Our Dry Weather Plan South East Water's 2021 draft drought plan - Appendix U: Communication Action Plan - South East Water's 2021 draft ...

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Our Dry Weather Plan South East Water's 2021 draft drought plan - Appendix U: Communication Action Plan - South East Water's 2021 draft ...
Our Dry Weather Plan
South East Water’s 2021 draft
drought plan

Appendix U: Communication Action Plan

September 2021

South East Water
Rocfort Road
Our Dry Weather Plan South East Water's 2021 draft drought plan - Appendix U: Communication Action Plan - South East Water's 2021 draft ...
Drought Plan | September 2021


Appendix U     Communication Action Plan                                           3
1.1     Introduction                                                               3
1.2     Drought Severity 0 – normal                                                3
1.2.1   Description                                                                3
1.2.2   Drought Level 0 - communication action plan                                4
1.3     Drought Severity 1 – developing drought                                    8
1.3.1   Description                                                                8
1.3.2   Drought Level 1 - communication action plan                                9
1.4     Drought Severity 2 – moderate drought                                    13
1.4.1   Description                                                              13
1.4.2   Drought Level 2 - communication action plan                              14
1.5     Drought Severity 3 – severe drought                                      20
1.5.1   Description                                                              20
1.5.2   Drought Level 3 - communication action plan                              22
1.6     Emergency plan activated                                                 29
1.7     Drought recession                                                        29
1.7.1   Drought recession - communication action plan                            30
1.8     Post drought                                                             30
1.8.1   Post drought - communication action plan                                 30

Drought Plan | September2021

Appendix U                       Communication Action Plan

1.1       Introduction
This appendix sets out our communication action plan. It links with the drought severity levels
and our communication actions as part of the wider Dry Weather Plan.

Specific communication actions are required in the different drought severity levels. The
communication action plan details how we will tailor specific communication actions for
different audience groups. The action plan sets out:

     Which audience group specific actions apply to
     The key messages for these audiences
     When the actions will be taken in response to crossing drought triggers
     Any subsequent actions we will take.

The tables included for each drought severity level provide examples of campaign ideas
which we will review and implement where appropriate and according to which stage of
drought we are in. As the situation develops, appropriate activities in previous sections will
continue to run alongside the new ones.

We recognise that it is important we are able to tell if our water saving campaigns and demand
actions are making a difference, particularly in the early stages of a drought as if not they may
require us to implement a temporary use ban earlier than planned. The Drought
Communications Manager will review and report back to the drought management team on all
activities and work with our Insight team to measure effectiveness.

We are committed to longer term behavioural message design to support our customers’
resilience and reduce water usage. Our business as usual messaging is based on these
methods including neighbourhood comparison social norming techniques. We also recognise
however that not all customers will engage in this approach and behaviours can only be
meaningfully shifted as a result of longer term work.

It is important this the plan is agile and able to adapt to the context of the particular drought
being experienced and our evaluation of customer behaviour during the event.

1.2       Drought Severity 0 – normal
1.2.1     Description
We have an ongoing water efficiency campaign which includes close communication with all
the audience groups. This process begins around Easter time and continues during warm or
dry periods with promotion of water efficiency messages, irrespective of water resource
levels. If the Met Office and Environment Agency release notably or exceptionally low rainfall
communications messages we expect increased customer and media queries.

Standard briefings, statements and advertisements are already available for this level of

Drought Plan | September2021

The slogan ‘Water’s Worth Saving’ from an innovation sprint during summer 2020 organised
by Water UK and Waterwise will be used, where appropriate, throughout all our
communications (or alternative joint national campaigns as developed in future years).

What’s new for Dry Weather Plan 2021:

     Use of WhatsApp to brief staff in the Field
     Water efficiency training for staff
     Water’s Worth Saving recognition awards

1.2.2      Drought Level 0 - communication action plan
    Audience      Actions                                      Comments

    Internal      Promote water efficiency activities via      We want employees to be
    employees     intranet Gurgle, Spout! (our staff           ambassadors for water
                  magazine), Team briefs and staff             efficiency.
                  induction programme.

                  Core brief to include water resource         South East Water provides a
                  update explaining what we are doing.         monthly Core Brief to
                                                               employees. This will include
                                                               latest messages about water
                                                               resources and the actions we
                                                               are taking.

                  Water efficiency training for Customer       To enable our staff to talk
                  Service agents including information on      confidently about water saving
                  our giveaways on the Save Water Save         and to encourage customers to
                  Money website.                               send for the free water efficiency

                  Briefing to field staff via Team             New WhatsApp group to be
                  Briefs/WhatsApp.                             used to get up to date
                                                               information out.

                  Write internal communications stories to     Idea for the Water’s Worth
                  promote Water’s Worth Saving                 Saving recognition awards came
                  recognition awards with staff and            from the stakeholder innovation
                  encourage them to join in and also to talk   sprint.
                  to customers about them.

                  Ensure briefed on the water situation        Explain that the water resource
                  messages.                                    situation is normal, but that we
                                                               always ask people to use water

    Regulators    Include update on the water resources        Explain that the water resource
                  situation at regular meetings.               situation is normal, but work
                                                               together to promote water
                                                               efficiency messages.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                     Comments

              If necessary update on South East           If other companies advise they
              Water’s situation via letter/email.         are reaching drought triggers
                                                          then we would proactively
                                                          contact Regulators
                                                          (Environment Agency, Natural
                                                          England and CCW in particular).

              Updates in ‘The Source’ e-zine.             South East Water e-newsletter
                                                          for all stakeholders.

Customers     Keep the South East Water website           Ensure links to water efficiency
(household)   updated.                                    messages and reservoir level
                                                          data and the online water
                                                          calculator (interactive
                                                          opportunity to learn about your
                                                          own water use and how you
                                                          could save more), plus a link to
                                                          the free water efficiency
                                                          products. We will show ‘This is
                                                          what we are doing’ to then ask
                                                          our customers to do their bit to
                                                          help out. Water efficient
                                                          gardening and drought resistant
                                                          plants will also be highlighted on
                                                          the website.

              ‘Great water butt giveaway’ and water       Competition run on website and
              efficiency promotions via customer bills.   social media to encourage
                                                          people to complete an online
                                                          water audit and be entered in
                                                          prize to win a water butt.

              Summer water efficiency trailer roadshow    South East Water attends
              and school education/community talk         summer shows with our water
              programme.                                  efficiency trailer, manned by
                                                          staff and giving advice to
                                                          customers. Throughout the
                                                          school year we visit schools and
                                                          community groups to give a talk
                                                          about water and water

              Water situation map                         Along with updating the amount
                                                          of water in our reservoirs, we will
                                                          be using an idea from the South
                                                          African experience of a water
                                                          resource map showing in the
                                                          traffic light system how much
                                                          water we have in each area.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                     Comments

              Water’s Worth Saving recognition awards     Idea for the Water’s Worth
              for your home/garden/school/club/charity.   Saving recognition awards came
                                                          from the stakeholder innovation
                                                          sprint which we will trial for

              Water use community champion                Another idea from the
              competitions boosted by partnerships e.g.   stakeholder innovation sprint
              dirty car art.                              which we will trial for 2021.

              Customer water efficiency messaging in      Idea came from the stakeholder
              key high footfall locations.                innovation sprint which we can
                                                          trial in 2021.

              Promote our free water efficiency           Regular mentions via press
              products on our website.                    releases, customer contact and
                                                          social media.

              Social media targeted campaigns tailored    We use Twitter, Facebook and
              at different audience groups.               Instagram to regularly promote
                                                          water efficiency messages and

Water         Via National Drought Group, WRSE            Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular
companies     Comms Group and Water UK check              close contact. Agree joint
(wholesale)   situation/messages of other water           messages and campaigns.
              companies.                                  Prepare WRSE stakeholder

Water         Regular meetings with Wholesale Service     Meeting will confirm agreed
Companies     Desk for them to onward communicate         actions required from both
(retail)      with Retailers – clear messaging required   wholesale and retail (activity is
              as to what they communicate on to NHH       unlikely at this stage other than
              customers.                                  usual water efficiency work).

              Initiate Water’s Worth Saving recognition   Idea for the Water’s Worth
              awards with retailers passing on            Saving recognition awards came
              information to their customers.             from the stakeholder innovation
                                                          sprint which we will trial for

              Annual update every Jan/Feb on water        Requested by retailers at the
              resource situation to all Retailers and     innovation sprint. Look at
              NAVs.                                       adapting The Source e-Zine for

              Organise with Retailers workshops and       Requested by retailers at the
              networking events about saving water.       innovation sprint.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience       Actions                                       Comments

Community      WRSE communications.                          Activities via the WRSE Comms
                                                             group will update that resource
                                                             levels normal.

               Updates in The Source e-zine.                 South East Water e-newsletter
                                                             for all stakeholders.

               Local Resilience Forums                       Membership of LRF’s across the
                                                             area ensures South East Water
                                                             keep people updated on the
                                                             water resources.

Key            WRSE communications                           Activities via the WRSE Comms
Stakeholders                                                 group will update that resource
                                                             levels are normal.

               Updates in ‘The Source’.                      South East Water e-newsletter
                                                             for all stakeholders.

               Work with stakeholders such as local          Trial with Ashford Borough
               authorities on joint water efficiency         Council 2020/21 to be rolled out
               initiatives.                                  if successful.

               Promote Water’s Worth Saving                  Continuous promotion using
               recognition awards with stakeholders to       case studies.
               encourage take up within their

               Encourage the setting up of water use         Trial area to provide us with
               community champion competitions               case studies.
               boosted by partnerships e.g. dirty car art.

               Work with social and private landlords to     To connect with an umbrella
               help tenants change behaviour – their         organisation to help reach this
               social responsibility.                        target customer base.

               Work with local authorities to show where     Trial with Ashford Borough
               water is used in public places highlight      Council 2020/21 to be rolled out
               when the water is recycled e.g. water         if successful.
               fountain to inspire people to reuse their
               water if they can see it done in public

Media          Prepare and release press statements          Explain that the water resource
               (particularly if other regions are in         situation in our area is normal,
               drought).                                     but that we always ask people to
                                                             use water wisely using the
                                                             Water’s Worth Saving slogan.

Drought Plan | September2021

    Audience     Actions                                 Comments

                 Proactive press releases.               Messages promoting water
                                                         efficiency, particularly in the
                                                         garden e.g. water butt
                                                         giveaways. South East Water
                                                         will ensure consistency with
                                                         other water companies via the
                                                         WRSE Comms group.

                 Promote website via social media.       Use social media to keep
                                                         directing people to water
                                                         efficiency information.

1.3       Drought Severity 1 – developing drought
1.3.1     Description
Once we hit developing drought triggers, a pre-planned media campaign would be instigated.
This campaign would aim to intensify the message, linking the demand for water directly to the
impact on rivers, reservoirs and groundwater in order to:

     Create sharp increase in customer awareness of the need to save water
     Make customers think about the impact of the way they use water
     Suppress demand for water
     Link demand for water to environmental impacts

The water efficiency campaigns run under ‘normal’ conditions will continue, but they will be
promoted more and we will begin to look for further campaign opportunities.

The Drought Communications Manager would commence a weekly report on what we've
actioned and achieved - reviewed at the end of each week. This activity will continue
throughout the drought period until confirmed return to normal.

The slogan Water’s Worth Saving from an innovation sprint last summer organised by Water
UK and Waterwise will be used throughout all our communications (or alternative joint national
campaigns as developed in future years).

In the tables below are examples of campaign ideas which we will review and implement where
appropriate and according to which stage of drought we are in. As the situation develops,
appropriate activities in previous sections will continue to run alongside the new ones. It may
be that during a developing drought period there are short term very high demand periods,
such as during a heatwave. In these cases the Communications Manager may implement
some of the tools from the moderate/severe stages to help reduce demand.

What’s new for Dry Weather Plan 2021:

     CEO online briefs to all employees

Drought Plan | September2021

     Water efficiency blogs using influencers to reach targeted demographics and water users
      to make a difference and shared via appropriate social media channels
     Water resource situation map to visualise where drought developing so consumers know
      where action needed
     Communications Manager will review communications tools in moderate/severe drought
      activities and may implement if appropriate and significant high demand is seen.

1.3.2      Drought Level 1 - communication action plan
    Audience     Actions                                    Comments

    Internal     Core Brief message.                        Explain that South East Water is now
    employees                                               in developing drought, and that the Dry
                                                            Weather Plan has been implemented.
                                                            We will show what we are doing to
                                                            prepare for drought.

                 Intranet update to link through to         Reinforce importance of messages for
                 website information.                       customers about using water wisely.

                 CEO Briefings to include water             South East Water’s CEO delivers
                 resources and raise understanding in       regular monthly briefings via Zoom to
                 the business.                              all employees and monthly senior
                                                            management meetings.

                 Implement Customer Service                 Customer Service staff are talking to
                 competition to encourage promotion of      customers on a daily basis so they can
                 water efficiency devices and remind        help to encourage water efficiency and
                 them of their water efficiency training.   promote the free water efficiency
                                                            products on our website.

                 Briefing to field staff via Team Briefs    Provide water efficiency messaging,
                 and the WhatsApp group                     leaflets and devices to hand out.

                 Prepare training material for staff        Ahead of reaching moderate drought
                 regarding Temporary Use Ban.               status a full additional, more detailed
                                                            training plan for Customer Service staff
                                                            should be developed.

                 Continue to promote the Water’s Worth      Start building up case studies from the
                 Saving recognition awards                  trial.

                 Use case studies to promote the water      Promoting water efficiency through our
                 use community champion competitions        top water savers from the trial.
                 boosted by partnerships e.g. dirty car

    Regulators   South East Water will provide updates      Use meetings as opportunity to advise
                 to the Environment Agency on the           on situation and to explain actions
                 Water Resource position and await          South East Water is taking.
                 Environment Agency to instigate
                 further drought meetings.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                 Comments

              Update Natural England on the Water     Use meetings as opportunity to advise
              Resource position at monthly meetings   on situation and to explain actions
                                                      South East Water is taking.

              Keep updated on situation via email.    Proactively contact Regulators
                                                      (Environment Agency, Natural
                                                      England, and CCW in particular).

Customers     Updating the South East Water           Update homepage to ensure water
(household)   website homepage and water              efficiency message is visible and raise
              resources pages                         that South East Water is now in
                                                      developing drought.

                                                      We will show ‘This is what we are
                                                      doing’ to then ask our customers to do
                                                      their bit to help out.

                                                      Begin a monthly resource situation

              Pledge campaign posters                 South East Water has a ‘make a
                                                      pledge’ webpage where customers can
              Water’s Worth Saving                    pledge different water efficiency
                                                      promises. This promotion would be
                                                      widely promoted on social media and
                                                      via My Account. Customer email
                                                      campaign to begin.

              WRSE website                            This is the joint water company
                                                      website that should now be updated to
                                                      explain South East Water (and any
                                                      others) in developing drought.

              Water situation map                     Along with updating the amount of
                                                      water in our reservoirs, we will be
                                                      using an idea from the South African
                                                      experience of a water resource map
                                                      showing in the traffic light system how
                                                      much water we have in each area.

              Continue with social media messaging    Using influencers, particularly bloggers

              Proactively approach events for         Double the number of events attended
              summer roadshow and                     during normal conditions
              schools/community groups for talks

              Continue to promote the website Save    Contact people who have these to use
              Water Save Money to send for water      as case studies
              efficiency products

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                  Comments

              Praise positive behaviour and say        Keep repeating this where possible
              thank you to all the people saving

              Continue to promote the Water’s Worth    Build up case studies
              Saving recognition awards

              Use case studies to promote the water    Build up case studies
              use community champion competitions
              boosted by partnerships e.g dirty car

              Customer water efficiency messaging      To reach large number of people
              in key high footfall locations.

              Update the school/community talk         South East Water has dedicated
              slides and brief speakers.               school speakers who will be briefed on
                                                       latest situation.

Water         Via WRSE Comms Group and Water           Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
companies     UK check situation/messages of other     contact. Agree joint messages and
(wholesale)   water companies.                         prepare WRSE stakeholder newsletter.

              Begin drought related communications     Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
              with Affinity Water and Southern Water   contact.
              Services regarding bulk supplies and
              shared use arrangements.

Water         Regular meetings with Wholesale          Meetings will confirm agreed actions
companies     Service Desk                             required from both wholesale and
                                                       retail. (Activity unlikely at this stage
(retail)                                               other than usual water efficiency work).

              Continue to promote the Water’s Worth    To build up case studies to use in
              Saving recognition awards                promotion.

              Regional drought groups to give          We will look at sending out a retail
              regular consistent messaging to          version of The Source.
              Retailers and NAVs throughout the
              year about worsening water situation

              Arrange with Retailers a workshop for    To trial 2021 in a water stressed area.
              businesses on how to save water

Community     WRSE stakeholder newsletter              Prepare a newsletter to update that
                                                       South East Water is now in developing
                                                       drought, drought actions and next

              Update via ‘The Source’                  Send further update via The Source e-

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience       Actions                                   Comments

               Local Resilience Forums                   Our membership of LRF’s across the
                                                         area ensures South East Water keeps
                                                         people updated on drought status.
                                                         Provide access to any campaign
                                                         materials to share via a dedicated
                                                         stakeholder webpage.

               Commence discussions with local           Give heads up that South East Water
               authorities with regard to watering       is concerned, check details of who
               regimes for parks and gardens.            most appropriate contacts for updates.

Key            WRSE stakeholder newsletter and our       Prepare a newsletter to update that
Stakeholders   The Source e-zine using press release     South East Water is now in developing
               material                                  drought, drought actions and next

               Explain actions we are taking and         This is what we are doing.
               report on their impact

               Praise positive behaviour and say         To show that people are listening
               thank you to all the people saving

               Continue to promote the Water’s Worth     To build up case studies
               Saving recognition awards

               Use case studies to promote the water     To build up case studies
               use community champion competitions
               boosted by partnerships e.g. dirty car

               Work with social and private landlords    Continue with messaging
               to help tenants change behaviour –
               their social responsibility

Stakeholders   Newsletter updating them on the           Details on how vulnerable customers
representing   situation and how it affects vulnerable   can sign up for the priority Service
vulnerable     customers                                 Register

Media          Prepare press statements                  Explaining next steps/plans

               Proactive press releases to stimulate     Explain details of the dry period e.g.
               increased TV and radio coverage           “We have had below average rainfall
                                                         for X of last X months.” Call for
                                                         voluntary restraint. Alert customers to
                                                         where on South East Water’s website
                                                         to find updates

Drought Plan | September2021

 Audience      Actions                                    Comments

               Proactive press release to trade           To talk directly to high users of water
               publications such as the NFU and the       such as farmers to make them aware
               CLA South East                             of the situation

               Start a water efficiency blog and          The blog is a fun and friendly update
               promote messages via                       on water efficiency ideas, as the
               Twitter/Facebook                           drought develops this can be used to
                                                          continue to update customers

               Approach local TV/radio/news online to     This would be similar to the pollen
               get water resource situation included in   information
               weather update

               Praise positive behaviour and say          Keep using the Water’s Worth Saving
               thank you to all the people saving         slogan

               Continue to promote the Water’s Worth      Issue press release
               Saving recognition awards

               Use case studies to promote the water      Issue press release
               use community champion competitions
               boosted by partnerships e.g. dirty car

               Use poster campaign in local               Develop poster campaign.
               newspapers (4-week campaign) and
               local radio adverts.                       Be careful that the posters messages
                                                          are appropriate given any changing
                                                          weather patterns.

                                                          Radio adverts will be short, sharp
                                                          memorable messages and practical
                                                          advice and we would look to do these
                                                          with our neighbouring water

                                                          Also to work on advertorials for local
                                                          newspapers and community
                                                          newsletters in areas particularly badly

1.4     Drought Severity 2 – moderate drought
1.4.1   Description
At this point, we would move from background publicity to a much higher intensity campaign
and make direct appeals for the public to reduce their demand for water in order to reduce or
delay the use of temporary use bans.

Drought Plan | September2021

It is important our messaging always outlines what we are doing (e.g. operational
management activities) alongside how customers can help.

Company specific and joint communications work, if other companies are experiencing
similar conditions, will progress at this stage. Preparations for the implementation of Phase 1
of the temporary use ban will begin and the ban will be implemented when necessary
depending on the time of year for maximum impact.

Where temporary use bans are considered, we will advertise this fact widely in the local
press, via local authorities and on the corporate website, together with a detailed explanation
of the classes of use affected. We will state how customers may make representations and in
what time period these representations will be considered. A two-week period in which
customers may respond to the proposals is anticipated to be given (the consultation period is
short because the plan requires restrictions to be implemented rapidly in order to curtail
demand effectively). (See Section 3.3.4 of our Dry Weather Plan for more information)

We will run hard-hitting water efficiency campaigns comparing different areas with how much
water is being saved and using case studies to show people that it is possible to reduce
water use even more. As the situation develops, appropriate activities in previous sections
will continue to run alongside the hard-hitting new ones.

What’s new for Dry Weather Plan 2021:

     Hard-hitting messaging appealing for reduction in water use
     Daily graph showing how much water is being used overall to be used proactively with
      website, social media, email campaigns
     “Out-Of-Home” digital advertising opportunities
     Praising towns where there has been a drop in water use

1.4.2     Drought Level 2 - communication action plan
    Audience     Actions                                 Comments

    Internal     Core Brief message.                     Explain that South East Water is now in
    employees                                            moderate drought, and the actions the
                                                         company is taking showing this is what we
                                                         are doing.

                 Intranet update to link through to      Reinforce importance of messages for
                 website information.                    customers about using water wisely.

                 Q&A’s for employees.                    Ensure Customer Service Staff and Field
                                                         teams are briefed. To also use the
                                                         WhatsApp group

                 Members of the Drought Management       This will enable fast alert to staff on
                 Team to attend Team Briefs across the   situation.
                                                         Can be held via Zoom to quickly get
                                                         messages across.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience     Actions                                  Comments

             Posters up around offices.               When we know a temporary use ban is
                                                      being introduced to remind staff of date.

             Roll out staff training on Temporary     This will be both Customer Service staff
             Use Ban.                                 and key customer facing staff (e.g.
                                                      samplers, debt team, and meter readers).

             Messaging to be included on the          We can quickly update the messages as
             departmental Customer Service            the situation develops. They can then be
             information screens                      used to answer customer questions.

             Screensaver                              To be changed regularly

             Brief staff about our customers who      So staff can use our top water savers
             have taken part in the Water’s Worth     from the awards as examples to others
             Saving recognition awards

             Use case studies internally as well as   To illustrate how others have reduced
             externally to showcase our top water     their water use - so you can too
             use community champions boosted by
             partnerships e.g. dirty car art

             Login alert and email to all staff.      The login alert is a pop-up message that
                                                      the IS team can set up to show on the
                                                      computer screen when a member of staff
                                                      logs into their computer. This will be put in
                                                      place for the day South East Water
                                                      announces the temporary use ban so all
                                                      staff are aware. Customer Service staff
                                                      will also be sent briefing note and have
                                                      press release printed off on desks for
                                                      when they get in.

Regulators   Continue regular meetings with           Use meetings as opportunity to advise on
             Environment Agency to update on          situation and to explain actions South
             drought development.                     East Water is taking. This is likely to
                                                      involve discussions of upcoming drought
                                                      permit applications (when appropriate).

             Update Natural England on the Water      Use meetings as opportunity to advise on
             Resource position at monthly             situation and to explain actions South
             meetings.                                East Water is taking. This likely to involve
                                                      discussions of upcoming drought permit
                                                      applications (when appropriate).

             Keep updated on situation via email.     Proactively contact Regulators
                                                      (Environment Agency, Natural England,
                                                      CCW and Ofwat in particular).

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                  Comments

              Give CCW full briefing ahead of any      Ensure they have same Q&A’s as South
              restrictions.                            East Water staff to help their call centres
                                                       manage any contact.

              Inform DWI of drought status and         Proactively contact
              convey relevant information

Customers     Updating the South East Water            Begin to use images such as ‘before and
(household)   website homepage and water               after’ photos of reservoirs to show the
              resources pages.                         seriousness of the situation.

                                                       Begin a weekly resource situation update.

                                                       Refresh FAQ’s with ones about

                                                       We will show ‘This is what we are doing’
                                                       to then ask our customers to continue
                                                       doing their bit to help out.

              Update daily graph showing how much      To consider regionalising the graph for
              water is being used                      different towns showing which one is
                                                       using more

              Set up dedicated telephone line.         This allows South East Water to monitor
                                                       contacts specifically about drought.

              Add message to phones.                   Explain that South East Water is in
                                                       drought and where on website to find
                                                       latest information.

              Direct mail about situation – what we    Where appropriate issue direct mail outs
              are doing and how customers can          to customers affected, or include leaflets
              help.                                    and updates with any customer letters
                                                       sent (e.g. capital programme updates or
                                                       customer service letters).

              Send emails about the situation – what   Where we have email addresses. Note
              we are doing and how customers can       this is expected to increase customer
              help.                                    contacts so ensure Customer Service is
                                                       resourced to respond. Test emails before
                                                       issuing to minimise complaints.

              Water situation map                      Along with updating the amount of water
                                                       in our reservoirs, we will be using an idea
                                                       from the South African experience of a
                                                       water resource map showing in the traffic
                                                       light system how much water we have in
                                                       each area.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                                Comments

              Increase use of social media with      To support messaging from other
              harder messaging                       companies, as well as encouraging them
                                                     to use ours

              Increase summer water efficiency       South East Water attends summer shows
              trailer roadshow and school            with water efficiency trailer, manned by
              education/community talk programme.    staff and giving advice to customers.
                                                     Throughout the school year South East
                                                     Water staff visit schools and community
                                                     groups to give a talk about water and
                                                     water efficiency. We will increase the
                                                     frequency of these.

              Praise positive behaviour and say       Where customers agree to use the best
              thank you to all the people saving     examples of water saving in customer
              water                                  communications along with media
                                                     releases and social media posts

              Use the best examples of people who    By promoting the awards, we can show
              have entered the Water’s Worth         that people across our region are working
              Saving recognition awards              hard to come up with innovative ways to
                                                     save water

              Showcase the water use community       By keeping this local you can use social
              champions and their innovative ideas   and the media to promote this messaging

              Increase customer water efficiency     Keep changing messaging as needed –
              messaging in key high footfall         looking to use “out-of-home” advertising
              locations.                             opportunities

              Promote the website Save Water Save    Explain what the products do
              Money to send for water efficiency

              Provide information to update WRSE     Begin to use stronger messaging and
              website                                alert people to any upcoming restrictions.

              Update website                         Website detailing the consultation process
                                                     and showing maps of affected area

                                                     When temporary use ban actually
                                                     announced have a ‘pop-up’ message on
                                                     website during the consultation period.

Water         Via WRSE Comms Group and Water         Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
companies     UK check situation/messages of other   contact. Agree joint messages and
(wholesale)   water companies.                       prepare WRSE stakeholder newsletter.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience     Actions                                   Comments

             Continue communications with Affinity     Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
             Water and Southern Water Services         contact.
             regarding bulk supplies and shared
             use arrangements as described in
             Section 3.3.7 of our Dry Weather Plan

Water        Regular meetings with Wholesale           Meetings will confirm agreed actions
companies    Service Desk                              required from both wholesale and retail.
(retail)                                               (See ‘Customer (non-household)’, below,
                                                       for likely activities)

             Continue to promote the Waterwise
             recognition awards using case studies
             where water saving has been made to
             inspire others to do the same

             Regional drought groups to give           Send retail version of The Source
             regular consistent messaging to
             Retailers and NAVS throughout the
             year about worsening water situation

             Arrange with Retailers a workshop for     Trial in an area of water stress
             businesses on how to save water

Customers    Only following prior agreement with       This will include completing more water
(non-        non-household retailers, and only if in   efficiency audits.
household)   accordance with non-household
             market codes - Site visits to high
             demand commercial users to help
             reduce demands.

Community    Letter/Email                              Explain increasing concern and ask for
                                                       support promoting voluntary restraint –
                                                       e.g. printing articles in community
                                                       magazines and links on website.

                                                       Continue to share access to joint
                                                       campaign material

             Local Resilience Forums                   Our membership of LRF’s across the area
                                                       ensures we keep people updated on
                                                       drought status.

                                                       Continue to share access to joint
                                                       campaign material

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience       Actions                                  Comments

Key            Letter/email                             Explain increasing concern and ask for
Stakeholders                                            support promoting voluntary restraint –
                                                        e.g. printing articles in member’s
                                                        magazines and links on website.

                                                        Continue to share access to joint
                                                        campaign material

               Explain actions we are taking and        Keeping everyone informed
               report on their impact

               Praise positive behaviour and say        To show that people are responding to
               thank you to all the people saving       our pleas to save water

               Encourage stakeholders to use the        To showcase positive water saving
               best examples of people who have         behaviour and give people ideas on how
               entered the Water’s Worth Saving         they can go the extra mile to save even
               recognition awards                       more water

               Encourage stakeholders to promote        To keep the pressure on to continue to
               the water use community champions in     come up with more ways to save water
               their local area                         wherever possible

               Work with social and private landlords   To reach water users who may think the
               to help tenants change behaviour –       messaging isn’t for them
               their social responsibility

Stakeholders   Letter/email                             To reach water users who may think the
representing                                            messaging isn’t for them but in a way that
vulnerable                                              they understand without causing panic

Media          Prepare press statements                 Explaining next steps/plans, work jointly
                                                        with other water companies, Water UK
                                                        and Environment Agency.

               Proactive press releases                 Explaining latest drought situation to local
                                                        and trade publications such as the NFU.
                                                        What South East Water is doing and how
                                                        customers can help – Water’s Worth
                                                        Saving. Alert customers to where on the
                                                        website to find updates

               Joint press conference                   Work with other companies, Environment
                                                        Agency and CCW for a joint press
                                                        conference to announce moderate

Drought Plan | September2021

 Audience      Actions                                    Comments

               Advertising campaign ‘Let’s Save it’       Use advertorial style promotions of
               and ‘Water’s Worth Saving’.                explaining situation, what South East
                                                          Water is doing and how customers can

               Temporary use ban – notices                Official notice for Phase 1 to be sent to be
                                                          published in local papers (see Appendix

               Temporary use ban – press release          To coincide with publication of the notice.

               Radio adverts to begin following the       Once the restrictions are confirmed South
               two-week consultation                      East Water would begin radio campaign
                                                          to ensure people have the correct

               Friston borehole media day                 If groundwater is suffering South East
                                                          Water will arrange a media day/days to go
                                                          inside Friston borehole.

               Update local TV/radio/news online to       To get maximum publicity
               get water resource situation included in
               weather update similar to the pollen

               Praise positive behaviour and say          To thank people for positive behaviour
               thank you to all the people saving

               Use the Water’s Worth Saving               To showcase people who are going that
               recognition awards to promote the fact     extra mile to save water
               that people are saving water in a
               variety of innovative ways

               Really work with people we have            Showing good behaviour
               identified as community champions to
               promote how they are saving water in
               their area competitions boosted by
               partnerships e.g. dirty car art

               Create a Twitter Hashtag campaign to       #SaveWaterSussex #SaveWaterKent etc.
               get increase strength of messaging

1.5     Drought Severity 3 – severe drought
1.5.1   Description
At this stage we would have implemented the Phase 1 temporary use ban. Depending on the
progress of the drought we will need to prepare the public for the need for Phase 2
temporary use ban (the removal of concessions). It may be that due to speed of the drought

Drought Plan | September2021

that at the same time the drought management team will be preparing for drought orders to
restrict non-essential use of water and possible drought permits/orders. If drought
permits/orders are applied for, we will set notice with the relevant authorities and advertise
the intentions in the local media, on the corporate website and the London Gazette.

At this point, it is expected that there would be a considerable and self-sustaining media
interest in the developing situation and little if any further media stimulation would be
required. We would continue with the use of media as in moderate drought and include.

Key messages across audiences will be:

   The need for temporary use bans to reduce demand and avoid supply failure
   Details and examples of how customers can save water
   Details of how we are saving water and implementing new supplies
   Explain intention to enforce bans and the penalties for non-compliance
   Explaining the areas covered by restrictions and how to find if within affected areas
   The severity and impact that further restrictions would have on homes and businesses
   Setting out the consultation for the next phase of household temporary use bans

Once the severe drought stage has been reached we would continue to progress with the
company specific and joint communications work. It is likely by this stage that other water
companies in the South East will be experiencing the same conditions and therefore working
together and ensuring consistent approaches where applicable, or understanding of the
reasons for differences will be important.

At this stage we are likely to reach the point where we need to implement the drought order
(for non-essential use ban) and therefore widespread promotion of this will be required. Any
concessions currently in place will be removed and we will ensure all those customers who
had them are informed.

As the situation worsens the message to customers at this point will focus on the rapidly
deteriorating resources position and the need for substantial reductions in consumption. We
will highlight the increasing probability of a water supply failure and begin to indicate the
areas that will be affected by supply cuts should they become necessary as set out below:

   Explaining the phase 2 household temporary use ban
   Details and examples of how customers can continue to save water
   Progress on how the company is implementing new supplies and maximising efficiency
   Explain intention to enforce bans and the penalties for non-compliance.
   Explaining the areas covered by restrictions and how to find if within affected areas
   Explanation of demand side emergency drought orders, which may include standpipes and
    rota cuts
   The severity and impact that rota cuts will have on businesses and households
   Providing indicative locations of areas that may be subject to rota cuts

Our hard hitting water efficiency campaigns will continue to increase in intensity with very
stark messaging with the emphasis that people have to take action now. We will be working
very closely with stakeholders who are helping to get this messaging out into their

Drought Plan | September2021

communities. As the situation develops appropriate activities in previous sections will
continue to run alongside the hard hitting new ones.

What’s new for Dry Weather Plan 2021:

     Postcards to neighbourhoods where people using excess water
     Use of geo-targeting of messaging to consumers
     Dedicated stakeholder online resource centre
     My WaterUse messaging via My Account
     Continuous updates on water resource situation to retailers and NAVs
     Hold joint water saving workshops with retailers for business customers

1.5.2     Drought Level 3 - communication action plan
    Audience     Actions                              Comments

    Internal     Core Brief message.                  Explain that South East Water is now
    employees                                         at severe drought status, and the
                                                      actions the company is taking.

                 Intranet update to link through to   Reinforce importance of messages for
                 website information                  customers about using water wisely

                 Update Q&A’s for staff.              Ensure Customer Service staff and
                                                      field staff are briefed (provide these to

                 Staff roadshow                       Senior management to tour the
                                                      company area offices briefing staff
                                                      face-to-face and asking for
                                                      suggestions of things to help secure

                 Members of the Drought               This will enable fast alert to staff on
                 Management Team to continue to       increasing severity of situation.
                 attend Team Briefs across the

                 Revised posters about the            When South East Water knows non-
                 seriousness of the situation to be   essential use ban is being introduced
                 put up around offices.               to remind staff of date.

                 Roll out staff training on non-      This will be both Customer Service
                 essential use ban.                   staff and key customer facing staff
                                                      (e.g. samplers, debt team, and meter

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                               Comments

              Login alert and email to all staff.   This will be put in place for the day
                                                    South East Water announce non-
                                                    essential use ban so all staff are
                                                    aware. Customer Service staff will also
                                                    be sent briefing note and have press
                                                    release printed off on desks for when
                                                    they get in.

              Showcase customers who have           To use case studies as examples of
              taken part in our Water’s Worth       positive behaviour that staff can use
              Saving recognition awards             when talking to customers

              To show staff examples of our         Staff can use these examples when
              community champions who are           talking to customers about the water
              spreading the saving water            resource situation

              Intranet update to link through to    Reinforce importance of messages for
              website information.                  customers about severity of drought
                                                    and why we are taking these steps.

Regulators    Consult with Defra if a drought       Use meetings as an opportunity to
              order or an emergency drought         advice on the situation and to explain
              order application is likely.          actions we are taking

              Continue frequent meetings with       Use meetings as opportunity to advise
              Environment Agency to update on       on situation and to explain actions
              drought development.                  South East Water is taking. This is
                                                    likely to involve discussions about
                                                    further drought permit applications that
                                                    South East Water is preparing.

              Update Natural England on the         Use meetings as opportunity to advise
              Water Resource position at            on situation and to explain actions
              frequent meetings                     South East Water is taking. This is
                                                    likely to involve discussions about
                                                    further drought permit applications that
                                                    South East Water is preparing.

              Keep updated on situation via         Proactively contact Regulators
              email.                                (Environment Agency and Natural
                                                    England in particular).

              Inform DWI of drought status and      Proactively contact DWI
              convey relevant information

Customers     Updating the South East Water         Use striking imagery to really show the
(household)   website homepage and water            seriousness of the problem and what
              resources pages.                      we are doing.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience   Actions                           Comments

           Update daily water use graph      To use on website, social media and
                                             send to local press to show how much
                                             water is being used and where the
                                             water efficiency messaging is being
                                             acted on.

           Increase messaging on social      To use every social media avenue
           media                             available

           Begin water drama play            Tour around 70 schools within the
                                             company area with interactive play.

           Loud hailers                      South East Water vans will deliver
                                             messages around areas of complete
                                             water stress.

           Customer mailshot.                South East Water will write to all
                                             customers affected and use email
                                             updates where possible. Will also
                                             target messaging not just to bill payers
                                             – but consumers in general using
                                             online marketing tools and geo-
                                             targeting of messaging (for example to
                                             contact holiday makers in our area or
                                             young people living at home who are
                                             not bill payers)

           Send emails direct to customers   Show what we are doing and give
           asking them to use less water     ways they can cut down even further
                                             and publicise our free water efficiency
                                             products on the Save Water Save
                                             Money web page

           Send out cards to postcodes       Using peer pressure to cut down on
           where neighbours have reported    water use
           people using excess water on
           their gardens

           Distribute pledge campaign        Encourage people to take the pledge
           posters and stickers              to save water

           Updates on South East Water and   Web based maps of the area covered
           also the WRSE website.            by South East Water’s temporary use

                                             Web based gazetteer so customers
                                             can locate their property.

                                             Weekly updates of reservoir levels and
                                             monthly of groundwater levels

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience      Actions                              Comments

              Water situation map                  Update the water resource map
                                                   showing in the traffic light system how
                                                   much water we have in each area

              Arrange for South East Water         Ensure that this is a message that will
              vehicles to be branded with water    work in all weather conditions e.g.
              saving messages                      ‘Whatever the weather – please save
                                                   water’ or ‘Water’s Worth Saving’

              Promote the website Save Water       To encourage people to install water
              Save Money to send for water         saving devices in their homes
              efficiency products

              Praise positive behaviour and say    Recognise everyone who is working
              thank you to all the people saving   hard on saving water

              Highlight customers who have         To give people an incentive to save
              taken part in the Water’s Worth      water and to show that others are so
              Saving recognition awards            they can too

              Work with all our community          Examples of good behaviour that other
              champions to show how they are       people can easily follow
              saving water in their areas

              Increase strength of customer        Mass message to get water saving out
              water efficiency messaging in key    to as many people as possible
              high footfall locations.

Water         Via WRSE Comms Group and             Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
companies     Water UK check                       contact. Agree joint messages and
(wholesale)   situation/messages of other water    prepare WRSE stakeholder newsletter.

              Continue communications with         Ensure ‘no-surprises’ by regular close
              Affinity Water and Southern Water    contact.
              Services regarding bulk supplies
              and shared use arrangements as
              described in Section 8.3.5 of our
              Dry Weather Plan.

Water         Regular meetings with Wholesale      Meetings will confirm agreed actions
companies     Service Desk                         required from both wholesale and retail
(retail)                                           (see ‘Customer (non-household)’ for
                                                   likely activities).

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience     Actions                              Comments

             Highlight that we have been          Examples of best behaviour for others
             running the Water’s Worth Saving     to follow
             recognition awards all year and
             use case studies where water
             saving has been made to inspire
             others to do the same

             Regional drought groups to work      So they can pass on information to
             with Retailers and NAVs on the       business customers
             implementations of TUBs and

Customers    Only following prior agreement       Write to and promote via Chamber of
(non-        with non-household retailers, and    Commerce etc. that South East Water
household)   only if in accordance with non-      is offering free water audits.
             household market codes - water
             audit promotion.

             Through Retailers - Write to all     Ask for voluntary restraint and advice
             non-household customers              of ways they can help.

             Organise a joint water companies     To hold on-line with a panel of experts
             ‘how to save water’ workshop for     on hand to give advice.

             Updates on South East Water and      Target businesses with information
             also the WRSE website.               about the impact they can make and
                                                  calling for voluntary restraint and risk
                                                  of non-essential use ban.

             Only following prior agreement       Arrange delivery to hotels and gyms of
             with non-household retailers, and    promotional material to encourage
             only if in accordance with non-      water efficiency.
             household market codes - hotel
             cards and shower stickers
             promotion. Water efficiency timers
             to hairdressers.

Community    WRSE stakeholder newsletter.         This regular newsletter will update that
                                                  situation currently at severe drought
                                                  status, current actions and next steps.

             Drought Forums                       Invite people to Drought Forums in
                                                  each county affected – work with any
                                                  other water company that crosses

             Local Resilience Forums              Our membership of LRF’s across the
                                                  area ensures we keep people updated
                                                  on drought status

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience       Actions                              Comments

Key            WRSE stakeholder newsletter,         This regular newsletter, letter or email
Stakeholders   updated letter/email                 will update that situation is currently at
                                                    a severe drought status, current
                                                    actions and next steps.

               Praise positive behaviour and say    To recognise good behaviour
               thank you to all the people saving

               Get stakeholders to use examples     Case studies to be used as good
               of people who have entered the       examples to follow showing where
               Water’s Worth Saving recognition     people are saving water
               awards who live in their

               Community champions to show          To praise people who are saving water
               how they have been saving water
               as an example to others

               Work with social and private         To get even more water saving with
               landlords to help tenants change     people who may not think the
               behaviour – their social             messages are for them

               1-2-1 meetings                       Arrange as required to discuss drought

Stakeholders   Updated newsletter                   This regular newsletter, letter or email
representing                                        will update that situation is currently at
vulnerable                                          a severe drought status, current
customers                                           actions and next steps.

                                                    As the incident progresses we will
                                                    explain in detail how a drought
                                                    order/permit will affect vulnerable

Media          Prepare press statements.            Explaining next steps/plans. Add FAQs
                                                    to media page on the website

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience   Actions                              Comments

           Proactive press releases to local    As the incident progresses, begin
           and trade media                      weekly media updates. Promote what
                                                South East Water is doing i.e. leakage
                                                efforts, capital schemes. Give
                                                continued updates on the impact of the

                                                Hold joint press releases to explain
                                                that drought is now at a severe drought
                                                status. Possibly hold press conference.

                                                Highlight what other organisations are
                                                doing to help.

           Advertorials in local newspapers     Explain what can be done to reduce
           most affected by the situation       water usage.

           Publication of official notices as   Notice in the London Gazette of
           required for any drought order       application to Defra for drought orders
                                                to restrict non-household consumption
                                                (Phase 3 non-essential use ban
                                                detailed in Section 3.3.5 of our Dry
                                                Weather Plan).

                                                As incident progresses to place
                                                another notice in the London Gazette
                                                of application to Defra for drought
                                                orders to restrict non-essential use
                                                (Phase 4 – removal of concessions)

           Further radio, newspaper and         Local media advertising including
           possible TV                          regional radio and television
                                                advertising with maps, summary of
                                                restrictions, penalties for non-

           Update local TV/radio/news online    To give maximum publicity on the
           to get water resource situation      situation
           included in weather update similar
           to the pollen information

           Praise positive behaviour by using   To praise good behaviour
           case studies and say thank you to
           all the people saving water

           The best of the Water’s Worth        To show that people are working hard
           Saving recognition awards to be      to save water where possible using
           used as case studies in the press    innovative ideas

Drought Plan | September2021

 Audience       Actions                            Comments

                The community champions to         Again good examples of positive
                promote their water saving ideas   behaviour to use
                in the media where they live

1.6     Emergency plan activated
If severe drought status is maintained we have an emergency plan which would be activated
in exceptional circumstances, for example, if the severity of the drought was such that we
could no longer maintain a secure supply to all our customers and there is a possibility of a
water supply failure.

The separate emergency plan details the additional communication actions that would be
required. At this point we will have implemented all the feasible actions in this Dry Weather

We will continue to progress specific and joint communications work already underway.
Severe drought actions will continue.

The proposed actions could affect or prevent the operation of certain businesses. In addition,
vulnerable customers and businesses will need to be reassured that we will continue to
provide a secure supply to them, while other less sensitive parts of the network will be
subject to supply interruptions.

We will work closely with Local Resilience Forums (See Appendix O) during this phase of a
drought to ensure we meet our responsibility as a ‘Category 2 Responder’ under the Civil
Contingencies Act 2004 and will ensure we are working closely with ‘Category 1 Responders’
such as the local authorities and the emergency services.

1.7     Drought recession
As the drought recedes it is important to continue company specific and joint
communications work until a normal status has been attained. The communications activities
will be proportionate to the level of drought status we have stepped down to (see Section 2 in
Dry Weather Plan for drought triggers).

Communications will be required to explain why restrictions or drought permits/orders are still
in place and why and when they will be removed.

Drought Plan | September2021

1.7.1      Drought recession - communication action plan
    Audience                  Actions                                Comments

    Internal employees        For all audiences we will continue     We will reinforce the
                              the actions that fit the appropriate   importance of keeping any
    Regulators                trigger level stepped down to.         restrictions in place until at
                                                                     normal drought status or it
                                                                     is known that the water
                                                                     resources situation is
    Water companies                                                  secure.
                                                                     Use behaviour change
    Water companies                                                  expertise to help develop
    (retail)                                                         messaging to thank
                                                                     everyone for their efforts
    Customers (non-                                                  and encourage continued
    household)                                                       support.

    Vulnerable customers

    Key Stakeholders

1.8        Post drought
It is important that after a drought we learn lessons for future droughts and carry out a full
review of what worked well and what didn’t work as well.

Throughout the drought we will have engaged with customers to see how well we are doing
at communicating and empowering action. Following the drought, we intend to carry out an in
depth review to ensure we learn lessons (see evaluation below).

What’s new for Dry Weather Plan 2021:

     Close working with retailers to get thank you messaging out
     Appeal for lessons learnt input from retailers
     Staff recognition awards.

1.8.1      Post drought - communication action plan
    Audience             Actions                                     Comments

    Internal             Full briefing to confirm South East         Include thank you messages for staff
    employees            Water is back to normal operation.          efforts and reward and recognise
                                                                     staff who demonstrated employee
                         Core brief, Team brief and                  values relating to the drought.
                         Spout! article.                             Ask staff to feedback into ‘Lessons
                         Focus groups and staff surveys to get       learnt’ report.

Drought Plan | September2021

Audience          Actions                               Comments

Regulators        Briefings to confirm back to normal   Make sure Regulators are fully up to
                  operation.                            date

                  Review of lessons learned.

                  Meetings to discuss approaches.

Customers         Update website to confirm return to   Thank you messages and request to
(household)       normal operations                     keep up water efficiency ‘whatever
                                                        the weather’.
                  Include messages about the drought
                  and lessons learnt in next customer   Evaluation methods detailed in
                  billing communications.               Section 5.3 of our Dry Weather Plan.

                  Carry out final evaluation efforts.   Post drought case studies by region
                                                        – highlight positives and review for
                  Focus groups and surveys              next time.

Water companies   Via WRSE Comms Group and Water        Review industry lessons learned to
(wholesale)       UK check messages of other water      update guidance
                  companies to ensure consistency.

                  Continue normal routine               Keeping them up to date
                  communications with Affinity Water
                  and Southern Water Services
                  regarding bulk supplies and shared
                  use arrangements.

Water companies   Briefings to confirm back to normal   Include thank you messages for
(retail)          operation.                            retailers’ efforts and reward and
                                                        recognise good practice.
                  Review of lessons learned.
                                                        Ask retailers to feedback into
                  Meetings to discuss approaches.       ‘Lessons learnt’ report.

Customers (non-   Update website to confirm return to   Thank you messages and reminder
household)        normal operations                     that retailers can provide advice on
                                                        water efficiency.
                  Retailers to write to all business
                  customers to advice back to normal.

                  Carry out final evaluation

Community         WRSE stakeholder newsletter/The       Update on any lessons learnt, thank
                  Source e-newsletter.                  them for support. Update any
                                                        databases with new contacts made.

                  Local Resilience Forums               Update on any lessons learnt, thank
                                                        them for their support

You can also read