.0 and MP 3.9,
     Compressor Station 12 – upgrade Unit 1207 from 15,000             by cutting and capping each end and filling the line segment
     horsepower (HP) to 16,000 HP in Santa Rosa County,                with grout; construct and operate approximately four miles
     Florida; · Compressor Station 14         upgrade Unit 1409        of thicker-walled 36-inch pipeline onshore in Mobile County,
     from 20,500 HP to 23,500 HP in Gadsden County, Florida;           Alabama, between MP 0.0 and MP 3.9, to accommodate an
     Compressor Station 15 – upgrade Unit 1507 from 15,000             increase in the MAOP from 2,180 psig to 2,296 psig. This will
     HP to 16,000 HP in Taylor County, Florida; and Compressor         offset and replace the approximately four-mile segment of
     Station 24 – upgrade Unit 2403 from 20,500 HP to 23,500           pipeline to be abandoned as described in above; construct

14       www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
metering equipment at Gulfstream’s existing Compressor                 Project) to be located at Cooperative’s existing Morrow
Station 420, located in Manatee County, Florida, to manage             coal-fired power plant site (Plant Morrow) in Lamar County,
the gas flow associated with the higher MAOP described                 near Purvis, Mississippi. Tentative completion date is slated
above; and construct other related auxiliary facilities and            for January 2022.
appurtenances. Construction is slated for the 4th quarter
2021. Bids are in and being evaluated.                                 Kern River has submitted an application with the FERC for
                                                                       the Delta Lateral Project. In order to meet the projected
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP is underway with a                     in-service date of May 1, 2024, Kern River plans to
project which involves constructing approximately 3.4 miles            request certificate authority no later than February 2022.
of 20-inch natural gas pipeline lateral and appurtenant,               The proposed facilities, which are subject to change as
auxiliary facilities: a new delivery meter station, and a              the pre-filing process progresses, initially include: (1) an
new mainline compressor station with approximately                     approximately 35-mile 24-inch-diameter lateral line; (2) a
5,000 horsepower (the “Black Creek Compressor Station)                 meter station located near Delta, Utah; and (3) appurtenant
and other associated auxiliary appurtenant buildings                   facilities, such as a main line block valve, taps and a
and facilities, all located in Lamar and Forrest counties,             launcher/receiver.
Mississippi, (Lamar County Expansion Project). Gulf South
also plans refunctionalization of its existing Hattiesburg             National    Fuel    Gas     Supply     Corporation      and
20-inch pipeline from storage to transmission in order to              Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC has
provide supplemental transportation service. The Lamar                 received approval from the FERC for the pipeline portion of
County Expansion Project will allow Gulf South to provide              the Leidy South Project. The proposed facilities include:
up to 200,000 dekatherm per day of new firm transportation             replacement of 6.3 miles of Transco’s existing 24-inch Leidy
service to Cooperative Energy primarily to serve                       Line A with 36-inch pipe in Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Cooperative’s proposed new 550 megawatt combined                       (Hensel Replacement); 2.4 miles of 36-inch pipeline loop in
cycle gas turbine generation facility (the Morrow Repower              Clinton County, Pennsylvania (Hilltop Loop); and 3.5 miles

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                                                                                   August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com           15
     of 42-inch pipeline loop in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania        Northern Natural Gas Company has received approval
     (Benton Loop). Work is underway. Target in-service date for      from the FERC to construct and operate the Clifton to
     the project is December 2021.                                    Palmyra A-line Abandonment Project. The proposed
                                                                      Clifton to Palmyra A-Line Abandonment Project includes
     North Baja Pipeline, LLC (TC Energy) has received a              the following activities: disconnect the existing 24-inch-
     positive Draft Environmental Assessment from the FERC            diameter M600A and the existing 20-inch-diameter
     for its proposed North Baja XPress Project. A final FERC         M600J at Northern’s existing Clifton Compressor Station;
     decision slated for December 7, 2020. The project consists       disconnect the existing 24-inch-diameter M590A and the
     of installation of a new 31,900 ISO horsepower Titan 250         existing 24-inch-diameter M600A at Northern’s existing
     compressor unit at its existing Ehrenberg Compressor             Beatrice Compressor Station; disconnect the existing
     Station located in La Paz County, Arizona; and modifications     24-inch-diameter M590A at Northern’s existing Palmyra
     to the infrastructure at North Baja’s existing El Paso Meter     Compressor Station; abandon in-place 54.3 miles of existing
     Station in La Paz County, Arizona, and Ogilby Meter Station      24-inch-diameter M600A mainline in Gage and Jefferson
     in Imperial County, California. Construction is expected to      Counties, Nebraska, and Washington and Clay Counties,
     start in October of 2021, with an anticipated in-service date    Kansas; abandon in-place 19.9 miles of existing 20-inch-
     of November 2022.                                                diameter M600J mainline in Clay and Washington Counties,
                                                                      Kansas; abandon in-place 41.7 miles of existing 24-inch-
     The staff of the FERC has FILED ITS Implementation               diameter M590A in Otoe, Lancaster, and Gage Counties,
     plan with the FERC for the Lake City 1st Branch Line             Nebraska, between Palmyra and Beatrice, Nebraska; and
     Abandonment and Capacity Replacement Project                     install a new 15,900-horsepower turbine driven compressor
     proposed by Northern Natural Gas Company. Northern               unit at Northern’s existing Beatrice Compressor Station
     is requesting authorization to abandon, construct, modify,       near Beatrice, Nebraska. Northern would abandon in-place:
     and operate natural gas pipeline facilities in Webster and       54.3 miles of its existing 24-inch-diameter M600A mainline
     Calhoun Counties, Iowa. The proposed Lake City 1st               in Gage and Jefferson Counties, Nebraska and Washington
     Branch Line Abandonment and Capacity Replacement                 and Clay Counties, Kansas; 19.9 miles of its existing 20-inch-
     Project includes the following facilities/activities: abandon    diameter M600J mainline in Clay and Washington Counties,
     in-place 34.2 miles of the Lake City 1st branch line (4-inch     Kansas; and 41.7 miles of its existing 24-inch-diameter
     pipeline) from milepost (MP) 0.00 to MP 34.15; disconnect        M590A mainline in Otoe, Lancaster, and Gage Counties,
     the abandoned segment of the Lake City 1st branch line           Nebraska, between Palmyra and Beatrice, Nebraska. The
     pipeline from Northern’s existing pipelines at five locations;   project consists of isolation and abandonment of the A-Line
     uprate the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP)           and a segment of the J-Line. To abandon the pipeline in-
     of 25.3 miles of the Lake City 2nd branch line (6-inch           place, Northern would disconnect and cap the A-Line at six
     pipeline) and install a new take-off regulator setting to the    interconnections where it is linked to other system facilities.
     Harcourt branch line pipeline; uprate the MAOP of the            The dig up and disconnects would take place in Clay County,
     Callender branch line (2-inch pipeline); uprate the MAOP of      Kansas, one location in Gage County, Nebraska, and one
     the Manson 2nd branch line (4-inch pipeline) and install a       location in Otoe County, Nebraska. The abandonment of the
     new take-off regulator setting from the Manson 2nd branch        A-Line would result in the abandonment of the J-Line, which
     line pipeline to the Manson 1st branch line pipeline and         is a loop of the A-Line. Contract award is to be determined
     Rockwell City branch line pipeline; and construct 9.2 miles      and start date also to be determined.
     of new 6-inch-diameter pipeline extension of the Lake City
     2nd branch line, relocate a receiver to the Lake City Town       Northern Natural Gas Company has received an
     Border Station (TBS), and install a new take-off valve setting   Environmental Assessment from the FERC for a proposed
     for the Lohrville TBS. Project pending FERC approval.            project to construct and operate new facilities as part of its
                                                                      Pipeline and Facilities Construction Project. Northern
     Northern Natural Gas has received approval from the              intends to abandon in-place approximately 79.21 miles of
     FERC to proceed with construction the Northern Lights            its 14- and 16-inch South Sioux City to Sioux Falls M561
     Expansion 2021. The proposed Northern Lights 2021                A-line (A-line) and appurtenances and to replace the
     Expansion (CP20-503) entails an 11,153 hp greenfield             abandoned pipeline with approximately 82.23 miles of
     compressor station in Pine County, Minnesota, additional         12-inch pipeline and appurtenances in Dakota and Dixon
     compression at the Pierz compressor station in Morrison          counties, Nebraska, and Lincoln and Union counties, South
     County, modifications to the Pierz interconnect, and a           Dakota; install an approximately 3.15-mile, 12-inch tie-
     pipeline loop and extension totaling 1.43 miles as well as       over pipeline and appurtenances in Lincoln County, South
     replacement of 0.08 of an 8-inch-diameter pipeline with          Dakota; abandon in-place the existing 0.16-mile, 2-inch
     12-inch-diameter pipeline and changes, all in Minnesota.         Ponca branch line and replace it with an approximately
                                                                      1.87-mile, 3-inch branch line and appurtenances in Dixon

16       www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
County, Nebraska; abandon in-place the existing 0.06-              2020 Amendment would consist of the following: a new
mile, 2-inch Jackson branch line and appurtenances in              interconnection facilities (Church Road Interconnects) in
Dakota County, Nebraska; modify existing and install new           Bethlehem Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania;
above-grade facilities in various counties in Nebraska and         a metering and regulation station at approximate milepost
South Dakota; and abandon and remove short segments of             (MP) 68.2 of the certificated route; and two separate
pipeline in various counties in Nebraska and South Dakota.         interconnection and measurement facilities.

PennEast Pipeline has received an Environmental                    Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC, a subsidiary of Sempra LNG
Assessment from the FERC seeking authority for the                 & Midstream, has received a positive Final Environmental
PennEast 2020 Amendment Project involving the                      Impact Statement (EIS) from the FERC and a notice that it
construction of approximately 120 miles of 36-inch pipeline        can begin site preparation for its proposed Texas Connector
to be built in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. PennEast          natural gas pipeline in connection with the proposed
proposes to amend their FERC Certificate Order that was            development of the Port Arthur Liquefaction Project by
issued on January 19, 2018. PennEast plans to construct            Port Arthur LNG, LLC, and PALNG Common Facilities
the federally approved PennEast Pipeline Project in two            in Jefferson County, Texas. The Final EIS addresses the
separate phases. Phase One would consist of 68 miles               potential environmental effects of the construction and
of 36-inch pipe, constructed entirely within Pennsylvania          operation of the following proposed facilities: two liquefaction
and ready to deliver natural gas by November 2021.                 trains, each with a capacity of 6.73 million tons per annum
The Phase Two portion would include the remaining                  of LNG for export; three LNG storage tanks, each with a
route in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, with a targeted              capacity of 160,000 cubic meters; a refrigerant storage
completion of 2023. Additionally, PennEast filed a previous        area and truck unloading facilities; a condensate storage
amendment application on February 1, 2019, proposing four          area and truck loading facilities; a new marine slip with
modifications to the certificated route in Luzerne, Carbon,        two LNG vessel berths, an LNG vessel and support vessel
Monroe, and Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania. The                maneuvering area, and an LNG transfer system; a materials

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                                                                               August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com           17
     off-loading facility and Pioneer Dock; approximately 38.9         TX to the proposed liquefaction project, with the majority
     miles of 42-inch-diameter pipeline to bring feed gas from         of the proposed pipeline co-located with existing energy
     interconnections with Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline            infrastructure rights-of-way. The approximately 7-mile
     LLC, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Houston             southern portion of the proposed pipeline project would
     Pipeline Company LP, Texas Eastern Transmission, LP               originate in Cameron Parish, Louisiana on the east bank of
     (TETCO), Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, and               Sabine Lake and terminate at the Port Arthur Liquefaction
     Golden Triangle Storage, Inc./Centana Intrastate Pipeline,        Project. The proposed pipeline project would interconnect
     LLC to the terminal site; approximately 131.3 miles of 42-inch-   the Port Arthur Liquefaction Project to various intra- and
     diameter pipeline to bring feed gas from interconnections         interstate pipelines, providing access to a number of major
     with Centana Interstate Pipeline, LP, TETCO, Tennessee            U.S. natural gas supply basins. Construction is expected
     Gas Pipeline Company, Market Hub Partners – Egan,                 to begin in the third quarter of 2021, with commercial
     Pine Prairie Energy Center, Texas Gas Transmission, LLC,          operations expected to begin in third quarter of 2022.
     ANR Pipeline Company, and Columbia Gulf Transmission,
     LLC to the terminal site; three compressor stations; meter        Portland Natural Gas Transmission System (PNGTS)
     stations at the pipeline interconnects; and other associated      is underway with construction of the Westbrook XPress
     utilities, systems, and facilities (mainline valves, pig          Project (WXP). Adding to PNGTS’ existing capacity, WXP
     launchers/receivers, contractor yards, access roads, etc.).       will be capable of transporting approximately 124,000
     Construction is expected to begin in the third quarter of         dekatherms a day (Dth/d) to areas where it is in great
     2021, with commercial operations expected to begin in third       demand. Enhancing PNGTS’ existing capacity through WXP
     quarter of 2022. On May 8, 2020, Port Arthur Pipeline filed       will be achieved via the installation of facilities to compress
     received an Environmental Assessment for the Louisiana            and cool gas on the PNGTS system, and the modification
     Connector Project. Port Arthur Pipeline plans to construct,       of an existing meter station, on land adjacent to the existing
     own, and operate additional new proposed Liquefaction             Westbrook Compressor Station. The facilities at Westbrook
     Facility south of Port Arthur in Jefferson County, Texas. The     are jointly owned by PNGTS and Maritimes & Northeast
     Louisiana Connector Project will be capable of delivering         Pipeline (MNE), and operated by M&N Operating Company,
     approximately 2,000,000 MMBtu per day of natural gas to
     the Liquefaction Project. The Louisiana Connector Project,
     along with the Texas Connector Project facilities proposed                       CELEBRATING
     in this proceeding, will be the primary means of delivery
     of feed gas to the Liquefaction Project. The anticipated
     construction start date is 1st quarter of 2021 with in-service
     slated for 3rd quarter 2022.The Louisiana Connector Project
     will include 131 miles of 42-inch diameter gas pipeline, a
     new compressor station, interconnection facilities with
     interstate and intrastate natural gas facilities, and other
     appurtenant facilities. The proposed Louisiana Connector
     Project facilities will extend from an interconnect with
     Columbia Gas Transmission (MP 130.9) located northeast of                         AND COUNTING …
     Eunice, Louisiana in St. Landry Parish through Evangeline,
     Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, and Cameron Parishes in
     Louisiana and Jefferson County, Texas and terminate at                           of unmatched quality service
     the proposed Liquefaction Facility south of Port Arthur in                     of local crews and management
     Jefferson County, Texas. The Louisiana Connector Project,                  of technology-driven industry innovation
     along with the Texas Connector Project facilities proposed                           and honest hard work
     in this proceeding, will be the primary means of delivery
     of feed gas to the Liquefaction Project. Both projects are
     needed to provide service to the Liquefaction Project and will
     allow flexible access to multiple supply basins and systems
     of upstream transporters. Combined, the projects will give
     more gas sellers access to Port Arthur LNG and Port Arthur
     LNG access to more supply basins. The proposed Port                                       making it happen           1966-2021
     Arthur Pipeline Project would consist of two segments
     oriented north and south of the proposed liquefaction
                                                                         860-906-3908 • Todd Barrett • tbarrett@mdandb.com
     project. The 27.6-mile northern portion of the proposed                             www.mdandb.com
     pipeline project would extend from Vidor in Orange County,
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18       www.pipelinejobs.com | August/September 2021
LLC (MNOC). The proposed project is anticipated to be               new injection/withdrawal wells, one new water disposal well,
completed in three phases, with the last expected to go into        and associated lines; approximately 10.6 miles of 20-inch-
service by November 1, 2022. All work will be conducted on          diameter pipeline; approximately 3.5 miles of 4,160-volt
or adjacent to the existing station. Construction will only be      powerline; and other related appurtenances.
associated with Phase II, which is slated to be placed into
service in 2021.                                                    Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (TGP), a Kinder
                                                                    Morgan subsidiary, and Southern Natural Gas Company,
RH Energytrans, LLC has requested and received approval             L.L.C. (SNG), a Delaware limited liability company equally
to delay its in-service date for the Risberg Line Project           owned by subsidiaries of Kinder Morgan and Southern
until December 2022. The project consists of the conversion         Company, have a positive Draft Environmental Assessment
of 31.6 miles of existing 8-inch and 12-inch natural gas            from the FERC of a positive Environmental Assessment for
gathering pipeline to transmission service, construction            the Evangeline Pass Expansion Project. The Evangeline
of 28.3 miles of new 12-inch pipeline, conversion of the            Pass Expansion Project is designed to provide up to 1.1
existing Countyline Compressor station from gathering to            million dekatherms per day (Dth/d) of additional natural
transmission service, and construction of a new compressor          gas capacity on Kinder Morgan’s TGP and SNG systems in
station at Meadville, PA                                            Louisiana and Mississippi. As part of the project, SNG will
                                                                    lease capacity to TGP. The project involves building 9.1 miles
Spire Storage West, LLC (Spire Storage) has received                of 36-inch diameter pipeline in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
notice from the FERC that it will prepare an environmental          as well as 4 miles of 36-inch pipeline in Plaquemines Parish,
document for the construction and operation of facilities           Louisiana. It will also include two new compressor stations
in Uinta, Wyoming. The Clear Creek Expansion Project                located in Clarke County, Mississippi, and St. Bernard Parish,
would consist of the following facilities: four compressor          Louisiana, and modifications to existing facilities on both
units at the Clear Creek Plant; a tank storage and natural          the TGP and SNG systems. Pending receipt of all required
gas liquids fueling equipment facility on an existing pad; 11       permits, the expected in-service date is December 2022.

                      BKW, Inc.
                Portable Trench Box

           BKW has developed a Portable Trench Box
   to provide a safe environment for the men in the ditch while
     installing auger anchors. The width of ditch is equal to or
     less than the ditch required for sacks or weights and ditch
    depth is the same as cross country pipeline requirements. It
      consists of a fabricated box designed to straddle the pipe
    and equipped with a walkway and gang plank. This allows
     the men to enter box from the bank and climb down to do
    anchor installation. The box is transported from site to site
            using the backhoe used to install the anchors.

                           Contact us at

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                                                                            August/September 2021 | www.pipelinejobs.com             19
     Texas Eastern Transmission, LP has approval from the                       Woodbridge Energy Center owned by CPV Shore Holdings,
     FERC for the Appalachia to Market Project. A final FERC                    LLC and located in Woodbridge Township, New Jersey.
     decision is expected in December 2020. The Appalachia to
     Market Project would consist of the following facilities and               Texas Eastern has received FERC approval for the
     actions, all in Pennsylvania: construction of approximately                Marshall County Mine Panel 19E and 20E Project
     0.8 mile of 30-inch-diameter pipeline loop in the same trench              located in Marshall County, West Virginia. FERC has
     as a segment of an abandoned 30-inch-diameter pipe (that                   also granted authority to utilize a new contractor yard in
     would be removed for this project) on the Texas Eastern                    Moundsville, Marshall County, West Virginia. Texas Eastern
     system in Westmoreland County, PA; one crossover at the                    proposes to excavate and elevate pipeline segments of its
     existing Bechtelsville pig launcher site in Berks County, PA;              Lines 10, 15, 25, and 30, that range from 30-inch to 36-
     one crossover at the existing Uniontown pig-receiver site                  inch diameter and to monitor stress and strain levels on the
     in Fayette County, PA and other related appurtenances.                     pipelines from potential ground subsidence due to Marshall
     Construction is slated for the 2nd quarter of 2021.                        Coal’s scheduled longwall mining activities. Concurrent with
                                                                                pipeline elevation, portions of Lines 10 and 15 would be
     Texas Eastern Transmission, LP is underway with                            replaced with new pipe to accommodate a minimum Class
     the Middlesex Extension Project. Texas Eastern is                          2 design. Texas Eastern would also perform maintenance
     constructing 1.55 miles of 20-inch-diameter pipeline,                      activities on segments of Lines 25 and 30. Marshall Coal
     a new metering and regulating station, 0.20 miles of                       recently informed Texas Eastern that longwall mining
     16-inch-diameter interconnecting piping, and related                       activities for Mine Panel 20E may now begin as early
     appurtenances and ancillary facilities to provide natural gas              as August of 2021. As such, Texas Eastern needed to
     transportation to interconnects with Transcontinental Gas                  commence activities to protect its pipelines that traverse
     Pipe Line Company, LLC’s (Transco) Mainline system and                     Mine Panel 20E concurrent with planned activities to protect
     Transco’s existing Woodbridge Lateral for ultimate delivery                its pipelines that traverse Mine Panel 19E (longwall mining
     to the 725-Megawatt natural gas-fueled combined-cycle                      activities in Mine Panel 19E were anticipated to begin in

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                                                   • Asbestos Coated
                                          Tyler Williams - tyler@cpipipe.com

                                                Culvert, Casing &
                                                  Piling Needs
                                                  8” - 42” New Surplus
                                                  & Used Pipe for Sale
                                          Chris Anderson - chris@cpipipe.com
                                         Dallas Williams - dallas@cpipipe.com
                                            Visit us at www.cpipipe.com
                                               or call us at 405.350.8555

                                                       FLUME                        CONNECT WITH US.
                                                                                    Visit us to learn more at www.mnlimited.com or find us on LinkedIn
                                                       Pipe Dealer

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