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                                                            THE MAGAZINE OF SPORTS MARKET INTELLIGENCE           ISSUE 15 | AUTUMN 2017

                                                            OTT AND THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORTS CONSUMPTION
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OTT AND THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORTS CONSUMPTION - THE MAGAZINE OF SPORTS MARKET INTELLIGENCE - Sportcal                                                                             AUTUMN 2017               Sportcal Insight   3

“‘OTT is killing broadcast’.
That’s a misnomer”
       Disruption.                                           That’s a misnomer.
       It’s fast become the ‘mot du jour’ in the sports      OTT is value adding… at least at this moment in
media industry.                                           its lifecycle. Almost every deal done with a digital
   No longer pejorative in meaning, it’s now the          platform has been in partnership with a major
go-to description for the change in the broadcast         broadcaster – whether it’s streaming network-
market brought about by over-the-top (OTT)                televised sport or complementary second-screen
viewing.                                                  programming.
   It’s been two decades since Clayton Christensen,          The PGA of America talked a good game when,
the renowned Harvard Business School professor,           having ended a deal in the UK with Sky ahead of the
defined the concept of ‘disruptive innovation’, a         2017 US PGA Championship, it said it was heading           Jonathan Rest
principle whereby a dominant product or service           to where the youth reside: to Facebook and Twitter.        Editor
provider could have its leadership position                  And it did. But it also signed a live TV deal with      Sportcal Insight
disrupted by smaller rivals offering simpler and/or       the BBC, that great guardian of tradition.
cheaper solutions.                                           For rights-owners, there are of course additional
   It’s a concept that has played out in the transport    revenue streams and a new, younger set of eyeballs,
(think Uber) and travel (Airbnb) industries.              but ratings remain paramount.
Digitisation has certainly taken its toll on the music       But change is coming.
and entertainment sectors. Remember cassette                 In PwC’s Sports Survey, published in late
tapes - CDs even - and Blockbusters, anyone?              September, David Dellea, director, Sports Business
   In linear TV, live sports remain one of the last       Advisory, PwC Switzerland, writes: “What are sports
bastions, having been relatively unscathed by the         industry leaders telling us? The message is loud and
advent of digital.                                        clear: the industry is undergoing more disruption
   For how long?                                          than ever. Linear TV is experiencing decreasing
   In the fast-moving OTT space, predictions are the      ratings and revenues. Global tech giants are slowly
job of the brave. Or stupid.                              but surely entering the rights market.
   So here goes: the mainstream media will buy               “These developments leave us with no doubt that
the story in the weeks and months ahead that the          big tech firms are gearing up to play in the sports
likes of Amazon, Facebook and Google will mount           rights market in earnest, either in direct competition
serious challenges to the incumbents Sky and BT           for premium rights or through broader partnerships.
Sport for domestic Premier League rights when they        The question then is, when is this tipping point
hit the market.                                           going to be?”
   There’s no-one quite like the Premier League              Decade-long rights deals in USA have protected
at engineering an auction for its rights. After all,      the traditional TV broadcasters, perhaps not from
both BeIN Sport and Discovery Communications              actually losing rights to the new digital brigade, but
were used in recent cycles to provide the illusion of     certainly from engaging in a bidding warfare that
competition.                                              threatens to put greater pressure on the balance
   But let’s be honest, even the dip-pocketed             sheets at a time of cord-cutting and shaving.
Amazon will not go from a £10 million ($13.5                 Come the early years of the next decade, the
million) a year outlay on ATP tennis rights in the UK     picture will look very different if digital players
to the billions of pounds needed to wrest control of      continue to build up their portfolios, as they seem
the richest league in soccer.                             entirely intent on doing.
   And I’m not sure the Premier League will jump in          When researching this piece, an executive at a
two-footed either.                                        major sports property told me: “OTT is here now.
   The Premier League may well carve out a package        It’s offering change, yes there are still some pitfalls,
of rights, something Simon Brydon alludes to in his       but it’s only going to get more compelling as
excellent analysis on page 31, but there’s no way it      technology advances.
will put all its eggs in one basket at this stage.           “What of TV? I have no idea as to the future of
   As it stands, it appears the big digital media         linear TV in the next 10 years. I think I’d be better to
companies do not value live sports rights quite as        invest in a lottery ticket before answering that.”
much as traditional media companies do.                      The revolution is under way.
   The very threat of them bidding, however, is              Will the revolution be televised? That’s one for the
enough to set off a stream of obituaries: ‘OTT is         business professors.
killing broadcast.’

                                           TALK DIRECT
                                           TALK DIRECT
OTT AND THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORTS CONSUMPTION - THE MAGAZINE OF SPORTS MARKET INTELLIGENCE - Sportcal                                                                     AUTUMN 2017             Sportcal Insight   5

Contents                                                                                        Contributors

                                                                                                Chris Argyle-Robinson
                                                                                                is a strategy director
                                                                                                at RedTorch

                                                                                                Christian Knaebel
                                                                                                owns Global Media Consult

                                                                                                Simon Brydon
                                                                                                is a consultant with
                                                                                                Pitch International LLP

                                                                                                Mike Laflin is Chief
                                                                                                Executive of Sportcal

News analysis                            Cover Story                                            Jonathan Rest
06 A
    change in the organisation of the   26 As over the top viewing disrupts                   Editor, Sportcal Insight,
   Commonwealth Games                        the way sport is consumed, are                     writes on events, bidding
08 R
    ugby World Cup 2023 bids                rights-owners ready to make the                    and US major leagues
12 C
    reative thinking needed in soccer       ultimate leap?
14 P
    GA Tour’s London aims                                                                      Callum Murray
                                         World Boxing Super Series                              Editor, Sportcal Insight,
Opinion                                  34	Weighing up the commercial prospects               specialises in the IOC and
16 C
    hris Argyle-Robinson on getting        for the $50-million competition                     international federations
   the fundamentals of OTT right
17 C
    hristian Knaebel says there’s no    Major League Baseball                                  Krzysztof Kropielnicki
   time to lose                          38	The latest North American league to                Head of Sports
                                             grow its London presence                           Market Intelligence
Murray Barnett
20 T
    he Formula 1 sponsorship chief on   Sponsorship                                            Martin Ross
   the changing face of the series       42 The brands battling for supremacy                  Online news editor, is a
                                             in elite tennis                                    broadcast rights and sports
                                                                                                agencies expert
                                         48 K
                                             ey information on the events, people              Simon Ward
                                            and deals driving the sports business               Deputy editor, Sportcal,
                                                                                                specialises in sponsorship
                                                                                                and Asian market

                                                                                   TALK DIRECT
6   News                       Analysis

    End of road
    for men from
    Del Monte
    The recent establishment of CGF
    Partnerships, a joint venture of the
    Commonwealth Games Federation
    and Lagardère Sports, marks a major
    step change in the organisation of
    the games.

    By Callum Murray

    Time was when the CGF used to
    hand over all of its marketing and
    broadcasting rights to organising
    committees of Commonwealth Games,
    along with a list of milestones and
    obligations that they were expected to
    achieve, from bid to legacy, and then
    leave them to get on with it, albeit with
    some guidance and support.
      “The men and women from Del
    Monte would occasionally come in
    to inspect the fruit,” is how David
    Grevemberg, the CGF’s chief executive,
    characterises the process.
      Now that’s all changed.
      In an exclusive joint interview with
    Andrew Georgiou, Lagardère Sports’
    chief executive, Grevemberg tells
    Sportcal Insight that the appointment         “We needed to change the delivery          doing two things. Firstly, by responding
    of an agency had “been on the books         model,” Grevemberg says. “We need to         to the market, and the reality that under
    for two and a half years,” ever since the   make the games far more efficiently and      current market conditions hosting
    publication of ‘Transformation 2022’,       effectively run, to be far more innovative   events is a real challenge for all sports
    outlining the CGF’s “vision, mission,       but also more affordable. We need to         and entertainment in general. We need
    values and strategic priorities” in 2015.   be the controllers of our own destiny, by    to be more fit for purpose.
OTT AND THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORTS CONSUMPTION - THE MAGAZINE OF SPORTS MARKET INTELLIGENCE - Sportcal                                                                            AUTUMN 2017              Sportcal Insight    7

                        “It’s about maximising revenues          “Our sponsors are global           “We need to make the games
                        and going to the host city to say        brands. We need to be              far more efficiently and
                        we can reduce the overall cost.”         where they are”                    effectively run”
                        Andrew Georgiou, Lagardère               Thierry Pascal, PGA                David Grevemberg, CGF

   “Secondly, we want to be the industry       cities, with increasing costs versus value      “We become an active participant.
thought leader. We want to be regarded         return. We see that as an issue based on     We won’t stop organising committees
as an innovator of the industry because        the specific knowledge and expertise in      making decisions about how and where
of the complexity and distinctiveness of       our organisation, which is almost unique     to spend their money, but it gives them
the Commonwealth Games.”                       in our business.”                            ammunition based on previous games,
   The appointment of Lagardère                   Lagardère was involved in Rio de          so they don’t need to re-invent the
was “not really an appointment,”               Janeiro’s successful bid to land the 2016    wheel – benchmarking what it costs, the
Grevemberg adds (both parties have             Olympics, and has been moving more           ability to really manage costs. Hopefully,
a stake in CGF Partnerships, albeit the        into the event and bidding area since        the value proposition will start to
CGF is the majority shareholder). “We’ve       acquiring Event Knowledge Services,          improve to the point where there is a
worked with Lagardère on various games         the Switzerland-based company well-          reversal of the trend and more and more
over 20 years,” he continues. “It’s not a      versed in Olympics bids, in 2015.            cities will want to participate and more
typical agency-federation relationship; it’s      EKS, run by Craig McLatchey, once of      varied cities will be able to afford to.”
truly a joint venture.                         the International Olympic Committee’s           Although a competitive bidding
   “We felt that a partnership with an         Olympic Games Knowledge Services, is         process is currently under way for the
agency like Lagardère would have the           now part of Lagardère’s Olympics and         2022 Commonwealth Games with
robustness to go beyond one games.             Major Events team and was appointed          Birmingham having been chosen
It addresses our needs in terms of an          by Budapest to work on its bid to host       ahead of Liverpool as the possible
overall asset pool that is available to        the 2024 Olympic Games, which was            candidate city for England and perhaps
each games. The delivery of the                withdrawn in February.                       Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and a city
games we firmly believe can be done               Lagardère is also well-known within       in Australia also in the race- this only
very efficiently.”                             the Commonwealth Games movement,             came after Durban in South Africa was
   In the first instance, CGF Partnerships     as its Australian subsidiary Sports          stripped of hosting rights by the CGF
has been contracted to support                 Marketing and Management marketed            for failing to meet some hosting criteria.
the delivery of the next three major           sponsorship rights for Delhi 2010 and           Durban had, itself, been awarded
Commonwealth Games cycles up                   Glasgow 2014 and is doing so for Gold        the games unopposed when Edmonton,
to 2030, but with a view to the new            Coast 2018.                                  Canada pulled out, and Manchester
partnership delivery model being the              Georgiou says: “For me, the bit that      (2002) and Melbourne (2006) were
foundation behind all the CGF’s major          makes this joint venture almost unique is    also unopposed in bidding to stage
sporting events in the future.                 in relation to the delivery model. There     the games.
   A key priority for CGF Partnerships         are other games where the federation            Now, Georgiou says, the CGF is
is to reduce the cost and maximise the         controls the marketing and broadcast         saying, “we want to have more influence
value of the games for hosts. In a bid to      rights. We think we can maximise             and control over the commercial rights,
achieve this, dedicated CGF Partnerships       revenues by doing that, but it’s not         and not just assign them to the host city.
delivery teams will be fully integrated        necessarily unique. The really unique part   That means we can go to the host cities
with host city teams, providing enhanced       is the deployment of internal resources      with pre-secured revenues.”
support, knowledge and expertise on the        to sit within the organising committees,        But is there a concern that the CGF’s
delivery of the games.                         and transfer knowledge, insight,             plans for reorganising the allocation
   Georgiou says: “One of the things we        technology and software that allows          of rights, in order to become the
see as an organisation is almost a crisis      them to improve their knowledge faster,      ‘controller of its own destiny’, might
in relation to major multi-sports event        with less wastage and improved output.       actually have the unwanted effect of
8   News                       Analysis

    deterring potential bidders, on the basis    becomes the host broadcaster, with
    that cities will regard it as an erosion     Lagardère providing the resources.               World in Union
    of the rights they have traditionally           Returning to the issue of the
    enjoyed?                                     allocation of rights, Grevemberg says:           What are France, Ireland and South
       “It’s not about the Commonwealth          “The ultimate aim is not for the CGF             Africa offering in their bids to stage
    Games Federation keeping the                 to sit back and keep 100 per cent of             the 2023 Rugby World Cup?
    revenues,” Georgiou replies. “It’s about     everything. It’s about who’s in the best
    maximising them and going to the host        position to maximise revenues. We can            By Florence Lloyd-Hughes
    city to say we can reduce the overall        add value to the host city by creating a
    cost. There are commercial partners          more efficient, affordable model.”                  On 15 November, World Rugby
    who would like to engage on a multi-            The CGF has already held talks with           officials will meet to elect the host
    games basis, and we’re already talking       the cities that have expressed interest in       country for the 2023 World Cup,
    to sponsors. There’s also an opportunity     hosting the 2022 games, Grevemberg               the tournament the governing body
    to give longevity to broadcasters. At        says, adding: “Getting the host cities up        proudly exclaims to be the third biggest
    present, everyone does a one-games           to speed on the partnership approach             sporting event around.
    deal, and there’s a temptation to do         is critical to its success. It’s structured to      Following the commercial success of
    as little as possible to maximise the        generate and invest back into the games          England 2015 and all indicators pointing
    return but they won’t promote the next       themselves. We’ve been working hand              to another financial windfall from Japan
    games because it might not be them           in hand with the cities to give clarity and      2019, the pressure is on for France,
    [broadcasting the games].”                   reassurance on this model. It’s very much        Ireland and South Africa to prove
       Traditionally, the national broadcaster   in keep with the direction the entire            their value.
    in the host country has acted as the host    movement wants to go. The detail is
    broadcaster of the games, but under          evolving and 2022 is an opportunity to
    the new structure CGF Partnerships           solidify the transformation.”

     The CGF insists that, despite the origins of the Commonwealth Games in the
     British Empire Games and questions over their role in an increasingly crowded
     international sports calendar, the relevance of the games is increasing, not
       The CGF says: “Post-Brexit and various other inward-facing regime and policy
     changes around the world, there is renewed importance to the economic and
     social value of the Commonwealth.” (stats from

       MUMBAI, NAIROBI, KUALA LUMPUR,                                                             FRANCE
         BANGALORE, JOHANNESBURG,                                                                    With the 2024 Olympic Games now
        KOLKATA, CAPE TOWN, CHENNAI                                                               secured for Paris, the county’s major
                 AND DHAKA                                                                        event hosting drive continues with the

                                                                                                  FFR’s bid to stage the 2023 Rugby
                                                                                                  World Cup.

                                                                                                     France is aiming to solely stage the
                                                                                                  World Cup for a second time after
                                                                                                  hosting it in 2007 and staging some
                                                                                                  games from the 1991 and 1999 World
                                                                                                  Cups, alongside England, Scotland,

                                                       THAN BETWEEN THOSE IN
                                                       NON-MEMBER COUNTRIES
                                                                                                  Wales and Ireland.
                                                                                                     The FFR, much like Paris’ successful
                                                                                                  Olympic Games bid, points to the
                                                                                                  country’s existing infrastructure and

                                                                                                  modernised stadia as a reliable and
                                                    MEMBERSHIP STILL GROWING,                     sustainable option for World Rugby.
                                                   THE LAST COUNTRY TO JOIN THE                      Of the 12 stadiums proposed to stage
                                                  COMMONWEALTH WAS RWANDA IN                      games, all of them already exist and

                                                                                                  five were newly built or renovated for
                                                                                                  soccer’s Uefa Euro 2016.
              MEMBERS COUNTRIES;                                                                     France invested €1.7 billion ($2
             2.4 BILLION POPULATION                                                               billion) on soccer stadium renovations
        (A THIRD OF THE WORLD’S TOTAL),                                                           and construction for the European
         OF WHICH MORE THAN 60% ARE                                                               Championships, and Uefa estimates that
                  AGED UNDER 30                                                                   hosting the tournament boosted the
                                                                                                  French economy by €1.2 billion.
OTT AND THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORTS CONSUMPTION - THE MAGAZINE OF SPORTS MARKET INTELLIGENCE - Sportcal                                                                       AUTUMN 2017                Sportcal Insight    9

                                                                                       on its own, but it staged five games at
                                                                                       the 1991 tournament.
                                                                                          The country is fresh from hosting a
                                                                                       record-breaking Women’s Rugby World
                                                                                       Cup in August which saw sell-out crowds
                                                                                       for all the pool games in Dublin and
                                                                                       impressive attendance for the knockout
                                                                                       matches at Belfast’s Kingspan Stadium.
                                                                                          The Women’s Rugby World Cup has
                                                                                       been a blueprint for the Irish Rugby
                                                                                       Football Union’s plan to stage games in
                                                                                       the 2023 tournament across northern
                                                                                       and southern Ireland.
                                                                                          Of the 12 venues that the IRFU
                                                                                       proposes to host matches in 2023,
                                                                                       three are based in Northern Ireland
                                                                                       and in its bid book, the team points to
                                                                                       the “unifying” role that rugby can play
                                                                                       for Ireland, despite a troubled history
                                                                                       between the north and south.
                                                                                          Eight of the stadiums are home to
                                                                                       Ireland’s Gaelic Athletic Association and
                                                                                       the federation is in line to benefit from
                                                                                       stadium upgrades for all the venues,
                                                                                       which will be paid for by the Irish
                                                                                          Like France, all of Ireland’s venues
                                                                                       are already constructed but the Irish
                                                                                       bid hasn’t taken its rivals option of a
                                                                                       lucrative hosting fee but instead its
                                                                                       government has agreed to underwrite
                                                                                       just €320 million, which is made up of
                                                                                       the €139 million hosting fee and other
                                                                                       tournament costs.
                                                                                          Ireland 2023 has said it will “deliver
                                                                                       the biggest commercial return in Rugby
                                                                                       World Cup history” through a “record
                                                                                       offer” that will enable “unprecedented
                                                                                       global grassroots investment.”
                                                                                          The bid’s ambitious commercial
                                                                                       programme hints to potential tie-ups
                                                                                       with brands from Dublin’s tech sector,
                                                                                       where eBay, Airbnb and Apple all have
  Lille, Lens, Saint-Denis, Paris, Nantes,      The second guarantee, from an          their European headquarters.
Bordeaux, Lyon, Saint-Etienne,               unnamed “large private French bank”, is      Ireland is also hopeful of enticing World
Toulouse, Montpellier, Nice, and             for €236 million to “cover commitments    Rugby with the engagement of its global
Marseille are all slated to host matches,    in terms of the organising costs of the   diaspora, which it estimates is made up of
with 10 of those cities having staged        tournament.”                              70 million people across the world.
games a decade ago.                             The FFR’s ambitious commercial            Ireland 2023 claims it will “unlock
  Alongside promises of a participation      claims for the tournament include         significant new audiences for the
legacy, sustainability and economic          projected revenues of €477 million,       game” in “new and developing rugby
growth, the FFR’s most enticing offer        of which €373 million will come from      markets”, specifically, North America,
and standout bid promise to World            ticketing.                                which is home to around 37.5 million
Rugby is a financial guarantee above            By comparison, organisers of England   people that identity as Irish, and where
and beyond what is expected.                 2015 generated over £250 million          World Rugby believes a World Cup in
  The FFR has submitted two                  in ticketing monies, delivering an        the near future will be held.
guarantees to World Rugby, totalling         £80-million surplus to World Rugby           The IRFU believes its planned legacy
€407 million, of which the first             and a £15-million surplus to the Rugby    programme will engage an untapped
guarantee from the French Federal            Football Union to be invested into the    audience in North America, using the
government, is for €171 million,             development of rugby.                     competition as “a platform to grow
exceeding the £120 million ($158             IRELAND                                   rugby” and signifying a “key moment
million) hosting fee stipulated by World        Unlike France and South Africa,        for the sport’s growth in an important
Rugby and the FFR’s rival bidders.           Ireland has never hosted the World Cup    strategic market.”
10   News   Analysis

                       SOUTH AFRICA
                          South Africa is hoping it will be fourth
                       time lucky in its attempt to host the
                       World Cup again after failed bids in
                       2011, 2015 and 2019.
                          The SARU is confident that the 2023
                       tournament could reignite some of the
                       historic memories from its hosting of
                       the 1995 Rugby World Cup, which was
                       the first major sporting event the county
                       hosted after the end of apartheid.
                          However, its journey to bid submission
                       has been a tricky one, after the
                       government had temporarily banned
                       sporting federations from bidding to
                       host events because they had failed to
                       meet targets on transformation in the
                       post-apartheid era.
                          When the ban was eventually lifted
                       in May, the country’s cabinet approved
                       the request for guarantees totalling R2.7
                       billion ($202 million). The SARU boldly
                       claims that “unlike other mega-sporting
                       events” it would “profit” from hosting
                       as it promises a “low-cost, high-return”
                       tournament. According to Jurie Roux,
                       SARU chief executive, hosting the
                       tournament would be “a marvellous,
                       inspirational nation-building moment
                       to recapture some of the excitement of
                       1995, but it would also have enormous
                       practical benefits for our country.
                          “Hosting the Rugby World Cup in
                       2023 would have a R27-billion direct,
                       indirect and induced economic impact
                       on South Africa; R5.7 billion would
                       flow to low income households; 38,600
                       temporary or permanent jobs would be
                       sustained and there’d be an estimated
                       R1.4 billion tax benefit to government.”
                          Grant Thornton, the professional
                       services network that carried out
                       a feasibility report for the SARU,
                       estimated that Durban alone, which
                       would host games in the Moses
                       Mabhida Stadium and Kings Park
                       Stadium, could benefit from R4.5 billion
                       economic benefits.
                          The SARU plans to use eight existing
                       stadia in seven cities, with the final taking
                       place at Soccer City in Johannesburg -
                       the showpiece venue from the 2010 Fifa
                       World Cup.
                          South Africa spent R40 billion on
                       building six new stadiums and upgrading
                       airports and transport links for the 2010
                       World Cup but the country’s international
                       team and domestic clubs have so far
                       failed to build on the legacy of the event.
                       However, the country has fond memories
                       of the 1995 Rugby World Cup and is less
                       sceptical about the potential economic
                       benefits of hosting again in 2023.
12   News                        Analysis

                                                   knowledge or effort to identify,              League, AB InBev, a Fifa World Cup
     Teams must think                              propagate and develop what that brand         sponsor, and Mars, a partner of England’s
                                                   actually is.”                                 Football Association.
     as brands                                        He adds: “The commercial analysis             Carling claims that the sums involved
                                                   a rights-owner has to do and how it           mean it is increasingly important for
     Octagon believes soccer clubs need            positions itself to the marketplace           sponsors to justify their outlay on teams
     to be more creative to stand out from         actually has to start with an                 and competitions, and that rights-holders
     the crowd                                     understanding and articulation of what        can play a key role in helping them
                                                   their proprietary difference is.              achieve that.
     By Simon Ward                                    “You could see presentations from,            He says: “There is recognition on behalf
                                                   for example, Barcelona, Real Madrid           of the clubs now. They have to give the
        Leading soccer clubs are being             and Bayern Munich, and, if you took           clients the opportunity to make a return
     encouraged to make greater efforts            the branding off, you wouldn’t be able        on their investments because you take
     to develop their own brands in order          to distinguish between those three            something like a Champions League
     to differentiate themselves and make          propositions because they’re all selling      sponsorship and we’re talking €50 million
     them more attractive to audiences and         the same thing effectively – the signage,     to €60 million a year just in rights.
     sponsors, with agencies able to play a        the exposure, the tickets, association           “It does give you a certain amount
     key role in the process.                      with a great club, association with a         of media value, but that’s not so valued
        Octagon, the international sports          great sport.                                  these days and the activation that goes
     and entertainment marketing agency               “It’s all very good, but there’s nothing   behind it is way more important. More
     that is a significant player in soccer, has   that differentiates those propositions        often than not that activation sits within
     evolved in recent years from a company        from each other. Our contention is that       non-linear media and that’s going to be a
     that predominantly works with brands          the primary piece of thinking needs to        big challenge for the elite rights-owners,
     on contract negotiations and activation       be ‘what is it that makes Bayern Munich       particularly those products that are
     to one which also offers consultancy          different, special and unique compared        most predicated on media value for the
     services and analytics to rights-holders,     to any other football club in the world?”     justification of the fees.”
     including Uefa, England’s Premier                Carling claims that, from the extra           Carling anticipates that Octagon’s
     League and elite teams, on how best to        income generated from media rights,           “proprietary position” in soccer
     exploit their assets.                         teams in the Premier League and beyond
        It is also now making a return to          should be investing in creative concepts
     the media rights market, with the             alongside “brand doctors”, and that            Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos celebrates
     establishment of a new consulting             Octagon is already working with several        scoring his team’s third goal during the
     practice based in USA.                                                                       Uefa Champions League group match
                                                   partners in this area.
                                                                                                  against APOEL Nikosia
        However, amid competition from                While acknowledging that live
     rival sports agencies and potential           matches remain the most compelling
     challengers moving into the sphere,           product, he stresses that soccer is now
     Octagon, which is owned by advertising        much more than the 90 minutes, but
     giant Interpublic Group (IPG), is already     “365 days and 24/7 on a global basis”
     eyeing other opportunities, and can           and that brands and rights-owners
     see a major one in using its knowledge        need to fully exploit platforms outside
     and resources to empower clubs to             the collective deals, notably online, to
     project themselves to the worldwide           engage with their audience.
     commercial marketplace.                          He continues: “I think that over the
        On the back of huge rights deals such      next five years this is a very exciting
     as the English Premier League’s three-        area for agencies to move into. You still
     year domestic live TV contracts worth         need the data, the knowledge and the
     over £5 billion and the global popularity     analytics to underpin and to build the
     of soccer, European clubs have been           packages that justify the commercial
     getter richer and built up their profiles     case, but if you can add to that a unique
     and international following.                  creative territory and articulation of what
        However, there is a sense that this        your club or property stands for as a
     has not been accompanied by growth            brand, that’s powerful.
     in creative thinking on how they can             “We know with the brands we work
     stand out from the crowd off the field        with that what they like more than
     and offer a more attractive platform for      anything is finding a property that
     commercial partners.                          provides them with a rich, creative
        Phil Carling, head of football at          territory in which to tell their own brand
     Octagon Worldwide, tells Sportcal             story, and if you can bring those two
     Insight: “Most football clubs and             things together then that’s really strong.”
     rights-owners within the football                Established clients of Octagon in
     space are brands, but they’re brands          soccer, among other sports, include
     almost in spite of themselves. They’ve        global brands such as MasterCard, one
     become brands without any conscious           of the main sponsors of the Champions                                                                            AUTUMN 2017               Sportcal Insight    13

marketing consultancy, backed up by its           Octagon Media Rights Consulting,          growing integration with the sponsorship
experience in the field and acquisitions       which launched in New York in August,        sector, and the increasing reliance on
such as Futures Sport & Entertainment,         is headed up by Daniel Cohen,                data and analytics.
the data, technology and analytics             formerly managing partner, senior               Cohen says: “Rights-holders and
company, will be challenged by the             vice-president for the Americas at MP        content creators are not just looking for a
major professional services firms.             & Silva, and has a mandate to provide        consultant to bridge a gap or get a deal
   He continues: “The difference is that       strategic consultation to domestic           done, but to wrap themselves around
we come from the sports marketing              and international rights-holders,            software and bring in an outside party
arena and therefore we have unique             broadcasters, digital platforms and          that can support them.”
insights which McKinsey and Deloitte do        sports investors.                               The initial focus is on USA and the rest
not have. When we talk about the value            The move was motivated by demand          of the Americas, but the media rights
of a Champions League or World Cup             from existing clients seeking evaluations    arm is intended to be a global offering,
deal, the chances are we’ve done a deal        of media rights, plus the growth of          with the support of Octagon’s 50
for or on behalf of a client in the last six   new distribution channels for content,       international offices and audience data
months and therefore our knowledge             including digital and OTT platforms.         from Futures Sport.
is much more current and it gives us a            Simon Wardle, Octagon’s chief strategy       Potential clients include leagues,
competitive advantage.                         officer, explains: “It’s a non-traditional   governing bodies, teams, traditional
   “But it won’t last forever. I think         business for us because we’ve been           broadcasters, digital platforms, content
potentially the McKinseys and Deloittes        focused on non-broadcasting consulting.      creators, telecoms companies, OTT
will buy sports marketing agencies to          But the same things are happening in         providers and media buyers, plus private
integrate into their packages.”                the world of media. Our sister business      equity firms, venture capitalists and
   This explains the need to find new          Futures Sport, which I run, showed the       technology companies.
revenue streams, notably in the shape          need for this business is acute.”
of soccer clubs, and Octagon is also              While the launch does not represent a             ONLINE: Sign up for daily
branching out with a consultancy               return to the buying and selling of media            news alerts on technology
practice advising clients on how to            rights, a market that Octagon exited                 innovation at
maximise media rights assets across            when it sold CSI to rival IMG Media                  www.sportcalcom/news
various platforms.                             in 2006-07, it does demonstrate the
14   News                        Analysis

                                                   sales but also on servicing existing        opportunities. London is a media hub.
     London Calling                                clients in that space. It’s time we were    Being on the ground, having lunch with
                                                   on the ground,” Pascal says.                an agency, or a broadcaster, or even
     Analysing the motives behind the                 “We have a growing number of             another league, because it’s all about
     PGA Tour’s central London hub.                international media partners and            building the knowledge base – we’re
                                                   sponsors. It is imperative to build and     competitors for eyeballs, but we are all
     By Jonathan Rest                              foster those relationships with partners    in the same business – is vital. It is hard
                                                   locally, and not from several time          for us to do that from America.
        A 9-iron it may be from MI6                zones away.                                    “Sure I can pick up the phone to
     headquarters but US golf’s PGA Tour              “While we have managed to do             Barney [Francis, managing director of
     insists this is no secret mission, as quiet   that for many years successfully from       Sky Sports] but ideally you want be
     as it has been since setting up base in       Florida, there comes a tipping point        deep in the weeds.”
     London.                                       when you need to be on the ground,             Sponsorship business from London
        The PGA Tour’s Vauxhall Bridge office      and there’s only so much travel you can     is being headed up by EMEA vice-
     has been operational since May, but           do. We have as many media partners in       president Phil Kennard, most recently
     only in mid-July did it really speak out,     Europe as any other big sporting entity,    commercial manager at Land Rover BAR
     inviting the great and the good of the        so we want to be talking to them and        during the Ben Ainslie sailing team’s
     sports industry to a lavish reception at      supporting them, while helping them to      Americas’ Cup exploits.
     the National Gallery.                         build their audience.”                         The implication is that the PGA Tour
        Publicly, the Tour insists its                In the UK, the PGA Tour has a long       is seeking to court sponsors who might
     permanent presence on the ground              and established broadcast relationship      otherwise be attracted to European
     in London should not be seen as an            with pay-TV operator Sky. That deal         Tour events.
     aggressive move on the European Tour,         runs to 2021 and Sky recently moved to         Given the global nature of the
     headquartered at Wentworth Golf Club,         strengthen its golf offering by scrapping   sponsorship market, Pascal insists (again)
     located on the south western fringes of       its numbered channels and rebranding        that a London presence is “sensible.”
     the capital.                                  them as sport-specific destinations,           “Our sponsors, whether it’s a title
        Thierry Pascal, senior vice-president,     in this case Sky Sports Golf, which         sponsor or commercial partner, are
     international media at the PGA Tour,          customers can individually subscribe to.    global brands, the likes of Rolex,
     insists it is purely a “good business            “We have a terrific relationship with    HSBC and BMW. We need to be
     sense” decision.                              Sky, and now we can work more closely       where they are.”
        Pascal is based in the Tour’s Ponte        with them,” Pascal notes. “We are
     Vedra Beach, Florida-headquarters, but        always looking to strengthen business
     has spent much of the past three months
     crossing the Atlantic to establish the
     London presence and build-up the team.
        London has been a hot topic at the
     Tour for a number of years, but why
     make the move now?
        He tells Sportcal Insight: “There is a
     growing recognition of how important
     international is. Are we a global
     company or product that just happens
     to be based in the US? Or are we a US
     business with international operations?
     We should be the former but we have
     been the latter. We are recognising the
     need to change that.
        “We are becoming increasingly
     international. We now have events in
     Canada and Mexico, and we’re in Asia
     with tournaments in Malaysia and the
     WGC-HSBC Champions in China, and
     this year we’ll be adding an event in
     South Korea, so we’ll have a real
     Asian swing.”
        It is the Tour’s third base outside of
     USA, with offices in Beijing and Tokyo
     (described as its Asian HQ), and while
     London is a small sales operation at
     present with three permanent staff,
     growth is anticipated.
        “There’s a new business element, a
     focus on rights sales, on sponsorship
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16   Columnist                  Opinion

     ‘Why would
     someone pay to
     watch your sport?’
     Global OTT TV and video revenues will hit $65          2. Understand your audience: competition
     billion in 2021, more than double the 2015                intensifies when other genres are introduced        Chris Argyle-
     figure. But how much of this eye-watering figure          into the OTT mix.                                   Robinson is strategy
     will go to sports rights-holders?                      3. Price competitively: do your research.              director at RedTorch,
        The OTT world is set to become increasingly         A recent summer Olympic sport’s World                  the independent
     competitive as sports battle for audiences.            Championships were available on the                    data-driven digital
        To succeed, rights-holders need to rethink the      federation’s native OTT platform, but were at          communications
     fundamentals of marketing and revisit ‘The 6 Ps        least 60 per cent cheaper on Eurosport Player. Is      agency specialising
     of marketing’ to answer one simple question:           this effective pricing?                                in sport.
                                                              It’s understandable to want to generate TV-
     Why would someone pay                                  level revenues, but OTT is a different market and
     to watch your sport?                                   requires different expectations.

     PEOPLE                                                 PLACE
     1. How much disposal income do they have?                With people increasingly choosing to watch
        This has a huge impact on willingness to            content on mobile, 3G/4G quality will have a huge
        purchase, especially as fans are still reluctant    impact on audience acquisition and retention.
        to replace traditional TV bundles with OTT          Put simply, broadband speed will go a long way
        offerings that are often disjointed and             towards determining if your OTT offering is a
        cost-heavy.                                         roaring success… or a catastrophic failure.
     2. How much time do they spend watching TV?
        Time spent watching TV is the single biggest        PROMOTION
        prize for competing live sports. For example,         The biggest challenge (by far) with emerging
        US adults watch TV an average 3.3 hours per         OTT platforms is simply that most of them are
        day. An average sports broadcast for this           not set up for e-commerce. Whether it’s lack of a
        market lasts over 2 hours, so, to reiterate: Why    holistic CRM system, or an in-house team with no
        would someone pay to watch your sport?              OTT-specific experience, the basic structures are
                                                            not in place.
     PRODUCT                                                  There seems to be a focus on integrating new
       How fans experience your sport in the digital        technology without understanding how most
     space goes a long way to determining success.          effectively to use it to acquire audiences. Why?
     The key is to deliver digital-first, platform- and     Because audience acquisition is expensive.
     audience-specific narratives that engage people          Expectations must be managed: the amount
     emotionally. While this process takes time, it is      you spend on audience acquisition will
     essential as the quality of narrative will determine   determine the size of audience you acquire.
     how many people watch – and continue to watch
     – your competition.                                    PERFORMANCE
                                                              OTT platform success is measured by high
     PRICE                                                  average view time, low churn rate, and the ability
        Enormous TV revenues are distracting, and           to attract and keep new customers.
     rights-holders would do well to ignore them              It’s not clear which sports will benefit from the
     when pricing for OTT.                                  OTT boom, or the exact size of the revenue-
     My three top tips:                                     generating opportunity, but if ‘the 6 Ps’ are at the
     1. Perform a cross-genre price comparison: not         heart of everything you do, your sport will stand
         just with sport.                                   more chance of grabbing a piece of the OTT pie.                                                                              AUTUMN 2017               Sportcal Insight    17

“Do not fall for the
snake oil salesman
promising cheap entry
into the OTT TV sphere”
Why should you enter the OTT jungle now?               OTT TV platform. All you need to provide is
                                                       your content and you can start. And most of all,          Christian Knaebel
I’m often approached by people not typically           technology is affordable.                                 owns Global Media
entrenched in the TV industry, but who have               Budgets should not be a limiting factor either,        Consult, a leading
access to great content. Especially in the sports      especially when you consider the huge upside of           international consulting
business, there are hundreds of such players,          generating various revenues out of your OTT TV            boutique for TV,
large and small, yet they always ask me the            service. But, in any case, you would be wise to           Media and Creative
same question: ‘should I launch my own OTT TV          have a generous budget and invest in a state-             Businesses. He consults
service?’ I always give the same response, a big       of-the art solution. Do not fall for the snake oil        clients of all sizes on
YES.                                                   salesmen promising a cheap entry into the OTT             launching TV and video
   Now is the right time to launch an OTT TV           TV sphere with their platform - you will pay dearly       services, distributing
service. The opportunity has never been bigger         later on, if things fail.                                 or aggregating TV
and shinier, especially for sports content. This is       Make sure the project has top priority among           content, developing TV
even truer if you are offering niche sports content.   your team and leadership - and make all                   platforms and entering
The big players such as Disney/ESPN, Discovery/        necessary resources available. Most new OTT               new markets. Clients
Eurosport, BeIN Media and Sky are all taking the       TV services fail for one of two reasons (or both):        include Al Jazeera,
lead in this arena. It is about occupying shelf-       lack of sufficient funding and lack of operational        Bloomberg, Liberty
space and customer-relationship.                       support. Budget enough money to sustain a                 Global, NBC Universal,
   It is another step towards a business               long enough start-up phase and do not expect              SABC and Vodafone.
environment where more and more content                large ROI too early. Have a good service team
creators get into a direct relationship with content   that supports your project: targeted marketing,
consumers, thus shortcutting the distribution          excellent customer service and experience, and
and aggregation platforms. Most notably it will        knowledgeable content curation are the three key
undermine the TV content resale business of cable      areas to focus on.
operators and telcos. It’s all about distribution.        Think about the user often. Your own OTT
   The future of TV and video is with apps. The        TV service gives you the unique opportunity
future TV universe is going to be a world of           to engage directly with the consumer. There is
various apps. Consumers can choose freely on           nothing between your content and the audience
which service they’d like to spend their dollar - no   any longer; no cable operator, other TV channel
cable operator, telco or channel bouquet as a          or editorial gatekeeper to deal with. You are in full
bottleneck. You can now distribute directly to the     control of the relationship with your fans and the
audience, and you can use all types of content.        entire brand experience. So make an impact.
Finally, you can make use of your archive, too, and       Your own OTT TV service gives you much
be able to distribute it, moreover, monetise it.       more muscle in the ever-so-hard sports rights
   When you think about launching your OTT TV          negotiations. You can negotiate better with rights
service, there are a few issues to consider though.    buyers because you now have your own outlet
Too often I see companies fail by not thinking         to broadcast and distribute content. It will also
the project through and not applying the proper        give you leverage to acquire content, because
expertise. While it seems to be an easy endevour       there are content owners who would rather work
to launch an OTT TV service these days, there are      directly with a niche service than deal with a
numerous pitfalls to be wary off.                      behemoth like Sky or Discovery.
   On the one side, technology is not a limiting          The jungle is just starting to grow. It is up to you
factor anymore. There are various technology           whether you want to be a tiger or cricket in it.
vendors and service providers that offer a one-
stop-solution or managed services for your

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20   Interview                   Murray Barnett: Driving Change

                                     Murray Barnett talks to Jonathan Rest about
                                      his plans for the commercial evolution of
                                       Formula 1 under the series’ new owners

                     t’s the world’s fastest sport that for too      His remit, quite simply, is to build on
                     long was accused of standing still under     existing partnerships and attract new
                     Mr Formula 1, Bernie Ecclestone.             sponsors, something the series has
                        But since the changing of the             struggled with over recent years.
                 guard brought about by Liberty Media’s              His appointment coincided with
                 completion of its $8-billion takeover of         CAA Sports, the division of USA-based
                 Delta Topco, Formula 1’s parent company,         entertainment and sports agency Creative
                 in January, the pace has been relentless.        Artists Agency, being brought in by the
                    An influx of hires to bolster the senior      Formula 1 management team to exclusively
                 management and a new headquarters in             represent its sponsorship rights worldwide.
                 the heart of London’s fashionable West End          That was intended as a short-term deal to
                 have changed the face of the organisation,       “use an American term, get some points on
                 with plans now being formulated to attract       the board quickly,” while Barnett built his
                 new fans, and sponsors, after a decline in       team, which is now six-strong and expected
                 audiences in recent years.                       to double in size within a year.
                    “We call it the 60-year old start-up,”           “There is much to do in the space,”
                 Barnett, Formula 1’s first-ever head of          admits Barnett, who reports into another
                 sponsorship and commercial partnerships,         of the new guard, managing director of
                 tells Sportcal Insight.                          commercial operations Sean Bratches,
                 “In many ways it feels that way and if you       formerly a senior executive at sports
                 talk to any of the people that have been         broadcaster ESPN.
                 here a long time they’ll tell you it’s like         “Although Mr Ecclestone did an
                 working in a brand new organisation.”            amazing job of building Formula 1 to what
                    Barnett is one of the newcomers, having       it was, he had two main focuses: high
                 joined in late April from World Rugby            race fees and strong TV revenue. So the
                 where he was first head of broadcast,            commercialisation of the events and the
                 commercial and marketing, and then               series itself was very much an afterthought.
                 chief commercial officer.   AUTUMN 2017   Sportcal Insight   21
22   Interview                    Murray Barnett: Driving Change

        “The combination of there not being
     much precedent and having new
     ownership who have a very broad view
     of how it should be approached and no
     pre-conceptions, meant I was starting
     with a blank slate to really look at the
     development of the sport.”
        At time of writing, Formula 1 has six
     global partners and two suppliers.
        Barnett knows three of those global
     partners inside out, having worked
     closely with Emirates, DHL and Heineken
     during the 2011 and 2015 Rugby World
     Cups when they were worldwide partners
     (they are all also signed up for the 2019
        World Rugby has traditionally had six
     worldwide partners, and Barnett says he
     sees value in limiting top-tier availability.
        “We have six global partners right
     now. At the top level, we will probably
     grow by three or four at the most,”
     he notes, with financial services and
     technology two categories thought to be
     under consideration.
        “But the next level down is a little
     more infinite. The only thing which we
     are limited by is the [amount of] trackside
     signage. Above and beyond that we
     are growing exponentially our digital                                                  CATEGORY                  EXPIRATION DATE
     properties and what we can do with fans.”        GLOBAL PARTNERS
        Barnett concedes that sponsorship
     was “somewhat forgotten about” in the            Heineken                                  Beer                          2023
     pre-Liberty era, but that provides the
                                                      DHL                                     Logistics                       2017
     opportunity to build flexibility into the
     new commercial model.                            Rolex                                 Timekeeper                        2024
        He explains: “When you look at the
     [Uefa] Champions League or World                 Emirates                                 Airline                        2017
     Rugby, it is quite a fixed package. So if        Pirelli                                   Tyres                         2019
     we had a sponsor drop out it was about
     approaching a brand in that category             Carbon                                Champagne                         2018
     and saying ‘here’s what a package looks
                                                      OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS
     like, how much are you willing to pay
     for it?’                                         Johnnie Walker                           Whisky                         2019
        “What we are doing at Formula 1 is
     trying to tailor-make something that             Tata                                  Connectivity                      2019
     meets a sponsor’s objectives. There are
     some brands who are not interested              critically important to us. My vision as it      Does a stated preference for pay-
     at all in track-side signage. They want         relates to media rights is a hybrid of free-   TV, therefore, make Barnett and his
     more access to our database or ability          to-air and pay. Our plan is to balance the     department’s job more difficult?
     to reach our consumers off the track, so        two but have a prominent, over the year,       After all, the promise of fewer eyeballs is
     we are then able to construct a package         free-to-air voice.                             not exactly a selling point to prospective
     that suits them much more. Not every               “That is important from a fans,             brands.
     sponsor has to have the same inventory.”        sponsors and relevance standpoint.               “It’s difficult to give a generic answer
        In late June, the new owners of              There is the cauldron full of cash on the      because it’s different in every market,”
     Formula 1 announced they would be               pay side and on the other side of the          he notes. “For example we will be
     seeking a 30:70 ratio in terms of free-to-      scale you have brand and reach.                going exclusively pay in the UK at the
     air and pay-television coverage of the             “My view is a 30:70 model of free-to-       expiration of the Channel 4 deal, so
     sport in future rights deals, albeit it will    air to pay, where you have a number of         that’s going to be difficult situation there.
     honour an exclusive six-year, £1 billion        grands prix to be on free to air and then      But when it comes back to engagement
     contract with Sky in the UK from 2019.          we can play and toil with the pay side to      versus exposure, you could argue that
        Bratches told the FIA Sport                  generate revenue that we can reinvest          the audience, albeit lower that you’ll
     Conference in Geneva: “Free-to-air is           back into the sport.”                          get on Sky compared to Channel 4, is                                                                             AUTUMN 2017                Sportcal Insight    23

a much more highly-engaged audience                “We had Little Mix, Kaiser Chiefs         the teams have done in that area and
and, from a sponsorship perspective            and Bastille playing. If you take away        we actively encourage the drivers to talk
they’re the people that are actively           the car part of it, that probably gives       about what they are doing at the track
involved.”                                     you a flavour of how we would see a           for people to understand it a bit better.”
   On his first day in office at the turn of   city centre activation happening in the          Barnett believes loosening the reins will
the year, new Formula 1 chairman and           future, where during the day it can be        reap commercial benefits for all involved.
chief executive Chase Carey, a long-time       used for educational purposes, or more           “The new positioning of F1 is that it
understudy of media tycoon Rupert              experiential things, like taking part in a    should be at the nexus of entertainment,
Murdoch, outlined ambitious plans for          tyre challenge, and then in the evenings      sport and cutting edge technology. To
the sport, envisioning 21 grands prix          you might have bands playing or a             reinforce that we have to have the most
with the “excitement and buzz” of NFL          fashion show.”                                advanced digital media platforms, they
American football’s Super Bowl.                    In the same week, Formula 1 unveiled      have to be the most engaging platforms,
   “They should be week-long                   a partnership with Snapchat, the photo        but they still need to have the sport at
extravaganzas with entertainment and           and video messaging app, marking its          the core.
music, events that capture a whole city,”      first commercial collaboration with a            “So it’s very much about how do
he told international media at the time.       major digital and mobile-first platform.      we achieve those objectives through
   That is music to Barnett’s ears.                Throughout the remainder of the           engaging with new consumers through
   He says: “The concept is that               season, exclusive content has been            digital media, through making interesting
Formula 1 is the fulcrum for this huge         pushed through Snapchat’s ‘Our Stories’.      and engaging content and through
entertainment platform that will cover             It is a collaboration few would have      trying to bring the teams and the drivers
fashion, music, food, eSports and              envisaged when Ecclestone was in power.       along with us in terms of understanding
education. So F1 comes into town on                While the 86-year old promoter was        that mission.
a Tuesday or Wednesday prior to the            widely credited for turning the sport into       “This is such an untapped asset. There
race weekend and there will be a whole         a multi-billion-dollar business, he was       is so much opportunity for the sport to
bunch of activities throughout that part       increasingly regarded as out of touch, at     evolve and grow.”
of the week. In fact you may not interact      a time when Formula 1 has to compete             What then, can Formula 1 aspire to?
with the race itself at all, but you will      for attention with other sports and              “If you want to look at reference points
interact with many other parts of the          entertainment products.                       for Formula 1, certainly what the NFL
F1-related activity. So it gives me a great        Ironically, in April 2016 Ecclestone      and NBA have done internationally, and
opportunity to sell MasterCard as our          banned prominent British driver Lewis         what the NFL does when they are in a
music partner, Martini as our fashion          Hamilton from filming footage for his         Super Bowl city. The top US leagues do
partner or whatever it might be. That’s        Snapchat videos inside the F1 paddock.        sports marketing much better than most
not to say some brands won’t sit across            “That was F1 then with Bernie. And        other leagues.
multiple strands of that.                      this is F1 now after Bernie,” reflects           “The Super Bowl not only has a whole
   “Let’s fast forward a year from now.        Barnett on the sport’s new digital-friendly   bunch of activities in the week leading
There should be no excuse for a brand to       approach.                                     up to it, but it is actually ambushed by
say to me ‘because you are motorsport              “One of the first things that Sean        non-sponsor partners looking to feed off
I’m not interested in you’. I should be        Bratches and Chase Carey did when they        that crowd.
able to say ‘oh, you’re interested in          joined was to tell the teams ‘so long as         “I think that is a measure of success
fashion, well we’ve got this’ or ‘you’re       it’s not during practice, qualifying or the   for us if, all of a sudden, we find our
interested in music, we’ve got that’.”         race, you can do whatever you like at         Grand Prix weekends significantly
   In the week leading up to the British       the track with your social media’. That       ambushed by brands.”
Grand Prix in July, Formula 1 offered fans     has seen a massive explosion in what
a snapshot of what race weekends could
come to look like with the staging of
London Live, a show in the heart of the
city, featuring teams, drivers and cars,
alongside a host of stars and headline
music acts.
   For Barnett, it was “the first tangible
example” of the ‘new era’ that Liberty
and the senior management had talked
so much about.
   “We put our hands in our pockets
to put on an event and didn’t ask the
teams to pay up [it cost them through
the logistics of supplying their cars],
we didn’t ask the city of London to put
money in and we didn’t ask our sponsors
to pay extra. That event itself did more
to show people that we are thinking
about things in a very different way than
anything else.
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