Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice

Page created by Jared Campos
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
Patient News
                                                                                  Summer 2021

 Welcome to your Patient News!
                                                Home Blood Pressure
 Keeping you updated with changes, news
 and updates from the practice.                 Monitoring
                                                We are encouraging patients who have raised
 Like us on Facebook or follow us on twitter    blood pressure or who are taking medications for
 for Practice updates!                          hypertension to consider buying a BP monitor to
                                                measure this at home as this gives more accurate
                                                readings which we can record in your patient
  COVID-19 Vaccinations                         notes.
  The Sarum South Primary Care Network's
  COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Leaden Hall   Machines are readily available both online or at
  (previously at Salisbury Cathedral) have      high street chemists. They start at around £20.
  now closed.                                   There is no need to purchase the more expensive
                                                models, but do make sure you measure your
  In total, our GP led vaccination service      blood pressure on your bare upper arm (not your
  vaccinated 48,803 patients across Salisbury   wrist) and is accredited by the British
  Cathedral and Leaden Hall within 21 weeks,    Hypertensive Society. For a list of validated home
  from our first clinic on Saturday 16th        blood pressure monitors, visit
  January. This includes housebound patients
  as well as staff and residents from 32 care   or discuss with your pharmacist.
  homes across the city. This equates to 3885
  hours of vaccinating!                         We have also brought back the self-service blood
  We have held 40 vaccination clinics, with     pressure machine to the waiting room at
  the help from 167 staff across our 5 GP       Fisherton House which you can book an
  Practices, 33 Tidworth Military staff, 33     appointment into if you feel unable to buy a
  roaming National Military staff (Navy and     machine. Please do not just drop-in to use this;
  Army) as well as 76 volunteers. Thank you     you will need to telephone the surgery for an
  to everyone involved – every member of        appointment date and time.
  our team should be extremely proud.

  All adults can now book their COVID-29
  visit the link below or call 119:

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                     Page 1
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
Our Pharmacy Team has expanded!
  Our current Clinical Pharmacist, Natalie, has been joined by another Pharmacist,
  Maqsood, and a Pharmacy Technician, Hayley. Meet the team:

           Natalie Harvey                Maqsood Yasin                Hayley Brooks
             Pharmacist                    Pharmacist               Pharmacy Technician

  We are specialists in medicines, and as such, are here to support the Practice and its
  patients with all things medication related.

  Our role is varied, but includes answering queries and providing medication related
  advice to Clinicians when needed, supporting the Prescription Clerk Team with issues,
  processing clinic letters and discharges and amending medication.

  We play an active role in supporting the practice to be as cost effective for our valuable
  NHS as they can be, and oversee medication monitoring to ensure your treatments are
  as safe as possible.

  We have also taken on the bulk of Medication Reviews to help free up the doctors time,
  allowing them more time to concentrate on the patients with acute illnesses or more
  complex problems. If you are on any prescribed medication chances are you will speak
  to one of us soon!

  We are here to help support our patients with long term conditions, such as high blood
  pressure. We can answer any questions that you, as a patient, may have about your
  medications, or to discuss any concerns you may have. We run our own clinics so have
  bookable appointments via reception in the normal way, and are always here should you
  need us.

  Website Update: Self-Help Centre

  We have updated our self-help centre on our website! Here you can find information
  and support for example, pregnancy, mental health, pain management and much more.
  There is also links to the NHS website including an A-Z of all health conditions and
  medications information. You can view this on computer, tablet or smart phone.

  Click the direct link here:

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                    Page 2
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
As a patient, we want to ensure you are kept
                                                   in the loop with these proposals from the very
                                                   beginning, and also make you aware that the
                                                   plans will now be put to a public consultation,
                                                   during which time you will be able to have
                                                   your say. In addition to the closure of the
                                                   Wilton Health Centre site, we will also be
                                                   asking people to share their views on plans to
                                                   construct additional clinical space at
                                                   Bemerton Heath Surgery.
  Consultation on plans to relocate
  primary care services from Wilton                This project would add extra rooms to the site,
  Health Centre                                    as well as improve accessibility, meaning
                                                   teams would be able to do more for patients.
  As you will already be aware, GP-led services
  that were previously based out of Wilton         The consultation period will begin on
  Health Centre in Salisbury have, for the last    Wednesday 23rd June and run until
  15 months, been provided at other nearby         Wednesday 21st July, with patients, local
  clinical locations.                              residents and stakeholders able to leave
                                                   feedback here:
  Services were initially relocated in March
  2020 in order to provide other local NHS
  providers, including Wiltshire Health and        If you are unable to access the internet or
  Care, with additional space during the intense   would prefer a paper copy of the survey,
  first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic.     please contact us and we will arrange this for
  Since then, services have remained at nearby
  GP practices, including Fisherton House,         If you would like to leave more detailed
  Bemerton Heath Surgery and Bishopdown            feedback, please email
  Surgery, with patients continuing to access
  the same care and treatment as before, but
  under a different roof.

  Following a successful first year, in which      Routine Hospital Referrals
  patients have found the new arrangements to      If you would like to follow up a routine
  be successful, plans are now under way to        referral at Salisbury District Hospital, please
  implement these changes on a permanent
                                                   contact the Central Booking Department on
                                                   01722 345543.
  This would mean that GP services would no
  longer be carried out at Wilton Health Centre,
  and the site would continue to be used by
  other NHS providers, offering services such
                                                   The Fountain Café
  as Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Stroke Early        Our wonderful café is open for orders!
  Supported Discharge and more.
                                                   Although you cannot pop in as usual, you can
  Patients would continue to receive their care    order and collect through the window in our
  and treatment from the other nearby GP           rear car park of Fisherton House. You can also
  practices mentioned previously.                  pre-order by calling 01722 439585

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                        Page 3
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
GP Partner Retirement – Dr P                            Are you travelling abroad and
 McKinley                                                need proof of COVID-19
  A message from                                         vaccination status?
  Dr McKinley:
                                                         Do you have a smartphone or iPad/Tablet?
  "I will be retiring                                    You can download the NHS App. Get started
  from my role as a GP                                   here NHSApp. There also a YouTube Quick
  Partner at Salisbury                                   Guide to getting started.
  Medical Practice at
  the end of August                                      No smartphone or smart device?
  2021.                                                  You can use the NHS App via a computer or
                                                         laptop. Get Started Here at NHS App Online
 Despite being a late starter in Medicine, I will have
 been with the Practice for nearly 22 years; I           No devices? No Internet?
 became a Partner at New Street Surgery at the           Call NHS 119 and they will be able to post a
 start of 2001 and before that before that had been      letter to you. You will need to provide details of
 a GP Trainee at Grove House Surgery. A lot has          the country you are travelling to for this.
 changed in that time. When I started, New Street
 had 4000 patients, less than 20 staff and we            Please do not contact your GP
 worked from a small and very old converted house        surgery as GPs cannot provide
 that had narrow rickety stairs. SMP now has 24,000      letters showing your COVID-19
 patients, over 100 staff and a large modern
                                                         vaccination status.
 building that even has a lift. I spent 3 years as
 Senior Partner at New Street Surgery leading up to
 the merger with Grove House and Bemerton
 Heath Surgeries (and later Wilton Health Centre)
 to form Salisbury Medical Practice. I have
 particularly enjoyed my role teaching Medical
 Students from Southampton Medical School and
 doing Minor Surgery and Joint Injections.               The Friends of Salisbury Medical Practice
                                                         charity are now registered with Amazon
 In my last year, General Practice has changed           Smile!
 dramatically thanks to the COVID Pandemic. It has
 been hugely satisfying to be able to help with the      Visit, where you will
 COVID vaccine program which is giving us all hope       prompted to select a charitable organisation.
 for the future. It has been a privilege to work as a
                                                         The same products at the same price; Amazon
 GP; helping to care for many amazing patients and
                                                         will give 0.5% of the net purchase price of
 working with exceptional colleagues and staff.
                                                         eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charity.
 Although I will miss all this terribly, the time has    Click on the link below to register your amazon
 come to get the Campervan on the road (COVID            account to donate directly to FSMP. If no link is
 permitting) & head off to walk the mountains of         made, please search the charity using the
 The UK & Europe (knees allowing)."                      registered charity number 1172839
 We would like to wish Dr McKinley a very      
 Happy Retirement!

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                               Page 4
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
Bemerton Heath
 Surgery: Proposed
 Bemerton Heath Surgery needs to expand             Sarum Cathedral Primary Care
 to increase capacity and improve services in
 the area, the surgery building has become
                                                           Network (PCN)
 full and risks becoming unfit for purpose.        Sarum Cathedral Primary Care Network
                                                   (PCN) is a collaborative project between
 With the additional space, we can offer a
                                                   Salisbury Medical Practice and Harcourt
 wider range of services to patients and the
 new entrance, automated doors and larger          Medical Centre. If you are a patient at
 reception area will provide better and            one of these practices then you are also
 improved access for all patients.                 part of our PCN and will be able to
                                                   benefit from services and projects
 Please click here to view the leaflet             offered now and in the future.
 explaining the exciting plans for the building:       PCNs are directive from NHS England
                                                   to encourage greater collaborative
                                                   working across practices and enable a
 Current Research Trial:                           greater array of health and social care
                                                   staff to enter primary care.

                                                   Our PCN team includes a Care Home
                                                   and Frailty Service, Pharmacy Team
                                                   and a Social Prescriber Team. Also, in a
                                                   joint enterprise with Sarum Trinity PCN,
 Do you have suspected or confirmed                we have delivered almost 50,000
 Covid-19?                                         COVID-19 vaccination as a PCN.

 If you are aged 65 or above                       We have a range of projects planned
 Or                                                including developing our Home Visiting
 Aged 18-64 with shortness of breath as            Team, combined flu vaccination clinics
 part of the Covid-19 illness or an                as well as cancer support and peer
 underlying health condition                       support for new parents within our
                                                   Social Prescribing Team.
 You could be eligible to join the
 PRINCIPLE trial and help fight against            Find out more about the project by
 Covid-19.                                         visiting our website:
 The trial aims to find treatments that            .uk/sarum-cathedral-primary-care-
 improve symptoms and reduce hospital              network
 admissions for people with Covid-19.

 If you think you may be eligible please
Summer 2021 Newsletter
  telephone   the surgery
                        on 01722                                                      Page 5

 333034 and ask for a research slot with
 Dr Jacobs to see if you would be
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
Meet the Nursing Team
 We have had some new faces join our team, so we wanted to introduce you and
 explain a little more about each of our lovely Nursing Team.

 Nursing Team Manager

                  Zoe Tobin oversees the whole Nursing Team and is also the Practice Infection
                  Control Lead

 Practice Nurses – Navy Blue with White Trim Uniform
 Our Practice Nurses carrying out a range of patient care including, wound management, child
 immunisations, sexual health services, cervical screening, long term condition support, travel
 health advice and vaccinations and much more!

                     Alex Fraser is an                                Emily Roberts is an
                     experienced Nurse, new                           experienced Nurse, with
                     to Practice Nursing; she                         us temporarily
                     is currently studying at

                    Charlotte James has just                          Michele Weeks is an
                    finished her university                           experienced Practice Nurse,
                    course and has a special                          specialising in long term
                    interest in sexual health                         conditions including diabetes and
                                                                      respiratory care

                    Liz Andrews is an
                    experienced Practice                              Katie Casteldine is an
                    Nurse, specialising in                            experienced Practice Nurse,
                    long term condition                               specialising in immunisations
                    support and travel

                    Sarah Fry is an                                  Jane Wolfindale is an
                    experienced Practice                             experienced Practice
                    Nurse, specialising in                           Nurse, specialising in
                    tissue viability                                 cervical screening and

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                            Page 6
Patient News - Salisbury Medical Practice
Nurse Associate and Trainee Nurse Associate – Light Blue with Navy Trim Uniform
 Nurse Associate is a new role within the Nursing Team. Our Nurse Associate and Trainee Nurse
 Associate work with HCAs and Practice Nurses to deliver care for patients. It is also a stepping
 stone to becoming a Practice Nurse.

                         Natasha Kale has just                               Yumei Guan is an
                         finished her university                             experienced HCA who
                         course and qualified as a                           has just started university
                         Nurse Associate                                     to train to become a
                                                                             Nurse Associate

 Healthcare Assistants (HCAs) – Light Blue with White Trim Uniform
 Our Healthcare Assistants carry out NHS Health Checks, take blood samples, offer stop smoking
 support, measure blood pressure, perform ECGs and much more!

                         Linda Johnstone is an                              Morgan Phillips-Hayer is a
                         experienced HCA and our                            new to General Practice
                         Smoke Stop Lead                                    HCA, soon starting an

 Phlebotomists and Theatre Assistants – Purple Uniform
 Our Phlebotomists and Theatre Assistants take blood samples as well as assist the Doctors in
 minor surgery and contraceptive clinics.

                          Marina Pavlinic is an                                Lisa Zhu is an
                          experienced Phlebotomist                             experienced Phlebotomist
                          and Theatre Assistant                                and Theatre Assistant

 And finally, we would like to say thank you to all our patients for bearing with us during
 these exceptional times.
 General practice has seen a huge increase in demand over the past year, whilst having to adapt to the
 COVID-19 procedures as well as the running of local GP-led COVID-19 vaccination services across the
 country. Data from the Royal College of GPs' Research and Surveillance Centre shows that GPs and their
 dedicated teams are performing many more patient consultations than before the pandemic.

 We understand our telephone lines are extremely busy as a result of this demand and we are looking into
 ways we can manage this. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we upgraded our telephone lines from 20 to
 40, yet this still isn’t enough. We would like to remind patients that we do have a zero-tolerance policy on
 abuse to our staff, this includes over the telephone and via email. Thank you to all our patients who have
 passed on their thanks over the past year, it truly does make a difference to staff morale.

Summer 2021 Newsletter                                                                                     Page 7
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