Palm Sunday April 2, 2023

Page created by Ann Williamson
Palm Sunday ~ April 2, 2023

                                                Light in The Darkness
It was early morning of the first day of the week. As Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb of Jesus, it
is still dark. This is the darkness at the beginning of time. This is the darkness that covered Egypt
before the Exodus. This is the darkness into which Judas slipped on his mission of betrayal.
Shadows and darkness stand in Scripture for sin and evil, the oppressive weight of fear, the burden of
Mary Magdalene had been liberated by the love, the words and the kindness of Jesus. The demons
that had haunted her had been cast out by the Lord. She was healed; she had a new life; she lives in
the Light of Jesus Christ. She witnessed His crucifixion. Now, in the pre-dawn darkness, she went to
the tomb. There was a great earthquake, because an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, rolled
back the stone and sat upon it. The tomb was empty. Then she saw the risen Christ Himself!
All the events of Holy Week lead us to the brilliance of the Light – Jesus Christ, risen, victorious, the
Light of the world and the Light of our lives. The darkness of sin and death still pervade the world.
All the events of today’s world are proof that the darkness of sin surrounds us. Whether it’s mass
shootings, crime and violence, the war in Ukraine, and more, are all signposts of sin’s darkness. In
our own personal lives, we face the sins of thought, word and deed that occur daily. But all that
oppresses us – the pain, disappointment, problems, issues – can no longer weigh us down. Because of
sin, the world is chaotic and inhospitable. In Jesus God has restored the peace we long for.
In the opening words of John’s Gospel, these words stand out: “In Him [Christ] was life and the life
was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (1: 5).
All the darkness of today’s culture; all the darkness that tries to engulf our faith; all the darkness that
oppresses us – people of faith – cannot overcome the Light – the risen Christ.
We enter St. Paul’s sanctuary; it is a holy place where the Word of God is proclaimed and the Holy
Sacraments are administered. The Light of the world – Jesus – speaks to us. The Light of the world
– Jesus – feeds us with His true body and blood. The Light of the world – Jesus – enlightens our
daily lives. We go forth in peace, having our faith strengthened and our daily lives enriched.
As Martin Luther said so eloquently: “The blessing after being freed from sin, Satan and death, is
that we are in the company of angels and have become partakers of eternal life, because Christ is
Rev. Richard S. Radtke
Pastor Emeritus

        St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School     1126 S. Barr Street, Fort Wayne, IN 260-423-2496
Holy Week Worship Schedule:                          Our Giving For March 26
                Palm Sunday, April 2                          Budget Envelopes                            $24,173.50
                9:30 a.m. Divine Service                      CLHS                                            $40.00
             Maundy Thursday, April 6                         Missions/Lutheran                               $29.73
     12:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. with Holy Communion               Plate Offerings                                $422.00
                 Good Friday, April 7                         Seasonal Envelopes                             $580.00
                 12:00-3:00 p.m. Tre Ore                      School Income                                $4,737.03
                   7:00 p.m. Tenebrae                         Total Income                                $29,982.26
                                                              Easter Flowers                                  $48.21
                Holy Saturday, April 8
                                                              Gathering In Christ                          $2,184.57
                 7:00 p.m. Easter Vigil
                                                              Total of All Donations                      $32,215.04
               Easter Sunday, April 9
         8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Divine Service                Attendance for Last Week
                                                              Wednesday, March 22 ~ 6:30 p.m.                     101
          Bible Study Opportunities                           Sunday, March 26 ~ 9:30 a.m.                        268
                                                              Wednesday, March 29 ~ Noon                           24
Early Bible Study—Sunday 8:30 a.m.                            Wednesday, March 29 ~ 6:30 p.m.                     144
Dr. Quill wraps up this class on the amazing work of
the International Lutheran Council. There will be no          Serving This Week and Next
Bible Study on Easter Sunday, April 9. Class                  Sunday, April 2 ~
resumes April 16 with Dr. Todd Peperkorn teaching on          Altar Guild: Cindy Irie, Lynn Wehrenberg,
“The Image of the Cross in the Church’s Art and                  Rose Davis, and Dorthy Evertts
Architecture”. Meet in the Nerger Room.                       Elder: Dan Wietfeldt
                                                              Ushers: Dave Evans, Dan Ernst, Ethan Ernst,
Sunday School & Youth Bible Study—10:45 a.m.
                                                              John Mader, Davis Dean, Dave Geller, Dave Vandre,
Youth, ages 2 through high school, meet in the Nerger
Room before heading off to your classrooms.
                                                              Dean Doerffler

Bible Class: Joy: Fully Lutheran—10:45 a.m.                   Sunday, April 9 ~
True joy is found where Jesus promises to be. Join            Altar Guild: Jan Leffel, Mark Swearingen, Gloria
Pastor Hoem as he unpacks what it means to have joy           Nash, Rene Wiley, Lynn Wehrenberg, Barb Doerffler,
in the midst of challenging times. Meet in the Nerger         Bonnie Doerffler
Room immediately following the Divine Service.                Elder: Ethan Ernst
                                                              8:00 a.m. Ushers: Dan Wietfeldt, Tyler Germann,
Adult Instruction Class—Sunday 10:45 a.m.                     Adrianna Germann, Joshuwa Richman, Dale
Pastor Cage continues this class on the chief teachings       Doerffler, Dean Doerffler
of the Christian Faith. Meet in the Founders Room.
                                                              10:00 a.m. Ushers: Dave Evans, Tony Lardydell, Mike
Wednesday Morning Bible Study                                 Hawk, Chris Hawk, Dave Hawk, Kurt Gutman
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Robinson leads our morning Bible
study on the book of Psalms. Join us Wednesdays at            Altar/Chancel Flowers
7:00 a.m. at the Indiana District Office across the street.   The Altar flowers have been given to the glory of God by
                                                              Sara Craig, in memory of Donald Ayres.
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study
Class will resume next week, April 12. Meet in the            The Chancel flowers have been given to the glory of God
Nerger Room at 2:00 p.m. as Pastor Cage leads the             by Sharon Davis, in memory of David Davis.
study on “Joseph in Genesis”.
Easter Breakfast is Back
Next Sunday, April 9, Easter Breakfast will be
served in the Nerger Room between the two services.
A special thank-you to the Youth Group for serving
Golden Heirs April Event
April 14, 10 a.m.: Sweetwater Sound, 5501 Hwy 30
and Kroemer Rd. Lunch will be through the lunch
line at Sweetwater. RSVP via email by April 3 to Meet at church at 9:30 for
ride share.
Easter Monday—Church Office Closed
The church office will reopen on Tuesday, April 11,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For those of you who
ordered flowers, you may pick them up on Sunday
after the 10:00 a.m. service or on Tuesday.
St. Paul’s Teaching Positions For 2023-2024
We are sad to announce that our Pre-K director,
Stephanie Mueller, has accepted a Call to Emmanuel
-St. Michael. We are thankful for her dedication to
the students of St. Paul’s and we wish her God’s
richest blessings. St. Paul’s Call Committee (St.
Paul’s Board of Elementary Education) continues to
seek qualified licensed teacher candidates for
consideration for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 5th
Grade. Any interested candidate should submit his/
her resume to Pastor Joe Hoem at the following
address: If you would like to
refer a candidate for consideration, send the
candidate’s name (and any available contact
information) to the same email above or contact the
school office at 260-424-0049.
Order Altar/Chancel Flowers
Flowers are available for ordering on the following
dates: April 9, 16, 23, and 30, and throughout 2023.
Please sign up on the date of your choice in honor of
an occasion or in memory of a loved one. Instructions
for ordering are on the Altar Guild book located on
the counter in the hallway near the elevator. If you
have any questions, call Lynn Wehrenberg
at 260-755-8532.
April 2–Palm Sunday
Every tongue must and shall confess Jesus and not
ourselves as Lord over death and life (Philippians
2:11). When offered gall to accelerate His own dying,
the Savior declined, even in His terminal condition
(Matthew 27:34). We also may commend ourselves
and our neighbors into the Heavenly Father’s loving
hands as days draw to their ends.
April 2023
        Sun                     Mon               Tue                    Wed                      Thu                    Fri               Sat


2     Palm Sunday         3                4                      5                         6   Maundy Thursday   7 Good Friday      8
                           SPRING BREAK    SPRING BREAK           SPRING BREAK              SPRING BREAK          SPRING BREAK
8:30am - Bible Study                                              7am - Bible Study IN
9:30am - Divine Service                                                 District Office     Noon & 7pm—           Noon-3pm Tre Ore   7pm—Easter Vigil
10:45am - SCRIP Sales                                             NO CHAPEL                 Maundy Thursday       7pm—Tenebrae
10:45am - Bible Study                                             9-10am - SCRIP Sales      Services w/ Holy
    & Sunday School                                               7:30pm - Choir Practice   Communion

9     Easter              10               11                     12                        13                    14                 15
                          NO SCHOOL        School Resumes         7am - Bible Study IN      5:30—Elders Mtg
8:00 & 10:00 a.m.                                                       District Office     7pm—Council Mtg
Easter Services           CHURCH OFFICE                           8:45am - School Chapel
                          CLOSED                                  9-10am - SCRIP Sales
No Bible Study or                                                 2pm - Bible Study
Sunday School                                                     NO DIVINE SERVICE

16                        17               18                     19                        20                    21                 22
8:30am - Bible Study      3pm—Youth                               7am - Bible Study IN      6pm—BOEE
9:30am - Divine Service   Handbell Choir                                District Office
10:45am - SCRIP Sales                                             8:45am - School Chapel
10:45am - Bible Study     4pm—Adult                               9-10am - SCRIP Sales
    & Sunday School       Handbell Choir                          2pm - Bible Study
                                                                  6:30pm - Divine Service
                                                                  7:30pm - Choir Practice

23                        24               25                     26                        27                    28                 29
8:30am - Bible Study      3pm—Youth        St. Mark, Evangelist   7am - Bible Study IN
9:30am - Divine Service   Handbell Choir                                District Office
10:45am - SCRIP Sales                                             8:45am - School Chapel
10:45am - Bible Study     4pm—Adult                               9-10am - SCRIP Sales
    & Sunday School       Handbell Choir                          2pm - Bible Study
                                                                  6:30pm - Divine Service
                                                                  7:30pm - Choir Practice

8:30am - Bible Study
9:30am - Divine Service
10:45am - SCRIP Sales
10:45am - Bible Study
    & Sunday School
St. Paul's Students and Their Families:                      Our Homebound Members:
 Olivia, Warner, A'Veyah, Ava, Avielle                       Neva Aldridge
 For Stephanie Mueller, our Pre-K Director, who has          Joan Badders
  accepted a Call to Emmanuel-St. Michael.
                                                              Marilyn Berning
For Those Who Mourn:                                          Myra Carrier
 For the family of Buzz Doerffler, who has been given the    Mary Ann Cordes
  gift of eternal life.                                       Carolyn Falkenstern
Comfort, Health, and Recovery:                                Phoebe Fett
 Davis Dean                                                  Rodney Hall
 Marlowe Hecht                                               Leah Maier
 Kelly Kochensparger                                         Beverly Maxfield
 John Mader                                                  Lois Meyer
 Rev. Warren Messmann                                        Ernestine Morrison
 Carolyn Moore
                                                              Esther Pinnow
 Jasper Stuck
                                                              Leona Puff
Ongoing Chronic Concerns:                                     Carolyn Reincke
 Susan Balsamo-Furniss                                       Judith Rekeweg
 Harris Beck                                                 Walter Schroeder
 Doug Doehrmann
                                                              Dorothy Taylor
 Steve Hackman
 Amy Hamer                                                   Eileen Weber
 Dennis Harmeyer                                             Mary Weick
 Lonni Helmchen                                              Anna Witte
 Thomas Hoem
 John Huitt                                                 Serving in the Armed Forces:
 Juanita Jefferson                                           Abigail Dunno
 Karen Johnson                                               KiVuan Edwards
 Mark Knoblauch
                                                              Cierra Germann
 Mary Knoblauch
                                                              Brian Hamer
 Jodi Kreiger
 Linda Leimer                                                Zachary Harmeyer
 Sandy Macon                                                 Jarrell Harris
 Joan Messmann                                               Jasmine Jackson
 Mary Mundt                                                  Austin Kerr
 Larry & Louela Murphy                                       Courtney Linnemeier
 Barbara Nelson                                              Sharia Macon
 Stephen Pollock
                                                              Jamara Moore
 Ron Rastl
 Janice Schmidt                                              Brandon Screeton
 Andrew Scholes                                              John Sheaffer Jr.
 Wanda Schweyer                                              Ryan Sheaffer
 Fred Scott                                                  Brandon Skalicky
 Michelle Scott
 Rev. Ralph Sielaff
 Sam Suarez
 Ron and Sharon Williams

                               * Pray for these saints throughout the week.
              Please submit prayer requests by calling the church office at 260.423.2496 ext. 310
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