Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects

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Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
Ome Kulsoom, Ayesha Zulfiqar, Saadia Sarwar, Habiba Sharaf Ali


       Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of
           Caesarean Section Scar Defects
                         Ome Kulsoom1, Ayesha Zulfiqar2, Saadia Sarwar3, Habiba Sharaf Ali1
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ziauddin University Hospital, 2Department of Biochemistry, Ziauddin
                University, 3Department of Radiology, Ziauddin University, Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan


Background: Caesarean Sections (CS), significantly on the rise worldwide, have been found frequently com-
plicated with the presence of a scar at the site of CS. It is associated with various gynecological problems
like postmenstrual spotting, infertility, miscarriage, and uterine rupture. The objective of this study was to
determine the frequency of CS scar defects and associated gynaecological symptoms.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi from October 1st, 2017 to March 1st, 2018. A total of 162 patients’ (aged
20-40 years) were included, with CS history (elective or emergency) and complaints of chronic pelvic pain,
infertility or menstrual irregularities, after an informed consent. Demographic details and medical history
were recorded on performa. Chi-square was used to establish association between categorical variable
such presence of scar defect, clinical symptoms and the shape of the defect.

Results: Out of 162 patients, 86(53.1%) had one and 76(46.9%) had more than one caesarean scar. Majority
of the patients 97(59.9%) were found to have scar defect (NICHE) present while in 65 (40.1%) patients had no
caesarean scar defect. Regarding menstrual cycle, 58(35.8%) had heavy bleeding, 39(24.1%) continuous
bleeding, and 27 (16%) irregular cycle. Significant association (p
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects

            Transvaginal ultrasonography is a simple, economi-            0.05, they were considered significant statistically.
            cal, non-invasive method used to diagnose CS
            scar. It highly correlates 100% with hysteroscopy
            according to a study6. It has been seen that trans-
            vaginal ultrasound and MRI by using saline infusion
            are also good choices for the diagnosis of this
            defect. Methods such as hysteroscopy niche resec-
            tion and laparoscopic repair in symptomatic
            women have been attempted in recent times to
            repair the scar defect or diverticula6,7. Our objec-
            tive was to find out the relationship between the
            scar defects in patients having a history of past CS
            and frequency of various clinical features including
            menstrual problems, pelvic pain and secondary
            infertility.                                                  Figure 1: Longitudinally, depth is a, b is width of
                                                                          isthmocele; thickness is c and residual thickness of
                                            METHODS                       the myometrium is d, transversally length of
                                                                          isthmocele is e8.
            This observational cross-sectional study was carried
            out at Ziauddin University and Hospitals (Depart-                                    RESULTS
            ment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology), from Octo-
            ber 1st, 2017 to March 1st, 2018, after approval from         During the study period, a total 162 women were
            the Ethics Review Committee (ERC) of Ziauddin                 enrolled. The ages of the women were between
            University Hospital, Karachi. Total of 162 patients of        twenty-four years and thirty-four years. In this study,
            age between 20-40 years were included in the                  34 women were primipara (with history of one
            study. All patients delivered previously by caesare-          caesarean delivery), 106 were multiparas (P5) and
            an sections (elective or emergency) and present-              32 were grand multiparous (P5+). The prevalence
            ed with menstrual irregularities, chronic pelvic pain         of caesarean section scar defect was 59.9% in
            or unexplained infertility.                                   total. Out of 162 patients, 86(53.1%) women had
                                                                          one caesarean scar and 76(46.9%) had more than
            Patient with a history of any other gynaecological            one caesarean scar.
            surgery on uterus other than caesarean section or
            any other uterine pathology for abnormal bleeding             Majority of the patients 97(59.9%) were found to
            or refused to give consent were excluded from the             have scar defect (NICHE) present while in 65
            study. All women included in the study were                   (40.1%) patients had no caesarean scar defect .
            subjected to transvaginal ultrasound. The transvag-           The significantly higher differences (75%) were
            inal examination was performed by the same                    noted in multiparous women (p value 0.001).
            ultrasonologist on all women. The women were                  Women more than one scar (74%) were observed
            asked to empty their bladder. The machine used                statistically significant (p value 0.001) with scar
            was Toshiba NOMEO EMAO MH ultrasound                          defect (NICHE) present. The symptoms, which were
            machine with Doppler unit and a transvaginal                  found significant, were chronic pelvic pain (p value
            probe with a frequency 7.5MH. Examination of the              0.053). Nearly 68% women who had scar defect
            uterus was done in the longitudinal plane to local-           were suffering from pelvic pain while in 70% sub-fer-
            ize the uterine scar and scar defects. The status,            tility were noted who had scar defect (p-value
            shape, and position of the uterus were ascertained.           0.009).
            The niche was measured at its detection. The apex
            of the defect and its distance from its base and the          Women having caesarean scar (NICHE) defects
            residual myometrium from the serosal surface of the           came up with the different presenting complaints
            uterus was measured vertically. The myometrium                such as menstrual problems, sub-fertility, pelvic pain
            thickness adjacent to the scar will determine in              and dyspareunia. According to study data, differ-
            depth and width. Figure 1 shows the scar site                 ent shapes of the niche were noted triangular
            without a faults or niche of the myometrium in                46(28.4%) Droplet 26(16%), oval and others such as
            women.                                                        rectangular and inclusion cyst on ultrasonographic
                                                                          examination (Figure 3). We have tabulated differ-
            Patients were divided into two groups, those with a           ent characteristics of caesarean section scar
            deficient scar and those without a deficient scar.            defect in primpara, multipara and grand multipara
            For their quantitative variables like age, parity,            Table 1.
            number of caesarean section mean and standard
            deviation were calculated. Chi-square was used to
            establish association between categorical variable
            such presence of scar defect, clinical symptoms
            and the shape of the defect. When p-value of ≤

62        PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY 2020, VOL. 9 (01)                    
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
Ome Kulsoom, Ayesha Zulfiqar, Saadia Sarwar, Habiba Sharaf Ali

   Table 1: Characteristics of Caesarean Section Scar                               subsequent pregnancies, such as infertility, miscar-
   Defect.                                                                          riage, and uterine rupture8.
         Characteristics of          Primipara   Multipara     Grand
           Scar Defect                (N=34)     (N=106)      Multipara
                                                                                    The prevalence of CSD varies, between 6.9 to 69%,
    Number of patients with scar        16          68             13
    Shape of scar      Droplet          4           20        ---------------
      defect          Triangular        10          37              5
                        Oval            2           5         ---------------
                      Others            --          6               8
         Length of scar defect

   Out of 97 women were having Scar defect (NICHE),
   different presenting complains and characteristics
   were found as well. We had compared presence
   of NICHE with frequency of different presenting
   complains in Figure 2.                                                           Figure 2: Presence of caesarean section scar
                                                                                    defect with different presenting complains.

                     Droplet shaped Scar Defect                                                    Oval shaped Scar Defect

                    Triangular shaped Scar defect                                                         Inclusion cyst
   Figure: 3 Ultrasonography Illustrations of Different shapes of caesarean section scar defects.
                                                                                    pertaining to the study population included and
   To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on                         the methodology used9,10. In a meta-analysis, the
   frequency and clinical manifestation of scar                                     prevalence of CSD was found to be 56% and
   defects among patients with gynaecological com-                                  84%11. Postmenstrual spotting (29 -34%), abnormal
   plains in Pakistan. In general the frequency of                                  uterine bleeding (75-82%) and caesarean scar
   caesarean delivery had increased leading to the                                  ectopic pregnancies (1:1800 – 1:2216) were found
   increase in rare complications such as caesarean                                 to be associated with CSD12. When there is a previ-
   scar defects. The most common gynaecological                                     ous history of multiple CDs, there is a potential risk
   complication associated with the scar defect was                                 isthmocele. Additionally isthmocele was also found
   prolonged menstrual bleeding, postmenstrual                                      in advanced stage of labour and uterine retro
   spotting and other problems that might affect                                    flexion13,14. The age of patients in our study was

                         Study                      Sample size                 Proportion   (%)         95% CI                   Weight (%)                            PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY 2020, VOL. 9 (01)                                             63
                                                           51          11. 765      4.442 to 23.868     2.12

             Chang et al.(1990) 41                           40                      2.500           0.0633 to 13.159                   2.07
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects

            between 24 years and 34 years.                                                They are of the opinion that in such cases the scars
                                                                                          were either asymptomatic or having the complaints
                                 Study                              Sample size Proportionof spotting, (%)postmenstrual95% bleeding
                                                                                                                               CI         orWeight    (%)
                                                                                                                                             even infertility.
            Majority of these patients had two or more CS.
            Another majority had at least one CS. As high as >50%                         Higher frequency of CSD was associated with number
            had scar defect (NICHE). These patients were                   51 found       of11.CS
                                                                                                765 deliveries. However,
                                                                                                                 4.442 to CSD 23.868was not clearly
            to have fertility problems. They                   also  complained       of  ated with dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain or infertility by
            continuousChang heavy et bleeding
                                      al.(1990) 41     and dyspareunia.    40 Irregu-     these
                                                                                             2.500authors, in0.0633contrast    our study we 2.07
                                                                                                                          to 13.159             found that
            lar cycle was complained by almost a third of them.                           there is an association.
            There was Chang       et al.(1990)
                           a significantly        strong relationship40
                                                                             between        27.500              14.601 to 43.888                2.07
            scar defect and size of uterus and prevalence of                              Tower et al22 are of the opinion that the gynaecologic
            more than      one scar.                                       39             sequel
                                                                                            17.949and CSD after  7.535CS to are   being discussed
                                                                                                                              33.535            2.07 only in
                     Holladay        and Gerald                                           recent years, previously this was never noted. The
                                (1993) 42 the presence of a number of
            Some authors reported                                                         authors observed an association of multiple CS and
            clinical manifestations with the presence of scar                             isthmoceles. Based because of published data it can
                      In Taiwan et   Wangal.(1994)
                                                et al.1543found that scar  64 defect      be     said that prevalence
                                                                                            25.000              15.016 to 37.399 of CSD increases
                                                                                                                                                2.15 with
            after multiple caesarean section is related to the high                       multiple CS deliveries. Among the predisposing
            risk Van   Rensburg
                  factor               et al.(1995)
                           of retroflexed            uterus. 45
                                                                This is because       of  factors,
                                                                                             1.515 only the 0.0384
                                                                                                                 uterine to incision
                                                                                                                                8.155closure technique
                                                                                                                                                2.16         is
            repeated trauma to the isthmic wall, which disturbs                           controllable. The CSD based endometrial abnormali-
                       healing et  reducing
                                      al.(1995)     the 44
                                                           vascular perfusion
                                                                           77       3
                                                                                     . It ties   may cause 21.095
                                                                                            31.169               abnormal       bleeding, fragmented
                                                                                                                          to 42.743             2.18        or
            was found that chronic pelvic pain, postmenstrual                             congested overhanging endometrium, existence of
            spotting,   dysmenorrhea            etc. has       a relationship             endometrial tissue in the scar23. With an increase in
                    Balaram       et al.(1995)          31
                                                                           91 to scar       41.758              31.501 to 52.567                2.20
            defects. Relationship was also found between size of                          caesarean        section around the world, there is an
            the scarChiba
                       defect et  and    position74of uterus (i.e. anteverted             increased incidence of CSD. The relevant segment of
                                      al(1996)                             38               21.053               9.554 to 37.319
                                                                                          the population including gynaecologists as well as the
            or retroverted) and previous history of single and
            multiple Cruz
                       CS. et al.(1996) 46                                                women having a desire to produce children should
                                                                           35             be54.286
                                                                                                aware of this 36.646
                                                                                                                fact.      to 71.173            2.04
            Monteagudo Wen et   et al.(1997)
                                     al.16 evaluated             the association
                                                                           45         of
                                                                                          It31.111              18.166 tothat 46.649            2.09willingly
            CSD and previous history of having one or more CSs.                              is a general observation              young mothers
            They found that frequency of CSDs was almost                            60%   opt for caesarean section deliver for cosmetics
                    Premoli     -De-Percoco                                50               70.000 to avoid55.392 stitchestoin82.138
                                                                                                                                the abdomen.2.11
            while other     authors     reported inettheir studies they were              reasons                                                 However,
            from 0.3% toal.(1998)
                               19.4%14,17-21  48 . In a Taiwanese study, the              they remain totally ignorant about the damaging
            author found the prevalence of CSD 6.9% while                                 consequences of CS. We feel that a large-scale
            Ofili-Yebovi   14
                               found       it   19.4%.      In   contrast    to   these   awareness campaign should be initiated to create
                    Schwartz et al.(1998) 49                              193               21.244
                                                                                          awareness       about15.697     to 27.696
                                                                                                                  the hazards                   2.25 the
                                                                                                                                   of CS and educate
            studies, we have in our study found the prevalence of
            CSD was higher in comparison                          to the published        women about the pros and cons of normal deliver
                       Pillai et al.(1999) 50                              61               27.869
                                                                                          over                  17.147
                                                                                                  CS. It has also   beento    40.829 that some
                                                                                                                           observed             2.15obstetri-
            studies. We are of the view that a lot many cases of
            CSD remain unreported and                  undiagnosed        and    there-   cians encourage CS because they get higher mone-
                       Cao et
            fore the exact         al. (2000) 52
                                prevalence          cannot be determined   40       in a    72.500
                                                                                          tary   compensations. 56.112 At to
                                                                                                                          this,85.399           2.07 a very
                                                                                                                                 place ethics play
            majority of cases.                                                            important role. Thus, we feel that ethical professional
                     Patima et al. (2000) 53                               73               73.973
                                                                                          considerations        62.376also
                                                                                                               should     to 83.546
                                                                                                                                 be raised in 2.17
                                                                                                                                                this regard
            It is reported that CSD is69 higher in patients with                          locally in Pakistan as well as in other countries around
            retroverted          et al.(2000)
                             uterus    than in anteverted uterus.          84 Wang          11.905
                                                                                          the   world as well.5.859 to 20.805                   2.19
            and team15 found that depth of CSD is more in
                                      al.(2000) 51uterus in comparison     19         to    94.737 of this73.972
                                                                                          Limitations                     to 99.867
                                                                                                                 study include                  1.87
                                                                                                                                   the lack of information
            anteverted uterus. Ofili-Yebovi et al14 did a study on                        about why the caesarean section was opted at all,
            CSD and      found
                    Premoli       that uterine
                                -De-Perco           etretroflexion is a50   risk factor   was    it done based
                                                                                            60.000                 on emergency
                                                                                                                45.179    to 73.592or was it an 2.11elective
            for developing CSD. They                are of the opinion that this          surgery. Indications for caesarean section i.e. BMI of
                              al.(2001)      54
            happens because retroverted uterus generally exerts                           mother, stage of labour, co-morbid like DM was not
            more pressure on lower uterine segment resulting in                           noted. However, despite our limitations it is safe to say
                      Shima etperfusion.
            lower vascular           al.(2000 )This  77
                                                             reduces the   44 healing     that
                                                                                            20.455multiple CS and9.804uterine
                                                                                                                         to 35.305retro flexion 2.09
                                                                                                                                                are two of
            capacity of such scars. In addition to that, multiple                         the major predisposing factors for CSDs.
            caesarean             et al.(2001)
                            sections     may interfere 55
                                                                with tissue  perfusion.     15.748              11.495 to 20.821                2.27
            Another     study22etwas
                     Nagpal                  conducted
                                      al. (2002)       56
                                                                  to ascertain
                                                                          110 CSD           33.636              24.908 to 43.271                2.22
            features in non-pregnant, premenopausal and                                   We conclude that obstetricians should weigh the
            patients    with aethistory
                     Kumar          al. (2003)of earlier
                                                              transverse 42lower-seg-     consequences
                                                                                            30.952              of   caesarean
                                                                                                                17.622    to 47.086  delivery against
                                                                                                                                                2.08 the
            ment CS deliveries. It was found that almost 58%                              possible risks and damages caused to the delivering
            patients    had a niche.
                   Sugiyama        et al. (2003)Nevertheless,
                                                         60          no relationship
                                                                           86             mother.
                                                                                            34.884 Avoidance    24.919of CS
                                                                                                                          to unless
                                                                                                                              45.923it becomes  2.19manda-
            between prevalence of a niche and symptoms like                               tory   should   be exercised     in all cases  to prevent  mater-
            pain or      profuse      bleeding         57was observed. It was             nal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. We have
                     Chang et al. (2003)                                  103               49.515              39.514 to 59.544                2.21
            observed by the researchers23 that spotting and                               found that patient counselling for opting normal
            bleeding     mightetbe                                                        delivery    over  CS  would    help   them   to avoid  CSD.
                     Ritchie        al. indications
                                          (2003) 59 that a niche          141is being       14.894               9.462 to 21.861                2.24
            formed. The authors mentioned that the residual
            effect of menstrual blood may            64 cause uterine scar.
                      Zhang et al. (2004)                                 73             73.973               62.376 to 83.546                  2.17
            Drouin et al. did a systematic
                                           review of literature and                      We are especially thankful to Gynaecology OPD and
                  Correnti et al. (2004)61               16                              50.000
                                                                                         Department     24.651 toZiauddin
                                                                                                    of Radiology,    75.349 Hospital
                                                                                                                                     for their
            found 24% CSDs cases in women having previous CS.
                      Smith et al. (2004)63                               106             9.434                4.617 to 16.666                  2.21

                    Dahlgren et al. (2004) 62                             110            10.909                5.765 to 18.281                  2.22
                 Ibieta        OF MEDICINE
                        et al.(2005) 35    AND 21
                                               DENTISTRY 2020, VOL. 9 (01) 43.032
                                                            66.667                   85.412        1.90

                        Boy et al.(2006) 65                               59             11.864                4.906 to 22.929                  2.14
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
Ome Kulsoom, Ayesha Zulfiqar, Saadia Sarwar, Habiba Sharaf Ali

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Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Caesarean Section Scar Defects
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