Ph.D. Entrance Test -,2021 - DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH - Subject: English - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Univers ity, Aurangabad DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Ph.D. Entrance Test -,2021 PET Syllabus of paper - fI Subject: English
PET SYTLABUS (ENGLISH) 202L 1. ResearchMethodolory: 4. Fiction: 5. Non Fiction: Critical Theories: ) ffi Formahsm to Postrrodernism $;,&;--r"
Recommended Reading: 1) Margaret C Patterson : Literary Research Guide Modern Language Association of America, 3'a Edition Prentics Hall. 2) James Thorp (ed) : The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, MLA, ASRC, Hyderabad,2na edition, L970 3) Joseph Gibaldi and Walter Achtert, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Third Editioru 1989. 4) Walter Achteri and Joseph Gilbaldi, The MLA style Manual Modern Language Association, L985. 5) Clair Kohrwaid Cook, Line by Liner The MLA's Guide to improving your writing, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1985. 6) J. D. Brown, Understanding Research in Second Language Learning Cambridge University Press, 1987. 7) Chaudron Craid, Second Language Classroom : Research on Teaching and Learning, Cambridge University Press, 1.988. 8) H. w. salinger and E. sholhamy: second Language Research Methods, oxford University Press, 1989. 9) Diane Larsen : Freeman and Michal H Long - Introduction to Second Language Acquisition and Research, Longman, 1981. 1,0) Ghadessy, Mohsen (ed.) (1983) Registers ,f Witten English: Situational Factors and Linguistic Features. London: Pinter. ll)Halliday, M. A. K., Ffasan, R. L985: Language, Context and Text: A Social Semiotic Perspectkte; Geelong, Vic: Deakin University Press. l2)Paltridge, B. Genre, Frames and Writing in Research Settings (199n. John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. 13)Swales, John. (1990). Genre Analysis: EngJish in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 14) Karl H. Kalus and other (Ed.): Elements of Literature IVtheditioru New Delhi, O[IP, 199L. 15) B.]. Pendlebury: English Lyrical Type, New Delhi, Blackie and sons. (Ltd,.) Lg7s. 16)C.T. Thomas: Twentieth Century verse, New, Delhi Macmillan, 2005 17)Verma Suresh, Origin and offspring's of English Literature Mumbai Popular Publications,1970. 18) B. Prasad, A Background of the study of English Literature Mumbai, Macmillan, 1995. 19)F. W. Hills and Harold Bloom, From Sensibility to Romanticism, New York, Oxford University Press,1965. , 20) Muir Kenneth(ed), ]ohn Keats: A Reassessment Liverpool, 1958.
.l Poetry, New Movement oxford university 2l)Leavis F.R.: New Bearings in English poetry, A Critical hrtroduction, Edward ,)ffiril#i.* , Twentieth Century British Arnold,1987. London' 19 6',1'1g75,London Faber & Faber' 23)seamus Heaney: selected Poems- C.t. Slwtcespeare's Fertir, {*idy: A StW of Dramatic Form and its Relation to Z4)Barber, SocilaCustom.Princeton,PrincetonUniversityPress'\959' ZS1 nliU"y, Eric. Tlu Life of Dtama' London Methuen& Co' 1965' -Tlu and Kegan Paul' 26)Boulton, Mariorie. Anato*y o1iro*a. New Delhi, Routledge 1960. Macmillan' 1983' a1 * iarcy, A.C. Slulee spe ar e an T r n ge ily' London' 28) Esslin, fUartin. az inatomy of drama'London' Temple Smith' 1976' Methuen Dram& 1987' 29)Esslin, Martin. TLu FieldoiO'oo,'o'London' Methuen' 7976' iOjUrrfi", Martin. The Theatie of Absurd' London' 31)Halliwell, t (trans*d .o**entary' The Poetics of Aristotle' London' "pil. Duckworth,lg97' George' G' Harrap & Co' 32)Nicoll, Allardyeel,.TheThenter of DrarnaticTheory'Bristot smith' oxford' oxford Friedrich. The Birth of rragedy. trans' Douglas ")kk"f; UniversitY Press, 2000' NY' 1995 34) Oscar groctett, Hrs;tory of the Theatre,Tth ed., Holt, Rinehart & winston' English Drama: A cultural History' oxford' 35)Shepherd, simon *i wo*ack, Peter. Blackwell,7996. eds. Cambridge PaperbackGuide toTheatre' 35)Stantori, Sarah and Banham,Martin. Cambridge UniversitY Press '1996' An lntroduction to Aspects of Theatre 37)rflhite,Martin. Renaiisance Drama in Action: P r acti ce an d P erformance' London, Routled ge' 1 988' - of the Theaie, 2"d edition' London' Phaidon' 2007 ' 3g) Wickham, Gllmne. A History Eagleton'1'990' SOifne ilusionstf Postrrodernism : Terry 40) Postnodern Cultue : Hal Foster (ed')' 1985 , fiitaoty, Theory, Fiction : Linda Hutcheon' 1988' 41) The Poetics of Postrnodernism 42)Posmodernism: Eleanor Heartley' ZO6O' -^- 1987' +eiWfrat is Posturodernism : Charles ]encks' aAi notmod,ernist Fiction : Brian McHale' 1987' : Roula Ikonomakis 45)Post-war British Fiction as Metaphytlla.Eg:g1phy Edition) UK: Palgrave 46)Tew, phitip. ZadieSmithNew nngliinfiction.lKindle Macmillan.2010' Decade and Beyond'UK: Bloornsbury 47)Tew,philip. ui. n omngZadie Smith: Tlu Fitst Academic.2013. Essays' New York: Peter Lang'2008' 48)walters, Tracey L. Ed. zadiesmith: critical 9)Anderson,Linda.Autobiography.LondonandNew,Rutledge,200T. and New York: Rutledge,2007 50)Lee, spinks. Fredrick Nietz-sche.London
ontology' 51)Jean ' - Paul sartre. Being and Nothingness: an essay in Phenomenological Forms HazelE Barmes atadel Press' 2001' 52) Fekele,Iotur. Life After post modernism essays on Value and Culture' New York: strnartins Press, 1987 . 53)]ackson, turner, Fredrick. The Frontier in American History' New York: Hol' Rinehart and winstan, 1962. 54) Roussean Jean I;"q".; The confessions. Translated by W. co^nyngham Mallory' ' Publishedby The university of Adelaide south Auskaha 1782' Macmillan Company' First 55)]oseph Addison and Richaid Steele The speetator Pub. edition St Martins Steet, London 1908' so) rhomas carlyle The Modern British essayjests A Hart late carey and hart vol v Philadelphia; Pub. 1852 miffing comPany s4Ralph *lao i*.rror, Essays Two volumes in one Haughton Boston and new York 1883. 58) Niccolo Machiavelli the Prince edited marti Loyal Manchester University Press Manchester and new York 1995' 59) Abraham Cowley the essays by Abraham Cowley New York: Scribner, Welford pub' 1869. Beatty Arthur' Boston OO)Wilham, Hazhtt,Twenty two essays of William Hazhtted' New York. D. C. Health and co. pub' 1918 61) The william Hazlitt. The coverlid works of william Hazlitt. Ed A.R' Walter and Arnold Glover ]. M. Dent & Co. London- 1903 52) Francis, Bacon.'the essays of Francis bacon ed' Mary Augusta & cott' Charles scribners sons New York 1908. Continuum International oal Louise Mobille Nietzsche and the Augtosaxon Tradition Publishing gFouP London 2009. on language' 64)Michel fouiauli. The Archaeology of ltuow1e{Su-3"a the discourse Trans. A. M. Sheridan smith pub. vintage Books u.s.A. 2010. New Y91k : Knopf, 1957' 65)Wimsafi and Brooks. Literary Criticism: a shortHistory. oo:lolms Hopkins Guide to Literary Tluory and criticism,lohns Hopkins university Press' 2005. 1999' 67) Daiches, David. oitical Approaclrcs To literature. New Delhi, orient Longman, and the Citical Tradition' OS;eUrafrms, M.H. The Minir and the Lamp: Romantic Theory I Oxford and New York Oxford University Press,1953. 69)Adams, Hazatd., €d. Citical Theory Since Plato' NewYork: Harcourt Brace ]ovanovich, 1971,. 70)Eagletoo Terry. Literary Tlwory: An lntroduction. Minneapolis: university of Minnesota Press,1983. 7[)Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of criticism: Four Essays. Princetoru N'I': Princeton University Press, 1957 . ed. New York: Harcourt' 72)Wellek, RenQ and Austin Warren' Theory of Literature 3rd Brace,1956.
73)D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Ancient Literary Citicism Clarendon press, Oxford, 1972)by 74)D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Classical literary criticism. Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University press, 1.:ggg. 75) Bennett, Andrew and Royle, Nicholas, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory (Prentice Hall,2nd edn 1999) 76) Beftens, Hans, Literary Theory: The Basics(Routledg e, 2001) Terrlr,_Literary Theory: An Introduction@Lckweil 2nd edru i.lggil) |?E_agetorv 78)selden, Raman, widdowson, peter, and Brooker, peter, A Reader,s Guide to 9ontemporary I,iterary Theory(Harvester,4th edn, Lgg6) __. 79)Batry, Peter,ed. Issues in Contemporary Critical fheory(Uacmillan Case-book, 1g2gn 80) Rivkin,Iulie, Michael Ryur,, Literlry Theory: An enthology (Blackwell, 2oo2) 91)Tffiy*, Raymond, Marxism and Literature, (Oxford,,D77)' 82)Trobky, Leon, Literature and Revolution (AilArbor, 1gr1) 83) Dr' Babasaheb Ambedkar {ritingg and Speeches Vol. L, Education Deparilnent, Govt of Maharashtra Mumbai,fgSg. 84) Rodrigues, valerian, The Essential writings of B. R. Ambedkar, (oxford, r.1th impression,20t2) 8S)simon, Lawrence, KarI Marx, serected writings(Hacket, tgg4) 86) Loomba, Ania Colonialism/postcolonialism(il.outledge,2na ean. 2005) !? Th" G.N. Devy Reader, Orient Blackswan(2009) 88) waugh, Patricia,.Liprury Theory and cridcism,(oxfor d,2oo6) 89) woods, Tim Beginning postnodernism,(viva Books,2010) 90)Jamesoru Fredric, The prison-House of Language, (prince ton,1922) 91.) Culler, Jonathan, Saussure, (London,1 gZ 6) !]) periaa, ]acques, _Of Grammatology, (Baliimore, 1976) !s)rrey4 sigmund, InI,quctory Lectures 9n psych olog,(Hrmondsworttr, r97g) 94) Miltett, Kate, Sexual politics, (London, 1rg11r)
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