Open University and Distance Education Coordination: Strategies used to consolidate distance education at the National Autonomous University of ...

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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Open University and Distance Education Coordination:
Strategies used to consolidate distance education at the
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Citlalli Berruecos

Volume 5, Number 2, August 2004                                                   Article abstract
                                                                                  This case study describes three main strategies used from March 2002 to
URI:                                     November 2003 at the Open University and Distance Education Coordination
DOI:                                     (CUAED) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to
                                                                                  consolidate distance education at the University. The author explains how, in
See table of contents                                                             just 18 months, these three main strategies enabled the UNAM to emerge as
                                                                                  model of distance education for other public and private institutions in Latin
Publisher(s)                                                                      Distance education in Latin America, rather than being considered a second
                                                                                  rate educational complement for traditional higher education, must be seen as
Athabasca University Press (AU Press)                                             a fundamental engine for restructuring other university systems, especially the
                                                                                  public ones (Casas Armengol, 2002).
ISSN                                                                              . . . the widespread use of new technologies in an organization does constitute a
1492-3831 (digital)                                                               major cultural change. Furthermore, for such change to be successful,
                                                                                  leadership of the highest quality is required (Bates, 2000).
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Berruecos, C. (2004). Open University and Distance Education Coordination:
Strategies used to consolidate distance education at the National Autonomous
University of Mexico. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed
Learning, 5 (2), 1–12.

Copyright (c), 2004 Citlalli Berruecos                                           This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit
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International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Volume 5, Number 2.                                                           ISSN: 1492-3831

August – 2004

Open University and Distance Education
Coordination: Strategies used to consolidate
distance education at the National Autonomous
University of Mexico
Citlalli Berruecos
National Autonomous University of Mexico

This case study describes three main strategies used from March 2002 to November 2003 at the
Open University and Distance Education Coordination (CUAED) of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM) to consolidate distance education at the University. The author
explains how, in just 18 months, these three main strategies enabled the UNAM to emerge as
model of distance education for other public and private institutions in Latin America.

       Distance education in Latin America, rather than being considered a second rate
       educational complement for traditional higher education, must be seen as a
       fundamental engine for restructuring other university systems, especially the
       public ones (Casas Armengol, 2002).

       . . . the widespread use of new technologies in an organization does constitute a
       major cultural change. Furthermore, for such change to be successful, leadership
       of the highest quality is required (Bates, 2000).

Keywords: distance education; consolidation; project management; strategic planning

At 450 years old, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is currently Mexico’s
most important public higher education and research institution. UNAM is the foundation upon
which Mexico’s public higher education system has been developed. UNAM is a public,
decentralized, national, and autonomous institution that carries out teaching, research, and
cultural activities throughout Mexico. Through its 23 colleges and schools, UNAM currently
offers 71 Bachelor, 29 specialization, 35 Masters, and 33 Doctoral degree programs. More than
half of all the research carried out in Mexico takes place at UNAM’s 39 research institutes and
centers. Over 6,000 continuing education activities are also offered each year to the benefit of
more than 130,000 students (Agenda Estadística 2001).
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                   2

UNAM’s Open University and Distance Education Coordination Center (CUAED) is responsible
for strengthening continuing, open, and distance education across the University and throughout
Mexico. CUAED aims to expand its continuing, open, and distance education programs both
within and outside UNAM. For example, CUAED shares its open, distance and continuing
education course programs and its "best practice guidelines” internally across UNAM’s various
schools and colleges. To serve broader societal needs throughout Mexico, CUAED also identifies
educational and training needs of social, government, and business organizations.

To continue to reach its mandated objectives at a time of rapidly growing demand for continuing,
open and distance education, CUAED found it needed to consolidate UNAM’s diverse distance
education activities. As such, CUAED developed the following three strategies, which were
rolled out in lock-step over an 18 month period, starting in March 2002:

    •   Development of the Online University Program (Programa Universidad en Línea) and
        the PUEL System

    •   Creation of the Distance Education High Technology Center (CATED)

    •   A formal agreement was agreed upon that restructured the CUAED, and created
        UNAM’s current Board of Distance Education

The objective of this article is to broadly outline the three strategies used by UNAM to
consolidate its distance education activities. This paper examines the strategic activities that took
place during the development and deployment phases, which lasted 18 months. It is felt that this
case study may help other universities in developing countries define their own strategies in
developing their own distance education programming.

                  Strategy 1. Online University Program
          (Programa Universidad en LíNea) and the PUEL System
The objective of the Online University Program (PUEL) is to help UNAM’s many schools and
colleges to develop their own online course materials for their numerous Bachelors, Masters and
Doctorate programs, and for the over 6,000 continuing education courses offered each year by

The use of new and emerging learning technologies, such as learning management systems
(LMS), are necessary to meet the demands of increasing numbers of students studying to upgrade
and enhance their knowledge and skills via distance education. However, the relatively slow
adoption of Learning Management Systems – the cornerstone of many emerging distance
education programs – often results, due to the high cost associated with purchasing and
maintaining the software (Depow 2003). Because of the high costs associated with proprietary
LMS and other technological platforms used for managing online courses (e.g., WebCT), CUAED
developed its own "PUEL” system. In sum, PUEL is a home-grown platform used by UNAM to
develop and administrate its online course offerings.

LMS are intended to address a range of pedagogical and technical issues such as learning and
design theory, hardware and software purchases, student support services, student assessment,
student interaction, instructional strategies, security and firewalls, and staffing. The goal of this
type of platform is to provide an information system that can effectively handle students,
teachers, course administration, and course materials in an online environment (Bidarra and Dias,
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                  3

2003). Many higher education institutions are currently using proprietary LMS products such as
WebCT and BlackBoard. Nonetheless these proprietary solutions are often cost-prohibitive for
many institutions, especially those in developing countries (Depow, 2003). In other words, many
publically funded higher-education institutions – particularly those in developing countries –
cannot afford the development or acquisition of a proprietary LMS. An alternative solution,
however, can be found in the wide and rapidly emerging range of non-proprietary, open source
and free software LMS packages (Depow, 2003). PUEL’s main objective, therefore, is to offer
UNAM’s Schools and Research Centers and other public institutions the resources they need to
generate their own online courses and learning materials. Launched on June 16, 2003, PUEL is
offered as an open source LMS through a free licensing agreement (see for
details on this system). By November 30, 2003, over 560 licenses have been downloaded by
institutions in 28 different countries (e.g., Japan, Mozambique, United States, and Canada, along
with several countries throughout Latin American and Europe).

PUEL is divided into three modules: users’ administration, course administration, and statistics.
PUEL generates and stores activities in individual student binders, which allows students to refer
to previously performed activities and receive continuous feedback from their tutors. Students can
also edit and store their activities in their personal online binder. PUEL generates access reports
for users which are available through webpage interfaces; it also generates statistics for each
session in each course and manages different levels of security (i.e., administrator, editor, and
user levels).

Institutions interested in starting an online program must factor in the costs of infrastructure
(hardware), course contents, a technological platform or LMS, and appropriately trained staff
(Uys, 2003). According to Uys: "Many aspects of the socio-economic and technological
environment that are often taken for granted, must be explicitly addressed when introducing
instructional technologies for open learning in developing settings. These include, among other
things, participants’ unfamiliarity with new instructional technologies, inadequate
telecommunications infrastructure, unreliable power supply, competition for limited educational
sector resources, and the need to provide basic educational facilities” (Uys, 2003).

After developing the PUEL System, the next step was to generate a scheme that would enable
UNAM’s numerous schools, colleges, and centers to develop their own online courses and course
materials based on existing face-to-face course offerings. The basic idea here was not to reinvent
the wheel, but instead to re-vamp the wheel so it could meet current and future educational
demands. Because UNAM’s various schools, colleges, and research centers have the necessary
infrastructure and course contents, focused was therefore placed on developing and offering the
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                  4

PUEL LMS. To accomplish this task, a multi-disciplinary working group called "Núcleo PUEL”
was assembled to bring the necessary expertise needed to coordinate and man the project
(Berruecos, Gil, Morales and Bosco, 2003). Núcleo PUEL is comprised of a project integrator, a
content expert, an instructional designer, a graphic designer, and a systems administrator. The
project integrator is the "decision maker” who often coordinated several projects simultaneously.
The content expert worked on specific projects, while the remaining experts worked on different
projects, depending on the need for their particular expertise at various points in each project
cycle/ lifespan.

In other words, the experts that comprised Núcleo PUEL effectively eliminated the need for
""everybody to know everything.” For example, the content expert does not need to learn graphic
design and programming required for developing online course material. This tactic was followed
because it was proven at other institutions that multi-disciplinary groups are very effective. "each
academic is working on some aspect of online conversion or course and program enhancement.
Since academics have different ideas, backgrounds and levels of expertise, support staff
(designers, editors, visual designers, etc.) are organized and trained to respond in a number of
ways in each course team. This leads to interesting implications for human resource management.
As the various learning platforms and their associated human resource needs evolve, there is a
continual emergence of new position types, and levels within these types. Each learning system
requires a unique blend of technical, design and pedagogical expertise, and once each position is
established, the needs evolve rather quickly” (Davis, 2001). The PUEL group, therefore, ensures
that only the most competent experts will develop high quality contents, thereby removing the
task of course development from less skilled and typically less computer-literate staff. "While
some teachers develop and use advanced Web-enhanced learning materials effortlessly, others
struggle to acquire basic computer literacy skills. Where previously teaching staff were divided in
their ability to use word-processors and spreadsheets, today’s educators are divided by their
ability to create and update their online course materials” (Depow, 2003). Over time, the course
will be tutored by other colleagues, if necessary.

To consolidate the PUEL groups, a training strategy was identified and developed. To this end,
CUAED now offers four online courses and "PUEL manuals” which guide users in installing,
operating, administrating, planning, and designing online courses using the PUEL system. In
October 2003, CUAED began delivering a free-of-cost, face-to-face, week long workshops to
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                  5

UNAM schools and research centers seeking to implement their own PUEL group. In order to
participate in the PUEL workshop (which Schools and Research Centers use as a template for
designing and installing their first course online) CUAED demands that each prospective PUEL
group member meet certain baseline performance criteria. Adherence to this selection criteria,
ensures that those charged with developing the online learning materials and courses will be able
to do so after the end of the week long workshop. In other words, by the end of the workshop,
each new PUEL group had combined theory and practice to develop (at minimum) the first topic
of an online course, which they will continue working on at their own School or Research Center.
CUAED also offers ongoing assistance to these groups if needed.

           Strategy 2. Distance Education High Technology Center
In June 2002, the State of Tlaxcala offered UNAM a 9,000 square meter textile factory, built in
1884, for use as its Distance Education High Technology Center or in Spanish, Centro de Alta
Tecnología de Educación a Distancia (CATED). CUAED stipulated that the CATED project
include four academic areas, and defined an implementation strategy to be rolled out in five
stages. The project included the rebuilding the factory, which entailed combining the original
architectural elements of the old textile factory with modern installations and high technology:

    •   Distance Education High Technology Center (Stage 1 and 2)
    •   Convention Center (Stage 3)
    •   Multidisciplinary Research Projects (Stage 4)
    •   Cultural Center (Stage 5)

In March 2003, the Dean of the University (Rector) and the Governor of Tlaxcala signed a formal
agreement, and by August 2003, the first stage of the CATED project was finished. CATED’s
first stage included building video-conferencing and computing rooms, training rooms, digital
library, multimedia library, servers, central telecommunications infrastructure, Internet2,
production labs, and a coffee shop. The second stage will include building television studios, pre-
and post-production centers, and production labs. CATED’s main objective is to develop the pool
of human and technical resources necessary to design, develop, and implement distance education
(online courses, television, video, video conferencing, multimedia). "Rather than overload the
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                6

existing universities, this new institution would possess a technical, methodological, and
administrative organization appropriate to distance teaching” (Garcia Aretio, 2001).

CATED’s mission is to:

    •   Promote the use of information technology for distance education

    •   Promote and provide high technology services for the development of distance education
        to benefit academic institutions and UNAM students and alumni, as well as for other
        Mexican higher education institutions and international institutions (Berruecos and
        Berruecos, July 2002).

The objectives of CATED are to:

    •   Develop pedagogical, didactic, and technical models to offer "best practices” in the
        higher educational processes

    •   Provide training and support for research related to distance education and using
        technology for higher educational purposes

    •   Develop multidisciplinary projects

    •   Develop distance education courses with high technology: computing laboratories,
        television and video production studios, videoconferencing rooms, digital libraries, and
        development of websites

    •   Develop Internet and Internet2 didactic support materials for students and tutors

    •   Offer continuing courses for UNAM and other institutions’ professionals, students, and

    •   Publish research results on distance education and on the use of technology for higher
        educational purposes through different media

    •   Develop organized metadata, thesaurus, digital library systems, electronic publications,
        and websites

    •   Train the pool of human resources necessary in the use of new technologies for distance

    •   Produce Internet, multimedia, television and video contents (Berruecos and Berruecos,
        March 2003)

CATED will offer courses on distance education development; provide consulting services on e-
learning; develop learning objects; and provide access to computing laboratories, video-
conferencing rooms, television and video production studios, and digital libraries (Berruecos and
Berruecos, April 2003). CATED’s Academic Project was divided into four areas:

    •   Academic, technical, and technological training for distance education development (i.e.,
        learning-teaching processes, motivation, social learning, media and administration)
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                 7

    •   Content development for distance education (i.e., Bachelor degree programs, continuing
        education, and other academic projects such as learning objects and learning object

    •   Research on distance education (i.e., learning-teaching processes, use of media and
        technology, user motivation, distance education project administration, tutors training,
        best practices)

    •   Multidisciplinary projects (evaluated and approved by the University’s Board of Distance
        Education). As an example, CUAED-CATED and the Anthropology Research Institute
        are currently developing the "University’s Pre-Hispanic Ceramic Virtual Museum” and
        the "Mexican Anthropology Site.”

CATED and CUAED will also share responsibility for the development of other future academic
projects, which will subsequently be evaluated by the Board of Distance Education.

        Strategy 3. Restructuring of the CUAED and the Creation of
                   UNAM’S Board of Distance Education
Now 30 years old, UNAM’s Open University currently offers through its nine schools, 17
Bachelor degree programs, three specialization and one technical programs. Each school’s Open
University coordinator reports directly to the director of the school where the program is offered
– e.g., six open Bachelor degree programs (Philosophy, History, Geography, English Literature,
Education, Spanish and Latin-American Literature) of the School of Philosophy and Literature
are coordinated by only one person.

Prior to September 2003, an Academic Board responsible for overseeing the operation of
UNAM’s Open University existed. The purpose of the old Academic Board was to approve each
new Open University program before sending them to the University’s Council (Consejo
Universitario), the most important collegiate authority responsible for approving all academic
programs at UNAM. However, CUAED typically only held one Academic Board meeting per
year; and UNAM’s Open University norms, rules and regulations had not been updated for over
30 years.
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                8

UNAM has 40 Continuing Education Centers, where programs are developed and coordinated by
each school, often receiving previous approval of the school’s collective authority (comprised of
representatives from student, teacher and administrative officials). This collective authority is
called the Technical Council (Consejo Técnico) of the School. As such, prior to 2003, no rules or
regulations exist to guide the development and delivery of diploma programs, because each
school was essentially free to decide what to offer and how to deliver it. Similarly, no viable
norms, rules or regulations existed for distance education either. Indeed, a handful of schools
throughout the University began developing and delivering distance programs within their own
means, and these efforts were also largely piecemeal and unregulated.

In 2003, however, CUAED negotiated a proposal to restructure its functions and responsibilities.
This proposal resulted in the creation of UNAM’s current Board of Distance Education on
September 19, 2003, when a formal agreement was signed by the Dean (Rector) of UNAM. The
scope of this new Board of Distance Education is as follows:

    •   Open University and continuing education programs are the responsibility of each School
        and their Technical Councils

    •   The Board of Distance Education is responsible for evaluating and updating existing rules
        and regulations, and developing new distance education regulations, rules, and
        procedures with the overarching goal of guaranteeing academic and technical quality

    •   The Board of Distance Education is in charge of evaluating all distance education
        programs (Bachelors, diplomas, specializations, and graduate programs) developed by
        any academic institution of the UNAM

    •   CUAED will coordinate the Board of Distance Education

    •   CUAED is responsible for registering all UNAM distance and continuing education
        programs in UNAM’s Distance and Continuing Education Catalogue

Like other University course offerings, the pedagogical restructuring required in distance
education is deep and extensive. Some experts such as Collis (1996, p. xxii) feel that the "re-
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                  9

engineering” of distance education is most appropriate. As such, it could be said that a new era of
distance education is now visible on the horizon, one in which distance education will develop
into an extraordinarily open, flexible, and variable form of teaching and learning that can be
adapted and adjusted to meet the learning requirements of students based on demographic
variables such as age, social background, vocational orientation, etc. As such, a clear student-
oriented form of studies must be created (Peter, 2000).

Tremendous inroads and advancements have been made regarding distance education offered by
UNAM over the past 18 months. Via the three strategies mentioned above, the University now
provides an exemplar for other public universities to follow. Moreover, within these three
strategies, three important key premises were followed during the process.

1. "Do First"
Many institutions begin the transition to distance education by first trying to establish norms,
rules, and regulations as the springboard upon which to start developing their programs. At
UNAM, the strategy used was completely opposite: CUAED first began developing its distance
education programs and establishing its Distance Education High Technology Center, and these
projects in turn generated "internal pressure” which drove the negotiation processes with the
University authorities, and ultimately resulted in the creation of the current Board of Distance
Education whose mandate is to provide quality guidelines on various educational offerings. This
new Board of Distance Education is now responsible for developing all regulatory norms, rules,
and regulations for the University’s distance education offerings.

2. Stages
The Distance Education High Technology Center project was rolled out in stages. This tactic
divided the total cost of the project into five phases. As a result, it was much easier to convince
financial authorities to invest in a project that was defined step-by-step, than requesting a total
lump-sum investment at the outset.

3. Delegation
CUAED is no longer responsible for developing all UNAM’s distance education programs. Given
the enormous scope and reach of UNAM’s 71 Bachelor degree programs and 6,000 plus
continuing education programs, it simply would have been impossible for CUAED to develop
numerous programs in an efficient and cost effective manner. With the development of the PUEL
system, however, CUAED now provides the necessary resources (after basic training is
complete), which it then delegates to each School and Research Center. CUAED also coordinates
the validation and registration of each distance learning program through the Board of Distance
Education; it does not administer these programs, as that is the responsibility of each school. In
sum, CUAED is responsible for training individual schools’ PUEL groups on how to develop
their own online programs. Through its Distance Education High Technology Center, CUAED
trains technical and academic personnel the "how to” and "best practices" of developing distance
education courses, and then when the courses are ready to be reviewed and approved by the
Board of Distance Education, CUAED handles that process too. In simple terms, CUAED enables
distance education – it does not dictate it.
Open University and Distance Education Coordination                 10

Keegan (1996) stated that "governments in both developed and developing countries no longer
have the money to build and maintain buildings for 100,000 students a year." In today’s world,
distance education has emerged to become viable option for many nations and "the growing
strategic importance of higher education, coupled with the need to reorganize and radically
transform Latin America’s university system, is essential to help Latin America catch up to other
countries around the world” (Casas Armengol, 2002). Within the context of a globalizing world
economy, CUAED will enable Latin-American countries to develop their own capacity for
developing distance education programming (.e.g., Spanish contents will be available for Latin
America's Spanish speaking population) to meet the growing educational needs of their people.
This reinforces the statement by Bates (2001) who said: "help must be provided in a way that
reduces rather than increases dependency, by enabling local institutions to develop their own
capacity for online teaching adapted to the needs of their own society.”

The National Autonomous University of Mexico is now a reference model which other
institutions can use as a template or exemplar as they transition to distance education, especially
for other Latin-American educational institutions. Through CUAED’s strategies and results, it has
been proven that even when resources are scarce, there are strategies that can help higher
education institutions enter into the world of distance education in a cost effective and efficient

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