Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...

Page created by Sarah Sparks
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School

         Phase 3 Plan & Schedules

Our Lady of Victory School • olvnorthville.org • (248) 349-3610
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Remote Learning Plan Overview

Attendance Policy

If your child is sick, or unable to attend a whole/small group lesson, the parent must

contact the teacher that is scheduled to instruct. (PK-3 homeroom teacher, 4-8 any

teacher whose class will be missed.)

The teachers will take attendance at all synchronous, whole/small group meetings. If a

child has more than one undocumented absence a week school administration will

contact the family.

Grading & Accountability

We will maintain our standard method of grading for all students K-8. Late work policies

will be up to the individual teachers to establish and will be communicated according

to the assignment. (All due dates will be posted.) During remote learning, there will

always be a 24 hour grace period. After that, a deduction may occur based upon the

grade level and teacher policy.

Summative Assessments

Tests and quizzes will still be given. It is expected that an adult will proctor the

assessment to ensure that academic integrity is upheld. (Some teachers may choose to

proctor the test via Zoom as well.)

STAR assessments will still be given as scheduled. Further directions will be sent home

prior to the February and May testing windows. (These tests will be proctored by OLV

staff via Zoom.)
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Weekly Homeroom Virtual Planner

Each child will receive a weekly virtual planner on Google Slides. (Examples below)

Each homeroom will have a slide per day that lists the daily schedule and has easy to

navigate links. (Links are highlighted in the example below) Using the virtual planner will

provide the students with a “one-stop” home page that will direct them to where they

need to be and when. *Small group times will also be highlighted with a link.

PK-2 Example:

3rd Grade Example:

4/5th Grade Example:
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Middle School Examples:
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Google Classroom

All students in PK-8 will use this platform to access the recorded lessons and submit

completed work. Grades may be populated in Google Classroom for students in

grades 3-8.


All final grades will be populated into FACTS. This is where all report card grades will be

generated. Any missing or late assignments will still be documented in the grade book.

Teachers will be utilizing FACTS for daily attendance.

Color Coding (PK-5)

On the class schedules, all green highlighting represents a live lesson. Blue highlighting

is for The Learning Center (TLC) teacher times with homerooms.

Middle School

The middle school schedule is presented in a block style. All core subjects are in blue.

Each core subject is blocked for 1.5 hours. This will allow for a live lesson along with work

time either alone or with teacher assistance. The teacher will be available for their

entire scheduled block. Students will NOT be expected to be on their device for the

entire school day.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...

All students in PK-8 will continue to receive specials. The teachers for PK-5 students will

record lessons. The students will be provided one lesson, per special a week. They will

have until the following week to complete any assigned work.

Middle School has time on Fridays to work on their assignments for specials. The

assignment due dates and activities expected for middle school electives may vary

from the rest of the school.

The Learning Center (TLC)

Mrs. Bierley(K-2), Ms. Zylka (Study Skills K-2), Mrs. Wright (3-5), and Mrs. Baird (6-8) have all

created their own schedules. They will continue to work with small groups and individual

children based on teacher input and needs that arise. If your child is scheduled to work

with a TLC teacher you will be notified via email from their homeroom teacher or the

TLC teacher themselves.

Live (Zoom) Lesson Etiquette

   ●   The name that appears when you login to Zoom should be either your name or a

       parent name. This will ensure that the teacher knows who is being accepted into

       the classroom.

   ●   Zoom links should not be shared with anyone outside of the classroom roster.

   ●   Clothing should be school appropriate.

   ●   Choose a work space where you will not be distracted, with a computer and all

       the materials you will need for class.

   ●    Always be respectful and use academic integrity.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
Grade-Level Schedules

●   3-year-olds (Tues, Thurs)

●   4-year-olds (Mon, Wed, Fri)

●   Young 5s

●   Kindergarten

      ■       Blazejewski

      ■       Bonathan

      ■       Shattock

●   First Grade

          ■    Guirey

          ■    Maslak

●   Second Grade

●   Third Grade

●   Fourth & Fifth Grade

●   Middle School
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Phase 3 Plan & Schedules 2020-2021 - Our Lady of Victory School olvnorthville.org (248) 349-3610 - Our ...
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