PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo

Page created by Marjorie Cooper
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
MAG 0920 Vol III, SEP. 2020.         

 Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
       Next Governor?

Mali: Popular Coup Defies International

Great Lakes States Demand Reparations
from Germany &Belgium for Colonization

Senegal: Akon On Making Wakanda Real

Cameroon: Bridging The Language Divide
with NCPBM

Cote d’Ivoire: Ouattara Contracts Third Term
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
Contents                                                                         PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Mali and The Two African Worlds of the Led and The
Leadership_____________________________ 2
                                                          Tanzania: A Crusade Against Foreign Dependence For
                                                          Magufuli______________________________ 21

International Community Urges Mali to Quickly Return Cameroon Crisis: Women Feeling The Brunt Of The
to Civilian Rule _________________________ 4              Four Year Anglophone Crisis_________________ 24

Cote d'Ivoire: Party Chooses 78-Year-Old Ouattara to      As Chadwick Boseman Dies: The Futuristic City of
Run for Re-election_______________________ 5              Wakanda is set to turn into Reality – All Thanks to Mu-
                                                          sic Mogul Akon __________________________ 26
Nigeria: What Decides Ondo Next Governor______ 8
                                                          Adesina Lays Out Vision for Second Term as _____ 29
Tanzania: Magufuli vs Tundu Lissu in Battle Royale For
Presidency _____________________________ 10               AFDB President _________________________ 29

Nigerian :Growing Calls For Buhari To Take Back           Will Refugees Make Rwanda-Burundi Friends
Bakassi Peninsula From Cameroon ____________ 11           Again?________________________________ 30

Africa's Great Lakes States Demand Reparations from       Justice: Answers and Actions for Lasting Positive
Germany and Belgium for Colonization__________ 14         Change_______________________________ 31

African Union Nothing But A ‘Gentleman’s Club’ - Male- The Wait Continues: Zimbabwe Yet to Disburse Covid-19
ma __________________________________ 15                  Welfare Grants to the Underprivileged __________ 33

Cameroonians: The Daunting Task of Bridging The Lan- Kenya's Mediation Journey__________________ 35
guage Divide -NCPBM shifts gears from monitoring to
                                                          African Plant Breeders And Entomologists Intensify
evaluation _____________________________ 16
                                                          Efforts To Combat The Fall Army Worm Menace ___ 36
#ZimbabweanLivesMatter Exposes Human Rights
                                                          Jean Pierre Nsame: A Football Season To Remember
Abuses in Zimbabwe ______________________ 20
                                                          For The 27-Year-Old Cameroonian_____________ 39

  Pan African Visions
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                                                                                                 PAV - APR. 2019 - MAG 0419 Vol 3   1
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                        Inside Africa
      Mali and The Two African Worlds of the Led and The Leadership
                                                                       By Ajong Mbapndah L

             s if grappling with the                                                                                        of office, President Alassane Ouattara
             ravages of COVID-19 was                                                                                        made a U-turn, and tensions in the
             not enough, a military coup                                                                                    country are high with growing fears
    in Mali popped up to provide more                                                                                       of another civil war. The AU is not
    headache for Africa. After months                                                                                       saying anything, the international
    of protests on the leadership of                                                                                        community is not saying anything.
    President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita                                                                                           To the leaders, it is about their
    for his poor handling of a brutal                                                                                       interests and the AU has so far failed
    insurgency, wanton corruption, and                                                                                      to shirk the image of a club which
    a floundering economy, the military                                                                                     caters to the needs of leaders with
    took matters in its own hands by                                                                                        common interests and agendas and
    seizing power.                                                                                                          less about the people. It is this attitude
       The unbridled joy on the faces                                                                                       that make people jubilate about a
    of Malians spoke volumes on the                                                                                         coup in Mali, while leaders agonize
    unpopularity of President Keita who                                                                                     in fear that it could happen to them
    was serving his second and last term.                                                                                   as well. As the late USA President
    To Sidibe Djenebou, a resident of                                                                                       John Kennedy said, “Those who make
    Bamako, the coup was not carried                                                                                        peaceful revolution impossible will
    out by the soldiers, but by the Malian                                                                                  make violent revolution inevitable.»
    people.                                                                                                                 Be it in Cameroon, in Guinea, in Ivory
         «There was total chaos in the                                                                                      Coast and all other countries with
    country, so the people cried out and                                                                                    flawed elections are the norm, where
    raised their voices calling for the head                                                                                term limits are changed and where
    of state Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to                                                                                      the will of the people is continuously
    listen to his people. He didn›t want                                                                                    thwarted, there will be a day a of
                                                                 Ajong Mbapndah L, Managing Editor
    to and so the army stepped in. I think                                                                                  reckoning
    that ECOWAS (Economic Community            choice? I hold no hatred towards What about those who rig elections             Just as we have said before, the
    of West African States) should stay        anyone, my love of my country does with reckless abandon to eternalize perils of blindly entrusting the
    calm, it›s a Malian problem, it›ll         not allow me to, may God save us.” Mr themselves in power?         We need destiny of Africa just to the leaders
    be fixed internally, not externally,»      Keita added as he stepped down.          not call names but look around the are too many. Everyone must be a
    another resident Madame Dicko, told           While it is understandable and continent and you will see many. leader. In this issue of the magazine,
    the AP.                                    important for constitutional authority What about those who change term we take a look at the great work
       The enthusiasm of Malians for           to be respected, it is equally important limits? Just when many thought that that the Senegalese American Artist
    the coup was in sharp contrast to          to balance that with the legitimate Africa had grown past that stage, the Aliaume Damala Badara Akon Thiam,
    the reaction of the international          concerns of the people. The contrast practice came back in full force and better known as Akon, is doing. With
    community. From the Economic               in the joy of Malians, and the angst of from the most unlikely quarters.     multiple awards to his credit and
    Community of West African States           the international community amply          In Guinea, President Alpha Conde, the global fame he enjoys, Akon has
    to the African Union, and the              sums up how challenging this can be. a historic opposition figure who maintained a surprising audacity
    former colonial master France, the            That he left without a fight or went through unimaginable pains for bring things in Africa. From
    condemnation was in unison.                without the kind of resistance that in his quest for democracy shocked solar projects that have transformed
       «I strongly condemn the forced          could lead to a bloodbath was some and disappointed many when he millions of lives in Africa, Akon’s
    detention of President Ibrahim             form of saving grace for Mr. Keita forcefully abrogated constitutional latest project is the construction
    Boubacar Keita of Mali, the Prime          .Had he heeded to insensitive calls term limits just so he could seek a of a multi-billion futuristic city in
    Minister Boubou Cisse and other            from some of his peers across the third term .Protests with humongous Senegal. The issue also profiles the
    members of the Malian government,          continent to hold on to power, or turnouts did not deter Conde, even upcoming Governor’s race in Ondo
    and call for their immediate release,»     the international community for when military intervention led to State Nigeria, the expectations for the
    AU Commission Chair Moussa Faki            constitutional authority to be restored the dead of many Guineans, all that second term of African Development
    Mahamat, said in a statement.              at all cost, there is a likelihood that mattered was his third term agenda, Bank President Akinwumi Adesina,
       «I want no blood to be spilled to       Malian blood would have been shed . and he is at the verge of realizing it growing calls for Belgium and
    keep me in power,» President Keita            The question has been repeatedly without the AU blinking.                 Germany to financially atone for
    said, «If today, certain elements of our   asked,     what     constitutes    an   Over in Cote d’Ivoire, after            colonial sins, progress on bridging
    armed forces want this to end through      unconstitutional take over? Should indicating that he would not change          the language divide in Cameroon and
    their intervention, do I really have a     it just be limited to military coups? the constitution to seek a third term     more. Happy Reading!!

                                Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785
                             Tel:2404292177, email:,

2       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo

                     PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III   3
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                      Inside Africa
      International Community Urges Mali to Quickly Return
                          to Civilian Rule
                                                                       By Prince Kurupati

            he Mali military took matters
            into its own hands when
            deposing President Boubacar
    Keita. After several months of
    protests which were supported by the
    military, the military on 18 August,
    2020 arrested the country’s President
    effectively setting in motion a coup.
    The coup was widely supported by
    the majority in Mali but received
    condemnation from the international
    community. With the coup having
    come and gone, the international
    community is requesting for the
    military to return to the barracks and
    leave civilians to take the echelons of
       Speaking after the arrest of the
    president, Colonel Assimi Goita, the
    president of the National Committee                                   The military coup was embraced by many Malians.
    for the Salvation of the People (CNSP),   where the President and several other       However, though ECOWAS did             to have Boubacar Keita return to finish
    the military wing that oversaw the        government officials were being kept     fail to help Boubacar Keita and the       his term as the president, the military
    coup said, “Mali is in a situation of     captive.                                 M5-RFP find common ground before          has however conceded to immense
    socio-political and security crisis.         The    alliance    of    opposition   the intervention of the military, the     pressure from the regional body
    We no longer have the right to make       politicians and civil society, the       regional body still feels that it has a   and released Keita to be a free man.
    mistakes. By making this intervention     M5-RFP which played a key role in        lot to play in the country’s fortune.     The spokesperson of CNSP recently
    yesterday, we have put the country        organizing the protests that finally     After the news broke out that Keita       issued a statement saying, “President
    above (everything). Mali first.”          led to the fall of Boubacar Keita        had been arrested and announced           IBK is free in his movements, he’s at
       The 75-year old former president       said that it was thrilled with the       his enforced resignation, ECOWAS          home.” The news was confirmed by a
    Boubacar Keita was arrested together      support that came from the military      did send a delegation to meet the         close relative of Boubacar Keita who
    with his son, his Prime Minister          and fully supports the action that       military in Mali on the way forward       preferred to speak on condition of
    Boubou Cisse and several other top        the military took. Following the         for the country. As the first priority,   anonymity. The head of the ECOWAS
    government officials. On the same         fall of Keita, M5-RFP organized a        ECOWAS wants to help Mali quickly         delegation to Mali, former Nigerian
    day that the President was arrested,      rally for all its supporters saying      return to civilian rule. The most         President Goodluck Jonathan also
    he appeared on national television        the rally was basically going to be      common position that’s being touted       confirmed that he met with Boubacar
    announcing that he was resigning          a thanksgiving rally for those who       by the regional body is for Boubacar      Keita after his release and he seemed
    from the post. With news having           helped to ‘free’ Mali from the poor      Keita to return as the country’s          ‘very fine’.
    already spread that he had earlier on     rule of Boubacar Keita. Keita critics    president to finish his presidential         Disregarding the position that’s
    been arrested, many just assumed          say that he massively failed to deal     term. This obviously is something         being touted by ECOWAS, the Mali
    that the appearance was a forced          with corruption; he mismanaged the       that’s difficult if not impossible        military says the best route for the
    resignation which presumably, was         economy and did not take decisive        to attain considering the military,       country is to establish a transitional
    to give an illusion that the events       action after widespread reports of       the opposition and the civil society      government with either a civilian
    which were taking place were not          disputed legislative elections.          want nothing to do with Keita. Even       leader or a military. The military
    that of a coup but just a president          When it became apparent that          more worrisome is that the return         however agree with ECOWAS that
    who had decided to call it quits.         the M5-RFP was receiving a lot of        of Keita won’t do much to close the       a return to constitutionalism is
    Boubacar Keita’s weary-sounding           support, Boubacar Keita did court        gaps that have been widened by the        something of immense importance
    voice during the address did not          the services and advise of regional      coup between the military and the         but it’s not feasible to have elections
    help matters either. Sources close        body, ECOWAS on how to handle            executive something which will keep       at the present moment. The military
    to international media outlets            the situation. However, despite          causing problems to the military, the     reassured ECOWAS that elections
    including the BBC confirmed that          concession after concession, it was      executive and the general populace at     will indeed be held but within a
    the president’s resignation address       difficult to find a way to please an     large.                                    ‘reasonable’ amount of time. In the
    was broadcasted from a room at the        alliance whose main goal was to see         While the Mali military certainly      negotiations with the ECOWAS
    Kati army base, 15km from Bamako,         Keita resign as Mali President.          does not entertain ECOWAS’ position       delegation, CNSP said that it wants

4       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
Inside Africa                                                                                                  PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
the transitional government to be                                                                                            ministries. However, all commercial
in place for a period of three years.                                                                                        outlets remain open.
ECOWAS has refused this position                                                                                               In response to the coup, the
stating a transitional government can                                                                                        continental body, the African Union
only be in place for a maximum of one                                                                                        suspended Mali saying coups were
year.                                                                                                                        “something of the past which we
  In an interview of France 24,                                                                                              cannot accept anymore.” The body
the junta spokesman Col Ismael                                                                                               will only accept Mali back after a
Wague said, “We are going to set in                                                                                          return to constitutionalism.
place a transitional council, with a                                                                                           The European Union after the Mali
transitional president who is going                                                                                          coup said it has suspended its training
to be either military or civilian…                                                                                           missions in Mali. The EU has two
We are in contact with civil society,                                                                                        missions training Mali’s army and
opposition parties, the majority,          President Boubacar Keita was forced to resign.Photo credit                        police. In a statement, the EU said it’s
everyone, to try to set the transition                                                                                       suspending the missions as they are
in place.”                             military operations against rebels intervention in 2012, the rebels did               designed to support “the legitimate
  With the Mali military and the active in central and northern take advantage of the coup to further                        national authorities.” EU however
ECOWAS delegation working to find regions, but urged a swift transition of their territorial strongholds.                    confirmed that the suspension is
a common ground, France’s Foreign          power. Mali has several jihadi groups   Since the coup, there has been            just temporary until a return to
Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in             in its northern deserts and there are increased military presence in most         constitutionalism is achieved.
an interview with RTL radio said           fears they could take advantage of cities and towns in the country
the Mali coup will not stop French         the coup. After the previous military particularly outside government

Cote d'Ivoire: Party Chooses 78-Year-Old Ouattara to Run for
                                                                    By Prince Kurupati

     n 2016, Ivory Coast passed a
     constitutional     clause   which
     allowed a President to run for
three terms. Using that constitutional
clause, the incumbent Ivory Coast
president has been endorsed by
his party Houphouetist Rally for
Democracy and Peace (RHDP) to
seek re-election for a third term in the
October, 2020 elections.
   Alassane Ouattara the incumbent
President first took office in 2011.
However, his ascension to power was
marred with high levels of violence
as his predecessor Laurent Gbagbo
refused to leave office even when
the electoral body had officially
announced that he had lost the                Ouattara is smiling but many Ivorians are fuming that he reneged on his promise not to seek
                                                                                     a third term.
election. Estimates are that at least
1000 lost their lives during the post-     84% of the votes cast. In his second       Ivory Coast’s good economic            would like the Prime Minister to run
electoral violence witnessed in the        term, Ouattara continued the same        fortunes made some political analysts    for President.
country in 2011.                           trend prioritizing Ivory Coast’s         to conclude that Ouattara’s party          The death of the Prime Minister in
   Following intense pressure from         economy.                                 would romp to victory once again in      July of this year changed everything
the international community, Gbagbo           Large infrastructural projects are    the October 2020 elections. However,     as a new name had to be chosen as
eventually vacated the presidential        mushrooming in the country; Abidjan      for long periods up until the untimely   RHDP’s presidential candidate. The
office leaving it to Ouattara. Fair to     has re-established itself as a major     death of the Prime Minister Amadou       chosen name by RHDP was none
say, Ouattara since his ascension to       investment hub for Francophone           Gon Coulibaly, many believed that        other than that of Alassane Ouattara,
power has done remarkably well more        Africa while the annual GDP growth       the man who would be on the ballot       the same man who was on the ballot
so when it comes to the economic           has steadily and consistently exceeded   for RHDP would be Amadou Gon             paper in the 2010 and 2015 elections.
sector. This is largely the reason why     7% each year since 2012. All these       Coulibally. In fact, Ouattara himself      Speaking      after   his   official
he won with a landslide margin in the      made possible thanks to Ouattara’s       had made it crystal clear that he        nomination, Ouattara said that it
2015 presidential election garnering       incredible economic trajectory.          would not run for re-election but        was hard for him to go back on the
                                                                                                                                 PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III     5
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                            Inside Africa
    decision he had made earlier on (not
    to run for re-election) but the faith
    that the party placed in him changed
    his mind. “Going back on my decision
    was not easy…There is nothing
    preventing me from standing…I
    did not have the right to place my
    personal project above the urgent
    situation in which the country finds
       It was not everyone who welcomed
    the news however. Several civil society
    and opposition groups said they
    were angered with the move. Some
    opposition youths actually took to the
    streets to express their dismay at the
    news that Ouattara was seeking re-
    election for a third time. The general
                                                  Still in exile after been acquitted at the ICC, former President Laurent Gbagbo has not said his
    consensus amongst the critics is that                                              last word on the elections
    Ouattara’s bid for re-election for a
    third term is unconstitutional. They       society argue that the provisions of       of crimes against humanity over the       station, bars and shops have been set
    argue that a third term for Ouattara is    the New Constitution have not as yet       2010 election unrest. Gbagbo’s party      o fire and looted…young people close
    tantamount to a ‘coup’.                    taken effect.                              the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) had       to the opposition burned tires and
      In 2016, Ivory Coast passed a new          The 2020 election is set to be           already endorsed Gbagbo to run for        set up barricades in different parts of
    Constitution. However, there is no         highly competitive. However, one           re-election.                              town.”
    legislation or any piece that explicitly   name that will be definitely missing          Reports say that at least six people      The party spokesman for Ouattara’s
    states when the new Constitution           from the ballot paper is that of former    have died and 100 others have been        party Mamadou Toure said that “We
    takes effect. According to Ouattara’s      president Laurent Gbagbo. The              injured in the violence which ensued      remain focused on the election, with
    party, the new Constitution is already     Independent Electoral Commission           after the news that Ouattara was          a record to defend and a project to
    in effect and as such, it means that       (CEI) banned Gbagbo from contesting        running for re-election. Reports also     propose to Ivoirians.” He went on to
    Ouattara under the new Constitution        the election. This despite the fact that   state that several coaches, the central   state that the street demonstrations
    can run for another term as the            he was conditionally freed by the          market and about 30 shops were            against Ouattara’s candidacy were a
    country now has a new Constitution.        International Criminal Court in the        set ablaze. AFP reports that “There       ‘dismal failure’.
    However, the opposition and civil          Hague after he was cleared last year       are people wounded. The small bus

6       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
Inside Africa                                                                                                         PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

                                                                                                                                             Digital Edition
                                                                                                                                           20-22 October 2020


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                                                                                                                                      PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III      7
PAN AFRICAN VISIONS Nigeria: What Decides Ondo
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                             Inside Africa
    Nigeria: What Decides Ondo Next Governor
                                                                       By Michael Adeboboye
       Ondo state is one of the states in Nigeria     the platform of the All Progressive Congress
    the Independent National Electoral                (APC), while Jegede was the PDP’s flag
    Commission        would      be    conducting     bearer. Akeredolu emerged the winner of
    staggered election. The election holds            the election with a total of 224,842 votes,
    October 10. Michael Adeboboye pictures the        Jegede came second with 150,380 votes
    election scenario, political parties’ strength,   while Bar. Olusola Oke, another senior legal
    candidates and electorates behavior pattern       practitioner came third with 126,889 votes.
    in the state.                                              From 1999 till date, four different

             ndo State, one of the states in the      political parties have governed the state
             south west geopolitical region in        at different times. Late Adebayo Adefarati
             Nigeria is witnessing governorship       was elected on the platform of the Alliance
    election in October 10 as announced by            for Democracy (AD) Agagu (PDP), Mimiko
    the        Independent National Electoral         (LP) and presently, Akeredolu (APC). For
    Commission (INEC). Although a staggered           the 2020 governorship election the state,
    election birthed by court-proven electoral        lNEC has fixed October 10 and announced
    manipulation in 2007, the oil producing           seventeen political parties that would
    state people are sophisticated when it            participate. Following the political trend,
    comes to electing theirs leaders, especially      it appears only three political parties are
    the governor who will manage their                to watch. The APC once again presented
                                                                                                           Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, incumbent governor, Ondo State
    commonwealth for four years. Unlike some          lt’s 2016 candidate for the election. Also,        and candidate of the APC for October 10, 2020 governorship election.
    other states in the political zone largely        Jegede who was the PDP’s candidate in
    dominated by Yoruba speaking tribe, the           2016 has won the ticket once again. The
    sunshine state (Ondo) seems to have been          deputy governor of the state Agbola Ajayi
    clothed with ray too hot to capture in the        is the candidate of the Zenith Labour Party,
    typhoon of god-fatherism; phenomenon              (ZLP). The election is around the corner and
    where one money bag decides the fate of           political intrigues are not in short supply.
    entire state by appointing his stooge and         Meanwhile, the question agitating the minds
    enthrone him against the will of the people.      of political pundits is what would influence
    Election in such scenario is nothing but a        the decision of the electorate?
    mere formality. Since 1999 when Nigeria                  According to Hon. Tony Ala who is a
    returned from military rule to democracy,         PDP leader in the state, he said the PDP
    daring Ondo electorates’ political sagacity is    as a political party has a track record of
    like a dangerous voyage into perilous abyss.      achievements that would influence the
            The immediate past governor of the        electorate in the election to vote for its
    state, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko was a product          candidate, Jegede as the next governor
    of rule of law. After a prolonged legal battle    of the state. He said Jegede emerged the
    over the authentic winner of the 2007             candidate of the PDP through a free and
    governorship election in the state in 2007,       fair primary election, adding that when                 Eyitayo Jegexe, SAN,Ondo PDP Governorship candidate,
    the court of Appeal sitting in Benin City, Edo    candidate of political party emerged through                           October 10, 2020 election.

    state gave the judgment in Mimiko’s favour        a transparent party primary, that would
    in February 23, 2009. His predecessor, Late       influence the decision of the electorates. He
    Dr.Olusegun Agagu who was sacked by the           said the candidate of his party (Jegede) is
    Appeal Court was a candidate of the People’s      a gentleman politician with credibility and
    Democratic Party (PDP). Mimiko was the            personality that permeated all the nooks and
    candidate of the Labour party (LP). That          crannies of the state.
    scenario fell off the state from the pedestal                ̋Eyitayo Jegede emerged as the
    of general elections timetable in the country.    candidate of PDP in a free and fair party
    Mimiko governed the state between 2009            primary. None of the aspirants who
    and 2017, making him the first governor to        contested for the party’s ticket alongside him
    have been on the governorship seat for a          alleged foul play in his favour. A free and fair
    complete eight years. Mimiko later return to      primary election which the winner emerged
    the PDP in controversial manner.                  through a transparent party primary attracts
          In 2016, Rotimi Akeredolu and Eyitayo       the interest of the electorate, even though
    Jegede, both Senior Advocate of Nigeria           they are not members of the political party
    (SAN) slugged it out for the number one           or delegates, they monitor the process. PDP
                                                                                                                  Gbenga Elegbeleye, APC leader and former
    position of the state. Akeredolu contested on     has governed the state before and our party                     Governorship aspirant in Ondo
8       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                         PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

                                               Agboola Ajayi,Ondo Deputy Governor and
                                          candidate of the Ondo ZLP, October 10, 2020 election.          President Muhammadu Buhari.
                                         has track record of unprecedented achievements to        magazine), a governorship aspirant in 2016 who
                                         the benefit of the citizens. This is one of the many     is leader in the APC, Hon. Gbenga Elebgeleye said
    Dr Goodluck Jonathan former          reasons Ondo State electorates have pressed their        Akeredolu has performed creditably well “I am
President Federal Republic of Nigeria.   interest in the party for the October 10 governorship    from Ikare and if you go to my hometown, you will
                                         election. The people cannot be deceived. They know       see the dualisation and rehabilitation of the roads.
                                         the governments of the PDP established it̕ s focus       What the people desire is good governance. It does
                                         on people ̶ oriented projects. They know the party       not matter who does it. I have just told you how the
                                         cares for the artisans, technicians, youths, market      governor has performed in my part of the state. The
                                         women, mothers and their children. The score             projects are physical and visible. It is not something
                                         card is there. They are saying it themselves, not        you will require binoculars to see. Akeredolu is
                                         achievement they hear only in the media. They all        giving good governance. In politics, opponent must
                                         know the PDP run compassionate government. We            say something to be relevant. I think the issue of
                                         are not telling all these to them. They are giving us    Ondo state governor should be based on quality.
                                         their testimonies.                                               “Go and look at the Benin-Ore road and see
                                                “The benefit of the PDP touched their lives       a first class flyover bridge, first of its kind in the
                                         directly. Talk       about education, health care        state built by Akeredolu. See the industrial park
                                         infrastructure, social welfare and all other             in Ore area as well as the vehicle Assembly Plant.
                                         responsibility of a good government, our party           Everybody knows that Akeredolu has improved
                                         is not comparable to deceptive government. You           road network in Ondo State. What do people want
                                         cannot just continue to fool the people. The people of   really? Quality service! People say Akeredolu is not
                                         the state are the one reminding us of our numerous       a political person. Do we need a super politician as
  Late Adebayo Adefarati ,former
 Governor Ondo State 1999 to 2003.       achievements. Everywhere we go, they said our            governor or performer?
                                         party gave their children education. They said their           “We have seen super “politician” and that is
                                         children received free medical services during our       not the kind of politician Ondo needs. We need a
                                         government. The father said their pregnant wives         super administrator and that is what we have in
                                         were taking care at the mother and child hospital.       Akeredolu’’
                                         They tell us about free surgery, regular supply of                 “Indeed, out of all the top three political
                                         drugs, free school shuttle and outstanding facilities.   parties to be watched in October, the PDP had
                                         The people of the riverside know that the PDP            governed the state and the APC is the incumbent,
                                         opened their roads to the land and regularly clear       thus the claim to have surpassed one another in
                                         the waterways. They know their children had access       respect to achievements by both is not out of place.
                                         to very low tuition fee in the higher institution of     However, the veracity rests in individual citizen
                                         learning. PDP ̕ s achievement is too large to            perspective. And would that even be a major factor
                                         compare to the present administration. They tell         that would influence the decision of the electorates?
                                         us all those projects are gone now. The people are       Sadly, Nigerians political endorsement is garnished
                                         asking question which the APC government fails to        with don’t “shit” where you “eat” syndrome.
                                         give any convincing answer. Insecurity, corruption,                 Apparently, Ondo electorate’s behaviour
                                         tribal and religious sentiments are glaring hallmarks    pictures can be glimpse in the 2015 and 2019
                                         of the APC government in Nigerian. Our people are        elections. Mimiko was the incumbent governor
                                         saying it is enough. Our candidate, Eyitayo Jegede,      in 2015. And despite that he was the southwest
                                         SAN is the most acceptable by the electorate. He is      coordinator for the re–election of the then
                                         representing the PDP; political party which is the       president, Goodluck Jonathan who was seeking re-
                                         choice of Ondo State comes October 10”                   election on the platform of the PDP, the electorates
Prince Tony Ala,PDP leader in Ondo.
                                             In an interview with journalists (not this           voted against the PDP. The incumbent president

                                                                                                                    PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III     9
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                          Inside Africa
                                                                                                                   ambition led to resigning his
                                                                                                                   membership of the APC, contested
                                                                                                                   in PDP’s party primarily but lost to
                                                                                                                   Jegede. His popularity cannot be cut
                                                                                                                   down with razor blame. Though a
                                                                                                                   third force on the platform of the ZLP,
                                                                                                                   he is a politician with wide influence.
                                                                                                                   He was a chairman of Ese- Odo
                                                                                                                   Local government area of the state,
                                                                                                                   Former House of Representatives
                                                                                                                   member and the deputy governor
                                                                                                                   who survived impeachment Tsunami
                                                                                                                   of the APC even after leaving the party
        Dr Olusegun Agagu ,Governor Ondo State                  Dr Olusegun Mimiko ,Governor Ondo State 2009       for another political party to contest.
                        2003 to 2009.                                             to 2016.
                                                                                                                                 For now, the three top
     Muhammadu Buhari of the APC won in the state. incumbent. Will power of incumbency and federal contenders are engaging in rigorous campaign
     Same scenario repeated in 2019 where Presidential might decide who becomes the next governors of ahead of the election but the fate of who eventually
     candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar won in Ondo State?                                          becomes the next governor shall be found in the
     Ondo state despite having Akeredolu of the APC as       Ajayi the deputy governor whose political             electorates thumb at the poll.

       Tanzania: Magufuli vs Tundu Lissu in Battle Royale
                        For Presidency
                                                                         By Amos Fofung
                                                                                                                                  political dissent.
                                                                                                                                    Lissu will be running on the ticket
                                                                                                                                  of the opposition Chadema party
                                                                                                                                  after beating two other contestants
                                                                                                                                  in a landslide victory. His greatest
                                                                                                                                  challenge will be to unit the
                                                                                                                                  opposition if he wants to get Magufuli
                                                                                                                                  out of office who pledged peaceful and
                                                                                                                                  credible elections.
                                                                                                                                    Opposition leaders say the deck is
                                                                                                                                  heavily stacked against them because
                                                                                                                                  of the absence of an independent
                                                                                                                                  electoral body and the possibility
                                                                                                                                  that international observers will not
                                                                                                                                  oversee the polls amid the coronavirus
           John Magufuli›s first term in office has left many with mix reactions .Photo

             anzanian President John          nearly three years in Belgium for        promising to end corruption and
             Pombe Magufuli will face 14      treatment after he was shot during an    expand infrastructure. But his tough       Why Tundu Lissu is such a
             challengers in presidential      assassination attempt, and ex-foreign    governing style has cemented his           threat to Magufuli’s presidency
     elections scheduled for this October,    minister Bernard Membe, who was          nickname - the Bulldozer - originally        After his assassination attempt
     the elections board announced.           expelled from the governing Chama        bestowed on him during his time as         in September 2017 in Dodoma, the
     The presidential and parliamentary       Cha Mapinduzi party in February.         public works minister.                     administrative capital of Tanzania,
     elections are scheduled for October         Tundu Lissu returned to Tanzania        Rights groups and the opposition         Tundu fled the country and had more
     28.                                      last month after spending nearly three   have accused Magufuli of increasing        than 20 surgeries in Belgium. Before
       John Magufuli is seeking a second      years in Belgium for treatment after     repression ahead of the polls and          he left Belgium, Lissu told French
     and final five-year term in office       he was shot during an assassination      intimidation of political rivals and the   newswire AFP that he was going to
     in October, but he faces strong          attempt. Local media reports that,       press, accusations the administration      try and fight for the presidency of
     competition from the opposition who      in September of 2017, he was shot        denies.                                    Tanzania.
     are said to be considering a coalition   16 times while returning from a            Tundu, 52, and a human-rights              Lissu made a name for himself in
     to kick him out.                         parliamentary session.                   lawyer will run against John Magufuli,     the year before he was shot, as he
       His main challengers are likely          Magufuli›s party has governed          who’s first five years in power has        was arrested eight times, including
     to be Tundu Lissu, who returned to       Tanzania since independence in           according to critics been marred by        two weeks before the assassination
     Tanzania last month after spending       1961. He swept to power in 2015          a crackdown on civil liberties and         attempt. He had been charged with

10      PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                                  PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
incitement, among other charges.                                                                                            unseat the Chama Cha Mapinduzi
   «Whether we are going to have                                                                                            (CCM) party that has been ruling
free and fair elections, that is not                                                                                        since independence.
the question, we don›t expect that.                                                                                           Although praised for its economic
The issue is ... are we going to have                                                                                       reforms and its fight against
our lives by the end of the electoral                                                                                       corruption, Magufuli has come
process…The biggest thing has been                                                                                          under fire both within the country
the untold suffering. Killings of                                                                                           and outside it for his crackdown on
political leaders, attacks on political                                                                                     the press, as well as the arrests of
leaders, abductions, disappearances,                                                                                        opposition members. He has also
torture, illegal prosecution of                                                                                             refused to report any cases of Covid-19
opposition leaders and activists                                                                                            since May, saying that Tanzania is not
in courts of law, with trumped-up                                                                                           in the throes of the epidemic like the
charges,» he said.                                                                                                          rest of the world.
   Despite the support behind him,           Firebrand politician Tundu Lissu was greeted by thousands
it will require a united opposition to              as he returned to Dar Es Salaam on July 27.

       Nigerian :Growing Calls For Buhari To Take Back
              Bakassi Peninsula From Cameroon
                                                                      By Amos Fofung

        ess than a month after a video
        of Femi Fani-Kayode Nigerian
        politician cum former Minister
and Special Assistant to President
Olusegun Obasanjo went viral across
social media platform were he could
be heard indicting Cameroon for
not respecting certain provisions
of the Green-Tree Accord which
ceded the oil rich Bakassi Peninsula
to Cameroon, a pressure group is
mounting pressure on Abuja to
reclaim the once disputed territory.
   Save Nigeria Movement (SNM),
called on President Muhammadu
Buhari, to set up a judicial commission
of inquiry to probe the circumstances
that led to the decision of ceding
the oil rich Bakassi peninsula to
   Note that a majority of Nigerians
never accepted the 2002 International
                                             UN SG Kofi Annan , Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, and Paul Biya of Cameroon at the
Court of Justice ruling which awarded
                                             signature of accords ceding the Bakassi Peninsular to Cameroon. UN Photo Eskinder Debebe
the territory to Cameroon. The
Nigerian senate in November 2007          the Bakassi Peninsula. In 1994, after    Peninsula, basing its argument on        Peninsula to Cameroon. On 14 August
voted to void the agreement that          serious incidents of border incursions   the 1913 Anglo-German Treaty which       2006 Nigeria effectively pulled out
had ceded the Bakassi Peninsula to        that provoked shooting, and after        traced the borders between the two       its military and the Cameroonian
Cameroon. However, this did not           many casualties and deaths of soldiers   colonial powers.                         flag was hoisted. Two years later, 14
affect the ceding of the peninsula.       had been recorded on both sides,           Following intensive diplomatic         August 2008, the remaining Nigerian
   Bakassi       Peninsula      harbors   Cameroon submitted its entire set of     activities culminating in the 12 June    administration and police left the
substantial quantity of oil/gas           border-related disputes with Nigeria     2006 Green-tree Agreement brokered       Peninsula in what was celebrated
reserves which have since the early       to the International Court of Justice    by the United Nations and witnessed      as one of the most peaceful conflict
90s triggered mounting hostilities        at The Hague for adjudication. After     by four world powers – Britain,          resulted settlements.
and military confrontations between       examining the case for eight years,      France, Germany and the United             However, fresh troubles have for
Cameroon and Nigeria.                     the World Court ruled that Cameroon      States – Nigeria eventually agreed to    years now being steaming over the
  In 1993 Nigerian troops occupied        is the rightful owner of the oil-rich    unconditionally hand over the oil-rich   area with some Nigerian politicians
                                                                                                                                PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III    11
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                            Inside Africa
     accusing Cameroon of mistreating                                                                                               shocked that this country is watching
     its citizens residing there and not                                                                                            what is happening to this state. We
     respecting the ceding agreement.                                                                                               are not part of the 13% derivation. We
        In his viral video, the former                                                                                              are like a weeping child in The Niger
     minister said the contribution it was                                                                                          Delta Development Commission,
     agreed was to accrue from crude oil                                                                                            NDDC. We have lost our oil wells.
     exploited in the area. Fani-Kayode                                                                                             The 500 million per month as agreed
     who also served as Minister of                                                                                                 is not coming. The 15 billion naira
     Culture and Tourism and later as                                                                                               every two years not coming …,” he
     Aviation Minister from 2006 to 2007                                                                                            lamented.
     accused Cameroonian authorities of                                                                                                According      to  Ayade,     “since
     not granting the people of Bakassi                                                                                             2016, I have been making several
     their fundamental right to self-                                                                                               representations to the President
     determination which is part of the                                                                                             pleading that this unholy pain of
     Greentree accord.                                                                                                              the people of Cross River should be
        “I am telling you as at today, the          Since 2016, I have been making several representations                          reviewed”.
     National Assembly did not ratify this      to the President pleading that this unholy pain of the people of                       No official statement from Abuja or
     move, the ceding of our territory.            Cross River should be reviewed,says Governor Ben Ayade                           Yaounde has being made concerning
     The next three compensations have         lawfully, this was not done in the right   international community-that you          claims of the agreement violations.
     not been paid. It was agreed that         way and if you really want it, then the    can’t just do this sort of thing to us    On several occasion, the Nigerian
     500million naira would be paid per        government really has to do the right      and expect us to fold our arms and        government has said it will not try to
     month as the consequence of the oil       thing” the politician stated.              keep quiet”.                              reclaim Bakassi from Cameroon.
     wealth that will go to Cameroon…             He was categorical that Cameroon           “Frankly, I will make this point, if      In 2012 Nigerian Attorney General
     and finally and most importantly, the     has to “go to the national assembly,       this doesn’t happen today, a time is      Mohammed Bello Adoke said the
     aspect of self-determination, that is     pay the necessary compensation             coming when a Nigerian president          government had decided to drop the
     a plebiscite in a referendum ought        to the people and let there be a           will rise up in this country and he       matter after the Senate pressed for a
     to have been conducted,” the former       referendum”.                               will take that territory back in order    revisit the handover ruling.
     minister and influential politician          Time, Fani-Kayode said “is not an       to restore the honor and dignity of          “The Federal Government is of the
     said.                                     issue here, an injustice done at that      the people of Cross River State and       informed view that with less than two
        He explained that it was agreed that   time, is an injustice that remains still   the people of the Bakassi and Nigeria     days to the period when the revision
     a plebiscite will be conducted as part    today and that injustice was meted on      itself,” the Nigerian statesman noted.    will be statute-barred, it would be
     of the conditions. “It was never done.    you, the people who come from here            Meanwhile speaking during the          impossible for Nigeria to satisfy the
     On those basis, I say it again, loud      (Cross river state) and your leaders       recent visit, Nigeria’s Cross River       requirements…the government has
     and clear that if I were in president     who have been fighting so hard for         State governor, Prof Ben Ayade said:      therefore decided that it will not be
     Buhari’s shoes; If I was president of     your course”.                              “I want to thank Fani-Kayode. Even        in the national interest to apply for
     this country today, my priority today        He said it was “unfortunate that        though not from Cross River State, he     revision of the 2002 ICJ judgment,”
     will be to reunite Nigeria by sending     not too many people have been              has a deep knowledge of the pain and      the Attorney General said.
     our forces into that place and taking     listening in this country and not only     suffering of the people of Cross River
     it back, and holding it and telling the   am I addressing the government of          state”.
     Cameroonians, this was not done           the Nigerian people, but also the             The governor said “I am really

12       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                                PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

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                                                                                                                  PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III   13
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                  Inside Africa
     Africa's Great Lakes States Demand Reparations from
             Germany and Belgium for Colonization
                                                                      By Jean-Pierre Afadhali

               early     60    years    after
               Independence- Burundi and
               the Democratic Republic of
     Congo are demanding reparations
     from German and Belgium, their
     former colonizers over the brutal
     colonial past that also sparked post-
     independence conflicts in the Great
     Lakes of Africa.
        The former colonies are now
     demanding financial reparations
     and repatriation of cultural property
     looted by European countries that
     colonized Africa in the 19th century,
     a period that was characterized by
     dehumanization of locals, divide
     and rule policies and plundering of
     cultural artifacts as well as natural
        Burundi was first colonized by
     German in 1880 in what was then
     called ‘German East Africa’ that
     included Rwanda and Tanzania until
     the end of World War l. After the First        Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye.His government is asking for $ 43 billion from
                                                         Germany for colonial crimes Photo.Tchandrou Nitanga ,AFP via Getty Images
     World War the defeated Germany
     was stripped of its colonies in favor      Historian and doctoral researcher        reports, King Phillippe is the first      is contradictory or illogical to claim
     of Belgium that ruled Rwanda,              from Lausanne University said            reigning Belgian Monarch to qualify       to be part of the respectful state and
     Burundi and DR Congo until 1962.           that current Burundian political         as “acts of violence and cruelty”         pretend not to know anything about
     In 2018, the Burundian Senate set          challenges are linked to Belgium’s       committed under Belgian colonial          serious crimes that were committed
     up a commission of historians and          colonial past in a decree by Belgian     past led by King Leopold ll in current    in the past,» the minister of Human
     anthropologists to examine the             King Albert l that classified the        DRC.      His majesty Philippe also       Rights was quoted as saying.
     impact of colonialism in the Great         population in three ethnic groups.       expressed sympathy with Kinshasa             According to Historians, many
     Lakes country.                               “It is this decree that has led to     over “suffering and humiliation”          well-documented       crimes      were
        Gitega appears to be more               conflicts in Burundi and the region      experienced by Congolese people           committed in ‘Congo Free State’,
     pragmatic in reparations issue by          because some of the population was       under colonization.                       current DR Congo, the then colony
     setting a price. The Great Lakes           excluded from the ruling class because      However, Kinshasa’s officials say      under the personal rule of Belgian
     country has recently demanded $ 43         of the decree,” Dr Batunganayo was       this is not enough and are now calling    King Leopold ll. One of the serious
     billion from Germany for colonial          quoted as saying.                        for compensation over brutal colonial     crimes committed under Belgium
     crimes. The amount was calculated by         Since its independence in 1962, the    past. Mr. Andre Lite, Minister of         colonization was called “red rubber
     referring to a fine that was imposed on    East African country has experienced     Human Rights was quick to react           system”- a forced labour created to
     the Burundian king by the Germans          ethnic conflicts that led to large       on Belgian King’s comments saying         maximize the collection and export
     in 1903, which forced him to hand          scale civil war in 90s and various       that Brussels should compensate the       of rubbers. Workers who refused to
     over 424 cows for resisting German         massacres.                               victims of colonization.                  supply their labour were coerced with
     rule.                                        Similarly, neighboring Democratic         In an interview with a local news      «constraint and repression».
        According to Burundi’s special          Republic of Congo (DRC) has also         website ‘7 Sur 7 CD’, Lite said that         Meanwhile, Belgium has set up a
     commission on the colonial past, the       called for reparations after the         the regrets about abuses of human         commission to examine the Belgium
     current value of those cows would be       Belgian King Phillippe expressed         rights by some Belgium officials          colonial past in DR Congo, Burundi
     $43 billion. There are reports that        “deepest regrets” over his nation        about their country’s colonialism         and Rwanda. Rwandan parliament
     German is not willing to pay the price     brutal colonial legacy in the central    are not enough. «The regrets of           welcomed the commission but
     amid similar reparation request from       African nation. King Phillippe           certain Belgian officials will never be   denounced one of its members
     Namibia its former Southern African        expressed shock on 30 July 2020, the     enough in the face of their obligation    without mentioning name who it
     colony over genocide crimes.               Independence Day in DRC.                 to grant reparations to the victims       called a genocide “denier”.
        Aloys Batunganayo, a Burundian            According to Brussels’ media           of colonization and their relatives. It      While the increasing reparations

14       PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
Inside Africa                                                                                                 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs
calls from African countries to former
colonizers has attracted interests
from activists, media across Africa
and scholars around the whole. In the
wake of the killing of George Floyd in
the USA; Anna Kirstine Schirrer, a
doctoral candidate in the Department
of Anthropology at Columbia
University wrote in her recent paper
titled “On reparations for Slavery and
Colonialism” that neither reparative
logic nor appeals for mass reparations
are new.
   “What is new, however, is the
conversation       about      material
reparations      occurring       within
governmental and international
organizations, and the proliferation
of various reparative rationales across
multiple scales.” The scholar wrote in         King Philippe and Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi in 2019. The Belgium monarch has
                                                          referred to the colonial past as cruel and violent . photo credit Belga
an article published in June.

 African Union Nothing But A ‘Gentleman’s Club’ - Malema
                                                                   By Prince Kurupati
   “They (AU) don’t protect the
interests of their people. It’s a club.
It’s a gentleman’s club” - Malema

         utspoken South African
         politician Julius Malema
         has lambasted the African
Union (AU) for been nothing but a
Gentleman’s Club. Malema made the
remarks in an interview soon after
delivering the EFF’s 7th Anniversary
Virtual Address. The EFF (Economic
Freedom Fighters) is one of the
biggest opposition parties in South
   Malema made the remarks after
he was asked questions about the
ongoing human rights crisis in
neighboring Zimbabwe. Asked on the
role that the regional body SADC or
                                                 The AU does not have the interest of Africans at heart , says EFF leader Julius Malema.
the continental body, the AU could
take to bring the crisis to an end,       2019, the EFF President made            wanted his husband to be buried          a say on where Mugabe was to be
Malema said there isn’t much to           similar remarks when the former         at his rural home in Zvimba while        buried. He said that Mnangagwa had
expect from the two groups as the two     Zimbabwean       President    Robert    Mnangagwa wanted Mugabe to be            ‘tormented’ Mugabe to the last day
groups are just composed of old men       Mugabe passed away. Soon after the      buried at the national Heroes Acre.      and as such he wasn’t supposed to
with nothing but their own interests      passing of Mugabe, a power tussle         At the height of the tussle, Malema    ride behind the late former President
to protect. He further went on to state   between his widow Grace Mugabe          paid a visit to Grace Mugabe at her      Robert Mugabe’s legacy.
that the AU was just a Gentleman’s        and the incumbent Zimbabwean            Blue Roof Mansion in Borrowdale,            In his words, Malema said, “We
Club with no capability whatsoever to     president Emmerson Mnangagwa            Harare to pay his last respects. After   are here to tell her (former First Lady
address any problems bedeviling the       ensued over whether Mugabe should       a meeting with Grace Mugabe and his      Grace Mugabe) in person that we are
ordinary African man.                     be buried at the national Heroes Acre   family, Malema addressed the media       very proud of her and she serves as an
   This is not the first time that        where liberation heroes are buried or   saying the incumbent president           inspiration to a lot of us and that she
Malema has criticized the AU. In          at his rural home. Mugabe’s widow       Mnangagwa had no right to have           must protect ex-President Mugabe’s

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                                                                                                                               PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III    15
PAN AFRICAN VISIONs                                                                                                        Inside Africa
     legacy with everything against any                                                                                         opposition members, civic society to
     form of opportunism which will want                                                                                        the church, SADC did not even put
     to ride behind the legacy of President                                                                                     Zimbabwe on the Agenda in its recent
     Mugabe even when they tormented                                                                                            virtual SADC Summit of Heads of
     him to the last day.”                                                                                                      State and Government and Council of
        During the same address, he also                                                                                        Ministers Meeting.
     took time to lambast both the AU and                                                                                          To Malema, the only way forward
     SADC saying they failed to condemn a                                                                                       for AU as a body is if the youth take
     coup which led to the fall of Mugabe.                                                                                      charge. Speaking on the AU, Malema
     “These types of intervention, if they                                                                                      said, “AU has a plan called 2063, and
     are allowed, they may become an                                                                                            those people won’t be there in 2063.
     unacceptable phenomenon for the                                                                                            They won’t take responsibility. We
     region of Sadc. We shouldn’t allow a                                                                                       the youths must stop suffering from
     situation where the military interferes         Malema is known for his fierce criticism of the ANC                        political apathy and take the future
     with political affairs.”                                      leadership in South Africa.                                  into our own hands…We know that
        Malema concluded by stating that fix it.”                                  that the continent has been bedeviled        If we say 2063 now and we fail, we
     “There is no such thing (as) Sadc,        After Malema’s statement, many by highly contentious elections but               will be held accountable in 2063
     there is no such thing. AU, there is no Africans went on various social media often, the AU simply endorses them           because we will still be there. But our
     such thing. It’s a group of old people   platforms to support his views. The     if the incumbent wins and refuses to      leaders won’t be there at that time.
     who protect each other. They don’t       general consensus from those who        act if post-electoral violence emerges.   Young people must start reawakening
     protect the interests of their people.   aired their views on Twitter was that      SADC also received its fair share      themselves and take politics seriously.
     It’s a club. It’s a gentleman’s club…    the AU has been found wanting a         of criticism. Most notably, many          When it comes to voting, they don’t
     They don’t care; they don’t call each    number of times. Most notably, many     were amused that despite reports of       vote. When it comes to political
     other out. They are unable to say you    highlighted the invasion of Libya       human rights violations in Zimbabwe       participation, they don’t participate.”
     are wrong here, you are wrong here,      by the United States, Britain and       targeting almost every critic of the
     therefore, this is how we are able to    France. Many others also stressed       government from the journalists,

     Cameroonians: The Daunting Task of Bridging The Language
     Divide -NCPBM shifts gears from monitoring to evaluation
                                                                   By Boris Esono Nwenfor

                 walimu George Ngwane,                                                                                          bilingualism in terms of its effective
                 a member of the National                                                                                       practice within the ministries. But
                 Commission         for   the                                                                                   you remember this follow up and
     Promotion of Bilingualism and                                                                                              evaluation comes up at a time when
     Multiculturalism, - NCPBM, has said                                                                                        the law of 24 December 2019 that was
     it is time to shun the indiscriminate                                                                                      promulgated by the President of the
     use of country’s two official languages.                                                                                   country that came into force and so
        The Pan Africanist, and writer, was                                                                                     it was important for us to shed light
     speaking to the national station CRTV                                                                                      about this law and share experiences
     on the programme, Cameroon Calling                                                                                         with these new ministries. I want
     on August 30. He and a team from the                                                                                       to also draw to your attention that
     Bilingualism commission had ended                                                                                          one ministry actually came up after
     a one-week follow-up and evaluation                                                                                        we had done the visit - which is
     exercise to some Ministries in                                                                                             the ministry of Decentralization
     Cameroon›s capital Yaounde.                                                                                                and Local Development, which
        Cameroon’s constitution makes                                                                                           also needed to have some kind of
     provision for the production of                                                                                            assessment on how Bilingualism is
     documents, or materials in both of the     There are ministries that have been able to actually get up                     practised within them.
     country’s official languages, English    to about 6 percent of the recommendations that were made in                          In a nutshell, our task was to see after
     and French but the applicability is,                     2017,says Mwalimu Ngwane.                                         the 2017 mission what has been done
     however, an issue. Times without prolonged Anglophone crisis in the idea of language discrimination.                       in terms of the recommendations we
     number, documents from various           country’s North West and South West                                               made and the new recommendation
     Ministries around the country negate     regions.                                Journalist: What was the main             we have proposed to the Ministries
     this rule, producing documents just         According to George Ngwane, what     purpose of the field mission of           that we visited.
     in French for the consumption of         needs to change now is for people to    the commission?
     individuals who are English-inclined.    have a sense of acceptance, a sense       George Ngwane: It was for us to         Journalist: What did you find
     This is one of the reasons for the       of tolerance and keep away the whole    follow-up and evaluate the state of       out from the field?

16      PAV - SEP. 2020 - MAG 0920 Vol III
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