Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema - Thorax
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Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Thorax (1970), 25, 556. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema Relation to weight of right ventricle J. BIGNON, J. ANDRE-BOUGARAN, and G. BROUET Clinique Pneumologique, H6pital Laennec-75, and Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, Paris Measurements of lung parenchyma, membranous bronchioles, and bronchial mucous gland hyperplasia were made on lungs from eight cases of pure centrilobular emphysema (CLE) and on five normal lungs. The lungs were fixed in formalin and inflated under partial vacuum at a standard transpulmonary pressure of +30 cm. H20. The results obtained from the upper halves and the lower halves of the lungs were compared. The circulatory effects of the disease were measured by weighing the heart ventricles, by studying the small pulmonary arteries in micro- scopical sections, and by post-mortem arteriography. Whereas the parenchymal and internal surface areas destroyed by the emphysematous spaces were relatively moderate and localized, right ventricular hypertrophy was noted in most of the cases. In these cases bronchiolar stenoses were found scattered throughout the whole lung and there was a reduction in the number of these bronchioles, mainly in the upper halves of the lungs. In CLE ventilatory disturbances were caused not only by the centriacinar dilated spaces delaying gas diffusion, but also by scattered bronchiolar stenoses situated at the termination of the conducting air passages. The stenoses seemed the more important cause. It was shown statistically that chronic arterial pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy were mainly the result of functional disturbances, especially hypoxia and abnormalities of VA/Q produced by the two structural changes situated at the end of the small airways. In centrilobular emphysema, parenchymal destruc- area of the lung (Staub, 1965; Gomez, 1965; tion is situated at the level of the respiratory Cumming, Horsfield, Jones, and Muir, 1968). bronchioles, producing initially enlarged centri- However, such a model hardly accounts for the acinar air spaces but leaving more or less intact severity of most of the changes observed in cases alveoli distal to these spaces (Reid, 1967). The of centrilobular emphysema. Usually only the centriacinar holes may join to form larger centri- upper zones of the lung and less than 40% of lobular spaces (Leopold and Gough, 1957). This the parenchymal volume show centriacinar spaces type of emphysema is usually associated with (Snider, Brody, and Doctor, 1962; Thurlbeck, chronic bronchitis and is thought to result from 1963), and it is uncertain whether, in addition to respiratory bronchiolitis. During its course, and the centriacinar spaces, some other obstacle to often at an early stage, it usually results in severe alveolar ventilation may be present throughout respiratory failure with right ventricular hyper- the lung. Such an obstacle might be caused by trophy (Leopold and Gough, 1957; Dunnill, bronchiolar narrowings which were described by 1965; Hicken, Heath, and Brewer, 1966b; Wyatt McLean (1958). Previously we have shown, using and Ishikawa, 1968; Bignon, Khoury, Even, a quantitative method, that widespread bronchiolar Andre, and Brouet, 1969). stenoses were present in chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease with or without emphy- The ventilatory disturbances produced by centri- sema (Bignon, Khoury, Even, Andre, and Brouet, lobular emphysema have been shown by the use 1968, 1969). Recently it has been emphasized that of a model to be almost exclusively caused by in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the an increased diffusion time of gas molecules obstruction to airflow is situated in small bronchi through distended centriacinar or centrilobular of less than 2 mm. diameter (Hogg, Macklem, and spaces before they reach the respiratory exchange Thurlbeck, 1968). 556
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema 557 The present study, employing morphometric where Var (Y) = variance of the mean obtained methods, was designed to investigate the quantita- by two-stage sampling (sections and fields), n - tive relationship between the alveolar (lung paren- number of sections, yi = mean for sections and chymal) and bronchiolar damage in centrilobular y = mean for all microscopical fields. Then, c and emphysema, and the severity of the resulting chronic pulmonary hypertension and right ventric- relative error in per cent 100 x - were calculated. ular hypertrophy. The importance of permanent structural changes in the pulmonary arteries as The processed mean linear intercept (Lm') was a cause of the pulmonary hypertension was also determined according to investigated. LT Ni (3) MATERIAL AND METHODS where LT = total length of the test system lines for all fields studied, and Ni = total number of times Eight cases of pure centrilobular emphysema (CLE) that the lines intersect alveolar walls. The result was were studied. Post-mortem examinations were carried expressed in microns. The fixed mean linear intercept out according to a method described previously (Lm) was obtained by: (Bignon et al., 1968). The lungs were fixed by endo- bronchial formalin infusion and expanded by a partial Lm=Lm' x p (4) vacuum of -30 cm. H20 for 72 hours. The lung Lm was corrected to the radiographic lung volume volume was measured after fixation by weighing the (VLR.) or to the predicted lung volume (VL pred) volume of water it displaced. The lungs were then according to the formula (Thurlbeck, 1967b) sliced into five or six sagittal macrosections with a thickness of 1 cm., and the appearances of CLE were )IR. 1/3 Lmc=Lmx (Vlor (5) similar to those described by Leopold and Gough (Fig. 1). The proportion of the total lung parenchyma The internal surface area at a transpulmonary pres- made up by the centrilobular spaces was evaluated sure of 30 cm. of formalin was obtained in square by submerging the slices of lung in water and using metres using the formula: a stereomicroscope combined with the point-counting 4 X VF X X method (Dunnill, 1962). The proportion of the lung ISA= Lm (6) tissue volume due to CLE was calculated for the upper half, the lower half, and the whole lung where VF = fixed lung volume and X = fraction of separately. lung volume occupied by parenchyma. The ISA has Twenty standardized blocks of lung tissue (10 from been expressed at a standard lung volume of 5 litres the upper half and 10 from the lower half of one (ISA5), according to Thurlbeck (1967a, b), and at the lung), and taken from each lung, were sampled by a predicted lung volume (ISAc pred.), or at the stratified randomized technique. These blocks, measured total radiographic lung volume (ISAcax) as measuring about 20 x 30 mm., were then processed in previously described by Bignon et al. (1969). the usual way and embedded in paraffin under Morphometry of membranous bronchioles (non- vacuum. Sections, 5 , thick, were stained with haem- respiratory and non-cartilaginous) was carried out atoxylin and eosin and by Weigert/van Gieson for using the method described by Bignon et al. (1969). elastic fibres. The mean linear shrinkage (p) for pro- Instead of micrometric measurement of bronchiolar cessing was determined in each case by measuring internal diameters (ID), the bronchioles were counted the length (L) and breadth (1) of fixed blocks (1) and in nine groups. The internal diameters of the processed slides (2) on the 20 randomized samples bronchioles were chosen according to data calculated from the formula (Weibel, 1963) obtained by Horsfield and Cumming in a normal bronchiolar tree (Horsfield and Cumming, P%/L2 x 12 (1) 1968) and ranged from group 0, less than 100 pu; Alveolar internal surface area (ISA) was deter- group 1, 101 , to 200 ,u; group 2, 201 to 350 ,; mined by the mean linear intercept method of Camp- group 3, 351 to 500 ,; group 4, 501 to 700 ,i; bell and Tomkeieff (1952) using Weibel's multipurpose group 5, 701 to 900 ,u; group 6, 901 to 1,200 ju; test system (Weibel, Kistler, and Scherle, 1966) group 7, 1,201 to 1,700 ,IL; to group 8, over 1,700 ti. inserted into the head of a Leitz microscope (magni- The scale used was inserted into a x 12-5 projector fication x50). The number of intercepts in each field head and was made up of eight concentric circles, were card-punched and the variance was calculated the distance between the circles representing the for the upper half, the lower half, and the whole ranges of diameters described above. Using a x 4 lung as follows: objective, the linear fixed dimensions were measured 1 directly, the diameter of each circle being corrected by an arbitrary shrinkage coefficient (f = 0-77). An Var (y)-= ny yi2 -y 2 (2) internal diameter of 350 ja was chosen as the lower (n - 1) limit for internal diameters of normal membranous
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. 558 J. Bignon, J. Andre-Bougaran, and G. Brouet o:.e...,f _.. ,,1:X- -X,%'M - %L 'S v 4 ; .+..- f.A. A , .". 1- -on S.- :-.A I IVV v f % i'k ' . t*', .P' " f .' ^ . f ; t f -.0 .t $s SS 4r @ 'nv. .s ^ r ..s 4 +, ) qsp s.; * b. .. w s4 t .,.m s t; \.k e,2 ,.-1, 'p1,10 ,. FIG. 1. Whole-lung paper-mounted section in a pure CLE case, involving 38 % ofparenchyma (upper half 44 %, lo wer half 11 %).
t;o-On"x~ 3-jouv °"ofi>s1- Osl~~~~~ ~~~~ 0 W = Ei cd coa O >aa=r* te_Nfioro0 C. |_o Q u xFo- tj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ase -00 U ~ F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;00000 0 C; 0 0000 lw =~~~~~~~~~~I rc - ) C An en o^ q q" 00 O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 1 r r'l.t r r -- t _ 00 nS o = I £ mtetEt t oxFo~~~~~~~en~On W x; 0 6._ .4 E^:~~~~~~~~~~~~~%bt en NQh mc in ^t 000W _ ._ 0 JD la 0-4
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. 560 J. Bignon, J. Andre-Bougaran, and G. Brouer bronchioles. In five normal adult subjects the per- ISA5 centage of bronchioles less than 350 ,u diameter was (m2) from 8 to 18-5% (mean 13 3%0). 80,I The bronchiolar density per square centimetre of fixed lung was calculated by counting all bronchiolar 70 - 9 transections, either circular, oblique or longitudinal. Counting was carried out on the whole area of the microscopical sections. Bronchiolar transections inter- 60- d' d' cepted by the right and upper border lines were 9 dismissed. The number of bronchioles was calculated 50- 3 per square centimetre of fixed lung (Thurlbeck, 1969), S S8 4~ the surface of each block having been determined by 40- 2 0 S5 accurate measurement of length and breadth under 70 water. The number of bronchioles per square centi- 6 metre of fixed lung (Nb/cm2 F) was corrected to the 30 radiographic or predicted lung volumes, using the A A formula: 20- cdf=Normal subjects VF Nb/cm2 c=Nb/cm2 Fx (VL d)2/3 (7) IC, - These measurements (ID and Nb/cm2) were carried 0 0 out separately for the upper half and the lower half 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO of each lung. Age (years) The bronchi were studied grossly and microscopi- FIG. 2. Internal surface area corrected to a standard cally. Mucous gland hyperplasia was estimated by volume of 5 litres (ISA5) has been plotted on a diagram two methods: (1) measurement of the Reid index from 8 patients with CLE, 5 normal subjects, and 3 (Reid. 1960, 1967) (ratio of bronchial gland thickness patients with PLE grade III involving more than 60 per to wall thickness) and (2) measurement of the volume cent ofparenchyma, with no or moderate right ventricular of the mucous glands situated inside the bronchial hypertrophy. The smooth curve represents mean normal wall to the total volume of the bronchial wall using values from cases reported elsewhere (Weibel, 1963; the point-counting procedure (Hale, Olsen, and Dunnill, 1962; Duguid et a]., 1964; Hicken et al., 1966a; Mickey, 1968; Dunnill, Massarella, and Anderson. Thurlbeck, 1967b). * CLE; A PLE>600% 1969), using Weibel's test-system with 42 points (Weibel et al., 1966). The result was expressed as a percentage. This measurement was carried out at a RESULTS magnification of x 50 using an automatic stage on a section of the whole bronchial wall extending from Table I shows the quantitative anatomical findings the peribronchial connective tissue to the lumen. Both for lung parenchyma, membranous bronchioles, measurements were carried out on five bronchial bronchi, and right ventricular weights. transverse sections 5 it thick (1 principal bronchus, 2 upper and lower lobar bronchi, and 2 segmental LUNG PARENCHYMA Macroscopic and microscopic bronchi). The results were the mean data obtained on five bronchi. studies showed that emphysematous destruction Elastic and muscular pulmonary arteries as well occurred predominantly in the upper half of the as pulmonary arterioles were studied qualitatively lung. Thus, the volumetric proportion of CLE both in microscopical sections and by postmortem evaluated in macrosections was, in every case, arteriography. Arteriograms were carried out by a significantly (P
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema 561 ISA5 more, it appeared that the mean linear intercept r=-0948 method carried out on a limited number of ran- (i2) p< 0001 I50 - 0 y=-0446x+53263 domized microscopic samples gave as good an indication of parenchymal destruction as the macroscopic quantitative study. This was shown by the good correlation which existed between the macroscopic volumetric proportion of emphysema 40 on one side and, on the other side, ISA5 (Fig. 3), the mean linear intercept for an upper half, lower half, and total lung (Table II). MEMBRANOUS BRONCHIOLES In seven cases, as 30 shown by bronchiolar histograms, the percentage of membranous bronchioles with internal dia- meters less than 350 it was increased (range 33 to 66% for the whole lung). In case 1, in whom the results were nearly normal, CLE and chronic 20 bronchitis were mild and there was little airways 0 10 20 30 40 50 obstruction (FEV1 = 2,345 ml., i.e., 75% of theo- % CLE total FIG. 3. Diagram showing a high degree of correlation retical values, and FEV1 /VC= 58%), only slight between macroscopic volumetric proportion of CLE and right ventricular hypertrophy, and no respiratory ISA5 measured microscopically on randomized sections. failure. In these seven cases, the stenoses in the mem- TABLE II branous bronchioles were scattered throughout the COMPUTED CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR SOME VARIABLES lung with slightly more in the lower halves than in the upper halves (P 0-05 > 0-05 30- I % br ID 0-05 % CLE and Nb C (W) -0-358 > 0-05 25 - Lm and Nb F (UH) -0556 > 0-05 -0-830 < 0-001 Lm and Nb F (LH) -0-411 > 0-05 -0-488 > 0-05 20- Lm and Nb F (W) -0-456 > 0 05 -0 744 < 0-01 CLE (case 3) Lmc and Nb C (UH) -0-410 > 0-05 -0 793 < 0-01 Lmc and Nb C (LH) -0-244 > 0-05 -0-398 > 0-05 to - Lmc and Nb C (W) -0-212 > 0-05 -0-653 < 0-02 °/0 bronchial mucous 5 glands and Reid index 0-891 < 0-001 ° CLE and RVW 0 758 < 0-05 % CLE and Fulton ratio* -0-690 > 0-05 0 ISA, and RVW -0-654 > 0 05 ISA5 and Fulton ratio0 -0 740 > 0 05 , 40- °/ br < 350 p and RVW 0-857 p < 0-01 /° br < 350 i and 03Is5 - Fulton ratio* -0-925 p < 0-01 co 20 %/ CLE+ / br < 3501 30 - and VD 0-859 P < 0-01 '/,CLE+ Y. br < 35011 25 - and Fulton ratio* -0859 p < 0-02 S % CLE and 20 - Normal subject (LOU) % br < 350 z (UH) 0-665 p > 0-05 5 - °/0 CLE and % br 0 05 FIG. 4. Bronchiolar histogram in a patient with CLE * Case 7 was excluded because of a left ventricular hypertrophy compared with a normal subject (ranges of internal Key: see Table I diameter groups are given in the text).
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. rt; '{ ve9. J. Bignon, J. Andre-Bougaran, and G. Brouet N - I",( t - ~J> t/ } (1 .*\44, 'A 1I IfatI ".i {)II ^ \, ~ /9 ~ ~ ~ 1,e,t / /s, '4 a. -44 / '/I(/ ~ * ; ~ ~~.>g r 4' l_ i 9 .i it 562
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema 563 FIG. 5 (c) FIG. 5. Different histological patterns of narrowed membranous bronchioles in CLE: (a) bronchiolar stenosis with inflammatory changes in the wall; (b) narrowed bronchiole with an infolded mucosa; (c) mucopurulent plugs in bronchiolar lumen (H. and E. x 45). narrowings were due to bronchiolar wall lesions, external diameter less than 01 mm.) was detected. often severe, and were accompanied by inflam- In cases 2 and 6, however, intimal fibrous thicken- matory cellular infiltration and fibrosis. Mucus or ing reduced the lumen of the pulmonary arteries. muco-purulent plugs obstructing the bronchiolar Many thrombi were noticed in branches of the lumens were observed in some cases, and in case pulmonary arteries, some of them having under- 6 bronchiolar contraction had caused infolding of gone organization. The heaviest right ventricles the wall (Fig. 5). The bronchiolar density per were found in these two cases. The appearance of square centimetre was much less in the upper the pulmonary arterioles in case 6 is shown in halves (mean: Nb/cm2 C=039) than in the lower Fig. 6 and is compared with those observed in halves (mean: Nb/cm2 C=053) (P
_LFiru lp abou#t10 pt. (a as eters of y artes ( w btine i A..~ As~~A (V = 2 .).Pumnrateioewt a sinl elsiclmia A*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; inia thcenn wa noe imotaersof thi sie as shw her (x 40. (b Cae ~ ~ mss ~ ~ . .ir FIG. 6. Small pulmonary arteries (flled with barium gelatine injection mass) with external diam- eters of about 1O00p. (a) Case 6 (R VW= 220 g.). Pulmonary arteriole with a single elastic lamina. Fibrous intimal thickening was noted in most arteries of this size, as shown here ( x 420). (b) Case 3 (R VW= 135 g.). Small pulmonary artery showing a distinct tissue hyperplasia ( x 420). coat of circular muscle and an elastic Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema 565 120 - *=%CLE total 6 pointed out that the number and the distribution 110 -°%br ID
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. 566 J. Bignon, J. Andre-Bougaran, and G. Brouet emphysema when there was associated right ven- thickening causing narrowing of the arterioles and, tricular hypertrophy. These changes included to a lesser extent, of the muscular arteries. These development of longitudinal muscle in the intima changes most probably resulted from organized of pulmonary arterioles, the development of scattered thrombo-emboli. Thus pulmonary medial circular muscle in the pulmonary thrombo-emboli, which are frequently found in arterioles, and a lack of hypertrophy of the medial chronic bronchopulmonary disease (Dunnill, muscle in the large muscular pulmonary arteries. 1961; Ryan, 1963; Bignon et al., 1969), may help This triad of structural changes might account for to increase the pulmonary hypertension in some the increased pulmonary vascular resistances in cases. CLE. Such vascular changes, however, are not In our cases, RVH and, in consequence, PAH only characteristic of emphysema but are found appeared to be related to the quantitative struc- in all conditions of chronic hypoxia (Naeye, 1962). tural damage to the lung parenchyma and bron- The potentially reversible nature of these arterial chioles. Of these changes, bronchiolar stenoses changes is probably related to the reversibility of played the more important part and its importance, pulmonary arterial hypertension following relief even when minimal emphysema is present, has of chronic hypoxia (Pefialoza, Sime, Banchero, been stressed previously (Esterly and Heard, and Gamboa, 1962; Vogel, Cameron, and 1965; Bignon et al., 1969). It is questionable, how- Jamieson, 1966; Abraham, Cole, and Bishop, ever, whether the high pressures generated beyond 1968). bronchiolar narrowings during coughing could In six cases of the present series there were no disrupt respiratory bronchioles, as suggested by major structural changes in the muscular pul- McLean (1958). This would not account for the monary arteries and pulmonary arterioles. The localization of centriacinar holes in the lungs. pulmonary arterial vessels, however, were not sub- Pulmonary hypertension appears to result from jected to quantitative studies, as proposed by Arias- functional factors, especially hypoxia, caused by Stella and Saldafia (1962), Naeye (1962) or Hicken structural changes in the airways. Thus, a new et al. (1965). Thus detection of mural changes structural model can be constructed to account for in distal precapillary arterioles, similar to those ventilatory obstacles in CLE (Fig. 8). In the upper observed in healthy subjects living at a high alti- half of both lungs there are two obstacles 'in tude, in kyphoscoliosis (Naeye, 1961) or in the series', first, bronchiolar narrowing in the conduc- Pickwickian syndrome may have been missed. tion zone and, second, centriacinar dilated air Only in two cases were permanent and irreversible spaces in the intermediate zone. In the lower vascular changes found to explain the extent of halves of the lungs there is mainly bronchiolar RVH, and these consisted of intimal fibrous narrowing before the zone of diffusion. Thus, these two obstacles interfere with the transfer of respiratory gases in a zone where good gas con- duction and diffusion are most needed (Gomez, 1965). Because the centriacinar branches of the pulmonary artery generally remain intact, there is good vascular perfusion but little or no ventilation at the level of the peripheral alveolar exchange zone. Therefore, in CLE a significant ventilation/ perfusion abnormality occurs throughout the lung, even though parenchymal destruction is moderate and localized to its upper portion. Pulmonary arterial hypertension and the resulting right ven- tricular hypertrophy are a sequel to musculariza- tion of the pulmonary arterioles caused by hypoxia (Heath, 1968), but in some cases these changes in the pulmonary vessels are increased by widespread organized thrombotic emboli. The authors wish to thank MM. P. Even, B. Ducimetiere (Unit6 de Recherche Statistique) and Ch. Berthet (Ecole Normale Superieure) for helpful advice FIG. 8. Structural model designed to show the site of and collaboration, and Miss Huckendubler, Mrs. ventilatory obstacles in CLE. Laval and M. Bargy for technical assistance.
Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.25.5.556 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from on June 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright. Parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial measurements in centrilobular emphysema 567 This work was supported by a grant from the Heath, D., and Brewer, D. (1966b). The relation between the weight of the right ventricle and the percentage of abnormal D,16gation G6n6rale A la Recherche Scientifique et air space in the lung in emphysema. J. Path. Bact., 92, 519. Technique (D.G.R.S.T.). and Whitaker, W. (1965). The small pulmonary arteries in emphysema. J. Path. Bact., 90, 107. REFERENCES Hogg, J., C., Macklem, P. T., and Thurlbeck, W. M. (1968). Site and Abraham, A. S., Cole, R. B., and Bishop, J. M. (1968). Reversal of nature of airway obstruction in chronic obstructive lung disease. pulmonary hypertension by prolonged oxygen administration to New Engl. J. Med., 278, 1355. patients with chronic bronchitis. Circulat. Res., 23, 147. 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