IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 - Irish Aviation Authority

Page created by Eleanor Munoz
IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 - Irish Aviation Authority
Customer Care Report 2019
IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 - Irish Aviation Authority
         Customer Care
         Report 2019

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IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 - Irish Aviation Authority
A MESSAGE FROM OUR CHIEF EXECUTIVE                                        4
2019 AT A GLANCE                                                          7
2019 HIGHLIGHTS                                                           10
THE IAA ANSP’S CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAMME                                    14
PARTICIPATING CUSTOMERS                                                   15
SAFETY UPDATE                                                             16
STAKEHOLDER SAFETY FORUM                                                  17
RP2 PERFORMANCE UPDATE                                                    19
CUSTOMER FEEDBACK                                                         20
WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO OUR AIRLINE CUSTOMERS?                               24
TOP 50 CUSTOMERS                                                          26
CUSTOMER SCORES BY CATEGORY                                               28
GLOSSARY                                                                  43

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IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 - Irish Aviation Authority
              elcome to the Irish Aviation Authority Air
              Navigation Services (IAA ANSP) Customer
              Care report for 2019. In the pages that
  follow, we publish feedback from the 2019,
  independently facilitated online customer survey.
  These comments help us to understand what our
  customers think of the IAA ANSP and the air
  traffic management (ATM) services we
  provide. They also inform us of some of
  the key areas in which we can support our
  airline customers in the achievement of
  their business objectives.

Throughout 2019, we continued to provide safe and          IAA ANSP is ranked joint 1st for safety maturity by
efficient ATM services that met our customers’             CANSO and we remain in the top 5 for Effectiveness
requirements and expectations. In addition, our            of Safety Management as ranked by EASA. Safety
costs and associated unit rate remained low,               is the primary concern for all of us at the IAA and I
delivering excellent value for money to our                assure you that it will always remain so. We
customers. Our Air Traffic Controllers safely handled      continually look for ways to further improve safety,
a record 352,000 aircraft in Irish controlled airspace,    be it through technology, the expertise of our people
up 1.5% on 2018, which itself was a record year.           and our approach to analysing and understanding
Traffic between Europe and North America                   safety trends and data. We are happy with the
continued to grow with our Radio Officers at our           recognition we receive from the industry, but we will
North Atlantic Communications Centre in                    not rest on our laurels. Our Safety Management Unit
Ballygirreen, Co. Clare providing a HF radio service to    works with all Stakeholders to ensure that we
over 511,000 aircraft operating over the North             continuously improve our safety performance.
Atlantic, up 1.2%.
                                                           Ireland’s user charges have historically been among
Traffic at Dublin Airport also saw record levels with      the lowest in Europe and in 2019, our en-route
our Team at Dublin providing a service to over             charge was the 4th lowest in the EU. Our terminal
232,000 flights, up 2.6% on 2018. Dublin ATC’s             charge also offered excellent value for money, being
busiest day on record took place in June 2019, when        in the lower quartile among airports of similar scale
we handled 785 flights, emphasising Dublin’s place         and complexity across Europe. Additionally, as traffic
among the highest performing single runway airports        volumes were higher than forecast across our
in the world. Cork Airport again saw strong growth,        terminal and en-route operations in 2017, we
handling over 21,500 commercial flights (+4.5%)            returned over €14 million to our customers through
but regrettably, Shannon airport experienced a 6%          lower user charges.
reduction in traffic.
                                                           Irish Free Route Airspace (FRA) and other innovative
From a safety regulatory perspective, Ireland              operational concepts make Irish airspace, one of the
continues to be ranked 2nd in Europe by ICAO. The          most environmentally efficient in the EU. We

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recognise that to ensure a vibrant and sustainable        We use our Customer Care programme to meet with
    aviation industry, we must continue improve this          our customers “face to face” at their home bases.
    efficiency. Accordingly, during 2019 our Teams            These meetings, combined with the feedback
    worked with our airline customers, the airports and       received through the independently facilitated online
    neighbouring ANSPs to put in place measures that          survey, provide opportunities for our Customers to
    facilitated fuel efficient operations and helped reduce   tell us what they think of the ATM services that we
    average CO2 emissions. These included the lowering        deliver and how we can better meet their needs. In
    of the base of FRA to 7,500ft, facilitating the UK’s      2019, we again asked Schuman Associates, a
    XMAN long range arrival manager at Heathrow               Consultancy based in Brussels, to conduct the
    Airport and participating in XMAN trials for Gatwick.     survey on our behalf. The independence that this
                                                              brings to the process, provides us with a clear
    2019 saw the introduction of the Aireon ALERT,            understanding of our customers’ requirements and
    emergency aircraft tracking service, provided by the      concerns. I would like to take this opportunity to say
    IAA at our Ballygirreen HF Communications Centre.         thank you, on behalf of all of us at the IAA ANSP, to
    This free of charge service, supports registered          all of our airline customers who gave up their
    airlines, ANSPs and Search and Rescue services, by        valuable time to meet with our Customer Care team
    providing very accurate last known positions for          during the year, and to complete the online survey.
    missing aircraft, along with the most recent              We very much welcome this feedback and where
    trajectory information. To date, 341 aircraft owners      practicable, will take it into account as we plan the
    from 119 countries have registered with the service       delivery of services over the coming years.
    and ALERT is in regular active use with positive
    feedback from the aviation community. There have          I am very aware of the challenging business
    been 26 requests for assistance since the service         environment for many of our customers, particularly
    launched in July and in December, with feedback           those operating within Europe. The highly
    indicating that the service is helping to save lives in   competitive open aviation market results in the
    critical situations. The Aireon ALERT service was         highest breakeven load factors anywhere in the
    awarded the Air Traffic Management ATM Award              world and despite significant efforts by the
    2019 for Service Provision, and the Aireon ALERT          Eurocontrol Network Manager and Europe’s ANSPs,
    Development Team were awarded the IAA Significant         delay across some parts of the European network
    Achievement Award for 2019. The service has been          continue to cause operational difficulties for
    short-listed for further awards in 2020.                  European airlines. On a global level, ongoing political
                                                              volatility is causing a slow down in trade, resulting in
    2020 will be an exciting time for all at the IAA. Our     difficult trading conditions for the air cargo sector.
    new Air Traffic Control tower at Dublin Airport will      In such an environment, I can however assure all our
    begin operational trials mid-year, ensuring that we       airline customers, that the IAA ANSP will maintain our
    are ready for the opening of the new northern             efforts to deliver safe and efficient ATM services at
    parallel runway in late 2021. Both En-route and           user charges that offer excellent value for money
    Terminal traffic is forecast to increase over the next    and are economically and environmentally
    5 years, and we continue to recruit Controllers and       sustainable.
    Engineers to allow us to maintain our very high levels
    of safety and service excellence. I am delighted that     Thank you again to all our airline customers.
    our Customers have awarded us a Customer
    Satisfaction rating of 90.2% for 2019 but we all
    understand that we must continue to look for ways         Peter Kearney
    to deliver improved ATM outcomes in Irish airspace.       Chief Executive

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                   ver the course of 2019, my colleagues at the
                   IAA ANSP, continued to provide a safe,
                   efficient and value for money ATM service in
         Irish Controlled Airspace, at Dublin, Cork and Shannon
         Airports and in SHANWICK Oceanic airspace where the
         IAA ANSP provides HF radio communications. It is my
         intention that we will continue to deliver these high-
         quality services that will meet the expectations of our
         airline Customers.

    Our Customer Care programme provides the IAA            1. Efficient Airspace
    ANSP with a tremendous opportunity to meet with         2. Low Delay
    many of our Customers and discuss the areas of
    most concern to them. We greatly appreciate their       3. Operational Resilience
    feedback and I want to assure you that we listen to
    their comments and suggestions and where                 I can assure you that we have paid attention to our
    practicable, use them to inform our operational         Customers and for 2020 and out to the end of the
    planning process.                                       RP3 period (2024), we will focus on these factors
                                                            in the delivery of an excellent ATM service. Some
    We want to meet and exceed the industry’s service       examples of this are listed below.
    expectations whilst always being mindful of the
    challenging environment in which you operate. The       Efficient Airspace – The IAA ANSP was a pioneer
    IAA ANSP also shares with you, an overarching           of Free Route Airspace in Europe, which allows our
    priority to maintain and continuously improve safety    airline Customers to flight plan their preferred
    levels throughout our operation.                        trajectory through Irish controlled airspace. We were
                                                            also one of the first ANSPs to introduce the Point
    In last years’ Customer Care Survey, our Customers      Merge arrival procedures and this innovative concept
    were asked to rank a number of service critical         of operations continues to drive efficiency for traffic
    factors, in order of importance to their airline. Our   inbound to Dublin Airport. These and other
    Customers told us that their Top 3 priorities were:     procedures combine to ensure that Irish airspace has
                                                            one the best Horizontal Flight Efficiency ratings in

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We continue to work with our neighbouring ANSPs          Operational Resilience – We are acutely aware
on a range of initiatives to improve airspace            that a resilient operating environment is critically
efficiency, such as the trial operation of ASEPS         important to our Customers, as it is to our own
[Advanced Surveillance Enhanced Procedural               operation. In 2019, the IAA ANSP established a
Separation] on the North Atlantic, the UK’s XMAN         taskforce to review and strengthen the resilience of
arrival manager operations for the London area and       our entire operation. The scope of this work included
the planned implementation of Cross Border Free          all Communications, Navigation Surveillance and ATM
Route Airspace.                                          systems. A number of recommendations have
                                                         already been implemented with further changes
The rate of arrivals and departures safely handled at    planned in the immediate term and other longer-
Dublin Airport is amongst the highest in Europe for      term developments subject to evaluation and
single runway airports. In June 2019, our Dublin ATC     analysis. In the meantime, operational trials are
Team provided a safe service to 785 flights in one       ongoing at the new en-route contingency centre at
day. In 2020, the IAA ANSP will move to our new          Ballygirreen and it is expected that this facility will be
Dublin Control Tower and this is a key enabler for       fully operational later this year. This contingency
parallel runway operations when Dublin Airport           facility will significantly improve the operational
opens its new northerly runway in 2021.                  resilience for en-route air traffic service provision in
                                                         Irish controlled and North Atlantic airspace.
Aireon, a company in which the IAA is an investor, is
now providing space-based ADS-B surveillance data        As we look forward to continuing air traffic growth
for all airspace across the globe. This data has been    across our operations in 2020, we will strive to
integrated into our test ATM system and is being         further improve safety and service levels in
evaluated in a test environment at the Shannon Air       partnership with our airline Customers, the airports
Traffic Control Centre and at our North Atlantic         and other stakeholders. We welcome comments and
Communications Unit, prior to an expected                suggestions that will help us drive these
introduction into operations during 2020. This will      improvements so please feel free to contact me at
enhance our surveillance capabilities and help to        any time, should you need to discuss any issue.
improve our operational resilience.

Low Delay – Minimising delay has always been
important to the IAA ANSP, and I can assure you it       Billy Hann
will remain a key priority throughout the RP3 period.    Director ATM Operations & Strategy
Our 2019 performance was excellent, with en-route
and terminal ATFM delays attributable to the ANSP
among the lowest in Europe.

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         n 2019, the IAA ANSP’s air traffic management (ATM) operations saw growth
         continue throughout most of the year. Our Controllers at Dublin, Shannon en-
         route and our Radio Officers at Ballygireen, handled record numbers of flights and
      our Team at Cork Airport operated our fastest growing unit. En-route traffic in Irish
      controlled airspace increased by 1.5% and our North Atlantic Communications Team
      provided a HF Radio service to 1.2% more flights than in 2018. Traffic at Dublin
      Airport grew by 2.5% and Cork was up 14.6% on last year.

    Safety                                                   Value for Money
    Delivering a consistently safe ATM service to all of     In 2019, Ireland’s ATM user charges were among the
    our airline customers, their passengers and crew is      lowest in Europe and met its Single European Sky
    the primary objective for our Team at the IAA ANSP.      cost efficiency targets as they had throughout the
    We are committed to ensuring ongoing compliance          RP2 period. Our airline customers told us that low
    with all National and European Safety Regulations        costs were important to their businesses and we are
    and with ICAO’s Standards and Recommended                committed to providing safe and efficient ATM
    Practices. Moreover, we do where practicable, go         services that meet their operational needs and which
    beyond compliance and implement international best       offer excellent value for money.
    practices throughout our organisation; this is a
    consistent approach applied by the IAA ANSP to           In 2020, Ireland’s en-route user charge will reduce
    everything we do.                                        to €24.48, the second lowest in the EU and almost
                                                             53% below the European average.The Irish Terminal
    The IAA ANSP is guided by a robust safety                Navigation Service user charge will also reduce for
    management system, supported by the experts              2020. The unit rate of €123.01 will apply at Dublin,
    from our Safety Management Unit. This has been a         Cork and Shannon airports and is competitive with
    key enabler in achieving our European Commission         terminal operations of a similar scale and complexity
    Single European Sky RP2 safety performance targets       across Europe. For 2020, the North Atlantic
    well in advance of the 2019 deadline. The IAA            Communications charge will remain at will remain at
    ANSP’s level of safety maturity is consistently in the   €45 per flight for the 8th year in succession. This
    top 5 in the EU in the RP2 EASA measured                 fee is charged for the provision of the HF radio
    Effectiveness of Safety Management and at the top        communications service in the SHANWICK region of
    of the 44, participating national ANSPs in the CANSO     the North Atlantic.
    / EUROCONTROL global “Standard of Excellence”
    maturity measure of safety. While it will be a
    challenge to retain these high levels of safety
    maturity and effectiveness, we can assure you that
    we are committed to focusing our efforts to do so,
    by continuously improving the safety performance
    of our ATM operations.

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Service Delivery                                             Innovation
In spite of continued geopolitical tensions and              The IAA ANSP is committed to the implementation
economic uncertainty, traffic grew across most of            of innovative procedures and technology that
the IAA ANSP’s operations in 2019, with only                 pragmatically deliver enhanced safety and efficiency,
Shannon Airport recording a reduction in traffic. Our        and ensure regulatory compliance while at the same
en-route Controllers in the Shannon Air Traffic              time, provide excellent value for money to our airline
Control Centre handled a record 352,000 flights              customers. Nevertheless, during 2019, much of our
during the year, an increase of 1.5% on 2018. At             effort was again focused on service delivery as
the North Atlantic Communications Centre in                  traffic continued to exceed the level forecast in the
Ballygirreen, Co. Clare, our Radio Officers provided a       Single European Sky RP2 Performance Plan. Our
HF radio service to over 511,000 aircraft, up 1.2%.          staff numbers were based on the forecast traffic
                                                             levels and as the actual number of flights was
Traffic at Dublin Airport increased by 2.6% as our           significantly greater, we suspended all non-critical
Controllers provided a safe and efficient service to         projects to ensure we had sufficient Controllers and
over 232,000 flights, a new record for Dublin. At            Technical Specialists available to meet the increased
Cork, traffic grew by 4.5% to 21,500 commercial              demand. This was done as our customers had told
flights (48,600 if flight training activity is included).    us that a low level of delay was one of the most
Unfortunately, commercial flights were down by               important things to their businesses.
6.3% at Shannon in a difficult year for the airport.
                                                             Nevertheless, during 2019 our Teams worked with
Although traffic continued to increase across almost         our airline customers, the airports and neighbouring
all of the IAA ANP’s ATM operations in 2019, the             ANSPs to put in place measures that facilitated fuel
overall level of delay experienced by our airline            efficient operations and helped reduce average CO2
customers reduced by 15% to 24,606 minutes. In               emissions. These included the lowering of the base
the Terminal environment, delays due to bad                  of Free Route Airspace to 7,500ft, facilitating the
weather increased by 44% but this was more than              UK’s XMAN long range arrival manager at Heathrow
offset by a 72% reduction in Aerodrome Capacity              Airport and participating in XMAN trials for Gatwick.
delays. There was however an increase in delay in            2019 also saw the introduction of the Aireon ALERT,
en-route airspace, as damage caused by a third party         emergency aircraft tracking service, provided by the
to transmitter infrastructure, an aircraft technical         IAA ANSP at our Ballygirreen HF Communications
incident and unexpected additional demand due to a           Centre. This free of charge service, supports
French ATC strike resulted in 4,309 minutes of delay         registered airlines, ANSPs and Search and Rescue
to our customers. These delays were outside of the           services, by providing very accurate last known
control of the IAA ANSP, but we worked with all              positions for missing aircraft, along with the most
stakeholders to minimise the impact on their                 recent trajectory information. Feedback indicates
operations.                                                  that the service is helping to save lives in critical

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                                                                                                        Portugal Lisboa
                                                                                                                                                        Spain Canaries
                                                                                                                                                                                  Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Slovak Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Spain Continental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             United Kingdom

    The rate of arrivals and departures safely handled at                                                                                                                                     business. Each meeting providing opportunities to
    Dublin Airport is amongst the highest in Europe for                                                                                                                                       discuss our performance and gain important
    single runway airports and in June 2019, our Dublin                                                                                                                                       feedback on key areas of importance to our
    ATC Team provided a safe service to 785 flights in                                                                                                                                        customers. We again asked the Brussels based
    one day. In 2020, the IAA ANSP will move to our                                                                                                                                           consultancy, Schuman Associates, to conduct a
    new Dublin Control Tower and this is a key enabler                                                                                                                                        customer survey on our behalf as we believe that
    for parallel runway operations when Dublin Airport                                                                                                                                        the independence that they bring to the process
    opens its new northerly runway in 2021.                                                                                                                                                   helps to provide a transparent view of our
                                                                                                                                                                                              customers’ opinions and operational needs. The
                                                                                                                                                                                              results of this survey are published in this report.
    Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                                              We are very pleased that for 2019, our Customers
    The IAA ANSP’s Customer Care programme is                                                                                                                                                 awarded the IAA ANSP, a customer satisfaction
    a critical enabler for the development and                                                                                                                                                rating of 90.2% and while this is a very good result,
    maintenance of the good working relationships that                                                                                                                                        it is clear to us that there are still opportunities for
    exist between our people and our airline customers.                                                                                                                                       improvement across our operations. We would like
    Our CRM team provides the day to day contact                                                                                                                                              to take this opportunity to say thank you to the
    between the airlines’ personnel and our operational                                                                                                                                       people at our customer airlines, who took time from
    teams. Our programme utilises face to face                                                                                                                                                their very busy schedules to meet with us and to
    meetings and an independently facilitated online                                                                                                                                          complete the Schuman Associates’ survey. We very
    survey to capture detailed feedback about what our                                                                                                                                        much welcome their feedback and can assure you
    customers think of the ATM services we provide and                                                                                                                                        that where it is practicable, our Operations Teams
    what we can do better to meet their needs.                                                                                                                                                will do what is necessary to provide the ATM services
                                                                                                                                                                                              that our customer airlines demand.
    In 2019, the ANSP’s CRM team met with 30 airline
    customers, responsible for over 82% of its ATM

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IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 13
    The IAA ANSP is recognised by our airline customers as
    one of the most customer focused ANSPs in the industry.

                                   2019 CUSTOMER SURVEY HEADLINES

          90.2% customer
                satisfaction rating
                                                           100%          response
          97%        Excellent or very good
                     for customer service                              Excellent
                                                                                              or very
                                                           63%         or very
                                                                       good value
          90%        Extremely or very safe                            for money

    Our Customer Care programme helps us to                At the end of the year, we engaged an independent
    understand our customers’ operational objectives so    Brussels based consultant, Schuman Associates, to
    that we can put in place, technology and procedures    conduct an online survey to measure our customers’
    to support them in Irish controlled airspace and at    level of satisfaction with the ANSP and to gauge
    Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports.                     their opinions of how we delivered across a number
                                                           of key performance areas (KPAs); Safety, Value for
    We meet with as many of our customers as is            Money, Service Delivery, Innovation and Customer
    practicable each year at their home bases. This        Service.
    allows us to listen to what they think of the IAA
    ANSP and the ATM services that we provide. These       The IAA ANSP takes the feedback from the Schuman
    meetings also allow us to brief our customers on our   Associates’ independent survey and use it to inform
    operational performance and to discuss future          our Operations and Technology plans to ensure that
    initiatives. In 2019, we met with 30 customer          they can be aligned with the needs of our customers
    airlines across Europe, North America and the Middle   as well as those of our people. It has also been
    East, the most important markets for the IAA.          reflected in the Irish SES Performance Plan for RP3.

    The airlines that we met were a representative
    sample as they were responsible for 82% of the IAA’s
    ATM revenues and 83% of the flights that we
    handled. The sample covered all the major business
    models, from full service “legacy” airlines to Ultra
    Low-Cost Carriers and also included some of the
    largest cargo/freight airlines in the world.

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    During 2019 the IAA ANSP handled
    record levels of traffic both
                                                                       OCCURANCE         SAFETY DATA
    safely and efficiently.                                          INVESTIGATION    PERFORMANCE AND
                                                                                       TREND ANALYTICS
    We conduct rigorous continuous live monitoring
    and analysis of our Safety Performance, utilising          EoSM
    our integrated suite of Safety Tools. Our 5 Safety        SAFETY
                                                                                SAFETY               SAFETY
    Performance Indicators are reported on weekly and        MATURITY        INTELLIGENCE            CULTURE
    trends analysed monthly, quarterly and annually,         SURVEYS           SOURCING              SURVEY
    reflecting our ongoing commitment to, and focus
    on, continuous safety performance improvement.
                                                                   HUMAN FACTORS      EXTERNAL INTERFAB
    For 2019, the rolling two-year trend for three of              CASUAL ANALYSIS    EUROCONTROL
    our Safety Performance Indicators are showing an                                  CANSO AND
    overall positive performance. We have however
    noticed an increasing trend in two specific areas;
    Deviations from ATC Clearance during Ground
    Operations at Dublin Airport, and Level Busts
    associated with arriving traffic in Shannon Airport is
    being observed.                                          North Atlantic Operations fora and will be
                                                             presenting to the National Business Aviation
    With respect to ground operations in Dublin, a           Association during Q1 2020.
    number of actions have been taken at Local
    Runway Safety Teams, including the inclusion of a        These items have been discussed at the IAA ANSP
    second Hotspot on the Aerodrome chart.                   Safety Management Unit Stakeholder Safety
    Additionally, Dublin ATC Operations have initiated       Forum. Stakeholder opinion has been requested to
    an independent review of ground operations to            assist in the identification of potential causes and
    identify potential safety and efficiency                 the provision of mitigation measures.
    enhancements. This review is on-going and will
    include stakeholder engagement.                          Another area where a concerning trend has been
                                                             observed is a difficulty with the interrogation of
    With respect to arriving traffic at Shannon Airport,     some B787 transponders. We have brought this
    a large proportion of the traffic not maintaining        issue to the attention of Eurocontrol and EASA and
    their assigned altitude is registered in the United      the proactive engagement with stakeholders has
    States. Amendments to ATC procedures have been           helped the manufacturers to identify a likely cause
    made to try and mitigate this problem. Additionally,     and develop corrective actions.
    text identifying Shannon as a Level Bust hotspot
    has been included the Irish AIP. ATC Operations
    personnel have also presented on the topic at

PAGE 16    IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
The sharing of information is a key principle of the
SSF - STAKEHOLDER                                       SSF with participants sharing their safety practices
                                                        and best practices with each other. The SSF Terms
SAFETY FORUM                                            of Reference support the confidential sharing of
                                                        this information and data. Supporting this effort,
                                                        we provide the participating stakeholders with
                                                        individualised ATM related incident performance
Commitment to Total Aviation                            reports, that enables the benchmarking of their
System Safety                                           own categorised rate of occurrence performance
                                                        against the other anonymised operators. This
Safety throughout the aviation sector is the            provides another layer of Safety Performance
responsibility of all actors who have control or        intelligence to support all operators in their own
influence. The IAA ANSP views collaboration with        organisational safety improvement activities; thus,
each of these stakeholders, or “risk-holders” as a      contributing to an overall system safety
must in order to ensure that a better                   improvement.
understanding of system-wide safety is created
and so that the IAA ANSP can challenge itself in the    Throughout 2020, the IAA ANSP, supported by our
delivery of its responsibilities.                       Safety Management Unit, will continue to make
                                                        every effort to enhance the Safety Performance of
Accordingly, our Safety Management Unit                 our organisation and the wider aviation system in
established the SSF in 2016 in partnership with         Ireland.
fellow stakeholders; Airlines (local and
International), Aerodrome Operators and the
Military. Meeting twice annually, we proactively
engage and collaborate to ensure that we can
effectively contribute to a better understanding of
the common issues, thereby enabling safety
performance improvement in the Total Aviation

                                                       IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 17

   In 2019, the IAA ANSP commissioned the Brussels
   based consultancy, Schuman Associates, to conduct
   a Customer satisfaction survey on our behalf.

   The independence that they bring to the process
   helps ensure that we get a clearer understanding
   of our customers’ needs and their opinions of the
   services we provide.

   This year, Schuman again used the European
   Commission’s EU SURVEY web-based tool to
   reach out to our customers and ask them to          OVERALL SATISFACTION
   complete an online survey. This survey asked our
   customers give their opinions of the IAA ANSP’s
   ATM operations in key performance areas and to
   let us know if they thought we had improved         2012        90.8%
   over 2018. The survey also encouraged our
   customers to tell us their comments, concerns,      2013        90.9%
   questions and suggestions. Schuman Associates
   downloaded the data, collated it and compiled a     2014           92.6%
   number of reports for the IAA ANSP.
                                                       2015           92.9%
   The results of the 2019 independent survey
   show that the overall level of customer             2016           92.5%
   satisfaction with the IAA ANSP is 90.2%. This
   performance reflects the IAA ANSP’s consistently    2017       90.2%
   high levels of safety, value for money user
   charges, lack of delay, efficient Free Route        2018           92.3%
   Airspace and a high level of customer
   engagement.                                         2019       90.2%

PAGE 18 IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
The European Commission’s Single European Sky performance scheme
was developed to improve the financial and operational efficiency of
European airspace.
This scheme requires all EU Member States to put in     was one of the first accepted by the European
place targets which make a contribution to Union-       Commission.
wide goals to enhance safety, reduce average user
charges, cut delays and lessen the impact of Air        The EC has confirmed that Ireland and the IAA has
Traffic Management on the environment. For the          met our targets for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
period 2015 – 2019 inclusive, known as Reference        Although not yet verified by the Commission, our
Period 2 (RP2), Ireland and the UK submitted a joint    performance for 2019 was on target and we expect
Performance Plan as required under EU Legislation       to meet all targets for the RP3 period (2020 –
which contained targets in these areas and which        2024 inclusive)..

        KPI                 Status                                    Detail

                                                  • Effectiveness of safety management (EoSM) - 2019
                                                    target fully achieved by 2015 and maintained in 2018.
                              fully               • Ireland has improved its average EoSM score over the
          KPI               compliant               Reference Period from 84 in 2015 to 92 in 2018
                                                  • Application of Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) for incident
                                                    severity classification - 100% application in 2018.
                                                  • Just Culture - Fully Compliant

                                                  • 2018 En-route user charge €25.11 (real in €2009) -
       cost                   fully                 Fully compliant with RP2 Performance Plan
    efficiency              compliant             • 2018 Terminal user charge €128.70 (real in €2009) -
                                                    Fully compliant with RP2 Performance Plan

         delay                fully               • 2018 actual ATFM delay was 0 minutes per flight,
                            compliant               substantially below the target of 0.14 minutes

                                                  • Combined target with UK of 3.63% inefficiency
   Environment              compliant
                                                    against a target of 3.09% for en-route horizontal flight
                                                    efficiency. Ireland contributed positively to the FAB
                                                    target with an environmental performance of 1.26%

                                                       IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 19
    We would like to thank all our busy airline customers who took the
    time in 2019 to complete the online survey for Schuman Associates.
    We welcome their feedback and can assure you that where practicable, we will take them on
    board as we continue to deliver safe, efficient and value for money ATM services in Irish
    Controlled Airspace, Dublin Cork & Shannon Airports and excellent HF radio communications
    in SHANWICK Oceanic Airspace. This feedback from our customers, telling us what they believe
    we do well, and where they think we can improve, is shared below.

                                                          “Anything that helps us save time and hence
                                                          money is appreciated” – Air Transat

                      Safety                              “Continue to keep downward pressure on costs,
                                                          in particular noting the projected rising en-
                        IAA ANSP                          route costs in RP3” – Virgin Atlantic
                                                          “Keep the low level of user charges” – Altialia
    “Noting the safety performance is good, it is         “Ensure robust staffing levels are maintained,
    essential to maintain this level into the future” –   service remains safe and value for money” –
    Virgin Atlantic                                       easyJet
     “Noting the safety performance is good, it is        “We do not welcome the targets proposed by
    essential to maintain this level into the future” –   IAA for the third reference period (RP3). As
    Virgin Atlantic                                       discussed during the RP3 consultation, we
                                                          consider that the targets are not challenging
    “In terms of safety, their performance is
                                                          and should be updated. The capacity and cost
    adequate, unchanging and does not appear to
                                                          efficiency targets should be consistent with the
    be very innovative” – Aer Lingus
                                                          RP2 results and the European cost-efficiency
    “Excellent performance in the area of safety” –       target, -1.9%. Additionally, the decision to
    Swiss                                                 restructure the IAA into two new entities must
    “Good contact with IAA on ASR's and related           be undertaken and implemented in a manner
    issues” - KLM                                         that has no financial impact on airspace users
                                                          and other stakeholders. The RP3 performance
                                                          plan must be updated to ensure these points
                                                          are addressed”- Ryanair
                                                          “We do not support the proposed 2020
            Value for Money                               Enroute and Terminal navigation charges
                        IAA ANSP                          proposal. We do fear a regulatory gaming of the
                                                          system. We have not been provided enough
                                                          evidence of additional capacity that would be
    “Continue good cost control and providing good        delivered for significant additional cost. With
    value for those monies” – Delta Airlines              the achieved zero delay during the past years
                                                          we come to the conclusion that the ANSP is
     “We are convinced that IAA could be more cost        rather over than over-resourced. Ireland
    efficient without reducing its ambition for even      invested less than initially planned, in every year
    better service quality” - Lufthansa                   for RP2 - to date. We do need evidence that we

PAGE 20    IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
are not being double charged for CAPEX                 intersection take off opportunities at Dublin
planned and financed in RP2, but not deployed          Airport” – Stobart Air
until RP3” - Swiss
                                                       “Efficient airspace management” – Alitalia
                                                       “ATM Operations at Dublin and Shannon
                                                       Airports are of a high standard. However,
                                                       operations at Dublin are severely constrained by
       Service Delivery                                the poor quality and quantity (i.e. aircraft
                                                       gates/stands, and access to these facilities), of
                    IAA ANSP
                                                       the ground facilities available for both based
                                                       and non-based aircraft” – ASL Airlines
“The IAA continues to offer airlines the ability to
file UPR's when and where able as well as supply       “Continued to provide a safe and value for
a safe and efficient airspace. Continue with the       money service” - easyJet
good work” – Air Canada
                                                       “Provided feedback when requested. Has
“One thing that sets the IAA apart from other          outlined plans that make sense for the future
ANSPs are the dynamic sectorization in your            both at Dublin and in respect to oceanic
airspace.. Being able to balance work load is          transition airspace. Overall, provides an
huge for an airline since this reduces the             excellent service if we leave Dublin and the
amount of time spent holding, or being rerouted        mess that Dublin airport is becoming out of the
away from our desired flight path…..Ireland was        mix. Ground congestion, remote holding for
also one of the first ANSPs to implement a FRA.        gates have become the norm. Anything that
Being able to fly point to point is useful;            can be done to alleviate the extended
however, the issue with the current version of         ground/taxi delays would be appreciated” –
the FRA is limited, since we still have to file to     American Airlines
and from specific fixes” – Atlas Air
                                                       “The IAA has reduced Ryanair ATC delays by
“Keep doing what you’re doing!” - FedEx                15% vs 2018 (YTD) and in general been
                                                       responsive to our needs in the past 12 months.
“Very good at assisting with slot times and
                                                       Moreover, they have started to address some
ready messages….Continue to develop remote
                                                       of the key issues highlighted by Ryanair
tower services to keep the great level of service
                                                       operations team in 2019. Despite this is a good
at EINN ” – Omni Air
                                                       starting point, the IAA should keep investigating
“Lufthansa appreciates the very robust and             and ensure these issues are totally solved in
reliable high quality ATM service” – Lufthansa         2020 (for example, excessive delays, inefficient
“Very happy with our the service we get in and         RVP procedures and A-CDM failures). We have
out of Dublin along with flights that pass Irish       been seriously impacted by these topics
airspace” – Air Transat                                especially in non-normal scenarios. This is not
                                                       acceptable…….Constrain the application of
“Continues to support our Transatlantic                Reduced Visibility Procedures and speed up
Operations as expected” – Etihad                       their removal……Investigate how to reduce
“Engaged with us to evaluate additional                excessive taxi times seen [at Dublin] in 2019” –

                                                      IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 21
“No issues to raise” – TUI Airways                   “Active reporting / provided suggestions
                                                        regarding our performance in IAA airspace /
    “Timely and informative feedback to
                                                        service delivery according to flight plan” – KLM
    investigations. Very co-operative ops team in
    the tower” – Aer Lingus                             “The benefits of IAA ATC service for Austrian
                                                        Airlines (as rather small airline) is the possibility
    “Reduce Taxi-out Times to Main Runways –
                                                        for short, efficient and direct dialogs and the
    under the current implementation phase of A-
                                                        fact that ATC service is provided in a safe and
    CDM at DUB we are still seeing excessive taxi
                                                        reliable way. Sometimes no change is better -
    times above 20mins on Rwy10/28 and not
                                                        but keeping ATC service high on this level is a
    fully benefitting from the A-CDM Process.
                                                        "TODO" as well” – Austrian Airlines
    Inserting arrival regulations would slow down
    inbound traffic flow in favour of departing         “The IAA continues to deliver a high levels of
    traffic rather than holding outbound traffic on     ATC service. Continue what you are doing” -
    the ground in favour of the landers, creating
                                                        British Airways
    further congestion ……..Better Usage of Point
    Merge Procedures [required] – significant levels
    of additional fuel being loaded on inbound EI
    flights due unpredictability of expected DUB
    arrivals, including experiencing a number of                      Innovation
    inbound diversions ” – Aer Lingus
                                                                             IAA ANSP
    “All things of an operational nature, with
    assistance to our operation in all areas are good
    … Keep on doing what you do. The service was        “Keep working on the current initiatives” – Air
    very good/excellent last year” – United             Canada Rouge
                                                        “Participation in the ASEPS trials has been of
    “Environmental performance on track -               great value to FedEx. This allows for more
    intention to meet the targets as indicated in the   optimized flight paths. Additionally, the
    performance plan. Zero Delay Performance            continued usage of CPDLC services has reduced
    during the last couple of years” – Swiss            the amount of voice calls over the radio” –
    “[IAA has] continued to supply and excellent        FedEx
    ATM service to most of our UK north and              “The free route airspace, which is now
    Northern Ireland departures and arrivals to and     spreading throughout the EU has been a great
    from the Canary Islands. [IAA should] continue      innovation” – Omni Air
    to develop their ATM services and the airspace
    to allow us to fly the most cost-efficient routes   “The IAA continues to be a leader in innovation.
    and trajectories within their area of               You have proactively reached out with
    responsibility. Continue to recruit and train the   suggestions to reduce air miles whilst transiting
    required numbers of controllers to replace the      on the way to mainland Europe” – Delta
    retiring ones and to ensure continuity of supply    Airlines
    so that the correct staffing levels can be          We acknowledge that some of the IAA
    maintained to manage the airspace in the most       initiatives for the En-Route airspace being
    efficient way” – Jet2.com                           worked on this year, will bring benefits in future
                                                        years – Virgin Atlantic

PAGE 22    IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
“We would like more in terms airspace use             “Very good direct cooperation between IAA and
around Dublin” – Etihad                               QTR” – Qatar Airways
“Continue to work with us on initiatives we           “There continues to be a good line of
identify. Continue to deliver innovation in the       communication with the IAA, including
Irish FIR” – Stobart Air                              information in the event of disruption, including
                                                      that caused by system problems, such as the
“Strive for continuous operational efficiencies”
                                                      Voice Comms failure in Shannon ACC earlier this
– easyJet
                                                      year” - Virgin Atlantic
“Expedite adoption of digital HF, look for an
                                                      “We appreciate the monthly meetings with IAA
opportunity to manage traffic seamlessly
                                                      team to review IAA’s performance and we
transiting the westernmost of the Shannon UIR
                                                      perceive them as a lever to improve our
routing between Spain and the USA. Investigate
                                                      relationship and operation. In this sense, we also
extending the UIR west and north using space
                                                      consider that the 2019 Annual meeting was
based ADSB to expand surveillance at the radar
                                                      very constructive” – Ryanair
limits” – American Airlines
                                                      “An individual employee has taken the time to
“When an airline starts an operation at an Irish
                                                      contact us and visit us to discuss what the IAA
airport it would be advantageous to them if the
                                                      do and how they can help us” – Icelandair
IAA has an introduction pack highlighting the
different departments of the IAA and what             “Good customer service” – Aer Lingus
they do and contact details” - Icelandair
                                                      “Much appreciate the speedy responses to
“The IAA continues to innovate in the area of         requests, and the excellent interaction 24/7 by
airspace management and the service that they         Customer Affairs” – United Airlines
provide to us, particularly in the area of
                                                      “Assistance in reducing RAD restrictions
serviceability and check flights which has been
                                                      between EI and EG (EGEI10**) to improve
excellent over the last 12 months” – Jet2.com
                                                      flight efficiency is highly appreciated” – KLM
“Introducing call-sign use instead of registration
                                                      “Excellent Customer service through Customer
for towing operations at DUB has been helpful
                                                      Relations. We have contacted Customer
in reducing delays” - Norwegian
                                                      Relations outside of normal business hours on
                                                      several occasions in 2019 on operational or
                                                      safety matters, this has never been an issue and
                                                      we have always had positive outcomes - Thank
       Customer Service                               you” – British Airways

                   IAA ANSP

“Continue to collaborate and communicate.
Open to constructive dialogue and willing to
listen. Continue to challenge convention and
deliver” – Emirates
“Customer Relations program is the best in the
Business” – Air Canada

                                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 23
          The results indicate that the issues of greatest concern are in the area
          of efficient aircraft operations. The IAA ANSP welcomes this feedback
          and will continue to work with our Customers to ensure that where
          practicable, we provide services that are best aligned with their needs.

          Our Customers told us that Low Levels of        third party to transmitter infrastructure, an
          Delay is the most important of the items to     aircraft technical incident and unexpected
          their Airline. In second place is Operational   additional demand due to a French ATC strike
          Resilience and Low User Charges was third.      resulted in 4,309 minutes of delay to our
          Efficient Airspace and a Good Customer          customers. These delays were outside of the
          Relationship were fourth and fifth              control of the IAA ANSP, but we worked with
          respectively.                                   all stakeholders to minimise the impact on
                                                          their operations.
          Levels of delay in Irish Airspace within the
          control of the IAA ANSP, have historically      Operational resilience is critical to both our
          been extremely low. In 2019, the overall        Customers and the IAA ANSP, and we are
          level of delay experienced by our airline       working to further enhance our resilience
          customers reduced by 15% to 24,606              and contingency capabilities over the coming
          minutes. In the Terminal environment, delays    years to ensure that they support the needs
          due to bad weather increased by 44% but         of all stakeholders. We are working to
          this was more than offset by a 72%              commission a third radar at Dublin to provide
          reduction in Aerodrome Capacity delays.         enhanced backup to support increasing
          There was however an increase in delay in       traffic levels at the airport and we expect to
          en-route airspace, as damage caused by a        complete our En-Route contingency centre

PAGE 24   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
at Ballygirreen, Co. Clare by the end of 2020.         Irish En-Route airspace continues to be some
This will provide a full suite of communications       of the most efficient airspace in Europe. Our
and ATM systems that are independent from              Free Route concept of operations is applicable
our Shannon Centre. During 2020, we will               down to 7,500 feet and allows our Customer
also work with our Customers to ensure they            Airlines to fly the optimum routing for their
understand and are comfortable with the level          aircraft on any given day through Irish
of contingency across our Operations.                  controlled Airspace. We will continue to work
                                                       with all stakeholders to drive further
                                                       efficiency where possible.

                                                       We believe that a good working relationship
                                                       between the IAA and our Customers is also
                                                       important. Our Customer Care programme
                                                       will continue to support these relationships
                                                       and we will maintain and enhance where
                                                       necessary, the day to day interface between
We are also aware that cost control is critically      our Customers and our front-line Operations
important to our Airline Customers and we can          Teams.
assure them that the IAA will continue to
provide excellent value for money by providing
safe and efficient ATM services at some of the
lowest user charges in Europe in 2020 and
throughout the SES RP3 period.

                                                                  Low User Charges
                                           WE ASKED OUR
                                                                  Low level of Delay
                                     CUSTOMERS TO SELECT
                                        WHICH FEATURE IS          Efficient Airspace
                                      MOST IMPORTANT TO           customer relationship
                                          THEIR BUSINESS?
                                                                  operational resilience

                                                             1    Low level of Delay
                                               THIS IS THE
                                           OVERALL ORDER     2    operational resilience
                                           OF IMPORTANCE     3    Low User Charges
                                                THAT WAS
                                                             4    Efficient Airspace
                                                             5    customer relationship

                                                       IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 25
                   1      BRITISH AIRWAYS        9.3%
                   2      AER LINGUS             8.7%
                   3      RYANAIR                7.5%
                   4      DELTA AIR LINES        7.4%
                   5      UNITED AIRLINES        6.9%
                   6      AMERICAN AIRLINES      5.9%
                   7      LUFTHANSA              4.9%
                   8      AIR FRANCE             4.3%
                   9      VIRGIN ATLANTIC        3.9%
                  10      AIR CANADA             3.3%
                  11      KLM                    2.8%
                  12      QATAR AIRWAYS          1.5%
                  13      SWISS                  1.5%
                  14      JET2.COM               1.5%
                  15      EMIRATES               1.4%
                  16      TUI AIRWAYS            1.4%
                  17      NORWEGIAN AIR UK       1.3%
                  18      TURKISH AIRLINES       1.2%
                  19      NORWEGIAN AIRSHUTTLE   1.2%
                  20      AIR TRANSAT            1.1%
                  21      FEDERAL EXPRESS        1.0%
                  22      STOBART AIR            1.0%
                  23      ALITALIA               0.9%
                  24      THOMAS COOK AIRLINES   0.8%
                  25      UPS                    0.8%

PAGE 26   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
26   ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES            0.6%
27   EUROWINGS                     0.6%
28   CARGOLUX                      0.6%
29   AUSTRIAN AIRLINES             0.5%
30   ATLAS AIR                     0.5%
31   AIR CANADA ROUGE              0.4%
32   ETIHAD                        0.4%
33   EASYJET                       0.4%
34   NORWEGIAN AIR INTL            0.4%
35   AEROMEXICO                    0.4%
36   CONDOR                        0.4%
37   WESTJET                       0.4%
38   SINGAPORE AIRLINES            0.4%
39   ELAL                          0.4%
40   AEROLOGIC                     0.4%
41   SAUDIA                        0.3%
42   OMNI AIR INTL                 0.3%
43   LOT POLISH AIRLINES           0.3%
44   LUFTHANSA CARGO               0.3%
46   AIR ITALY                     0.3%
47   BRUSSELS AIRLINES             0.3%
48   KALITTA AIR                   0.3%
49   ICELANDAIR                    0.2%
50   SAS                           0.2%

                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 27
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       90%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    safe                       SAFETY    Unchanged

           VALUE FOR MONEY     good             VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

            SERVICE DELIVERY   good              SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

                INNOVATION     ADEQUATE              INNOVATION     Unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    VERY Good    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       98%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    IMPROVED



                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     IMPROVED


PAGE 28   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
Customer Scores by Category

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       98%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    IMPROVED





                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       90%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    Unchanged

VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     Improved


     INNOVATION     Good                  INNOVATION     Unchanged


                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 29
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       99%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    Unchanged

           VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

            SERVICE DELIVERY   Excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       85%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    IMPROVED
           VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        unchanged

PAGE 30   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
Customer Scores by Category

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       97%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    Unchanged

VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

 SERVICE DELIVERY   Excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

     INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged

CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       80%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    Unchanged

VALUE FOR MONEY     Excellent        VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

 SERVICE DELIVERY   Excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

     INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged


                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 31
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       90%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    IMPROVED

           VALUE FOR MONEY     GOOD             VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged


                INNOVATION     Excellent             INNOVATION
           CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       80%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    Extremely                  SAFETY    Improved

           VALUE FOR MONEY     Good             VALUE FOR MONEY     Improved

            SERVICE DELIVERY   VERY Good         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    VERY Good    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Improved

PAGE 32   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
Customer Scores by Category

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       96%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    Improved

VALUE FOR MONEY     Excellent        VALUE FOR MONEY     Improved

 SERVICE DELIVERY   Excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Improved

     INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Improved

CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Improved

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       90%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    unchanged

VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     unchanged


     INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     unchanged


                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 33
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION      100%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY    Unchanged

           VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

            SERVICE DELIVERY   Excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       90%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    unchanged

           VALUE FOR MONEY     Good             VALUE FOR MONEY     unchanged

            SERVICE DELIVERY   Good              SERVICE DELIVERY   Very good

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     unchanged

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    VERY Good    CUSTOMER SERVICE        unchanged

PAGE 34   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
Customer Scores by Category

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       65%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    Safe                       SAFETY    IMPROVED



     INNOVATION     ADEQUATE              INNOVATION     Unchanged

CUSTOMER SERVICE    Good         CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION      100%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018
          SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY
VALUE FOR MONEY     VERY Good        VALUE FOR MONEY     Unchanged

     INNOVATION     Excellent             INNOVATION

                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 35
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       75%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    Safe                       SAFETY    IMPROVED


            SERVICE DELIVERY   good              SERVICE DELIVERY   unchanged

                INNOVATION     good                  INNOVATION     IMPROVED


                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       95%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    IMPROVED


            SERVICE DELIVERY   excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   IMPROVED

                INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     IMPROVED

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        IMPROVED

PAGE 36   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
Customer Scores by Category

                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       90%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

          SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    unchanged

VALUE FOR MONEY     good             VALUE FOR MONEY     unchanged




                                       OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                            SATISFACTION       85%

                2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                   SURVEY RESULTS                            2018
          SAFETY    extremely                  SAFETY

 SERVICE DELIVERY   excellent         SERVICE DELIVERY   Unchanged

     INNOVATION     VERY Good             INNOVATION     Unchanged


                                     IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019 PAGE 37
Customer Scores by Category

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       90%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    Very                       SAFETY    improved

           VALUE FOR MONEY     excellent        VALUE FOR MONEY     improved

            SERVICE DELIVERY   good              SERVICE DELIVERY   unchanged

                INNOVATION     excellent             INNOVATION     improved

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        improved

                                                  OVERALL CUSTOMER
                                                       SATISFACTION       93%

                           2019 CUSTOMER CARE                       CHANGES FROM
                              SURVEY RESULTS                            2018

                     SAFETY    VERY Good                  SAFETY    IMPROVED



                INNOVATION     ADEQUATE              INNOVATION     Excellent

           CUSTOMER SERVICE    Excellent    CUSTOMER SERVICE        Unchanged

PAGE 38   IAA ANSP Customer Care Report 2019
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