Page created by Lillian Meyer
              South Carolina Crime Victim Services Division
                                                                                                                 First Quarter
                                                                                                           July - September 2021

                                     The Path Forward
                          By Former Director Burke Fitzpatrick

Since the formation of the         through decades with the De-        1980 working for the Divi-
Crime Victim Services Division     partment of Public Safety, and      sion of Court Administration
in July 2017, the same leader-     now as the (former) Deputy          in the Supreme Court. I then            DID YOU KNOW?
ship has been in place – a di-     Director of Crime Victim Assis-     went on to serve in the Gov-
                                   tance Grants, she is well-          ernor’s Office when I over-         October:
rector and four deputy direc-
tors. All that is changing.        prepared to lead the division.      saw (no surprise here) crimi-       Breast Cancer
                                   Having worked with BJ for 35        nal justice grants including        Awareness Month
 As you read this, I will have     years, I can tell you that she      the VOCA and VAWA pro-
retired and a new director will    has a servant’s heart, filled       grams. In 1993 we were              Domestic Violence
have taken the helm. Compen-       with grace and compassion for       transferred to the new De-          Awareness Month
sation Deputy Director Scott       victims of crime. She also          partment of Public Safety
                                   shares my view that the Crime       and in 2016 I retired, only to      National Bullying Prevention
Beard has also left the agency
                                   Victim Services Division exists     be called back to DPS eight         Awareness Month
so he can move his family to
Charleston (lucky man!). The       to serve the victim provider        months later. Then on July
Deputy Director for victim advo-   community, not the other way        1st 2017 I started my last
                                                                                                           Diabetes Awareness Month
cate certification and training,   around. The division is in good     and best job, Director of the
Kim Hamm, has departed to          hands.                              new Crime Victim Services           December:
accept an executive position                                           Division in the Office of the       National Drunk & Drugged
with the National Children’s       Working with the remaining          Attorney General. Now it’s          Driving Month
Alliance based in Washington       deputy director, Ombudsman          time to retire and goof off.
DC. And, the Deputy Director       Veronica Kunz, BJ will be put-                                          Universal Human Rights
position for the Department of     ting together a new team and        Always remember that you
                                                                                                                 WHAT’S INSIDE:
Crime Victim Assistance Grants     she has the unqualified back-       are in a noble profession                                     Pg. 2
                                                                                                        DCVAG Article by Joe Corey
is now open.                       ing of Attorney General Wilson.     that alleviates the suffering
                                   All core functions will continue    of those who have been vic-      CVST Article by Joe Corey    Pg. 2
I hope this doesn’t sound          through this transition. Not all    tims of crime. It has been
alarming because all of this is    change is good, but this transi-    an honor to serve with you.      DCVC Article by Veronica     Pg. 3
good news. First, Attorney Gen-    tion will be great!                 Godspeed.                        Swain Kunz
eral Alan Wilson has named BJ
                                   I would like to close by thank-                                      DCVC Article by Ethel        Pg. 4
Nelson as the next director of                                         Burke O. Fitzpatrick             Douglas Ford
the division! BJ has devoted       ing everyone in the division
her entire career in service to    and the victim provider com-
                                   munity for the privilege of work-                                    DCVO Article by Veronica
victims of crime and the provid-                                                                        Swain Kunz - continued
                                                                                                                                     Pg. 5
er community. Since her start      ing with you. I started with the
in the Office of the Governor,     State of South Carolina in                                           DCVC Article by Ethel        Pg. 6
                                                                                                        Douglas Ford

                                                                                                        Publisher/Editor’s Contact   Pg. 7
Page 2       First Quarter July - September 2021

                                                             VOCA, VAWA and SVAP Grants Awarded
                                                                      by Program Coordinator Joe Corey
                                                 Department of Crime Victim Assistance Grants (DCVAG)
                                On August 27, the Department              Currently, staff is focused on or-   Within the agency, Deputy Di-
www.daysoftheyear.com/                                                    ganizing and conducting a series
                                of Crime Victim Assistance                                                     rector BJ Nelson has been pro-
days/domestic-violence-         Grants (DCVAG) mailed out                 of press conferences throughout
  awareness-month/                                                                                             moted to Director of the Crime
                                award letters to 96 different             the state. These press confer-
                                                                                                               Victims Services Division taking
                                victim service agencies, which            ences are a great way to publicize
    Domestic Violence                                                                                          over for Burke Fitzpatrick, who
                                collectively will administer 140          the work that subrecipient agen-
    Awareness Month                                                       cies do throughout the year as       retired at the end of August. BJ
                                projects throughout the coming
                                year. These awards are the re-            well as to highlight the story of    had been the Deputy Director of
Domestic          Violence
Awareness Month is              sult of a months-long review              individual survivors. The first      DCVAG since its inception in
designed to unify women         process by DCVAG staff culmi-             press conference of the year will    July of 2017 and has worked
and men all across the          nating with a meeting of the              be held on September 21 in Spar-     with victims grants for over 30
world who have been             Public Safety Coordinating                tanburg and future press confer-     years. She will continue to work
victims of domestic             Council, which met and ap-                ences are planned for West Co-       managing the day to day opera-
violence. It is important to    proved the awards on August               lumbia, North Charleston, and        tions of DCVAG until a replace-
recognize that domestic         9th.                                      Florence.                            ment can be named.
violence impacts millions
of people, and it’s not only
women who are victims;
many men suffer domestic
violence as well.
It is a problem across
every status, culture,                                                      Comings and Goings
religion, and race. There
are many different forms
of domestic violence as
                                                                  by Program Coordinator Joe Corey
well, which is why raising
awareness is so critical.
                                                     Department of Crime Victim Services Training,
If you think that someone
                                                  Provider Certification, and Statistical Analysis (CVST)
you know is being abused,
it is important to speak up.    This quarter, the Department of             Currently, he is assisting the     Notably, before joining newly
A lot of people worry that it   Crime Victim Services Training,             Department of Crime Victim         created Crime Vitim Services
is none of their business,      Provider Certification, and Sta-            Assistance Grants with its Vio-    Division, Kim served as the Di-
yet you could save a            tistical Analysis (CVST) wel-               lence Against Women Act Imple-     rector of the South Carolina
person’s life by speaking       comes Zach Glendening as our                mentation Plan.                    Network of Children’s Advocacy
up. It’s better to speak up,    new Statistician. Zach grew up                                                 Centers.     Interviews are cur-
even if you’re wrong,           in southern Ohio and began                  Elsewhere within the Depart-       rently being conducted with
rather than saying nothing      working with the Attorney Gen-              ment, Deputy Director Kim          applicants and the division
at all.                         eral’s Office in July 2021. He is           Hamm has left the agency to        hopes to have a new Deputy
                                finishing his doctorate in Com-
Simply talk to the person                                                   take a job with the National       Director hired within the coming
                                munity Psychology at Vander-
in private and let them                                                     Children’s Alliance. Kim had       weeks. The Division welcomes
                                bilt University, where he studies
know that you are               poverty, homelessness, and                  been with the Department since     Zach and gives our best wishes
concerned. Mention the          disability issues. Zach’s general           its creation in 2017 and has       to Kim as she takes the next
signs and why it has            work includes conducting back-              worked in victims services         step in her career!
worried you. Tell them that     ground research, collecting and             throughout the state for many
you will honor their privacy    analyzing data, and presenting              years.
if they open up to you, and     findings to the Department.
tell them that you can help
them in any way possible.
Often, people in domestic
relationships         need
someone to help them out
of the situation, and so
one conversation can
make all of the difference.
Page 3   First Quarter July - September 2021

                                           Victims’ Rights Emergency Room: The Crime Victim Ombudsman

                                                          by Deputy Director Veronica Swain Kunz
                                                                   Crime Victim Ombudsman
                             Everyone working in our field –        In this article, we will provide a   lem was or how to fix it. By the
       https://              Crime Victim Services – under-         few factual scenarios pulled         time they found the Ombuds-
www.stompoutbullying.        stands the kinds of days we            directly from our files. Read        man, they had attended three
 org/national-bullying-      have had lately here at the Om-        each one and think about what        parole hearings and now, the
prevention-awareness-        budsman’s office. Days when            you would do to solve each prob-     driver was up for release. What
        month                people have urgent needs that          lem. We will provide our re-         went wrong?
                             simply can’t wait.                     sponses at the bottom of this
   National Bullying                                                article. Maybe you have a situa-     Caller 4: An Advocate called on
   Awareness Month           We have had days where we …            tion that appears to be hopeless     behalf of a survivor of DV.
                                                                    that the Ombudsman could             “Someone” had scratched in-
                             ...called EMS to help save a           help!
Every October, schools                                                                                   sults and profanities in the
                             caller’s life;
and      organi zat ions                                                                                 paint of the victim’s car. The
across the country join      ...coordinated the capture of a        Caller 1: An offender was or-        survivor had a number of school
STOMP Out Bullying™ in       stalker/arsonist with a victim,        dered to pay restitution within      age children and was under-
observing National Bul-      city and county law enforcement        90 days of his release from jail,    standably embarrassed and
lying Prevention Month.      offices and the local Probation        but the judge neglected to check     upset. The Advocate was seek-
The goal: encourage          Agent because the offender             the correct box on the Sentenc-      ing any sort of program that
schools, communities         avoided arrest by crossing juris-      ing Sheet to allow Probation,        could help this victim. Who
and organizations to         dictional boundaries;                  Parole and Pardon (PPP) to col-      could help this survivor?
work together to stop                                               lect the money for the victim.
                             ...called family members to find       Instead, the Solicitor told the
bullying and cyberbully-                                                                                 To all you Advocates reading
                             support for people with psycho-        offender to pay the victim direct-
ing and put an end to                                                                                    this article, please remember
                             logical difficulties;                  ly, and gave him victim’s ad-        that we are here to help you
hatred and racism by
increasing awareness         ...reported suicidal threats to        dress. The victim was horrified      think through issues and solve
of the prevalence and        first responders;                      and afraid of the offender.          problems. We love what we do,
impact of all forms of                                              PPP’s hands were tied – they         and we love to support what you
                             ...spoken to a responding police       could not collect the money
bullying on all children                                                                                 do! Take care of yourself and
                             officer who was in the middle of       even though the offender want-
of all ages.                                                                                             remember: it takes the gifts and
                             arresting a victim with whom we        ed to give it to them! What
———————————————                                                                                          talents many people, from dif-
                             had been closely working;              would you do?                        ferent agencies, to fully support
Bullying Can Be:             ...reported numerous threats by                                             survivors on their path toward
Direct: such as hitting,,    callers who told us they were          Caller 2: An Advocate called and     healing. Reach out! Collabo-
teasing or threatening.      going to kill the police;              was upset because a Judge did        rate! Give us a call at 803-734-
                                                                    not give bond restrictions on        0357, or email CVO@scag.gov.
                             ...told a mental health counselor      DV1st offender who attacked his
Indirect: such as ex-        that her long-term client was
cluding, spreading ru-                                              wife with gun/axe in front of
                             forging numerous police reports        toddlers. Is this legal?
mors, internet harass-       and court Orders when, in actu-
ment or manipulation.        ality, no incidents had ever           Caller 3: A police officer was
                             been reported.                         seriously injured while on duty
Services DCVC                                                       when he was hit by a drunk driv-
May Consider:                Of course, these are all tough
                             calls to make but they are com-        er. One of the driver’s passen-
Counseling: Therapist                                               gers was killed and another was
must be a licensed           mon-sense approaches to emer-
                             gencies. Even more difficult are       severely injured. After a four
therapist.                                                          year wait, in 2018, the offender
                             cases where we have to “think
                             outside of the box” to help vic-       was sentenced to 15 years.
Medical Bills: If the vic-   tims when errors are made,             However, within 6 months, the             (continued on page 5)
tim acquired medical         resources can’t be found, or           victims were notified to attend a
expenses due to the          when criminal justice profes-          parole hearing!     The victims
victimization, then med-     sionals are unaware of the legal       knew this was incorrect but they
ical bills may be consid-    rights of crime victims.               could not find out what the prob-
ered if directly related
to victimization.

Call DCVC: 803.734.1900
Page 4     First Quarter July - September 2021

                                                            End of Fiscal Year 20-21 Agency Stats
                                                   By Assistant Deputy Director Ethel Douglas Ford

https://crestline.com/                           Department of Crime Victim Compensation (DCVC)
  awareness-month-         During FY20-21, DCVC paid out              Restitution and Subrogation:    DCVC Training and Publication
         ideas             over $4.6 million in claims.                                                    Items Distributed:
                                                                  Restitution Collected:
  National Diabetes        Please see listed below the end        $61,351.49
                           of the year DCVC statistical data:                                            Training Events Conduct-
  Awareness Month                                                                                         ed: 23
                                                                  Subrogation Collected:
Diabetes Awareness              DCVC Claims Received:             $77,893.77                             Participants Trained: 859
Month, along with
World Diabetes Day,        Crime Victim Compensation              Unclaimed Restitution                  Total publication Items
are large-scale events                                            Collected: $242,057.05                  Distributed: 476
                           Claims Received: 2,608
designed to bring
awareness to the im-                                                                                     Displays: 1
                           Adult Sexual Assault Claims            Total Collected: $381,302.31
portant issue of diabe-    Received: 937
tes. According to                                                 As a result of tracking cases and       DCVC Auditing Section:
the American Diabetes      Anonymous Sexual Assault               working with attorneys, solici-
Association     (ADA),     Claims Received: 78                    tor’s offices and advocates         Victim Assistance Fines, Fees
30.3 million Ameri-                                               across the state, the agency was    and Assessment Fund:
cans (or 9.4 percent of    Child Sexual Assault Claims Re-        able to prohibit payment on vari-
the population) had        ceived 1,868                           ous claims in which reimburse-         Total Audits Conducted: 9
Type 1 or Type 2 dia-                                             ment was provided to victims by
betes in 2015. It's        Child Physical Assault Claims                                                 Total Audit Complaints: 0
                           Received 390                           other means. As a result, we
estimated that 1.25                                                                                      Total Audit Inquiries: 34
                                                                  were able to not pay on a num-
million Americans cur-
rently have Type 1         Total Claims Received: 5,881           ber of claims; thereby, saving         Total Budgets Monitored/
diabetes.                                                         the agency $410,549.58                  Desk Audits Performed:
Given the seriousness         Total Number of Payments:               HIV/nPEP Prophylaxis (Non-
of     diabetes    and                                                                                Total Audit Funds Recoupment:
                                                                      Occupational Post–Exposure
its growing prevalence,    The total number of payments                                               $88,580.47
                                                                          Prophylaxis - nPEP):
it's easy to see why       made on DVC claims were 4,595                                              Total Budget Funds Recoup-
National      Diabetes
                                                                       Adult population total num-   ment: $0
Awareness Month and
                                                                        ber of claims received: 24    Total Audit and Budget Re-
World Diabetes Day          Victim Support and Advocacy -
are vital for raising               Intake Service:                    Adult population total        coupment Amount:
awareness.                                                              amount paid: $20,119.64       $88,580.47
                           Total Incoming Calls:3,040
In America, Diabetes       Status Calls: 2,117                         Adolescent/Pediatric total        Eleven Year Cumulative
Awareness        Month     Referrals: 356                               number of claims received:        Auditing Stats FY10-21
dates all the way back     General Info.462                             9
to the early 1980s         Application Requests: 31                                                      Total Audits Conducted:
when it was designat-                                                  Adolescent/Pediatric popu-        104
                           Other/Misc. Calls: 30                        lation total amount paid:
ed      by    President
Ronald Reagan for the                                                   $55,807.17                       Total Audit Complaints: 10
                           Total Walk-in Crime Victims
first time. Both Nation-   Assisted: 7                            Total number of Adult and Ado-         Total Audit Inquiries: 915
al Diabetes Awareness                                             lescent/Pediatric of claims re-
Month and World Dia-       Total Incoming Mail: 4,194                                                    Total Budgets Monitored/
                                                                  ceived: 33
betes Day are repre-                                                                                      Desk Audits Performed:
sented by a number of      Total Outgoing Mail: 7,064             Total amount paid on Adult and          3,785
colors and symbols.                                               Adolescent/Pediatric
                           Total Mail: 11,258                                                         Total Audit Funds Recoupment:
The official symbol of                                            claims: $75,926.81
World Diabetes Day is
a blue circle, as de-                                                      Claim Negotiation:         Total Budget Funds Recoup-
                                   Eligibility Services:
signed by the Interna-                                                                                ment: $841,549.03
                                                                  Claim negotiation is not guaran-
tional Diabetes Feder-     The staff in this section pro-                                             Total Audit and Budget Funds
ation.                                                            teed and is based on a case by
                           cessed 2,127 DCVC crime victim                                             Recoupment Amount:
                                                                  case basis. All claim negotia-
                           compensation claims.                                                       $2,085,169.53
                                                                  tions were suspended.
Page 5   First Quarter July - September 2021

                                   Victims’ Rights Emergency Room: The Crime Victim Ombudsman

                                                         Deputy Director Veronica Swain Kunz
                                                                Crime Victim Ombudsman
  nationaldaycalen-          (continued from page 3)
drunk-drugged-driving                     Responses:
     december/                    1.   CVO called the judge,              We reviewed the rights      4.   CVO called a few auto
                                       explained the situation,           of victims and discussed         body shops, explained
 National Drunk and                    and the judge immedi-              this omission, and his           the situation to the own-
  Drugged Driving                      ately amended the Sen-             reasoning behind it, in          ers and found a compa-
       Month                           tencing Sheet to allow             the hope that the over-          ny willing to repaint her
National Drunk &                       PPP to collect the resti-          sight provided by us and         car for free.
Drugged Driving Pre-                   tution.                            the Chief Judge would
vention Month, or                                                         instill a deeper under-
National 3D Preven-               2. CVO obtained a tran-                 standing and regard in
                                     script of the hearing and            this Judge for the safety
tion Month in Decem-
                                     confirmed that the                   of survivors of domestic
ber serves as a re-
                                     Judge did not comply                 violence.
minder to never drive                with a portion of law that
impaired. If you’re                  states “… the Court             3.    The three days the of-
home or traveling                    MUST [emphasis added]                fender had actually
during the holidays,                 impose bond conditions               served in jail before be-
you may be planning                  which are sufficient to              ing transferred to a hos-
to go to a few parties,              protect a victim from                pital. CVO contacted the
get-togethers, or even               harassment or intimida-              detention center. Within
just to have a few                   tion by the defendant ...”           a few days, they correct-
drinks with the family.              CVO contacted the Chief              ed the error and for-
If you have been                     Judge and requested a                warded the corrected
drinking or are under                meeting with both judg-              paperwork to the De-
the influence of                     es.                                  partment of Corrections,
drugs, do not operate                                                     and alerted the relieved
a vehicle. Remember,
you are committing
the crime of impaired
driving whenever your
ability to operate a
vehicle is impaired by
the effects of illegal
drugs, prescription
medication, over-the-
counter medication,
or a blood-alcohol
concentration of 0.08
grams per deciliter or
higher. If you are tak-
ing part in activities
like this month, or
EVER, do not make
the mistake of getting
behind the wheel. It
could cost you or
someone else their
Page 6      First Quarter July - September 2021

                                                  Upcoming DCVC Training and New DCVC Website
                                                    By Assistant Deputy Director Ethel Douglas Ford
                                                  Department of Crime Victim Compensation (DCVC)
 nationaltoday.com/             DCVC Statewide Auditing            Julie Valentine Center                  If you are interested in
universal-human-rights          Training Victim Assistance         November 3, 2021                    coordinating a DCVC Training
       -month/                  Fines, Fees and Assess-                                                   for your agency, please
                                ment Fund - virtual                DCVC Basic Core Training             contact the DCVC Outreach
  Universal Human                                                                                       Coordinator, April Staten at
                                September 16, 2021                 for SCCADVASA
  Rights Awareness                                                                                            astaten@scag.gov
                                For additional information         November 16, 2021
                                call, 803-734-1900                 For additional information,
We have seen our                                                   call 803-256-2900 or visit
share of cruelty and            SC Network of                      http://www.sccadvasa.org
hate. We can do bet-            Children’s Advocacy Cen-
ter. That’s why the
                                ter                                SC Commission on Prosecu-
world is observing Uni-
versal Human Rights             October 20, 2021                   tion Coordination
Month during Decem-                                                December 2, 2021
ber. This month is a                                               For additional information,
reminder that the Unit-                                            call 803-343-0765
ed Nations General
Assembly codified the
basic human rights of
every person. It’s also
a time to reflect on the
way we treat others,
                                                                   DCVC New Website
and to do what we can
in the fight for equali-
   1. It allows us to
Human Rights Month
is a powerful holiday,     The South Carolina Attorney General’s Office has launched a new website! The new website is vibrant, informa-
as it allows us to look    tional and easy to navigate! This email is to inform you of the new look and the newly implemented changes
back on the ways           that have encompassed the rebranding, creating a unified visual appearance for the AG’s Office.
we’ve treated our fel-
low human beings.          As many of you may know, www.sova.sc.gov has previously been utilized to access DCVC’s website. As a result
                           of new changes within the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office, all departments and divisions within the
    2. It reminds us
                           AG’s office will now be listed on the same website. Therefore, www.sova.sc.gov has been discontinued. How-
      of our ideals
                           ever, should you click on the old website, it will direct you to the newly created DCVC web page on the AG’s
These include individu-
                           website. You may also go directly to the AG’s new website at https://www.scag.gov. Once on this site, please
al freedoms which we
                           visit DCVC’s new home by selecting “Crime Victim Services” at the top of the page and then scroll down and
must fight to protect.
                           click on “Department of Crime Victim Compensation”. This will provide access to DCVC’s application, docu-
   3. It empowers us       ments, forms, and helpful Crime Victim Service information for South Carolina victims, their families, providers
The principles in the      and advocates. You will also find a tab for the Victim Assistance Fines, Fees and Assessment Fund and DCVC
Declaration of Inde-       Auditing Team. You may choose to use the DCVC new short cut domain that will take you directly to the DCVC
pendence are still rele-   web page by going to http://dcvc.scag.gov (replacement for the old website (www.sova.sc.gov) .
vant today. This fact
should empower each        We do apologize for any inconvenience as we transition to and familiarize ourselves with this new web
of us to stand up for      address. Please take some time to walk through the DCVC page on the new website and acquaint yourself with
ourselves, our own         the new set up.
rights, and for the
rights of others.
Page 7    First Quarter July - September 2021

                                                  Fall Is In The Air!
                                                              Welcome Fall Friends!


  Contact Information
  for Publisher/Editor:
Ethel Douglas Ford, CPM
Assistant Deputy Director
 1205 Pendleton Street
  Columbia, SC 29201
 Phone: 803.734.1704
  Fax: 803.734.1708
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