Parent Handbook - Jolly Giant Childcare

Page created by Leo Wolf
Parent Handbook - Jolly Giant Childcare
Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook - Jolly Giant Childcare
Table of Contents

Contact Information                                     3

Welcome to Jolly Giant Childcare                        4

Overview                                                5
   A Quick Look!                                        5

Expectations                                            5
   What to Expect From Us                               5
   What We Expect From You:                             5

About Us                                                6
   Philosophy                                           6
   Our Core Values                                      6
   Educators                                            7
   History                                              7

Programs                                                9
   Infant & Toddler – Ages 12 months to 3 years         9
   Daycare & Preschool – Ages 30 months to School-age   9
   Monthly Programming                                  9

Important Information                                   10
   Clothing Your Child                                  10
       Footwear                                         10
       Outerwear                                        10
   All Personal Items                                   10
   Inclusion                                            11

General Policies                                        12
   Emergency Procedures Policy                          12
   Fees and Holidays Policy                             12
       Registration Fee                                 12
Monthly Fees & Payments                                12
    Drop-In Program Fee                                    13
    Overtime Fees                                          13
    Holidays                                               13
    Scheduled Holidays                                     13
Inclement Weather Closure Policy                           14
Food and Drink Policies                                    15
    Nut Restricted Zone                                    15
    Lunches                                                15
    Snacks                                                 15
Gradual Entry Policy                                       15
Guidance Policy                                            16
    Guidance Procedure                                     16
Health & Illness Policy                                    16
    Immunization Policy                                    17
    Medication Policy                                      17
    Communicable Disease Policy                            17
    Health & Illness Attendance Chart                      18
    Pandemic Health & Illness Attendance Chart             18
    COVID-19 Symptoms                                      18
    Symptoms Develop While at Daycare                      19
    Symptoms Develop While at Home                         19
    Positive COVID-19 Test Results                         20
    Return to Childcare Policy                             20
    Pandemic Policy                                        20
    Provisions of Care under Temporary Emergency Funding   20
    Provision of Care During Employee Illness              21
    Pandemic Drop Off Policy                               21
    Personal Items from Home Restrictions                  21
    Pandemic Pick Up Policy                                22
    The Use of Fabric or Non-Medical Masks                 22
Social Distancing Among Staff and Children               23
        Children Spitting Policy                                 24
   Parking Policy                                                24
   Urgent Pick up Policy                                         25
   Reporting Abuse Policy                                        25
   Rest Time Policy – Infant & Toddler                           26
   Rest Time Policy – Daycare & Preschool                        26
   Student and Volunteer Policy                                  26
   Sun Screen Policy                                             26
   Telephone Policy                                              26
   Dignity & Respect Policy                                      26
   Unauthorized Persons Policy                                   27
   During Pick up and Drop off                                   28
   Tax Receipts                                                  28
   FAQ                                                           28
        How do I communicate a complaint or concern?             28
        My child is turning 5 this year what do I need to do?    29
        Can we celebrate our child’s birthday at the daycare?    29
        What if I need specific documents from you?              29
        What is an ideal drop off for my child in the morning?   29

Parent Checklists                                                30
   Infant & Toddler                                              30
        Items to Remain at the Centre:                           30
   Daycare & Preschool                                           30
        Items to Remain at the Centre:                           30

Notes                                                            31
Contact Information

Dufferin Location            Portsmouth Location         Strickland Location
 1135 Dufferin Crescent       6553 Portsmouth Road        10 Strickland Street
 Nanaimo, BC, V9S 2B5         Nanaimo, BC, V9V 1A3        Nanaimo, BC, V9R 4R9

Ages 12 months to 3 years    Ages 12 months to 3 years   Ages 12 months to 3 years
 Open 8:00am to 5:00pm        Open 8:00am to 5:15pm       Open 7:30am to 5:30pm
 Monday to Friday             Monday to Friday            Monday to Friday
 250-591-2625                 250-933-3321                250-754-8851

Ages 2½ years to 5 years     Ages 2½ years to 5 years    Ages 2½ years to 5 years
 Open 8:00am to 5:00pm        Open 8:00am to 5:15pm       Open 7:30am to 5:30pm
 Monday to Friday             Monday to Friday            Monday to Friday
 250-591-2625                 250-933-3321                250-753-8845

Nadely Locations             Selby Location              General Manager
 2521 & 2510 Nadely Cres.     436 Selby Street           Sacha Fellers
 Nanaimo, BC, V9T 5T1         Nanaimo, BC, V9R 2R7        10 Strickland Street         Nanaimo, BC, V9R 4R9
Ages 12 months to 3 years    Ages 12 months to 3 years
 Open 8:00am to 5:00pm        Open 8:00am to 5:15pm
 Monday to Friday             Monday to Friday           Director
 250-585-8828                 250-754-8832               John Wilson
                                                          10 Strickland Street
Ages 2½ years to 5 years     Ages 2½ years to 5 years     Nanaimo, BC, V9R 4R9
 Open 8:00am to 5:00pm        Open 8:00am to 5:15pm
 Monday to Friday             Monday to Friday
 250-751-8841                 250-754-8833
Welcome to Jolly Giant Childcare
Welcome to the Jolly Giant family! We are confident that joining our family will be an enriching
experience for you and your child.
As relationships form between you, your child, and our caregivers, you will quickly notice the
management and educators are qualified professionals who view providing quality care to your child
as their top priority. We invite you to speak with any of our caregivers with your questions or
concerns regarding centre policies, child development, and parenting issues.
Our experienced management and educators work together to create a unique childcare
environment by providing quality programming to stimulate growth and development. A key
component of the Jolly Giant Childcare Philosophy states that, “children learn through play” and
therefore our activities are designed to stimulate your child’s interest by encouraging active
participation and hands-on experiences. Our history of positive results in this approach clearly
demonstrates that this method is ideal for developing essential skills and concepts while building
self-esteem and social skills.
While in our care, we can assure you that your child is in a safe, fun and nurturing environment. Our
patient and responsible caregivers are always on the job ensuring that your child is cared for so that
you can focus on your day.
We look forward to a positive and growing relationship with you and your child. Please feel free to
contact the centre manager any time with your comments and feedback on our programs and

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A Quick Look!
             ⮊        Experienced Early Childhood Educators
             ⮊        Licensed Group Daycare Facilities
             ⮊        Daily Nutritious Snacks
             ⮊        Age Appropriate Curriculum
             ⮊        Annual Family Events
             ⮊        Affordable Child Care Benefit Plans Accepted
             ⮊        Enrolled in BC Government Fee Reduction Initiative


What to Expect From Us
             ⮊        We will provide nurturing, educational childcare.
             ⮊        We will maintain open lines of communication with you.
             ⮊        We will provide nutritious snacks served twice daily with water to drink.
             ⮊        We will be open all year except for the holidays outlined in our Holiday Policy.
             ⮊        We will host annual Family Events.
             ⮊        We will have an open door policy for you to address any concerns or questions you
                      may have and provide opportunities to meet with you and discuss this with
                      confidentiality and our full attention.

What We Expect From You:
             ⮊        To pay your fees on or before 1st of each month. We accept debit card payments, and
                      E-transfers. See the Fees and Holidays Policy on page 15.
             ⮊        To ensure AACB is authorized before the 1st of each month by submitting required
                      documentation four weeks before the current subsidy expires.
             ⮊        To let us know when changes occur to your address and phone number, and when
                      your child receives immunizations so we can keep our records up to date.
             ⮊        To let us know regarding changes in your child’s diet, sleeping and general health.
             ⮊        To call before 10:00am if you are running late or not coming in for the day.
             ⮊        To provide a nutritious nut restricted lunch daily. See the Food and Drink Policy on
                      page for more information.
             ⮊        To keep your child home if they are ill or contagious and inform us.

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⮊   To provide and maintain extra clothes and supplies (i.e diapers, wipes, etc.) as
                needed for your child.
            ⮊   To be transparent about your child’s needs at all times to ensure we can meet and
                support the needs of your child in order for them to be successful in our program.
                This includes developmental disabilities, family dynamics/changes that can cause
                disruption/escalation in behavior, allergies, past trauma or anything that may be
                important for us to know in the direct care and support we will be providing for your
                child each day.
            ⮊   To attend meetings regarding your child’s care and measure of success within the
                program and environment, if requested by management.
            ⮊   To work in partnership with the JGC team to meet and exceed the needs of your
                child while in our care. This means regular honest, clear communication to
                educators about your child’s night, their morning, and anything else that may be
                happening that would be beneficial for the educators to know that day to help your
                child go through their day.
            ⮊   To speak respectfully and appropriately to the educators and to all the little ears that
                are listening in the classroom.
            ⮊   To follow the Jolly Giant Policies as stated in this manual.
            ⮊   To give a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for withdrawal or schedule change requests.

                                            About Us

At Jolly Giant Childcare our purpose is to enhance each child’s physical, social, emotional, and
intellectual development. We believe that all children have the right to quality care and we value and
respect children of all races, religions, cultures, and abilities. We attain high quality care through
providing children and families with a flexible, loving, and stimulating atmosphere where
independence is encouraged and self-esteem is built. We further believe that children learn through
play and thus we provide enriching play experiences from which the children learn and grow.

Our Core Values
We understand the incredible importance of each, and every day of early childhood. Our dynamic
team of educators have the skills and experience to ensure your child is getting the most out of every
critically precious day in the first 5 years of life.

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Our Licensed Early Childhood Educators know that the time spent in our programs is essential to
supporting and fostering each child's growth and development now, and in the future. It's exactly
why we continue to invest so much time and energy daily, into creating the most age-appropriate
programming and environments. We want to ensure that your child is getting the highest-quality
care while they discover, explore, learn, and become.

As experienced educators, we see first-hand the astonishing advantage that children in our programs
have. Throughout all aspects of our daily routine, we observe how the children grow and advance in
their cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development. It really is extraordinary to see.

All educators working at Jolly Giant Childcare are required to have a current first aid certificate, a
criminal record check, a physician’s letter of recommendation, and two letters of recommendation.
In addition, all educators must have an educational background related to child development.
Although all our educators have post-secondary credentials, we still require that educators
participate in ongoing professional development by taking workshops and courses to upgrade and
add new skills. Therefore, we can say with confidence that each child enrolled at Jolly Giant Childcare
experiences the highest quality of care.

After acquiring my License to Practice as an Early Childhood Educator I followed my dreams and
opened Jolly Giant Childcare in September of 1999 in the basement of my home. I remember it being
an exciting time in my life because just after opening my dream daycare my first child was born in
Although I was warned by many that being a man in childcare would have its challenges, in less than
six months from opening I was able to quit my evenings and weekends job and pour all of my energy
into Jolly Giant Childcare. I spent six wonderful years managing and educating at our first location
and after a time I decided to take our mission of providing high quality and affordable childcare into
new communities. In the Spring of 2005, we opened two new locations, Strickland and Irwin, in the
fall of 2007 we opened another location in Victoria and, in the fall of 2010, we opened our Selby
location. In the Spring of 2015, we opened an infant & toddler program on Nadely, a whole new
daycare at Portsmouth, and we moved our Irwin location into our Strickland location. We continued
to grow and opened another central Nanaimo location on Dufferin Crescent and decided to close the
Victoria location to keep our investment and focus on the thriving Nanaimo locations.

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It brings me great joy in knowing that we are providing high quality and affordable childcare to so
many families and to see the children learn and grow year after year is extremely rewarding. Thank
you for choosing Jolly Giant Childcare.

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All our programs at Jolly Giant Childcare are built around a loving, caring, and secure environment
where the children’s needs are always met. As well as having their needs met the children
participate in our educational programs that are designed with age appropriate activities and
experiences to maximize learning and growth, while establishing independence and self-esteem.
Additionally, all our programs offer daily nutritious snacks.

Infant & Toddler – Ages 12 months to 3 years
Our infant and toddler programs are a wonderful environment to introduce young children to
childcare. Our nurturing caregivers develop trusting relationships with each child and family to
ensure a comfortable transition into the daycare centre. During each day the infants and toddlers
will engage in many activities such as free play, art, snack, circle time, story time, and outdoor time
including a neighborhood walk.

Daycare & Preschool – Ages 30 months to School-age
Our daycare program runs all day and includes our preschool curriculum throughout the day. Healthy
and respectful relationships are built amongst the children and their peers and between the children
and the educators. The children learn important social and emotional skills such as self-awareness,
sharing, co-operation, respectfulness, and patience throughout the day. As stated in our philosophy,
children learn while they play so we provide a wide variety of enriching theme-based play
experiences and field trips to ensure that the children are interested, playing, and learning. Our
high-quality programming prepares children for a successful entry into school by fostering social and
emotional growth.

Monthly Programming
In all our facilities and programs our toys and activities are carefully chosen to provide the best in
age-appropriate education, developmental exploration, and skill/confidence building experiences.
Each month you will receive a monthly calendar that provides an overview of the monthly theme
and activities as well as special days to remember and field trip information.

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Important Information

Clothing Your Child
It is very important to ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. We go outside
to play almost every day and west coast weather can be quite wet and cold. However, being dressed
appropriately still allows for a warm and dry experience outside and that is important to the
It is guaranteed that we will do arts and crafts every day and although we use cover-ups it is still
possible for the children to get the art materials on their clothing. Please make sure that you send
your child in clothes that are okay to wear for art.
Building self-esteem is a very important part of our job at Jolly Giant Childcare. A great way to boost
self-esteem is to promote independence, and we can do this by encouraging the children to dress
themselves whenever necessary at daycare. For the children to be successful, they must be given
clothing that they can dress themselves in. Below are some examples.

Please give your child shoes with Velcro straps. Children as young as 2 years old can be successful at
putting on Velcro shoes. Allow your child time to develop an interest in lace shoes and by
kindergarten or grade one you will find that they will request them and quickly learn to tie them
independently. On rainy days provide slip-on boots so that your child can put them on independently
and stay dry running around outdoors. We request that children are not sent to daycare in flip flops
or sandals. Provide shoes or boots that are safe and secure for walking and running, only.

A jacket with a zipper is highly recommended for your child so that they can learn to put it on
independently. During the rainy season, all children must have a water-resistant jacket and muddy
buddies (rain pants).

All Personal Items
Please label all personal items with a permanent ink marker before bringing them into daycare. This
includes lunch containers, lunch bags, stuffed animals, muddy buddies, spare clothing, blanket,
pillow, etc. Many children have similar items therefore writing your name on your items will ensure
that you get them back.

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Our interpretation of inclusion is celebrating differences and that is why in our philosophy we state:
         “We believe that all children have the right to quality care and we value and
         respect children of all races, religions, cultures, and abilities.”
Celebrating differences is looking at the current enrollment and exploring the different cultures of
the children while celebrating the differences. Therefore, we host an annual Christmas concert, we
celebrate Chinese New Year, we celebrate Halloween, we sing Japanese songs, etc. And we sing the
following transitional song before we eat lunch and snacks. Singing a song together helps the
children calm down from previous activities and transition into lunch time.
                       Oh, the Lord is good to me, And so I thank the Lord.
                       For giving me, the things I need, The sun, and the rain, and the apple
                       seed, The Lord is good to me, Johnny Appleseed, Amen!
All the experiences we provide are meant to intrigue the children and have them curious and asking
questions. So, when your child asks you about Halloween, Christmas, Chinese New Year, or the Lord
in our song, or any other fantastic questions coming from their great desire to learn more, this will
be a great opportunity for you as the parent to explore these questions with your children.

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General Policies
Some of the policies printed here are condensed. Please ask your manager if you require further

Emergency Procedures Policy
Emergency procedures are developed and implemented at each centre and are practiced a minimum
of once per month. Each centre has emergency evacuation plans posted. As such the children will
participate in practice evacuations and therefore it is important that they have and wear indoor
shoes. The drills happen in all weather and throughout different times of the day. Fire drills are
unexpected by staff and children and therefore they must be prepared at any given time to be
outside. Each centre has an emergency kit with 72 hours of supplies. Earthquake and other
emergency procedures are practiced minimum once a year.
In the case of a real emergency, please do not call or go to the centres. Instead, please wait for us to
call you. We may have gone to one of our emergency locations. Our policy is that once everyone is
safe and everything is secure, our educators will contact each child’s parents in a timely manner with
instructions for safe pick up. Please ensure all your contact information is up to date in case of

Fees and Holidays Policy
Registration Fee
Jolly Giant Childcare charges a non-refundable $25 registration fee per child. This fee helps cover the
costs associated with managing waitlists, and registrations.

Monthly Fees & Payments
Jolly Giant Childcare monthly fees are billed monthly before the first day of the month and are
payable on or before the first day of each month. We accept debit payments onsite, and we accept
E-Transfer payments. Please be advised that late payments may be subject to interest charges and
may result in contract termination. Once payment is received and entered into our system, you will
receive a receipt showing the amount paid. We highly recommend that you keep the receipts for
your records. Prior to March 1, you will receive via email a tax receipt with the full amount paid for
the previous year.
We do not automatically provide invoices. Invoices can be printed upon request and you can ask our
educators how much you owe at any time.

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Our monthly billing is based on a four-week period, a model of billing developed by BC Childcare
Subsidy. For example, a full-time space of 5 days per week is billed based on 20 days of care per
month, and a part time space of 3 days per week is billed based on 12 days per month. Because our
billing is based on 4-week periods, we are able to guarantee a stable monthly amount due regardless
of how many days there actually are in each month.
Fee increases will happen annually each April 1st. The amount of the increase may vary and will
coincide with the consumer price index. We will post the fee increase on or before February 15th.

Drop-In Program Fee
Our Drop-In Fee Program provides you with the pay as you use option and gives you the flexibility to
choose different days each week. The Drop-In Program is subject to space availability each day and is
not a guaranteed spot. Jolly Giant Childcare drop-in fees are billed daily and are due at the time of
drop off.

Overtime Fees
Overtime refers to the amount of time a child remains in care past the sign out time listed on the
contract and is calculated in minutes. Overtime fees are charged at $1 per minute. Please make sure
that you are aware of your contract times and arrive at least 5 minutes prior to give you and your
child time to get ready and head out without being rushed. This also provides opportunity for the
educators to let you know about your child’s day. In the event you arrive at closing, your child will be
ready to go.
We do not offer overtime fees as an option for you to choose. If you are running late or will be
running late for any reason, we expect you to make arrangements for someone on your contact list
to pick up your child on time. In the event that you have exhausted all reasonable options for pickup,
and you will be late we expect you to notify us with as much notice as possible. Please note that
multiple late pick ups may result in contract termination.
In the event that your child reaches 30 minutes in overtime and we have not heard from you and
cannot contact you or any person on your authorized persons list, our educators will call the Ministry
of Children and Family Development for further instructions.

We require that you take holidays during the 10 days of scheduled JGC holidays each year and the 2
days of professional development.

Scheduled Holidays

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Jolly Giant Childcare and all clients take holidays and do not attend the centres for the following days
each year:
        ⮊   Labour Day (first Monday in September)
        ⮊   Thanksgiving Day (second Monday in October)
        ⮊   Remembrance Day (November 11)
        ⮊   Christmas Day (December 25)
        ⮊   Boxing Day (December 26)
        ⮊   New Years Day (January 1)
        ⮊   Family Day (third Monday in February)
        ⮊   Professional Development Day (May TBA)
        ⮊   Good Friday (March or April)
        ⮊   Easter Monday (March or April)
        ⮊   Victoria Day (Monday preceding May 25)
        ⮊   Professional Development Day (June TBA)
        ⮊   Canada Day (July 1)
        ⮊   BC Day (first Monday in August)
        ⮊   Holidays: Five business days during the month of December (Christmas Holidays TBA)
        ⮊   Holidays: Five business days during the summer (Summer Holidays TBA)
        ⮊   Professional Development: Two business days (TBA)
If a statutory holiday should fall on a weekend, we will close the following Monday in lieu of the

Inclement Weather Closure Policy
We work very hard and pride ourselves on being open to serve you each and every scheduled day
and our track record of remaining open speaks for itself. However, we value the safety of children,
their families and our staff and as such we follow the School District 68 Inclement Weather Closure
Policy and we close when they close during inclement weather. Inclement Weather Closures are
announced on:; Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District Facebook page; and 102.3 The
Wave Radio Station. We will also post the closure on our Facebook page as soon as we can.
Inclement weather can occur after children have arrived for the day. We reserve the right to contact
parents/guardians to come and pick up children early as deemed necessary by the director.
Inclement weather can affect power. If a power outage occurs during the day the educators will
contact BC Hydro to see how long the outage is expected to last. We will keep all the children at the
centre as long as we can continue to provide secure and quality care. If the power loss deters us
from keeping the children comfortable and safe the director will instruct management to contact

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parents/guardians to pick up their children as soon as possible. Educators will stay on site providing
the best care possible until all children have been picked up.
We do not refund fees for Inclement Weather Closures.

Food and Drink Policies
Nut Restricted Zone
Due to the severity of nut allergies, we do not allow nuts or nut products into the daycare centres.
Please check ingredient lists carefully as products may contain nuts.

As the children strive for independence, it is important for them to be able to make choices for
themselves. Thus, when the lunches are put out, the choice of what to eat first and in what order
will be entirely up to each child.

Each day snack menus are planned and recorded on a snack menu sheet and then posted on a
bulletin board accessible to all parents. All snack menus whether daily or weekly will be filed
chronologically for our records. We provide fruits and vegetables to provide healthy choices for the
children, as well as a carb included in the Infant/Toddler Program. Sometimes we will have a special
snack if we are celebrating, families will be notified ahead of time when these are planned to ensure
dietary restrictions and allergies are maintained if needed.

Gradual Entry Policy
Whether your child is entering one of our JGC programs for the first time or is transitioning up to our
3to5 program from the infant/toddler program, we will work with you and your child to create a
gradual entry transition that will help your child feel the most comfortable and settled into a new
environment and dynamic.
A typical gradual entry schedule would be:
         ⮊    Day 1: Your child stays for a couple of hours
         ⮊    Day 2: Your child stays for half a day
         ⮊    Day 3: Your child stays for ¾ a day
         ⮊    Day 4: Your child stays for a full day
If you would like to stay with your child during the gradual entry, we limit it to no more than one
hour per day to help your child to get used to the program and start building friendships and bonds
with the educators and peers. If you feel that you need to be there longer than one hour per day

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during the gradual entry, you will be required to apply to be a volunteer. Volunteers are required to
apply for a Criminal Record Check and submit a Volunteer Package to ensure the safety of all children
in the program. All volunteers must have written approval from the General Manager before being
on the floor.

Guidance Policy
We believe in a positive approach when guiding children. Our goals in guidance are to encourage
mastery and independence by providing the children with opportunities to do things for themselves.
We support the children’s feelings and promote their individuality by allowing for choices
throughout the curriculum. We strive to be warm, caring, nurturing, respectful, and supportive
JGC educators use the guidance procedure on a daily basis with the children. Modeling the behaviors
from the guidance procedure is essential to the children’s learning.

Guidance Procedure
        ⮊   Respect the children
        ⮊   Model and teach respect for others
        ⮊   Model and teach respect for property
        ⮊   Encourage the children, be genuine
        ⮊   Avoid criticism, be positive
        ⮊   Listen to your tone of voice
        ⮊   Promote independence and self-respect
        ⮊   Be firm, fair, and consistent
        ⮊   Talk with children, not to them or at them
        ⮊   Enjoy children, have fun with them
        ⮊   Avoid conflicts, redirect children before a problem occurs
        ⮊   Be willing to admit mistakes, smile and start again
Typically, in a group daycare setting you will find that the children will have conflict with one another
from time to time and this is normal. The conflicts provide opportunities for the children to learn
about boundaries, appropriate ways to handle situations, and how to function successfully in a larger
group of peers.

Health & Illness Policy
The Health & Illness Policy is based on the following criteria:
        ⮊   Preventable public health practices
        ⮊   The comfort and safety of the sick child

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⮊    The educators’ ability to accommodate or care for a sick child
         ⮊    The protection of the other children, educators, students and parents from
              communicable diseases and conditions
         ⮊    Children and employees with infectious illnesses cannot attend daycare

Immunization Policy
Although immunizations are not required, they are one of the most effective ways of preventing the
spread of communicable diseases. The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) recommends that
all children have their immunizations brought up to date prior to entry into any of our programs, and
that the immunizations are kept up to date thereafter. The record of immunizations is recorded on
the registration form upon entry into the program. Please update our files after each subsequent
immunization. If you choose to not immunize and not bring immunizations up to date, a waiver must
be signed.

Medication Policy
Educators will only administer non-prescription medication to children with a completed Physician's
Medication Release Form on file. All medications must be in their original pharmacy containers. Jolly
Giant Childcare will only administer prescription medication that is in its original pharmacy container
and is accompanied with a doctor's prescription. The child's name, medication name, dosage, and
times to administer must be clearly stated by the physician. A Parent's Medication Release Form
must also be completed before medications are administered. All medications (Epi Pens exempt)
must be stored in a lockbox while at daycare. Epi pens will be stored readily accessible to educators
and will not be accessible to any child. Please remember to ask a caregiver to return the medication
at the end of the day.

Communicable Disease Policy
If your child has a communicable disease it is required that your child must see a doctor and receive
a written approval to return to daycare. The doctor’s note must be submitted to the daycare upon
your return. Please note: In the case of any communicable disease with open wounds (i.e. Chicken
Pox, Hand Foot and Mouth, etc.) children cannot return to daycare until open sores have scabbed
over, regardless of doctor approval to return to care.

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Health & Illness Attendance Chart
 A child should not attend daycare when:               A child may return to daycare when:
⮊   he/she has a temperature above 37.4                ⮊   His/her temperature has remained below 37.4
    measured by forehead                                   measured by ear for 24 hours without

⮊   he/she has 2 consecutive bouts of diarrhea         ⮊   24 hours after he/she has had at least one
                                                           normal bowel movement

⮊   he/she has 1 bout of illness related vomiting      ⮊   24 hours free of vomiting
    (this does not refer to spitting up or gagging)

⮊   he/she has skin infections, undiagnosed rash,      ⮊   Verbal diagnosis from a medical professional
    goopy infected eyes, or signs of any contagious        that it is not contagious or 24 hours after
    disease                                                he/she has started prescription antibiotics

⮊   he/she has any parasite related condition          ⮊   He/she has been examined by a doctor and has
                                                           received medical clearance

⮊   he/she has open sores from a contagious            ⮊   When sores have scabbed over
    viral/bacterial infection

⮊   he/she has any signs of communicable disease       ⮊   He/she has been provided with written note
                                                           from a doctor and wounds scabbed over

Pandemic Health & Illness Attendance Chart
 A child should not attend daycare when:              A child may return to daycare when:
⮊   he/she has any symptoms of COVID-19               ⮊    A healthcare provider (811, doctor or nurse
                                                           practitioner) gives written or verbal approval

COVID-19 Symptoms
A child or employee who develops any of the following symptoms must be assessed by a healthcare
provider (811, doctor or nurse practitioner). See Symptoms Develop While at Daycare and Symptoms
Develop While at Home below.
A child or employee assessed by a family physician or nurse practitioner who determines that the
child or employee does NOT have COVID-19 may return to childcare.
       ⮊    Fever – any temperature above 37.4 measured by forehead
       ⮊    Repeated Cough
       ⮊    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

                                                      18                                     Version 2020.08.10
⮊    Sore throat
         ⮊    Congestion or runny nose in absence of underlying reasons (allergies)
         ⮊    Nausea or vomiting
         ⮊    Diarrhea
         ⮊    Fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell

Symptoms Develop While at Daycare
Child - develops symptoms while at daycare, our employees will execute the following procedure:
         ⮊    Inform management immediately, determine course of action, and document.
         ⮊    If an emergency, medical aid will be immediately sought.
         ⮊    Isolate the child until pickup, placing a designated blanket for the child to lay on, or use
              the blanket as a barrier between the child and staff if holding; wash the blanket
              immediately after pickup.
         ⮊    Management will contact the child’s parents/guardians for immediate pick up.
         ⮊    Management will document the conversation and notify the staff of pickup.
         ⮊    Provide the child with support as is necessary until they can go home.
         ⮊    Avoid touching the child’s body fluids. If you do wash your hands.
         ⮊    Once the child has been picked up, wash your hands.
         ⮊    Sanitize the area the child was separated into and sanitize toys and equipment they
Employee - develops symptoms while at daycare, we will execute the following procedure
         ⮊    If an emergency, medical aid will be immediately sought.
         ⮊    The employee will notify management immediately.
         ⮊    The employee will maintain social distancing and go home immediately to self-isolate.
              The employee will contact a healthcare provider (811, doctor or nurse practitioner) to be
              assessed to exclude COVID-19. After assessment, follow the return to childcare policy.
         ⮊    Remaining employees will sanitize all items/areas contacted by employee with

Symptoms Develop While at Home
The child or employee must stay home and self-isolate from the onset of symptoms and until they
have been assessed by a health care provider (811, doctor or nurse practitioner to exclude COVID-19
symptoms. After assessment, follow the Return to Childcare Policy.
Notify your child’s centre.

  Version 2020.08.10                                 19
Positive COVID-19 Test Results
In the event that any children or staff test positive for COVID-19, we will immediately report to Public
Health. We will immediately follow direction from Public Health.

Return to Childcare Policy
When a healthcare provider (811, doctor or nurse practitioner) determines that the child or
employee does NOT have COVID-19, the child or employee may return to childcare with the
healthcare provider’s written or verbal approval. Document in the communication book.

Pandemic Policy
In the event of a pandemic Jolly Giant Childcare will follow the directives from the Federal
Government, the BC Provincial Government, the BC Ministry of Health, and the Vancouver Island
Health Authority. To ensure the health and safety of children in our care, we will follow their
leadership, direction, and guidance recommendations, including but not limited to adjusting policies
and procedures as required. In the event that parents/guardians are unable or unwilling to comply
with policies and procedures their childcare contracts will be terminated.
Any pandemic related updates will be announced on the Jolly Giant Childcare Facebook page (you do
not require an account to view these posts) and within each facility.

Provision of Care During Employee Illness
As employees and children are required to follow the same health and illness policy, this could
present a limitation to our operations of service. In the event that we are unable to cover employee
sick days/leaves we may need to take measures to ensure we continue to operate in compliance with
the childcare ratio requirements. Such measures may include but are not limited to reducing
capacity resulting in children having to stay home or relocate to another JGC location if space

Pandemic Drop Off Policy
Parents/Guardians will not be permitted into the buildings until further notice.
It is a provincial requirement for adults to wear masks covering nose and mouth while on daycare
property. Exemptions to this require a legible doctor’s note.
Parents/Guardians are to line up and maintain social distancing in the designated drop off area. Do
not touch gates or latches.
Upon arrival, if there is not a JGC employee there to greet you at the designated drop off location,
ring the doorbell and wait there.

                                                  20                                   Version 2020.08.10
Parents/Guardians will be greeted at the designated drop off location by a JGC employee.
The Jolly Giant Childcare Pandemic Child Screening Checklist will be posted at the drop off area.
Parents/Guardians will read the questions. A JGC employee will verbally ask the parent/guardian if
they have answered “yes” to any of the questions. If “yes” is answered for any of these questions
follow the Return to Childcare Policy.
Parents/Guardians are to place lunch kits and backpacks onto the table provided.
The JGC employee will sanitize the child’s lunch kit and backpack on the table provided and the lunch
will be placed in the fridge and other items into the child’s cubby after 10 minutes.
The JGC employee will take the child inside to their cubby and put away their shoes, jacket, etc.
The JGC employee will take the child to wash their hands with soap and water.
The JGC employee will return outside for the next person in line or when the next parents/guardians
arrives and rings the doorbell.

Personal Items from Home Restrictions
Parents/guardians are only to bring items from home if it is absolutely necessary. Blankets, cuddlies
and used changes of clothes have to be laundered every night before returning or they stay at
daycare and are laundered here daily. Any other toys or items not listed are not permitted inside our
buildings until further notice.
    ●    One backpack
    ●    One blanket
    ●    One comfort item
    ●    One lunch box that can be easily sanitized
    ●    One change of clothes (more permissible if potty training)
    ●    One sun hat
    ●    One bottle of sunscreen to remain at daycare

Pandemic Pick Up Policy
Parents/Guardians will not be permitted to enter our buildings until further notice.
It is a provincial requirement for adults to wear masks covering nose and mouth while on daycare
property. Exemptions to this require a legible doctor’s note.

Parents/Guardians are to line up and maintain social distancing in the designated drop off area. Do
not touch gates or latches.

  Version 2020.08.10                              21
Upon arrival, if there is not a JGC employee there to greet you at the designated drop off location,
ring the doorbell and wait there.
Parents/Guardians will be greeted at the designated drop off location by a JGC employee.
A JGC employee will sanitize lunch kits and backpacks and place them on the table provided.
A JGC employee will collect your child, have the child wash their hands, bring the child to their cubby
to put on their shoes, jacket etc. and then bring the child outside to transition them to you.
    ●   If the group is outside each program will have a bucket of warm soapy water with enough
        cloths in the water for each child to use one.
    ●   When a child’s parents/guardians arrive the child will be given a wet and soapy cloth to wash
        their hands with and they place the used cloth in the basket provided.
    ●   The cloths are not to be reused.
A JGC employee will place all personal items belonging to the child on the table for the
parents/guardians to pick up and transition the child to the parents/guardians.

The Use of Fabric or Non-Medical Masks
The provincial COVID-19 guidelines for child care provides safety for employees, children and
Staff are required to wear a mask when indoors and interacting with other adults except when they
can consistently maintain social distancing, or there is a barrier in place, or when eating and
Staff may choose to wear a mask indoors when engaging with children. Careful consideration should
be given to the potential impact of mask wearing on visual cueing and nonverbal communication
with children, as these interactions play an important role in learning and development.
It is required for staff greeting families outside for drop offs and pickups to wear a mask. It is
required for adult(s) dropping off and picking up children from the child care center to wear a mask.
It is required when visitors come inside the childcare facility to wear a mask. It is required when we
interview a visitor, interviewee and interviewer(s) to wear a mask.
Children under two years of age should not wear masks because there are risks of breathing
problems, choking, or strangulation. For young children over the age of two years, masks are
generally not recommended as they may be irritating and may lead to increased touching of the face
and eyes. If older children want to wear a mask; show them how to do it safely and properly. Remind
children that other children and adults have reasons for wearing or not wearing masks, so it is
important to be kind and respectful to others.

                                                  22                                  Version 2020.08.10
Employees and children who choose to wear face masks will be trained by management to ensure
they are worn properly, using the following procedure:
    1.   Wash your hands before putting on your face covering.
    2.   Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.
    3.   Try to fit it snuggly against the sides of your face.
    4.   Make sure you can breathe easily.

Social Distancing Among Staff and Children
Staying 2 meters apart is not always feasible and is not expected in childcare settings, where the risk
of COVID-19 transmission is low. Encourage children to avoid direct physical contact. This is more
important than keeping 2 meters apart. Staff caring for young children should not avoid appropriate
physical contact. It is important that we continue to provide nurturing care. Children still need to be
consoled, carried, picked up and shown general affections.
There is no need to reduce the number of children permitted in childcare settings below the number
permitted by licensing.
Child care settings should focus on how children and staff can move around safely. You do not need
to follow every example given, but should consider broadly what your child care setting can do.
Some activities we are practicing to promote social distancing and safe interactions:
    ●    Help children to learn about social distancing by creating games and activities
    ●    Take children outside more often
    ●    Set up regular activities outside such as snack time, arts and craft time
    ●    Set up mini environments within your facility to reduce number of children in a group
    ●    Increase the space between children during activities such as circle, art, sensory, snack and
         lunch by moving or separating tables and chairs so they are farther apart
    ●    Make use of all the space in your facility for napping to increase space between children
    ●    When children want to use the same area or do the same activity, redirect some children to
         another area
    ●    Eliminate any food or drink sharing and children are not permitted to help prepare snacks.
         Staff are to serve the children snack from the tray
    ●    Do not allow sharing of personal items such as soothers, bottles, sippy cups etc and label
         personal items to prevent accidental sharing

Children Spitting Policy
Due to the health and safety enhanced protocols during the pandemic when a child spits in the face
of another child or an employee this child will be sent home for the remainder of the day.

  Version 2020.08.10                              23
1. The employee will remain calm.
    2. The employee will clean the face of the child or their own face.
    3. The employee will notify the manager immediately.
    4. The employee will document the incident in the non reportable/reportable incident book for
       both children.
    5. The manager will contact the child’s parents/guardians for immediate pick up.
    6. The manager will inform the parents/guardians of the health and safety concerns and that
       their child can return the following day.
    7. The manager will document the conversation in the communication book.
When a child spits in the general direction of another child or an employee, the child will be
redirected appropriately (spit stays in your mouth, use your words, you can spit in the sink or toilet
    1. The employee will remain calm.
    2. The employee will sanitize the area spat on immediately.
    3. The employee will document the incident in the communication book.
    4. The employee will inform the manager.
    5. The manager will inform the parents/guardians of the health and safety concerns and of the
       pandemic spitting policy, in the event the child spits in the face of another child or an
    6. The manager will document the conversation in the communication book.

Parking Policy
Our facilities are situated in residential neighborhoods. Do not park on neighboring property or block
neighbors’ driveways. City bylaws state that you must park 2 meters away from a driveway.

Urgent Pick up Policy
If your child must be picked up from daycare for any reason, our educators will use the following
         1. Call the Parent/Guardian listed first on the registration form, trying all numbers listed if
            needed, if pickup is arranged stop this procedure. If no one is contacted, attempt to
            leave a voicemail stating the child needs to be picked up with a brief description of why
            and that you are moving on to step 2.
         2. Call the Parent/Guardian listed second on the registration form, trying all numbers listed
            if needed, if pickup is arranged stop this procedure. If no one is contacted, attempt to
            leave a voicemail stating the child needs to be picked up with a brief description of why
            and that you are moving on to step 3.

                                                   24                                   Version 2020.08.10
3. Call the Authorized Person listed first on the registration form, trying all numbers listed if
            needed, if pickup is arranged stop this procedure. If no one is contacted, attempt to
            leave a voicemail stating the child needs to be picked up with a brief description of why
            and that you are moving on to step 4.
         4. Continue through the list of Authorized Persons, trying all numbers listed if needed, if
            pickup is arranged stop this procedure. If no one is contacted, attempt to leave a
            voicemail stating the child needs to be picked up with a brief description of why and that
            you are moving on to step 5.
         5. If both of the following conditions (a&b) have not been met skip to step 6. If both of the
            following conditions (a&b) have been met, call The Ministry of Children and Family
            Development for further instructions. If the ministry arranges to pick up the child, stop
            this procedure. 1 (800) 663-9122
                 a. If no Authorized Persons have been contacted,
                 b. and if 30 minutes of overtime is calculated past the contract pickup time,
         6. Wait 5 minutes and start the procedure again, but do not leave secondary voicemails.

Reporting Abuse Policy
“Everyone who has a reason to believe that a child has been or is likely to be physically abused,
sexually abused, emotionally abused, and/or neglected is legally responsible (under the Child,
Family, and Community Service Act) to report the matter to a child protection worker. In British
Columbia, a child is anyone under the age of 19.” (Quoted from The B.C. Handbook for Action on
Child Abuse and Neglect)
Therefore, if we have reason to believe that a child is being or is likely to be physically abused,
sexually abused, emotionally abused, and/or neglected, we are obligated to report it.

Rest Time Policy – Infant & Toddler
Rest is very important for infants & toddlers and we encourage the children to sleep when they are
tired. In most cases our infants sleep in the morning and again in the afternoon while our toddlers
generally sleep just once in the afternoon.

Rest Time Policy – Daycare & Preschool
Our daycare & preschool programs include rest time as a part of our daily routine and each child is
expected to rest their body. If after 30 minutes of quiet rest a child is still awake they will be offered
the opportunity to get up and participate in quiet table top activities. If a child falls asleep our
practice is to allow the children to wake up on their own however at 3pm we do gently wake up
anyone who is still asleep. If you have a concern or require some flexibility with our rest time policy
please talk to the Manager. We believe that rest time is an essential component of our program as

  Version 2020.08.10                                25
the days are busy and full of activities. Rest time gives the children renewed energy for the rest of
the day.

Student and Volunteer Policy
Jolly Giant Childcare will have Early Childhood Education students completing practicum or
volunteers working within the centre throughout the year. At all times students and volunteers will
be under the supervision of Jolly Giant Childcare educators. We will post an announcement on the
bulletin board for your reference. All students and volunteers must have on file a current criminal
record check, a physician’s declaration of suitability, two letters of recommendation, and a resume.

Sun Screen Policy
Guardians/parents apply sunscreen in the morning prior to drop off. Educators will reapply
sunscreen in the afternoon. Please see posted policy.

Telephone Policy
Our main responsibility is to provide care to the children. If we are busy with the children, we may
not answer the phone. However, we will answer the phone when possible and we will check the
answering machine and document the messages at lunchtime, again after rest time, and periodically
throughout the rest of the day. We will return all calls promptly, please leave a message. The JGC
Enrollment line phone number is for new inquiries only, leaving a message here risks your child’s
educators not receiving your message in a timely manner. Please ensure you call the number
associated with your child’s location. All phone numbers are listed at the front of this manual.

Dignity & Respect Policy
Jolly Giant Childcare is committed to providing an environment in which all members of our
organization and our clients treat each other with dignity and respect. Our organization celebrates
diversity and promotes values of equity. As Jolly Giant Childcare is inclusive to all people, we will not
tolerate bullying, harassment and/or discrimination.
Jolly Giant Childcare regards any incident of bullying, harassment or discrimination as a serious
matter and will respond promptly and sensitively to any complaints.
Bullying is defined as: “Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behavior which intentionally or
unintentionally undermines, humiliates, denigrates or injures the recipient.”
Discrimination is defined as: “Treating an individual unfairly because the individual has, or is
perceived to have a protected characteristic, or because of their association with someone who has
a protected characteristic.”

                                                   26                                    Version 2020.08.10
Harassment is defined as: “Unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which
has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile,
degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.”
The relevant protected characteristics are:
    ●    Age
    ●    Disability
    ●    Gender reassignment
    ●    Race
    ●    Religion or belief
    ●    Sex
    ●    Sexual orientation
    ●    Pregnancy and maternity
    ●    Marriage and civil partnership
Anyone who feels as though they have been bullied, harassed, disrespected or discriminated against
is encouraged to report it to management. If management is the source, then report to the general
manager or director. All reports will be investigated.

Unauthorized Persons Policy
An Unauthorized Person is anyone who is not clearly stated on the registration form as a
parent/guardian or authorized persons. Any person who is incapable (intoxicated, medicated, etc.) of
caring for your child will also be unauthorized and denied access. It is important for Jolly Giant
Childcare educators to know who is authorized to pick up your child thus the authorized person list
on the registration form must be kept up to date. If an unauthorized person arrives to pick up your
child access will be denied. Your child will remain under the supervision of Jolly Giant Childcare
educators until an authorized person arrives for pick up.

During Pick up and Drop off
During pick up and drop off times at the daycare, or if you are staying on site for gradual entry,
parents are not permitted to touch or guide other children in the program. All adults engaging with
children in the program must have a minimum of a Criminal Record Check and a Volunteer Package
on site. If you see a child that requires assistance please let a staff person know and they will tend to
the care of the child.

Tax Receipts
Our system records the individual parent making a payment, and issues a printed receipt that will
work for income tax. As an added convenience, we issue a year-end receipt for parents that make

  Version 2020.08.10                               27
payments. The year-end receipts are issued and emailed out near the end of February, prior to
March 1. Year-end receipts include amounts paid for the entire tax year and are separate for each
parent that makes payments. Therefore, families may receive more than one receipt if there was
more than one parent paying. We cannot put any payments or receipts into another person’s name
after the payment has been recorded. However, families that file their taxes together can use both
receipts for one tax return even if their name is not on it.
It is the enrolling parent’s responsibility to ensure that we have an up to date email and address no
later than January 31st to ensure proper and timely email delivery of year-end tax receipts. If you do
not receive your receipt by the end of February please check your spam/junk folder before checking
with the manager of your child’s location. Duplicate receipt requests may be subject to a $25
administration fee.

How do I communicate a complaint or concern?
If you have a complaint or concern we ask that you directly contact the manager of your child’s
location. We can then schedule a meeting directly with the manager for an appropriate time to sit
and discuss your concern in private and with full attention. If the issue is directly with the manager
or you are not able to get a hold of the manager and it is an urgent matter, then you can contact the
General Manager directly by using the contact information at the beginning of this parent manual.
If there is miscommunication or upset between an educator and parent, we ask that you talk to the
manager directly to resolve the issue, find a solution and restore the relationship.

My child is turning 5 this year what do I need to do?
In the calendar year that children turn 5 years old the expectation is that they will be entering
kindergarten in September of that same year. Registration for kindergarten begins in January of the
year they will attend school.
All children going on to Kindergarten in September will have their JGC contracts complete by August
Sometimes, when a child is born late into the year (November/December), parents may opt to wait
until the following year to enroll. If you decide to wait then we need you to let us know as soon as
possible to discuss the possibility of extending your contract another year. We will review the
request based upon the needs and level of your child’s development.

Can we celebrate our child’s birthday at the daycare?

                                                  28                                  Version 2020.08.10
Yes! We are more than happy to help you celebrate such a special day for your child. If you are
bringing in food we ask that you give us a little warning so we can let the other families know what
the special treat will be for snack time. We also require any treats coming in are still in consideration
of our nut-restricted policy and list all ingredients to be aware of any other allergies/sensitivities
within the program.

What if I need specific documents from you?
If you need documents such as attendance records, record of payments or other documentation for
CRA, court or otherwise, there is a $25 Administration fee for each request. Once this fee has been
paid then the process for your paperwork will be started and complete within 5 business days.

What is an ideal drop off for my child in the morning?
An ideal drop off for children in the morning is short, sweet, and consistent. Let them know you love
them, reassure them you will return as soon as you can and say goodbye. After saying goodbye, exit
and enjoy your day knowing that your short, sweet, and consistent drop off will help your child
transition better into their day. A short and sweet goodbye followed up by returning at the end of
the day promotes a strong foundation of trust between you and your child. We assure you that your
child will receive the utmost care and comfort from our nurturing team of educators. We understand
that this can be an emotional time for parents/guardians. Please know that you are more than
welcome to call at any time to check in on how they are doing


                                        Parent Checklists

Infant & Toddler
Items to Remain at the Centre:
           ⮊    Provide a full change of clothes (weather appropriate) and rotate them regularly as your
                child grows and the weather changes.
           ⮊    Provide bottles and formula.
           ⮊    Provide indoor shoes with non-marking soles.
           ⮊    Provide diapers or pull-ups and wipes.
           ⮊    Provide age-appropriate sunscreen in its original container.
           ⮊    Provide a hat.
           ⮊    Write your child’s name on all items to stay at the centre.

    Version 2020.08.10                               29
⮊   Optional: Please provide a stuffed animal or other security item for quiet time.

Daycare & Preschool
Items to Remain at the Centre:
      ⮊   Provide a full change of clothes (weather appropriate) and rotate them regularly as your
          child grows and the weather changes.
      ⮊   Provide rain pants (muddy buddies) to protect your child from mud, rain, and snow.
      ⮊   Provide indoor shoes with non marking soles.
      ⮊   Provide diapers or pull-ups and wipes if required.
      ⮊   Provide age-appropriate sunscreen in its original container.
      ⮊   Provide a hat.
      ⮊   Write your child’s name on all items to stay at the centre.
      ⮊   Optional: Please provide a stuffed animal or other security item for quiet time.

                                               30                                  Version 2020.08.10
You can also read