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2 • Our Time Summer 2021

Bond between grandparents and grandkids benefits both
 W        hat used to be
          the “golden years”
of life for seniors is now
                               as motivating factors
                               behind providing care.
                               According to Generations
                                                            more scarce, grand-
                                                            parents can help teach
                                                            grandchildren empathy.
                                                                                                • Interests: Children
                                                                                             may be excited about
                                                                                             learning new skills
turning into any opportu-      United, staying in touch     Grandchildren may learn          or hobbies taught to
nity to spend even more        with grandkids can give      to be grateful for the           them by their grand-
time with their youngest       seniors a feeling of self-   things they have and the         parents. Anything
family members. Nowa-          worth and improve their      people around them,              from gardening to
days, a growing number         overall health.              rather than taking what          woodworking can be
of grandparents are               When spending so          they have for granted.           shared.
called on to provide child     much time together,             • Family history:                • Respect: Children
care for their grandkids,      grandparents may devel-      Grandparents can tell            who grow up respect-
many of whom are grow-         op special relationships     grandchildren about              ing their grandpar-
ing up in two-income           with their grandchildren,    family members, includ-          ents may have an
households. Others are         who may benefit from the     ing youngsters’ own              increased tendency
helping to raise grandkids     knowledge and wisdom         parents, and shed light          to respect authority
while providing finan-         offered by their elders.     on the generations that          figures outside their
cial assistance for adult      The following are some       came before them. Look-          homes, which may
children who may not be        lessons grandparents can     ing through photos or            help kids grow up to
able to live on their own.     share with youngsters.       watching old movies can          be more courteous
   Grandparents often             • Empathy: By shar-       provide the avenue by            and kind.
cite helping their own         ing stories of how things    which to start conversa-            Grandchildren also
children financially as        were when they were          tions about family history       offer benefits to their    and conversation can      ies active well into their
well as staying in touch       younger, when oppor-         and give children oppor-         grandparents. Compan-      help keep grandparents’   golden years.
with grandchildren             tunities may have been       tunities to ask questions.       ionship, new experiences   minds sharp and bod-

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Our Time Summer 2021         •   3

                                                  What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
  A     lzheimer’s (AHLZ-high-
        merz) is a disease of the
brain that causes problems with
                                      is the world’s largest nonprofit
                                      funder of Alzheimer’s research.
                                      Since 1982, we have awarded over
                                                                               90 percent of what we know dis-
                                                                               covered in the last 20 years. Some
                                                                               of the most remarkable progress
memory, thinking and behavior.        $350 million to more than 2,300          has shed light on how Alzheimer’s
It is not a normal part of aging.     research investigations world-           affects the brain. Better under-
Alzheimer’s gets worse over time.     wide. When Dr. Alois Alzheimer           standing of the disease’s impact
Although symptoms can vary            first described the disease in           may lead to better treatments.
widely, the first problem many        1906, a person in the United                The Alzheimer’s Association
people notice is forgetfulness se-    States lived an average of about         is the leading voluntary health
vere enough to affect their ability   50 years. Few people reached the         organization in Alzheimer’s care,
to function at home or at work, or    age of greatest risk. As a result,       support and research. Our mis-
to enjoy hobbies. The disease may     the disease was considered rare          sion is to eliminate Alzheimer’s
cause a person to become con-         and attracted little scientific inter-   disease through the advance-
fused, get lost in familiar places,   est. That attitude changed as the        ment of research; to provide and
misplace things or have trouble       average life span increased and          enhance care and support for all
with language. It can be easy to      scientists began to realize how of-      affected; and to reduce the risk
explain away unusual behavior as      ten Alzheimer’s strikes people in        of dementia through the promo-
part of normal aging, especially      their 70s and 80s. The Centers for       tion of brain health. Our vision is a
for someone who seems physi-          Disease Control and Prevention           world without Alzheimer’s dis-
cally healthy. Any concerns about     recently estimated the average           ease®. 800.272.3900 | alz.org®
memory loss should be discussed       life expectancy to be 78.8 years.           2016 Alzheimer’s Association®. All
with a doctor.                        Today, Alzheimer’s is at the fore-       rights reserved. Rev. Oct16 770-10-
    The Alzheimer’s Association       front of biomedical research, with       0003

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Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
4 • Our Time Summer 2021

                                     Hobbies for the golden years
  W       hether retire-
          ment is on the
horizon or has already
                               According to research,
                            hobbies can have many
                            benefits. They may serve
                                                          And hobbies need not
                                                          be crafty in the tradition-
                                                          al sense, just about any
                                                                                        planes, knitting, needle-
                                                                                        point, painting, puzzles,
                                                                                        quilting, scrapbooking,
begun, more free time       as an emotional outlet        activity -- even being a      and crocheting. These
equates to an increased     or a way to relax. Hob-       mentor -- can be a form       can keep the mind active
opportunity to fill your    bies can keep the mind        of a hobby.                   and improve dexterity
days with enjoyable         and hands active. They                                      and fine motor skills.
activities.                 also allow for quiet time       Starting a hobby               Next, you may want
   Individuals facing       and mind wandering                                          to consider the costs
busy schedules are often    -- which can free up            When deciding on a          surrounding a hobby.
forced to push hobbies      creative thinking. Hob-       hobby, you can first take     While something like
to the sidelines, as more   bies can also serve as a      an inventory of your          taking photos may have
pressing things, such as    means to connecting           skills and interests. If      relatively low costs, col-
a job, household respon-    with people and open-         you have always been          lectibles, exotic sports,
sibilities, and parenting   ing up new groups of          handy around wood and         sports cars, and travel
tasks, are accomplished.    friends.                      construction, perhaps a       could become expen-
Once retirement arrives,       There are many hob-        woodworking hobby will        sive. It’s important to
a newfound freedom          bies you can consider,        be enjoyable and also         weight the costs against
in your schedule may        depending on physi-           may work as a source of       your finances to ensure
occur, and there can        cal health and abilities.     income revenue.               that you will be finan-
be plenty of hours to       These may be hobbies            Other activities that       cially comfortable while
devote to the hobbies       you once enjoyed in the       require the use of the        engaging in this particu-
and pastimes you find       past or new activities to     hands and mind include        lar hobby.
enjoyable.                  expand your horizons.         building model air-              Explore what your

                                                                                                                       friends are doing. If you     form of volunteer work,
                                                                                                                       want to get into a new        teaching, mentoring,
                                                                                                                       hobby, ask neighbors          joining a martial arts
                                                                                                                       and friends what they         class, taking classes at a
                                                                                                                       do to keep busy -- and        college, and even caring
                                        100%                                    Jane’s Fabric Patch                    try it out. You just may      for a pet. If you are the
                                       FAMILY                                   • Patterns                             find that you’re naturally    type who likes to inter-
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                                                                                    janesfabricpatch.com               drawn and give that ac-       started, it is not set in
                                                                                 Open Sundays 11a-3p through           tivity a try. From building   stone. If you find you do
                                                                                        September 5                    model trains to cultivat-     not feel motivated to do
                                                                                                                       ing an herb garden, there     this hobby, try some-
                                                                                   OCEANWAVES                          are dozens of ideas to try.   thing else. Remember,
                                                                                  QUILT CAMP 2021                                                    the days are now yours
                                                                                                                         Other pastimes              to fill, so maximize time
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                                                                                                                         A hobby can take the        can enjoy.
                                                                                        20 TO 24   H63746
Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
Our Time Summer 2021   •   5

Ways to stretch retirement savings
  M      any budding
         retirees plan to
travel, relax and enjoy
                                  a plan that ensures
                                  you don’t outlive your
                                                              going to need. No one
                                                              wants to be stuck at
                                                              home during retire-
the company of their                 • Set reasonable         ment, when people
spouses when they offi-           goals. Retirement nest      typically want to enjoy
cially stop working. But          eggs do not need to be      themselves and the
such plans only are pos-          enormous. Many retir-       freedom that comes
sible if men and women
take steps to secure
their financial futures in
                                  ees have a net worth
                                  of less than $1 million,
                                  and many people live
                                                              with retirement. Speak
                                                              to a financial planner to
                                                              develop a reasonable
   According to a recent
                                  comfortably on less
                                  than $100,000 annu-
                                                              estimate of your living
                                                              expenses when you
                                                                                              Reliable. Local.
survey by the personal            ally. When planning for     plan to retire.
finance education site            retirement, don’t be           • Pay down or avoid
MoneyTips.com, rough-             dissuaded because you       debt while you can.
ly one-third of Baby              won’t be buying a vine-     Retiring with debt is a
Boomers have no retire-           yard or villa in Europe.    big risk. Try to eliminate
ment plan. The reason             Set reasonable goals        all of your debts before
some may have no plan             for your retirement and     you retire and, once
is they have misconcep-           make sure you meet          you have, focus your
tions about how much              those goals.                energy on growing
money they will need in              • Recognize there        your investments and/
retirement. Successful            is no magic wealth-         or saving money for
retirees understand the           building plan. Saving       retirement.
steps to take and how             comes down to formu-           • Start early on
to live on a budget.              lating a plan specific to   retirement saving. It’s
   • Have a plan. Many            your goals, resources,      never too early to begin
people simply fail to             abilities, and skills.      saving for retirement.       Scott Barbur        Laura Laskey
plan for retirement.              Make saving a priority      Although few twenty-            Attorney            Attorney
Even men and women                and take advantage of       somethings are think-
who invest in an                  employer-sponsored          ing about retirement,
employer-sponsored                retirement programs if      the earlier you begin                   WILLS
retirement program,               they are offered.           to invest the more
such as a 401(k), should             • Don’t underestimate    time you have to grow                  TRUSTS
not make that the only            spending. You will need     your money. Enroll in a
retirement planning
they do. Speak with a
                                  money in retirement,
                                  and it’s best that you
                                                              retirement plan now so
                                                              you have a larger nest
financial advisor who
can help you develop
                                  don’t underestimate
                                  just how much you’re
                                                              egg when you reach
                                                              retirement age.
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Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
6 • Our Time Summer 2021

                                       Beauty knows no age, and why should it
  W       ell into your
          golden years and
feel like makeup is your
                               you need to find one.
                               Moisturizer will do won-
                               ders for aging skin. To find
                                                                                                                            may want to use pink and
                                                                                                                            gray eye shadow to soften
                                                                                                                            it. According to some ex-
                                                                                                                                                         warm copper and gold
                                                                                                                                                         tones and sweep it from
                                                                                                                                                         the cheeks to the temples
enemy? Ready to pack up        the best skin care prod-                                                                     perts, frosted eye shadow    in an arc. To keep your
all of your cosmetics and      ucts for you, shop around                                                                    will make you look           lipstick from bleeding and
put them away forever?         and do your homework.                                                                        younger, as long as you      feathering, use blush to
Don’t! With the right ap-         The better condition                                                                      know how to apply it cor-    line your lips rather than
plication, makeup can          your skin is in, the better                                                                  rectly. The lightest shade   lip liner. This will also al-
benefit faces of all ages.     your makeup will look.                                                                       should go under the brow,    low your lipstick to remain
   If you are a mature         You should start the                                                                         a darker one closer to the   longer. Use soft matte
woman and you’re not           process with a foundation                                                                    lashes and the darkest       colors, like berry, coral,
sure how to apply make-        with a lighter-textured                                                                      on the crease. The three     pink or peach, to make
up anymore, relax. All you     base. This will help detract                                                                 should be blended prop-      lips look fuller.
need to do is select soft,     from lines and wrinkles.                                                                     erly. According to oth-         Be careful with loose
subtle colors from your        The foundation should                                                                        ers, matte eye shadow is     translucent powder. Use
makeup collection and          be the same color as your      conceal as many flaws in     tone.                            better because it doesn’t    it sparingly. Apply it once
apply it in ways that will     skin and you should blend      your skin as possible. To       Aging eyes deserve spe-       show wrinkles like frosted   in the morning and leave
play up your best features     it around your jaw line.       reduce the lines from the    cial care. To fill in thinning   does. Use earthy tones to    it at that. Don’t reapply
and detract from the ef-          Next, you can concen-       edge of your nose to the     eyebrows, use an eyebrow         create depth and apply       it several times through-
fects of age, like lines and   trate on the flaws in your     corner of your mouth, use    pencil that matches your         the darkest shadow to the    out the day; you will just
wrinkles. Here are some        skin. For dark spots and       a highlighter. To reduce a   hair color. For eyeliner,        outside of the lids.         accentuate any lines and
tips to help you.              blemishes, concealer is a      saggy neck, use a non-       gray or brown works                  Blush and lipstick are   wrinkles on your face. If
   Got a daily skin care       must. Don’t go overboard       frosted powder in a shade    better than stark black. If      next. For the best result,   touchups are needed, use
routine? No? Well, then,       with it, but do use it to      darker than your skin        you have graying hair, you       use cream blushes in         a fluffy brush.

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Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
Our Time Summer 2021                       •   7

These dog breeds are especially
compatible with most seniors
   Pets often make ideal       and won’t take as long        difficult to train. Because
companions. They are           to bathe and groom.           Pomeranians can be dog-
around when a person           Smaller dogs also con-        aggressive, they may be
needs support, they            sume less food than           best as the only pet in
can provide protection         larger breeds, reducing       the house.
for those living alone,        the expense of dog food          • Yorkshire Terrier:
they’re always willing         and the hassle of wran-       The Yorkie is a diminutive
to lend an ear to prob-        gling large, heavy bags       breed in size only, as they
lems, and many tend to         of chow. Temperament is       tend to have exuberant
offer unconditional love.      also important, as some       personalities that dwarf
Seniors facing an empty        breeds tend to be more        their stature. The ideal
nest or the loss of a          easygoing than others.        lap dog, Yorkies want to
spouse may find pets can       Larger breeds may be          lie around and lounge,
buoy their spirits. Studies    preferable to a smaller       though some do like to
have shown that seniors        breeds, which tend to be      bark. If the fur is kept
can benefit both men-          hyperactive. However,         short in a “puppy cut,”
tally and physically from      always remember there         the dog can be easy to
having a pet around. Pets      are pros and cons to each     maintain.
can alleviate anxiety, de-     breed, and each dog will         • Pembroke Welsh
pression and boredom.          demonstrate his own           Corgi: This medium-sized
   While pets can provide      personality traits. The       dog hails from Wales and
comfort and compan-            following are some dogs       typically requires only
ionship, they remain a
significant responsibility.
Seniors should find an
                               that can be especially
                               compatible with seniors.
                                  • Pug: Equally playful
                                                             moderate exercise and
                                                             little grooming. They are
                                                             easy to train and mod-
                                                                                                        Get Reliable
animal that will fit in with
their lifestyles. This is an
                               and willing to be a lap
                               dog, the pug requires
                                                             erately dominant. They
                                                             don’t bark excessively,                  Financial
                                                                                                      Financial Advice
important consideration        little exercise and groom-    and they often get along
for those seniors who          ing. The breed is typically   with other dogs.              Scott Thompson is a Financial Advisor
travel frequently or have      nonaggressive and sub-           • Schnauzer: Available     Scott Thompson is a Financial Advisor
mobility issues. In addi-      missive. Pugs are good-       in three sizes, Schnauzers    with Fibre Financial Group, located at
tion, men and women            natured and playful; they     are good companions           with Fibre Financial Group, located at
living in senior commu-        don’t often bark and are      and protectors. This is       TLC, a Division of Fibre Federal Credit
nities or assisted living      easy to train.                an intelligent and loyal      TLC, a Division of Fibre Federal Credit
facilities should deter-          • Shih Tzu: The Shih       breed and will need to        Union. He’s available to consult with
mine if there are any pet      Tzu lives for attention,      be kept amused to stave       Union. He’s available to consult with
restrictions in place.         but this breed can be         off boredom.                  you at no cost!
   Those seniors who
have decided that a dog
                               5 0 3 . 3 5 4 . 4 5 1 4
                               dominant and difficult to
                               train. The Shih Tzu will be
                                                                • Brussels Griffon:
                                                             These dogs do not shed,
                                                                                           you at no cost!
will be the best fit can
choose among several
breeds that may be a
                               alert to its surroundings
                               and, despite its small
                               stature, can be a good
                                                             but they will require
                                                             professional groom-
                                                             ing at least once every
                                                                                                  3 .. 3
                                                                                                          4 .. 4
good match for their           watchdog.                     3 months. If socialized
needs. When selecting             • Pomeranian: Pom-         early, the Griffon can be
a dog, consider both           eranians look like big        a good companion but          Fibre Financial Group Retirement & Investment Services financial professionals are registered
size and temperament.          balls of fur and can bring    will likely remain wary of    representatives
                                                                                           Fibre Financial ofGroup
                                                                                                                          Brokerage &Services,        Inc. Securities
                                                                                                                                             Investment      Services sold,    advisory
                                                                                                                                                                        financial        services offered
                                                                                                                                                                                    professionals           through
                                                                                                                                                                                                    are registered
                                                                                           CUNA    Brokerage    Services, Inc. (CBSI),     member     FINRA/  SIPC,  a registered   broker/dealer
                                                                                           representatives of CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. Securities sold, advisory services offered through     and  investment
Smaller dogs tend to be        a smile to an owner’s         strangers. They are good      professional,   which   is not Inc.
                                                                                                                           an affiliate     of the credit
                                                                                           CUNA Brokerage       Services,      (CBSI), member         FINRA/union.
                                                                                                                                                              SIPC, CBSI    is underbroker/dealer
                                                                                                                                                                     a registered      contract with
                                                                                                                                                                                                   andthe  financial
easier to handle and will      face. The breed tends         watchdogs and devoted         institution to make   securities  available    to members.     Not NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC        insured, May
                                                                                           professional, which is not an affiliate of the credit union. CBSI is under contract with the financial   Lose  Value, No
need less maintenance.         to be perky, can display      to their owners.              Financial
                                                                                           institutionInstitution Guarantee.
                                                                                                       to make securities       Not a deposit
                                                                                                                             available            of anyNot
                                                                                                                                          to members.      financial institution. CUNA
                                                                                                                                                              NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC             Brokerage
                                                                                                                                                                                      insured,        Services,
                                                                                                                                                                                               May Lose   Value,Inc.
They are easily carried        dominance and can be                                        is a registered
                                                                                           Financial        broker/dealer
                                                                                                      Institution Guarantee.in allNot
                                                                                                                                   fiftya deposit
                                                                                                                                          States ofofthe
                                                                                                                                                       anyUnited States
                                                                                                                                                           financial      of America.
                                                                                                                                                                     institution.  CUNA FR-2290725.2-1120-1222
                                                                                                                                                                                           Brokerage Services, Inc.
                                                                                           is a registered broker/dealer in all fifty States of the United States of America. FR-2290725.2-1120-1222
Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
8 • Our Time Summer 2021

                                           Shedding pounds after 50
 L    osing some weight
      is a goal for many
people regardless of age.
                               mean such weight gain
                               is inevitable. In fact, men
                               and women willing to
                                                             like fruits, vegetables and
                                                             whole grains.
                                                                Consuming fewer
                                                                                           shopping for food, people
                                                                                           should avoid doing so
                                                                                           on an empty stomach so
                                                                                                                       that regular physical
                                                                                                                       activity as one ages helps
                                                                                                                       muscles grow stronger,
                                                                                                                                                     least 2 hours and 30 min-
                                                                                                                                                     utes of moderate-intensi-
                                                                                                                                                     ty aerobic activity, such as
While youngsters and           make certain changes          calories often requires       they’re less inclined to    which increases the           brisk walking, every week
young adults might be          with regard to diet and       changing dietary habits,      buy unhealthy snacks.       chances that an individual    and muscle-strength-
able to get away with a        exercise can shed pounds      not only with regard to                                   will be able to perform       ening activities on 2
few extra pounds without       after 50 while preventing     what you’re eating but           Exercise                 necessary daily activities    more days a week. These
suffering any significant      future weight gain.           also how you’re eat-             Exercise is another      without the assistance of     muscle-strengthening
consequences, older                                          ing and even how you          essential component to      others. Maintaining that      activities should work all
adults carrying some ex-          Diet                       shop for food. Men and        shedding pounds after       independence into older       the major muscle groups,
tra weight might be put-          Men and women need         women used to dining          50, though men and          adulthood is a goal for       including the legs, hips,
ting their overall health at   fewer calories as they        out for lunch every day       women over 50 should        many men and women,           back, abdomen, chest,
considerable risk.             age. For example, men         can start bringing their      always consult a physi-     and it’s a goal that’s far    shoulders, and arms.
   Shedding weight             and women in their 40s        own lunches so they can       cian before they begin      more realistic for men and    Muscle-strengthening
after the age of 50 is not     may need as many as 200       gain greater control of       a new exercise regimen.     women who exercise than       activities include lifting
always easy. As a per-         calories more per day         their daily caloric intake.   The Centers for Disease     it is for those who don’t.    weights, working out with
son ages, muscle mass          than they will when they      For those who find they’re    Control and Prevention          When coupled with a       resistance bands, exercise
tends to dwindle while         reach their 50s. Counting     frequently too exhausted      points out that regular     healthy, low-calorie diet,    such as push-ups and sit-
body fat has a tendency        calories might seem dif-      to cook each night, they      exercise can help older     routine exercise can help     ups that use body weight
to increase. Since fat         ficult, so men and women      can prepare meals in          men and women prevent       men and women over 50         for resistance. Even gar-
burns fewer calories than      in their 50s and older who    advance to have healthy,      the onset of a host of      shed extra weight and         dening that involves dig-
muscle, weight gain as a       don’t think they can count    homemade meals waiting        ailments, including heart   keep the weight off once      ging and shoveling can
person ages is bound to        calories can try to eat       instead of always ordering    disease and diabetes. In    it’s gone. According to the   be considered a muscle-
happen. But that doesn’t       more low-calorie foods        takeout or delivery. When     addition, the CDC notes     CDC, older adults need at     strengthening activity.

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Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
Our Time Summer 2021        •       9

 Older adults can overcome gym intimidation
  R    egular exercise and
       a nutritious diet are
 two of the best things se-
                               ening activities in their
                               routines on two or more
                               days a week.
                                                             to their older clientele,
                                                             creating an atmosphere
                                                             that is dominated by
                                                                                         informed about which
                                                                                         classes are offered, and
                                                                                         the benefits, if any, af-
                                                                                                                     other equipment. Find
                                                                                                                     out if you can sample a
                                                                                                                     class to see if it might be
                                                                                                                                                   ing in the towel. Once
                                                                                                                                                   you catch on, you may
                                                                                                                                                   discover you enjoy work-
 niors can do to maintain         Individuals often find     younger members and         forded to older members.    a good fit.                   ing out.
 their health. Exercise can    that gyms have the            loud music.                    • Get a doctor’s go-        • Find a gym buddy.           • Choose a senior-
 delay or prevent many         array of fitness equip-          Such misconceptions      ahead. Make sure to clear   Working out with a part-      friendly gym. Some gyms
 of the health problems        ment they need to             are often unfounded,        exercise and gym mem-       ner in your age group         cater to senior members.
 associated with aging,        stay healthy. But many        as many gyms welcome        bership with your doctor    may encourage you to          They may offer “Silver-
 including weak bones          people, including older       older members with          prior to purchasing a       keep going to the gym         Sneakers” classes at
 and feelings of fatigue.      men and women who             open arms. But even if      membership. He or she       and increase your com-        their facility. Other niche
    The Centers for Disease    have not exercised in         seniors find gyms intimi-   also may have a list of     fort level. You each can      gyms may only accept
 Control and Prevention        some time, may be hesi-       dating, they should still   gyms where fellow senior    offer support and enjoy a     members of a certain age
 says a person age 65 or       tant to join a gym for fear   sign up for memberships.    patients have member-       good laugh through the        group. Investigate these
 older who is generally fit    of intimidation. Some         In such situations, the     ships.                      learning process.             gyms if working out with
 with no limiting health       seniors may avoid ma-         following tips can help        • Build up gradually.       • Don’t get discour-       a younger crowd is prov-
 conditions should try to      chines and classes believ-    seniors shed their fears    Begin with exercises you    aged. Anyone working          ing too great a deterrent.
 get two hours and 30          ing they will not use the     and adapt to their new      feel comfortable per-       out for the first time, re-      Fitness is important
 minutes of moderate-          apparatus properly, or        gyms.                       forming. Spend time         gardless of age, will feel    for healthy seniors. It
 intensity aerobic activ-      that they will be judged         • Start the process      walking on the treadmill    somewhat out of place         can prolong life, help
 ity per week, while also      by other gym members.         slowly. Shop around for a   while observing other       until exercise becomes        seniors maintain healthy
 including weight training     Some seniors may feel         gym that makes you feel     gym members. Tour the       part of a routine. Give it    weights and reduce their
 and muscle-strength-          like gyms do not cater        comfortable. Get fully      circuit of machines and     some time before throw-       risk of injury.

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Our Time Summer 2021 - Headlight Herald - townnews.com
10 • Our Time Summer 2021

                                    Seniors becoming more tech-savvy
                               two years prior. Today,      Seniors use technology        not nearby.

  T   echnology is the
      future, and digi-
tal communication has
                               67 percent of adults age
                               65 and older say they go
                                                            in many different ways.
                                                            Some use mobile apps to
                                                            manage medications and
                                                                                             SilverSurfers, a
                                                                                          senior-based informa-
                                                                                          tion website, says other
opened many doors for             Pew also says that,       doctor’s appointments         tech that seniors are
people around the world.       although seniors consis-     and monitor their fitness     embracing includes
Although younger gen-          tently have lower rates of   regimens.                     online dating; audio
erations have grown up         technology adoption than        Some families employ       and digital books;
with technology at their       the general public, four     24/7 alert systems or         online shopping, which
fingers, Baby Boomers          in 10 seniors now own        smarthome technology to       is especially valuable to
and older adults did not.      smartphones. Seniors in      keep seniors comfortable      seniors who have mo-
But in spite of that, stud-    Australia are especially     and safe at home for as       bility issues; and social
ies show that growing          tech savvy, as Deloitte’s    long as possible. Nonin-      media, which can keep
numbers of seniors are         mobile consumer survey       vasive, “smart” technology    seniors connected to
open to the idea of tech-      found 78 percent of Aus-     can analyze factors such      others and feeling less
nology and even seeking        tralian seniors aged 65 to   as whether or not doors       lonely.
ways to further their use      75 own a smartphone, up      are left open, if there          A study conducted         Loneliness can increase        Technology is no longer
and knowledge.                 from 69 percent in 2016.     has been movement in a        by researchers from the      death risk. Social media    just for teenagers or ac-
   According to a study by        While stereotypes have    home, or whether appli-       University of California,    and internet connectivity   tive workers. Seniors are
Pew Research Center, 59        long painted seniors as      ances/lights are on or off.   San Francisco found 18       can be an important tool    increasingly embracing
percent of seniors regular-    technologically inept,       This represents a great       percent of American          in helping seniors feel     technology and becom-
ly use the internet — a 6      seniors are actually more    way for families to stay      seniors live alone, and      like active members of      ing a fast-growing demo-
percent increase from the      socially and digitally en-   informed and provide          43 percent report feeling    society.                    graphic for tech usage.
previous study conducted       gaged than ever before.      assistance even if they are   lonely on a regular basis.

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Our Time Summer 2021   •   11

How to avoid growing bored in retirement
  F     rom the moment young men and
        women first walk into the office for
their first day as a working professional
until the day they officially retire, the no-
tion of planning for retirement is never
far from their minds. But when the day
to hang up the briefcase and donate
all those business suits arrives, some
retirees wonder what to do next. Some
retirees know exactly how they will
spend their days when they no longer
have to work, while others who decide
to play it by ear may find themselves
battling boredom.
    For those among the latter group,
it’s important to understand that many
retirees find themselves bored once
they no longer have to focus on a career.
Jobs keep men and women busy and                great time to do it.
provide a sense of purpose in their lives,         • Get in shape. If retirement boredom
so it’s understandable that retirees feel       has started to negatively affect your
bored once those jobs are no longer a           mood, one great way to conquer your
part of their lives. But just because you       boredom and improve your mood at the
no longer have an office to go to every         same time is to start exercising. Exercise
day does not mean life cannot be as             is a natural mood enhancer. When the
fulfilling or even more fulfilling than it      body exercises, it releases chemicals
was when you were still working. You            knowns as endorphins, which trigger
just need to find something to avoid            positive feelings in the body. In addi-
succumbing to retirement boredom.               tion, regular exercise has been shown
    • Work part-time. Though it might           to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and
seem odd to start working right after           improve sleep. Working out at a gym
you retire, a part-time job can provide         also is a great way to meet fellow retir-
the type of structure you have grown            ees in your community, and the energy
accustomed to without all of the re-            you have after exercising may give you
sponsibility that comes with a full-time        the boost you need to pursue other
career. Part-time jobs can range from           hobbies.
consultancy work that makes use of                 • Volunteer. If a part-time job is not
your professional experience to some-           up your alley, then consider volunteer-
thing entirely different like landscape         ing in your community. Volunteers are
maintenance at a nearby golf course             always in demand, and volunteering
that gets you out of the house and en-          with a local charity can provide a sense
joying the warmer seasons. Whichever            of purpose and provide opportunities
you choose, make sure it’s something            to meet like-minded fellow retirees, all
you find fun and interesting.                   while helping to quell your boredom.
     • Embrace a new hobby. Working             Retirees who love to travel can combine
professionals often say they wish they          their passion for volunteering with their
had time to pursue a hobby. Now that            love of travel by signing up to work with
you are retired, you have all the time in       an international relief organization that
the world to do just that. Whether it’s         travels abroad to help the less fortunate.
perfecting your golf game, writing that            Upon retiring, many retirees initially
novel, learning to cook like a gourmet          find themselves coping with boredom.
chef or whatever else you might have            But there are many ways to avoid the
always wanted to do, retirement is a            restlessness of retirement.
12 • Our Time Summer 2021

                                       Keeping your brain healthy
 P      hysical activity and proper diet
        and nutrition can help people
age 50 and older maintain their physi-
                                               A study published in the Archives of
                                            General Psychiatry found participants
                                            who reported higher levels of purpose
cal health. But there are also ways         in life exhibited superior cognitive
aging men and women can preserve            function despite the accumulation of
brain health in an effort to prevent or     abnormal protein depositions (amyloid
delay the cognitive decline that affects    plaques and neurofibrillary tangles) in
millions of seniors across the globe.       the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s dis-
   It’s easy to overlook the importance     ease. Having a purpose also may help
of keeping the brain healthy. However,      those who do not have Alzheimer’s
a decline in brain function can result in   disease.
poor concentration, memory loss and a          In addition to the suggestions
host of other issues. Sometimes, by the     mentioned above, those who want to
time symptoms present themselves, it        boost brain health can consider these
may be too late to reverse any damage.      strategies.
   Research suggests that a combina-           • Start exercising the brain early
tion of nutrition and mental, social and    on. A study published in the British
physical activities may have a greater      Medical Journal examined cognitive
impact with regard to maintaining and       function in people ages 45 to 70. Re-
improving brain health than any single      searchers found evidence of cognitive
activity. Harvard Medical School also       decline in the 45-year-old participants
states that volunteering, caring for oth-   as well as the older participants. It’s
ers and pursuing hobbies may benefit        never too early to put a brain health
the brains of older adults.                 plan into motion.

    Is your gambling
            gambling aa problem?
                                             Spending   more     time   gambling
                                                 Spending more time gambling
                                             Increases
                                             Withdrawal
                                                 Withdrawal from friendsand
                                                              from    friends    and
                                                 family                                        • Read more books. Reading can            mono-unsaturated fats from olives,
                                             Diversion                                     open individuals up to new vocabulary       olive oil, nuts and seeds. Supplements
                                                                fundsset setaside
                                                other purposes
                                                 other purposes                              and scenarios that promote a stronger       also may help, but individuals should
             Insert                                                                          brain and recall ability. Enrolling in an   consult with their doctors about which
             Insert picture
                            here             Disinterest
                                                                          activities         education course at a local college,        products to take.
                                                                     opgr.org                community center or online also may            • Challenge the mind. Men and
                                                                                             be beneficial.                              women can engage in challenging
                                            Treatment                                          • Hit the gym. Several studies sug-       activities that stray from their rou-
                                                                 andit itworks.
                                                                                             gest an association between physical        tines. Puzzles, strategic games, jigsaw
                                            Tillamook Family   Counseling
                                             Tillamook Family Counseling
                                            Center:(503)842-8201                             activity and reduced risk of cognitive      puzzles, or difficult hobbies can benefit
                                                                                             decline. This could be because exercise     the brain.
                                                                Gambling                     elevates heart rate, which pumps more          • Keep a close-knit group of friends.
                                                                 (877)695-4848               blood to the brain and body.                Regular conversation and social inter-
                                                                                               • Supplement with DHA. DHA is an          action is a key component of any brain
                                                                                             omega-3 fatty acid that is dominant in      health wellness plan.
                                                                                             the brain. Adhere to a Mediterranean           Slowing cognitive decline and pro-
                                                                                             diet, which is generally high in natural    moting greater brain health should be
                                                                                             sources of omega-3, including fish and      a priority for adults of all ages.
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