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SOLIDARITY AND COMMITMENT The Pantanal asked for water. The arrives. There are many plant species land of the rivers, lakes, oxbows, soda that developed protections against lakes and annual flood cycles slowly flames. For example, some have thick dried up over two consecutive years bark or roots capable of sprouting of drought. Combustible organic mat- through the ashes. Among the ani- ter built up in the dry pastures, forest mals, many species are able to escape patches, dried out lakes and in flood- or seek refuge in underground bur- plains that were usually inundated. rows, natural tree cavities or aquatic Unfortunate careless behavior by habitats. some inhabitants started the fires that These strategies generally work rapidly raged across the Pantanal. In- during periodic moderate intensity numerable wild animals were killed or fires, whether natural, started by light- injured. Predation and scavenging be- ning, or human-caused. However, this came common. Many survivors still was not the case in 2019 and 2020. faced hunger and thirst, competing Although the prolonged drought was with each other for food that was not within the climatic extremes rang- scorched by fires, and for remaining es recorded in the Pantanal, mea- water found in the larger lakes. sures to control the accumulation of It is true that the Pantanal biome highly-combustible vegetation were evolved with the presence of fires. lacking, environmental awareness Many ecological processes are trig- and commonsense by people using gered by fire, such as certain trees fire were lacking, adequate train- flowering and fruiting, including the ing for firefighting was lacking and famous paratudos (trumpet trees, ge- emergency responses from govern- nus Tabebuia), or the germination of ment authorities were slow and in- carandá palm seeds (Copernicia alba) adequate. As a result, small fires grew that are dormant in the soil until fire in intensity and size, multiplied, and 2 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
soon ravaged and spread across encouraging resilience report, as region and present the Bonito Fishes the landscape. Firefighters, few in in the case of hyacinth macaws, Project 20-year commemoration, number, struggled to reach inac- whose nests were impacted by fire connecting science, communities cessible fire stricken areas that did during their reproductive season and tourism. More than ever, this is not have roads, electricity or an peak at Caiman Ecological Refuge a time to value traditional customs adequate communication system. and at Fazenda São Francisco do and knowledge – such as the Pan- Researchers, volunteers, com- Perigara in 2019 and 2020, respec- taneiro horses’ services for handling munity members, local govern- tively. WWF-Brazil provided emer- cattle, and the edible native plants ments and non-governmental gency aid to implement nest pro- uses that enrich Pantaneiro diets organizations have come togeth- tection measures for the surviving – among other ongoing initiatives. er to put out the flames and try hyacinth macaws’ new generation. In this edition, ecological economic to minimize biodiversity losses. Also, in this edition, the polli- zoning instruments for participative WWF-Brazil supported numerous nators ecological functions and territorial planning and landscape initiatives to organize fire brigades their intricate plant-pollinator in- change scenario projections are not on ranches and in Pantanal com- teractions networks are presented. forgotten. Territorial planning recon- munities, providing firefighting Although they are small, even in- ciles economic growth and natural gear and personal protective equip- sects can play an important role in resources protection, favoring cur- ment to firefighters. They provided the Pantanal restoration. Another rent and future generations, while funds for setting up emergency res- article discusses parasitism, em- landscape scenario projections allow cue centers to treat injured animals phasizing the importance of con- us to plan a future that incorporates in the field, and they donated med- sidering both domestic animals the wishes of all Pantaneiros. ication and veterinarian supplies to and wildlife’s health as one. The Through the array of subjects rescue and rehabilitation centers herbivorous mammals’ role as true covered in this edition, WWF-Bra- (e.g., CRAS in Campo Grande, Mato environmental guardians, capable sil reiterates its commitment to Grosso do Sul). WWF-Paraguay of providing conservation tips for the vast biodiversity in the Pan- and WWF-Bolivia set up an inter- dealing with ongoing land-use tanal and the surrounding high- national communication network changes, is also described. This lands conservation. And their be- to exchange information about edition reports yet on the preda- lief in solidarity without borders. wildfire movements along the tor-prey relationships of the oce- Together we can face the chal- three countries borders. lot, one of the most abundant fe- lenges and prioritize environmen- This Pantanal Science mag- line species in the Pantanal. tal actions that guarantee the Pan- azine edition presents some of With a desire to get back to nor- tanal ecosystem resilience! the first fire impacts assessments mal – in the face of wildfires and the and the long-term consequences COVID-19 pandemic – it is import- MAURICIO VOIVODIC that will affect the Pantanal over ant to provide sustainable business- Diretor Executivo the coming years. There is also an es examples being developed in the WWF-Brasil VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 3
SUMÁRIO Photo: Ieda Bortolotto SUGGESTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND DOUBTS 08 Alexine Keuroghlian THE KNOWLEDGE AND FLAVOR OF NATURAL CONTACT ADDRESS BIOCULTURAL WWF-Brasil ORCHARDS CLS 114 Bloco D loja 35 CEP: 70377-540 Photo: Sandra Santos 12 Brasília - DF PRINT 1.000 exemplares EXPEDIENTE THE “PANTANEIRO”, EDITORIAL BOARD A HORSE OF Alexine Keuroghlian EXTRAORDINARY Science Pantanal Magazine Founder and General Coordinator VALUE Donald P. Eaton Science Pantanal Magazine Manager and Scientific Coordinator 16 Gabriela Yamaguchi Photo: Andressa Fraga WWF-Brasil Engaged Society Director Júlia Boock WWF-Brasil Conservation Analyst Leonardo Duarte Avelino Science Pantanal Magazine Legal Advisor Liana John Science Pantanal Magazine Executive Editor OCELOT, BIG OCELOT, WILDCAT OR LITTLE TECHNICAL BOARD JAGUAR? Alexine Keuroghlian – Peccari Project Andrea Cardoso Araujo – UFMS Cyntia Cavalcante Santos–UFMS Daniela Venturato Giori – Planurb Photo: Wetlands International 24 Donald P. Eaton – Peccari Project Fabio de Oliveira Roque – UFMS Laércio Machado de Souza – CNRPPN and REPAMS Walfrido M. Tomas – Embrapa Pantanal EDITORIAL COORDINATION Alexine Keuroghlian and Donald P. Eaton NATURAL PRODUCTS TECHNICAL SUPPORT COMMERCIALIZED Renata Andrada Peña – WWF-Brasil Comunication Analyst CONSCIENTIOUSLY EXECUTIVE EDITOR Liana John (Responsible journalist MTb 12.092) 26 COVER PHOTOS Hyacinth Macaw – Bruno Carvalho Acuri bunch – Cyntia Cavalcante Santos Pantaneiro Horse – Sandra Santos Ocelot – Andressa Fraga TRANSLATION TERRITORIAL Spanish – Easy Translation Services and Flash Translations PLANNING English – Alexine Keuroghlian and Donald P. Eaton ACCOMPLISHED! GRAPHIC DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Matheus Fortunato 30 Photo: Juliana Arini THE FIRES BLEAK LEGACY REVISTA DIGITAL: ACESSE O QR CODE 4 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
Photo: Bruno Carvalho Photo: Camila Souza 36 STUBBORN SURVIVORS 46 42 LANDSCAPE PROJECTIONS NATURE’S NURSES Photo: Marcelo Krause Photo: Gabriel Oliveira de Freitas 50 BONITO FISHES Photo: Liana John Photo: Jeffrey Himmelstein 66 A HAPPYREDIS- COVERY 56 60 THE BODOQUENA KEEPING AN EYE ENVIRONMENTAL ON WILDLIFE GUARDIANS VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 5
AUTORES Alessandro Pacheco Nunes Catiana Sabadin Zamarrenho Gabriel Oliveira de Freitas Ecology and Conservation -Mato Grosso Ecologycal Economic Zoning Wildlife and Environmental Education do Sul Federal University (UFMS) Campo Grande Town Hall Pantanal Enviromental Foundation Cyntia Cavalcante Santos Ana Cecília de Paula Lourenço Ecology and Conservation - etlands Inter- Geraldo Alves Damasceno-Junior Biology and Conservation - Hyacinth Macaw national Blue Corridor Program / Women in Biosciences, Ecology and Conservation Institute Action in the Pantanal (MUPAN) Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University (UFMS) - Ana Paula Camilo Pereira Geography - Mato Grosso do Sul State Daniel Massen Frainer Grasiela Edith Oliveira Porfírio University (UEMS) - Economy and Producción Engineering Biology, Ecology and Conservation Mato Grosso do Sul State University (UEMS) Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University Andréa Cardoso de Araujo (UFMS) and Dom Bosco Catholic University Vegetal Biology, Ecology and Conservation Daniela Venturato Giori Ayres (UCDB) Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University Journalist – Consultant (UFMS) - Heitor Miraglia Herrera Veterinary Medicine and Parasitic Biology Andressa Rocha Fraga Érica Fernanda G. Gomes de Sá Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB) and Ecology and Environmental Monitoring Ecology and Zoology Research Group InsanaHuna (CNPq) Paraíba Federal University (PPGEMA/UFPB) Paraíba Federal University (PPGCB/UFPB) Henrique Villas Boas Concone Angélica Guerra Fabiana Lopes Rocha Applied Ecology and Conservation Vegetal Biology, Ecology and Conservation Ecology, Parasitology and Conservation Pro-Carnivores Institute (IPC) and São Paulo Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University Brazil Species Survival Center (IUCN/SSC) University (PPGI-EA/ESALQ/CENA/USP) (UFMS) - and Paraíba Federal University (UFPB) Áurea da Silva Garcia Ieda Maria Bortolotto Science Teaching Fabio de Oliveira Roque Biosciences - Mato Grosso do Sul Federal Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University Biosciences - Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University (UFMS) - (UFMS) y MUPAN - University (UFMS) - José Sabino Breno Ferreira de Melo Fabio Martins Ayres Fishes of Bonito Project - Anhanguera- Cerrado-Pantanal Conservation Geography - Mato Grosso do Sul State Uni- UNIDERP University (University for the WWF-Brasil - versity (UEMS) - Development of the State and the Pantanal Region) - Bruno Henrique Grolli Carvalho Fábio Takahashi Biology and Photography Food Engineering and Ecologycal Juiana de Mendonça Casade Pedro Scherer Neto Foudation Engineering - Viçosa Federal Univserity Ecologycal Economic Zoning (UFV) - Campo Grande Town Hall Camila Silveira Souza Fernanda Mussi Fontoura Júlia Corrêa Boock Biological Sciences, Ecology and Biology, Environment and Regional Conservation – WWF-Brasil Conservation - Paraná Federal University Development - Hyacinth Macaw Institute (UFPR) - Júlio César Sampaio da Silva Caroline L. Gross Flávia Accetturi Szukala Araujo Conservation and Environmental Sciences and Agriculture - Conservation - WWF-Brasil Sustainability - Consultant - University of New England in Australia (UNE) - Julio Francisco Alves Fernandes Gabriel Carvalho de Macedo Geography - Wetlands International Blue Cássio Bernardino Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Corridor Program / Women in Action in the Forest Engineering and Project Management Sustainability - Dom Bosco Catholic Universi- Pantanal (MUPAN) WWF-Brasil - ty (UCDB) - 6 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
Katia Maria Paschoaletto Pedro Cordeiro Estrela We appreciate and thank the informa- Micchi de Barros Ferraz Sistemathics and Ecology tion from the field on the impacts of fires Biological Sciences and Applied Ecology Paraíba Federal University (UFPB) São Paulo University (ESALQ/USP), Pro-Car- in the Pantanal provided by researchers, nivores Institute (IPC) and Manacá Institute collaborators and volunteers and used in Pedro Scherer-Neto Ornitology and Conservation the articles on the fire impacts (Pg 30) and Kefany Ramalho Pedro Scherer Neto Foudation on the blue macaws resilience (Pg 36): Biology and Conservation Hyacinth Macaw Institute Andrea Garay – Geographic Informa- Pierre-Cyril Renauld tion Systems Coordinator (SIG) WWF-Pa- Sciences Laíza de Queiroz Viana Braga Université de Angers en Francia raguay, Karim Musalem – Conservation Ecology and Health (UMR CNRS 6554/LETG-Angers/UFR Scien- Coordinator WWF-Paraguay, Maria Edu- Paraíba Federal University (PPGEMA/UFPB) ces) - arda Coelho – Conservation Technician Pietro K. Maruyama WWF-Brasil, Patrícia Medici, National Liana John Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG) Environmental Communication Initiative for the Brazilian Tapir Conserva- Camirim Editorial tion and the Ecological Research Institute Rafael Oliveira Fonseca Mato Grosso do Sul State University (UEMS) Coordinator – INCAB/IPÊ, Thaishi Leonar- Luciana Paes de Andrade do da Silva – Conservation Analyst WWF Sciences and Zoology Rafaela Danielli Nicola Fishes of Bonito Project and Wetlands International Blue Corridor Brasil, Victor Hugo Magallanes – WW- Anhanguera-UNIDERP University Program / Women in Action in the F-Bolivia and Walfrido Moraes Tomas – Pantanal (MUPAN) Embrapa Pantanal Luciana Pinheiro Ferreira We also thank the following NGOs, Ornitology and Conservation - Hyacinth Sandra Aparecida Santos companies, farms, inns, research insti- Macaw Institute - Zootechnics, Agronomy and Landscape Ecology tutions, and wildlife refuges, for their Marcos Antônio Moura Cristaldo Embrapa Pantanal support in fighting fire fronts, rescuing Ecologycal Economic Zoning Campo Grande Town Hall wild animals, supplying food and water Thamy de Almeida Moreira to survivors, and facilitating the field trip Marcos Roberto Ferramosca Cardoso Veterinary Medicine Veterinarian Medicine - Mato Grosso State En- Hyacinth Macaw Institute of the afore mentioned researchers: vironment Secretary - Bioparc, Campanha Adote um Ninho Neiva Maria Robaldo Guedes Thiago André Albuquerque Silva 2020, CRAS-MS, Documenta Pantanal, Biology and Conservation Ecology and Zoology Fazenda São Francisco de Perigara, Fio- Hyacinth Macaw Institute and Universidad Paraíba Federal University (PPGCB/UFPB) Anhanguera-UNIDERP cruz, Fundação OS, Fundação Toyota do Brasil, Galo da Manhã, Granado, Hotel Fa- Walter Guedes da Silva Olivier Pays Geography and Environmental Sustainability zenda Baía das Pedras, Instituto Solar dos Sciences Mato Grosso do Sul State University (UEMS) Abacaxis, Jogabilidade, Luan Santana, Neo- Université de Angers in France (UMR CNRS 6554/LETG-Angers/UFR Sciences) energia, O Boticário , Parrots International, Wanessa Teixeira Gomes Barreto Refúgio Ecológico Caiman, RPPN SESC Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Osvaldo Barassi Gajardo Sustainability, Ecology and Conservation Pantanal, Sema-MT, Sicredi, SOS Panta- Conservation – WWF-Brasil Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University nal, Universidade Anhanguera-UNIDERP, (UFMS) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Paula Hanna Walfrido Moraes Tomas (UFRGS), Whitley Fund for Nature, Wildlife Conservation – WWF-Brasil Ecology and Conservation – Embrapa Panta- nal – Studios, WWF-Brasil, Zoo de Zurich WCS. VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 7
wild rice Photo: Geraldo Alves Damasceno ethnobotany THE KNOWLEDGE AND FLAVOR OF NATURAL BIOCULTURAL ORCHARDS Edible native plants enrich the Pantanal residents and visitors diet and valuing traditional knowledge contributes to species preservation and their multiple uses BY IEDA MARIA BORTOLOTTO AND GERALDO ALVES DAMASCENO-JUNIOR 8 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
People of various indige- ing true natural “orchards” with Photo: Cyntia Santos nous ethnicities live in the Pan- fruits, nuts, hearts of palm and tanal, along with riverine and other edible parts. Such occur- quilombola communities, rural rences contribute to the local hu- producers, farmers and other man populations’ cultures: they groups, who may or may not be are biocultural orchards. considered traditional Pantanei- Some ethnobotanical main ros (i.e., people of the Pantanal). studies carried out in communi- This region in the South Amer- ties located along the Paraguay ica central portion stands out River during the last two decades because of its rich cultural her- resulted in scientific publications itage that extends beyond four and community extension ac- countries international bound- tions focused on valuing cul- aries: Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay turally important plants. These and Argentina. A rich biological Acuri include wild food plants that are diversity is associated with the known and used by local people. region’s cultural diversity, in- through species collection sur- The data for these studies cluding plants common to the veys, identification of plants were obtained from interviews Pantanal and to neighboring bi- with known uses and speci- with the communities adult resi- omes: Cerrado, Chaco, Amazon mens deposits in herbaria. dents, accompanied by botanical Forest and Atlantic Forest. Some A preliminary list for the collections in the Corumbá and of the species are well known, entire Mato Grosso do Sul State, Porto Murtinho municipalities, used and even cultivated by the in Brazil, developed by a re- Mato Grosso do Sul. In Corum- local populations, together with searchers team from the Mato bá, residents from the Albuquer- exotic plants, in small domestic Grosso do Sul Federal Universi- que, Castelo, Amolar and Guató gardens or fields. ty (UFMS) estimated that there (indigenous) rural communities The exact number of native are 294 native plants species participated. In Porto Murtinho, food plants that occur within that can potentially be used for the studies included inhabitants the international Pantanal lim- food. Among these, more than of rural and urban areas located its is not known, nor are there 100 occur in the Pantanal, one of along the Paraguay River banks. systematic studies in the Bra- the world’s largest inland flood- The interviewees demon- zilian portion on the tradition- plains whose waters are drained strated knowledge about the al knowledge associated with by the Paraguay River. use of 69 wild plant species for the plants. Until the mid-1980s, Several food species are making oils and flours, or prepar- the scholars’ attention was con- abundant among the vegeta- ing dishes and drinks that make centrated mainly on records of tion physiognomies native to up part of their diet. Among the wild food plants included in the the Pantanal, both in flooded drinks, teas, juices and “chichas” indigenous populations diets. and non-flooded areas. Many were mentioned; the latter being However, since the 1990s, stud- of them occur in vegetation for- a local name for artisanal fer- ies have expanded to include mations dominated by a single mented beverages similar to beer. non-indigenous communities species (monodominant), form- Among the most important VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 9
Photo: Ieda Bortolotto Photo: Paulo Robson de Souza Laranjinha-de-pacu” (above), “bocaiúva” flour (right) and “carandá” (side page) enrich the pantaneiros and visitors’diet native food plants species, palm consumption of these wild food to elderly community members. trees predominate: “bocaiuva” plants, passing down knowl- In Corumbá, for communi- (Acrocomia aculeata), for its oil, edge about them orally from ties farthest from urban centers, pulp, heart of palm and flour, generation to generation. the number of native food plants and “carandá” (Copernicia alba), However, despite some plant known and used is greater than for its edible fruits, although species have local importance, those known and used in com- they are under appreciated and traditional knowledge about munities closer to cities. This seldom consumed. What gives them is in an eroding process, or shows how proximity to com- these plants their cultural val- has been lost already. This is the mercial markets influences and ue is the wealth of associated case for wild rice (Oryza spp.), reduces the wild plant species knowledge and practices that whose use by indigenous peo- use. There are also plants whose are maintained by local com- ples has several records in his- medicinal use is more important munities. In addition to pro- torical literature, but cultivation than its value as a food, as is the viding food, these plants have and even harvesting are no lon- case for “jatobá” (Hymenaea spp.) medicinal, aromatic and tim- ger practiced. Also, the practices used by the riverine communi- ber-related uses; they serve as to obtain a variety of oils, drinks ties along the Paraguay River. fish bait and are used in religious and flours from the wild rice Even so, there are still rituals. For centuries, tradition- were mentioned in interviews as well-preserved areas with plen- al populations have maintained “ways of the past”, and today the ty of native food plant resources the extractivism practices and practices are mainly known only that enrich the Pantaneiro diets. 10 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
There are also still communities Photo: Rosa Helena da Silva with a knowledge wealth about native plants. Not to mention, there is potential for communi- ties to gain economically from marketing food plants, espe- cially abundant species, such as those found in monodomi- nant vegetation formations. So, with the objectives to value food plants; encourage the conserva- tion and sustainable use of wild plant species and stimulate the nities where the research was “acuri” (Attalea phalerata) and income generation to improve carried out and have included 14 “laranjinha-de-pacu” (Poute- the life quality in the commu- municipalities in the Cerrado/ ria glomerata) are prominent. nities, several actions were pro- Pantanal region during the peri- There are several governmental posed and developed within od from 2006 to 2020. and non-governmental institu- the “Programa Sabores” (Flavors Annually, “Programa Sabores” tions implementing projects to Program) scope. promotes a course on food plants strengthen and organize com- “Programa Sabores” is a native to the Pantanal and Cer- munities and support extractive UFMS community extension rado and counts on the partici- activities. program whose objective is pation of students and residents The Pantaneiros ability to to value food plants from the from regional communities. The rescue neglected practices and Pantanal and Cerrado. Program extension team also created a knowledge that still exists with- activities are developed in col- products kit in collaboration with in their communities has ad- laboration with several rural the communities, such as a cook- vanced the specialized edible community partners, including book, postcards and calendars. plants use in recent years. It has schools. Culinary workshops These products are free of charge also progressed due to the will- are organized, producing dishes and are distributed to workshop ingness of communities, and es- and drinks from recipes devel- and course participants. pecially women, to take control oped by the communities or by With these extension pro- of their activities by organizing the extension team. To incen- gram actions support, traditional and investing in autonomy. The tivize consumption and com- communities residents already wild food speces conservation mercialization, workshops are produce and sell frozen pulps, and the traditional knowledge offered on good hygiene prac- jellies, flours, oils and other food maintenance are fundamental tices, harvesting and post-har- products. Among the abun- to sovereignty and the food and vesting techniques, guidance on dant plants involved in actions Pantanal communities’ nutri- the fruits nutritional value and to incentivize use by the com- tional security. And, it will ensure others. Program activities have munities, “bocaiuva” (Acroco- that fundamental resources re- extended beyond the commu- mia spp.), wild rice (Oryza spp.), main abundant for native fauna. VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 11
valuation THE “PANTANEIRO”, A HORSE OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE Unique multifunctional breed adapted to environmental extremes; excellent performance handling livestock, providing transportation, giving tourists horseback rides and competing in sporting events BY SANDRA APARECIDA SANTOS AND FÁBIO TAKAHASHI Hearty, tough and resilient, Breeders Association (ABCCP) heat as well as drought; traverse Pantaneiro horses are ideal- was created in Poconé, Mato areas with dense vegetation; ly adapted for handling cattle, Grosso with the fundamental approach a majority of wild an- whether during flood and dry aims to promote, select and im- imals calmly; their hooves re- seasons peaks, or during the prove the breed. sist humidity during long rides nuanced conditions that appear Valuable genetic traits ac- through wetlands, and they are mid-cycle between seasonal quired during the natural selec- able to find forage and sustain peaks. A descendent of equines tion long process gave the Pan- themselves for long periods in brought from the Iberian Penin- taneiro horse the exceptional flooded environments. sula to Brazil during the coloni- characteristics, such as adapt- These characteristics make zation period, the horse has un- ability, toughness and function- the Pantaneiro horse a general- dergone centuries of adaptation ality. They are animals that are ist and multifunctional animal, in a dynamic and complex en- resistant to diseases and even able to live and work in a wide vironment with extreme tem- thrive in areas subjected to variety of environments and peratures. It was recognized as limited resources and environ- cattle production systems. To a unique breed in 1972 when mental disturbances (episod- maintain this adaptability, it is the Brazilian Pantaneiro Horse ic or persistent). They tolerate necessary to ensure the genet- 12 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
Photo: Sandra Santos ic stability and breed diversity trail riding, they have even equestrian competitions, most through appropriate conser- greater value for demonstrating prominently in Technical Las- vation, selection and breeding how traditional cattle ranching soing, Long Lassoing, Team management. can be practiced in harmony Penning (separation of certain Bred semi-extensively with biodiversity. cows from the herd) and Ranch among large rural properties, Because of their versatili- Sorting (selection and direc- the Pantaneiro horse is eco- ty and functional characteris- tion of cattle to pens/corrals), nomically important in the tics, the Pantaneiro horse has among others. Pantanal. It is essential for han- attracted buyers from several One important factor in dling cattle; is one of the prin- regions in Brazil, mainly for these competitions is the inter- cipal transportation means for their utility in handling cat- action between horse and rider, local populations (especially tle, but also for other activities, a relationship of trust developed during flood periods) and is like equotherapy, trail rides and during training and also during seen as a local culture sym- sporting events. The Pantaneiro free time and the animals’ dai- bol to the Pantanal visitors. On horse’s agility and its ability to ly care. The breed inclusion in ranches with tourism opera- read cattle, i.e., its “cow sense”, sporting events encourages tions offering horseback and has encouraged its inclusion in family participation – especial- VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 13
Photo: Sandra Santos ly by young adults and children Pantaneiro horses feed – and it helps guarantee conti- mainly on native forage spe- nuity, promoting the the breed cies, which are highly-sustain- conservation for future gen- able renewable resources in erations. To reinforce the Pan- the region. This is because the taneiro horse functional value native pastures growth does in sporting events, their par- not require fossil fuel inputs. ticipation should be promoted This extraordinary breed ani- through sponsorships. mals also maintain the habit of In the Pantanal, the horse consuming aquatic plants, such is especially important for as the water lily (Nymphaea handling cattle when flooding gardneriana), taking advantage occurs, as it is one of the few of the Pantanal’s diverse floral breeds to have humidity re- resources. sistant hooves. This valuable In order to adequately ap- external supplies in the service service is appreciated more by preciate the Pantaneiro horse performance. ranchers who insist on regis- functional work, it is useful to For such analysis, it was tering their animals with the carry out an emergetic analysis, first necessary to define a pro- ABCCP. However, it should be a systems-level procedure that duction system, with its energy appreciated more widely by assesses the energy required input and output flows. The 100 ranchers in the region, because to perform a service – in this hectares fenced study area cho- it is a breed that is easy to care case, handling cattle – through sen in the Pantanal comprise for and requires few purchased quantification of the contribu- forest, cerrado (a more open external supplies for it upkeep. tions from natural capital and forest formation) and savanna 14 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
sections with approximately between renewable energy native pasture, or other supplies 30% consisting of native pas- and total energy, which pro- and services. ture. The area held 17 Pantanei- vides an estimate of the service Another index estimated ro service horses. Native forage sustainability. In this case study, was the service quantification, species that only require the renewability was 64%. In other in “emergy dollars” per hectare. sun, rain and soil nutrients (a words, for the semi-extensive In monetary terms, the value of renewable resource in the Pan- production system evaluat- the cattle handling service per- tanal) to grow were the main formed by a Pantaneiro horse food sources for the animals (a Useful for handling was 603.53 emergy dollars per provisioning ecosystem ser- livestock (bottom left), hectare/year. This estimate in- vices example). The only ex- even in flooded areas (side cluded only cattle handling ternal supplies and services page), the Pantaneiro horse while, in reality, Pantaneiro needed for the study consisted (bottom) is also a good horses also provide many other of vaccines, medications, tools, option in transport, tourism, services, such as transportation, fencing and labor. The service leisure and in competitions tourism support and leisure. provided (handling cattle) could Results show the function- Photo: Sandra Santos Photo: Sandra Santos have internal (management ed, the horses primarily used al services extraordinary value unit/farm) or external (com- natural resources, transform- provided by Pantaneiro horses mercialization) output flows. ing native forage species into maintained on native pasture Based on the energy inputs a functional service (handling by rural producers. Undoubt- and outputs analysis from the cattle). Of course, renewability edly, assessing these services study area, it was possible to depends on the production sys- value will contribute to green estimate several emergetic in- tem used to maintain the hors- technology benefits quantifi- dices. One is the renewability es and will be affected by fac- cation associated with sustain- index, that is, the relationship tors like the proportional use of able ranching systems. VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 15
fauna OCELOT, BIG OCELOT, WILDCAT OR LITTLE JAGUAR? Discover the “spotted cat” most common species in the Pantanal and its strong influence on prey and smaller felines BY HENRIQUE VILLAS BOAS CONCONE, ANDRESSA ROCHA FRAGA, ÉRICA FERNANDA G. GOMES DE SÁ, THIAGO ANDRÉ ALBUQUERQUE SILVA, LAÍZA DE QUEIROZ VIANA BRAGA, FABIANA LOPES ROCHA, KATIA MARIA PASCHOALETTO MICCHI DE BARROS FERRAZ AND PEDRO CORDEIRO ESTRELA Wild animals’ common (almost 50 times more). In Bra- And wildcat or forest cat is used names tend to be different re- zil, they are all called ocelot, big for any feline with a spotted gionally within a country, and ocelot, wildcat or little jaguar, coat seen at a glance amid the even locally within a region. generalizations that generate vegetation. The most obvious exception is confusion when identifying the To complicate matters, nat- for “spotted” cats. Even though species, especially during local ural variation in size occurs there are six distinct species in residents’ interviews for prelim- among adult individuals of the Brazil, they are often given the inary assessments on these an- same species. The ocelot (Leop- same generic common names imals’ occurrence in particular ardus pardalis) is the third larg- throughout the country. It ecosystems. est feline species in Brazil after doesn’t matter if you’re talking These names use, in fact, the jaguar (Panthera onca) and about the smallest species – seems to obey criteria related the puma (Puma concolor). An the oncilla or “small-wildcat” – to size: if the animal is not big adult individual can measure weighing on average just 2.5 kg, enough to be a jaguar, it is called between 1 to 1.4 meters in length or the largest species – the jag- a big ocelot or little jaguar. If it is from the snout tip to the tail tip, uar – that weighs up to 120 kg a bit smaller, it is called ocelot. while its weight can vary from 8 16 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
Foto: Felipe Peters The ocelot is the third largest feline in Brazil, just behind the jaguar (bottom right) and the puma (bottom left) Foto: Adriano Gambarini Foto: Edir Alves to 16 kg! There are also differenc- cies and, possibly, the most tis, pacas and armadillos. They es between the sexes, males be- abundant, both on the Pantanal occasionally feed on animals ing, on average, 25% larger than floodplain and in the bordering larger than themselves, such females. Therefore, it is easy to Cerrado highlands. One of the as gray brocket deer or great- understand when there is skep- most likely explanations for its er rheas. These feeding habits ticism about species sightings abundance is its intermediate may avoid intense disputes with or confusion related to common size, which increases the oce- jaguars over food, while allevi- names. lot’s ability to adapt to different ating competition for food with The ocelot is widely dis- situations. Ocelots hunt small smaller feline species. Accord- tributed in Brazil and in the mammals, birds, lizards, snakes ing to several studies, even in ar- Pantanal. It is one of the most and fish, but they also catch me- eas where jaguars are abundant, commonly sighted feline spe- dium-sized prey such as agou- ocelots are present, often in high VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 17
Foto: Felipe Peters numbers. However, where oce- lots are abundant, smaller “spot- ted” cat species typically occur in low numbers or may be ab- sent. The phenomenon of ocelots “bullying” smaller feline species has been termed the “parda- lis effect”, highlighting the idea that ocelots are dominant over smaller cats. This dominance may be one of the most import- Foto: Felipe Peters ant ecological forces structuring medium-sized predators and their prey communities. Felines are obligate carni- vores, that is, they feed exclu- sively on other animals. There- fore, during their prey searches, greater competition with other carnivores is expected. The more “similar” the carnivores are, the dent: where ocelots are abundant, and predator avoidance. greater the competition should smaller cats are less common. All of the smaller “spotted” be. In simple terms, the largest This is especially true for cat species preferentially inhabit species dominate the environ- small “spotted” cats: margay forests and are active at night, so ment (and prey supplies) to the (Leopardus wiedii), southern ti- they come under the “pardalis detriment of the smallest: where grina (Leopardus guttulus), little effect” influence. The jaguarundi jaguars are abundant, pumas are spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus) is also a forest dependent spe- less common, and where jaguars and Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus cies, but it is active during the are less common or absent, pu- geoffroyi), while this effect is less daytime. Pantanal cats frequent mas are more abundant. How- pronounced for small cats that open areas, like native grass- ever, neither of the two larger are not spotted, like the Pantanal lands and wetlands, seldom us- cat species appears to have a cats (Leopardus braccatus and ing forested environments. So, significant impact on the ocelot, L. munoai) and the jaguarundi these two “unspotted” felines whose variation in abundance (Puma yagouaroundi). Spotted are able to avoid the “pardalis seems to be much more related to coat patterns are usually asso- effect”, either by being active the prey availability, rather than ciated with cats inhabiting for- when ocelots are not, or by in- to the larger felines presence. In ested habitats, serving as cam- habiting environments that are contrast, the impact of ocelots on ouflage among the vegetation seldom used by the ocelots. smaller feline species is quite evi- while facilitating prey searches The ocelot plays a funda- 18 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
Foto: Adriano Gambarini If the ocelot is abundant, there are fewer small cats, such as the margay (side page top); the jaguarundi (left); the Geoffroy’s cat (side page bottom); the southern tigrina (below), and the Pantanal cat (well below) Foto: Felipe Peters mental role in terrestrial eco- systems that make up the environments mosaic in the Pantanal: including wetland margins, forests and savannahs. Its presence is vital for main- taining the ecological process- es dynamics through its inter- actions with a huge diversity of prey, larger predators and a range of competitors. The ocelot conservation sta- Foto: Felipe Peters tus in the Pantanal has not yet been systematically assessed. But, overall, the environmental health of the Pantanal is bet- ter than it is for neighboring biomes, such as the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Therefore, it is likely that the ocelot con- servation status is also better in the Pantanal. For long-term conservation purposes, ocelot accompany rivers and other as in cultivated areas, but they populations will depend on the aquatic environments in the predominantly use forested remaining forests fragments Upper Paraguay River Basin habitats. maintenance in the bordering (BAP). Ocelots are able to range Based on a large number of Cerrado highlands and espe- and hunt in a variety of native recurring ocelot records that cially on riparian corridors that vegetation formations, as well were documented on a ranch VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 19
Foto: Érica Gomes Foto: Érica Gomes with cattle and tourism activi- source for the ocelots. landscape agricultural portions, ties in the Rio Miranda Pantanal In 2004, after the initial is this due to the small rodents region, the site was chosen for studies were completed, the abundance in rice fields, or is launching the Ocelot Project. Ocelot Project continued to doc- this also related to the native Initially, studies focused on the ument records of the species vegetation remnants proximity diet and local occurrence of the through photographs, videos on which the species depends? species. These studies lasted and direct observations. Start- For long-lived carnivorous two years (2002 to 2004) and ing in 2005, the ranch’s local mammals with large ranges contributed to a Master’s degree guides team began filling out – like ocelots and crab-eating awarded by the Mato Grosso do faunal observation forms af- foxes (Cerdocyon thous) – can Sul Federal University (UFMS). ter nocturnal safaris to observe landscape-level changes in the A surprising result from the wildlife (initiated in 1996). The Pantanal affect their health? Can study was the numerous ocelot data collected by these citizen these changes, for example, alter individuals sightings registered scientists between 2005 and ecological interactions between in irrigated rice fields, which, 2018 showed the same trends hosts and parasites? previous to the study, were con- for ocelots observed during the To answer these questions, sidered inhospitable habitats for 2002-2004 UFMS study. new field activities with com- a forest associated species. In a After completing these stud- plementary objectives were little over a year during 103 noc- ies, the project began to focus launched. The ocelots popula- turnal wildlife surveys, there on new questions. Are the high tion size was estimated based were 81 records of ocelots (79%). numbers of ocelot sightings due on annual camera-trap samples Studies of their diet revealed to the presence of many individ- obtained at 45 to 60 locations that 80% of the items found in uals (i.e., a high density popula- distributed among the differ- ocelot feces were small rodent tion), or to repeated observations ent environments range on the remains. This led to the hypoth- of a few ocelots that are accli- ranch, including rice fields, live- esis that the rice fields were mated to humans presence? If stock areas and natural habitats. providing an abundant rodents the ocelots density is high in the Thanks to the unique fur coat 20 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
patterns of each ocelot – similar population size, such as survival, wild mammal species were re- to a “fingerprint” – it is possi- longevity, birth and mortality. corded. Only 5 species were re- ble to identify individuals from Preliminary project data sponsible for 70% of the records: camera-trap photos and esti- analyses show that the ocelots ocelot (591 images), marsh deer mate the animals total number population density is between (Blastocerus dichotomus, 551), in an area (population density) 29 and 66 individuals per 100 capybara (Hydrochoerus hydro- using mathematical models. In km² (10,000 hectares). This esti- chaeris, 470), jaguar (393) and addition, the same mathemati- mate is consistent with the hy- crab-eating fox (375). cal models can be used, for ex- pothesis that a large population More recently, live trapping ample, to examine relationships inhabits the study region. For was used to investigate the po- between differences in the num- future analyses, these estimates tential ocelot prey. The live traps ber of individuals registered in will be refined (to reduce uncer- were distributed among multi- different environments with the tainty in the results), and both ple locations in agricultural and number of available prey. the effect of prey abundance native habitat areas. The small Using the photos database and spatial variation among en- mammals captured were se- and direct observations ob- vironments will be evaluated. dated, measured, weighed and tained over the last 15 years, at In addition to information biological samples were collect- least 65 different ocelots were collected about ocelots, the ed. Small metallic earrings for identified in the study region, camera-trap data was used identification were also placed some over consecutive years. In to carry out a systematic sur- on the captured animals before they were released. Similar to the camera trap analyses, based on the number of captures and recaptures of different individ- uals and species, mathematical Most common ocelot prey: Chacoan marsh rat (side page left), agile gracile opossum (side page right) and gray Foto: Érica Gomes four-eyed opossum (left) fact, one of the females remained in the same area from vey of medium- to large-sized models were used to estimate 2006 until the most recent sur- mammals in the area, help- population densities and spe- vey in 2019. Long-term data like ing us understand how other cies abundances in the sam- these are very important and re- species use the available en- pling areas. quire continuous field sampling vironments. During two con- From a total sampling effort efforts. These data can be used to secutive years of camera-trap of 9,480 trap-nights, 314 individ- evaluate parameters other than monitoring, 3,400 photos of 26 uals from 9 species were regis- VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 21
tered. Two of the species stood 1.5% and 3%, that is, on average, 300 g), Azara’s agouti (Dasyproc- out in terms of abundance, rep- only 2 to 3 individuals are cap- ta azarae, 3 kg), the spotted paca resenting more than 55% of the tured per 100 traps. (Cuniculus paca, 7.5 kg), in addi- total registered individuals: the Although a number of the tion to ground birds, such as the Chacoan marsh rat (Holochilus small mammal species were undulated tinamou (Crypturellus chacarius) and the agile grac- registered in both the rice fields undulatus, 800 g) and the bare- ile opossum (Gracilinanus agi- and in native vegetation habitats, faced curassow (Crax fasciolata, lis). The other species registered the Chacoan marsh rat was more 3 kg), all of which were recorded were the mamore arboreal rice rat abundant in the rice fields, while frequently in camera traps. (Oecomys mamorae), the Cerra- the agile gracile opossum pre- For ocelot and other wildlife do climbing mouse (Rhipidomys dominated in native vegetation health investigations, field pro- macrurus), the hairy-tailed bolo habitats. So, the Chacoan marsh cedures included capturing and mouse (Necromys lasiurus), the rat is an ideal prey for ocelots in anesthetizing of medium-sized gray four-eyed opossum (Philan- rice fields due to their high avail- carnivores for biometric mea- der opossum), the Brazilian guin- ability (many individuals) and surements, clinical examina- ea pig (Cavia aperea), Agricola’s their size (average adult weight tions and biological samples gracile opossum (Cryptonanus between 115 g and 150 g). In na- collection, i.e., blood, hair and agricolai) and a rodent of the ge- tive habitat areas on the ranch, ticks. During the procedures, nus Cerradomys. a more varied diet of abundant captured animals were hydrated In some rice field plots, the lower-weight small mammals and allowed to recover from an- live-trap capture success rate was available: about 30 g for the esthetic effects in shaded traps. reached 11%, meaning that for agile gracile opossum and 70 g After complete recovery, they every 100 traps placed daily, 11 for the mamore arboreal rice rat. were released at the same site animals were captured! For com- In these native areas, other spe- where they were captured. Of 13 parison, in the Atlantic Forest, cies may be preyed upon more captured ocelots, four were adult the capture rate for small mam- frequently, such as the gray four- males (average weight: 12.3 kg) mals typically varies between eyed opossum (average weight and seven were adult females HEALTH ISSUES Most of the ocelots and crab-eating foxes cap- evaluated. On average, ocelots were infected by 6.7 tured for biomedical collections by the Ocelot Project hemoparasites per animal. Crab-eating foxes infec- presented clinical symptoms, such as dehydration, tions were lower at 4.3 hemoparasites per animal. anemia and low body scores (i.e., a fat and muscles Among the hemoparasites detected, it is worth evaluation indicating an animal’s energy reserves). highlighting those with significant health implica- Fourteen of the 20 hemoparasites investigated were tions – for wildlife, domestic animals or humans – detected in one individual animal, and at least two of such as the rabies virus and the bacteria that causes the parasites were detected in all other individuals leptospirosis (whose main urban hosts are rodents). 22 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
(9.4 kg). A large female cub and tact between parasites and hosts on assessing the agrochemical a young nearly-adult male were may be increased due to the rice exposure and prey species para- also caught. Among the 12 cr- fields – both for prey and pred- sites effects. Field activities will ab-eating foxes captured, there ators, potentially increasing the also continue with felines using were 5 adults (3 males with an parasite transmission rate. GPS collars annual monitoring. average weight of 9.4 kg and 2 These factors may explain Focused on ocelots and small females with an average weight the poor health conditions ob- mammals populations, the GPS of 6.3 kg), four sub-adults (3 served for many captured ani- collar monitoring will provide males and 1 female) and 3 kits (2 mals, but further investigations more in-depth information on males and 1 female). are needed. For example, a rel- range use. Next steps for the For the captured carnivores, evant factor to consider is the Ocelot Project will depend not 20 parasites that circulate in the agrochemicals use, a common only on essential continued sup- bloodstream (hemoparasites) practice in many agricultural port from the partner ranch, but were investigated using specif- areas. These products can weak- also on establishment of new ic tests. The parasites included en immunity in exposed indi- partnerships that advance re- species of public health impor- viduals, and therefore have the search efforts. tance, e.g., the causative agents potential to negatively affect The project expects to in- of leptospirosis and leishman- the animals health in the study crease knowledge about the iasis, as well as others, such as region. The risk is even great- investigated wildlife, providing the rabies virus that represents er for carnivores like the ocelot important information that can a threat to species conserva- whose exposure increases in- be applied by public and pri- tion. On one hand, rice cultiva- directly through consumption vate sector decision makers to tion appears to favor the ocelots of prey species that are also ex- improve production areas man- maintenance and abundance, posed to the agrochemicals (i.e., agement. The aim is to reconcile due to the small rodents large bioaccumulation). The Ocelot agricultural production goals population in the fields. On the Project will continue to investi- with the Pantanal’s precious other hand, it appears that con- gate wildlife health with a focus biodiversity conservation. All the carnivores evaluated showed positive, lence and titers were high, with about 70% of but low titer, serological test results for rabies. individuals positive. Important leptospirosis These results indicated exposure to the virus symptoms are related to renal dysfunction, and without clinical rabies manifestations, since eight of the seropositive animals showed al- several of the sampled animals were recorded tered values of urea and/or creatinine, indicating by camera traps more than 120 days after par- kidney function problems. These health issues asite collections (120 days being the maximum deserve greater attention. Analyses should be survival period for an animal with clinical rabies expanded and refined with the aim of guiding manifestations). possible initiatives that help maintain the hu- With respect to Leptospira sp., both preva- mans, domestic animals and wildlife health. VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 23
sustainability NATURAL PRODUCTS COMMERCIALIZED CONSCIENTIOUSLY Sustainable Business Photo: Wetlands International Development in the Pantanal values people, their knowledge and customs BY CYNTIA CAVALCANTE SANTOS, RAFAELA DANIELLI NICOLA, ÁUREA DA SILVA GARCIA Small-scale tourism favors AND JULIO FRANCISCO ALVES FERNANDES low-impact activities Sustainable businesses are international) dimensions. In this guá) among other non-indigenous reaching niche markets more and manner, sustainable businesses people, such as riverine and qui- more, driven by a society that is will value people, their knowl- lombola communities. Through- increasingly attentive and will- edge and customs. out the occupation history, all of ing to opt for sustainable products The Pantanal is the largest these communities have contrib- consumption. Despite continual contiguous continental wetland uted to the wealth of knowledge challenges, there are efforts being on the planet and, on its own, still that exists about plants, animals advanced by legal bodies that are maintains large well-conserved and the natural flooding regime, having impacts through adaptive areas and healthy ecological in- as well as to knowledge about planning and management in- teractions, enabling the develop- their own community dynamics, corporation into human (sustain- ment of a variety of sustainable i.e., cultural diversity, customs and able business) activities. products and services. However, traditions passed down over sev- In addition to concerns about to create truly sustainable busi- eral generations. Although these natural resources management, nesses and markets for the prod- communities also influence the discussions on sustainability ucts and services, collective ef- Pantanal landscape, for the most should include a society’s prob- forts are needed. part, they coexist harmoniously lems holistic view. Beyond the The human presence in the with the region’s biodiversity. environmental, economic and Pantanal – registered since the Geographically, the Brazilian social factors tripod, other com- 16th century – includes several Pantanal encompasses 23 mu- plementary aspects to consider ethnic indigenous groups (Guai- nicipalities in two states: Mato include: cultural, ecological, ter- kuru, Kadiwéu, Aruak, Guarani, Grosso (MT) and Mato Grosso do ritorial and political (national and Guató, Meridional Kaiapó, Paya- Sul (MS). The principal economic 24 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL VOLUME 06 | 2021
activities include cattle ranching, outside the region. Another prod- associated with these programs is fishing, tourism and mining. On uct that is becoming more widely linked to educational background the highlands that border the Pan- available is meat from the Pantanal and greater awareness on the con- tanal floodplain, the predominant caiman (Caiman yacare) that is sumers part. However, to achieve activity is ongoing large-scale marketed by two businesses with success, these efforts will need to cattle ranching and agricultural sustainable caiman harvesting provide additional support for pro- operations expansion. However, systems in the Corumbá (MS) and ducers in order to create a steady small-scale economic activities Cáceres (MT) municipalities. demand for the products and set are also gaining ground, mainly Commercializing honey from final costs (because comparisons due to tourism, as is the case with the Pantanal is also being consid- between organic and conventional the sale indigenous handicrafts ered as a diversifying production products have a strong influence on and regional foods. means. It stands out as a sustain- consumer decisions). On varying sizes rural prop- able activity due to the wild plants Product certification efforts en- erties, efforts are being made species variety that are visited by courage increased production and to organize and review current native bees and for being free from provide opportunities for producers practices with the aim of finding agrochemical contamination, as to obtain eco-friendly (sustainabil- alternatives that increase produc- pesticide exposed crops are gener- ity) product labels, which are im- tivity while reducing impacts on ally grown outside of the Pantanal. portant for guaranteeing access to natural environments. Focusing Since 2015 in the southern Pan- niche markets. By developing prod- on cattle ranching, for example, tanal, a certification has been used uct certifications for organic and producers are trying to optimize to differentiate locally produced sustainable production, new more natural forage resources while honey: an indication of origin is efficient forms of using renew- taking environmental limits, bio- provided by the Instituto Industrial able natural resources will emerge, diversity maintenance and Pan- Property National Institute (INPI) creating opportunities to improve tanal ecosystem resilience into based on regulations established sustainability across entire supply consideration. The main objective by researchers, beekeepers and chains, e.g., during the phases that is to increase the production sys- beekeeping associations. occur on Pantanal properties, such tems sustainability, either through Although very recent, projects as adopting best practices for live- monetization strategies, origin rec- using organic and sustainable al- stock management and ecotourism. ognition or through the creation of ternatives are attempting to recon- Due to the unique characteris- eco-friendly (sustainability) labels cile the productivity maintenance tics of the Pantanal, development of that increase a product or service with natural environments protec- sustainable products and services profitability. tion. Most of the projects originate will require a dynamic process of With respect to local com- from partnerships between private planning and promotion of best merce, many fruits and seeds stand initiatives and civil society organi- production practices, as well as on- out, such as coconuts of the “bo- zations. These partnerships have going monitoring and evaluation at caiuva”, “buriti” and “acuri” palms. developed out of a growing interest each stage of the process. From en- Some fruits, such as “guavira” and reflected in public policies and eco- vironmental, economic and social “jatobá”, are commonly found at nomic development programs that points of view, this is the best way organic product fairs, even reach- are facilitating the new arrange- to guarantee effective development ing niche markets in larger cities ments. The products consumption of sustainable production. VOLUME 06 | 2021 CIÊNCIA PANTANAL 25
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