Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...

Page created by Virgil Austin
Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
Our Lady’s College Greenhills                                                   eNewsletter December 2020

This has been a very different school year                      November normally sees the parents’ council annual 5km
from what we would normally expect. We                          remembrance run, but that has also fallen foul of the
never imagined that school would become                         pandemic restrictions this year. The sports development
so restricted and limited in many ways. We                      team decided to organise a virtual run – Greenhills to
have had to adjust to the new restrictions                      Lapland. This took place over 2 days using the new
to protect the safety of everyone and we                        walkway that has been constructed. What a fantastic use
have done so very successfully.                                 of this new facility. Students from across the whole school
The whole school community has had to change their              walked or ran laps around the school and clocked up
behaviour and find different ways to do things. It hasn’t       kilometres along the way. As well as all the fun and
been easy for anyone and I want to take this opportunity        exercise the students also managed to raise valuable
to thank everyone for adapting so well to the “new              funds for the development of an Astroturf pitch and a
normal”. The students have been so very good and have           donation to St Vincent dePaul. Well done to everyone
made the most of the challenging times.                         who was involved and a huge thank you to the parents’
                                                                council for providing copious amounts of hot chocolate to
Coming up to Christmas every year the school takes on a         keep the troops walking.
life of its own. The atmosphere changes and the
excitement builds as preparations for Christmas get             I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all
underway. The shoebox appeal, the Winter Wonderland             their work over the past term. I know students and staff
and the Carol Service are all highlights from a normal          are tired and I’m sure we are all looking forward to a
December. What was going to happen this year? I’m glad          Christmas holiday where we can take time to rest and
to say this year has been different and yet the students        recover from the challenges of the last term. I hope you
and staff have found a way to make December great.              all remember to be careful and stay safe over the
                                                                holidays. We still have to stay apart to keep each other
The students’ council had great success in fundraising for      safe and I know this is particularly difficult over Christmas
the shoebox appeal. They have managed to buy more               when we want to be together with family and friends.
than 65 shoeboxes to send to children who need them.
The TY students were also fund-raising with a bake sale.        Finally, I want to wish you all a very happy and safe
However, due to Covid-19 restrictions it had to be held         Christmas. Take time to rest and rejuvenate the heart and
outside on the basketball courts, instead of inside in the      mind. May the New Year bring lots of pleasant surprises
main hall. This way all students who were looking for a         and wonderful opportunities. Take care.
sugary treat could maintain social distance and still get
their cakes. Well done girls on finding solutions to the
challenges and making them work so effectively. TY were
fund-raising for their “Drawdavision” inter-schools
Eurovision type competition which was held on Wed 16th
December. It was a triumph of imagination, creativity and       Tuesday 22nd December:
determination to produce such a show. Congratulations to              School will finish for the Christmas Holidays @
everyone involved and especially to the winning team –                12:09pm.
from Greenhills!!                                               Wednesday 6th January:
The Christmas carol service is an annual event where we               School will reopen for ALL students @ 9:00am
bring the whole school together to celebrate Christmas.         Tuesday 19th January:
This year we can’t all be together in one place so we are             Anti Bullying talk to all 1st year Students.
reinventing a carol service we can do safely. It will be        Wednesday 20th January:
different, but the talented staff and students of Greenhills          Anti Bullying talk to all students and their parents/
have managed to find solutions that will allow us to                  guardians via Zoom. Details to follow.
celebrate Christmas safely and still observe all Covid          Thursday 21st January:
protocols.                                                            Staff training day. School closed for students.

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Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
A message from our Head Girls

    Katie McArdle                                                      Demi Olukokun
    Headgirl                                                           Deputy Headgirl
    It is so hard to believe that we are                               It is safe to say that 2020 has been a
    nearing the end of 2020, one of the                                challenging year. With the difficult and
    strangest years of our lives! As a 6th                             unusual times we are facing now, it
    year, I honestly don’t know where the                              has been challenging to adapt to a
    time has gone. It feels like only                                  different life we were once so used to.
    yesterday it was our first day back                                Returning back to school for our final
    from summer, when returned to an                                   year is already demanding, and I’m
    almost unrecognisable Greenhills. From the one-way                 sure that every other 6th year student would agree.
    system, to sanitizing everywhere you go, it was difficult to       However, I remind myself to take each day one after the
    imagine school ever feeling normal again. Now in middle            other, and I continue to look forward to a brighter future
    of December, I can safely say that as a community we               after this pandemic. Running for the position of Deputy
    have been managing extraordinarily well. We have all               Headgirl was something I never considered to be a part of
    adapted new ways of going about school life such as                my life, never mind being elected. Up to now, the journey
    smiling at our friends on the corridor through our masks           has been truly rewarding. Having this title has given me a
    and learning to carry only what is needed for the day in           voice to speak out on behalf of my fellow students, while
    our bags in the absence of lockers. Although often                 also giving me the opportunity to speak publicly. It is also
    challenging, I feel as though it has been our community            fantastic being able to work with the members of the
    spirit that has driven our success in containing this virus        Student Council, it gives the members the chance to raise
    and keeping us and our loved ones safe.                            awareness and settle the various issues that they or the
    Under the strange circumstances we have achieved so                other students may have about the school. Hearing the
    much this term. The money raised and the collective                ideas and opinions of other people is something I truly
    kilometres walked by the girls who participated in                 enjoy partaking in. I also feel that this position has
    Greenhills to Lapland was an unbelievable achievement.             influenced me as a person, as I now have more certainty
    Every year group played their part in the event and                when it comes to speaking my mind. I wouldn’t say I am
    contributed to its success. The day itself I feel lifted           perfect, but this role is certainly a valuable one in terms of
    everyone’s spirits and was a lovely way to end what has            growing as a person. Katie has genuinely made this
    been a heavy school term!                                          experience much more enjoyable, and I am grateful to
                                                                       have a partner as brilliant as her. I am looking forward to
    Every day I feel truly proud to be representing the                continue working with her, and the rest of the academic
    amazing students who have persevered through this                  year!
    especially tough year. I have enjoyed every minute of my
    role as Head Girl so far and not a day goes by where I have
    not been surprised or challenged by all it entails. With           First Year Profile
    prayers over intercom and assemblies online, it has truly          Imogen Burke
    been a year like no other and will be one none of us will
    soon forget. Looking ahead to the new and brighter year,           Primary School Attended:
    we must all continue to look after ourselves and check in          St. Olivers National School
    with our friends, because as we know these winter
    months are often difficult regardless of the heightened
                                                                       Swimming & Piano
    loneliness felt by many this year.
                                                                       I joined Our Lady's College in August 2020. It's probably
    Lastly, I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to each
                                                                       one of the best choices of my life! I know it doesn't have
    member of our Greenhills community for making school
                                                                       all the glamour of some of the new schools around town
    such a safe and positive environment this term. I look
                                                                       and you may have been told that it has a reputation of
    forward to treasuring my remaining months of 6 th year
                                                                       being strict, but don't let that put you off. Greenhills has
    when we come back from our break as our time left here
                                                                       an amazing sense of community and I absolutely love it
    is going away from us far too fast. I wish everyone the
                                                                       there. There is a fantastic team of teachers and I have
    healthiest and happiest Christmas and look forward to
                                                                       learned so much so far and I am only a few months into
    seeing you all again in 2021!
                                                                       first year. The school takes great care of it's students and
                                                                       welcomed us very well on our first day and every day
                                                                       after. I was nervous and scared on the first day but after I
                                                                       settled in it had an amazing atmosphere and is great fun.
                                                                       Here at Greenhills they put great effort in to creating fun
                                                                       activities for everyone and even with Covid 19 there has
                                                                       always been something on the school calendar to look

Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
forward to. Usually there is also a great selection of              spreading the ISSU's (Irish Second-Level Student Union)
extracurricular activities available. With some luck Covid-         survey on returning to school and asking that all students
19 won’t be an issue and we can try them in 2021.                   fill in the survey. Next, Mary Bridget Maguire, Saoirse
The teachers are very friendly and really nice. They take           Branigan,Ally Brett and Aleksandra Golanska (junior counil
bullying very seriously here so everyone enjoys their time          members) all attended an online conference hosted by
in Greenhills. All the teachers are very trustworthy and            Comhairle na nÓg to talk with student councils in the
always willing to listen and lend a hand if any issues arise.       Louth area about student council duties and climate
I just want to say if you were thinking of coming here I            change issues. Most recently the Junior Student Council
definitely would. You make amazing friends and overall              had organised a fundraiser chosen by each class for junior
it's a great school.                                                form classes to raise money for the Shoebox Appeal. This
                                                                    went down very well and raised money for shoeboxes to
                                                                    send to children in poorer countries so that could have a
                                                                    present and some necessities for Christmas.
                                                                    The Junior Student Council has been very passionate
                                                                    about discussing diversity and equality in Greenhills and
                                                                    have recently added two Junior Diversity members to help
                                                                    with inclusiveness in the school. We will be working
The student council consists of                                     through the year to make sure that our school community
representatives from each class. There are                          is the best it can possibly be.’
many roles in the student council and
these representatives contribute to the                             Saoirse Brannigan (1st Year)
successful running of meetings. Our
teacher involved, Ms. Diskin helps guide                            Thanks to Ms. Diskin for all her work with the student
the Junior and Senior council and acts as a                         council and for organising the Shoe Box Appeal.
bridge between the students and teachers. The council
meets once a week to discuss agendas and queries from
the student body for the attention of the council.
In the student council we aim to make the school a happy
environment for all students and teachers and support
different charities along the way. So far, this year we
raised over €1000 which helped donate 70 shoe boxes for             Shoebox Appeal
children in need in Eastern Europe and Africa. We would             This year Greenhills #ChristmasShoeboxAppeal was run
like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has             differently and in line with the protocols set out by Team
kindly donated.                                                     Hope. Due to the effects of Covid-19 restrictions, it was
In response to the global pandemic Comhairle na nÓg                 not possible to send gift-
held their annual conference meeting online which the               filled shoeboxes from the
student council attended. The main topic discussed was              school this year. Schools
climate change. The council believe this is a vital issue and       were asked to make
has acted through the green schools' committee to play              donations instead.
our part in reducing our schools carbon footprint.                  Our Student council held
Recently, new members were added to the student                     raffles for each year group
council. This year we established a new committee to help           where students had the
promote diversity in our school. We believe that with the           chance to win a hamper.
help of these new members and the ideas of the student              Tickets were purchased
body this objective will be accomplished.                           and money was raised.
We want everybody to have their say. In your class there            €1425.33 was raised which
is a representative, if you have any ideas or queries we            purchased 70 shoeboxes.
encourage you to speak to them.                                     These donations will allow our network of local partners
Osarugue Loveth Edomwande                                           in Africa and Eastern Europe to purchase items for
                                                                    shoeboxes, which will then be delivered straight into the
The Junior Student Council started out on                           hands of children affected by poverty. Often these
November 11th at our first meeting, we                              shoeboxes are the only gift that a child will receive at
elected a President (Aleksandra Golanska),                          Christmas and the joy that they deliver is incredible.
a Vice President (Mary Bridget Maguire)
and a secretary (Saoirse Branigan).                                 Well done to all.
Our    first   order   of   business    was

Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
and free fruit in the cafeteria ALL WEEK.

                                                                   The Greenhills Positivi - Tree”: A tree to represent all
                                                                   things positive in or lives
                                                                   Staff and students were asked to think of something they
                                                                   were grateful for or were looking forward to after Covid.
Wellbeing in Our Lady’s College                                    They wrote this down on a leaf and attached it to the tree
Coming back into a very different school term, students’           on display.
wellbeing was a top priority. We aimed to promote on a
whole school approach, a sense of safety, a sense of calm,         Flashmob: Students from Ms. Diskin’s Artistic
a sense of belonging and connectedness, sense of self-             Performance Class along with some teachers took to the
efficacy and community-efficacy and sense of hope.                 Basketball court to try their hand at a socially distanced
                                                                   flashmob TikTok.

                                                                   Singer Songwriter on the Basketball Court
                                                                   TY and 5th Year students along with a few juniors, sang
                                                                   and played guitar on the basketball during lunchtime.

We also promoted to phrase “Slow down, to catch up” to
help all members of the school community deal with the
changes and to allow time for everyone to adapt to the
new norm.
All classes had extra time on returning to school with their
form teachers and all SPHE classes spent time reflecting
on their time in lockdown. All classes completed activities
to help them settle back in to a very different school
environment. This provided students with an opportunity
to address any issues they may have had. All classes also
had time for IT to ensure they would be ready for online
classes, should another lockdown occur.
First years had induction days spent some time getting to
know their mentors outdoors on the lawn at a social

                     Wellbeing Week
                    26th – 30th October                                   Friday was a real boost for the students when
Prior to the October midterm break, the school held a                     they had a jeans and jersey day as a fundraiser to
“Wellbeing Week”. This was an opportunity for everyone                    kick start our “Greenhills to Lapland Fundraiser”
in the school community to slow down and reflect on the                   for Sports Development. To their surprise teachers
previous weeks. It was a chance to realise how far we had                 arrived to class dressed up in Halloween Costumes
come since arriving back in September and to recognize                    which really added to the atmosphere.
the amazing demonstration of some of the wellbeing
indicators such as resilience, responsibility and awareness
of our students.
                                                                   We finished the day with a short Drop Everything and
During the week, students had 3 sessions of Drop                   Dance for students.
Everything and Breathe, No Homework Wednesday (a real
hit!!), mindfulness colouring, sweets during SPHE class

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Wellbeing Competition                                            Some of our past motions include this house believes that
Congratulations to Bronagh Doyle (1B) on her winning             electronics make people lazy and this house believes that
entry for her poem entitled “Stay Positive”                      cheerleading is not a sport. So if you love giving your
                                                                 opinion and listening to others, then come along and join
                                                                 us. You can also join on Teams by emailing Ms. Hanratty.
                                                                 Thanks to Ms. Hanratty for all her work with debating.

                                                                 Maths Week
                                                                 Maths Week took place between
                                                                 October 12th – 17th 2020.
                                                                 Despite restrictions, the teachers
                                                                 and students all made an effort
                                                                 to get involved.
                                                                 There were daily maths puzzles,                online   games,
                                                                 competitions and tv programmes.
                                                                 Well done to everyone for all their efforts.
It was so great to see the students in such great spirits.
Many thanks to all of the teachers and students for their        Daily Maths week winners for the week were:
enthusiasm during the week and in particular the                     Olivia Harty
Headstrong Committee for their assistance with weeks                 Draoi Kennedy
events.                                                              Erin Malyan Scott
                                                                     Erin Kearney
                          After last years success at                Emma Farrell
                          coming an ambassador School
                          for Cycle Against Suicide, a new       Below are pictures of the students from 1B when they
                          Headstrong Committee was               received their Certificates for MangaHigh.
                          formed to promote positive
                          mental health and teach
students how to reduce stigma and become mental health
champions in their schools.
The committee members have
decided on and committed to the
following themes for the 2020/2021
academic year:
     Coping with stress as an
       Bullying
       Look out... how to talk about it
       Grief
       Depression
Thanks to Ms. Olohan and Ms. Brennan for all their work
in organising Wellbeing Week.

Parliamentary style debating for juniors
takes place every Monday at big break in
rang 2 upstairs in the gym. I really enjoy
debating because it pushes me out of my
comfort zone and gets me thinking on my
feet. It gives me more confidence when
speaking in public and who doesn’t love a
good argument sometimes? It’s really fun
and anyone is welcome to join at any time.                        Try the Christmas Maths Mosaics
                                                                         following this page

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Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
Our Lady's College Greenhills - Our Ladys College ...
Physical Over Mental
                                                   When it hits your throat closes up,
                                                   You gasp for air,
The following poems                                But none comes clear,
were written as part                               The pounding fastens,
of a poetry workshop                               Legs shake as if your biggest fear is taunting you,
to develop creative writing.                       But they’ll never understand,
                                                   I am just a burden,
I Dream                                            Physical over mental health.
Of a peaceful night,                               Look fine and you will be fine they say,
Under miles and miles of stars,                    Just fine?
No worries, just breeze.
                                                   Makenzie Holdcroft Bradley
Of just one night,
Away from the wandering mind,                      Stuck in a Box
Apart from clouding thoughts.                      On days like this nothing feels the same,
Of just one peaceful night,                        You can be happy,
Detached from reality,                             You can be sad,
Separated from the nothingness.                    You never know when it's going to hit you,
                                                   It frightens you to the bone,
But reality is reality,                             staying in your home,
And dreams are dreams,                             Stuck on your phone,
I dream a dream for a reason.
                                                   Calling friends on zoom,
Lily Mae Harmon                                    Finally, BOOM!
Auntie Tina                                        You could fly to the moon with the happiness that
 I’ll miss you this Christmas,                     surrounds you,
and I still cannot believe,                        Covid you are as mean as my alarm!
that we’ll be one “Coatesy”short,
come this Christmas eve.                           Isobel Levins
I’ll miss opening gifts with everyone
and you beside the tree,                           IN THE END
cause it won’t feel like Christmas,                In the end, the bombs fell and wreaked havoc on the
without our wife, Mam and Auntie.                  world.
I’ll miss you giving out to my Dad                 The Government was corrupt. My father was corrupt.
for throwing wrapping paper in the fire,           In the end, the smoke billowed and the flames danced
cause we all know that you think                   across the now barren land.
“the feckin chimney will go on fire!”              The ringing in my head grew louder, as my ear drums
Merry Christmas Tiny Tina.                         cried out in pain.
We miss you very much,                             In the end, we were stunned into silence.
and if I had one Christmas wish,                   None of the remaining survivors dared to utter a word.
I’d bring you back to us.                          The Government was corrupt. They got what they
Anna Coates                                        In the end, everything I’ve ever known was a lie.
                                                   In the end,
I Am a Girl                                        I just wanted to disappear.
I am girl,
They became my friends                             Sarah Rochford
They gained my trust,
They stole from me.
Said things about me,
Without me knowing.
They put me down
They broke me inside.
I am a girl
I am a human
I am not a doll, so don’t treat me like one.
Hannah-Jo O’Brien

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Science Week 2020 took place from November 8th to 15th
and to celebrate at Our Lady’s College, all students were
encouraged to take part in a Science Scavenger Hunt. The
scavenger hunt was completed by students from all years,
working in teams and individually, with the aim of finding
the answers to all the clues which were located at
different stations around the school. There were 7
stations in total with over 30 answers to find. Some clues
involved cracking codes and others completing riddles, all
relating to science. The teams and individuals that took
part in the scavenger received certificates of participation,
post cards from the Institute of Physics, and some well-
deserved sweet treats.
During the week students also engaged in exciting lessons
on forces, studying what makes planes fly, followed by
designing and creating their own aerodynamic paper
planes, which they then tested to see whose could fly the
farthest. Congratulations to all involved!
Thanks to Ms. Rahill for organising Science Week,                                  Over the past year since the Green Schools
                                                                                   Committee was reformed after a few years
                                                                                   of break we have been very busy. Whether
                                                                                   it be from ensuring that waste is being
                                                                                   correctly disposed of or hand making a
                                                                    plastic bottle only bin for every class in the entire school
                                                                    we have done it, but we aren’t finished yet. We have
                                                                    recognised that a difference needs to be made in our
                                                                    everyday life to combat global warming. We also know
                                                                    that our work will not make a major difference to the
                                                                    overall issue, but any difference made is still a difference
                                                                    so why not try.
                                                                    Out of our total fifteen goals from last year which
                                                                    unfortunately were cut short, we have completed ten of
                                                                    these goals to ensure that our school has an eco-friendly
                                                                    footprint. Some of these completed goals include
                                                                    changing the cafeteria packaging to bio-degradable
                                                                    alternatives, installing more recycling bins around the
                                                                    school, fixing the hand dryers in every bathroom to
                                                                    reduce the amount of tissue being used and installing
                                                                    three different bins in the staff room as seen in the
                                                                    We still have many more goals
                                                                    and aims to meet some of which
                                                                    we don’t even know yet but when
                                                                    problems arise regarding our
                                                                    environmental footprint, we will
                                                                    be ready to help.

From everyone on the committee we wish to                           enjoyed yoga, dance and drama, while also taking classes
acknowledge and thank all the help that the students,               in photography, first aid and careers.
teachers and staff have given to get on board with our
projects. The committee and I would like to also take this
opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, safe
Christmas break.
Ava Briscoe (Fifth year).

        Big thanks to Ms. Ni Dhonnabhain for all her work
        in leading the Greenschools Committee.

Members of the committee:
   Erin Malyan-Scott
   Holly Thompson
   Aimee Carroll
   Klaudija Gucaite
   Loveth Edomwande
   Ogniete Railaite
   Ava Briscoe
   Nikola Busa
   Laura Victory
   Abby Strutt                                                     We were very lucky to have a former LCA
   Olamide Adegoke                                                 student Emer Cassidy make time from her
   Aoife Branigan                                                  schedule with Aer Lingus to come in and
   Anne Savage (Teacher)                                           talk   to   the     girls about   future
   Ronan Coone (Teacher)                                           career opportunities.
   Clara Ni Dhonnabhain (Teacher)                                  This and all the activities were enjoyed by
                                                                    the girls. We are looking forward to a
                    Our LCA students have had a busy                productive and busy 2021.
                    first term despite the current
                    restrictions. As well as getting                                LCA Past Pupil Emer Cassidy
                    stuck into their class work
the 5th year students went on a socially distanced walk                                              LCA Photography
to Oldbridge, while the 6th year students opted for a                                                LCA students focused on
movie afternoon. Both activities were enjoyed by                                                     double exposures today.
all students who participated.                                                                       The theme was how we
Unfortunately, our work experience had to be cancelled              see Covid in the schools they uploaded their images to the
this term but not to be deterred by this, the girls took part       photography team. Attached is my example. The class
in 2 weeks of organised activities within the school. They          image shows students sitting 1 m apart with masks. The
                                                                    students are blurred except one so that attention is drawn
                                                                    to her eyes. The image is overplayed with a black/yellow
                                                                    sticker from the ground creating a ambience of danger/
                                                                    They then started a ‘presentation’ image to represent the
                                                                    school, again uploaded to teams.
                                                                    Thanks to Ms. Yvonne Fagan for all her work with the LCAs
                                                                    for Photography

after the tough year that they have had. Writing our
                             Transition                             letters made us smile as well, knowing that we would be

                                Year                                cheering someone up. Some have already sent us back
                                                                    Christmas cards and we can’t wait to continue
                                                                    the correspondence with them for the rest of the year.
Tansition Year so far.....
                                                                    Recently we went on a walk from the school to Oldbridge.
Usually in T.Y. in Greenhills we would be going on trips
                                                                    It was a cold day, so we all wrapped up well and set off
to Butlers Chocolate Factory, walking up in Cooley and
                                                                    with our form groups. It was nice getting to walk and chat
hiking in Glendalough. Even though we are unable to do
                                                                    with our friends and get out of school for a day. We had a
those things at the moment, we have still been able to do
                                                                    picnic on the grass near the huts and enjoyed the fresh
lots of activities this term as well as our normal school
                                                                    air. We are hopeful that we can do more day trips like this
                                                                    one in the new year.
One of the first weeks back in September we all went for a
                                                                    With all the trips and random events we have enjoyed we
bonding walk on the beach from Clogherhead to Baltray.
                                                                    have also been doing other enjoyable modules and
The weather was great and we all got to know our new
                                                                    competitions in school as well like Yoga, First Aid, Art,
classmates. We also started drama and since then we
                                                                    Journalism and Enterprise to name a few.
have choreographed and filmed our entries
for ‘Drawda Vision’, which is a competition that we sent            So far TY has been fun and a unique experience.
out to all the other schools in Drogheda to take part               We can’t wait to come back in the New Year for the other
in. Students have to find a song that was either used in            fun activities that are planned for us!
the Eurovision or that you can do a crazy dance to and we
get to vote for who’s we think is the best out of all the           Tranistion Year Students helping those in Need!!
schools. We had lots of fun choreographing our own                  Transition Year students assisted Connect FRC (Family
dances and getting dressed up in costumes. We                       Resource Centre) in sourcing and wrapping presents for
are really excited to see what the other students in our            their Christmas Event. Over 100 presents were wrapped
year and other schools came up with.                                for the families who will need them most for the
                                                                    Christmas Period.
This year, we’ve also had the opportunity to enhance our
computer skills. Every student is in the middle of
completing their ECDL certificate and also making
their own online course with a programme called ‘Make
That Course’. This is a programme set up for Transition
Year students all over Ireland where you come up with an
idea for a course and it gives you step by step instructions
on how to make your own course. At the end we will have
the option of selling our courses online, so it is a great
way to make money and do research on something that
you enjoy. Some people have been really creative and are
making amazing courses that teach people how to do nail
art, play an instrument and even learn self-defense and
martial arts.
                                                                    The TY Bonding Walk took place on Wednesday
In November Alex Walsh came in to teach us                          23rd September. The students, their form teachers,
about Personal Safety. He gave us a talk about personal             Gaisce leaders & TY Coordinator; in two groups;
safety     and     taught    us     some     useful     self-       completed a 10k walk from Baltray to Clogherhead or
defence techniques. This was a highlight for all students           vice versa, stopping off at Seapoint for a picnic lunch.
as it was fun, interesting but really important as well. We
                                                                    The weather was fantastic, the scenery magnificent and
are learning so much about ourselves through all of these
                                                                    everybody loved the fun, friendship and fresh air!
                                                                    A great start to the year ahead!
Something that everyone has gotten great enjoyment
from is our link up with Nursing Homes. Usually we would
be able to visit the elderly in Nursing homes and similar
settings but instead for this year, in our form classes we
have all been given a pen pal. We wrote
letters to residents in nursing homes in the North
East area. We all loved this idea, especially because it
is Christmas time and we wanted them to have something
that would make them smile and feel a little less lonely

On the 17th of December 2020, Fr. Colm O’Mahony, the
prior of the Augustinian Catholic church Drogheda, paid a
brief visit to Our Lady’s College Greenhills. His special visit

was in order to present the John Paul II award members
and Transition year students with a charitable donation.
On his visit, he reminded the girls of the importance of
community and relationships, especially during these
difficult times. He commended the students and teachers                 The pupils got a chance to learn how to
of Our Lady's College on their good work in the wider                   use the sewing machine and learn
community. An example was given of the relationship our                 some embroidery stitches. Other First
secondary school has maintained and cherished with the                  Year pupils have been developing their
Augustinians for 30 years!                                              cookery skills by making a range of
                                                                        dishes such as; queen cakes, scones,
His donation was deeply appreciated by the respective                   crepes and many more. Meanwhile
students and teachers and they would like to express their              Second Year pupils have been getting
gratitude to Fr. Colm and the Augustinian Friars for their              festive they have completed their
continuous support and generosity.                                      Classroom Based Assessment
                                                                        and upcycled some old
Home Economics Dept                                                     materials or items to make
First Year Home Economics pupils have been very busy                    Christmas stockings and
this term making their own facemasks.                                   cushions.

                                                                       Images of Cross Stitch
                                                                       Projects completed by
                                                                       Transition Year Students

The Hotel Catering and Hospitality students took part
in a tourism trail around Drogheda. They got a chance to
become a tour guide for the day and see all the
interesting and exciting sites in Drogheda.
The Home Economics Teachers hope the Home Economics
students will continue to develop their cookery and
sewing skills over the festive period. From all the Teachers
in the Home Economics Department we would like to
express our gratitude to parents and guardians for

helping to prepare the pupils for cookery and sewing
lessons. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.

Drawda                            ision
The Drawdavision competition was organized by TY
students in Our Ladys College Greenhills. This year due to
Covid-19, a TY play with St Josephs and St Marys schools
will not be taking place, so instead

The Drawdavison was held. Based on the Eurovision,
groups from schools across Drogheda took part in the
competition. Participants created videos, lip-syncing to
either a Eurovision song or a song that was given the
“Eurovision treatment”.
The event was held over zoom for TY students on
Wednesday the 16th of December. The bake sale that was
held in November, was arranged to raise funds for prizes            The girls of the Orchestra in Our Lady's College,
for the competition.                                                Greenhills, Drogheda used their musical talent to help
                                                                    raise some well deserved funds for the workers on the
On the day the internet wasn’t on ourside but presenters
                                                                    front line in the Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda during this
Kira, Kaitlin, Aimee and Mortem managed to pull through
because the show must go on. There were 17 amazing
acts but our very own act from Greenhills, Skibidy,
                                                                    This is our way of saying thank you to those risking their
managed to seal the win by one point.
                                                                    lives every day to help those in need.
by Aimee Carroll
                                                                    Big Thanks to Liam Reilly for orgainising this event

Sports Development
Greenhills Virtual Run to Lapland

Last year, Our Lady's College, Greenhills
began the task of raising money for a
badly needed upgrade of our sports
                                                                                     All who contributed will
facilities within the school.                                                        definitely be on Santa’s good
                 These facilities are an                                             list.

                 essential part of school
                 activities and also cater for
                 the wider community within
                 the town, for sport and
                 community gatherings.
The main focus of the efforts will be
towards the construction of a new Astro
Turf Pitch which will encourage students
to get involved in various sports, while
also catering for the wider community.

In continuing with the fantastic efforts made
by students, teachers and the wider Greenhills
Community, students and staff took on the challenge of
running from 'Greenhills to Lapland'.
Each person who participated in the challenge was asked
to complete 5km in order to accumulate the 3499km from
our school to Santa's House in Lapland.
All students and their families were encouraged to take
part in this unique event that not only raised much
needed funds, but also encouraged community
participation and promoted health and well-being among
young people and their families.

                                                               The Sports Development Committee would like to thank
                                                               all students, staff and parents/guardians for supporting
                                                               this event.

                                                               A big thanks to Mr. Conway for co-ordinating this event

This year we also looked to those in need. Students
donated to SVP and ten percent of the money raised was
donated to SVP.

Zooming with the Sisters of the Siena!                              The app, it’s called Memory Haven, aims to support
The 6th year exam religion class communicated with the              patients living with dementia by helping them with
Dominican Sisters, in a Covid19 friendly way! The small,            memory loss challenges such as recognising friends and
intimate class of 12 experienced an online Zoom call with           relatives as well as communicating their needs through
the tech-savvy, modern Dominican Sisters. The Zoom call             speaking.
was an informal chat regarding questions the students               It is a fantastic achievement and the app will bring hope
had for the Sisters. The Sisters told the eager class all           to the lives of many.
about their lives before and during the sisterhood, their
vocation, their values of life and their view as a Christian        Congratulations Joy.
nun to some issues in today's society.
                                                                    Read below an article written by Joy on her

                                                                    Technovation is an international app competition focused
                                                                    on encouraging girls to get into STEM by solving social
                                                                    problems in their area. This year over 1,500 teams
                                                                    entered from across the world and it was announced on
We found it really interesting to hear how the Sisters feel         August 14th that my friends and I had won not only the
they are in conversation with God all day long, while some          Senior Division Grand Prize but also the People’s Choice
of us go to mass or pray to be near God their whole lives           award with our app Memory Haven. Memory Haven is an
are dedicated to him.                                               app designed to support and promote the independence
                                                                    of people living with Dementia while assisting their
This conversation was extremely helpful to the students             friends, families and caregivers. It currently
completing      their   exam     religion   coursework              has many features in development for example – a photo
which includes topics such as structural violence and               wallet which uses AI to tag photos so people living with
contemplative practices. Both students, Sisters and                 Dementia can recognise family and friends and play
teachers involved thoroughly enjoyed the modern way of              photos back as slideshows, a music playlist feature which
interaction and have even made new friends!                         creates playlists based on user’s emotions, memory
                                                                    games, reminder alerts and much more. The app is set to
Greenhills Student Wins Tech Competition.                           launch in the last week of October on both
                                                                    google play and apple store.
                                                                    The competition’s format changed this year because of
                                                                    COVID-19. Normally, the regional final is held at
                                                                    Microsoft Dream-Space in Dublin and the final is held in
                                                                    America – (in San Franisco or California) and finalists have
                                                                    an all-expenses paid trip over there in August but this year
                                                                    it was all held online and for the finals we had to do a live
                                                                    pitch in front of three judges, who are very high-up there
Greenhills student Joy Njekwe with Rachel Akano and                 in the tech field. Though it was held online, it was
Margaret Akano have won the world’s most prestigious                still cool because there were cyber-security workshops
technology competition for girls with an innovative app             that we were all able to attend for example.
they designed to help people whose families have been               After winning, life has been a little hectic. We have done
impacted by dementia.                                               interviews with the likes of RTÉ Radio, RTÉ
The girls chose their project after losing a family                 News2day, TodayFM, BBC and many more over the past
member to Alzheimer’s. Sisters Margaret and Racheal                 few weeks and have been asked to speak at Future
Akano attend the Sacred Heart School while Joy is a                 Human – one of the first major tech events to go hybrid in
proud student of Greenhills.                                        October. We have also been potentially nominated for a
                                                                    couple of awards and have a few other side projects
Their hope is that their app, which with the help of                planned for later in the year. Overall the experience has
Microsoft is expected to launch in the US and Europe                been unreal, and I’m excited for what is to come.
shortly, can help other families affected by the disease.

The school would like to thank all staff and students for their efforts to date in
adhering with the Covid Protocols in the School.
The school would like to pay particular thanks to all our ancillary staff who have
worked tirelessly in the school since our return in August to keep the school a safe
place for us all.

They are:
     Bonnie McPhillips                                 Carmel Murphy
      Mary Loughran                                   Susan McDonnell
    Barbara McGuinness                                Paulina Wolanin
        Mary Rose                                        Jackie Leech
       Gerry Martin                                    Caitriona Tuite
       Martin Mullen                                      Laura Hill
      Barbara Mullen                                    Mandy Clarke
    Dorothy Shelbourne                                  Linda Cassidy
      Sanita Stepane                                     Ron Barrow
                                 Carel Mienie for all his work supporting students and
                                 teachers in IT & Digital Platforms,
                                 and to
                                 Paddy Brennan for helping teachers and
                                 school management throughout
                                 the year.

Covid-19 Updates                                    Absences
Travelling abroad                                               The school encourages your daughter to attend school
Any student who travels abroad over the Christmas Period        every day. If your daughter is absent from school, all
must adhere to the HSE guidelines and restrict movement         parents/guardians are asked to submit an “Absentee
for 14 days on return.                                          Form” on the school app. This should be completed
                                                                before 9am each day. This should be completed as soon
The following information is from the HSE website.              as you know your daughter will be absent from school.
coronavirus-at-home/if-you-live-with-someone-who-has            Signing Students out of School for
-coronavirus.html                                               Appointments or Illness
                                                                 Students who need to leave school during the day for
                                                                appointments or due to illness must be collected from the
                                                                Main Reception Area by a Parent/Guardian. Students
                                                                signing out for appointments are required to have a
                                                                “Permission to Leave Note” sent in on the school app
                                                                prior to collection. Your daughters form teacher/year
                                                                head and school office receive the permission to leave
                                                                note. Your daughter must then seek permission from her
                                                                form teacher/year head and sign out at the school office
                                                                before she leaves. Your daughter must also record the
                                                                time she is leaving in her school journal.

                                                                Late Notes
                                                                All students must be in their first class by 8:55am each
                                                                day. If your daughter is late into school, all parents/
When you should restrict your movements                         guardians are requested to submit a late note form on the
Restrict your movements for 14 days if YOU                      school app. This should be completed as soon as you
                                                                know your daughter will be late for school. Your daughter
 are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
                                                                must then report to the school office on entrance to the
 live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19,
   but you feel well
 arrive in Ireland from another country, unless you're
   coming from a green region or Northern Ireland               Parent/Guardian Notes
                                                                All parents/guardians can submit a note to a teacher by
                                                                completing the “Parent Note” Section on the school app.
                                                                This note will then be forwarded to the relevant teacher.

                                                                VSWare Access
                                                                All student reports are now available on VSware only.
                                                                Parents/Guardians should contact the school office if they
                                                                have a problem accessing their daughter’s reports on
                                                                VSware. All details about student attendance, behaviour
                                                                and progress are available on VSware and as such it is a
You should restrict your movements because there is a           very important and valuable source of information for
chance you may have COVID-19. You can spread the                Parents /Guardians.
virus even if you do not have symptoms. By following
this advice, you can keep other people safe.

Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
      to all our
  and their Families
     Stay Safe

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