Length-Adaptive Transformer: Train Once with Length Drop, Use Anytime with Search - ACL ...

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Length-Adaptive Transformer:
             Train Once with Length Drop, Use Anytime with Search

                   Gyuwan Kim                                         Kyunghyun Cho
              Clova AI, NAVER Corp.                                 New York University
          gyuwan.kim@navercorp.com                               kyunghyun.cho@nyu.edu

                      Abstract                              during inference, both in terms of time and memory,
                                                            has hindered its use in real applications. This level
    Despite transformers’ impressive accuracy,
    their computational cost is often prohibitive           of excessive computation has further raised the con-
    to use with limited computational resources.            cern over energy consumption as well (Schwartz
    Most previous approaches to improve infer-              et al., 2019; Strubell et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2020).
    ence efficiency require a separate model for               Recent studies have attempted to address these
    each possible computational budget. In this             concerns regarding large-scale transformers’ com-
    paper, we extend PoWER-BERT (Goyal et al.,              putational and energy efficiency (see §7 for a more
    2020) and propose Length-Adaptive Trans-
                                                            extensive discussion.) Among these, we focus on
    former that can be used for various infer-
    ence scenarios after one-shot training. We              PoWER-BERT (Goyal et al., 2020) which pro-
    train a transformer with LengthDrop, a struc-           gressively reduces sequence length by eliminat-
    tural variant of dropout, which stochastically          ing word-vectors based on the attention values as
    determines a sequence length at each layer.             passing layers. PoWER-BERT establishes the su-
    We then conduct a multi-objective evolution-            periority of accuracy-time trade-off over earlier
    ary search to find a length configuration that          approaches (Sanh et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2019;
    maximizes the accuracy and minimizes the
                                                            Michel et al., 2019). However, it requires us to
    efficiency metric under any given computa-
    tional budget. Additionally, we significantly
                                                            train a separate model for each efficiency constraint.
    extend the applicability of PoWER-BERT be-              In this paper, we thus develop a framework based
    yond sequence-level classification into token-          on PoWER-BERT such that we can train a single
    level classification with Drop-and-Restore pro-         model that can be adapted in the inference time to
    cess that drops word-vectors temporarily in in-         meet any given efficiency target.
    termediate layers and restores at the last layer           In order to train a transformer to cope with a di-
    if necessary. We empirically verify the util-           verse set of computational budgets in the inference
    ity of the proposed approach by demonstrating
                                                            time, we propose to train once while reducing the
    the superior accuracy-efficiency trade-off un-
    der various setups, including span-based ques-          sequence length with a random proportion at each
    tion answering and text classification. Code is         layer. We refer to this procedure as LengthDrop,
    available at https://github.com/clovaai/length-         which was motivated by the nested dropout (Rip-
    adaptive-transformer.                                   pel et al., 2014). We can extract sub-models of
                                                            shared weights with any length configuration with-
1   Introduction
                                                            out requiring extra post-processing nor additional
Pre-trained language models (Peters et al., 2018;           fine-tuning.
Devlin et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2019; Yang                It is not trivial to find an optimal length con-
et al., 2019; He et al., 2020) have achieved notable        figuration given the inference-time computational
improvements in various natural language process-           budget, although it is extremely important in order
ing (NLP) tasks. Most of them rely on transform-            to deploy these large-scale transformers in practice.
ers (Vaswani et al., 2017), and the number of model         Once a transformer is trained with the proposed
parameters ranges from hundreds of millions to bil-         LengthDrop, we search for the length configuration
lions (Shoeybi et al., 2019; Raffel et al., 2019; Ka-       that maximizes the accuracy given a computational
plan et al., 2020; Brown et al., 2020). Despite this        budget. Because this search is combinatorial and
high accuracy, excessive computational overhead             has multiple objectives (accuracy and efficiency),

                Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
             and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 6501–6511
                           August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
in this work, we propose to use an evolutionary          cient transformer for sequence-level classification.
search algorithm, which further allows us to ob-
tain a full Pareto frontier of accuracy-efficiency       2.1    Transformers and BERT
trade-off of each model.                                 A transformer is a particular neural network that
   PoWER-BERT, which forms the foundation of             has been designed to work with a variable-length
the proposed two-stage procedure, is only appli-         sequence input and is implemented as a stack of
cable to sequence-level classification, because it       self-attention and fully connected layers (Vaswani
eliminates some of the word vectors at each layer        et al., 2017). It has recently become one of the
by design. In other words, it cannot be used for         most widely used models for natural language pro-
token-level tasks such as span-based question an-        cessing. Here, we give a brief overview of the
swering (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) because these tasks     transformer which is the basic building block of
require hidden representations of the entire input se-   the proposed approach.
quence at the final layer. We thus propose to extend        Each token xt in a sequence of tokens x =
PoWER-BERT with a novel Drop-and-Restore pro-            (x1 , . . . , xN ), representing input text, is first turned
cess (§3.3), which eliminates this inherent limita-      into a continuous vector h0t ∈ RH which is the
tion. Word vectors are dropped and set aside, rather     sum of the token and position embedding vec-
than eliminated, in intermediate layers to maintain      tors. This sequence is fed into the first transformer
the saving of computational cost, as was with the        layer which returns another sequence of the same
original PoWER-BERT. These set-aside vectors are         length h1 ∈ RN ×H . We repeat this procedure L
then restored at the final hidden layer and provided     times, for a transformer with L layers, to obtain
as an input to a subsequent task-specific layer, un-     hL = (hL                   L
                                                                       1 , . . . , hN ). We refer to each vector in the
like the original PoWER-BERT.                            hidden sequence at each layer as a word vector to
   The main contributions of this work are two-          emphasize that there exists a correspondence be-
fold. First, we introduce LengthDrop, a structured       tween each such vector and one of the input words.
variant of dropout for training a single Length-            Although the transformer was first introduced
Adaptive Transformer model that allows us to au-         for the problem of machine translation, Devlin
tomatically derive multiple sub-models with dif-         et al. (2018) demonstrated that the transformer can
ferent length configurations in the inference time       be trained and used as a sentence encoder. More
using evolutionary search, without requiring any         specifically, Devlin et al. (2018) showed that the
re-training. Second, we design Drop-and-Restore          transformer-based masked language model, called
process that makes PoWER-BERT applicable be-             BERT, learns a universally useful parameter set that
yond classification, which enables PoWER-BERT            can be fine-tuned for any downstream task, includ-
to be applicable to a wider range of NLP tasks such      ing sequence-level and token-level classification.
as span-based question answering. We empirically            In the case of sequence-level classification, a
verify Length-Adaptive Transformer works quite           softmax classifier is attached to the word vector hL         1
well using the variants of BERT on a diverse set of      associated with the special token [CLS], and the
NLP tasks, including SQuAD 1.1 (Rajpurkar et al.,        entire network, including the softmax classifier and
2016) and two sequence-level classification tasks        BERT, is fine-tuned. For token-level classification,
in GLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2018). Our ex-           we use each hL        t as the final hidden representation of
periments reveal that the proposed approach grants       the associated t-th word in the input sequence. This
us fine-grained control of computational efficiency      strategy of pre-training followed by fine-tuning, of-
and a superior accuracy-efficiency trade-off in the      ten referred to as transfer learning, is a dominant
inference time compared to existing approaches.          approach to classification in natural language pro-
2   Background                                           2.2    PoWER-BERT
In this section, we review some of the building          PoWER-BERT keeps only the topmost lj word
blocks of our main approach. In particular, we re-       vectors at each layer j by eliminating redundant
view transformers, which are a standard backbone         ones based on the significance score which is the
used in natural language processing these days, and      total amount of attention imposed by a word on the
PoWER-BERT, which was recently proposed as an            other words (Goyal et al., 2020). lj is the hyper-
effective way to train a large-scale, but highly effi-   parameter that determines how many vectors to

keep at layer j. PoWER-BERT has the same model            Adaptive Transformer with LengthDrop which ran-
parameters as BERT, but the extraction layers are         domly samples the number of hidden vectors to
interspersed after the self-attention layer in every      be dropped at each layer with the goal of making
transformer block (Vaswani et al., 2017).                 the final model robust to such drop in the infer-
   PoWER-BERT reduces inference time success-             ence time. Once the model is trained, we search
fully, achieving better accuracy-time trade-off than      for the optimal trade-off between accuracy and ef-
DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019), BERT-PKD (Sun             ficiency using multi-objective evolutionary search,
et al., 2019), and Head-Prune (Michel et al., 2019).      which allows us to use the model for any given
Despite the original intention of maximizing the          computational budget without fine-tuning nor re-
inference efficiency with the minimal loss in accu-       training. At the end of this section, we describe
racy, it is possible to set up PoWER-BERT to be           Drop-and-Restore process as a way to greatly in-
both more efficient and more accurate compared to         crease the applicability of PoWER-BERT which
the original BERT, which was observed but largely         forms a building block of the proposed framework.
overlooked by Goyal et al. (2020).                           In short, we train a Length-Adaptive Trans-
   Training a PoWER-BERT model consists of                former once with LengthDrop and Drop-and-
three steps: (1) fine-tuning, (2) length configura-       Restore, and use it with an automatically deter-
tion search, and (3) re-training. The fine-tuning         mined length configuration for inference with any
step is just like the standard fine-tuning step of        target computational budget, on both sequence-
BERT given a target task. A length configuration          level and token-level tasks.
is a sequence of retention parameters (l1 , · · · lL ),
each of which corresponds to the number of word           3.1   LengthDrop
vectors that are kept at each layer. These retention      Earlier approaches to efficient inference with trans-
parameters are learned along with all the other pa-       formers have focused on a scenario where the target
rameters to minimize the original task loss together      computational budget for inference is known in ad-
with an extra term that approximately measures the        vance (Sanh et al., 2019; Goyal et al., 2020). This
number of retained word vectors across layers. In         greatly increases the cost of deploying transform-
the re-training step, PoWER-BERT is fine-tuned            ers, as it requires us to train a separate transformer
with the length configuration fixed to its learned        for each scenario. Instead, we propose to train one
one.                                                      model that could be used for a diverse set of target
   For each computational budget, we must train           computational budgets without re-training.
a separate model going through all three steps de-           Before each SGD update, LengthDrop ran-
scribed above. Moreover, the length configuration         domly generates a length configuration by se-
search step above is only approximate, as it relies       quentially sampling a sequence length li+1 at the
on the relaxation of retention parameters which are       (i + 1)-th layer based on the previous layer’s se-
inherently discrete. This leads to the lack of guar-      quence length li , following the uniform distribu-
anteed correlation between the success of this stage      tion U((1 − p)li , li ), where l0 is set to the length
and true run-time. Even worse, it is a delicate act       of the input sequence, and p is the LengthDrop
to tune the length configuration given a target com-      probability. This sequential sampling results in a
putational budget because the trade-off is implicitly     length configuration (l1 , · · · , lL ). Length-Adaptive
made via a regularization coefficient. Furthermore,       Transformer can be thought of as consisting of a
PoWER-BERT has an inherent limitation in that             full model and many sub-models corresponding to
it only applies to sequence-level classification be-      different length configurations, similarly to a neu-
cause it eliminates word vectors in intermediate          ral network trained with different dropout masks
layers.                                                   (Srivastava et al., 2014).

3   Length-Adaptive Transformer                           LayerDrop From the perspective of each word
                                                          vector, the proposed LengthDrop could be thought
In this section, we explain our proposed frame-           of as skipping the layers between when it was set
work which results in a transformer that reduces          aside and the final layer where it was restored. The
the length of a sequence at each layer with an ar-        word vector however does not have any informa-
bitrary rate. We call such a resulting transformer        tion based on which it can determine whether it
a Length-Adaptive Transformer. We train Length-           would be dropped at any particular layer. In our

preliminary experiments, we found that this greatly      est and full models. At each iteration, we evolve
hinders optimization. We address this issue by us-       the population to consist only of configurations
ing LayerDrop (Fan et al., 2019) which skips each        lie on a newly updated efficiency-accuracy Pareto
layer of a transformer uniformly at random. The          frontier by mutation and crossover. Mutation al-
LayerDrop encourages each word vector to be ag-          ters an original length configuration (l1 , · · · , lL )
nostic to skipping any number of layers between          to (l10 , · · · , lL
                                                                            0 ) by sampling l0 from the uniform
                                                         distribution U(li−1    0 ,l
when it is dropped and when it is restored, just                                     i+1 ) with the probability pm
like dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014) prevents hid-     or keeping the original length li0 = li , sweeping
den neurons from co-adapting with each other by          the layers from i = 1 to i = L. A crossover
randomly dropping them.                                  takes two length configurations and averages the
                                                         lengths at each layer. Both of these operations are
Sandwich Rule and Inplace Distillation We                performed while ensuring the monotonicity of the
observed that standard supervised training with          lengths over the layers. We repeat this iteration
LengthDrop does not work well in the preliminary         G times while maintaining nm mutated configura-
experiments. We instead borrow a pair of train-          tions and nc crossover’d configurations. Repeating
ing techniques developed by Yu and Huang (2019)          this procedure pushes the Pareto frontier further
which are sandwich rule and inplace distillation,        to identify the best trade-off between two objec-
for better optimization as well as final generaliza-     tives, efficiency and accuracy, without requiring
tion. At each update, we update the full model           any continuous relaxation of length configurations
without LengthDrop as usual to minimize the super-       nor using a proxy objective function.
vised loss function. We simultaneously update ns
randomly-sampled sub-models (which are called            3.3    Drop-and-Restore Process
sandwiches) and the smallest-possible sub-model,
                                                         The applicability of the PoWER-BERT, based on
which corresponds to keeping only (1 − p)li word
                                                         which our main contribution above was made, is
vectors at each layer i, using knowledge distilla-
                                                         limited to sequence-level classification because it
tion (Hinton et al., 2015) from the full model. Here,
                                                         eliminates word vectors at each layer. In addition
sub-models mean models with length reduction.
                                                         to our main contribution above, we thus propose to
They are trained to their prediction close to the full
                                                         extend the PoWER-BERT so that it is applicable
model’s prediction (inplace distillation).
                                                         to token-level classification, such as span-based
3.2   Evolutionary Search of Length                      question-answering. Our proposal, to which we re-
      Configurations                                     fer as Drop-and-Restore, does not eliminate word
                                                         vectors at each layer according to the length con-
After training a Length-Adaptive Transformer with
                                                         figuration but instead sets them aside until the final
LengthDrop, we search for appropriate length con-
                                                         hidden layer. At the final hidden layer, these word
figurations for possible target computational bud-
                                                         vectors are brought back to form the full hidden
gets that will be given at inference time. The length
                                                         sequence, as illustrated graphically in Figure 1.
configuration determines the model performance
in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. In order       4     Experiment Setup
to search for the optimal length configuration, we
propose to use evolutionary search, similarly to         Datasets We test the proposed approach on both
Cai et al. (2019) and Wang et al. (2020a). This          sequence-level and token-level tasks, the latter of
procedure is efficient, as it only requires a single     which could not have been done with the original
pass through the relatively small validation set for     PoWER-BERT unless for the proposed Drop-and-
each length configuration, unlike re-training for a      Restore. We use MNLI-m and SST-2 from GLUE
new computational budget which requires multiple         benchmark (Wang et al., 2018), as was done to test
passes through a significantly larger training set for   PoWER-BERT earlier, for sequence-level classi-
each budget.                                             fication. We choose them because consistent ac-
   We initialize the population with constant-ratio      curacy scores from standard training on them due
configurations. Each configuration is created by         to their sufficiently large training set imply that
li+1 = (1 − r)li for each layer i with r so that the     they are reliable to verify our approach. We use
amount of computation within the initial population      SQuAD 1.1 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) for token-level
is uniformly distributed between those of the small-     classification.

(a) PoWER                                            (b) Drop-and-Restore

Figure 1: Illustration of (a) word-vector elimination process in PoWER-BERT (Goyal et al., 2020) and (b) Drop-
and-Restore process in Length-Adaptive Transformer. Yellow box and blue boxes imply the output of embedding
layer and transformer layers, respectively. Green boxes mean vectors dropped in lower layers and restored at the
last layer. Red box is the task-specific layer. Though word-vectors in the middle could be eliminated (or dropped),
remaining vectors are left-aligned for the better illustration. In this case, the number of transformer layers is four.

Evaluation metrics We use the number of float-               epochs by Devlin et al. (2018), as learning pro-
ing operations (FLOPs) as a main metric to mea-              gresses slower due to a higher level of stochasticity
sure the inference efficiency given any length con-          introduced by LengthDrop and LayerDrop. We use
figuration, as it is agnostic to the choice of the           the batch size of 32, the learning rate of 5e − 5 for
underlying hardware, unlike other alternatives such          SQuAD 1.1 and 2e − 5 for MNLI-m and SST, and
as hardware-aware latency (Wang et al., 2020a)               the maximum sequence length of 384 for SQuAD
or energy consumption (Henderson et al., 2020).              1.1 and 128 for MNLI-m and SST.
We later demonstrate that FLOPs and wall-clock
time on GPU and CPU correlate well with the pro-             Search We run up to G = 30 iterations of evo-
posed approach, which is not necessarily the case            lutionary search, using nm = 30 mutated config-
for other approaches, such as unstructured weight            urations with mutation probability pm = 0.5 and
pruning (Han et al., 2015; See et al., 2016).                nc = 30 crossover’d configurations, to find the
                                                             Pareto frontier of accuracy and efficiency.
Pre-trained transformers Since BERT was in-
troduced by Devlin et al. (2018), it has become              5    Results and Analysis
a standard practice to start from a pre-trained
                                                             Efficiency-accuracy trade-off We use SQuAD
(masked) language model and fine-tune it for each
                                                             1.1 to examine the effect of the proposed approach
downstream task. We follow the same strategy
                                                             on the efficiency-accuracy trade-off. When the
in this paper and test two pre-trained transformer-
                                                             underlying classifier was not trained with Length-
based language models; BERTBase (Devlin et al.,
                                                             Drop, as proposed in this paper, the accuracy drops
2018) and DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019), which
                                                             even more dramatically as more word vectors are
allows us to demonstrate that the usefulness and
                                                             dropped at each layer. The difference between stan-
applicability of our approach are not tied to any
                                                             dard transformer and Length-Adaptive Transformer
specific architectural choice, such as the number of
                                                             is stark in Figure 2. This verifies the importance
layers and the maximum input sequence length. Al-
                                                             of training a transformer in a way that makes it
though we focus on BERT-based masked language
                                                             malleable for inference-time re-configuration.
models here, the proposed approach is readily ap-
                                                                When the model was trained with the proposed
plicable to any transformer-based models.
                                                             LengthDrop, we notice the efficacy of the proposed
Learning We train a Length-Adaptive Trans-                   approach of using evolutionary search to find the
former with LengthDrop probability and Layer-                optimal trade-off between inference efficiency and
Drop probability both set to 0.2. We use ns = 2              accuracy. The trade-off curve from the proposed
randomly sampled intermediate sub-models in ad-              search strategy has a larger area-under-curve (AUC)
dition to the full model and smallest model for              than when constant-rate length reduction was used
applying the sandwich learning rule.                         to meet a target computational budget. It demon-
   We start fine-tuning the pre-trained transformer          strates the importance of using both LengthDrop
without Drop-and-Restore first, just as Goyal et al.         and evolutionary search.
(2020) did with PoWER-BERT. We then continue                    We make a minor observation that the proposed
fine-tuning it for another five epochs with Drop-            approach ends up with a significantly higher accu-
and-Restore. This is unlike the recommended three            racy than DistillBERT when enough computational

GPU (1)          GPU (4)
         BERT-Base      Length-Adaptive BERT-Base     Length-Adaptive BERT-Base ES                                         GPU (16)          GPU (64)
          DistilBERT     Length-Adaptive DistilBERT   Length-Adaptive DistilBERT ES                               20

                                                                                         Latency (ms/instance)
           90                                                                                                     15


           88                                                                                                      5

                                                                                                                           10    15     20   25    30   35
                                                                                                                                       FLOPs (G)

                                                                                                                                 (a) GPU

                                                                                                                            CPU (1)          CPU (4)
                                                                                                                           CPU (16)          CPU (64)

           82                                                                                               1250

                                                                                          Latency (ms/instance)


                   9   10                             20                30                                             0
                                          log FLOPs (G)                                                                     10    15    20   25    30   35
                                                                                                                                       FLOPs (G)

Figure 2: Pareto curves of F1 score and FLOPs on SQuAD 1.1 (Rajpurkar et al.,                                                    (b) CPU
2016). We apply the proposed method to BERTBase (solid lines) and DistilBERT
(dotted lines). For each model, we draw three curves using (1) standard fine-tuned      Figure 3:    Correlation
transformer with constant-rate length reduction, (2) Length-Adaptive Transformer        between FLOPs and
with constant-rate length reduction, and (3) Length-Adaptive Transformer with           latency with different
length configurations obtained from the evolutionary search.                            length configurations.

budget is allowed for inference (log FLOPs > 10).             ficiency and accuracy in order to see whether it
This makes our approach desirable in a wide array             is possible for the proposed algorithm to find a
of scenarios, as it does not require any additional           length configuration that both maximizes inference
pre-training stage, as does DistilBERT. With a se-            efficiency and improves accuracy. We present the
vere constraint on the computational budget, the              results in the rows marked with Length-Adaptive?
proposed approach could be used on DistilBERT to              from Table 1. For all cases, Length-Adaptive Trans-
significantly improve the efficiency without com-             former achieves higher accuracy than a standard
promising the accuracy.                                       transformer does while reducing FLOPs signifi-
                                                              cantly. Although it is not apparent from the table,
Maximizing inference efficiency We consider                   tor MNLI-m and SST-2, the accuracy of the small-
all three tasks, SQuAD 1.1, MNLI-m, and SST-2,                est sub-model is already greater than or equal to
and investigate how much efficiency can be gained             that of a standard transformer.
by the proposed approach with minimal sacrifice
of accuracy. First, we look at how much efficiency            FLOPs vs. Latency As has been discussed in
could be gained without losing accuracy. That is,             recent literature (see, e.g., Li et al. (2020); Chin
we use the length configuration that maximizes                et al. (2020)), the number of FLOPs is not a perfect
the inference efficiency (i.e., minimize the FLOPs)           indicator of the real latency measured in wall-clock
while ensuring that the accuracy is above or the              time, as the latter is affected by the combination of
same as the accuracy of the standard approach with-           hardware choice and network architecture. To un-
out any drop of word vectors. The results are pre-            derstand the real-world impact of the proposed ap-
sented in the rows marked with Length-Adaptive†               proach, we study the relationship between FLOPs,
from Table 1. For example, in the case of BERTBase ,          obtained by the proposed procedure, and wall-clock
the proposed approach reduces FLOPs by more                   time measured on both CPU and GPU by measur-
than half across all three tasks.                             ing them while varying length configurations. As
   From Figure 2, we have observed that the pro-              shown in Figure 3, FLOPs and latency exhibit near-
posed Length-Adaptive Transformer generalizes                 linear correlation on GPU, when the minibatch size
better than the standard, base model in some cases.           is ≥ 16, and regardless of the minibatch size, on
Thus, we try to maximize both the inference ef-               CPU. In other words, the reduction in FLOPs with

                  Model                SQuAD 1.1       MNLI-m               SST-2
     Pretrained                                                                              89.1
                          Method      F1     FLOPs   Acc    FLOPs     Acc     FLOPs
                       Standard       88.5   1.00x   84.4     1.00x   92.8     1.00x

    BERTBase       Length-Adaptive?   89.6   0.89x   85.0     0.58x   93.1     0.36x         88.9

                   Length-Adaptive†   88.7   0.45x   84.4     0.35x   92.8     0.35x         88.8

                       Standard       85.8   1.00x   80.9     1.00x   90.6     1.00x
    DistilBERT     Length-Adaptive?   86.3   0.81x   81.5     0.56x   92.0     0.55x
                                                                                                    0   10       20   30
                   Length-Adaptive†   85.9   0.59x   81.3     0.54x   91.7     0.54x                     Iteration

Table 1: Comparison results of standard Transformer and Length-Adaptive Trans-         Figure 4:       Example
former. Among length configurations on the Pareto frontier of Length-Adaptive          of area under Pareto
Transformer, we pick two representative points: Length-Adaptive? and Length-           curve as the evolutionary
Adaptive† as the most efficient one while having the highest accuracy and the ac-      search of length configu-
curacy higher than (or equal to) standard Transformer, respectively.                   rations proceeds.

the proposed approach directly implies the reduc-           execution time would be close to 2.9x in the same
tion in wall-clock time.                                    setting of PoWER-BERT where the time measure-
                                                            ment is done with a batch size of 128 on GPU. It
Convergence of search Although the proposed
                                                            indicates that our model offers a better trade-off
approach is efficient in that it requires only one
                                                            than PoWER-BERT, even with a single model.
round of training, it needs a separate search stage
for each target budget. It is important for evolution-      Comparison with DynaBERT According to
ary search to converge quickly in the number of             Hou et al. (2020), DyanBERT obtains a gain of
forward sweeps of a validation set. As exemplified          +1.0, +0.1, +0.4 for the best accuracy in SQuAD
in Figure 4, evolutionary search converges after            1.1, MNLI-m, and SST-2, respectively, while
about fifteen iterations.                                   Length-Adaptive Transformer achieves a gain of
                                                            +1.1, +0.6, +0.3. These results imply that Length-
6     Comparison with Other Works                           Adaptive Transformer can give a comparable (or
Our framework allows a novel method for anytime             better) performance with DynaBERT.
prediction with adaptive sequence length given any
transformers. Thus, our goal is not state-of-the-art        7    Related Work
classification accuracy, although our experimen-            The main purpose of the proposed algorithm is to
tal results (§5) demonstrate that our method still          improve the inference efficiency of a large-scale
attains a good accuracy level.                              transformer. This goal has been pursued from
   We emphasize that other adaptive computation             various directions, and here we provide a brief
works (§7) are orthogonal with ours, meaning                overview of these earlier and some concurrent at-
that various adaptive dimensions (sequence length,          tempts in the context of the proposed approach.
depth, attention head, hidden dimension, etc.) can
be jointly used. In other words, even if other adap-        Weight pruning Weight pruning (Han et al.,
tive methods show better curves than ours, our              2015) focuses on reducing the number of parame-
method and theirs can boost each other when com-            ters that directly reflects the memory footprint of
bined. We provide some comparison results with              a model and indirectly correlates with inference
PoWER-BERT (not anytime prediction method)                  speed. However, their actual speed-up in runtime
and DynaBERT (Hou et al., 2020) (concurrent                 is usually not significant, especially while execut-
adaptive computation method) as follows.                    ing a model with parallel computation using GPU
                                                            devices (Tang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2020).
Comparison with PoWER-BERT According
to Goyal et al. (2020), PoWER-BERT achieves                 Adaptive architecture There are three major
2.6x speedup for MNLI-m and 2.4x speedup for                axes along which computation can be reduced in
SST-2 by losing 1% of their accuracy. Length-               a neural network; (1) input size/length, (2) net-
Adaptive Transformer obtains a 2.9x speedup in              work depth, and (3) network width. The proposed
terms of FLOPs without losing accuracy on MNLI-             approach, based on PoWER-BERT, adaptively re-
m and SST-2. Considering Figure 3, our speedup in           duces the input length as the input sequence is pro-

cessed by the transformer layers. In our knowledge,       Search There have been a series of attempts at
Goyal et al. (2020) is the first work in this direction   finding the optimal network configuration by solv-
for transformers. Funnel-Transformer (Dai et al.,         ing a combinatorial optimization problem. In com-
2020) and multi-scale transformer language mod-           puter vision, Once-for-All (Cai et al., 2019) use an
els (Subramanian et al., 2020) also successfully          evolutionary search (Real et al., 2019) to find a bet-
reduce sequence length in the middle and rescale          ter configuration in dimensions of depth, width, ker-
to full length for the final computation. However,        nel size, and resolution given computational budget.
their inference complexity is fixed differently with      Similarly but differently, our evolutionary search
PoWER-BERT because they are not designed to               is mutli-objective to find length configurations on
control efficiency. More recently, TR-BERT (Ye            the Pareto accuracy-efficiency frontier to cope with
et al., 2021) introduces a policy network trained         any possible computational budgets. Moreover, we
via reinforcement learning to decide which vectors        only change the sequence length of hidden vectors
to skip.                                                  instead of architectural model size like dimensions.
   LayerDrop (Fan et al., 2019) drops random lay-
                                                          Sequence Length Shortformer (Press et al.,
ers during the training to be robust to pruning in-
                                                          2020) initially trained on shorter subsequences and
spired by Huang et al. (2016). Word-level adaptive
                                                          then moved to longer ones achieves improved per-
depth in Elbayad et al. (2019) and Liu et al. (2020b)
                                                          plexity than a standard transformer with normal
might seemingly resemble with length reduction,
                                                          training while reducing overall training time. Novel
but word vectors that reached the maximal layer
                                                          architectures with the efficient attention mechanism
are used for self-attention computation without up-
                                                          (Kitaev et al., 2020; Beltagy et al., 2020; Zaheer
dating themselves. Escaping a network early (Teer-
                                                          et al., 2020; Ainslie et al., 2020; Choromanski et al.,
apittayanon et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2017) based
                                                          2020; Peng et al., 2021) are suggested to reduce the
on the confidence of the prediction (Xin et al., 2020,
                                                          transformer’s quadratic computational complexity
2021; Schwartz et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020a; Li
                                                          in the input sequence length. Tay et al. (2020b)
et al., 2021) also offers a control over accuracy-
                                                          and Tay et al. (2020a) provide a survey of these
efficiency trade-off by changing a threshold, but it
                                                          efficient transformers and their benchmark compar-
is difficult to tune a threshold for a desired computa-
                                                          ison, respectively.
tional budget because of the example-wise adaptive
computation.                                              8   Conclusion and Future Work
   Slimmable neural networks (Yu et al., 2018; Lee
and Shin, 2018) reduce the hidden dimension for           In this work, we propose a new framework for train-
the any-time prediction. DynaBERT (Hou et al.,            ing a transformer once and using it for efficient
2020) can run at adaptive width (the number of at-        inference under any computational budget. With
tention heads and intermediate hidden dimension)          the help of training with LengthDrop and Drop-
and depth. Hardware-aware Transformers (Wang              and-Restore process followed by the evolutionary
et al., 2020a) construct a design space with arbi-        search, our proposed Length-Adaptive Transformer
trary encoder-decoder attention and heterogeneous         allows any given transformer models to be used
layers in terms of different numbers of layers, at-       with any inference-time computational budget for
tention heads, hidden dimension, and embedding            both sequence-level and token-level classification
dimension. SpAtten (Wang et al., 2020b) performs          tasks. Our experiments, on SQuAD 1.1, MNLI-
cascade token and head pruning for an efficient           m and SST-2, have revealed that the proposed al-
algorithm-architecture co-design.                         gorithmic framework significantly pushes a better
                                                          Pareto frontier on the trade-off between inference
Structured dropout A major innovation we in-              efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, we have
troduce over the existing PoWER-BERT is the use           observed that the proposed Length-Adaptive Trans-
of stochastic, structured regularization to make a        former could achieve up to 3x speed-up over the
transformer robust to the choice of length config-        standard transformer without sacrificing accuracy,
uration in the inference time. Rippel et al. (2014)       both in terms of FLOPs and wallclock time.
proposes a nested dropout to learn ordered repre-            Although our approach finds an optimal length
sentations. Similar to LengthDrop, it samples an          configuration of a trained classifier per computa-
index from a prior distribution and drops all units       tional budget, it leaves a open question whether
with a larger index than the sampled one.                 the proposed approach could be further extended

to support per-instance length configuration by for           of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision
instance training a small, auxiliary neural network           and Pattern Recognition, pages 1518–1528.
for each computational budget. Yet another aspect
                                                           Krzysztof Choromanski, Valerii Likhosherstov, David
we have not investigated in this paper is the ap-            Dohan, Xingyou Song, Andreea Gane, Tamas Sar-
plicability of the proposed approach to sequence             los, Peter Hawkins, Jared Davis, Afroz Mohiuddin,
generation, such as machine translation. We leave            Lukasz Kaiser, et al. 2020. Rethinking attention
both of these research directions for the future.            with performers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14794.
   Our approach is effective, as we have shown in          Zihang Dai, Guokun Lai, Yiming Yang, and Quoc V Le.
this paper, and also quite simple to implement on            2020. Funnel-transformer: Filtering out sequential
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plementation at https://github.com/clovaai/length-           preprint arXiv:2006.03236.
adaptive-transformer, which is based on Hugging-           Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
Face’s Transformers library (Wolf et al., 2019), and          Kristina Toutanova. 2018. Bert: Pre-training of deep
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                                                             Thomas Unterthiner, Mostafa Dehghani, Matthias
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                                                           Maha Elbayad, Jiatao Gu, Edouard Grave, and Michael
Heo introduced relevant works and gave insights             Auli. 2019. Depth-adaptive transformer. arXiv
from the view of the computer vision community.             preprint arXiv:1910.10073.
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2017; Kim et al., 2018) platform for the experi-           Angela Fan, Edouard Grave, and Armand Joulin. 2019.
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                                                           Saurabh Goyal, Anamitra Roy Choudhury, Saurabh
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