Perlocutionary Speech Act in Health Protocol during Pandemic Period in Writing of Electronic Headlines to Improve Student Character Education
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 Proceedings of the International Conference of Learning on Advance Education (ICOLAE 2021) Perlocutionary Speech Act in Health Protocol during Pandemic Period in Writing of Electronic Headlines to Improve Student Character Education Sariatus Solikhah*, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftakhul Huda, Laili Etika Rahmawati Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia * Corresponding author. Email: ABSTRACT Perlocutionary speech act is a form of speech act that is able to influence or give a sociological and psychological effect for the listener or speech partner that can be felt directly or indirectly. Perlocutionary speech acts can be found in the writing of electronic newspaper headlines that lead to health protocols. The health protocol is a health promotion effort carried out to raise awareness of the importance of health during a pandemic. While electronic newspapers are media that are presented to disseminate information through electronic media. The purpose of this study is to provide information about the perlocutionary speech acts of health protocols during the pandemic and their effects in electronic newspaper headlines to improve character education for students. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method accompanied by documentation techniques. The analytical technique used is a pragmatic equivalent analysis technique. The pragmatic equivalent analysis technique is used to identify the background contained in the speech, both oral and written. The data that has been analyzed is in accordance with the grouping of data that leads to request utterances which have the effect of acceptance, invitation utterances are able to give the effect of desire and interest, pleasant utterances can cause feelings of pleasure, gratitude, and enthusiasm, reporting utterances can give a sense of secure effect. Intimidation utterance can cause effects in the form of fear, foster self-awareness, and feelings of anxiety, and in satire speech can cause effects in the form of irritation and offense. By those speeches that are accompanied by effects, it can be used as an effort to improve character education in students. Keywords: perlocutionary speech acts, health protocols, electronic newspapers, pragmatics. speech apparatus which includes two forms, namely the 1. INTRODUCTION field of sound and meaning [3]. Language is a form of communication tool in Speech act is one of the means of communicating everyday life which plays an important role in social with the speech partner which will cause several effects life, both directly and in written speech. [1] so that what is conveyed is able to influence the action Communication is a step in which a thought from to be taken. Meanwhile, [4] the behavior and attitudes someone who speaks to the recipient of the speech that are obtained through speech are what are meant by being spoken to in order to change their behavior. speech acts. Perlocutionary speech act is a form of While language in a broad sense is a way of speech delivered by someone who is able to give communication using signs, while from a narrow sense influence or effect to those who hear it [5]. As [6] language is a communication tool by using codes so suggests that the perlocutionary speech act is a form of that what has come out of the speaker’s speech can be speech act whose speech delivery is intended to give carried out by the speech partner properly [2]. So that effect or influence the speech partner. Perlocutionary language is one form of communication for the speech act is a form of speech act that is able to community in the form of speech issued by the human Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 87
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 influence or give effect to the listener [7]. With that, which can be seen clearly in the form of a sense of this effect can be felt accidentally and intentionally felt responsibility, honesty, hard work, discipline, love for by the speaker [8]. So that with the perlocutionary the homeland, and so on. speech act the speech partner is able to know the intent Based on the background described above, the of the speaker’s speech both orally and in writing. researcher is interested in discussing the perlocutionary At the end of 2019 the world was shocked by a speech acts of health protocols during the pandemic and new virus that was able to provide excessive fear, their effects in electronic news titles to improve student namely the Covid-19 virus. This corona virus is caused character education. The researcher aims to provide by animals to humans, but until now the animal that information about the perlocutionary speech acts of causes this virus has not been found clearly [9]. With health protocols during the pandemic and their effects this, the government urges the public to continue to in electronic news titles to improve student character comply with the health protocol in outdoor activities. education. By this study, it is expected to be able to Prokes (Health Protocol) is an effort to show the provide information for readers about perlocutionary information or intentions to be conveyed by the speech acts and the effects of electronic news headlines information provider and to the wider community, both for efforts to improve student character education. through print media and electronic media. It is hoped that the community will be able to know and be able to 2. METHOD increase awareness about healthy living behavior and This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach live a more positive life [10]. The purpose of health that focuses on an ability to understand more deeply promotion is to increase awareness of the general about an event. This study emphasizes the form of public both within the family and individuals in order perlocutionary speech acts of health protocol in the to live a healthy life and be able to maintain a conducive news headlines of electronic newspapers. According to environment so that life can run normally again [11]. [16] this qualitative research method is a research One of the uses of electronic media, it is easier for activity that originates from a pure object from a the government to carry out health promotion. researcher. And [17] suggests that qualitative research Electronic media is media or tools designed based on is one of the research steps that can produce descriptive one form of ease in accessing the content that will be data in the form of speech or written form and attitudes needed. The existence of the electronic system also or behavior of people who have been observed. While serves to design, process, describe, and is used to the descriptive approach [18] is a step in collecting an convey information [12]. With this, finally, electronic image to become data, utterances, and not in the form newspapers have sprung up on social media. of numbers. So that qualitative descriptive can be Newspapers are the oldest and most popular medium directed to explain and describe existing events, both for conveying information in the community. pure and engineered. Newspaper according to [13] is a printed sheet that The source of data in this study is in the form of contains an incident that occurred according to utterances in the title of electronic newsletters about conditions in society with the characteristics of being Prokes (health protocol) during the pandemic. published periodically, having an overall nature, and According to [19] the data source is where the subject containing facts in fact. The basic purpose of is obtained such as primary and secondary data sources. newspapers is to inform news or events that have the The data are obtained from news sources include: power of speed in obtaining news from a trusted source,,, and delivered according to events that are happening, detikNews,, Tempo, 20detik, [14].,, and several Character education must be instilled from an other electronic newspapers. In this research, early age in order to be able to develop student habits documentation technique is used for data collection and behavior and instill a leadership spirit as the activities. Documentation technique [20] is a technique nation’s next generation. Character education is a form that is obtained in the form of pictures, writings, and of inculcating character values in each individual, the work of someone. The documentation technique especially students, including discipline, religion, can contain a record of an event that has passed and can environmental care, and awareness to be responsible be immortalized through taking pictures. In this for everything including oneself and others [15]. research, the analytical technique chosen to analyze the Character education can shape students’ personalities data is pragmatic equivalent. [21] States that the study 88
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 contained in the field of pragmatics will not be far from Perlocutionary speech acts during the pandemic the speech context of the speaker. [22] Mention that period of health protocols and their effects in electronic pragmatics consists of four components, namely news to improve student character education. syntax, lexicon, and phonology. The analytical In writing news headlines for electronic technique used in this study is a pragmatic equivalent newspapers, there are perlocutionary speech acts that technique. The pragmatic equivalent analysis technique contain news on health protocols, some perlocutionary is used to identify the background contained in the speech acts can be found such as request, invite, please speech, both oral and written. [23] Is a method used in , reporting, scaring, and satire. [24] Perlocutionary research that includes language in the form of speech speech acts are shown either intentionally or that comes out of the speech partner that is able to give unintentionally, and speech in the form of an influence or effect to the listener or speech partner. perlocutionary speech acts can cause different 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION responses to what has been said by the speaker. Pay attention to figure 1!. Figure 1. The Embodiment of Health Protocol Perlocutionary Speech in the Title of Electronic News 3.1. Request Utterance a right or power to carry out and reject the request requested by the speaker. The request statement is Writing the title of an electronic newspaper news divided into 4 parts, which are directed to vaccination report is one form of communication, one of which activities, government officials, and hope. leads to a request speech. Speech requests according to [25] are speeches that can affect the wishes of the 3.1.1. Request Utterance for Vaccination hearer. In requesting utterances, the speech partner has Table 1. Request Utterance for Vaccination for the Public Utterance Context Intention Source [1] Even though he has National Police Chief General of Speech Thursday, been vaccinated, the Indonesia, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, urges Request 15 July 2021, National Police Chief the public to obey the health protocol Utterance 15:10 WIB of Indonesia Still even though they have been vaccinated. for Reminds them to Obey Vaccination The Health Protocol In the news headline (1) there is a perlocutionary to continue and care about the environment and be speech act that leads to the request utterance that is responsible by obeying the health protocol, and delivered by the National Police Chief General of participate in the acceleration of vaccine activities. [26] Indonesia, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, reminding the public A request is an utterance delivered by a speaker with 89
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 the aim of carrying out what has been requested. This From the above speech, it can be an example and has an effect on the speech partner in the form of can be related to the personality improvement or acceptance and awareness to cooperate character of students to be more caring and responsible communicatively between the speaker and the speech for themselves and others. partner. To achieve common goals between leaders and the community requires communication with leaders 3.1.2. Request Utterance to Face-to-Face and the people they lead [27]. Learning Table 2. Request Utterance Leads to Security Apparatus Utterance Context Intent Source [2] Supervising the Health Protocol Banjamasin City Government Request Program when Limited Face-to- inaugurated Face-to-Face Utterance 21/07/2021, 12:46 Face Learning is applied, Mayor Learning with the help of Satpol to Face-to- WIB of Banjarmasin Asks Satpol PP PP (Municipal Police) in Face (Municipal Police) to Guard the monitoring the health protocol Learning Schools In data (2) there is a perlocutionary speech act. The school has been assisted by the Satpol PP (Municipal speech act intends to ask the school to continue face-to- Police) in monitoring the ongoing learning. face learning activities. [29] Learning is a step to guide, The effect of the speaker is the willingness to carry direct, and encourage students so that learning activities out the request with full responsibility in carrying out occur. Face-to-face learning is a learning activity that monitoring activities for readiness between teachers utilizes the classroom and the presence of teachers and and students to take part in the face-to face learning students in the same room [30]. Each activity must go activities that take place. Based on the utterance above, through a plan that must be agreed between the parties it is able to shape the personality of students to be more concerned. So that before the face-to-face learning is responsible and caring for others. held [31] face-to-face learning planning needs to be considered, such as students and educators are in good health, have been vaccinated, and the school has 3.1.3. Request Utterance of Expecting maximally prepared the health protocol. In addition, the Table 3. Request Utterance Leads to Traders Utterance Context Intention Source [3] The Mayor of Pontianak City The Mayor expects coffee Asks Warkop (Coffee Shop) to be shops are able to serve as an Request 19/11/2020, 14:40 Reporter for Health Protocol, Not example and report on health Utterance WIB a Place for Spread of Covid-19 protocol. of Expecting Speech (3) shows the perlocutionary speech act of It triggers the habit of people coming to the warkop expecting requests by speakers to traders. Warkop or which is the reason the speaker asks to be an example coffee shop is a place for people to simply express, of carrying out health protocol, not even a place for the exchange opinions, and respect the opinions of other spread of Covid-19. So that the effect arises in the form people [32]. In addition, warkop is included in the of fostering discipline for traders to be able to be the public space in accordance with the opinion [33] of the best example for their customers. public space as a world that is used to exchange ideas From the above speech, it can be an example for for mutual opinion regarding the needs of the students and from the above speech it can be used to community. strengthen students’ character to remain disciplined and always respect others. The strengthening of acceptable 90
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 character education in the above speech is not only in speaker has good intentions to invite the speech partner the form of discipline but also honesty in carrying out to follow the speaker according to what is said [26]. The the mandate that has been given. utterances of invitation are divided into utterances of invitation to support, persuade, and vaccinate. 3.2. Invitation Utterance 3.2.1. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Invitation Perlocutionary speech acts can include invitation Utterance in the form of Support utterance. The invitation contains an intention that the Table 4. Invitation Speech in the form of Support for Children Utterance Context Intention Source [4] “Hanoman” Invites the Harris Rizki A uses fairy tales to remind Asking Speech Children in Rangkah children to remain in obeying the health Support Wednesday, Cemetery Area to Obey protocol by wearing Hanoman’s clothes. Utterance May 26, 2021 the Health Protocol 16:01 WIB In the utterance (4) the perlocutionary speech act of students so that they are always as creative as possible support spoken by Hanoman to influence children to in every activity. The effect on the speech partner is to comply with the health protocol. Hanoman showed his foster creativity and interest in complying with the artistic talent to invite children to care about the process in a disciplined manner. Interest according to importance of health protocol when playing. Hanoman [35] is an unchanging habit of humans to feel interested is a wayang (puppet) play, it agrees with [34] the in certain things. From this speech, it is able to foster special feature of the famous Anoman character is the the creative spirit of students to make the latest uniqueness of the face in the Sukawati style Ramayana innovations with ideas that have never been thought of. wayang kulit. With the creative form shown, the So that students begin to realize the importance of speaker is able to influence the speech partner to creativity in planting character education in participate in supporting the program that is run by the themselves. government. 3.2.2. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Invitation By the creativity of the Hanoman, it can be used as Utterance to Persuade examples for improving character education for Table 5. Invitation Utterance in the form of Persuasion to the Community Speech Context Intention Source [5] Violating Health The Regent, HM Wardan, realizes the Invitation Protocol, The Residents importance of health protocol so that anyone Utterance Thursday, 06 of Indragiri Hilir who commits a violation will be brought to to Persuade May, 2021, 11:07 Invited to Covid-19 the place where the Covid victim is buried. WIB Cemetery The utterance (5) shows that the perlocutionary This unique form of persuasion, the government speech act leads to persuade the speech partner to hopes, especially the violators, to feel aware and feel accept the speaker’s invitation. The perlocutionary sorry for seeing their brothers and sisters who have died speech act of persuading is explained with reasons that fighting Covid-19. So that the effect on the speech are able to explain a good thing to influence someone partner is shame and honestly admits mistakes in order to do something [24]. Based on it, the violators are that the responsibility arises to remain disciplined in depicted as if they were persuaded with good intentions complying with the health protocol so that there are no and taken to the Covid-19 cemetery to realize that the Covid-19 victims. violators had made a mistake. By the awareness and honesty felt by the speech partner, it can be used as an effort to improve the 91
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 character education of students so that they always 3.2.3. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Invitation instill an attitude of honesty in themselves. With Utterance to Vaccination honesty, being able to shape the character of students to be more responsible for the behavior and attitudes that have been made. Table 6. Invitation Specch to Vaccination to the Community Speech Context Intention Source [6] The Action of Jaranan The artists held a health protocol campaign Invitation 20seconds Buto Artists Invites on the streets of Banyuwangi to remind the Utterance to Saturday, Banyuwangi Residents public to obey health protocol and join Vaccination July 17, to Vaccinate and Take COVID-19 vaccinations. 2021, 12:37 Care of Health Protocol The utterance (6) shows that perlocutionary speech creative way, it can be used as an example for students that leads to vaccination activities is able to provide to follow in the footsteps of these Jaranan artists. This creative thinking for Jaranan artists to socialize health example of the creativity of this Jaranan artist must be protocols to the surrounding community. Vaccination able to encourage students to have creative thinking in is an antibody that functions to ward off disease by realizing changes in taking creativity. In addition, this giving an injection or by dropping it into the mouth artist’s action can foster a sense of love for the [36]. By the creativity of the artist’s action, he was able homeland by supporting efforts to prevent Covid-19 in to invite the public to continue the process and get Indonesia. vaccinated immediately. [37] Artists are individuals who develop and process in society. The Jaranan 3.3. Pleasant Utterance action is able to invite the public to be aware of obeying Speech Speech is divided into various forms of health protocols and vaccinations. speech, one of which is Pleasant Utterance. Pleasant The effect received by the interlocutor is a sense of Utterance is always balanced with pleasure in the heart. interest and acceptance of invitations by vaccinating Speech that is able to make someone laugh with the and balanced with health protocols. Even though the utterance so that it creates a fun or entertaining effect community has been vaccinated, they are still advised [24]. to maintain health procedures to protect themselves 3.3.1. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Pleasant in from exposure to the Covid-19 virus. the form of Appreciation From the awareness of Jaranan artists in disseminating health protocols to the public in a Table 7. Pleasant Utterance in the form of Appreciation to Traders Utterance Context Intention Source [7] The Chairman of DPD AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti DetikNews Speech Friday, (Regional Representative gives an appreciation in obeying Pleasant Sep 03, 2021 Council) Appreciates The health protocol to the peddlers. Utterance of 18:08 WIB Awareness of Peddlers in Appreciation Surabaya The utterance (7) of the perlocutionary speech act peddlers who are scattered at various ends of the road above is the speaker giving an appreciation or really need to be looked at and paid attention to, apart appreciation for the achievement of the awareness of from selling they also obey the rules in trading. peddlers in implementing health protocol when According to [38] the peddlers or Pedagang Kaki Lima carrying out buying and selling transactions. The (abbreviated as PKL) are business owners who sell 92
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 their wares for pedestrians by presenting their wares on of enthusiasm and love for the homeland while the side of the road. In addition, [39] traders are maintaining the progress. activities based on interactions between sellers and buyers when bidding on traded merchandise. So that it 3.3.2. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Pleasant has an effect on the speech partner, namely a sense of Leads to Relief pleasure. By this appreciation, it is able to foster a sense Table 8. Pleasant Utterance in the form of Relieve Utterance to the Community Utterance Context Intention Source [8] The Governor, Ridwan The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Pleasant Liputan6 Kamil: Homecoming is Kamil, allows homecoming activities as Utterance Leads March 18, Allowed as long as long as the implementation of health Relieves 2021, 14:00 Obeying Health Protocol protocols are strict. WIB The utterance from data (8) above refers to a the health protocol must still be applied properly. So, pleasant perlocutionary speech act which leads to a this awareness can be used as an example to improve relief utterance for the community, especially home character education for students in the form of comers. Homecoming is not a new thing for people who discipline and care for the environment so that the choose to migrate. Homecoming is a phenomenon that achievement of preventing the transmission of Covid- occurs on the day of Eid, when people come together to 19 can be controlled. return to their hometowns [40]. By the policy of being allowed to go home, the effect for the speech partners 3.3.3. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Pleasant in is a sense of relief and pleasure because they can come the form of Support back to the village. Even though going home is allowed, Table 9. Pleasant Utterance in the form of Support for the Community Utterance Context Intention Source [19] Supporting the Telkom University supports the health Pleasant Liputan6 May Implementation of Health protocol program by providing assistance utterance in the 11, 2021, Protocol Program, with automatic sensory hand washing form of 08:49 WIB Telkom University equipment to various schools and mosques Support Donates Sensory Hand in Bandung. Washing Equipment The utterance (9) above shows a pleasant The effect for the interlocutor is in the form of perlocutionary speech act in the health protocol news feeling happy and grateful for the appreciation and headline. News according to [41] news is a medium that support from the University. Gratitude according to is found in various print and electronic newspapers. [42] is an expression conveyed by someone for the gifts This refers to the awareness of Telkom University and favors that have been given. which instills character education as evidenced by its concern for the environment and responsibility in 3.3.4. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Pleasant helping prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in the at Face-toFace Learning community so that these actions can be imitated by students in growing a sense of care and empathy for others. 93
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 Table 10. Pleasant Utterance to Students Utterance Context Intention Source [10] On The First Day of Limited Salatiga Mayor, Yuliyanto, Pleasant Face-to-Face Learning in appreciates the students who obey Utterance in 06/09/2021, Salatiga Given Milk and health protocol program by giving Face-to-face 11:01 WIB Bread them milk and bread. learning The utterance (10) is a pleasant perlocutionary The effect is a sense of pleasure and praise for the speech act which is shown by giving appreciation and Mayor of Salatiga because the appreciation of the giving awards for the achievements of students who provision of milk and bread can add a sense of comply with health protocols by giving bread and milk. enthusiasm to continue to comply with health protocols With this appreciation, it is able to improve character when in the school environment. According to that, education in students to continue to care about the character education for students is formed surrounding environment. In addition, appreciation is independently in accordance with awareness and an activity that is able to develop aspects of adaptation discipline in complying with health protocols in and response to the achievements or creations of others schools. by giving praise [37]. Character education can affect the active participation in teaching and learning 3.3.5. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Pleasant processes [43]. So character education for students Lead to Vaccination needs to be implemented properly. Table 11. Pleasant Utterance for Vaccination to the Community Utterance Context Intention Source [11] SKD CPNS 2021 Head of Legal Public Relations Bureau and State Pleasant Tempo Test Begins Today, Civil Service Agency (BKN) participate in Utterance for Thursday BKN Ensures working together, Satya Pratama said that the Vaccination 2, Health Protocol and CPNS (Civil Servant Candidate) test would be September Mandatory started by following a strict health protocol 2021 Vaccines program. The utterance (11) of the perlocutionary speech pleasure sense, the interlocutor adheres to the health act leads to the pleasant utterance above was spoken by protocol well when taking the test. the Legal Public Relations Bureau and the State Civil Service Agency starting the 2021 CPNS SKD test by 3.4. Reporting Utterance implementing the Health protocol. By the spirit of Reporting Utterance is an utterance that contains nationality, the CPNS prepare to take the test. This test telling of an incident that occurred in the community in aims to select CPNS candidates who have good general. In line with, in the speech act of reporting, the competence. According to [44] selection is the stage of speaker informs an event that is currently happening selecting applicants who have qualifications in [45]. Reports are divided into violations, prohibitions, accordance with the required field. The effect that vaccinations, Covid-19. arises from the speaker’s speech is that the speech partners, especially the CPNS feel happy and enthusiastic to take the tests that have been held. By 3.4.1. Perlocutionary Speech Act of Reporting Violations Table 12. Reporting Utterance in a Violation to the Community Meaning Context Context Source [12] Sultan Yogya: Health Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono as the Reporting DetikNews Program Violators governor of DIY asked the public to Utterance in Wednesday, Jul continue to obey health protocol despite the 94
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 Must Be Ready for Covid-19 number sloping. Violations 21, 2021 17:32 Social-Legal Sanctions WIB The utterance (12) of the perlocutionary speech community. Deal with [24] perlocutionary referred to in the speech reports an incident that encouragement can be interpreted as a hope and support occurred in the community. The speaker reported that to change the situation for the better. With this the governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri encouragement, we are able to foster a sense of love for Sultan Hamengku Buwono said that the public was the homeland by maintaining the process to prevent the asked to obey health protocol even though the Covid- spread of COVID-19. This can be emulated by students 19 number was sloping. In addition, the policy of in order to always instill the attitude of the ideal of the violating the health protocol will be subject to socio- homeland. legal sanctions. So that the effect of the speech is that the speech partner is encouraged and motivated to obey 3.4.2. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Reporting the rules that have been set and create awareness in the Prohibition Table 13. Reporting Utterance of a Prohibition to the Community Utterance Context Intention Source [13] Gerindra Looks After Anies Gerinda Party and Anis Baswedan Reporting of DetikNews on the Prohibition of forbid going to TPU (Public Utterance Sunday, May 16, Pilgrimage: The Health Cemetery) but the citizens are allowed on 2021 08:30 WIB Protocol Is Difficult to to go to the mall as long as health Prohibition Implement at Public protocols are tightened. Cemetery In the utterance (13) above, there is a speech partner. Based on the impact, there are two perlocutionary speech act. The perlocutionary speech effects caused by the positive effect and negative effect act referred to in the speech above is that the speaker [46]. So that the speech partner feels two things that can reports to the public that there is a prohibition on be caused in the above speech, namely a sense of visiting the cemetery, but the public is allowed to visit pleasure and annoyance. The form of perlocutionary the mall. This has been approved by the Gerindra Party speech acts that are able to irritate can be proven by the and Anis Baswedan. According to this report, form of speech that leads to offending utterances, is communicative communication can be established said regularly, and is able to grow anger for the speech between the speaker and the speech partner. partner [24]. The effect on perlocutionary speech acts can be 3.4.3. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Reporting accepted by the speech partner and rejected by the Vaccination Table 14. Reporting Utterance for Vaccination to Employees Utterance Context Intention Source [14] After completing Bambang Sunarno as Mall manager said Reporting Covid-19 that every employee has been vaccinated, Utterance for June 25, 2021 Vaccination, Solo however the health protocol program will Vaccination 21:31:02 WIB Grand Mall Remains continue to be strictly applied. Obedient to Health Protocol Program The utterance (14) of the perlocutionary speech the policy that has been set by the Solo Grand Mall that act referred to above is that the speaker intends to report after vaccination the health protocol will still be 95
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 tightened. Vaccination is a mandatory activity during a from various pressures, a sense of safety already exists pandemic like today to prevent the virus from entering in him. Through the vaccination policy, people are the body. [47] Vaccination is the protection of the body more confident to enter the mall. By great awareness in from diseases that enter the body, both mild and severe the form of love for the homeland, mall employees diseases. By an awareness of love for the homeland, all must be used as examples for students that love for the employees independently carry out vaccines to prevent homeland needs to be instilled in them from an early the transmission of Covid-19 inside the Mall. age so that in the future they can be useful for the nation and state. The effect for the speech partner is a sense of safety. Safety is a need for every human being to live 3.4.4. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Reporting comfortably. A sense of safety according to [48] when Covid-19 a person has a sense of safety and feels that he is free Table 15. Reporting Utterance of Covid-19 to the Community Utterance Contexts Intention Source [15] Families must obey Thousands of children have been Reporting health protocol, exposed to Covid-19 so that the Utterance of Saturday, June 26, COVID-19 stalks utterances are able to encourage Covid-19 2021 13:14 WIB children parents to protect their children. The utterance (15) perlocutionary speech act of 3.5. Intimidation Utterance reporting in the above speech is reporting an incident that is shocking to the community. [49] He stated that The perlocutionary form of intimidation can be Covid-19 is a disease whose prevention is still limited shown in the form of threatening utterance and is able and a disease that has just emerged in the human body. to influence the speech partner with the emergence of This disease is easily contagious and has an impact on fear that can be felt directly or indirectly [24]. death. Through this utterance, it can cause an effect for Intimidation utterance can cause anxiety and fear. [51] the speech partner in the form of excessive fear. It is explained that a person’s reaction is accompanied Families must be responsible for being a stronghold of by emotion. This intimidation utterance is divided into Covid-19, besides that families must be ready and two, namely leading to threats and face-to-face responsive to the health of each child. The family is a meetings place for children to grow and the first place for 3.5.1. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of children to know the world [50]. Because children will follow every behavior of their parents, so parents must Intimidation in the form of Threatening teach character education as early as possible. Table 16. Intimidation Utterance in the form of a Threat to Society Utterance Contexts Intention Source [16] Don’t be careless to Suahasil said that the implementation of Intimidation Liputan6 obey health health protocols should not be negligent Utterance of September 20, protocol, Covid-19 in the current conditions. Threatening 2021, 14:41 WIB is still threatening The utterance (16) of the perlocutionary speech program should not be negligent because the threat of act above intends to report to the public about the Covid-19 is still a scary thing. [52] Threats are anything Covid-19 virus which is still threatening. In a pandemic that is capable of endangering public safety. condition, the news that contains the latest reports Through these threats that are widely circulating, regarding the latest information related to Covid-19 is the public must be aware and sensitive not to ignore very important and needed by the community. As health protocols. The threat of Covid-19 can have an Suahasil said that the implementation of the health 96
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 effect on speech partners in the form of fear and anxiety 3.5.2. Perlocutionary Speech Acts of about the threat of Covid-19. From the threat speech Intimidation in Face-to-Face Learning above, it is able to shape the character of students and Activities change behavior to become more concerned about the social environment, disciplined and independent to keep competing to comply with the health protocol so as not to be exposed to the deadly virus. Table 17. Intimidation Utterance Leads to Face-to-Face Meetings (PTM) to Schools Utterance Contexts Intention Source [17] Schools Violating The Depok city government confirmed that Scare Health Protocols, schools that violated the healh protocol Speech Monday, October 04, Limited Face-to- would be suspended from limited face-to- Face-to- 2021, 15:57 WIB Face Meetings face learning. Face (PTM) will be Meetings Stopped (PTM) In the utterance (17) delivered by the government, 3.6. Satire Utterance it contains the form of a perlocutionary speech act to frighten. This can be seen from the speech that leads the Satire utterance always leads to ridicule that leads school to obey health protocols so that the school to the interlocutor. In addition to mocking, satire continues to run. [53] Stated that schools are utterance also aims to protest something that is institutions capable of producing human beings who considered not good for the speech partner or the have emotional, intellectual, and spiritual intelligence. speaker himself. [54] Satire is an utterance that is From the intimidation utterance, it is able to influence conveyed cynically by using figurative language so that students so that character education is formed by itself. the speech partner must interpret the meaning of the Character education is a value that must be applied in speech so that the speech is not stated correctly. Satire students from an early age to facilitate daily utterance in perlocutionary speech acts is divided into implementation. Through good discipline and three targets, namely, satire utterance leading to Covid- responsibility, schools will still be allowed to operate 19, warning utterance, and blasphemous utterance. even in the midst of a pandemic. So that the effect is felt in the form of a feeling of fear if the school is closed 3.6.1 Perlocutionary Speech Acts of Satire in the again. So that awareness and discipline between form of Warning students and teachers must be communicatively intertwined. Table 18. Satire Utterance in the form of a Warning to the Government Utterance Contexts Intention Source [18] Don’t Prohibit The government through the Ministry of Satire People Who Obey Religion and the Ministry of Health, as well as Utterance Monday, Oct 04, the Health Protocol the Religious Authority Institution, have made of Warning 2021 07:14 WIB of Worshiping in health protocols for worshiping in places of the Mosque worship. In the utterance (18) there is a perlocutionary Worship is an activity based on obedience to Allah and speech act that leads to satire in the form of a warning always carrying out all commands. By complying with to the government. The speaker intends to give a the government’s health protocol, it is hoped that it will warning regarding the prohibition of worship. [55] not prohibit worshipers from worshiping in the mosque. 97
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 662 From this utterance, it can have an effect on the speech this utterance, it is able to increase piety to The Creator. partner in the form of a sense of awareness and change In addition, it is the responsibility of a Moslem student the agreed policy. So that Moslems are allowed to come to carry out His commands and stay away from His to the mosque by adhering to good health protocols. prohibitions. So that the character of the students can be improved through the effects received by the In the utterance above, the students can improve students. character education in the form of religious or religious values. Because the speech above contains about easing 3.5.2. Speech Act Perlocutionary Satire Moslems to worship in the mosques. So that through Table 19. Satire Utterance in the Form of Blasphemy to Offenders Speech Contexts Intention Source [19] Deddy Corbuzier Says Deddy Corbuzier insinuated several Satire About Violators of Health elements of the covid violation who Utterance Friday, May 07, Protocols Become became ambassadors, namely Nawil of 2021 - 19:22 WIB ‘Ambassadors’: How funny and Putu Arimbawa. Blasphemy My Country is! In the utterance (19) above, there is a and showing an attitude of patriotism, honesty, perlocutionary speech act with the intention of gratitude, annoyance, attracting attention, feeling blaspheming the state and government for policies that secure, fearful, offended, and relief. From some of the the speaker considers unreasonable. As stated by effects that arise from perlocutionary speech acts, it is Deddy Corbuzier. Apart from his thoughts he is also able to directly affect the speech partner. In addition, famous for controversial matters [56]. Through this student character education can be formed and can be nickname, Deddy Corbuzier uses electronic media such improved through the speech that has been delivered. as Twitter to convey his thoughts. According to [57] So that character development is not only obtained at Twitter is a social media that can be used by users to school but also from outside the school. read messages and send text-based messages. AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS The effect is in the form of annoyance for the speech partner for the blasphemy conveyed. So from The first author contributed fully to the this speech, students can improve their democratic completion of this study. The second, third, and fourth attitude by not defending the wrong person. In addition, authors guide and provide direction in completing this from the speech above, students can increase the spirit study. of nationalism as did Deddy Corbuzier by daring to express opinions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4. CONCLUSION Thanks to God Almighty, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of In this study there are perlocutionary speech acts Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah of health protocols in writing news headlines for University of Surakarta, and LPPI for the facilities, electronic newspapers as much as 19 data were opportunities, assistance and support in carrying out analyzed. The perlocutionary speech acts obtained this study so that it can be completed in accordance show utterances in the form of requests, invitations, with the allotted time. pleasant, reporting, intimidation, and satire. From the utterances, it has certain meanings and effects REFERENCES according to the utterance that has been conveyed by the speaker. The effect of the request utterance is more [1] WN K, AS Nurjamilah, and Y. Ertinawati, “Analisis Tindak Tutur Pemasar Asuransi Kepada towards accepting and carrying out requests from the Nasabah Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Pragmatik,” J. speaker. Meanwhile, the utterances of invitation, Siliwangi, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 263–269, 2017. pleasant, reporting, intimidation, and satire have the effect of feeling happy, more disciplined, responsible, [2] W. Oktavia and TB Indonesia, “Tindak Tutur Perlokusi dalam Album Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals: 98
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