PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 055038 (2021) - Axion production in pulsar magnetosphere gaps

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 055038 (2021) - Axion production in pulsar magnetosphere gaps
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 055038 (2021)

                                 Axion production in pulsar magnetosphere gaps
                                                         Anirudh Prabhu
                  Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA

                          (Received 20 May 2021; accepted 6 September 2021; published 27 September 2021)

                  Pulsar magnetospheres admit nonstationary vacuum gaps that are characterized by nonvanishing E · B.
               The vacuum gaps play an important role in plasma production and electromagnetic wave emission. We
               show that these gaps generate axions whose energy is set by the gap oscillation frequency. The density of
               axions produced in a gap can be several orders of magnitude greater than the ambient dark matter density.
               In the strong pulsar magnetic field, a fraction of these axions may convert to photons, giving rise to
               broadband radio signals. We show that dedicated observations of nearby pulsars with radio telescopes
               (FAST) and interferometers (SKA) can probe axion-photon couplings that are a few orders of magnitude
               lower than current astrophysical bounds.

               DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.055038

                    I. INTRODUCTION                                  toroidal magnets [18], and dielectric haloscopes [19,20]. In
                                                                     the aforementioned experiments, axions are assumed to be
   Despite the many successes of the Standard Model (SM),
                                                                     produced in the early Universe and make up a significant
a number of observations point to the need for new physics.
                                                                     portion of dark matter. Other experiments do not rely on
Limits on the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) [1]
                                                                     axions being dark matter. For example, axions may be
suggest a finely tuned cancellation of the topological θ
                                                                     produced by the Primakoff process in the Sun [21,22] or by
parameter in QCD and the overall phase of the quark mass
                                                                     an oscillating background E · B field in the laboratory [23–
matrix, a fine-tuning constraint known as the strong CP
                                                                     29]. When produced in the laboratory by photons with
problem. In addition, a number of cosmological observa-
                                                                     incident E parallel to an externally applied B, axions may
tions point to an abundance of dark matter that does not
                                                                     penetrate optical barriers and convert back to photons
appear to consist of SM particles. One of the best-motivated
                                                                     giving the appearance of light shining through walls
solutions to both of these problems is the QCD axion,
                                                                     (LSW). LSW experiments are not currently competitive
which is the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of the
                                                                     with astrophysical bounds on axions, due in large part to
spontaneously broken Peccei-Quinn symmetry [2–5].
                                                                     their reliance on two low-probability events, photon-to-
Nonperturbative effects generate a potential for the QCD
                                                                     axion conversion and axion-to-photon conversion. Signal
axion that dynamically relaxes the θ parameter to its CP-
                                                                     power is additionally suppressed by the limitations on the
conserving value, explaining the smallness of the neutron
                                                                     strength of magnetic fields that can be produced in the
(EDM). In addition, QCD axions may be produced in the
correct abundance to account for dark matter [6–8]. Axions
                                                                        Beyond the laboratory, astrophysical settings are often
also appear more broadly in string theory in the compacti-
                                                                     ideal test beds for theories of physics beyond the SM.
fication of antisymmetric tensor fields on Calabi-Yau
                                                                     Neutron stars (NS), in particular, provide excellent labo-
manifolds [9,10]. The experimental discovery of axions
                                                                     ratories for axion detection due to their enormous magnetic
would be an important step towards understanding physics
                                                                     fields and dense plasma magnetospheres. Infalling axion
beyond the SM.
                                                                     dark matter may resonantly convert to photons in neutron
   A number of direct detection experiments have been
                                                                     star magnetospheres to produce thin lines that may be
proposed to detect axions by exploiting their coupling to
                                                                     detectable with current and planned radio missions [30–
photons, L ⊃ −gaγγ aðxÞE · B. Some of these experiments
                                                                     36]. Another interesting possibility is that neutron stars and
make use of high-Q microwave cavities [11–17], gapped
                                                                     white dwarfs may be factories for axions. In particular,
                                                                     axions may be thermally produced in the cores of extreme
  *                                         astrophysical objects and converted to photons in their
                                                                     magnetospheres [37–42]. In this paper we discuss a new
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of        mechanism for axion production by pulsars. Pulsars,
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to       young, rapidly rotating neutron stars, are surrounded by
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation,   a dense plasma of electrons, positrons, and ions which are
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.                                           thought to be responsible for gamma ray, x-ray, and radio

2470-0010=2021=104(5)=055038(10)                               055038-1                    Published by the American Physical Society
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 055038 (2021) - Axion production in pulsar magnetosphere gaps
ANIRUDH PRABHU                                                                         PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

emission. In response to plasma outflow along open                formation of gaps and their subsequent discharge has been
magnetic field lines, the magnetosphere forms nonsta-             demonstrated in numerical simulations [50].
tionary vacuum gaps in which E · B ≠ 0 [43,44]. The                  A pulsar is described by its angular velocity Ω and
oscillating E · B in a gap acts as a source for axions, similar   magnetic moment μ. We limit our discussion to aligned
to axion generation in LSW experiments. The energy                rotators (μkΩ). While aligned rotators cannot describe the
density of axions produced by a gap can be several orders         observed pulsation characteristic of pulsars, they capture
of magnitude higher than the corresponding dark matter            the important details of pulsar dynamics. The surface of a
energy density and hence can give rise to very bright radio       NS is an excellent electric conductor. Therefore the surface
signals.                                                          electric field measured in the corotating frame of a NS is
   The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we review       zero. In the laboratory frame, electrons redistribute them-
some basics of pulsar magnetospheres, including the               selves to counteract the Lorentz force due to the internal
formation of nonstationary vacuum gaps for plasma regen-          magnetic field yielding the following (equivalent) surface
eration. In Sec. III, we present a concrete model for a gap,      condition:
based on which we compute the spectrum of the axions
produced in that gap. In Sec. IV we discuss the conversion                            Eint þ v × Bint ¼ 0;                 ð1Þ
of axions to radio photons in the strong magnetic fields
surrounding the pulsar. In Sec. V we discuss an observation       where v ¼ Ω × r. For a vacuum magnetosphere (1) may be
scheme using existing and planned radio telescopes, with a        used to find the external electrostatic potential,
discussion of instrumental and astrophysical backgrounds.
We conclude this section with an estimate of the reach of
                                                                                               B0 ΩR5
our scheme. We end with some concluding remarks                                 Φðr; θÞ ¼ −           P2 ðcos θÞ;          ð2Þ
in Sec. VI.                                                                                     3r3

                                                                  where B0 is the magnitude of the surface magnetic field, R
  II. THEORY OF PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERES                             is the NS radius, and Pn ðxÞ are Legendre polynomials. An
                                                                  important consequence of (2) is that there exists an external
   Pulsars are highly magnetized compact stars that emit
                                                                  electric field component, Ek , parallel to the dipolar mag-
electromagnetic radiation over a wide range of frequencies.
Many pulsars have been observed due to their coherent,            netic field. It was shown by Goldreich and Julian [49] that
pulsed emission of radio waves. While the mechanism for           the vacuum magnetosphere solution is unstable. The
coherent radio emission remains a mystery, it is widely           electric force on charges due to Ek dominates gravity
believed that the dense electron-positron plasma that fills       and strips charges from the NS surface, accelerating them
the magnetosphere plays an important role. Early explan-          along magnetic field lines and populating the magneto-
ations include coherent radio emission by dense, charged          sphere. Eventually, the plasma surrounding the NS screens
bunches [44] and maserlike two-stream plasma instabilities        Ek and corotates with the pulsar. The corotating plasma
[45]. The explanation based on emission by charged                charge density is given by [49]
bunches has fallen out of favor on theoretical grounds as
a result of the difficulty in explaining the origin and                                         2Ω · B
                                                                                     ρc ¼                    :             ð3Þ
longevity of these bunches [46] as well as on observational                                 1 − Ω2 r2 sin2 θ
grounds [47]. A more recent proposal claims that nonuni-
form plasma generation in the magnetosphere, to be                   Corotation cannot be sustained at a radial distance
discussed subsequently, gives rise to electromagnetic radi-       (defined in cylindrical coordinates) r > RLC ¼ c=Ω where
ation whose power and spectrum are in agreement with              RLC is the radius of the light cylinder. The light cylinder
observations [48]. We show that the processes responsible         defines two categories of magnetic field lines: closed and
for plasma generation are also very efficient axion factories.    open, with the former being entirely contained within the
   The presence of plasma is essential not only to the            light cylinder and the latter exiting it. Particles moving
emission of coherent radio waves but also to the stability of     along open field lines may escape freely to infinity. As a
the magnetosphere [49]. Generation of electron-positron           result, the region containing the open field lines lacks the
pairs relies on the formation of charge-starved “gaps” in the     charges necessary to screen Ek , leading to the formation of
magnetosphere, which arise as a result of plasma outflow,         gaps. While the existence of pulsar gaps has been well-
along open field lines, through the light cylinder. The gap       established, there is some uncertainty about the mechanism
possesses a large component Ek , parallel to the magnetic         for generating Ek and the location of gaps. Various gap
field, that accelerates charged particles to high energy.         models have been proposed including the polar-cap
Once sufficient charge generation has taken place, Ek is          [43,44], slot gap [51,52], and outer gap models [53]. In
screened, and the gap is fully discharged. As a result, large     this article we focus on the observable signatures of polar-
amplitude fluctuations of E · B occur in the gap. The             cap gap models.

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104, 055038 (2021) - Axion production in pulsar magnetosphere gaps
AXION PRODUCTION IN PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERE GAPS                                             PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

                 A. Polar cap production                           E · Bðx; tÞ
   Along open field lines corotation cannot be sustained. As                     >
                                                                                 > t=h 0 ≤ z ≤ t;                        0≤t≤h
a result, the electric potential deviates from that given by (2)                 <
and the plasma that lies on open field lines decelerates                ¼ 2ΩB2s h 1  0 ≤ z ≤ h;                        h
relative to the NS. Additionally, plasma can leave the light                     : T−t z ≤ 0 ≤ T − t;                    T −h 2me , at which          frequencies are
point the gap breaks down into a series of sparks. This                                         4=7  3=7  −1
condition occurs when [44]                                               ω1                  Bs         Ω        cT
                                                                             ¼ 42 MHz        14
                                                                                                                       : ð7Þ
                                                                         2π                10 G        Hz        2h
               2=7  −3=7        −4=7
             ρ        Ω         Bs                                    The timescale of oscillation here is set by the crossing
h ≈ 360 cm                                 ;                ð4Þ    time of the gap at maximum thickness. Another time-scale
           10 km      Hz      1014 G
                                                                   which may contribute to axion production is the plasma
                                                                   frequency near the pulsar surface.
where ρ is the radius of curvature of field lines exiting the
polar cap and Bs is the magnitude of the surface magnetic                   III. AXION PRODUCTION IN GAPS
field. The potential drop across the gap vanishes once eþ e−
                                                                     Axions couple to EM fields through the effective
density coincides with (3) and Ek can be effectively
screened. To capture these broad features, we assume
E · B is periodic in time (with period T) with                              1         1          1         gaγγ
                                                                   LEMþa ¼ − Fμν Fμν þ ð∂ μ aÞ2 − m2a a2 −      aFμν F̃μν ;
                                                                            4         2          2          4
    The RS model is restricted to antialigned pulsars where                                                           ð8Þ
Ω · B < 0 and the plasma above the polar cap is positively
charged. The mechanism has been extended to aligned pulsars in,    where a is the axion field, ma is the axion mass, gaγγ is the
for example, [55].                                                 axion-photon coupling, and F̃μν ¼ εμναβ Fαβ =2 is the dual

ANIRUDH PRABHU                                                                                       PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

field tensor. The dynamics of axion-photon coupling are
governed by the following equations:
                   ∇·E¼            − gaγγ ∇a · B;                      ð9Þ

         ∇×B¼                          _ − ∇a × EÞ
                        þ μ0 J þ gaγγ ðaB                             ð10Þ

                  ð□ þ m2a Þa ¼ −gaγγ E · B;                          ð11Þ

where ρ and J are the charge and current densities. The
source-free Maxwell equations remain unaltered by the
presence of an axion. According to (11), a region where
E · B ≠ 0, such as a pulsar gap, can source axions. The
production of axions using a background E · B component
is employed in light shining through walls (LSW) and                          FIG. 2. Comparison of the axion density produced by the gap to
related experiments [23–27], Any light particle search                        the dark matter density as a function of position in the magneto-
                                                                              sphere. Axion emission is beamed in the direction normal to the
(ALPS) [56–58], and the CERN resonant weakly interact-
                                                                              polar cap (z-direction). The parameters are taken to be ma ¼
ing sub-eV particle search (CROWS) [28]. In experiments                       10−7 eV, gaγγ ¼ 10−11 GeV−1 , B0 ¼ 1014 Gauss, P ¼ 1 sec.
such as CROWS, axions are produced in a cavity in which
E · B ≠ 0 where E comes from an excited cavity mode and
B is an externally applied, static magnetic field. A single                   discharge of the gap induced by pair production. The
mode of frequency ω sources an axion field,                                   axion density computed using (11) and (5) is shown in
                           Z                                                  Fig. 1 at two different magnetosphere locations in pulsar
                gaγγ iωt                eika jx−x j                           J1856–3754. The appearance of resonance peaks at ma ¼
aω ðx; tÞ ¼ −       e          d 3 x0               ðE · BÞω ðx0 Þ;   ð12Þ    ωn is a result of the assumption of gap oscillation
                 4π                     jx − x0 j
                                                                              periodicity, which is likely not realized in realistic models.
where ka ¼ ω2 − m2a is the axion momentum and                                 In calculations of the signal power that follow we do not
ðE · BÞω is the component of E · B with frequency ω.                          consider the effects of the resonance peaks shown in Fig. 1.
For our purposes the integral is performed over the pulsar                    The total energy released in gap discharge is predominantly
gap. In pulsar gaps E · B is time-dependent due to the                        in the form of ultrarelativistic eþ e− pairs. The fraction of
outflow of plasma through the light cylinder and the                          the gap energy that is released in the form of axions is
                                                                              f ∼ ðgaγγ ΩBs h2 Þ2 ≪ 1, and hence the production of axions
                                                                              does not affect standard pulsar processes. Axions produced
                                                                              in the vacuum gap are also highly beamed in the direction
                                                                              normal to the polar cap, as demonstrated in Fig. 2.

                                                                                       IV. AXION-PHOTON CONVERSION
                                                                                 Once produced, axions can penetrate the dense plasma
                                                                              until they reach a distance at which photon conversion
                                                                              becomes kinematically allowed. In the presence of a
                                                                              strongly magnetized plasma, axion electrodynamics (9)–
                                                                              (11) must be supplemented by strong QED terms,

                                                                                                 α2             μν 2   7       μν 2
                                                                                      LQED ⊃            ðF μν F   Þ  þ   ðF F̃   Þ   ;    ð13Þ
FIG. 1. Comparison of axion density produced by gap oscil-                                      90m4e                  4 μν
lation to that of infalling axion dark matter at a distance of 100 km
from the NS surface. The comparison is made for pulsar J1856–
3754 at angles θ ¼ 0° (blue) and θ ¼ 90° (red) with respect to the
                                                                              where α is the electromagnetic fine-structure constant and
rotation axis. The axion dark matter density infalling onto the NS            me is the electron mass. Axion-photon conversion results
(black) is larger than the local DM density as a result of                    from mixing of the axion with the (parity-odd) state of the
Liouville’s theorem. The axion-photon coupling is taken to be                 photon, Ak , whose polarization is parallel to the external
gaγγ ¼ 10−11 GeV−1 .                                                          magnetic field, as shown below,

AXION PRODUCTION IN PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERE GAPS                                                             PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)
                   Δk ðzÞ ΔB ðzÞ    Ak                                ultrarelativistic, both the photon and axion momenta are
 ∂ 2z þ ω2 þ 2ω2                       ¼0                             well-approximated by ka;γ ≈ ω. This approximation breaks
                   ΔB ðzÞ  Δa       a
                                                                      down when ma becomes comparable to the fundamental
             ω2p ðzÞsin2 θ     14α2 BðzÞ2 sin2 θ                      oscillation frequency of the gap. However at this mass the
Δk ¼ −       2         2   2
         2ðω − ωp ðzÞ cos θÞ    45     m4e                            conversion occurs resonantly, and hence ka ¼ kγ ¼
         gaγγ ωBðzÞ sin θ                            m2a                 ω2 − m2a . In both regimes, we may reduce (14) to a system
ΔB ¼                          ;             Δa ¼ −       ;    ð14Þ
       2ðω2 − ωp ðzÞ2 cos2 θÞ                        2ω2              of coupled first-order differential equations [59]. For ultra-
                                                                      relativistic axions the simplified equation is
where B is the magnitude of the magnetic field, θ is the                                               
angle it makes with the z direction, ωp ðzÞ is the spatially                              Δk ðzÞ ΔB ðzÞ    Ak
                                                                            i∂ z þ ω þ ω                      ¼ 0:                                                  ð16Þ
varying plasma frequency, ω is the frequency of the axion/                                ΔB ðzÞ  Δa       a
photon fields. The refractive index in the direction parallel
to the transverse magnetic field, nk (Δk þ 1) receives a                 In the weak-mixing limit (ΔB ≪ Δk − Δa ), (16) may be
contribution from strong-field QED. This term may be                  solved to first-order using time-dependent perturbation
neglected for nonrelativistic axions as it does not modify            theory, giving a conversion probability,
the resonance condition even for the highest magnetic                                 Z                                       R z0
fields observed in magnetars [30]; however it must be                             2
                                                                                                      0        0   iωðΔa z0 −           dz00 Δk ðz00 ÞÞ 2
                                                                      Pa→γ ¼ ω                 dz ΔB ðz Þe                      zmin
                                                                                                                                                            ;       ð17Þ
restored when considering possibly ultrarelativistic axions                             zmin
converting close to the pulsar surface. We have ignored the
Faraday effect, which can mix the two transverse EM                   where zmin is the radius at which the axion energy is equal to
modes [59].                                                           the photon mass, making photon conversion kinematically
   The conversion probability between axions and photons              possible. In the limit of maximal mixing, conversion occurs
depends critically on the relationship between the axion              in a narrow region surrounding a critical radius, zc defined by
mass and various pulsar parameters [60]. When the                     ωp ðzc Þ ¼ ma . In this limit the dispersion relations of the
maximal mixing condition,                                             axion and photon coincide, allowing us to make the follow-
                                                                      ing ansatz Ak ðz;tÞ ¼ Āk ðzÞe−iωtþikz ;aðz;tÞ ¼ āðzÞe−iωtþikz .
            ω2p sin2 θ              28α2 B2 sin2 θ 2                  This ansatz, along with the WKB approximation lead to the
                                −                 ω ¼ m2a ;   ð15Þ
                       cos2 θ        45     m4e                       following first-order equation [30],
is satisfied, conversion between axions and photons is                             ω2 Δk ðzÞ − Δa                      ΔB ðzÞ                 Ak
                                                                            i∂ z þ                                                                     ¼ 0;         ð18Þ
resonantly enhanced. Strong QED effects prevent maximal                            k    ΔB ðzÞ                           0                     a
mixing from being achieved for axions with frequency ω >                          pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð360π 2 Ω2 m2e =7e2 Þ1=4 ≈ 1.6 × 10−4 eV ðΩ=HzÞ1=2 such as            where k ¼ ω2 − k2a . We emphasize that (18) is only valid
those produced thermally in the cores of NSs [37–39,41,42]            in a narrow region around the conversion radius, zc . The
and white dwarfs [40]. At lesser frequencies, strong QED              amplitude of the photon field once it has left the conversion
effects do not contribute significantly to conversion.                region is modulated byp      the    varying plasma density and
   The fundamental Fourier mode of gap oscillations is                asymptotically Ak ð∞Þ ≈ k=ωAk ðrc Þ. The final conversion
ω1 ∼ 10−7 eV, which means axions produced by such                     probability, which includes the modulation of outgoing
oscillations can convert to photons resonantly even if they           photons is
are ultrarelativistic. We restrict our analysis to ma ≲ 10−5 eV
                                                                                          Z                                            R z0
since for heavier axions the axion dark matter density                             ω3           ∞
                                                                                                           0       0
                                                                                                                        iωk ðΔa z0 −           dz00 Δk ðz00 ÞÞ 2
dominates that of the axions produced by gap oscillations.            Pa→γ;res   ¼                    dz ΔB ðz Þe                       zmin
                                                                                                                                                                   : ð19Þ
For light axions [ma < ωp ðRLC Þ] resonant conversion does                                     zmin

not occur in the magnetosphere. Intermediate mass axions                 Although Eqs. (16) and (18) were derived in different
[ωp ðRLC Þ < ma ≪ ω1 ] require some care, as resonant con-            limits, they are almost identical. The total radio flux seen on
version occurs in the outer magnetosphere where magnetic              Earth is related to the conversion probability as
fields are considerably weaker than near the NS surface.
   The length scale over which the magnetic field and plasma                                              2
properties change is generally much larger than the de                                         S¼            ρa ðzc ÞPa→γ vc z2c ;                                  ð20Þ
Broglie wavelength of the axions and photons generated
by the gap. Therefore we may approximate ω2 þ ∂ 2z ≈                  where ρa ðzÞ is the axion density at distance z from the NS
ðω þ kÞðω − i∂ z Þ. As mentioned above, for light axions              surface, zc is the radius at which conversion takes place, vc
the axion and photon dispersion relations do not coincide             is the axion velocity at the conversion radius, and D is the
within the light cylinder. However, since light axions are            distance to the pulsar. We note that axion-photon

ANIRUDH PRABHU                                                                            PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

conversion may also take place in the galactic magnetic            conventional noise sources. It may be expressed as
field; however for the nearby isolated pulsars and galactic        SEFD ¼ 2T noise =Aeff where T noise is the noise temperature,
magnetars discussed in this paper (see Sec. V), it is              which receives contributions from instrumental as well as
subdominant to conversion near the star.                           astrophysical sources, and Aeff is the effective area of the
                                                                   telescope or array. For a single-dish telescope the effective
     V. OBSERVATION AND BACKGROUNDS                                area is related to the physical area by an Oð1Þ aperature
                                                                   efficiency term and for an array with N ≥ 2 elements, the
   Periodicity of gap formation and discharge would lead to
                                                                   effective area is greater than that of a single telescope by a
a series of narrow axion-induced radio emission lines at
integer multiples of ω1 ¼ 2π=T. In reality, the gap break-         factor of     NðN − 1Þ. In the following subsection we
down is both inhomogeneous within the gap and likely not           estimate the instrumental and astrophysical backgrounds
perfectly periodic, as suggested by the complex sub-burst          that contribute to SEFD.
structure of pulsar emissions. While the assumption of
periodicity, and hence the calculation above provides a                                  A. Backgrounds
good approximation for the axion flux produced by gap                 Conventional noise sources in radio astronomy include
oscillations, the breakdown of this assumption necessarily         radiometer losses, galactic and extragalactic radio sources,
changes the signal search strategy. We therefore adopt a           the CMB, atmospheric emission, and spillover radiation
broadband strategy for signal detection. Most radio tele-          from terrestrial sources. The total noise temperature at
scopes employ a spectrometer that divides the passband             frequency ν is then approximately T noise ðνÞ ¼ T R ðνÞ þ
into subbands of width δν ¼ Δν=N ν to gather spectral              T astro ðνÞ where T R is the receiver noise, T astro is the noise
information about the source. Radio data will consist of a         coming from astrophysical sources unrelated to the NS.
series power measurements in the N ν frequency bins and N t        The receiver noise depends on the particular radio telescope
time bins each of width δt ¼ T int =N t . The power of the         (s) being used and is discussed below. Astrophysical noise
axion-induced signal in frequency bin i and time bin j is          is dominated by anisotropic galactic synchrotron emission
denoted by Sax ði; jÞ. Under the null hypothesis the power         as demonstrated by Haslam et al. [61–63]. The radio sky
measurement will receive contributions from astrophysical          also receives contributions from an isotropic extragalactic
and receiver noise sources to be discussed below. To test the      component. While these sources differ in their spatial and
hypothesis of an axion-induced signal we construct a χ 2 test      spectral properties, the distinction is not important for our
statistic,                                                         purposes. A recent measurement of the absolute sky
                                                                   temperature by the ARCADE 2 Collaboration [64] shows
                           Nν X
                                 Sax ði; jÞ2                       a spectrum,
                 χ2 ¼ 2                                ;   ð21Þ
                           i¼1 j¼1
                                        σ S ðiÞ2                                                           −2.5990.036
                                                                       T astro ¼ ð24.1  2.1Þ K                             : ð23Þ
where σ S is the flux density error in each bin, which is                                          310 MHz
related to the familiar system equivalent flux density
(SEFD) by σ S ðνÞ ¼ SEFD. The factor of 2 comes from
the number of linear polarization states being measured.                      1. Pulsar and nebula radio emission
   The relevant quantity to calculate the sensitivity of              Ideal targets for observing the effects of axion conversion
various radio telescopes to broadband signals from                 are nearby pulsars with high magnetic fields and minimal
axion-photon conversion is the flux density Φ ¼                    pulsed radio emission. The absence of coherent radio
1=ðD2 Δνsig ÞdP=dΩ where dP=dΩ is the signal power                 emission is often associated with inefficient plasma gener-
emitted in the direction of Earth, D is the distance of            ation in the polar cap and hence inefficient axion production
the pulsar from Earth, and Δνsig is the bandwidth of the           therein. However, there are simple explanations, consistent
signal. For a given radio telescope or array the minimum           with polar cap pair and axion production, for the lack of
detectable flux density at unit signal-to-noise is                 observed radio emission from certain pulsars. For example,
                                                                   radio-quiet pulsars may be beamed away from Earth, but are
                              SEFD                                 still detectable through quasi-isotropic thermal surface
                  Smin ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;       ð22Þ
                          npol Δνrec T int                         emission of soft x-rays [65]. Additionally, while axion
                                                                   emission is strongly beamed in the direction normal to the
where SEFD is the system equivalent flux density, npol is          polar cap, coherent radio emission can be generated at a
the number of polarization states present in the image, Δνrec      considerable distance and angle from the polar axis [48].
is the telescope bandwidth, and T int is the total integra-        Other classes of targets include soft gamma repeaters (SGRs)
tion time.                                                         and anomalous x-ray pulsars (AXPs), which are highly
   The SEFD is defined as the flux density of a source that        magnetic pulsars that are widely believed to be magnetars.
would deliver the same amount of power to the receiver as          While few SGRs and AXPs have been observed to emit

AXION PRODUCTION IN PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERE GAPS                                              PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

pulsed radio waves [66], many of them are characterized by            SGRs listed in the table do not suffer from the same issue as
their x-ray and gamma-ray emissions, with no observed radio           ν1;1900þ14 ∼ 60 MHz, ν1;1806−20 ∼ 100 MHz. For axion
counterpart. For the strong magnetic fields in SGRs and               mass ma , the highest signal flux comes from the nth
AXPs, the lack of radio emission may not be incompatible              harmonic where n ¼ ⌈maxðma =2π; νmin Þ=ν1 ⌉ and νmin is
with efficient charge generation near the polar cap. Once             the lowest frequency observed by the telescope or inter-
primary pairs are produced in the gaps of SGRs and AXPs,              ferometer. We propose detecting the axion-induced signal
the third-order QED process γ → γγ may quench further pair            over an observing bandwidth equal to the fundamental gap
production from curvature radiation and hence coherent                oscillation frequency of the pulsar being observed, that is
radio emission [67]. One potential pitfall of SGRs and                δν ¼ ν1 . Thus, in contrast with axion dark matter searches
AXPs is that they possess magnetic fields large enough to             that look for thin radio lines, we assume the signal
produce eþ e− pairs without the need for gaps. While the              generated at frequency νn (n corresponding to the gap
exact plasma generation mechanism in magnetars remains an             oscillation harmonic generating the signal) is spread out
open problem, it is possible that they possess vacuum gaps            over the separation between lines. The sensitivity of this
[68]. In the table below we include the relevant properties of        proposal, shown in Fig. 3, corresponds to 100 hours of
three candidate stars with ultrastrong magnetic fields and no         observation of RX J1856.5–3754 and SGR 1806–20 with
observed radio emission, perhaps due to one of the reasons            the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope
mentioned in the preceding discussion. SGR properties are             (FAST) [73].
taken from [69]. For the selected pulsars we assume radio
emission from these sources is dominated by standard                                    VI. CONCLUSIONS
astrophysical noise and receiver noise of the antennas.
                                                                         In this work we presented a new mechanism for axion
Name, Ref.                 Bs ðGaussÞ    P0 ðsecÞ     Dist. (kpc)     production in pulsar magnetospheres. As shown, oscillating
RX J1856.5–3754 [70]       1.5 × 1013       7.1          0.16         gap regions, where E · B ≠ 0, can source axions (as in light
SGR 1900 þ 14 [71]         7.0 × 1014       5.2         12.5          shining through walls experiments) with energies corre-
SGR 1806–20 [72]           2.1 × 1015       7.6         13            sponding to those of the gap oscillation modes and whose
                                                                      abundance greatly exceeds that of axion dark matter near
   The fundamental gap oscillation frequency of RX                    the neutron star. The conversion of the created axions to
J1856–3754 is ν1 ¼ 6 MHz, which is undetectable by                    photons gives rise to enhanced radio emission at the Fourier
terrestrial radio telescopes. Thus any detectable signal is           frequencies of the gap oscillations. We found that 100 hours
generated by higher order gap oscillation harmonics. The              of observation of various Galactic pulsars with minimal
                                                                      radio emission could display an indirect signal of axion-
                                                                      photon conversion events. We found that radio missions
                                                                      operating at frequencies above 50 MHz, such as FAST and
                                                                      SKA, can probe axion-photon couplings that are orders of
                                                                      magnitude lower than astrophysical bounds over a wide
                                                                      range of masses. At high axion-photon couplings that are
                                                                      still not excluded by current bounds, axion-photon con-
                                                                      version events may be bright enough to explain the
                                                                      enigmatic fast radio bursts (FRBs) observed by a number
                                                                      of collaborations [74–85]. The mechanism we have pro-
                                                                      posed is consistent with claims that FRBs have a magnetar
                                                                      origin [86–88]. A more detailed analysis of the connection
                                                                      between gap oscillation-sourced axions and FRBs is the
                                                                      subject of ongoing investigation. The projected reach of
                                                                      this proposal also motivates the study of more sophisticated
                                                                      models of gap dynamics, such as those found in recent
FIG. 3. Projected reach of 100 hours of observation of magnetar       particle-in-cell simulations [48].
SGR 1806–20 (Blue) and pulsar J1856–3754 (Red) with the Five-
hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) (for
ma < 2π × 3 GHz ≈ 12 μeV) and SKA-mid (for 12 μeV < ma <                              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2π × 14 GHz ≈ 58 μeV), assuming the line-of-sight is 0° (solid)
                                                                         The author thanks Savas Dimopoulos for helpful con-
and 90° (dashed) from the rotation axis (here assumed to coincide
with the direction of the pulsar magnetic dipole moment). The         versations and Robert Lasenby for useful comments on
search is broadband with bandwidth set by the fundamental gap         signal detection and on the manuscript. The author also
oscillation frequency Δν ≈ 100 MHz (SGR 1806–20), 6 MHz               thanks Anatoly Spitkovsky and Roger Blandford for
(J1856–3754). Relevant parameters describing the pulsars are          detailed discussion of vacuum gaps and radio emission
listed in the table.                                                  properties of pulsars and magnetars. This work was

ANIRUDH PRABHU                                                                              PHYS. REV. D 104, 055038 (2021)

supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant            acknowledges the support of the Fletcher Jones
No. PHYS- 1720397 and the Gordon and Betty Moore                    Foundation and the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Foundation Grant No. GBMF7946. The author                           Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

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