Packaging - Blower & Vacuum Best ...

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Packaging - Blower & Vacuum Best ...
The Magazine for ENERGY EFFICIENCY in Blower and Vacuum Systems

                                                                                           August 2021
                                                             INDUSTRIAL BLOWER
                                                             & VACUUM SYSTEMS

                                                                 Paper Machine Vacuum

Packaging                                                        Systems: Liquid Rings
                                                                 vs. Blowers

                                                                 Case Studies in Dry vs.
                                                                 Wet Vacuum Pumps

                                                                 Tea Packaging Quality
                                                                 Improved with Vacuum
                                                                 Conveying Upgrades


18		Aeration Blower Control
Packaging - Blower & Vacuum Best ...
Dare to Compare.

                           The isentropic efficiency for variable speed screw and
                           turbo blowers is 20-35% better than multi-stage blowers

Picking the Right Blower Technology
Blowers are critical assets for wastewater treatment plants, and they
are often the biggest energy consumers in the plant. Choosing the
best blower is vital for plant operational success; however, too often
engineers and operators, stick to blower technology they know best,
rather than taking the time to compare blower technologies.

Multistage blowers have been a popular choice for many years, but
did you know rotary screw and turbo blowers have better isentropic                                                                Solving your system
efficiencies than multistage blowers?
If it’s time to replace aging multistage blowers, don’t miss the
chance to consider alternatives that may cut your energy bill and
improve the effectiveness of your treatment plant.

Take the dare and compare. Visit to learn

                         Kaeser Compressors, Inc. • (866) 516-6888 •
                    The Kaeser logo is a registered trademark of Kaeser Kompressoren ©2021 Kaeser Compressors, Inc. All rights reserved.
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A U G U S T    2 0 2 1   |   V O L U M E   7 ,   N O .      3

 6    Paper Machine Vacuum Systems:
      Liquid Rings vs. Blowers
      By Andrew Smitneek, Growth Solutions Consultants

10    Case Studies in Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps
      By Tie Duan, E.W. Klein & Co.

26    Tea Packaging Quality Improved with Vacuum
      Conveying System Upgrades
      By Nora Ashmen, VAC-U-MAX


                                           AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS
                                            18   Aeration Blower Control Strategies
                                                 By Tom Jenkins, JenTech Inc.


 4    From the Editor
30    Industry & Technology News
34    Advertiser Index
34    The Marketplace | Jobs and Technology                                                                       18

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                               Industrial Blower & Vacuum Systems                                                                          BLOWER & VACUUM BEST PRACTICES
                                                                                                                                              EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
                               Modern paper machines carefully remove water from the paper
                                                                                                                                                                                Danone North
                               sheet by using vacuum created by either liquid ring vacuum pumps                                       Doug Barndt        Energy Manager
                               or turbo blowers. Andrew Smitneek has a long career’s worth of                                                            Facilities             Gentex
                                                                                                                                      John Bilsky
                               knowledge (his biography says he’s retired four times!) on this topic.                                                    Maintenance            Corporation

                               I hope you enjoy his article reviewing the pros and cons of using                                                         Corporate Energy
                                                                                                                                      Bhaskar Dusi                              CEMEX USA
                               these technologies.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Energy
                                                                                                                                      Richard Feustel                           Leidos
    Tie Duan, from E.W. Klein & Co., has sent us his third excellent vacuum fundamentals article
                                                                                                                                      William Jerald     Energy Manager         CalPortland

                                                                                                        Industrial Energy Managers
    this year. This one is titled, “Case Studies in Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps.” It’s a useful piece
                                                                                                                                                         Director Corporate     Intertape
    for every plant and every vacuum sales engineer trying to optimize vacuum systems.                                                Michael Jones
                                                                                                                                                         Energy                 Polymer Group
                                                                                                                                                         GTS Energy             Stanley Black
    Vacuum conveying has long been used in the food industry. Automating the movement of food,                                        Robert Kirts
                                                                                                                                                         Manager                & Decker
    in the plant, can never come at the expense of food quality. Nora Ashmen, from VAC-U-MAX,                                                            Energy/Reliability
                                                                                                                                      Kurt Kniss                                Shaw Industries
    has sent us an interesting case study about how a tea manufacturer resolved a quality control                                                        Engineer

    issue related to their vacuum conveying system.                                                                                                      Corporate Energy
                                                                                                                                      Leslie Marshall                           General Mills
                                                                                                                                                         Group Energy           Klöckner
    Aeration Blower Systems                                                                                                           Ethan O’Brien
                                                                                                                                                         Manager                Pentaplast
    “Aeration Blower Control Strategies” is the title of our latest article from Tom Jenkins,                                                            Senior Utilities       Nissan North
                                                                                                                                      Brett Rasmussen
                                                                                                                                                         Engineer               America
    from JenTech Inc. If you “get technical” with positive displacement and centrifugal
                                                                                                                                                         Director Energy        Purdue
    (turbo) blowers, the calculations and graphs will challenge you! You can also hear                                                Brad Runda
                                                                                                                                                         & Utilities            University
    Mr. Jenkins make a presentation on this topic by visiting our Webinar Archive pages
                                                                                                                                                                                Woodard &
    at                                                                    Bert Wesley, Sr.   Plant Engineering
                                                                                                        Blower & Vacuum Assessments

                                                                                                                                                         Practice Leader
    Thank you for investing your time and efforts                                                                                     Stephen Horne
                                                                                                                                                         Blower Product
    into Blower & Vacuum Best Practices.
                                                                                                                                      Phil Kruger        General Manager
    ROD SMITH, Editor
                                                                                                                                      Ralph Wilton       Marketing Manager      Aerzen
    tel: 412-980-9901                                      Register at



Packaging - Blower & Vacuum Best ...
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Packaging - Blower & Vacuum Best ...
|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                  INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

                                    Paper Machine Vacuum Systems
                                       Liquid Rings vs. Blowers
                                                By Andrew Smitneek, Growth Solutions Consultants

    c Introduction                                      p   If you want to run without measuring       variable speed to meet the curve shown in
    So you need a vacuum system for your paper              or controlling anything, you want          Figure 1.
    making machine. Take a deep breath and read             a liquid ring pump.
    on. Blowers versus liquid ring vacuum pumps,                                                       Blowers vs. Liquid Ring Vacuum
    the short list:                                     p   If you want to save energy, you will       Pumps – How they Work
                                                            want a turbo blower.                       Any air pressure, lower than local
    p    If you need less than 3" Hg vacuum                                                            atmospheric, is called a vacuum. This is the
         (90 kPa) you want a fan.                       p   If you want to use a blower, you will      definition. A machine that can remove air
                                                            have to measure, understand and            from a chamber, faster than it can leak in,
    p    If you need more than 18" Hg                       control the blower speed to the process    is called a vacuum pump. The vacuum pump
         (40kPa) you will need a liquid                     parameters.                                gathers air at a low pressure and discharges
         ring vacuum pump.                                                                             it to a higher pressure (the atmosphere).
                                                       The approximate energy comparison of the        It is by definition a compressor.
    p    If you want a machine that will               best turbo blower versus the best very large
         run for a very long time with little          liquid ring pump is on this chart; note that    A paper machine carefully removes water from
         or no attention, you will want                the liquid ring pump is running at a constant   the paper sheet. Some of this water removal
         a liquid ring pump.                           speed, the turbo blower would have to be        is done by passing air through the sheet, thus

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INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                                                             0 8 / 2 1

moving the water from the sheet to the wire.
Air is moved by creating a pressure differential
across the sheet. This is normally done by
putting the sheet on a wire and then putting
a box under the wire and then evacuating the
air from the box. The resistance of the air
movement through the sheet and wire causes
the pressure drop from the machine room to
the box.

Two different devices are commonly used
to create a vacuum, the liquid ring pump and
the turbo blower. Within practical bounds
of operation, they work as follows:

The liquid ring pump is a positive displacement
isothermal compressor. In thermo dynamic
terms, isothermal compression is the most           Figure 1.
efficient. It is also a constant volume device if
it is run at a constant speed. Unfortunately, the
liquid ring pump uses water as the piston, and
moving the water in the largest most efficient           Need a vacuum
liquid ring pumps consumes one third of the
power put into the pump. In smaller, more                pump fast?
commonly used pumps, this number is closer
to half of the power.
                                                         Exchange PLUS
                                                                                                 NEW MODULE
The turbo blower is a constant pressure                                                          ON EVERY R5
adiabatic compressor. In thermodynamic                                                          VACUUM PUMP
terms it is less efficient than the isothermal
compressor. However, the enormous energy
drain of moving the water in the liquid ring
pump makes the turbo compressor more
efficient. Also, because the compression
is adiabatic (without exchange of heat),
the air coming out of the blower is typically
392°F (200°C), there is energy there that
can be reclaimed.                                        Quick change-over in breakdown situations.
                                                          • 100% remanufactured
                                                          • 24 month warranty
In a liquid ring system, the vacuum in the                • 24 hour response
box is created by the resistance to the air               • Pick-up and delivery
                                                         Exchange PLUS is fast, simple, cost-effective.
flow through the sheet and carrier because
                                                         1-800-USA-PUMP │ │
the pump is constant volume. As a felt fills
and compacts the resistance to flow increases

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|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                       INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

        FREE                                         Paper Machine Vacuum Systems: Liquid Rings vs. Blowers


                                                     Two of twelve medium-sized liquid ring vacuum pumps on a fine paper machine.

                                                     and the air velocity through the felt increases          cannot tolerate any contamination. Failure of
                                                     thus increasing the velocity of the air through          a liquid ring pump is usually very slow and
                                                     the felt. This is an automatic compensation              predictable. Failure of a turbo blower is usually
                                                     for felt filling as the increased air velocity will      rapid and catastrophic.
                                                     increase the water removal.
       EVERY ISSUE CONTAINS                                                                                   Paper Machine Vacuum System
       BEST PRACTICES FOR                            In a turbo blower system the pressure in the             Surveys
                                                     box is created by the blower, and the air flow           Measurement of the water removed and
       Industrial Vacuum                             is dictated by this pressure. As the felt fills          careful experimentation with your product
                                                     the resistance to air flow increase however              versus water removal is a very good idea, as
       Vacuum Generation                             the pressure remains constant and the air                it will remove variability from your process
                                                     flow decreases. The power used by the blower             (remember 6 sigma?). Either the turbo blower
       Industrial & Aeration                         also decreases as it is dependent upon the air           or the liquid ring pump can and should
       Blowers                                       flow. In modern systems, the water removal
                                                     by the vacuum system is measured and the
                                                                                                              be speed controlled for optimum energy
                                    Subscribe Now!

       Blow-Off Air                                  blower speed increased to optimize the water
                                                     removal. In this sense it mimics the liquid              Most paper machine have too many vacuum
                                                     ring without controls.                                   pumps and also have uncontrolled vacuum
                                                                                                              systems. The very large energy gains reported
                                                     The liquid ring pump is robust, runs slowly              by going from a liquid ring system to a
                                                     and can handle an enormous amount of excess              turbo blower system are partially caused
                      Subscribe at                   water and junk running through it. The turbo             by elimination of vacuum capacity from                   blower is finicky to control, runs very fast and         the system. In many cases this vacuum

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INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                                                                       0 8 / 2 1

elimination can be done without replacing the     savings of 1000 kW over the original design.          could breathe 250 times per minute you would
pumps. A vacuum survey, experimentation,          Without the experimentation, measurement              move about 1800 m³/hr. This is what a liquid
performance measurement and controlling           and controls this would not have happened.            ring pump with your lung capacity would do.
the speeds of the liquid ring pumps will often                                                          Call me for the calculation.
get good enough results to avoid the higher       The design of the vacuum system and the
capital of a complete system rebuild.             troubleshooting of an existing system is              About the Author
                                                  complicated but not impossible. Before you            Andy Smiltneek is an independent consultant
For a new paper machine, a hybrid system          undertake this activity, you should study and         and president of Growth Solutions Consultants
with fans, blowers and liquid ring pumps is       consult with independent people who have              LLC in the U.S.. Andy has lived and worked
desirable.                                        done this before.                                     in the U.S. and China and has retired 4 times.
                                                                                                        He will consult anywhere in the world.
The vacuum system must be measured and            So take a deep breath and understand that             Visit
controlled. I worked on one such system in        your lungs work like a liquid ring pump. If you
Europe where after the machine was built with
4 liquid ring pumps with 3000 kW connected
and after two years two of the pumps were shut                         To read similar Vacuum System Assessment articles visit
down wit the other two running faster, for a

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|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                               INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

                                                  Case Studies in Dry vs.
                                                   Wet Vacuum Pumps
                                                             By Tie Duan, E.W. Klein & Co.

     c Why is my vacuum pump failing? Do I
     continue replacing/repairing my pumps or try
     a new vacuum technology? What is the learning
     curve for a new pump technology? How will a
     change in vacuum pump affect my plant utilities?

     Many of our customers have grappled with
     these questions. In our recent travels, we
     have seen more and more exploration and
     experimentation with different vacuum
     technologies on existing processes. Liquid
     ring vacuum pumps being replaced by claw
     pumps, rotary vane pumps being replaced by
     liquid ring vacuum pumps, claw pumps being
     replaced by screw pumps, etc. Although the
     results have yielded many success stories and
     some unexpected challenges, we still believe
     these trials are not only healthy challenges
                                                        Typical vacuum applications in plastics extrusion process.

INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                                                                   0 8 / 2 1

to status quo, but also necessary to push the    Extrusion Degassing
boundaries of vacuum applications, and drive     In plastic extrusion processes, moisture and
innovations in different industries.             volatile gas are often removed from the molten
                                                 plastic by vacuum pumps. Insufficient off-gas
Typically, when our engineers evaluate the       removal can result in visual defects or poor
suitable vacuum technology for an application,   physical properties in the final products.
we take these areas into consideration:
                                                 The set-up: Company A has a twin-screw
 p   Process vacuum level                        extruder running XYZ polymer with various
                                                 powder additives. A claw vacuum pump is used
 p   Capacity demand                             for extruder barrel degassing.

 p   Process carry-over’s interaction            The problem: Not enough moisture and
     with pump’s internal seal liquid,           volatile gas is pulled out of the extrusion
     coating, metal, seals, etc.                 process causing product defects. The claw
                                                 pump requires constant rebuild as powder
 p   Discharge gas/vapor/liquid/particle         additives pulled out of the extruder get into
     disposal regulation                         the claw pump.

                                                                                                   Cutaway view of inlet vapor condenser.
 p   Environmental constraints                   Our approach: Proper extruder barrel venting
     (floor drain location, heat                 can be critical to the final product’s physical
     dissipation, noise level, etc.)             and visual quality. Generally, the deeper the
                                                 vacuum, the better the degassing. A single-
 p   Utility availability                        stage claw pump’s ultimate vacuum level is
                                                 limited to 25 in-Hg gauge. For some extrusion
 p   Cost of ownership                           applications, effectively removing all volatile
                                                 gas from raw materials with high moisture
 p   Motor efficiency                            content (e.g., un-dried regrind) requires
                                                 a vacuum technology with deeper ultimate
As one can see, these above dynamic              vacuum level than 25 in-Hg.
parameters go beyond just a vacuum
technology’s vacuum level and CFM capacity.      When dealing with process carry-overs in
To summarize this decision-making process        a vacuum application, the basic philosophy
into a simplified one-size-fits-all flow chart   we follow is to either prevent it from getting
would effectively force any complex real-        into the pump or let it pass through without
world scenario into a sterilized thought         damaging the pump. In general, the claw
exercise. Instead, we present a few case         pump is easy to install and operate. However,
studies derived on real-world application        any process carry-over must be addressed.
examples, where various vacuum technologies      If not filtered or separated prior to entering
may be suitable solutions. These examples        the pump, the claw pump’s internals can see
do not contain company names or extensive        severe abrasion, corrosion, and clogging.
process details, so to protect proprietary       The gas and vapor pulled out of the extrusion
information. Each case is generalized enough     process can become a very complex chemical
that the knowledge is applicable across          mixture, presenting significant challenges to
multiple specific applications.                  claw pump’s reliable performance. This is         Add-on auto-drain kit to the vapor condenser.

|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                 INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

     Case Studies in Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps

                                                                                                       especially true as the production raw material
     E.W. Klein & Co. Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary                                                  recipe changes (e.g. adding talc powder,
     Only a handful of companies last 100 years, and E.W. Klein is beginning the celebration of        calcium carbonate powder, liquid colorant, UV
     its 100th anniversary thanks to you and the great companies we represent, such as Gardner         stabilizer, fire retardants, recycled flakes, etc.).
     Denver, Alfa-Laval heat exchangers and other equipment. Founded in 1921, E.W. Klein & Co.
     is a leading manufacturer’s representative of engineered vacuum and heat transfer equipment       Our solution: For this application, we
     to the chemical, paper, power, and general industrial markets.                                    converted it to a liquid ring vacuum pump in
                                                                                                       recirculation setup, which can reach deeper
     Our Roots: Based in Atlanta, E.W. Klein was selected as Nash Engineering Co’s first               vacuum level of 28 in-Hg. We decided to put
     representative in 1921. Nash’s original focus was on steam heating systems common in              in an inlet vapor condenser separator between
     buildings of that time. Later, Nash developed their world-famous line of Nash Hytor vacuum        the extruder vent port and vacuum pump
     pumps. Still a leader in vacuum today, Nash is now part of the Gardner Denver product             inlet. This device uses chilled water/cooling
     line recently merged with Ingersoll-Rand.                                                         tower water to condense the incoming gas and
                                                                                                       vapor then collect the condensable for manual
     2020 was a challenging year for us all. Since the founding of the company back in 1921, E.W.      discharge and cleaning. The vapor condenser
     Klein & Co has come through all kinds of difficulties: wars, depression, recessions, natural      prevented majority of the volatile gas and
     disasters, stock market crashes, a pandemic, and everything in between. Through it all, it        vapor from reaching the liquid ring vacuum
     has been the people of E.W. Klein – our employees, great customers, and the equipment we          pump. A secondary knock-out pot was placed
     represent – who have made the difference. COVID has taught us that we can make it through         between the vapor condenser and the pump
     the tough times and make sure we celebrate the good ones too, now and for the next 100            inlet to drop out any liquid and particles. The
     years. Looking forward to 2021 and past COVID: A part of our overall growth plan was moving       residual amount of carry-over that makes it
     to a new location that has allowed us to stock and repair pumps and other equipment that we       into the liquid ring vacuum pumps can easily
     represent. We are excited about our new capabilities that will allow us to service the customer   be handled by the pump. As a result, the
     better than ever.                                                                                 high cost of frequent claw pump rebuild is
                                                                                                       eliminated by periodic flushing of the liquid
     The keys to our success have always been our dedicated technical-focused staff, developing        ring vacuum pump recirculation system.
     strong relationships with our diverse customer base, and capitalizing on new opportunities.
     For more information about E.W. Klein and the great companies we represent, please visit          The X-factor: This vapor condenser was                                                                                  so effective it requires constant manual
                                                                                                       discharging and cleaning. To reduce the
                                                                                                       dependency on manual intervention, an auto-
                                                                                                       drain system was put in to discharge the
                                                                                                       condensed liquid based on level sensors
                                                                                                       inside a drain pot at the bottom of the unit.

                                                                                                       Because the recirculation system requires
                                                                                                       chilled water to cool down seal water, the
                                                                                                       customer was concerned with their chiller
                                                                                                       capacity as this solution is expanded to
                                                                                                       additional extrusion lines. Unlike a claw
                                                                                                       pump where heat generated from internal
                                                                                                       compression is dissipated into the surrounding
                                                                                                       atmosphere, a liquid ring vacuum pump’s heat
                                                                                                       is almost completely removed by the seal water.
                                                                                                       In a recirculating seal water loop, the heat

INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                                                                      0 8 / 2 1

removed from the pump by seal water equals           resulting in poor hold down performance and
to the heat chilled water picks up through the       frequent pump failure.
heat exchanger. That heat transfer rate can be
converted from the pump’s brake horsepower           Our approach: For cutting substrate that
using below equation.                                are porous, like the MDF panels, a vacuum
                                                     pump needs be to able to pull to the desired
   Heat Transferred (Btu/hr) = Pump Brake            vacuum level to prevent the panel from
    Horsepower (bhp) × 2,544.43 Btu/hr               moving while being cut. It also needs to
                                                     have enough CFM capacity to handle the air
                                                     being pulled through the panel without losing
CNC Vacuum Hold Down                                 vacuum depth. While the existing liquid ring
Various vacuum technologies are being used           vacuum pump system has inlet filter, it is
to hold down the product while a CNC router          easily clogged by the large amount of routing    Regenerative Blower, also called Side Channel Blower.
cuts it into shape. Many of these are selected       dust produced from this process. Once the
by the OEMs of the CNC machines, which are           dust gets into the pump system, it tends         For this application, the vacuum depth needed
often designed to cut a limited selection of         to stay in the recirculation loop, causing       was only 10 in-Hg gauge, so we decided to
materials. However, once these machines get          abrasive wear on internal components and         replace the liquid ring vacuum pump system
into the real-world applications or the lively       reduce heat transfer efficiency of the onboard   with a regenerative blower, which can reach
used equipment market, all kinds of materials        air-water cooler.                                this vacuum level and provide high air flow
can be cut on these machines. In many cases,
the OEM supplied vacuum system might not
be the best fit for these non-ideal application

The set-up: A liquid ring vacuum pump in
an air-cooled self-contained recirculation
package is used to perform hold down                                                                     ANEST IWATA oil-free scroll
on CNC machines that cuts wood panels.                                                                   vacuum pumps are compact
The problem: Fine dust gets into the                                                                     and quiet. We offer a variety
recirculation system and causes clogging of                                                              of pumps in the range
the seal water lines, overheating the pump,
                                                                                                         of 2 CFM to 42 CFM with
                                                                                                         ultimate pressures down to
                                                                                                         1 Pascal that can suit your
                                                                                                         budget and needs.

                                                                                                    Toll free: 800-440-0282
Gardner Denver Elmo Rietschle 2BL Air-Cooled Self-
Contained “Pump-In-A-Box”.

|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                    INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

         FREE                                         Case Studies in Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps

         SUBSCRIPTION                                 capacity. A larger inlet filter with finer filter   some challenges to short-staffed maintenance
                                                      element was also installed, to improve process      teams and housekeeping.
         D I GI TAL E DI T I ON FREE WORL D WID E     carry-over prevention. Due to the internal
         PRINT EDITION FREE TO U.S. SUBSCRIBERS       design of a regen blower, it can tolerate some      The set-up: A customer uses a dozen robotic
                                                      fine dust being pulled into it. This regenerative   pick-and-place machines with oil-lubricated
                                                      blower was installed outdoors adjacent to the       rotary vane vacuum pumps to package a
                                                      wall where the CNC machine is installed inside.     certain product. This is a 24/7 operation with
                                                      This helped to keep the noise level at the          little appetite for equipment downtime, planned
                                                      production area low and allowed occasional          or unplanned.
                                                      exhaust of routing dust outdoors for easier
                                                      housekeeping in the shop.                           The problem: The rotary vane pumps emit
                                                                                                          fine oil mist from their discharge, resulting
                                                      The X-factor: Some routing applications             in housingkeeping issues. The customer tried
                                                      required higher vacuum level, such as water         putting in inlet filters, discharge oil demisters,
                                                      jet cutting of granite countertops. To ensure       and implementing rigorous separator filter
                                                      the heavy granite does not move while being         change and oil change schedule. While these
                                                      cut and be able to handle the water introduced      measures reduced the oil misting, they did not
                                                      to the vacuum system, a water-sealed liquid         eliminate it, especially with a dozen machines
                                                      ring vacuum system or a claw vacuum pump            in close proximity inside a poorly ventilated
                                                      with extensive inlet liquid separation can be       warehouse. As a result, these measures
                                                      retrofitted to the cutting machine.                 increased the cost of ownership without
                                                                                                          completely solving the housekeeping problem.
                                                      Pick-and-place operations typically see oil-        Our approach: To address the pain points
                                                      lubricated rotary vane pumps as the main            of cost of ownership and housekeeping, we
                                                      source of vacuum, but the frequent maintenance      turned to a different version of dry vacuum
                                                      and oil misting from these pumps can present        pump. While oil-less rotary vane pump and
        Industrial Vacuum
        Vacuum Generation
        Industrial & Aeration
                                     Subscribe Now!

        Blow-Off Air

                       Subscribe at
                                                      Operating principal of a scroll pump.

INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                                                                               0 8 / 2 1

claw vacuum pump can both perform this                      Instead, we trialed a new air-cooled, oil-free      installations in these dirtier applications,
pick-and-place function, oil-less rotary vane               vacuum technology: scroll pump. This type of        claw pump with proper inlet filtration would
pump has internal vane wear which results                   vacuum pump utilizes the scroll mechanism for       be another suitable solution, especially in
in frequent maintenance downtime. The claw                  continuous process suction, compression, and        facilities with no process cooling capability.
pump has higher initial capital investment and              exhaust with little change in torque. This pump
its larger footprint makes it difficult for drop-in         eliminates the need for oil, has much longer        Pharmaceutical Distillation
replacement. Small vacuum generators were                   service intervals than rotary vane pumps, has       In vacuum distillation, a liquid or solution is
also evaluated but eliminated due to this facility’s        lower initial cost, and is compact in size for      removed from a mixture when the surrounding
hyper-awareness of their compressed air usage.              easy drop-in replacement. Below is a basic          atmospheric pressure is reduced to below
                                                            operating principal diagram.                        this liquid or solution’s vapor pressure, so
                                                                                                                it boils off without excessive heat is applied.
                                                            The X-factor: The scroll pumps are suited           In pharmaceutical industries, this technique
                                                            for relatively clean vacuum applications. In        is often used to remove isopropyl alcohol or
                                                            other pick-and-place applications where dust        other type of solvent from the product mixture.
                                                            is easily introduced into the vacuum pump
                                                            (e.g. Cardboard packaging), centralized             The set-up: A customer retrofitted claw vacuum
                                                            liquid ring vacuum pumps are the more               pumps on a pharmaceutical distillation process
                                                            preferred vacuum solution. For decentralized        to remove solvents from their product mixture.

ANEST IWATA Scroll Pump DVSL-500E.

                                     Presenting the 2021
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             Quality and Increased Cycle Counts – Bert J. Wesley, P.E., Sr.                      – Nick McCall, P.E., Technical Manager, Woodard & Curran
             Principal, Industrial Plant Engineering Practice Leader, Woodard & Curran       p   Sorting Through the Menu of Aeration Blower
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|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                      INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

     Case Studies in Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps

     The problem: The claw pumps failed within weeks of operation.                    3. Process vapor will damage the internals of an air-cooled self-
     Upon inspection, the point of failure was isolated to internal seals.               contained recirculation system.
     The seals were found to be incompatible with the solvent vapor
     pulled into the pump.                                                            4. Process vapor condensed in the seal water will also change seal
                                                                                         liquid vapor pressure, reducing pump performance.
     Our approach: Liquid ring vacuum pumps are
     often used for vacuum distillation process.                                                             This limited our solution to either heavily
     However, it is limited in this application due to:                                                      modifying the claw pump with custom
                                                                                                             chemically resistant lip seal and compatible
      1. Pump discharge water is contaminated                                                                shaft sleeve or installing screw vacuum pump.
         with harmful process vapor and residual                                                             Screw vacuum pumps are typically designed for
         product powder, requires investment                                                                 processes that see vapor carry-over and most
         in water treatment facility.                                                                        of the times it requires a customized solution
                                                                                                             to match the challenges. It takes the approach
      2. There is no chiller or cooling tower                                                                of “letting it pass through without damaging the
         onsite, preventing the implementation                                                               pump”. Screw pumps often require a period of
         of a recirculation system.                                                                          warming up before it is opened to the process.
                                                                                                             This is to ensure the screws’ geometric grows
                                                          Gardner Denver Nash NDC Claw Vacuum Pump.

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INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS                                         0 8 / 2 1

under heat to close off tolerance prevent slippage in operation. This
warmup period also raises the pump internal temperature, so process
vapor does not condense when entering the pump. At shut down, we
typically recommend the pump run through a purge cycle with the inlet
isolated from the process. This is to ensure all process vapor is fully
evacuated from the pumping chamber, so no internal condensation
occurs after the pump shuts down and cools down.

The X-factors: Due to the lack of any process cooling capability at this
facility, a screw pump was not implemented. Screw pumps have high
internal temperatures due to compression, requires water cooling of
its jacket and have a higher initial cost compared to the claw. Chemical
resistant seals and compatible internal components were custom built
to retrofit the claw pumps instead.

When choosing the right vacuum solution for your application, it is
important to look beyond just the vacuum level and air flow capacity.
Consider these aspects as well:

 p   Process carry-over: dust, powder, liquid, gas, vapor, etc.? How
     to filter/separate/condense incoming process carry-over? How
     will ingested process carry-over interact with the pump’s internal
     components or seal fluid?

 p   Environmental constraints: Regulatory restriction on discharge
     water, air, debris?

 p   Utility availability: Compressed air cost, chilled water/cooling
     tower capacity? Floor drain and water source location?

 p   Cost of ownership: service interval, cost of spare parts/
     consumables, maintenance labor cost, cost of equipment
     downtime, etc.

 p   Other X-factors: noise limitation, housekeeping, centralized
     vs. decentralized vacuum, PM scheduling, spare parts and
     consumables inventory management, etc.

About the Author
Tie Duan is the Solutions Sales Engineer at E.W. Klein & Co.
Email:, tel: 478-508-2017

         For similar articles on Industrial Vacuum Technology, visit

|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                                  AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS

                                     Aeration Blower Control Strategies
                                                           By Tom Jenkins, JenTech Inc.

     c Real world blower applications rarely           Airflow demand can be categorized as either        mass flow rate of oxygen is critical. The
     operate at steady state design conditions.        volumetric or mass flow. Examples of processes     predominant constituent of air, nitrogen,
     There are a variety of reasons for this.          that require specific volumetric flow rates        is important in cooling applications, but in
     Designs usually include a margin of safety        include pneumatic conveying, air knives and        combustion and biological processes it is
     to accommodate unforeseen conditions.             agitation. In wastewater treatment, for example,   oxygen content delivered to the process that
     Typically, the process demand itself is           the need to aerate channels and equalization       determines performance.
     variable, requiring a corresponding ability       tanks is satisfied by volumetric flow rate.
     to modulate the blower flowrate.                                                                     Control Strategies
                                                       Processes based on mass flow rate are              There are three blower performance
     Blower modulation can be provided by a            common. In most of these processes the             parameters of interest. Airflow rate, volumetric
     variety of controls. The various blower designs
     have unique operating characteristics that
     must be considered in control selection. Some
     of these designs and control systems have a
     long history and some have been available for
     a comparatively short time. This article will
     describe the most frequent applications.

     Basis of Process Demand
     The process demand for air establishes the
     required performance. In almost all cases
     process performance depends on the blower
     supplying the appropriate airflow rate.
     Processes that depend directly on maintaining
     a specific pressure are rare. Most control
     systems that use a pressure setpoint use
     pressure indirectly to regulate airflow.
                                                       Figure 1: Examples of System Curves

AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS                                                                                                       0 8 / 2 1

or mass, is the controlled parameter. Pressure   Control strategies are employed to modulate                 An example would be pre-implementation
is required to overcome the resistance to        the airflow in response to changes in process               analysis of Energy Conservation Measure
airflow through distribution piping and into     demand or system resistance. This is usually                (ECM) power cost.
the process. The pressure consists of constant   accomplished by a feedback loop. The error
static pressure and variable friction losses.    between set and desired performance initiates               There are multiple blower types and
[See Figure 1.] The pressure and flow, in        a change in the airflow modulating device.                  multiple control devices available for most
turn, establish the power needed to produce                                                                  applications. The most common combinations
the desired airflow rate at the pressure         It is often necessary to predict the impact                 are shown in Table 1.
necessitated by the system.                      of control changes on system operation.

The blower performance curve identifies                                                  TABLE 1: BLOWER AND CONTROL TYPES
the pressure capability of a blower as a         BLOWER TYPE                                 THROTTLING          VARIABLE SPEED (VFD)         GUIDE VANES
function of its flow rate. The system curve      Lobe Type PD                                Never               Only Practical Method         Never
identifies the pressure created by the system    Screw Type PD                               Never               Only Practical Method         Never
as a function of the air flow through it. The    Multistage Centrifugal                      Very Common         Very Common                   Uncommon
intersection of the two curves will identify
                                                 Geared Single Stage Centrifugal             Uncommon            Uncommon                      Very Common
the actual operating point.
                                                 Gearless Single Stage Centrifugal (Turbo)   Uncommon            Always Provided               Never
                                                                                    NOTES: Least Efficient       Most Efficient                Intermediate Efficiency

       • Best-In-Class Efficiency                 • Proven Reliability
       • Lowest Cost of Ownership                 • Compact Footprint
       • Industry Standard Components             • Resistant to Harsh Weather

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                                                                                              IM-20 // 30-125 HP

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                                                       1-855-INOVAIR |                                        BUILT IN THE USA

Gearless Single Stage   Uncommon                        Always Provided             Neve
                                                                               Centrifugal (Turbo)

                         |   0 8 / 2 1                                                          NOTES: Least Efficient               Most
                                                                                                                              AERATION    Efficient
                                                                                                                                       BLOWER    SYSTEMS           Inter

                                                                               Positive Displacement (PD) Blowers
     Aeration Blower Control Strategies
                                                                               Both lobe and screw PD blowers are modulated by varying their speed. The PD blow
                                                                               theoretically a vertical straight line, but actually internal leakage (slip) increases wit
                                                                               ratios. [See Figure 2.] Speed reduction reduces the flowrate, with the discharge pres
                                                                               match the system pressure at that flow. To avoid over pressure and damage to the
     Positive Displacement (PD) Blowers                     pressure changing to match the system pressure is linear with flowrate. [See Figure 3.] This
                                                                               pressure relief valve should always be provided for PD blowers.
     Both lobe and screw PD blowers are modulated           at that flow. To avoid over pressure and damage      simplifies calculating the response to speed
     by varying their speed. The PD blower curve is                              At constant  discharge  pressure
                                                            to the system or blower a pressure relief valve        blower The
                                                                                                                 changes.  flowrate
                                                                                                                                slope change   is linear
                                                                                                                                      and intercept   canwith
                                                                                                                                                          be speed and blo
     theoretically a vertical straight line, but actually                        with  flowrate. [See
                                                            should always be provided for PD blowers. Figure 3.] This
                                                                                                                 calculated from tabular or graphical speed chang
                                                                                                                      simplifies  calculating the   response
                                                                               intercept can be calculated from tabular or graphical data.
     internal leakage (slip) increases with higher
     pressure ratios. [See Figure 2.] Speed reduction       At constant discharge pressure blower flowrate                 cfm! − cfm"     hp! − hp"
                                                                                                                    m=                 or
     reduces the flowrate, with the discharge               change is linear with speed and blower power                  rpm! − rpm"     cfm! − cfm"
                                                                                                                 b = cfm" − m ∙ rpm" or hp" − m ∙ cfm"
                                                                                                                         cfm#$% = m ∙ rpm#$% + b

                                                                                                                          hp#$% = m ∙ cfm#$% + b
                                                                               If the expected operating discharge pressure differs from the available data the per
                                                                               evaluated at pressures above If
                                                                                                               thebelow  the operating
                                                                                                                    expected anticipated   value. Linear
                                                                                                                                        discharge        interpolation
                                                                               estimate performance at the anticipated   pressure.
                                                                                                             differs from the available data the performance
                                                                               There are limitations in applying   be evaluated  at pressures
                                                                                                                            Frequency   Drivesabove  and
                                                                                                                                                (VFDs) forbelow
                                                                                                                                                           controlling PD
                                                                               constant discharge pressure thetheblower
                                                                                                                   anticipated value.constant
                                                                                                                          demands     Linear interpolation
                                                                                                                                               torque from the motor,
                                                                               demands constant output current      from
                                                                                                              is then     the
                                                                                                                       used toVFD.  The performance
                                                                                                                               estimate  horsepower atrating
                                                                                                                                                         the of most VFD
                                                                               variable torque loading, so theanticipated
                                                                                                                VFD for a pressure.
                                                                                                                           PD blower must be oversized to accommod
                                                                               load at reduced speed.

                                                                                                               There are limitations in applying Variable
                                                                                                               Frequency Drives (VFDs) for controlling PD
                                                                                                               blowers. At constant discharge  pressure the
     Figure 2: Example PD Variable Speed Performance

     Figure 3: Examples of PD Blower Performance

AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS                                                                                                          0 8 / 2 1

blower demands constant torque from the
motor, which in turn demands constant output
current from the VFD. The horsepower rating
of most VFDs is based on variable torque
loading, so the VFD for a PD blower must be
oversized to accommodate the high current
load at reduced speed.

At reduced speed blower efficiency decreases,
which increases discharge air temperature.
Excessive temperature causes distortion
and failure of mechanical components. This
limits minimum blower speed. For fan cooled
motors reduced cooling at low speed is also
a concern. Either temperature sensing or the
manufacturer’s suggested minimum speed
should be included in the control strategy to
                                                         Figure 4: Example of Inlet Throttling Control
prevent damage.

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                          temperature         causes distortion
                          or the manufacturer’s            suggested and     failure ofspeed
                                                                         minimum           mechanical
                                                                                                blower         components.
                                                                                                               be included
                                                                                                            curve    and the system inThis   limits
                                                                                                                                              control minimum
                                                                                                                                                     identifies   theblower
                                                                                                                                                                       to  prevent
                                                                                                                                                                        actual     operating airflow.                scfm
                                                                                                                                                                               scfm         ∆psi
                                                                                                                                                                                                   &'(&$    =   1            6
                          damage.   For fan cooled motors reduced cooling at low speed is also a concern. Either                                    ∆psiistemperature
                                                                                                                                                                    = 1 process.sensing6 ∙             )*+,-$'.  22.66 ∙ C
                                                                                                Creating throttled performance curves                       a two-step                    The pressure drop through& the
                           0 the
                               8 / manufacturer’s
                                     2 1                   suggested minimum speed                  should     be    included       in  the   control    strategy      to 22.66
                                                                                                                                                                           prevent  ∙ CBLOWER
                                                                                                                                                                                         &       psia)*+,-$'.
                          Centrifugal (Dynamic) Blowers                                         is calculated in the first step.If the Δp at a given flow is known a simplified analysis may
                                                                                                 If the Δp at a given flow is known a simplified analysis                           ! may be used:
                          Centrifugal blowers have variations in design, but all share common operating∆psi                                       characteristics.        All 6 ∙ °R )*+,-$'.
                          Centrifugal (Dynamic) Blowers                                                                                               &'(&$ = 1
                                                                                                                                                                   22.66 ∙atC&the psia∆psi           q/#($,      ! = ∆p1#2%#
     Aeration Blower            Controlblowers
                          centrifugal         Strategies
                                                       use impellers to transfer kinetic energy to air. The volute or diffuser section
                                                                                                                                                       ∆psi/#($, #$% = ∆p1#2%# ∙ 1
                          periphery ofblowersthe casehave      variations
                                                         converts    someinofdesign,         but
                                                                                    the kinetic     all  share
                                                                                                If the           acommon
                                                                                                          Δp at in   the airflow
                                                                                                                     given   flow  operating      characteristics.
                                                                                                                                         to potential
                                                                                                                                     is known             energy,
                                                                                                                                                  a simplified         i.e.All may be used:q1#2%#
                          centrifugal      blowers     usedischarge
                                                                           to transfer                                                    In theor second      step   the impact
                                                                                                                                                                             at the of reduced density and inlet
                          pressure. The        flow vs.                                andkinetic
                                                                                             flow vs.  energy
                                                                                                                        air. The volute        for adiffuser
                                                                                                                                                      given set section
                                                                                                                                                                     of inlet
                                                                                                 In the second step the impact            createofareduced         density and
                                                                                                                                                       new performance                 inlet
                                                                                                                                                                                    curve.      pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                            q#$%       Figure
                                                                                                                                                                                                       !      for4.]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   multiple poi
                          conditionsof    arethe   case converts
                                                shown                somecurves.
                                                          in the blower         of the kinetic energy in the airflow to potential                 ∆psi[Seeenergy,=i.e.
                                                                                                 create a new performance curve.                              Figure ∆p
                                                                                                                                                        /#($, #$%        4.]1#2%# ∙ 1q1#2%# 6
     Centrifugal (Dynamic)pressure.      The flow vs. discharge
                                      Blowers                          pressure
                                                                    impeller      eye and    flow vs. power
                                                                                        are unchanged,          but thecharacteristics
                                                                                                                            available for a given set of inlet                             psia/#($, #$% = psia3'-2.$,
                          There are a variety of control methods available. [See Table 1.] All of them modify the blower curve to
     Centrifugal blowerscontrol           are
                            have variations     shown
                                                 in       in  the blower
                                                                    pressure  curves.
                                                                                   and   mass   In  the
                                                                                                 flow     second
                                                                                                         at  the      step
                                                                                                                  discharge  the are               psia/#($,
                                                                                                                                   impact of reduced            #$% =
                                                                                                                                                            density     and psia
                                                                                                                                                                               inlet   pressure −
                                                                                                                                                                                   3'-2.$,-/4       for∆psi
                                                                                                                                                                                                               &'(&$points is ca
                                      the airflow.                                              create a new performance curve. [See Figure 4.]
     design, but all shareThere
                             commonare aoperating                   reduced. The
                                           variety of control methods                    intersection
                                                                                   available.     [See Tableof the1.]      All of them modify the blower curve topsia5/+46
                                                                                                                      reduced                                                                    psia#$%      = psia/#($, #$% ∙
                                                                                                                                                                                                       5/+46 2-/7/#'(
                           Throttling at the blower inlet shifts the curve downward and makes it steeper.                                       psia
                                                                                                                                               psia    5/+46 #$% =is =
                                                                                                                                                                            least/#($, #$% −   ∙
                           control theblowers
     characteristics. All centrifugal      airflow.use              blower curve and the system curve identifies                                     /#($, #$%              3'-2.$,-/4           psia&'(&$
                                                                                                                                                                                                        /#($, 2-/7/#'(
                           efficient control method, but it has also the lowest equipment cost. It functions by creating a pressure                                                                   icfm#$% = icfm2-/7/#
     impellers to transferThrottling
                             kinetic energy                                                                                                                                             psia
                           drop at theatblower
                                                    air. TheThe total
                                                                    the actual
                                                                   shifts   head
                                                                             the curve
                                                                                     and the
                                                                                                   airflow. andflow
                                                                                                 volumetric           makes at theit steeper.
                                                                                                                                       impeller   Throttling
                                                                                                                                            psia5/+46     areicfm is the
                                                                                                                                                                     #$%    least
                                                                                                                                                                         /#($,      but
                                                                                                                                                                                              5/+46 2-/7/#'(
                                                                                                                                                                                      ∙ 2-/7/#'( 4)-&$
     volute or diffuser section    at  the periphery     of                                                                                                                             psia/#($, 2-/7/#'(
                           the availablecontrol    method,
                                              pressure     andbut  it has
                                                                 mass   flow also         lowest equipment
                                                                                 at the discharge          are reduced.   cost.TheIt functions
                                                                                                                                        intersectionby creating       a pressure
                                                                                                                                                          of the reduced                       icfm          ∙ psia8.!:;
                                                                                                                                                                                                 *+/'#$%            /#($, #$% ∙ ;
     the case converts somedropofatthe
                           blower     thekinetic
                                     curve    andenergy
                                           blower     inlet.
                                                    the   system    Creating
                                                               The total
                                                                   curve    head  throttled
                                                                                     and the
                                                                             identifies       performance
                                                                                            the  volumetric
                                                                                                   actual operating curves
                                                                                                                    flow       isthe
                                                                                                                                   a two-
                                                                                                                            atairflow. impeller eye       are#$%
                                                                                                                                                        icfm    unchanged,
                                                                                                                                                               #$%  ∙=psia
                                                                                                                                                                         icfmbhp    but
                                                                                                                                                                              /#($,  #$%
                                                                                                                                                                                   #$%     =∙ ;<
                                                                                                                                                                                                       !"#$% '()
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  =       − 1?
                                                                                                                                                                                                 *+/'"'*(+ '()64.85 ∙ effici
                           the available
     in the airflow to potential   energy, pressure        and mass
                                              i.e. pressure.        stepflow     at theThe
                                                                            process.      discharge
                                                                                               pressureare      reduced.
                                                                                                              drop     throughThe   the intersection
                                                                                                                                      bhp    #$% =        of the reduced
                          Creating throttled performance curves is a two-step process. The pressure dropicfm                                        through      the inlet64.85 valve∙ efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                        *+/'!"#$% '()      8.!:;
                           blower    curveand andflow
                                                    thevs.system curve       identifies     the actual        operating        airflow.The most #$%           ∙ psia
                                                                                                                                                        efficient     /#($, #$% ∙of
                                                                                                                                                                      method         ;600airflow
                                                                                                                                                                                         of controlling         Volts) made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3 the
                                                                                                 scfm                 °R )*+,-$'.                                                   3
     There are a variety Ifof the
                               control     a given flow is known∆psi
                                   Δp atmethods                                 &'(&$ = 1analysis may
                                                                          a simplified      22.66 ∙ C& be
                                                                                                              6 ∙ used:
                                                                                                                                                 for all types of centrifugal blowers is variable
     available. [See Table 1.] All of them modify the If the Δp at a given flow is known a simplified                                            speed, usually using       3 a VFD. In the past the high
                                                                                                                         q#$% !
                          If thethe
     blower curve to control       Δpairflow.
                                        at a given flow is known          a∆psi
                                                                    analysis simplified
                                                                                  /#($, be
                                                                                        #$% analysis
                                                                                              = ∆p1#2%#
                                                                                            used:          may be ∙ 1 used: 6                    cost of medium voltage VFDs (>600 Volts)
                                                                                                                         q#$% !                  made their use on large blowers uneconomical.
                          In the second step the impact of reduced         ∆psi/#($,density
                                                                                        #$% = and  ∆p1#2%#inlet pressure
                                                                                                                  ∙1              for
                                                                                                                                   6 multiple points is calculated to
     Throttling at the blower inlet shifts the curve                                                                   q1#2%#                    Increased competitiveness in the VFD market
                          create a new performance curve. [See Figure 4.]
     downward and makes it steeper. Throttling is                                                                                                and high energy costs now make them attractive
                          In the second step the impact of reduced density and inlet pressure for multiple points is calculated to
     the least efficient control                                      psia                 =   psia                     −   ∆psi
                          createmethod,        but it has curve.
                                    a new performance               In the     second
                                                                           [See      #$%step the 3'-2.$,-/4
                                                                                   Figure   4.] impact of reduced&'(&$                           for medium voltage applications.
     also the lowest equipment cost. It functions by                density and inlet pressure for multiple         psia5/+46   points    is
                                                                   psia  5/+46/#($,
                                                                                  #$%#$% ==psiapsia3'-2.$,-/4    ∙ − ∆psi&'(&$
     creating a pressure drop at the blower inlet.                  calculated       to create a/#($,new#$%  performance
                                                                                                                    psia/#($,curve.2-/7/#'(      Creating the new performance curve
     The total head and the volumetric flow at the                  [See    Figure     4.]                          psia5/+46 2-/7/#'( for variable speed uses the affinity laws.
                                                                   psia5/+46 icfm #$% =     psia icfm#$%
                                                                                         #$% = /#($,
                                                                                                                 ∙ 4)-&$
                                                                                                           2-/7/#'( psia/#($, 2-/7/#'(
                                                                                                                       *+/'               8.!:;
                                                                                icfm#$%   psia=/#($,
                                                                                                 icfm     ∙ ;< *+/'
                                                                                                                   !"#$% '()
                                                                                                                4)-&$        =                    − 1?
                                                                                                                              "'*(+ '()
                                                                bhp#$% =
                                                                                 64.85 ∙ efficiency
                                                                                                *+/' 3(2%$- 8.!:;
                                                                   icfm#$% ∙ psia/#($, #$% ∙ ;< *+/'!"#$% '()=     − 1?
                                                                                                     "'*(+ '()
                                The most efficient method   of controlling
                                                       bhp#$%   =          airflow for all types of centrifugal blowers is variable speed,
                                                                                 64.85 ∙ efficiency
                                usually using a VFD. In the past the high cost of medium voltage3(2%$-VFDs (>600 Volts) made their use on
                                The most efficient method of controlling airflow for all types of centrifugal blowers is variable speed,
                                usually using a VFD. In the past the high cost of medium voltage VFDs (>600 Volts) made their use on


     Figure 5: Example of Variable Speed Control

AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                                   0 8 / 2 1

                   They defineblowers      theuneconomical.
                                                  relationship between      Increased   the competitiveness   it, and assume in the VFD          market
                                                                                                                                         the result      willand   highnew
                                                                                                                                                              be the     energy costsflow
                                                                                                                                                                                        nowcondition occurring at low flow and high
nomical. Increased competitiveness in the VFD market and high energy costs now
                   performance  them attractive
                                             curve at the    fororiginal
                                                                   mediumand          voltage
                                                                                           new applications.  operating point. [See Figure 6.] This is not                             pressure. It can cause blower failure in a short
e for medium                 voltage applications.
  onomical.        speeds.
                      Increased     The     calculations
                                             new performance     are performed
                                                                           in curve
                                                                                the VFD      onmarket
                                                                                           for   variableand  correct!
                                                                                                                                    thecosts      procedure
                                                                                                                                            affinity now         is to construct
                                                                                                                                                         laws. They     define the time. Surge control consists of monitoring
  formance curve for variable speed uses the affinity laws. They define the
   ve for medium   severalvoltage
                  relationship     pointsbetween
                                                    construct       the new curves.
                                                            the performance                    curve at the   a new      performance
                                                                                                                    original      and newcurve            and The
                                                                                                                                                    speeds.    determine    its
                                                                                                                                                                     calculations  areflow and taking corrective action. That may
    the performance curve at the original and new speeds. The calculations are
                   [See Figure 5.]        on    several      points       to    construct          the   new     curves.       [See      Figure
                                                                                                              intersection with the system curve.    5.]                               mean modulating the blower control device
  l points to construct
  erformance               curve forthe            new curves.
                                              variable      speed uses   [See the   Figure      5.] laws. They define the
   itiveness in the VFD market and high energy costs now rpm#$%                                                                                                                        to increase flow to a safe operating point or
  en the performance
  omical.       Increased competitiveness  curve at   rpm the    original
                                                                    in the and    VFD icfmnew
                                                                                           market  speeds.
                                                                                                        and highThe calculations
                                                                                                                        energy        costs    are
  ications.                                                   #$%                             #$% =                            ∙ icfm     2-/7/#'(
        medium               icfm#$%applications.
                      to construct
                           voltage             =
                                               therpm new curves.        ∙ icfm         Figure 5.] rpm
                                                                              [See2-/7/#'(                    Most      existing applications of geared single
                                                                                                                  2-/7/#'(                                                             opening a blow-off valve to increase flow and
   le speed uses the affinity laws.                      rpm   They define the                                stage centrifugal blowers use guide vanes for                            reduce discharge pressure. In other cases the
|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                                                                                 AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS

     Aeration Blower Control Strategies

                                                                                                                                                                 Trends In Control
                                                                                                                                                                 Blower control is rapidly changing as new
                                                                                                                                                                 technology in instrumentation and control is
                                                                                                                                                                 combined with new blower configurations.
                                                                                                                                                                 Better economics and the rapid implementation
                                                                                                                                                                 of complete blower packages have accelerated
                                                                                                                                                                 the rate of change.

                                                                                                                                                                 Blower controls have developed increased
                                                                                                                                                                 communications capabilities to integrate
                                                                                                                                                                 their functions and operating data into
                                                                                                                                                                 SCADA systems. Many packages include
                                                                                                                                                                 advanced capabilities such as employing
                                                                                                                                                                 virtual machines, cloud data storage,
                                                                                                                                                                 and the Internet of Things (IoT).

                                                                                                                                                                 Energy optimization is an increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                 important goal for blower control systems.
                                                                                                                                                                 This includes incorporation of advanced VFD
                                                                                                                                                                 designs. Initially applied exclusively to turbo
                                                                                                                                                                 blowers, permanent magnet synchronous
                                                                                                                                                                 motors are being applied to other blower
                                                                                                                                                                 types and at higher power. Advanced control
                                                                                                                                                                 algorithms like floating control and direct
                                                                                                                                                                 process flow control are becoming more
                                                                                                                                                                 common. These trends will continue to
     Figure 7: Example of IGV Control
                                                                                                                                                                 shape and improve blower control technology
                                                                                                                                                                 in the future.
                                                       TABLE 2: BLOWER PROTECTION SYSTEMS
      PROTECTION METHOD                                       POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT BLOWER                   CENTRIFUGAL BLOWER
                                                                                                                                                                 About the Author
      Surge Protection                                         Not applicable                                Always                                              Tom Jenkins has over forty years’ experience in
      Motor Overload Protection1                               Always                                        Always                                              blowers and blower applications. As an inventor and
      Phase Loss / Phase Imbalance1                            Larger Units                                  Larger Units and All Turbos                         entrepreneur he has pioneered many innovations
                                                                                                                                                                 in aeration and blower control. He is an Adjunct
      Blower and Motor Bearing Temperature                     Larger Units                                  Usually
                                                                                                                                                                 Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
      Blower Case Vibration                                    Larger Units                                  Larger Units Without Bearing Vibration Protection   For more information, visit
                                                                                                             Larger Multistage and Most Geared Single Stage
      Blower and Motor Bearing Vibration                       Seldom
                                                                                                             Units Mag Bearing Turbos

                                                               Larger Units (May Use
      Discharge Air Temperature                                                                              Usually
                                                               Differential Temperature)

      Discharge Air Pressure                                   Larger Units                                  Usually (May Use Differential Pressure)                    To read similar articles on Aeration
                                                                                                                                                                         Blower Technology, please visit
      Lube Oil Temperature and Pressure                        Larger Units                                  Geared Single Stage Only                      
      Lube Oil Level                                           Larger Units                                  Geared Single Stage and Larger Multistage2

     Notes:		1) Overload and phase monitoring is generally a standard feature of VFDs and solid-state starters.
     		      2) Not applicable to grease lubricated bearings on multistage blowers.

                                                                                    Powering Automation

                     Research and Identify Innovations
           to Enhance the Efficiency and Reliability of Your Systems

Compressed Air                           Blower & Vacuum                            HVAC & Process Cooling/Steam
Air Compressors                          Aeration Blowers                           Chillers             Water Treatment
Air Compressor Controls                  Industrial Blowers                         Heat Exchangers      Boilers
Air Purification & Piping                Vacuum Pump Systems                        Cooling Systems      Steam Traps
Condensate Management                    Inlet Filtration/Oil Separators            Cooling Towers

               Motors & Drives   •   Lubricants   •   Measurement Instruments   •   IoT Automation & Monitoring

                                                         SAVE THE DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR!
                                                        Located at the modern Schaumburg Convention Center
         EXPO HOURS                                   just 10 minutes from Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
     Tuesday, November 2 12:00-6:00pm
  Wednesday, November 3 12:00-6:00pm
                                                                           Sponsored by
|   0 8 / 2 1                                                                    INDUSTRIAL BLOWER & VACUUM SYSTEMS

                                      Tea Packaging Quality Improved
                                     with Vacuum Conveying Upgrades
                                                           By Nora Ashmen, VAC-U-MAX

     c Vacuum conveying is common in the food           implementing the extension conveyor, a            the final product from mobile silos to
     industry and while most suppliers say they can     vacuum conveyor system transferred raw            packaging machines.
     move product from point A to point B, there        materials into portable silos that workers
     are some applications that require deeper          rolled from one production machine to the         A Quality Control Issue Arises
     knowledge to thoroughly assess and meet all        next. Finished product was then transferred       The tea manufacturer produces multiple
     requirements for ergonomics, safety, efficiency,   from silos to packaging machines using            grades of teas and the new extension conveyor
     and quality control.                               a VAC-U-MAX packaging vacuum conveyor.            system generated a higher volume of fine
                                                                                                          particles in the final product of its high-grade
     Vacuum Conveyer for a Global Tea                   The new extension conveyor system, from           whole leaf tea products, resulting in a quality
     Manufacturer                                       another vendor, transported raw materials         control issue.
     In an ongoing project to improve processes         from large bags that workers cut and
     whenever and wherever it can, a global             introduced into the conveying line. Once in the   Although the extension system vendor
     manufacturer of private label retail, food         conveying line, material moved through the        appropriately sized the system to gently move
     service and specialty brand teas, purchased        production process and the finished product       the whole leaf tea through the system, smaller
     an extension conveyor system to improve            conveyed to mobile silos. The packaging           particles (introduced into the system as result
     efficiency and ergonomics. Prior to                conveyor, in use for 10 years, then transported   of breakage during transportation of raw

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