PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

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PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

                    PEACE &
        Challenges in The Mediterranean region

                                          Issue 3
                                   September 2021
PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

All rights reserved

© Platform for Peace and Humanity, 2021


Ambre Karoutsos
Filip Šandor
Kelly Demjanick
Rastislav Šutek


Filip Šandor
Ambre Karoutsos
Pamela Dávila
Anisha Maulida
Fatima Umar
PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

      Challenges in The Mediterranean region

Issue 3                                           September 2021

Table of content


The Abraham Accords: Implications in Algerian-Moroccan Relations
and the Ongoing Conflict in Western Sahara
   Pamela Dávila

Tunisian Democracy is in Turmoil: What’s Next after a Self-coup?
   Anisha Maulida

The Dots of Discord from Past till Present: An Overview of Algeria and
Morocco’s Relations
   Fatima Umar


   Ambre Karoutsos

   Pamela Dávila

   Ambre Karoutsos & Filip Šandor

Greece & Turkey
   Filip Šandor
PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

       Challenges in The Mediterranean region

Issue 3                                                  September 2021


Instability takes many forms: from tensions between Morocco and Algeria to the
struggles of women to make their voice heard in peace processes, challenges
are numerous in the Mediterranean region. Long-time issues remains, such as
tensions in Palestine, while new concerns arise, such as the Tunisian political

In the region as a whole, geopolitical, environmental and political events shape
what actions and peace agreements will become. How these will create new
dynamics is what this issue will focus on.
PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E


Algeria recalls ambassador to Morocco
after Morocco's envoy to the UN speaks
in support for self-determination of the
                         Kabylie region               20/07/2021
                                                      Ersin Tatar, President of Northern Cyprus,
                                                      announced the partial lifting of the
                              25/07/2021              restrictions on Varosha.
      The Tunisian president, Kais Saied
             suspended the parliament

                                                      Early August 2021
                                                      Wildfires in Turkey and Greece
 Israeli FM Yair Lapid makes first visit to
Morocco since normalization of relations
                            in late 2020
                                                      ISIL group killed eight Egyptian troops in
                            14/08/2021                Sinai
 Sudan signed several agreements with
   Turkey as Sadanś Sovereign Council
     chairman concluded a 2-day visit
                                                      Wildfires in Algeria. Government suspects
                                                      terrorist groups backed by Morocco and
                             24/08/2021               Israel
        Algeria cuts diplomatic ties with
                                                      Arab League and Organization of Islamic
                                                      Cooperation call for dialogue between
                              01/09/2021              Algeria and Morocco
   Virtual meeting of Energy Ministers of
                       Cyprus and Israel              08/09/2021
                                                      The second round of exploratory talks
                                                      between Turkey and Egypt were held in
                          09/09/2021                  Ankara
A new government Lebanon was formed                   .

                                                      Saudi Arabia, UAE and        Egypt   held
                                                      military drills in Greece
PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

The Abraham Accords: Implications in Algerian-Moroccan
  Relations and the Ongoing Conflict in Western Sahara

   Pamela Dávila

In December 2020, the Kingdom of Morocco              escalating tensions between Morocco and the
joined the Abraham Accords, a United States-          Algeria-backed Polisario Front, and since then, a
brokered normalization agreement under which          series of chain events have unfolded in the south
they regularized their diplomatic relations with      of the Mediterranean, reaching a peak on August
Israel. Throughout history, Arab countries have       24, when Algeria decided to cut diplomatic ties
chosen to stand by Palestine in its territorial       with Morocco.
dispute with Israel, leaving the latter surrounded
by a group of unwelcoming neighbors in the            In this context, this article will explore the
Middle East. Nevertheless, the political dynamics     geopolitical effects of the Abraham Accords in
of the region shifted last year for Morocco, when     Moroccan-Algerian relations and its impact in
the US decided to formally recognize its              the development of the conflict in Western
sovereignty over the Western Sahara in                Sahara. The first section will offer a brief
exchange for joining the Abraham Accords.             explanation of the agreement known as the
                                                      Abraham Accords, as well as, the series of
Formerly a Spanish colony, and home to the            events that ensued between Morocco, Algeria
Sahrawi people, the area known as Western             and the Polisario Front in the past few months.
Sahara has been the center of a territorial           The second section will delve into current
controversy for over 40 years. The Kingdom of         Moroccan-Algerian relations, in order to
Morocco has claimed historical sovereignty over       understand how their power dynamics are
the resource rich land, while the Polisario Front,    shaping the region and how their latest actions
the sole representative of the Sahrawi people,        answer to very specific political goals for both
has demanded the complete independence of             parties. The third section will analyze Moroccan-
the territory. After a series of violent clashes in   Algerian relations in the context of the ongoing
the 1970s, a considerable number of Sahrawi           process in Western Sahara, stressing the
refugees set camp in neighboring Algeria, who         importance of this conflict in the overall security
not only offered its assistance, but also declared    of the Mediterranean. The article will conclude
their support for the Polisario Front’s cause. This   with a few considerations in relation to regional
statement would later fuel the existing tensions      geopolitics to emphasize the reasons why the
between Morocco and Algeria.                          Abraham Accords should be a vital point of
                                                      focus to consider when analyzing security
In 1991, the United Nations decided to take action    matters in the Mediterranean in the near future.
by enacting a cease-fire between the Polisario
Front and Moroccan military forces. The UN also       What are the Abraham Accords?
created a peacekeeping operation in Western
Sahara, whose mandate is oriented towards             The Abraham Accords comprehend a series of
conducting a referendum on the status of the          agreements for the normalisation of relations
territory; nonetheless, said referendum has not       between certain Arab countries and Israel,
yet taken place, which has in turn created            brokered by the United States (during Donald
discontent on both sides. The signing of the          Trump’s presidency) as a means to promote
Abraham Accords came in the midst of                  dialogue, cooperation and peace, especially in

PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

                                                        Mediterranean region to do so. While the move
                                                        was unexpected (as with the previously
                                                        mentioned states), the main point of concern in
                                                        terms of security is the strategy used by the
                                                         United States: The recognition of the sovereignty
                                                        of the Kingdom of Morocco over the entire
                                                        Western Sahara territory. The joint declaration
                                                        not only formally establishes this point, but also
                                                        stresses the commitment of the United States
                                                        towards the development of the territory and
                                                        promises the opening of a consular office in
                                                        Dakhla, as a way of creating new opportunities
                                                        for the region. [4]

the Middle East. This event appears as a                Since the agreement between Israel and
historical move in the region, given that no Arab       Morocco was signed, a series of events
country had regularized relations with Israel since     developed in the south of the Mediterranean,
1978, when Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat            involving    Morocco,      Algeria   and      the
agreed upon peace between both countries in             representatives of Western Sahara. Soon after
the context of the Camp David Accords. Ever             brokering the deal, the US not only took its first
since,    Arab    states     have    rebuffed     the   steps in setting up the aforementioned
establishment of formal ties with Israel, in part       consulate, but also discussed moving ahead
due to a joint solidarity with the State of Palestine   with a $1bn arms sale to Morocco, an offer that
and its decades-long territorial conflict with          would contribute to the Kingdom’s security.
Israel.                                                 Considering that in late 2020 the Polisario Front
                                                        ended the 1991 ceasefire due to delays in the
The signing of said accords started in September        consultation process to solve the conflict in
2020, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and           Western Sahara, an arms sale (and the support
the Kingdom of Bahrain being the first to               of the US) would give Morocco a significant
normalize relations with Israel within a framework      advantage in the region. Nevertheless, this did
of joint efforts towards peace and security in the      not stop the Polisario Front from launching a
region, while committing to the US’ “Strategic          military   operation    in    Morocco-controlled
Agenda for the Middle East.” [1] [2] A third party      Guerguerat border in late January 2021.
to join the dialogs, was the Republic of Sudan.
                                                        Tensions between all parties remained relatively
While initially hesitant to regularise its ties with
                                                        unchanged until April of 2021, when Polisario Front
Israel, Sudan finally agreed with the condition
                                                        leader Brahim Ghali entered Spain to receive
that it was removed from the US list of State
                                                        medical treatment for COVID-19, leading to
Sponsors of Terrorism (which has affected the
                                                        Morocco’s retaliation by allowing thousands of
country’s development for several years), and
                                                        citizens to cross the border to Ceuta, contributing
clearing the path for accessing World Bank
                                                        to the already existing migratory crisis in the
funding. [3]
                                                        Mediterranean. The situation became more
                                                        serious when the Polisario leader was allowed to
The final member to enter the negotiations was
                                                        leave Spain and continue his treatment in Algiers,
the Kingdom of Morocco, the central case study
                                                        where he received a visit from the Algerian
for this article. Morocco signed the joint
                                                        president Abdelmadjid Tebboune in early June.
declaration with Israel on 10 December 2020,
                                                        Considering the clear support Algeria has shown
making it the first Arab country in the

PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

the Polisario Front in their fight for independence,         Western Sahara, making it more complex than it
the decision to host Ghali for his recovery only             already is. Both parties are crucial in the
contributed to the deterioration of Moroccan-                development of this peace process, and the
Algerian relations. Moreover, a new escalation               involvement of third parties like the US and Israel
surfaced in mid-July, when a Moroccan envoy to               have not made negotiations any easier.
the UN spoke in support of self-determination of
the Kabylia region, which prompted Algeria to                Moroccan-Algerian ‘new old’ struggles
recall its ambassador to Morocco back home.
                                                             Tensions between these two North African
The growing disputes did not, however, hinder the            countries have fluctuated between high and low
processes established in the Abraham Accords.                points throughout history, with no signs for them
In early August, Israeli Foreign Minister, Yair Lapid,       to establish amicable relations: Therefore, the
made his first visit to Morocco, where three deals           severing of diplomatic ties announced a couple
related to bilateral cooperation between Israel              of weeks ago, does not represent a critical action
and Morocco — including air service, culture,                that might trigger a more severe state in bilateral
sports, and youth, and political consultation                relations. Nevertheless, it is important to note that
matters — were signed. Additionally, FM Lapid                both Algeria and Morocco have historically
inaugurated the official Israel liaison office in            challenged each other in order to assert more
Rabat, which was part of the resolutions                     dominance in the region, and that competition
established on the Abraham Accords.                          has had a considerable impact in the
                                                             development of local conflicts. The conflict in
A few days after the visit, wildfires spread                 Western Sahara represents a dispute that has
through Algeria, an event the president’s office             been indirectly used, by both countries, to justify
linked to two local terrorist groups. Algeria also           their actions against each other, as was possible
announced that said groups were backed by                    to observe in the statements made by Morocco’s
Morocco and Israel in an attempt to destabilize              envoy to the UN and Algeria’s subsequent
Algeria and secure its new alliance with Israel              decision to recall its ambassador to Morocco.
and the US. [5] Tensions reached their peak in
late August, when Algeria officially cut diplomatic
ties with Morocco, leading the international
community to call for dialogue between both
parties. While both the Arab League and the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation have asked
for talks of reconciliation between Morocco and
Algeria, no steps have been taken by either side
to improve the situation.

As it has been possible to observe, the recent
increase in tensions in Moroccan-Algerian
relations is the result of the accumulation of
months of actions taken by key stakeholders that
have activated old rivalries and suspicions. While
it is not possible to claim that the Abraham
Accords were the main trigger for the state both
parties have reached, they have definitely
contributed to the escalation of hostilities.

Moreover, the current situation has also
impacted the peace process for the conflict in
                                                                               Western Sahara Map
                                                                                Source: MINURSO

PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

In this context, it is vital to understand how               inflation and the devaluation of the dinar, but
Moroccan-Algerian interactions have developed                also with food scarcity in some areas of the
during this year, and what steps both countries              country, most of which is imported. [8] Moreover,
have taken in order to assert their leadership and           earlier this year, the International Monetary Fund
dominance in the region. Morocco has probably                  (IMF) warned that Algeria could face a critical
been the country with the most assertive                     situation due to its budget deficit and decline in
geopolitical strategy vis-à-vis In this context, it is       its oil reserves and gas exports. [9] The recent
vital to understand how Moroccan-Algerian                    escalation in tensions with Morocco (especially
interactions have developed during this year,                the decision to sever diplomatic ties) might
and what steps both countries have taken in                  come as an attempt to diffuse local tensions
order to assert their leadership and dominance               towards an ‘external enemy’ while the Algerian
in the region. Morocco has probably been the                 government finds a way to stabilize its national
country with the most assertive geopolitical                 struggles. Nevertheless, this strategy cannot be
strategy vis-à-vis Algeria: It not only regained its         sustained in the long term.
seat in the African Union four years ago, but has
also secured the support of the US in relation to            While Morocco has chosen to side with the
one of its long term territorial goals, and gained           United States (and Israel), Algeria could be
a new strategic partnership with Israel. The                 looking to strengthen similar relations with
Abraham Accords do not only link Morocco to                  external partners, like Russia, a country that has
the previously mentioned country, but sets a                 already pursued major arms deals with Algeria
precedent for collaboration with other parties               and Egypt. In relation to arms transfers, Algeria
involved in the agreements, all of them,                     remains the third largest importer of armament
coincidentally, strong oil producing countries.              from Moscow [10], and last year signed a nearly
                                                             $2 billion purchase of 14 Sukhoi Su-57 fighter
Moreover, after its impasse with Spain and                   aircrafts [11], only months before the United
Algeria in April, Morocco has strived to offer a             States started discussing an arms sale with?
more conciliatory approach with its neighbor. In             Morocco.
his Throne Day speech in late July, King
Mohammed VI called for the necessary                         It is worth noting that Algerian-Russian relations
“development of bilateral relations [with Algeria]           have not gone beyond the arms transfer realm
based     on     trust,  dialogue    and     good            in the last few years, with Algiers even engaging
neighborliness” [6]; the King also offered Algeria           in close ties with Ukraine in 2019, a move that
assistance in fighting the wildfires that spread             was not well-seen by Moscow. Nevertheless, their
throughout the country, a proposal that was                  military ties have remained strong since the Cold
ignored by Algerian president Tebboune,                      War era [12]. While Algeria has not yet become a
according to Moroccan media outlets [7]. The                 key power for Russian influence in the south of
ensuing accusations of Morocco’s involvement in              the Mediterranean, it is not entirely out of the
supporting the suspected terrorist groups (who               picture that, given the current geopolitical
are said to have started the wildfires) therefore,           context of the Abraham Accords, the Algerian
clashed with Rabat’s conciliatory discourse, and             government could consider getting closer to
could jeopardize Algeria’s goals in the region,              other partners in order to reinforce its
especially considering that they have not offered            assertiveness vis-à-vis Morocco.
concise proof for this accusation yet.
                                                             There have indeed been key political shifts in the
In this sense, Algeria could be facing a                     region in the past few months that have
disadvantage in the region, in relation to                   contributed to exacerbated tensions between
Morocco. The current socioeconomic context in                the two countries, especially in organizations like
Algeria has not been easy to manage for the                  the African Union. Both Morocco and Algeria
government: Not only did they have to deal with              have been working arduously in order to secure

PEACE & SECURITY MONITOR - Challenges in The Mediterranean region T H E

support from other AU members and to bolster                  became less vocal about their support, but have
their own political agendas in the region;                    also indirectly sided with Morocco through their
however, Morocco seems to be the one who has                  decision to establish consular offices in Western
carried out the most effective strategy to attain             Sahara territory [17]. The recent opening of an
 one of its main geopolitical goals: its recognition           American consulate in Dakhla — agreed upon in
of sovereignty over Western Sahara. Before                    the Abraham Accords — has been the latest
Morocco’s return to the AU, Algeria had managed               Moroccan political win, which has shifted the
to establish vital alliances with Nigeria and South           balance of power for Algeria.
Africa, which allowed it to create the position of
AU special envoy for Western Sahara, assigning                The never-ending conflict in Western Sahara
its representative, and thus securing its agenda
not only in the AU, but also within the United                While the issues surrounding the resolution of the
Nations [13].                                                 conflict in Western Sahara are not the central
                                                              part of the Abraham Accords, it is clear that the
In this context, Morocco sought to recover its                new     Moroccan-Israeli-American      partnership
assertiveness in the region by tackling the same              could have a considerable impact on the future
key partners Algeria had gained, and bringing                 developments of this particular peace process.
them to their side. This, in turn, shifted the original       The agreements have exacerbated existing
approach of the AU in regards to Western Sahara               tensions between Morocco and Algeria, and this
–aligned towards Algerian goals — into a more                 could be problematic for Western Sahara, for a
neutral position that benefitted Morocco in the               multitude of reasons that will be discussed in this
long term. One of these steps included                        section.
collaborating with Nigeria for the creation of a
joint gas pipeline project in 2016, which would               Since the end of Spanish colonial rule in 1963,
tighten its economic bonds with Europe and                    Western Sahara became part of the United
expand the Nigerian market even more [14]. The                Nations’ list of non-self-governing territories.
project proved beneficial for Morocco: Nigeria,               Since then, surrounding countries have claimed
once a solid supporter of the Polisario Front,                sovereignty over this particular Since the end of
gradually shifted its discourse towards a more                Spanish colonial rule in 1963, Western Sahara
conciliatory and impartial one, supporting the                became part of the United Nations’ list of non-
political solution offered by the UN [15] and                 self-governing territories. Since then, surrounding
distancing itself from the conflict in Western                countries have claimed sovereignty over this
Sahara.                                                       particular area, including the Kingdom of
                                                              Morocco, who is also the most vocal of them all.
The last African Union summit, carried out in                 The self-proclaimed Sahrawi Democratic Arab
February 2021, provided further evidence of the               Republic (SDAR), led by the Polisario Front, was
change in political dynamics in the region. Algeria           created in 1976 but remains a de facto state
was not selected to participate in the                        whose recognition status fluctuates around the
organization’s councils or committees, while                  world, especially in Africa. Despite this uncertain
countries like Chad and the Democratic Republic               status, the SDAR does not hold a weak position,
of the Congo — who could potentially back                     and is even part of the list of African Union
Moroccan interests — were elected as head of                  member states since 1982 [18], which does give
the AU commission and rotating president,                     them a more formal recognition in the political
respectively [16]. These events add to the list of            dynamics of the region.
Morocco’s diplomatic achievements carried out
in the last couple of years, which have bolstered             The greater problem with the status of the
its position in relation to the conflict in Western           conflict in Western Sahara—and the subsequent
Sahara. Not only long-standing supporters of the              potential recognition of the SADR—is that the
Polisario Front — like Nigeria and Zambia —                   process has taken more time than expected to

be resolved by the parties involved. In 1991, the          2020 have only added to the list of issues that
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in               prevent both parties from reaching a consensus,
Western Sahara (MINURSO) was established, not              and ultimately puts a strain on the population of
only to ensure a ceasefire between the Kingdom             Western Sahara.
of Morocco and the Polisario Front, but also to
provide the necessary tools to carry out a                 The reasons for these two countries' continued
referendum “for the people of Western Sahara to            involvement in the development of the conflict
choose between independence and integration                has been largely discussed, but it can be
with Morocco” [19]. After 30 years, no referendum          reduced to a simple geopolitical logic: the desire
has taken place, and there have been several               to establish regional hegemony. Algeria has
disagreements between both parties — including             historically supported the rights of the Sahrawi
the eligibility to vote, and the acceptance of the         people, partly because of old Cold War
UN special envoy —, which has only delayed                 dynamics, partly because, should the SADR
reaching a resolution.                                     obtain its independence, it would become a key
                                                           economic and political partner for Algeria. Not
                                                           only does it offer a gateway to the Atlantic, but it
                                                           is an area with “abundant reserves of phosphate,
                                                           lucrative fish resources, and possibly, offshore oil”
                                                           [21], all of which could contribute to the
                                                           improvement of Algerian fluctuating economic
                                                           situation.    Moreover,    the    SADR’s    potential
                                                           independence, with the support of Algeria, would
                                                           signify a political win vis-à-vis Morocco, and
                                                           might bolster Algeria’s position in regional
                                                           political organizations like the AU, which has been
                                                           declining over the years.

                                                           Morocco’s intentions do not differ much from
                                                           those of its neighbor. Establishing formal
                                                           sovereignty — recognized by the international
                                                           community — over Western Sahara would not
                                                           only become a political triumph for Morocco, but
                                                           would also help with the development of strategic
                                                           projects the government in Rabat already has in
                                                           mind for the disputed territory. A unified and
                                                           stable Morocco represents an attractive zone of
                                                           investment for external partners like China, who
                                                           has already begun talks with Rabat for a billion
Morocco has taken advantage of this situation, as          dollar deal establishing manufacturing, and
stated earlier, by using a strong diplomatic               railroad and commerce projects [19], which
strategy that has secured key partners to claim            would consolidate the political and economic
its sovereignty over the territory in the long term.       influence Morocco has built in the region over the
The Polisario Front, on the other hand, has                past few years. Considering the aforementioned
continued siding with the Algerian government for          facts, it is important to analyze the implications
leverage and protection, which has increased               the signing of the Abraham Accords could have,
tensions between the latter and the Kingdom of             in the long term, for this particular conflict, and
Morocco over the years. The chain of events that           why it could signify yet another setback for
has deployed since the break of the ceasefire              MINURSO. It is true that American support of
and the signing of the Abraham Accords in late             Morocco in this specific issue is unlikely to change

the current sentiment among the international                 arrangements with Rabat. A more militarized
community in regards to Western Sahara; the UN                Morocco, could raise alarms in both Western
and the EU, in particular, will continue pushing for          Sahara and Algeria, who could see this move as
a political solution to avoid direct conflict, and no         a threat to their own security, and choose to
level of US backing will alter that in the short term.         either increase their arsenals somehow (Russia
Moreover, American recognition has no legal                   could play an important role here) or engage in
effect over previous UN resolutions which have                small scale attacks. The Polisario Front has
already established the way in which the conflict             already opted for the latter strategy, and while
in Western Sahara should be conducted.                        the clashes in Morocco-controlled posts along
                                                              Western Sahara have not had a massive impact,
Nevertheless, the US decision does have the                   the consistent escalation in tensions between
potential to hinder the peace process, for the                both sides could have serious results if there are
simple reason that it sets a precedent from one               no mechanisms for compromise.
of the leaders of the West. In the context of the
Abraham Accords, as states’ politics and                      Conflict fueled military violence could also
economies become more interconnected, there                   contribute to further insecurity in the region.
are higher chances for partners in the agreement              Considering that different insurgent groups have
to follow American leadership. In this sense, Israel,         taken roots in neighboring countries, increased
Bahrain, UAE and Sudan could play an important                clashes between the involved parties could
role in setting the balance of power in North                 deteriorate socioeconomic and political stability,
Africa. Dynamics in the different UN bodies could             especially in Western Sahara and Algeria. This, in
also be affected. For instance, if a crisis arises            turn, would only worsen the migratory situation
among the parties involved in the following                   between Africa and Europe, and threaten human
months, the US could be more likely to block                  security while creating even more tensions
motions that threaten Morocco’s sovereignty and               among states. Therefore, working towards a
their new partnership.                                        quicker and more conciliatory approach to solve
                                                              the conflict in Western Sahara should matter to
In reality, one of the reasons why President Joe              the countries in the Mediterranean.
Biden found it difficult to reverse Trump’s decision
in regards to Western Sahara is the fact that it              Final remarks
could pose a risk to Moroccan commitment with
Israel, and discourage other potential partners.              The Abraham Accords have represented a
The US has made its first steps in integrating                historic diplomatic win for the US in the sense that
Israel in the Middle East (and possibly the Arab              it allowed its long-term partner in the Middle East,
world), an achievement they will not give up on               Israel, to begin regularising its relations with other
easily [22].                                                  Arab countries in the region. However, and
                                                              especially in the case of Morocco, the signing of
A final consideration in this context is the                  the agreement came in the midst of an already
importance of the conflict in the larger                      tense situation with the Polisario Front and the
geopolitical dynamics of North Africa, which can              stagnant process in Western Sahara. During 2021,
trickle down to other countries around the                    a series of chain events have climaxed with the
Mediterranean. Morocco’s alignment with Israel                severing of diplomatic ties between Morocco and
and the US means one thing: Larger military                   Algeria, a situation that could decrease the
power. Even when it is not part of the agreement              possibilities for a political resolution of the conflict
signed among the three parties, discussions                   in Western Sahara, and increase insecurity in the
about arms deals have already taken place                     region.
between Morocco and the US, which could set a
precedent for Israel engaging in similar                      The US’ decision to publicly support Moroccan
                                                              sovereignty over the disputed territory, while not


legally binding, does set a precedent and has                                [6] Morocco World News. (2021). Full Text of King Mohammed VI's
                                                                             22nd Throne Day Speech. [online] Available at:
probably jeopardised MINURSO’s mandate.                            
Moreover, it has shifted the regional balance of                             of-king-mohammed-vi-s-22nd-throne-day-speech [Accessed
                                                                             September 4, 2021]
power and increased the already existing security
dilemma between Algeria and Morocco. As far as                               [7] ] Morocco World News. (2021). Morocco's Aid Offer to Algeria
                                                                             Falls on Deaf Ears, Tebboune Calls for European Help. [online]
it has been possible to observe, these two
                                                                             Available at:
countries have clear goals in the region, and the                  
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Accords have bolstered Moroccan superiority,
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                                                                             persists. [online] Available at:
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will remain a key factor in the development of this                          2021]
specific peace process. Both states have
                                                                             [10] Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (2021). SIPRI
invested interests in the territory and have the                             Fact Sheet, 2021: Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2020.
necessary means to create a context where an                                 [online] Available at:
                                                                             03/fs_2103_at_2020_v2.pdf [Accessed September 5, 2021]
agreement could be achieved. Nevertheless, as
long as external political forces remain involved,                           [11] Middle East Monitor. (2020). Algeria buys 14 stealth fighters from
                                                                             Russia, report says. [online] Available at:
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Tunisian Democracy is in Turmoil: What’s Next after a Self-

      Anisha Maulida

A decade after the Tunisian revolution, Tunisian             he is invoking Article 80 of the 2014 constitution
democracy faces its biggest challenge as                     which gives him this authority, it’s clear to the
President Kais Saied sacked the government,                  people that his actions are a threat to the
froze parliamentary activities on 25 July 2021,              country’s democracy.
and assumed executive power. His actions have
caused major protests across Tunisia and has                 Contrarily, there are some that argue in favour of
been labelled as a “coup” by the parliament [1].             Saied, saying his actions do not amount to an
Saied, on the other hand, insisted that he acted             attempt to overthrow the chief executive, as
to protect the constitution and to save the                  Saied has repeated himself. Instead, some
country [2].                                                 consider his actions to be more aligned with the
                                                             concept of “self-coup.” A self-coup or an
It is apparent that the global pandemic, COVID-              autogolpe occurs when the President closes the
19, has contributed to the Tunisian economic                 courts and the legislature, suspends the
downfall [3]. Moreover, Tunisia has had to deal              constitution, and rules by decree until a
with other crises that have pushed Tunisia’s                 referendum and new legislative elections are
democracy to the brink with the corruption                   held to approve border executive powers [7].
scandal of the former Prime Minister Elyes                   This action is seen as a temporary departure
Fakhfakh, a high unemployment rate, national                 from democratic rule in terms of free and fair
debt, the accusation of police repression, and               election in democracy [7]. However, this type of
the tensions between the President and Prime                 act could threaten the deliberative quality of
Minister Mechichi that have constantly escalated             democracy as it broadens the scope for
[1] [3] [4] [5].                                             executive abuses of power, weakens the checks
                                                             and balances system, and leaves the
This article will discuss in further detail the              government unaccountable to the public and
political turmoil in Tunisia and how it affects their        immune to criticism [7].

A coup or not?

Kais Saied, the Tunisian President who was
democratically elected by the people, ousted the
government and suspended the parliament
leaving Tunisia in political turmoil. Additionally,
President Saied has yet to appoint a new Prime
Minister, and it seems that he does not have a
clear political road map. Adding to the concerns
that President Saied’s actions demonstrate a
coup, he has declared that he will rule by decree
and has extended the suspension until further
notice [6]. Although Saied insisted that his
actions are not indicative of a coup, as he claims


Thus, with this concept in mind, one could argue             eitPeople or thirty of the members thereof shall
that what happened in Tunisia is a self-coup                 be entitled to apply to the Constitutional Court
which is an absolute threat to Tunisian                      with a view to verifying whether or not the
democracy. The question that naturally arises is:            circumstances remain exceptional [9]. The Court
will Tunisia return to a dictatorship? Rather than           shall rule upon and publicly issue its decision
thinking this way, there are a series of scenarios           within a period not exceeding fifteen days.
that may arise, and this article will discuss this in        Moreover, the President promised to limit his
more detail in the next subsection.                          suspension to 30 days and now he has exceeded
                                                             the deadline [2]. It has been two months of
Violation of the 2014 constitution                           silence from the President and there has been no
                                                             reform plans.
The President has put forth a rational reason for
his action and has framed them in accordance                 According to President Saied’s adviser, Saied
with Article 80 of the constitution which relates to         attempted to amend the constitution. He issued
a state of emergency– in this case it is in                  Decision 117, which changes the preeminence of
response to economic and political crises. Let us            the Constitution: Constitutional laws will be
take a closer look at Article 80 of the 2014                 maintained only if they do not contravene with
constitution [8] [9].                                        Presidential     measures       [12]  [13].   Such
                                                             amendments would grant the President an
Article 80 addresses the Presidential powers,                extraordinary power and essentially abolish the
specifically the actions the President of the                political system [12]. However, the parliament and
Republic may take during an “event of imminent               political parties such as Ennahda and Tunisia’s
danger threatening the nation’s institutions or the          Labour Party opposed this decision which is
security or independence of the country.” [9]. This          rooted [14] in Article 144 [9]:
became the foundation for Saied to justify his
action. However, under Article 80 it states that             “The Constitution shall be amended upon the
such measures are only ‘necessitated by                      approval of two-thirds of the members of the
exceptional circumstances’ and should be done                Assembly of the Representatives of the People.
after consultation with the Head of Government,              After an amendment by two-thirds of the
the    Speaker    of   the   Assembly      of   the          members of the Assembly has been approved,
Representatives of the People and after informing            the President may submit the amendment to
the President of the Constitutional Court [9]. That          referendum in which case it will be adopted if it
brings us to the question of whether President               receives an absolute majority of votes cast.”
Saied has followed the proper protocol?
                                                             There are two points that need to be highlighted
According to President Saied there has been a                here: the first is, Article 80 is being used by the
prior consultation with Mechichi and the                     Tunisian President as a justification for his actions
Parliament Speaker, Rached Ghannouchi, and                   and is without legitimate grounds.The second is
they have agreed that other decisions will be                that the constitution itself does not allow the
taken once social peace returns to the country               President to suspend the government or amend
[10]. However, the parliament has dismissed this             the constitution.
claim and instead believes Saied’s action to be
nothing but a “full-fledge coup” against the                 The protest against the President
constitution and democracy of the country [11].
                                                             This is the first major protest since the Tunisian
In addition, Article 80 states that after 30 days of         President seized power two months ago, and it
entry into force- these measures, the Speaker of             could be seen as the beginning of a new series of
the Assembly of the Representatives of the                   protests across Tunisia. Thousands of people


rallied in the centre of Tunis chanting “shut down           country, even more so than the police or judiciary
the coup”, “save our democracy”, and “we want to             [17]. Second, violation against civilians would likely
return to legitimacy” [15]. The Tunisians believe            happen if Saied is allowed to engage the military
that what happened on 25 July took them back                 in his efforts to save the country and the people
to 50 years of autocracy [15].                               [17].

Meanwhile, pro-Saied argue that the people want              A threat to Tunisian democracy: What’s
to dissolve the parliament [15]. They believe in             next?
Saied’s actions and chant “Saied is good” as they
viewed his actions as an opportunity to purge the            What has happened in Tunisia today is obviously
corrupt elite and have accused the protesters of             threatening the future of Tunisian democracy as
defending and protecting the corrupt elite [16].             previously explained in this article. Moreover, the
                                                             trauma of having an autocratic regime still
The army’s new role                                          haunts the people of Tunisia. Therefore, the
                                                             protesters who went to the street against the
A lot of anxiety arises from the Tunisians if the            President’s monopolization are those who are
army starts to enter politics. During the protest            doubtful of his actions.
event in July, the army secured the parliament
building and caused concern [17]. This is of                 To answer the previous question whether Tunisia
particular concern because the Tunisian army                 will return to a dictatorship, the answer depends
has been apolitical for decades and under a                  on their political democratic culture. Tunisian
democratic government, the army should stay                  democracy is already fragile, as it is still in a
out of politics and focus on their role in defending         transitional stage hence, the democratic political
the nation [18].                                             culture in Tunisia has not been fully internalized.
                                                             When the culture of political democracy has not
Today,      Tunisia    under    President     Saied’s        been fully internalized, the possibility of the
administration is starting to wrap itself around the         President using his power to turn democracy into
army [18]. The relationship between the President            an autocracy will likely occur. However, if it is
and the army has started to become intertwined               internalized then, the chances of reverting back to
as Saied has been giving political speeches at               normal will likely to happen, as domestic
military sites and promoting military leaders in an          conditions, both economic and political, are
unstructured and political way, to civilian                  stable.
positions [17] [18]. Moreover, Prime Minister
Mechichi has also involved the military in a                 As of August, Saied has appointed several new
pandemic response, increasing further the army’s             ministers, including interior minister and health
involvement in civilian matters [19]. Further                minister. Hence, it is arguable that the President
involvement could foster fear of the potential use           will appoint a new prime minister, sooner or later.
of military courts to prosecute political opponents          The Tunisians need to be patient and keep
like in 2014/15 [17]. According to the Brooking              monitoring the moves of the President whether
Institution Report (2019), Tunisian military courts          his actions are still in accordance with the
have been used in some cases that targeted a                 constitution or not.
number of civilians, including political opponents
and bloggers in the past [20].                               Conclusion

If the army gets involved in Tunisian politics, it           Although the Tunisian President was using Article
would first undermine the trust of the Tunisian              80 as a justification for calling a “state of
people in their army because the army is seen as             emergency” his actions contradict democratic
the most reliable and trusted institution in the             tradition. However the chances of Tunisia


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   The Dots of Discord from Past till Present: An Overview of
               Algeria and Morocco’s Relations

       Fatima Umar

Algeria and Morocco’s diplomatic relations led to           Algeria and Morocco, was Algeria’s unilateral
an escalation in tensions between the two rival             decision to close their border with Morocco after
states. Before digging deeper into the historical           alleged accusations over Algeria’s involvement in
conflict, it is important to note that both Algeria         a terrorist attack in South-western Marrakesh in
and Morocco have been colonized, but their                  1994 and the restrictions on visas for Algerians.
major        tensions    grew     after    Algeria’s
independence from France in 1963, which was                 Another reason for their fraught relationship
followed by the Sand War between the two                    stems back to the Cold War era, where their
bordering states. The primary reason for it was             difference in political ideology. Alger is still
the claims of Moroccan authorities of Algerian              cautious of the possible plans of Rabat
lands: Tindouf and Bechar. While Rabat justified it         regarding the creation of ‘Greater Morocco’ and
as a response to provocative actions by Algeria,it          is still struggling for regional influence on various
was just the beginning of the bitter relationship           fronts. While the aforementioned causes are
between the two nations which is worsening.                 historic in nature, the contemporary causes, on
                                                            the surface, are influenced by numerous reasons
                                                            involving different regional and global actors.
                                                            One of these is the US recognition of the territorial
                                                            bone of contention between Morocco and
                                                            Algeria: the Moroccan control of Western Sahara.
                                                            This was a major blow to the decades-long
                                                            Algerian struggle of keeping Morocco’s authority
                                                            of Western Sahara isolated and illegitimate in the
                                                            eyes of the international community. The loss of
                                                            the Polisario Front as a proxy for Algeria
                                                            increased resentment and hostilities. This
                                                            inclination of the US towards Morocco was not a
                                                            gift, rather it was a bargain in which Morocco
                                                            would then recognize and establish friendly
After reviewing the reasons for this conflict, only         relations with Israel, an ally of America. This
then does a clearer and more rationale-based                added another reason for Algeria to stand up
reasoning illuminates the recent rise in hostilities        front in front of Morocco and criticize them for
between the two states. The core cause of the               giving up the Palestinian cause. Algeria also
Algeria-Morocco conflict is a territorial dispute           claims Morocco’s involvement in Israeli spyware
over border demarcation, which, as previously               software, Pegasus further heightens the discord.
mentioned, dates back to the independence of
Algeria. What adds fuel to this fire is the proxy           The historic causes coupled with recent events
dimension: Algeria supports the Polisario Front,            has enlarged the conflict between Morocco and
which is a political-military organization working          Algeria. For example, in July of this year,
against Moroccan control over Western Sahara.               Morocco’s Ambassador to the UN, Omar Hilale,
Morocco, on the other hand, supports the Kabyle             emphasized the independence of the Kabyle
people. A major blow to the relationship between


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was put into question by Algerian President
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unilaterally decided to cut diplomatic ties with                           “Normalization” with Israel, The Washington Institute for Near East
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These political developments certainly have                                severs-diplomatic-ties-with-morocco-citing-hostile-
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