Paramedic experiences of providing care in Wales (UK) during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (PECC-19): a qualitative study using evolved grounded ...

Paramedic experiences of providing care in Wales (UK) during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (PECC-19): a qualitative study using evolved grounded ...
Open access                                                                                                                  Original research

                                     Paramedic experiences of providing care
                                     in Wales (UK) during the 2020
                                     COVID-19 pandemic (PECC-19): a
                                     qualitative study using evolved
                                     grounded theory
                                     Nigel Rees ‍ ‍,1 Lauren Smythe,1 Chloe Hogan,1 Julia Williams2

To cite: Rees N, Smythe L,           ABSTRACT
Hogan C, et al. Paramedic                                                                             Strengths and limitations of this study
                                     Objective To explore paramedic experiences of providing
experiences of providing care        care during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and develop
in Wales (UK) during the 2020                                                                         ►► The study was set up rapidly in one UK ambulance
                                     theory in order to inform future policy and practice.
COVID-19 pandemic (PECC-19):                                                                             service very early in their response to COVID-19.
                                     Design Qualitative study using constructivist evolved
a qualitative study using evolved                                                                        This was a unique opportunity to capture experienc-
grounded theory. BMJ Open            grounded theory (EGT) methodology. One-­to-­one                     es of Paramedics providing care as the pandemic
2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/        semistructured interviews were conducted using a general            unfolded.
bmjopen-2021-048677                  interview guide. Voice over Internet Protocol was used           ►► A rich evolved grounded theory has been construct-
                                     through Skype.                                                      ed on the Tragic Choices in providing paramedic care
►► Prepublication history and
additional online supplemental
                                     Setting Conducted between March 2020 and November                   during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, but is limited
material for this paper are          2020 in the Welsh Ambulance Services National Health                by being conducted in one ambulance service.
available online. To view these      Services Trust UK which serves a population of three             ►► Remarkable consistency and agreement was found
files, please visit the journal      million.                                                            throughout analysis, member checking and previous
online (http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​   Participants Paramedics were recruited through a poster             studies which adds to the trustworthiness and trans-
1136/​bmjopen-​2021-​048677).        circulated by email and social media. Following purposive           ferability of our findings.
                                     sampling, 20 Paramedics were enrolled and interviewed.           ►► Using the Voice over Internet Protocol of Skype
Received 20 January 2021
                                     Results Emergent categories included: Protect me to                 was deemed a strength, especially in the context
Accepted 24 May 2021
                                     protect you, Rapid disruption and adaptation, Trust in              of a pandemic due to social distancing. Technical
                                     communication and information and United in hardship.               difficulties did occur and one recording became
                                     The Basic Social Process was recognised to involve Tragic           corrupted.
                                     Choices, conceptualised through an EGT including Tragic          ►► The research team included insider researchers with
                                     personal and professional choices including concerns                three practising paramedics and while this may be
                                     over personnel protective equipment (PPE), protecting               considered a potential bias, we stated up front the
                                     themselves and their families, impact on mental health and          constructivist nature of evolved grounded theory
                                     difficult clinical decisions, Tragic organisational choices         and how the background of these researchers add-
                                     including decision making support, communication, mental            ed to the richness of the grounded theory.
© Author(s) (or their                health and well-­being and Tragic societal choices involving
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
                                     public shows of support, utilisation and resourcing of
commercial re-­use. See rights       health services.
and permissions. Published by        Conclusions Rich insights were revealed into paramedic
BMJ.                                 care during the COVID-19 pandemic consistent with
                                                                                                    The SARS-­  CoV-2, the virus responsible for
 Pre-­Hospital Emergency             other research. This care was provided in the context of       COVID-19, was first reported in December,
Research Unit, Welsh National        competing and conflicting decisions and resources, where       2019 in China.1 COVID-19 rapidly spread
Ambulance Service NHS Trust,         Tragic Choices have to be made which may challenge             across the world, qualifying as a global
Swansea, UK                          life’s pricelessness. Well-­being support, clinical decision   pandemic by the WHO (2020) on 11 March
 School of Health and Social         making, appropriate PPE and healthcare resourcing are          2020, affecting 220 countries, areas or terri-
Work, University of Hertfordshire,
Hatfield, UK
                                     all influenced by choices made before and during the           tories, with 54 558 120 confirmed cases and
                                     pandemic, and will continue as we recover and plan for         1 320 148 deaths as of 11 Nov 2020.2 In the
Correspondence to                    future pandemics. The impact of COVID-19 may persist,          UK, plans prepared in the aftermath of the
Dr Nigel Rees, Pre Hospital          especially if we fail to learn, if not we risk losing more     2009 H1N1 global threat were enacted,3
Emergency Research Unit,             lives in this and future pandemics and threatening the         which included the response from ambulance
Welsh Ambulance Services NHS         overwhelming collective effort which united society in
Trust, Institute of Life Sciences,                                                                  and wider health services and also wider soci-
                                     hardship when responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Swansea University, Swansea,                                                                        etal measures including isolation methods,
                                     Trial registration number IRAS ID: 282 623.
UK; ​nigel.​rees5@​wales.​nhs.​uk                                                                   closing schools, businesses and self-­isolation4

                                              Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                          1
Open access

   Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, calls were repeatedly      METHODS
made for healthcare workers (HCWs) in the UK to ready         Data collection
themselves for such pandemics,5 6 which may involve diffi-    Interviews
cult and ethical challenging decisions shaped by the local    One hour, one-­  to-­one semistructured interviews were
context and cultural values.7 HCW’s face personal chal-       conducted using a general interview guide (online
lenges and fears related to isolation, contracting disease,   supplemental file 1). The internet carriage service Skype
mortality and infecting family during pandemics.8–12 The      was used, which is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).18
COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique opportunity to           VoIP was beneficial in the COVID-19 pandemic context
understand these issues from a UK paramedic perspec-          as paramedics are a scattered workforce, practising social
tive, and a programme of research was developed by our        distancing during the study and this approach minimised
team to explore paramedic experiences of providing care       time needed away from clinical duties to participate.
during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic (PECC-19). We               Interviews were video recorded with memos taken, tran-
conducted an initial review of the literature which found     scribed verbatim and checked for accuracy against the
a paucity of published research concerning paramedics         recordings.
along with many of the challenges reported above.13 The
present paper reports the finding of a qualitative study      Patient and public involvement
we conducted which aimed to explore paramedic expe-           As this study was rapidly set up and due to the context
riences of providing care during the 2020 COVID-19            of WAST responding to COVID-19 we did not involve
pandemic and develop theory in order to inform future         patients or members of the public. We do however intend
policy and practice.                                          to present our findings to public and patient groups.

METHODOLOGY                                                   Data analysis
Strauss and Corbin’s14 evolved form of Grounded Theory        Analysis followed Strauss and Corbin’s14 three levels
(GT) methodology was used, which follows a construc-          of open, axial and selective coding entered into NIVO
tivist perspective and accepts that people construct the      V.12 software to create a coding book. Open coding
realities in which they participate and thus highlights       compared data for similarities, differences and questions
the researcher–participant dyad and the co-­construction      regarding emergent phenomena resulting in identifica-
of data.15 In Evolved GT, the researcher is a ‘passionate     tion of indicators; words or phrases of interest. Indica-
participant as facilitator of multi-­voice reconstruction’    tors were subsumed under higher level headings known
(Lincoln & Guba 2005 p. 196).16 Three researchers             as concepts, which stand for the emerging phenomena.
within this study were practising paramedics and provided     Axial coding involved subsuming concepts into higher-­
(limited) front-­ line care during the 2020 COVID-19          level headings known as categories. Selective coding
pandemic which in turn facilitated insight, awareness and     also involved ‘explication of the story line’ (Strauss and
ability to bring meaning to the data.17 Such background       Corbin 1998, p. 148)14 which involves identifying the
does though have the potential for preconceived ideas         basic social process (BSP) at work, around which all other
and previous encounters to influence the construction of      categories revolve. The BSP meaningfully and easily
the evolved GT, and to counteract this, member checking       relates to all other categories and should have clear and
and reflexivity methods were employed.                        grabbing qualities19 on which to theoretical construct the
                                                              evolved grounded theory (EGT) through weaving all of
Setting and sampling                                          the fractured data back together and conceptualising the
The study was conducted between March 2020 and                relationship among these three levels of coding. A second
November 2020 in the Welsh Ambulance Services                 researcher (CH) independently reviewed this coding.
National Health Services (NHS) Trust (WAST) UK which          Participant’s also member-­   checked data analysis by
serves a population of three million. Participants were       reviewing excerpts from the coding book and returning
recruited through a poster circulated through email           comments on evolving theory. Reflective notes were made
and social media. Information packs were sent to partici-     by researchers considering theory development and
pants containing a consent form to sign and return to the     monitoring the researchers’ influences on this process.
researcher; confirmed verbally during interview. Partici-        NHS Research Ethical review was not required within
pants were selected using purposive sampling based on         Health Research Authority guidance,20 but issues of
the characteristics of gender, age, experience and educa-     an ethical nature remained which were observed by
tional development to reflect the paramedic workforce.        following the Economic and Social Research Council21
Confidentiality and anonymity was assured.                    framework. Participants provided verbal and written
                                                              consent. All data were collected and stored in accordance
                                                              with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR 2018)22
                                                              regulations. We recognised staff may become emotionally
                                                              upset during the research, and a range of support was
                                                              made available.

2                                                               Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
Open access

 Table 1 Sample of paramedic participants
                                   EMS                                                     educational
 Participant      Gender           experience         Age range            Self isolated   development             Interviewed
 P01              Male             >10                26–45                No              Traditional training    PILOT 1 - 09/04/2020
 P02              Female           3–10               46–55                Yes             Higher education        PILOT 2 - 09/04/2020
 P03              Female           >10                46–55                Yes             Traditional training    Interview 3- 16/04/2020
 P04              Male             >10                26–45                No              Higher education        Interview 4 - 20/04/2020
 P05              Female           1–3                26–45                yes             Higher education        Interview 6 - 20/04/2020
 P06              Female           >10                46–55                No              Higher education        Not Sampled
 P07              Female           3–10               26–45                Yes             Higher education        Interview 5 −20/04/2020
 P08              Male             3–10               26–45                Yes             Higher education        Interview 7 −23/04/2020
 P09              Male             1–3                19–26                No              Higher education        Interview 16 - 21/05/2020
 P10              Female           >10                26–45                No              Higher education        Interview 10 - 30/04/2020
 P11              Female           >10                26–45            Yes                 Higher education        Interview 8 - 28/04/2020
 P12              Male             >10                26–45            No                  Traditional training    Interview 9 - 29/04/2020
 P13              Female           3–10               26–45            Yes                 Higher education        Interview 15 - 20/05/2020
 P14              Male             >10                46–55            Yes                 Traditional training    Interview 14 - 19/05/2020
 P15              Female           1–3                26–45            Yes                 Higher education        Interview 12 - 05/05/2020
 P16              Male             >10                56–60            No                  Higher education        Interview 13 - 07/05/2020
 P17              Male             1–3                Incomplete       No                  Higher education        Interview 11 - 04/05/2020
 P18              Male             3–10               26–45            Yes                 Higher education        Interview 17 - 27/05/2020
 P19              Male             3–10               26–45            Yes                 Incomplete              Interview 18 - 03/06/2020
 P20              Male             >10                46–55            Yes                 Traditional training    Interview 19 - 02/07/2020

RESULTS                                                                          reported including pregnancy, asthma, immunosuppres-
Twenty-­six paramedics responded to the poster call, six                         sion (HIV negative) and leukaemia, and participants
did not end up participating and a final sample of 20 were                       often mentioned concern for family members from these
consented and enrolled into the study. One paramedic                             vulnerable groups and their elderly relatives.
was not interviewed due to purposive sampling and one
                                                                                    my partner works as a frontline carer, he is immu-
of the interview recordings became corrupted and not
                                                                                    nosuppressed but is HIV negative… he has got sig-
included in the analysis. Table 1 includes characteristics
                                                                                    nificant risks, but obviously with me working in the
about the sample of paramedic participants.
                                                                                    frontline, and him in frontline as well, one of the ear-
  The following four categories emerged: Protect me to
                                                                                    ly fears were do we basically separate or do I basically
protect you, Rapid disruption and adaptation, Trust in
                                                                                    separate from him to reduce that risk. Whilst I would
communication and information, United in hardship.
                                                                                    always do my job, I would never forgive myself if I
The BSP in PECC-19 was recognised to involve Tragic
                                                                                    thought for one moment that I had brought some-
Choices and was conceptualised in the EGT in figure 1
                                                                                    thing from the community and brought it back home
which involved Tragic personal and professional choices,
Tragic organisational choices and Tragic societal choices:

Category 1: protect me to protect you                                              Paramedics told how practising in this context was
All of our paramedic participants except one expressed                           unlike anything they had experienced before, with an
concern for themselves and their families during the                             ever-­present sense of fear and risk.
pandemic due to a perception of the risks their occupa-                             I felt anxious going to work, I felt scared going to
tion posed:                                                                         work, it’s scary to think you can go to work and bring
  Not so much catching it myself, but bringing it home                              it home, that is not a nice feeling (P12)
  to my family (P09)
                                                                                   All participants talked about front line HCW’s dying
  They were concerned of risks to family members with                            from COVID-19, and in April 2020, a paramedic within
underlying health issues, revealing internal conflict                            the study area died from COVID-19. From this point
between their occupational role and the safety of their                          on all of the participants reflected on the death of their
families. A wide range of underlying conditions were                             colleague, as shared by paramedic 14:

Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                                                       3
Open access

Figure 1 Evolved Grounded theory (EGT): Tragic Choices in providing paramedic care during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
BSP; basic social process.

    We have [name] working here… its knocked it a bit             They reported attempts being made to mitigate the
    closer to home again,….it’s had a massive effect be-       risks of working in this environment, which involved
    cause he was such a big character (P14)                    changes in practice and provision of personnel protective
                                                               equipment (PPE). Such efforts however did little to alle-
  Powerful accounts were relayed of their sustained expo-
                                                               viate this fear-­filled context, which seemed to influence
sure and close proximity to patients with COVID-19 symp-
                                                               their morale. Paramedic 15 was:
toms. Paramedic 15 who contracted COVID-19 along
with her partner early in the pandemic, said prior to            really worried because I knew the masks didn’t fit me
contracting COVID-19 she:                                        properly, so I was anxious and I felt a bit demotivated
                                                                 to be in work, that I didn’t want to be there because
    was petrified really, standing in a house where some-        every day I was going in and it was a permanent risk
    one is coughing and spluttering for half an hour, and        really’ (P15)
    then conveying them to hospital, which took another
    hour…you are in the back of the vehicle 2 meters by 1        Paramedics in our study reported this environment
    meter… with a patient who is coughing virus into the       of fear influenced many areas of their lives, including
    air potentially and I’m breathing that air in. so it was   changes to hygiene practices such as changing out of
    horrible really. (P15)                                     their uniform and showering in work, avoiding visiting

4                                                                Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
Open access

friends and relatives, and talking more openly on making                   for ambulance service use. Paramedic 14 shared his
preparations for their own death. They also reported a                     thoughts on the quality of equipment and reported his
dramatic reduction in workload and that people were                        concerns around using out of date PPE:
avoiding care for fear of contracting COVID-19 which
                                                                             we are using masks now with stickers with 2012 on
they felt was influenced by the media and conversely
                                                                             and I know that we are only using them because we
increased emergency calls to assess people who thought
                                                                             can’t get any of the newer masks, and that is not what
they had COVID-19.
                                                                             you want to hear…you want to know what you are
  There was a lot of fear among patients, which I can                        wearing is safe to do your job. (P14)
  understand. You see a lot of death and fearmonger-
  ing on the news, there was a lot of fear among pa-                          Nine of the participants reported that their well-­being
  tients. But then that also led to frustration amongst us                 and mental health had been negatively impacted on by
  on the road because we are going to patients who are                     the pandemic. They talked about their collective anxie-
  phoning 999 because they have a bit of a cough. They                     ties around COVID-19, and the effect the ever-­presence
  basically phone us because they want us to check                         of the virus in their practice. Paramedic 9 said:
  them over (P12)                                                            as a station we were definitely a little on edge. Cleaning
  Paramedics were sympathetic to these views, and                            door handles in the station, going round starting my
admitted to their own internal conflicts when taking                         shift, cleaning any touchable things I could think of,
people into hospital, which they felt may not be in                          kettles, taps anything like that and that is not me…
the best interest of their patients. A clear narrative for                   it’s turned me into a bit OCD about it. It’s definitely
this dilemma was described by P15 who was unable to                          affected my mental health (P09)
safely leave the patient at home, and was admitted to a                      Paramedics talked about the difficulties they felt in
COVID-19 ward                                                              providing care in emergencies due to COVID-19, and
  When I took the gentleman in who was off his legs to                     how this resulted in frustrations and tension in them.
  the COVIDCOVID-19 ward, I was talking to the nurse                         one night, unfortunately, I had 3 cardiac arrests,
  there and I said I felt like I was deciding almost his                     which was tough and unfortunately the guy I was
  fate, which wasn’t very nice. (P15)                                        working with needed the versa flow hood, so I was
   Paramedic participants raised occupational and pay                        on my own…that was really really hard going on your
related issues including the importance of protecting                        own… everything about it felt wrong and it was such
their income while acknowledging their fortunate posi-                       hard work and it was frustrating. (P12)
tion in comparison to others in society at this time.                        Only one participant reported having accessed well-­
  I am alive and I have a job which is more than what                      being or mental health support promoted or provided
  most people have got at the moment. I have food and                      by their employer, and this was a routine call from the
  I’m not worried about bills (P10)                                        well-­being team with support which they declined. Partic-
                                                                           ipants did however reflect on the increased focus and
  Additional overtime incentives were initiated by their                   provision of support for mental health within ambulance
employer, and whist views were mixed, paramedic 10 told                    services in recent years.
of her fear in taking on overtime:
                                                                             I think the mental health side of it is 100 times better
  I have no intention of doing overtime……Less is                             than what it was, I don’t think we had anything before
  more with me I think, it’s like Russian roulette isn’t it,                 (P14)
  you know the bullet is in the barrel and you will spin
  it because you have to go to work, but then I wouldn’t                     Despite this, participants either did not feel they
  go and put two or three more bullets in the gun and                      needed such support or accessed this from other sources
  spin it to take that chance (P10)                                        such as their family, friends, colleagues, private counsel-
                                                                           lors, the service Chaplain or information publically avail-
   All participants except one had access to the recom-
                                                                           able. Following the national lockdown our participants
mended PPE, but they also reported frustrations on how
                                                                           described the importance of exercise, being outdoors
PPE guidance had changed as the pandemic evolved and
                                                                           and in nature for their well-­being during the pandemic,
experienced variation in approaches to PPE across organ-
                                                                           along with the need for time to recover between duties.
isations other home nations.
                                                                           They told how the pandemic had resulted in them doing
  there seems to be substantial differences between                        more activities with their families and had rekindled
  what Public Health England and Wales are throwing                        interest in activities such as walking and cycling. Para-
  out in regards to what the World Health Organisation                     medic 10 shared how during lockdown, the 1 hour a day
  and the Resus Council are throwing out (P06)                             out walking was so important and:
  Concerns were reported over their training and the                         But I have started back cycling, that was one of things
quality of PPE, and all except two felt it was not designed                  I was allowed to do, so the bike has been covered with

Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                                                  5
Open access

    a blanket in the garage for months, and because you           There was also a suggestion that during the pandemic,
    were allowed to cycle and pretty much nothing else, I       a more pragmatic approach was being taken to clinical
    started again. (P19)                                        practice guidelines and the quality of care was being
                                                                compromised. Some paramedics expressed concerns
Categories 2: rapid disruption and adaptation                   about their professional registration:
All participants faced rapid disruption to their personal         The HCPC [Health & Care Professions Council]
and working lives. This included issues such as adhering          came out early on and said they will make allowanc-
to the lockdown rules, social distancing, holiday cancella-       es, they will consider the coronavirus if our decision
tions and difficulties visiting family. This rapid disruption     making is called into question (P18)
subsequently required rapid adaptation.
                                                                  The pandemic was thought to have expedited many
    when you find yourself in a situation whereby the           changes in clinical practice including in end of life care
    world is a completely different place so quickly you        (EoLC). Powerful accounts were shared of managing
    have to adapt, you have to (P7)                             patients at the end of life during the pandemic which
  They told of the need adapt, learn and assimilate new         avoided delays and hospital admission, which gave them
information quickly. This included clinical information         satisfaction. Paramedic 18, however, told of his discom-
around the COVID-19 virus, clinical guidance and ways           fort over EoLC treatment packs, telling how he and his
of working in PPE. Paramedic 12 shared how it could be          colleagues were:
overwhelming:                                                     Uncomfortable about it because they have just been
    you have been thrown information constantly, there’s          put on trucks with very little training on it (P18)
    updates after updates after updates, things are chang-        Paramedics in our study said how their interaction
    ing near enough I wouldn’t say hourly but frequent-         pre-­
                                                                    pandemic with people with mental health issues
    ly changing. Yes you are probably being suitably            was often tactile, involving holding hands and using
    informed but it is overwhelming (P12)                       nonverbal communication. Participants explained how
  All of the paramedics reported the rapid change in            the pandemic had significantly changed this.
encountering patients reluctant to accept care, and how           the human side of our job feels like it has been taken
they faced difficult clinical and ethical decisions in their      away, and its really put into sharp contrast how much
practice which had become far more challenging due to             humanity we usually have in our job … personally I
the context of the pandemic.                                      have found it really difficult leaving relatives behind
    I would say at least about 50% are refusing to go in….        and especially when you have got time critical, possi-
    so you are really having to convince and weigh up             bly not going to survive patients. We had a lady with
    the balance of fighting against that, because if you          a very dense CVA the other day…and had to leave
    do take them in and they do catch it and they do die,         her daughter standing crying on the side of the road.
    its weighing up the responsibility of that as well (P05)      (P03)

    And                                                           And
    I spent nearly an hour and a half trying to con-              Before you would go in and have chats or banter with
    vince the family that the risk factors were significant       them its lost all that, first thing you do is put a mask
    enough that actually going to the A&E and so did the          on them, it can’t be nice for the family coming in
    doctor … 2 and a half hours later we did manage to            with all this stuff on, and I think its lost a lot of that
    gain consent to wilfully go to hospital (P07)                 relationship between the paramedic and the patient
   Paramedics also said people were presenting much
sicker due to delaying care for fear of contracting                All of the participants except one reported a rapid rise
COVID-19 as expressed by P07:                                   in the use of technology in their personal and working
                                                                lives such as video conferencing and mobile phone apps.
    People are really poorly out there because they are
    leaving it too late (P07)                                     I speak to my children on a daily basis by phone or
                                                                  group video, which is something else we have got into
   All of the paramedics faced changes to clinical prac-          the habit of doing now. We will get into a group call
tice and guidance and while there were mixed views, for           which we have never done before (P13)
some, information felt rushed.
                                                                  They also shared the positive impact of the pandemic
    I feel they were pushed out too quickly without ad-
                                                                on use of such technology across the wider healthcare
    equate training and understanding from frontline
    crews, and I fear this will lead to risky decisions being
    made that would not otherwise benefit the patients            The NHS in regard to medical advances has been
    (P11)                                                         very fearful in moving forward, particularly with

6                                                                 Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
Open access

  video conferencing and now seeing GPs using Zoom,                        dances in theatre scrubs, PPE, nursing and clinical
  which is amazing (P07)                                                   uniforms. Paramedic 10 said:
                                                                             I don’t think it is right that we are posing in masks,
Categories 3: trust in communication and information                         and I mean the medical professional as a whole,
All of our participants accessed information from a wide                     dancing up and down the corridors meters away, po-
range of sources, and told how trust in information                          tentially from ITU where people are fighting for their
sources was essential. For some, there was general confu-                    lives… you wouldn’t get a crematorium bloke doing
sion on what sources could be trusted:                                       a song and dance in a crematorium would you (P10)
  I don’t know who to trust with it (P12)
                                                                           Categories 4: United in hardship
  There were mixed views on information provided by                        Despite the significant challenges and fear, Paramedics
the Government; for some there was distrust in their                       reported a sense of solidarity across their profession and
motives, and a feeling information was being politicised                   organisation in being united working together to tackling
with the government being careful to protect themselves.                   the pandemic.
  Because they [the Government] have done that to                            I think generally people come together in a crisis nor-
  protect themselves and not us as healthcare work-                          mally and I think it’s taken this to make WAST and
  ers… the thing is, you don’t really know from what                         other services a lot nicer place to work for. Because
  you’re seeing how true everything is. (P12)                                we are all up against it though aren’t we, we are in it
                                                                             together (P10)
  Eleven of the paramedics felt suitably informed by their
employer, and provided rich accounts of the many plat-                       They also told of the positive aspects of the COVID-19
forms and mediums that were used in this process, such                     pandemic on the communities within which they lived
as the:                                                                    and worked and recognised that the visible public support
                                                                           such as gifts and clapping was nice, but some felt some-
  excellent policy of daily updates and ZOOM meeting
                                                                           what embarrassed
  to ensure all staff were aware of the latest updates
  (P01)                                                                      It’s really nice to get to know that you are supported,
                                                                             it is emotional, but I do get somewhat embarrassed by
   They did however report how the constant negative                         it, because we are out there doing a job and decisions
reporting of COVID-19 was having an impact on the                            we make are informed decisions. (P13)
kinds of presentations they were encountering in their
clinical practice:                                                           During the pandemic there was a very visible campaign
                                                                           in the media of NHS Heroes. This narrative was promoted
  Those people were saying they were watching the                          within society by charities, media and government.
  news 24 hours a day, all the media reports, googling                     Despite this, all of the participants except one did not
  things they didn’t know about and getting themselves                     consider themselves to be ‘Heroes’ but rather, felt they
  into a point they end up calling us through stress. So                   were just doing their job.
  very bizarre times. (P16)
                                                                             What is the definition of a hero?… I go to work every
   All participants told of the danger of information over-                  day, and I know if I caught it I know my dad would call
load for them and the public. They also believed social                      me a hero, I know my daughter would be beside her-
media could be negative and positive. Positive accounts                      self but eventually she would probably think of me as
included its role in communicating with colleagues,                          a hero, but yeah I would be a liar if I didn’t say there
friends and family and the Facebook group provided by                        were times I think of myself as a hero, but ultimately I
their employer. Some however did not use social media                        am a human being who is scared (P10)
and avoided it to protect their mental health. Media
reports providing daily updates and reporting the chal-                      The heroic definition of paramedic 10 was equally
lenges they faced were a constant reminder of their job                    reflected in the accounts of the other paramedic partici-
and were not welcomed and created anxieties and diffi-                     pants, who all felt a professional responsibility to society
culties with loved ones.                                                   to provide care during a pandemic but would not choose
                                                                           to be exposed to such risk if they had a choice and shared
  I try not to watch the news, and I mean I had it on                      a sense of melancholy that if they weren’t doing this, who
  constantly, and I realised it was having an effect on my                 would be?
  daughters mental health (P10)
                                                                             We have lost colleagues, and if this virus wasn’t here
  During the early stages of the pandemic, many front-­line                  they would be around now, and that isn’t what you
staff including paramedics took to social media posting                      expect when you become a paramedic I don’t think.
pictures and videos of themselves which ranged from                          I never expected a global pandemic which could kill
messages of protecting the NHS to highly choreographed                       us to happen (P15)

Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                                                7
Open access

  The outpouring of public support for paramedics                Tragic personal and professional choices
within the NHS did however reveal tensions in their              Challenging personal and professional choices were expe-
relationship with some members of society. Paramedics            rienced by paramedics in our study around protecting
told how some in society were blasé, not observing social        themselves, their families and their duty to provide care
distancing rules, and the Victory in Europe (VE) day             during the pandemic. While the public considered them
celebrations were cited as examples. It was suggested by         heroes, paramedics did not consider themselves within
paramedics that when COVID-19 was over, they would be            this characterisation. Many definitions of heroism to
forgotten about by the public and return to long hospital        society exist, but key factors include: the voluntary nature,
delays, inappropriate use of ambulances and violence and         risk of harm, acting for benefit of others and without
aggression directed towards them                                 expectation of gain.24–26 Our paramedics were indeed
                                                                 acting in the benefit of others, but reported feeling
    once it’s over they will forget about us again and it will
                                                                 scared and it was a job they were paid for. Tangherlini27
    be back to abusing people again and sitting around
                                                                 found similar self-­deprecatory accounts from paramedics
    in hospitals and where has this been until now when
                                                                 of such heroic status and so acceptance of such hero char-
    you needed us (P14)
                                                                 acterisation is complex.
                                                                    Tragic professional choices were revealed in clinical
                                                                 practice; especially with PPE, including its dehumanising
BSP: Tragic Choices
                                                                 impact, frustrations over quality and variation in guid-
The BSP in PECC-19 was recognised to involve Tragic
                                                                 ance across organisations. Such disparity in guidelines
Choices. We draw on the work of Calabresi and Bobbitt23
                                                                 have also been reported in the literature.28 They faced
who explored how societies allocate tragically scarce
                                                                 rapid changes in their role in provision of EoLC, which
resources and make such ‘Tragic Choices’. This perspec-
                                                                 some were not confident in, and while studies have previ-
tive considers the various methods for allocating and
                                                                 ously reported this,29–33 empowering staff at the point of
dispensing goods and services with paramedics during a
                                                                 delivery of EoLC has been deemed crucial and can make
pandemic, which includes resources such as equipment,            a real life impact.30 The pandemic may have expedited
labour, knowledge and information, care and services.            developments in paramedic provision of EoLC and tragic
The BSP reflects life’s pricelessness and Calabresi and          decisions may have been made. However, powerful posi-
Bobbitt’s23 discussions on such pricing of the invaluable        tive EoLC encounters were reported by paramedics which
and the cost of costing, which we argue occurs when ordi-        may reflect professional and organisational growth which
nary activities and resources become increasingly scarce         can emerge from such crises.34 35
and tragic in a pandemic.                                           Tensions were revealed with clinical decisions, balancing
   Calabresi and Bobbitt23 highlight that price does not         risks and benefits of managing patients at home. These
place a value on goods or activities, but rather, it permits     decisions may again involve Tragic Choices and moral
comparisons, such as the cost of investing in healthcare,        compromises which HCW’s are often confronted with
preparing for pandemics, PPE and pay, all of which can           and can have far-­reaching consequences when searching
be compared in price with other activities such as building      for the best treatment option36 37 Hoffmaster& Hooker
safer roads for instance. These prices do not however            (2013) 37 contend that often policy makers are removed
place a value on life, but when compared, they can illu-         from the devastating heartbreak, sorrow and guilt of
minate the cost; for example, of how many lives may be           personal Tragic Choices and consequently, the moral
saved by building safer roads rather than spending on            burden of legitimacy and responsibility falls not just
building new hospitals for instance. The informative             on the Tragic Choice itself, but also on how the Tragic
worth of price, costs and the value we assign to issues          Choice is made. Paramedics in our study reflected on the
revealed in this study on paramedic care cannot there-           cost of isolation measures and anxiety in patients; many
fore be ignored, or otherwise we risk losing more lives in       of whom were elderly and experiencing increased lone-
this and future pandemics, and paradoxically undermine           liness. Such feelings of loneliness, and anxiety during
life’s pricelessness.                                            the pandemic have been reported elsewhere,38 with the
                                                                 elderly and those with chronic conditions said to be
An EGT of the Tragic Choices in providing paramedic care         paying the highest price due to increased age and disease
during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic                                related risks.39 40
An EGT was constructed of the Tragic Choices faced by               Ethical and professional issues revealed around the
paramedics in providing care during the 2020 COVID-19            paramedic-­patient relationship, have been reported in
pandemic. Exploration of the Tragic Choices that such            other studies,41–44 and have potential to result in moral
pandemics necessitate reveals the variety of processes by        injury, which is the psychological distress that results
which these choices are made across the thematic catego-         from actions, or the lack of them, which violate some-
ries presented above, and outlined in the EGT (figure 1)         one’s moral or ethical code.45 Powerful accounts of
which includes the BSP of Tragic Choices at its centre,          Tragic Choices may also reinforce public drama, with
influenced by Tragic personal and professional choices,          reports in the media of paramedics constantly second-­
Tragic organisational choices and Tragic societal choices.       guessing themselves as to whether people needed to go

8                                                                  Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
Open access

to hospital, and choices that may ‘make a patient better                   Limited assumptions can therefore be made if such inno-
or kill them’.46 Family members, friends and the wider                     vation could be sustained outside of a pandemic context.
public received daily reminders of their role, and risks                      Paramedics in our study reported the importance
they faced, and paramedics in our study told how they                      of trustworthy communication in their personal and
could not escape these reminders when off duty.                            professional lives during the pandemic, which has
   The tragic professional and personal choices being                      also been reported in previous pandemics12 55 56. They
made by paramedics in our study were also experienced                      also reported challenges of information overload, how
by others during the COVID-19 pandemic,47 who simi-                        social media could be positive and negative and how
larly reported such challenging decisions, balancing phys-                 some avoided it. Tragic Choices are therefore again
ical and mental healthcare needs with those of patients,                   made around communication, where the content and
aligning their duty to patients with the needs of their                    medium of such communication may be positive, but
family and friends, and providing care with constrained                    may also add to public drama, confusion and the tragic
resources. They reported feelings of fear, anxiety, and                    context.
reported Tragic Choices they made in seeking support,                         The study revealed many positive cultural and organ-
which rarely involved their employer, but rather family,                   isational issues, such as increased unity which has been
friends and close colleagues. The positive impact of exer-                 reported during other pandemics.43 57 One such visible
cise and being in nature was reported, and many studies                    example of this spirit of solidarity and unity was WAST’s
have identified the positive relationship between nature                   ‘Reach for the Razor’ campaign,58 where staff were encour-
and good mental health and well-­being.48–51                               aged to shave facial hair (light-­heartedly) to prevent the
   Moral injury can however have benefits, as those indi-                  limitations of face mask fit when hair is present. Organ-
viduals and organisations who have endured such experi-                    isations and staff, may therefore have choice in being in
ences during the crises have experienced post-­traumatic                   united in pandemics, but such unity may involve longer
growth.34 Indeed, Rothes et al (2020) reported such                        partnerships.
professional growth and increased awareness in para-                          Increased problems with mental health and well-­being
medics following their experiences with patients who died                  were reported by participants, which are also reflected in
by suicide, but this relied on supportive cultures, training               literature59–62Kisely et al. (2020) 62 found HCW’s during
and preparation to overcome the negative emotional                         pandemics exposed to virus are 1.7 times more likely to
impact.35 Once again, tragic and costly choices may be                     develop psychological distress and Post Traumatic Stress
required to invest resources and mental energies in these                  Disorder (PTSD) compared with non-­exposed workers.
issues.                                                                    Few participants sought support in our study which is
                                                                           also reported in the literature.10 Despite this, there are
                                                                           a lack of evidence based interventions for staff working
Tragic organisational choices                                              in such high-­  risk occupational roles,63 64 which has
Our study richly revealed the influence of many choices                    prompted urgent calls for research to be prioritised in
made by the paramedics employing organisation. The                         this area.65 Paramedic participants also reported incen-
COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly the most signifi-                         tives for working overtime during the pandemic, but
cant crises to have been faced by healthcare organisa-                     many recognised the need for time off to recover; indeed
tions and ambulance services internationally in modern                     working such overtime is associated with anxiety, depres-
times, yet societal crises can be strategically challenging                sion and burn-­out.66–68 Paramedics and employing organ-
to organisations outside of the pandemic context, and                      isations therefore face Tragic Choices when balancing
the associated disruption of demand, capacity, increased                   service delivery during a pandemic with potential for
uncertainty and financial instability forces a reassessment                increasing mental health problems and access to evidence
of business operations.52 53 Ambulance services are in the                 based interventions.
front line response to the pandemic, and while prepa-                         Paramedics in our study felt we were not prepared
rations are made for such pandemics, the employing                         for the pandemic and appeared to accept the unique
ambulance service were forced to learn, react and adapt                    situation, yet preparations were made and experiences
as the pandemic unfolded. While rapid changes may                          of previous pandemics reported in the literature. Bill-
have resulted in confusion and anxiety in areas of clin-                   ings et al69 conducted a meta-­synthesis of HCWs expe-
ical practice and PPE, many positive issues emerged                        riences of working on the front-­line and views about
where the pandemic context appears to have stimulated                      support during COVID-19 and comparable pandemics.
a significant amount of innovation and cooperation. For                    The results of this study were remarkably resonant with
instance, the organisation initiated more provision of                     the themes within the present study and others Emer-
clinical support, better information, communication and                    gency Medical Services studies.29 70 Issues faced in the
digitalisation, factors which may have created an envi-                    COVID-19 pandemic were therefore not totally unprec-
ronment for improved professional growth. It should be                     edented and questions therefore emerge around such
recognised that such accelerated innovation and growth                     Tragic Choices and learning lessons from previous,
was forced rather than discretionary, which can occur to                   current and future pandemics, and the role and synthesis
ensure the organisation’s survival and because it had to.54                of research literature.

Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                                            9
Open access

Tragic societal choices                                        Tragic Choices, as Hope and Dixon80 suggest that the
Paramedics and other HCW’s were celebrated by visible          'Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives' slogan was
campaigns of public support for the NHS through the            indeed too successful, and may have dissuaded people
media, politicians and Thursday night clapping and             from going to hospital to treat other urgent conditions.
gifts. This context has echoes of Calabresi and Bobbitt’s23    Evidence is also emerging on such avoidance of emer-
notion that what counts as a Tragic Choice is in many ways     gency care and reciprocal increases in Out of Hospital
a matter of public drama. Such public drama may have           Cardiac Arrests unrelated to COVID-19, along with stroke
been influenced by campaigns such as the 'Stay Home,           patients arriving too late to receive vital clot busting
Protect the NHS, Save Lives' Protect the NHS’ slogan,          drugs.81
reinforced through daily briefings, reports of increasing         Paramedics predicted they would be forgotten about by
hospital bed capacity, deaths by COVID-19 and front-­          the public after the pandemic and return to long hospital
line workers being unable to access PPE. Calabresi and         delays, inappropriate ambulance use and violence and
Bobbitt23 argue that when public drama in this way is          aggression. Such a situation unfolded during the VE
central to designating tragic goods, society treats them as    day celebrations, with reports of NHS staff having been
tragic when in fact, they need not have been tragically        stabbed in the back, with street parties and increases in
scarce, and devise an alternative allocation scheme to         intoxicated and violence patients assaulting staff.82 83
distribute them. Many of the choices and goods during          These issues clearly threaten the notion of being ‘United
usual times involve policy decision based on a range of        in Hardship’ and questions emerge around the relation-
factors such as clinical and cost effectiveness. Given warn-   ship between HCWs duty of care owed to protect society
ings over the inevitability of a pandemic, questions there-    during a pandemic and societies reciprocal obligations
fore emerge from a public policy perspective around            to protect them. Self-­sacrifice and martyrism of health
the role and influence of such public drama in decision        workers played out as tragic public drama forces us there-
making. As heart-­warming as they are, such outpouring of      fore to confront such issues of trust and how society and
public appreciation may misdirect attention from funda-        governments reward and pay for its healthcare system and
mental issues around our planning and resourcing of the        its workers84 85 ?
current and future responses to pandemics, and indeed             The Organisation for Economic Co-­      operation and
may be making these goods and services actually become         Development (OECD)86 found that 43.4% of NHS workers
more tragic in nature. We argue there may however be           work up to 5 hours unpaid overtime per week, while 3.5%
more choice inherent in the allocation and distribution        reported working more than 11 hours of unpaid per
of these issues, tragic as they may be, which led to the       week. Huge variations were also found in investment in
turning of ordinarily scarce resources into a tragically       healthcare, with the UK investing £3257 per capita (9.8%
scarce ones, which again relates to value and the cost of      of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is 18th of all
costing.                                                       OECD countries, despite being the fifth largest economy
   Participants had been able to access the recommended        globally. This again highlights how governments and
PPE, but they also reported concerns over its quality,         society cannot ignore the informative value of price, costs
which has also been raised by other HCW’s71 72. Societies      and the value we assign to paramedic care in pandemics.
and governments globally have faced problems with PPE          Every aspect from pandemic preparation and procure-
supply chains, as prior to the pandemic, China produced        ment of PPE to paramedic well-­being may be informed
half the world’s face masks, and as COVID-19 spread            by the price we are prepared to pay, how we value health
across China their exports stopped.73 This is a vulnera-       services and the subsequent costs involved. Societies and
bility to society which reflects how this ordinary resource    governments will therefore continue to make Tragic
quickly became tragically scarce and subject to much           Choices in this and future pandemics in order to protect
public drama. Pandemic preparations no doubt saved             unpriceable lives.
lives, but some suggest this response was neither been well
prepared nor adequate,74 75 and point to unheeded warn-
ings over lack of preparation, including limited numbers       DISCUSSION
of intensive care beds and PPE which were revealed at          Due to the nature of Evolved Grounded Theory Meth-
a time of austerity when bed numbers were being cut,           odology (EGTM), much of the discussion has been
which again highlights the Tragic Choices being made           presented through narrative within this paper. We have
and potential subsequent costs.75                              achieved our aim oexploring paramedic experiences of
   The high profile campaigns above along with directing       providing care during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
of people to 111 as the first point of call, may have proved   and developing theory in order to inform future policy
effective given increases in 111 calls and reductions in       and ​practice.​which has been called for in the literature.69
ambulance use of up to 16%76 77 at a time when ambu-           Much of our findings reflect what was already known from
lance services had been experiencing record levels of          studies with HCW’s in previous pandemics and may have
demand and yearly increases of around 5%,.78 79 Despite        been somewhat predictable. This highlights the need for
this, paramedics talked of patients avoiding care for fear     pandemic planning and responses to be informed by the
of contracting COVID-19, which again has echoes of             best available evidence. Conducting research within this

10                                                               Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
Open access

context presented a unique opportunity, and through                        impact.35 Future preparation for pandemics should there-
swift mobilisation of our research team, development and                   fore consider the findings of this study and focus on such
approval of our study we were able to capture these data                   issues in planning.
as the acute pandemic period unfolded. We have learnt                         Moral injury can be a risk factor for further mental
much from our nimble and efficient approach to this                        health problems and Billings et al69 found it to be partic-
study which may benefit future research with paramedics                    ularly pernicious in the context of COVID-19 and other
and during such crises.                                                    pandemics, where many HCW’s feel betrayed by their
   Paramedic participants within our study were extremely                  colleagues, organisations and society, some of which
concerned about their own physical safety and that of                      may have also been reflected in this study. Paramedics
other family members which was articulated through                         in our study reported the sense of being United in hard-
the category Protect me to protect you. Such safety                        ship, where the pandemic served as a unifying force in
concerns are consistent with reports from this and                         battling the common enemy of COVID-19. This unity was
other pandemics, and exacerbated by inadequate PPE,                        displayed across the organisation and society and even
insufficient resources, and inconsistent information.69                    involved powerful militaristic metaphor such as ‘Call to
Adequate supply and appropriately designed PPE for                         arms’. We suggest however that tragic societal choices
the prehospital setting should be considered an urgent                     where revealed through this relationship employers,
priority for the current and future pandemic. While                        society and government.
participants were generally supportive of the information                     Early on in the pandemic, some HCW’s including para-
provided by their employer, they reported limited trust                    medics posted pictures and videos of themselves on social
in wider information sources, especially from media and                    media ranging from messages of protecting the NHS to
politicians, which could be a sources of support but also                  highly choreographed dances in clinical uniforms. Poli-
sources of stress as reported in this and other studies.69                 ticians, wider society and organisations also publically
Protecting paramedics in order to protect the public                       showed their support through social media and campaigns
during pandemics should therefore be a priority in this                    such as NHS Heroes. While paramedics in our study were
and future pandemics.                                                      appreciative of this support, they reflected self-­deprecatory
   Participant’s reports of their well-­  being and mental                 accounts reported in other studies of such heroic status,
health being negatively affected are consistent with other                 highlighting they were doing their job27 and above all
studies.51 61 65 69 Significant efforts had been made prior                wanted to protect themselves and their families. They
to COVID-19 to improve mental health and well-­being                       reported how they would be forgotten about by the public
support for ambulance staff, which was recognised by                       and return inappropriate use of ambulances and violence
participants in our study. However, Clark et al87 reported                 and aggression directed towards them. As the pandemic
that despite a body of research on health and well-­being                  unfolded, some of these predictions were realised through
of ambulance staff, there is little evidence on whether                    reports of increased emergency are us during drunken
current actions are working. Our study however may                         parties VE day celebrations.82 83 As we approached the
reflect some progress, as staff talked openly about their                  anniversary of the pandemic, and look to recover, displays
mental health and well-­being and gained support through                   of unity within the media and literature may have been
colleagues, friends and the service Chaplain. Formal                       replaced by a sense of betrayal of HCW’s.88–90
occupational health support through their employers                           Powerful media and communication narrative
however was not however generally valued or used, which                    and metaphor were employed during the pandemic,
is consistent with reports in the literature.10 This should                revealing tragic societal choices in relation to the rela-
be of concern, and we therefore support calls from Clark                   tionship with paramedics and other HCW’s. Militaristic,
et al87 and others to further investigate strategies from an               battle-­like metaphors and unitedness in hardship within
organisational and individual/ social level. Such strate-                  the media appeared to be replaced by a polarised narra-
gies should consider the positive impact of exercise and                   tive in later stages of the pandemic. Accusations have
being in nature as reported in this study, which is known                  been made of a striking absence of any plan for long
to support well-­being and mental health.48–51                             term recovery of health and social care services from the
   The Tragic Choices reported within this study are influ-                pandemic in the UK Government 2021 budget, which
enced by ethical, moral and professional dilemmas. Para-                   they argue is aimed at protecting the jobs and livelihoods
medics reported feeling they were unable to deliver the                    of the British people.91 92 Gone are the highly choreo-
standard of care they would usually provide, which has                     graphed social media posts such as TIK-­TOK items of
been reported in other studies, and may increase risk of                   NHS worker dancing in clinical uniforms. #NHS Pay
moral injury.45 69 It was acknowledged that moral injury                   Twitter Hashtag dominates social media in later stages of
during crises can result in post-­traumatic growth,34 and                  the pandemic.93 Questions also remain around the influ-
the many examples of rapid disruption and adaptation                       ence of campaigns such as the ‘Stay Home, Protect the
within this study may reflect such growth, especially                      NHS, Save Lives’80 slogan, and if they were too successful
around decision making. It should however be recognised                    and scared accessing emergency care as reported in this
that such growth relies on supportive cultures, training                   study by paramedics who reported fear among patients in
and preparation to overcome the negative emotional                         accessing emergency care.

Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677                                                              11
Open access

Strengths and limitations                                      incentives for working overtime in staff who may be
The study was conducted in one ambulance service and is        fatigued during a pandemic, intrusive media reports
therefore somewhat limited from this perspective. Remark-      which some avoided to protect their mental health,
able consistency and agreement was found throughout            and the positive role of being in nature and exercise.
analysis, member checking and previous studies which           Much of our findings were previously reported in the
adds to the trustworthiness and transferability of our find-   literature, and therefore when planning for future
ings. Non-­response bias may have occurred as participants     pandemics organisations can also continue choose to
may be more proactive, and likely to engage in research.       draw on this evidence base (or not).
Using the VoIP of Skype was deemed a strength, despite            The relationship between society and paramedics
technical difficulties and one corrupted recording. The        was visibly played out, with public shows of support
research team included insider researchers with three          through social media, the NHS Heroes narrative,
practising paramedics and while this may be considered a       clapping and gifts. While appreciative, paramedics
potential bias, we stated up front the constructivist nature   told how they were just doing their job, and above
of EGT and how the background of these researchers             all wanted to protect themselves and their families.
added to the richness of the EGT. We also made extensive       Paramedics predictions on how they would soon be
reflective notes, cross-­validated coding and analysis and     forgotten about by the public and return to inappro-
conducted member checking with a very good response            priate use of ambulances and violence and aggres-
rate and heterogeneity in responses.                           sion directed towards them, transpired during the
  We were unable to involve patients and public in the         pandemic through reports of partying and lack of
study due to the speed of developments. We do, however,        social distancing VE day celebrations. We argue these
plan to disseminate the results to study participants and      issues reflect Calabresi and Bobbitt’s notion that what
patient organisations                                          counts as a Tragic Choice is in many ways a matter of
                                                               public drama, and society may have treated them as
                                                               tragic, when in fact they need not be. While much of
CONCLUSION                                                     the impact of COVID-19 may be unavoidable, society
The COVID-19 pandemic is arguable the biggest                  can choose to limit spread of the disease by observing
challenge to have faced providers of healthcare glob-          social distancing for instance. Much of our findings
ally. Paramedics are at the forefront of the pandemic          had already been reported in literature from other
response, and this research has revealed rich insights         HCW’s in previous pandemics, and while the current
on their experiences, which are consistent with                response benefited from these insights, warnings were
reports in other studies with HCW’s in pandemics.              made on the inevitability of such a pandemic and how
We, however, synthesised emergent categories within            preparations should focus on issues of PPE, utilisa-
this study with the work of Calabresi and Bobbitt 23           tion and resourcing of healthcare, communication
and developed a new theoretical context which richly           and staff well-­being. A counter narrative subsequently
articulates the range of issues faced by paramedics            grew within our study and wider society, around these
through the constructed EGT of ‘Tragic Choices in              issues especially in later stages which included health-
providing paramedic care during the 2020 COVID-19              care funding and better pay for HCW’s.
pandemic’.                                                        Paramedic care during the COVID-19 pandemic was
  Paramedics faced Tragic Personal and professional            provided in the context of a world with competing and
choices, which included concerns over appropriate              conflicting decisions and resources, where a wide range
PPE, protecting themselves and their relatives, the            of Tragic Choices have to be made which may challenge
impact on their mental health and difficult clinical           the pricelessness of life. It is therefore a disturbing, but
decisions in areas such as EoLC and patients scared            undeniable reality that such Tragic Choices have to be
to attend hospital. The rapid disruption and adapta-           made. The impact of COVID-19 may persist if we fail
tion endured may represent significant organisational          to learn from this and other pandemics and sufficiently
and professional growth, which has been reported in            resource our healthcare system and provide the prereq-
previous pandemics and following trauma, however               uisite supportive and safe workplaces, through adequate
accounts in this study may also reflect collective moral       supply of appropriate PPE, education, and provision of
injury, which may persist long after the pandemic.             mental health and well-­   being support. If not, we risk
Tragic organisational choices were also revealed,              losing more lives in this and future pandemics, paradoxi-
around a culture of support in areas such as clin-
                                                               cally undermining life’s pricelessness and threatening the
ical decision making, EoLC, communication, mental
                                                               overwhelming collective effort which united society in
health and well-­b eing, and while somewhat forced,
                                                               hardship when responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
they are influenced by choices made to focus on these
areas before, during and after the pandemic. Organ-            Correction notice This article has been corrected since it was first published. In
isations may choose to explore further reports in              the article title, 'Wales' has been capitalised.
our study of why paramedics did not engage in well-­           Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all of the paramedics who
being support provided by their employer, the role of          participated in this study and WAST for sponsoring.

12                                                                Rees N, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048677. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048677
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