Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM
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informs ® Vol. 24, No. 3, Summer 2005, pp. 477–489 issn 0732-2399 eissn 1526-548X 05 2403 0477 doi 10.1287/mksc.1040.0107 © 2005 INFORMS Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Roland T. Rust Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, rrust@rhsmith.umd.edu Peter C. Verhoef Erasmus University, Burgmeester Oudlaan 50, NL-3065 PA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands, p.c.verhoef@rug.nl W e provide a fully personalized model for optimizing multiple marketing interventions in intermediate- term customer relationship management (CRM). We derive theoretically based propositions on the mod- erating effects of past customer behavior and conduct a longitudinal validation test to compare the performance of our model with that of commonly used segmentation models in predicting intermediate-term, customer- specific gross profit change. Our findings show that response to marketing interventions is highly heterogeneous, that heterogeneity of response varies across different marketing interventions, and that the heterogeneity of response to marketing interventions may be partially explained by customer-specific variables related to cus- tomer characteristics and the customer’s past interactions with the company. One important result from these moderating effects is that relationship-oriented interventions are more effective with loyal customers, while action-oriented interventions are more effective with nonloyal customers. We show that our proposed model outperformed models based on demographics, recency-frequency-monetary value (RFM), or finite mixture seg- mentation in predicting the effectiveness of intermediate-term CRM. The empirical results project a significant increase in intermediate-term profitability over all of the competing segmentation approaches and a significant increase in intermediate-term profitability over current practice. Key words: customer relationship management (CRM); one-to-one marketing; personalization; customer heterogeneity; segmentation; direct marketing History: This paper was received December 4, 2003, and was with the authors 2 months for 2 revisions; processed by Eugene Anderson. 1. Introduction interventions at the individual level. Traditionally, CRM differs from traditional direct marketing in that the direct marketing literature has focused on which it usually involves customer contact over a variety customers in a company’s database should be tar- of contact media. For example, although the typical geted with a direct mailing or catalog. The standard direct marketing problem may involve only one type approach has been to select profitable customers for of marketing intervention (e.g., a regularly mailed cat- each mailing using several methods, such as RFM, alog), the CRM marketing problem typically involves CHAID, and logit models (e.g., Bult and Wansbeek a mix of marketing interventions (e.g., direct mail, 1995, David Sheppard Associates 1990). However, Internet contacts, personal selling contacts, telephone these methods optimize profitability only in the short contacts, etc.). This leads to the problem that we run. Some studies have advocated a longer term ori- address—how to design a mix of marketing interven- entation and developed individual-level models that tions for each customer individually. optimize the number of mailings sent to a customer The database marketing literature (e.g., Schmittlein in a certain time period (e.g., Bitran and Mondschein and Peterson 1994) has provided individual-level pre- 1996, Gönül and Shi 1998). In a very recent study, diction models of future purchase but has stopped Elsner et al. (2004) proposed the use of dynamic mul- short of providing a general optimization model for tilevel modeling to find out, for the intermediate time- marketing interventions. The direct marketing lit- frame, the optimal number of direct mailings sent to erature (e.g., Bult and Wansbeek 1995, Gönül and each customer. Shi 1998) has provided individual-level optimization Visionaries and consultants have touted one-to-one models for the case of one kind of direct mailing. marketing, in which companies completely personal- A gap in the literature is a solution to the general ize their marketing efforts, as the ultimate form of CRM problem of how to optimize a mix of marketing CRM (Peppers and Rogers 1997) in practice, though, 477
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM 478 Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS many companies that apply CRM do not fully per- The objectives of this paper are fourfold. First, this sonalize their marketing interventions, in that they study develops an intermediate-term CRM optimiza- do not fully accommodate heterogeneity of response. tion model that models heterogeneity in responsive- Personalization in CRM can take two forms. First, ness to the marketing intervention mix, as well as companies can differentiate their marketing efforts heterogeneity of past behavior and personal char- based on customer differences in personal characteris- acteristics. Second, we compare empirically whether tics and history with the company. Such efforts do not a fully personalized CRM approach performs better necessarily imply any modeling of heterogeneity of than traditional segmentation approaches in predict- response. For example, a company might estimate an ing intermediate-term customer profitability. Third, aggregate regression equation that includes personal we investigate the moderating effects of past behav- variables as independent variables. Second, compa- ior on action-oriented and relationship-oriented inter- nies can further differentiate their marketing efforts ventions, with particular interest in whether these based also on customer differences in response. Such moderating variables affect the relative effectiveness methods permit heterogeneity in not only personal of marketing interventions, depending on the pur- characteristics and history but also model heterogene- pose of the intervention. Fourth, we explore whether ity in responsiveness to marketing efforts. fully personalized CRM can significantly increase Typically, firms model heterogeneity of response intermediate-term profitability over commonly used through various forms of response segmentation segmentation approaches and current practice. (Levin and Zahavi 2001, Verhoef et al. 2003). These segmentation approaches can be segmentation based on customer characteristics, such as demographic 2. The Model segmentation, or segmentation based on history with 2.1. The Managerial Problem the company, such as RFM segmentation (Roberts The objective of a firm’s CRM strategy is to opti- and Berger 1989, Bitran and Mondschein 1996). Other mize each individual customer’s profitability over CRM models account for customer heterogeneity (e.g., Bult and Wittink 1996, DeSarbo and Ramaswamy time (Reinartz and Kumar 2003). In our model, we 1994), using latent class/finite mixture models. consider the yearly profit of an individual customer. All the aforementioned approaches result in seg- We assume that the firm’s aim is to determine the mentized (rather than truly personalized) marketing customer-specific marketing interventions mix that interventions. From a CRM perspective, personalized maximizes the profit change of each customer in this marketing interventions—methods that fully accom- year.1 We refer to this as the intermediate-term CRM modate individualized responsiveness, based on cus- problem, as opposed to the long-term CRM problem tomers’ characteristics and their purchase history with of determining the customer-specific future marketing the firm—are preferred (Libai et al. 2002, Peppers interventions trajectory that will optimize customer and Rogers 1999). Although direct marketing models lifetime value (CLV). This profit change consists of that fully capture heterogeneity have been devised to changes in gross profits from a customer over time model interpurchase times (Allenby et al. 1999) and because of, for example, cross-buying, minus the mar- response to couponing (Rossi et al. 1996), no models keting costs allocated to a customer to achieve this. have been published that fully capture heterogene- Mathematically, the change in profitability of cus- ity of response to a mix of marketing interventions tomer i between t and t − 1 is formulated as follows: in CRM, either in the long term or the intermedi- ate term. Profiti t−1→t = Ri t − Ri t−1 − Ci t−1→t 2 (1) It has been noted that different types of interven- tions can have different impacts across customers, where Ri t is the gross profit (revenues minus direct depending on their customer characteristics (e.g., costs) obtained from customer i in time t, and DeWulf et al. 2001). CRM interventions can have dif- Ci t−1→t is the marketing costs allocated to customer i ferent purposes. For example, the CRM literature gen- in time t. In our model, we take a CRM perspective on erally distinguishes between interventions with a call for action focusing on cross-selling (i.e., direct mail- 1 Ideally the firm would instead maximize its customer equity (Rust ings) and more relationship-oriented instruments (i.e., et al. 2004) by individually maximizing each CLV (the long-term relationship magazines) (Berry 1995, Bhattacharya approach) (Reinartz and Kumar 2000). We use next period profit and Bolton 1999, McDonald 1998). In this research, change (the intermediate-term approach) instead, because the opti- mization results in a closed-form solution, and because research we therefore investigate whether the intermediate- shows a close relationship between current profitability and CLV term effects of these two types of interventions differ in this industry (Donkers et al. 2003). across customers. We also explore whether moderat- 2 The gross profits in our model are equal to the contributions to ing variables can work differently for these two types profit received from an individual customer. The contribution mar- of interventions. gin is a figure that is constant across customers.
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS 479 defining the marketing costs. These costs only include That is, for segment s, the marketing allocation will be those instruments that a firm can personalize. In most identical across customers. This leads to the optimal CRM applications, these instruments concern direct allocation rule communication instruments, such as direct mailings (Roberts and Berger 1989). The marketing costs of a Msk = sk /Ck − 1 (6) customer i in a given time period are defined as 2.3. A Hierarchical Model for K Customer-Level Effects Ci t−1→t = Mk i ∗ Ck (2) To optimize individual customer profitability, the k=1 impact of marketing interventions on customers’ where k is a marketing instrument, Mk i is the market- changes in gross profits must be modeled. As we aim ing allocation to customer i between t and t − 1, and to account for customer heterogeneity at the customer Ck is the variable costs of instrument k. The objective level to develop a personalized intermediate-term function for firms maximizing the profitability change CRM intervention strategy, we propose a hierarchical of their individual customers becomes as follows: model (Rossi and Allenby 2003). The general shift in gross profit model is formulated as follows: K i t−1→t = Ri t−1→t − Mk i ∗ Ck (3) Ri t−1→t = Xi i + i (7) k=1 2.2. Optimizing the Intervention Mix Equation (7) may also be formulated to include inter- If Mi is a vector of nonnegative marketing allocations action terms.4 We now specify the customer-specific to customer i, and i is a coefficient vector that cap- response parameter vector, i as tures the impact of the marketing allocations on the i = Zi + i (8) profitability of customer i, then we have where Zi is a vector of the past behavior and customer i t−1→t = Xi i − Mi C + i (4) characteristics of customer i, available from the firms’ where Xi is a vector containing the marketing inter- customer database, and is a coefficient vector rep- vention levels targeted to customer i (equal to the resenting the moderating effect of Zi on the effect of elements lnMik + 1 for all elements k of Mi ), C is CRM interventions on the intermediate-term shift in a vector containing the costs, Ck , and i is a nor- gross profits of customer i. In all alternative models, mally distributed error term. The logarithmic trans- the alpha variables are instead used as covariates. formation is employed to capture the phenomenon of diminishing returns to marketing efforts and to facil- 3. Moderating Effects itate tractability of obtaining optimal marketing allo- In our model, we distinguish two types of inter- cation levels. ventions: direct mailings and relationship magazines. The marketing allocation problem in intermediate- The direct mailings have a call for action and often term CRM is best modeled as a profit maximization provide short-term economic rewards (i.e., price dis- problem (Bult and Wansbeek 1995). The objective is counts). Relationship magazines provide more social to maximize i t−t−1 with respect to Mi for each cus- benefits (i.e., information on services and lifestyle tomer i. Based on this formulation, it is easy to obtain information) and focus on both relationship building that the optimal level of marketing allocation Mik is and the creation of additional sales. We hypothesize that past behavior will have differential impact on the Mik = ik /Ck − 1 (5) two types of marketing interventions. where ik is the element of i corresponding to mar- 3.1. The Effects of Past Behavior keting allocation k. In many cases, the marketing allo- In our model, we distinguish the following six past cation, Mik , is constrained to a maximum of Mikmax . behavioral variables: (1) last period profit, (2) rela- In such a case, the optimal allocation is given as tionship duration, (3) loyalty program membership, minMik Mikmax .3 (4) number of current products used, (5) time since If a segmentized marketing approach is used, then last purchase, and (6) cumulative number of pur- the coefficient vector i will be estimated by segment. chases. There is ample evidence that these variables 3 4 In practice, the allocation level must generally be nonnegative, In our case, we also tested a model with interaction terms, but and it often must be integer. In such a case, we determine the objec- the prediction error turned out to be slightly worse than the model tive function value for the nonnegative integers above and below without interaction terms. For that reason, and to save space, we minMik Mikmax or simply round to the nearest nonnegative integer. focus our attention on the simpler main-effect model.
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM 480 Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS might moderate the effect of CRM interventions. In and larger cumulative number of purchases, will be nega- our propositions, we consider relationship duration, tively related to response to action-oriented interventions. number of current products used, time since last Proposition 1b. Past behavioral loyalty, which is indi- purchase, and cumulative number of purchases as cated by longer relationship duration, greater number of indicators of behavioral loyalty (e.g., Bolton et al. current products used, shorter time since last purchase, and 2004, Reichheld 1996, Reinartz and Kumar 2000). Our larger cumulative number of purchases, will be positively assumption that past behavior might moderate the related to response to relationship-oriented interventions. effect of CRM interventions is also based on the direct marketing literature, which acknowledges that Loyalty Program Membership. Loyalty program there are microsegments based on prior behavior membership has been shown to positively impact that respond differently to the sent direct mailings customer behavior such as retention, service usage, Elsner et al. (2004). and customer share (Bolton et al. 2000, Verhoef 2003). A theoretical explanation for this positive effect is that Behavioral Loyalty. Bawa and Shoemaker (1987) customers might view program incentives as a motive show that direct mailings with coupons are less effec- to repeatedly purchase the programs’ sponsors’ brand tive among behavioral loyals, while Kahn and Louie (Kivetz 2003, Roehm et al. 2002). No research has yet (1990) also report on a weaker effect of sales promo- considered the moderating effect of loyalty program tions among brand loyals. Thus, this might suggest membership on the effect of pure CRM interventions. that the effect of action-oriented CRM interventions Our contention is that the motivating nature of the will be lower among loyal customers. Also, from a loyalty program might strengthen the effect of CRM relationship perspective, there is a reason to support interventions independent of the purpose of the inter- this expectation. Loyal customers might have reached vention (Duncan and Moriarty 1998). Thus, we pro- their potential value in the relationship with respect pose the following: to the number of services purchased (Dwyer et al. 1987, Grant and Schlesinger 1995). Thus, they might Proposition 2. Loyalty program membership will be be less likely to purchase additional services, despite positively related to response to CRM interventions. a received direct mailing with a call for action. Although loyal customers might be less inclined 3.2. Other Moderating Variables to respond to direct mailings, they might be more For completeness, we also include a number of other responsive to relationship magazines. Loyal cus- variables that may have a moderating effect on the tomers expect more relational value from the firm effectiveness of CRM interventions. Although they are (e.g., Fournier et al. 1998, Reinartz and Kumar 2000). not the substantive focus of our current investiga- As a result, they highly value relationship-oriented tion, past research indicates that Sex (Blattberg and actions. These actions provide a deeper meaning to Neslin 1990, Spring et al. 2001), Education (Bell et al. the relationship with the firm, which at that time 1999), Number of Wage Earners (Darian 1987), Income should go beyond pure economic transaction-oriented (Ailawadi et al. 2001, Bawa and Gosh 1999), Age (Bell value (Dwyer et al. 1987). Less loyal customers will et al. 1999, Kamakura et al. 1991, Urbany et al. 1996), be less receptive for this relational value, as they and whether the customer purchases from catalogs will prefer economic-oriented value seducing them (Spring et al. 2001) may have an impact on the effec- to purchase an additional service. Moreover, loyal tiveness of CRM interventions. For this reason, we customers are also likely to be more committed include all of these variables in our model as potential to the firm (Verhoef et al. 2002), which leads to moderators as well as last period profit. more attention for relationship-oriented interventions. Hence, we expect that relationship-oriented interven- 4. Empirical Test of the tions will be more effective among behavioral loy- Heterogeneity Models als. There are several potential measures of behavioral loyalty, and each has its own strengths and weak- 4.1. Data nesses. Nevertheless, the weight of past research leads We obtained data from a financial service provider us to propose the following: that specializes in insurance. The data consist of the purchases of insurance of 1,580 customers over a two- Proposition 1a. Past behavioral loyalty, which is year period. For each service category n, the firm indicated by longer relationship duration, greater number has calculated a contribution margin CMn . This con- of current products used, shorter time since last purchase,5 tribution margin is not customer specific and is thus 5 the same across all customers. Based on these data, Shorter time since last purchase is not an infallible indicator of loy- the gross profit per customer can be calculated as alty. For a customer with a high baseline purchase rate, even a short gap in purchases may indicate disloyalty, whereas a customer with follows: a low baseline purchase rate may be loyal, even with large gaps in N Ri t = Servicei n t ∗ CMn (9) the purchase record (e.g., see Schmittlein and Peterson 1994). n=1
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS 481 In this equation, Servicei n t stands for the number Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of services (insurances) purchased by customer i in Mean (std. dev.) product category n in time t. Given the two-year time period, we have customer gross profit information at Variable Year 1 Year 2 one-year intervals—at t = 0, t = 1, and t = 2. Gross profit (guilders) 192.81 (204.68) 212.47 (220.28) Besides gross profit information and information % with changing profit 21% 24% on the number of services purchased, we also have Relationship duration (years) 10.78 (6.40) 11.78 (6.40) data on the relationship age of the customer, which % in loyalty program 31% 35% No. of insurances purchased 1.14 (1.79) 1.22 (1.90) are calculated as the time between the starting date Time since purchase (years) 4.18 (5.13) 4.38 (5.06) of the relationship with the firm (first purchase) and Cumulative number of purchases 2.69 (2.30) 2.87 (2.41) t = 0 (Bolton 1998). Furthermore, as we observe the % male 75% 75% purchase dates of services, we can calculate the time Catalogs 1.71 (1.05) 1.71 (1.05) since the last purchase. Finally, the data also provide Median education 5.041 (1.22) 5.041 (1.22) No. of wage earners 1.52 (0.56) 1.52 (0.56) information on whether a customer i is a member of Median income 3.252 (1.47) 3.252 (1.47) a loyalty program. From these 1,580 customers, the Age 42.18 (8.89) 43.18 (8.89) firm also observed sociodemographic characteristics 1 using questionnaires. We have information on each Advanced high school. 2 Higher than the average income. customer’s age, income, household size, education, and gender. On average, the customers of the finan- cial service provider can be characterized as rather continuing services such as financial services, sub- prosperous and well educated. scriptions, and memberships. During the period of our study, the firm did not 4.2. Competing Models employ an allocation strategy that optimized the total value of the customer. They instead employed dis- A Priori Segmentation. One method of account- tinct strategies for the direct mailings and the relation- ing for heterogeneity is to define customer segments ship magazine. For the direct mailings, they used two a priori. This is an often-applied method in CRM, types of strategies. First, they sent out mailings based with its most famous example the segmentation on on the expected response rate to that mailing, which RFM characteristics. For each segment, linear models might be considered the traditional direct marketing are estimated that explain the shift in gross prof- approach. Second, they sent out some mailings with- its over time. In this research, we consider two fre- out consideration of expected response. On average, quently used segmentations (Roberts and Berger 1989, the firm sent 2.2 direct mailings to a customer in the Verhoef et al. 2003): demographic segmentation and first year and 3.1 in the second year. RFM segmentation. Within each of these segmenta- The company’s policy was to send the relationship tion schemes a response model is estimated for each magazine to all active customers. However, during segment. These result in the following linear models a period of our study, in both Year 1 and Year 2, for each segment s: they randomly split the customer base into one group that received that issue of the magazine, and another Ri t−1→t = Xi s + Zi + i (10) group that did not. This provided a controlled exper- that are estimated to assess the effect of CRM inter- iment in which the variation in number of magazines ventions on the shift in intermediate-term gross prof- sent was not based on any profit optimization deci- its. (The variables are defined in §§2.1–2.3.) sion rule. The company sent an average of 3.4 mag- azines in the first year, and 2.4 magazines in the Ex Post Segmentation. While the often-applied seg- second year. mentation methods in CRM concern a priori segmen- For the purposes of our study, we split the data tations, the segments can also be derived ex post. into an estimation sample and a validation sample. To do so, a finite mixture formulation may be used The estimation sample employed the data from t = 1, (Wedel and Kamakura 1999). In this study, we use the except for last period profit, loyalty program, and following well-known formulation by Kamakura and number of company insurances, which were from Russell (1989): t = 0, so as not to make the analysis circular. The val- idation sample used the data from t = 2, with the ERi t−1→t = ps Xi s + Zi s (11) s lagged variables from t = 1. Descriptive statistics from both samples are shown in Table 1. We note, in par- where ps is the posterior probability of segment ticular, that the percentage of people for whom gross membership. profit changes from year to year is 21% in Year 1 Because segment membership is known probabilis- and 24% in Year 2. This sort of pattern is typical of tically rather than with certainty, the optimization
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM 482 Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS formula in Equation (5) must be modified. Reformu- 4.4. Operationalizing the Segmentation Models lating the objective function to reflect the probabilistic We operationalized the demographic segments using nature of the finite mixture model, we wish to maxi- income low high × age younger older, using mize E i t−1→t with respect to Mi . We have median splits, with low income defined as less than 4,000 guilders6 per month, and younger defined as E i t−1→t Mi age 40 or less. The RFM segments were defined by recency recent lapsed × frequency frequent = Prs Zi E i t−1→t Xi s − Mi C s infrequent × monetary value high low, where recent was defined as purchase in the last four years, = Xi Prs Zi s − Mi C (12) frequency was defined as two or more previous pur- s chases, and low monetary value was defined as less This expression is maximized for marketing alloca- than 194 guilders profit in the previous time period. tion k when To maintain adequate sample sizes in all cells, we combined all of the low monetary value RFM cells Mik = Prs Zi ks Ck − 1 (13) s into one cell before estimating. The finite mixture model was operationalized by 4.3. Estimation of the Hierarchical Model estimating model parameters for one, two, etc., seg- The hierarchical model described in §2.3 is estimated ments individually, using 100 random starting points using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (Gelfand and Smith 1990). Denoting Yi = i t−t−1 , we for each number of segments. For each number of can specify our model as the following: segments, we chose the solution with the highest like- lihood. The number of segments was determined by Yi ∼ N i 1 (14) considering the AIC, BIC, and AIC3 (Andrews and where N · is the normal distribution, i is the mean, Currim 2003, Bozdogan 1994) statistics. The lowest and 1 is the precision (inverse of the variance). The value for each of the three criteria was obtained for mean i is a function of the marketing efforts, Xi , the seven-segment solution, so we use the best seven- according to segment solution as our finite mixture model. i = Xi i + 0 (15) where 0 is a normally distributed error term and the 5. Results marketing responsiveness vector, i , is itself a func- 5.1. Convergence Diagnostics tion of the customer characteristics and history, Zi , Because the hierarchical model is estimated using according to the relationship, MCMC, we must concern ourselves with whether ik ∼ N Zi k 2 (16) or not the coefficient estimates have converged. We apply two tests for convergence, using the Business where 2 is the precision and k is the transformation Operations Analysis (BOA) program, accessible in R. between the customer characteristics and history, Zi , The Geweke convergence test (Geweke 1992) com- and the average responsiveness to marketing inter- pares data early in the test period (after the burn- vention k. We specify the following priors to enable in period) with data late in the test period, to see estimation: whether they are significantly different. We see that 1 ∼ gamma1 0 1 0 2 ∼ gamma1 0 1 0 all 29 nodes are nonsignificant, implying that there (17) 0 ∼ N 0 1 0 jk ∼ N 0 1 0 is no reason to doubt convergence. We also test for convergence using the Heidelberger and Welch sta- where jk is the element of k that relates customer tionarity test (Heidelberger and Welch 1983), which characteristic j to marketing intervention k, the first tests the null hypothesis that the chain is stationary. argument is the mean, and the second argument is Again, we find that all of the nodes in our analysis the precision. pass the stationarity test. Between the two tests, we Estimation is accomplished using MCMC, based on conclude that our estimation is reasonably stable and a Gibbs sampling scheme (Geman and Geman 1984) convergent. in which we approximate the (analytically intractable) posterior distribution by sampling from the full con- 5.2. Model Estimation ditional distribution. Equations (14)–(17) are used to specify the model. We ran 60,000 iterations using Changes in Gross Profit. The estimation sample the WinBUGS software package, combating autocor- was used to estimate the change in gross profit model relation by thinning the observations—using only in Equations (3)–(8). Table 2 shows the marketing every fifth observation. The first 55,000 iterations were used for burn-in, and the last 5,000 were used 6 In the period of study, the currency of The Netherlands was still for estimation. guilders, which had not yet been converted to the euro.
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS 483 Table 2 Segmentation Models’ Marketing Responsiveness and Optimal Allocations Marketing responsiveness Holdout sample optimal allocations Relationship Direct Model Segment magazine mailings R.M.1 D.M.2 Demographic Low income/younger 709 −709 2 0 Low income/older −385 1253 0 7 High income/younger 1801 2657 4 9 High income/older 1215 2000 4 9 RFM Low $ 1342 1248 4 7 High $/lapsed/infrequent 556 1332 2 7 High $/recent/infrequent 909 2273 3 9 High $/lapsed/frequent −3244 2928 0 9 High $/recent/frequent 2645 −1610 4 0 Finite mixture 1 −18177∗ 10541∗ 0 9 2 10903∗ 2654∗ 4 9 3 −6712∗ 3828∗ 0 9 4 −3342∗ 4543∗ 0 9 5 −286 −2420 0 0 6 895 −2610∗ 3 0 7 004 024 0 0 Hierarchical (median) 276 1507 0 8 ∗ Significant at the 0.05 level. 1 Relationship magazines. 2 Direct mailings. responsiveness parameter estimates obtained from the samples) in which we calculated the standard errors various segmentation methods. We see from the table of the individual-level coefficients for relationship that the effect of the relationship magazines is found magazine and direct marketing across the samples. to be significant only for finite mixture segments one The result was that the hierarchical model coefficients through four, while the effect of the direct mailings is were about as stable as those produced by demo- significant for five of the finite mixture segments. graphic segmentation or RFM segmentation, and were The parameter estimates for the hierarchical model much more stable than those produced by finite mix- are shown in Table 3. Because of the Bayesian ture analysis. nature of the analysis, it is not appropriate to dis- The results are largely consistent with the propo- cuss statistical significance, but we can construct an sitions posited in §3. Proposition 1a is supported, in approximate analog. The table shows the mean for that longer relationship duration, larger number of each parameter, along with a Monte Carlo standard current products used (number of insurances), and error (Spiegelhalter et al. 2000), calculated using the cumulative number of purchases all have a negative method of batched means (Roberts 1996, p. 50). The impact on response to direct mailings, and longer final column shows the mean divided by the Monte time since last purchase has the expected positive Carlo standard error. The absolute value of this quo- impact. Proposition 1b is also mostly supported, in tient exceeds two in all but one case. The heterogene- that larger number of insurances, and larger cumula- ity of response is illustrated in Figure 1. In the figure, tive number of purchases have a positive impact on the horizontal axis is the size of the regression coef- response to relationship magazines, and larger time ficient related to the marketing intervention, and the since last purchase has the expected negative impact. vertical axis represents the frequency with which that However, the effect of relationship duration is essen- level of responsiveness was encountered across the tially zero. Proposition 2 is also supported, in that customers studied. We can see that the hierarchical loyalty program membership is positively related to model reveals considerable heterogeneity of response, responsiveness to both direct mailings and relation- with the shape of the response being skewed toward ship magazines. ineffectiveness in the relationship magazine case, and The effects of the other moderating variables are more symmetrically distributed in the case of direct similar across both marketing interventions. Both mailings. To address the stability of the individual- interventions are more effective for men than for level coefficient estimates, we conducted split-half women. Also, the higher the education level, the analyses (using both the estimation and validation higher the income, and the more wage earners in
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM 484 Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS Table 3 Hierarchical Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Dependent variable Independent variable Mean Monte Carlo S.E. Mean/M.C.S.E. 11 Relationship magazines Last period profit −005 7.6E−4 −595 12 Relationship magazines Relationship duration 000 002 01 13 Relationship magazines Loyalty program 041 001 321 14 Relationship magazines No. of insurances 028 001 262 15 Relationship magazines Time since purchase −012 001 −133 16 Relationship magazines Cumulative no. of purchases 024 001 194 17 Relationship magazines Sex (1 = male, 2 = female) 011 001 73 18 Relationship magazines Catalogs 023 001 231 19 Relationship magazines Education 043 001 339 1 10 Relationship magazines No. of wage earners 054 001 515 1 11 Relationship magazines Income 081 001 770 1 12 Relationship magazines Age 011 001 170 21 Direct mail Last period profit 002 9.6E−4 245 22 Direct mail Relationship duration −088 002 −444 23 Direct mail Loyalty program 026 001 191 24 Direct mail No. of insurances −008 001 −68 25 Direct mail Time since purchase 046 001 335 26 Direct mail Cumulative no. of purchases −041 001 −295 27 Direct mail Sex (1 = male, 2 = female) 018 001 154 28 Direct mail Catalogs 029 001 285 29 Direct mail Education 030 001 217 2 10 Direct mail No. of wage earners 040 001 356 2 11 Direct mail Income 045 001 368 2 12 Direct mail Age 036 001 443 avgbeta[1] Revenue shift Relationship magazines 278 011 260 avgbeta[2] Revenue shift Direct mail 1512 014 1078 0 Revenue shift Constant 017 001 124 1 Revenue shift Error precision 2.2E−4 4.6E−7 5425 2 Independent variables Error precision 7.9E−4 2.8E−6 292.2 the household; and the higher the income, the more shows the optimal allocations without regard to sta- the responsiveness to marketing. Older customers and tistical significance. We also employed an alternative catalog-buying customers are more responsive to the allocation, in which all insignificant effects were set marketing interventions. to an allocation of zero. For all models, the alloca- tion was set to zero if there was a negative effect. The Optimal Marketing. Based on the parameter esti- median hierarchical model allocations are zero rela- mates from the estimation sample, plus the cost of tionship magazines and eight direct mailings, but the the marketing interventions, it is possible to derive optimal allocation varies across customers. Figure 2 optimal marketing allocations. In the validation sam- shows the optimal marketing allocations suggested by ple period t = 2, the maximum number of relation- the hierarchical model. We can see that while 32.9% of ship magazines was four, and the maximum number customers would receive no relationship magazines, of direct mailings was nine. Each relationship maga- 27.7% would receive all four. The distribution of opti- zine cost 2.20 guilders, and each direct mailing cost mal allocations is more skewed for the direct mail- 1.65 guilders. Using Equations (5), (6), and (13), plus ings, with 41.5% of customers receiving the maximum each customer’s segment memberships, we can set number of mailings. the optimal marketing allocations for each customer, for each of the competing models. Allocations are by 5.3. Predictive Validation segment, except for the finite mixture model, which Table 4 shows the results from the validation test, pre- involves a mixture of segments, and the hierarchi- dicting change in gross profit. We see from the hold- cal model, in which case the allocations are fully out sample results that the hierarchical model resulted personalized. in the smallest mean square error (MSE) of prediction, The last two columns of Table 2 show the opti- 12.42 (all MSE numbers are expressed in thousands). mal marketing allocations for each of the competing By comparison, the demographic model (using only models. It is notable that there are many insignif- significant marketing allocations) produced a MSE icant effects for the segmentation models despite a of 15.48, the demographic model (using all alloca- fairly large sample size. For this reason, we calculated tions, significant or not) produced a MSE of 12.98, optimal marketing allocations in two ways. Table 2 the RFM model (significant only) had a MSE of 15.03,
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS 485 Figure 1 Heterogeneity of Response—Hierarchical Model could be because the method is poorly suited to this problem, because a fairly large number of customers 35 in the data set have no change in gross profit, leading 30 the finite mixture model to try to make those cus- Frequency (%) 25 tomers into an inertial segment with coefficients close 20 to zero.7 15 We also evaluated the bias of the gross profit change predictions. The demographic model (signifi- 10 cant) underestimated gross profit change by an aver- 5 age of 45.34 guilders (significant at the 0.01 level), 0 and the demographic (all) model underestimated < 1.0 1.0–4.9 5.0–8.9 9.0–12.9 13.0+ Response to relationship magazines by an insignificant 2.46 guilders. The RFM (sig- nificant) model underestimated by 33.38 guilders 35 (significant at 0.01), and the RFM (all) model under- 30 estimated by 20.04 guilders (also significant at 0.01). Frequency (%) 25 The finite mixture (significant) model overestimated 20 by an insignificant average of 2.56 guilders, and the 15 finite mixture (all) model overestimated by an insignif- 10 icant 1.06 guilders. The hierarchical model under- 5 estimated by an insignificant average of 3.28 guilders. 0 < 5.0 5.0–9.9 10.0–14.9 15.0– 19.9 20.0–24.9 25.0+ Thus, the demographic model that uses all significant Response to direct mailings variables and both versions of the RFM model exhibit significant bias in predicting gross profit change. and the RFM model (all) had a MSE of 13.44. The 5.4. Profit Impact finite mixture model (significant only) had a MSE Ultimately, the goal is to increase customers’ prof- of 23.05, and the finite mixture model (all) had a MSE itability, so we conducted a test of how profitable the of 23.49. We note that the performance of the segmen- strategies suggested by the competing model would tation models was usually better when statistical sig- be. We used the model estimates from the estimation nificance was ignored. Each of the competing models sample and the corresponding optimal allocations, as was significantly worse than the hierarchical model in shown in Table 2 and Figure 2, and projected the prof- a pairwise difference test. Particularly notable was the itability that would result. We also tested the actual poor performance of the finite mixture model. This marketing allocations that were selected by the firm, to determine whether any of these models would result in improved profitability over current practice. Figure 2 Distribution of Optimal Marketing Allocations Because the hierarchical model had the best pre- dictive performance, we treated that estimated model 35 as “truth.” Because the hierarchical model in Equa- 30 tions (7)–(8) models the error distributions around 25 the coefficient estimates, it would not be correct to Frequency (%) 20 assume that the hierarchical model’s coefficient esti- 15 mates for individual customers were precisely correct. Rather, we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation in 10 which we regenerated the “true” coefficient estimates 5 anew in each replication, using the hierarchical model 0 0 1 2 3 4 specification in Equations (14)–(17). The “true” coeffi- Relationship magazines cients were multiplied by the optimal marketing allo- 45 cations in Table 3 and Figure 2, to yield the change 40 in gross profit, and the cost of the marketing pro- 35 gram was subtracted from this, yielding the projected Frequency (%) 30 25 profitability of the marketing program in the holdout 20 sample. 15 10 7 5 As an attempt to alleviate this effect, we split out the inertial seg- 0 ment and re-estimated the finite mixture model on the remainder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 of the data. The results were similar, in both the estimation sample Direct mailings and predictive validation.
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM 486 Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS Table 4 Validation Test—Predicted Gross Profit Change Standard deviation Average worse than Standard error Model MSE (000) (000) hierarchical model of difference t Demographic (significant) 1548 11670 30528 3892 715∗∗ Demographic (all) 1298 11395 5596 2282 245∗ RFM (significant) 1503 9673 26115 9396 249∗ RFM (all) 1344 9663 10160 5084 200∗ Finite mixture (significant) 2305 13932 106296 25892 706∗∗ Finite mixture (all) 2349 14098 110637 18364 602∗∗ Hierarchical 1242 11034 — — — ∗ Significant at 0.05, ∗∗ significant at 0.01. The projected incremental profitability of each of controlling for individual characteristics and history, the competing methods is seen in Table 5. The demo- they do not create a truly unique marketing program graphic (significant) and RFM (significant) models for each customer. The direct marketing literature, propose no marketing allocations—nevertheless the on the other hand, includes individual-level models, gross profit was projected to decline by an average but only for the simpler case of one type of mar- of 0.02 guilders, solely because of the random influ- keting intervention—not a mix of types of interven- ence of the error term in Equation (4). The demo- tions. These models focus on one single marketing graphic (all) model produced an average projected intervention (i.e., direct mailings), instead of multiple profit of 14.46, the RFM (all) model produced an interventions (e.g., Bult and Wansbeek 1995, Elsner average profit of 8.61, the finite mixture (significant) et al. 2004). model yielded an average profit of 3.22, and the The results show that a profitability estimation finite mixture (all) model resulted in a profit of 3.12. model of the intermediate-term CRM marketing inter- The hierarchical model had the highest projected vention mix, implemented via a hierarchical model, incremental profitability, at 23.12 guilders, compared and estimated using MCMC, produced better predic- to 10.57 for the actual allocation employed by the tive results in a holdout sample than segment-based company. Pairwise t-tests show that the hierarchical approaches. We found that the traditional a priori model’s profitability level is significantly better than segmentation approaches (e.g., RFM) produced rea- each of the other methods. sonably good parameter estimates but were outper- formed by the hierarchical model. The finite mixture model approach performed very poorly in prediction, 6. Discussion probably because of estimation problems arising from This paper provides an approach to the problem of the nature of the data. A simulation showed that, at determining a profit-maximizing mix of marketing least in these data, the proposed model projected to interventions for each customer individually in the be more than twice as profitable as the actual mar- intermediate term. Personalization of marketing effort keting allocations used by the company studied and is key to the success of CRM, yet many previous more profitable than any of the competing segmenta- approaches do not fully personalize. Many of these tion approaches. approaches (e.g., RFM) implicitly or explicitly assume Responsiveness to marketing interventions was that response to marketing interventions is homo- found to be highly heterogeneous, and the result geneous within market segment. Thus, even though was that even marketing interventions that were these techniques might personalize to the extent of unprofitable on average could be used profitably on Table 5 Holdout Sample—Projected Incremental Profitability Average gross Average Average t of profit vs. Profit difference Model profit cost profit hierarchical vs. actual Actual allocation 2083 1026 1057 761∗∗ — Demographic (significant) −002 000 −002 900∗∗ −1059 Demographic (all) 3249 1803 1446 562∗∗ 389 RFM (significant) −002 000 −002 900∗∗ −1059 RFM (all) 2563 1702 861 733∗∗ −196 Finite mixture (significant) 567 245 322 819∗∗ −735 Finite mixture (all) 570 258 312 823∗∗ −745 Hierarchical 3760 1448 2312 — 1255 ∗ Significant at 0.05, ∗∗ significant at 0.01.
Rust and Verhoef: Optimizing the Marketing Interventions Mix in Intermediate-Term CRM Marketing Science 24(3), pp. 477–489, © 2005 INFORMS 487 selected customers. The segmentation approaches, for a limitation, to the extent that next period profits fail to the most part, were not granular enough to recover predict long-term profits and customer lifetime value. these effects and likely would not do so without cre- The generalization of our findings would be more con- ating very narrow segments. Furthermore, the use of fident if there were replication on additional data sets. very narrow segments would have the drawback of For example, one might be more confident in gener- greatly increasing the total sample size necessary for alizing our findings about heterogeneous response to estimation. With responsiveness being very heteroge- scenarios involving other marketing interventions that neous, the distribution of optimal marketing alloca- are similar to our direct mail interventions, and less tions turns out to be equally heterogeneous. In one confident in generalizing our heterogeneity findings case (relationship magazines), we found a bimodal to other types of interventions (e.g., direct sales calls). distribution of optimal marketing allocation, with Likewise, one might be more confident in generalizing optimal allocation usually implying either no expo- the response model to other financial services scenar- sure or full exposure, and the intermediate levels ios but less confident in generalizing to other types being less preferred. of products. In addition, our sample size was limited Based on existing research, we formulated and to 1,580 customers. It is possible that the segment- tested propositions about how past behavior should based approaches might have performed better with moderate the effect of CRM interventions. Our analy- a larger sample size, because more of their estimated sis suggests that relationship-oriented instruments are effects might have been significant. Our model has more effective among loyal customers, while action- a limited time horizon in that it looks ahead only oriented instruments are less effective among loyal one year. Application of our model, and all similar customers. Our explanation is that loyal customers models, is limited to firms that have built a database value relationship marketing activities more than of customer-specific characteristics, history, marketing nonloyal customers. Less loyal customers value short- interventions, and sales response. Such companies are term rewards and are less receptive to relationship- commonplace in business-to-business, direct market- oriented actions. Thus, our results suggest that ing, and subscription businesses, but rare in industries firms should mainly target their relationship-oriented such as consumer packaged goods. programs at loyal customers, while action-oriented We believe that a fully dynamic CRM optimiza- interventions should mainly be targeted at less tion model (e.g., extending the Gönül and Shi 1998 loyal customers. Interestingly, this recommendation is approach to a mix of marketing interventions) would largely inconsistent with the intermediate-term CRM be very useful. Development of such a model is com- strategies actually employed by the company stud- plicated by the fact that the future marketing inter- ied, indicating that current practice could likely be ventions are endogenous. Existing CRM optimization improved in at least some companies. models do not adequately capture this endogeneity. In Although the model presented produced better pre- fact, fairness dictates that we admit that endogeneity dictions and higher intermediate-term profitability, it is also an issue in our model, because the marketing may not be the answer for all companies. The com- intervention levels that appear in our estimation mod- plexity and conceptual difficulty of the hierarchical els may be (probably are) the result of analyzing past Bayes approach may be a barrier to some companies, observations. Remedying this problem is not feasible which might instead wish to use simpler methods in our application, because extensive additional lon- such as RFM. Simpler methods might also be advis- gitudinal data would be required, that are currently able when there is not much heterogeneity across the unavailable to us, and are generally unavailable to customer base or when a small number of variables most companies applying this sort of intermediate- (e.g., recency) explain a high percentage of the vari- term model. ance of change in profitability. We should also note To conclude, our research provides a model for op- that the superiority of the hierarchical model is based timizing a mix of intermediate-term CRM interven- on the analysis of only one data set and should be tions at the individual level. Our empirical results tested on other data sets before definitive conclusions show that such a model, at least on the data stud- can be drawn. ied here, may result in substantially higher prof- The limitations of our study include the fact itability than that obtained by more commonly used that only a limited array of marketing interventions approaches or by current managerial practice. were studied (both involving direct marketing com- munications), and that we could not conduct a Acknowledgments controlled experiment (manipulating the marketing The authors greatly acknowledge the data support of a interventions) to further validate the performance Dutch financial services provider. The authors acknowl- of the hierarchical model. Selection of change in edge data analysis assistance by Tuck Siong Chung and intermediate-term profit as dependent variable is the helpful comments, insights, and data analysis assistance
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