Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...

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Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
Damping Technology by ZF
Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...

 3   INTRODUCTION                   8    IT’S ALL ABOUT

 4   USE CASES                      9    ACTIVE DAMPING SYSTEMS

     HAS TO MASTER                  10   PORTFOLIO


Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
3                                                                                                       INTRODUCTION

Chassis Technology That Moves: ZF Damping Technology
The automotive industry is facing enormous challenges:
Electric mobility, autonomous driving and digitalization
have already begun to change traffic more than any
other development before.

ZF is ideally equipped for this change: With its     Damping “irons out” bumps in the road, keeps the
core competencies in electric driveline solutions,   wheels on the road surface even when cornering,
Vehicle Motion Control, Integrated Safety and        prevents unwanted inertia from coming into play
Autonomous Driving, the company is making it         in stop-and-go urban traffic and much more.
possible to experience technologies of the future    Additional requirements in terms of comfort,
today. Because one thing is certain: As long         safety and dynamic handling arise depending
as a vehicle has wheels, it will need a chassis;     on the segment, market and customer. Whether
and only few chassis components are as crucial       the car is driving autonomously or being steered
for dynamic handling, safety and comfort as          by humans will also matter in the future. ZF can
the damping system. For decades, automotive          fulfill all these wishes because the company
manufacturers have relied on ZF and its extensive    supports automotive manufacturers in customiz­
portfolio, which ranges from proven conventional     ing the damping to the respective model or
components to complete, actively controlled and      sales region. The Group ensures that the optimal
networked systems.                                   solution is achieved for the desired application
                                                     already in the development stage.
Technological expertise worldwide
                                                     ZF works closely with vehicle manufacturers
This expertise is valuable because people’s          during each step of the way – from concept to
desire for mobility remains unbroken worldwide.      start of production, from the test bench to the
Whether in America, Europe or in the important       test track or even the racing circuit. Since the
growth markets of China or India: People every­      company is also represented on every continent
where have to get to work, goods need to arrive      with plants as well as development and service
at their destinations, children have to get to       locations, vehicle manufacturers worldwide can
school, or people simply want to enjoy the ride.     rely on ZF’s expertise.
Without being aware of it, they always rely on a
pleasant ride and thus on damping technology.
Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
4                                                                                                                                                      USE CASES

RIDE & HANDLING                                              LOW NOISE
                                                                                                                           for Every
Damping significantly contributes to achieving the           When a car is on the road, the chassis generates vibra­
optimum combination of comfortable and sporty driving.       tions that can radiate into the passenger compartment,        Automotive manufacturers may not
                                                             resulting in noises that can be bothersome to occupants.      have any influence on what the
                                                             ZF therefore develops its damping systems in such a way       route looks like between start and
REBOUND & COMPRESSION STOP                                   that the interior acoustics are optimized.
                                                                                                                           finish – but they do have an effect
                                                                                                                           on how it is perceived by the vehicle
                                                             IMPACT DAMPING
                                                                                                                           occupants. Whether for sporty
                                                                                                                           cornering or for taking long journeys
                                                                                                                           in comfort: ZF develops its shock
                                                                                                                           absorbers in such a way that even
                                                                                                                           entry-level products cover a multi-
Speed bumps, large potholes and other obstacles can
lead to an uncomfortable stopping point in the stroke                                                                      tude of possible applications.
limit of the chassis. These effects are mitigated by shock   Small potholes and other bumps in the road considerably       ­Depending on the type and final
absorbers that also limit the force introduced into the      reduce the comfort of the occupants and make it more           design, a wide variety of advantages
vehicle body.                                                difficult to control the vehicle. Using special technology,    come into play. Further add-on
                                                             damping can compensate for these effects.                      modules and advanced complete
                                                                                                                            systems ensure that the passen-
AUTONOMOUS DRIVING                                           MOTORCYCLE
                                                                                                                            gers enjoy every trip.

Autonomous driving is no longer a vision of the future –     Motorcycles promise pure enjoyment, whether you are out
even today, cars can cover certain routes independently.     on a fast and challenging tour or a more relaxed excursion,
This leads to new and higher demands on the chassis          alone or with a passenger. All of this demands a lot from
in terms of comfort and also poses a challenge for the       the chassis, because neither dynamics nor stability should
damping technology.                                          be sacrificed.
Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
5                                                                                                                                                                 WHAT THE DAMPING SYSTEM HAS TO MASTER

What the Damping System has to Master
Innovation with tradition: ZF has been active in the damping
business since 1934. Throughout its history, the Group has met
new challenges with its products again and again.

Today, the industry is once again facing major        ZF therefore designs its shock absorbers to be
upheaval. In addition to new laws regarding           exceptionally rugged even in their basic version,
safety and emissions, automotive manufac­             enabling them to reliably absorb such forces.
turers and their customers are demanding
more in terms of comfort and driving pleasure.                 Comfort
This leads to industry-wide trends, among
others electric mobility and electrified drives,      It’s something every passenger is aware of: If
integrated safety and highly automated and            you’re not paying attention in traffic, every bump
autonomous driving functions. These trends are        in the road is much more noticeable. That’s
also changing the tasks that a damping system         more than just annoying – some people even get
has to perform.                                       motion sick from it. In the coming era of highly
                                                      automated and autonomous driving, this prob­
         Safety                                       lem will become more acute, as even the driver’s
                                                      seat is increasingly being transformed into a
The era of isolated individual systems in the         passenger seat. Semi-active and active damping
vehicle is drawing to a close. Fully integrated and   systems, such as those already offered by ZF,
networked systems will replace the current status     have the advantage here: They can decouple
quo, allowing the shock absorber to help prevent      the passenger compartment from unpleasant            Manufacturers who want to overcome these             However, shock absorbers can also help to
accidents, or at least to limit their consequences,   motions to the greatest extent possible, making      challenges often turn towards electric mobility.     reduce emissions from gasoline and diesel
even in difficult driving situations.                 the experience more and more like a ride on a        However, an electric motor produces far less         engines through intelligent lightweight design –
                                                      “flying carpet.” But even during normal driving,     noise than a conventional drive. Up to now, the      one of ZF’s core competencies. The combination
ZF is also supporting vehicle manufacturers in        they enhance the driving experience by provid­       combustion engine drowned out other noises           of lightweight and alternative materials such as
protecting road users who are most at risk: Over      ing the driver with important feedback on road       that entered the passenger compartment               plastic, aluminum or high-strength steel with
time, vehicle body fronts are designed lower and      conditions without being uncomfortable.              through the chassis. ZF is therefore developing      precisely fitting piston sizes can save up to four
lower so that pedestrians suffer less injury in the                                                        its shock absorbers in collaboration with the cus­   kilograms of weight per vehicle. This is reflected
event of a collision. This changes the installation            Environmental protection                    tomer to ensure that occupants will not notice       in lower fuel consumption and reduced exhaust
positions of the suspension struts and shock                                                               any noise that might occur. Depending on the         emissions.
absorbers, so that these components now have          Climate targets, fuel consumption standards and      application, the Group minimizes many of these
to deal with very high transverse forces.             the threat of a driving ban for diesel vehicles:     noises down to the physical limit of acoustics.
Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
6                                                                                                       APPLICATION HIGHLIGHT CDC

Continuous Damping Control:   Continuous Damping Control (CDC) has been a popular mainstay
                              in the ZF portfolio, thanks to the ability to switch to optimum
Optimum Damping for Every     damping within a fraction of a second or the option to switch
                              between sport-tuned firm and luxuriously soft damping with
Wheel on any Road             the push of button. CDC can stabilize vehicle superstructures
                              independently of road conditions using the “skyhook” principle.

                              On long journeys and on poorly maintained roads,       unit. A solenoid-controlled valve provides each
                              CDC reduces strain on the spine and thus is gen­       individual wheel with the ideal damping force for
                              tle on passengers’ backs, benefiting commuters         the current situation. Because CDC can switch
                              as well as others. ZF has also set its sights on the   so smoothly and quickly, it can optimally cope
                              future, because in the coming age of autonomous        with many challenges – and is able to do so
                              driving, the comfort demands on the part of            in all vehicle segments, from compact cars to
                              occupants will rise to a level for which CDC is        luxury sedans. CDC also guarantees a good ride
                              already equipped.                                      on motorcycles, be it while racing through curvy
                                                                                     switchbacks or on an adventure tour.
                              Want handling that is more dynamic? CDC
                              makes it possible by influencing the wheel load        Add-on feature CDCrci
                              fluctuations of the car, thus ensuring perfect
                              traction at all times. For example, this allows the    Even finer tuning of the shock absorber char­
                              vehicle to accelerate dynamically or steer when        acteristics can be achieved with the CDCrci
                              cornering without impairing tracking behavior or       feature, which electronically regulates the
                              stability. And in the worst-case scenario, such as     damping forces independently in the rebound
                              emergency braking, this feature ensures greater        and compression direction. CDCrci thus meets
                              safety on the road.                                    the increased re­quire­ments for controlled com­
                                                                                     pression damping on rough roads and enables
                              The technology explained                               further advantages in terms of driving dynamics
                                                                                     and comfort, especially for SUVs.
                              The semi-active damping system, which has
                              proven itself millions of times over, constantly
                              uses its sensor architecture to collect data on
                              the condition of the road, the vehicle speed and
                              driver actions and transmits it to a central control
Performance: Damping Technology by ZF - ZF Friedrichshafen ...
7                                                                                       CONVENTIONAL DAMPING SYSTEMS

Power Perfectly Metered:
Selective Damping Control 3
For many, driving a car is an     The frequency-selective technology SDC3
emotional experience. The         (Selective Damping Control) now allows vehicle
phrase “need for speed” exists    manufacturers to find a good compromise
                                  between comfort and precise handling with
for a reason, but those who
                                  sporty dynamics on the cost-efficient basis of
have pursued it could expect at   conventional damping technology. SDC3 exhibits
the very least their passengers   its advantages especially when installed in
complaining about damping that    vehicles with large rims or low-profile tires, such
was too hard – if it wasn’t the   as sport, truck or crossover models.
driver’s own back that might be
                                  The technology explained
aching from it.
                                  The heart of SDC3 is a frequency-dependent
                                  valve module that divides the damping force
                                  characteristics in the rebound direction into high-
                                  and low-frequency damping forces. In the case of
                                  low-frequency excitations – high cornering forces
                                  which occur during evasive maneuvers on the
                                  highway or when cornering on a country road –
                                  stabilizing, high damping forces are g­ enerated.
                                  The car is easier to steer, which increases safety.
                                  In case of high-frequency vibrations – small,
                                  rapidly occurring road unevenness from sources
                                  such as cobblestones, rough asphalt or tar
                                  patches – SDC3 operates on a low damping
                                  force level. The passengers remain isolated
                                  from the vibrations, which leads to a noticeable
                                  increase in comfort.
8                                                                                                                                                                                 IT’S ALL ABOUT MODULARITY

It’s all About Modularity
Compact city cars, minivans, sports sedans, off-road vehicles:                                           to reducing emissions or, in the case of electric     Vehicle manufacturers can also use it to limit the
Successful vehicle manufacturers offer a wide variety of possible                                        vehicles, increasing the range. The monotube          forces introduced into the vehicle body by the
model ranges to reach different customers.                                                               damper thus closes the gap between standard           chassis. Weight and costs are reduced because
                                                                                                         and electronically controlled chassis with an         no additional compensating components have to
                                                                                                         attractive price/performance ratio.                   be installed.
The driving experience should be as varied as      As an integral part of the chassis, damping
the intended uses – because this experience is     represents the link between road, car and driver.     Five by five                                          Custom-made in volume
just as much a part of the brand core as design,   And because every car is different and has                                                                  production
engine sound and reliability.                      different challenges to master, this also needs       Based on mono- or twintube dampers, five
                                                   to be reflected in the damping characteristics.       further factors are crucial for ZF’s modularity       ZF attaches great importance to developing
                                                   Manufacturers therefore rightly want a more           principle:                                            the optimum shock absorbers for every vehicle.
                                                   or less tailor-made solution for each individual                                                            ZF shock absorbers are highly customizable in
                                                   model range – and often for different engines or      • The size of the shock absorber, including           terms of size, additional features, algorithms
                                                   regions as well.                                        suitable rebound and compression stop               and actuators and can therefore be adapted to
                                                                                                           technology                                          every vehicle type and application. In addition,
                                                   ZF fulfills this wish with an economical and          • Various valve systems for optimum                   there are various lightweight design options
                                                   scalable modular system that allows conven­             characteristic curve attributes                     based on material mix and thickness, such as
                                                   tional, semi-active and active shock absorber         • Optional material mix in container design           hybrid spring plates made of a steel-and-plastic
                                                   technology to be precisely optimized for every        • Control algorithms and electronics for              composite. With semi-active and active damping
                                                   application and budget.                                 semi-active and active damping                      technology, ZF can not only supply the hardware
                                                                                                         • Construction kit for actuators with                 but also offers the appropriate electronics
                                                   Start right with the basics                             semi-active and active damping                      and control software from a single source. ZF
                                                                                                                                                               engineers accompany and support the OEM in
                                                   ZF shock absorbers have been the proven               Spotlight on additional modules:                      a thorough customization process – including
                                                   standard in damping technology since the              Rebound and compression stops                         several weeks on the test track – to ensure that
                                                   1930s. Every product that the Group develops                                                                the shock absorber is perfect for the respective
                                                   for its customers is based on monotube or             Additional damping force is generated by              vehicle model.
                                                   twintube dampers. Even in their entry version,        rebound and compression stops, depending on
                                                   ZF twintube dampers are economical for the            the stroke, which in turn limits the stop forces
                                                   vehicle manufacturer as well as resilient and         acting on the axle – and thus on the vehicle
                                                   space-saving thanks to their short installation       body. It is therefore vital that the rebound and
                                                   length. In addition, monotube dampers feature         compression stops are individually adjusted to
                                                   improved noise characteristics and are optimized      the respective vehicle model. This is associated in
                                                   for lightweight design. In this way they contribute   particular with additional comfort for passengers.
9                                                                                                                                     ACTIVE DAMPING SYSTEMS

Smooth as can be:
Active Damping
Concept sMOTION
What if a shock absorber no longer depended on external
influences to fully deploy its damping power?

What if it were able to take action itself – instead   comfort, safety and dynamic handling. Thanks
of just reacting, as has been the case so far?         to sMOTION, vehicle occupants get a feeling
With the active damping concept sMOTION,               of unshakable calm as they float over uneven
ZF promises a groundbreaking new level of              surfaces of all kinds.

                                                       The technology explained

                                                       Each wheel is fitted with an actuator that can
                                                       actively pull the wheel upwards or push it
                                                       downwards. It almost completely eliminates car
                                                       body vibrations that might be unpleasant for the
                                                       driver and passengers. It doesn’t matter whether
                                                       the vehicle is exposed to immense lateral forces
                                                       when cornering fast, generating pitching move­
                                                       ments when accelerating or braking, or driving
                                                       over bumps, humps, rough asphalt, gravel or
                                                       the like: sMOTION effectively smoothes over any
                                                       unwanted, bothersome movement.

                                                                                                          Watch how sMOTION works –
                                                                                                          click here.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PORTFOLIO

 Overview: ZF Damping Technology
 RIDE &                                             LOW                                                   REBOUND &                                                IMPACT                                                 AUTONOMOUS                                          MOTORCYCLE
 HANDLING                                           NOISE                                                 COMPRESSION STOP                                         DAMPING                                                DRIVING

 • Conventional: SDC2/SDC3                          • Various valve technologies                          • Conventional: HRS/HCS                                  • Conventional: SID                                    • Conventional: SDC3                                • Conventional shock
 • Semi-active: CDC/CDCrci                          • Designed as required                                • Semi-active: CDCrci                                    • Semi-active: CDCrci                                  • Semi-active: CDC/CDCrci                             absorbers
 • Active: sMOTION                                                                                        • Active: sMOTION                                        • Active: sMOTION                                        + preview                                         • Semi-active: CDC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Active: sMOTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            + preview

                                                                                                                                                   AMPLITUDE- AND
 STANDARD DAMPING                                           END-POSITION DAMPING                                                             FREQUENCY-DEPENDENT DAMPING                                                                    SEMI-ACTIVE AND ACTIVE SYSTEMS

                                                                    Additional      Zusatzfeatures
                                                                               features                                      SDC2 SDC2 SDC2       SDC2                               SDC3 SDC3SDC3        SDC3                                  CDC CDC CDC       CDC
               Damping     Damping Damping
                     Damping                                           Damping     Damping Damping
                                                                             Damping                                                 Damping     Damping Damping
                                                                                                                                           Damping                                            Damping     Damping Damping
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Damping                                         Damping    Damping Damping
               Force Force Force   Force                               Force Force Force   ForceHCS HCS HCS                 HCS      Force Force Force   Force                                Force Force Force   Force                             Force ForceForce   Force

                                                                           ard ndard
                                                                      Stand Seta
                                                                               r Ser per S mperSID SID SID           SID                                                                                                                                          Compression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Compression   Compression
                                Compression   Compression              Damp Damp Dam         Da Compression
                                                                                            Compression  Compression                               Compression
                                                                                                                                                        Compression   Compression
                                                                                                                                                             Compression                                    CompressionCompression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Compression   Compression
StrokeStrokeStroke   Stroke                             StrokeStrokeStroke     Stroke                                  StrokeStrokeStroke   Stroke                            Stroke StrokeStroke   Stroke                            Stroke StrokeStroke   Stroke
                     v=const.   v=const. v=const.
                           v=const.                                            v=const.    v=const.
                                                                                      v=const.        v=const.                              v=const.    v=const.
                                                                                                                                                   v=const.        v=const.                         v=const.    v=const. v=const.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           v=const.                                         v=const.    v=const.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   v=const.          v=const.

                                                                                                                                                   small small small
                                                                                                                                                           large          small
                                                                                                                                                                  large large       large                  high   highlow         high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        high low low      low                     soft   soft soft        soft

                Rebound   Rebound Rebound
                     Rebound                                             Rebound              SID SID
                                                                                   Rebound Rebound
                                                                              Rebound                            SID         SID

                                                                HRS    HRS   HRS      HRS                                              Rebound   Rebound Rebound
                                                                                                                                            Rebound                                            Rebound  Rebound Rebound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rebound  Rebound Rebound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  firm   firm firm        firm

                                                                  HRS – Hydraulic Rebound Stop                                                                 SDC2 – Sensitive Damping Control                                                                    CDC – Continous Damping Control
                                                                  HCS – Hydraulic Compression Stop                                                                     Amplitude selective Damping                                                                  sMOTION – Active Suspension
                                                                                                                                                               SDC3 – Sensitive Damping Control
                                                                  SID – Sensitive Impact Damping                                                                       Frequency selective Damping
11                                                                                                                                                                                     ZF AS A SYSTEMS SUPPLIER

A Systematic Approach to the Future
Modern problems require modern solutions. As more
people strive for mobility, traffic is becoming increasingly
complex worldwide.

Drivers and passengers have requirements for          ZF summarizes the causal chain of these
their cars that differ greatly. Sporty drivers want   technologies in the slogan “see. think. act.” An
to test the limits, while families focus on safety,   example of this is the sensor set – consisting of
which is why companies are constantly devel­          radar, LIDAR and camera – detecting a potential
oping new assistance systems. And of course,          collision, with the data being processed by the
comfort should not be neglected.                      vehicle’s control box, which estimates whether
                                                      it is still possible to prevent the accident through
In order to meet such demands, it is no longer        evasive maneuvers or by braking. In any case,
sufficient for each component to simply func­         the car activates its braking system, the seat
tion well on its own. Their full potential can only   belts tighten, and the power-assisted steering is
be tapped if the individual components, along         activated. If semi-active or active shock absorb­
with subsystems and parallel systems, are             ers such as CDC or sMOTION are fitted, they
intelligently and efficiently networked with each     can already adjust the damping force required
other. The prerequisite here is system solutions      to increase the traction of the wheels, making it
and integration, and ZF can meet this need            easier to carry out evasive maneuvers while also
from a single source like no other technology         shortening the stopping distance. In this way it       a variety of advantages in terms of comfort.          or car-to-cloud communication. This would
supplier.                                             is still possible to avert the accident. By the way,   Up until now, shock absorbers have only been          allow the cars in front to warn those behind
                                                      sensors can now also recognize what kind of            able to respond to inputs and forces after            them of uneven surfaces or other obstacles.
see. think. act.                                      danger is imminent. That’s important, because          they have already come into contact with              Such “remote damping” is no longer some dis­
                                                      whether it is another car, a pole, or even a           them. What if the sensors were able to tell the       tant vision of the future. Damping technologies
This is due to ZF’s comprehensive portfolio in        pedestrian plays an important role in the choice       damping system that road bumps or bends               such as CDC or sMOTION are already prepared
the four technology fields of Vehicle Motion          of damping force.                                      were approaching? The damping force would             to do this. Development projects at ZF are
Control, Integrated Safety, Electric Mobility and                                                            not only proactively compensate for the road          currently testing the necessary interaction
Automated Driving, which is the only way it is        Predictive damping                                     condition but also be able to align the charac­       of sensors, signal processing and regulation
possible to keep track of a complex control net­                                                             teristic curve with the current driving style, with   algorithms. In any case, it will become clear
work that opens up new market opportunities. In       However, it is not necessary for the worst-            more feedback in sport mode and complete              that damping will continue to be a crucial
this way, ZF can supply complete systems that         case scenario to occur before action is taken.         decoupling from asphalt conditions during             component of the mobility of the future as
precisely meet the requirements of manufactur­        Intelligent damping through the use of constant        autonomous driving. Further opportunities arise       an indispensable interface between the road,
ers and end customers.                                communication with vehicle sensors offers              from networking, for instance through car-to-car      chassis and driver.
12                                                                                                                                                                            ABOUT ZF

ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Global Corporate and Marketing Communications
88038 Friedrichshafen                                        ABOUT ZF
Phone +49 7541 77-0                                          ZF is a global technology company and supplies           areas of digital connectivity and automation in order                                                 systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and      to allow vehicles to see, think and act.                                             industrial technology, enabling the next generation of
                                                             mobility. With its comprehensive technology portfolio,   ZF has a global workforce of some 149,000 em­-
                                                             the company offers integrated solutions for estab­       ployees at 230 locations in 40 countries. In 2018,
                                                             lished vehicle manufacturers, mobility providers and     ZF achieved sales of €36.9 billion. ZF invests over
                                                             start-up companies in the fields of transportation and   six percent of its sales in research and development
                    mobility. ZF continually enhances its systems in the     annually.
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