Passive Inter-Photon Imaging

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Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
                                                                 Atul Ingle a ∗ , Trevor Seets a , Mauro Buttafava b , Shantanu Gupta a ,
                                                                         Alberto Tosi b , Mohit Gupta a † , Andreas Velten a †
                                                                          a                                            b
                                                                              University of Wisconsin-Madison              Politecnico di Milano

                                         Abstract                                                                backs of this image formation strategy. First, at extremely
                                                                                                                 low brightness levels, noise in the pixel electronics dominates
arXiv:2104.00059v2 [cs.CV] 11 Apr 2021

                                         Digital camera pixels measure image intensities by converting           resulting in poor signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Second, since
                                         incident light energy into an analog electrical current, and then       each pixel bucket has a fixed maximum capacity, bright re-
                                         digitizing it into a fixed-width binary representation. This di-        gions in the scene cause the pixels to saturate and subsequent
                                         rect measurement method, while conceptually simple, suffers             incident photons do not get recorded.
                                         from limited dynamic range and poor performance under ex-                  In this paper, we explore a different approach for measur-
                                         treme illumination — electronic noise dominates under low               ing image intensities. Instead of estimating intensities directly
                                         illumination, and pixel full-well capacity results in saturation        from the number of photons incident on a pixel, we propose
                                         under bright illumination. We propose a novel intensity cue             a novel intensity cue based on inter-photon timing, defined
                                         based on measuring inter-photon timing, defined as the time             as the time delay between detection of successive photons.
                                         delay between detection of successive photons. Based on the             Intuitively, as the brightness increases, the time-of-darkness
                                         statistics of inter-photon times measured by a time-resolved            between consecutive photon detections decreases. By mod-
                                         single-photon sensor, we develop theory and algorithms for a            eling the statistics of photon arrivals, we derive a theoreti-
                                         scene brightness estimator which works over extreme dynamic             cal expressions that relates the average inter-photon delay and
                                         range; we experimentally demonstrate imaging scenes with a              the incident flux. The key observation is that because pho-
                                         dynamic range of over ten million to one. The proposed tech-            ton arrivals are stochastic, the average inter-photon time de-
                                         niques, aided by the emergence of single-photon sensors such            creases asymptotically as the incident flux increases. Using
                                         as single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) with picosecond               this novel temporal intensity cue, we design algorithms to es-
                                         timing resolution, will have implications for a wide range of           timate brightness from as few as one photon timestamp per
                                         imaging applications: robotics, consumer photography, as-               pixel to extremely high brightness, beyond the saturation limit
                                         tronomy, microscopy and biomedical imaging.                             of conventional sensors.
                                                                                                                 How to Measure Inter-Photon Timing? The inter-photon
                                                                                                                 timing intensity cue and the resulting brightness estimators
                                         1    Measuring Light from Darkness                                      can achieve extremely high dynamic range. A natural ques-
                                                                                                                 tion to ask then is: How does one measure the inter-photon
                                         Digital camera technology has witnessed a remarkable revolu-
                                                                                                                 timing? Conventional CMOS sensor pixels do not have the
                                         tion in terms of size, cost and image quality over the past few
                                                                                                                 ability to measure time delays between individual photons at
                                         years. Throughout this progress, however, one fundamental
                                                                                                                 the timing granularity needed for estimating intensities with
                                         characteristic of a camera sensor has not changed: the way a
                                                                                                                 high precision. Fortunately, there is an emerging class of sen-
                                         camera pixel measures brightness. Conventional image sensor
                                                                                                                 sors called single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) [11, 7],
                                         pixels manufactured with complementary metal oxide semi-
                                                                                                                 that can not only detect individual photons, but also precisely
                                         conductor (CMOS) and charge-coupled device (CCD) tech-
                                                                                                                 time-tag each captured photon with picosecond resolution.
                                         nology can be thought of as light buckets (Fig. 1(a)), which
                                         measure scene brightness in two steps: first, they collect hun-    Emergence of Single-Photon Sensors: SPADs are natu-
                                         dreds or thousands of photons and convert the energy into an       rally suited for imaging in low illumination conditions, and
                                         analog electrical signal (e.g. current or voltage), and then they  thus, are fast becoming the sensors of choice for applica-
                                         digitize this analog quantity using high-resolution analog-to-     tions that require extreme sensitivity to photons together with
                                         digital converters. Conceptually, there are two main draw-         fine-grained temporal information: single-photon 3D time-
                                                                                                            of-flight imaging [54, 34, 48, 47, 33], transient imaging
                                            † Equal contribution.
                                                                                                            [52, 51], non-line-of-sight imaging [35, 19], and fluorescence
                                         This research was supported in part by DARPA HR0011-16-C-0025, DoE
                                         NNSA DE-NA0003921 [1], NSF GRFP DGE-1747503, NSF CAREER
                                                                                                            microscopy [43]. While these applications use SPADs in ac-
                                         1846884 and 1943149, and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.     tive imaging setups in synchronization with an illumination
                                         ∗ Email:                                        source such as a pulsed laser, recently these sensors have

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Figure 1: Passive imaging with an inter-photon single-photon avalanche diode (IP-SPAD): (a) A conventional image
sensor pixel estimates scene brightness using a well-filling mechanism; the well has a finite capacity and saturates for very
high brightness levels. (b) An IP-SPAD measures scene brightness from inter-photon timing measurements that follow Poisson
statistics. The higher the brightness, the smaller the inter-photon time, the faster the decay rate of the inter-photon histogram.
By capturing photon timing information with very high precision, this estimator can provide scene brightness estimates well
beyond the saturation limit of conventional pixels. (c) A representative extreme dynamic range scene of a tunnel with three
different flux levels (low, moderate and high) shown for illustration. (d) Experimental results from our hardware prototype
comparing a conventional CMOS camera image and an image obtained from our IP-SPAD prototype.

been explored as passive, general-purpose imaging devices for            ments are inherently discrete, an IP-SPAD measures decay
high-speed and high-dynamic range photography [4, 25, 36].               times as floating point values, capturing information at much
In particular, it was shown that SPADs can be used to measure            finer granularity than integer-valued counts, thus enabling
incident flux while operating as passive, free-running pixels            measurement of extremely high flux values. In practice, the
(PF-SPAD imaging) [25]. The dynamic range of the resulting               dynamic range of an IP-SPAD is limited only by the preci-
measurements, although higher than conventional pixels (that             sion of the floating point representation used for measuring the
rely on a finite-depth well filling light detection method like          time-of-darkness between consecutive photons. Coupled with
CCD and CMOS sensors), is inherently limited due to quanti-              the sensitivity of SPADs to individual photons and lower noise
zation stemming from the discrete nature of photon counts.               compared to conventional sensors, the proposed approach, for
                                                                         the first time, achieves ultra high-dynamic range. We experi-
Intensity from Inter-Photon Timing: Our key idea is that                 mentally demonstrate a dynamic range of over ten million to
it is possible to circumvent the limitations of counts-based             one, simultaneously imaging extremely dark (pixels P1 and
photon flux estimation by exploiting photon timing informa-              P2 inside the tunnel in Fig. 1(c)) as well as very bright scene
tion from a SPAD. The additional time-dimension is a rich                regions (pixel P3 outside the tunnel in Fig. 1(c)).
source of information that is inaccessible to conventional pho-
ton count-based methods. We derive a scene brightness esti-
mator that relies on the decay time statistics of the inter-photon       2    Related Work
times captured by a SPAD sensor as shown in Fig. 1(b). We
call our image sensing method inter-photon SPAD (IP-SPAD)                High-Dynamic-Range Imaging:            Conventional high-
imaging. An IP-SPAD pixel captures the decay time distri-                dynamic-range (HDR) imaging techniques using CMOS
bution which gets narrower with increasing brightness. As                image sensors use variable exposures to capture scenes with
shown in Fig. 1(d), the measurements can be summarized in                extreme dynamic range. The most common method called
terms of the mean time-of-darkness, which can then be used               exposure bracketing [21, 22] captures multiple images with
to estimate incident flux.                                               different exposure times; shorter exposures reliably capture
   Unlike a photon-counting PF-SPAD pixel whose measure-                 bright pixels in the scene avoiding saturation, while longer

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
exposures capture darker pixels while avoiding photon noise.   These pixels are difficult to calibrate and require additional
Another technique involves use of neutral density (ND) filters pixel electronics compared to conventional CMOS image sen-
of varying densities resulting in a tradeoff between spatial   sor pixels [27]. A modulo-camera [56] allows a conventional
resolution and dynamic range [40]. ND filters reduce overall   CMOS pixel output to wrap around after saturation. It re-
sensitivity to avoid saturation, at the cost of making darker  quires additional in-pixel computation involving an iterative
scene pixels noisier. In contrast, an IP-SPAD captures scene   algorithm that unwraps the modulo-compression to recon-
intensities in a different way by relying on the non-linear    struct the high-dynamic-range scene. In contrast, our timing-
reciprocal relationship between inter-photon timing and scene  based HDR flux estimator is a closed-form expression that can
brightness. This gives extreme dynamic range in a single       be computed using simple arithmetic operations. Although
capture.                                                       our method also requires additional in-pixel electronics to
                                                               capture high-resolution timing information, recent trends in
Passive Imaging with Photon-Counting Sensors: Previous
                                                               SPAD technology indicate that such arrays can be manufac-
work on passive imaging with photon counting sensors re-
                                                               tured cheaply and at scale using CMOS fabrication techniques
lies on two sensor technologies—SPADs and quanta-image
                                                               [24, 23].
sensors (QISs) [18]. A QIS has single-photon sensitivity
but much lower time resolution than a SPAD pixel. On the Active Imaging Methods: Photon timing information cap-
other hand, QIS pixels can be designed with much smaller tured by a SPAD sensor has been exploited for various active
pixel pitch compared to SPAD pixels, allowing spatial averag- imaging applications like transient imaging [41], fluorescence
ing to further improve dynamic range while still maintaining lifetime microscopy [7], 3D imaging LiDAR [30, 20] and non-
high spatial resolution [36]. SPAD-based high-dynamic range line-of-sight imaging [29, 9]. Active methods capture photon
schemes provide lower spatial resolution than the QIS-based timing information with respect to a synchronized light source
counterparts [16], although, recently, megapixel SPAD arrays like a pulsed laser that illuminates the scene. In a low flux
capable of passive photon counting have also be developed setting, photon timing information measured with respect to
[39]. Previous work [25] has shown that passive free-running a synchronized laser source can be used to reconstruct scene
SPADs can potentially provide several orders of magnitude depth and reflectivity maps [30]. In contrast, here we show
improved dynamic range compared to conventional CMOS that inter-photon timing information captured with an asyn-
image sensor pixel. The present work exploits the precise tim- chronous SPAD sensor can enable scene intensity estimation
ing information, in addition to photon counts, measured by a not just in low but also extremely high flux levels in a passive
free-running SPAD sensor. An IP-SPAD can image scenes imaging setting.
with even higher dynamic range than the counts-based PF-
SPAD method.
Methods Relying on Photon Timing: The idea of using tim-
                                                                        3     Image Formation with Inter-Photon
ing information for passive imaging has been explored be-                     Timing
fore for conventional CMOS image sensor pixels. A satu-
rated CMOS pixel’s output is simply a constant and meaning-             3.1     Flux Estimator
less, but if the time taken to reach saturation is also available
[13], it provides information about scene brightness, because           Consider a single IP-SPAD pixel passively capturing photons
a brighter scene point will reach saturation more quickly (on           over a fixed exposure time T from a scene point1 with true
average) than a dimmer scene point. The idea of using photon            photon flux of Φ photons per second. After each photon de-
timing information for HDR has also been discussed before               tection event, the IP-SPAD pixel goes blind for a fixed dura-
but the dynamic range improvements were limited by the low              tion τd called the dead-time. During this dead-time, the pixel
timing resolution of the pixels [55, 31] at which point, the            is reset and the pixel’s time-to-digital converter (TDC) circuit
photon timing provides no additional information over photon            stores a picosecond resolution timestamp of the most recent
counts. In their seminal work on single-photon 3D imaging               photon detection time, and also increments the total photon
under high illumination conditions, Rapp et al. provide rigor-          count. This process is repeated until the end of the exposure
ous theoretical derivations of photon-timing-based maximum-             time T . Let NT ≥ 2 denote the total number of photons de-
likelihood flux estimators that include dead-time effects of            tected by the IP-SPAD pixel during its fixed exposure time,
both the SPAD pixel and the timing electronics [45, 46]. Our            and let Xi (1 ≤ i ≤ NT ) denote the timestamp of the ith
theoretical SNR analysis and experimental results show that             photon detection. The measured inter-photon times between
such photon-timing-based flux estimators can provide extreme            successive photons is defined as Yi := Xi+1 − Xi − τd (for
dynamic range for passive 2D intensity imaging.                         1 ≤ i ≤ NT − 1). Note that Yi ’s follow an exponential
                                                                        distribution. It is tempting to derive a closed-from maximum
Methods Relying on Non-linear Sensor Response: Log-
arithmic image sensors include additional pixel electronics                 1 We assume that there is no scene or camera motion so that the flux Φ

that apply log-compression to capture a large dynamic range.            stays constant over the exposure time T .

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Figure 2: Comparison of noise sources in different image sensor pixels: (a) Theoretical expressions for the three main
sources of noise affecting a conventional pixel, PF-SPAD pixel [25] and the proposed IP-SPAD pixel are summarized in this
table. Note that the IP-SPAD’s sources of noise are similar to a PF-SPAD except for quantization noise. (b) The expressions
in (a) are plotted for the case of T = 5 ms, q = 100%, σr = 5e− , Φdark = 10 photons/second, τd = 150 ns, ∆ = 200 ps. The
conventional sensor’s saturation capacity is set at 34,000 e− which matches the maximum possible SPAD counts of dT/τd e.
Observe that the IP-SPAD soft-saturation point is at a much higher flux level than the PF-SPAD.

likelihood photon flux estimator Φ    b for the true flux Φ using the tections. T1 = T and for i > 1, Ti = max(0, Ti−1 − Yi−1 −
log-likelihood function of the measured inter-photon times Yi : τd ). The log-likelihood function can now be written as:
                                              T −1
                                                              !                                                                             
                                                        −qΦYi                                                   dT/τd e
   log l(qΦ; Y1 , . . . , YNT −1 ) = log           qΦ e                                                          Y
                                                                          log l(qΦ; Y1 , . . . , YL ) = log            pYi |Y1 ,...,Yi−1 (t)
                                T −1
                = −qΦ                Yi + (NT − 1) log qΦ, (1)                                       X
                               n=1                                               = −qΦ max               Yi , T −NT τd + NT log qΦ.
where 0 < q < 1 is the quantum efficiency of the IP-SPAD
pixel. The maximum likelihood estimate Φ     b of the true photon As shown in Supplementary Note 1 this likelihood function
flux is computed by setting the derivative of Eq. (1) to zero also leads to the flux estimator given in Eq. (2).
and solving for Φ:                                                   We make the following key observations about the IP-SPAD
                                                                  flux estimator. First, note that the estimator is only a function
                  b=1            NT − 1
                  Φ                                .          (2) of the first and the last photon timestamps, the exact times of
                        q XNT − X1 − (NT − 1)τd                   capture of the intermediate photons do not provide additional
                                                                  information.2 This is because photon arrivals follow Poisson
   Although the above proof sketch captures the intuition of
                                                                  statistics: the time until the next photon arrival from the end of
our flux estimator, it leaves out two details. First, the total
                                                                  the previous dead-time is independent of all preceding photon
number of photons NT is itself a random variable. Second,
                                                                  arrivals. Secondly, we note that the denominator in Eq. (2) is
the times of capture of future photons are constrained by the
                                                                  simply the total time the IP-SPAD spends waiting for the next
timestamps of preceding photon arrivals because we operate
                                                                  photon to be captured while not in dead-time. Intuitively, if the
in a finite exposure time T . The sequence of timestamps Yi
                                                                  photon flux were extremely high, we will expect to see a pho-
cannot be treated as independent and identically distributed.
                                                                  ton immediately after every dead-time duration ends, implying
In fact, it is possible to show that the sequence of timestamps                                                          b → ∞.
                                                                  the denominator in Eq. (2) approaches zero, hence Φ
forms a Markov chain [45] where the conditional distribution
of the ith inter-photon time conditioned on the previous inter-
photon times is given by:                                         3.2 Sources of Noise
                                 −qΦt                             Although, theoretically, the IP-SPAD scene brightness estima-
                                                0 < t < Ti
     pYi |Y1 ,...,Yi−1 (t) = e −qΦTi
                                     δ(t − Ti ) t = Ti            tor in Eq. (2) can recover the entire range of incident photon
                                                                 flux levels, including very low and very high flux values, in
                              0                  otherwise.
                                                                           2 As we show later in our hardware implementation,   in practice, it is useful
Here δ(·) is the Dirac delta function. The Ti ’s model the to capture intermediate photon timestamps as they allow us to calibrate for
shrinking effective exposure times for subsequent photon de- various pixel non-idealities.

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Figure 4: Effect of various IP-SPAD parameters on SNR:
                                                                       We vary different parameters to see the effect on SNR. The
                                                                       solid lines are theoretical SNR curves while each dot repre-
                                                                       sents a SNR average from 10 Monte Carlo simulations. Un-
Figure 3: Advantage of using photon timing over photon                 less otherwise noted the parameters used are T = 1 ms,
counts: (a) Photon counts are inherently discrete. At high             τd = 100 ns, q = 0.4, and ∆ = 0. (a) As exposure time
flux levels, even a small ±1 change in photon counts cor-              increases, SNR increases at all brightness levels. (b) Decreas-
responds to a large flux uncertainty. (b) Inter-photon timing          ing the dead-time increases the maximum achievable SNR, but
is inherently continuous. This leads to smaller uncertainty at         provides little benefit in low flux. (c) Coarser time quantiza-
high flux levels. The uncertainty depends on jitter and floating       tion causes SNR drop-off at high flux values. (d) Our IP-SPAD
point resolution of the timing electronics.                            flux estimator outperforms a counts-only (PF-SPAD) flux es-
                                                                       timator [25] at high flux levels.
practice, the accuracy is limited by various sources of noise.
To assess the performance of this estimator, we use a signal-          with corresponding expressions for a conventional image sen-
to-noise ratio (SNR) metric defined as [53, 25]:                       sor pixel and a PF-SPAD pixel. Fig. 2(b) shows example plots
                                                 !                     for these theoretical expressions. For realistic values of ∆
                                        Φ2                             in the 100’s of picoseconds range, the IP-SPAD pixel has a
             SNR(Φ) = 10 log10                             (3)
                                   E[(Φ − Φ)b 2]                       smaller quantization noise term that allows reliable brightness
                                                                       estimation at much higher flux levels than a PF-SPAD pixel.
Note that the denominator in Eq. (3) is the mean-squared-error         (See Supplementary Note 2).
of the estimator Φ,
                 b and is equal to the sum of the bias-squared
terms and variances of the different sources of noise. The             Quantization Noise in PF-SPAD vs. IP-SPAD: Conven-
dynamic range (DR) of the sensor is defined as the range of            tional pixels are affected by quantization in low flux and hard
brightness levels for which the SNR stays above a minimum              saturation (full-well capacity) limit in high flux. In contrast,
specified threshold. At extremely low flux levels, the dynamic         a PF-SPAD pixel that only uses photon counts is affected by
range is limited due to IP-SPAD dark counts which causes               quantization noise at extremely high flux levels due to soft-
spurious photon counts even when no light is incident on the           saturation [25]. This behavior is unique to SPADs and is quite
pixel. This introduces a bias in Φ.
                                  b Since photon arrivals are          different from conventional sensors. A counts-only PF-SPAD
fundamentally stochastic (due to the quantum nature of light),         pixel can measure at most dT/τd e photons where T is the ex-
the estimator also suffers from Poisson noise which introduces         posure time and τd is the dead-time [25]. Due to a non-linear
a non-zero variance term. Finally, at high enough flux levels,         response curve, as shown in Fig. 3(a), a small change of ±1
the time discretization ∆ used for recording timestamps with           count maps to a large range of flux values. Due to the inher-
the IP-SPAD pixel limits the maximum usable photon flux                ently discrete nature of photon counts, even a small fluctuation
at which the pixel can operate. Fig. 2(a) shows the theoret-           (due to shot noise or jitter) can cause a large uncertainty in the
ical expression for bias and variance introduced by shot noise,        estimated flux.
quantization noise and dark noise in an IP-SPAD pixel along               The proposed IP-SPAD flux estimator uses timing informa-

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
advantage in using the timestamp-based brightness estimator
                                                                       and the performance reverts to a counts-based flux estimator
                                                                       [4, 25].

                                                                       4     Results
                                                                       4.1   Simulation Results
                                                                Simulated RGB Image Comparisons: Fig. 5 shows a simu-
                                                                lated HDR scene with extreme brightness variations between
                                                                the dark text and bright bulb filament. We use a 5 ms exposure
                                                                time for this simulation. The PF-SPAD and IP-SPAD both use
Figure 5: Simulated HDR scene captured with a PF-SPAD pixels with q = 0.4 and τd = 150 ns. The PF-SPAD only
(counts only) vs. IP-SPAD (inter-photon timing): (a) Al- captures photon counts whereas the IP-SPAD captures counts
though a PF-SPAD can capture this extreme dynamic range and timestamps with a resolution of ∆ = 200 ps. Notice that
scene in a single 5 ms exposure, extremely bright pixels such the extremely bright pixels on the bulb filament appear noisy
as the bulb filament that are beyond the soft-saturation limit in the PF-SPAD image. This degradation in SNR at high flux
appear noisy. (b) An IP-SPAD camera captures both dark levels is due to its soft-saturation phenomenon. The IP-SPAD,
and bright regions in a single exposure, including fine details on the other hand, captures the dark text and noise-free details
around the bright bulb filament. In both cases, we set the in the bright bulb filament in a single exposure. Please see
SPAD pixel’s quantum efficiency to 0.4, dead-time to 150 ns supplement for additional comparisons with a conventional
and an exposure time of 5 ms. The IP-SPAD has a time resolu- camera.
tion of ∆ = 200 ps. (Original image from

                                                                       4.2   Single-Pixel IP-SPAD Hardware Prototype
tion which is inherently continuous. Even at extremely high     Our single-pixel IP-SPAD prototype is a modified version of a
flux levels, photon arrivals are random and due to small ran-   fast-gated SPAD module [8]. Conventional dead-time control
dom fluctuations, the time interval between the first and last  circuits for a SPAD rely on digital timers that have a coarse
photon (XNT − X1 ) is not exactly equal to T . Fig. 3(b) shows  time-quantization limited by the digital clock frequency and
the intuition for why fine-grained inter-photon measurements    cannot be used for implementing an IP-SPAD. We circumvent
at high flux levels can enable flux estimation with a smaller   this limitation by using coaxial cables and low-jitter voltage
uncertainty than counts alone. In practice, the improvement in  comparators to generate “analog delays” that enable precise
dynamic range compared to a PF-SPAD depends on the time         control of the dead-time with jitter limited to within a few
resolution, which is limited by hardware constraints like float-ps. We used a 20 m long co-axial cable to get a dead-time
ing point precision of the TDC electronics and timing jitter of of 110 ns. The measured dead-time jitter was ∼ 200 ps. This
the SPAD pixel. Simulations in Fig. 4 suggest that even with a  is an improvement over previous PF-SPAD implementations
100 ps time resolution the 20-dB dynamic range improves by      [25] that relied on a digital timer circuit whose time resolution
2 orders of magnitude over using counts alone.                  was limited to ∼ 6 ns.
Single-Pixel Simulations: We verify our theoretical SNR ex-        The IP-SPAD pixel is mounted on two translation stages
pression using single-pixel Monte Carlo simulations of a sin- that raster scan the image plane of a variable focal length
gle IP-SPAD pixel. For a fixed set of parameters we run 10 lens. The exposure time per pixel position depends on the
simulations of an IP-SPAD at 100 different flux levels ranging translation speed along each scan-line. We capture 400×400
104 − 1016 photons per second. Fig. 4 shows the effect of images with an exposure time of 5 ms per pixel position.
various pixel parameters on the SNR. The overall SNR can The total capture takes ∼ 15 minutes. Photon timestamps
be increased by either increasing the exposure time T or de- are captured with a 1 ps time binning using a time-correlated
creasing the dead-time τd ; both enable the IP-SPAD pixel to single-photon counting (TCSPC) system (PicoQuant Hydra-
capture more total photons. The maximum achievable SNR Harp400). A monochrome camera (PointGrey Technologies
is theoretically equal to 10 log10 (T/τd ). The IP-SPAD SNR GS3-U3-23S6M-C) placed next to the SPAD captures conven-
degrades at high flux levels due because photon timestamps tional camera images for comparison. The setup is arranged
cannot be captured with infinite resolution. A larger floating carefully to obtain approximately the same field of view and
point quantization bin size ∆ increases the uncertainty in pho- photon flux per pixel for both the IP-SPAD and CMOS camera
ton timestamps. If the time bin is large enough, there is no pixels.

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Figure 6: Experimental “Tunnel” scene: (a-b) Images from a conventional sensor with long and short exposure times. Notice
that both the speed limit sign and the toy figure cannot be captured simultaneously with a single exposure. Objects outside the
tunnel appear saturated even with the shortest exposure time possible with our CMOS camera. (c) A PF-SPAD [25] only uses
photon counts when estimating flux. Although it captures much higher dynamic range than the conventional CMOS camera,
the bright pixels near the halogen lamp appear saturated. (d) Our IP-SPAD single-pixel hardware prototype captures both the
dark and the extremely bright regions with a single exposure. Observe that the fine details within the halogen lamp are visible.

4.3   Hardware Experiment Results                                 tive histograms for four different locations in the experiment
                                                                  tunnel scene are shown in Fig. 7. Observe that at lower flux
HDR Imaging: Fig. 6 shows an experiment result using our levels (pixels [P1] and [P2]) the inter-photon histograms fol-
single-pixel raster-scanning hardware prototype. The “Tun- low an exponential distribution as predicted by the Poisson
nel” scene contains dark objects like a speed limit sign inside model for photon arrival statistics. However, at pixels with
the tunnel and an extremely bright region outside the tunnel extremely high brightness levels (pixels [P3] and [P4] on the
from a halogen lamp. This scene has a dynamic range of over halogen lamp), the histograms have a rising edge denoting the
107 :1. The conventional CMOS camera (Fig. 6(a-b)), requires transition phase when the pixel turns on after the end of the
multiple exposures to cover this dynamic range. Even with previous dead-time. We also found that in practice the dead-
the shortest possible exposure time of 0.005 ms, the halogen time is not constant and exhibits a drift over time (especially at
lamp appears saturated. Our IP-SPAD prototype captures de- high flux values) due to internal heating. Such non-idealities,
tails of both the dark regions (text on the speed limit sign) si- if not accounted for, can cause uncertainty in photon time-
multaneously with the bright pixels (outline of halogen lamp stamp measurements, and limit the usability of our flux esti-
tube) in a single exposure. Fig. 6(c) and (d) shows experi- mator in the high photon flux regime. Since we capture times-
mental comparison between a PF-SPAD (counts-only) image tamps for every photon detected in a fixed exposure time, it is
[25] and the proposed IP-SPAD image that uses photon times- possible to correct these non-idealities in post-processing by
tamps. Observe that in extremely high flux levels (in pixels estimating the true dead-time and rise-time from these inter-
around the halogen lamp) the PF-SPAD flux estimator fails photon timing histograms. See Supplementary Note 5 for de-
due to the inherent quantization limitation of photon counts. tails.
The IP-SPAD preserves details in these extremely bright re-
                                                                  IP-SPAD Imaging with Low Photon Counts: The results
gions, like the shape of the halogen lamp tube and the metal
                                                                  so far show that precise photon timestamps from an IP-SPAD
cage on the lamp.
                                                                  pixel enables imaging at extremely high photon flux levels.
Hardware Limitations: The IP-SPAD pixel does not exit We now show that it is also possible to leverage timing in-
the dead-time duration instantaneously and in practice it takes formation when the IP-SPAD pixel captures very few photons
around 100 ps to transition into a fully-on state. Representa- per pixel. We simulate the low photon count regime by keep-

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
Figure 7: Rise-time Non-ideality in Measured IP-SPAD
Histograms: We show four inter-photon histograms for pixels
in the experimental “Tunnel” scene. The histograms of [P1]
and [P2] have an ideal exponentially decaying shape. How-
ever, at the brighter points, [P3] and [P4], the inter-photon             Figure 8: IP-SPAD Imaging in Low Photon Count Regime:
histograms deviate from an ideal exponential shape. This is               This figure shows IP-SPAD images captured with very few
because the IP-SPAD pixels requires ∼ 100 ps rise time to                 photons and denoised with two different methods: (a) an off-
re-activate after the end of the previous dead-time.                      the-shelf BM3D denoiser, and (b) a DNN denoiser based on a
ing the first few photons and discarding the remaining photon             kernel prediction network architecture. Details like the text on
timestamps for each pixel in the experimental “Tunnel” scene.             the fire-truck are visible with as few as 10 photons per pixel.
Fig. 8 shows IP-SPAD images captured with as few as 1 and 10
photons per pixel and denoised using an off-the-shelf BM3D                ing. This will introduce additional design challenges and noise
denoiser and a deep neural network denoiser that uses a kernel            sources not discussed here. In Supplementary Note 7 we show
prediction network (KPN) architecture [38]. We can recover                some pixel architectures for an IP-SPAD array that could be
intensity images with just one photon timestamp per pixel us-             implemented in the future.
ing real data captured by our IP-SPAD hardware prototype.                    Arrays of single-photon image sensor pixels are being in-
Quite remarkably, with as few as 10 photons per pixel, image              creasingly used for 2D intensity imaging and 3D depth sens-
details such as facial features and text on the fire truck are dis-       ing [54, 32, 37] in commercial and consumer devices. When
cernible. Please see Supplementary Note 3 for details about               combined with recent advances in high-time-resolution SPAD
the KPN denoiser and Supplementary Note 6 for additional                  sensor hardware, the methods developed in this paper can
experimental results and comparisons with other denoising al-             enable extreme imaging applications across various applica-
gorithms.                                                                 tions including consumer photography, vision sensors for au-
                                                                          tonomous driving and robotics, and biomedical optical imag-
5    Future Outlook
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vances in CMOS SPAD technology that rely on 3D stacking                        prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
[23] can enable larger arrays of SPAD pixels for passive imag-                 the United States Government. Neither the United States Gov-

Passive Inter-Photon Imaging
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Supplementary Document for
                                   “Passive Inter-Photon Imaging”
                                Atul Ingle∗ , Trevor Seets, Mauro Buttafava, Shantanu Gupta,
                                        Alberto Tosi, Mohit Gupta† , Andreas Velten†

                                                             (CVPR 2021)

Supplementary Note 1                       Image Formation

Suppl. Fig. 1: Photon Detection Timeline: (a) The photon timeline shows the random variables used in the derivation of our
photon flux estimator. Xi ’s denote the photon arrival time with respect to the start of the exposure at t = 0 and Yi ’s denote
the ith time-of-darkness. (b) There are two possibilities for the final dead-time window after the last photon detection. In high
photon flux scenarios, the final dead-time ends after the end of the exposure time (XNT + τd > T ) with high probability.

   Consider an IP-SPAD sensor pixel with quantum efficiency q exposed to a photon flux of Φ photons/second. Photon arrivals
follow a Poisson process, so inter-photon times follow an exponential distribution with rate qΦ. After a detection event the
IP-SPAD is unable to detect photons for a period of τd . Because of the memoryless property of a Poisson process, the arrival
time of a photon after the end of a dead-time window (called the time-of-darkness), follows
                                                                                          R ∞ an exponential distribution with
rate qΦ. The probability that no photons are detected in the exposure time T is equal to T qΦe−qΦt dt = e−qΦT .
   Let the first time-of-darkness be denoted by Y1 . If no photons are detected, we define Y1 := T . If Y1 < T it follows an
exponential distribution. Therefore, the probability density function of Y1 can be written as:
                                                                          for 0 < t < T
                                            Y1 ∼fY1 (t) = e −qΦT
                                                                 δ(t − T ) for t = T                                         (S1)
                                                           0               otherwise,

where δ is the Dirac delta function.
   Now consider Y2 , the second time-of-darkness. Y2 is non-zero if and only if Y1 6= T (to be the second, there must be a first).
If the second photon is detected, Y2 will be exponentially distributed. But the exposure time interval shrinks because a time
interval of Y1 + τd has elapsed due to the first photon detection. We define the remaining exposure time T2 = max(0, T −
Y1 − τd ), where the max() function ensures T2 is non-negative. Then the probability distribution of Y2 conditioned on Y1 will
be given by replacing T for T2 in Eq. (S1). More generally, the conditional distribution of Yi can be written as:
                                                                                            for 0 < t < Ti
                                Yi ∼ fYi |Y1 ...Yi−1 (t|Y1 . . . Yi−1 ) = e −qΦTi
                                                                                  δ(t − Ti ) for t = Ti                      (S2)
                                                                           0                 otherwise,

   † Equal   contribution.
∗ Email:


                                                T1 = T
                                                 Ti = max(0, Ti−1 − Yi−1 − τd ))
                                                                                
                                                    = max 0, T −      (Yj + τd ) .                                                    (S3)

   The Ti ’s model the fact that the effective exposure time for the ith photon shrinks due to preceding photon detections. Note
if Yi = Ti then no ith photon is detected and Yi+1 = Ti+1 = 0. Note that the Xi in the main text are related to Yi by
Xi − Xi−1 − τd =: Yi for i ≥ 2 and X1 = Y1 . Suppl. Fig. 1(a) shows Xi and Yi on a photon timeline.

Maximum Likelihood Flux Estimator
For a fixed exposure time T , the maximum number of possible photon detections is L = τTd . Let N be the number of

detected photons, then YN +1 will be the last possibly non-zero time-of-darkness, and YN +2 . . . YL = 0 with probability 1. The
log-likelihood of the unknown flux value given the set of time-of-darkness measurements Y1 . . . YL is given by:

                     log l(qΦ; Y1 , . . . , YL ) = log         fYi (Yi |Y1 . . . Yi−1 )
                                               = log fYN +1 (YN +1 |Y1 . . . YN )                    fYi (Yi |Y1 . . . Yi−1 )
                                                          −qΦTN +1                    −qΦYi
                                               = log e                         qΦ e
                                               = −qΦ TN +1 +                     Yi       + N log qΦ
                                                                                                    !       N
                                                                                  X                         X
                                               = −qΦ       max 0, T −                     Yi − τd       +         Yi       + N log qΦ
                                                                                  i=1                       i=1
                                               = −qΦ max                 Yi , T − N τd             + N log qΦ.                          (S4)

We find the maximum likelihood estimate, Φ,
                                         b by setting the derivative of Eq.(S4) to zero and solving for Φ:

                                                           X                                   N
                                              −q max             Yi , T − N τd             +     = 0,                                   (S5)
                                                           i=1                                 Φ

which gives:
                                                 b=              P                                .                                   (S6)
                                                         q max          n=1    Yi , T − N τd

   The max() function can be thought of as selecting the time-of-darkness based on whether or not the final dead-time window
ends after t = T , see Suppl. Fig. 1(b). In practice the beginning and end of the exposure time may not be known precisely,
introducing uncertainty in X1 and T . Because of this we instead use an approximation:
                                                                        N −1
                                                           b=           PN      .                                                       (S7)
                                                                    q    n=2 Yi

Plugging in Yi = Xi − Xi−1 − τd gives Eq. (2) in the main text.

Flux Estimator Variance
Let N be the number of photons detected in an exposure time T . Using the law of large numbers for renewal processes we find
the expectation and the variance of N to be:

                                                               qΦ(T + τd )
                                                       E[N ] =                                                              (S8)
                                                                1 + qΦτd
                                                              qΦ(T + τd )
                                                    Var[N ] =                                                               (S9)
                                                              (1 + qΦτd )3
   In the following derivation we will assume N is large enough that it can be assumed to be constant for a given T . This holds,
for example, when Φ  T1 . This assumption also allows us to approximate Yi ’s as i.i.d. shifted exponential random variables.
We will consider the estimator in Eq. (S7) where the sum in the denominator is given by SNT = Y2 + Y3 + ...YN and letting
NT = N − 1. The final photon timestamp SNT is the sum of exponential random variables and follows a gamma distribution:
                                                           (qΦ)NT tNT −1 e−qΦt
                                                                (NT −1)!         for t ≥ 0
                                     SNT ∼ fSNT (t) =                                                                      (S10)
                                                           0                     otherwise.
  The mean of Φ  b can be computed as:
                                        NT        NT       1
                                   E           =     E
                                       qSNT        q     SNT
                                                      Z ∞
                                                  NT       (qΦ)NT tNT −1 e−qΦt
                                               =                                 dt
                                                   q 0           t(NT − 1)!
                                                              Z ∞
                                                  NT qφ             (qΦ)NT −1 tNT −2 e−qΦt
                                               =                                            dt
                                                   q NT − 1 0             (NT − 2)!
                                               =          Φ                                                               (S11)
                                                  NT − 1
where the last line comes from the recognizing the argument of the integral as the p.d.f. for a gamma distribution and for large
      T −1
            ≈ 1.
  The second moment of Φ   b is given by:
                             "         2 #
                                  NT                    1
                           E                 = 2 E 2
                                 qSNT           q      SNT
                                                  2 Z ∞
                                               N         (qΦ)NT tNT −1 e−qΦt
                                             = 2T                             dt
                                                q    0       t2 (NT − 1)!
                                                                      Z ∞
                                                     (qΦ)2 NT2              (qΦ)NT −2 tNT −3 e−qΦt
                                             = 2                                                   dt
                                               q (NT − 1)(NT − 2) 0               (NT − 3)!
                                                      Φ2 NT2
                                             =                                                                            (S12)
                                               (NT − 1)(NT − 2)
This expression is valid for NT > 2. The variance of Φ
                                                     b is given by:
                                                              NT2        NT2
                                  Var          = Φ2                   −         Φ2
                                        qSNT         (NT − 2)(NT − 1) (NT − 1)2
                                               = Φ2
                                                     (NT − 2)(NT − 1)2
                                               ≈ Φ2                                                                        (S13)
                                                      qΦτd + 1
                                               = Φ2                                                                        (S14)
                                                     qΦ(T + τd )
                                                    qΦτd + 1
                                               ≈Φ                                                                          (S15)

where we replace NT with its mean value. The last line follows if we assume T  τd . Finally, the SNR is given by:
                                              SNR = 20 log10 q
                                                              Var[ qSNNT ]

                                                    = 10 log10                                                        (S16)
                                                                  qΦτd + 1

  We make the following observations about our estimator Φ:

  • At high flux, when NT is large enough, Eq. (S11) reduces to E[Φ]
                                                                  b = Φ, i.e. our estimator is unbiased.
  • Unlike [25] which only uses photon counts NT , our derivation explicitly accounts for individual inter-photon timing
    information captured in SNT .
  • As Φ → ∞, SNR → 10 log10 ( τTd ). So at high flux the SNR will flatten out to a constant independent of the true flux Φ.
    In practice, the SNR drops at high flux due to time quantization, discussed next in Supplementary Note 2.

Supplementary Note 2                  Time Quantization
Consider an IP-SPAD with quantum efficiency q, dead time τd , and time quantization ∆ that detects photons over exposure
time T . To match our hardware prototype, the start of the dead time window is not quantized and time stamps are quantized
by ∆. The quantization noise variance term derived in previous work [25, 4] that relies on a counts-only measurement model
is given by:

                                                                        (1 + qΦτd )4
                                                Vcount-quantization =                .                                     (S17)
                                                                          12q 2 T 2
  We derive a modified quantization noise variance expression by modifying this counts-only expression to account for two
key insights gained from extensive simulations of SNR plots for our timing-based IP-SPAD flux estimator. First, we note
that the timing-based IP-SPAD flux estimator follows a similar SNR curve as the counts-based PF-SPAD flux estimator when
∆ = τd . Second, the rate at which the SNR drop off moves slows after ∆ exceeds τd . In this way we propose a new time
quantization term:
                                                         (1 + qΦτd + qΦ∆)2 (1 + qφ∆)2
                                    Vtime-quantization =                              .                             (S18)
                                                                    12q 2 T 2
   Note we break the quartic term from Eq. (S17) into two quadratic terms. The two quadratic terms strike a balance between
quantization due to counts and timing. If ∆ = 0 then Vtime quantization is an order 2 polynomial with respect to Φ which leads to
a constant SNR at high flux. Also note if ∆ = τd the time quantization term is roughly equal to the counts quantization term.
We found this expression matches simulated IP-SPAD SNR curves for a range of dead-times and exposure times.

Supplementary Note 3                   IP-SPAD Imaging with Low Photon Counts
The scene brightness estimator (Eq. (2)) requires the IP-SPAD pixel to capture at least two photons; It does not make sense to
talk about “inter-photon” times with only one photon. The situation where an IP-SPAD pixel captures only one incident photon
timestamp can be thought of as an extreme limiting case of passive inter-photon imaging under low illumination.
   Intuitively, we can reconstruct an image from a single photon timestamp per pixel by simply computing the reciprocal of the
first photon timestamp at each pixel. Brighter scene points should have a smaller first-photon timestamp (on average) because,
with high probability, a photon will be detected almost immediately after the pixel starts collecting light. In this supplementary
note we show that the conditional distribution of this first photon timestamp (conditioned on there being at least one photon
detection) is a uniform random variable:
                                                    {Y1 |Y1 ≤ T } ∼ U[0, T ].
when operating under low incident photon flux. This implies that timestamps provide no additional information beyond merely
the fact that at least one photon was detected. We must, therefore, relax the requirement of a constant exposure time and allow
each pixel to capture at least one photon by allowing variable exposure times per pixel. When operated this way, first-photon
timestamps do carry useful information about the scene brightness. The estimate of the scene pixel brightness is given by
b = 1/q Yi .
   When the total number of photons is extremely small, the information contained in the timestamp data is extremely noisy.
We leverage spatial-priors-based image denoising techniques that have been developed for conventional images, and adapt
them denoising these noisy IP-SPAD images. Coupled with the inherent sensitivity of SPADs, this enables us to reconstruct
intensity images with just a single photon per pixel [26].
   In this section we show that for passive imaging in the low photon flux regime with a constant exposure time per pixel,
the timestamp of the first arriving photon is a uniform random variable and hence, carries no useful information about the true
photon flux. If we drop the constant exposure time constraint and instead operate in a regime where each pixel is allowed to wait
until the first photon is captured (random exposure time per pixel), then the first-photon timestamps carry useful information
about the flux, albeit noisy.

Supplementary Note 3.1             When Do Timestamps Carry Useful Information?
Let us assume an IP-SPAD pixel operating with a fixed exposure time T is observing a scene point with photon flux Φ. We
assume that the photon flux is low enough so that the pixel captures at most one photon during this exposure time. The (random)
first-photon arrival time is denoted by Y1 as shown in Suppl. Fig. 2. We would like to know if the first photon time-of-arrival
carries useful information about Φ.

Suppl. Fig. 2: We capture the first arriving photon and record its arrival time in a fixed exposure time T. Note that in the low
photon flux regime ΦT  1, so there is a high probability that zero photons are detected in the time interval [0, T ].

  We derive the probability distribution of Y1 , conditioning on Y1 ≤ T . For any t > 0,

                                                                P (Y1 ≤ t ∩ Y1 ≤ T )
                                          P (Y1 ≤ t|Y1 ≤ T ) =                                                              (S19)
                                                                    P (Y1 ≤ T )
                                                                P (Y1 ≤ t)
                                                              =                                                             (S20)
                                                                P (Y1 ≤ T )
                                                                1 − e−Φt
                                                              =                                                             (S21)
                                                                1 − e−ΦT
where Eq. (S19) follows from Bayes’s rule, Eq. (S20) assumes t ≤ T (otherwise the answer is 1, trivially) and Eq. (S21) is
obtained by plugging in the c.d.f. of Y1 ∼ Exp(Φ).

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