PACM News - Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba

Page created by Rafael Reed
PACM News - Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba
                       PACM Membership Meeting
PACM will be holding a virtual membership meeting on Thursday, Nov. 25th at
1:30 pm. The meeting will provide an update on PACM activities including the
Prescription to Get Active Program. An opportunity for organizations to share
information on new initiatives and upcoming events will be part of the meeting.
Mark your calendars. More details to come.

      Creating Welcoming and Culturally Safe Places for Sport,
      Recreation and Physical Activity for Newcomers Webinar
Check under the Professional Development Resources for another opportunity to
participate in this webinar being hosted by Recreation Manitoba on Sept. 21st.

In addition a recording of the webinar presented by the Winnipeg Newcomer
Sport Academy (WNSA) on Sept. 9 2021 is available to view. Click here to
access. The pass code is 9i8%XQeL
PACM News - Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba
Webinar: Creating Welcoming
                                                                            & Culturally Safe Places for
                                                                            Sport, Recreation and Physical
                                                                            Activity for Newcomers - Sept.
National Coaches Week - Sept
                                                                            21 2021 - 12 noon to 1 pm.
18 - 26, 2021 Say "Thanks
                                                                            Winnipeg Newcomers Sport
Coach". Click here for more and
                                                                            Academy presents this session
free training opportunities.         Moving Forward with
                                     COVID-19 - Kinesiology                 providing practical tips on how to
                                     Guidelines for maintaining             make activities safe and
National Concussion
                                     optimal health                         welcoming for newcomers. Click
Awareness Week - Sept. 27 -
                                                                            here for more information and to
Oct. 1, 2021 Sport Medicine &
                                     The Canadian Kinesiology               register. Free.
Science Council, in partnership
                                     Alliance (CKA / ACK), in
with Sport Manitoba and the
                                     collaboration with practicing          Webinar: Communities, Parks
Provincial Concussion Working
                                     Kinesiologists, has created            and People: How to Live Older,
Group, is hosting two workshops
                                     guidelines to provide support for      Healthier, and Happier! - Sept.
on concussion education to
                                     those undergoing recovery and/or       22, 2021 12 to 1 pm. Hosted by
continue the awareness on the
                                     resuming a regular healthy, active     Active Aging in Manitoba. Learn
resources and supports available
                                     lifestyle. These guidelines focus      the health benefits of connecting
in Manitoba. Sept 27th for Allied
                                     on six fields of practice: cognitive   with nature, the importance of
Health Professionals and Sept.
                                     capacities, ergonomics,                environmental stewardship and
29th for the General Public. Click
                                     cardiorespiratory health,              sustainable mobility. Discover
here for details
                                     functional abilities, weight gain      green spaces close to home
                                     and obesity, and safe return to        along with activities that you can
Active Aging Week - October 4
                                     sport. The guideline materials         do safely. Click here to register.
- 11 2021 Click here for more
                                     can be accessed here.                  Free.
information and resources to help
get involved.
                                                                            Webinar: What I have Learned
                                                                            in 50 Years In This Field -
Parents in Sport Week -
                                                                            October 5, 2021. 10 am - 12
October 5 - 10, 2021 Focused on
                                                                            noon. Sponsored by Recreation
engaging and communicating
                                                                            Manitoba Brian Johnson
with Parents. Click here for
                                     Multi-Lingual Physical                 presents on lessons learned from
information and resources.
                                     Literacy Resources                     a wide variety of recreation
Presented by Active for Life.
                                                                            research, planning and consulting
                                     Need physical literacy resources       contracts over the past 50 years
Sport Canada Research Initiative
                                     in another language? Active for        in hundreds of Canadian
Conference The Future of
                                     Life strives to promote physical       communities big and small. Click
Sport Participation - October
                                     literacy as much as possible, and      here to register. Free.
28 - 29, 2021 This free virutal
                                     part of that means being
conference is open to everyone.
                                     accessible. If you know of             Webinar: Social media strategy
Click here for details and
                                     families, communities or               for recreation professionals -
                                     organizations who could use            Oct 26, 2021 10 am - 12 noon
                                     physical literacy resources in         Sponsored by Recreation
PACM General Membership
                                     additional languages, they have        Manitoba. Presented by Kelly
Meeting - November 25, 2021
                                     translations available in 9            Thibodeau. Participants will learn
1:30 pm More details to come.
                                     languages in addition to English       Ways to make content more
                                     and French! Find more info here.       interesting and easier to create;
                                                                            How to join the conversation
                                                                            online; and tips for a more
                                                                            effective, engaging social media
                                                                            presence. Click here to register.

                                     Fall Prevention and
Boks Back to School                  COVID-19
PACM News - Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba
Physical Activity
Resources                            This report by the Loop Fall
                                     Prevention Community of                  New partnership to reduce
Boks has pulled together a range     Practice reviews the impact of           heart disease risk for
of resources to get everybody        COVID-19 on risk factors                 Manitoba women
active as they go back to school.    contributing to fall-related injuries.
From lesson plans to Boks bursts     It also summarizes current and           Manitoba is aiming to reduce the
and much more. Click here to         emerging evidence on the                 risk of heart disease among
access.                              effective planning and                   women through a new
                                     implementation of fall risk              partnership with the Reh-Fit
                                     screening and assessment, fall           Centre and the Victoria General
                                     care, fall rehabilitation and fall       Hospital Foundation. Funding has
                                     prevention initiatives. Click here       been committed to enable the
                                     to access.                               Reh-Fit Centre to virtually deliver
                                                                              health behavioural mentoring
                                                                              sessions to about 400 women at
                                                                              risk of heart disease starting in
                                                                              January. Click here for more

Gender Equity in
Recreational Sports
                                     Great Big Move is coming
This Canadian Parks and
Recreation Association grant will
                                     ParticipACTION's Great Big
support community level                                                       COVID-19 Exacerbates
                                     Move is back Oct. 1 -31, 2021.
interventions through programs,                                               Inequities in Canadian
                                     Get started by forming a team of
events, practices and/or policy                                               Sport Sector
                                     two to eight people, and as your
changes that aim to increase
                                     team unlocks milestones just by
participation and/or retention of                                             A multitude of surveys have been
                                     getting active, you get more
girls and women in recreational                                               conducted to examine the
                                     chances at winning awesome
sport across Canada. All the                                                  impacts of COVID-19 in different
                                     prizes!. Get info on the
details on the grant are available                                            sectors within the sport system
                                     ParticipACTION App here to get
here. Submission deadline is                                                  across the country and most of
                                     involved and access a range of
Oct. 1, 2021.                                                                 the news is not good. This Sport
                                     resources to help keep you
                                     active.                                  for Life blog looks at what was
                                                                              found. Click here to access.
PACM News - Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba
If you have any news, events and/or resources you would like to share, please forward them
via email to PACM at

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PACM Mission: The Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba (PACM) mission is to support increased physical
activity among Manitobans through collaboration, promotion and education.

PACM host organization is the Manitoba Fitness Council. PACM is supported by Manitoba Health, Seniors
and Active Living

PACM Coordinator
Roy Mulligan

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