Operating Policies and Procedures Whistle Blowing Policy - RESTRICTED Version Effective Date
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Operating Policies and Procedures Whistle Blowing Policy Version 1.0 Effective Date 30th Jan 2015 RESTRICTED
Table of Contents 1. Policy Statement ........................................................................................... 1 2. Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 3. Principles ....................................................................................................... 1 4. Procedures .................................................................................................... 2 5. Further Information ....................................................................................... 5 RESTRICTED
InfraCo Asia Operating Policies and Procedures – Whistle Blowing Policy 1. Policy Statement It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure that InfraCo Asia and its subsidiaries are committed to operating lawfully, ethically and with integrity. However, from time to time there may be situations where the right course of action is unclear, or there may be situations where something improper, unethical or inappropriate is suspected or known. This Policy has thus been established to ensure that all cases of suspected wrongdoing are reported and managed in a timely and appropriate manner. 2. Introduction All employees and external parties are encouraged to raise genuine concerns about possible improprieties in the conduct of InfraCo Asia’s business activities and that of its developers/sub-contractors at the earliest opportunity and in an appropriate way. The policy is designed to: ensure all employees and external parties feel supported in speaking up with confidence and reporting matters they suspect may involve anything, improper, unethical or inappropriate; encourage all improper, unethical or inappropriate behaviour to be identified and challenged at all levels of the organisation; provide clear procedures for the reporting of such matters; manage all disclosures in a timely, consistent and professional manner; and provide assurance that all disclosures will be taken seriously, treated as confidential and managed without fear of retaliation. 3. Principles All concerns raised will be treated fairly and properly. Harassment or victimization of anyone raising a genuine concern will not be tolerated. Any individual making a disclosure will retain his/her anonymity unless he/she agrees otherwise. Any individual raising a concern should be aware of who is handling the matter. No one should be at risk of suffering some form of retribution as a result of raising a concern, even if he/she is mistaken. This assurance is, however, not extended to someone who maliciously raises a matter that is known to be untrue. RESTRICTED 1|Page
InfraCo Asia Operating Policies and Procedures – Whistle Blowing Policy 4. Procedures 4.1 Reportable events or incidents Whistle blowing refers to a disclosure of information made by an employee or an external party where he/she reasonably believe that a reportable event or incident is happening now, took place in the past or is likely to happen in the future. The following is a non – exhaustive list of examples of integrity violation, wrongdoing or malpractice that would constitute a reportable event or incident: Criminal offences; Fraud; Corruption; Failure to comply with a legal or regulatory obligations; Miscarriage of justice; Endangering the health and safety of any individual; Endangering any elements of the environment; Concealment of information tending to show any of the above. 4.2 Reporting in good faith The management of InfraCo Asia undertakes that no one who reports any concern under this policy in good faith will be subjected to any detriment by the InfraCo Asia or any person within the control of InfraCo Asia for coming forward, regardless of whether or not the concern is ultimately substantiated. In the event that a reporting party believes that he/she is being victimised or subjected to a detriment by InfraCo Asia or any person within the control of InfraCo Asia as a result of reporting a concern or assisting the company in any investigation under this policy, the Chairman of Audit & Risk Management Committee must be informed immediately and appropriate action will be taken to protect him/her from any reprisal by InfraCo Asia or any person within the control of InfraCo Asia. If during the course of the investigation it is discovered that the matter has not been reported in good faith, the reporter will be subject to investigation and potential disciplinary action maybe be taken by the management or the Chairman of Audit & Risk Management Committee. In the event if the reporter is external party, the Chairman of Audit & Risk Management Committee and the management of InfraCo Asia reserve the right to pursuit against the external party for false statement that harms the reputation of InfraCo Asia. 4.3 Employee’s responsibilities This policy can be used by any officer, employee, group of employees and external party. In addition, management/developer services providers should also adopt whistle blowing policies consistent with this mandate established by the management of InfraCo Asia and report any suspected wrongdoings to the Chairman of Audit & Risk Management Committee of InfraCo Asia. RESTRICTED 2|Page
InfraCo Asia Operating Policies and Procedures – Whistle Blowing Policy 4.4 Escalation Process If any employee believes reasonably and in good faith that malpractice or misconduct that constitutes a reportable event or incident has occurred or is occurring in the work place, then he/she should notify the matter to the line manager directly and the line manager must inform the Audit & Risk Management Committee within 3 business days. If the disclosure involves the line manager, the employee should notify the Chair of Audit & Risk Management Committee at bob.edgell@infracoasia.com If any external party believes reasonably and in good faith that malpractice or misconduct that constitutes a reportable event or incident has been or is being perpetrated by an employee of by InfraCo Asia or its developers/subcontractors, the whistle-blower should notify the Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Committee at bob.edgell@infracoasia.com. 4.5 Information to be provided by the whistle-blower Concerns may be raised by email, orally or in writing. Where possible, the following information should be included: an outline of the known or suspected wrongdoing; details, to the best of whistle-blower’s knowledge, about when, where and how it occurred; a list of the names of those suspected of being involved (both within InfraCo Asia and externally); a list of the names of anyone who may have relevant information; details of how the whistle-blower came to know about the suspected activities; what, if any, do you estimate to be the value of the loss to InfraCo Asia or other parties; what, if any, breaches of internal controls, policy, procedure or other requirements you believe took place; any relevant supporting evidence; any specific recommendations that the whistle-blower have for actions; the names of person whom the whistle-blower has discussed or reported this incident to; whistle-blower’s name and contact details. Please note – these will be kept confidential as far as is reasonably practicable; and the date and time of making the report. 4.6 Anonymity It is understood that disclosures made under this policy may involve highly confidential and sensitive matters and that the whistle-blower may prefer to make an anonymous disclosure. The Chair of the InfraCo Asia Audit and Risk Management Committee will endeavour to investigate the concerns fully, although a full RESTRICTED 3|Page
InfraCo Asia Operating Policies and Procedures – Whistle Blowing Policy investigation may be impeded if further relevant information is not available from the whistle-blower. 4.7 Post-reporting process The Chair of the InfraCo Asia Audit and Risk Management Committee will acknowledge receipt of whistle-blower’s concern within 3 working days and contact the whistle-blower to discuss the next steps. 4.8 Investigation InfraCo Asia Audit and Risk Management Committee will decide how to respond in a responsible and appropriate manner under this policy. Any investigation will be undertaken in accordance with the investigation procedures set out in the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) Operating Policies and Procedures (Chapter 2). The purpose of this investigation is: to establish if a wrongdoing has occurred, and if so to what extent; and to minimise the risk of further wrongdoing, to prevent any further loss of assets, damage to reputation and to protect all sources of evidence. InfraCo Asia Audit and Risk Management Committee will endeavour to handle investigations as consistently, promptly and fairly as possible. Any person found to be involved in any wrongdoing will be subject to internal disciplinary action. Where it is believed that criminal activity has taken place, the matter may be reported to the police and appropriate legal action may be taken. The management of InfraCo Asia should ensure that whistle-blowing complaints are adequately addressed. In this regard, periodic reports on complaints should be submitted to InfraCo Asia Board via the Audit & Risk Management Committee. Subsequently, the InfraCo Asia Board shall issue a consolidated report to the PIDG for review. A summary report on the investigations conducted should include information such as the source of complaints, volume and type of complaints, how complaints were addressed (i.e. whether disciplinary action was taken against staff who breached internal guidelines or failed to uphold the requisite standard of professionalism in discharging their duties) 4.9 Data protection and privacy All information provided by and relating to the whistle-blower shall be treated confidentially as far as reasonably practicable. There may be circumstances where, RESTRICTED 4|Page
InfraCo Asia Operating Policies and Procedures – Whistle Blowing Policy because of the nature of the investigation or disclosure, it will be necessary to disclose the whistle-blower’s identity. In such circumstances, the whistle-blower will be informed before such disclosure is made. 5. Further Information For further questions about the content or application of this policy, please contact: for employees of the company, your line manager for all other parties, the Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee RESTRICTED 5|Page
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