People are expected to work together' - Pacific ...
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Analysis R O U N D T A B L E SPONSORS ANZ • PACIFIC EQUITY PARTNERS ‘People are expected to work together’ Shortly after covid-19 forced Australia into a period of lockdown, three industry figures told Daniel Kemp how they are responding to the crisis – and why they still sense some reasons to be positive O ur 2019 Australia “With the GFC, there was a they’re expecting restrictions to last at roundtable painted 12-month lead-up to when Lehman least until the end of April, and I think a positive picture of collapsed where people knew the econ- we’re all conservatively assuming it’ll the opportunities omy was starting to decline, with a fur- realistically be longer than that in some available in infra- ther drop afterwards until the bottom form or another.” structure, particu- in March 2009,” says Cameron Blanks, Whatever the scale of the econom- larly in the mid-market space. At the a managing director at Pacific Equity ic impact over the coming months, it is time, our participants said the outlook Partners. “So, it was a long time coming fair to ask what exactly normal will look was “very positive” and that “aside from and people were able to respond. This like once we emerge on the other side, a GFC-style shock”, there was unlikely crisis has come on very suddenly – most says Robin Dutta, head of infrastructure to be anything that would materially al- people were blindsided and not long and PPP, project and export finance, at ter the outlook for the asset class. ago it was inconceivable to most that ANZ. “If we can look several months Well, in the weeks immediately this was going to happen. We are all go- ahead, how will businesses view the preceding our 2020 roundtable, that ing through a period of readjustment, need to alter those supply chains which GFC-style event arrived in a manner no to try and understand what the future have obviously been quite materially one could have anticipated. This year’s looks like after this crisis.” disrupted? Will that mean that the de- discussion, held at the end of March, As Mark Hector, infrastructure and sign and procurement of infrastructure was our first to be conducted entirely real assets portfolio manager at the has to adapt to cater to this? Those are via video-conference. Unsurprisingly, A$100 billion ($64 billion; €60 bil- legitimate questions to ask.” The pan- the novel coronavirus dominated the lion) First State Super, puts it: “This demic has clearly had a significant im- discussion. is unprecedented for all of us, so we’re pact on all parts of the economy, with The pandemic precipitated a sharp all taking it week by week, month by infrastructure investments and the firms downturn in the world’s public markets, month. that manage them being no exception. and in broader economic and business “Essentially our entire company is In Australia, several superannuation sentiment more generally. Infrastruc- well set-up from an IT and communi- funds and GPs have made quick deci- ture assets, especially in the transport cation perspective to be working from sions on valuations. sector, but in other areas too, have not home full-time for an extended peri- In the week before our discussion, been immune. od. The federal government indicated two of the country’s largest funds acted: 24 Infrastructure Investor • May 2020
Analysis Cameron Blanks Managing director, Pacific Equity Partners Blanks joined Pacific Equity Partners in 2002 and has recently been one of its leads on the Secure Assets Fund, its first infrastructure vehicle, which targets assets with a combination of secure and predictable revenue streams as well as compelling growth and operational enhancement opportunities. Prior to joining PEP, Blanks worked for Bain & Company in Australia and North America and spent seven years in the mining and construction industry in Australia, Asia and North America. Robin Dutta Head of infrastructure and PPP, loans and specialised finance, ANZ Dutta runs the infrastructure and PPP team within ANZ’s project finance division. His role includes a focus on transport and social infrastructure PPPs, with emphasis around the transition to a low-carbon economy. He joined ANZ in 2009 and was previously head of loan syndications. Prior to that, he was a director at Citibank. Mark Hector Infrastructure and real assets portfolio manager, First State Super Hector is infrastructure and real assets portfolio manager of First State Super, one of the largest superfunds in Australia with almost A$100 billion of assets under management. Around A$6 billion of this is invested in infrastructure and real assets, which Hector has overseen since joining the fund in May 2014. Prior to this, he was a project director at Leighton Contractors where he was responsible for leading its equity investments in greenfield projects in Australia and New Zealand. He has also held project finance roles with Japanese bank MUFG, Babcock & Brown and ABN AMRO. May 2020 • Infrastructure Investor 25
Analysis AustralianSuper reduced the value of its unlisted assets by 7.5 percent on aver- age and UniSuper reduced the value of its infrastructure portfolio by 6 percent. After our discussion took place, Host- “Many infrastructure plus moved to cut the value of its un- listed portfolio by between 7.5 and 10 percent. assets have investment- grade credit ratings and Out-of-cycle process “We’re definitely going through an out-of-cycle process of revaluing all of you don’t earn those unless our unlisted assets, as all LPs and GPs should be doing,” Hector says. “We’ve got legal requirements to make sure all our assets, particularly our unlisted as- sets, appropriately reflect market con- ditions. If there are material changes you have some liquidity in market conditions, as clearly we’re seeing at the moment, we’re required as soon as is reasonable and practical to measures in place to adjust those valuations.” All superfunds go through an exten- sive process with external valuers in the withstand a short-term run-up to the end of Australia’s financial year on 30 June. The current process- es, however, are generally being carried out internally and involved a bit of what demand shock” Hector describes as “guesswork”. ROBIN DUTTA “There’s naturally a little bit of ANZ guesswork at this early stage of the cri- sis,” he says. “We’re talking to external valuers to get their views on how they’ll different perspective to that of a super- Fund are in very good shape, with good be approaching it in June, as well as fund. liquidity and cashflows,” Blanks says. talking to our peers, fund managers and “We’ve been making sure our port- “We’ve got no problems in that port- asset-level management teams. folios are performing well, that our folio at all. “As best as we can, we prefer to try portfolio companies have taken all “A couple of things in our broader and stretch or adjust cashflows without the actions they need to take and have private equity fund need more attention necessarily changing asset-specific dis- thought about their contingency plans,” than others, but that’s a pretty under- count rates. But where there is a little Blanks says. “It’s been a good opportu- standable place to be [in] given the dis- bit more uncertainty on the cashflow nity to really dive in and make sure all ruption in the market. side, we will be taking more prudent or of our businesses were responding in “We’re fortunate that we’ve got conservative views on those asset-spe- the right way.” over A$3 billion of committed and cific discount rates, or taking the low The firm is currently “mopping up undeployed capital [across the whole end of valuation ranges. the tail end” of fundraising for its Se- business] – it’s really now a matter of us “Time is going to tell whether there cure Assets Fund, a vehicle with a target turning to where we focus our attention will be some broader macro increases of A$700 million. The fund has made on deployment.” in general equity market risk premiums three investments: two in the smart me- For ANZ, the emphasis is again dif- across infrastructure and broader un- tering space, the third in the ‘last mile’ ferent as a debt provider, but the bank listed asset classes.” infrastructure space, and a take-private has been no less busy. A particular fo- Pacific Equity Partners has also been bid for publicly listed Zenith Energy in cus has been on working with clients busy in the early stages of the crisis, al- the process of being finalised. and businesses that have been especially beit approaching the problem from a “All our assets in the Secure Assets affected by severe, short-term drops in 26 Infrastructure Investor • May 2020
Analysis demand. However, Dutta points out On the topic of distressed assets, all sources for seemingly attractive deals that the infrastructure asset class should three participants agree there may be during a recession can be the listed be inherently more resilient to these attractive opportunities at some point. markets, due to the dramatic drop in kinds of shocks than businesses or assets None expect them to appear quickly, share prices. in other sectors. though. “But you’ve really got to be careful “Many infrastructure assets have “They will take a while to come and there,” he says. “Reputationally, we investment-grade credit ratings and I don’t think we’ll see mass distress in don’t want to be seen to be acting like you don’t earn those in the first place the broader infrastructure asset class,” vultures. And a high-quality company unless you have some liquidity meas- says Blanks. “It’ll probably be three to that’s just seeing some short-term issues ures in place to withstand a short-term six months before we really start to see won’t look too kindly on that sort of ap- demand shock,” he says. “While there’s those distressed assets come to market, proach. no question some assets, particularly in particularly if their parents or funds “On the other hand, if there’s a list- the transportation sector, will suffer in need liquidity.” ed company in serious trouble that is the short to medium term, it’s fair to say looking for a white knight, or a listed their business models should have an Refinancing risk company that we feel is fundamentally underlying resilience. Hector highlights the potential for undervalued coming out of the crisis, “Several of them will also have fi- problems around refinancing of assets. it’s a different story, but that will take nancial flexibility – whether it’s un- “We’re definitely getting feedback time to play out.” drawn liquidity, the ability to suspend that there are liquidity issues, or pricing High-quality businesses and assets discretionary capex or dividends, and issues with bank debt, and capital mar- that are just suffering from short-term so forth – that will probably see them kets are either shut down temporarily debt or liquidity issues should be able to through this. The need to avail these or have seen very material increases in navigate a way through, all our partici- measures doesn’t invalidate the under- prices.” he says. “If you’ve got near- pants agree. However, the fall in equity lying investment thesis, which has been term refinancing risk, that’s clearly go- markets may increase opportunities for made with an investment horizon, in ing to have an impact on assets.” corporate carve-outs. “Asset sales could some cases, of multiple decades.” He adds that one of the “obvious” help a company take the edge off other liquidity measures, like raising equity,” Dutta says. “Over the last few years, investors might have perhaps been un- successful in their overtures, to both corporates or state counterparties. “This crisis has come on “We may now be entering a period where investors are more likely to be rewarded for that creativity than per- very suddenly – most haps in the past, so you might see some of those opportunities start to unlock and assets come to market in that vein.” people were blindsided PEP, of course, has been doing cor- porate carve-out deals for many years in the broader private equity space, and and not long ago it was some of its initial work in the Secure Assets Fund has followed a similar pat- tern. Blanks agrees that these types of deals are likely to increase. inconceivable to most that “These are classic times where it may not be the asset itself that’s stressed, but the parent,” he says. “You can think of this was going to happen” some energy companies, for example, that might have issues in their broad- er portfolio, whether it’s generation or CAMERON BLANKS other things unrelated to other assets Pacific Equity Partners downstream, and it could be a lot bet- ter for them to sell those assets to raise May 2020 • Infrastructure Investor 27
Analysis The outlook for the future, then, at “We’re definitely least as far as the asset class is concerned, offers some hope, with the prospect of increased asset sell-offs from both gov- getting feedback that ernments and private companies, and more chances to be imaginative. Blanks says: “You need to be crea- there are liquidity tive in environments like this and we think we’re well-equipped to do that. The standard privatisation where a issues, or pricing issues package is given and lots of people roll up – there is a role for those and they’ll continue to happen, but it’s certainly not where we’re focused. with bank debt. If “We’re looking at those complex sit- uations where we can come in and make a difference, and I think there’s going to you’ve got near-term be more and more of that, because of the market dislocation.” refinancing risk, that’s Hopeful outlook As Hector adds, the situation is not all doom and gloom for investors. clearly going to have an “Coming out of any crisis, you ex- pect and hope there will be some rela- tively better buying opportunities,” he impact on assets” says. “While we’re very focused on our existing portfolio at the moment, we’ll continue to be patient and have dry powder ready for that.” MARK HECTOR First State Super The discussion over social licence to operate for infrastructure investors, as well as in the private equity space more broadly, has continued to rear its head in capital than go out and do an equity “It’s just going to take a few months the last 12 months or so, with people as raising.” to settle down,” says Blanks. “But I don’t wide-ranging as Qantas chief executive And on dealflow more broadly, none think it’s going to have a long-term im- Alan Joyce and former Democratic US of our participants reported too much pact on dealflow. It might change the presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren disruption – yet. nature of the dealflow and delay some having their say. The crisis could there- Dutta says deals that were in the things a little bit, but the opportunities fore prove an unrivalled opportunity for pipeline from six weeks previously are will come.” He adds that electronic data investors of all stripes, including in in- still being carried out, thereby ensuring rooms and virtual due diligence meetings frastructure, to show their worth. that everyone is staying busy. Blanks have already become commonplace. “There’s now almost an underlying says he has been presented with numer- For First State Super, the focus so expectation that the business commu- ous opportunities already by banks and far has understandably been on its own nity works together as a collective to advisors, although not many have been portfolio and ensuring it has adequate address the crisis we’re facing, both on of a very high quality. liquidity. health and economic grounds,” Dut- Things are likely to slow down a bit, “That’s certainly not to say we’re ta says. “There are still details to hash with some processes pushed back a lit- shut down to new business,” Hector out, but in most cases there’s a tle to allow all parties time to consid- says. “But this type of crisis natural- common spirit in which people are ex- er their situations fully and develop a ly rations capital and we’re now being pected to work together, even if they clearer picture. That will not necessar- more selective about how we choose to might be on opposing sides of a given ily mean they do not go ahead, though. deploy our capital.” contract.” ■ 28 Infrastructure Investor • May 2020
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