Page created by Matthew Dunn
CONTENTS                                                      President: Tom Flood
Focus on volunteers                                 4-6      Telephone: 02 4333 4727
Regional Meetings                                   6-7
From the office                                        11    Vice President:
News                                               9 - 11    Stephen Grange
The results are in: Bladder Cancer research            14
Hernias and you                                   16 - 17    Treasurer: Tracy Black
My stoma story                                    18 - 20
Ostomingle – a new support group                       20    Director: Ian Denney
From the clinic                                   22 - 23    Director: Greg Doyle
                                                              Director: Perry Johnstone
TO CONTRIBUTE ARTICLES/FEEDBACK                               Director: Michael Rochford
Email to the editor (Manager) at info@ostomynsw.org.au        Director: Helen Richards
Winter edition                               6th May 2019    Manager: Stephen Lardner
Spring edition                            5th August 2019
Summer edition                        4th November 2019      YOUR ONL TEAM:
Autumn Edition                          5th February 2020    Operation Supervisor:
PHONE: 02 9542 1300
ORDERS: WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT PHONE ORDERS                  Warehouse Supervisor:
Please email orders to: orders@ostomynsw.org.au               Steve
Please fax orders to: 02 9542 1400
Please post orders to: PO Box 3068,                           The team:
Kirrawee NSW 2232                                             Angie, Aye Aye, Belinda, Bev,
                                                              Carol-Anne, Cheryl, Frank,
PICKING UP ORDERS: COUNTER HOURS OF OPERATION                 Kim, Luke, Matt, Rhys.
We are open four days a week                                  PLUS OUR DEDICATED
Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm                         VOLUNTEERS
(Please place orders 48-72hrs before desired pick-up)
Express Counter - Unit 6, 555 Princes Hwy, Kirrawee
Warehouse Counter - Unit 6, 18 Monro Ave, Kirrawee            www.ostomynsw.org.au

PAYMENTS                                                     Advertisements in this Newsletter are
Payments can be paid by bank transfer (EFT) to:              published as submitted by advertis-
                                                             ers. The publisher has not checked the
Account Name: ONL                                            veracity of the advertisements and ac-
BSB: 112879 (St George Bank)                                 cepts no responsibility for their content.
                                                             The publisher specifically disclaims all
Account Number: 45 664 3389                                  responsibility and liability for any mate-
Reference: Your Member Number and Surname                    rial contained in this Newsletter and in
                                                             particular any material that may breach
                                                             any confidentiality or privacy or may be
POSTAGE RATES                                                regarded as defamatory. Such liability
                                                             will be assumed by the relevant author
Standard NSW $13; Interstate $16                             of the material. The reader is strongly ad-
Express NSW $20; Interstate $30                              vised to first obtain appropriate medical
Holiday/double orders NSW $18; Interstate $24                advice from an STN or GP before trialling
                                                             any products advertised in this publica-
Holiday/double Express NSW $25; Interstate $35.              tion. No advertisement published in this
                                                             Newsletter shall be taken to constitute
                                                             an endorsement of products contained
OSTOMY NSW LTD STN CLINIC – Janet Forsyth                    in that advertisement, either by the Edi-
Please phone 02 9542 1300 for appointment Second Tuesday     tor, this association, or any government
                                                             department connected with the Stoma
of each month. Unit 6, 18 Monro Ave Kirrawee                 Appliance Scheme.

AUTUMN 2019                                                                                         3

  I am 77 years of age, widowed, have         I returned to bowling not long after
two children and five grandchildren.        that and am still enjoying the game.
I was diagnosed with a bowel tumour         I can now travel on public transport
in 1996 and had it successfully re-         and visit shopping centres without
moved with a temporary colostomy,           looking for the nearest toilet facilities,
followed up with chemotherapy and           which is wonderful.
radiation therapy for several months.         In January last year on a Saturday
I then had a re-join and back to nor-       morning I awoke not feeling too well
mality!! I have been carefully moni-        and felt some abdominal pain and
tored ever since by wonderful sur-          swelling.      I started vomiting and
geons and staff who keep me sane            thought it was “something I ate”! I
and healthy.                                just relaxed all day in my lounge re-
  I joined the local bowling club for       cliner chair and had a cup of tea,
recreation and got terribly addicted        which didn’t stay down too long ei-
to the game, met lots of lovely ladies      ther. I just assumed I would feel bet-
(and gentlemen) and am still trying to      ter the next day – but I wasn’t.       My
play the “perfect game”.                    daughter phoned me as usual on the
  Six years ago I started to lose weight    Sunday and I told her I wasn’t feeling
and frequented the bathroom more            all that well and she offered to come
often than usual. I visited my GP who       over. I said no – I’ll just “sleep it off”.
referred me back to my colo-rectal          The next morning she arrived early
surgeon and urologist for further           and had one look at me then called
endoscopies. After further discus-          the ambulance and I found myself in
sions re my future health options, I        the emergency department of the lo-
participated in a couple of treatment       cal hospital. Needless to say, I was in
trials. These did not help relieve my       trouble both from my daughter and
symptoms and after a short time it          ambulance officers for not doing this
was back to discussions with the spe-       sooner!!
cialists.                                     I was admitted overnight with pa-
  Later that year I had another opera-      thology and CT tests taken and with
tion with a permanent colostomy this        fluid intake monitoring as I was very
time. I was in hospital for approxi-        dehydrated and nauseous. I came
mately three weeks, where I gained          home the next day with no official di-
weight and slowly progressed back to        agnosis as I had recovered enough to
my “normal” self. It took about three       enjoy a light breakfast and the pain
months to slowly get back on my feet        was gone after about 24-hour bed
with the help the superb medical spe-       rest.
cialists and their staff, together with a     So back to my specialists with fur-
beautiful stomal therapist who treat-       ther endoscopies, which showed
ed me like a best friend.                   nothing out of the norm. I got back
4                                                                    AUTUMN 2019
to my old self without any further
  Then six months later, the same
symptoms again.        This time, my
daughter phoned my specialist im-
mediately, who referred me straight
into hospital, where I had further CT
and pathology done. My abdomen
was very painful and swollen and I
had no stoma output whatsoever,
with vomiting as before. I was de-
hydrated again and put on a fluid
drip with painkillers and antibiotics.
I was diagnosed with probable block-
age due to adhesions from previous
surgeries over the years. Bed rest
and plenty of fluids was required and
after two days I came home again
feeling back to normal. I have re-
mained symptom-free ever since.
  I always read the Ostomy NSW
Newsletter and in the Spring 2018
edition, I was surprised to read in
“Hello from the Clinic” page by Sr Ja-
net Forsyth, CNC Stomal therapist,
the article about Stoma Blockage. I
thought she was writing about me
as the symptoms were exactly what
I had experienced. All I can say is
having had the symptoms twice, I
commend this as a “must read” one
for all Ostomates and thank her for
the article.
  I have been a volunteer at Ostomy
NSW Kirrawee for nearly five years
and thoroughly enjoy my day with
the pleasant and efficient staff each

Caption: Margaret with ONL
Manager Stephen Lardner

AUTUMN 2019                                    5
  Margaret is a member of our asso-            professionals and lawyers prior to retir-
ciation having joined ONL in December          ing in 1996. Margaret’s contribution to
2013. She volunteers her time every            our not-for-profit charity is exceptional;
Monday to assist our team and provide          we enjoy her company and her work is
support for our members. Margaret              at a high standard.
works from early in the morning from             In May 2018 we had the great pleasure
9am (getting up at 6am to be on time)          of nominating her for a Hughes Commu-
and works until well into the afternoon,       nity Award. In November we learnt that
leaving around 4pm. While she is work-         Margaret was successful with her award,
ing she answers the phone, responding          which was presented by the local Feder-
to member enquiries and serves our             al Member for Hughes, the honourable
members at our counter. She enters             Craig Kelly MP. The ceremony was held
your orders into our mainframe system          at Woronora RSL in December 2018.
and completes other administration               Margaret is one of our twenty-eight
tasks. These include filing, printing or-      volunteers who provide service to our
ders, sending mailouts and folding raffle      members to give back some valuable
tickets.                                       time and assistance. Research shows
  Margaret is a great character to have        volunteers live happier and healthier
around. Her personality is bright and in-      lives. So, enjoy your volunteering and all
fectious and her mannerism when deal-          the benefits that come with it! (Source:
ing with members is very professional.         Volunteering Australia). Thank you vol-
This is a reflection on the roles she had      unteers for helping make Ostomy NSW
when in paid employment. Margaret has          the business we are and helping make
worked for large corporates, medical           Australia the happiest place on earth!

                             BANKSTOWN AREA – NEW!!
      Dates:   Wednesday 6 March 2019
      Time:    10:00-12:00 – morning tea
      Address: Revesby Workers Club, 2B Brett St, Revesby NSW 2212, Ph 02 9772 2100
      Access:  Close to public transport and lots of free parking
      About:	A stoma support group hosted by Bankstown Hospital STNs for you and your
               family - everyone welcome.
      RSVP:	Please RSVP for catering purposes to your Bankstown Hospital STN or Clare
               Jacobs on 0400 921 901 or aucldo@coloplast.com for further information.

                                   St George area
      Dates:   Tuesday 19th March, Tues 16th April, Tues 21st May, Tues 18th June
               (3rd Tuesday of every month)
      Time:    10:00-12:00 – morning tea
      Address: Ramsgate RSL (meet in front foyer) Cnr Ramsgate Rd & Chuter Ave
               Sans Souci NSW
      Access:  Close to public transport and free parking
      About:	Everyone welcome – please RSVP for catering purposes to your STN or Clare
               Jacobs on 0400 921 901.

6                                                                          AUTUMN 2019
                    SHOALHAVEN SUPPORT GROUP
Dates:	Wednesday 8th May, Wed 26th June (Ulladulla), Wed 7th August, Wed 6th
Time:    2pm
Address: Nowra Community Health Centre, 5 - 7 Lawrence avenue Nowra.
About:   The STN is Brenda Christiansen. Ph. 02 44246300
         e. brenda.christiansen@health.nsw.gov.au

                     Nepean Education Stoma Support Group
Dates:        22 February 2019
              10 May 2019
              26 July 2019
              27 September 2019
              29 November 2019
Time:         2-3:30pm – afternoon tea
Address:      63 Derby St, Penrith (University of Sydney Medical School)
Access:	The building is opposite Nepean Hospital’s Emergency Department. Enter via
              the side path to the Clinical School’s Outpatient waiting room.
              Please wait until 2:00 pm when you will be directed to the meeting room.
Car Parking:	Either on the street or in the multi-story car park on Somerset Street,
              Kingswood (free for pensioners for the first 3 hours)
About:	Family and friends are most welcome. Any enquiries please contact Naomi
              Houston on 4734 1245

Dates:             First Wednesday of each month
Time:              9am to 3pm
Address:           Goulburn Base Hospital. 130 Goldsmith street, Goulburn, NSW 2580.
                   Enter via the emergency dept and ask at reception for the stoma clinic.
About:             The STN is Kelly Taylor RN STN m. 0402 250 475
                   e. kelly@communitystomaservive.com
                   Kelly will provide individual consultations by appointment.

Dates:	Thursday 18th April, Thurs 20th June, Thurs 22nd August, Thurs 17th October,
         Thurs 12th December
Time:    1pm to 3pm
Contact: Camden Hospital, Heritage Auditorium. 61 Menangle Road Camden.
         Erin or Lu on (02) 8738 4308

Dates:		Thursday 28th March, Thur 30th May, Thur 18th July, Thur 26th Sept, Thur
28th Nov.
Time:		1Pm To 3Pm
Address:		Cabra Vale Diggers Club, 1 Bartley St Canley Vale 2166
Contact:		Erin Or Lu On (02) 8738 4308
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Do you have a desire to support your       aging the national distribution of the
fellow ONL members by ensuring that        journal to 21 associations, three times
the national journal continues to meet     a year. As presently structured, the po-
our needs for information and connec-      sition encompasses editorial, advertis-
tion? Do you have experience in jour-      ing and administrative functions.
nalism, publishing or public relation?     The position is honorary, but attracts
Or maybe you have a background in          an honorarium of $1500 per issue.
administration, teaching, project man-     ACSA also provides a mobile telephone
agement or IT?                             service and reimburses the editor for
The Australian Council of Stoma Asso-      relevant expenses.
ciations invites expressions of interest   If this sounds like you, there is detailed
for the position of Managing Editor of     information about the role on the ACSA
Ostomy Australia, ACSAs’ national jour-    website at:
nal.                                       http://australianstoma.com.au (See the
The role involves producing and man-       link from the home page)

AUTUMN 2019                                                                       9
Annual membership fees for the 2019-       by ostomy associations to contribute to
2020 financial year are due by 30th        the cost of running the organisation.
June 2019 and prior to your July order     ONL also has a per-order charge to
being dispatched.                          cover the actual cost of postage of or-
As ostomates, we are lucky to have our     ders. See inside the front cover of this
stoma appliances fully subsidised by       journal for the current rates.
the Australian Government. The val-        As charitable organisations we have
ue of our supplies can be worth hun-       tight resources so it’s critical that we
dreds of dollars each month for a typi-    receive any revenue that is due to us.
cal member. This subsidisation is only     You can help us by paying your annual
possible because the supplies are dis-     fee before July. You can also check your
tributed by member organisations like      account balance on your packing slip
Ostomy NSW in each state.                  that comes with your order. If it is low
While the supplies are fully subsidised,   or in the negative, please make a pay-
the Australian Stoma Appliance Scheme      ment as soon as possible. You can find
requires each member to pay a very         out how to make a payment inside the
small annual access fee that is retained   front cover.

 Visiting the ONL office by car or foot
 If you are coming to the office to pick up your supplies or attend the STN clinic
 we recommend that you enter from the rear door at Unit 6, 18 Monro Ave for
 the next few months. Currently there is major road work occurring on the
 Princes Highway and it is causing some access challenges for both car and pe-
 destrian access. Car access into the driveway is problematic and there is cur-
 rently no footpath access for the entire block on Princes Hwy and pedestrians
 are detoured to Monro Ave. Here’s how to find us:
 • Turn off the highway at Oak Rd and turn right into Monro Ave or
 • Turn off the highway into Waratah St and drive one block then turn left at the
   roundabout into Bath St and right into Monro Ave (Bunnings is on your right)
 • No 18 is about half way along, with a sign at the gate where Ostomy NSW is
   listed. We are at the top of the drive in the blue building next door to an au-
   tomotive business.
 • There is some limited 10-minute parking outside our back door.

 Easter closures
 Please note Easter Trading Days:
 Friday 19th April – Closed
 Monday 22nd April – Closed
 Thursday 25th April – Closed
 Friday 26th April – Closed
 We only open for two days during the week after Easter Sunday.
 Please be prepared and order early in April.

AUTUMN 2019                                                                    11
When did you last see your

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In the Winter 2018 edition of Os-        in the study. The most common
tomy journal we let you know about       symptoms they reported at the time
an opportunity to participate in the     of diagnosis were blood in the urine
PEEK Bladder Cancer Australia Sur-       followed by problems emptying or
vey 2018                                 frequent emptying of the bladder.
Patient Experience, Expectations         The most common treatments that
and Knowledge (PEEK) is a research       participants had after diagnosis
program developed by the Interna-        were surgery, BCG treatment and
tional Centre for Community-Driven       chemotherapy. Participants rated
Research (CCDR). The aim of PEEK is      their quality of life after treatment
to conduct patient experience stud-      in the range of distressing or a little
ies across different disease using a     distressing. Participants appreci-
protocol that will allow for compari-    ated professionalism and compas-
sons over time (both quantitative        sion in their care. There was a fo-
and qualitative components).             cus on the information needs of
CCDR thanks each and every per-          people going through diagnosis and
son that participated in the Bladder     treatment and a desire for readily
Cancer survey. The results are now       available, understandable, compre-
available and if you would like to see   hensive information that can help
them you will find them on the Cen-      people prepare for their treatment
tre for Community-driven Research        and beyond.
website at this location:                CCDR is now conducting a PEEK
                                         survey on Crohn’s disease and ul-
www.cc-dr.org/au/peek/                   cerative colitis and again invites af-
complete/2018aublc/                      fected members of ONL to partici-
                                         pate. For details see the invitation
In short, there were 50 participants     to participate in this journal.

14                                                             AUTUMN 2019

If you are currently or have previously      This is a study to help us understand
been treated for Crohn’s disease or ul-      the experience of people diagnosed
cerative colitis you are invited to take     with these conditions and what they
part in a research study.                    would like to see from future treatment,
The Centre for Community-Driven Re-          care and support. The study involves an
search is a non-profit organisation con-     online questionnaire and telephone in-
ducting the Australian Crohn’s Disease       terview with one of our lovely nurses.
& Ulcerative Colitis Patient Voice Initia-   This will be the first study of its kind in
tive.                                        Australia.
Online www.cc-dr.org/au/peek/recruiting
Email administration@cc-dr.org
Phone (02) 8294 6760
AUTUMN 2019                                                                         15

                                                      End stoma

   Carmen George, STN, Omnigon                You may be at more risk.
Earlier this month I was shown a quote        In acknowledging that anyone with a
from J Byron-Gathright a well-known           stoma is at risk of getting a parastomal
North American Colo-proctologist. He is       hernia some are more prone than oth-
quoted as saying                              ers. For example, anyone who has had a
 “It doesn’t matter if God himself made       hernia before, anywhere, is at higher risk.
your ostomy, if you have it for long          If you are over 70, obese, doing minimal
enough you have 100% risk of a para-          activity then you are at much more risk
stomal hernia” (1996).                        of developing a parastomal hernia than if
Who can get one?                              you are 45 years old do regular exercise
Certainly anyone with a stoma is at risk      and are within a healthy weight range for
of developing a parastomal hernia. This       height.
is technically speaking an ’incisional her-   Even the reason you have had your sto-
nia’. Incisional because to create the        ma created can put you at higher risk. So
stoma a surgical incision/cut is involved,    if your surgery was emergency and you
even if the main part of the surgery is       have a large stoma you are at more risk
done by key-hole (laparoscopic) surgery.      than if you had keyhole surgery and an
The actual creation of the stoma involves     ileostomy.
making openings through all the layers        Further if you already have a breathing
of the abdominal wall thereby creating        disorder or are a smoker you also go into
an area of weakness. The hernia itself        the higher risk group.
is formed by loops of bowel protruding        Most parastomal hernias develop in the
through that weakness and forming the         first 12 months after surgery so these
bulge alongside or around the stoma.          first months are the risky time.
16                                                                     AUTUMN 2019
Prevention is better than cure             your stoma surgery. It’s recommend-
 As discussed, anyone with a stoma         ed to keep them up and incorporate
is at some risk of developing a para-      them into a life-long daily routine.
stomal hernia. Ideally you should          Start all abdominal exercises by ly-
have been warned that this is one of       ing with your head on a pillow, knees
the possible complications of having       bent and feet flat on your bed or the
stoma surgery. Surgery that results        floor.
in a stoma is often lifesaving or life
enabling surgery so the probability of     1. Abdominal exercise
a hernia developing down the track         	Gently place your hands on your
might not have had any impact on the          lower tummy. Breathe in through
decision to have a stoma.                     your nose and as you breathe out,
Being fit for surgery is also not often       gently pull your tummy button
an option in emergency situations.            down towards your spine. Feel the
There is evidence now to show that            muscles tighten, try to hold for a
an early intervention program with            count of 3 and then relax. Breathe
advice on exercise and the wear-              in and out normally.
ing of support garments reduces
the incidence of parastomal hernia.        2. Pelvic tilting
This same study found that develop-        	Place your hands in the hollow of
ing a parastomal hernia reduced the           your back. Tighten your tummy
quality of life for people with a stoma.      muscles (as for exercise 1), flatten
                                              your lower back onto your hands,
Prevention and management                     and tilt your bottom. Breathe nor-
strategies                                    mally. Hold for 3 seconds and re-
Seek advice on what exercises are             lease gently.
good for you to do and do them
Loose excess weight if you can             3. Knee rolling
Wear an appropriate sized support          	 Tighten your tummy muscles (as
garment or belt for general support           for exercise 1) and gently lower
and especially when doing exercise            both knees to one side as far as
Give up smoking                               is comfortable. Bring them back
Source: North J.                              to the middle and relax. Repeat
                                              to the other side. This exercise
Early Intervention, parastomal                has the added benefit of releasing
hernia and quality of life: a                 trapped wind.
research study.
                                           Aim to do these exercises three times
British Journal of Nursing, 2014 (Sto-     a day with five repetitions each. In-
ma supplement) Vol 23, No 5                crease the repetitions as you feel
Abdominal exercises for hernia
prevention                                 Source: Oxford Radcliffes Hospitals
You may have been taught these ex-         2013
ercises while you were in hospital for

AUTUMN 2019                                                                   17

               Renee Constantin                become extremely cathartic and emo-
   As we go through life’s ups and downs       tionally freeing. The feed also gave me a
we all need support, from heartbreak to        way of giving back to the online ostomy
chronic illness, everyone needs a shoul-       community, who had welcomed me with
der to cry on and an ear to turn to for        open arms, judgment free and ready to
guidance and understanding.                    help during the months of preparation
   I first experienced IBD symptoms while I    leading up to my surgery. But ultimately, I
was studying for my HSC exams. My stub-        still felt alone and physically disconnected
bornness and determination to succeed          from other ostomates.
meant that I struggled quietly through           In 2016, I unfortunately had a small
bloody stools and stomach pains until I        bowel obstruction that resulted in emer-
could no longer                                                           gency surgeries,
hide the daily                                                            sepsis, a tempo-
painkillers       and                                                     rary jejunostomy,
heat packs. The                                                           a ton of infections
next six years                                                            and TPN that
are a blur of                                                             meant another
lengthy hospital                                                          wonderful hospi-
stays, handfuls of                                                        tal stay from April
medication, trial                                                         to August. During
procedures and                                                            those months in
infusions        pep-                                                     hospital I had the
pered with a few                                                          chance to meet
wonderful mo-                                                             a lady who was
ments of (semi)                                                           newly diagnosed
remission where I                                                         with colon can-
traveled and lived my life like a normal uni   cer. As she lay in the bed next to mine,
student. Half way through 2015 however,        my parents and I overhead her receive
the conversation of creating an ileostomy      the news from her doctor that depend-
became real and I began preparing for a        ing on what they found during her sur-
surgery that would turn my life around.        gery, she may wake up with a stoma bag.
   At the end of 2015, as a young newly        She was devastated and petrified, and
wed, just back from my honeymoon, my           began to audibly cry as soon as the doc-
life as an ostomate began and following        tors had walked away. My mother went
the advice of my stoma therapy nurse, I        over, opened our dividing curtain, and sat
started an Instagram account (@pouch_          on the bed of this complete stranger and
by_pouch) as a sort of journal, to help        hugged her for what felt like hours before
chronicle the ups and downs of my osto-        introducing her to me.
my journey. It ended up being one of my          For the next few days as she waited for
greatest sources of strength, as writing       her surgery, she picked my brain on ev-
down and exploring my experiences has          erything stoma related, she tried on one
18                                                                        AUTUMN 2019
Did you know?
                         3 out of 10 people
                         with a stoma will
                         develop a hernia.

Australian Stoma Appliance Scheme Entitlement

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               AU 1800 819 274 info@omnigon.com.au
of my spare bags, learnt all the tips and      based ostomy support group aimed at
tricks I had once asked about and had          young ostomates. Aptly named Ostomin-
picked up along the way and mentally           gle, the group gives ostomates a chance
prepared herself for waking up with a sto-     to meet in familiar and comfortable set-
ma. The two weeks that we spent as bed         tings, just as they would any other group
buddies was incredible for us both. Two        of friends, and mingle. March 2nd marks
complete strangers joined by a shared          the first meeting following a similar meet-
experience, leaning on each other, learn-      up of Sydney based ostomates in Novem-
ing from one another and ultimately giv-       ber of last year at Bondi Beach. Meeting
ing support in a way that only another         this wonderful group of young women
ostomate could give.                           drove home the need for a group such
  Since then, the desire to physically reach   as Ostomingle as many of the established
out to the ostomy community has grown          support groups focus on much younger
and this dream has finally become a real-      or older ostomates, and I am thrilled to
ity in 2019, with the formation of a Sydney    finally bring my dream to fruition.

20                                                                      AUTUMN 2019
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He ll o Fr o m T h e C li n ic
                                                                              . You may
                                                   to peristomal skin care
 Skin Care                                                                   ur skin will
                                                   have concerns that yo
                               s that ca    n                               to urine or
 There are several thing                           become irritated due
                              your stoma. faeces, or from having a pouch-
affect management of
                              mon ones                                         all the time.
Some of the more com                                ing system on the skin
                               ight loss                                      at gives
being weight gain or we                             Finding the product th
                             a period     of                                      stoma
and herniation. Over                                 you the best fit for your
                              reduce in                                        important
time your stoma may                                  and abdomen is most
                               ange in      th e                                 l leakages
 size thus requiring a ch                            to prevent any potentia
                              your pouch.            that may irritate the sk
 size of the opening in
                             necessary       to
 Sometimes it may be                                   Your Stomal Therapy
                                                                                Nurse will
                       of po  uc  h  yo u are
 change     th e typ e                                                         with the best
                         ob lem   s ca n  be          advise and assist you
  wearing. Many       pr                                                               e osto-
                                ino  r ad  jus  t-    ch oic e and teach you to us
  alleviated with some m                              my products correctly
                                                                                to decrease
                       m  an ag  em   en t or
  ments to stom      a                                                             tion. A big
                                                      the chance of skin irrita
  skin care.                                                                   with a stoma
                                                      proportion of people
                                 olve the                                       e some type
    Stomas essentially inv                             are likely to experienc
                                   anently                                         e time and
   maintenance of a perm                               of skin problem at som
                               in and there- often are unable to identify if in
   open breach of the sk
                                   pert skin                                          . Some-
   fore the site requires ex                           fact they have a problem
                               in managing                                           k pinker,
   care. The crucial skill                             times your skin may loo
                                  at the point redder or darker immediately after
   the skin comes mainly
                                 ging as it                                       but this
    of cleansing and chan                               removing your pouch
                                 in integ   rit y                                   few min-
    is at this point that sk                            should fade away in a
                                    nd your                                       rsists or be-
    is at risk. The skin arou                           utes. If the redness pe
                                    tomal skin                                      a reaction to
     stoma, also called peris                            comes itchy it may be
                                    e the skin                                    stoma pouch
     should look and feel lik                            the adhesive on your
                                  domen. As                                          you may be
     on the rest of your ab                              or other products that
                                     evention                                      visit to your
     with most situations, pr                            using on your skin. A
                                   en it comes
      is better than cure wh
22                                                                         AUTUMN 2019
                                                                                              not unu-
                          is  re  qu   ire d to                  remain aware that it is
Stomal      Th er ap ist                                                                      m e more
                         us  e.    Be   ge  nt  le   re   -      sual for people to beco
determine the        ca                                                                             onths
                                     m   th  e   sk  in          de  hy   drated in the winter m
moving your pouch fro                                             than it is in summer. In
                                                                                               winter you
                              ca   re  fu lly   pr  es    s
to avoid skin      tea   rs;                                                                         l thirst
                                       ad  he   siv  e            of ten    lose the body’s natura
 the skin away from th                                      g response and don’t
                                                                                           drink as often
                        wh  ils t  ge  nt ly   pu   llin                                             d to be
 with one hand                                                     as  you should. You also ten
                                    m   th  e   sk  in
 the adhesive away fro                                      e rugged up in all yo
                                                                                          ur winter gear
                       ha  nd   .  Re  m  ov   ing     th
  with the othe     r
                                                                            t living,             working
                                    tto  m   us   ua     lly       wh   ils
  pouch from top to bo                                             and playing in
                                     prevent any
  works best and helps                                             heated envi-
  spills on the skin.                                               ronments. You
                                  ca  re  ar  e   Ke   ep
     Basic rules of skin                                            still sweat
                     d   th at    m  ea  ns    th  e   few    -
   it simple! an                                                    and lose
                                    th e  sk  in   th   e
   er products used on                                               body fluid
                       th e  sk  in   wi th   wa     rm
    better. Wash                                                     even when
                                   th   an  d   dr   y   we   ll
    water and a soft clo                                             it’s cold
                            a  ne    w  po   uc   h.    It  is
    before apply      ing                                            outside, so
                                    t  yo ur    po    uc    h
    ok to shower withou                                               drink up
                        an  y  pe   op  le  th   is   is   the
    on and for      m                                                 and keep
                                     an  ing     pe    ri-
     preferred option. Cle                                     st
                      wi  th  ba   by    wi pe    s  is    be
     stomal skin                                                        Good wishes to
             ed  as  th  ey  ca   n   lea  ve   a resi-                                           !
                                  m  ay   im   pa    ir   th  e        all, see you at the clinic
     due build up        th at
      adhesive quality of yo
                                        ur pouch.                        Phone 95421300
      Remover wipes or skin
                                          barrier films                  for an appointment.
                                                                                                      N JP
          ou ld on ly   be   us   ed   sp  aringly and                    Janet Forsyth RN MAC
                                         needed. Most                     CNC Stomaltherapy
      only if they are really
                                          daily use of
      people do not require
       these products.
                                             inder to
         P.S. Just a friendly rem
                                             r and the
       all that the cold weathe
                                           ching so
        flu season are approa
                                             ections and
        don’t forget your flu inj

AUTUMN 2019                                                                                                23
Healthy skin
       for healthy

       Simon, colostomy since 2010

                   Dansac Accessories – Helping to support skin health
             Sometimes the skin around your stoma needs a little extra help or protection.
              Dansac offers a variety of accessories designed to help make everyday life
                comfortable and deliver the confidence and reassurance you deserve.

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     protect the skin from stoma fluid, while maintaining                       an extra sense of security for the outside edge of
         the pH balance of naturally healthy skin.                                               the skin barrier.

                                    Contact us today to order your FREE SAMPLE.
                                      Call 1800 880 851 or visit dansac.com.au

                                                                                                               Dedicated to Stoma Care
The Dansac logo, Dansac X-tra, and TRE are trademarks of Dansac A/S. ©2019 Dansac A/S.
Prior to use, be sure to read the Instructions for Use for information regarding Intended Use,
Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, and Instructions. DAN008.
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