P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...

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P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
             P r o s p e c t or
              Vol. 9, No.3
                               Serving the Corps for 75 Years
                             Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow   February 13, 2020

New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow
I'll take the Marines: Black History Month
Latest from WHO on Coronavirus
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
On The Cover:
                                                   Front cover: Laurie Pearson
                                                   Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow's Walking Color
                                                   Guard presented the Colors during the Goldstone
                                                   Groundbreaking Ceremony held at the NASA and Jet
                                                   Propulsion Laboratory Deep Space Communications
                                                   Complex located at the Army's Fort Irwin, California,
                                                   Feb. 11. The event was a celebration at the construction
                                                   site for their new Deep Space Station-23, 34 meter Beam
                                                   Waveguide Antenna which will complete construction
                                                   in 2023. Left to right: Lance Corporal Anthony Plant,
                                                   Cpl. Cameron Newsome, Cpl. Jose RiveraMartinez, PFC
                                                   Alexander CortezCastaneda.


                                                   Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, California
                                                   Colonel Craig C. Clemans, commanding officer
                                                   Sgt. Maj. Sergio Martinezruiz, base sergeant major

                                                          Communication Strategy and Operations Office
                                                   CommStrat Officer: Rob L. Jackson
                                                   CommStrat Planner: Keith Hayes
                                                   CommStrat Chief: Laurie Pearson
                                                   Editorial Assistant:
                                                   Visual Information Chief: Jack Adamyk
                                                   Graphic Specialist: Cheri Magorno
                                                   The editorial content of this magazine is prepared,
                                                   edited and provided by the Communication Strategy and
                                                   Operations Office of Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow,
                                                   California. Mailing address: Commanding Officer, Attn:
                                                   CommStrat Office, Box 110130, Barstow, CA 92311-5050.
                                                   The CommStrat is located in Building 204. Phones: (760)
                                                   577-6430, 577-6450, 577-6451,
                                                   FAX 577-6350, DSN prefix 282.
                                                   This magazine is an authorized publication for members
                                                   of the Department of Defense. Contents of THE
                                                   PROSPECTOR are not necessarily the official views of,
                                                   or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of
                                                   Defense, or the U.S. Marine Corps.

     On the web
Links in this publication are interactive in the
online version

Website: http://www.mclbbarstow.marines.mil


P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
NASA's Goldstone groundbreaking

                                                                                                                    Photo by Laurie Pearson
Colonel Craig C. Clemans, Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow's commanding officer, breaks ground by tossing the first shovels full of dirt,
along with Brig. Gen. David Lesperance, Bartsow Mayor Julie Hackbarth-McIntyire, Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator for
NASA Space Communications and Navigation, Lt. General (USAF Ret) Larry James, Deputy Director, JPL, and other dignitaries at the
Goldstone Tracking Station's DSS-23 construction site, at their NASA facilities on Fort Irwin Army base, Calif. Feb 11.

                   Got news? Call us! (760) 577-6430
                        New MCLB Barstow                                                     SecOps at                                 8
                        sergeant major                           5                           Rail Ops

                        MCCS                                                                 Novel
                        Operations                                 6                         Coronavirus                              10
                        Officer an old                                                       update

                        Black History
                        Month - I'll Take                          7                         February 2020                          12
                        The Marines                                                                                                      3
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
News Briefs
MARADMIN 719/19 SUBJ/              MARADMIN 518/19                       MCO 5354.1E ADMIN
CONCEALED CARRY OF                                                       CH MRA
FIREARMS FOR                       WASHINGTON DC MRA                     MARINE CORPS
U.S. MARINE CORPS LAW              MP//                                  PROHIBITED
ENFORCEMENT                        The Career Communications             ACTIVITIES AND
PROFESSIONALS//                    Group will host the 15th military     CONDUCT
This MARADMIN authorizes           Stars and Stripes Recognition         PREVENTION AND
qualified active Marine Corps      Dinner during the Black Engineer      RESPONSE POLICY
Law      Enforcement        (LE)   of     the    Year Award (BEYA)       Mission.      To       preserve
professionals    who     possess   Science, Technology, Engineering      dignity and promote respect
valid Law Enforcement Officer      and      Math    (STEM)      Global   for all Marines and other
Safety Act (LEOSA) 18 U.S.C.       Competitiveness        Conference,    Armed      Forces    personnel,
§926B credentials to carry         held 13-15 February 2020 at the       uniformed and civilian, that
concealed     privately   owned    Marriott Wardman Park Hotel           are assigned to, or serving
firearms (POF) aboard Marine       in Washington, DC. The Marine         with, Marine Corps units by
Corps property in the United       Corps will be the highlighted         ensuring a clear and common
States and U.S. territories for    Service during this event.            understanding of the prohibited
personal protection not in the     BEYA is an annual three day           activities    and      conduct
performance of official duties.    conference that brings industry       addressed in this Order, their
                                   professionals      and     students   intolerable   and     corrosive
SECNAVINST               5500.37   together to share their experiences   effects on our institution,
authorizes the Commandant of       and career information. Attendees     and proper prevention and
the Marine Corps (CMC) to          can network with others from          response actions.
grant permission to Marine         around      the   country     while
Corps uniformed and civilian       participating in seminars and
personnel to carry a POF           workshops that explore every facet
aboard Marine Corps property       of STEM career paths. The goal        Women's Bible Study
for personal protection not in     of BEYA is to create connections
the performance of official        between students, educators and       Join us for week three of six
duties or status. Through          STEM military professionals while     sessions on Jim Cybala's "When
this MARADMIN, the CMC                                                   God's People Pray: Transforming
                                   facilitating partnerships with        life of prayer."
authorizes only Marine Corps       individuals and their local STEM
LE professionals who possess       resources.                            Location: Bldg 126
valid LEOSA 18 U.S.C. §926B                                              (Behind Marine Memorial Chapel)
credentials to carry a concealed
POF aboard Marine Corps
                                   Leave Share Program                   Fellowship and breaking bread
property. Marine Corps property    Individuals currently affected by     begins at 5:30 p.m. then prayer
                                   medical emergencies and in need       and DVD begin at 6p.m.
are Marine Corps installations,
                                   of leave donations:
bases, and stations in which the                                         For more information contact
                                   Torria Haulsey
Marine Corps exercises primacy                                           Laurie Pearson at
                                   Mario Sanchez Chavez                  laurie.pearson@usmc.mil
for LE functions.                  Anyone desiring to donate annual
                                   leave under the Leave Share Pro-
                                   gram should contact the Human
4                                  Resources Office at 577-6915.
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
MCLB Barstow’s new sergeant major
Story by: Keith Hayes                 Medal with three gold stars, and              else can do it also,” he said.
CommStrat Planner                     a Volunteer Service Medal with                   Although the size of the

M     arine Corps Logistics           one bronze star.                              command is different at what is
      Base Barstow, California          Kretschmer said he was                      basically a civilian Marine base,
is getting a new base sergeant        surprised to be back at MCLB                  Kretschmer said the mission
major, but he is no stranger to       Barstow.“I didn’t ask to come                 facing him is the same.
serving aboard base.                  back here but I’m happy I’m                      “Being at BLT I had about 1,500
  Sergeant Major Edward C.            here,” he said.                               Marines assigned to me,” he said.
Kretschmer officially takes             “It’s good to have someone                  “Here I’m going to have maybe
over the duties of the top staff      who already knows the layout,                 74, but there are challenges here
non-commissioned officer              knows what Barstow has to offer               also that the Marines are going to
aboard MCLB Barstow Feb. 14,          and knows the Marines and what                need guidance and help with.”
where he once served as the                                                            The new sergeant major is
Headquarters Company first                                                          a big believer in fitness and
sergeant.                                                                           training having served as a
  Kretschmer, a native of                                                           senior drill instructor at Marine
Wyandotte, Michigan, was                                                            Corps Recruit Depot San Diego
promoted to sergeant major in                                                       where he was chosen as Drill
July 2016 and reassigned to 3rd                                                     Instructor of the Quarter in
Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment,                                                     2003. Kretschmer will be adding
also known as “Darkhorse,”                                                          his own touches to the training
as the sergeant major of the                                                        schedule.
Battalion Landing Team                                                                 “Change is always tough and
stationed at Marine Corps Base                                                      it’s not going to be easy for the
Camp Pendleton, Calif.                                                              Marines,” he said. “Not that I’m
  “(While with 3/5) I was                                                           going to change everything, but
deployed twice to the Middle                                                        there are certain things that I
East, each time roughly seven                                                       want to do to build the training
months,” Kretschmer said. “My                                                       and morale, not just with the
son is a (Private First Class)                                                      Marines but their families, as
with (1st Battalion, 4th Marine                                                     well.”
Regiment), also at Camp                                                                As base sergeant major,
Pendleton, and will soon be                                                         Kretschmer has a responsibility
deployed as I was.”                                      Official U.S.M.C. photo    to not only the Marines but their
  Those were just two of his         Sergeant Major Edward C. Kretschmer is         families, and it is a responsibility
                                     the new base sergeant major. This is not his   he does not take lightly.
five deployments during the          first time serving aboard MCLB Barstow. He
course of his career. His official   was Headquarters Battalion first sergeant in
                                                                                       “I’d like to have more unit
biography lists deployment to        2014.                                          functions and more things to
Iraq as a staff sergeant in 2006                                                    bring the families together. I’d
in support of Operation Iraqi         they need to succeed.”                        like to strengthen the cohesive
Freedom.                                Kretschmer has a respect for                core of MCLB Barstow,”
  As a gunnery sergeant,              the institution of the Marine                 Kretschmer said.
Kretschmer was deployed from          Corps and a respect for the                      As he said, his reassignment to
September 2009 to May 2010            Marines, and likes to lead from               MCLB Barstow was a surprise to
to Afghanistan in support of          the front, which means a lot of               him, but not an unwelcome one.
Operation Enduring Freedom.           hands-on leadership and being                     “I’m happy to be here and
He was again deployed to              in the mix with the Marines.                  facing the challenges that MCLB
Afghanistan as a first sergeant in      “I want to be engaged in what               Barstow brings. I look forward
2012 and 2013.                        they’re doing. If they’re in the              to helping the Marines and
  Sergeant Major Kretschmer’s         field I want to be in the field. If           improving the quality of life for
personal awards include Bronze        they’re at the range I want to pop            them and their families,” the
Star, Meritorious Service             in and see them at the range. I               sergeant major concluded.
Medal, Combat Action Ribbon,          think that sets an example and
Navy and Marine Corps                 sets the tone for everyone else
Commendation Medal, Navy              around you. If the sergeant major
and Marine Corps Achievement          is out there doing it, everybody                                               5
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
MCCS Operations Officer
Taking on challenges and reaping rewards
Story and photo by: Keith Hayes                                 there are a lot of moving parts,” she said. “I just
CommStrat Planner                                               make sure that communication stays fluid and
                                                                everyone knows what’s going on for those that

T    he person piloting the Marine Corps                        have a need to know in that specific situation.”
     Community Services Department at Marine                        Prior to taking over the MCCS slot, Benavidez
Corps Logistics Base Barstow, California, has a                 worked      for the Behavioral Health Program.
wealth of experience                                                                                   “I worked with
navigating those stormy                                                                             the  Family Advocacy
waters.                                                                                             Program     as a
    Angelica Benavidez                                                                              Prevention     Education
was appointed to                                                                                    Specialist   and  Victim
the role of MCCS                                                                                    Advocate,”    she  said.
Operations Officer                                                                                     That   work   made
in August 2019 when                                                                                 her ideally suited to
the former head of                                                                                  handle the challenge of
the department, Dr.                                                                                 Operations Officer of
Will Artis, took over                                                                               MCCS.
a similar role at Fort                                                                                 “I’ve been here for
Irwin, California.                                                                                  15  years and in the
    “Operations Officer                                                                             position   I was in with
is a kind of unique                                                                                 Behavioral     Health
position because we’re                                                                              I had  to do   a lot of
under (Marine Corps                                                                                 coordinating     already,”
Base Camp) Pendleton                                                                                Benavidez     said. “But
after the merger                                                                                    when   you   step  out
of MCCS in 2015,”                                                                                   of that role with one
Benavidez explained.                                                                                branch of that division,
“My job is to oversee the                                                                           there’s a lot more
operations in Barstow                                                                               that goes in to it, but
and coordinate between                                                                              I already had pretty
command, the local staff                                                                            decent relationships
and Camp Pendleton to                                                                               with a lot of the base
make sure we’re meeting                                                                             and the Pendleton staff
the needs of the patrons                                                                            and that really helped.”
in Barstow.”                                                                                           While there are
    Those needs are wide Angelica Benavidez, Marine Corps Community Services                        those  challenging
and varied, the native        Operations    Officer, Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, Calif.,  aspects  to Benavidez’s
                              displays a picture of the people she worked with for almost 15 job, there is also
Barstownian pointed out, years at the Behavioral Health division, Feb. 5. Though she
with MCCS touching                                                                                 rewards that come with
                              embraces her new role as the MCCS OpsO, she maintains those
almost every aspect           relationships and embraces the opportunity to make a difference the position.
of life aboard MCLB           for all of the MCCS divisions.                                          “The best part of
Barstow, including food                                                                            this job is having the
and hospitality, tickets for events, the library, the                                              opportunity     to provide
Marine Corps Exchange, Leatherneck Bowling                      services     on  a different   level  and  to work    with
Lanes, the Marine Memorial Golf Course,                         everybody       in a different    capacity.  It’s really  fun
the Child Development Center, education                         to find    out  how   everything      works  and   making
counselling, mental health counselling, drug                    things happen,” Benavidez concluded.
abuse counselling, and many other pursuits.
    As MCCS OpsO, Benavidez said the most
challenging part of her job is communication, as
it is with most every job aboard base.
    “I make sure everyone is on the same page
       because we’re dealing with a lot of different
6      people in a lot of different places, so
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
I'll take the Marines:
Lyrics by Montford Point Marine GySgt LaSalle Vaughn
Story compiled by: Laurie Pearson Marine Corps,” Vaughn said in a
CommStrat Chief                       2007 interview with The Beaufort
                                      Gazette. “But I refused to go in the
L   aSalle R. Vaughn, Sr. of Port
    Royal, Louisiana, was a retired
gunnery sergeant who served in
                                      Army and Navy.”
                                          He and others enlisted during
                                      a time when and a place where
the United States Marine Corps,       racism and segregation were a part
along with more than 20,000 other     of everyday life. For instance, the
black men in the Montford Point       quota of 1,200 men were housed in
Marines.                              prefabricated huts near segregated
    “(His) eyes could bore into you   Jacksonville, North Carolina,
like a nail, and (his) body was still where railroad tracks divided white
taut as new rope when he died         residents from black.
last Sunday at 88,” wrote David           Despite the challenges presented
Lauderdale in a 2012 article about    to those Montford Point Marines,
the man.                              their valor and performance at
    Though he died in 2012 at         Peleliu, Iwo Jima, the Chosen
the age of 88, “Sarge” as he was      Reservoir, Vietnam, and more,
nicknamed, left behind a legacy       paved the way for our present day,
carried on today by writing the       integrated armed forces.
lyrics to “I’ll Take The Marines.”        Vaughn set off in 1942 to the
    The song was later put to music   newly opened, all-black training
and dubbed the Montford Point         base where the drill instructors
Marines Hymn and is still played      were white because no black                 Photo by David Lauderdale, Island Packet
at special events where Montford      men had been Marines prior.             Retired Gunnery Sgt. LaSalle R. Vaughn in his
Point Marines are honored and         The recruits lacked many of the         U.S. Marine Corps uniform at the funeral of
remembered for their sacrifices and basic-training facilities that the        his best friend and next-door neighbor, retired
honorable service to the United                                               Marine Master Sgt. Frederick Drake, in
                                      Corps’ bases for white men had,         November 2010. Both were Montford Point
States.                               such as a pool and rifle range.         Marines.
    Vaughn was one of thousands       By 1945, all drill instructors and
of black Marines who underwent        many noncommissioned officers at         and dates to 1776, when George
basic training in the swampy,         Montford Point were black.               Washington received the first one
segregated Montford Point site            After training, Vaughn stayed        from the Continental Congress. It
outside Camp Lejeune, N.C.,           on the base as a cook until black        reads:
between 1942 and 1949.                Marines began to be stationed at           "For outstanding perseverance
    Today’s Marine Corps, like its    other bases, as the Corps grew           and courage that inspired social
sister services, is fully integrated, more integrated.                         change in the Marine Corps"
but for decades, the Marines did          In January 1944, he arrived on         Vaughn lived on Sergeants Drive
not admit African Americans.          Parris Island to work at the Officers    in Port Royal, where he was one of
It was in 1941 when President         Club and became one of the first         three black Marine sergeants, each
Franklin Delano Roosevelt             black Marines on base. He said           with seven children, who retired
signed Executive Order 8802 to        they weren’t allowed to live in the      there. He is also enshrined in the
establish the Fair Employment         barracks, but instead slept in tents     Montford Point Marine Association
Practice Commission, banning          outside and could travel only to         Hall of Fame.
discrimination “because of race,      certain parts of the base.                  In one story he told to reporter,
creed, color, or national origin” in      Vaughn was one of 420                he said that his wife, Catherine, told
all government agencies.              surviving Montford Point Marines         him he needed to forgive others
    He enlisted after he received a   who attended a ceremony at Marine        for the discrimination that black
draft card for World War II, signing barracks near the Capitol Building        people and others endured. He said,
up at a recruiting station in Chicago in the District of Columbia and          with blatant honesty, that he can
soon after President Roosevelt        were honored with a Congressional        forgive, but cannot forget.
signed the order. He wanted to        Gold Medal. The medal, presented            The Montford Point Marines
be in the smallest and most elite     to the group collectively, is the        performed well in their duties
branch of the military.               nation’s highest civilian honor                                           7
     “We were not wanted in the                                                continued on page 11
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
SpecOps partners with MCLB Barstow Rail
Story by: Laurie Pearson                         “Rail Operations personnel
CommStrat Chief                                provide training to the Special
                                               Operations Community in myriad
Photos courtesy: U.S. Army                     skills focused around locomotives,
Special Operations Training Detachment         railheads, and train movements,”
                                               Hildebrandt said. “During this
U    .S. Army Special Operations
     Command partnered with
Marine Corps Logistics Base
                                             particular training evolution, RHOG
                                             personnel provided periods of
                                             instruction, assisted in the planning
Barstow on the Yermo Annex                   of the exercise, and during the
aboard the base over Super Bowl              event worked both as Range Safety
weekend.                                     Officers and support personnel for
  “Cyber space is integrated into            the training itself.”
all portions of our lives from                 “USASOC conducts partnership
computers to smart light bulbs,”             training with local forces frequently;
said Lt. Col. Joshua Thiel, Special          in all cases safety and learning
Operations Training Detachment               are the top priorities. No live
commander. “As almost everyone               ammunition is used. Observer-
has experienced, cyber space can             controllers provide an extra layer of
steal our personnel information              safety during the event and feedback
or cause our computers to crash.             after the event.”
Malicious individuals or nations                                                      Soldiers with the U.S. Army Special
                                               A large portion of the RHOG            Operations Command work with night
could attack our transportation              participated, along with two Special     vision gear to render simulated medical aid
infrastructure. (So, we engaged in           Operations teams that range in size.     during a training exercise held at Railhead
this collaboration) in order to better       The training provides a lot of hands-    Operations on the Yermo Annex aboard
understand the cyber aspects of rail         on experiential learning so that         Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, Calif.,
transportation to better protect our                                                  Feb. 2. The training included a special focus
                                             attendees can embrace classroom          on railway usage and included class sessions
nation. “                                    lectures, but then cement that           and hands-on exercises intended to maintain
  One goal of the mission was to             learning with actual work on the         war fighter readiness.
enhance mutual understanding                 railcars, and at the railhead.
of the physical security of                    “It’s an immersive style of learning   before and after these training
infrastructure and learn the                 where we teach, we embrace their         events. The training adds to myriad
capabilities of the resident Marine          experiences as well, and then put        other training and conditioning
Corps Railhead Operations Group              everything to the test in real time      exercises aimed at enhancing
supervisor Chad Hildebrandt                  movements,” Hildebrandt said. “We        national security.
and his team. They also had the              teach RHOG courses to all branches         “It is impossible to know what
opportunity to learn from those              of the military, from a variety of       mission or task you may face in
experienced individuals regarding            functions. The Special Operations        regards to the U.S. security and
railway transportation protocols,            groups are really dynamic units          global prosperity for our friends,”
techniques and strategies.                   with flexible professional Soldiers      Thiel said. “Members of our
                                             eager to do their jobs effectively       command respond to typhoon
                                             and efficiently. We also embrace         rescues to operations in Iraq. In
                                             the opportunity to learn from them       a dynamic world with knowns,
                                             while they’re here.”                     USASOC’s Special Operations
                                               “The USASOC, Special Operations        Training Detachment focuses
                                             Training Detachment specializes          on training adaptable problem-
                                             in training units and refining           solvers. Our partnership withMCLB
                                             concepts for the force,” Thiel said.     Barstow is important, because the
                                             “SOTD has two units, one at the          venue provides different terrain, size,
                                             National Training Center, Fort           obstacles, and trains – elements that
                                             Irwin, California and the Joint          cause Special Operations Soldiers to
A sniper with the U.S. Army Special          Readiness Training Center, Fort          problem solve.”
Operations Command takes aim to cover
fellow soldiers during a training exercise   Polk, Louisiana.”                          “As a nation and community,
held at Railhead Operations, on the Yermo      The event took place over the          we should thank the dedicated
Annex aboard Marine Corps Logistics          period of a couple of days. However,     participants who (trained) through
       Base Barstow, Calif. Feb. 2.          the lessons learned and other            the Super Bowl weekend,” Thiel
8                                            coordination can occur for weeks         mentioned.
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
WHO declares public health emergency
Story by: Laurie Pearson                                    For all of these reasons, I’m declaring a public health
CommStrat Chief                                             emergency of international concern over the global
                                                            outbreak of Novel Coronavirus. The main reason for

T    he World Health Organization has declared a
     public health emergency of international concern
regarding the global outbreak of Novel Coronavirus,
                                                            this declaration is not because of what is happening
                                                            in China, but because of what is happening in other
                                                            countries. Our greatest concern is the potential for the
January 30.                                                 virus to spread to countries with weaker health system
  The outbreak, which began in                                                 and which are ill-prepared to deal with
Wuhan, China, has now spread to                                                it. Let me be clear. This declaration is
over 65,000 people, with cases in                                              not a ‘vote of no confidence’ in China.
approximately 25 countries outside                                             On the contrary, WHO continues to
of China, 15 of those in the United                                            have a confidence in China’s capacity
States. At least 1,400 people have                                             to control the outbreak.”
died, most of whom were in China.
There have also been several cases of                                        WHO Global Response:
human-to-human transmission of the
Coronavirus, which is different than                                          “There is no reason for measures
originally suspected. They initially                                          that will unnecessarily interfere
thought transmission would be from                                            with international travel and trade.
animal to human only, which is not                                            So WHO doesn’t recommend
the case.                                                                     limiting trade and movement,” said
  However, the general director of                                            Ghebreyesus.
WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reassures                  •   We call on all countries to implement decisions
the public that this declaration of emergency is out                that are evidence based and consistent
of extreme caution and urges people to use facts and            •   WHO stands ready to provide advice to any
reason. He also articulated his respect for China’s swift           countries considering which measures to take.
and thorough response to the outbreak.                          •   We must support countries with weaker health
  “Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed the                   systems.
emergence of a previously unknown pathogen, which               •   Accelerate the development of vaccines,
has escalated into an unprecedented outbreak, and                   therapeutics and diagnostics.
which has been met by an unprecedented response,”               •   Combat spread of rumors and misinformation.
said Ghebreyesus. “As I have said repeatedly since my           •   Review preparedness plans, identify gaps and
return from Beijing, the Chinese government is to be                evaluate the resources needed to identify, isolate
congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has                 and care for cases and prevent transmission.
taken to contain the outbreak, despite the severe social        •   Share data knowledge and experience with
and economic impacts those measures are having on                   WHO and the world.
the Chinese people. We would have seen many more
cases outside China by now, and probably deaths, if
it were not for the government’s efforts and progress
they have made to protect their own people and the
people of the world. The speed with which China
detected the outbreak, isolated the virus, sequenced
the genome and shared it with WHO, and the world,
are very impressive and beyond words. So is China’s
commitment to transparency and to supporting other
countries. In many ways, China is actually setting a
new standard for outbreak response.”
  “Although these numbers are relatively small
compared to the number of cases in China, we must
all act together now to limit further spread,” he said.
“The vast majority of cases outside of China have a
travel history to Wuhan or contact with someone who
has a travel history to Wuhan. We don’t know what
sort of damage this virus could do if it were to spread
in a country with a weaker health system. We must                                             Continued on page 11
act now to help countries prepare for that possibility.
P ro sp e ctor The New sergeant major for MCLB Barstow I'll take the Marines: Black History Month Latest from WHO on Coronavirus - Marine Corps ...
PPB earns Robert T. Mason Award
Story by: Christina Craig
Technical Writer

M      arine Depot Maintenance
       Command has a long history
of supporting the Howitzer
M777A2 platform, executing
depot repair and overhaul on more
than 450 guns at Production Plant
Bartstow on the Yermo Annex
aboard Marine Corps Logistics
Base Barstow, Calif., since 2011.
Fiscal Year 2018, marks the best
year in the M777 program's
history. During the performance
period, the M777A2 Howitzer
Program demonstrated exceptional
performance in the execution                                                            Photo Courtesy: Production Plant Barstow
of the repair and overhaul of the       Left to Right: Steven Morani, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel
155mm Howitzers in support of the       Readiness, Col. Wildred Rivera, Marine Depot Maintenance Command Commander,
                                        Gunnery Sgt. Shaun Thomas, MDMC, Will Beckly Production Plant Barstow Trades
warfighter.                             Division Manager, Trent Blalock, MDMC Deputy Director, Travis Verral, Optical
  Beginning in March 2017, over         Mechanical Section Leader, Michael Brown, PPB Howitzer M777 Supervisor, Vincent
400 Marines from the 11th Marine        Bustamante, PPB Heavey Mobile Equipment Mechanic, Jacob Zeman, PPB Optical
Expeditionary Unit, later replaced by   Repairer Mechanic, Robert "Chip" Schwartz, PPB Plant Manager, all stand with Major
1st Battalion 10th Marines, deployed    Gen. Joseph Shrader, Marine Corps Logistics Command Commanding General as they
                                        receive the Robert T. Mason Award for ingenuity and exceptional performance.
to deliver fire support for the US-
backed forces in Syria put Marine
Corps Logistics Command's logistic        In June 2017, Combined Joint Task            The superior quality of weapons
solutions and the quality of the        Force-Operation Inherent Resolve             overhauled by the M777A2 team
M777A2 team’s guns to the ultimate      began its concentrated siege on              enabled the Marines to achieve
test. Leveraging on-hand inventories    Raqqa. For the entirety of the fight,        unprecedented rates of fire and
at MAP-K and War Reserve material,      these Marine artillery units armed           deliver an immense level of lethal
MARCORLOGCOM rapidly                    M777A2 Howitzers overhauled                  force to the enemy.
supplied Marine artillery units 18      by MDMC were on the ground                     During the five-month siege, these
M777A2s overhauled by the MDMC          providing 24-hour, all-weather fire          Marines:
team I.                                 support.                                     • Fired over 35,000 155mm
                                                                                     • Processed Over 4400 targets
                                                                                     • Suppressed, neutralized, or
                                                                                         destroyed more than 1200 enemy
                                                                                         defensive fighting positions
                                                                                     • Destroyed over 40 enemy mortar
                                                                                         firing positions
                                                                                     • Destroyed over 120 Improvised
                                                                                         Explosive Devices
                                                                                       Congratulations to Production
                                                                                     Plant Barstow, Marine Depot
                                                                                     Maintenance Command on being the
                                                                                     only four-time Mason Award winner.
                                                                                     Keep up the good work!!

                                                           Photo by: Betty Jackson
Production Plant Barstow's Howitzer M777 team pose with Robert "Chip" Schwartz,
PPB plant manager with the Robert T Mason Award for their achievements at PPB,
Marine Depot Maintenance Command on the Yermo Annex aboard Marine Corps
    Logistics Base Barstow, Calif. The program team developed a depot procedure
10 to resolve breech collar corrosion by removing and installing a drain hole.
Continued from page 9
                              “The only way we will          Facts: Novel Coronavirus, prevention and
                              defeat this outbreak           treatment:
                              is for all countries to        •   This is virus, and antibiotics do not work against
                              work together in a                 viruses, only bacteria. Due to bacterial co-
                              spirit of solidarity and           infections doctors may prescribe them.
                              cooperation. We’re all         •   Those infected with the virus should receive
                              in this together and we            appropriate care to relieve symptoms.
                              can only stop it together.     •   Those with severe symptoms should see doctors.
This is the time for facts, not fear. This is the time for   •   People of all ages can be infected by the new
science, not rumors,” Ghebreyesus said.                          virus. Older people, children, and those with pre-
                                                                 existing conditions appear to be more vulnerable.
WHO recommendations to reduce exposure                       •   Although there are no reported cases of pets such
and transmission                                                 as dogs or cats infected with Novel Coronavirus, it
•   Washing hands frequently, using alcohol based                is still recommended to wash hands after contact
    hand sanitizer or soap and water.Cover mouth and             with pets to prevent other bacterial infections.
    nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or
    sneezing, then immediately dispose of tissue.              “This latest virus serves as a reminder for all of us
•   Avoid contact with anyone who has a fever or             to continue doing the little things listed above which
    cough.Seek medical assistance if experiencing fever,     help prevent the spread of any illness,” said Col.
    cough, difficulty breathing.                             Craig C. Clemans, MCLB Barstow’s commanding
•   Share travel history with medical professionals.         officer. “Each of us has a responsibility and plays an
•   Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products.         important role in the collective health of the Base and
•   When visiting live markets, in areas currently           our city. If you’re sick with a fever or persistent cough,
    experiencing cases of Novel Coronavirus, avoid           please refrain from coming to work.”
    direct unprotected contact with live animals and
    surfaces in contact with animals.

Continued from page 11                    Montford Point Marine Hymn               “But everyone talks about his
                                                                                   cinnamon rolls. Their sweet
    at home and abroad, despite the                                                aroma would pull children
strictures placed on them by society in “I’ll Take The Marines”                    into his kitchen from all over
their era.The men of Montford Point Lyrics by: USMC Ret. Gunnery                   Sergeants Drive in Port Royal.”
also made it impossible for the Marine Sergeant LaSalle R. Vaughn, Sr.
Corps to return to its pre-war policy.                                             -David Lauderdale
    President Harry S. Truman               "I’ll take the Marines
eliminated segregated units in 1949.       And make it my home                     “I had a guy ask me one day, say,
However, the Montford Point Marines              Forever I roam                    ‘Vaughn, do you know about
have not been forgotten. In 1998,              We fought by day                    heaven and hell?’ I said, ‘Let me
Parris Island drum major and then       We fought through the night                tell you one thing. The thing
Staff Sgt. Vernon Harris composed the                                              about it, I’ve been to hell already,
music to the song called “I’ll Take the       to gain our right…
                                                                                   so I must be going to heaven.’”
Marines,” commemorating the group.           So proudly we stand                   GySgt Vaughn
The words had been written by a                Our rifle in hand
Montford Point Marine, Gunnery Sgt.       Committed to the Corps
LaSalle R. Vaughn, Sr.                   There are thousands or more
    “If African Americans at that          And there will be more
time could go through the rigorous
training of Marines when it was           Who     make the Marines
segregated and they were looked            When my time is over
down on and still be proud Marines          I’ll go home for glory
it encourages all Marines to look            I’ll take the Marines
forward and recognize our progress,”           I’ll sing my song
Harris said.                                   Along and along
                                                    Forever I roam"
February 2020
    Sunday         Monday		                         Tuesday                    Wednesday                         Thursday                          Friday                  Satuday
*2            3                               4                              5                               6                                7                            8
9            10                                11                           12                   Teen
                                                                                                 Dating     13                                14                           15
             Art For Everyone - Morning                                     Violence Awareness Month
             Program                          Wear Orange Day               Bowling Night, 4 to 6 pm,
             9:00 am to 11:00 am              February 11, 2020 - all day   Leatherneck Lanes bldg, 342,                                      Play Morning
             bldg. 126                                                      577-6533                                                          9:00 am to 4:00 pm
             James L Day Street                                                                                                               Desert View Housing
             Behind the Chapel                                              Self-Defense Class                                                Community Center Building
             760-577-6675                                                   6 to 8 pm, Semper Fit Gym                                         363, (760) 577-6533
                                                                            bldg 44, 577-6533
16           17                                                              19                             20      Wellness Series - Heart
                                                                                                                                              21                           22
                                                                                    LINKS Coffee Chat -             Healthy Aerobics
                                                                                    Make a Connection! &            9 to 10 am, Semper Fit
                                                                                    Love & Learning, 9 to   Gym bldg 44, (760) 577-6533
                                                                            11 am, Desert View Comm Ctr     Date Night: 4 Lenses Couples
                                                                            bldg. 363, 577-6675             Date Night
                                                                            Self-Defense Class 6 to 8 pm    6 to 8 pm, Major General
                                                                            Semper Fit Gym bldg. 44,        James L. Day Conference
                                                                            577-6817                        Center bldg. 38, 577-6675
                                                                            Family Game Night
                                                                            5 to 6 pm, Desert View Comm
                                                                            Ctr bldg 363, 577-6533
                                                                                                                                                     Play Morning
23           24    Art For Everyone -
                   Morning Program, 9 to      25                            26                              27                                28     9 to 4 pm
                                                                                                                                                     Desert View Housing   29
                   11 am                                                                                    L.I.N.K.S. for Spouses                   Community Center
             L.I.N.K.S. House,126 James L                                   Self-Defense Class              1 to 3 pm                                Building 363, 577-
             Day Street Behind the Chapel,                                  6 to 8 pm                       Desert View Housing
             577-6675                                                       Semper Fit Gym Building 44                                        Date Night: 5 Love
             Art For Everyone - Afternoon                                   577-6817                        Community Center Building         Languages
             Program, 3 to 5 pm, L.I.N.K.S.                                                                 363                               6 to 8 pm
             House at 126 James L Day                                                                       577-6533                          bldg 126 at James L. Day
             Street behind the Chapel                                                                                                         St., 577-6675
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