Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health

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Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
Perfect age for

 Soothe your
 PMS moods

 Put an end to

                  May 2022
Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
Keep this                                    What to expect with a well-woman exam

                                                 Head-to-toe physical exam                Speculum, to see what you can’t
                                                          Everything from                 Examination for cervical or vaginal
                                                          headaches to                    tissue abnormalities and signs of

    Yearly well-                                          cardiovascular risk to
                                                            bone health, plus
                                                                                          skin cancer on or near the vulva.
                                                                                          Hands-on pelvic exam
    woman visit                                             breast cancer and other
                                                            preventive screenings.
                                                                                          Checking for uterine and pelvic
                                                                                          masses or discomfort, which is
    Once a year, put yourself                                Pap smear, but may           important because no annual
    first. Prioritize your health                         not be needed every year        screening tests exist for uterine or
    with a well-woman exam. It’s                       Testing for abnormal cervical      ovarian cancers.
    powerful medicine.                           cells recommended every 1 to 5           Time for your questions
    “We can find precancerous cells              years, depending on results. Testing     From body changes to sexual health.
     long before they become cervical            for the human papillomavirus (HPV)      “You should feel comfortable asking
     cancer. That’s huge. It’s priceless,”       at the same time as Pap smear, or as     your provider anything,” Kennedy
     said Chelsey Kennedy, WHNP, CHI             needed.                                  said.
     Health Nurse Practitioner. Each visit is
     unique to your needs and stage in life.
    “The preventive care we offer and                          Looking for an Ob-Gyn? Your perfect match is just a few clicks
     what we talk about depends on the                         away. Take the short quiz on to find a
     patient,” Kennedy said.                                   provider that fits your needs.

    You’re not
                                                Crying over spilled coffee? Yelling       5 or more symptoms with most
                                                in traffic? “Hormones that regulate       menstrual cycles during a year. The

                                                menstrual cycles can also trigger         difference is often the intensity.
                                                emotional symptoms beyond physical        “If troubling symptoms affect your
                                                symptoms like bloating and breast          life or relationships, talk to your
                                                tenderness,” said Kathryn Klayum,
    It’s just hormones
                                                                                           provider,” said Dr. Klayum. PMS and
                                                DO, CHI Health Ob-Gyn.                     PMDD can improve with lifestyle
                                                Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is             changes. PMDD can also improve
                                                when you have more than 1-2 mild           with medication therapy like oral
                                                symptoms. Premenstrual dysphoric           contraceptives and selective serotonin
                                                disorder (PMDD) is when you have           reuptake inhibitors.

                                                                         PMS     vs.    PMDD

                                                              Mood changes              Intense mood swings, including anger
                                                    Feeling down/depressed              Extreme sadness/hopelessness
                                                             Feeling anxious            Extreme anxiety
                                                   Fatigue/difficulty sleeping          Sleepiness/insomnia
                                                        No suicidal thoughts            Suicidal thoughts
                                                        Affects usual routine           Affects relationships, work, hobbies


2   Better You • 2022
Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
Put an end to endometriosis pain
Pain is not normal. John Cote, MD,                                                     there is evidence that it’s a type of
CHI Health Ob-Gyn says if you                                                          autoimmune disorder, and genetics
experience painful periods, non-                                                       have been found to play a role.”
menstrual pelvic pain, and pain during                                                 While endometriosis can impact
intercourse, talk to your provider –                                                   fertility, there is no way to know the
it could be endometriosis.                                                             extent until you’re trying to conceive.
Endometriosis is an estrogen-                                                          “We don’t need a surgical diagnosis to
dependent disease. It occurs when                                                       start treating your symptoms, so it’s
endometrial cells and tissue from                                                       important not to wait to seek help,”
inside the uterus get out and attach                                                    Dr. Cote said. “There is no magic
to other areas of the body.                                                             cure, yet, but we do have medications,
                                            response – leading to inflammation,
“We’ve found them everywhere, from          hypersensitivity, and ultimately: pain.     hormone suppressants and physical
 fallopian tubes to ovaries and bladders,                                               therapies that can help. Even
                                            “The exact cause of endometriosis
 even bowels,” Dr. Cote said.                                                           something as simple as changing your
                                             is hard to pin down. The backward
These rogue cells are stimulated by                                                     diet can help with inflammation, but
                                             flow of menstrual blood can lead
estrogen, which triggers an immune                                                      you have to start somewhere.”
                                             to endometrial cells spilling into the
                                             pelvic cavity,” Dr. Cote said. “But  

Pregnancy: A test in patience and persistence
Not everyone’s journey to mother-           Dr. Schultz said. “We can get a lot
hood looks the same. On average:            of answers from lab work, hormone
                                            analysis, ultrasounds and other
57% of couples trying will                  non-invasive methods.”
achieve pregnancy within
three months
                                            “Your ability to conceive
72% within six months                        is not a reflection of you
85% within a year                            or your worth.”
For the 15 percent who don’t conceive
within a year, Sarah Schultz, MD,           Once identified, many specific
CHI Health Ob-Gyn, says it’s time to        abnormalities can be fixed with life-
talk to your provider about fertility.      style changes, medications or surgeries.
For women with a known endometri-
                                            For the unexplained issues, the next
osis diagnosis, or those over the age
                                            step is a referral to a specialist.
of 35, she suggests coming in after six
months.                                     “There are many ways to grow a family
                                             that we can explore together,” Dr.
“A third of the time, fertility issues
                                             Schultz said. “We will walk this road
 stem from the woman, and about a
                                             with you and do everything we can
 third of the time it’s the man. The
                                             to support you on this journey.”
 other 40 percent of the time it’s a
 combination, or it’s unexplained,”     

                                                                                          • Better You    3
Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
28                                                            Deliver baby
                                                                                       your way!
                                                                                       CHI Health Birth Centers and Maternity
                                                                                       Centers both offer comfortable suites
                                                                                       and nitrous oxide to relax moms-to-be,
                                                                                       with some key differences:
                                                                                               Birth Center:
                                                                                              • For healthy, low risk moms
                                                                                                  and babies
                                                                                              • Midwife-centered approach
                                                                                              • Holistic delivery emphasizes

                                                                                                  natural pain relief
                                                                                               Maternity Center:
                                                                                              • Located within full service

    Perfect pregnancy age:                                                                    • Round-the-clock access
                                                                                                  to specialty care
                                                                                              • Pain relief options include
    Behind the numbers                                                                            epidurals
                                                                                       Looking for the perfect place to have
    Is age just a number when it comes       women over age 40 can have issues
                                                                                       your baby? Check out the back cover
    to pregnancy? It’s true – your fertility getting pregnant.
                                                                                       for more!
    declines as you age. But CDC statistics “We know that fertility really starts
    show more women are waiting longer       to decline in a woman’s late 30s, but
    to have children.                        that decline can happen earlier,”          Mothers’ average
    The current national average age         Dr. Kuhlmann said. “Most women
    at first delivery is 27.                 in their 20s and early 30s don’t           age at first birth
    In 2020, 30- to 34-year-old women        have  much trouble, but there are
    had a higher birth rate than 25- to      exceptions.”
    29-year-old women for the fifth             Factors include low ovarian reserve,
    straight year.                              chronic medical conditions like
    So, why the wait? “Often women in           diabetes or hypertension, and male
    their late 30s are more established in      infertility.
    their careers,” said Maggie Kuhlmann, “There’s no perfect time,” she said.
    MD, CHI Health Maternal Fetal          “You have to make a decision that                                  1970: 21.4
    Medicine and High Risk Pregnancy        balances your goals for starting a
    Specialist. “They feel more prepared    family with the other things going on                           2000: 24.9
    to deal with the complexities of        in your life.”
    parenthood.”                                                                                             2010: 25.4
    Most women assume they will be                                                                            2020: 27.1
    able to have babies as soon as they’re       Having a baby can be
    ready. It’s not always that simple. It’s     expensive, scan the QR
    a common misconception that only             code for ways to save!
                                                                                        National Vital Statistics Reports

4   Better You • 2022
Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
Is it hot in here, or is it baby fever?
So, you want to have a baby…                Next up, you‘ll want to schedule and       Dr. Boyer recommends and
now what?                                   attend regular prenatal visits. It’s       encourages everyone to get the
First, congratulations!                     important to keep track of your health,    COVID-19 vaccine, whether you’re
                                            and your baby’s.                           pregnant, or looking to conceive.
Now, it’s time to find a provider.
A preconception appointment can                                                        Pregnant women are at a higher risk
help rule out any potential health                                                     for COVID-19 complications, and
or fertility issues, establish medical                                                 getting the vaccine before or during
history and ensure any medications                                                     pregnancy gives antibodies to your
you’re on are safe for                                                                 baby.
pregnancy. Providers also                                                                 The best advice for becoming a
encourage women to start                                                                  first-time parent? It’s okay to not
taking prenatal vitamins                                                                          be perfect.
6-12 months before getting                                                                         “Perfect parents don’t
pregnant.                                                                                           exist, and children don’t
“Focusing on being the best                                                                 need perfect parents,” Dr. Boyer
 and most healthy version of                                                                said. “All they need is committed,
 yourself is the most important                                                            loving parents who are doing their
 thing,” said Samantha Boyer, DO,                                                      best. It’s okay to mess up, because
 CHI Health Family Medicine provider.                                                  every parent does.”
“Deciding to have a baby can feel like                                                 For information on childbirth classes
 this huge leap into the unknown and                                                   and support offered by CHI Health,
 it’s likely you’ll experience joy, but a                                              go to
 little planning will help anxiety and

                                            good for you and baby!
                                            Breast milk keeps your baby healthy.      “We’re sitting face to face, giving
                                            But for new moms, it can be stressful      that hands-on help and support,”
                                            to learn. Whether it’s through one-        said Cheryl Hruska, RN, BSN, IBCLC,
                                            on-one meetings or support groups,         Certified Lactation Consultant with
                                            CHI Health has lactation teams to          CHI Health. “It’s a lot more beneficial
                                              help you, and your baby, navigate        than what somebody can get from
                                                the process.                           a computer screen or a comment
                                                 CHI Health offers free, in-person     section online.”
                                                  support groups for moms and         For more information on lactation
                                                   babies up to a year old.           consulting visits or support groups
                                                                                      near you, go to:

                                                                                          • Better You     5
Perfect age for pregnancy? - Soothe your PMS moods Put an end to endometriosis pain - CHI Health
Pay attention to
     preeclampsia                                                                   Should I…call
     A new baby can make your heart go
     pitter patter – too much.
                                                                                    the midwife?!?
     Preeclampsia is a serious blood
     pressure condition that can
     develop during pregnancy but can
     also begin after women take their
     babies home. It can take weeks,
     even months after delivery, for
     preeclampsia to completely resolve,
     according to Amanda Stuelpnagel,
     MD, CHI Health Ob-Gyn.
     “If identified early, complications
      such as stroke, heart attack and
      seizures are largely preventable,”      The CHI Health Birth Center offers a homelike setting for moms-to-be.
      she said.
                                              Who should deliver your baby? Family                  Many families appreciate midwives’
                                              doctor, Ob-Gyn…or maybe a midwife                     low-tech, high-touch approach that
                                              is right for you.                                     emphasizes hands-on care and options
                                              “I encourage all soon-to-be families                  like water births over induction of labor
                                               to explore what’s available knowing                  and epidurals. Like their physician
        Danger Signs of Preeclampsia                                                                counterparts, midwives can provide
                                               certified nurse midwives are a safe and
        Before or after delivery, seek         trusted option for low-risk, vaginal                 pain relief and a higher level of care is
        emergency medical care for:            pregnancies,” said Karen McGivney-                   always at the ready as back-up.
       • Blood pressure of 160/110             Liechti, MSN, APRN-CNM, Certified                   “Midwives are part of the Birth Center
          or higher                            Nurse Midwife at CHI Health.                         care team at CHI Health. We can
                                                                                                    seamlessly transition from a natural
       • Seeing spots or sparkles             “We walk the journey                                  to cesarean birth. And our patients
       • Severe headache                                                                            have access to some of the best
       • Stomach pain, nausea
                                              with our moms,                                        neonatologists in the state staffing our
          or vomiting                          listening to their                                   NICUs,” she said.
                                                                                                   “Your birth plan and who you trust
       • Trouble breathing or
          shortness of breath
                                               preferences, sharing                                 to make it happen is a very personal

       • Swelling in hands or face             options and what                                     decision. We want our families to have
                                                                                                    the birth experience they dreamed
                                              works well.”                                          about.”
     “Many women make the mistake of          It’s a misconception midwives are                     Midwives are currently available at
      thinking they are ‘back to normal’      untrained labor coaches.                              CHI Health facilities in Omaha and
      after delivery,” she said. “Just like   Certified nurse midwives (CNM) are                    Lincoln, and coming soon to
      pregnancy, the postpartum period        master’s and/or doctorate degree nurses               CHI Health St. Francis.
      is a critical time and new moms         with additional focused training on                
      need to remember to take time for       prenatal and postnatal care including
      themselves and their health.”           breastfeeding, labor and delivery, and
                                              well-woman services.

6   Better You • 2022
Ask your baby expert
                                           It’s impossible for new parents to       To find the right provider for
                                           know everything. From daily              your newborn, ask yourself:
                                           parenting questions to big health care
                                           decisions, providers are available to    • Did the provider give me a
                                           help.                                      chance to ask questions?
                                          “Partner with a provider you trust to     • Was the provider really listening
                                           help you navigate parenthood, as well      to me?
                                           as someone with the experience and       • Did the provider explain things
                                           expertise you can rely on to keep your     in a way I could understand?
                                           baby healthy and safe,” said Terry
                                           Becker, MD, Family Medicine and          • Did I feel comfortable sharing
                                           Obstetrics physician with CHI Health.      my thoughts and concerns?
                                           If you choose the right provider, the    • Did the provider seem to know
   How often should                        relationship can last a lifetime.          about the latest medical
   I feed my baby?                        “Growing with and advocating for our
                                           patients–newborns through adult-         The third trimester is when Dr.
   Is that poop color                      hood–we build lasting relationships
                                           in family medicine. Even more, we
                                                                                    Becker recommends parents start
                                                                                    looking for their baby’s provider.
   normal?                                 know you and your medical history        Don’t know where to start?
                                           inside and out. I have many families takes the
   What about                              that I see five different generations of guesswork out of finding the right
                                           patients. This helps me to know that     provider for your family.
   co-sleeping?                            family thoroughly,” he added.

Happiest time of your life…or is it?
 Most new moms (80 percent*),             “You are not alone. Talking to a trusted family member, friend, therapist,
 experience mood swings triggered          and/or getting professional support is one of the healthiest ways to heal.”
 by rapidly dropping hormones and
 sleep deprivation known as the           Help is available 24/7 by calling:
“baby blues.”                             • Metro Omaha & Lincoln: 402.717.HOPE
For a few (15 percent*), those feelings   • Kearney - Richard Young Behavioral Health: 1.800.930.0031
of worry, unhappiness and fatigue         • Grand Island - St. Francis Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center:
turn into something more serious–             308.398.5427
postpartum depression.
                                          Seek immediate help if feelings:
“The excitement of a new baby comes
 with physical and emotional changes.     »   Don’t fade after two weeks or get worse
 It can become overwhelming and           »   Make it hard for you to care for your baby
 confusing. At times these feelings       »   Make it hard to complete everyday tasks
 will not go away on their own,”
 said Chelsea Hunter, LCSW,               »   Include thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
 CHI Health Licensed Independent
 Mental Health Practitioner.
                                                                                              *National Alliance on Mental Illness

                                                                                         • Better You         7
                                                                                                      US POSTAGE

       The McAuley Fogelstrom Center                                                                  OMAHA, NE
                                                                                                    PERMIT NO. 361
       12809 W. Dodge Road
       Omaha, NE 68154

                                       Take a virtual tour
                                       of our Maternity and Birth Centers
                                       throughout the CHI Health network

Have your baby close to home:
CHI Health has options where you are
Metro Omaha                            Grand Island                  Nebraska City
CHI Health Creighton University        CHI Health St. Francis**      CHI Health St. Mary’s
Medical Center - Bergan Mercy***       2620 W Faidley Ave            1301 Grundman Blvd
7500 Mercy Rd                          Grand Island, NE 68803        Nebraska City, NE 68410
Omaha, NE 68124                        Midwives - Coming Soon
CHI Health Immanuel                    Kearney                       CHI Health Schuyler
6901 N 72nd St                         CHI Health Good Samaritan**   104 W 17 St
Omaha, NE 68122                        10 E 31st St                  Schuyler, NE 68661
Maternity Center & Birth Center        Kearney, NE 68847
located within the hospital
                                       Lincoln                       ** Level II NICU at this
                                                                      CHI Health Maternity Center
CHI Health Lakeside***                 CHI Health Birth Center
16901 Lakeside Hills Ct                8020 O St                     *** Level III NICU at this
                                                                      CHI Health Maternity Center
Omaha, NE 68130                        Lincoln, NE 68510

CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs**      CHI Health St. Elizabeth***
800 Mercy Dr                           555 S 70th St
Council Bluffs, IA 51503               Lincoln, NE 68510
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