PROGRAM JULY 30 - AUGUST 1, 2021 - Transgender Professional ...

Page created by Andrew Myers
JULY 30 - AUGUST 1, 2021
Welcome to Converging Crises: Transgender Health, Rights, & Activism in 2021, the inaugural conference of the Transgender
Professional Association for Transgender Health. This conference, four years in the making, has one overarching goal: Trans Health
by Trans People!

In the following days you will see presentations, posters, and artistic performances by trans health researchers, activists, and
advocates from around the world. Our goal, in all of this, is to highlight the work of transgender people at the forefront of
transgender health, a field in which we have always been central.

You will see that there are no concurrent panels. This is intentional. We have created a program in which you will not be forced to
choose between different presentations. In the same spirit, there are 15-minute breaks between all presentations, interpretation to
Spanish and French, and English captioning. We also hope to upload as many as possible to our YouTube channel so that everyone
can enjoy and learn from them.

We look forward to learning from you in the next days, weeks, and years and welcome you to this groundbreaking event.

                                                                               Steering Committee

Bienvenidxs a Crisis convergentes: salud, derechos y activismo trans en 2021, el congreso inaugural de la Asociación Profesional
de personas Trans para la Salud Trans. Este congreso, que viene siendo preparado hace cuatro años, tiene una finalidad primordial:
¡salud trans por personas trans!

En los próximos días verás presentaciones, pósters y exhibiciones artísticas por investigadorxs, activistas y defensores de la salud
trans de diferentes partes del mundo. Nuestro objetivo, a través de todo esto, es destacar el trabajo de las personas trans en la
vanguardia de la salud trans, un campo en el cual siempre hemos sido centrales.

Notarás que no hay mesas simultáneas. Esto es intencional. Hemos creado un programa en el cual no te verás obligadx a elegir
entre las distintas presentaciones. En el mismo sentido, hay descansos de 15 minutos entre todos los paneles; interpretación entre
inglés, francés y castellano; y subtitulado en inglés. Además, esperamos subir la mayor cantidad posible de presentaciones a nuestro
canal de Youtube para que todxs puedan disfrutar y aprender de ellas.

Ansiamos aprender con ustedes en los próximos días, semanas y años, y te damos la bienvenida a este evento innovador.

                                                                               Comité Organizador

Bienvenue au colloque Convergences des crises : santé, droit et militantisme trans en 2021, la conférence inaugurale de
l’Association Professionnelle des personnes Trans pour la Santé Trans. Ce colloque, dont la préparation a duré quatre ans, a un
objectif primordial : la santé trans par les personnes trans!

Durant les trois prochains jours, vous assisterez à des commmunications, des performances artistiques ou consulterez des affiches
réalisées par des chercheureuses, activistes et/ou militant·es pour la santé trans en provenance du monde entier. Notre objectif,
dans tous les aspects de ce projet, est de mettre en lumière le travail des personnes trans en première ligne pour la santé trans, un
domaine dans lequel nous avons toujours occupé·es une place centrale.

Vous verrez qu’aucune sessions ne se déroule en même temps. C’est intentionel. Nous avons créé un programme dans lequel vous
ne serez pas obligé·es de choisir entre différentes communications. Dans le même esprit, il y a des pauses de 15 minutes entre
toutes les sessions, une interprétation en espagnol et en français, et des sous-titres en anglais. Nous espérons également pouvoir
ajouter à notre chaine YouTube autant de communications que possible afin que chacun·e puisse en profiter et apprendre à tout

Nous avons hâte d’apprendre avec vous dans les jours, semaines et années à venir et vous souhaitons la bienvenue à cet événement
                                                                               Comité d’organisation
Friday, July 30, 2021                                                         ALL TIMES ARE UTC-3
VIERNES 30 de JULIO, 2021                                   todos los tiempos son utc-3
Vendredi 30 Juillet 2021                                    toutes des heures sont UTC-3

8:15 AM - 8:45 AM                The language of trauma is currently    clinical work, clinical supervision,
Opening Remarks                  in a state of expansion as many use    university     supervision,      the
                                 its mobility to name the everyday      university classroom, and time
Palabras de apertura
                                 life of terror that exists for those   spent reviewing trauma literature.
Mots d’ouverture                 who have experienced a great           As trauma is deeply imbricated
                                 deal of instability and violence. In   with concerns of memory,
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM               many ways, the mobility of this        reflections consist of both past and
Oral Abstracts                   language represents a reckoning        present experiences at the time of
Presentaciones orales            with the ongoing dominant order        recording.
                                 of European and settler colonial
                                 Conquest, founded upon racial          Conclusion: Situating her stance
                                 terror, genocide, and social           within a recognition of various sites
Reframing Trans Suffering        death. At the same time, the           of privilege and marginalization
 and Oppression: Bodies,         medicalized nature of trauma and       as a neurodivergent, able-bodied
  Identities and Politics        its epistemological origin within      white queer trans woman with
                                 theories of hypnosis and hysteria      educational privilege, this paper
                                 pose hurdles to the capacity of this   concludes with a stance that asserts
      Reenmarcando el
                                 language to more fully challenge       the need for medical professionals’
  sufrimiento y la opresión      the necropolitical implications of     solidarity with a what Malatino
trans: cuerpos, identidades y    the project of humanism and its        identifies as trans care.
           política              dissidents.
                                                                      Significance: Conclusions drawn
 Redéfinir la souffrance et      Objective: The objective of the from this paper contribute to
                                 proposed paper is to explore the ongoing efforts to resist projects
  l’oppression des trans :
                                 utility and drawbacks of the use of of the terrorization of trans
Corps, identités et politiques   trauma as a strategic essentialism persons and the policing of gender
                                 which has the capacity to name the expansive embodiments. Strategic
1. Living Trans Trauma /         lived and embodied experiences of movements within systems of
Treating Trans Trauma            anti-trans violence and terror.      governance are considered, with
                                                                      a critical eye toward processes of
                                 Method: Using autoethnography, approbation of the aforementioned
Viviendo el trauma trans /
                                 the author examines her personal dominant order.
Tratando el trauma trans         and professional experiences as

Vivre un trauma trans /
Soigner un trauma trans
                                 a trans mental health counselor
                                 working with trans teens and                        •
                                 adults, a student and an educator in 2. Tracing The Suffering
                                 counseling spaces, and a researcher Transgender Subject: Mental
                                 on trans trauma.                     Health, Identity and Futures
Jaimie Cory, University
of North Carolina at                                                    in Crisis
                                 Data: Data for this paper consist
Greensboro, USA                  of personal notes and daily
                                 reflections of her experiences of Rastreando el sujeto
                                                                        transgénero que sufre: salud

mental, identidad y futuros            Drawing on on-going multi-
en crisis

Tracer les contours du sujet
                                       sited ethnographic fieldwork in
                                       Scotland/UK and interviews with
                                       medical professionals, mental
                                                                              3. Queer Realism in The
                                       health practitioners, trans
trans en souffrance : santé            community support groups,
                                                                              United Kingdom
mentale, identité et futur en          activists, and government officials,
crise                                  this presentation traces the           Realismo queer en el Reino
                                       ‘suffering transgender subject’        Unido
                                       across different sites, tracing
                                       its impact from the level of the       Réalisme Queer au Royaume-
Ellis Kokko, University of
                                       individual to the wider political
Edinburgh Department of                arenas where struggles for rights
Social Anthropology, UK                and inclusion take place. I ask,
                                       what happens when narratives of        Dr. Matthew J. Cull,
After more than a year of Covid-19,    suffering inform medical decisions     University of Reading, UK
it is clear the pandemic is not only   about care and treatment; when
affecting our physical health, but     suffering is the basis on which        Unfinished before his death,
experts are increasingly talking       claims for political and legal         Christopher Chitty’s Sexual
about a ‘mental health crisis’. This   equality are made; or when stories     Hegemony (2020) traces the
crisis is further accentuated in       of suffering become contested by       history of bourgeois regulation of
the case of LGBTIQ+ people, and        competing claims of victimhood?        homosexuality under capitalism,
transgender individuals have been      Narratives of suffering and crisis     along with the queer social
shown to be particularly vulnerable.   can be powerful ways to bring          formations that particular modes
These observations come after          moral legitimacy to stigmatized        of production enabled. I will argue
more than a decade of research         groups; yet, rather than neutral       that Chitty’s framework provides
studies, public health agendas, and    descriptions, they also shape          a particularly insightful lens
social justice campaigns calling       the very identity categories in        through which we can view the
attention to the pernicious impact     question by limiting the kind of       contemporary situation of trans
of stigma and discrimination on        subjects, affects and futures that     people in the United Kingdom
the mental health of trans people.     are recognizable.
While this narrative is arguably                                              First, I will examine the class
a positive shift away from an          I will discuss these issues in the     composition of the contemporary
inherently pathologized subject        context of the fraught debates         UK TERF movement, noting its
towards one whose suffering is         around the GRA reform which            marked bourgeois character that
reframed as a result of external       makes these questions particularly     stands in stark contrast to the
factors, in this presentation I will   urgent. My research seeks to           precarious economic position
call attention to the unintended and   contribute critically to both          and labour context of most
often paradoxical consequences of      academic and activist discussions      trans people. I will suggest this
a focus on psychological suffering     and strategies to advance radical      exemplifies Chitty’s analysis of the
in transgender politics. I propose     equality. Most importantly, I hope     ‘normal’, and that the actions of
that narratives of suffering leave     to expand the scope of trans lives     the UK TERF movement precisely
little space for imagining liveable    that are liveable trans futures        shore up their class position and
trans futures.                         that are imaginable, beyond            serve to keep trans people on the
                                       the parameters of the suffering        economic margins.
                                                                              Next, I will examine the
                                                                              consultations from Westminster

and Holyrood on the Gender            4. Le rapport aux corps des             un outil de réappropriation de
Recognition Act. I will suggest       homme trans’ dans le sport:             son corps par les personnes trans’.
that a Foucauldian reading of the                                             Par la méthode d’entretiens semi-
                                      cissexisme et enjeux de santé
consultations as biopolitical is                                              directif, j’ai pu, au cours du mois
possible, but incomplete, failing                                             d’avril en France, interroger
to account for the ways in which      Trans men’s relationship to             deux hommes trans’, familiers du
repeated consultations have been      their bodies through sport:             milieu sportif et le rapport qu’ils
launched. Here I will draw on         cissexism and health issues             ont entretenu et entretiennent
Chitty’s critique of Foucault to                                              avec le monde du sport, aussi dans
present an argument that we can                                               le cadre de leur transition. J’ai
                                      La relación de los hombres
see the consultations as the latest                                           obtenu les résultats suivants : il y
strategy in the attempt to enforce    trans’ con el cuerpo en                 a une appréhension quant au fait
a particular sexual hegemonic         el deporte: cisexismo y                 de reprendre le sport, en vue d’un
order.                                cuestiones de salud                     cissexisme anticipé, mais aussi
                                                                              en lien avec les réglementations
Finally, using Chitty’s work I        Raphaël Szymanski,                      floues concernant les personnes
will look at the realities of trans   Université Claude Bernard               trans’ dans le sport. Pour autant,
healthcare in the UK, looking at                                              le sport semble être un bon
                                      Lyon 1, France
the ways in which extreme waiting                                             moyen pour se réapproprier son
lists force already economically                                              corps dans la mesure où il permet
                                      En lien avec le militantisme et
impoverished trans people into                                                des modifications corporelles
                                      la santé, j’ai étudié le rapport
seeking private healthcare. Even                                              sur lesquelles l’individu‧e est
                                      aux corps des personnes trans’
in the private sphere, I will argue                                           plus ou moins maître‧sse. Alors
                                      dans le sport, avec une approche
that bourgeois enforcement of                                                 que les conditions d’existence
                                      sociologique, à travers notamment
sexual hegemony attempts to cut                                               des personnes trans’ sont alors
                                      la méthode d’entretien et les travaux
trans access to healthcare, as Bell                                           empruntes de cissexisme, de
                                      théoriques en études trans’ menés,
v. Tavistock demonstrates.                                                    discriminations et de violences,
                                      par Karine Espineira, Alexandre
                                                                              ces derniers sont d’autant plus
                                      Baril,    Emmanuel         Beaubatie
I will conclude that whilst the                                               saillants dans le monde sportif,
                                      notamment. Mon travail porte
ongoing oppression of trans                                                   où les normes de genre sont
                                      sur le traitement des personnes
people in the UK can (following                                               prégnantes. Dans cette mesure, la
                                      trans’ dans le milieu sportif mais
Barker 2017) be described as a                                                mise en avant d’un sport en non-
                                      aussi sur la manière dont iels sont
moral panic, such a description is                                            mixité entre personnes trans’ peut
                                      perçu‧es et perçoivent leur corps,
incomplete: reading the conflict                                              apparaître comme une solution
                                      et l’influence du sport sur cette
with Chitty demonstrates that                                                 pour continuer le sport dans un
                                      perception. Le corps, souvent vu
it fails to capture the many                                                  cadre sécurisant et en opposition
                                      comme outil dans le sport, prend
material features of the ongoing                                              aux      institutions    empruntes
                                      donc d’autant plus d’importance
conflict, and that ultimately the                                             de cissexisme à la fois par les
                                      pour les personnes trans’ dont
recognition of such features is                                               règlements et l’invisibilisation des
                                      le corps entre souvent en jeu
a necessary step in developing                                                personnes trans’ et les besoins
                                      dans les différents aspects d’une
strategies to fight back against                                              particuliers que recoupent les
                                      transition. L’objectif de mon travail
such oppression.                                                              transidentités.
                                      est de montrer que le sport est

            •                         un milieu où les personnes trans’
                                      sont d’autant plus vulnérables,
                                      mais que le sport peut aussi être

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM            Université Toulouse 2,                   de la famille et des institutions
Oral Abstracts                 LISST/Cers, France                       médicales. Cette recherche illustre
                                                                        la manière dont ces espaces
Presentaciones orales
                                                                        sont pensés en réponse à la
Communications                 Cette présentation se centre sur
                                                                        psychiatrisation des identités trans,
                               l’entraide intra-communautaire en
                                                                        à leur gestion par les institutions
                               ligne et vise à montrer comment
Community Care Practices       les réseaux sociaux numériques
                                                                        médicales et aux discriminations
                                                                        qui en découlent. Ces espaces
                               équipent les personnes trans leur
    Prácticas de cuidado                                                peuvent être compris comme
                               offrant ainsi des perspectives
                                                                        libérateurs (Haraway, 1991) en
       comunitarias            critiques et d’empowerment face
                                                                        raison des ressources importantes
                               aux institutions. Bien que de
                                                                        qui y circulent, mais aussi en
     Pratiques de soin         nombreux travaux aient souligné
                                                                        raison du potentiel d’alternatives
                               l’importance des espaces en ligne
     communautaires            dans la circulation du soutien social,
                                                                        et d’autonomisation qu’ils offrent
                                                                        à leurs utilisateur·ice·s face au
                               peu se sont intéressés aux espaces
                                                                        bouclier thérapeutique (Espineira,
                               pensés par et pour les personnes
                                                                        2011).    Cette    communication
1. Entre critique des          trans. Les contributions du champ
                                                                        montre finalement comment
institutions et perspectives   des études trans ont souligné les
                                                                        ces espaces participent à la
d’empowerment : L’usage des    avantages des médias sociaux pour
                                                                        construction d’une éthique du care
                               la communauté trans (Califia, 2003
groupes facebook en non-       ; Stryker, 2006, 2013 ; Raun, 2016
                                                                        trans (Marvin, 2018 ; Malatino,
mixité trans comme outil       ; Dame-Griff, 2013). Je propose de
                                                                        2019). Cette dernière implique
intra-communautaire.                                                    de nombreuses sous-pratiques :
                               prolonger ces travaux en étudiant
                                                                        création d’outils d’empowerment,
                               de plus près les expressions de
                                                                        écoute active, acquisition de savoir
Between critique of            solidarité sociale qui circulent
                                                                        experts, etc. Par ces dernières,
the institutions and           sur les groupes Facebook trans
                                                                        les personnes trans défient les
                               francophones. Cette recherche
empowerment perspectives:      s’appuie sur une ethnographie
                                                                        institutions, elles expérimentent
The use of trans-only          en ligne des principaux groupes
                                                                        des stratégies et des formes de
facebook groups as an intra-                                            résistance qui favorisent leur
                               Facebook trans francophones (N =
                                                                        autonomisation (Hilário, 2017).
community tool                 11) réalisée entre septembre 2017
                               et septembre 2020. L’introduction
Entre la crítica a
las instituciones y
                               de la communication présente dans
                               une perspective socio-historique la
                               croissance progressive des pratiques
                                                                        2. Trans Geographies of Care:
las perspectivas de            d’entraide t4t sur internet. Les         Normativity, Contradictions,
empoderamiento: el uso         résultats sont ensuite divisés
                                                                        and Intersectionality
de grupos de facebook          en deux sections. La première
exclusivos para personas       se concentre sur l’échange de
                               soutien informationnel, à travers la     Geografías trans del
trans como herramienta
                               création de réseaux de soignant·e·s      cuidado: normatividad,
intra-comunitaria              safe et le partage de connaissances      contradicciones e
                               expertes. La seconde analyse le          interseccionalidad
Armangau Yael,                 soutien émotionnel apporté entre
                               les membres suite à des actes
                               de discrimination vécus au sein          Géographies trans du soin :
                                                                        Normativité, contradictions

et intersectionnalité                   trans people pass as cisgender to      inmigrantes durante la
Theodore Davenport,                     circumvent transphobia through         pandemia de coronavirus
                                        the lens of transnormativity. I
University of Washington
                                        argue that exchanging passing
Department of Geography,                advice emphasizes contradictions       Dans l’ombre de la Cité
USA                                     and tensions between a plurality       Sanitaire : Historiser les
                                        of caring priorities. Second, I        expériences des migrant·es
Trans and gender nonconforming          consider the case of the Transy        trans latinx pendant la
populations in the United States are    House, owned by a trans couple         pandémie du coronavirus
experiencing crises of care. In just    in Brooklyn during the 1990s
the first three-and-a-half months of    and 2000s that came to serve as
2021, over 100 anti-trans bills were    an informal emergency shelter
introduced into state legislatures,     for trans people in New York.          Leo Valdés, Rutgers
the majority seeking to limit trans     I contend that this trans space        University, USA
people from either participating in     highlights      a     trans-centered
public life or accessing transition-    care ethic while simultaneously
                                                                 My presentation will draw on
related medical care. Yet, trans        revealing the extent to which trans
                                                                 ongoing research with the trans
people often lack acceptance and        people are abandoned by ostensibly
                                                                 Latinx migrant community of
support in “traditional” spaces of      caring agents, including families
                                                                 central New Jersey. The New Jersey-
care such as the home, medicalized      of origin, social workers, housing
                                                                 New York metropolitan region
spaces, and local communities.          authorities, and other state actors.
                                                                 has the largest concentration of
I trace a recent history of trans-      I conclude with emphasized how
                                                                 undocumented immigrants in
centered care networks to build         the gendering of care goes beyond
                                                                 the United States. Nestled halfway
theory around a trans ethic of care     a male/female binary or even a
                                                                 between Philadelphia and New
by drawing from 25 oral history         framework that merely includes
                                                                 York City lies New Brunswick,
interview transcripts from the          trans people. Rather, I articulate
                                                                 New Jersey, a small city of 55,000
New York City Trans Oral History        that trans subjectivities complicate
                                                                 people, over half of whom are
Project, an open-source archive         current      understandings       of
                                                                 Hispanic, and close to 30% of
with audio and transcriptions of        caring worlds and argue that
                                                                 whom are Mexican. Known as the
over 150 life history interviews with   future scholarship on care must
                                                                 “Healthcare City,” New Brunswick
trans current or former residents       reconfigure gender within an
                                                                 is home to world-renowned
of New York. Because trans care         intersectional framework.hospitals, such as the Robert Wood
is an emergent theoretical area, I
used a Grounded Theory Method to
code and conduct my data analysis.
                                     3. In The Shadow of the
                                                                 Johnson University Hospital, and
                                                                 the billion-dollar pharmaceutical
                                                                 conglomerate Johnson & Johnson.
                                                                 However, the economic and racial
I highlight two vignettes from Healthcare City: Historicizing segregation in the city is so stark
this dataset that reveal productive Trans Latinx Immigrant       that the Latinx community is
tensions      surrounding     trans Experiences During the       largely unable to access quality
experiences of community care. Coronavirus Pandemic              healthcare. Undocumented or
First, I evaluate one interviewee’s                              low-income trans immigrants
experiences of online trans websites                             are especially neglected. Drawing
and forums during the early 2000s. En la sombra de la ciudad     on oral histories, quantitative
I consider how such websites de los servicios de salud:          demographic and survey data,
often gave advice intended to help historizando las experiencias and archival sources, my research
                                     de personas trans latinas   historicizes the experiences of
                                                                 trans immigrants during the

coronavirus pandemic. I examine                                                 has exacerbated these existing
the trans Latinx community
through a “social history” lens
emphasizing how labor, migration,
                                       4. “The Way We Make
                                                                                access barriers and intensified
                                                                                the financial, social, and physical
                                                                                precarity of trans and nonbinary
survival organizing, and intra-                                                 people (Fish, McInroy, Paceley,
Latinx dynamics have changed
                                       Space with Each Other”:                  Williams, Henderson, Levine, &
over time and shaped the trans         Transgender and Nonbinary                Edsall, 2020; Salerno, Williams, &
community in the city. A central       Communication and Care                   Gattamora, 2020; Wang, Pan, Liu,
question is, why New Brunswick? I      During the COVID-19                      Wilson, Ou, & Chen, 2020). When
argue that Oaxacan migrants, who       Pandemic                                 formal institutions fail to address
comprise the largest segment of the                                             the needs of already marginalized
Latinx population, have brought                                                 populations within the context
important cultural resources that
                                       “La manera en que                        of a global crisis, how do these
have nurtured the development of a     juntxs creamos espacios”:                communities      respond?     What
trans immigrant community in the       comunicación y cuidados                  strategies do trans and nonbinary
city, despite institutional neglect.   entre personas trans y no                people use to create informal
Oaxacans bring a historical positive   binaries durante la pandemia             networks of care, and to provide
association with gender variance       de COVID-19                              emotional and material support for
through popular knowledge of                                                    each other outside of institutional
Muxes—a third gender category                                                   contexts?
of people within Zapotec culture,      « Notre façon de créer des
one of the sixteen indigenous          espaces les un·es pour les               Data for these analyses were drawn
cultures from Oaxaca. This             autres » : Communication et              from qualitative interviews with
cultural knowledge plays a role in     soins trans et non-binaires              31 transgender and/or nonbinary
fostering community acceptance         durant la pandémie de                    individuals.     Interview   topics
of gender variance allowing a trans                                             included personal identity and
immigrant community to thrive.
                                       COVID-19                                 presentation, navigating safety and
Trans immigrants (non-indigenous                                                risk across different environments,
or indigenous) find creative ways to   Max Osborn, City University of           help-seeking and access to
support their own growth through       New York; John Jay College,              formal and informal sources of
buying hormones in bodegas, for        USA                                      support, interactions with police,
example, or hosting fundraising                                                 the COVID-19 pandemic, and
performances for rent, food, or        Transgender and nonbinary people         the 2020 protests against police
money to buy clothes. My research      often experience obstacles accessing     violence. Participants described
demonstrates how geography,            formal or institutional support          strategies they used to receive
class, and race produce variability    services, due to a combination of        needed resources and to distribute
among trans populations. It            limited available resources, lack        them to others. These included
also contests understandings of        of provider competency, social           mutual aid work such as food and
history that erase the presence        stigma, and overt discrimination         supply donations and fundraising,
of trans migrants and that             (Acevedo-Polakovich,             Bell,   as well as providing emotional
narrowly construes trans activism,     Gamache, & Christian, 2011;              support on a person-to-person
healthcare,     and     community      Williams & Fish, 2020). Other            level. Some participants expressed
through a white, individualized,       aspects of identity and context, such    an     understanding      of  their
and highly-medicalized model.          as race and economic security, also      efforts as being part of a broader,
                                       shape access to care (Wagaman,           longstanding context of grassroots
                                       2014). The COVID-19 pandemic             queer and trans care networks.
                                                                                Participants     connected    their

investment in these projects with a       construire sécurité et             and trans-liberation.
politics that emphasized mutuality             résistance
and reciprocity and rejected                                                 This three person panel will
formal or hierarchical structures                                            include three BIPOC trans-femme
of support. The COVID-19              Stephanie Luz Hernandez,               therapists, and moderated by one
pandemic prompted both the            Kaiser Permanente, USA;                white trans-feminine therapist,
development of new methods of         Mischa Freeman;                        all from the Northern California
communication (e.g., technology,      Amina Elfiki                           Bay Area. Topics discussed will
dissemination of information) and                                            include various difficulties and
new attitudes toward it, including    Historically, transfeminine Black,     challenges     during       graduate
a greater focus on understanding      Indigenous and People of Color         school, their clinical training, and
and      accommodating      others’   (BIPOC) have been subject to           pathway to licensure. This will
perspectives and an emphasis on       scrutiny, gatekeeping, and deep        include discussions on the effects
more clearly articulating needs       pathologization by mental health       of colonization in gender health,
and boundaries.                       providers and the medical field.       pathologizing models, challenges

12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
                                      As more transgender people are
                                      entering the field of medicine
                                      and psychiatry, there is a lack of
                                                                             of transitioning while training,
                                                                             tokenization, institutional harm
                                                                             and racism, and difficulties in
                                                                             challenging hegemonic structures.
                                      representation of BIPOC in these
                                      positions. There is a clear need
Mini-Symposium                        to help support trans-femme            2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Mini-Symposio                         BIPOC to overcome barriers in          Panel
                                      academia and becoming licensed         Débat
    Capacity Building for             professionals. There is also a need    Panel
    Trans-femme BIPOC                 to support them in navigating
                                      institutional and vicarious racism,
   Therapist Development:                                                          Trans Rights in an
                                      and trauma, and also the limitations
     Building Safety and              that licensed providers may have to           Anti-Trans World
                                      resist dominant paradigms.
     Fortalecimiento de                                                          Derechos trans en un
      capacidades para                In our proposed panel presentation,         mundo anti-trans
   psicoterapeutas trans-             we will discuss three possible
                                      strategies to support trans-femme
femme Negras/xs, Índígenas                                                   Droits trans dans un monde
                                      BIPOC to becoming licensed mental
  y de Color: construyendo            health practitioners. This includes             anti-trans
   seguridad y resistencia            trans-feminine empowerment and
                                      consultation groups; mentoring by      1. Global Action for Trans*
     Renforcement des                 established clinicians (or a support   Equality
     compétences pour                 team of BIPOC trans professionals
                                      in the health field); and building a
      le développement                                                       Mauro Cabral Grinspan,
                                      national network of BIPOC trans-
thérapeutique à destination           feminine providers to organize on      Executive Director
des trans-femmes racisé·es:           a broader and international level.
                                      This presentation will be rooted       2. International Trans Fund
                                      in anti-racism, self-determination,
                                      decolonization, healing justice,
                                                                             K. Mukasa,
                                                                             Senior Program Officer

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM                 commissioned by National Health         learned in the process of setting
Mini-Symposium                    Service England experimenting           Indigo up, focusing on the obvious
                                  with what a trans-led, primary          and less-obvious benefits to having
                                  care focused, locally provided trans    trans-led healthcare services, and
Mini-Symposio                     health service could look like. We      our advice for how others might
                                  are a multi-disciplinary team.          follow our lead.
What Happens When Trans           Medical services are provided by
 People Are In Charge of          Indigo GPs and a clinical nurse         For more information, go to:
   Trans Healthcare:              specialist. Each service user has
                                  one of six named Care Navigators
       A UK Pilot
                                  (all trans/non-binary) as their
                                  contact, who support them in
   Qué sucede cuando las          navigating the service as well as
personas trans están a cargo      referring to wraparound services
  de los servicios de salud       and generally supporting in more
     trans – Una prueba           subtle and holistic ways. We have in-
                                  house Voice and Communication
  piloto en el Reino Unido
                                  therapists, and counsellors, as
                                  well as partnering with the LGBT
  Ce qu’il se passe lorsque       Foundation for referrals to wider
les personnes trans sont en       support services, so most of our
 charge des soins de santé        staff are LGBT, including a trans
  des personnes trans - Un        service manager.
  projet pilote britannique
                                  We’ve only been running since 2nd
                                  December 2020, but the service is
Meg Lightheart,                   the result of several years of co-
Indigo Gender Service, UK;        production with the wider trans
Hannah Wilk,                      community and creating a shared
Indigo Gender Service, UK;        vision with the National Health
                                  Service. We’ve already seen 200
Aimee Linfield,
                                  people to their first assessment,
Indigo Gender Service, UK;        and 100 to their second assessment,
Yvy Deluca,                       which generally means the start
Indigo Gender Service, UK;        of treatment. We’re hoping that
Ruth Talbot,                      our two-year pilot will become the
Indigo Gender Service, UK;        national standard of care for trans
                                  healthcare, rolling out to all cities
Jay Neville,
                                  and towns.
Indigo Gender Service, UK;
Nico Dhillon,                    Our proposal is to bring together
Indigo Gender Service, UK        trans people from across the
                                 team (medical, care navigators,
Indigo Gender Service is a pilot counsellors, GP educators, co-
                                 production and leadership) as a
                                 roundtable to discuss what we’ve
SATURDAY, JULy 31, 2021                                                        ALL TIMES ARE UTC-3
Sábado 31 de julio, 2021                                      todos los tiempos son utc-3
SAMEDI 31 Juillet 2021                                       toutes des heures sont UTC-3

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM                Dr. Ben Vincent,                     between primary care contexts and
Oral Abstracts                    Trans Learning Partnership, UK;      GIC care in Wales; and the LGBT
                                                                       Foundation’s Pride in Practice
Presentaciones orales             Jaimie Fletcher
                                                                       scheme in Greater Manchester that
Communications                                                         trains and liaises with primary care
                                  The Integrating Care for Trans around the delivery of LGBTQ-
 Development of Clinical          Adults (ICTA) project is a 2-year inclusive healthcare.
                                  national project in the United
  Practice Guidelines in          Kingdom, funded by the National Our data highlights the benefits
 Different Health Systems         Institute for Health Research that integration between different
                                  (NIHR). The project initially sectors can offer trans patients,
 Desarrollo de lineamientos       identified a range of models within a wider context of enormous
 para la práctica clínica en      currently being used to provided healthcare disparities, in part due
diferentes sistemas de salud      integrated care in the UK, designed to gatekeeping of healthcare in
                                  to meet the specific health and tertiary centres and reliance upon
                                  wellbeing needs of trans people. a psychopathologising diagnostic
Développement de directives       The efficacy of these models model. We briefly present and
de pratiques cliniques dans       is being explored through a explore views held by trans service
différents systèmes de santé      collection of six case studies, that users about alternative possibilities
                                  involve interviews with service to improve trans healthcare across
1. An Overview of Case Studies    users and service providers (n=80). the UK.
                                  Service users were invited to
Examining Integration
Initiatives in Trans Healthcare
in The UK: Findings From The
                                  interview following a national
                                  screening survey (n=>2000), from
                                  which a general interview sample
ICTA Project                      was also collected (n=65). Sample 2. Development of Clinical
                                  sizes correct as of April 2021, with Practice Guidelines on Trans
Una revisión de estudios de       recruitment still ongoing, with an
                                                                       Health in Russia
                                  expected total of interview sample
caso que examinan iniciativas     size of approximately 170.
de integración en los servicios                                  Desarrollo de lineamientos
de salud trans en el Reino        This paper will focus on para la práctica clínica en
Unido: hallazgos del ICTA         contextualising three of these salud trans en Rusia
Project                           case studies, which centre around
                                  collaborations between primary
                                                                        Développement de directives
                                  care, third sector (charitable)
Tour d’horizon des études de      organisations,    and    specialist   de pratiques cliniques sur la
cas examinant les initiatives     gender services. These include        santé trans en Russie
d’intégration de la santé trans   a collaboration between Leeds
au Royaume-Uni : Résultats du     Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) and      Yana Kirey-Sitnikova,
projet ICTA                       the third-sector organisation         University of Gothenburg,
                                  Yorkshire Mesmac; the Local
                                  Gender Teams model that integrates
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)       epidemiological studies, their          un libro publicado recientemente
are documents guiding diagnostics        core assumptions on the needs           (diciembre 2020) por la editorial
and      treatment     procedures.       and identities of trans people,         puntos suspensivos en la Ciudad
In Russia, the first CPG on              leading to confusing results and        Autónoma de Buenos Aires. El
transsexualism were developed            lack of external validity. The          texto forma parte de una colección
in 1991 (Belkin & Karpov, 1991).         author argues that the quality of       llamada Justicia Epistémica que
A new version was adopted in             evidence will benefit from a more       reúne ensayos escritos por personas
1999 following transition to ICD-        interdisciplinary       perspective,    trans, travestis y no binaries. Al
10 (Krasnov & Gurevich, 1999).           that would take trans people’s          tratarse de la presentación de un
However, in 2012 the Guidelines          experience and agenda as a starting     libro y no de una investigación en
were repealed, resulting in a            point. In the meanwhile, progress       particular, los campos referidos al
lack of any recommendations to           on using existing evidence for          objetivo, los datos, las conclusiones
doctors on provision of trans-           drafting CPG will be reported.          y los métodos resultan obsoletos
specific healthcare. As part of the                                              para este abstract. Las producciones
reform initiated by the Ministry of      Belkin, A. I. & Karpov, A.              académicas, estatales, activistas y
Health, all new CPG must follow          S.      (1991):   Transsexualizm        artísticas que analizan los procesos
the principles of evidence-based         (metodologicheskie rekomendacii         de      salud-enfermedad-atención-
medicine.                                po smene pola). Ministry of Health      cuidados de las personas trans* son
                                         of the USSR.                            cada vez más, tanto en cantidad
The present submission seeks                                                     como en pluralidad de perspectivas.
to address both opportunities            Krasnov, V. Ya. & Gurevich, I.          Muchas de ellas se nutren de
and challenges presented by this         Ya. (1999). Modeli diagnostiki          las experiencias, los miedos, los
innovation for Russian trans             i lecheniya psikhicheskikh i            deseos, las prácticas de las personas
activists and medical practitioners      povedencheskikh          rasstroistv:   trans*. Si bien se reconoce la
working to provide trans-specific        Klinicheskoe           rukovodstvo.     importancia de esos materiales
healthcare based on the informed         Moscow:       Moscow       Research     y lo mucho que colaboran en
consent model. On the one hand,          Institute of Psychiatry.                mejorar las situaciones concretas
relative openness of the process                                                 de existencia, este libro se propone
                                                                                 abandonar la perspectiva que centra
opens the way for trans-led groups
to influence the outcome - an
opportunity they have traditionally
been deprived of. On the other
                                         3. Cissexism and Health,
                                                                                 su interés en las experiencias de
                                                                                 las personas trans* y desplazar
                                                                                 ese esfuerzo a medir, calcular,
hand, various barriers, both             Some Ideas From The Other               describir y analizar el cisexismo.
administrative and scientific, stand     Side                                    Específicamente, a encontrarle
in the way. As to the former,                                                    los modos de convivencia y
requirement for CPG to be                                                        retroalimentación con/en el campo
                                         Cisexismo y salud, algunas              de la salud. Desde una perspectiva
submitted      by    an     officially
registered medical association
                                         ideas desde otro lado                   lésbica transmasculina, desde la
presents a major challenge. As to                                                experiencia de ser residente en un
the latter, poor quality of evidence     Cisexisme et santé, quelques            hospital nacional de referencia,
showing effectiveness of trans-          idées depuis l’autre bord               y con la ayuda de más de diez
specific medical interventions                                                   años de lecturas y activismos, me
remains a problem. This report                                                   interesa compartir algunas ideas en
                                         An Millet                               torno a las formas que toman las
will examine limitations of existing
                                                                                 alianzas entre el Modelo Medico
                                         Esta ponencia se propone presentar      Hegemonico y el cisexismo para, a
                                                                                 partir de ellas, proponer una serie
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

de movimientos a fin de producir            John Moores University,                The aim of this paper is to
escenarios más justos. Se destacan          Liverpool, UK                          communicate preliminary findings
entre el contenido de este texto:                                                  from the ICTA project national
la presentación del concepto                The Integrating Care for Trans         screening survey of over 2000
descisexualización, una propuesta           Adults (ICTA) project is a 2-year      participants and 65 community
de      reconocimiento,         analisis,   national project in the United         interviews. Specific focus will
descripción y desaprendizaje del            Kingdom, funded by the National        be on the unique experiences of
cisexismo; la descripción de las            Institute for Health Research          older trans people and disabled
particularidades cisexistas de la           (NIHR). It is based at The Open        and chronically ill trans people.
accesibilidad, y las respuestas del         University in partnership with         We will relay their experiences
colectivo trans* ante ellas; y una serie    the LGBT Foundation and                of accessing healthcare and
de preguntas y reflexiones actuales         Yorkshire Mesmac. The project          highlight the barriers they face.
que surgen de la experiencia de ser         initially identified a range of        Many of these barriers are a direct
profesional trans en un hospital            models currently being used to         result of or have been worsened
público (¿qué pasa con el cisexismo         provided integrated care in the        by the COVID-19 pandemic. We
institucional de los efectores de           UK, designed to meet the specific      will conclude with some possible
salud cuando irrumpimos lxs                 health and wellbeing needs of trans    strategies for improving trans
trabajadorxs trans*?).                      people. The next stages, which are     healthcare in the U.K.
                                            ongoing, consist of six case studies

4. Navigating Multiple
                                            of integrated care (or lack thereof)
                                            and the ‘general sample’. This
                                            general sample includes a screening
                                                                                   10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
                                                                                   Oral Abstracts
                                                                                   Presentaciones orales
                                            survey where respondents give
Barriers to Healthcare for                  basic demographic information          Communications
Trans People in The UK                      and an outline of their healthcare
                                            experiences. Some of these                Navigating Complex
Sorteando múltiples barreras                respondents are invited to take          Systems and Repressive
al acceso a los servicios de                part in in depth interviews about          Political Climates
salud para las personas trans               their health, their experiences
                                            of transition related and non-
en el Reino Unido                           transition related healthcare, and          Sorteando sistemas
                                            their thoughts on how health               complejos y entornos
Naviguer à travers les                      services could be improved. The             politicos represivos
multiples obstacles dans                    project aims to identify factors
l’accès aux soins de santé                  which make services more or            Naviguer à travers différents
pour les personnes trans au                 less accessible and acceptable to
                                            the variety of trans adults who
                                                                                      systèmes complexes et
Royaume-Uni                                 need them, and considers what          climats politiques répressifs
                                            lessons emerge as to how models
Dr. Evelyn Callahan,                        for providing integrated care can      1. Transgender Youth
Open University, UK;                        be successfully implemented and        Disproportionality In U.S.
Mx. Michael Petch, LGBT                     further improved in meeting            Child Welfare Systems: What
Foundation, Manchester;                     the needs of trans people within
                                            limited resources and continuing
                                                                                   We Know, What We Don’t,
                                            constraints, particularly resultant    and Why It Matters
                                            from the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                   Desproporcionalidad de
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

jóvenes trans en los sistemas          research exploratory research           long-term health and wellness
de bienestar infantil: qué             on transgender issues in child          outcomes,      including    mental
                                       welfare systems. Information was        health issues and substance
sabemos, qué no, y por qué
                                       included if it contained qualitative    abuse, making transgender youth
importa                                or quantitative findings related        disproportionality in child welfare
                                       to the topics of transgender            systems a paramount issue for
Disproportionnalité de la              youth     overrepresentation       in   social welfare research to address.
jeunesse trans dans les                social service   settings, dynamics     This review produced several
systèmes de protection de              of maltreatment of transgender          novel conclusions and presently
l’enfance aux États-Unis : Ce children, transgender children and               unanswered questions which
                                       child welfare system entry and exit     future research should seek to
que nous savons, ce que nous pathways, and health and wellness                 address.
ne savons pas et pourquoi
c’est important.
                                       outcomes of transgender children
                                       and adults who have experienced
                                       child welfare system entry.
                                       Relevant articles were analyzed
                                                                               2. The Fight For Trans
Ryan Karnoski,                                                                 Children in Mexico
University of California, USA; for qualitative and empirical
                                       evidence of overrepresentation of
Center for Applied                     transgender youth in foster care        La contienda por las infancias
Transgender Studies                    systems and child welfare systems       trans en México
                                       at large using social welfare
Objective: Emerging research has specific theoretical frameworks for
sought to quantify disproportional conceptualizing this issue.                 La lutte pour les enfants
overrepresentation of transgender                                              trans au Mexique
youth in United States child welfare Data: The findings of this review
systems. Despite this research, few support the existing consensus             Siobhan F. Guerrero
empirically grounded conclusions that transgender youth are                    McManus,
can be drawn about the causes disproportionally overrepresented
                                                                               Universidad Nacional
of this phenomenon due to the in U.S. child welfare systems.
overall lack of data on causal factors While there are relatively few          Autonóma de México
associated with entry into care, i.e., methodologically            rigorous
specific types of maltreatment, age empirical studies to confirm               En      esta     conferencia      se
of entry, etc. This paper evaluates qualitative and anecdotal accounts         expone el papel que jugó la
the issue of overrepresentation of of this phenomenon, newer,                  reflexión     epistemológica      de
transgender youth in United States larger datasets provide substantial         corte     transfeminista    en     el
child welfare systems and identifies evidence of rates of transgender          replanteamiento de un debate
key areas for further examination youth in child welfare systems be            en torno a las infancias trans
by analyzing extant research as high as three to four times the                que comenzó hace ya dos años
findings on the subject.               rate of transgender youth in the        en la Ciudad de México. De
                                       general population.                     manera general se esbozará en
Methods: Through a scoping                                                     qué consistió dicho debate y por
review of the literature, this Significance:              As    a     dually   qué se afirma que se hizo un
paper consolidates a body of marginalized                       population,    replanteamiento del modelo mismo
exploratory and confirmatory transgender youth in child welfare                de acompañamiento de menores
                                       systems are vulnerable to a unique      de edad. Al finalizar se enfatizarán
                                       array of disparate near-term and        los aspectos epistemológicos que
                                                                               guiaron tal replanteamiento.
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

3. Minority Stress Among             and families during that time.           Conclusion and Significance:
Transgender Youth and                                                         Findings indicate that negative
                                     Methods: Participants completed          mental health outcomes associated
Family Members Around the
                                     two online surveys at one week           with political events increases
2020 US Election                     pre- and post-election (n=72).           with proximity to marginalization
                                     Pre-election surveys collected           status (e.g., being TNBY vs. a family
Estrés de minorías entre             demographic data (e.g., gender           member of TNBY) in this sample.
jóvenes trans y sus familiares       modality); political factors (e.g.,      Families, clinicians, and advocates
en torno a las elecciones            party affiliation); and experiences      should consider the role of political
                                     of gender minority stressors (e.g.,      turmoil in the mental health of
estadounidenses en 2020
                                     gender-related family stressors,         TNBY. Future research should
                                     victimization).     Both      surveys    explore      potential   differential
Le stress des minorités chez         assessed      three     stress-related   impacts of exposure to political
la jeunesse trans et leurs           outcomes: depression (CES-D-10),         events for TNBY with multiple
familles à l’approche des            anxiety (GAD-7; scale 0-30), and         marginalized social positions (e.g.,
élections états-uniennes de          self-reported stress (0 - 100).          youth of color).

Jessica Kant, Boston
                                     Data: Of the 29 TNBY, 83% reported
                                     clinically significant anxiety (GAD-
                                     7 >=10) just prior to the election.
                                     For TNBY, this proportion remained
                                                                              4. Trans Organizing and
University; Boston Children’s        unchanged post-election, whereas         Backlash in Japan
Hospital, USA;                       for caregivers, it significantly
Eli Glen Godwin, EdM,                decreased (from 47% to 26%).             Movimiento trans en Japón y
                                     However, the proportion of TNBY          sus detractores
Harvard T.H. Chan School of
                                     reporting “severe” (GAD-7 >=15)
Public Health;                       anxiety dropped significantly from
Neeki Parsa;                         52% pre-election to 39% post-
                                                                              Le mouvement trans au
Ariella R. Tabaac, PhD;              election. Paired t-tests showed that     japon et le retour de bâton
Allegra R. Gordon, PhD;              mean depression scores decreased
Sabra L. Katz-Wise, PhD              for TNBY and caregivers from pre-        Mameta Endo, IDAHOT-
                                     to post-election. Anxiety symptoms       Japan; niji-zu,LGBTQ youth
                                     decreased significantly only for         support group, Japan
Objective: Given the Trump
                                     caregivers. Preliminary regression
administration’s      attacks   on
                                     analyses showed that post-election       Japan is a country that has no legal
marginalized groups, including
                                     self-reported stress due to the          protection for LGBT individuals.
transgender and/or nonbinary
                                     presidential election was greater        We failed to pass LGBT new act this
youth (TNBY), the 2020 U.S.
                                     among participants with prior            spring. We are also facing anti trans
federal election was a period
                                     gender-related family stressors and      backlash too. This presentation
of great concern among TNBY
                                     among TNBY with gender-related           shows difficulty trans community
and their families. The Trans
                                     victimization. Post-election, White      facing now and the way how we
Family Election Study recruited
                                     participants experienced a greater       fight back.
a nationwide sample of TNBY and
                                     decrease in both anxiety and
caregivers and siblings of TNBY
                                     depression scores than participants
(N=92) to examine the effects of
                                     of color when adjusted for baseline
the sociopolitical climate on TNBY
                                     scores and family member type.
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

12:45 PM - 2:00 PM                    2015). Significantly less studies       decision-making, barriers to care,
Oral Abstracts                        take a look at the way transgender      and queer and trans kinship.
Presentaciones orales
                                      women (people who were labeled a
                                      boy at birth, but are women) and
                                      transgender people of other gender
                                      identities (people who are agender,
                                                                              2. “Your Patients Might Look
    Reproductive Health,              non-binary, genderfluid people,         Like Me, FYI”: Representing
      Justice & Rights                for example) take up reproductive       Trans in Gynecological Exam
                                      journeys (De Sutter 2009; NCTE          Medical Trainings
                                      2012; Nixon 2013). There is
 Salud, derechos y justicia
                                      also a disproportionate focus           “Para que sepas, tus pacientes
       reproductiva                   on perspectives regarding trans
                                      people’s reproduction from mostly
                                                                              podrían lucir como yo”:
   Santé, justice et droits           cisgender healthcare providers,         representando las personas
        reproductifs                  whereas the focus should be on          trans en la formación
                                      the people marginalized by several      médica para la realización de
                                      forms of oppression that intersect      exámenes ginecológicos
1. For Life & Legacy: Trans
                                      with transphobia. This project is
and Non-Binary People’s               an important corrective, because it
Reproductive Journeys                 centers transgender people as they
                                                                              “Pour info : vos patients
                                      make meaning of and experience          pourraient me ressembler”:
Para la vida y el legado:             their reproductive care, fertility,     Représenter les personnes
trayectorias reproductivas de         infertility, pregnancy, labor and       trans dans les formations
                                      the postpartum period. Some             médicales aux examens
personas trans y no-binarias
                                      of the questions to be answered         gynécologiques
                                      include: how do transgender
Pour la vie et la transmission:       people experience healthcare as
Les parcours reproductifs des         they go through fertility planning,     Bex MacFife, MA,
personnes trans et non-binaires       pregnancy, and labor? What are          University of Oregon;
                                      some of the differences within          Project Prepare, USA
                                      transgender communities and how
Dr. Simone Kolysh, MPH,
                                      are non-binary people’s narratives      Trans and gender non-conforming
PhD, Hood College, USA                different? What are the intersections   people are not widely represented or
                                      of race, class, sexuality, disability   taught about in healthcare school
When it comes to reproductive         with experiences of transphobia         curricula. When present at all, they
journeys of transgender people        in healthcare and society? This         are often considered “specialty”
in the US, scholarship is pretty      is a feminist qualitative endeavor      populations and are relegated to
limited. Most of the studies take a   involving 100 oral histories and in-    elective minority health courses or
look at the way transgender men       depth interviews with transgender       one-off lectures. However, within
(people who were labeled a girl       and non-binary people, their            the simulated teaching centers
at birth, but are men) experience     partners, healthcare providers,         common to many healthcare
abortion,     conception,      and    and birth workers like doulas and       schools, some specialized and little-
pregnancy (Currah 2008; Chastine      midwives. In this presentation, Dr.     known educators have taken it upon
2015; Ellis, Danuta, & Pettinato      Kolysh will present results from        themselves to insert queer and
                                      the first 15 interviews and cover       trans narratives into the medical
                                      the following topics: reproductive      education institution in another
                                                                              way, even offering up their own
SATURDAY, JULY 31 / Sábado 31 de julio / SAMEDI 31 JUILLET

bodies as examples of non-normative     and Sex-Dissident Activism             nuevas formas de comprender
expression. Gynecological Teaching      in the Struggle for Abortion           los vínculos de parentesco
Associates (GTAs) have a history                                               que trascienden el modelo cis-
                                        Rights in Argentina
of teaching genital examinations                                               heteronormativo y cómo esto
in healthcare schools from the                                                 queda registrado en los marcos
perspective of a trained layperson-     Transgresiones al modelo               legales del Estado Argentino y en
-placing them between medical           cis sobre la reproducción              las prácticas sociales cotidianas.
faculty and the “average” patient--
since the late 1960s. They practice
unusual pedagogy in that they teach
using their own bodies as models
                                        y el parentesco: personas
                                        gestantes y activismo
                                        sexodisidentes en la lucha
                                                                               4. Inequalities in Perinatal
even as they instruct as experts.       por el derecho al aborto en            Healthcare for Trans and
These conditions allow, I argue, for    Argentina                              Non-binary People in
a moment of potent non-evaluative                                              England
small group instruction wherein         Transgressions au modèle
educators can bring in social skills    cis sur la reproduction et             Desigualdades en los servicios
for working with trans and gender
                                        la parenté : les personnes             de salud perinatal para
minoritized patients and disrupt
normative (cis, hetero, feminine,       enceintes et l’activisme               personas trans y no-binarias
white) understandings of the typical    des dissidents sexuels dans            en Inglaterra
gynecological patient. Following        la lutte pour le droit à
in-depth interviews with 25 GTAs,       l’avortement en Argentine              Inégalités dans les soins
over half who put extra effort into                                            périnataux pour les
including trans perspectives in
                                        Marce Butierrez, Elective              personnes trans et non-
their instruction, and 7 of whom
themselves identify as non-binary       Chair on Abortion, School of           binaires en Angleterre
or transgender, I highlight the         Social Sciences, University of
radical potential of GTA work and       Buenos Aires, Argentina                Mx. Michael Petch, LGBT
the structural limitations on how                                              Foundation, Manchester, UK;
queer the politics can get. I look at   Transgresiones al modelo cis sobre     John Moores University, UK;
how educators sneak transness into      la reproducción y el parentesco:
an examination constrained by the
                                                                               Tash Oakes-Monger, National
                                        personas gestantes y activismo
“female” context of gynecology and      sexodisidentes en la lucha por el      Health Service England, UK;
the standardizing (i.e. excluding)      derecho al aborto en Argentina /       Ruth Pearce, Trans Learning
pressures of the clinical educational   Transgressions au modèle cis sur       Partnership, UK; Center for
setting and ask how this could or       la reproduction et la parenté: les     Applied Transgender Studies;
should function as a more widespread    personnes enceintes et l’activisme     Ash Riddington, Brighton
method of queer advocacy.               des dissidents sexuels dans la lutte
                                                                               and Sussex University
3. Transgressions To The Cis
                                        pour le droit à l’avortement en
                                        Argentine                              Hospitals Trust, UK;
                                                                               Helen Green, Brighton and
                                        La propuesta de la charla es revisar   Sussex University Hospitals
Model on Reproduction and               cómo los debates emergidos a partir    Trust, UK
Kinship: Gestating Persons              de la lucha por el derecho al aborto
                                        en Argentina han constituído The Improving Trans Experiences
                                        nuevos sujetxs reproductivos y of Maternity Services project ran a
                                                                             survey looking into the experiences
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