OPERATION: SECOND CHANCE - Resources and tools for Young Lawyers Division affiliates across the nation to implement and host expungement fairs ...
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OPERATION: SECOND CHANCE Resources and tools for Young Lawyers Division affiliates across the nation to implement and host expungement fairs From the ABA Young Lawyers Division Public Service Team Revised Spring, 2022
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NATIONAL RESOURCES ● Clean Slate Clearinghouse ● Clean Slate ● Record Clearing ● Criminal Justice and Employment Initiative | Criminal Record Online Toolkit ● Restoration of Rights Project
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ALABAMA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Alabama Access to Justice Commission Alabama Legal Help Legal Services Alabama Alabama State Bar Legal Help University of Alabama School of Law – Law Clinics Volunteer Lawyers Birmingham Madison County Volunteer Lawyers Program Alabama Free Legal Answers Birmingham Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Program Montgomery County Bar Foundation – Volunteer Lawyers Program Alabama Law Foundation Alabama Civil Justice Foundation Alabama Lawyers Association (affiliate chapter of the National Bar Association) LEGAL RESOURCES Criminal Record Expungement FAQ https://www.alea.gov/online-services/criminal-record-expungement Expungement Kit https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-Kit.pdf Expungement Forms https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-PetitionForExpungementOf Records.pdf https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-OrderOfExpungement.pdf https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-OrderOnPetitionForExpung ement.pdf https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-OrderToProduceAdditionalI nformation.pdf https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-ReleaseOfCriminalHistory.p df https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/expungement-forms/Expungement-AmendedOrderOfExpunge ment.pdf Miscellaneous Legal Forms
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ALABAMA https://www.alabamalegalhelp.org/resource/do-it-yourself-instructions-and-forms Qualifications for an expungement https://www.alea.gov/online-services/criminal-record-expungement LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” [IF THERE ARE ANY IMPORTANT ELEMENTS THAT ONE EXECUTING AN EVENT IN THE STATE SHOULD KNOW, INSERT HERE] MISCELLANEOUS Attorneys should be aware of the new Alabama Expungement Law, the Alabama Redeemer Act. See http://www.bradfordladner.net/new-alabama-expungement-law/ https://www.selmaalabama.com/12-community-event/2186-free-simple-wills-clinic.html Former clinic announcement https://www.alabar.org/event/expungement-and-voter-rights-restoration-clinic/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ALASKA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS https://alaskabar.org/ https://www.barassociationdirectory.com/ak/ LEGAL RESOURCES https://dps.alaska.gov/getmedia/1c3d2bfe-2f0c-4c05-a168-7b4669dab0b3/RequestToSealCrimInfo.pdf;.aspx https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/alaska-expungment-pardon-sealing/ http://www.ajc.state.ak.us/acjc/docs/resources/collateral/expunge.pdf http://www.ajc.state.ak.us/acjc/docs/resources/nacdl/expungement.pdf LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” No expungement-only offer record sealed MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ARIZONA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Southern Arizona Legal Aid: Marijuana Expungements https://www.sazlegalaid.org/uncategorized/salas-marijuana-begin-again-expungement-project/ LEGAL RESOURCES Southern Arizona Legal Aid: (website above) Arizona NormL State Chapter: Host expungement clinics on Saturdays https://arizonanorml.org LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Only eligible Marijuan Convictions: A.R.S. Sec. 36-2852 https://www.azleg.gov/ars/36/02853.htm ● Most partners are focused on marijuana expungement as the law was just passed legalizing marijuana. MISCELLANEOUS Helpful Links: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/arizona-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing/ Forms: https://www.azcourts.gov/prop207
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ARKANSAS KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid of Arkansas Center for Arkansas Legal Services Arkansas Access to Justice University of Arkansas School of Law William H. Bowen School of Law LEGAL RESOURCES Restoration of Rights Project Guide https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/arkansas-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungeme nt-sealing/ Forms https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/crime-info-support/arkansas-crime-information-center/forms/ https://a.arlawhelp.org/employment/petition-to-seal Instructions https://a.arlawhelp.org/employment/petition-to-seal-instructions http://www.sebastiancountyar.gov/Courts/Court-Administration/Petition-to-Seal-Instructions Laws and eligibility https://www.papillonfoundation.org/criminal-record-resources/arkansas/adult-forms-convictio n LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS Previous expungement events https://www.arkansaslegal.org/press-release-all/center-for-arkansas-legal-services-to-offer-free-criminal -record-sealing-clinic-at-shorter-college
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ARKANSAS https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2017-10-24/free-clinic-to-help-arkansans-expunge -their-criminal-records https://arkansasjustice.org/2019/09/06/4370/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE CALIFORNIA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Four Major Counties: Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Diego County LEGAL RESOURCES Los Angeles County : Public Defenders Office: https://pubdef.lacounty.gov/prop47/ola/ Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles: https://lafla.org/get-help/expungement/ A New Way of Life Reentry Project (ANWOL), which offers clinics, legal advice, and representation. ● Address: PO BOX 875288, Los Angeles, CA 90087 ● Phone: (323) 563-3575 ● Fax: (323) 563-3445 ● Email: info@anewwayoflife.org Youth Justice Coalition (YJC), which offers clinics and community programs including support groups and access to Transformative Justice circles (not necessarily only for youth). ● Address: 7625 S Central Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90001 ● Phone: (323) 235-4243 ● Email: michael@youth4justice.org Los Angeles County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (LACBA), which refers lawyers. ● Phone: (213) 243-1525 Forms: https://www.courts.ca.gov/partners/172.htm Orange County Community Legal Aid SoCAL: https://www.communitylegalsocal.org/programs-services/legal-clinics/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE CALIFORNIA Forms: https://www.occourts.org/directory/criminal/cleaning-up-record.html Riverside County Inland Empire Latino Law Association (Iella): Host self-help clinics https://iella.org/services/expungement/ Important Information: https://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/SelfHelp/Expungement/expungement.php San Diego County San Diego Clean Slate Clinic: http://www.sd-csc.org Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/public_defender/expungement_faq.html Important Information: https://www.sdcourt.ca.gov/sdcourt/criminal2/criminalexpungement LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● LASOLA - not offering expungement services at this time. ● Most clinics are self-help and not full fledge clinics where attorneys are filing the paperwork etc. MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE COLORADO KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS https://www.colorado.edu/studentlegal/services/criminal/expungements-and-sealings https://www.coloradodefenders.us/consequences-of-conviction-2/colorado-collateral-relief-project/ https://www.coloradolegalservices.org/node/3/colorado-legal-services-hosted-clinics https://www.cobar.org/Local-Bar-Associations/Specialty-and-Diversity-Bar-Associations LEGAL RESOURCES https://www.courts.state.co.us/Forms/Forms_List.cfm?Form_Type_ID=34 https://www.courts.state.co.us/Self_Help/sealingrecords/ https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/colorado-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-se aling-2/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS http://hapgj.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/RSE-Clinic-Flyer-Final.pdf
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE CONNECTICUT KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Connecticut Legal Services LEGAL RESOURCES ● CT Gen Stat § 54-142a ● CT Criminal Records Statutes LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● CT Board of Pardons and Parole Application Process and Instructions ● How to Clear Your Criminal Records MISCELLANEOUS ● CT Restoration of Rights Project ● Expunging or Sealing Adult Criminal Record in Connecticut ● CT Pardon Team ● CT Pardon Clinic
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE DELAWARE KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Delaware State Courts: https://courts.delaware.gov/help/expungements.aspx Delaware State Bar Association: https://www.dsba.org/ Delaware Department of Labor: https://labor.delaware.gov/apex/ LEGAL RESOURCES How to Apply for an Expungement: https://pardons.delaware.gov/how-apply-expungement/ Delaware Restoration of Rights & Records Relief: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/delaware-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing / Expunging or Sealing Adult Criminal Records in Delaware: https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-records-expungement/delaware.htm LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” New process for criminal record expungements now available (in Delaware): https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/new-process-criminal-record-expungements-now-available MISCELLANEOUS APEX Program – Delaware Department of Labor: https://labor.delaware.gov/apex/ Delaware offers expungement clinic for teens, adults: https://whyy.org/articles/state-offers-expungement-clinic-for-teens-adults/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● The Public Defenders Service ● Legal Aid ● Neighborhood Legal Services ● Georgetown University Law Center LEGAL RESOURCES ● DC Expungement Statutes ● Sealing Criminal Records ● Rising For Justice Expungement Clinic LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Clean Slate DC MISCELLANEOUS ● DC Restoration of Rights ● Mayor Bowser Introduces the Second Chance Amendment Act of 2021 to Radically Simplify Criminal Record Sealing
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE FLORIDA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Florida Justice Center (offers free criminal record sealing) Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice Bay Area Legal Services Three Rivers Legal Services The Legal Aid Foundation Paul C. Perkins Bar Association, George Edgecomb Bar Association, Fred G. Minnis, Sr. Bar Association LEGAL RESOURCES Expungement laws http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?mode=View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=Disp lay_Statute&Search_String=943.059&URL=0900-0999/0943/Sections/0943.0585.html http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?mode=View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=Disp lay_Statute&Search_String=943.059&URL=0900-0999/0943/Sections/0943.059.html LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” As a required first steps, a person must apply to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for a Certificate of Eligibility to Seal or Expunge his/her criminal history. https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/seal- and-expunge-process/seal-and-expunge-home.aspx MISCELLANEOUS Helpful information for self-representation. https://atj.flcourts.org/Resources Instructions for filing a petition to seal or expunge and FAQs. https://www.sao4th.com/resources/for-the-public/sealing-or-expunging-a-criminal-record/ https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Seal-and-Expunge-Process/Frequently-Asked-Questions Resource for learning about expungements in Florida. https://www.legalaidtallahassee.org/take-back-your-rights Lists of legal aid organizations in Florida. https://www.floridabar.org/public/consumer/pamphlet022/ https://help.flcourts.org/Legal-Services-Resources
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE FLORIDA Previous expungement clinic announcements https://www.sao13th.com/event/expungement-clinic/2019-09-17/ https://www.fljc.org/florida-justice-center-offers-free-criminal-record-sealing/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE GEORGIA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Georgia Justice Project - Georgia Justice Project strengthens our community by demonstrating a better way to represent and support individuals in the criminal justice system and reduce barriers to reentry. GJP promotes innovative change through direct legal representation, policy advocacy, education and coalition building. Reform Georgia - Reform Georgia is a nonprofit criminal justice policy think tank and advocacy organization working to reform the criminal justice system at the state and local level through research, education, and organizing. Georgia Legal Aid – GeorgiaLegalAid.org is a joint project of Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. and the Georgia Legal Services Program. Our goal is to provide the public with easy access to basic legal information and legal resources in Georgia. LEGAL RESOURCES Georgia Justice Project Fast Facts About Georgia’s Expungement Law Georgia Justice Project – Second Chance for Georgia Clean Slate Clearinghouse LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS Free Legal Online Expungement Educational Town Hall GBPI Jumpstart Economic Opportunity with Clean Slate
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE IDAHO KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS https://www.idaholegalaid.org https://isb.idaho.gov/ LEGAL RESOURCES https://isp.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/documents/ExpungmentFlowChart.pdf https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/idaho-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing/#II I_Expungement_sealing_other_record_relief https://www.idaholegalaid.org/node/2568/juvenile-expungement-forms LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” No expungement- some criminal records can be sealed MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE ILLINOIS KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Illinois Legal Aid ● Illinois State Bar Association LEGAL RESOURCES ● Illinois OSAD - Expungement and Sealing Information (Includes Forms) ● Illinois Courts Approved Forms ● LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● How to Expunge And/Or Seal a Criminal Record MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE INDIANA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Indiana Legal Services - Bloomington Expungement Help Desk ● Indiana Free Legal Answers ● Indiana Legal Help (Including Forms) LEGAL RESOURCES ● Indiana Expungement Law ● Indiana State Police (central repository for criminal history information in the state) ● What Kind of Convictions Can Be Cleared Under IN Law? ● Indy Second Chance Law LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” NOTE: Although it has been nicknamed an "expungement law," Indiana's Second Chance Law only restricts access to criminal records; it does not forever erase or expunge one's criminal history. ● Indiana Second Chance Law - Expungement and Sealing Manual MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE IOWA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Iowa Legal Aid ● Iowa Student Legal Services - Free Consultation LEGAL RESOURCES ● Can I Expunge My Conviction in Iowa? (By Iowa Legal Aid - Including Forms) ● Deferred Judgment Probation (Eligibility Overview) ● New Law for Misdemeanor Expungement ● Iowa Expungement Statute LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE KANSAS KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Kansas Legal Services Wichita Bar Association LEGAL RESOURCES KS Expungement Law Guide Facts About Expungement in KS Kansas Judicial Council - Instructions for Expungement or Diversion LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS KU Law Legal Aid Clinic
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE KENTUCKY KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Kentucky Legal Aid - Kentucky Legal Aid is the only free, civil legal services provider in South- Western Kentucky. Since 1977 we have specialized in providing top-tier legal assistance to people living in poverty, the disabled, and senior citizens. Some of our focuses include helping victims of domestic abuse and interpersonal violence, assisting people with Medicare, Medicaid and other benefits issues – including SSI and food stamps, providing housing counseling and assistance to homeowners and renters in crisis, working on select consumer and family law cases, and more. Legal- Aid Society of Louisville - Founded in 1921, Legal Aid Society's mission is to make justice accessible to all, regardless of financial status. We provide free civil legal help on issues related to income, family, housing, safety, and health. LEGAL RESOURCES Kentucky – Clean Slate Initiative Kentucky – Restoration of Rights & Record Relief HelpMeExpunge.com – Kentucky Expungement Law Overview House Bill 40 & Senate Bill 57 The Papillon Foundation ExpungeKY LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” Kentucky – Criminal Record Online Toolkit Clean Slate Kentucky Expungement Guidebook MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE LOUISIANA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana (hosts a monthly expungement clinic) The ProBono Project Louisiana Civil Justice Center New Orleans Bar Association Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Louisiana Expungement Assistance and Advocacy Center, LLC Louisiana State Bar Association Baton Rouge Bar Association Acadiana Legal Services Corporation Lafayette Bar Association Central Louisiana Pro Bono Project, Inc. Shreveport Bar Foundation Pro Bono Project LEGAL RESOURCES How to Handle Your Expungement Guide https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/c581f9_461d6e77212e4992a2294f5cac774031.pdf Expungement forms https://www.laclerksofcourt.org/resources/expungements How to apply for an expungement in Louisiana https://cjei.cornell.edu/fix-your-record/sealing-and-expungement/expungement/louisiana-expu ngement https://8b94b7da-de55-42fa-aa27-bc457a433590.filesusr.com/ugd/c581f9_0cd4b50eb10146bb 8bcad7f4751cc687.pdf https://8b94b7da-de55-42fa-aa27-bc457a433590.filesusr.com/ugd/c581f9_f4acddbe8d124b2d b0bafeffef7b19b8.pdf https://8b94b7da-de55-42fa-aa27-bc457a433590.filesusr.com/ugd/c581f9_5846474961a14fb6 a8ef05421f6ee1f6.pdf https://8b94b7da-de55-42fa-aa27-bc457a433590.filesusr.com/ugd/c581f9_58acb44a43024c48 87b20a3a4a88ad12.pdf Expungement laws http://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=919670 http://www.leaac.com/faq-resources/the-louisiana-expungement-law/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE LOUISIANA Expungement How-To Guides (for pro se litigants) https://www.jaclouisiana.org/expungements LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS Expungement clinic announcement https://www.wafb.com/2021/10/08/expungement-event-happening-mlk-community-center/ https://www.opdla.org/expungement https://www.facebook.com/Louisiana-Expungement-Assistance-Advocacy-Center-665202446945325/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MAINE KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Maine Pardon Board: https://www.maine.gov/corrections/adult-community-corrections/pardon-board Maine Judicial Branch: https://www.courts.maine.gov/ Maine Justice Foundation: https://justicemaine.org/about/providers/ Maine State Bar Association: https://www.mainebar.org/ LEGAL RESOURCES Criminal Record Challenge Process: https://www.maine.gov/dps/Sbi/challenge.html#:~:text=Maine%20does%20not%20expunge%20(erase,not%20av ailable%20for%20public%20inquiries. Act to Allow Expungement of Certain Criminal Convictions: https://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_126th/billtexts/HP036801.asp Maine Restoration of Rights & Record Relief: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/maine-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” Papillon Foundation – Maine: http://www.papillonfoundation.org/criminal-record-resources/maine/adult-forms-conviction MISCELLANEOUS University of Maine School of Law Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic: https://mainelaw.maine.edu/public-service/clac/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MARYLAND KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services: https://www.dpscs.state.md.us/publicservs/expung.shtml Maryland Judiciary: https://mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/expungement Maryland State Bar Association: https://www.msba.org/ The Bar Association of Baltimore City: https://www.baltimorebar.org/ Bar Association of Montgomery County: https://www.barmont.org/ Prince George’s County Bar Association: https://www.pgcba.com/ Maryland Legal Aid: https://www.mdlab.org/ LEGAL RESOURCES The People’s Law Library of Maryland: https://www.peoples-law.org/expungement-and-changing-your-criminal-record Information About Removing Criminal and Civil Offense or Infraction: https://www.courts.state.md.us/sites/default/files/court-forms/ccdccr072br.pdf Maryland Expungement Record: https://www.mdlab.org/wp-content/uploads/MLA_Expungement.pdf LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” Expunge Maryland Online Review: http://www.expungemaryland.org/ MDEXPUNGEMENT Determination and Form Completion: https://www.mdexpungement.com/ Maryland Expungement: https://marylandexpungement.com/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MARYLAND MISCELLANEOUS 2021 Greenbelt MD Expungement Fair: https://www.greenbeltmd.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/3885/18 Expungement Clinic in Baltimore: https://www.msba.org/product/live-criminal-record-expungement-in-maryland-baltimore/ Expungement Training with Maryland Legal Aid: https://www.baltimoreactionlegal.org/events/2021/8/2/expungement-training-with-maryland-legal-aid Expungement Training Webinar: https://mvlslaw.org/event/expungement-training-webinar-3/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MASSACHUSETTS KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Legal Services LEGAL RESOURCES ● Mass. Gen. Law ch. 276, §100A ● Expunge Your Criminal Record ● Pardons and Commutations ● Pardon Petition Form LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Know Your CORI Rights: Sealing and Expungement of Criminal Offender Record Information ● How Do You Get Pardoned in Massachusetts? MISCELLANEOUS ● How Pardons Work and Why Massachusetts Has Not Issued One in Years ● MA Restoration of Rights ● A Clear View of a Narrower Path: Examining the Baker Pardon Guidelines ● How Clemency Works in Massachusetts ● CORI Sealing Project (Expungement Clinic)
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MICHIGAN KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Lakeshore Legal Aid ● Safe & Just Michigan ● Michigan Works! ● State Bar of Michigan Pro Bono Projects & Resources LEGAL RESOURCES ● Do-It-Yourself Expungement (Adult Conviction): Use this tool to fill out the forms to ask a court to set aside an adult criminal conviction. A conviction that is set aside cannot be seen by the public. You will go to the LawHelp Interactive website to do this. After you answer the questions, your finished forms will be ready for you to print. A new set of expungement laws went into effect on April 11, 2021. This tool reflects the new expungement laws. ● Expungement of Criminal Offenses in Michigan (Includes Applications and Cheklists) ● Clean Slate Law Overview ● Expungement Law Text LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MINNESOTA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS MN Clean Slate Alliance LEGAL RESOURCES MN Expungement Statutes MN Judicial Branch Criminal Expungement Resources (Forms & Instructions) Expungement Overview - MN House of Reps MN State Law Library (Videos, Publications & Legal Help) LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MISSISSIPPI KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Mississippi Access To Justice Commission Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project North Mississippi Rural Legal Services Mississippi Center for Justice University of Mississippi Law Clinical Programs Mississippi College School of Law Clinical Programs Mission First Legal Aid Office Mississippi First Legal Aid Office Mississippi Center for Legal Services Corporation Magnolia Bar Association Gulf Coast Center for Nonviolence/Northcutt Legal Clinic El Pueblo Immigration Legal Services Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance LEGAL RESOURCES http://www.msatjc.org https://ms.freelegalanswers.org/ Legal Forms http://www.msatjc.org/legal-forms Expungements http://www.expungemississippi.com https://mscenterforjustice.org/work/expungement/ Law https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2010/title-99/19/99-19-71/ https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2010/title-99/15/99-15-59/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MVLP is the go to organization for implementing legal clinics. However, you are not required to go through them.
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MISSOURI KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Missouri Lawyers Help Missouri Free Legal Answers St. Louis Expungement Law Center LEGAL RESOURCES Understanding Missouri’s New Expungement Law Missouri Expungement Statute MO Courts - Forms & Instructions LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MO Bar Overview & How To MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE MONTANA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS http://www.westernmtbar.com/ https://mtwomenlawyers.org/ http://www.montanabar.org/groups LEGAL RESOURCES https://dojmt.gov/enforcement/conviction-expungement-process/ https://dojmt.gov/enforcement/non-conviction-removal-and-sealing/ https://leg.mt.gov/bills/mca/title_0460/chapter_0180/part_0110/section_0040/0460-0180-0110-0040.html https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/montana-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-s ealing/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEBRASKA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid of Nebraska Nebraska Access LEGAL RESOURCES Petition to Set Aside Criminal Conviction Nebraska Clean Slate Initiative and Forms Nebraska Expungement Statute LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEVADA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada: Host free classes for persons to assist in sealing their record. Nevada Legal Services: host various classes to assist with sealing records LEGAL RESOURCES Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada: https://www.lacsn.org/what-we-do/free-classes/record-sealing Nevada Legal Services: https://nlslaw.net LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Note Nevada does NOT offer record expungements only record seals. ● Record sealment will be the only option for people, make that clear. ● You will need to partner with the above legal aid services to host a class. MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEW HAMPSHIRE KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS New Hampshire Legal Aid: https://nhlegalaid.org/self-help-guides/criminal-annulment/nh-annulment New Hampshire Judicial Branch: https://www.courts.nh.gov/our-courts/circuit-court/district-division/annulment New Hampshire Bar Association: https://www.nhbar.org/ LEGAL RESOURCES Court Service Center – Annulment of Criminal Records: https://www.courts.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt471/files/documents/2021-04/annulmentchecklist.pdf New Hampshire Restoration of Rights & Record Relief: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/new-hampshire-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-s ealing/ Annulment of Criminal Records: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/651/651-5.htm LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” What is Annulment? FAQs: https://nhlegalaid.org/self-help-guides/criminal-annulment/what-annulment-faqs MISCELLANEOUS New Hampshire Criminal Record Annulment Clinics: https://www.nhbar.org/criminal-record-annulment-clinics/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEW JERSEY KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Legal Services of New Jersey ● New Jersey Institute for Social Justice ● New Jersey Office of the Public Defender LEGAL RESOURCES ● New Jersey Courts: "How to Expunge Your Criminal/Juvenile Record." ● NJ Expungement Statute NJSA 2C:52-6 ● Legal Services Six Step Guide to Expunging Records LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● How to Find Out if You Are Eligible for Expungement ● Assistance for Filling Out Expungement Forms MISCELLANEOUS ● Pro se expungement applicants who cannot afford the $75 filing fee can apply for a waiver. ● Crimes That Cannot Be Expunged
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEW MEXICO KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS New Mexico Legal Aid and Legal Aid of North Texas (refer to Texas page) LEGAL RESOURCES New Mexico Courts: https://www.nmcourts.gov Legal Aid of North Texas: Refer to Texas LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Make sure to read self-help guide prior to hosting clinic: https://www.nmcourts.gov/self-help/self-help-guide/ ● Manage expectations i.e. inform the client of the dates and of the possibility that the expunction or nondisclosure may be contested and/or not granted. ● Have persons look up their criminal history to determine eligibility: https://caselookup.nmcourts.gov/caselookup/app MISCELLANEOUS Partnership Flyer: https://www.newmexicolegalaid.org/sites/newmexicolegalaid.org/files/Dual%20State%20Flyer%2004%2018.pdf
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEW YORK KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS NYS Unified Court System: https://nycourts.gov/courthelp// LawHelp NY: https://www.lawhelpny.org/find-legal-help/directory The Legal Aid Society (NYC): https://legalaidnyc.org/ New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services: https://www.ils.ny.gov/ NYC Bar Justice Center: https://www.nycbar.org/for-the-public/free-legal-services NYS Permanent Commission on Access to Justice: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/accesstojusticecommission/index.shtml NYS Office for Justice Initiatives: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/ip/OJI/index.shtml New York City Bar Criminal Justice Operations Committee: https://www.nycbar.org/member-and-career-services/committees/criminal-justice-operations-committee New York State Bar Association Criminal Justice Section: https://nysba.org/committees/criminal-justice-section/ LEGAL RESOURCES New York Restoration of Rights and Record Relief: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/new-york-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-sealing / Manhattan DA – Sealing a Criminal Conviction: https://www.manhattanda.org/sealing/ Up in Smoke: How Expungement of Cannabis Crimes Will Work Under the MRTA: https://nysba.org/up-in-smoke-how-expungement-of-cannabis-crimes-will-work-under-the-mrta/ Cannabis and Expungement Under New York State Law: https:// nycourts.gov/courthelp/Criminal/marihuanaExpunge.shtml Sealed Criminal Records in New York: https://nycourts.gov/courthelp/Criminal/sealedRecords.shtml Sealed Records: After 10 Years: https://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/criminal/sealedafter10years.shtml
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NEW YORK LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” How to Seal Criminal Records in New York: https://www.nycbar.org/get-legal-help/article/criminal-law/how-to-seal-criminal-records/ Criminal History Records, Background Checks – NY Division of Criminal Justice Services: https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/ojis/recordreview.htm Apply for Clemency (NYS): https://www.ny.gov/services/apply-clemency MISCELLANEOUS There are many clinics across the state – New York’s legal services provider landscape is huge and there are many existing programs. Here are just a few of recent offerings: Case Closed – The Legal Aid Society (NYC): https://legalaidnyc.org/programs-projects-units/case-closed-project/ Legal Action Center – Clean Slate NY: https://www.lac.org/major-project/clean-slate-ny Buffalo Marijuana Expungement Clinic: https://www.pushbuffalo.org/marijuana-expungement-clinic/ Legal Resources – Southern District of NY (Bronx and Manhattan): http://probation.nysd.uscourts.gov/legal-services New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association Marijuana Expungement Clinic: https://www.nycgpa.org/event/marijuana-expungement-clinic/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NORTH CAROLINA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid of North Carolina - Legal Aid of North Carolina is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal access to justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity. North Carolina Justice Center – North Carolina Justice Center’s mission is to eliminate poverty in North Carolina by ensuring that every household in the state has access to the resources, services, and fair treatment it needs to achieve economic security. Durham Expunction & Restoration Program – The Durham Expunction & Restoration Program removes barriers to employment and housing by providing free legal services to Durham residents who cannot afford attorneys to expunge charges and convictions from their criminal records and restore suspended or revoked drivers’ licenses. North Carolina Second Chance Alliance - The NC Second Chance Alliance is a statewide alliance of people with criminal records, their family members, service providers, congregations, community leaders and concerned citizens that have come together to address the causes of criminal records and the barriers they create to successful reentry. Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy – Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy’s mission is to pursue justice for those in need. Clean Slate Clearinghouse - The Clean Slate Clearinghouse—a project funded by, and developed in partnership with, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)— helps support juvenile and adult criminal record clearance around the country by: providing people with criminal records and non-legal service providers with accurate, up-to-date information on record clearance and mitigation, as well as contact information for legal service providers in all U.S. states and territories; supporting legal service providers currently engaged in record clearance work and giving new legal service providers the tools and resources they need to develop record clearance programs; and giving policymakers the information they need to compare their state’s record clearance policies to those of other states and to learn about best practices. Forward Justice Clean Slate Campaign - The Clean Slate Campaign aims to expand eligibility and access to expungements through legislative advocacy, grassroots organizing, and strategic communication, which will contribute to the development of the long-term advocacy infrastructure necessary for transformative criminal justice reform in North Carolina. North Carolina Central University School of Law Criminal Defense Clinic - The Criminal Defense Clinic aims to provide high-quality legal service to community members who cannot afford to hire an attorney to represent them in misdemeanor criminal court proceedings or to provide legal advice about expungements and other criminal record relief. Upper-level law students receive in-depth training and
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE NORTH CAROLINA a supportive environment so they can work under the supervision of faculty members to provide the representation, advice, and respect that all of their clients deserve. LEGAL RESOURCES Summary of North Carolina Expunctions 2021 Restoration of Rights Project – North Carolina Legal Aid of NC Criminal Record Expunction LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” Southern Coalition for Social Justice Clean Slate Toolkit MISCELLANEOUS Inaugural Bob and Pat Barker Second Chance Expunction Clinic Shepherds of the Community Onslow County Expunction Clinic
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE OHIO KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Legal Aid Society of Cleveland ● Supreme Court of Ohio (Sealing and Expunging Guidelines) ● Ohio Justice and Policy Center ● Ohio Legal Help LEGAL RESOURCES ● Ohio Expungement Law (Mathews & Gill, LLP) - Includes Free Eligibility Test ● Ohio Revised Code - Chapter 2953 (Appeals; Other Postconviction Remedies) ● Ohio HB1 - Expanded Record Sealing Law (2021) LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” NOTE: Ohio classifies the process as “sealing” of criminal records, not expungement MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE OKLAHOMA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City, Inc. Oklahoma Indian Legal Services Oklahoma Access to Justice Commission and Foundation LEGAL RESOURCES Law and Eligibility https://oklaw.org/resource/can-i-expunge-records-in-oklahoma?ref=h7GJh https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=440214 https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=440215 https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=439118 Restoration of Rights Project Guide https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/oklahoma-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungem ent-sealing/ Frequently Asked Questions https://osbi.ok.gov/faq-page/5031 Video about expungements in Oklahoma https://www.okbar.org/freelegalinfo/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS Past events https://urbanleagueok.org/programs/criminal-justice-reform/ https://www.legalaidok.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Muskogee-11.9_11.16.2019-Expungement-fly er.pdf
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE OREGON KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS PCC Clear Clinic: Provide legal services including criminal expungements to persons in Portland, Oregon. Legal Aid Services of Oregon: Host virtual clinics (COVID FRIENDLY) LEGAL RESOURCES PCC Clear Clinic: https://www.pcc.edu/clear-clinic/services/ Legal Aid Services of Oregon: https://lasoregon.org Oregon Advocates: https://www.oregonadvocates.org › about LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Expungements can happen for criminal records and evictions. Note which one the person wants and then work with various orgs pertaining to that topic. MISCELLANEOUS
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE PENNSYLVANIA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Community Legal Services of Pennsylvania ● Legal Aid LEGAL RESOURCES ● 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 9122 ● Unified Court System of Pennsylvania: Clean slate, expungement, and limited access LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● State Police Criminal Expungement Process ● PA Board of Pardons MISCELLANEOUS ● "How to Get Your Criminal Record Expunged or Sealed in Pennsylvania." Philadelphia Inquirer ● Restoration of Rights Project: Pennsylvania ● Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid: Removing Criminal Records ● Pennsylvania Courts: The Path to Clean Slate
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE RHODE ISLAND KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Rhode Island Courts: https://www.courts.ri.gov/Pages/default.aspx Rhode Island Bar Association: https://ribar.com/ Roger Williams University School of Law: https://law.rwu.edu/ LEGAL RESOURCES Expungement Information – Rhode Island Attorney General: http://www.riag.ri.gov/homeboxes/expungement-info.php Rhode Island Public Defender – Expungement and Sealing of Criminal Records: http://www.ripd.org/expungement-sealingcriminalrecords.html Rhode Island – Restoration of Rights, Pardon, Expungement & Sealing: https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/rhode-island-restoration-of-rights-pardon-expungement-seal ing/ LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” Rhode Island AG Expungement Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfl-ySNQNHbTTZafe7z2qEbPABU9snzwepc_acGYIwEjUNrOw/vi ewform MISCELLANEOUS R.I. Ag’s office holds a record-expungement clinic: https://www.providencejournal.com/news/20200219/ri-agrsquos-office-holds-record-expungement-clinic-in-provi dence-more-than-100-people-show-up R.I. Public Defender present workshop on expunging criminal records: https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2021/04/06/ri-public-defender-present-workshop-expunging -criminal-records/7105068002/
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE SOUTH CAROLINA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS South Carolina Legal Services - South Carolina Legal Services (SCLS) provides free legal assistance in a wide variety of civil (non-criminal) legal matters to eligible low-income residents of South Carolina. South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families – The South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that supports a statewide infrastructure that reduces barriers and strengthens relationships between fathers and families throughout South Carolina. The Papillion Foundation – The Papillon Foundation creates a compassionate opportunity for people who want to clean-up their criminal record for a fresh beginning. The Papillion Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation providing free links to web-based resources for the expungement and sealing of criminal records throughout the United States. We also provide free links to other forms of relief, such as pardon, waivers and Ban the Box resources. South Carolina Appleseed Center for Legal Justice – South Carolina Appleseed Center for Legal Justice fights for low-income South Carolinians to overcome social, economic, and legal injustice. Ministries of Hope - The mission of Ministries of Hope (MoH) is to transform lives through providing holistic life skills programming with special emphasis on serving formerly incarcerated people. The organization's goal is to enable marginalized people to lead full lives by equipping them with the skills necessary to support themselves and their families and by working to reduce the stigma associated with having a criminal background. MoH intends to achieve this goal through workforce development, education, wellness interventions, and other supporting functions. LEGAL RESOURCES South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families Expungement Guide The Papillion Foundation - South Carolina Resources SC Appleseed Center for Legal Justice Expungement Reference Guide South Carolina Bar Frequently Asked Questions about Expungement and Pardons in South Carolina Courts Ministries of Hope Record Expungement and Pardon Informational Video
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE SOUTH CAROLINA LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center SC Expungement Reference Guide MISCELLANEOUS Trident United Way and Palmetto Goodwill Ministries of Hope Virtual Expungement and Pardon Clinics
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE TENNESSEE KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands - The Reentry Program for the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands, in partnership with the Georgetown University Law Center, developed a Tennessee Expungement Eligibility Assessment web-based app to increase access to self-help expungement eligibility information. The Papillon Foundation – The Papillon Foundation creates a compassionate opportunity for people who want to clean-up their criminal record for a fresh beginning. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation providing free links to web-based resources for the expungement and sealing of criminal records throughout the United States. We also provide free links to other forms of relief, such as pardon, waivers and Ban the Box resources. Just City Memphis – Just City’s mission is to advance policies and programs within Shelby County and the State of Tennessee that strengthen the right to counsel and mitigate the damage caused to families and neighborhoods as a result of contact with the criminal justice system. We aspire to be a powerful, independent voice to support the individuals, children, and families who are, or have been in contact with, the criminal justice system; to advocate for strong, consistent adult and children’s right to counsel policies; and to accelerate community-driven solutions to the problems presented by the criminal justice system. Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services - The Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services (TALS) is a statewide nonprofit organization committed to: empowering its constituencies, especially those in need; providing visionary and effective leadership; serving the public interest by improving access to civil legal assistance; promoting and modeling diversity and inclusiveness, advocating for justice for those in need; and advancing collaboration and building consensus among providers of legal services for the common good. ACLU Tennessee – ACLU-TN uses a mix of strategies – advocacy, legislative lobbying, litigation and public education– to protect and advance your rights. We work proactively to pursue policies, practices and laws that protect Tennesseans against unfair and unequal treatment. ACLU-TN’s priority areas are: pursuing significant reform in the criminal justice system, focusing on reducing mass incarceration, eliminating racial and economic disparities, and ensuring police accountability; protecting and expanding access to the ballot box; defending a woman’s right to comprehensive reproductive health care; protecting the guarantees of the First Amendment, including religious freedom and freedom of speech; safeguarding privacy rights against government surveillance; and advancing LGBT equality. Help4TN - HELP4TN is a program that provides Tennesseans with a broad range of legal and social services resources.
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE TENNESSEE LEGAL RESOURCES The Papillon Foundation Tennessee Criminal Conviction Expungement Checklist Tennessee Expungement Law Facts Tennessee Motion for Expungement of Juvenile Offender Records LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” MISCELLANEOUS University of Tennessee College of Law Legal Clinic at First United Church of Christ in Sweetwater, Tennessee
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE TEXAS KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS FOUR MAJOR COUNTIES: Bexar County Dallas County Harris County Tarrant County BEXAR COUNTY: Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (PAI Program): Designed for local attorneys to assist the legal aid clinic in providing probono services including expunction and nondisclosures. https://www.trla.org DALLAS COUNTY: Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program: Specific clinic for expunctions and nondisclosure. (Host virtual clinics) https://dallasvolunteerattorneyprogram.org/get-help/ Dallas County District Attorneys Office: Expunction Expo https://www.dallascounty.org/government/comcrt/district4/community-information/the-dallas-county-district-a tto rney-expunction-expo-sign-up-ends-july-26th.php HARRIS COUNTY: Houston Volunteer Lawyers: https://www.makejusticehappen.org Houston Bar Association: Hba.org TARRANT COUNTY: Arlington Bar Association in conjunction with Legal Aid of North Texas: host various legal clinics specific to assisting low income persons - could possible partner to host an expunction clinic. https://arlingtonbarassociation.org/legal-clinic Legal Aid of North Texas: https://internet.lanwt.org/home LEGAL RESOURCES Bexar County
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE TEXAS Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.bexar.org/3017/Frequently-Asked-Questions Documents: http://www.txcourts.gov/rules-forms/orders-of-nondisclosure Dallas County Important Information: https://www.dallascounty.org/government/district-clerk/expunction-nondisclosure.php Documents: http://www.txcourts.gov/rules-forms/orders-of-nondisclosure Harris County Important Information: https://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/common/civil/Post_Judgment_Info.aspx Documents: http://www.txcourts.gov/rules-forms/orders-of-nondisclosure Tarrant County Important Information: https://access.tarrantcounty.com/en/criminal-district-attorney/criminal-division/post-conviction.html Documents: http://www.txcourts.gov/rules-forms/orders-of-nondisclosure LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● For all, make sure to note prior to what convictions are eligible for “expunction or nondisclosure.” These are two very different things. ● Note the process based on what county the expunction or nondisclosure is in, because that determines where the filing would be. For example, a person may reside in Tarrant County; however, the conviction was in Dallas County. Thus, the filing has to be done in Dallas and its takes about 90 days for the process. ● Manage expectations i.e. inform the client of the dates and of the possibility that the expunction or nondisclosure may be contested and/or not granted. MISCELLANEOUS Contact any Legal Aid Service provider above to partner with for an expunction clinic.
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE VERMONT KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS ● Vermont Legal Aid ● Vermont Attorney General LEGAL RESOURCES ● 3 V.S.A. § 7602 ● Expungement Sealing Pardon Information ● Petition to Expunge or Seal Criminal Records ● Vermont Legal Aid Expungement FAQ's LOCAL “HOW-TO’S” ● Filing to Petition Expunge or Seal a Criminal Record MISCELLANEOUS ● Seal or Expunge Your Vermont Criminal Records ● Vermont Restoration of Rights Project ● Vermont law expanding expungement eligibility goes into effect Thursday
ABA YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE TEAM 2021-2022 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE VIRGINIA KEY ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS Collateral Consequences Resource Center - The Virginia General Assembly has passed transformative legislation to allow sealing of convictions, including low-level felonies, for the first time in the Commonwealth, and to establish a system of automatic sealing of police and court records for many offenses. About 1.6 million Virginians have a criminal record, which creates significant barriers to employment, housing, education, and other necessities of life. Legal Aid Justice Center - The Legal Aid Justice Center partners with communities and clients to achieve justice by dismantling systems that create and perpetuate poverty. Justice means racial justice, social justice, and economic justice. VaLegalAid.org - VaLegalAid.org is a Virginia Partnership for Equal Justice Website Project. It is an ambitious attempt by Virginia legal aid offices and their partners to provide complete, accurate, up-to- date information on poverty law issues in an interactive and easily accessible format. The intent is to allow access to this information by legal aid attorneys, pro bono attorneys, clients, advocates and providers of services to legal aid's traditional client base. Justice Forward Virginia Expungement Reform - Justice Forward Virginia is a non-partisan advocacy organization created to bring attention to the urgent need for criminal justice reform in the Commonwealth -- at the most fundamental level -- and to advance legislation and support candidates who advocate for comprehensive reforms to Virginia’s criminal justice system. Legal Services of Northern Virginia - LSNV is the largest legal aid organization in Virginia, helping thousands of clients each year in civil legal matters. We partner closely with other legal aid organizations, state and local bar associations, as well as the courts to serve the region’s low-income and neediest populations. Clean Slate Initiative Virginia - In 2021, Virginia significantly expanded eligibility for record clearing by petition and established automatic sealing for non-convictions as well as several types of misdemeanor convictions including marijuana possession. LEGAL RESOURCES Restoration of Rights Project Legal Aid Justice Center Virginia’s Record Sealing Law Clean Slate Clearinghouse - Virginia
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