OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022

Page created by Kevin Cook
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
Membership Matters
                                       A publication of the Oregon Dental Association • February 2022

                  OREGON DENTAL
               CONFERENCE® PREVIEW

Also Inside CE Calendar, page 9 | Dental Foundation of Oregon, page 20
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
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OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
Volume 27, Issue 2 | February 2022


            (FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH)
            By Mel Hawkins, DDS, BSc AN, FADSA, DADBA
                                                                                                                                                                             Connect Online
   24       WHAT TO SET YOUR SITES ON WHEN STAGING                                                                                                      Facebook “f ” Logo    CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo      CMYK / .eps

            AND GRADING                                                                                                                                                                                          Oregon Dental Association
            By Tim Donley, DDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 @OR Dentists
            AND SCREENING: A1C IN-OFFICE TESTING AS A NEW ADA                                                                                                                                                    OregonDental channel

            PROCEDURE CODE (D0411)                                                                                                                                                                               Oregon Dental Association
            By Daniel G. Pompa, DDS                                                                                                                                                                              (private group)

   29       COVID-19 RESOURCES                                                                                                                                                                                   @oregondental
   32       STUDENT PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                                                                                                                Membership Matters accepts original
                                                                                                                                                                              submissions for publication from member
                                                                                                                                                                              dentists. For viewpoint articles, please
   DEPARTMENTS                                                                                                                                                                limit to 800 words. For clinical articles,
                                                                                                                                                                              please limit to 1,600 words. Membership
    5       FROM THE EDITOR                                                                                                                                                   Matters is not a peer review publication.
                                                                                                                                                                              Publication of any article is at the discretion
    7       NEW MEMBERS                                                                                                                                                       of the Editor. Please disclose any financial
                                                                                                                                                                              interests you may have in products or
    9       EVENTS AND EDUCATION                                                                                                                                              services mentioned in your article. Email
   33       CLASSIFIED ADS                                                                                                                                                    ODA staff at info@oregondental.org
                                                                                                                                                                              with any articles of questions.
   Membership Matters is an official publication of the Oregon Dental Association in support of its core purpose to advance the dental profession and promote the highest standard
   of oral health and oral health care.
                             8699 SW Sun Pl, Wilsonville, OR 97070, 503-218-2010 | 800-452-5628, info@oregondental.org, www.oregondental.org.

   PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2022/ODA-M0222/3964 Membership Matters (ISSN 1082-4111) (USPS-905060) is published monthly (except January, July and October) by the Oregon Dental Association,
   8699 SW Sun Pl, Wilsonville, OR 97070. All statements of opinion and of alleged fact are published on the authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of
   the ODA or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Subscription to Membership Matters is a member benefit of the Oregon Dental Association. The annual subscription rate for nonmembers is $40. Single copies may
   be purchased for $5 each.
   Advertising. The acceptance of advertising for publication in Membership Matters should not be construed as endorsement by ODA of the advertiser or of the product or service being advertised. For advertising
   rates and information, contact Robyn Mourant at 1-800-796-2638, ext. 4324, or rmourant@naylor.com.
   The entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by the Oregon Dental Association, 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, reprinted, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
   in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor and the author.
   Periodicals postage paid at Wilsonville, Oregon, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes and all correspondence to: 8699 SW Sun Pl, Wilsonville, OR 97070; 503-218-2010
   or 800-452-5628 (toll-free in Oregon).
   Published by               1430 Spring Hill Road, 6th Floor, McLean, VA 22102, Tel: 800-369-6220 www.naylor.com, Account Manager David Freeman Editor Russell Underwood
   Marketing Associate Najla Brown Book Leader Robyn Mourant Sales Representatives Bryan Agnes, Jason Currie, Krys D’Antonio Project Coordinator Hope Swindler Layout and Design Manish Dutt Sharma

   www.oregondental.org                                                                                                                                                                                                           February 2022   3
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
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OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
This Year, Get and
    THE EDITOR                Give Feedback                                                          By Alayna Schoblaske

AS I AM WRITING THIS EDITORIAL,            book Dare to Lead, and is called The       praise, do they prefer a candy bar or a
IT is January 8th and the world is         Engaged Feedback Checklist.1 It asks       Starbucks gift card?
settling into the new year and there is    eleven questions that prepare you to          Can I hold you accountable
a lot of talk of new year’s resolutions.   give feedback. I will share some of        without shaming or blaming?
Many resolutions are exciting and          my favorite questions as well as my        Am I open to owning my part?
ambitious…and ultimately lofty and         reflections on what they mean to me.       Growth opportunities are very rarely
unattainable. This year, I am focused          Am I ready to sit down next to         one-sided. If there is a problem you
on small habits that will help me          you rather than across from you?           are trying to solve, it is important to
take better care of myself. I want to      Feedback is best when it is given          first reflect to identify what role you
wake up when my alarm goes off             from a collaborative, growth-minded        may have had in it before blaming or
instead of pressing the snooze button      way, and if you are not ready to share     finger-pointing. Could I have provided
one-too-many times. And I want to          feedback as a teammate (instead of         better training? Could I have been
keep screens out of my bedroom…            as a supervisor), then you may not         more clear in communicating my
no TV, cell phone, or laptop use           be ready.                                  expectations? As you share feedback
before bed.                                    Am I ready to listen, ask              with your team members, be sure to
   At work, though, I am focused           questions, and accept that I               be open and vulnerable about the
on giving and receiving excellent          may not fully understand the               areas where you want to improve, too.
feedback. The organization I work          issue? Most of the time, feedback             Am I aware of power dynamics,
for (La Clinica) has a set of 21           conversations end up going complete        implicit bias, and stereotypes?
Foundations that define our employee       differently than I expect them to. When    As dentists, supervisors, and
culture. The first of those is that we     I start with a rigid and fearful state     business-owners, we often come
Get and Give Feedback Often. I have        of mind, they often go worse than I        into a conversation with power. It is
found that this practice of getting        expect. But when I start with curiosity    important that you are aware of how
and giving feedback—both positive          and embrace the possibility that I have    you use this power, and whenever
and improvement feedback—has               not yet thought of the best solution,      possible, that you use it for growth
allowed me to grow as a practitioner,      they often go better than I expect.        and connection instead of shame
as a leader, and as a person. I value          Am I ready to acknowledge what         and blame. You may also have
the perspectives of my coworkers,          you do well instead of picking             assumptions about another person
and I notice that when I tune my           apart your mistakes? It is important       based on previous interactions or
attention to seek out areas where my       that we share positive feedback            stereotypes. Take a few minutes
teammates are excelling and where          just as often—or more often—than           to think about what assumptions
we have room for improvement, my           improvement feedback. Every one            you are making, and prioritize
care is more excellent and my job          of your team members wants to be           asking clarifying questions in these
satisfaction is higher.                    praised in a different way, so I like      areas instead.
   So, if this is also an area that you    to ask each person how they like to
would like to focus on in the year         receive positive feedback. Do they         Resource
                                                                                      1. Brown, B. “The Engaged Feedback
ahead, I want to offer a framework         want it in person or via email? Do they       Checklist.” Dare to Lead Hub,
that has helped me become more             want public recognition or do they            8 January 2022, https://daretolead.
skilled in giving and receiving            prefer one-on-one conversations?              uploads/2021/09/DaringFeedback-
feedback. It is from Dr. Brené Brown’s     If I want to include a gift with the          EngagedFeedbackChecklist11.pdf.

The opinions expressed in this editorial are solely the author’s own and do not reflect the views of the Oregon Dental
Association or its affiliated organizations.

www.oregondental.org                                                                                       February 2022       5
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
       UP FRONT                              New ODA Members
                                             WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! Please reach out to these new members and
                                             welcome them into the ODA community.

                                             Thomas Bordieri, DMD                                             Mariya Melnik, DMD
                                             Central Oregon Dental Society                                    Southwestern Oregon Dental Society

                                             Michelle Graber, DMD                                             Anne Purcell, DMD
                                             Washington County Dental Society                                 Multnomah Dental Society

                                             Daryl Khaw, DMD
                                             Multnomah Dental Society

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OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022

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OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
Events & Education
                              Component CE Calendar
   E D U C AT I O N           Calendar provided by Mehdi Salari, DMD
                              This calendar is current as of December 22, 2021.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, events may be altered or postponed.
Please visit the host dental society website for the most up-to-date information.

  Date       Dental           Course Title             Speaker                      Location           More Information

                        Functional Occlusion
                                                   Jim Sagawa,                                 executivedirector@
 03/15/22   Clackamas   for Full & Removable                            2     TBD
                                                   DMD                                           clackamasdental.com
                        Partial Dentures

                        Cyber Crimes Safety,
                                                   Cory Roletto,
                        Social Media/Website
                                                   Chris Verbiest &
 03/16/22   Multnomah   Accessibility &                                 2     TBD              Register: www.multnomahdental.org
                                                   a Cyber Security
                        Professional Insurance -
                        What do I need?

                        The Current State of
                                                   John Van                                    executivedirector@
 04/26/22   Clackamas   Practice Valuations                             2     TBD
                                                   Leeuwen                                       clackamasdental.com
                        and Transitions

                                                                              The Kennedy
 05/18/22   Multnomah   Table Clinics              -                    1                      Register: www.multnomahdental.org

Find this calendar online at www.oregondental.org. Click “Meetings & Events” > “Calendar of Events”.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many component meetings were canceled or postponed. Looking for additional ways to
get CE? The American Dental Association has a large collection of webinars and on-demand video learning opportunities
available, many of which are free to members. Visit adaceonline.org to catch up on the latest offerings on your
own schedule.

www.oregondental.org                                                                                       February 2022           9
OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE PREVIEW - Membership Matters - February 2022
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ODA BOARD OF TRUSTEES                         NORTHWEST
Calie Roa, DMD                                DENTISTS AND
Southern Oregon Dental Society
PRESIDENT-ELECT                               ENJOY:
Mark Miller, DMD
Yamhill County Dental Society

SECRETARY-TREASURER                           • Competitive base salaries and       • An opportunity to become
                                                additional incentive-based pay        an owner in the business
Cyrus Javadi, DDS
Clatsop County Dental Society                 • Generous medical and dental         • Camaraderie and
                                                coverage                              professional growth that
                                              • Rich employer-paid 401(k)             a group practice offers
Jared Adams, DDS
                                              • Market leading paid time-off
Central Oregon Dental Society
Normund Auzins, DDS
Multnomah Dental Society                                                ONLINE: WWW.PDA-DENTAL.COM
Todd Beck, DMD                                                          PHONE: 503-813-4254
Multnomah Dental Society
                                                                        EMAIL: PDAJOBS@KP.ORG
                                                                        Well qualified dentists with a GPR or AEGD and/or 2-3 years of
Amberena Fairlee, DMD                                                   practice experience: Contact our Recruitment Team
Central Oregon Dental Society
Denise Gates, DMD
Clackamas County Dental Society
                                  1054247_Kaiser.indd 1                                                                       21/09/21 7:11 PM
Bryan Guthrie, DMD
Clackamas County Dental Society
Mark Mutschler, DDS, MS

Clackamas County Dental Society
Michael Naughton, DMD
Multnomah Dental Society
                                                                                                al IT
Olesya Salathe, DMD
Clackamas County Dental Society                                                  You     r Dent
Frances Sunseri, DMD
Clackamas County Dental Society                                                REMOTE E-BACKUP SERVICE
                                                                               Our specialized, dental specific Off-Site HIPAA
ASDA REPRESENTATIVE                                                            compliant backup service delivers the peace of

Helen Zagorodny                                  Integration                   mind you need.

Trustee                                                                        NETWORK INSTALLATION
                                                  Innovation                   Den-Tech has a decade of experience
ADA DELEGATES AT LARGE                                                         implementing countless dental technology systems.
Eddie Ramirez, DMD                           Implementation                    PROJECT PLANNING
Multnomah Dental Society                                                       Let our experienced team assist in planning the
Caroline Zeller, DDS                                                           perfect technology solution for you.
Multnomah Dental Society
                                                                               SYSTEM SUPPORT
                                                                               Our expert staff will help your network run at peak
                                                                               performance year after year.
Alayna Schoblaske, DMD
Southern Oregon Dental Society            Tel 800.839.6595 Fax 888.386.3082    SERVICE RATE
Editor                                                     www.den-tech.com    $125 / per hour. Servicing available 7 days a week.
Scott Hansen, DMD
Multnomah Dental Society                                        Covering all of Oregon and Washington.
Speaker of the House

www.oregondental.org              1060271_Dentech.indd 1
                                                                                                               February 2022       11
                                                                                                                           23/11/21 8:53 PM
    CONFERENCE                Welcome Back to the In-Person
                              Oregon Dental Conference!
                              A Place for the Dental
                              Community to Reconnect,
                              Learn and Grow!
                              FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE EVENT’S 129-YEAR HISTORY, the 2022 Oregon Dental
                              Conference (ODC) will be offered as a HYBRID event! After a two-year hiatus due to the
                              COVID-19 pandemic, the ODC is returning to the Oregon Convention Center for three days of
                              learning paired with the Solutions Marketplace Exhibit Hall. In addition, the 2022 ODC will offer
                              a virtual component for those who can’t join in person!
                                  The virtual component of the conference will include 10 on-demand courses that are
                              geared toward satisfying licensure renewal requirements. Course topics include infection
                              control, medical emergencies, risk management, cultural competency, nitrous oxide, suicide
                              prevention, and more! All virtual courses will be available 24/7 starting on April 7, with access
                              through May 15! Full conference, in-person attendees have access to these virtual offerings as
                              part of their registration. Attendees who cannot join in person can register for these offerings
                              as a stand-alone “virtual only” option.
                                  In addition to live CE and access to the Solutions Marketplace, in-person attendees are
                              encouraged to join the ODC events! The General Session on Thursday, April 7 at 10:30 a.m.
                              will feature keynote speaker James Nestor. Mr. Nestor, an acclaimed journalist and New York
                              Times bestselling author, will be presenting his riveting and thought-provoking talk, “Breath:
                              The New Science of a Lost Art.”
                                  The “All-In for Fun Game Night,” generously sponsored, in part, by Delta Dental of Oregon,
                              will be held on Friday, April 8 from 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Portland. After a
                              day of learning, gather your team for this evening of fun—there is something in it for everyone,
                              including the opportunity to win some excellent prizes!
                                  The conference would not be the same without our excellent partner groups. We are
                              grateful to welcome back The Oregon Association of Dental Laboratories (OADL), the Oregon
                              Dental Assistants Association (ODAA), The Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association (ODHA),
                              the Oregon Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (OSOMS), the Oregon Society of
                              Periodontists (OSP), and the Oregon State Association of Endodontists (OSAE). Thank you for
                              your longstanding partnership and dedication to supporting the ODC community!
                                  With 75 in-person courses and 10 virtual, on-demand courses and a Solutions Marketplace
                              filled with dental partners and fun events, the 2022 Oregon Dental Conference offers an
                              opportunity for the whole dental team to REconnect, Learn, and Grow! Register today at

  12    Membership Matters                                                                          Oregon Dental Association
    CONFERENCE           COVID-19 Protocol
                         THE OREGON DENTAL CONFERENCE IS DEDICATED TO attendee safety and will comply
                         with all federal, state, and venue requirements. All event attendees, vendors, and staff age
                         two (2) and above at the Oregon Convention Center are required to wear masks. In addition,
                         attendees who are age five (5) and above must provide proof of full vaccination or a negative
                         COVID-19 PCR or rapid test result within 72 hours prior to the first day of the conference.
                         Please review our full COVID-19 protocol at www.oregondentalconference.org.

                         GET THE ODC APP!
                         STAY UP TO DATE WITH ALL 2022 ODC
                         information, the tool you need in the palm of
                         your hand!
                         ✓ Notifications
                         ✓ Schedule
                         ✓ Course & Speaker Info
                         ✓ Handouts
                         ✓ Locations & Maps
                         ✓ Exhibitor Info
                         ✓ CE Verification System
                            Find the app by searching ‘Oregon Dental’ in
                         your device’s app store.

                         My Show Planner
                         Maximize your Solutions Marketplace
                         shopping trip!
                         The Solutions Marketplace is a great place
                         to forge valuable connections with dental
                         partners; it’s also the perfect one-stop
                         shopping solution for all things dental.
                         Preview our list of exhibitors and plan
                         ahead for your Solutions Marketplace visit
                         by utilizing ‘My Show Planner’ and the
                         Exhibitor Directory in the ODC app or visit

  www.oregondental.org                                                                             February 2022     13
    CONFERENCE                Thank You, Sponsors!
              Our generous sponsors help make the ODC a success!
                          For information on becoming a sponsor, please contact
                          Angi Blue at 503.218.2010 or ablue@oregondental.org.

                                       PLATINUM SPONSORS

                                          GOLD SPONSOR

                                         SILVER SPONSORS

                                        BRONZE SPONSORS

                                        SPEAKER SPONSORS

  14    Membership Matters                                                       Oregon Dental Association
    CONFERENCE           Don’t Miss These Exciting
                         General Session                                     Solutions Corner
                            The LIVE, in-person 2022 ODC General                The Solutions Corner is a brand-new,
                         Session will be on Thursday, April 7 at             micro-learning opportunity offered right on the
                         10:30 a.m. to kick off the conference!              Solutions Marketplace floor on Friday, April 8
                         New York Times bestselling author and               from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.! Each 30-minute
                         journalist James Nestor will be giving his          course will offer a different topic such as health
                         thought-provoking keynote, “Breath: The New         & wellness, restorative dentistry, and wealth
                         Science of a Lost Art.” You won’t want to miss      management & retirement! Preregistration is
                         this event! Please note, this is not a scientific   not available for Solutions Corner lectures, and
                         session and does not qualify for CE credit.         seating is first come, first served. Please plan
                                                                             to arrive early to guarantee a seat.
                         All-In For Fun Game Night
                           Join us for the All-In for Fun Game Night,        New Dentist Council Event
                         which will be located at the Hyatt Regency             Calling all New Dentists—you won’t want
                         Portland—right across the street from the           to miss out on this new offering just for
                         Oregon Convention Center! This event will           you! Join your colleagues 0-10 years out
                         feature a delicious dinner and lots of fun          of dental school and re-connect during a
                         to be had! Come try your hand at some               relaxed social gathering at the Stir Bistro
                         blackjack, roulette, or play giant Jenga with       & Lounge at the Oregon Convention
                         your team! There is something in this event         Center from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. on Friday,
                         for everyone! Tickets are $45.00 per person,        April 8, 2022. There will be appetizers and a
                         which includes event admission, dinner,             cash bar (1 complimentary drink ticket will
                         two drink tickets, free game play, and the          be provided). This is a great way to network
                         opportunity to win some excellent prizes!           with your peers and friends. Afterward, keep
                                                                             the night rolling by heading over to the Hyatt
                         Expanded Solutions Marketplace Hours                Regency for the All-In for Fun Game Night.
                           Come take advantage of one-stop                   Registration information will be shared with
                         shopping for all things dental!                     all New Dentists who sign up to attend the
                           Thursday: 11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.                    Oregon Dental Conference.
                           Friday: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
                                                                             New ODA Membership Booth!
                         Grand Opening Reception                               Stop by the Oregon Dental Association
                           Celebrate the return of the 2022 ODC              Membership booth and pick up the latest
                         to the Oregon Convention Center and the             member benefit information and fun swag.
                         wonderful dental community at the Grand             ODA and local society staff look forward
                         Opening Reception! Join us in the Solutions         to chatting with existing members and
                         Marketplace to network with colleagues,             non-members to learn how we can better
                         catch up with friends, and make new                 serve our members and the dental community.
                         connections. Enjoy happy hour snacks and            You’ll have the chance to play fun games
                         spirits, shop the Solutions Marketplace, and        and enter into a drawing for complimentary
                         enter to win great prizes!                          registration to the 2023 ODC. We look forward
                           Thursday: 3:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.                     to re-connecting with you!

  www.oregondental.org                                                                                  February 2022         15
    CONFERENCE                  Frequently Asked Questions
  Will all ODC courses be                    viewed session, with a minimum score         Will there be any live events?
  offered virtually?                         of 70%, before CE will be awarded.             Yes! We will be bringing back the
     No. A special selection of 10 courses   Once a quiz has been passed, the             All-In for Fun Game Night on Friday,
  geared toward licensure requirements       virtual course credit will be added to       April 8 from 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. All
  will be offered virtually on-demand        your CE certificate.                         attendees are invited and encouraged
  on the ODC virtual platform. All other        For in-person courses, a course           to attend. Tickets are $45.00 per
  CE sessions will be offered in-person      completion code will be given verbally       person and will include dinner,
  at the Oregon Convention Center.           to attendees at the end of each              two drink tickets, and fun casino and
  In-person attendees who register for a     session. Attendees will need to enter        lawn games to play. Everyone will
  full conference badge will have access     all course completion codes online in        have the opportunity to play games to
  to these 10 virtual courses as well as     the CE verification system in order to       win prizes!
  in-person courses. In addition, there is   obtain a CE certificate.
  a virtual-only registration category for                                                If I am attending in person, do
  those who only wish to access these        How long are the virtual                     I have to pay extra to watch the
  10 virtual courses.                        courses available?                           virtual courses?
                                               The 2022 ODC virtual courses will            No. All virtual courses are a part of
  Is the Solutions Marketplace               be available starting on April 7, 2022,      in-person full conference registration.
  (Exhibit Hall) being offered               and run through May 15, 2022.
  virtually, or just in person?                                                           Are you requiring attendees to
    The 2022 ODC Solutions                   Will you be offering CPR?                    wear masks onsite or provide
  Marketplace (exhibit hall) will be           Yes. Due to the hands-on nature of         proof of vaccination?
  offered in person only.                    this training, we will be offering CPR          The Oregon Dental Conference
                                             courses at the in-person portion of          is dedicated to attendee safety and
  Are any virtual courses live?              the 2022 ODC located at the Oregon           will comply with all federal, state,
    No. ODC virtual courses will only        Convention Center. CPR courses will          and venue requirements. All event
  be offered on-demand. This means           be available on Thursday, April 7 and        attendees, vendors, and staff age
  that all virtual courses were recorded     Friday, April 8.                             two (2) and above at the Oregon
  prior to the conference and will be                                                     Convention Center are required to
  available to conference attendees          Can I request a hard copy of the             wear masks. In addition, attendees
  April 7-May 15, 2022.                      2022 ODC Preview Program?                    who are age five (5) and above must
                                               No. The 2022 ODC Preview                   provide proof of full vaccination or
  Will the process for claiming CE           Program is only available digitally. Visit   a negative COVID-19 PCR or rapid
  be different for in-person and             www.oregondentalconference.org               test result within 72 hours prior to the
  virtual events?                            and select the “Preview Program”             first day of the conference. Please
    Yes. For virtual courses, a quiz must    quick link to download your                  review our full COVID-19 protocol at
  be successfully passed following each      copy today!                                  www.oregondentalconference.org.

  16    Membership Matters                                                                              Oregon Dental Association
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UP FRONT               Members of ODA’s Annual
                              Meeting Council Share Their
                              Excitement to Return to an In
                              Person Oregon Dental Conference
                              By Melody Finnemore

WITH THE OREGON DENTAL                      a focus on the wellness of dental          “While we’ve been able to see many
CONFERENCE (ODC) SLATED to                  health professionals. He asked if       good quality classes online the past
return to the Oregon Convention             anyone in the audience knew how to      two years, lectures that go beyond
Center in person April 7-9, 2022,           dance, and one of Hogan’s longtime,     an hour or so online can be fatiguing
several members of ODA’s Annual             former colleagues raised her hand       to watch. Most of the online classes
Meeting Council said they and their         and volunteered that she knew how       don’t offer a Q&A with the lecturer,
teams are looking forward to the            to do the cha-cha. The presenter        and it’s always valuable to be able to
guest speakers, quality continuing          invited her onstage to dance the        ask the speakers questions and hear
education courses and Solutions             cha-cha together, thereby giving        the things our colleagues ask and
Marketplace, a one-stop shop for            Hogan one of her most memorable         contribute in discussions,” she said.
all dental product needs in the large       ODC moments.                               “I’m also excited to see our
exhibit hall.                                  “I was so impressed she did that,    vendors. As dentists, we’re hands-on
   However, the biggest thing they are      and he really energized the crowd,”     in our work and being able to handle
excited about is seeing friends and         she said. “It was really nice to go     equipment, instruments and materials
colleagues face to face, interactions       back to work that following Monday      lets us better evaluate products and
with the guest presenters and CE            and be refreshed and excited to         equipment we’re considering for our
course leaders, lunches and dinners         see patients.”                          offices,” Watts added.
with their fellow team members, and            Now working with a newer team,          Hogan was among those who said
fun activities such as the All-In for Fun   Hogan said they branch out to           the virtual format has its own distinct
Game Night.                                 different courses and then come back    merits, including allowing people
   Rachel Hogan, DMD, M.Ed.,                together to share information.          to access more courses online,
D. ABDSM, practices at Better Sleep            As a mother, Hogan said the          accommodating those with medical
Oregon in Lake Oswego and said she          opportunity to attend the ODC in        concerns or other commitments,
enjoys interacting not only with other      person creates a buffer from family     and providing greater convenience
dentists but also dental assistants,        obligations and other distractions.     for people in other parts of the
hygienists, and front office staff from     “You park your car and you are at the   state who have to make time and
throughout the state.                       convention center, and you can be       pay for travel to Portland for the
   “Oregon is a pretty small place in       totally focused and present when you    in-person conference.
a lot of ways, so it’s really nice to see   are in person.”                            Yet, they overwhelmingly were
people from the east side of the state         Renee Watts, DDS, practices          excited for the in-person event to
that you only get to see once a year at     general dentistry at Ardent Care        come. Parisa Sepehri, DDS, opened
the conference,” said Hogan.                in Springfield and said she also        her Tigard practice, PS Dental,
   She recalled a past guest                looks forward to seeing and hearing     in 2001 and said her team has
presenter with great energy and             lectures live and in person.            appreciated the daytime interactions

18    Membership Matters                                                                        Oregon Dental Association
as well as evening events such as the       with online courses, and his team          For the first time ever, the 2022
All-In for Fun Game Night.                  appreciates being able to attend the     Oregon Dental Conference is being
   “We really had fun, and it’s a good      conference each year. “Similarly, I      offered as a hybrid event. Participants
way of getting away from the office         think our team really enjoys improving   have the opportunity to register for
and bringing the team together,”            their fund of knowledge and skills       in-person conference offerings or opt
she said, adding the Solutions              by comparing notes with other            for virtual only participation. Learn
Marketplace is always a favorite for        members and attending lectures from      more and register for the conference at
her team. “We love to go see the            respected experts,” he said.             www.oregondentalconference.org.
vendors and see what’s new. If we’re
in the market for something, it’s a
good place to go look and compare.”
   Terrence Clark, DMD, FAGD,
founded Wilsonville Dental Group
in 1987 and has attended many
conferences during his career.
Throughout that time, he has always
appreciated the collegial nature of the
   “You are in your office so much
and there is only so much you can do
with computers and on the internet,
so it’s nice to be with peers you don’t
see much of the time. You also get to
meet new people,” he said. “There is
a decorum about it that I appreciate.
It’s more than just going to fill your
brain with new stuff. It’s having
interactions, talking about cases
with other people who have similar
issues, and you learn about new case
   Clark noted that dental health
professionals are, by nature, drawn
toward person-to-person interactions.
“We work with patients who are real
people with real lives, and I think
that’s the kind of people we are
personally as well or we wouldn’t have
gravitated to this profession.”
   Most of his team attends the ODC,
and Clark pointed to the benefit of an
event that draws colleagues together
through a shared learning experience.
“People who are learning are growing
and they are more happy, confident,
enthusiastic and love what they do.”
   Allen Cheng, MD, DDS, FACS, with
Head and Neck Surgical Associates
in Portland, said he looks forward to
completing his CE requirements with
engaging speakers during the ODC,
something he does not experience

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                           20   Membership Matters                      Oregon Dental Association
Gow-Gates Mandibular Block
                                                        ODC SPEAKER
                                                                                        (from the Horse’s Mouth)
                                                          HIGHLIGHT                     Condylar Neck or High Ramus Block
                                                                                        By Mel Hawkins, DDS, BSc AN, FADSA, DADBA

                                                        DR. GEORGE GOW-GATES REFERRED TO HIS
                                                        TECHNIQUE as a condylar neck mandibular block. The

                                                                                                                                                                                                 UNPUBLISHED. PERSONAL – HAWKINS, JM
                                                        clinical reality is that this narrow bony area can be an

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ASTRA PHARMACEUTICALS: CORPORATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                 PROMOTION, ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM 1977.
                                                        elusive target. For purposes of this article, it will also be
                                                        described as a high ramus block.                                                                           Astra Dentsply
                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmaceuticals 3 Day
                                                           Dentists and hygienists have, perhaps unknowingly,
                                                                                                                                                                   Annual Symposium
                                                        been administering this block for years. When we miss
                                                        a standard block, we instinctively re-inject higher and
                                                                                                                                                                          Boston, MA 1977
                                                        deeper. Enter the Gow-Gates mandibular block.
                                                           How high is higher? Anatomically, the BEST location to
                                                        block the mandibular nerve would be at foramen ovale.           Fig. 1: Dr. George Gow-Gates
                                                        Unfortunately, there’s a lateral pterygoid muscle on the
                                                        insertion pathway, AND it’s in very close proximity to          clinician (Fig. 1) and joined us to demonstrate, teach, and
                                                        the brain. This is an intraoral block (NOT an extraoral         promote his technique on one of his world tours.
                                                        block, which is not a practice builder) but uses extraoral         When George injected me using 3% mepivacaine
                                                        landmarks. How do I know some of this?                          (Carbocaine®) plain (2.2 ml), I noticed a certain profundity
                                                           I was both his student and his patient over a three-         that I had never experienced. The soft tissue duration was
                                                        day symposium. George Gow-Gates was the keynote                 3 hr. 25 min.

                                                                    Gow-Gates: Advantages                                          Gow-Gates: Disadvantages
                                                             Perceptible end point with:
                                                                                        Vascularity                               ! Mouth must be wide open
                                                                                  Risk of nerve damage                            ! Extra-oral landmarks
                                                                                                                                  ! Post-injection, stay open 2 minutes
                                                                        Good buccal nerve anesthesia? YES!
                                                                                                                                  ! Hemostasis needs to be added
                                                                                 Duration of anesthesia
                                                                                      Good vision

                                                        Fig. 2: Gow-Gates advantages                                    Fig. 3: Gow-Gates disadvantages

                                                                                                                                                                                                 HAWKINS JM. PERSONAL COLLECTION. UNPUBLISHED.

                                                                                                                                                                                V3 –
                                                                                                                                                                                (yellow) to
                                                                                                           Gow-Gates                                                            the
                                                                                                           anatomical                                                           mandibular
                                                                                                                             Mouth must be wide open                            foramen
                                                                                                                             Post-injection, stay open 2 minutes

                                                        Fig 4: Yellow line shows alignment                              Fig. 5: Positioning of superior of corner mouth—tragal notch
                                                                                                                        ramus and deposit area of LA solution

                                                        www.oregondental.org                                                                                        February 2022           21
The mouth must be wide open to bring the ramus                                                                                             bone can occur. Also, the medial pterygoid muscle can
                                                                          anteriorly to shorten the insertion distance of the needle.                                                                                   occasionally be penetrated when bone can’t be contacted,
                                                                          Post-injection, the mouth should remain open for 2 minutes.                                                                                   possibly trismus inducing post-op.
                                                                             This gives the pool of local anesthetic a 2-minute “head                                                                                      The Gow-Gates mandibular block is at this superior level
                                                                          start” for diffusion anteriorly (and medially) toward the                                                                                     allowing easier diffusion of the LA through adipose tissue.
                                                                          mandibular nerve.                                                                                                                             Lipid solubility promotes trans-lipid cell diffusion. Local
                                                                             The changing histology within the pterygomandibular                                                                                        anesthetics (LA) are the most amazing compounds. The
                                                                          triangle illustrates the diffusion barriers and diffusion time                                                                                molecules can cross epineural membranes, like a ghost
                                                                          differences between the conventional IANB, the Akinosi                                                                                        going through a wall, without any metabolic change.
                                                                          closed mouth approach and the Gow-Gates blocks.
                                                                             At the I.A.N. block level, observe the higher density of                                                                                   Clinical steps:
                                                                          the tissue (Figure 7). Deflection of the needle away from

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COURTESY: BASSETT KB PIERCE COLLEGE. CO-LECTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SERIES. PERSONAL COLLECTION. SEP 2021
                                                                                                  Pterygomandibular Triangle: Histology


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Kathy Bassett, BSDH, RDH, MEd | Dental Hygienist / Professor / Author   Mel Hawkins, DDS, BScD AN | Dentist / Dentist Anesthesiologist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lacey, WA USA                                                                                                    Toronto, ON Canada

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COURTESY: BASSETT KB, PIERCE COLLEGE. CO-LECTURE
                                                                               Kathy Bassett, BSDH, RDH, MEd | Dental Hygienist / Professor / Author   Mel Hawkins, DDS, BScD AN | Dentist / Dentist Anesthesiologist
                                                                               Lacey, WA USA                                                                                                    Toronto, ON Canada

                                                                          Fig. 6: Histology: Tissue composition and density changes.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SERIES. PERSONAL COLLECTION. SEP 2021
                                                                          Angulation and approx. diffusion regions for conventional block
                                                                          (red), Akinosi closed mouth (black), Gow-Gates (green). White
                                                                          circle represents close proximity of insertion points for the
                                                                          Akinosi and Gow-Gates blocks                                                                                                                         Gow-Gates

                                                                                                                                                                                         Horizontal X-S,

                                                                                                                                                                       1                 Conventional
                                                                                                                                                                                         I.A.N. Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Kathy Bassett, BSDH, RDH, MEd | Dental Hygienist / Professor / Author   Mel Hawkins, DDS, BScD AN | Dentist / Dentist Anesthesiologist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lacey, WA USA                                                                                                    Toronto, ON Canada

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fig. 9: a. The extraoral angulation lines up the corner of the mouth
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dr. G. Gow-Gates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with the tragal notch b. Intraorally. Note the index finger on the
                                                                                                   4                                                                                     Dr. J. Watson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tragal notch. (PHOTOS COURTESY OF K. B. BASSETT)

                                                                                                                                                                                        University of
                                                                                                                                         3                                              Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                        Australia                          Observe the structures in close proximity to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gow-Gates approach by landmarking the external oblique
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ridge (EOR in green), the internal oblique ridge (IOR in yellow)
                                                                          Fig. 7: Horizontal XS 1. IA nerve 2. IA artery 3. IA vein 4.                                                                                  and the pterygomandibular raphé (in red) (Figure 10).
                                                                          Micro-vasculature (black)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HAWKINS JM. LECTURE SERIES SLIDES. PERSONAL


                                                                                                                                                                                     Horizontal X-S,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COLLECTION. SEP 2021. UNPUBLISHED

                                                                                                                                                                                     level of Gow-Gates
                                                                                                                                                                                     Mandibular Block
                                                                                                             2                                                1
                                                                                                                                                                                     Dr. George Gow-Gates
                                                                                                                                                                                     Dr. J. Watson


                                                                                                                                                                                       University of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fig. 10: Gow-Gates landmarks for needle insertion noting
                                                                          Fig. 8: 1. Horizontal XS 1. Fibers of lateral pterygoid muscle                                                                                the external oblique ridge green internal oblique ridge yellow
                                                                          2. Two small vessels 3. Honey combed adipose tissue                                                                                           pterygomandibular raphé red

                                                                          22          Membership Matters                                                                                                                                                                                           Oregon Dental Association
                                                                                                                            Gow-Gates Summary

                                                                                                                                                                                       HAWKINS JM. LECTURE SERIES SLIDES. PERSONAL
                                                                                      Conv. IAN
                                                                                                                    Onset                     5 - 15 minutes

                                                                                                                                                                                       COLLECTION. SEP 2021. UNPUBLISHED

                                                                                                                    Characteristic            posterior [ anterior onset “wave”

                                                                                                                                              1 - 1.5 hours pulpal
                                                                                                                                              Soft tissue-variable
                                                                                                                                              0.5% bupivacaine
                                                                                                                    Post-op analgesia         1:200K epinephrine
                                                                                                                                              [ 2 carpules®

                                              Fig. 11: Relative needle insertions: conventional (white), Akinosi   Fig. 12: Gow-Gates: Summary/Post-op analgesia idea
                                              (yellow), Gow-Gates (black) blocks

                                                 Split the distance visually between the IOR and the               for 26 years, the math estimates that I have administered
                                              pterygomandibular raphé, insert and advance the needle               13,104 Gow-Gates mandibular blocks in private practice.
                                              toward the tragal notch.                                             Patients, including myself, anecdotally, find it reasonably
                                                 Using a 27 gauge long (35 mm. or 1 3/8”) needle, the              comfortable to receive, report frequently that they have
                                              final depth approximates 25 to 27 mm (1”-1 ¼”). One                  “never been so numb” and have not reported any post-op
                                              cartridge of 3% mepivacaine plain (1.8 ml) followed                  paresthesia. Why not?
                                              3 minutes later by 1 cartridge of 4% articaine, 1:200,000               Speculation is that V3 is too large to be damaged
                                              epinephrine (1.7 ml) are administered. A vasoconstrictor             seriously or completely enough to cause persistent
                                              is not required for this injection; however, articaine is only       paresthesia. Anatomy shows that the mandibular nerve is
                                              available with epinephrine.                                          not trapped against bone at this height and if contacted,
                                                 Aspirate and inject each cartridge three minutes apart            the nerve simply deflects away from the advancing
                                              at this location. The low density of the tissue in this region       needle tip.
                                              (Fig. 8) results in a wider diffusion area of the LA, and the           What about the unsupported, unscientific and
                                              extra volume seems to help the success rate published by             unresearched question of articaine neurotoxicity? A
                                              Gow-Gates at 98.3%. (The Gow-Gates Mandibular Block:                 recently peer reviewed, in vitro scientific research study
                                              Further Understanding, Gow-Gates G Watson JE Anesth                  has shown that articaine is no more neurotoxic than
                                              Prog 1977).                                                          lidocaine (Albalawi, F, Hersh, EV, Effects of Lidocaine and
                                                 This technique provides anesthesia for the IAN, lingual           Articaine on Neuronal Survival and Recovery, Anesth Prog
                                              nerve and long buccal nerve because this is a true                   65:82-88 2018).
                                              mandibular block. A painless infiltration 5 minutes later
                                              with 4% articaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine on the buccal               Conclusion
                                              shelf will provide hemostasis if required.                             Local anesthesia is still the primary functional means to
                                                                                                                   successfully treat patients pain free. The addition of the
                                              Summary                                                              Gow-Gates mandibular block to your technique arsenal
                                                Based on use of this technique since 1977 at 3X per day,           may complement your success rate, while adding a
                                              4 days per week, 42 weeks per year in private practice               building “block” to your confidence.

                                                                                                        Want to Learn More?
                                                                                              Dr. Hawkins is presenting on Thursday, April 7 at
                                                                                                    the 2022 Oregon Dental Conference!
                                                                                                  Mark your calendar and plan to attend!

                                              www.oregondental.org                                                                                              February 2022     23
What to Set Your Sites on
                             When Staging and Grading
  HIGHLIGHT                  By Tim Donley, DDS

A SMALL STEP IN THE RIGHT                 easier. All of the past classifications     Chronic inflammatory periodontal
DIRECTION is always a good thing.         of the disease, (including the latest     disease (CIPD) is a systemic disease
A large leap is even better. The recent   iteration, which includes staging and     with site-specific presentations.
“staging and grading,” certainly          grading), have focused on collecting      There is now overwhelming
moves the needle a bit further toward     data that is not readily interpreted      evidence that CIPD, in addition to
being able to define and discuss          by the public and the profession.         resulting in periodontal bone loss,
periodontal disease with a patient in     As the economic screws of health          contributes to the systemic burden
a way that motivates them to accept       care continue to tighten, patients        of inflammation. It is the systemic
care. However, for dentistry to claim     need more education and motivation        burden of inflammation that drives
its rightful place on the health care     before deciding to follow through         the progression of many of the
stage, dentistry needs to make a          with recommended treatment. Dental        chronic diseases of aging. Thus,
larger leap.                              practitioners wanting to improve          rather than the traditional goal of
   There are still too many patients      periodontal disease awareness             simply cleaning teeth and/or helping
and even some practitioners who           and case acceptance among their           patients save teeth, the new goal of
struggle to define periodontal            patients need to be able to better        dentistry should be to help patients
disease. The profession of                communicate when a problem is             achieve a functional and esthetic
periodontology has not made it any        present and in need of a solution.        dentition that is inflammation-free


24    Membership Matters                                                                        Oregon Dental Association
and maintainable as such by the           the urgency and severity of disease        reproducibly collect the basic data
patient. Life-long professional           with an individual patient. However,       necessary to make appropriate
monitoring and therapy aimed at           staging and grading does not render        diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
minimizing oral inflammation over         a diagnosis, nor does it provide a         Every site should be assessed in
the life of a patient is an important     clinician insight into which specific      consistent evidence-supported
component of overall wellness. For        sites need treatment.                      fashion rather than being subject to
certain patients who already have risk       It is already challenging to            one’s personal opinion. The desired
factors for the systemic conditions       collect the necessary diagnostic           endpoint must be clear. Treatment
that can be adversely affected by         information within the confines of         decisions should be based on
oral inflammation, aggressive therapy     the typical maintenance/recall visit.      scientific evidence and maximize the
aimed at eliminating periodontal          What clinicians need when they are         chance that the desired endpoint
disease and then keeping it at bay        chairside is a clear decision pathway      is reached.
has taken on added significance.          for determining which sites need              Clinicians who have a clear
   To accomplish the new goal of          therapy and which treatment options        understanding of which patients and
dentistry, providers must be able         are reasonable at that site.               which sites need treatment can better
to efficiently and effectively identify      Currently, there are seemingly          allocate treatment resources, get
which sites in which patients need        as many diagnostic and treatment           better outcomes for their patients,
treatment. The old approach of giving     decision pathways as there are             and have their practices operate more
everything a few good scrapes (in         clinicians. Many practitioners struggle    efficiently. While potentially useful,
case there may be calculus present)       to even describe the decision pathway      staging and grading is only a small
has been replaced with a more             that they follow to determine which        step forward in our effort to operate
focused effort aimed at eliminating       patients and which sites to treat. Too     more efficiently. Fortunately, there
any clinically detectible etiology and    many dentists and hygienists continue      is an alternative: evidence-based
interrupting any potential microscopic    to ignore critical evaluation of the       protocols that allow clinicians to
etiology at sites where inflammation      scientific literature and treat patients   consistently determine which patients
is noted to create a root surface that    with personal experience as its equal.     and which sites need treatment…
can support healthy adjacent soft         Practitioners collect varied amounts       and which treatments maximize the
tissue. Converting diseased sites         of data and then often make wildly         chance for the desired result. It is
to sites that are maintainable by the     different treatment decisions. In this     time to take a leap forward in our
patient is similarly important.           era of evidence-based medicine,            management of CIPD.
   Staging and grading was designed       not having an efficient, standardized
as a matrix that can be utilized to       approach makes no sense.                   References
describe periodontitis in an individual      An accepted definition of               1. Tonetti, MS, Greenwell, H, Kornman, KS.
patient.1 Collecting staging and          what constitutes a healthy site               Staging and grading of periodontitis:
                                                                                        Framework and proposal of a new
grading data certainly has potential      exists.2 Accordingly, sites not               classification and case definition. J
merit when performing large-scale         meeting the definition of health              Periodontol. 2018; 89(Suppl 1): S159-S172.
delivery-of-care analyses. Staging        must be considered as sites that           2. Lang NP, Bartold PM. Periodontal health. J
and grading can also aid in discussing    need attention. There is a way to             Periodontol. 2018; 89(Suppl 1): S9-S16.

                                                  Want to Learn More?
                                             Dr. Donley is presenting on Friday, April 8 at
                                                 the 2022 Oregon Dental Conference!
                                              Mark your calendar and plan to attend!

www.oregondental.org                                                                                       February 2022         25
Diabetes and the Dentist’s New Role
                                                      in Recognition and Screening: A1c
                      ODC SPEAKER
                                                      In-office Testing as a New ADA
                                                      Procedure Code (D0411)
                                                                                Reprinted with permission from New York State Academy of General
                      By Daniel G. Pompa, DDS                                                                       Dentistry Journal, Spring 2018

                      Introduction                                 that are pre-diabetic, and most are         are overweight, and half of those
                         Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a               unaware of this diagnosis.3                 are considered obese. In the near
                      chronic hormonal metabolic                     Insulin resistance is a term used         future, almost half of all Americans
                      disorder characterized by chronic            for the pre-diabetic state defined by       will be pre-diabetic. “Sugar is now
                      hyperglycemia. This results from             an Impaired Fasting Glucose (over           considered to be the tobacco of the
                      deficiencies in insulin secretion and/or     100 mg/dl) plus Impaired Glucose            New Millennium.”6
                      the inability of receptor cells to utilize   Tolerance (over 140 mg/dl). Fifteen             More people have died from
                      the insulin that is secreted by the          percent of adults in the U.S. have          diabetes since 1900 than in all the
                      pancreas.1                                   insulin resistance4 with the pre-diabetic   wars and conflicts in the same time
                         Insulin is required for the               state defined as A1c levels between         period. Because diabetes takes 10
                      metabolism of carbohydrates,                 5.7% and 6.4% on two separate               or more years to discover and the
                      fats, and proteins. When there is a          occasions. The early diagnosis of           complications develop so slowly,
                      deficiency of insulin or its inability       pre-diabetes is essential for the           it is not addressed with the level of
                      to function, there are multiple target       prevention of diabetes complications.5      commitment and interest it should
                      organs that are damaged, leading             On average, diabetes will lower life        be given.6
                      to their dysfunction and potential           expectancy by 13 years. This is                 Dentists will now be able, with
                      failure. Diabetes affects more than          especially true when both pre-diabetes      a simple in-office screening
                      10% of the U.S. population and is            and diabetes are not diagnosed early.       test, to detect diabetes as well
                      rising at a dramatic rate. Of these            Diabetes is more prevalent today          as pre-diabetes. With a medical
                      30 million people, one-third are not         than in the past. It is now considered      referral, a full workup, an evaluation
                      diagnosed.2 Presently, there are             a pandemic throughout the world.            for treatment can be initiated.
                      almost 100 million people in the U.S.        Two-thirds of all adults in the U.S.        Dentists see more people today than
                                                                                                               physicians. The many complications
                                                                                                               associated during this pre-diabetic
                                                                                                               stage may possibly be avoided,
                                                                                                               leading to a greater quality of life
                                                                                                               and longevity for these patients who
                                                                                                               were unaware of their pre-diabetic or
                                                                                                               diabetic status. This could result in
                                                                                                               significant savings to our healthcare
                                                                                                               system, where we are now spending
                                                                                                               over 250 billion dollars in Medicare
                                                                                                               costs for patients with diabetes.7
                                                                                                                   Delta Dental has done studies where
                                                                                                               they reimbursed for the A1c testing
                                                                                                               in dental offices in New Jersey and
                                                                                                               may be considering covering this in
                                                                                                               the future. Other dental insurance

                                                                                                               companies have not as of yet
                                                                                                               approved a reimbursement for this
                                                                                                               ADA procedure code, but hopefully will
                                                                                                               do so in the future. Before starting an

                      26    Membership Matters                                                                             Oregon Dental Association
A1c in-office point of care program, be       days nearer to the test contribute              Delayed healing
sure to consult with regulatory experts       substantially more to the test than             Hypo-salivation
and your local dental society.                glucose levels days further from the            Periodontal disease in diabetic
                                              test date. Since pre-diabetes has no         patients may be more severe and
D0411: HbA1c: In-office point of              consistent signs and symptoms, the           progress more rapidly due to the
service testing                               A1c test is the most reliable test that is   associated impaired immunity and
   As of January 1, 2018, dentists will       easily available today. In addition, A1c     healing challenges.8 This is due, in part,
be able to test A1c levels in their office,   testing does not require a fasting state.    to the hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis
by offering a simple in-office test.             People without diabetes usually           that changes the phagocytosic
   CDT 2018 marked the addition               have an A1c level of between 4.5% to         activity of the macrophages
of “D0411 HbA1c in-office point               5.6%. For every 1% decrease in A1c           and the chemotactic effect of
of service testing”—a chair-side              levels, the incidence of complications       polymorphonuclear neutrophils.9
screening procedure that, along               from diabetes decreases up to 40%.              As dentists, we have a unique
with appropriate referral, aids in            Ideally, a diabetic patient with an A1c      opportunity to detect these many early
the diagnosis of pre-diabetes and             level of 8.5% who can get to 6.5%            warning signs that may lead to an early
diabetes. This procedure, also known          can reduce their complication rate by        diagnosis and now, with the addition
as finger-stick random capillary              up to 80%.7                                  of this new code for in-office testing
HbA1c glucose testing, is relevant to            The American Diabetes Association         for A1c, an even greater opportunity to
dentists as diabetes is a risk factor         now suggests that all adults who             help in the fight against diabetes.
related to periodontal disease.               are overweight or obese be tested,
   HblAc testing enables a dentist            along with anyone who has one or             Three important considerations
to amend the patients treatment               more risk factors for diabetes, such         when treating diabetic patients:
planning depending on whether the             as high blood pressure or close family       1) Hypoglycemia Unawareness
results are the first indicator of a new      members who have diabetes. At age               Over time, repeated episodes
diabetic condition, or if the results         45, all adults should be screened for           of hypoglycemia can lead to
indicate a change in the existing             pre-diabetes or diabetes.                       hypoglycemia unawareness.
diabetic condition.                              Dentists can often be at the                 The body and brain no longer
   D0411—ADA Guide to Point of Care           forefront of detecting the early signs          produce signs and symptoms that
Diabetes Testing and Reporting is             of the disease just by observing                warn of low blood sugar, such as
available at no cost for you to view          how patients heal after a surgical              sweating, shakiness, or irregular
or download. (ADA CDT—Current                 procedure. Poor or delayed                      heartbeats. When this happens,
Dental Terminology book)                      healing is a first sign of diabetes             the risk of severe, life-threatening
• Guide to Reporting D041l (PDF)              or pre-diabetes. This, along with               hypoglycemia is increased. If
   A1c levels can be falsely elevated         early periodontal disease in a young            this occurs in the dental office,
when there is low red blood cell              patient, is another red flag that should        it can be a crisis as the dentist
(RBC) turnover, as in untreated iron          heighten your index of suspicion to             has no warning of the impending
deficiency or anemia and can be               rule out pre-diabetes and diabetes.             hypoglycemic event before the
falsely depressed with increased                                                              patient becomes unconscious.
RBC turnover such as in hemolysis,            Other possible dental                           A thorough history is required
recently treated iron, B12 or folate          manifestations of DM include:                   to determine if your patient with
deficiencies, with hemodialysis, and            Granulomatous polyps on the                   DM may present with this sign of
with RBC transfusions.                        gingiva                                         hypoglycemia. Your “situational
   The test is limited to a three-month         Candidiasis                                   awareness” should be heightened,
look back because the lifespan of               Parotid gland enlargement                     especially if your patient is a
an RBC is approximately 4 months                Taste impairment                              recently diagnosed diabetic
(117 days for men and 106 days                  Xerostomia                                    Type II, is not compliant with
for women). Since RBCs do not                   Traumatic ulcers                              medications or lifestyle changes,
undergo lysis at the same time, the             Geographic tongue                             and has experienced frequent
HBA1c is taken as a limited measure             Burning mouth syndrome                        hypoglycemic episodes.
of three months. It is formed as a              Fissured tongue                            2) Diabetic Patients on Beta
non-enzymatic glycation pathway of              Benign migratory glossitis                    Blockers Diabetic patients on
hemoglobin’s exposure to plasma                 Lichen planus                                 beta blockers will not necessarily
glucose. The glucose levels on                  Angular cheilitis                             show sweating and shaking, as

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