Person-Centred Care Transformation in a Nursing Home for Residents with Dementia

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Research Article

                                                           Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                                   Received: November 12, 2020
                                                                                                                                          Accepted: November 15, 2020
                                                           DOI: 10.1159/000513069                                                         Published online: February 2, 2021

Person-Centred Care Transformation
in a Nursing Home for Residents with
Peiyan Ho a Rachel Chin Yee Cheong a Siew Pei Ong b Carol Fusek c
Shiou Liang Wee b Philip Lin Kiat Yap a
a Department  of Geriatric Medicine, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore, Singapore; b Geriatric Education and
Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore; c Alzheimer’s Disease Association, Singapore, Singapore

Keywords                                                                                     cupational Diversity (Δ = 0.12, p = 0.014) in 2016. Withdraw-
Person-centred care · Dementia · Nursing home                                                al and Passive Engagement in the residents were reduced
                                                                                             significantly as were Care Detractors. There was also a 55%
                                                                                             reduction in staff attrition rates post-PCC. Conclusions: Post-
Abstract                                                                                     PCC implementation, the outcomes indicate a superior qual-
Background: Conventional nursing homes in Singapore                                          ity of care, enhanced resident well-being, and better staff
adopt an institutional and medical model of care with a focus                                retention. The AHL PCC model could serve as a roadmap for
on safety and risk management. As such, less regard is placed                                other nursing homes aspiring to raise the quality of care and
on upholding the dignity and autonomy of the resident,                                       influence long-term care standards and regulations for poli-
which compromises quality of care and the well-being of the                                  cy makers and legislators.               © 2021 The Author(s)
resident. Today, person-centred care (PCC) has become syn-                                                                                  Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

onymous with high-quality care that sustains the well-being
and personhood of the care recipient. Objectives: To de-
scribe the model of PCC adopted by a nursing home, Apex                                          Introduction
Harmony Lodge (AHL), with a logic model and evaluate out-
comes on residents’ well-being, care quality, and staff attri-                                  Dementia afflicted 50 million people worldwide in
tion by comparing pre-PCC initiation (2015) to post-imple-                                   2018 and will exponentially rise to 152 million by 2050 [1].
mentation (2016). Methods: Male residents in a 30-bed as-                                    Singapore, a rapidly ageing nation, will grow from 5.7 to
sisted living facility for persons with dementia in AHL were                                 6.6 million people between 2017 and 2050 with 40% com-
assessed using Dementia Care Mapping. Residents’ well-be-                                    prising seniors age >60 years [2]. An estimated 10% of se-
ing and staff attrition were measured before and after PCC                                   niors suffer from dementia, 3% live in nursing homes
implementation. Results: There were statistically significant                                (NHs), and more are expected to do so given a lack of fa-
improvements in resident well-being (Δ = 0.44, p = 0.029),                                   milial caregiving arrangements for seniors [3, 4]. Con-
Positive Engagement Potential (Δ = 0.17, p = 0.002), and Oc-                                 versely, 50–60% of NH residents suffer from dementia [5].       © 2021 The Author(s)                                                 Philip Lin Kiat Yap      Published by S. Karger AG, Basel                                     Department of Geriatric Medicine
                        This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
                                                                                             Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, 90 Yishun Central
                        NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-        Singapore 768828 (Singapore)
                        NC-ND) (  @
                        Usage and distribution for commercial purposes as well as any dis-
                        tribution of modified material requires written permission.
NHs in Singapore evolved as extensions of hospitals            Table 1. Profile of residents
and operate on an institutional care model with dormito-
ry-style facilities and emphasis on medical and custodial                                              2015 (n = 28)    2016 (n = 30)
needs of the residents. The care ethos centres around safe-        RAF Category 1
ty where priority is accorded to risk management and res-             65–74 years old                   0                0
idents have limited independence. Such care falls short of           >75 years old                      1                0
providing the milieu where human needs are holistically            RAF Category 2
                                                                      65–74 years old                   3                5
met and residents can continue to thrive despite the loss-
                                                                     >75 years old                     11               15
es that accompany ageing.                                          RAF Category 3
    A 2006 study of Singapore NH residents [6] found that             65–74 years old                   3                5
approximately 30% had significant decline in function in             >75 years old                     10                5
5 years. Depression in NH residents was 21% in a 2013
study [7], while a separate group of investigators reported
>30% were discontented over not having their preferenc-
es met in food choices and daily routines [8]. Similar
problems have been reported in NHs in the region with              tralizes decision-making based on the needs and prefer-
issues in activity restriction, a lack of relationships and        ences of residents, thereby fostering a greater sense of be-
individualized care, and challenges in maintaining a fa-           longing and has been evidenced to improve care quality
miliar home-like lifestyle [9, 10].                                and residents’ well-being [15]. The Green House Project
    With rising expectations among increasingly affluent           [16], which upholds a PCC culture that emphasises qual-
and educated seniors, there is impetus for NHs to look             ity of life, has reported enhanced outcomes in resident
beyond institutional and medicalized care towards hu-              well-being and function, decreased hospitalizations, and
manistic and holistic resident-centric care that affords           use of psychotropics. Benefits were also seen in staff turn-
greater agency. Such care aims to enhance well-being in            over and satisfaction [17].
residents by according them dignity and respect, and fa-              In 1999, Apex Harmony Lodge (AHL) was the first
cilitates the confluence of medical and social facets of           purpose-built NH for PWDs in Singapore. Since 2015, it
care.                                                              has partnered the local Alzheimer’s Association to trans-
    Person-centred care (PCC) is a socio-psychological             form care by adopting an organizational-level implemen-
care approach that recognizes each person’s unique iden-           tation of PCC [18]. We herein describe the AHL model of
tity, preferences, and needs. PCC prioritizes individual           dementia care and evaluate the outcomes on resident
well-being through meaningful occupation and improv-               well-being and care quality with Dementia Care Mapping
ing the quality of relationships between care provider and         (DCM) in AHL’s assisted living facility. We compared
recipient [11]. Although persons with dementia (PWDs)              outcomes in the period prior to PCC inception (2015) to
experience deteriorating cognitive and functional abili-           post-implementation (2016).
ties, their need for human interaction and participation
in purposeful pursuits remains [12].
    Kitwood [13] posited that care for PWDs should em-                Methods
phasize attending to human needs, including inclusion,                 This is an observation cohort study in a 30-bed assisted living
occupation, and love. Operationally, the VIPS [11] cap-            facility for male PWDs. Participants’ characteristics are shown in
tures the essence of PCC, which entails Valuing PWDs               Table 1. The Resident Assessment Form (RAF, Appendix 1) cate-
and those who care for them (V), treating PWD as unique            gorizes the residents based on their physical, custodial, and socio-
Individuals (I), seeing the world from their Perspective           psychological needs [19]. The majority of the participants were
                                                                   RAF Category 2 and 3. Twenty-one residents mapped in 2015 were
(P), and providing a Social environment where PWDs                 re-mapped in 2016.
can experience relative well-being (S). Today, PCC is syn-
onymous with high-quality care and advocated by many                  Intervention
healthcare organizations including the WHO [14].                      The logic model conceived to facilitate PCC implementation is
    When applied to long-term care, PCC is distinct from           shown in Table 2.
conventional NH culture, which is typically hierarchical,            i. Leadership
whereby decisions are based on the organization’s priori-            The whole organization, including senior management, under-
ties and implemented top-down. Instead, the PCC decen-             went PCC training to reframe problems into opportunities and

2                   Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                           Ho et al.
                    DOI: 10.1159/000513069
Table 2. Logic model

                                                    Inputs                            Activities (what we do)                        Outputs (evidence)                            Outcomes                                 Impact

                                                    1. Leadership (administration, 1. Identify practitioner-leaders                  1. Practitioner-leaders                       1. Succession planning in place          1. Deepen Strength-Based and
                                                    direct care staff, external part- 2. Strategic planning, external partners’      2. PCC innovations                            2. Create robust ground knowledge        Ability-Centred Care (ACC)
                                                    ners, human resource policies) engagement                                        3. Staff recognition policies                 3. Staff values aligned with PCC         application
                                                                                      3. Staff collaborate in implementing PCC                                                     culture                                  2. A normalised and natural-
                                                                                      4. Establish staff recognition policies                                                                                               ised life to maintain abled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            years in residents
                                                    2. Activity-centred care (types   1. Measure activities impact                   1. Activities integrated into daily rou-      1. Residents remain independent          3. Naturalised human capital
                                                    of activities, engagement pro-    2. Programmes nested in community (out-        tine                                          2. Residents self-engage in activities   building in PCC
                                                    cesses, programme partners,       side NH)                                       2. Structured programme attendance            3. Increase resident engagement          4. A team of competent,
                                                    residents’ family members,        3. Weekly visits by family members             3. Activity list tailored to each resi-       4. Improve/maintain physical, cogni-     confident, and passionate

                 Person-Centred Nursing Home Care
                                                    DCM)                              4. Residents as contributing members of NH     dent’s interest                               tive, and social function                practitioners with an inspir-
                                                                                      family                                         4. Number of PEs and PDs during                                                        ing story for each resident
                                                                                      5. Family members carry out house chores       activities                                                                             5. Ground-up knowledge and
                                                                                      during visit                                                                                                                          wisdom to build good prac-
                                                    3. Problem-solving processes      1. Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting (MDT)       1. LWP for every resident                     1. Improve well-being of resident        tices and create local models
                                                    (processes to understand resi-    to profile resident and analyse challenging    2. Behavioural Assessment Chart               2. Minimise the use of psychotropic      of PCC
                                                    dents), Living Well Plan          behaviour                                      3. Tracking of number of psychotropic         medications                              6. An internalised PCC cul-
                                                    (LWP), input from geriatric       2. Prioritise non-pharmacological approach-    medications                                   3. Zero physical restraints              ture
                                                    psychiatrist                      es                                             4. No physical restraint policy
                                                                                      3. Geriatric psychiatrist’s involvement
                                                    4. Environment (changes to        1. Homely environment, e.g., furnishing,       1. Open access to the garden                  1. Ease of navigation
                                                    physical environment, resi-       design and painting, organisation into         2. Availability of different activity areas   2. Enable independence in personal
                                                    dents’ artworks)                  spaces for activities                          to cater to varied residents’ needs           care
                                                                                      2. Visual cues to guide self-navigation        3. Residents’ artwork and reminiscence        3. Connectedness and meaning
                                                                                      3. Sensory stimulation                         items displayed as décor                      through reminiscence
                                                                                      4. Provision of music tailored to residents’                                                 4. Enhance social interactions
                                                    5. Staff training and education   1. Regular in-house training                   1. Quality of learning tracked                1. Increased capability for care plan-
                                                    (in-house training, external      2. Consultancy by external PCC experts         2. Improved DCM indicators                    ning
                                                    consultancy, supervision struc-   3. Establish supervision structure             3. Inter-rater reliability protocol for       2. Make informed care plan decisions

DOI: 10.1159/000513069
                                                    ture, assessment tools)           4. Identify training needs                     assessment tools

Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9
continually refine practice. The leadership honours the good work       sents the state of the resident’s well- or ill-being during the time
of staff with processes to document learning, share good practices,     frame and is rated on a 6-point scale: –5, –3, and –1 representing
and publish the work.                                                   disengagement and negative mood, +1, +3, and +5 representing
    AHL provides individualized care, stresses the need to empa-        positive engagement and mood. The score is aggregated to derive
thize with residents, and prioritizes positive social psychology with   the overall WIB score for the resident. Coding frames 3 and 4 are
an environment that stresses human relationships. Each resident         Personal Detractors (PDs) and Personal Enhancers (PEs), respec-
has a Living Well Plan (LWP) that captures his life history, person-    tively, which denote episodes when staff interact with residents in
ality, interests, and preferences. By knowing the residents inti-       a way that either undermine or uphold their personhood.
mately, staff are empowered to uphold residents’ selfhood and cus-
tomize care.                                                               Procedures
                                                                           Prior to commencement of observation, the staff were instruct-
    ii. Psychosocial Activities                                         ed to perform their duties as they would on a typical day so that
    Activities are tailored according to each resident’s LWP and        the residents’ usual routines could be accurately mapped.
purposed to target his strengths and preferences to enhance well-          Two certified dementia care mappers were involved in both the
being. Personalized activities are available and residents are also     2015 and 2016 maps. Mapping was conducted in the morning,
involved in vocational activities such as sweeping, changing bed-       during lunch, and late afternoon over a representative period of
sheets, and serving food. A variety of community-based pro-             1–2 h in communal areas of the facility. Each resident’s BCC and
grammes including working at worksites outside the NH and               WIB value is recorded in every 5-min time frame.
breakfast at neighbouring food centres are provided. These diverse
activities enrich the residents’ everyday life.                            Data Analysis
                                                                           Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Windows ver-
    iii. Problem-Solving for Challenging Behaviour                      sion 22.0; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA). Descriptive statistics of
    A busy and engaged life at AHL reduces the occurrences of           the time spent in activities and the states of well-being, including
challenging behaviours in the residents. Should residents display       mean and standard deviation, were calculated for continuous data.
any behaviours of concern, they are usually resolved respectfully       Paired t test was used to compare the mean differences between the
given the close rapport built with staff and a deep understanding       year 2015 and 2016, focusing on the outcomes WIB, occupational
of the resident through daily interactions and the LWP.                 diversity, agitation/distress, withdrawn state, passive engagement,
                                                                        and PEs and PDs.
    iv. Environment
    The facility underwent renovation to incorporate design fea-
tures compatible with PCC. The living space adopts a 5-bed cluster
configuration with an en suite bathroom. Post-renovation, bigger           Results
windows and balconies with unobstructed access to the outdoor
garden are provided for each cluster. A cosy home-like environ-
ment was fashioned and the living area was carved out to enable            Patterns of Activity Engagement by All Residents
increased interactions between residents, staff, and visitors. Ac-         A total of 1,430 five-minute-interval data and 1,590
tivities are held closer to amenities such as washrooms, the dining     five-minute-interval data were collected in 2015 and
area, and pantry to facilitate residents’ independence.                 2016, respectively. On average, each resident was mapped
    v. Staff Training and Education                                     for 4 h in each year.
    Systems are in place to support staff development through              In 2015, the top 5 BCCs were watching or uninvolved
competency-based training and education about PCC, emphasiz-            (B), engaging in work-like activities (V), standing or
ing the primacy of a social environment that values the residents.      walking (K), participating in leisure activities (L), and
Sustainability is ensured by nurturing in-house PCC specialists to      sleeping or dozing (N). Three out of the five (V, K, L)
uphold care standards and update the training curriculum, includ-
ing onboarding training for new staff.                                  were rated high to highest in well-being potential. Com-
    To secure continuous improvement, staff trained in DCM reg-         paratively, in 2016, the top 5 BCCs were V, L, B, eating
ularly conduct care mapping to provide objective appraisals of the      or drinking (F), and K. Four out of the top five BCCs (V,
residents’ quality of life [20] and the quality of care provided.       L, F, K) were rated high to highest in achieving well-
                                                                        being potential. There was a significant reduction in B
   Dementia Care Mapping                                                and N by 47% and 62%, respectively, in 2016 compared
   DCM is a multicomponent structured observation tool based            to 2015.
on Kitwood’s theory of personhood [13] which helps identify as-
pects of care culture that contribute to resident well-being or con-       Well-Being and Activity Participation
versely, detract from well-being, which can be targeted for im-            There was a statistically significant improvement in
   Four coding frames are used: 1. Behaviour Category Coding            aggregated resident WIB scores in 2016 compared to
(BCC), which represents the activity or behaviour the resident is       2015. Twenty-one residents re-mapped in 2016 demon-
engaged in. 2. Well-being or Ill-being (WIB) value, which repre-        strated higher WIB scores (Table 3), so were potential for

4                       Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                           Ho et al.
                        DOI: 10.1159/000513069
Color version available online
                                                      Incidence of Personal Enhancers over total time frame
                                    ■ 2015 ■ 2016






                                      Comfort         Identity      Attachment      Occupation         Inclusion         Total

                      Fig. 1. Comparing incidences of Personal Enhancers over total time frame from 2015 and 2016.

Table 3. Comparison of resident variables between 2015 and 2016

                                                2015               2016                  Mean               p value
                                                (mean ± SD)        (mean ± SD)           difference         [95% CI]

WIB                                             1.68±0.73          2.12±0.87              0.44               0.029 [0.05, 0.93]
Potential for positive engagement               0.66±0.22          0.83±0.15              0.17               0.002 [0.07, 0.27]
Occupational diversity                          0.57±0.24          0.69±0.21              0.12               0.014 [0.03, 0.2]
Agitation distress                              0.004±0.01         0.003±0.01            –0.001              0.664 [–0.001, 0.002]
Withdrawal                                      0.17±0.11          0.03±0.09             –0.14
Color version available online
                                                    Incidence of Personal Detractors over total time frame
                                ■ 2015 ■ 2016





                                   Comfort           Identity      Attachment     Occupation         Inclusion      Total

                    Fig. 2. Comparing incidences of Personal Detractors over total time frame from 2015 and 2016.

over were seen. As depicted in the logic model, invest-            WIB values. There was also increased potential for posi-
ments into the staff, environment, care plans, and resi-           tive engagement and occupational diversity in 2016.
dent activities helped procure these outcomes.                     There was a significant reduction in withdrawal and pas-
   Embracing PCC at every level of the organization                sive engagement in 2016 as compared to 2015 with an
empowered staff to re-invent care with the new priori-             overall decrease in the number of PDs, reflecting a better
ties of enhancing residents’ well-being, autonomy, and             quality of care post PCC implementation. The findings
independence. Both classroom and on-the-job training               were further validated in 21 of the same residents who
afforded opportunities for role-modelling as an essen-             were re-mapped in 2016, 1 year post PCC implementa-
tial component of in-house learning. Having practitio-             tion. These residents’ WIB scores were higher in 2016,
ner-leaders steeped in PCC function as mentors and                 demonstrating the benefits of PCC intervention in im-
motivators allowed staff to continuously innovate and              proving their well-being.
adapt to the changing needs of the residents, and share                These findings support Kitwood’s hypothesis that pos-
strategies that worked. This translated to an increase in          itive interpersonal relationships and an augmented care
the PEs “comfort” and “attachment” with no PDs in                  environment can avert the disabling effects of dementia
these same domains. There was also a 3.3 times reduc-              and foster enhanced well-being [13]. Conceivably, the
tion in the PDs related to a lack of “inclusion” in stig-          provision of an inclusive and home-like environment
matizing and ignoring practices post-intervention.                 which allowed greater resident autonomy and indepen-
These improvements could be attributed to staff being              dence in activities of daily living helped to maintain their
better able to understand, empathize, and communi-                 personhood, which facilitated enhanced physical and
cate with the residents, thereby providing the social              overall well-being [23]. The use of LWPs provided a deep
milieu founded on relationships to help residents                  understanding of each resident and afforded personal-
thrive.                                                            ized care that upheld his identity and dignity, which are
   The incorporation of meaningful activities into the             salient to securing well-being.
residents’ routines promotes their well-being. It prevents             A few studies [24–26] have identified a positive effect
disability [21], which is germane to good care and out-            of PCC on agitation among PWD. Our findings, however,
comes [22]. A culture of individualized care, coupled with         demonstrated a non-significant reduction in agitation.
increased opportunities for meaningful occupation, en-             Although agitation is one of the most common neuropsy-
hanced the residents’ experience as seen in the higher             chiatric symptoms in PWD, it is often a response to spe-

6                   Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                         Ho et al.
                    DOI: 10.1159/000513069
cific care events. We postulate that as DCM observes the       model delineates how specific changes could have affect-
residents’ behaviour in general rather than in relation to     ed the outcomes. It is hoped that the AHL PCC model can
specific events such as during personal care when agita-       serve as a roadmap for other NHs and hold sway over-
tion is more likely to occur, the results may not accurate-    long term care standards and regulations for policy mak-
ly reflect the actual situation. Moreover, agitation scores    ers and legislators.
were already low in this group of residents prior to PCC
    High staff turnover in NHs is known given generally           Acknowledgements
poor job satisfaction and heavy workloads without com-
                                                                  We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Ms Soh
mensurate remuneration. The finding of a 55% reduction
                                                               Mee Choo and all staff at AHL who so generously made time and
in staff attrition is noteworthy and consistent with extant    worked with us in sharing the data and helping us understand the
literature that shows PCC not only improves the resi-          AHL PCC model. Special thanks also to Ms Koh Hwan Jing from
dents’ well-being but also has desirable outcomes in im-       Alzheimer’s Disease Association, who assisted in DCM and pro-
proved staff satisfaction and reduction in turnover [27].      viding the attendant information.
The emphasis on nurturing relationships in PCC could
have salutary effects on staff satisfaction and retention,
notwithstanding the benefits that gratification brings            Statement of Ethics
when staff see the residents thriving and not merely sur-
viving.                                                           Ethics approval was granted by the National University of Sin-
                                                               gapore Institutional Review Board (reference S-17-188) with a
    Our study has several limitations. First, it comprises a   waiver of consent as the study was of minimal risk and does not
modest sample in an assisted living facility comprising        adversely affect the rights and welfare of the residents, whose ano-
only male residents; thus, generalizability and robustness     nymity was preserved. Observation of the residents with the DCM
of the findings may be limited. Second, information on         tool would not be possible practically as they might behave differ-
dementia severity was lacking, which could be an impor-        ently if they knew they were observed.
tant consideration in assessing the impact of PCC, espe-
cially its relative effects between Category 2 and 3 resi-
dents. Third, there was a difference in the overall profile       Conflict of Interest Statement
of the residents between the two time periods compared,
                                                                  The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
which could impact the outcomes in resident well-being
and function. Finally, the hours mapped per resident may
be not be adequate or representative enough to gain a
broader and more holistic impression of the residents’            Funding Sources
entire experience.
                                                                  This study received no funding.

                                                                  Author Contributions
   While healthcare in general has seen quantum leaps              Peiyan Ho analysed and interpreted the data and drafted and
in quality and productivity over the years, progress in        revised the manuscript. Chin Yee Cheong interpreted the data and
long-term care has comparatively been in the doldrums          revised the manuscript. Shiou Liang Wee conceived the study, in-
especially in this part of the world. With advancing co-       terpreted the data, and revised the manuscript. Siew Pei Ong col-
horts of educated seniors with more sophisticated needs,       lected and interpreted the data and revised the manuscript. Carol
                                                               Fusek conceived the study, acquired the data, and reviewed the
there is clearly an impetus to move towards progressive        manuscript. Philip Yap conceived the study, interpreted the data,
models of long-term care to better cater to our seniors,       and revised the manuscript. All authors gave approval for the final
especially those with dementia, who form a significant         version of the manuscript.
   AHL has been a forerunner in the endeavour to re-
invent care and these preliminary outcomes have shown
promise in attaining a superior quality of care, enhanced
resident well-being, and better staff retention. The logic

Person-Centred Nursing Home Care                               Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                      7
                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000513069

       Resident Assessment Form

                                       Resident Assessment Form (for nursing home resident)
                                     (to be completed by nurse, nurse case manager or doctor)
     Name:                                                                         NRIC No:
     Rating               A                        B                               C                            D
     Q1 Mobility          Independent              Requires some                   Requires frequent            Requires total physical
     (Guide Bk Pg 1)                               assistance (physical/           assistance/turning in        assistance
                                                   assistive device)               bed
                                               0                               3                           10                         16
     Q2 Feeding           Independent              Requires some                   Requires total               Tube-feeding
     (Guide Bk Pg 2)                               assistance                      assistance
                                               0                               3                           10                         10
     Q3 Toileting         Independent              Requires some physical          Requires commodes/           Incontinent and totally
     (Guide Bk Pg 3)                               assistance                      bedpans/urinals              dependent
                                               0                               3                         8                            16
     Q4 Personal          Requires no              Requires assistance for         Requires assistance for      Bed/trolley bathing
         grooming and     assistance               some activities/                all activities
         hygiene                                   supervision
     (Guide Bk Pg 4)                           0                               2                           4                         6
     Q5 Treatment         Daily medication         Daily medication                Daily medication             Daily medication
     (Guide Bk 5–6)       Oral/topical: 1 pt       Oral/topical: 1 pt              Oral/topical: 1 pt           Oral/topical: 1 pt
                                                   Injection: 2 pts                Injection: 2 pts             Injection: 2 pts
                                                                                   Physiotherapy: 4 pts         Physiotherapy: 4 pts
                                                                                                                Sp*procedures @ 1 pt/
                                                                                                                5 min

     Q6 Social and        Nil                      Occasionally                    Often                        Always
     (Guide Bk Pg 7)                           0                               1                           2                          3
     Q7 Confusion         Nil                      Occasionally                    Often                        Always
     (Guide Bk Pg 8–9)                             (1–3 times a week)              (4–6 times a week)           (daily)
     • loses way
     • loses things
     • disorientated                           0                               3                        8                             10
     Q8 Psychiatric       Nil                      Mild interference in life       Moderate interference        Severe interference
         problems                                                                  in life                      in life
     (Guide Bk 10–11)
     • hallucination
     • delusions
     • anxiety
     • depression                              0                               2                           4                          6
     Q9 Behaviour        Nil                       Occasionally                    Often                        Always
         problem                                   (1–3 times a week)              (4–6 times a week)           (daily)
     (Guide Bk Pg 12–13)
     • restless
     • disruptive
     • absconds
     • uncooperative                           0                               3                           10                         16
     Total points                                         Category      1      2    3      4   (circle)
     *Sp – special        #Pt   – points
     Category 1           48 pts

8   Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                                        Ho et al.
    DOI: 10.1159/000513069
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Person-Centred Nursing Home Care                                               Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:1–9                                 9
                                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000513069
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