Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

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Out and about - Corporate Travel Management


                                Out and
                                Manchester’s dining
                                      scene excels

                                                            04 | Smart technology
                                                            12 | Smarter RFPs
                                                            14 | Sharing economy
Out and about - Corporate Travel Management
Head straight from your limo
through our Private Security Channel
at London Heathrow and you’ll be
relaxing in our Clubhouse before you
know it. Every minute counts, so
here’s a few back.
For more information, contact your
Chambers team
Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

                                               IN THIS ISSUE                                     11 | BIG DATA =
                                                                                                 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE
                                                                                                 Read the Chambers guide to how business
                                                 INDUSTRY NEWS                                   intelligence (BI) can help your business

                                                04 | SMART TECHNOLOGY                            12 | SMARTER RFPS
                                                WHERE IT COUNTS                                  All travel managers hate RFP time. The
                                                Discover SMART, Chambers’ latest proprietary     process takes time, resource and money,
                                                technology solution featuring a set of           but here’s a way of making the RFP slick
                                                bespoke web and mobile-enabled software          and painless, explains Mark Harris.
                                                applications for the UK and Europe.
                                                                                                 14 | BREAKING THE MOULD
                                                 TRAVEL TRENDS                                   Do you want your travellers to ride in a
                                                                                                 shared private taxi or stay in someone’s
                                                06 | A TOUCH OF CLASS?                           home? The rise of the shared economy
                                                Ensuring the company travel policy is an         is tantalizing for some, but can these
We’re very excited to be unveiling SMART,       expectation across the whole organisation,       suppliers integrate into a managed travel
a technology solution that will transform       including the bosses, is essential for           programme? Gillian Upton finds out.
business travel processes, drive efficiency     compliance, explains Mark Harris.
and compliance and influence traveller
behaviour. All is revealed on page 4.
   Cutting out the angst of undertaking an
RFP is the focus of our feature on page 12
by Mark Harris, while Gillian Upton explores
whether sharing economy suppliers – the
likes of Airbnb and Uber – can fit into a
managed travel programme (see page 14).
   Professor Quigley of International SOS
shares best practice on how to keep
travellers healthy when abroad, on page 8,
while the Paul Wait of GTMC explores the
ramifications for the business travel world
                                                                                                    16 | TUCKING IN
of Lufthansa’s GDS surcharge on page 7.
                                                                                                    Manchester’s dining scene has never
   And while still on air, we underline the
                                                                                                    been more vibrant and Chambers
importance of all stakeholders adhering to                                                          Senior Event Manager Mike Leeson has
travel policy in our feature by Mark Harris       07 | LUFTHANSA CHANGES                            come up with three venues ideal for
on page 6.                                        THE STATUS QUO                                    any size of event.
   Running an event domestically? Then            Levying a surcharge for fares booked
Chambers’ Mike Leeson has come up with            via a GDS has caused furore in the
three venues that tick all the boxes in the       business travel industry. The GTMC’s            CHAMBERS INSIGHT
vibrant city of Manchester. Find our tried        CEO Paul Wait shares the organisation’s
and tested recommendations on page 16.            view on the airline’s decision.                18 | POWERING AHEAD
   A new Concur service for our customers,                                                       Find out about Chambers’ new Concur
a profile of our new head of supplier                                                            Platinum Service and what it could mean
                                                08 | CAUTIONARY TALES                            for you.
relations and the person who has filled the     Professor Robert L Quigley of International
newly created role of senior account            SOS shares best practice when it comes to        19 | BERLIN BOOMS
director in our burgeoning events division,     mitigating health risks for your travelling      Germany is one of Chambers’ eight key
rounds off the issue on page 18.                employees.                                       European markets and big expansion is on
                                                                                                 the horizon from its offices in Berlin.
                                                 GREAT IDEAS

                                                10 | MEETINGS A LA CARTE
                                                Martha Allen of Chambers Event team
                                                explains why Singapore ticks all the right
Chris Thelen, Chief Executive Officer           boxes for a successful conference or event.

   Travel Matters magazine is published four times a year by              UK Headquarters,
   Chambers Travel Group.                                                 Broken Wharf House, 2 Broken Wharf, London EC 4V 3DT
   Editor: Gillian Upton Design & Production: eighthouse.co.uk            T: + 44 (0) 20 7429 9600 F: + 44 (0) 20 7429 9605
   On behalf of Chambers Travel Group: Hannah Fletcher.                   www.chamberstravel.com
   While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, Chambers                To subscribe to Travel Matters, contact Hannah Fletcher at
   cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.                Chambers Travel Group, on +44 (0) 207429 9600 or
   Printed by John Dollin Printing Services.                              email: Hannah.Fletcher@chamberstravel.com

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

Falling premium cabin fares are making life tough for corporate
travel buyers, says Mark Harris. It’s all to do with the actions
of the top echelons of management. Read on…

Just what is a VIP? A movie star? A            need to get the executives working with
footballer? Perhaps your very own CEO          you and to support you from the start. If
– or at least he thinks so, judging by his     you don’t get the CEO on your side, then it’s
attitudes towards the company travel           not going to work,” said one leading buyer
policy. Not for him the delights of the        at this year’s BBT Forum. If people at the
Travelodge Billericay and a seat in cattle     senior level don’t set a positive example in
class on the 9.23 to Bognor….                  the way they travel, you can hardly expect
   Of course this isn’t the whole story.       others to do the right thing.
Buyers often have to compromise on policy,        As with any corporate policy, employees
not least when business class and first        are most inspired and engaged when that
class cabin fares are falling, opening the     policy is endorsed or ‘owned’ by senior
door to a stampede of company executives       management. It carries more weight when
justifying why they should be allowed to       the CEO declares ‘it’ is a ‘good thing’. Their
turn left on the plane instead of right.       thinking goes that, if I do lots of ‘good
   It is predicted that there will be more     things’, I might get rewarded. Or keep my
than 200 million business air cabin seats      job. Or both.
in the market this year. Figures for 2014         At the same time, if the CEO tells me it’s
topped 199.4 million and OAG predicts          a good thing only to travel economy on a
this segment will expand by 3 – 4%.            six hour flight and then the CEO takes the
Meanwhile, in the really posh seats, first     company jet to a meeting in Paris, he’d
class capacity is set to leap by 6% to 86      better have a very good reason to do so
million seats.                                 otherwise my motivation box is going to
   Hello happy days and goodbye                spring a major leak…
austerity? Perhaps not, although some             Herein lies the Travel Manager’s dilemma.
US carriers are making first class a selling   If me and my fellow road (actually, more like
point again on their domestic services.        rail these days) warriors are to understand
So does this mean that more airlines           that the corporate travel policy is an
are morphing their economy cabins into         expectation across the entire company, from
the ubiquitous premium economy to try          top to bottom, we need to know it applies
to provide that VIP experience without         to the bosses too.
compromising the policy?                          Of course, life isn’t like that. Most travel
   The fact that premium air travel is
cheaper now than for some time has
                                               managers believe that, deep down, we all
                                               want to be good corporate citizens and not
                                                                                                 “Most travel
proved a boon to passengers and to the
smaller and medium companies for whom
                                               mavericks seeking out every opportunity
                                               to screw the system. However, it is the
                                                                                                 managers believe
carriers have developed special SME rates.
But the news is not so good for buyers
                                               culture of any organisation as much at the
                                               company policies that dictates compliance.
                                                                                                 that, deep down,
(and people like us) who have negotiated
rebates based on revenue.
                                               Which is where, not unreasonably, we come
                                               in. We’ve worked with organisations with
                                                                                                 we all want to be
   Of course, this is just one side of
the coin. For any organisation to enjoy
                                               different cultures from the uber-dictatorial
                                               to the almost horizontally laid-back. We
                                                                                                 good corporate
optimum compliance to its policy, the
example set by company owners/ directors
                                               know that compliance is about applying a
                                               mindset that encourages people to do ‘the
and senior executives is essential. “You       right thing’ – every time.

                                                        …that business travellers are twice as likely to complain about airlines
  DID YOU KNOW?                                         than their leisure counterpart? They fly more and pay more, according to
                                                        American Customer Satisfaction Index.

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

Lufthansa’s decision to levy a surcharge for fares booked via a GDS makes it
anything but business as usual, says Paul Wait, Chief Executive of the GTMC

Lufthansa’s recent decision to add a          manager. Lufthansa has in fact forced the       Lufthansa wants to charge? Definitely not,
surcharge of €16 to fares booked via a GDS    hand of the travel buyer to choose another      it is worth a huge amount more. In fact,
continues to cause much frustration and       airline, including those who have publically    that is where Lufthansa has got it wrong.
debate in the business travel industry. The   stated that they will not follow the GDS        They have severed trust with a reliable
full fall out won’t be known until later in   fee route. It is clearly a disruption to the    and profitable distribution channel, and
the year when the longer term impact of       booking process that TMCs will need to          significantly undervalued the role of third
the levy will be clearer.                     factor in to all transactions.                  party distribution in their attempts to
   The decision to attempt to circumvent         Sensible business leaders call upon          cut costs. Plus, it seems to be acceptable
the established model of using a GDS is       trained experts and specialists to support      practise to Lufthansa to transfer their cost
somewhat understandable for a business        their organisations in all manner of industry   of doing business to the customer.
under pressure to cut costs across the        sectors. However Lufthansa’s decision is            In the face of this challenge, Lufthansa
board. However, this move is to the           suggesting that businesses can achieve          now has an opportunity to reconsider
detriment of Lufthansa themselves,            cost savings if they ask their people to cut    how it will react when facing the travel
their customers and business partners         out those experts and book travel directly.     management industry. Third party
– particularly travel buyers whose roles      This is really short sighted. Sure, there       distribution channels will always prove
and reporting rely on the additional          might be some immediate small savings,          their value - whether that’s on cost
services that are powered by the GDS. It      but in the long term the business impact        efficiencies, technological support or by
is quite staggering that Lufthansa doesn’t    – and cost – will be hugely detrimental.        continuing to provide excellent service. If
understand, or doesn’t want to accept, the    TMCs provide valuable advice, insight           Lufthansa is in the business of selling travel
value that the GDS’ deliver to them.          and management information; the kind of         for the long haul then they can only win
   While Lufthansa’s decision may have        consultancy that aids businesses with their     back points – and much needed business
been to encourage direct bookings from        growth, helps them be more strategic and        support – by working in partnership. The
both the business and leisure market, the     empowers change.                                business travel sector is always willing to
move doesn’t do much to entice the travel        Is this worth the €16 per transaction        help those who recognise their value.

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

                                                  Here is a cautionary tale about an infectious disease
                                                  that took the lives of travellers this summer and
                                                  the precautions organisations can take to ensure the
                                                  health and safety of their travelling employees
                                                  In the summer months, MERS-CoV (Middle           touching their mouth and face and practice
                                                  East Respiratory Syndrome) has moved             good cough etiquette like covering the
                                                  back into the headlines after a Korean man       mouth. This is actually good advice for
                                                  visited four Middle Eastern countries and        travel to any region.
                                                  then flew back home.                                It’s also a good time for organisations to
“It’s also a                                         He was well when he arrived home in           dust off their pandemic plans and be sure
                                                  early May, but he later became sick and          they are prepared for any scenario. Some
good time for                                     was treated at a series of hospitals. Due        companies are already doing this, as the
                                                  to a delay in diagnosing his condition,          SARS outbreak of more than a decade ago
organisations                                     he infected about 25 other people with           remains fresh in their minds.
                                                  the disease. Two have died and some are
to dust off their                                 seriously ill. The total number of cases
                                                                                                   Author: Professor Robert L Quigley MD D.Phil

                                                  stands at about 30.
pandemic plans”                                      At the time of writing, there is no
                                                  indication that the virus is spreading in the
                                                  general community and confirmed cases
                                                  so far are linked to direct contact with the
                                                  “index” case.
                                                     Nonetheless, the case points up serious
                                                  issues about what can organisations do
                                                  to protect not only their travellers, but
                                                                                                     WHAT IS MERS?
                                                  employees back home.
                                                     MERS-CoV is a virus (from the same family     MERS stands for Middle East respiratory
                                                  as SARS) for which there is no treatment or      syndrome and it is a viral respiratory
                                                  vaccine. There is a strong link with camels      disease caused by a coronavirus (MERS-
                                                  although the exact way in which humans           CoV) that was first identified in Saudi
                                                  become infected is not known. MERS-CoV           Arabia in 2012.
                                                  causes a serious infection of the lungs (viral
                                                                                                   Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses
                                                  pneumonia) and about 40 % of patients die.
                                                                                                   that can cause diseases ranging from the
                                                  That’s the bad news.
                                                                                                   common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory
 About International SOS                             The good news is that the virus is not
 International SOS (www.internationalsos.                                                          Syndrome (SARS).
                                                  able, at this time, to spread easily in the
 com) is the world’s leading medical and travel
                                                  community from person to person. When            Some 26 countries have reported cases of
 security risk services company. It cares for
 clients across the globe, from more than 700     it does spread from person to person, this       MERS since 2012 but this year the countries
 locations in 89 countries. Its expertise is      usually occurs in a hospital setting or in the   reporting outbreaks, according to the World
 unique: more than 11,000 employees are led       home of infected people.                         Health Organisation, are China, Germany,
 by 1,200 doctors and 200 security specialists.      While there are no travel restrictions        Iran, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Korea,
 Teams work night and day to protect its
 members. It is passionate about helping
                                                  at the time of writing, it’s important for       Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the United Arab
 clients put ‘Duty of Care’ into practice.        travellers to practice a high level of hygiene   Emirates. Across Korea and China the death
                                                  that includes frequent hand washing, not         toll stood at 36 in July this year.

                                                           …that emerging markets will account for nearly two thirds of all air travel
 DID YOU KNOW?                                             by 2033, says Airbus’ Global Forecast.

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management
Air France offers the leading long-haul
network on departure from Europe,
together with partner airline KLM,
covering over 230 destinations in more
than 100 countries.

Discover our new Business Class cabin
on your next trip: available on selected
long-haul flights, the new seat is
designed to be a “cocoon” of privacy in
the sky, offering a fully flat bed and
direct aisle access.

For more information, please contact
your Chambers Travel representative.
Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

Aside from creative input, a good events team has to accumulate excellent
destination knowledge. Read on for how one member of Chambers event
team honed up on Singapore
Back in June, Martha Allen, recently          with full table service, a menu crafted by    berthed at Resorts World Sentosa and
appointed Event Manager at Chambers           celebrity chefs and a Book the Cook pre-      designed specifically to cater for up to 149
Travel Management, spent three productive     ordering service.                             VIPs for a day’s sailing or ten cruising.
days exploring the Asian powerhouse that is      Once on the ground in this tiny island        A cable car ride to scale Mount Faber,
the island of Singapore.                      city-state, the diverse culture is evident    with a dining and entertainment complex
   Her objective was to update her            from the Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnic     at its peak, is another must-see sight,
knowledge on the venues and attractions       groups that make up the 5.4m population:      and from here another cable car links to
across the island that would help piece       Chinatown’s red and gold Buddha’s Tooth       Sentosa Island where guests can enjoy
together a memorable itinerary for any        Relic temple, the colorful fabric and         two golf courses, a long sheltered beach,
client event.                                 souvenir shops in Little India and the        Universal Studios, the aquarium and
   As a guest of Singapore Airlines, the      Malay-inspired cuisine, such as the classic   facilities at over a dozen hotels.
recce began by sampling their award-          Nasi goreng with meat and rojak salad with       One of them is the five-star Equarius
winning business class product 35,000         black shrimp and peanuts.                     Hotel Sentosa, with spacious, balconied
feet up. A fully flat bed in 1-2-1 layout        Food is certainly a major distraction      bedrooms, butlers with all suites, an ESPA
promotes sleep; helped by a built-in          on the island and no event is complete        spa, a restaurant under a forest canopy-
bed padding, light duvet, pillows and         without a dine-around, a trip to one of the   inspired ceiling, friendly and helpful
fresh linen. The leather seat incorporates    hawker centres, open-air food courts, to      staff and great conference facilities on a
office space with in-seat power supply        sample southeast Asian cuisine, to graze      dedicated floor.
and USB ports and an impressive 15.4-         in Chinatown or to sample iconic dim sum         Back on the main island and the
inch wide LCD screen gives access to an       at The Clifford Pier inside The Fullerton     Botanical Gardens and the zoo provide
entertainment multiplex, augmented by         Bay Hotel.                                    easy distractions, while two other particular
noise-cancelling headphones.                     Fun-filled days can include time aboard    event spaces make Singapore work super
   Dining is akin to a gourmet experience     the Royal Albatross, a luxury schooner        efficiently for conferences and events.
                                                                                               The five-star Marina Bay Sands’ floor-
                                                                                            to-ceiling windows overlook the city and
                                                                                            Gardens of the Bay, while the hotel’s
                                                                                            rooftop infinity pool matches these
                                                                                            panoramic views. Martha says this venue
                                                                                            definitely has the wow factor. Facilities
                                                                                            include the Banyan Tree Spa, the first
                                                                                            class Club lounge on the 55th floor and
                                                                                            over 120,000 sq m of flexible space, 250
                                                                                            meeting rooms, southeast Asia’s largest
                                                                                            ballroom and capacity for 2,000 exhibition
                                                                                               The Gardens by the Bay is some 101
                                                                                            hectares of reclaimed land adjacent to the
                                                                                            marina, with a giant flower dome and cloud
                                                                                            forest dome, many dining options and
                                                                                            nine different meeting venues including
                                                                                            The Meadow, Singapore’s largest outdoor
                                                                                            Garden event space, or the more intimate
                                                                                            Silver Leaf for more exclusive events.
                                                                                               “Singapore really does tick all the boxes
                                                                                            for whatever type of event our clients may
                                                                                            want,” concludes Martha.

                                                      ...that 37% of UK-based business travellers surveyed by GTMC and
  DID YOU KNOW?                                       AudienceNet believe that there will always be a need for TMCS despite
                                                      advancements in online technologies.

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

One of the major technology trends of this year has been Big Data. Widening the
trawling net of data beyond the traditional TMC confines turns it into business
intelligence, and we explain why it’s so important
The travel industry was an early adopter of
Business Intelligence (BI) practices. Some      “Business
of the systems in use today are over 50
years old. What makes BI so important is        Intelligence can
the real-time reporting and analysis that
allows informed decision making and lies        be applied to
at the heart of TMCs value proposition. The
challenge for BI professionals is to create     all levels of the
the tools that enable TMCs to process
ever-expanding quantities of data in an         supply chain”
ever-shrinking timeframes.
   Business Intelligence can be applied to      decision making by suppliers and TMCs.
all levels of the supply chain. From tracking   In July 2015 a travel intelligence software
and then predicting customer behaviour          suite was launched for TMCs worldwide,
and booking patterns, BI enables air routes     connecting them to a pool of Amadeus
and hotel usage to be optimised and             travel data.
traveller reviews assessed. Put another             Amadeus is far from the only player
way, BI provides the clearest picture yet       in this space. For example, TravelClick
of their travel activity. For TMCs, real-time   helps 36,000 hotels drive traffic to their
intelligent data allows issues to be spotted    own websites with marketing and other
and resolved quicker, instead of waiting for    services. InFare Solutions provides web
the traditional end-of-month client review      fare intelligence to the airline industry.
meeting, when it’s probably too late to         By comparison, Spain-based ForwardKeys           THE BENEFITS
address the problem anyway.                     analyses trends in airfare reservation           OF BUSINESS
   In a report on how big data is being
utilised by travel industries, Tom
                                                booking worldwide, especially hotel
                                                chains’ revenue managers, who use                INTELLIGENCE
Davenport, a visiting professor of Harvard      its data to forecast occupancy. KDS is
Business School, highlighted that “analytics    another competitor to Amadeus, although
                                                                                                 Consolidated expenditure data
requires continuous innovation to sustain       its emphasis is on travel and expense
                                                                                                 leverages spend
competitive advantage’ and that there is        management.
still a lot of potential in big data use for        As travel programmes become more             Saves TMC time and resources by
travel companies.”                              mature and savings opportunities contract,       eliminating the need for paper
   Perhaps that’s why BI is such big            TMCs knows they must add more value              management reports – thereby creating
business. Amadeus estimates that the            if they are to justify their position in the     scope for fee savings
total market for travel BI — including data     supply chain. That means addressing issues
                                                                                                 Engenders a proactive approach to travel
and processing, analytics, consulting and       such as which data is critical for their
                                                                                                 management by providing up-to-the-
service — will be €2.3 billion by 2022.         customers; how those customers track their
                                                                                                 minute picture of current and historical
The GDS (and travel technology company)         concern areas and how TMCs can optimize
                                                                                                 travel expenditure
provider has been expanding its business        revenues whilst quantifying the scale
intelligence capability since 2013 and now      of possible cost-cutting on their clients’       Enables policy compliance and any
has a portfolio of Business Intelligence        behalf. Which is where we- and Big Data –        requirements for policy change to be
operations, which aim to facilitate informed    came in.                                         monitored accurately

                                                        ...that the size of UK conference and meeting sector was estimated at
  DID YOU KNOW?                                         £21.6bn in venue and destination direct spend in 2014? It’s an increase
                                                        of £2bn compared with 2013 figures, both from UKCAMS.

Out and about - Corporate Travel Management

                      They take an inordinate amount of time, and
                      money, but there is an easier way. Read on to
                      discover how Chambers can help you make the
                      RFP process slick – and painless

                      The Chartered Institute of Purchasing             In the hotel sector, suppliers’ focus
                      & Supply (CIPS) estimates that strategic       is increasingly on total revenue per
                      sourcing of travel, meetings and events will   available room (TRevPAR), which includes
                      save a corporate up to a third of its total    additional spend on food and beverage.
                      category spend.                                Making company policy on travellers’ F&B
                         No wonder that RFPs have become             spend can directly help to drive down
                      a familiar – if dreaded – feature of the       accommodation costs – especially for
                      business travel calendar. July and August      international travellers who usually spend
                      mark the start of RFP season, when             more than their domestic counterparts.
                      hundreds of hours are spent compiling,            But despite making good progress
“The RFP process      completing and analysing tender
                      submissions to corporates large and small.
                                                                     in streamlining RFP processes, two
                                                                     fundamental barriers remain. First is poorly
is a challenging         The RFP process is a challenging one for
                      everyone, and it is no longer just about
                                                                     written RFPs. Sales managers will always
                                                                     interpret unclear requirements in a way
one for everyone,     cost. While corporates look to suppliers
                      to offer the availability and rates to win
                                                                     that will favour them first. The second
                                                                     barrier concerns over optimistic RFP
and it is no longer   their business, they also need to satisfy
                      their travellers’ location and facility
                                                                     responses, with suppliers telling you what
                                                                     they think you want to hear before adding
just about cost”      requirements, as well as their employers’
                      commitments to sustainability and the
                                                                     enough caveats to ensure that a great deal
                                                                     will never be available.
                      environment.                                      Here, we’re focusing on what corporates
                         Meanwhile, airline and hotel sales          can do to mitigate the first issue, the poorly
                      managers have to keep both their clients       written RFPs. Here are our top ten tips for
                      and their internal revenue managers happy.     making your RFPs slicker and pain-free for
                         In recent years, leading TMCs such          all involved.
                      as Chambers, together with corporate
                                                                     1 Before you embark on your RFP talk to
                      buyers have become more aware of how
                                                                       your TMC about their recommended
                      technology enables greater sourcing
                                                                       RFP tools. Make sure the technology
                      efficiencies. Yet few TMCs other than
                                                                       fits your objectives and priorities rather
                      Chambers are technology-builders, so
                                                                       than the other way around.
                      many RFP tool providers work directly with
                      corporates.                                    2 In the case of hotel RFPs, make sure
                         As corporates’ strategic objectives have      the RFP tool is supported by the
                      evolved, e-RFP technology has followed           widest possible range of options. Many
                      suit. Today RFP tools can deal with a            independent hotels are not listed on
                      myriad of variables such as last room            the GDS, which could mean you are
                      availability, room allocations, breakfast,       missing out on properties that might
                      WiFi and executive room types – as well as       provide a better fit for both company
                      cost itself.                                     and travellers.

                              …that US business travel spending will increase by 4.9% in 2015 to
 DID YOU KNOW?                US$302.7bn, and in 2016 by even more, an estimated 5.4% to US$318.9bn,
                              according to GBTA Foundation and Visa research.


3 Be clear about your objectives.
  Everyone wants to save money, but            “Sales managers                                   rate if it believes it can sell it elsewhere
                                                                                                 at a higher rate.
  make your other criteria clear too, such
  as proximity to local offices, on-site car
                                               will always                                    9 Be realistic in your timelines. Allow time
  parking and so on.
                                               interpret unclear                                for planning, analysis, for the suppliers
                                                                                                to respond (at least three weeks) and
4 Consult all your travel stakeholders,
  from HR and IT to bookers and                requirements in                                  then further time for negotiation. If your
                                                                                                contract has to be signed off by Legal,
  travellers, to understand their
  expectations and priorities.
                                               a way that will                                  make sure you issue a letter of intent
                                                                                                with your preferred suppliers so you can

5 Quantify your requirements as precisely      favour them first”                               start the groundwork immediately.

  as possible, based on the most recently-                                                    10 Communicate, communicate and
  available data. Demonstrate buying           7 Audit RFP responses very carefully.             communicate again. Explain why
  and spend patterns such as rates paid          Isolate all claims to fully satisfy your        existing suppliers have been replaced
  in different cabin classes or hotel            most important criteria and examine             on the programme and why new
  room types by supplying expense                the evidence provided.                          suppliers have been chosen. Liaise
  management or TMC management                                                                   with HR and even marketing over
  information.                                 8 Understand how each market works. In            how best to communicate in terms of
                                                 hotels, for example, the best available         channels and content, especially if your
6 Provide plenty of background                   rate (BAR) can be lower than the                programme covers multiple territories.
  information; why are you going out             negotiated rate at certain times of the
  to tender? Explain what you are trying         year. A good rate is worthless without          Above all, work with your TMC every step
  to achieve – especially if it involves         Last Room Availability (LRA). Without        of the way. Transparency is always the best
  rebates.                                       LRA a hotel won’t honour the agreed          way. Here’s to painless RFPs.

                                                       ...that up to 80% of the top 25 European airports have train connections
DID YOU KNOW?                                          to the city, as opposed to only 60% for the top 25 US airports, according
                                                       to Airport Transportation Guide.
                                                   The Caledonian


The combination of mobile phone apps and virtual
payments has given rise to the tremendous growth
in the sharing economy but is it right for the
corporate sector, asks Gillian Upton

The likes of Uber and Airbnb are becoming           The company’s market valuation was
part of our everyday language as we              almost US$10billion in June 2014 and
sample these new-fangled services in             along with its growing business has come
our private lives. Known as the sharing          big business practices, such as the ‘price
economy or collaborative consumption,            suggestion engine’ – a yield management
the jury’s out as to whether such suppliers      system to you and me – to advise
can seamlessly cross over into our               homeowners what to charge. How that
business lives and whether the corporate         will pan out in terms of price differential
community embraces them.                         with more conventional accommodation            “the jury’s out as
   Capturing bookings is a basic                 suppliers remains to be seen.
requirement and the sharing suppliers are           In Airbnb’s favour is the understanding      to whether such
making progress in this area by integrating      that apartments can be more cost-effective
with expense management tools.                   for travellers than hotels – particularly for   suppliers can
   The San Francisco-based Airbnb, for           longer stays and relocations, and it is this
example, has been making great strides in        same argument it is using to persuade           seamlessly cross
trying to meet the needs of the corporate        corporates to use them.
market. It has integrated with International        The fledgling apartments sector spent        over into our
SOS so all booking data gets uploaded            years driving home this message to the
to them. It has partnered with Concur            corporate community and as a result,            business lives ”
so all Airbnb data flows into TripLink. It       apartments are a regular part of any
has introduced 24/7 support in multiple          corporates’ managed travel programme.
languages. It has set up a business travel       Travellers prefer the more home-like
department in Berlin and has created a           environment, and the greater creature
business travel section on its website.          comforts that come with it, such as the use
   In terms of content, Airbnb is adding more    of a kitchen. Very often, apartments can
business-like apartments to its inventory        be in closer proximity to where travellers
that offer wifi for example and only those       want to be. They also work well for a group
properties which can be rented to a single       booking say, for a team meeting.
user, ie with no sharers. Traveller safety          However, getting your traveller/s to stay
being high on the agenda for corporates, this    in a serviced apartment run by a serviced
is a logical move for Airbnb. The company        apartment provider is one thing, and
reckons it has around 500,000 property           getting one or more to stay in someone’s
listings specifically for business travellers.   private home is another.
   “Last year 10% of our business was in            A ratings procedure does allow
business travel,” said Daniel Pourasghar of      transparency as bookers can check all
Airbnb Business Development. That figure         reviews for each property. In addition,
is up from 8% in 2013. “We’re trying to          US$1m liability insurance cover is standard
understand business travellers’ needs and        among sharing suppliers.
trying to get there.”                               Like Airbnb, Uber’s mobile app has seen

                                                          ...that 2.5m TB of Big Data is created each day by 3bn people.
  DID YOU KNOW?                                           The opportunity is personaliation, says Amadeus.


similar growth and its market valuation at          pressure from the London black cab             there is a bedrock of familiarity. According
August 2014 was US$17 billion. Operating            fraternity, said it was considering a law to   to Airbnb’s Pourasghar, the company has
in over 54 countries and over 250 cities,           curb private minicabs in London. For that      26 million guests (up from 17 m in 2013)
growth has been staggering. And also like           read a clampdown on Uber.                      and over 1 million listings.
Airbnb, Uber has been trying to integrate               And abroad during the same month,             Company culture will come into play,
with managed travel programes. It signed a          Uber’s tentacles into the Chinese market       whether your policy is more akin to open
deal with Concur to allow travellers to bill        hit a hitch when police swooped into           booking than rigid policy, and how many
their trip directly to their company. It has        their offices claiming their operation was     influential Millenials you have in your
witnessed a 50% increase in the number              illegal. To be fair, sharing suppliers are     workforce. All these factors will influence
of Uber transactions captured in Concur             facing legal challenges in many countries,     whether sharing suppliers will be easy to
expense reports last year over the previous         over licensing regimes, short-term housing     incorporate or not.
year, for example.                                  taxation and safety rules. That’s why they        Comparing sharing suppliers against
   Last year United Airlines started to offer its   are often referred to as ‘disruptors’.         hotels, conventional apartments and taxi
customers Uber services on its mobile app.              Naturally, Uber hit back and in July       firms will throw up concerns over safety
   But it hasn’t all been plain sailing. In         it tried to level the playing field by         and service and also privacy issues over
recent months Uber has endured bad                  introducing a Knowledge Lite test for all      data as geo-location on mobile devices is
publicity over, for example, how it dealt           its drivers to pass, before being given the    what allows sharing suppliers to find the
with a business passenger en route to               freedom of London roads.                       nearest shared taxi, apartment or driver.
Heathrow when the minivan he was                        These events have not helped the              Ultimately, sharing suppliers offer more
travelling in caught fire. That was in July.        company’s reputation but, nonetheless,         choice for your travellers, and may force
   Two months before there were reports             there are clearly merits to including          your traditional suppliers to innovate and
of phantom Uber rides and hacking being             sharing economy suppliers in your supply       provide more competitive pricing, neither
investigated. The same month, May, the UK           chain. These suppliers are already being       of which is a bad thing.
government, seemingly bowing to constant            used in your travellers’ private lives so


Manchester may not yet have a Michelin-star
restaurant but what it lacks in awards it makes
up for in variety, style and sheer pizzazz, says
Mike Leeson, Senior Event Manager at Chambers

The magazine Time Out last year wrote
that, “Whatever tickles your culinary fancy
- from brilliant burgers to barnstorming
breakfasts and brunches - there are plenty
of very good Manchester restaurants to get
stuck into.”.
   The Manchester Evening News echoed             GRILL ON NEW
these opinions and took it up a notch.            YORK STREET
“There’s never been a better time to eat
out in Manchester, with new restaurants
now popping up here at a faster rate than       www.blackhouse.uk.com/grill-on-
anywhere in the country.”                       new-york-street
   We couldn’t agree more. The city’s dining
scene has never been so exciting. Even             Sister to Grill on the Alley, the Grill
Manchester’s street food vendors are worth      on New York Street is just off Piccadilly
a try if you’ve no time to sit and chill.       Gardens and focuses on no nonsense food,
   The city was naturally disappointed          specialising in wholesome ingredients.
when the Michelin Guide decided not to          You’ll find many of the Grill on the Alley
award leading contenders The French at the      favourite menu items here.
Midland Hotel and Manchester House any             If you are after a heartily steak or
accolades last year, but they have scooped      delightful sea fish dish, this is the perfect
three and four AA rosettes respectively. The    restaurant for you.
2016 Guide will be published this month,           The restaurant buys beef aged for 28
so fingers crossed that the City will finally   days and all the seafood is responsibly
be up there with Edinburgh, Birmingham,         sourced from sustainable supplies.
Dublin, Bristol, Bath and, of course, London,      Then there are the desserts: scrummy          Grill on New York Street
by brandishing the famous star rating.          puddings, crumbles, cakes and treats and a
   The challenge in the city then is in         particularly good line in cocktails too.
selecting which restaurant to patronise            With a modern clean feel, and an
on your one free night out in this buzzy        exciting buzz, this restaurant is perfect for
city. There is everything from bargain bites    an intimate dinner or a private dinner for
to ten-course taster menus across every         large groups.
conceivable cuisine from around the world.         The staff are extremely attentive and
We’ve done the groundwork for you and           serve with a smile. For a larger private
present here a trio of restaurants that         booking the restaurant is extremely
will satisfy the committed gastronomes,         flexible, and will work with you on the
fledgling foodies and the event organiser.      perfect menu choice.

                                                        ...that Cathay Pacific has relaunched its Pier First Class lounge in Hong
  DID YOU KNOW?                                         Kong, at Gate 63, with the focus on wellbeing? Travellers can enjoy a
                                                        free foot massage and chill out in the Retreat area.


                                               “Everything from
                                               bargain bites to
                                               ten-course taster
                                               menus across
                                               every conceivable

                                                 MANCHESTER235                                   THE LIVING
                                                 – JAMES MARTIN                                  ROOM
                                               www.manchester235.com/restaurant-               www.thelivingroom.co.uk/location/
                                               details/james-martin-manchester                 manchester

                                                  The celebrity chef name provides an             Historically known for its high quality
                                               insight in the expectations of the food         fresh, modern European cuisine and stylish
                                               and it certainly lives up to the hype           cocktails, The Living Room is a one-stop
                                               and expectations. Full of flavour and           shop for a great dinner and drinks. The bi-
                                               excellently presented, the modern British,      level property on Deansgate first opened
                                               seasonal cuisine is not to be missed.           its doors in 1999 and has continued to be
                                                  There are pre-theatre menus and              a hot spot for the social butterflies
                                               glorious Sunday roasts too.                     of Manchester.
                             The Living Room
                                                  It’s surprisingly situated within               With a diverse food menu, there is
                                               Manchester235, a 24-hour entertainment          something for everyone. This property can
                                               complex in the Great Northern building          offer three private rooms for groups from a
                                               – a former railway goods warehouse -            small intimate dinner to 120 guests.
                                               which includes a casino, poker lounge,             The Living Room is a flexible venue
                                               function space, bars and two restaurants.       offering great food, drinks (try its apple and
                                               It certainly provides an alternative twist      cranberry mojito!) and large private dinners
                                               to the generic restaurant location but          and will suit a wide range of clients.
                                               don’t let that put you off, as the restaurant
                                               interiors are stunning.
                                                  It is the perfect setting for a small
                                               party, or an intimate meal, plus there is       “The city’s dining
                                               a separate space dedicated for groups,
                                               which includes its own bar and stage.           scene has never
                                               James Martin Manchester is the perfect
                                               backdrop for any entertainment needs.           been so exciting”
                                                        …American Airlines is investing US$2bn in enhanced customer
         DID YOU KNOW?                                  experience? The money will go on new aircraft, improved product,
                                                        upgrades to Admirals Clubs and more flight attendant training.


POWERING                                                                                               “Chambers roll

AHEAD                                                                                                  out new Concur
                                                                                                       Platinum Service”
Chambers is rolling out a new Concur
Service. Called Concur Platinum Service,
it will offer clients rapid implementation
services, an annual configuration review,
integration with travel programme SLAs and
includes services to integrate Concur with
other travel technologies.
   Chambers will be launching the new                                                                   PRODUCT USPS
service at Concur Fusion Exchange on the
23rd September.
   Matthew Heymans is Chambers’ in-house                                                                Includes rapid implementation
Concur Technology expert, responsible for                                                               services & annual configuration review
consulting, training and implementing Concur
Travel for new clients as well as our bespoke                                                           1st line telephone support
technologies such as i-Suite and the new          technologies so you will be in good hands.
                                                                                                        Covered by travel programme SLAs
CTM Smart technology platform. He has               Chambers is a Concur preferred partner.
supported many European and global clients          If you want to hear more about this                 Includes services to integrate Concur
as they get started with these power travel       enhanced service, please call Matthew.                with other travel technologies

Alison Warburton is a new executive working          “I am really excited but also sad to
for Chambers’ Elite/Private Clients service.      be leaving marketing,” she said. “The
The division provides a luxury, tailored          experience I have gained in marketing and
leisure service, working with and alongside       brand development will enable me to take
Elite clients to create holidays to compliment    the lead on the experiential and brand
the VIP corporate service our senior executives   activation side of our events business.”
and VIP clients already experience.                  Hannah will focus on current client
   Alison has extensive experience in up-         management and new business as well as               Alison Warburton
market leisure travel. She has worked for         service excellence across Chambers’ global
independent travel agencies and luxury tour       events portfolio.
operators, creating bespoke tailor-made              She re-joins the Events Division at an exciting
holidays for clients. She is experienced in       time, having experienced an exceptional 70%
creating unique experiences for them to           growth in turnover over the last year to total
travel to every corner of the world.              £7.2 million helped by winning new business
   Another new appointment is Hannah              worth £2.8 million. The figures represent a
Fletcher, although not a new face to Chambers.    40% increase over the previous year.
Having joined the TMC in 2013 as Event               Anne-Marie Stearn has also been
Manager, she switched to the role of EMEA         appointed as event co-ordinator to support
Marketing Manager for the Group the               the Chambers Travel Events team with
following year and now returns to the full        venue finding and delegate management.
service events agency but in the elevated and     She was previously an events co-ordinator
newly created role of Senior Account Director.    at Bombed Out Church in Liverpool.                   Hannah Fletcher

  WE WANT TO                                               We value your opinions and ideas on the contents of Travel Matters.
                                                           Please email marketing@chamberstravel.com with any feedback
  HEAR FROM YOU                                            on the magazine or any ideas you may have for future articles.


                                                                       worth talking about

                                                             Chambers Chatter events run regularly
                                                          throughout the year and the next one will
                                                          take place on September 17th in London
                                                          and on September 30th in Berlin. The
                                                          event in Berlin, to be held in German, will
                                                          be staged at the Mandala Hotel on the
                                                          subject of Managing your TMC. Moderated
                                                          by Oliver Grau, the evening will kick off
                                                          with cocktails and canapes at 6.30pm, the
                                                          educational presentation at 7.30pm and
                                                          followed by networking and dinner
                                                          at 8.15pm.

                                                          to facilitate
   Chambers office in Germany, in Berlin,
is going from strength to strength, to the
extent that it has burst out of its former
office space and this month (September)
                                                          and thought
expands into brand new offices.
   With capacity for 40, the new offices will
house the team of 14 that is constantly
                                                            Any travel managers interested in
expanding. Ten staff are office based and a
                                                          attending this or future seminars or
further four employees are home workers.
                                                          wishing to suggest seminar topics,
   Three of the new employees - Nadine,
Laurent and Pepe - have joined as               Nadine    should contact Hannah Luffman on
corporate travel agents and all have                      hannah.luffman@chamberstravel.com
excellent credentials.
   Nadine speaks native German and fluent

English. Her parents come from Sri Lanka
and Gemany. She loves to travel, read a
good book and shop.
   Laurent speaks native French, fluent
English, German and Italian. He loves                        EVENTS
cycling and enjoying ethnic food.
   Pepe speaks native German and fluent
English and in his free time he plays soccer.
   In the last issue we highlighted another     Laurent
                                                             September 17th
newcomer, Boris Doerwald, who supports                       Chambers Chatter London
German and French clients and all Team
                                                             at The Marylebone Hotel.
Europe clients too.
   He is fluent in German, Dutch and
                                                             September 30th
English and has a working knowledge of
                                                             Chambers Chatter Berlin
Spanish. He is a 27-year veteran of the
travel industry.                                             at the Mandala Hotel.

NB. Berlin will be in the picture on                         November 19th
September 30th when it hosts its first ever                  Annual client party in London
Chambers Chatter event. For details see                      sponsored by Virgin Atlantic.
story opposite.                                 Pepe

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