Peer Reviewing E-Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions

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Educational Strategies

Peer Reviewing E-Learning: Opportunities,
Challenges, and Solutions
Jorge G. Ruiz, MD, Chris Candler, MD, and Thomas A. Teasdale, DrPH

Peer review is the foundation of                         of print materials, describe peer review       navigation, interactivity, delivery, ease of
academic publication and a necessary                     issues regarding e-learning materials,         updating, distribution, and access. Four
step in the scrutiny of any scholarly work.              propose approaches to address the              approaches are offered to ease the
Simply defined, peer review is the                       challenges of peer review of e-learning        burden and improve the quality of
attentive, unbiased assessment of any                    materials, and outline directions for          e-learning peer review: develop peer
scholarly work that is submitted for                     refinement of the e-learning peer review       review training, embrace multidisciplinary
formal scrutiny.                                         process. At its core, the peer review of       peer review, develop guidelines, and
                                                         e-learning materials should not differ         provide incentives and compensation.
Although medical school faculty                          substantially from that of traditional         The authors conclude with suggestions
increasingly use technology in clinical                  manuscripts. However, e-learning
                                                                                                        about peer review research.
teaching, e-learning materials are often                 introduces new demands that impel
not subjected to a rigorous peer review                  reviewers to consider aspects that are         Acad Med. 2007; 82:503–507.
process. The authors contrast peer                       unique to educational technology,
review of e-learning materials with that                 including pedagogy, format, usability,

Peer review is an accepted and essential                 peer review has not been equally applied       and reliable evaluation process.8,9 For
step in the publication process of print                 to educational scholarship.2                   e-learning to be fully and widely
biomedical literature.1 Thoughtful                                                                      recognized as evidence of scholarship,
scrutiny by unbiased peers is the                        Clinician educators are increasingly using     peer review must become standard
hallmark of traditional peer review that                 technology to complement and enhance           practice. Previous approaches to the
enables authors to transform scholarly                   clinical teaching and learning activities.     evaluation of digital materials have
work into scholarship. In addition, peer                 We use e-learning to refer to the use of       focused primarily on content and
review fulfills an essential quality-control             Internet technologies to deliver a broad       presentation and not on the scholarly and
requirement, because it ensures that                     array of approaches that enhance               pedagogical aspects of e-learning.10 Alur
published materials meet accepted                        learners’ knowledge and performance.3–5        and colleagues10 used strict inclusion
standards. Print-based scientific journals               Common synonyms for e-learning are             criteria, looking for the adherence of
have relied on some form of peer review                  Web-based learning, online learning,           medical teaching Web sites to instructional
to assess the scholarship of research since              distributed learning, computer-assisted        methods reflecting learning principles
the 19th century. However, the process of                instruction, or Internet-based learning.
                                                                                                        such as critical thinking, independent
                                                         Distance learning and computer-assisted
                                                                                                        learning, evidence-based learning, and
                                                         instruction are two well-known
                                                                                                        feedback. They found that the Web sites
                                                         e-learning modalities included in our
                                                                                                        focused mainly on content, with fewer
Dr. Ruiz is assistant professor of clinical medicine,    definition. Distance learning takes place
                                                                                                        than 20% of sites using the four teaching
Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine,          at locations remote from the point of
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,                                                          methods. Knight et al9 developed and
                                                         instruction. Computer-assisted instruction,
Miami, Florida, associate director for education/                                                       implemented a peer review instrument
evaluation, Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical
                                                         on the other hand, uses stand-alone
                                                                                                        that focused mainly on the format,
Center (GRECC), VA Medical Center, Miami, Florida,       multimedia packages for learning and
                                                                                                        presentation, feedback, and evaluation of
and senior investigator, Stein Gerontological            teaching.6 Examples of e-learning include
Institute, Miami, Florida.                                                                              Web-based curricula. This peer review
                                                         tutorials, case-based learning, simulations,
Dr. Candler is co-director and editor,                   and game-based learning modules.               model is an attempt to identify and
MedEdPORTAL, and director of educational                 E-learning is fast becoming an established     differentiate teaching Web sites according
technology, Association of American Medical
                                                         approach in medical education.                 to a set of criteria that reflects the learning
Colleges, Washington, DC.
                                                                                                        paradigm and, in this way, to assist
Dr. Teasdale is associate professor of geriatric         Some years ago, the development of             medical educators creating e-learning
medicine, The Donald W. Reynolds Department of                                                          materials to achieve recognition for their
Geriatric Medicine, University of Oklahoma College
                                                         computer-based education materials was
of Medicine & Veterans Affairs South Central Health      not considered evidence of scholarship         work, with the ultimate goal of achieving
Care Network Mental Illness Research, Education          in U.S. medical schools.7 That stance          high-quality e-learning. Based on Boyer’s
and Clinical Center (MIRECC), Oklahoma City              has eroded over the past decade, but           work on the domains of scholarship,
VAMC, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
                                                         indiscriminate acceptance as scholarship       Glassick and colleagues11 proposed six
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Ruiz,          is also not justified. Historically,           criteria to guide assessment of scholarly
GRECC (11GRC), Miami VAMC, 1201 NW 16th
Street, Miami, FL; telephone: (305) 5757-3388; fax:      e-learning materials have not been             work beyond the traditional paradigms of
(305) 575-3365; e-mail: (          rigorously subjected to a formal, valid,       teaching, research, and service. These

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 5 / May 2007                                                                                                      503
Educational Strategies

criteria (clear goals, adequate preparation,   E-learning materials introduce a                government, industry, and higher
appropriate methods, significant results,      new learning paradigm that allows               education are beginning to adopt these
effective presentation, and reflective         implementation of instructional                 and other guidelines, the typical peer
critique) can be especially helpful to         strategies that could not readily be            reviewer is not familiar with these
peer reviewers as they decide whether          accomplished with print. The design             concepts and will need to acquire new
educational materials, including e-learning    of e-learning systems informed by               skills to assess this new genre of
materials, meet the accepted standards         educational theory and research can             educational materials.
of scholarship. The Association of             enhance the learning experience.
American Medical Colleges (AAMC)               Examples of successful e-learning               Navigation: Linearity versus branching
MedEdPORTAL project12 recently                 materials include multimedia case-based
                                                                                               Subject matter experts who create print
incorporated the Glassick criteria in its      simulations and computer games, which
                                                                                               media usually present their content in a
peer review form for e-learning materials.     allow medical learners access to a varied
                                                                                               sequential and predictable fashion, which
                                               clinical case mix free from temporal and
In this paper, we discuss similarities                                                         allows learners to easily follow one
                                               spatial restrictions.15 This and other
and differences between peer review of                                                         prescribed path that the author has set for
                                               challenges may add to the complexity of
e-learning and print materials, focusing                                                       them in advance. There are abundant
                                               the review for faculty not familiar with
specifically on delivery rather than                                                           examples of e-learning materials that
                                               advances in e-learning methodologies.
content. We describe peer review                                                               simply deliver an automated linear
concepts, content, and practice with                                                           presentation. These can be highly
                                               Format                                          effective; whether they are depends on
regard to e-learning materials. We also
propose four approaches to handling            Print media is limited to text and static       the target audience, learning outcomes,
various challenges of peer reviewing           graphical elements such as pictures and         and topic. However, e-learning provides
e-learning materials.                          figures. E-learning materials, in their         new opportunities that can exploit the
                                               most versatile and popular format,              hypermedia features and nonlinear
                                               go beyond these formats to include              structure that have made the World Wide
Differences                                    hyperlinked text and multimedia                 Web so popular.
At its core, the peer review of e-learning     elements that are only possible with
materials should not differ substantially      computers. However, the addition of             In the context of navigation, moving
from the review of traditional scholarship.    media elements introduces important             from the linear presentation of material
To do otherwise is to confer an unequal        challenges to reviewers accustomed to           to a branching paradigm opens a new
standing among academic products               classic print materials. Specifically, the      world of opportunities for medical
submitted for educational purposes.            media elements must be evaluated for            learners. Such flexibility affords new
For both traditional manuscripts and           their appropriateness, educational value,       opportunities to explore content, but
e-learning materials, the reviewer must        and overall effectiveness. For example, a       it may also overwhelm and confuse
examine the submission’s strengths and         video depicting the “flash” seen within a       learners. Although little is formally
weaknesses in terms of the veracity,           syringe confirming successful phlebotomy        known about the educational benefits
relevance, and effectiveness of content.       can be powerful, but a video illustrating       and pitfalls of branching navigation, the
The information contained in the               various types of needle gauges offers           peer review of e-learning materials may
educational materials must be correct,         nothing more than what may be                   nonetheless consider the educational
up to date, and matched to learning            illustrated in a simple photograph.             benefits of such navigation. The parallel
outcomes and to the appropriate level of                                                       for print-based peer review is that
learners.13 However, e-learning requires       Usability                                       reviewers often consider the overall
consideration of additional dimensions.                                                        organization of content, including the
                                               Print materials have been widely used for
For example, is the appearance conducive                                                       table of contents, embedded figures and
                                               centuries, so their usability is time tested.
to education? Are multimedia elements                                                          tables, and references.
                                               The history of e-learning, on the other
used effectively? Is it easy to “navigate”     hand, is comparatively short, and
through the online material? Is the            usability factors are continuously              Interactivity
interactivity appropriate for the level of     evolving. In human– computer                    One of the main instructional and
the learner? Are special computer skills,      interaction and computer science,               pedagogical advantages of e-learning
hardware, or software required? What           usability refers to the quality of a user’s     lies in its interactivity.3,15 The concept
special considerations are relevant            experience when interacting with a              of interactivity is still controversial,
regarding reproducibility? These and           product or system such as a Web site or         lacking even an accepted definition.18
other questions place new demands on           software application.16 In contrast with        Yacci18 outlines four criteria defining
reviewers. In this section, we suggest the     the simple physical format of print,            interactivity: instructional interactivity is
following aspects: pedagogy, format,           e-learning input devices include                a message loop, occurs from the learner’s
usability, navigation, interactivity,          keyboards, mice, touch screens, stylus          point of view, has two outputs (content
delivery, and currency.                        sticks, and verbal commands.                    learning and affective benefits), and
                                                                                               contains mutually coherent messages. An
Pedagogy                                       Usability criteria for Web-based                example will illustrate the concept. The
Mortimore refers to pedagogy as “any           materials, which constitute the bulk            medical student (learner perspective)
conscious action by one person designed        of e-learning, have been devised17 but          interacts with a Web-based virtual patient
to enhance learning in another.”14             are not yet widely used. Although               by asking her about the characteristics of

504                                                                                            Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 5 / May 2007
Educational Strategies

her abdominal pain, to which the virtual       content without considerable cost and        distance learning, asynchronous
patient responds (message loop). The           time. Creators of print-based educational    modalities, and online assessment.
virtual patient answers that the pain is       content face much greater distribution       Studies by Callaham and colleagues19,20
“stabbing” in nature (mutually coherent        challenges than do their counterparts        suggest that conventional face-to-face
message). The learner acquires knowledge       who create e-learning products.              workshops are ineffective at improving
regarding the virtual patient’s symptoms       Information technologies allow               the general quality of peer review efforts.
and becomes satisfied by it (content           e-learning materials to be updated much      The proposed educational program must
learning and affective outputs). According     more easily and efficiently than print.      include a variety of delivery methods,
to these criteria, traditional print           Updating e-learning materials may entail     including e-learning methods, mentoring
materials are low in interactivity. On         costs similar to, or even greater than,      of junior peer reviewers performing
the other hand, multimedia e-learning          print materials, but the relative ease of    actual reviews, and annotated examples
offers the potential for higher levels of      redistributing updated e-learning content    of well-conducted reviews of e-learning.
interactivity. Virtual patients and Web-       offsets those costs. Consequently, authors   These should all be posted for public
based simulations are dramatic examples        should be encouraged to refine and           access. Abbreviated training approaches
of highly interactive educational              enhance their work using new information     may offer busy educators opportunities
materials.                                     from ongoing evaluation, new biomedical      to acquire a basic set of knowledge and
                                               discoveries, or changes in the underlying    skills needed to conduct a peer review of
E-learning reviewers must be aware of the      technology. This presents a unique           e-learning materials.
current state of the art for interactivity     challenge for the traditional model of
potential in order to provide valid            peer review, which has focused on the        Include multidisciplinary peer review
assessments of products under review.          evaluation of relatively static documents.
                                                                                            Many journals already make use of
Moreover, the reviewer must be                 Editors of e-learning publications should
                                                                                            statisticians and methodologists to assist
sufficiently comfortable with the              recommend that their published authors
                                                                                            editors in evaluating the methods
concepts to recognize when an attempt to       maintain and openly display a revision
                                                                                            sections of submitted manuscripts. The
push the interactivity envelope results in     history that indicates all significant
                                                                                            rationale behind this practice is the
a less useful educational approach than        changes to content after the item was
                                                                                            recognition that many health care
might be achieved otherwise. The               published. A publication that undergoes
                                                                                            professionals have insufficient facility
opposite can be true when interactivity is     substantial modification could be
                                                                                            with statistical techniques. In support of
underutilized. A particularly important        submitted as a new version for
                                                                                            this notion, a review of the literature
issue is for reviewers to discriminate         publication, a model similar to
                                                                                            revealed that physicians with master
between good or effective versus               progressive book editions. Furthermore,
                                                                                            degrees in public health and epidemiology
substandard or ineffective interactivity.      any item that contains time-sensitive
                                                                                            were far more effective peer reviewers
                                               information should be reviewed again
                                                                                            than were physicians without such
Delivery                                       after a reasonable period of time. A
                                                                                            additional expertise.21 The process of
                                               potential challenge for editorial staff
Dissemination is a condition of                                                             peer reviewing e-learning materials might
                                               and peer reviewers is the likelihood of
scholarship. Emerging technologies                                                          also benefit from this multidisciplinary
                                               increased workload resulting from new
surrounding e-learning represent new                                                        approach. MedEdPORTAL12 is already
                                               versions of submitted e-learning
categories for the distribution of                                                          using a combination of reviewers
educational content. E-learning materials                                                   from varied disciplines, some with a
can be delivered through a wide range of                                                    background in e-learning, to assist in
media, including the Internet, CD-ROMs,                                                     their peer review process of selected
                                               Approaches to Facilitate
DVDs, and PDAs. We do not include                                                           educational materials. We suggest that a
                                               E-Learning Peer Review
videotape among e-learning media                                                            wide array of other professionals be
because of its linear and noninteractive       We have described seven domains in           considered to compose the pool of
presentation. Online repositories and          which peer reviewer of e-learning            available peer reviewers. When e-learning
digital libraries are particularly well        materials differs from review of             materials are submitted for review,
suited for the delivery of e-learning          conventional print scholarship. We now       appropriate members of this pool who
products. The peer reviewer would be           suggest four approaches that have the        have expertise in instructional design,
expected to recognize the subtle differences   potential to ease the burden and improve     usability issues, software development,
in how the content is organized and            the quality of e-learning peer review.       educational technology, and Web design
delivered through varied media to                                                           should be included, as appropriate, to
determine whether the materials are            Develop peer review training                 ensure that peer review parameters
potentially effective and efficient. For                                                    specific to e-learning materials are
                                               The increasing level of complexity that
example, experts in the field recognize                                                     appropriately appraised.
                                               is required to peer review e-learning
that e-learning materials designed for
                                               materials makes it imperative for experts
Web-based delivery may not be equally                                                       Develop guidelines
                                               to design and develop training programs
well delivered via a DVD.
                                               for prospective peer reviewers. This         The formulation of technical specifications
                                               training should cover the basics of          and standards in e-learning for software
Currency                                       innovative educational technologies,         technologies facilitates the development,
Once a book or journal article is              including e-learning content such as         deployment, maintenance, and operation
published, it is difficult to update its       tutorials, simulations, virtual patients,    of e-learning systems. With regard to

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 5 / May 2007                                                                                       505
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peer review, specifications and              process and decrease the burden on            of scholarship do warrant a rigorous
standards are nonexistent. The World         editors, reviewers, and clerical staff. New   process. Reviewers should ideally be
Association of Medical Editors22 and         incentives to perform peer review must        offered instruction regarding the fair and
other organizations provide valuable         be established. However, in this era of       efficient evaluation of the relevant
advice and suggestions regarding the         increasing clinical and educational           domains. In addition, the formidable
responsibilities of editors, the specific    responsibilities, shrinking reimbursements,   challenges to the establishment of an
role of reviewers, the development           and faculty shortages, this issue becomes     effective peer review process for e-learning
of a peer review policy, and editorial       especially problematic for the editors and    materials requires a comprehensive
decision making. These principles apply      administrators of digital repositories.       approach that develops peer review
to not only established print-based                                                        training, embraces multidisciplinary
journals but also e-learning publication                                                   peer review, develops guidelines,
venues. In particular, the AAMC              The Work Ahead                                addresses incentives and compensation,
MedEdPORTAL group has developed              Research in peer review of print materials    and encourages peer review research.
guidelines and a standardized peer           does not reveal sufficient solid evidence
review instrument using the consensus        for deciding criteria that can help editors
of experts in the field—an important         make consistent decisions regarding           Acknowledgments
step to ensure a coherent and rational       publication. Jefferson et al24 note that      Dr. Ruiz would like to thank Dr. Bernard Roos
peer review process.12                       editorial peer review lacks agreement         for his mentorship. Dr. Ruiz would also like to
                                             about aims and methods employed. A            acknowledge the support from the D. W.
Provide incentives and compensation          systematic review of the effects of           Reynolds Foundation, the Miami VAMC
                                             editorial review also has failed to show      Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical
Discussion of incentives and                                                               Center, and the State of Florida Agency for
compensation for peer review activities      any conclusive evidence for the
                                                                                           Health Care Administration (Florida’s
is common within academic and                effectiveness of peer review of print         Teaching Nursing Home Program). Dr.
professional circles. This dialogue is as    materials.24 To better address the            Teasdale would like to acknowledge the
relevant for reviews of e-learning           challenges of peer reviewing e-learning       support from the D. W. Reynolds Foundation
materials as it is for print media.          materials, a consensus must be sought         and the VA South Central Health Care
                                             regarding minimum guidelines for peer         Network Mental Illness Research, Education
However, editors of e-learning peer
                                                                                           and Clinical Center (MIRECC.)
review have to compete with the long-        review, and reviewers must be evaluated
established prestige and tradition of        on their expertise in those skills before
minimal compensation for print peer          the process will be genuinely valued in
review. It is conceivable that without       academic circles.25 The concealment of
                                                                                            1 Rennie D. Editorial peer review: its
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                                                                                            4 Harden RM, Hart IR. An international virtual
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