Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal climate and the population biology of Bicyclus butterflies (Satyridae) in Malawi
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( l l » ) | ) 16. 291-303 Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal climate and the population biology of Bicyclus butterflies (Satyridae) in Malawi PAUL M. B R A K E F I E L D and NICO REITSMA Section of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Population Biology. University of Leiden, The Netherlands Abstract. 1. Seasonal polyphenism is studied in a community of five African butterflies of the genus Bicyclus at the transition between a wet and a dry season from May to July. 2. Butterflies characterized by large eyespots and, especially in B.safilza (Hewitson). a pale band (the wet season form) are replaced over this period by butterflies lacking conspicuous wing markings (the dry season form, dsf). The latter butterflies also tend to be larger, but more variable in size. Butterflies of an intermediate phenotype are recruited over a comparatively short interim period. 3. This turnover coincides with a period of declining temperature and drying of the habitat, including the grasses on which larvae feed. Butterflies arc progressively more likely to rest on brown leaf litter rather than on green herbage. 4. A relationship with temperature is supported by laboratory experiments with B.safitza and B.anynana (Butler) showing that in- creasingly extreme dsf butterflies develop with decreasing rearing tem- perature in the final larval instar. 5. Some differences in behaviour and activity were observed bet- ween the seasonal forms. Butterflies of the dsf develop ovarian dor- mancy and fat bodies. They can survive to reproduce at the beginning of the rains in November. 6. Capture -recapture experiments showed that the adult butterflies have a comparatively long life expectancy and are quite sedentary. 7. The results are discussed in relation to a hypothesis linking the polyphenism to seasonal changes in resting background and selection for crypsis. Key words. Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal polyphenism, Bicyclus, crypsis, butterfly, Malawi, wing pattern, climate, mortality. Correspondence Piolcssor I'. M Brakcticld ,incl Dr N Kcilsma. Section of Evolutionary Biology. Department of Population Biology, University of I.eulen, Schelpenkade 14a. 2313 ZT Leiden, The Netherlands.
292 Paul M. Brakefield and Nico Reitsma Introduction dry season to examine this hypothesis about selection. The turnover within populations over In tropical regions with alternating wet and dry this period was studied together with changes in seasons, organisms are confronted with period- reproductive state, behaviour and activity. ical, more or less radical changes in their eco- Laboratory experiments were used to examine logical environment. Many insects migrate in the environmental control of the phenotypic space or time (diapause) to escape the dry plasticity. season environment (e.g. Dingle, 1982; Wolda, 1988; Gatehouse, 1989). An alternative is found in some herbivorous insects, including species Material and Methods of satyrine butterflies, which show phenotypic plasticity and have different forms in each season Study areas. The study areas are about 60 km (Shapiro, 1976; Brakefield & Larsen, 1984). apart, at Zomba and Blantyre in Malawi (15- In the tropical satyrines, adults can remain 16°S). They are at about 90()m altitude and active, or potentially active, throughout the have a similar climate. Fig. 1 shows that roughly year (although they may show reproductive nine-tenths of the total rainfall of about 1100 mm diapause in the dry season; see Brakefield, 1987). falls during the wet season from November to This enables opportunistic use of adult food April. Temperatures drop from around 22 to resources in the long dry season and probably a 16°C over the transition from the rains to the more rapid breeding response to the onset of dry season. rains than is possible with strict diapause at The Zomba site is bounded on one side by a some earlier developmental stage (see Slansky, 2 km length of evergreen forest along the edge 1982). of which a series of six, evenly-spaced sampling The seasonal forms of some species of Bicyclus sites (each of < 0.5 ha) were visited in the first and other satyrines exhibit striking differences half of the study period. One of these peripheral in their ventral wing pattern (Brakefield & sites (A) is a garden containing permanent bait Larsen, 1984). The wet season form is charac- traps while the others are centred on natural terized by submarginal eyespots and, in some fruit falls (Ficus or Psidium spp.) at which the species, a pale band. These patterns are con- adult butterflies feed. The two main sampling spicuous when the butterflies are at rest on leaf sites (I and II) extended away from the middle litter or low herbage. The dry season form lacks of the forest-edge on either side of a small river eyespots and a band and has a more or less which is fringed by dense forest. They are larger uniform brown colour. Butterflies with inter- areas of lawns surrounded by shrubs and trees mediate phenotype may also occur. The type of (I = 3.75ha; II = 2.25 ha). The study area at phenotypic changes involved in this example of Blantyre consisted of secondary vegetation in seasonal polyphenism have been quantified for a garden and surrounding abandoned fields. an old series of Melanitis leda collected on Larval food plants which consist of various Mauritius (Brakefield, 1987). The changes were species of grasses are seasonally abundant at correlated with variation in ambient temperature. all sites. Seasonal biotopes in Africa are characterized The general condition of the habitat was by a luxuriant layer of green herbage in the assessed once a week by eye. At Zomba, the rains which dies away to dead leaves or bare greenness of the grasses was surveyed with ground in the dry season. Such changes may reference to a l m square quadrat at two fixed favour crypsis and the absence of conspicuous points. pattern elements in the dry season when the The butterflies. At least five species of Bicyclus satyrine butterflies rest inactively on the dead co-exist at Zomba (Fig. 2; see Condamin. 1973). leaves while the wet season butterflies, which These are B.safitza (Hewitson), B.anynana (But- are active and rest intermittently on the green ler), B.ena (Hewitson), B.vansoni Condamin herbage, may use eyespots and bands as active and B.cottrelli (Van Son); a few specimens of anti-predator devices (Owen, 1980; Brakefield It.ungulosus (Butler) have also been taken at & Larsen, 1984). We studied aspects of the site A. Only the first three species were collected population biology of species of Bicyclus in at Blantyre. The species are all small brown Malawi at the transition between a wet and a butterflies (wingspan 40-50 mm) which fly at or
Seasonal polyphenism in African butterflies 293 30- -300 M Fig. 1. The seasonal climate at Blantyrc: monthly rainfall (hatched); maximum, minimum and average ((max. + min |/2) temperatures. Source: National Atlas of Malawi, Malawi Government 1983. close to ground level. This study focusses mainly about twenty females collected at different times on B.safitza, the most abundant species (about were preserved in alcohol for later dissection. 70% of 1528 Bicyclux taken at I and I I ) . Mark — release—recapture experiment. All new Scoring of phenotypic variation. B.safitza and captures of B.safitza, except those trapped at B.anynana butterflies were scored at first cap- site A or retained for dissection, were marked ture for each of the three most important ventral with unique numbers and then released at their wing pattern elements, using an ordinal scale point of capture. Initial data analysis indicated ranging from extreme dry season to extreme some departures from age-independent survival. wet season type; eyespots, the pale band and Because of this and since recapture rates were the marginal chevrons were scored on an 8—, high (see Table 1 ; numbers of recaptures made 5—, or 4—point scale, respectively. Such visual on day / which were also caught before and assessments are highly repeatable across scorers after day / usually exceed ten), estimates of and also correspond very closely to results from population size were mainly obtained using computer-aided morphometric analyses (.1. Manly & Parr's (1968) method. Windig, unpublished). The basic assumptions of capture-recapture Wing wear (a 7-point scale from freshly models (see Begon, 1979) are met by our data. emerged to worn) and symmetrical wing damage Neither marking (x2 = 49.23, d.f. = 41, P is NS) (reflecting unsuccessful predator attacks; see nor handling (x2 = 58.61, d.f. = 58, P is NS: Bowers & Wiernasz, 1979) were recorded at independence of mark status) influenced mor- each capture, together with behavioural activi- tality m a significant way. Leslie's (1958) test ties relating to crypsis and reproduction. The shows that sampling was random for the cohort length of the forewing of every third butterfly of butterflies known to be alive between 24 May was measured to ±0.5 mm. and 20 June (x2 = 31.15, d.f. = 27, P is NS). Stutlu-'i of reproductive maturity. Egg-laying The sexes are equally catchable (x2 = 25.86, was examined in net cages for twenty to thirty d.f. = 28, P i s N S ) . females of]itza collected at each study area Small numbers of the dry season form of in the first, middle and last weeks of the study B.cottrelli were included in the marked cohorts period. In addition, abdomens of samples of of B.safitza at Zomba. These two species appear
294 Paul M. Brakefield and Nico Reitsma Fig. 2. The species of Ricyclua oecurnng at Zomba The five rows in sequence from top to bottom correspond to the species: \afitzu, cottrelh, anynana, vansont and ena The columns from left to right show in sequence representative examples ol the female wet season form, the male wet season form, the female dry season form and the male dry season form. The forewmg length of the top left specimen is 28 mm.
Seasonal polyphenism in African butterflies 295 to he very similar in the field with respect to size, ally replaced by the dry season form (dsf) during wing pattern of the dry season form (see Fig. 2), the study period. The change over time of mean ecology and behaviour. Since B.cottrelli is much PCl-score describing the ventral wing pattern less abundant than B.safitza (about 20%), it is of first captures of B.safitza and B.anynana is unlikely that any substantial bias will have been shown in Fig. 3(a, b). A MANOVA for factors introduced into estimates of population para- time, species, locality and sex shows that, except meters for B.safitza by this mis-classification. for sex, all main effects and their interactions Laboratory experiments. Environmental con- are highly significant (P< 0.001). B.anynana at trol of the phenotypic variation was studied Blantyre showed an earlier replacement by the using stocks of B.safitza and B.anynana estab- dsf than occurred in B.safitza. A less marked lished from about thirty females of each species difference between the species at Zomba, as collected in March 1987 at Blantyre. Breeding well as an earlier appearance of the dsf of took place at 26 ± 1°C, 80-90% r.h. and 12:12 B.safitza at Zomba than at Blantyre, may be L:D; conditions comparable with the rainy artefacts of including the earlier appearing (in season (see Fig. 1) and which produce the wet early May) dsf of B.cottrelli with B.safitza at season form. Larvae were fed mainly on maize. Zomba (see Material and Methods; Fig. 3). Samples of freshly-moulted fifth (final) larval Some samples, especially in the middle of the instars were reared at 29, 23, 20, 17 and 14 study period, included many intermediates (38% (± 1) °C with high r.h. and 12:12 L:D. Groups of the total of 1056 B.safitza at Zomba; see Fig. of two or three experimental caterpillars were 3c, d). An examination of the subset of PCl- kept in glass jars (500 ml) with freshly-cut maize scores for B.safitza captured for the first time in leaves. The position of jars within temperature very fresh condition at Zomba shows that here cabinets was randomized and changed daily. emergence of intermediates is restricted to the Pupae were transferred to 26°C following weigh- first 2 weeks of our study and possibly a short ing on the day after pupation. Ventral wing period before that. A period of a few weeks is pattern elements of eclosed adults were scored short relative to the time-scale of climatic changes on the same scales as in the field. associated with the seasonal succession (see Wing pattern analysis. A summary description Fig. 1). Rather uniform dsf insects emerged of the ventral wing pattern was made by using during the following 6 weeks. the first principal component (PCI) extracted The turnover of the population of B.safitza from the correlation matrix of the three pattern at Zomba is supported by a decline in both elements. The variables are weighted similarly the mean of weekly wing wear state (two-way in the separate principal component analyses of ANOVA: F = 5.57, d.f. = 7, P < 0.001; sexes the field and the laboratory data, and both do not differ significantly) and in its variance groups of butterflies include the complete range (ratio of first and last week's variances is 2.23, in phcnotypc. This enables a direct comparison d.f. = 153,90; P< 0.01; our index of wing wear using PCl-scores of phenotypic changes in the is closely related to age, see below and Fig. 7). field and the differences between the laboratory The change in relative frequency of the temperature treatments. PCI, accounting for seasonal forms coincided with a drying-out 88% of the total variance, is the only meaningful ('browning') of the habitat (Fig. 4). The larval component in each case (cf. Frontier, 1976). food plants, Oplismenus and Setaria grasses, The PCl-scores are used to classify butterflies dried out almost completely (increasing from into four groups: the wet season form (wsf); about 50% to > 90% brown). The main grass of the dry season form (dsf); and two intermedi- the lawns, Axonopusflexuosus (Peter), on which ate classes (II and 12; the latter most resembles females were also observed to lay, retained the dsf). some greenness throughout the study period because of a u n i f o r m , rallier I I I . i n u patchy, distribution of wilted leaves (increasing from Results about 30% to 65% brown). A carpet of dead brown leaves was produced underneath trees Correlated changes in butterflies and their and shrubs (Fig. 4). environment Butterflies in June and early July were signifi- Wet season form butterflies (wsf) were gradu- cantly more likely to rest on dead leaves (Fig. 5;
296 Paul M. Brakefield and Nico Reitsma A safitza W o ""•«. Blantyre O) n O 50 CL 0> Zomba S 25 May June July May June July 100 B anynana W u Zomba I CT Blantyre 50 OJ 25 anynana May June July May June July Fig. 3. Seasonal changes in the phcnotypc of Bicyclus safitza and B. anynana in two populations in Malawi over the transition from a wet to a dry season. The envelopes in A and B show 95% confidence intervals for weekly means for the first principal component describing wing pattern. Wet season form = W, dry = D; intermediates = II and 12. The relative frequencies of the phenotypc classes arc shown in C and D. Only data for huttcrflic-s on first capture at Zomba are analysed. Weekly sample sizes for B.safitza and B.anynana varied from 100 to 268 and from 10 to 46, rcspcetively. X2 = 80, d.f. = 1, P-«0.001). Moreover, indi- ance and close probing the latter dsf butterflies viduals of the dsf, in contrast to those of the would often continue to move into the leaf litter wsf, were observed to perch preferentially on and not fly away. brown leaves including when these were sparse Females taken into captivity in May immedi- (Fig. 5; compare resting behaviour of wsf and ately laid eggs, but oviposition was neither ob- dsf-like intermediates in May). Dsf butterflies served in captive nor in field females from the frequently screened (in 126 of 156 observations) beginning of June. The final group of captive the more prominent forewing eyespot (see Fig. females (all dsf) when kept at high temperature 2), fully or for the greater part, by partial and humidity in the laboratory, mated and began withdrawal between the hindwings immediately to lay eggs after a delay of 1-2 weeks. Males in after perching. The wsf was never observed to early May frequently chase one another, often show this behaviour. The dsf butterflies were beginning with a circling display flight. These also less active than the wsf, often staying in or male-male interactions also ceased in the field near thickets. When approached they flew fast in late May, but some chasing of females per- and straight (deeper) into the thicket or tried to sisted through June. hide underneath the leaves they were resting The dissection of female abdomens shows that on, lying flat against them. On further disturb- the proportion of butterflies with mature eggs
Seasonal polyplienisin in African butterflies 297 Fig. 4. The seasonal change in hiotope near ground level al one of the six peripheral sues at Zomba. Photographs A anil B eover roughly the same area and were taken in late April anil mid-September IW8. respectively. The thick layer of green herbage including grasses (food plants indicated by arrow) in the wet season (A) is replaced by a carpet of dead foliage, leaves or bare ground m the height of the dry season (B). (Photo B by courtesy ol I >i H. Meredith.) declined over the three samples taken in early bodies. Inspection of females collected later in May, mid-June and early July (Zomba: 94%, the dry season at site A failed to detect any « = 1 9 ; 33%, H = 35; 39%, n =14; Blantyre: mature eggs. The dissections also showed (he 90%, « = 10; 66%, n = Ui; no sample for July). presence of two spermatophores in a substantial Furthermore, an increasing proportion of the proportion of mated females (34%, « = 29), in- females showed marked development ol fat dicating that females may mate more than once.
298 Paul M. Brakefield and Nico Reitsma 420140 183190 169250 781615 451321 O 2 1323 100- 1' " a> [Î 12 ,1 12 D Percentage resting on brown lea VI N II ui l H 9 o W 11 Ü w 1 o May June July Fig. 5. Proportion of the seasonal forms of Bicyclus safitza (W = wet, D = dry, II and 12= intermediates) observed at rest on first sighting on dead brown, as against fresh green, leaves at Zomba during the transition from the wet to the dry season. Numbers above bars indicate sample sizes. Females are larger than males (see Fig. 2). June than in May (Table 1). These observations Butterflies of the dsf within each sex tended to be may be due to a general movement to wetter larger than those of the wsf at Blantyre (P
Seasonal polyphcnism in African bullt-r/lict 299 Table 1 Numbers of Ricyclus safitza butterflies released and recaptured at Zomba together with the number of movements of long (>5(M)m) or short (between nearby sites) distance No. of movements* Sites of No. of No. (%) release Period releases recaptured* Short Long Males May 189 69 (36.5) 6 2 Central June 245 166 (67.8) 65 - May-June 464 265 (57.1) 85 2 May 93 12 (12.9) 2 7 Peripheral June 0 - - - May -June 93 29(31.2) 2 24 Females May 128 57 (44.5) 15 0 Central June 130 87 (66.9) 15 - May-June 272 160 (58.8) 44 0 May 40 6(15.0) 0 0 Peripheral June 0 - - - May-June 40 14(35.0) 0 8 * Numbers of recaptures or of movements recorded during that month(s) plus the first week of the next month. All long movements occurred from the peripheral to the central (I and II) sues o W 6à • W 99 a D âà • D 99 O 3 » a> 3 Q. ü o a £ 1 D C 14 21 28 35 42 Time after first release ( days ) Fig. 6. Known length of life of cohorts of about 100 male or female «irvr/u.v «////ru of the wet (W) and dry (D) season forms. The individuals of each cohort were initially released over a period of about 7 days (weeks 1 -2 for W and weeks 4-5 for D; see Fig. 3). Lines arc fitted by eye for periods of constant initial survival The point of inflexion in the line for W females as indicated by the arrow approximately coincides with the observed cessation of oviposition.
3(K) Paul M. Brakefield and Nico Reitsma Table 2. Estimates of 24 h survival-rate and expectation of life in days (given in parentheses) for the cohorts of Bicyclus safitza shown in Fig. 6 over the initial periods of constant survival. Method Wet season form Dry season form Males Females Males Females Seber* 0.969 (31.8) 0.917 (11. 5)t 0.947 (18.4) 0.944 (17.4) Fishcr-Fordi 0.973 (36.5) 0.966 (28.9) 0.949(19.1) 0.947 (18.4) * Seber's (1982) maximum-likelihood method. t Immediately after the observed period of egg-laying, the estimate is 0.979 (47.3). $ Estimates for all males and all females released during the whole study period at sites I and II at Zomba (see Table 1) are 0.977 (43.0) and 0.968 (30.8), respectively. sites I or II. Emigration or avoidance of capture o W da is thus likely to contribute substantially to the • Wçç estimates of survivorship, especially for the dsf. o a D dd * 6 • D 99 This is supported by a repartitioning of loss and gain (Jackson, 1939) using data for mid-June, I ,* which suggests that emigration and immigration are at least as important as mortality and birth. f Each of the cohorts from Fig. 6 showed a II marked increase in wing wear with age (Fig. 7). Initially fairly fresh butterflies (code 3) became well-worn (code 4—6) within a month. The most active category, the wsf males, showed the most rapid rate of wear (Fig. 7). About 10% of all butterflies (n = 423) in the 7 14 21 28 cohorts showed symmetrical wing damage when Time after first release ( days ) they were first released. Twenty-one out of ninety-five (22%) butterflies which were recap- Fig. 7. Change over time in wing wear index in the tured between 4 and 10 days after release showed cohorts of Fig. 6. Means ± 2 standard errors arc given at first release and for the four consecutive periods of this type of damage; fifteen of these already had 7 ± 3 days which follow. damaged wings at day 0. This suggests that about 8% of butterflies incur symmetrical wing damage per week. The high proportion (86%, the estimated critical temperature for develop- total n = 152 in B.safitza) of relatively large, ment (about 10°C); it takes about 140 day- rounded, and sometimes frayed damage marks degrees above 10°C for both species to complete could result from attacks by lizards, which oc- this larval stage. The pupal stage lasts a week at cur very commonly at the study sites, while 26°C. Pupal weight and adult wing length also the smaller number of sharp-edged, V-shaped increase inversely with temperature, but de- gaps could be birds' beak marks (cf. Owen & cline at 14°C where development is very slow. Smith, 1990). MANOVAs for factors temperature, species and sex show that B. safitza develops more slowly (F = 40.4, P
Seasonal polyphenism in African butterflies 301 seasonal polyphenism involves the eyespots, the submarginal chevrons and, in some species, the pale band (Fig. 2). The correlations among these pattern elements are about 0.8 in both B.safitza and B.anynana, so the level of pheno- O typic integration (Schlichting, 1986) is high. Û- Except for B.ena which has marbled grey wings anynana \ in both seasons and is more associated with \ rocky substrates, the background colour also differs between the seasonal phenotypes of each species (Fig. 2). The dsf s of B.safitza, the very 29 26 23 20 -\7 14 similar B.cottrelli, and B.vansoni usually rest on Temperature (°C) dead leaves which they closely resemble. At our study sites dsf B.anynana seemed to be more Fig. 8. The effect of temperature during the final restricted to patches of bamboos; their color- instar in laboratory experiments on Bicyclus safitza ation blends with fallen strips of yellow bamboo and B.anynana. The envelopes show 95% confidence on reddish clay. The paler outer area of the intervals for treatment means for the first principal wings characteristic of the dsf males of B. vansoni component describing wing pattern (wet season form= W, dry= D; intermediates = II and 12). and B. anynana (see Fig. 2), and to some extent Sample sizes at each temperature arc about thirty in of B..safitza and B.cottrelli, may enhance their both sexes. crypsis; males are more likely to occur in areas of transition from sun to shade. Our finding of a considerable proportion of Fig. 8 shows that lower temperatures in each butterflies with symmetrical wing damage is con- species induce progressively more extreme dry sistent with the importance of attacks by visually- season phenotypes. There is thus a general cor- hunting predators. The effectiveness of crypsis respondence with the field (Fig. 3) where tem- of butterflies at rest is likely to be paramount peratures decline over the seasonal transition in survival to the beginning of the rains when (Fig. 1). However, there are differences in detail larval foodplants regenerate. Survival of some dsf since the dsf of B. safitza tends to be less extreme butterflies (as reproductively inactive adults) in the laboratory, as does the wsf of B.anynana. throughout the dry season is confirmed by the re- In both the field and the laboratory, the species, captures of marked specimens at site A in Zomba. but not the sexes, were out of phase. A new generation of wsf butterflies does not There is a strong correlation between the appear until late December some weeks after the duration of the final larval instar and PCI-score rains begin (see Fig. 1). This is followed by a fur- (r=-0.62, P^O.OOl in B.safitza). The corre- ther generation of the wsf in the mid-late rains. lation is also significant within temperature The phenotypic changes are part of an array treatments. The partial correlation coefficient of coordinated traits which include behavioural (temperature is held constant) is higher than and life history components (see also Tauber et that for temperature and PCI-score (r=—0.42 al.. 1986; Brakefield, 1987). The data on wing and 0.29). These results suggest that develop- size are consistent with the life cycle scenario ment time rather than temperature per se may for polyphenic butterflies in highly seasonal be the fundamental factor controlling phenotypic environments outlined by Brakefield (1987). A plasticity. larger as well as more variable size in the dsf might be the result of opportunistic develop- ment at the end of the wet season. The wsf, on Discussion the other hand, will derive more benefit from fast development (leading to smaller size) which Populations of Bicyclus species in Malawi show enables their progeny to complete development a turnover at the interface between the annual before the biotope dries out. Our field obser- wet and dry seasons. Butterflies with a con- vations indicate differences in behaviour and ac- spicuous ventral wing pattern are replaced tivity between the forms. It would be interesting by more uniformly-coloured individuals. The to determine using bred butterflies whether such
302 Paul M. Rrakefield and Nico Rcil\m
Seasonal polyphenism in African butterflies 303 season polyphenism in the butterfly Melanins leda rate from capture-recapture data. Transactions of (Satyridac): phcnotypic plasticity and elimatie cor- the Society for Hritish Entomology, 18, 81-89. relates. Biological Journal of the Lmnean Society, McLcod, L. (1968) Controlled environment exper- 31, 175-191. iments with Precis octavia Cram. (Nymphalidae). Brake-field, P.M. & Larscn, T.B. (1984) The evol- Journal of Research on the l.epidoptera, 7, 1 — 18. utionary significance of dry and wet season forms in Owen, D.F. (1980) Camouflage and Mimicry. Oxford some tropical butterflies liiologu til Journal of the University Press. l.mnean Society, 22, 1 — 12. Owen, D.F. & Smith. D.A S. (1990) Interpopulation Condamin, M. (1973) Monographie tin genre Bicyelus variation and selective prédation in the meadow (l.epidoplera Satyridae). Memoires de l'Institut brown butterfly, Maniola jurtma (L.) (Lepidoptera: Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, no 88. Ifan-Dakar. Satyridac) in the Canary Islands. Biological Journal Dingle, H. (1982) Function of migration in the seasonal of the Linnean Society, 39, 251-267. synchronization of insects. Entomologia Exper- Schlichting, C.D. (1986) The evolution of phenotypic imentalis el Applicata, 31, 36—48. plasticity in plants. Annual Review of Ecology and Frontier, S. (1976) Étude de la décroissance de valeurs Systematics. 17, 667-693. propres dans une analyse en composantes prin- Seber, C.A.F. (1982) The Estimation of Animal cipales: comparaison avec le modèle du bâton brisé. Abundance and Related Parameters, 2nd edn. Journal Expérimental de la Biologie et Ecologie Charles Griffin, London. Maritime, 25, 67-75. Shapiro. A.M. (1976) Seasonal polyphenism. Evol- Gatehouse, A.G. (1989) Genes, environment, and utionary Biology, 9, 259-333. insect flight. Insect Flight (cd. by G. J. Goldsworthy Slansky, F. (1982) Insect nutrition: an adaptationist's and C. H. Wheeler), pp. 115-138. CRC Press, perspective. The Florida Entomologist, 65, 45-71. Boea Raton, Florida. Tauber, M.J., Tauber C.A. & Masaki, S. (1986) Jackson, C.H.N. (1939) The analysis of an animal Seasonal Adaptations of Insects. Oxford Univer- population. Journal of Animal Ecology, 8, 238—246. sity Press. Leslie, P.M. (1958) Statistical appendix. Journal of Wolda, H. (1988) Insect scasonality: why? Annual Animal Ecology, 27, 84-86. Review of Ecolology and Systematics. 19, 1 -18. Manly, B.F.J. & Parr, M.J. (1968) A new method of estimating population size, survivorship, and birth- Accepted 17 November 1990
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