Page created by Corey Dixon

            Department wise colour coding

                    Community Medicine
                    Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

              AITO TOPICS- 1. Immunology
                         2. HIV& AIDS
                  3. Infections & infestations
                 4. Hematology & Aneamia
               5. GIT &Hepatobiliary System
                    6. Respiratory system
                            7. CVS
1 April to 19July 2022
01/04/2022   Friday                  MI-L                       PA-L                         PH-P- 1.3                CM-P -3.1 3.2
                                                                                             Enumerate and identify
                                     INTRODUCTION TO          1.1 Describe the role of a     drug                      Introduction to water
                                     STAFF AND DEPT           pathologist in diagnosis and   formulation              pollution and
                                                              management of disease          s and drug               purification of water
                                                              1.2 Enumerate common           delivery
                                                              definitions and terms used     systems
                                                              in Pathology
                                                              1.3 Describe the history
                                                              and evolution of

02/04/2022   Saturday   GUDIPADAWA

Date         Day        8-9          9-10                     2-3                            3-4                      4-5
04/04/2022   Monday    SUR-L                          PH-L- 1.1 + 1.9               FM-Lecture -1                  PH-P- 1.3                  CM-P -3.1 3.2
                       SU1.1 Describe Basic           1.1 Define and describe       Topic: General                 Enumerate and identify
                       concepts of homeostasis,       the principles of             Information                    drug                       Water disinfectants &
                       enumerate the metabolic        Pharmacology and              FM 1.1 Demonstrate             formulation                museum visit-Batch A
                       changes in injury and their    Pharmacotherapeutics          knowledge of basics of         s and drug
                       mediators.                     1.9 Describe                  Forensic Medicine like         delivery
                       SU1.2Describe the factors      nomenclature of drugs         definitions of Forensic        systems
                       that affect the metabolic      i.e. generic,                 medicine, Clinical Forensic
                       response to injury.            branded                       Medicine, Forensic
                       SU1.3Describe basic            drugs                         Pathology, State Medicine,
                       concepts of perioperative                                    Legal Medicine and
                       care.                                                        Medical Jurisprudence
                                                                                    FM1.3 Describe legal
                                                                                    procedures including
                                                                                    Criminal Procedure Code,
                                                                                    Indian Penal Code, Indian
                                                                                    Evidence Act, Civil and
                                                                                    Criminal Cases, Inquest
                                                                                    (Police Inquest and
                                                                                    Magistrate’s Inquest),
                                                                                    Cognizable and Non-
                                                                                    cognizable offences
                                                                                    FM1.4 Describe Courts in
                                                                                    India and their powers:
                                                                                    Supreme Court, High Court,
                                                                                    Sessions court, Magistrate’s
                                                                                    Court, Labour Court, Family
                                                                                    Court, Executive Magistrate
                                                                                    Court and Juvenile Justice
05/04/2022   Tuesday   CM-L -3.2 Introduction to      PH-L - 1.11                   MI-P                           PA-P SGD                   FM- Lecture -2
                       environmental sanitation and    Describe                                                                               Topic: General Information
                       safe & wholesome water,         Various routes of drug       HISTORY OF                     1.2 Enumerate common       FM1.5 Describe Court
                                                       administration, eg., oral,   MICROBIOLOGY                   definitions and terms      procedures including issue of
                                                       SC,                                                         used in Pathology          Summons, conduct money,
                                                      IV, IM, SL                                                   1.3 Describe the history   types of witnesses, recording
                                                                                                                                              of evidence oath, affirmation,
                                                                                                                   and evolution of           examination in chief, cross
                                                                                                                   Pathology                  examination, re-examination
                                                                                                                   BATCH A                    and court questions, recording
                                                                                                                                              of evidence & conduct of
                                                                                                                                              doctor in witness box
                                                                                                                                              FM1.6 Describe Offenses in
                                                                                                                                              Court including Perjury;
                                                                                                                                              Court strictures vis-a- vis
                                                                                                                                              Medical Officer
                                                                                                                                              FM1.7 Describe Dying
                                                                                                                                              Declaration & Dying
06/04/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                           PH- P -4.1                    PA-P SGD                       MI-P 1.2 A
                                                                                       Administered drugs through                                   SGD
                         IM9.1 Define, describe and     2.1 Demonstrate knowledge      various routes in simulated   1.2 Enumerate common
                         classify anemia based on red   of the causes, mechanisms,     environment using manikins    definitions and terms          Perform and identify the
                         blood cell size and            types and effects of cell      (Drug Administration by       used in Pathology              different causative agents of
                         reticulocyte count             injury and their clinical      routes in mannequins)         1.3 Describe the history       Infectious diseases by Gram
                                                        significance                                                                                Stain, ZN stain and stool
                                                        2.2 Describe the etiology of
                                                                                                                     and evolution of               routine microscopy–
                                                        cell injury. Distinguish                                     Pathology
                                                        between reversible-                                          BATCH B                        Microscopy & importance
                                                        irreversible injury:                                                                        of staining
                                                        mechanisms; morphology
                                                        of cell injury

07/04/2021   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L                           PH- P -4.1                    PA-P SGD                       MI-P 1.2 A
                         O-G 2.1/AN48.8,AN49.2                                         Administered drugs through                                   SGD
                         Anatomy of female              2.3 Intracellular              various routes in simulated   2.1 Demonstrate knowledge
                         reproductive Tract             accumulation of fats,          environment using manikins    of the causes, mechanisms,     Perform and identify the
                                                        proteins, carbohydrates,       (Drug Administration by       types and effects of cell      different causative agents of
                                                        pigments                       routes in mannequins)         injury and their clinical      Infectious diseases by Gram
                                                                                                                     significance                   Stain, ZN stain and stool
                                                                                                                     2.2 Describe the etiology of   routine microscopy–
                                                                                                                     cell injury. Distinguish
                                                                                                                     between reversible-            Microscopy & importance
                                                                                                                     irreversible injury:           of staining
                                                                                                                     mechanisms; morphology
                                                                                                                     of cell injury
                                                                                                                     BATCH A
08/04/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                           PA-L                          PH-P 1.3                       CM-P -3.1 3.2
                                                        1.1 A                                                        Enumerate and identify
                                                        Describe the different         2.4 Describe and discuss      drug                           Water disinfectants &
                                                        causative agents of            Cell death- types,            formulation                    museum visit-Batch B
                                                        Infectious diseases+A208,      mechanisms, necrosis,         s and drug
                                                        the methods used in their      apoptosis (basic as           delivery
                                                        detection, and discuss the     contrasted with necrosis),    systems
                                                        role of microbes in health     autolysis
                                                        and disease-

                                                        Bacterial Inf
09/04/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM                 MI-L                         PH-L - 1.4                      FM- Lecture - 2                 PA-P SGD
                                                         1.1 A                        Describe                        Topic: General
                        Orientation of the Phase II      Describe the different       absorption,                     Information                     2.1 Demonstrate knowledge
                        curriculum                       causative agents of          distribution,                   FM1.5 Describe Court            of the causes, mechanisms,
                                                         Infectious diseases+A208,    metabolism                      procedures including issue      types and effects of cell injury
                                                         the methods used in their    &excretion                      of Summons, conduct             and their clinical significance
                                                         detection, and discuss the   of drugs                        money, types of witnesses,      2.2 Describe the etiology of
                                                         role of microbes in health                                   recording of evidence oath,     cell injury. Distinguish
                                                         and disease-                                                 affirmation, examination in     between reversible-
                                                                                                                      chief, cross examination, re-   irreversible injury:
                                                         Viral Inf                                                    examination and court           mechanisms; morphology of
                                                                                                                      questions, recording of         cell injury
                                                                                                                      evidence & conduct of           BATCH B
                                                                                                                      doctor in witness box
                                                                                                                      FM1.6 Describe Offenses
                                                                                                                      in Court including Perjury;
                                                                                                                      Court strictures vis-a- vis
                                                                                                                      Medical Officer
                                                                                                                      FM1.7 Describe Dying
                                                                                                                      Declaration & Dying
    Date          Day                8-9                             9-10                          2-3                            3-4                               4-5

11/04/2021   Monday     SUR-L                            PH-L - 1.4                   FM-SDL -1                       PH-P-4.1                        CM-P -3.2
                        SU5.1 Describe normal            Describe                     FM1.2 Describe history of       Administered drugs through
                        wound healing and factors        absorption,                  Forensic Medicine               various routes in simulated     Water-Problem
                        affecting healing.               distribution,                                                environment using manikins      solving, Interpretation
                        SU5.3 Differentiate the          metabolism                                                   (Drug Administration by         of water analysis
                        various types of wounds,         &excretion                                                   routes in mannequins)
                        plan and                         of drugs                                                                                     report Batch A
                        observemanagement of
12/04/2021   Tuesday    wounds.
                        CM   -L                          PH-L- 1.4                    MI-P                            PA-P SGD                        FM- SGD -1
                        SU5.4Discuss   medico
                        SDL -3.2Sanitary       legalof
                                           sources       Describe                     Seminar - 1.2 B                 23.1 (Part I)                   Skills in Forensic Medicine
                        aspects of wounds
                        water,pollution,diseases,wat     absorption,                  Perform and identify the        Describe abnormal urinary       & Toxicology
                        er conservation & rainwater      distribution,                different causative agents of   findings in disease states      FM14.20 To record and
                        harvesting-Seminar               metabolism                   Infectious diseases by Gram     and identify and describe       certify dying declaration in a
                                                         &excretion                   Stain, ZN stain and stool       common urinary                  simulated/ supervised
                                                         of drugs                     routine microscopy–             abnormalities in a clinical     environment
                                                                                      Gram Stain                      BATCH A
13/04/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                            PA-L                           PH- P - SGD-1.4   PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                         IM9.2                                                           Describe          23.1 (Part I)                  1.2 B
                         Describe and discuss the         2.5 Describe and discuss       absorption,       Describe abnormal urinary      SGD
                         morphological                    pathologic calcifications,     distribution,     findings in disease states     Perform and identify the
                         characteristics, aetiology and   gangrene                       metabolism        and identify and describe      different causative agents of
                         prevalence of each of the                                       &excretion        common urinary                 Infectious diseases by Gram
                         causes of anemia                                                of drugs          abnormalities in a clinical    Stain, ZN stain and stool
                                                                                                           specimen                       routine microscopy–
                                                                                                           BATCH B
                                                                                                                                          Gram Stain

14/04/2022   Thursday
                         AMBEDKAR JAYANTHI

15/04/2022   Friday

                         GOOD FRIDAY

16/04/2022   Saturday    10:00 AM-1:00 PM                 MI-L                           PH-L- 1.4         FM- SGD -1                     PA-P SGD
                         Pandemic Module 2.1              1.1 C Describe the different   Describe          Skills in Forensic             2.3 Intracellular accumulation
                         Microbiology                     causative agents of            absorption,       Medicine & Toxicology          of fats, proteins,
                         1.Interactive Discussion-1 hr    Infectious diseases+A208,      distribution,     FM14.20 To record and          carbohydrates, pigments
                         2. Small grp case discussion     the methods used in their      metabolism        certify dying declaration in   2.4 Describe and discuss Cell
                         f/b pleneary-1.5 hrs             detection, and discuss the     &excretion        a simulated/ supervised        death- types, mechanisms,
                                                          role of microbes in health     of drugs          environment                    necrosis, apoptosis (basic as
                                                          and disease-                                                                    contrasted with necrosis),
                                                          Mycology Inf                                                                    2.5 Describe and discuss
                                                                                                                                          pathologic calcifications,
                                                                                                                                          BATCH B

Date         Day         8-9                              9-10                           2-3               3-4                            4-5
18/04/2022   Monday      SUR-L                          PH-L - 1.5                 FM-Lecture – 3Topic:            PH-P-4.1                      CM-P3.2
                         SU 2.1 Describe                Describe                   General Information             Administered drugs
                         Pathophysiology of shock,      general                    FM1.8 Describe the latest       through various routes in     Visit to water filtration
                         types of shock & principles    principles                 decisions/notifications/resol   simulated environment         plantBatch A
                         of resuscitation including     of                         utions/ circulars/standing      using manikins (Drug
                         fluid replacement and          mechanism                  orders related to medico-       Administration by routes in
                         monitoring.                    of drug                    legal practice issued by        mannequins)
                         SU2.2 Describe the clinical    action                     Courts/Government
                         features of shock and its                                 authorities etc.
                         appropriate treatment                                     F.M1.9 Describe the
                                                                                   importance of
                                                                                   documentation in medical
                                                                                   practice in regard to
                                                                                   medicolegal examinations,
                                                                                   Medical Certificates and
19/04/2022   Tuesday     CM-L -3.2                      PH-L- 1.5                  MI-P
                                                                                   medicolegal reports             PA-P SGD                      FM- SGD -2
                         Water purification processes   Describe                   Seminar-1.2 C Perform and       2.3 Intracellular             Topic: General Information
                         & water quality standards      general                    identify the different          accumulation of fats,         FM 2.29 Demonstrate respect
                                                        principles                 causative agents of             proteins, carbohydrates,      to the directions of courts,
                                                        of                         Infectious diseases by Gram     pigments                      while appearing as witness for
                                                        mechanism                  Stain, ZN stain and stool       2.4 Describe and discuss      recording of evidence under
                                                        of drug                    routine microscopy–             Cell death- types,            oath or affirmation,
                                                        action                                                     mechanisms, necrosis,         examination in chief, cross
                                                                                   Z-N Stain                       apoptosis (basic as           examination, re-examination
                                                                                                                   contrasted with necrosis),    and court questions, recording
                                                                                                                   autolysis                     of evidence
                                                                                                                   2.5 Describe and discuss      Skills in Forensic Medicine
                                                                                                                   pathologic calcifications,    & Toxicology FM14.22 To
                                                                                                                   gangrene                      give expert medical/ medico-
                                                                                                                   BATCH A                       legal evidence in Court of law
20/04/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                       PH-T- 1.4                       PA-P SGD                      MI- P
                                                                                   Describe                        23.1 (Part II)                SGD1.2 CPerform and
                         IM9.7                          2.6 Describe and discuss   absorption,                     Describe abnormal urinary     identify the different causative
                         Describe and discuss the       cellular adaptations:      distribution,                   findings in disease states    agents of Infectious diseases
                         meaning and utility of         atrophy, hypertrophy,      metabolism                      and identify and describe     by Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                         various components of the      hyperplasia, metaplasia,   &excretion                      common urinary                stool routine microscopy–
                         hemogram                       dysplasia                  of drugs                        abnormalities in a clinical
                                                                                                                   specimen                      Z-N Stain
                                                                                                                   BATCH B
21/04/2022   Thursday   OBG-L                           PA-L                           PH-P-1.12                    PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                        OG 3.1.                                                        PE 14.3                      23.1 (Part II)                 1.2 B
                                                        2.7 Describe and discuss       Calculate the dosage of      Describe abnormal urinary      SGD
                        Physiology of                   the mechanisms of cellular                                  findings in disease states     Perform and identify the
                                                                                       drugs using appropriate
                        menstruation                    aging and apoptosis            formulae for an individual   and identify and describe      different causative agents of
                                                                                       patient, including           common urinary                 Infectious diseases by Gram
                                                                                                                    abnormalities in a clinical    Stain, ZN stain and stool
                                                                                       children, elderly and
                                                                                                                    specimen                       routine microscopy–
                                                                                       patient with renal           BATCH A                        Gram Stain
                                                                                       dysfunction                                                 SGD1.2 CPerform and
                                                                                                                                                   identify the different causative
                                                                                                                                                   agents of Infectious diseases
                                                                                                                                                   by Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                                                                                                                                                   stool routine microscopy–
                                                                                                                                                   Z-N Stain

22/04/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                           PA-L                         PH-P-4.1                       CM-P- 3.2
                                                        1.1 D Describe the different                                Administered drugs
                                                        causative agents of            3.1 Describe the             through various routes in      Water-Problem
                                                        Infectious diseases+A208,      pathogenesis and pathology   simulated environment          solving, Interpretation
                                                        the methods used in their      of amyloidosis               using manikins (Drug           of water analysis
                                                        detection, and discuss the     3.2 Identify and describe    Administration by routes in
                                                        role of microbes in health     amyloidosis in a pathology   mannequins)                    report Batch B
                                                        and disease-                   specimen
                                                                                                                                                   CM-P 3.2
                                                        Parasitic Inf
                                                                                                                                                   Visit to water filtration
23/04/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM                MI-L                           PH-L - 1.6                   FM-SGD - 2                     PA-P SGD
                        Pandemic Module 2.1             8.9 Discuss the appropriate    Describe principles          Topic: General                 2.6 Describe and discuss
                        Microbiology                    method of collection of        of Pharmacovigilance&        Information                    cellular adaptations: atrophy,
                                                        samples in the performance     ADR reporting                FM 2.29 Demonstrate            hypertrophy, hyperplasia,
                        3. Visit to isolation ward- 1   of laboratory tests in the     systems                      respect to the directions of   metaplasia, dysplasia
                        hr                              detection of microbial                                      courts, while appearing as     2.7 Describe and discuss the
                        4. Debriefing & feedback-       agents causing infectious                                   witness for recording of       mechanisms of cellular aging
                        30 min                          diseases                                                    evidence under oath or         and apoptosis
                                                                                                                    affirmation, examination in    2.8 Identify and describe
                        Interactive session on PPE      Sample collection                                           chief, cross examination,      various forms of cell injuries,
                        usage protocol                                                                              re-examination and court       their manifestations and
                                                                                                                    questions, recording of        consequences in gross and
                                                                                                                    evidence                       microscopic specimens
                                                                                                                    Skills in Forensic             BATCH B
                                                                                                                    Medicine & Toxicology
                                                                                                                    FM14.22 To give expert
                                                                                                                    medical/ medico-legal
                                                                                                                    evidence in Court of law
    Date          Day                8-9                           9-10                           2-3                            3-4                             4-5
25/04/2022   Monday      SUR-L                           PH-L- 1.7 + 1.8                FM-Lecture - 4                  PH-P -3.4                       CM-P 3.2
                         SU4.1 Elicit document and        1.7 Define, identify and      Clinical Forensic Medicine      Adverse drug reaction-
                         present history in a case of     describe the management       IDENTIFICATION                  identification and
                                                                                                                                                        Visit to District Public
                         Burns and perform                of adverse drug               FM 3.1 Define and describe      reporting                       Health Laboratory
                         physical examination.           reactions (ADR)                Corpus Delicti,                                                 Batch A
                         Describe Pathophysiology of      1.8 Identify and              establishment of identity of
                         Burns.                           describe the                  living persons including
                         SU4.2 Describe Clinical          management of drug            race, Sex, religion,
                         features, Diagnose type and     interactions                   complexion, stature, age
                         extent of burns andplan                                        determination using
                         appropriate treatment.                                         morphology, teeth-eruption,
                         SU4.3 Discuss the                                              decay, bite marks, bones-
                         Medicolegal aspects in burn                                    ossification centres, medico-
                         injuries.                                                      legal aspects of age-Part 1
26/04/2022   Tuesday     CM-SDL -3.1                     PH-L 1.64                      MI-P                            PA-P SGD                        FM- SGD - 3
                         Air                             Describe overview of drug      Seminar-1.2 D Perform and       2.6 Describe and discuss        Clinical Forensic Medicine
                         quality,airpollution,healthha   development, Phases of         identify the different          cellular adaptations:           IDENTIFICATION
                         zards,indicators,               clinical trials and Good       causative agents of             atrophy, hypertrophy,           FM 3.1 age determination
                         Prevention & control            Clinical Practice              Infectious diseases by Gram     hyperplasia, metaplasia,        using morphology, teeth-
                                                                                        Stain, ZN stain and stool       dysplasia                       eruption, bonesossification
                                                                                        routine microscopy–             2.7 Describe and discuss the    centres, medico-legal aspect
                                                                                                                        mechanisms of cellular          of age
                                                                                        Stool Examination               aging and apoptosis
27/04/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                           PA-L                           PH- P 3.4                       2.8 Identify
                                                                                                                        PA-P   SGD and describe         MI-P
                                                                                        Adverse drug reaction-          various forms of cell           SGD
                         IM9.8                            4.1 Define and describe the                                   injuries, theirthe
                                                                                                                        3.1 Describe                    1.2 D Perform and identify
                                                                                        identification and
                         Describe and discuss the        general features of acute                                      manifestations
                                                                                                                        pathogenesis and andpathology   the different causative agents
                                                                                        reporting                       consequences
                         various tests for iron          and chronic inflammation                                       of amyloidosis gross and
                                                                                                                                        in              of Infectious diseases by
                         deficiency                      including stimuli, vascular                                    microscopic
                                                                                                                        3.2           specimens
                                                                                                                            Identify and   describe     Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                                                         and cellular events                                            BATCH
                                                                                                                        amyloidosisA in a pathology     stool routine microscopy–
                                                                                                                                                        Stool Examination
                                                                                                                        BATCH B

28/04/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                           PA-L                           PH-P 3.4                        PA-P SGD                        MI-P
                         OG 3.1 AN 77.3,77.4                                            Adverse drug reaction-                                          SGD
                         Physiology of                   4.2 Enumerate and describe     identification and              3.1 Describe the                1.2 D Perform and identify
                                                         the mediators of acute         reporting                       pathogenesis and pathology      the different causative agents
                         gametogenesis,                  inflammation                                                   of amyloidosis                  of Infectious diseases by
                         Ovulation, conception,                                                                         3.2 Identify and describe       Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                         implantation , &                                                                               amyloidosis in a pathology      stool routine microscopy–
                         reproductive                                                                                   specimen
                                                                                                                                                        Stool Examination
                         endocrinology                                                                                  BATCH A
29/04/2021   Friday                                     MI-L                          PA-L                            PH-P 3.4                       CM-P3.2
                                                        1.6 Describe the                                              Adverse drug reaction-
                                                        mechanisms of drug            4.3 (PART - I)                  identification and
                                                                                                                                                     Visit to District
                                                        resistance, and the methods   Define and describe chronic     reporting                      Public Health
                                                        of antimicrobial              inflammation including                                         Laboratory
                                                        susceptibility testing and    causes, types, non-specific
                                                        monitoring of antimicrobial   and granulomatous; and                                         Batch B
                                                        therapy-                      enumerate examples of each

                                                        Bacterial Genetics &
                                                        Mechanisms of drug
30/04/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM                resistance-I
                                                        MI-L                          PH-L - 1.2                      FM- SGD - 3                    PA-P SGD
                        FORMATIVE                       1.6 Describe the              Describe the basis of           Clinical Forensic
                        ASSESSMENT                      mechanisms of drug            Evidence based                  Medicine                       4.1 Define and describe the
                        PATHOLOGY&                      resistance, and the methods   Medicine and                    IDENTIFICATION                 general features of acute and
                        FEEDBAK                         of antimicrobial              Therapeutic drug                FM 3.1 age determination       chronic inflammation
                                                        susceptibility testing and    monitoring                      using morphology, teeth-       including stimuli, vascular
                                                        monitoring of antimicrobial                                   eruption, bones ossification   and cellular events
                                                        therapy-                                                      centres, medico-legal aspect   4.2 Enumerate and describe
                                                                                                                      of age                         the mediators of acute
                                                        Bacterial Genetics &                                                                         inflammation
                                                        Mechanisms of drug
                                                        resistance-II                                                                                BATCH B
    Date          Day                8-9                           9-10                           2-3                             3-4                             4-5

02/05/2022   Monday     SUR - L                         PH-L -1.13                    FM-Lecture -5                   PH-P -2.1                      CM-P3.2
                        SU14.1 Describe Aseptic         Describe mechanism of         Clinical Forensic Medicine      Demonstrate understanding
                        techniques, sterilization and   action, types, doses, side    IDENTIFICATION                  of the use of various dosage   Exercise on
                        disinfection.                   effects, indications and      FM 3.1 Define and describe      forms                          interpretation of water
                        SU14.2 Describe Surgical        contraindications of          Corpus Delicti,                                                Analysis report
                        approaches, incisions and       adrenergic and anti-          establishment of identity of
                        the use of appropriate          adrenergic drugs              living persons including                                       Batch A
                        instruments in Surgery in                                     race, Sex, religion,
                        general.                                                      complexion, stature, age
                        SU14.3 Describe the                                           determination using
                        materials and methods used                                    morphology, teeth-eruption,
                        for surgical wound                                            decay, bite marks, bones-
                        closure and anastomosis                                       ossification centres, medico-
                        (sutures, knots and needles)                                  legal aspects of age-Part 2

03/05/2022   Tuesday    RAMZAN
4/05/2022    Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                          PH- SGD-1.5                     PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                         IM9.11                         4.3 (PART - II)               general                         4.3 Define and describe        SGD-
                         Describe the indications and   Define and describe chronic   principles                      chronic inflammation
                         interpret the results of a     inflammation including        of                              including causes, types,       Sterilisation & Disinfection
                         bone marrow aspirations and    causes, types, non-specific   mechanism                       non-specific and               Techniques
                         biopsy                         and granulomatous; and        of drug                         granulomatous; and
                                                        enumerate examples of         action                          enumerate examples of each
                                                        each                                                          4.4 Identify and describe
                                                                                                                      acute and chronic
                                                                                                                      inflammation in gross and
                                                                                                                      microscopic specimens
                                                                                                                      BATCH B
05/05/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L                          PH-T -1.5                       PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                         OG 4.1 AN 80.3 80.5,                                         Describe
                         80.6                           13.1 Describe                 general                         4.1 Define and describe the    SGD-
                         Early development of           hematopoiesis and             principles                      general features of acute
                         embryo and fetus,              extramedullary                of                              and chronic inflammation       Sterilisation & Disinfection
                         development of Placenta,       hematopoiesis                 mechanism                       including stimuli, vascular    Techniques
                         amniotic fluid, cord           13.2 Describe the role of     of drug                         and cellular events
                                                        anticoagulants in             action                          4.2 Enumerate and describe
                                                        hematology                                                    the mediators of acute

                                                                                                                      BATCH A

06/05/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                          PA-L                            PH- P - 2.1                    CM-P3.2
                                                        8.8 Describe the methods                                      Demonstrate understanding
                                                        used and significance of      13.3 Define and classify        of the use of various dosage   Exercise on
                                                        assessing the microbial       anemia                          forms                          interpretation of water
                                                        contamination of food,        13.4 Enumerate and                                             Analysis report
                                                        water and air                 describe the investigation of
                                                                                      anemia                                                         Batch B
                                                        Food,water& air

07/05/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM               MI-L                         PH-L - 1.13                     FM-P SGD - 4                    PA-P SGD
                        FORMATIVE                      3.1A Enumerate the           Describe mechanism of           IDENTIFICATION
                        ASSESSMENT                     microbial agents causing     action, types, doses, side      FM 3.2 Dactylography, foot      13.1 Describe
                        MICROBIOLOGY&                  diarrhoea and dysentery.     effects, indications and        prints, scars, tattoos,         hematopoiesis and
                        FEEDBACK                       Describe the epidemiology,   contraindications of            poroscopy and                   extramedullary
                                                       morphology, pathogenesis,    adrenergic and anti-            superimposition                 hematopoiesis
                                                       clinical features and        adrenergic drugs                                                13.2 Describe the role of
                                                       diagnostic modalities of                                                                     anticoagulants in
                                                       these agents-                                                                                hematology

                                                       E.coli (GI Infection)                                                                        BATCH B

    Date          Day                8-9                          9-10                          2-3                             3-4                             4-5

09/05/2022   Monday     SUR-L                          PH-L 1.13                    FM-Lecture -6                   PH-P 2.1                       CM-P3.4
                        SU11.1 Describe principles     Describe mechanism of        IDENTIFICATION                  Demonstrate understanding
                        of Preoperative assessment.    action, types, doses, side   FM 3.2 Describe and             of the use of various dosage   Visit to sewage
                        SU11.2 Enumerate the           effects, indications and     discuss identification of       forms                          purification plant
                        principles of general,         contraindications of         criminals, unknown persons,                                     Batch A
                        regional, and local            adrenergic and anti-         dead bodies from the
                        Anaesthesia.                   adrenergic drugs             remains-hairs, fibres, teeth,
                        SU 10.1 Describe the                                        anthropometry,
                        principles of perioperative                                 dactylography, foot prints,
                        management of common                                        scars, tattoos, poroscopy and
                        surgical procedures                                         superimposition

10/05/2022   Tuesday    CM -L                          PH-L 1.14                    MI-P                            PA-P SGD                       FM-P SGD - 4
                        CM-SDL 13.1 13.2 13.3          Describe mechanism of        1.6 Describe the                                               IDENTIFICATION
                        13.4                           action, types, doses, side   mechanisms of drug              4.3 Define and describe        FM 3.2 Dactylography, foot
                        Disaster Management:           effects, indications and     resistance, and the methods     chronic inflammation           prints, scars, tattoos,
                        concepts, cycle, manmade       contraindications of         of antimicrobial                including causes, types,       poroscopy and
                        disasters, National disaster   cholinergic and              susceptibility testing and      non-specific and               superimposition
                        management Authority           anticholinergic drugs        monitoring of antimicrobial     granulomatous; and
                                                                                    therapy-                        enumerate examples of each
                                                                                                                    4.4 Identify and describe
                                                                                    AST (With DEMO)                 acute and chronic
                                                                                                                    inflammation in gross and
                                                                                                                    microscopic specimens
                                                                                                                    BATCH A
11/05/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                           PH-T- 1.13                    PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                                                                                       Describe mechanism of                                        SGD/DOAP
                         IM9.12                         14.1 Describe iron             action, types, doses, side    13.3 Define and classify       1.2 B Perform and identify
                         Describe, develop a            metabolism                     effects, indications and      anemia                         the different causative agents
                         diagnostic plan to determine   14.2 Describe the etiology,    contraindications of                                         of Infectious diseases by
                         the aetiology of anemia        investigations and             adrenergic and anti-          BATCH B                        Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                                                        differential diagnosis of      adrenergic drugs                                             stool routine microscopy –
                                                        microcytic hypochromic
                                                        anemia                                                                                      Gram Stain-
                                                        14.3 Identify and describe                                                                  HANDS ON -REVISION
                                                        the peripheral smear in
                                                        microcytic anemia

12/05/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L                           PH- SGD-1.14                  PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                         OG 2.1 AN 52. 8, 79.4                                         Describe mechanism of                                        SGD/DOAP
                         Embryology and                 15.1 Describe the              action, types, doses, side    13.1 Describe                  1.2 B Perform and identify
                         developmental defects of       metabolism of Vitamin B12      effects, indications and      hematopoiesis and              the different causative agents
                         female genital tract           and the etiology and           contraindications of          extramedullary                 of Infectious diseases by
                                                        pathogenesis of B12            cholinergic and               hematopoiesis                  Gram Stain, ZN stain and
                                                        deficiency                     anticholinergic drugs         13.2 Describe the role of      stool routine microscopy –
                                                        15.2 Describe laboratory                                     anticoagulants in
                                                        investigations of                                            hematology                     Gram Stain-
                                                        macrocytic anemia                                                                           HANDS ON -REVISION
                                                        15.3 Identify and describe                                   BATCH A
                                                        the peripheral blood picture
                                                        of macrocytic anemia
                                                        15.4 Enumerate the
                                                        differences and describe the
                                                        etiology and distinguishing
                                                        features of megaloblastic
                                                        and non-megaloblastic
                                                        macrocytic anemia

13/05/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                           PA-L                          PH-P 2.1                       CM-P3.4
                                                        3.1B, 3.3                                                    Demonstrate understanding
                                                        Describe the enteric fever     16.1 Define and classify      of the use of various dosage   Visit to sewage
                                                        pathogens and discuss the      hemolytic anemia              forms                          purification plant
                                                        evolution of the clinical      16.2 Describe the                                             Batch B
                                                        course and the laboratory      pathogenesis and clinical
                                                        diagnosis of the diseases      features and hematologic
                                                        caused by them-                indices of hemolytic anemia
                                                                                       16.3 Describe the
                                                        Salmonella                     pathogenesis, features,
                                                                                       hematologic indices and
                                                                                       peripheral blood picture of
                                                                                       sickle cell anemia and
14/05/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM   MI-L                          PH-1.14                      FM-P SGD - 5                   PA-P SGD
                        FORMATIVE          3.1C                          SDL-1                        Forensic Pathology
                        ASSESSMENT         Enumerate the microbial       Describe mechanism of        FM2.11 Describe and            13.4 Enumerate and describe
                        PHARMACOLOGY&      agents causing diarrhea and   action, types, doses, side   discuss autopsy procedures     the investigation of anemia
                        FEEDBACK           dysentery. Describe the       effects, indications and     including postmortem
                                           epidemiology, morphology,     contraindications of         examination, different types   BATCH B
                                           pathogenesis, clinical        cholinergic and              of autopsies, aims and
                                           features and diagnostic       anticholinergic drugs        objectives of post-mortem
                                           modalities of these agents-                                examination
                                                                                                      FM2.12 Describe the legal
                                           Vibrio,Campylobacter                                       requirements to conduct
                                                                                                      post-mortem examination
                                                                                                      and procedures to conduct
                                                                                                      medico-legal post-mortem
                                                                                                      FM2.13 Describe and
                                                                                                      discuss obscure autopsy
                                                                                                      FM2.14 Describe and
                                                                                                      discuss examination of
                                                                                                      clothing, preservation of
                                                                                                      viscera on post-mortem
                                                                                                      examination for chemical
                                                                                                      analysis and other medico-
                                                                                                      legal purposes, post-mortem
    Date          Day           8-9                   9-10                           2-3                          3-4                           4-5

16/05/2022   Monday     BUDDHA PURNIMA
17/05/2022   Tuesday     CM-L -3.5                       PH-L-1.16                       MI-P                           PA-P SGD                      FM-P SGD - 5
                         Standards of housing&           Describe mechanism/ s of        8.10 Demonstrate the                                         Forensic Pathology
                         Ventilation and the effect of   action, types, doses, side      appropriate method of          13.3 Define and classify      FM2.11 Describe and
                         housing on health               effects, indications and        collection of samples in the   anemia                        discuss autopsy procedures
                                                         contraindications of the        performance of laboratory                                    including postmortem
                                                                                         tests in the detection of      BATCH A                       examination, different types
                                                         drugs which act by
                                                                                         microbial agents causing                                     of autopsies, aims and
                                                         modulating autacoids,           Infectious diseases-                                         objectives of post-mortem
                                                         including: anti-                                                                             examination
                                                         histaminic, 5-HT                Culture Media                                                FM2.12 Describe the legal
                                                         modulating drugs,                                                                            requirements to conduct
                                                         NSAIDs, drugsfor gout,                                                                       post-mortem examination
                                                         anti rheumaticdrugs ,                                                                        and procedures to conduct
                                                         drugs for migraine                                                                           medico-legal post-mortem
                                                                                                                                                      FM2.13 Describe and
                                                                                                                                                      discuss obscure autopsy
                                                                                                                                                      FM2.14 Describe and
                                                                                                                                                      discuss examination of
                                                                                                                                                      clothing, preservation of
                                                                                                                                                      viscera on post-mortem
                                                                                                                                                      examination for chemical
                                                                                                                                                      analysis and other medico-
                                                                                                                                                      legal purposes, post-mortem
18/05/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                           PA-L                            PH- SGD - 1.13                 PA-P                          MI-P-
                                                                                         Describe mechanism of          SGD                           SGD
                         IM9.14                          16.4 Describe the etiology      action, types, doses, side                                   8.10,8.11,8.12,8.14-
                         Describe the national           pathogenesis, hematologic       effects, indications and       REVISION PRACTICAL            Demonstrate the appropriate
                         programs for anemia             indices and peripheral          contraindications of           BATCH B                       method of collection of
                         prevention                      blood picture of Acquired       adrenergic and anti-                                         samples in the performance
                                                         hemolytic anemia                adrenergic drugs                                             of laboratory tests in the
                                                         16.5 Describe the                                                                            detection of microbial agents
                                                         peripheral blood picture in                                                                  causing Infectious diseases-
                                                         different hemolytic
                                                         anaemias                                                                                     Culture Media
                                                         16.6 Prepare a peripheral
19/05/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                           blood
                                                         PA-L smear and identify         PH-T -1.14                     PA-P SGD                      MI-P-
                         OG 6.1 FM3.19, PY 9.10          hemolytic anaemia from it       Describe mechanism of                                        SGD
                                                         16.7 Describe
                                                         5.1 Define  andthe correctthe
                                                                         describe        action, types, doses, side     13.4 Enumerate and describe   8.10,8.11,8.12,8.14-
                         Diagnosis of pregnancy
                                                         process of repair and a
                                                                    to perform           effects, indications and       the investigation of anemia   Demonstrate the appropriate
                                                         cross match including
                                                         regeneration                    contraindications of                                         method of collection of
                                                         wound healing and its types     cholinergic and                BATCH A                       samples in the performance
                                                                                         anticholinergic drugs                                        of laboratory tests in the
                                                                                                                                                      detection of microbial agents
                                                                                                                                                      causing Infectious diseases-

                                                                                                                                                      Culture Media
20/05/2022   Friday                                   MI-L                         PA-L                           PH-P. 2.1 Demonstrate           CM-P3.6
                                                      3.1D Enumerate the                                          understanding the uses of
                                                      microbial agents causing     6.1 Define and describe        various dosage forms            Visit to office of
                                                      diarrhea and dysentery.      edema, its types,                                              District Vector borne
                                                      Describe the epidemiology,   pathogenesis and clinical                                      disease control
                                                      morphology, pathogenesis,    correlations
                                                      clinical features and        6.2 Define and describe                                        programme
                                                      diagnostic modalities of     hyperemia, congestion,                                         Batch B
                                                      these agents-                hemorrhage

21/05/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM              Shigella
                                                      MI-L                         PH-L-1.16                      FM-P SGD - 6                    PA-P SGD
                                                      3.1 E Enumerate the           Describe mechanism/ s of      Forensic Pathology
                        Pandemic Module 2.2           microbial agents causing      action, types, doses, side    FM 2.15 Describe special        13.5 Perform, Identify and
                        Microbiology                  diarrhea and dysentery.       effects, indications and      protocols for conduction of     describe the peripheral blood
                                                      Describe the epidemiology,    contraindications of the      medico-legal autopsies in       picture in anemia
                            1.   Exploratory &        morphology, pathogenesis,                                   cases of death in custody or
                                                                                    drugs which act by
                                 interactive theory   clinical features and                                       following violation of human    BATCH B
                                 session-1hr          diagnostic modalities of      modulating autacoids,         rights as per National Human
                            2.   Self study& small    these agents-                 including: anti-histaminic,   Rights Commission
                                 grp assignment-                                    5-HT                          Guidelines
                                 2hrs                 E.histolytica, Giardia       modulating drugs, NSAIDs,      FM2.16 Describe and
                                                                                   drugsfor gout, anti            discuss examination of
                                                                                   rheumaticdrugs , drugs for     mutilated bodies or
                                                                                   migraine                       fragments, charred bones and
                                                                                                                  bundle of bones.
                                                                                                                  FM2.17 Describe and
                                                                                                                  discuss exhumation.
                                                                                                                  FM2.18 Crime Scene
                                                                                                                  Investigation:- Describe and
                                                                                                                  discuss the objectives of
                                                                                                                  crime scene visit, the duties
                                                                                                                  & responsibilities of doctors
                                                                                                                  on crime scene and the
                                                                                                                  reconstruction of sequence of
                                                                                                                  events after crime scene
    Date          Day              8-9                           9-10                          2-3                            3-4                             4-5
23/05/2022   Monday    SUR-L                           PH-L-1.16                    FM-Lecture - 7                 PH-P -4.2                       CM-P3.6
                       SU11.4 Enumerate the            Describe mechanism/ s of     Forensic Pathology             Demonstrate the effects of
                       indications and principles of   action, types, doses, side   FM2.1 Define, describe and     drugs on blood pressure         Visit to office of
                       day care GeneralSurgery.        effects, indications and     discuss death and its types    using computer aided            District Vector borne
                       SU11.5 Describe principles      contraindications of the     including                      learning (Drugs on BP           disease control
                       of providing post-operative                                  somatic/clinical/cellular,     (CAL)
                       pain relief and management
                                                       drugs which act by
                                                                                    molecular and brain-death,                                     programme
                       of chronic pain.                modulating autacoids,        Cortical Death and                                             Batch A
                       SU11.6 Describe Principles      including: anti-             Brainstem Death
                       of safe General Surgery         histaminic, 5-HT             FM2.2 Describe and discuss
                                                       modulating drugs,            natural and unnatural deaths
                                                       NSAIDs, drugsfor gout,       FM2.3 Describe and discuss
                                                       anti rheumaticdrugs ,        issues related to sudden
                                                       drugs for migraine           natural deaths

24/05/2022   Tuesday   CM-SDL --3.7Poster              PH-L-1.16                    MI-P                           PA-P SGD                        FM-P SGD - 6
                       presentation on various         Describe mechanism/ s of     3.6 Describe the etio-                                         Forensic Pathology
                       types of pollution &            action, types, doses, side   pathogenesis of Acid peptic    13.5 Perform, Identify and      FM 2.15 Describe special
                       hazards(air,noise,water,radia   effects, indications and     disease (APD) and the          describe the peripheral blood   protocols for conduction of
                       tion)                           contraindications of the     clinical course. Discuss the   picture in anemia               medico-legal autopsies in
                                                                                    diagnosis and management                                       cases of death in custody or
                                                       drugs which act by
                                                                                    of the causative agent of      BATCH A                         following violation of
                                                       modulating autacoids,                                                                       human rights as per National
                                                       including: anti-             APD                                                            Human Rights Commission
                                                       histaminic, 5-HT                                                                            Guidelines
                                                       modulating drugs,                                                                           FM2.16 Describe and
                                                       NSAIDs, drugsfor gout,                                                                      discuss examination of
                                                       anti rheumaticdrugs ,                                                                       mutilated bodies or
                                                       drugs for migraine                                                                          fragments, charred bones
                                                                                                                                                   and bundle of bones.
                                                                                                                                                   FM2.17 Describe and
                                                                                                                                                   discuss exhumation.
                                                                                                                                                   FM2.18 Crime Scene
                                                                                                                                                   Investigation:- Describe and
                                                                                                                                                   discuss the objectives of
                                                                                                                                                   crime scene visit, the duties
                                                                                                                                                   & responsibilities of doctors
                                                                                                                                                   on crime scene and the
                                                                                                                                                   reconstruction of sequence
                                                                                                                                                   of events after crime scene
25/05/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                          PH-T -1.16                     PA-P SGD                     MI-P-
                                                                                       Describe mechanism/ s of                                   SGD
                         IM9.17                         6.3 Define and describe        action, types, doses, side    14.1 Describe iron           8.10,8.11,8.12,8.14-
                         Describe the indications for   shock, its pathogenesis and    effects, indications and      metabolism                   Demonstrate the appropriate
                         blood transfusion and the      its stages                     contraindications of the                                   method of collection of
                         appropriate use of blood                                                                    BATCH B                      samples in the performance
                                                                                       drugs which act by
                         components                                                                                                               of laboratory tests in the
                                                                                       modulating autacoids,                                      detection of microbial agents
                                                                                       including: anti-histaminic,                                causing Infectious diseases-
                                                                                      modulating drugs, NSAIDs,                                   Culture Methods
                                                                                      drugsfor gout, anti
26/05/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L                          PH-SGD-1.16
                                                                                      rheumaticdrugs , drugs for     PA-P SGD                     MI-P-
                         OG 7.1 PY 9.8                                                 Describe mechanism/ s of
                                                                                      migraine                                                    SGD
                         Physiological changes in       6.4 Define and describe        action, types, doses, side    14.1 Describe iron           8.10,8.11,8.12,8.14-
                         pregnancy                      normal haemostasis and the     effects, indications and      metabolism                   Demonstrate the appropriate
                                                        etiopathogenesis and           contraindications of the                                   method of collection of
                                                        consequences of                                              BATCH A                      samples in the performance
                                                                                       drugs which act by
                                                        thrombosis                                                                                of laboratory tests in the
                                                        6.5 Define and describe        modulating autacoids,                                      detection of microbial agents
                                                        embolism and its causes        including: anti-histaminic,                                causing Infectious diseases-
                                                        and common types               5-HT
                                                                                      modulating drugs, NSAIDs,                                   Culture Methods
                                                                                      drugsfor gout, anti
                                                                                      rheumaticdrugs , drugs for

27/05/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                          PA-L                           PH-P -4.2                    CM P
                                                        3.1 F1- Enumerate the                                        Demonstrate the effects of
                                                        microbial agents causing      6.6 Define and describe        drugs on blood pressure      3.7Demonstration:Id
                                                        diarrhea and dysentery.       Ischaemia/infarction its       using computer aided         entifying
                                                        Describe the epidemiology,    types, etiology, morphologic   learning (Drugs on BP        characteristics of
                                                        morphology, pathogenesis,     changes and clinical effects   (CAL)
                                                        clinical features and                                                                     vectors of public
                                                        diagnostic modalities of                                                                  health importance
                                                        these agents-                                                                             Batch B
28/05/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM               MI-L                         PH-L -1.15                   FM-P SGD - 7                     PA-P SGD
                        PH-L-1.26                      3.1 F2- Enumerate the        PY-3.5-AS-4.1                Forensic Pathology
                        IM-1.24                        microbial agents causing     Describe mechanism / s of    FM1.10 Select appropriate        14.2 Describe the etiology,
                        Describe mechanisms of         diarrhea and dysentery.      action, types, doses, side   cause of death in a particular   investigations and
                        action, types, doses, side     Describe the epidemiology,   effects, indications and     scenario by referring ICD 10     differential diagnosis of
                        effects, indications and       morphology, pathogenesis,    contra-indications of        code                             microcytic hypochromic
                        contraindications of the       clinical features and        skeletal muscle relaxants    FM1.11Write a correct cause      anemia
                        drugs modulating the RAS       diagnostic modalities of                                  of death certificate as per      14.3 Identify and describe
                        renin- angiotensin and         these agents-                                             ICD 10 document                  the peripheral smear in
                        aldosterone system                                                                                                        microcytic anemia
                                                                                                                                                  BATCH B
    Date          Day               8-9                           9-10                          2-3                           3-4                              4-5

30/05/2022   Monday     SUR-L                          PH-L-1.24                    FM-Lecture -8                PH-P -4.2                        CM P
                        SU12.2 Describe and            Describe the mechanism/s     Forensic Pathology           Demonstrate the effects of
                        discuss the methods of         of action, types, doses,      FM2.5 Discuss moment of     drugs on blood pressure          3.7Demonstration:Id
                        estimation and replacement     side effects, indications    death, modes of death -      using computer aided             entifying
                        ofthe fluid and electrolyte    and contraindications of     coma, asphyxia and syncope   learning (Drugs on BP            characteristics of
                        requirements in the surgical   the drugs affecting renal    FM2.6 Discuss presumption    (CAL)
                        patient.                       systems including            of death and survivorship                                     vectors of public
                                                       diuretics, antidiuretics-    FM2.7 Describe and discuss                                    health importance
                                                       vasopressin and analogues    suspended animation                                           Batch A
                                                                                    FM 2.8 Describe and
                                                                                    discuss postmortem changes
                                                                                    including signs of death,
                                                                                    cooling of body, post-
                                                                                    mortem lividity, rigor
                                                                                    mortis, cadaveric spasm,
                                                                                    cold stiffening and heat

31/05/2022   Tuesday    CM-SDL - 3.6                   PH-L-1.24                    MI-P                         PA-P SGD                         FM-P SGD - 7
                        Entomology:Role of vectors     Describe the mechanism/s     SDL-1                                                         Forensic Pathology
                        rs in the causation of         of action, types, doses,     Lab Diagnosis of Diarrhoea   14.2 Describe the etiology,      FM1.10 Select appropriate
                        disease,NVBDCPPeer             side effects, indications    & Dysentery                  investigations and               cause of death in a particular
                        learning                       and contraindications of                                  differential diagnosis of        scenario by referring ICD 10
                                                       the drugs affecting renal                                 microcytic hypochromic           code
                                                       systems including                                         anemia                           FM1.11Write a correct
                                                       diuretics, antidiuretics-                                 14.3 Identify and describe       cause of death certificate as
                                                       vasopressin and analogues                                 the peripheral smear in          per ICD 10 document
                                                                                                                 microcytic anemia

                                                                                                                 BATCH A
01/06/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                            PH-SGD-1.24                     PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                                                                                        Describe the mechanism/s        15.1 Describe the              SGD
                         IM9.17                         7.1 Define and classify         of action, types, doses, side   metabolism of Vitamin B12      3.2 Identify the common
                         Describe the indications for   neoplasia. Describe the         effects, indications and        and the etiology and           etiologic agents of diarrhea
                         blood transfusion and the      characteristics of neoplasia    contraindications of the        pathogenesis of B12            and dysentery
                         appropriate use of blood       including gross, microscopy,    drugs affecting renal           deficiency
                         components                     biologic, behaviour and         systems including               15.2 Describe laboratory
                                                        spread. Differentiate           diuretics, antidiuretics-       investigations of macrocytic
                                                        between benign from             vasopressin and analogues       anemia
                                                        malignant neoplams
                                                                                                                        BATCH B

02/06/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L                            PH- 1.24                        PA-P SGD                       MI-P
                         OG 1.1, 1,2 CM10.1, 10.2                                       SDL-2                           15.1 Describe the              SGD
                         Maternal and perinatal         7.2 Describe the molecular      Describe the mechanism/s        metabolism of Vitamin B12      3.2 Identify the common
                         mortality                      basis of cancer                 of action, types, doses, side   and the etiology and           etiologic agents of diarrhea
                                                                                        effects, indications and        pathogenesis of B12            and dysentery
                                                                                        contraindications of the        deficiency
                                                                                        drugs affecting renal           15.2 Describe laboratory
                                                                                        systems including               investigations of macrocytic
                                                                                        diuretics, antidiuretics-       anemia
                                                                                        vasopressin and analogues
                                                                                                                        BATCH A
03/06/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                            PA-L                            PH-P-4.2                       CM-
                                                        3.5 Enumerate the causative                                     Demonstrate the effects of
                                                        agents of food poisoning        7.3 Enumerate carcinogens       drugs on blood pressure        P3.7Demonstration:I
                                                        and discuss the                 and describe the process of     using computer aided           dentifying
                                                        pathogenesis, clinical course   carcinogenesis                  learning (Drugs on BP          characteristics of
                                                        and laboratory diagnosis                                        (CAL)
                                                                                                                                                       vectors of public
                                                        Lab diag of Food                                                                               health importance
                                                        poisoning &                                                                                    Batch B
04/06/2022   Saturday                                   MI-L                            PH-L-1.27                       FM-P SGD - 8                     PA-P SGD
                                                        3.7 Describe the                Describe the mechanism s        Forensic Pathology
                        10:00 AM-1:00 PM                epidemiology, the etio-         of action, types, doses, side   FM 2.33 Demonstrate              15.3 Identify and describe
                        PH 3.1 Prescription             pathogenesis and discuss the    effects, indications and        ability to use local resources   the peripheral blood picture
                        communication                   viral markers in the            contraindications of            whenever required like in        of macrocytic anemia
                        PH-P- 1.10                      evolution of Viral hepatitis.   antihypertensive drugs and      mass disaster situations         15.4 Enumerate the
                        Describe parts of a correct,    Discuss the modalities in the   drugs used in shock             FM 2.34 Demonstrate              differences and describe the
                        Complete and legible            diagnosis and prevention of                                     ability to use local resources   etiology and distinguishing
                        generic prescription.           viral hepatitis                                                 whenever required like in        features of megaloblastic
                        Identify errors in                                                                              mass disaster situations         and non-megaloblastic
                        prescription and correct        Viral Hepatitis                                                 FM 2.35 Demonstrate              macrocytic anemia
                        appropriately                                                                                   professionalism while            BATCH B
                                                                                                                        conducting autopsy in
                                                                                                                        medicolegal situations,
                                                                                                                        interpretation of findings
                                                                                                                        and making inference/
                                                                                                                        opinion, collection
                                                                                                                        preservation and dispatch of
                                                                                                                        biological or trace evidences
    Date          Day               8-9                             9-10                             2-3                             3-4                             4-5

06/06/2022   Monday     SUR-L                           PH-L -1.27                      FM-Lecture -9                   PH-P 1.10                        CM-
                        SU12.1 Enumerate the            IM-8.14                         Forensic Pathology              Describe parts of a correct,
                        causes and consequences of      Describe the mechanism s        FM2.9 Describe                  Complete and legible             P3.7Demonstration:I
                        malnutrition in the             of action, types, doses,        putrefaction,                   generic                          dentifying
                        surgical patient                side effects, indications       mummification, adipocere        prescription. Identify           characteristics of
                        SU12.3 Discuss the              and contraindications of        and maceration                  errors in prescription
                        nutritional requirements of     antihypertensive drugs and                                      and correct                      vectors of public
                        surgical patients, themethods   drugs used in shock                                             appropriately                    health importance
                        of providing nutritional                                                                                                         Batch A
                        support and their
07/06/2022   Tuesday     CM SDL- 3.7,3.8              PH-L 1.28                       MI-P                            PA-P SGD                       FM-P SGD - 8
                          Health Education –          IM-2.15                                                                                        Forensic Pathology
                         Prevention & Control of      Describe the mechanisms                                         15.3 Identify and describe     FM 2.33 Demonstrate
                         vector borne diseases Peer   of action, types, doses, side   SEMINAR                         the peripheral blood picture   ability to use local resources
                         learning                     effects, indications and        MRSA- Methicillin               of macrocytic anemia           whenever required like in
                                                      contraindications of the        Resistant Staph Aureus          15.4 Enumerate the             mass disaster situations
                                                      drugs used in ischemic                                          differences and describe the   FM 2.34 Demonstrate
                                                      heart disease (stable,                                          etiology and distinguishing    ability to use local resources
                                                      unstable angina and                                             features of megaloblastic      whenever required like in
                                                      myocardial infarction),                                         and non-megaloblastic          mass disaster situations
                                                      peripheral vascular disease                                     macrocytic anemia              FM 2.35 Demonstrate
                                                                                                                      BATCH A                        professionalism while
                                                                                                                                                     conducting autopsy in
                                                                                                                                                     medicolegal situations,
                                                                                                                                                     interpretation of findings
                                                                                                                                                     and making inference/
                                                                                                                                                     opinion, collection
                                                                                                                                                     preservation and dispatch of
                                                                                                                                                     biological or trace evidences

08/06/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                        PA-L SDL                        PH- SGD-1.27                    PA-P SGD                       MI-P-
                                                      10.1 Define and describe the    Describe the mechanism s                                       SGD
                         IM9.18                       pathogenesis and pathology      of action, types, doses, side   16.1 Define and classify       3.1,3.4
                         Describe the precautions     of malaria                      effects, indications and        hemolytic anemia               Identify the different
                         required necessary when      10.2 Define and describe the    contraindications of            16.2 Describe the              modalities for diagnosis of
                         performing a blood           pathogenesis and pathology      antihypertensive drugs and      pathogenesis and clinical      enteric fever. Choose the
                         transfusion                  of cysticercosis                drugs used in shock             features and hematologic       appropriate test related to
                                                      10.3 Define and describe the                                    indices of hemolytic anemia    the duration of illness
                                                      pathogenesis and pathology                                      BATCH B
                                                      of leprosy
                                                      10.4 Define and describe the
                                                      pathogenesis and pathology
                                                      of common bacterial, viral,
                                                      protozoal and helminthic

09/06/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                        PA-L                            PH-T-1.27                       PA-P SGD                       MI-P-
                         OG- 5.1, 5.2 And 75.5                                        Describe the mechanism s                                       SGD
                         Preconceptional counseling   7.4 Describe the effects of     of action, types, doses, side   16.1 Define and classify       3.1,3.4
                                                      tumor on the host including     effects, indications and        hemolytic anemia               Identify the different
                                                      paraneoplastic syndrome         contraindications of            16.2 Describe the              modalities for diagnosis of
                                                                                      antihypertensive drugs and      pathogenesis and clinical      enteric fever. Choose the
                                                                                      drugs used in shock             features and hematologic       appropriate test related to
                                                                                                                      indices of hemolytic anemia    the duration of illness
                                                                                                                      BATCH A
10/06/2022   Friday                                   MI-L                            PA-L                            PH- P- 1.10                    CM- P 8.1
                                                      7.1 Describe the etio-                                          Describe parts of a correct,
                                                      pathogenesis and discuss the    7.5 Describe immunology         Complete and legible           Visit to public health
                                                      laboratory diagnosis of         and the immune response to      generic                        Microbiology
                                                      infections of genitourinary     cancer                          prescription. Identify         /Reference
                                                      system (STD)                                                    errors in prescription
                                                                                                                      and correct                    laboratories(RT-PCR
                                                                                                                      appropriately                  lab)
                                                                                                                                                     Batch B
11/06/2021   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM              MI-L                            PH-L-1.29                       FM-P SGD - 9                   PA-P SGD
                        Pandemic Module 2.2           7.2 A Describe the etio-        IM-1.24                         Skills in Forensic Medicine
                        Microbiology                  pathogenesis and discuss the    Describe the mechanism s        & Toxicology                   16.3 Describe the
                                                      laboratory diagnosis of         of action, types, doses, side   FM14.9 Demonstrate             pathogenesis, features,
                            1.   Small grp            sexually transmitted            effects, indications and        examination of & present an    hematologic indices and
                                 discussion- 1hr      infections. Recommend           contraindications of the        opinion after examination of   peripheral blood picture of
                          2. Case finding &           preventive measures-            drugs used in congestive        skeletal remains in a          sickle cell anemia and
                             closure-2hrs             Syphillis                       heart failure                   simulated/ supervised          thalassemia
                                                                                                                      environment                    16.4 Describe the etiology
                                                                                                                                                     pathogenesis, hematologic
                                                                                                                                                     indices and peripheral blood
                                                                                                                                                     picture of Acquired
                                                                                                                                                     hemolytic anemia
                                                                                                                                                      BATCH B

    Date          Day               8-9                           9-10                            2-3                             3-4                            4-5

13/06/2022   Monday     SUR-L                         PH-L 1.29                       FM-Lecture -10                  PH-P- 1.10                     CM- P 8.1
                        SU3.1 Describe the            IM-1.24                         Forensic Pathology              Describe parts of a correct,
                        Indications and appropriate   Describe the mechanism s        FM2.10 Discuss estimation       Complete and legible           Visit to public health
                        use of blood and blood        of action, types, doses, side   of time since death             generic                        Microbiology
                        products and complications    effects, indications and                                        prescription. Identify         /Reference
                        of blood transfusion.         contraindications of the                                        errors in prescription
                                                      drugs used in congestive                                        and correct                    laboratories(RT-PCR
                                                      heart failure                                                   appropriately                  lab)
                                                                                                                                                     Batch A
14/06/2022   Tuesday     CM-L -7.2                      PH-L -1.30                      MI-P                            PA-P SGD                       FM-P SGD - 9
                         Modes of transmission and      Describe the mechanism s                                                                       Skills in Forensic Medicine
                         measures for prevention &      of action, types, doses, side   SEMINAR                         16.3 Describe the              & Toxicology
                         control of communicable        effects, indications and                                        pathogenesis, features,        FM14.9 Demonstrate
                         diseases-Part 1                contraindications of the        Bioterrorism                    hematologic indices and        examination of & present an
                                                        antiarrhythmics                                                 peripheral blood picture of    opinion after examination of
                                                                                                                        sickle cell anemia and         skeletal remains in a
                                                                                        Bioterrorism                    thalassemia                    simulated/ supervised
                                                                                                                        16.4 Describe the etiology     environment
                                                                                                                        pathogenesis, hematologic
                                                                                                                        indices and peripheral blood
                                                                                                                        picture of Acquired
                                                                                                                        hemolytic anemia
                                                                                                                         BATCH A

15/06/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                          PA-L                            PH-T-1.28                       PA-P SGD                       MI-P-
                         IM15.12                                                        Describe the mechanisms                                        SGD
                         Enumerate the indications      11.1 Describe the               of action, types, doses, side   16.5 Describe the peripheral   3.1 Enumerate the microbial
                         for whole blood, component     pathogenesis and features of    effects, indications and        blood picture in different     agents causing diarrhea and
                         and platelet                   common cytogenetic              contraindications of the        hemolytic anaemias             dysentery. Describe the
                         transfusion and describe the   abnormalities and mutations     drugs used in ischemic          16.6 Prepare a peripheral      epidemiology, morphology,
                         clinical features and          in childhood                    heart disease (stable,          blood smear and identify       pathogenesis, clinical
                         management of a                11.2 Describe the               unstable angina and             hemolytic anaemia from it      features and diagnostic
                         mismatched transfusion         pathogenesis and pathology      myocardial infarction),         16.7 Discribe the correct      modalities of these agents-
                                                        of tumor and tumour- like       peripheral vascular disease     technique to perform a cross   E.histolytica& Cestodes
                                                        conditions in infancy and                                       match
                                                        childhood                                                       BATCH B
                                                        11.3 Describe the
                                                        pathogenesis of common
                                                        storage disorders in infancy
                                                        and childhood

16/06/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                          PA-L SDL                        PH- SGD -1.28                   PA-P SGD                       MI-P-
                         OG 8.1, 8.2(K), 8.3(K)                                         Describe the mechanisms                                        SGD
                         Antenatal Care, birth          11.1 Describe the               of action, types, doses, side   16.5 Describe the peripheral   3.1 Enumerate the microbial
                         planning, and Obstetric        pathogenesis and features of    effects, indications and        blood picture in different     agents causing diarrhea and
                         examination                    common cytogenetic              contraindications of the        hemolytic anaemias             dysentery. Describe the
                                                        abnormalities and mutations     drugs used in ischemic          16.6 Prepare a peripheral      epidemiology, morphology,
                                                        in childhood                    heart disease (stable,          blood smear and identify       pathogenesis, clinical
                                                        11.2 Describe the               unstable angina and             hemolytic anaemia from it      features and diagnostic
                                                        pathogenesis and pathology      myocardial infarction),         16.7 Discribe the correct      modalities of these agents-
                                                        of tumor and tumour- like       peripheral vascular disease     technique to perform a cross   E.histolytica&Cestodes
                                                        conditions in infancy and                                       match
                                                        childhood                                                       BATCH A
                                                        11.3 Describe the
                                                        pathogenesis of common
                                                        storage disorders in infancy
                                                        and childhood
17/06/2022   Friday                                     MI-L                          PA-L                            PH-P- 1.10                      CM-P8.4
                                                        7.2 B Describe the etio-      17.1 Enumerate the              Describe parts of a correct,
                                                        pathogenesis and discuss      etiology, pathogenesis and      Complete and legible            Preparation of
                                                        the laboratory diagnosis of   findings in aplastic anemia     generic                         epidemic curve/spot
                                                        sexually transmitted          17.2 Enumerate the              prescription. Identify errors   map with the help of
                                                        infections. Recommend         indications and describe the    in prescription
                                                        preventive measures-          findings in bone marrow         and correct                     given data and its
                                                        Gonorrhoea &                  aspiration and biopsy           appropriately                   interpretation Batch
                                                        Herpesviruses                                                                                 B
18/06/2022   Saturday   10:00 AM-1:00 PM                MI-L                          PH-L-1.35                       FM-P SGD - 10                   PA-P SGD
                        Pandemic Module 2.3             7.3 A Describe the etio-      IM-9.15                         Skills in Forensic Medicine
                                                        pathogenesis, clinical        Describe the mechanism/s        & Toxicology                    6.1 Define and describe
                        Microbiology                    features, the appropriate     of action, types, doses,        FM14.4 Conduct and              edema, its types,
                                                        method for specimen           side effects, indications       prepare report of estimation    pathogenesis and clinical
                        1.Exploratory& interactive      collection, and discuss the   and contraindications of        of age of a person for          correlations
                        theory session- 1hr             laboratory diagnosis of       drugs used in                   medico-legal and other          6.2 Define and describe
                        2. Sample collection &          Urinary tract infections      hematological disorders         purposes & prepare medico-      hyperemia, congestion,
                        demo & hands on in skill                                      like:1.Drugsused in             legal report in a simulated/    hemorrhage
                        lab- 1hr                                                      anemias 2.CSF                   supervised environment
                                                                                                                                                      BATCH B
                        Discussion on HAND
                        WASHING TECHNIQUE
    Date          Day               8-9                             9-10                          2-3                               3-4                            4-5

20/06/2022   Monday     SUR-L                           PH-L 1.35                     FM-Lecture -11                  PH-P-2.3                        CM-P8.4
                        SU 9.1 Choose appropriate       IM-9.15                       Forensic Pathology              Iv drip setting
                        biochemical,                    Describe the mechanism/s      FM 2.19 Investigation of                                        Preparation of
                        microbiological,                of action, types, doses,      anaesthetic, operative                                          epidemic curve/spot
                        pathological,imaging            side effects, indications     deaths: Describe and                                            map with the help of
                        investigations and interpret    and contraindications of      discuss special protocols for
                        the investigative data in                                     conduction of autopsy and                                       given data and its
                                                        drugs used in                                                                                 interpretation Batch
                        asurgical patient                                             for collection, preservation
                        SU9.2 Biological basis for      hematological disorders       and dispatch of related
                        early detection of cancer and                                 material evidences
                        multidisciplinary               1. Drugs used in
21/06/2022   Tuesday    approach in management of
                        CM-L                            PH-L
                                                        anemias1.25                   MI-P                            PA-P SGD                        FM-P SGD - 10
                        cancer.                         IM-2.23
                                                        Colony Stimulating factors                                                                    Skills in Forensic Medicine
                        7.2 Modes of transmission       Describe                                                      6.1 Define and describe         & Toxicology
                        and measures for prevention     the mechanism/s of            SEMINAR                         edema, its types,               FM14.4 Conduct and
                        & control of communicable       action, types, doses, side    MRSA- Methicillin               pathogenesis and clinical       prepare report of estimation
                        diseases-Part 2                 effects, indications and      Resistant Staph Aureus          correlations                    of age of a person for
                                                        contraindications of the                                      6.2 Define and describe         medico-legal and other
                                                        drugs acting on blood,                                        hyperemia, congestion,          purposes & prepare medico-
                                                        like anticoagulants,                                          hemorrhage                      legal report in a simulated/
                                                        antiplatelets,                                                                                supervised environment
                                                                                                                      BATCH A
22/06/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                           PA-L                          PH-1.29                       PA-P SGD                      MI-P
                         IM13.1                                                        SDL-3                                                       3.8 Choose the appropriate
                          Describe the clinical          18.1 Enumerate and            Describe the mechanism s      6.3 Define and describe       laboratory test in the
                         epidemiology and inherited      describe the causes of        of action, types, doses,      shock, its pathogenesis and   diagnosis of viral hepatitis
                         & modifiable risk               leucocytosis leucopenia       side effects, indications     its stages                    with emphasis on viral
                         factors for common              lymphocytosis and             and contraindications of      6.4 Define and describe       markers
                         malignancies in India           leukemoid reactions           the drugs used in             normal haemostasis and the
                         IM13.2                                                        congestive heart failure      etiopathogenesis and
                         Describe the genetic basis of                                                               consequences of thrombosis
                         selected cancers                                                                            6.5 Define and describe
                                                                                                                     embolism and its causes and
                                                                                                                     common types
                                                                                                                     BATCH B
23/06/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                           PA-L                          PH-T 1.35                     PA-P SGD                      MI-P
                         OG 8.4, 16.3        AN 75.5                                   IM-9.15                                                     3.8 Choose the appropriate
                         Antenatal screening, genetic    18.2 Describe the etiology,   Describe the mechanism/s      6.3 Define and describe       laboratory test in the
                         counselling and antenatal       genetics, pathogenesis ,      of action, types, doses,      shock, its pathogenesis and   diagnosis of viral hepatitis
                         monitoring of fetal well        classification, features,     side effects, indications     its stages                    with emphasis on viral
                         being                           hematological features of     and contraindications of      6.4 Define and describe       markers
                                                         acute and chronic leukemia                                  normal haemostasis and the
                                                                                       drugs used in
                                                                                                                     etiopathogenesis and
                                                                                       hematological disorders       consequences of thrombosis
                                                                                       like:                         6.5 Define and describe
                                                                                       2. Drugs used in              embolism and its causes and
                                                                                       anemias                       common types
                                                                                       Colony Stimulating factors    BATCH A

24/06/2022   Friday                                      MI-L                          PA-L                          PH-P-2.3                      CM-P19.2
                                                         7.3 B Describe the etio-                                    Iv drip setting
                                                         pathogenesis, clinical        19.1 Enumerate the causes                                   Visit to hospital
                                                         features, the appropriate     and describe the                                            pharmacy
                                                         method for specimen           differentiating features of                                  Batch B
                                                         collection, and discuss the   lymphadenopathy
                                                         laboratory diagnosis of       19.2 Describe the
                                                         Urinary tract infections-     pathogenesis and pathology
                                                         E.coli ,Klebsiella, Proteus   of tuberculous

25/06/2022   Saturday    10:00 AM-1:00 PM                MI-L                          PH-L- 1.25                    FM-P SGD - 11                 PA-P SGD
                         Pandemic Module 2.3             1.7A /PA 9.1                  IM-2.23                       Skills in Forensic Medicine
                                                         Describe the immunological    Describe                      & Toxicology                  6.6 Define and describe
                         Microbiology                    mechanisms in health          the mechanism/s of            FM14.21 To collect,           Ischaemia/infarction its
                                                                                       action, types, doses, side    preserve, seal and dispatch   types, etiology, morphologic
                         3.Visit to Lab with demo of                                   effects, indications and      exhibits for DNAFinger        changes and clinical effects
                         diagnostic test- Ihr                                          contraindications of the      printing using various        6.7 Identify and describe the
                                                                                       drugs acting on blood,        formats of different          gross and microscopic
                         4.Samll grp activity-                                         like anticoagulants,          laboratories                  features of infarction in a
                                                                                       antiplatelets,                                              pathologic specimen
                                                                                                                                                   BATCH B
Date          Day                 8-9                             9-10                            2-3                               3-4                           4-5

27/06/2022   Monday      SUR-L                            PH-L PH-L-1.25                  FM-L                            PH-P-2.3                        CM-P19.2
                         SU 6.1Define and describe        IM-2.23                         Revision / Lapsed Topics        Iv drip setting
                         the aetiology and                Describe the mechanism                                                                          Visit to hospital
                         pathogenesis of                  of action, types, doses,                                                                        pharmacy
                         surgicalInfections               side effects, indications and                                                                    Batch A
                         SU6.2 Enumerate                  contraindications of drugs
                         Prophylactic and therapeutic     acting on blood,
                         antibioticsPlan appropriate      anticoagulants,
28/06/2022   Tuesday     CM-L -8.1Epidemiological         PH-L 1.31 IM-2.18               MI-P 8.6                        PA-P SGD                        FM-P SGD - 11
                         management                       antiplatelets
                         & control measures               Describe MOA, types,            PS-4.6                                                          Skills in Forensic Medicine
                         including the use of essential   doses, side effects,            Describe the basics of          6.6 Define and describe         & Toxicology
                         laboratory tests at the          indications of drugs used in    Infection control               Ischaemia/infarction its        FM14.21 To collect,
                         primary care level for           management of                                                   types, etiology, morphologic    preserve, seal and dispatch
                         airborne infections : Measles    dyslipidemia                                                    changes and clinical effects    exhibits for DNAFinger
                         ,Mumps & Rubella                                                                                 6.7 Identify and describe the   printing using various
                                                                                                                          gross and microscopic           formats of different
                                                                                                                          features of infarction in a     laboratories
                                                                                                                          pathologic specimen
                                                                                                                          BATCH A

29/06/2022   Wednesday   MED-L                            PA-L                            PH-SGD- 1.25                    PA-P SGD                        MI-P
                         IM13.5Describe the                                               IM-2.23                         7.1 Define and classify         SGD
                         common issues encountered        19.4 Describe and discuss       Describe                        neoplasia. Describe the         7.2
                         in patients at the end of        the pathogenesis, pathology     the mechanism/s of              characteristics of neoplasia    Describe the etio-
                         life and principles of           and the differentiating         action, types, doses, side      including gross, microscopy,    pathogenesis and discuss the
                         management                       features of Hodgkin's and       effects, indications and        biologic, behavior and          laboratory diagnosis of
                                                          non-Hodgkin's lymphoma          contraindications of the        spread. Differentiate between   sexually transmitted
                         IM13.6 Describe and                                              drugs acting on blood,          benign from malignant           infections. Recommend
                         distinguish the difference       AND                             like anticoagulants,            neoplasms                       preventive measures-
                         between curative and                                             antiplatelets,                  BATCH B                         Gonorrhoea & Syphilis
                         palliative care in patients      19.6 Enumerate and
                         with cancer                      differentiate the causes of

30/06/2022   Thursday    OBG-L                            PA-L                            PH-1.31                         PA-P SGD                        MI-P
                         OG 8.7                                                           SDL-4                           7.1 Define and classify         SGD
                         Vaccines and medications in      21.1 Describe normal            Describe the mechanism          neoplasia. Describe the         7.2
                         pregnancy, Teratology            hemostasis                      of action, types, doses,        characteristics of neoplasia    Describe the etio-
                                                                                          side effects, indications and   including gross, microscopy,    pathogenesis and discuss the
                                                                                          contraindications of the        biologic, behavior and          laboratory diagnosis of
                                                                                          drugs used in the               spread. Differentiate between   sexually transmitted
                                                                                          management of                   benign from malignant           infections. Recommend
                                                                                          dyslipidemias                   neoplasms                       preventive measures-
                                                                                                                          BATCH A                         Gonorrhoea& Syphilis
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