Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law

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Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law

Our Real Estate Capability
at your Service
An overview

October 2017
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law

Service tailored to your world                4
Client-focused thought leadership initiatives 8

Bosnia and Herzegovina 13
Czech Republic         20
England and Wales      21
The Netherlands        31
United Arab Emirates   46

CMS a global perspective                    47
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
We are over 800 qualified lawyers working in real estate and construction,
spanning 40 countries and 60 cities. The CMS Real Estate and Construction
practice is the largest real estate specialist team in Europe and one
of the biggest worldwide.

Clients are at the heart of our business; we put you first.

Our emphasis is not just on being great technical lawyers but also on: understanding our clients and
their business; you and what makes you special; building strong relationships with you; and bringing
you our knowledge and experience.

We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the
economic context, the local legal context and the history. Many of our colleagues have worked
in-house or on secondments to clients to further develop their knowledge of the real estate sector.
We know it inside out. That is why we are known for being strong on execution and providing
concise, commercial and pragmatic advice.

Most of us focus full-time on real estate and construction and serve a client base of developers,
owners, occupiers, construction consortia, asset managers and investors, among others across all
asset classes.

In the course of 2017 our practice went through substantial changes. In the UK, CMS merged with
the law firms Nabarro and Olswang on 1 May 2017, creating a new firm that is the sixth largest in the
UK by revenue. The CMS Real Estate and Construction practice is the largest real estate specialist team
in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide.

In July 2017 CMS added another key business location: PCM AVOCATS, one of the leading law firms
in Monaco, became part of CMS. This is the first time on the Monaco legal market that a local full-service
law firm joined an international firm. Additionally, CMS has a well-established presence in Africa, China,
South America and the Middle East, and is growing in Asia.

We work efficiently both locally and internationally because we know each other: we meet face-to-
face, connect regularly, work on shared matters, train together and adhere to the same standards,
templates and processes, including project management. That makes it easy to deploy multidisciplinary
teams – including funds, construction, development, planning, corporate, banking, tax and insolvency
specialists, or even notaries were it is allowed – with the simplicity of a single point of contact, even
at the multinational level.

You will find out more about the great things we do for our clients on the following pages of this guide.
Feel free to get in touch with the local contacts for specific country requests and please do not hesitate
to contact us if you have any questions or would like to receive more information.

Dirk Rodewoldt
Joint Head of the CMS Real Estate and Construction Practice
E dirk.rodewoldt@cms-hs.com

Arnout Scholten
Joint Head of the CMS Real Estate and Construction Practice
E arnout.scholten@cms-dsb.com

Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
Service tailored
      to your world

      Some of our areas of intervention

                       Student                     Hotels &
                 Accommodation                     Resorts

                       Student                    Infrastructure
                                                  Hotels &
                 Accommodation                    Resorts

                               Retail              Logistics

              Retirement Homes
                     Residential                   Offices

               Old People Homes
                            Tax                   Offices
                                                  Construction &

                        Planning &                Disposals
                     Environmental                Construction &

                         Occupiers                Disposals
                        Planning &
                             Managers              Financing

4 | Our real estate capability at your service
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
Country quotes

“Well-respected team with a reputation for its activity in real estate
and construction.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2017

Fully integrated team able to handle international clients through the firm’s
global network. The team “is able to give advice on a wide range of real
estate-related questions, from town planning to tax issues.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2017

Bosnia and Herzegovina
“The lawyers are focused on the client as well as being time and content-
efficient. There is also good synergy between the Sarajevo and regional
offices. They have solid multi-jurisdictional knowledge that facilitates their
work on leading transactions.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2015

Clients appreciate the firm’s “quick reaction time.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2017

“This team’s advice is commercial and well thought-through, and
communications are always clear and concise.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2015

Czech Republic
One client describes working with CMS as “perfect: flawless and smooth.”

Interviewees stress the team’s availability to clients: “What I most appreciate
is their response time: they are very responsive, more so than any other
firm that I have worked with.”

                                                          Chambers Europe, 2017

England and Wales
“They are very highly regarded. The team has been exceptionally pleasant
to deal with and I would rate them as a standout group. They can handle
transactions both small and large.”

                                                              Chambers UK, 2017
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
“Reliable team specialising in construction, commercial leasing
and town planning. Advises on construction contracts as well as
representing clients in related disputes. Major leasehold transactions for
luxury goods brands are another feature of the practice as are property
acquisitions in the hotel sector. Renowned tax team leads assistance
with real estate tax issues.”

                                                     Chambers Europe, 2015

Clients appreciate the firm’s presence across Europe, saying:
“For pan-European portfolio transactions they are very good as
they have an almost complete coverage of Europe.”

Further clients report that the team is “very deal-driven and

                                                     Chambers Europe, 2017

Market-leading real estate practice covering the full range of mandates,
both in Hungary and the wider CEE region.

The team is big enough to deal with complex projects involving
other disciplines like finance and tax, and other countries outside
of Hungary. Their approach is businesslike and client-friendly.”

                                                     Chambers Europe, 2017

The Netherlands
CMS team is “very approachable and capable”; its “turn-around
time is good, and our ad hoc matters are turned around quickly.”

                                                     Chambers Europe, 2017

“They are very hands-on and proactive. They present different solutions
and always outline risks and opportunities. They give real advice.”

“They are very responsive and work quickly. We get everything
on a deadline.”

                                                     Chambers Europe, 2017
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
“The team provides quick answers and a high quality of service.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2015

“Very good to work with; very deal-oriented and reliable.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2016

“They are excellent. I find them very proactive and very joined up.
They think on our behalf, which is a bonus.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2017

“The team provides a very good service – the lawyers were attentive,
punctual and clear, as well as practical and to the point.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2016

The service provided is always excellent” and that the team is
“very effective.”

Clients also agree that “the quality of the work delivered is good
and always on time.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2017

“I was very happy with the work. The lawyers were available at any time.”

                                                    Chambers Europe, 2016
Our Real Estate Capability at your Service - An overview - CMS Law
      thought leadership
      As a group, we combine our expertise to drive important                                                                                                                               —— The CMS Guide to Real Estate Transaction Costs
      issues for our clients and the industry. We do that in                                                                                                                                   in Europe, a highly practical overview of costs,
      various user-friendly forms, be they “green leases”, for                                                                                                                                 including taxes, relating to acquisitions and disposals
      which we have developed a pan-European standard                                                                                                                                          of real estate, both as an asset or a company.
      lease, real estate transaction costs, on which we                                                                                                                                        Updated frequently it allows you to easily compare
      produce an annual guide charting the different costs                                                                                                                                     the costs of investing in different European countries.
      across Europe, or real estate investors, who are able to
      consult our 12 questions e-guide.                                                                                                                                                     —— A more detailed approach is taken in the e-guide
                                                                                                                                                                                               12 Questions on Real Estate. This guide answers
      A few examples …                                                                                                                                                                         some of the most common questions regarding real
                                                                                                                                                                                               estate across a number of European countries.
      As the AIFM Directive continues to be very relevant for
      the funds industry we have decided to summarise the                                                                                                                                   —— Our own CMS European Real Estate Investment
      latest developments in relation to the private placement                                                                                                                                 Structures Guide provides a high-level overview
      regimes of EU States, as well as covering certain non-EU                                                                                                                                 and comparison of some of the common European
      States. The CMS Brief Guide to Private Placement                                                                                                                                         real estate investment structures utilised for
      of Funds – Accessing European Investors post AIFMD                                                                                                                                       attracting institutional equity, often a key ingredient
      is accessible at our website.                                                                                                                                                            to succeeding in the real estate business.

      While investing in real estate in one’s own country is not
      always easy, many find that investing abroad is even
      more complicated. To help real estate investors, we have
      developed several companions:

           National Private Placement Regimes
           at a glance                                                                                       Sweden                                Finland



                                                                                                                                                                             CMS Guide to Real Estate
                                                                                  Denmark                                                      Lithuania                     Transaction Costs and Taxes
                                                                                                                                                                             in Europe
                                                  United Kingdom     The Netherlands                                             Poland


                                               The Channel                  Luxembourg                        Czech Republic
                                                                   France                   Liechtenstein


                                 Portugal     Spain

             less restricted
             highly restricted                                                                                     Malta


                                                                                                                                                                             October 2016

      CMS Brief Guide to Private Placement of Funds –                                                                                                                      CMS Guide to                                                  12 Questions on Real Estate
      Accessing European Investors post AIFMD                                                                                                                              Real Estate Transaction                                       (e-guide)
      (National Private Placement Regimes at a glance)                                                                                                                     Costs in Europe

8 | Our real estate capability at your service
—— CMS European Real Estate Deal Point Study                                                        Europe – A practical approach e-guide. Practical,
   2017 provides an overview of current best practice                                               largely uniform, it simplifies implementing green lease
   in property purchase agreements and highlights the                                               clauses across the continent.
   similarities, trends and differences that exist in
   European contract practice. These insights are                                                   We also have guides on real estate finance and the
   designed to help you when preparing for contract                                                 tax treatment of Real Estate Investment Trusts, all
   negotiations.                                                                                    of which are regularly updated, because only current
                                                                                                    information is useful.
For owners, managers and occupiers across Europe,
the environmental aspects of their real estate are                                                  We have recently re-launched our refreshed know-how
increasingly important in terms of costs and building                                               platform Law-Now. It delivers legal updates, on the
value, but also with regard to their stakeholders. In                                               topics relevant to you, when you want to receive them.
this respect we noticed a growing trend across many                                                 Many clients tell us that keeping up to date with regulation
European countries and we wanted to get a feel for                                                  is extremely challenging and as a result, they comment
what was happening so we could help clients more                                                    that this is the most useful value-add they receive! At its
efficiently. That’s how the e-guide Study on the use                                                core, Law-Now is a news / information service that covers
of Green Lease Clauses in Europe came about. Taking                                                 75 areas of law and 20 sectors across 30 jurisdictions.
the trends for standard convergence into account, we                                                You can also access all the details of our knowledge
reviewed 20 contractual aspects across the region,                                                  events worldwide. The website is a valuable archive
providing a practical approach to a European standard,                                              of articles and know-how built over the past ten years.
along with country-by-country variations when necessary.
The European standard which we developed is freely
accessible online as the Green Lease Clauses in


              Study on the use of
              Green Lease Clauses in Europe
              Key findings

              September 2011

LS07108_RZ3_BR_GreenLeases.indd 2                       06.10.11 11:20

CMS Study on the use                                                     CMS European Real Estate        Law-Now: legal know-how and commentary
of Green Lease Clauses                                                   Deal Point Study 2017           relevant to your world
in Europe

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Construction and development                 Investment and disposal
      Located in Tirana                     —— Advising the Municipality of Tirana       —— Advising a major Italian energy
                                               on preparing and tendering the               trading company on its investments
                                               construction of a new public                 related to the construction and
                                               transport terminal under DBFOT               development of several hydropower
      One real estate partner
      and two lawyers
                                               concession contract with a value             plants in Albania under BOT
                                               of approx. EUR 40m.                          concession contracts.
                                            —— Advising the Ministry of Infrastructure
                                               of the Republic of Kosovo during          Financing
      Languages: English, Italian              each and every pre-tender, tender         —— Advising International Finance
      and Albanian                             and pre-construction phase of the            Corporation – IFC on its financing
                                               Prishtine – Hani i Elezit Motorway           and participation in an Albanian-
                                               Project (relating to a motorway              based company which focuses
      Contact us                               of 60km in length), with a value             on the construction and development
                                               of approx. EUR 600m.                         of hydropower plant projects.
                                            —— Advising Serenissima Costruzioni
      CMS Tirana
                                               S.p.A. in relation to legal and tax
      T +355 4 430 2123                        matters for the construction of
      F +355 4 240 0737                        a EUR 40m Fier by-pass motorway
                                               of 22km in length, using the
                                               FIDIC conditions of contract
                                               for construction.
      Mirko Daidone
      T +355 4 430 2123
      E mirko.daidone@cms-aacs.com

10 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                                   Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                  Investment and disposal
—— Advising on construction and planning    —— Advising an insurance company             Located in Vienna

   law issues in respect of the new            on the acquisition of a real estate
   project RWA Campus, a real estate           project at the central railway station
   development project in lower Austria.       of Vienna.
                                                                                         Four partners and five lawyers
—— Assisting GLOBOPHARM                     —— Purchase of the landmark office
   Pharmazeutische Produktions-                project “THE ICON VIENNA”, which
   und Handelsgesellschaft mbH in              is situated close to the new central
   connection with a new real estate           station in Vienna.                        Languages: German and English
   development project in Vienna from       —— Advising the insurance company
   construction and planning law               Wüstenrot on the sale of the hotel
   aspects.                                    Castellani in Salzburg.
                                                                                         Contact us
—— Assisting Church Rectorate St. Karl
   Borromäus & Verein der Freunde              Managers and occupiers
   und Gönner der Wiener Karlskirche        —— Advising several international
   in connection with construction,            acting luxury brands regarding the        CMS Vienna
   re-dedication and planning legal            establishment of flagship stores          T +43 1 40443 0
                                                                                         F +43 1 40443 90000
   issues in respect of “Karlskirche           in Austria.
   Wien” and surrounding areas.             —— Advising international hotel chains
                                               on several construction and lease law
Construction and development                   issues concerning its hotels in Vienna.   Nikolaus Weselik
—— Advising on various construction         —— Advising an international restaurant      T +43 1 40443 2250
   law matters in connection with the          chain on an upscale project in the        E n

   refurbishment and resettlement              center of Vienna.                         Johannes Hysek
   of the Austrian Parliament.                                                           T +43 1 40443 3250
—— Advising IES Immobilien                  Financing                                    E johannes.hysek@cms-rrh.com

   Projektentwicklung GmbH on one           —— Advising the client as a consortium
   of the biggest residential real estate      manager in the financing of the
   development projects in Vienna.             Campus, the new headquarters
—— Advising the consortium and SPV             of Erste Group Bank AG.
   of the three Austrian construction       —— Advising the client on the financing
   companies – Leyrer & Graf,                  of a shopping centre.
   Swietelsky, STRABAG, concerning          —— Advising the client on the construction
   claim management and construction           financing of a 5-star hotel in Vienna.
   related matters.                         —— Advising two banks on the financing
                                               of the Immofinanz Group in
                                               connection with refinancing of
                                               a mixed-use real estate portfolio,
                                               primarily made up of office and
                                               retail space properties.

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Planning and environmental                     Brussels sports and leisure club
      Located in Brussels and Antwerp       —— Advising Klépierre on the extension         from the UK group David Lloyd and
                                               of its Louvain-La-Neuve shopping mall.      lease-back via an emphyteotic lease).
                                            —— Advising a local authority on the
                                               conversion of a hospital site into       Managers and occupiers
      Four real estate partners and
      counsels and ten lawyers
                                               residential accommodation.               —— Advising M&G Real Estate, Savills,
                                                                                           Honeywell, CBRE Global Investors
                                            Construction and development                   and other funds and private investors
                                            —— Advising Unibail Rodamco and the            on asset management related matters.
      Languages: Dutch, English, French        winning consortium on the EUR 550m       —— Acting for a number of occupiers
                                               redevelopment of the Heysel site            (Amlin, AMP, Beline, Calzedonia,
                                               (Project NEO) as a mixed use project        El Ganso, Elli Lilly, Hard Rock Café,
      Contact us                               comprising a shopping mall,                 Logica, Sergent Major, Statoil,
                                               590 housing units, two day                  Sportsdirect.com, Siemens, to name
                                               nurseries, 3,500m2 offices,                 a few) in the (re)negotiation of
                                               a retirement home, 112,000m2.               occupancy agreements.
      CMS Brussels
      T +32 2 74369 00
                                               dedicated to indoor and outdoor
      F +32 2 74369 01                         leisure and 30 restaurants.              Financing
                                            —— Acting for Buro Happold in the           —— Assisting on the acquisition of the
                                               context of a global study contract          Square de Meeûs building by Hana
                                               concerning the renovation by the            Genii, a structure comprising two
      Bruno Duquesne                           Federal Building Agency of the              Korean investment funds with
      T +32 2 74369 40
      E bruno.duquesne@cms-db.com
                                               “Residence Palace”, the future seat         Korean institutional investors behind
                                               of the European Council.                    them. The Square de Meeûs building
      Pierre-Axel Chabot                                                                   is a EUR 200m+ 38,000m2 office
      T +32 47 730 8345
      E pierreaxel.chabot@cms-db.com
                                            Investment and disposal                        building fully let to the European
                                            —— Advising Savillis, Mora Bank and            Parliament on a usufruct agreement.
                                               other funds on the acquisition and       —— Advising Helaba on the financing of
                                               disposal of several office buildings        the “Covent Garden” office building
                                               in Brussels.                                by Hannover Leasing and a Chinese
                                            —— Advising Eurolodgian on their               partner (EUR 130m).
                                               acquisition of the “White Atrium”        —— Advising Aareal Bank on the
                                               office building in Brussels                 financing of the acquisition of
                                               (deal structuring, due diligence,           the “Belair” building by Hannover
                                               negotiation of acquisition and              Leasing and a Chinese partner
                                               financing documentation).                   (EUR 152m).
                                            —— Advising M&G Real Estate in the first    —— Advising MünchenerHyp on
                                               transaction of its new long-term            the financing of the acquisition
                                               investment European fund                    of the “South City” building
                                               (acquisition of the David Lloyd             by Real I.S. (EUR 27m).

12 | Our real estate capability at your service
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Recent work highlights                                                                   Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                 —— Advising Fresenius Medical Care
—— Advising a major globally-active           on all legal aspects regarding the         Located in Sarajevo

   Chinese financial institution on           EUR 30m establishment of three
   all aspects of the financing of            dialysis centres in Bosnia, which
   the construction of a thermal co-          includes PPP, procurement, regulatory,
                                                                                         11 team members
   generation power plant and heating         corporate, employment and real
   plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.           estate matters. Additional advice
—— Advising Vestas, the world’s largest       included legal services regarding
   wind turbine manufacturer, on their        additional three dialysis centers          Languages: Bosnian, Croatian,
   ongoing renewable energy project           established, two in Republika Srpska       Serbian, English, German,
   in Bosnia and Herzegovina.                 entity and one in the Brcko District.      Slovenian and Swedish

                                           —— Advising OTIS Holdings GmbH & Co
Construction and development                  OHG on the establishment of a
—— Advising Marriott International and        Bosnian company and assistance             Contact us
   Interstate Hotels & Resorts Company        regarding all corporate matters.
   on various corporate, general
   business, employment and other          Managers and occupiers                        CMS Sarajevo
   matters including drafting hotel        —— Advising Hypo Alpe Adria Group             T +387 33 94 4600
                                                                                         F +387 33 94 4690
   management agreement and other             regarding temporary management
   contracts related to construction of       (including all general real estate
   the Residence Inn by Marriott in           matters) over one of the biggest
   Sarajevo. The overall value of the         shopping centres in Bosnia and             Nedžida Salihović-Whalen
   Residence Inn by Marriott investment       Herzegovina based on the awarded           T +387 33 94 4600
   is EUR 8m, while the Courtyard by          custody as part of the enforcement         E n
   Marriot investment is also expected        procedure.
   to be several EUR.
—— Advising the Belgian international      Financing
   food retailer Delhaize on sale of its   —— Acting for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
   local store chain in Bosnia and            & Co. L.P. (“KKR”) in connection with
   Herzegovina.                               the acquisition by funds advised by
                                              KKR of the SBB / Telemach Group from
Investment and disposal                       Mid Europa Partners (“MEP”) in a
—— Advising HENKEL Central Eastern            competitive auction. The transaction
   Europe GmbH on various corporate,          was KKR’s first investment of this
   general business, employment and           scale in the CEE region and raised a
   other matters of importance to             variety of legal and structuring issues.
   specific business operations relating   —— Advising the European Fund for
   to their expansion in Bosnia and           Southeast Europe on several projects
   Herzegovina and on all legal matters       regarding loans to local banks
   regarding construction of a new            as well as microcredit organizations.
   EUR 7m factory.

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            —— Balmoral Offshore Engineering            —— Estee Lauder S.A. (Cela Cosméticos
      Located in Rio de Janeiro                on the acquisition of land in the           S.A.) on the construction,
                                               state of Espirito Santo, Brazil for         development, implementation,
                                               the construction of a plant for the         and permits for its new cosmetics
                                               manufacture of buoyancy devices             distribution centre for Chile,
      One real estate partner
      and one lawyer
                                               for the offshore oil and gas industry,      Argentina, Brazil, and Peru.
                                               as well as advising on environmental
                                               permitting requirements.                 —— A German company on the acquisition
                                                                                           of residential real estate in the state
      Languages: Portugese, English,        —— MRP International on its entry into         of Ceará, Brazil.
      French and Spanish                       the Brazilian market, including
                                               regulation of the Porto Maravilha
                                               urban redevelopment project in
      Contact us                               Rio de Janeiro, and on its joint
                                               venture with the Trump Organization
                                               for the high profile Trump Towers
      CMS Rio de Janeiro
                                               Rio project, one of the largest
      T +55 21 3722 9830                       commercial property developments
                                               in Latin America.

      Ted Rhodes
      T +55 21 3722 9831
      E ted.rhodes@cms-cmno.com

14 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                                      Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                        region. Work involved assistance with
—— Successfully supporting M + W                  the project financing and during the      Located in Sofia

   Group in the preparation for their bid         lease process. We also advised on the
   regarding the construction of the              subsequent sale of the retail park.
   largest Waste-to-Energy facility in         —— Advising Tishman International
                                                                                            Three real estate partners and
   Bulgaria. The work included                    Management Ltd on the sale of its real    nine lawyers
   preparation of a Memorandum on                 estate office development in Sofia.
   the Bulgarian legislation regarding
   Waste-to-Energy projects, which             Managers and occupiers
   eventually resulted into a bigger           —— Advising UCTAM Bulgaria in                Languages: Bulgarian, English,
   mandate for Central and Eastern                the negotiations of a long-term           German, French, Hebrew
                                                                                            and Russian
   Europe. CMS Sofia has successfully             commercial lease agreement
   assisted the client for their market           (revision and amendments of the
   entry in Bulgaria and is geared for            tenant’s version); participation
   further assistance during the project          in the negotiations of the draft          Contact us
   implementation stage.                          lease agreement; preparation
                                                  of supporting commercial and
Construction and development                      corporate documents and legal             CMS Sofia
                                                                                            T +359 2 447 1350
—— Advising Impresa Pizzarotti & C.               opinions on the content of the lease
                                                                                            F +359 2 447 1390
   S.p.A. (Italy) and its Bulgarian partners      agreement and other related issues,
   on the structuring and participation in        assistance of UCTAM in the process        T +359 2 92199 10
                                                                                            F +359 2 92199 19
   the tender announced by the                    of signing of the lease agreement.
   Bulgarian Government regarding the          —— Advising Cargill on a long-term lease
   construction of Struma Highway and             agreement with regard to the client’s
   on various public procurement,                 new shared services centre in Bulgaria
                                                                                            Darina Baltadjieva
   corporate and regulatory matters.              which covers an area of over 3000m2.      T +359 2 447 1350
—— Advising Swietelsky, the leading            —— Advising AIG Europe on the leasing        E darina.baltadjieva@cms-rrh.com
   Austrian construction company, on              of its office premises in Sofia.
                                                                                            Jenia Dimitrova
   issues related to the construction                                                       T +359 2 92199 10
   of railroad segments in Bulgaria.           Financing                                    E jenia.dimitrova@cms-cmno.com
                                               —— Supporting UniCredit Bank Austria
Investment and disposal                           AG on the restructuring of a real
—— Advising Revetas group on the                  estate financing in Bulgaria. The scope
   acquisition of an office real estate           of our work includes the provision of
   project in Bulgaria (EUR 52m).                 due diligence advice, as well as
—— Advising Europa Capital, a real estate         general support on the financing
   fund manager focused on European               documentation. We are also advising
   markets, in respect of its retail park         on commercial agreements under
   development in the city of Plovdiv,            Bulgarian law (EUR 100m).
   Bulgaria, which represents the only
   third generation retail park in the

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            —— Rezepka Inmobiliaria on the              —— IBF Energía Fondo de Inversión
      Located in Santiago de Chile             development of real estate projects,        Privado on feasibility studies for
                                               acquisitions, title investigations,         various greenfield solar power
                                               procurement of building permits,            projects.
                                               drafting of the co-ownership
      One real estate partner
      and three lawyers
                                               regulation and the subsequent            —— Unilever on contract tendering and
                                               sale of various warehouse facilities,       project development of distribution
                                               apartment buildings, and office             centers in Valle Grande (Lampa) and
                                               space.                                      development of the industrial park
      Languages: Spanish and English                                                       in Llay-Llay.
                                            —— Aki KB Minibogedas SpA on various
                                               self-storage center projects and all     —— Inverpaz and Inmobiliaria Grupo
      Contact us                               matters regarding local permits for         Imagina on the tender process
                                               project construction.                       for construction contracts; land
                                                                                           acquisition; project development,
                                            —— Estee Lauder S.A. (Cela Cosméticos          property co-ownership proceeding,
      CMS Santiago de Chile
      T +562 24852 000                         S.A.) on the lease of the building,         houses and apartments up for sale.
                                               development, implementation,
                                               and permits for its new cosmetics        —— Independencia Fondos de Inversión
                                               distribution centre for Chile,              on the formation of public investment
      Pabla Gaínza                             Argentina, Brazil, and Peru.                funds such as ‘Independencia Rentas
      T +562 24852 093
      E pabla.gainza@cms-ca.com
                                            —— IBF Capital on due diligence for a
      Karin Muñoz                              medical building facility, as well as
      T +562 24852 093
                                               the acquisition of a cemetery and
      E karin.munoz@cms-ca.com
                                               analyzing all special permits required
                                               for such projects.

16 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                                 Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                 Managers and occupiers
—— Advising a German major wind tunnel     —— Advising a world-leading sports car      Located in Shanghai and Beijing

   engineering company on planning            maker on the build to lease structure
   and engineering of a wind tunnel           for its dealer shops in China.
   for a top-tier technical university     —— Advising a global leading optics and
                                                                                       One real estate partner
   in Shanghai.                               opto-electronics manufacturer on         and six associates
—— Advising a major German automotive         the build to lease structure for its
   supplier on the planning and               Chinese Headquarters in Shanghai.
   development of an R&D centre            —— Advising Virgin Atlantic Airways
   in Shanghai.                               Limited on the negotiations and          Languages: Chinese, English,
                                              signing of a lease agreement with        German and French

Construction and development                  the landlord for its office space
—— Advising a world-leading sports            in Shanghai.
   car maker on the construction                                                       Contact us
   of a driving experience centre          Financing
   in Shanghai.                            —— Advising a global leading automotive
—— Advising a well-known supplier of          components manufacturer on               CMS Shanghai
   equipment and services to packaging        the construction and lease of            T +86 21 6289 6363
                                                                                       F +86 21 6289 0731
   and label manufacturers on                 a production base in Nanjing and
   construction contracts for its             on the project financing structure,      CMS Beijing
   plant in Changzhou.                        including drafting of general            T +86 10 8527 0259
                                                                                       F +86 10 8590 0831
—— Advising an international group            contracting agreements and
   dedicated to the design, development       negotiations with major state-
   and manufacture of metal automotive        owned construction groups.
   components on construction              —— Advising a leading German                Ulrike Glueck
   contracts for its plant in Kunshan.        development company on project           T +86 21 6289 6363
                                              financing for investment in major        E ulrike.glueck@cmslegal.cn

Investment and disposal                       manufacturing companies in China,        Nick Beckett
—— Advising a world-leading producer          including drafting of joint venture      T +86 10 8527 0287
   of fibre products on the acquisition       contracts, shareholders’ loan            E n

   of land use rights and construction        agreements and security agreements,
   of factory buildings in Hangzhou.          as well as assistance in negotiations.
—— Advising a major German machinery
   company on sales of the granted
   land use rights and factory buildings
   in Shanghai to a Chinese
   development company.
—— Advising a leading hardware
   manufacturer headquartered in
   Germany on various real estate issues
   during the acquisition of an asset
   in China.

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            —— Promotora ACR SAS on every legal         —— Promotora AC on substantial
      Located in Bogotá and Medellin           aspect of the construction of               amendments to the fiduciary
                                               La Serrezuela, a luxury retail center       structure for the construction and
                                               in Cartagena, one of the most iconic        operation of the Bastión Luxury
                                               touristic places in Colombia. Among         Hotel in Cartagena.
      Two partners and five associates
                                               other legal advice, CMS is drafting
                                               and negotiating with more than           —— Sala Logística de las Américas on
                                               150 retailers on all the contracts          bidding process for the concession
      Languages: English, Spanish
                                               for the operation and occupation            of the Convention Center in the city
      and French                               of the space.                               of Cartagena, along with Concreto
                                                                                           y GHL.
                                            —— Grupo Jaguar Capital on the
      Contact us                               structuring of two projects involving    —— Empresa Virgilio Barco on the
                                               the construction of malls located           renovation project of the National
                                               in the regions of Urabá and Montería        Administrative Center (‘CAN’). This
                                               in Colombia.                                is one of the top five infrastructure
      CMS Bogotá
      T +57 1 321 8910
                                                                                           projects in Bogota.
                                            —— Grupo Jaguar Capital on the sale
      CMS Medellin                             of a lot in Medellín to Amarilo and      —— Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá,
      T +57 4 604 0433
                                               in the attainment of the license for        Corferias and FONTUR on the
                                               the construction of the mall ‘Centro        planning and structuring of a
                                               Comercial Primavera’.                       project to develop the International
      Juan Camilo Rodríguez
                                                                                           Convention Center of Bogotá
      T +57 1 321 8910                      —— Almacenar on the lease of their             (Ágora), one of the most advanced
      E juan.rodriguez@cms-racla.com          warehouses to Grupo Santo                   convention centers in Latin America.
      Clara María Uribe
                                               Domingo, one of Colombia’s most
      T +57 4 604 0433                         powerful business conglomerates.
      E clara.uribe@cms-racla.com

                                            —— Savills on the complex review of
                                               property titles including: ownership,
                                               analysis of previous owners, liens and
                                               encumbrances, and legal proceedings
                                               for the office to be occupied by the
                                               European Union in Bogotá, Colombia.

18 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                                  Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                  Managers and occupiers
—— Advising a bidder on the due             —— Advising Hotel MIRAMAR d.o.o.            Located in Zagreb

   diligence and purchase of a cement          on the full scope of corporate,
   facility portfolio in Croatia and           commercial and tax matters.
   the SEE region.                          —— Advising Rockspring in their
                                                                                        Two real estate partner
—— Advising Ecowind, leading Austrian          management of a real estate              and two associates
   wind energy company, in the                 portfolio, including lease,
   acquisition of two wind farm targets.       construction and use of the
                                               real estate aspects.
Construction and development                                                            Languages: Croatian, English
—— Advising Bauhaus Group on                Financing                                   and German

   the due diligence, purchase and          —— Advising the European Investment
   construction of a retail centre             Bank (EIB) with a loan granted
   in Varaždin, Zagreb and Split.              for the expansion of the Dubrovnik       Contact us
—— Advising Erste Bank on the acquisition      Airport.
   of the hotel resort “Sun Gardens”        —— Advising Erste Group in financing
   near Dubrovnik; this has included           Supernova’s Croatian expansion           CMS Zagreb
   complex advice on the buyer’s due           referred to by the media as the          T +385 1 4825 600
                                                                                        F +385 1 4825 601
   diligence, legal and tax structuring,       blitzkrieg on the Croatian shopping
   transactional tax work, advice on the       centre market, including all financing
   sale’s process as well as advice on         aspects and reviews of lease
   the agreement on future cooperation         agreements and other land plot           Gregor Famira
   with the former owner of the asset.         matters.                                 T +385 1 4825 600
                                                                                        E g

Investment and disposal                                                                 Ana-Marija Skoko
—— Advising MET Holding as bidders                                                      T +385 1 4825 600
   in a series of tender procedures                                                     E ana-marija.skoko@bmslegal.hr

   for the acquisition of several gas
   distribution targets.
—— Advising Odien in the acquisition
   of a five star hotel and marina
   on the Adriatic coast.

Czech Republic
      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Construction and development                  —— Advising Invesco Real Estate on the
      Located in Prague                     —— Advising Neturen, a Japanese                  sale of shopping centre Varyada
                                               company manufacturing components              to European Property Group.
                                               for the automotive industry, on            —— Advising LMS Outlets Limited on the
                                               a greenfield development in the               EUR 71.5m sale of the Fashion Arena
      One real estate partner
                                               Triangle industrial park located              Outlet Center, a 25,000m2 outlet
      and ten lawyers
                                               in Ústí nad Labem.                            centre consisting of 110 stores.

                                            Investment and disposal                       Managers and occupiers
      Languages: Czech, English             —— Advising Deka Immobilien on the            —— Advising ING Bank on the lease of
      and German                               acquisition of the prestigious site           its Prague headquarters in the Harfa
                                               “The Park” in Prague. “The Park”              Office Centre.
                                               is a state-of-the-art complex              —— Advising multiple clients – including
      Contact us                               consisting of 12 office buildings             Deka Immobilien, Pramerica Real
                                               built between 2003 and 2008 in an             Estate Investors and Standard Life
                                               attractive campus-style formation.            Investments, on leasing matters
                                               It was the largest ever office                related to their property portfolio
      CMS Prague
      T +420 2 96798 111                       transaction in the Czech Republic.            in the Czech Republic.
      F +420 2 21098 000                    —— Advising Standard Life Investments
                                               on the sale of Palác I.P. Pavlova 5,       Financing
                                               a multi-let office building located        —— Advising Raiffeisen Bank International
                                               in central Prague.                            on a successful financing, in
      Lukáš Hejduk                          —— Advising Azora Europa on the sale             connection with the cross-border
      T +420 2 96798 892
      E lukas.hejduk@cms-cmno.com              of Galleries Louvre.                          acquisition of a logistics portfolio by
                                            —— Advising Pradera on the Czech                 the Czech head-quartered logistics
                                               and Polish aspects of EUR 900m                giant, P3, from CA Immobilien
                                               acquisition of IKEA portfolio.                Anlagen AG.
                                            —— Advising Pramerica Real Estate             —— Advising Česká spořitelna and
                                               International AG on the sale of a real        Komerční banka on the refinancing
                                               estate portfolio in Poland, Slovenia and      of the Bainbridge real estate
                                               the Czech Republic to Revetas Capital.        portfolio consisting of large shopping
                                            —— Advising Pramerica Real Estate                centres and retail assets located
                                               Investors on the cross-border sale            across the Czech Republic.
                                               of six logistics projects in the Czech
                                               Republic and in Poland to Blackstone.

20 | Our real estate capability at your service
England and Wales
Recent work highlights                                                                 Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                 Investment and disposal
—— Acting for UK and EU multinationals     —— Advised Landsec on the GBP 1.28bn        Located in London, Bristol,
                                                                                       Reading, Sheffield and Manchester
   on the sale of industrial facilities       disposal of its joint venture interest
   with historic contamination for            holding 20 Fenchurch Street, London.
   redevelopment to sensitive uses            This was the largest ever single
   (including provisions for the conduct      building transaction in the UK.          67 real estate partners
   of remediation).                        —— Advised Credit Suisse Asset              and 112 lawyers
—— Advising Hammerson & Standard              Management as lead advisor to
   Life on the Brent Cross Cricklewood        Hong Kong investor Cheung Kei
   Opportunity Area, a major                  Group on the GBP 410m purchase
   regeneration to deliver over 1.4m sqf      of 20 Canada Square, a landmark          Languages: English, French,
                                                                                       German and Spanish
   of retail and leisure space, hotel,        12-story office building in London’s
   industrial uses and 7,500 new homes.       Canary Wharf business district.
   This included the largest section
   106 agreement in UK history.            Managers and occupiers                      Contact us
                                           —— Advising Google on the acquisition
Construction and development                  and on-going development of a 1m sqf
—— Advising Lendlease in joint venture        new UK headquarters at the King’s        CMS London
                                                                                       T +44 20 7367 3000
   with London & Continental Railways         Cross estate in London.
                                                                                       F +44 20 7367 2000
   on one of the most significant          —— Advised Snap on the letting of
   Olympic Legacy Developments.               a prestigious West End office on
   International Quarter London will          a ten year lease at 77 Shaftesbury
   deliver over 4m sqf of offices.            Avenue, London.                          Pranai Karia
—— Advising Far East Consortium on one     —— Advised Skyscanner on moving to          T +44 20 7367 2742
                                                                                       E p
   of the UK’s most ambitious housing-        London and into permanent offices
   led regeneration projects. The             and a brand new development at           Alistair Kennedy
   Northern Gateway is a GBP 1bn              1 Bedford Avenue, taking three floors.   T +44 20 7367 3993
                                                                                       E a listair.kennedy@
   development which will deliver over
   10,000 homes in the North West
   of England.
—— Acting for Imperial College
   on its Imperial West Campus
   redevelopment project (one of the
   largest development projects in
   London) from the acquisition to
   the latest aspects of the project –
   thedevelopment of a 34 storey
   residential tower block.

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Planning and environmental                     —— Acting as legal advisor of both Palm
      Located in Paris and in Lyon          —— Advising RIU Hotels and Resorts on             Beach Development and Palm Beach
      and Strasbourg
                                               environmental matters concerning the           Cannes Côte d’Azur on the acquisition
                                               acquisition of the Hotel Radisson Blu          of “Cannes Balnéaire”. The portofolio
                                               Resort Marina & Spa at Saint Martin.           of “Cannes Balnéaire” notably include
      Three real estate partners
                                            —— Advising Givaudan Group for                    the Palm Beach, one of Cannes’
      and 12 lawyers                           the acquisition of 100% of the                 trophy assets.
                                               capital of Soliance from ARD,
                                               on environmental matters.                   Managers and occupiers
                                            —— Advising a major online retailer            —— Assisting an American multinational
      Languages: French and English            on key environmental issues related            consumer goods company regarding
                                               to warehouse agreements.                       the signing of a commercial lease
                                                                                              related to industrial premises (classified
      Contact us                            Construction and development                      facilities for the protection of the
                                            —— Acting as the legal adviser of QNB             environment) owned by a German
                                               Capital in the context of all matters          investor.
      CMS Paris
                                               related to the creation of a Fauchon        —— Advising a French major investment
      T +33 1 4738 5500                        world-class hotel in the heart of Paris.       company on shopping center extension
                                            —— Acting as legal advisor of The                 projects and on several real estate
                                               Ascott Limited (Citadines) for the             and co-ownership files (including
                                               redevelopment of a residential and             their related litigation procedures).
      Aline Divo                               office building located within Paris’       —— Advising a major British property
      T +33 1 4738 5695
      E aline.divo@cms-bfl.com
                                               Central Business District into a 5* hotel      development and investment
                                               (drafting and negotiation of the               company on shopping center
      Jean-Luc Tixier                          property development agreement).               extension projects and on real
      T +33 1 4738 5648
      E jean-luc.tixier@cms-bfl.com
                                            —— Advising Gaumont on the                        estate and co-ownership files.
                                               redevelopment of a building located         —— Advising a major American insurance
      Philippe Riglet                          Avenue des Champs Elysées into                 company on the negotiation of a
      T +33 1 4738 4042
      E philippe.riglet@cms-bfl.com
                                               a flagship shop for a leading retailer         commercial lease for office premises
                                               (drafting and negotiation of the               located in a high rise building within
                                               construction contract and the                  the Paris business district of La
                                               commercial lease of an off-plan                Défense taking over seven floors.
                                            Investment and disposal                        —— Acting as legal adviser of a Dutch
                                            —— Advised Tagerim Gestion Immobilière            investment fund for the purposes of
                                               on the disposal of the real estate             the acquisition of a French real estate
                                               services branch (19 companies)                 investment fund (OPCI) and the
                                               to Foncia (one of the French major             refinancing of the financial debt of said
                                               real estate services company).                 fund, owning indirectly 11 properties
                                                                                              dedicated to retail activities.

22 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                             Facts and figures

Planning and environmental                —— Advising Allianz Real Estate on the
—— Advising VERBUND AG in various            acquisition of the landmark office    Located in Berlin, Cologne,
                                                                                   Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg,
   water-law licence and planning            building “The Icon Vienna” in         Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart
   approval procedures for several           Vienna from SIGNA Development
   hydroelectric power plants on the         Selection with a volume of more
   Inn and the Danube, issues include:       than EUR 500m in a forward deal.
   EIA issues, water and environmental                                             36 real estate partners
   protection law, waste law,             Managers and occupiers                   and 61 lawyers

   maintenance duties.                    —— Advising Ekistics Property Advisors
—— Advising several investors, among         on asset management issues for
   others Highland Group, British Wind       their German real estate.
                                                                                   Languages: German, Croatian,
   Energy and Iberdrola, on approval      —— Advising Tesla on rental matters      Czech, Dutch, English, French,
   procedures for several offshore wind      regarding the expansion in Germany.   Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian,
   farms e.g. “Veja Mate”, “Deutsche                                               Spanish and Swedish

   Bucht” and “Wikinger”.                 Financing
                                          —— Advising Allianz on the involvement
Construction and development                 in a credit line for Invesco to       Contact us
—— Advising to long-standing client          refinance existing real property
   Albert Speer + Partner on the             financing and to finance further
   planned extension to the European         purchases of real property in a       CMS Berlin
   Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg       number of jurisdictions. (Financing   T +49 30 20360 0
   (Kirchbergplateau), including             volume: up to EUR 1bn).               F +49 30 20360 2000

   negotiations and the contractual       —— Advising GEG German Estate Group
   BIM requirements as well as the           on financing the acquisition of the
   relationships to sub-contractors.         International Business Campus (IBC)
                                                                                   Sebastian Orthmann
—— Advising Immofinanz Group on              in Frankfurt with a total of around   T +49 40 37630 354
   project FLOAT, a landmark office          84,000m2 of rental space and          E s ebastian.orthmann@
   complex in the media harbour of           a volume of more than EUR 400m.         cms-hs.com

   Duesseldorf. The project consists                                               Dirk Rodewoldt
   of six buildings with more than                                                 T +49 711 9764 163
   30,000m2 designed by Renzo Piano                                                E d

   Building Workshop.

Investment and disposal
—— Advising Universal-Investment
   on the acquisition of a high street
   portfolio from Corestate, consisting
   of 90 properties with a value of
   approx. EUR 700m in a share deal
   structure via Germany and
   Luxembourg companies.

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Planning and environmental                  Managers and occupiers
      Located in Budapest                   —— Advising a multinational company on      —— Advising Bedori Investment on the
                                               environmental law issues regarding          leasing of a new hotel development
                                               soil contamination.                         of MEININGER Hotels in Hungary.
                                                                                        —— Advising Warehouse developers and
      Two real estate partners
      and seven lawyers
                                            Construction and development                   managers on the acquisition and
                                            —— Advising Becton Dickinson on the            leasing of two sites and the leasing
                                               construct of a new manufacturing            of several warehouse premises
                                               facility in Hungary which is scheduled      in Hungary.
      Languages: English, German               to open in 2017.
      and Hungarian                         —— Advising Datalogic on the                Financing
                                               construction of a new factory            —— Advising Erste Bank Hungary on
                                               in Balatonboglár, Hungary.                  several high profile real estate
      Contact us                                                                           financing transactions, including
                                            Investment and disposal                        refinancing of the Spiral Office
                                            —— Advising Futureal Group on the sale         Building, GTC’s newest office
      CMS Budapest                             of the 25,000m2 Skypark office              complex development, Green
      T +36 1 48348 00                         building for more than HUF 40bn.            House Office Building or Óbuda
      F +36 1 48348 01
                                            —— Advising ATENOR on the sale of              Gate, Office Garden as well as the
                                               three buildings in the VACI GREENS          financing of a property fund, Fashion
                                               campus in Budapest. The campus              Street and GTC – Renaissance Plaza.
      Gábor Czike
                                               offers six buildings with a total of     —— Advising Raiffeisen Bank on several
      T +36 1 48348 19                         120,000net m² of office space, three        high profile real estate financings,
      E gabor.czike@cms-cmno.com              of which have been sold to date and         including the refinancing of Kempinski
      József Várady
                                               a fourth is currently being built.          Hotel and Four Seasons, two five-star
      T +36 1 48348 40                      —— Advising Union Investment on the            luxury hotels in Budapest.
      E jozsef.varady@cms-cmno.com             sale of the 18,000m² office property     —— Advising OTP Bank on several
                                               Krisztina Palace in Budapest.               high profile real estate financings
                                            —— Advising Trei Real Estate on                in Hungary and across the region,
                                               a sale of a portfolio of 40 Spar            including the financing and
                                               leased supermarkets to Erste Asset          restructuring of a shopping mall
                                               Management, which Trei claims is            in Varna.
                                               the largest Hungarian retail portfolio
                                               transaction in 2017.

24 | Our real estate capability at your service
Recent work highlights                                                                     Facts and figures

Investment and disposal                        resulting in conversion of office
—— Advising Union Investment on the            building and full refurbishment             Located in Rome and Milan

   acquisition of one of Italy’s largest       of existing hotel.
   shopping centres via a share deal by     —— Advising private European hotel
   acquiring 100% of the stake holding         group in the acquisition of a 40+
                                                                                           Two real estate partners
   in the special purpose vehicle.             room boutique hotel in the city             and four lawyers
—— Advising Aberdeen Asset Management          centre of Rome.
   Deutschland AG as advisor to             —— Advising PGIM in the long-term lease
   Commerzbank AG, depositary bank             of a logistic facility to Codognotto
   of the “DEGI International” fund,           S.p.A., a leading Italian transport and     Languages: Italian, English
   in relation to the sale of a property       logistic company.                           and German

   located on viale Giorgio Ribotta 11      —— Advising Sanifair in the lease of several
   in Rome purchased by Amundi Real            facilities throughout Italy for rest room
   Estate Italia SGR trough the Nexus 1        operations and related fit out work.        Contact us
   fund. The viale Ribotta 11 property      —— Advising leading US online provider
   is part of Europarco Business Park,         in the lease and fit out of several
   one of the most significant areas of        logistic sites throughout Italy.            CMS Rome
   recent urban development in Rome.        —— Advising Festa Trasporti & Logistica        T +39 06 4781 51
—— Advising Intesa Sanpaolo REOCO              S.p.A. a long term lease agreement          F +39 06 4837 55

   in the legal due diligences for its         for logistic facilities with BNP Paribas.   CMS Milan
   multibillion workout program and                                                        T +39 02 89283 800
   repossession of the properties           Financing                                      F +39 02 4801 2914

   granted as collateral.                   —— Assistance to Bayersiche Landesbank
—— Advising Isola Verde and Festa              in the loan agreement and security
   Trasporti & Logistica on the sale of        package in relation to a EUR 85m
                                                                                           Marco Casasole
   a logistic site located in Montichiari      loan granted to a Commerz Real              CMS Rome
   (Brescia).                                  Investmentgesellschaft mbH for the          T +39 06 4781 51
—— Advising Savills on the acquisition         expansion of one of Italy’s largest         E marco.casasole@cms-aacs.com

   of Larry Smith Italia, a major Italian      shopping centers, the Orio Center           Dietmar Zischg
   shopping center and out of town             in Bergamo.                                 CMS Milan
   management and leasing business          —— Assistance to Bayerische Landesbank         T +39 02 89283 800
                                                                                           E dietmar.zischg@cms-aacs.com
   with headquarters in Milan.                 in the loan agreement and security
                                               package in relation to a EUR 7m loan
Managers and occupiers                         granted to Warburg-HIH for the
—— Advising major hotel operator in            acquisition of a retail property in
   connection with operator selection          northern Italy.
   process conducted by institutional
   investor (primary insurance company)
   for a new hotel in Rome city centre,

      Facts and figures                     Recent work highlights

                                            Construction and development                —— Advising a landlord, a UK investment
      Located in Luxembourg                 —— Advising a company specialised              company, regarding real estate
                                               in project management and                   properties in Luxembourg (office
                                               construction consulting services            buildings) including on leasing issues
                                               to corporate clients regarding              and on conflicts with tenants.
      Two real estate partners
      and 15 lawyers
                                               a litigation procedure related to
                                               so-called defects affecting one of       Financing
                                               the biggest buildings in Luxembourg,     —— Advising a major real estate
                                               involving over 25 parties.                  investment company regarding
      Languages: French, English,                                                          a EUR 224m financing granted by
      German, Luxembourgish,                Investment and disposal                        a German bank with respect to the
      Portuguese and Spanish
                                            —— Advising Allianz Real Estate regarding      acquisition of a real estate property
                                               its acquisition of the landmark office      located in Frankfurt am Main,
                                               project “THE ICON VIENNA” at                Germany and to fund the
      Contact us                               Vienna’s new central railway station        redevelopment of the property.
                                               on behalf of several Allianz             —— Advising a group specialised in
                                               companies, which represents an              student accommodation projects
      CMS Luxembourg                           investment of more than EUR 500m.           regarding the acquisition and its
      T +352 26 2753 1
                                            —— Advising Ekistics Property Investors,       financing of student housing
      F +352 26 2753 53
                                               a private equity investor based in          properties in several cities in Spain,
                                               London, on all legal aspects of the         including Madrid and Barcelona.
                                               sale of Luxembourg-based real estate     —— Advising a Chinese development
      Julien Leclère                           company EPIFC 6 S.à r.l. to UK real         company which is looking to
      T +352 26 2753 28                        estate developer Mitsubishi Estate          refinance the acquisition of Real
      E julien.leclere@cms-dblux.com
                                               London as part of a share deal.             Estate properties located in London
      Vivian Walry                             EPIFC 6 holds an office building in         by obtaining external finance secured
      T +352 26 2753 21                        Munich which comprises 22,000m²             on the asset.
      E vivian.walry@cms-dblux.com
                                               and is let to multiple tenants.          —— Advising a German bank in relation
                                            —— Advising a Chinese development              to a financing of the acquisition
                                               company owned ultimately owned              of a property which is a mixed-
                                               by the Beijing Government regarding         use development purpose
                                               its EUR 236m acquisition of an office       (retail / residential).
                                               building located in London.              —— Advising a real estate group
                                                                                           regarding a EUR 59m real estate
                                            Managers and occupiers                         financing granted by a German bank
                                            —— Advising a major supermarket                with respect to the acquisition of
                                               chain regarding several commercial          a building in Germany.
                                               lease issues for its supermarkets
                                               in Luxembourg.

26 | Our real estate capability at your service
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