Panorama - Die Fondsplattform

Page created by Marc Chen
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                                                         For marketing purposes
                                                         For global professional /
                                                         qualified / institutional clients
                                                         and investors and US retail
                                                         clients and investors.

Mid-Year 2021 | UBS Asset Management

Economy in recovery
06       18
      2021’s five
      #trending topics
                         Does the
                         future belong
                         to Asia?
                                         Hedge funds:
                                         here to stay   28      The value of a
                                                                green transition
Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
In this edition of Panorama, our
senior asset class and asset allocation                                                                  Contents
experts assess the potential
challenges and opportunities                                                                             3       Introduction: A shifting momentum
investors face amid rising inflation.                                                                            Reflections on 2021 so far

The following pages offer distinct                                                                       6	2021’s five #trending topics
viewpoints and investment insights                                                                       	Macroeconomic overview focusing on the
across our global capabilities, to help                                                                     outlook for procyclical positions
meet your investment challenges.
                                                                                                         12 The five-year market perspective
For additional content and                                                                               	A forward look at global stock return potential
previous editions of Panorama,                                                                              over a five-year time horizon
including videos and additional
in-depth investment insight,                                                                             18 Does the future belong to Asia?
visit                                                                                   	The rising importance of Asia in the world
or scan the below QR code.                                                                                  economy.

                                                                                                         24      Hedge funds: here to stay
                                                                     For marketing purposes
                                                                     For global professional /

                                                                                                                 Key drivers of the attractive alpha environment
                                                                     qualified / institutional clients
                                                                     and investors and US retail
                                                                     clients and investors.

 Investing in 2021 | UBS Asset Management

                                                                                                         28 The value of a green transition
                                                                                                         	How can companies be seeking out greener

                                                                                                         32      Why UBS Asset Management
 Reframing the future

      |              14
                          |                   22
                                                   |                 40
          The road            Dividends for            The trends                   Seizing
          back to             yield-thirsty            suppressing                  Artificial
          normal              investors                bond yields                  Intelligence

Publishing information: Panorama is released
bi-annually by UBS Asset Management
Editorial deadline: June 2021

Editor-in-chief: Claire Evans

Editors: Sarah Gill, Lavonne Kuykendall
and Spencer Sheehan

Design: UBS Asset Management
Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
Barry Gill
                                           Head of Investments

                                                                   ...the pandemic has awoken
                                                                   in all of us a respect for how
                                                                   fragile our society and
                                                                   planet are...

A shifting
What a difference a year makes!            The net result of this swing in emotion is      Additionally, the pandemic has awoken
                                           that the S&P 500, the Euro Stoxx and            in all of us a respect for how fragile our
In 12 months, the mood of the markets      the MSCI Emerging Markets Index have            society and planet are, and how they
has swung from one of fear and             all appreciated at least a third1, industrial   must be protected; it has focused
pessimism to one of unbridled optimism.    metals have almost doubled in price,            investors’ minds on the extremity of the
Despite my many years in this business I   while US Treasury yields have backed up         economic and demographic imbalances
never cease to be surprised by how the     75 basis points and the US Dollar has           in the West that have arisen through
market’s perception of the long-term       weakened significantly.1                        globalization, and on the environmental
volatility of corporate cashflows is                                                       damage caused by our relentless
completely out of kilter with reality.     Now, unsurprisingly, it is time for the         adherence to GDP growth as a
                                           market to worry about a new set of              barometer of progress.
But I should not complain, and am not      risks, like whether the current inflation
complaining, because it is this            trends are cyclical or structural; how          Rather than being a casualty of the
phenomenon that presents a recurring,      society is going to pay for all the             pandemic, sustainable investing has
rich seam of opportunities to be mined     stimulus of the last year; and how the          become more embedded than ever.
by patient capital.                        world’s two largest economic powers
                                           plan to coexist.

    Source: Bloomberg, June 2021

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
Are we now in a world where the
concept of investing in emerging
markets is broken, given that Asia is
becoming so investible on its own?

                    In our mid-year edition of Panorama,         Finally, consistent with our focus on
                    we take stock of the various dynamics        sustainable investing, we preview a
                    influencing the markets today and            white paper our data science team,
                    evaluate what that means for our             QED, and Bruno Bertocci, Head of the
                    long-term asset return assumptions.          Global Sustainable Equities team, are
                                                                 collaborating on. In it we explore a
                    We take a deep dive into the Asian           concrete way for companies and clients
                    economy and the investment                   to model the cost of their carbon
                    opportunities arising across asset classes   footprint in their capital allocation and
                    from the growth of China and its             valuation frameworks. It will also
                    ever-increasing relevance to the welfare     provide the quantifiable basis for how
                    of its major Asian trading partners. Are     we engage with companies on this topic
                    we now in a world where the concept          on behalf of our investors.
                    of investing in emerging markets is
                    broken, given that Asia is becoming so       I hope you find our mid-year update
                    investible on its own?                       both informative and provocative as you
                                                                 navigate markets. Please don’t hesitate
                    Then we move on to a discussion of why       to contact your UBS Asset Management
                    we believe the time is right for investors   partner should you seek further insight.
                    to increase their allocations to hedge
                    funds. Hedge funds have largely been         We look forward to our continued
                    left behind in last decade’s reallocation    partnership with you throughout the
                    towards alternatives, but with asset         next year.
                    prices in aggregate so high the time is
                    likely right to focus on alpha as a driver
                    of return as opposed to just beta, which
                    has been such a powerful prevailing
                    wind for so long.

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
2021’s five
#trending topics
Global macroeconomic and tactical asset allocation outlook

                              We came into 2021 with a broadly positive outlook for
                              the global economy as we progress towards a more
                              durable, comprehensive reopening. So what does this
         Evan Brown
         Head of Multi-
                              mean for procyclical positions across asset classes that
         Asset Strategy,      have served us well so far this year?

                              We expect a choppier environment for          banks have already been aggressively
                              equities at the headline level, which tends   raising rates and are poised to continue
                              to happen in the second year of a new         doing so. This development may foster
                              bull market. We believe that the equity       more volatility in relative value procyclical
                              risk premium is near the floor of the         positions across asset classes. Robust
                              previous cycle, which may cap near-term       activity and lingering upside inflation risks
         Ryan Primmer         upside in stocks as policy risks start to     should lead to higher yields over time.
         Head of Investment   become more two-sided. The recent
                              hawkish turn by the Federal Reserve           Against this backdrop, we pose five key
                              threatens to undo some of the weakness        questions that could dictate absolute
                              in the US dollar year-to-date, though         and relative performance across asset
                              there may still be areas of                   classes in the second half of the year,
                              outperformance in emerging market             and look at how this informs our current
                              currencies of countries where central         positioning.

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
Inflection points in growth are not
                                                   expected to be synchronous, so we
                                                   believe investors should migrate towards
                                                   earlier-cycle environments, such as Japan
                                                   or specific emerging market countries.

1     Should investors embrace
      equity market beta, or the
relative equity positions that
                                                   term, but ultimately remain intact in the
                                                   back half of 2021. What is also different
                                                   is that we have a more rangebound
                                                                                                significant overweight stance on equity
                                                                                                beta. Inflection points in growth are not
                                                                                                expected to be synchronous, so we
worked in the first half of the year?              outlook for equities at the index level      believe investors should migrate
The common thread running through                  after robust gains during the first six      towards earlier-cycle environments, such
equity markets in the first half of the            months of the year.                          as Japan or specific emerging market
year saw stocks levered to strength in                                                          countries. Global growth is poised to
real economic activity outperform, while           There are times to run higher levels of      peak, but we expect the expansion to
more defensive or secular growth stocks            risk, and times to run lower levels. In      remain robust thereafter. Near-term
struggled. We believe that this theme is           the near term, we believe the latter is      volatility may provide windows of
likely to experience more challenges and           more appropriate. We prefer procyclical      opportunities to selectively add to some
two-way moves, particularly in the near            relative value positions compared to a       early-cycle positions.

After strong value outperformance, cyclically-oriented regions may have more room to run
              MSCI World Enhanced Value (USD)          Euro Stoxx 600 (USD)            MSCI Japan (USD)




     Nov 20             Dec 20            Jan 21            Feb 21            Mar 21            Apr 21          May 21

Source: UBS Asset Management, Bloomberg, May 2021

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
2      How does a hawkish pivot from
       the Federal Reserve change the
outlook for the second half?
                                              However, it is important to appreciate
                                              the context in which monetary stimulus
                                              might start to be removed. The US
                                                                                           3     How will recently discussed and
                                                                                                 upcoming legislation from the
                                                                                           US Congress affect markets?
At its June meeting, Fed officials            central bank has more faith in the           The US is likely to pass additional fiscal
signaled that it may be appropriate to        economic recovery – which is ultimately      stimulus in 2021 that includes both
raise rates twice in 2023 – up from           what will be needed to deliver               physical and social infrastructure – but
expectations that rates would stay at         continued earnings growth. In addition,      also tax hikes. This is the crucial
zero through that year. This glide path       the central bank is looking to curtail the   implication for financial markets: fiscal
was more hawkish than anticipated. We         kind of right-tail inflation risks that      policy risks stateside are now two-sided.
believe this marks a transformation           could prove disruptive to the expansion,
from the Federal Reserve acting               risk assets, and common portfolio            There is a tentative bipartisan
primarily to suppress market volatility, as   structures. So too must this shift by the    agreement in the Senate to boost
was the case throughout the COVID-19          Federal Reserve be balanced against          spending on physical infrastructure by
crisis, to being more of a source of          other underlying economic trends,            USD 579 billion, without any new taxes.
market volatility.                            chiefly the upward convergence of            If passed, the bill is likely to be signed by
                                              global activity with that of the US.         the White House in the third quarter.
Monetary support has been critical in
underpinning equity valuations. Now,          In the short term, the Federal Reserve’s     Congressional Democrat leaders have
investors may have to grapple with the        decision may elicit a meaningful reversal    made statements indicating that they
prospect of a withdrawal of                   in particularly buoyant and vulnerable       are planning on advancing a separate
accommodation sooner than had                 pockets of reflation trades. But over        bill through the reconciliation process
previously been anticipated. Going            time, particularly if US inflationary        on a parallel track. Their aim, in our
forward, the underlying moves in the          pressures begin to subside, the strong,      view, is to make sure that policy
bond market will be crucial to setting        broadening global economic recovery          priorities such as social and green
the tone for other asset classes.             should emerge as the dominant driver         infrastructure are more fully addressed
Continued upward pressure on real             of absolute and relative performance         ahead of the midterm elections in 2022.
yields, with breakevens moving lower, is      across asset classes. And if US              This second bill is unlikely to be passed
not a constructive combination for risk       inflationary pressures begin to subside      until the fourth quarter.
assets like equities, credit spreads, and     in the second half, as we anticipate, this
commodities.                                  likely reduces the likelihood that           A lesson from earlier rounds of stimulus
                                              additional hawkish Fed surprises will be     passed in 2021 is to not underestimate
                                              in the offing.                               the eventual size of the total spending

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
and revenue-raising measures in a          The corporate tax rate is likely to           EU recovery fund – and the high
second bill that has only Democratic       increase to at least 25%, but will remain     likelihood that restrictions on
support. Constraints on the size of this   well below levels that prevailed prior to     government deficits will once again be
spending, as well as tax increases, will   the 2017 Trump tax cuts. The key point        suspended. Plans from European
be set by more centrist senators from      is that the net effect of this package will   governments indicate that fiscal
the Democratic Party as opposed to         be a reduction in the after-tax earning       consolidation will be modest thereafter.
Republicans. However, some of the          power of US companies. This supports
potential line items are more              our preference for ex-US developed            The German election in late September
controversial than spending on physical    market equities.                              looms large as a catalyst for European
infrastructure. This may result in the                                                   assets. In the near term, political risks in
cumulative spending in the two bills       In addition, Democrats are likely to          Europe (and in particular Germany) are
rather than under an alternative           include some revenue-raising measures         two-sided but asymmetrically skewed
scenario in which only one                 that have a negative impact on                towards a more permissive stance
infrastructure bill is passed with only    multinational firms and mega-cap              regarding government deficits, higher
Democratic support. If the bipartisan      technology companies. All else equal,         public investment, and more economic
deal falls apart, we would expect          this should be a headwind for US              integration.
Democrats to quickly pivot to doing one    growth stocks.
big package through reconciliation.                                                      As such, the persistent valuation

Attempts to raise revenues are likely to
face much stiffer opposition than any of
                                           4     Can Europe avoid repeating the
                                                 policy mistakes of last cycle?
                                           We expect to see Europe clear this very
                                                                                         headwinds for European assets during
                                                                                         the pre-COVID cycle are well-positioned
                                                                                         to turn to tailwinds during this expansion,
the expenditures. If there ends up being   low bar with ease: in our view, there         in our view. Right now, earnings for
two bills, we would expect the second      will be no abrupt lurch towards fiscal        European companies are poised to grow
to include approximately USD 2 trillion    austerity, and the European Central           faster than those of their US counterparts
in additional spending somewhat offset     Bank is not expected to hike rates amid       despite slower economic growth in
by up to USD 1.5 trillion in corporate,    a temporary bout of inflation.                Europe vs. the US.
personal income, and capital gains
taxes. This spending will be spread out    The eurozone is relatively unique in that     We are closely watching the results of
over a period of many years, so the        growth is not likely to decelerate from       the German election and the longevity
more timely consideration for markets      2021 to 2022. This is partially               of the bounce back in business
are the tax changes. In our view,          attributable to the delayed services          investment to judge whether both the
investors have not displayed much          recovery, but also a testament to the         public and private sector outlooks
concern about the prospect of higher       anticipated capital spending resurgence       continue to support the outperformance
taxes, and this should change.             as well as enhanced support from the          of European assets.

Panorama - Die Fondsplattform
Other procyclical trades like emerging
                                                                                 market currencies and the S&P 500
                                                                                 equal weight vs. market cap have
                                                                                 proceeded to fresh cycle highs.

5        Does the deceleration in
         Chinese credit growth
   jeopardize procyclical positions?
                                                                                  Nominal GDP growth in China is
                                                                                  strengthening even as total social
                                                                                  financing softens. Reopening is allowing
                                                                                                                             What is different this time: the large
                                                                                                                             stock of global fiscal stimulus that
                                                                                                                             underpins global trade, the supply chain
   The moderation in Chinese credit                                               for a steady pickup in consumer            struggles that should prolong early-
   growth is the chief identifiable risk on                                       spending, the rebound in industrial        cycle dynamics in goods sectors, EM
   the macro horizon. Based on investors’                                         profits supports capital expenditures,     central banks are turning more hawkish,
   muscle memory from the pre-pandemic                                            and the robust backdrop for external       and years of underinvestment is
   expansion, this threatens to introduce                                         demand buoys Chinese exports.              fostering shortages across many
   volatility that challenges procyclical                                                                                    commodity markets. These factors
   positioning, particularly in emerging                                          Markets are already expressing a more      create a more supportive outlook for
   market assets.                                                                 nuanced view on the ramifications of       procyclical positions, including EM
                                                                                  fading Chinese growth leadership.          currencies, though such trades face an
   Ultimately, we believe this risk will be                                       Global companies with exposure to          additional headwind in the near term
   overcome by the broader suite of                                               China peaked in January. Other             due to the Fed’s more hawkish tilt.
   tailwinds for global activity and the                                          procyclical trades like emerging market
   relatively modest nature of Chinese                                            currencies and the S&P 500 equal
   policy tightening.                                                             weight vs. market cap have proceeded
                                                                                  to fresh cycle highs.

  China concerns not weighing on broad procyclical positioning
                                             MSCI World China Sensitive vs MSCI World
                                             S&P500 equal weight vs. market cap
                                             Bloomberg FX Carry Index for 8 EM Currencies

Percent change since Dec 31, 2020






                                    Dec 20                     Jan 21                       Feb 21              Mar 21                 Apr 21                 May 21

  Source: UBS Asset Management, Bloomberg, Percent change May 31 2021

Overall signal =
Traditional asset classes and currencies – as of June 2021
                                                                                                                          Negative                Positive
               signal           Unattractive                                      Neutral                                            Attractive

  Equities                                     Switzerland                                                        Eurozone
                                                                               EM ex China

                                               US Infl-linked
                                                                               EZ (Non-core)
     Rates                 EZ (Core)                UK                                                            EMD LC               China sovereign

                                                                                                               US High Yield
                                                                               EU Inv Grade
    Credit                                     US Inv Grade                                                    EU High Yield
                                                                                 EMD USD
                                                                                                                 Asia credit

                                                   USD                             CAD
Currencies                   AUD                                                                                Latin America
                                                   CHF                       EM Asia ex-China

Source: UBS Asset Management’s Investment Solutions Macro Asset Allocation Strategy team as at June 21 2021. Views are provided on the basis of a
3–12 month investment horizon, are not necessarily reflective of actual portfolio positioning and are subject to change.
The five-year
market perspective
Longer-term stock return potential

                            We explore four different growth-inflation scenarios and
                            the potential impact on traditional portfolios. The results
                            underscore the importance of alternative assets as a
                            portfolio diversifier.
          Louis D. Finney
          Co-Head of
          Strategic Asset
          Allocation        Our Investment Solutions team provides     Changes in the macro environment
          Modeling          estimates of capital market returns        Our inflation estimates have moved up
                            across a wide array of asset classes and   slightly, though not as dramatically as
                            from multiple currency perspectives        changes in breakeven rates imply.
                            with a focus on our five-year baseline     Although we see short-run inflationary
                            expected geometric returns.                pressures, we expect central banks to
                                                                       be successful in controlling inflation. We
                            Although the recovery has at times         tend to side with the Fed that this is a
                            sputtered, we estimate that pent-up        temporary spike in inflation and that the
                            demand, highly accommodative               deflationary forces of technology and a
                            government policies, newfound              high degree of substitution will keep
                            productivity from working from home        sustained inflation in check.
                            and reshuffling of workers into more
                            productive activities should keep          The global 60/40 approach continued to
                            growth in the 2.0% range.                  have solid returns. A 60% MSCI ACWI
                                                                       unhedged and 40% Bloomberg Barclays

China continues to have a different
                                                  business and market cycle than the
                                                  rest of the world.

Global Aggregate hedged return 31.2%              continues to have a different business      Although cash rates barely budged,
in the past year and 9.8% over last five          and market cycle than the rest of the       government bond yields in developed
years. However, on a forward looking              world. The correlation of Chinese           markets moved up anywhere from 8 bps
basis, we have lowered our return                 equities with the S&P 500 (local to local   (Japan) to 89 bps (Canada). The emerging
expectations.2                                    currency) was 0.03 over the past year. In   markets also saw a substantial increase in
                                                  fixed income, Chinese government            yields. China is one outlier, with their
We expect the stock-bond correlation to           bonds continue to have a low correlation    benchmark 10-year government bond
continue to be negative, though the               with other government bond markets,         yield declining by 9 bps.5
relationship has weakened a bit and is            despite the recent deceleration in
vulnerable to a reversal with a breakout          Chinese credit growth.3                     In general, with the US dollar getting
of inflation and possible Fed interest                                                        closer to fair value, we see limited gains
rate hikes.                                       With equities rallying 14.2%4 from          from currency exposure for unhedged
                                                  November through April, valuations          non-USD assets in USD terms.
We view China as unique: neither a                have become even more stretched and         Conversely, we see smaller losses for
developed nor an emerging market, it              will require extraordinary earnings         foreign investors investing in
continues to offer unique diversification         growth and continued low rates to be        USD‑denominated assets.
benefits for global investors. China              justified.

  Data from Macrobond, calculation by UBS Asset Management. Data as of 30 April 2021.
  Data from Morningstar, calculation by UBS Asset Management. Data as of 30 April 2021.
  MSCI AWCI in USD from 30 Nov 2020 to 30 April 2021 (five months).
  Data from Morningstar, Macrobond, calculation by UBS Asset Management.

Inflation and capital market                                       Short-term measures of inflation have            For example, the 5-year breakeven
 expectations: Four scenarios                                       risen sharply in the past few months.            Inflation rate, the difference between
 One of the biggest market concerns is a                            Back in November breakeven rates were            nominal Treasury and inflation-adjusted
 sustained bout of inflation. For at least a                        around the average inflation rate for the        real Treasury yields as measured in the
 decade, global inflation has missed                                last dozen years (1.7%). But in 2021             TIPS market, is 2.6% while the 10-year
 central bank targets6. Heightened                                  inflation has shot up 70 to 90 basis             is 2.4%.
 concern is warranted, as a flood of debt                           points to hover around 2.6% for the US.
 issuance that can’t be absorbed in the                                                                              And the 1-3 TIPS sector compared with
 market may ultimately cause inflation. It                          One interesting recent development is            the 1-3 Treasury sector indicates a 2.8%
 can be argued that we already see this                             that shorter-term measures of expected           inflation rate.
 in asset prices and now the real                                   inflation are higher than longer-term
 economy is catching up to this.                                    measures.

 US breakeven inflation: 2009–April 2021
                                       5-year breakeven      10-year breakeven

Breakeven inflation rate (%)





                                2009      2010        2011   2012       2013      2014         2015         2016        2017         2018         2019           2020

 Source: Macrobond,UBS Asset Management. Data as of 31 May 2021.

                For example, since 2009, the Fed has targeted 2.0% inflation on a Core PCE basis. However, Core PCE has averaged about 1.6% over this period.
                The ‘headline’ inflation figure (CPI-U All Items) has been a bit higher at 1.8%.

We explore four different inflation              1. Growth inflation: strong growth and            When analyzing scenarios, we combine
scenarios. In each of these scenarios we            high inflation                                 growth and inflation to produce
are assuming a continuation of growth            2. Baseline: moderate growth and                  nominal growth rates. We project that
and above-average inflation in the                  moderate inflation                             nominal growth could be as high as
second half of 2021.                             3. Stagflation scenario: low growth and           6.3% and as low as 3.0%. However, we
                                                    high inflation                                 ultimately want to judge returns in real
Thus, the negative and positive effects          4. Stagnation: recession in late 2022             terms and significant differences in
begin to show themselves in early 2022.             followed by low growth and low                 inflation can cause a notable difference
                                                    inflation                                      between the nominal and real results.

5-year scenario analysis

Scenario                                                  Nominal rate                         Real growth                        Inflation

1. Inflationary growth                                             6.3%                                3.1%                           3.1%

2. Base                                                            4.6%                                2.4%                           2.1%

3. Stagflation                                                     4.7%                                1.5%                           3.1%

4. Stagnation                                                      3.0%                                1.5%                           1.5%

20-yr average current (2021)                                       3.8%                                1.9%                           2.1%

20-year average 2001                                               6.2%                                3.3%                           3.5%

20-year average 1981                                               9.1%                                3.9%                           5.6%

Source: UBS Asset Management. Data as of 30 April 2021. Inflation expectations are set by UBS Asset Management.

Projected annualised 5-year returns through June 2026
                         Nominal terms                                 Real terms                                 Range

                                 1.        2.           3.        4.           1.       2.         3.        4.   Nominal      Real
                         Inflation       Base       Stag-     Stag-    Inflation      Base     Stag-     Stag-
                          growth                  flation    nation     growth               flation    nation

US Large Cap Equity           7.7%       3.9%       0.2%      0.2%         4.4%       1.9%    -2.9%      -1.2%       7.5%     7.2%

1-3 yr Treasury              0.4%        0.2%        0.1%     0.1%        -2.7%      -1.8%    -2.9%      -1.3%       0.2%     1.6%

1-3 yr TIPS                  0.9%       -0.3%       0.6%     -0.3%        -2.2%      -2.3%    -2.4%      -1.8%       1.2%     0.6%

1-3 yr Credit                0.7%        0.5%       0.5%      0.5%        -2.4%      -1.5%    -2.6%      -1.0%       0.2%     1.6%

10-yr Treasury              -0.4%        1.1%        0.1%     1.6%        -3.4%      -1.0%    -2.9%      0.1%        2.0%     3.5%

10-yr TIPS                   0.7%        0.0%       1.4%     -0.3%        -2.3%      -2.0%    -1.6%      -1.7%       1.7%     0.7%

US Inv Grade Credit          0.2%        1.3%       0.3%      1.4%        -2.8%      -0.8%    -2.8%      -0.1%       1.1%     2.7%

US High Yield Credit         2.2%        1.7%        1.1%     1.5%        -0.9%      -0.4%    -2.0%      0.0%        1.1%     2.0%

Commodities                  5.3%        2.0%       4.8%      -1.8%        2.1%       0.0%     1.6%     -3.2%        7.0%     5.3%

Gold                         2.0%        2.0%       4.5%      1.0%         -1.1%      0.0%     1.4%     -0.5%        3.6%     2.5%

Cash                         1.4%        0.7%        0.1%     0.0%        -1.7%      -1.3%    -2.9%      -1.4%       1.4%     1.6%

Inflation                     3.1%       2.1%        3.1%     1.5%

Source: UBS Asset Management. Data as of 30 April 2021.

When we look at real returns across              Portfolios invested entirely in equities    brightest days may be behind them, but
these four scenarios, we find no asset           and fixed income have no place to hide      steady returns with some ability to
class generates a positive real return           if inflation were to jump to the 3.0%+      ratchet up income as inflation increases
across all scenarios, and fixed income is        range for an extended period.               should do better than fixed income and
locked into negative real returns in                                                         rival US equity returns in all scenarios,
almost all scenarios.                            Alternatives offer a potential source of    though stagflation would clearly be
                                                 protection. Like equities, real estate’s    the worst.

We expect alternatives to suffer the least
as commodities, gold and real estate
gain relative to other asset classes.

Forward looking expectations                 When it comes to asset returns and            inflation should benefit real estate,
Our expected returns for equities –          inflation, we see that the market is little   while a Stagflation outcome would
especially US equities – are the lowest in   prepared for a big breakout. In the short     probably be very positive for gold.
years. Pockets of equities outside the US    run there is no place to hide from            Commodities would probably be one of
offer more compelling returns.               negative real returns.                        the drivers in inflation and clearly should
Offsetting this is an increase in                                                          do better in an inflationary growth
government bond yields, though this          We expect alternatives to suffer the          environment.
has stabilized in the last couple of         least as commodities, gold and real
months.                                      estate gain relative to other asset           In short, the market opportunities to
                                             classes. Again, the backdrop to the type      truly profit from inflation are few.
                                             of inflation is important. Growth

Does the future
belong to Asia?
Asia’s rising importance in the world economy

                                With rising incomes and an ever-increasing population,
                                Asia’s rising importance in the world economy is
                                becoming even clearer. But what are the key drivers to
         Geoffrey Wong
                                stronger Asian economies and what is setting it apart
         Head of Emerging       from its emerging market peers?
         Markets and Asia
         Pacific Equities

                                If we look at Asian companies, what we          believe the steepening yield curve is
                                see is pretty good health, there’s no           signaling stronger US economic growth
                                buildup of excess capacity, and cash as a       which has generally been positive for
                                percentage of assets is at a historical high.   Asian equities. So we’re not too
         Hayden Briscoe         Similarly, debt is near a historical low.       concerned about rising rates at the
         Head of Emerging                                                       long end.
         Markets and Asia
                                A steepening yield curve may be
         Pacific Fixed Income
                                good for Asia                                   Looking at valuations, no asset class is
                                Recently there’s been some fear about           cheap, but when we look cross-
                                rising bond yields. Historically, there’s       sectionally at Asian equities, it is one of
         Vivien Ng
         Equity Specialist      been a rather loose correlation between         the cheaper of the major asset classes.
         Global Emerging        the equity index and the yield curve. We
         Markets and Asia
         Pacific Equities

US yield spread vs MSCI Asia ex Japan index
            Spread between US 10Y and 3M Treasury yield (lhs)        MSCI AxJ Index (rhs)
4                                                                                                                                   1000

3                                                                                                                                   800

2                                                                                                                                   600

1                                                                                                                                   400

0                                                                                                                                   200

-1                                                                                                                                  0
    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Source: Factset, as at 31 May 2021

Secular growth drivers are key for                   E-commerce                                Growth of financial services
long-term investors                                  Digital transformation is taking place    When Asian economies develop, credit
When looking at fundamentals, we                     and e-commerce penetration is             markets will likely grow faster than GDP,
believe specific themes will provide                 increasing. Some Asian countries, like    opening opportunities for banks to take
secular growth drivers for some                      India and Indonesia, have low             market share.
companies in Asia, including:                        penetration, but we expect they will
                                                     catch up.
Changing consumer patterns
As consumers become more affluent,                   Innovation
consumption patterns are moving from                 Asian companies are innovating – filing
basic functional brands to premium                   more patents than in the US and Europe
brands.                                              combined in 20207 – and they are
                                                     spending more on R&D than companies
                                                     in the US and Europe8.

    Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, October 2020
    Source: R&D World, March 2020

Asia small caps offer opportunities
Looking deeper into Asia, we believe the small cap space may offer investors profitable opportunities, and here are four specific
reasons why:

Higher alpha opportunity                                          Higher growth
As small and mid cap companies are under researched,              Through smaller companies, we believe investors can
this creates more opportunities for investors to                  invest in structural themes at an earlier stage and
outperform by exploiting knowledge inefficiencies.                benefit from a longer runway of growth.

Diversification                                                   Better focus
The Asia small cap universe is larger and more                    Large cap companies tend to be spread across different
diversified than the large cap space, thus offering               business lines while small cap companies can be more
valuable diversification benefits.                                focused on specific areas.

Asia: the place to be for global bond investors?
Asia is displaying a strong recovery and we believe this will continue in 2021 and into 2022. So what does that mean for credit?
It means there is a higher growth trajectory across Asia relative to the rest of the world due to higher earnings power and the
ability to pay back debt.

When we look at Asia from a credit or yield perspective, Asia offers a substantial pickup in yield relative to US and Europe.

Investment grade credit market: Yields
           US IG            EUR IG              Asia IG






    2014             2015               2016                2017              2018         2019           2020              2021

Source: Bloomberg, as at 8 June 2021.
Note: US IG = Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Total Return Index (LUACTRUU),
      EU IG = Bloomberg Barclays Euro Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index (LECPTREU),
      Asia IG = Bloomberg Barclays Asia USD Investment Grade Bond Index (BAIGTRUU)

China bonds: five-year correlation with global asset classes







                     US (AAA)

                                Europe (A+)

                                              France (AAA)

                                                                Germany (AAA)

                                                                                Switzerland (AAA)

                                                                                                    Australia (AAA)

                                                                                                                      Japan (A)

                                                                                                                                  UK (AA)

                                                                                                                                            S&P 500

                                                                                                                                                       Europe Equities

                                                                                                                                                                         China Equities

                                                                                                                                                                                          World Equities

                                                                                                                                                                                                           UK Equities

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         US IG

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 US HY




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 JACI Corporate
                                                             Major bond markets                                                                       Major equity markets                                                          Major credit markets

Source: Bloomberg, May 2021

Why China bonds?
China government bonds offer one of the highest nominal                                                                                               So, to sum up, we believe Asian credit looks like it offers a lot
yields in the world today compared to other developed                                                                                                 of value today relative to other markets. When we consider
markets and are offering one of the highest real yields in the                                                                                        the risk, the assessment looks even better, particularly on the
world today in bond markets. Chinese bonds historically have                                                                                          investment grade credit side. Hence from a nominal and real
very low correlation to other developed market bond markets,                                                                                          yield and correlation perspective, we think that Chinese bonds
as well as to equity and credit markets.                                                                                                              have a place in everybody’s portfolio.

China A share’s part in
the Asian opportunity
China’s A-share market is one of the largest in the world but
remains underinvested by global investors. Here are four reasons
why it’s a market that investors can’t ignore.

1                                           2
      China's A-share market is                 China's A-share market is a rich
      dominated by retail investors.            opportunity set. There are more
      Retail investors have short               companies in China’s A-share market
      holding periods, which can                than offshore and particularly in
      contribute to market volatility and       fast-growing sectors like healthcare,
      create attractive entry points for        consumer, and information
      active investors.                         technology.

3                                           4
      China A-shares are relatively             China A-shares historically have
      under-researched. Almost 70%              low correlation to overseas
      of A-share companies are                  markets. China A-shares have, over
      covered by three or less analysts,        time, shown low correlation to
      according to Reuters.                     overseas markets because of low
                                                foreign ownership, controls on
                                                investor access, and the
                                                composition of the investor base.

Hedge funds:
here to stay
An attractive alpha environment

                         We believe the same cyclical and structural dynamics in
                         markets that enabled strong hedge fund performance
                         over the past two years are set to continue going
                         forward, creating a favorable environment for hedge
                         fund strategies.
         Kevin Russell
         CIO, O’Connor

                         Hedge funds have seen strong              Our preferred indicator for investor risk
                         performance over the last two years,      appetite is interest rate volatility,
                         capitalizing on market dislocations and   measured by the MOVE Index (Merrill
                         structural changes and these have         Lynch Option Volatility Estimate), which
                         created alpha opportunities that hedge    spiked in first-quarter 2020 and again in
                         funds are well positioned to take         early 2021. This year’s elevated interest
                         advantage of. We see those trends         rate volatility has brought with it both
                         continuing, as market uncertainty         risk aversion and violent factor rotations
                         continues to cause market dislocations.   within equity markets.

Our preferred indicator for investor risk
appetite is interest rate volatility...which
spiked in first-quarter 2020 and again
in early 2021.

Rising interest rate volatility suggests reduced investor confidence
                        Merrill Lynch Option Volatility Estimate (MOVE)


Basis points




               Jun-20       Jul-20      Aug-20       Sep-20        Oct-20   Nov-20   Dec-20   Jan-21   Feb-21   Mar-21   Apr-21   May-21

Source: Bloomberg, UBS Asset Management. Data as of 31 May 2021.

Interest rates serve as the fulcrum point    For the last decade or longer, investors    Financial markets generally do a very
for the economy, providing a                 became accustomed to low interest           bad job when they first have to adjust
comprehensive view about growth,             rates and expected interest rates and       to new economic realities and new
inflation, and policy. Obviously, interest   growth to continue at a low level.          market risks.
rates play a central role in valuing any     Growth, quality and bond-proxy names
financial asset. But beyond the absolute     performed for over a decade under this      And so we see a lot of rotations and
level of rates, interest rate volatility     regime, but now we are starting a new       overcorrections, creating tremendous
creates equity market rotations and          economic cycle and investors are going      relative value opportunities.
dislocations in the market, and we’ve        to have to adjust those rotations and
seen that this year.                         exposures.                                  Looking across asset classes, we believe
                                                                                         equity markets have very two-sided risk.
Put simply, when interest rate volatility    That process creates tremendous             Duration assets have significant
is high, certainty about economic            opportunities for investors like            downside. Credit markets are largely
conditions and confidence in asset           ourselves. We monitor and trade around      priced for perfection, in our view.
valuations is low, often manifesting         factor exposures: in the first quarter of
itself as risk aversion amongst relative     this year we achieved an entire year’s
value investors, especially those who        worth of rotations in the market, from a
operate on leverage.                         consensus growth position towards one
                                             more balanced with value and cyclicals.

We see a lot of rotations and
overcorrections, creating tremendous
relative value opportunities.

The current macro environment
                                                    provides what we consider a perfect
                                                    backdrop for hedge fund investors

Six mega trends creating opportunities
As for structural opportunities, we’ve been focused on six mega trends happening within the financial markets that are now
creating systematic alpha opportunities for investors like ourselves.

1                                                                           4
               The first is the disintermediation of the banks and                       The fourth mega trend is the disintermediation of
               broker dealers in credit markets. The corporate                           banks as hedge funds and asset managers extend
               credit markets have exploded in size, while banks                         credit directly to borrowers. Particularly in the case
               and broker dealers who carry inventory are just too                       of riskier and more complex loans, banks are not
               small relative to that notional amount of corporate                       willing and able lenders in many cases. This offers
               debt, creating tremendous relative value                                  one of the most attractive, risk-adjusted yield and
               opportunities for investors.                                              total return profiles available in the financial markets
                                                                                         for private credit investors.

               Secondly, the explosive growth in special purpose

               acquisition companies (SPACs). As of the middle of                        The fifth is trade finance, where we’re seeing really
               the second quarter of 2021, USD 91 billion of SPAC                        compelling opportunities relative to what we see in
               stocks looking for transactions, became a very                            investment grade and high yield bonds. These
               important mechanism for emerging growth                                   trade finance claims have a shorter duration,
               companies to come public, creating compelling                             higher yield, lower default probabilities and higher
               relative value opportunities.                                             recovery than corporate bonds, yet are complex
                                                                                         enough that most investors cannot participate.

               The third is the environmental space, against the

               backdrop of climate change, which is causing                              Finally, the sixth mega trend is China. At 17% of
               changes in consumer preferences, a dynamic                                global GDP9, China has been working hard to make
               regulatory landscape, and is generating significant                       their markets more accessible and more efficient.
               shifts in capital expenditures. Those are the raw                         This was underscored late last year, when China
               materials for dispersion of returns.                                      eased foreign access to its capital markets through a
                                                                                         reform of its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor
                                                                                         (QFII) and Renminbi QFII programs that will allow
                                                                                         investors to trade directly with Chinese banks and
                                                                                         broker dealers and create an onshore stock lending
                                                                                         market over time. China’s robust capital market
                                                                                         calendar, unique pools of liquidity and the corporate
                                                                                         access provided in the onshore market makes its
                                                                                         transition from a beta to an alpha story a compelling
                                                                                         relative value story, in our view.

The current macro environment provides what we consider a perfect backdrop for hedge fund investors: a shifting macro
picture along with ongoing structural alpha opportunities and a relative dearth of capital in relation to the opportunity set.

    National Bureau of Statistics, Feb. 2021.

The value of a
green transition
Seeking greener alternatives

                                            We believe embedding a proprietary valuation
                                            framework in the green transition is the next natural
                                            step in the evolution of ‘E’ in ESG. This provides a way
                                            for investors to support the corporate green transitions
                                            that need to happen now.

Bruno Bertocci         Adam Gustafsson      Investors have begun questioning ‘green     Is it too early to expect results or are our
Head of the Global     Qualitative          investing’ strategies that merely employ    common efforts ineffective? The
Sustainable Equities   Researcher,
team, Lead Portfolio   Quantitative
                                            tilts and exclusions to reduce high-        effectiveness of investors’ portfolio tilts
Manager of the         Evidence & Data      emission companies in their portfolios.     and exclusions is increasingly being
Global Sustainable     Science (QED) team                                               questioned, and for valid reasons.
Equity Portfolio and                        We believe the new frontier of climate      Therefore, the frontier of climate
the Global
Sustainable Impact
                                            investing is helping support the heavy      investing is shifting beyond superficially
Equity Portfolio                            emitters that are making key changes to     ‘greening’ portfolios to greening the
                                            their businesses to significantly improve   assets in them. Investors can and should
                                            their carbon footprint.                     support polluting companies in their
                                                                                        green efforts and thereby play an active
                                            Time to take action                         role in solving the climate crisis.
                                            The ‘E’ in ESG (environmental, social       Furthermore, we believe this is a great
                                            and governance) has come a long way;        commercial opportunity, aligned with the
                                            conveying the urgency of our climate        fiduciary duty of asset managers to
                                            crisis is no longer where the battle        deliver returns and manage risk.
                                                                                        This paper provides an overview of a
                                            Governments, companies and investors        proprietary valuation framework
                                            are all pushing forward with green          embedding the impact of a green
                                            plans, but we believe the most              transition. It serves as a technical
                                            important global emissions metrics are      foundation for UBS’s efforts in
                                            still moving in the wrong direction.        supporting the corporate green
                                                                                        transitions that need to happen now. We
                                                                                        believe it is the next natural step in the
                                                                                        evolution of `E’ in ESG.

Cap-and-trade empowering a                      Linking sustainability and business           This part of the framework has been
greener future                                  performance                                   developed in collaboration with Material
The EU emissions trading system (EU             Abatement efforts can be made to              Economics, a leading management
ETS) is a cornerstone of the EU’s policy        offset the, in some cases, escalating         consultancy on the link between
to combat climate change. It is the             cost. These efforts are modelled              sustainability and business performance.
world’s first major carbon market and           systematically with Marginal Abatement
remains the biggest one, though carbon          Cost Curves (MACCs). The MACC is a            All-in, despite its simplicity, the
markets are being introduced in other           clever translation mechanism between          framework captures the valuation
countries. In April, EU ETS reached a           corporate investments in abatement            dynamics well. Showing that green
record high above USD 60,10 and is              levers and emission reductions.               transitions drive financial value is
expected to go higher. Predicting the                                                         essential for us to justify these
future EU ETS price is not part of the          They are sector-specific and all              investments and to support companies in
framework.                                      investments come with associated              their climate efforts. The framework
                                                CAPEX, OPEX and technical life –              forms a foundation for company-specific
Instead, the model works with a range           everything needed to bring them into          climate engagements, to identify gaps
of future EU ETS price scenarios to             our discounted cash flow (DCF)                where announced targets are not
forecast the cost of emissions. In              valuation framework.                          aggressive enough and in those cases
Europe, many of the most polluting                                                            encourage companies to go further.
sectors are protected and handed free
allowances. Even if they don’t pay the
full price of emissions, there are still
meaningful valuation implications.

     “Carbon Hits Record 50 Euros on Tighter Pollution Rules.” Bloomberg, May 4, 2021.

Green transitions drive financial            The three lines are: emission cost, green   Green transitions in heavy industry
value                                        OPEX and green CAPEX. The cost of           For heavy industry (aluminium, cement,
Companies’ environmental externalities       emissions which can be expressed as:        chemicals and steel) the meaningful
have always had a cost to society. An                                                    emissions are linked to actual production.
EU ETS allows for the emissions part to                  Emission Cost =                 Smelting processes and kilns are energy
be expressed in monetary value, which          (GHG Emissions – Free Allowances) ∙       demanding and still predominately fuelled
in turn should be reflected in corporate          Price of EU ETS-Passthrough            with coal. The products are commoditised
valuations. Financial analysts go to great                                               but essential to society.
lengths in forecasting other value-          When a company has free allowances to
drivers, but rarely account for emissions.   spare, the emission cost turns negative,    Without any commercial substitutes in
                                             i.e., they sell emission permits and make   sight, an end to our cement or steel
We believe this leaves risks and rewards     a profit. If a company cannot cover their   dependence is today unthinkable. Steel
vastly mispriced. Even worse, when           emissions with free allowances, they        is essentially infinitely recyclable, an
investors don’t recognize the value of a     have to buy additional emission permits     important circular lever in developed
green transition, it may indirectly hold     at the market price.                        countries with scrap metal but we still
companies back from taking the steps                                                     need to add new steel in developing
so desperately needed for the climate.       Part of the cost may be passed on to        countries.
Modelling the value of a green               customers depending on competitive
transition is challenging and associated     dynamics in the specific industry. How      Emissions from heavy industry are
with numerous assumptions. But since         much is likely to vary over time and also   material and referred to as ‘hard-to-
when has that stopped us from trying?        to be dependent on achieved                 abate,’ a toxic combination. In Europe,
                                             abatements.                                 the full EU ETS price would force many
The DCF model has been around for                                                        of these companies out of business, or
hundreds of years and still rules the        Green OPEX and CAPEX are treated as         to relocate to other regions. Production
world of active investing. By adding         incremental to business as usual (BAU)      in other regions is by no means greener
three extra line items, the valuation        and simply layered on top of baseline       and therefore most of these sectors are
impact of a green transition or lack         numbers.                                    on the EU’s carbon leakage list, i.e.,
thereof can be captured.                                                                 they get free allowances.

Pushing forward with aggressive green
                                                                                    transformation programs is in the
                                                                                    interest of companies, investors and
                                                                                    the climate.

Luckily, it turns out that substantial                                              In our view, the MACCs suggest                   abatements. Not realizing these
abatements are not only possible, but                                               abatement potential of around 30% by             abatements is economically suboptimal
value accretive. We believe this is one of                                          2030 for most of these sectors. When             and leaves companies exposed to
the most misunderstood opportunities                                                abatements are achieved, free                    unnecessary risks. We believe that
in today’s markets, both from an                                                    allowances no longer needed can be               pushing forward with aggressive green
investor and climate point of view.                                                 sold and turned into profits. This is how        transformation programs is in the interest
                                                                                    the EU ETS is intended to incentivize            of companies, investors and the climate.

Valuations and abatements grow as the EU ETS price rises

                                                      EU ETS: EUR 30                  EU ETS: EUR 50                   EU ETS: EUR 75                   EU ETS: EUR 100
Valuation impact at optimal transition






                                               Median Transition Budget: 0.2%   Median Transition Budget: 0.5%   Median Transition Budget: 1.7%    Median Transition Budget: 2.0%
                                               Median Emission Abatement: 8%    Median Emission Abatement: 15%   Median Emission Abatement: 26%    Median Emission Abatement: 31%

Source: UBS QED as at 21 June 20221.

This chart is based on 14 European cement and steel companies. The ‘violins’, Barbapapa-lookalike charts are showing how
valuation impacts are distributed under different EU ETS price expectations for 2030. We have combined steel and cement
companies: they are in many ways similar but cement tends to have a higher impact. If we assume the EU ETS will reach EUR 75
by 2030, the median company should invest 1.7% of annual revenue in green transition levers allowing them to abate 26%.

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Past performance is not indicative of future results.
     As of 31 March 2021.
   	As of 31 December 2020 (updated annually). Around 1,150 internal and external FTE from Group Functions (representation functions within the
     Group Functions spending 80% or more of their time on UBS-AM – serving as a conservative proxy for Group Functions.
     HFM InvestHedge Billion Dollar Club, published October 2020.
     IPE Real Estate Institutional Investment Manager Survey 2020, data as of 30 June 2020.
     Morningstar/Swiss Fund Data FundFlows, March 2021.
     Broadridge, April 2021.
     UBS Asset Management analysis of AUM from company disclosures, June 2020.
     Market share in Europe for sustainable ETFs: 18.9%, Source Etfbook as of 20 April 2021.

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