Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning

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Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Organizzazione cromosomi


          Gli eucarioti contengono un numero variabile di cromosomi.
          Ciascun cromosoma eucariotico contiene una sola molecola
          di DNA lineare a doppio filamento

               L’impacchettamento del DNA nel nucleo
               eucariotico è dinamico, cioè cambia durante il ciclo
               cellulare restando sotto forma di cromatina durante
               tutta l’interfase per condensarsi ulteriormente
               durante la divisione cellulare (mitotica o meiotica)
               a formare i cromosomi
               H. sapiens possiede un genoma di 3,4 x 109 bp
               il nucleo eucariotico è di circa 2 µm

                  elevato livello di compattamento

Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Dimensioni dei cromosomi
Triturus                                Homo sapiens



Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Dimensioni dei cromosomi: il Muntjac
Muntiacus reevesi

Muntiacus muntjak

Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
5 avvolgimenti            2nm
                della doppia elica

                sezione della              11nm
Lunghezza del
                fibra di 30nm con i
                strettamente               30nm

                parte di una sezione di   300nm

                sezione condensata
                di un cromosoma           700nm

                cromosoma                 1400nm
                metafasico                  4
Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Livello 1
fattore di impacchettamento = 6

Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
The core histones

A. Structure of nucleosomal histones.
B. Amino-terminal tails of core histones. The numbers indicate amino acid position.
The post-translational modifications are indicated (red ac = acetylation sites ;
blue p = phosphorylation sites ; green m = methylation sites ; purple rib = ADP ribosylation).
S: Serina; K: Lisina; E: Acido Glutammico                                                   6
Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Il DNA cromosomico che si avvolge intorno agli istoni si può dividere in due regioni:
ü    DNA core di lunghezza invariabile di 146 bp, relativamente resistente alla digestione da parte di nucleasi

ü    DNA linker la cui lunghezza può variare da 8 bp a 114 bp in maniera specie-specifica, tessuto-specifica o anche

                                                               Più del 90% del DNA è stato trovato in associazione
                                                                                con i nucleosomi

    Gli istoni subiscono modificazioni durante il ciclo cellulare,che sono:

                 ➟ transienti,
                 ➟ associate a cambiamenti strutturali della cromatina durante la replicazione e la trascrizione,
                 ➟ associate anche al grado di condensazione della cromatina.

                    •    Acetilazione (Lys)
                    •    Metilazione (Lys, Arg, His)
                    •    Fosforilazione (Ser, Thr le più comuni, His e Asp le meno stabili)

Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Livello 1      ➟fattore di impacchettamento = 6
                                                         Livello 2
                      I nucleosomi si associano a formare una struttura più compatta del diametro di
                       30 nm visibile al microscopio elettronico (fattore di impacchettamento = 40)

                                                    Livello 3

Il livello successivo di avvolgimento ➛ formazione di domini di DNA ad ansa simili a
                                        quelli osservati nei cromosomi dei procarioti
fattore di impacchettamento ➛ eucromatina = 1000-2000
                             ➛ eterocromatina e cromatina interfasica = 10000                      Livello 4

Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Livello 1
fattore di impacchettamento = 6

 Livello 2
fattore di impacchettamento = 40

 Livello 3
 fattore di impacchettamento
 eucromatina     = 1000-2000
 eterocromatina = 10000

 Livello 4

Unica e definitiva ipotesi ???
Organizzazione cromosomi - EUCARIOTI - Elearning
Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

DNA is wrapped around core histones, forming a nucleosome fiber (10-nm fiber).
What is the structure of chromatin?
This fiber has long been assumed to fold into a 30-nm chromatin fiber and
subsequently into helically folded larger fibers or radial loops.
➛ However, several recent studies, including our cryo-EM and X-ray scattering
 analyses, demonstrated that chromatin is composed of irregularly folded 10-nm
 fibers, without 30-nm chromatin fibers, in interphase chromatin and mitotic

➛ This irregular folding implies a chromatin state that is physically less constrained,
which could be more dynamic compared with classical regular helical folding structures.

Consistent with this, recently, we uncovered by single nucleosome imaging large
nucleosome fluctuations in living mammalian cells (∼50 nm/30 ms). Subsequent
computational modeling suggested that nucleosome fluctuation increases chromatin
accessibility, which is advantageous for many “target searching” biological processes
such as transcriptional regulation.

This review provides a novel view on chromatin structure in which chromatin consists
of dynamic and disordered 10-nm fibers.
                                                      cryo-EM: Microscopia elettronica a freddo
                                                      X-ray scattering: diffrazione a raggi X                 10
Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

Fig. 1 Old and novel views of chromatin structure.

                                                                     The right panel shows the novel
                                                                     hypothesis of irregularly folded
                                                                     nucleosome fibers

                                                                     A long DNA molecule with a
                                                                     diameter of ∼2 nm is wrapped
                                                                     around a core histone octamer
                                                                     and forms a nucleosome with a
                                                                     diameter of 11 nm
                                                                     (Alberts et al. 2007).

                                                                     The nucleosome has long been
                                                                     assumed to fold into 30-nm
                                                                     chromatin fibers (left) and
                                                                     subsequently into the higher
                                                                     order organization of
                                                                     interphase nuclei or mitotic

                          novel hypothesis of irregularly                                                11
                          folded nucleosome fibers
Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

Fig. 2 Two classical models of 30-nm chromatin fibers and higher order chromatin structures

                                                              a One-start helix (solenoid),
                                                              b two-start helix (zigzag).
                                                              (Top) A scheme of the two different
                                                              topologies of chromatin fibers is
                                                              shown (Robinson and Rhodes 2006).
                                                              Positions from the first (N1) to the
                                                              eighth (N8) nucleosome are labeled.

                                                              c Two classical higher order chromatin
                                                                structure models:
                                                               ➛ the hierarchical helical folding model
                                                                 (Sedat and Manuelidis 1978) and
                                                               ➛ the radial loop model (Laemmli et al. 1978).
                                                              In the radial loop model, many loop structures
                                                              of the 30-nm fiber (red) wrap around the
                                                              scaffold structure (gray) (Laemmli et al. 1978),
                                                              which consists of condensin and topoisomerase IIα
                                                              (Maeshima and Laemmli 2003)

Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

                              Fig. 3 Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
                                    analysis of chromatin structure.
                                                  a Experimental design.
                                                  The chromosome pellet in a quartz capillary
                                                  tube was exposed to synchrotron X-ray beams,
                                                  and the scattering patterns were recorded
                                                  using the imaging plate (Nishino et al. 2012).
                                                  b When non-crystal materials were irradiated
                                                  with X-rays, scattering at small angles
                                                  generally reflected periodic structures.
                                                  (Images a and b were reproduced from Joti et
                                                  al. 2012, with some modifications).
                                                  c (Upper left) Typical SAXS patterns of
                                                    purified mitotic HeLa chromosome fractions.
                                                   Three peaks at ∼6, ∼11 (weak), and ∼30 nm
                                                    were detected (arrows).
                                                   (Upper right) After the removal of ribosome
                                                  aggregates, the 30-nm peak disappeared,
                                                  whereas the other peaks remained.
                                                  (Bottom) A model whereby the 30-nm peak
                                                  in SAXS results from regularly spaced
                                                  ribosome aggregates and not from the
                                                  (Image c was reproduced from Nishino et al.
                                                   2012, with some modification).
Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

                                              Fig. 4 Polymer melt model.


                                                a Under low-salt conditions, nucleosome fibers
                                                  could form 30-nm chromatin fibers via intra-fiber
                                                  nucleosome associations.
                                                  An increase in salt [cation (+)] concentration results
                                                  in inter-fiber nucleosomal contacts that interfere
                                                  with intra-fiber nucleosomal associations, leading
                                                  to a polymer melt scenario.
                                                  Note that in these illustrations, we show a
                                                  highly simplified two-dimensional nucleosome
                                                  Arrows and dotted lines show repulsion forces
                                                  and interactions, respectively.

                                                b During the melting process, the 30-nm chromatin
                                                  fibers become irregularly folded nucleosome fibers

Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2

                Fig. 5 Higher order structure of interphase chromatin.

                                              a Condensed chromatin domains.
                                                Active chromatin regions are transcribed on
                                                the surfaces of chromatin domains with
                                                transcriptional complexes (purple spheres)
                                                and RNA polymerase II (green spheres).
                                              NPC: Nuclear Pore Complex,
                                              NE: Nuclear Envelope.

                                              b (Left) Condensed chromatin is more
                                                resistant to radiation damage or chemical
                                                 (Right) Reactive radicals arising from the
                                                radiolysis of water molecules by irradiation
                                                can damage decondensed chromatin;
                                                decondensed chromatin is also more
                                                accessible to chemicals (labeled “Ch”)

Maeshima et al., Chromatin as dynamic 10-nm fibers. Chromosoma, 123(3):225-237, 2015. 10.1007/s00412-014-0460-2


         The traditional view of chromatin is changing from one of static
         regular structures including 30-nm chromatin fibers to a dynamic
         irregular folding structure of 10-nm nucleosome fibers.

        Although the term “irregular” or “disordered” might give the
        impression that the organization is functionally irrelevant, the
        irregular folding results in less physical constraint and increased
        dynamism, increasing the accessibility of the DNA.
        This dynamic state may be essential for various genome functions,
        including transcription, replication, and DNA repair/recombination.

Another paper (Eltsov et al., ELCS in ice: cryo-electron microscopy of nuclear envelope-limited
chromatin sheets. Chromosoma. 123(3): 303-312, 2014 June. doi: 10.1007/s00412-014-0454-0
(published after this article went to press).
The authors studied nuclear Envelope-Limited Chromatin Sheets (ELCS) by cryo-EM.
They found that the 30-nm chromatin fibers could only be observed following aldehyde fixation;
none were seen in cryo-sections, suggesting that the 30-nm chromatin fibers in ELCS
visualized by conventional EM could be an artifact structure.

Gibcus et al., A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation. Science, 359(6376):eaao6135, February 9, 2018. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao6135

                                             Tracking mitotic chromosome formation
    How cells pack DNA into fully compact, rod-shaped chromosomes during mitosis has fascinated cell biologists for more
    than a century.
    Gibcus et al.(2018) delineated the conformational transition trajectory from interphase chromatin to mitotic
    chromosomes minute by minute during the cell cycle.
    The mitotic chromosome is organized in a spiral staircase architecture in which chromatin loops emanate radially from
    a centrally located helical scaffold.
    We integrate genetic, genomic, and computational approaches to characterize the key steps in mitotic chromosome
    formation from the G2 nucleus to metaphase, and we identify roles of specific molecular machines, condensin I and II,
    in these major conformational transitions.
    The molecular machines condensin I and II play distinct roles in these processes:
    ➾ condensin II is essential for helical winding, whereas
    ➾ condensin I modulates the organization within each helical turn.

   We describe a pathway of mitotic chromosome folding that unifies many previous observations.
   In prophase, condensins mediate the loss of interphase organization and the formation of arrays of consecutive loops.
   In prometaphase, chromosomes adopt a spiral staircase–like structure with a helically arranged axial scaffold of
   condensin II at the bases of chromatin loops.
   The condensin II loops are further compacted by condensin I into clusters of smaller nested loops that are
   additionally collapsed by chromatin-to-chromatin attractions.
   The combination of nested loops distributed around a helically twisted axis plus dense chromatin packing achieves the
   10,000-fold compaction of chromatin into linearly organized chromosomes that is required for accurate chromosome
   segregation when cells divide.
Gibcus et al., A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation. Science, 359(6376):eaao6135, February 9, 2018. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao6135

                                     A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation.

                                                                                                               A pathway for mitotic chromosome
                                                                                                               In prophase, condensins mediate
                                                                                                               the loss of interphase chromosome
                                                                                                               conformation, and loop arrays are
                                                                                                               In prometaphase, the combined
                                                                                                               action of condensin I (blue spheres
                                                                                                               in the bottom diagram) and II (red
                                                                                                               spheres) results in helically
                                                                                                               arranged nested loop arrays.

                                                                                                             CTCF: fattore di trascrizione coinvolto
                                                                                                                   nella regolazione della trascrizione,
                                                                                                                   attività da ‘isolatore’ (insulator),
                                                                                                             Svolge ruolo fondamentale come
   CTCF (11-zinc finger protein) o CCCTC-binding factor                                                      regolatore della architettura 3D
                                                                                                             della cromatina
General steps in chromatin assembly

➛ Assembly begins with the incorporation of the H3/H4
  tetramer (1),

➛ followed by the addition of two H2A-H2B dimers (2) to form
 a core particle. The newly synthesized histones utilized are
 specifically modified; typically, histone H4 is acetylated at
 Lys5 and Lys12 (H3-H4*).

➛ Maturation requires ATP to establish a regular spacing,
 and histones are de-acetylated (3).

➛ The incorporation of linker histones is accompanied by folding
  of the nucleofilament. Here the model presents a solenoid
 structure in which there are six nucleosomes per gyre (4).

➛ Further folding events lead ultimately to a defined domain
  organization within the nucleus (5).

Eagen et al., Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell, 163(4): 934-946, 2015.

                                                                        • Hi-C of polytene chromosomes reveals an
                                                                          equivalence of polytene bands with TADs
                                                                          (Topologically Associating Domains)
                                                                        • TADs are conserved between polytene and
                                                                           diploid cells
                                                                        • Fully extended and up to 10-fold compacted
                                                                           fibers constitute euchromatin
                                                                        • Up to 30-fold compacted fibers represent
                                                                           heterochromatin of the nuclear periphery

                                                                           In Brief
                                                                           Analysis of polytene bands, which are
                                                                           shown to correspond to topologically
                                                                           associating domains in interphase nuclei,
                                                                           reveals two stable forms of folded
                                                                           chromatin within euchromatic regions of
                                                                           diploid cells that are distinct from more
                                                                           highly structured heterochromatin.
Hi-C, an extension of 3C (Chromosome Conformation Capture)
   that probes the three-dimensional architecture of
   whole genomes                                                                                                           20
Eagen et al., Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell, 163(4): 934-946, 2015.

Chemical cross-linking and DNA sequencing have revealed regions
of intra-chromosomal interaction, referred to as
Topologically Associating Domains (TADs),
interspersed with regions of little or no interaction, in interphase nuclei.
TADs and the regions between them correspond with the
bands and interbands of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila.
We further establish the conservation of TADs between polytene
and diploid cells of Drosophila.
Two states of folding,
➛ fully extended fibers containing regulatory regions and promoters, and
➛ fibers condensed up to 10-fold containing coding regions of active
constitute the euchromatin of the nuclear interior.

✔ Chromatin fibers condensed up to 30-fold, containing coding
   regions of inactive genes, represent the heterochromatin of
   the nuclear periphery.
A convergence of molecular analysis with direct observation
reveals the architecture of interphase chromosomes.

Eagen et al., Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell, 163(4): 934-946, 2015.

Chemical cross-linking and DNA sequencing have revealed regions
of intra-chromosomal interaction, referred to as
Topologically Associating Domains (TADs),
interspersed with regions of little or no interaction, in interphase nuclei.
TADs and the regions between them correspond with the
bands and interbands of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila.
We further establish the conservation of TADs between polytene
and diploid cells of Drosophila.

Two states of folding,
➛ fully extended fibers containing regulatory regions and promoters, and
➛ fibers condensed up to 10-fold containing coding regions of active
constitute the euchromatin of the nuclear interior.

✔ Chromatin fibers condensed up to 30-fold, containing coding
   regions of inactive genes, represent the heterochromatin of
   the nuclear periphery.
A convergence of molecular analysis with direct observation
reveals the architecture of interphase chromosomes.

Eagen et al., Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell, 163(4): 934-946, 2015.

Figure 7. Chromosome Condensation in the Interphase Nucleus

                                                              Left: thin section electron micrograph of a
                                                              nucleus (Cross and Mercer, 1993), with lightly
                                                              staining euchromatin in the nuclear interior,
                                                              surrounded by darkly staining heterochromatin,
                                                              concentrated at the nuclear periphery.
                                                              Right: cartoon representation of white, gray, and
                                                              black chromatin, showing proposed relationships
                                                              to heterochromatin, euchromatin, and the
                                                              nuclear envelope (yellow).
                                                              Active TADs in the euchromatin are nearby
                                                              other active TADs and inactive TADs in the
                                                              heterochromatin are nearby other inactive TADs,
                                                              resulting in gray-gray and black-black TAD-TAD
                                                              The actual pattern of chromatin folding
                                                              is unknown and indicated only schematically.

Eagen et al., Stable Chromosome Condensation Revealed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. Cell, 163(4): 934-946, 2015.

The organization of the interphase nucleus in Drosophila is relevant to the mouse and to humans, where
TADs organize chromosomes into spatial modules connected by short chromatin segments (Dixon et al.,

Furthermore, biochemical fractionation of open chromatin fibers from human cells revealed that the
fibers are cytologically decondensed (Gilbert et al., 2004), and it is now apparent that these fibers are
likely in the fully extended state.

The packing ratios, DNA sequences, functional states, and chromosomal protein patterns of the
differentially staining areas of the interphase nucleus are thus determined.
Genome-wide amplification and alignment in the polytene state reveals interphase chromosome structure
at the level of light microscopy, likely applicable to the diploid state in all monocentric metazoans.

Ciclo Cellulare di una cellula eucariote   (durata variabile a seconda dell’organismo e del tessuto)

                                              2n                                                 2n
                                              2c                                                 4c


Schema dei principali checkpoint
      del ciclo cellulare

Avidor-Reiss, Building a centriole. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2012.

                                                                                                         PCM: PeriCentriolar Material

Figure 1. Building of a centriole. Depiction of the structural and molecular events taking place during the formation of
one of the centrioles in a cell (depicted in blue) through two consecutive cell cycles. During the first cell cycle (light
gray background, A–E), the basic structure of the centriole is formed. During second cell cycle (darker gray background,
F–I), the immature centriole acquires functions in a step-by-step manner until it become fully mature and functional (H).
A second centriole formed near the original centriole is depicted in light brown. Major events in the formation of the
centriole are noted in blue. Key proteins are indicated in orange. Centrioles are depicted as they would appear from a
cross section (B) and a side view (C–I).
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