Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...

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Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Online learning
Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online
platform, aligned to the UK health and social care training standards and frameworks.
Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Introduction                                      Clinical/Care UK Core Skills

Integrated solutions                              Pg 29......Blood Transfusion

CSTF online learning                              Pg 30......Communication

Pg 06......Conflict Resolution                    Pg 31......Consent.

Pg 07......Equality, Diversity and Human Rights   Pg 32......Dementia Awareness
           General Awareness                      Pg 33......Duty of Care
Pg 08......Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
                                                  Pg 34......Fluids and Nutrition
           Promoting Awareness
Pg 09......Safeguarding Children Level 1          Pg 35......Learning Disabilities Awareness

Pg 10......Safeguarding Children Level 2          Pg 36......Mental Health Awareness

Pg 11......Safeguarding Children Level 3          Pg 37......Person Centred Care

Pg 12......Safeguarding Adults Level 1            Pg 38......Privacy and Dignity

Pg 13......Safeguarding Adults Level 2            Pg 39......Your Healthcare Career

Pg 14......Safeguarding Adult Level 3
                                                  Other Courses
Pg 15......Health, Safety and Welfare
                                                  Pg 41......Dysphagia
Pg 16......Fire Safety
                                                  Pg 42......Immunisation and Vaccination
Pg 17......Moving and Handling
                                                  Pg 43......Resuscitation Level 2 Maternal
Pg 18......Patient Moving and Handling
                                                  Pg 44......Learning from Deaths
Pg 19......Information Governance
                                                  Pg 45......Person-Centred Approaches Step 1
Pg 20......Infection Prevention and Control
           Level 1                                Pg 46......Person-Centred Approaches Steps 1 and 2
Pg 21......Infection Prevention and Control       Pg 47...... Personal Health Budgets
           Level 2
Pg 22......Prevent
                                                  Aligning Courses to Frameworks
Pg 23......Resuscitation Level 1

Pg 24......Resuscitation Level 2 Adults

Pg 25......Resuscitation Level 3 Adults

Pg 26......Resuscitation Level 2 Paediatrics

Pg 27.......Resuscitation Level 2 Newborn

Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
The healthcare landscape in the UK
is continuously evolving. With the
development of new sector regulations,
standards and definitions, it is essential
that your organisation’s training meets
every one of those criteria, on-time.
and on-budget.

Skills for Health’s suite of interactive, innovative and
sector-specific elearning courses makes it easy for
your organisation to fulfil all of the latest statutory and
mandatory training requirements.

Versatility is key. Our in-house development team
works with industry leaders to ensure that new courses
are always developed in-line with current topics and
policies – including the Care Certificate, personal
health budgets and dementia care.

As you would expect from the number one supplier
of core elearning to healthcare organisations, our
courses are derived from, mapped to and comply with
the Core Skills Training Framework – designed to
establish consistency across the healthcare sector.

Combining our experience and expertise in learning
with collaborative and trusted partnership working,
we’ve developed our CSTF training on the secure
mobile-first platform Gomo Learning.

Mobile-first learning is interactive and engaging,
nurturing health and social care staff to develop
a sound understanding of the critical training
they need to comply with the CSTF, and in turn
delivering exceptional patient care.
Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Integrated solutions
Core Skills Training Framework
The UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) provides minimum standards and guidelines for
core skills training in the health sector.
For specific subjects, the framework sets out core learning which would be common to a range of settings and roles.Using
learning objectives, the framework identifies what a learner would know, understand or be able to do as a result of learning

The aim of the framework is to enable greater standardisation in training provision between in the health sector, so that as
people move between roles and organisations their previous core skills training can be easily recognised. This aims to reduce
unnecessary repetition of training and enable improved efficiency through saved time and resources.

The original framework was released in 2013 and has since been maintained and updated, covering eleven statutory and
mandatory subjects required in the health sector:

• Conflict Resolution                                            • Information Governance
• Equality, Diversity and Human Rights                           • Moving and Handling
• Fire Safety                                                    • Resuscitation
• Health, Safety and Welfare                                     • Safeguarding Children
• Infection Prevention and Control                               • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Care Certificate Standards
Designed with the non-regulated workforce in mind, the Care Certificate gives everyone the confidence
that workers have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide compassionate,
safe and high-quality care and support.
The Care Certificate was developed jointly by Skills for Health, Health Education England and Skills for Care. The elearning
provision meets the education aspect of the Care Certificate and is based on the learning objectives of the 15 standards, all
of which individuals need to complete in full before they can be awarded their Certificate. Staff will still need to undertake the
practical assessments in their organisation before being awarded the Certificate.

Clinical/care Framework
The aim of this Clinical/Care Framework to build on the model and processes already established by
the statutory/mandatory Core Skills Training Framework by providing a suite of additional clinical/care
The Framework is applicable to healthcare employers and also to educational organisations which train students who will
subsequently be employed in healthcare. Use of the Framework will support these organisations to; standardise the
interpretation of clinical/care education and training, guide the focus and aims of clinical/care education and training delivery,
ensure the educational relevance of clinical/care training, and improve the quality and consistency of clinical/care education and
training provision. It covers nine clinical care subjects frequently required in the health sector:

• Blood Component Transfusion                                    • Fluids and nutrition
• Communication                                                  • Person-centred care
• Consent                                                        • Privacy and dignity
• Dementia awareness                                             • Your healthcare career
• Duty of care
Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Conflict Resolution

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

Safeguarding Children Level 1

Safeguarding Children Level 2

Safeguarding Children Level 3

Safeguarding Adults Level 1

Safeguarding Adults Level 2

Safeguarding Adult Level 3

Health, Safety and Welfare

Fire Safety

Moving and Handling

Patient Moving and Handling

Information Governance

Infection Prevention and Control Level 1

Infection Prevention and Control Level 2


Resuscitation Level 1

Resuscitation Level 2 Adults

Resuscitation Level 2 Paediatrics

CSTF online learning
Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Conflict Resolution
Develop an awareness of the
                                                                                    This course is aimed at all staff
risks of providing public help                                                      throughout the health and social care
and learn how to deal with                                                          sector, in particular, new starters in any
                                                                                    organisation and existing staff who
conflict. You will also gain an                                                     would benefit from an opportunity to
understanding of what help                                                          consolidate their experience and update
                                                                                    existing knowledge.
is available to effectively and
safely support you in trying to
resolve conflicts.                                                                  Accreditations and
                                                                                    Commissioned by the Department of
Course content                                                                      Health and has been developed with
                                        Overview                                    NHS Employers.
• Introduction to Conflict Resolution
                                        There are occasions when staff in
• Causes of Conflict                    the healthcare sector can experience
                                        verbal abuse and, in exceptional
• Behaviour During Conflict                                                         This course meets the
                                        circumstances, physically abusive
• After Conflict                        behaviour from patients, other staff or     outcomes for level 1
                                        visitors whilst trying to do their jobs.
• Conflict De-escalation Techniques                                                 of the Core Skills Training
                                        The key aim of this course is to make
• If All Else Fails                     you aware of some of these risks, and       Framework.
                                        help you deal effectively and safely with
• Protecting Healthcare Staff from

Duration                                Learning objectives
                                        • Learn how to recognise and address
2 hours approx
                                          signs of stress in patients

                                        • Show how to deal effectively
                                          and safely with potential conflict
Optimised for
                                          situations involving service users or
Desktop, tablet, mobile                   colleagues

                                        • Develop the skills required to get the
                                          right balance between giving care
                                          and being safe

                                                                                              Request a trial

Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
General Awareness

Delivers an awareness and                                                    Audience
appreciation of equality and                                                 All healthcare staff.

diversity issues and helps
learners apply that knowledge                                                Accreditations and
in the healthcare environment.                                               endorsements
                                                                             Developed by the elearning
                                                                             development team in Liverpool
Course content                                                               Community Health Trust. The material
                                 Overview                                    in the course has since been revised for
• Introduction
                                 This course provides a broad-based          national use by Skills for Health.
• Understanding Discrimination   knowledge of equality, diversity and
                                 human rights issues required by all
• Individual Awareness
                                 staff working in the health sector today.
                                                                             This course meets the
• Legislation                    Learners will gain insight into important
                                 aspects and benefits of equality and        outcomes for level 1
                                 diversity, the value of using appropriate
                                                                             of the Core Skills Training
                                 language and communication, and
Duration                         the impact of legislation, in particular    Framework.
                                 legislation around discrimination.
1 hour 15 mins approx

                                 Learning objectives
Optimised for
                                 • Understand what is meant by
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                   equality and diversity

                                 • Develop a sensitivity to the
                                   importance of appropriate
                                   communication and language

                                 • Appreciate why and how power
                                   should be used responsibly

                                 • Be aware of the current, relevant UK
                                   equality legislation, strategies and

                                 • Recognise the nature and process of

                                 • Identify the protected characteristics
                                   recognised within the Equality Act

                                                                                       Request a trial

Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Promoting Understanding

Develop a more detailed                                                        Audience
understanding of the nine                                                      All healthcare staff.

protected characteristics
of the Equality Act (2010),                                                    Accreditations and
recognise how various types                                                    endorsements
of discrimination come about                                                   Developed by the elearning
(and how to counter them)                                                      development team in Liverpool
                                                                               Community Health Trust, commissioned
and apply that knowledge in        Overview                                    by NHS North West. The material in
the healthcare environment.        This course takes a close look at           the course has since been revised for
                                   fundamental issues at the heart of          national use with the with the support
                                   equality and diversity. Each of the         of subject experts.
                                   nine modules focuses on one of the
Course content                     protected characteristics of the Equality
                                   Act (2010), to recognise how various
• Age
                                   types of discrimination come about
• Disability                       (and how to counter them) and apply
                                   that knowledge in the healthcare
• Gender reassignment
• Marriage and civil partnership
• Pregnancy and maternity
                                   Learning objectives
• Race
                                   • Improved ability to empathise with
• Religion or belief
                                     colleagues and patients from diverse
• Sex                                backgrounds

• Sexual orientation               • A greater understanding of the nine
                                     protected characteristics through
                                     explanations, examples and case
                                     studies of discrimination
                                   • Ability to contribute to ensuring that
3 hours 20 mins approx
                                     access and services are appropriate
                                     to all individuals’ needs

Optimised for
Desktop, tablet, mobile

                                                                                         Request a trial

Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Safeguarding Children Level 1
An introduction to                        Overview                                    Audience
safeguarding that enables all             This course aims to provide staff in        All staff including non-clinical
                                          all roles within healthcare with an         managers and staff working in
staff to provide their statutory          introduction to the key concepts and        healthcare services.
duty to safeguard children.               principles of safeguarding children.
                                          The course uses several real-world
                                          scenarios across a range of healthcare
                                          settings and roles to stimulate             Accreditations and
Course content                            discussion and reflection on how
                                          individual staff can and should consider
• Introduction to Safeguarding Children
                                          safeguarding in their role.                 Developed in partnership with experts
• Legislation                                                                         from North Bristol NHS Trust, Aylesbury
                                                                                      Vale CCG, Bucks New University,
• Neglect
                                                                                      Virgin Care and Dr Sheila Paul (forensic
                                          Learning objectives
• Emotional Abuse                                                                     expert).
                                          • Discuss children’s rights in the
• Sexual Abuse
                                            safeguarding context and have a
• Physical Abuse                            basic understanding of the relevant
                                                                                      This course meets the
                                            UK legislation
• Other Types of Maltreatment
                                                                                      outcomes for level 1
                                          • Define and explain key terms and
• Knowing What To Do
                                            concepts, as well as different types of   of the Core Skills Training
                                            child maltreatment
                                          • Explain who is responsible for
Duration                                    safeguarding children and describe
                                            how their role contributes to
2 hours 35 mins approx
                                            safeguarding children

                                          • Explain how the parents’ and carers’
                                            physical and mental health, exposure
Optimised for                               to domestic violence, and substance
Desktop, tablet, mobile                     use or misuse impacts on the
                                            children’s safety and well-being

                                          • Name and describe examples of the
                                            risks associated with the internet and
                                            online social networking

                                          • Identify key guidance and describe
                                            local procedures to protect children,
                                            and reporting concerns, as well as
                                            understanding their importance in
                                            information sharing

                                          • Identify sources of advice and
                                            support with issues associated with
                                            safeguarding and child protection

                                                                                                Request a trial

Online learning Cost-effective, quality-assured online learning delivered on a secure, cloud-based online platform, aligned to the UK health and ...
Safeguarding Children Level 2
This course provides staff with           Overview                                     Audience
a more detailed understanding             This course aims to provide healthcare       Non-clinical and clinical staff who,
                                          staff who work with children and young       within their role, have contact (however
of the issues associated with             people, families, or parents/carers on       small) with children and young people,
safeguarding children and                 a regular basis with a more detailed         parents/carers or adults who may pose
                                          understanding of the importance of           a risk to children.
child protection.                         early help, the threshold criteria and
                                          associated referral systems. The course
                                          uses several real-world scenarios
                                          across a range of healthcare settings        Accreditations and
Course content                            and roles to highlight and discuss
• Introduction to Safeguarding Children   the various safeguarding and child
                                          protection situations.                       Developed in partnership with experts
• Risk Factors and Vulnerabilities
                                                                                       from North Bristol NHS Trust, Aylesbury
• Effective Advocacy                                                                   Vale CCG, Bucks New University,
                                                                                       Virgin Care and Dr Sheila Paul (forensic
• Working with Other Agencies             Learning objectives                          expert).
• Protecting Children from Female         • Examine how risk factors, including
  Genital Mutilation                        parent’s mental and physical well-
                                            being, make children vulnerable to
• Protecting Children from                                                             This course meets the
                                                                                       outcomes for level 2
                                          • Explain ‘thresholds’ including how
• Protecting Children from Trafficking
                                            and when need or risk escalates            of the Core Skills Training
  and Sexual Exploitation
                                          • Describe the impact/importance of          Framework.
                                            early prevention of maltreatment

                                          • Describe the different ways to be
Duration                                    an effective advocate for children
2 hours 30 mins approx                      including facilitating disclosure

                                          • Identify when and how to refer a
                                            child including those suspected of
Optimised for                               being a victim of trafficking or sexual
                                            exploitation, at risk of FGM or those at
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                            risk of being radicalised

                                          • Explain the steps to make a child
                                            protection or safeguarding referral

                                          • Document safeguarding and child
                                            protection concerns

                                          • Describe the different ways multi-
                                            agency teams work together
                                            to safeguard children and the
                                            importance of sharing information

                                          • Act in accordance with key statutory
                                            and non-statutory legislation
                                            including the UN Convention of the
                                            Rights of the Child, and the Human
                                            Rights Act                                          Request a trial

Safeguarding Children Level 3
                                                                           • Describe the issues around working
Providing staff with an         Overview                                     with uncooperative parents and
understanding of assessment,    This course aims to provide healthcare       families and how to overcome that
                                staff who work with children and young
evaluations and interventions                                              • Explain how peer reviews and
                                people, families, or parents/carers with
                                                                             supervision can help provide support
relating to safeguarding &      a detailed understanding of utilising a
                                                                             and expertise
                                child and family-focussed approach to
child protection concerns.      identifying the possible signs of child    • Describe how to identify ways to
                                maltreatment and offering appropriate        improve future practice when an
                                support.                                     individual is seriously harmed/dies as
                                                                             a result of maltreatment
Course content
                                                                           • List the ways to escalate concerns
• Child-centred Approach        Learning objectives
• Assessment Framework          • Explain how to utilise a child/family-
                                  focussed approach to identify signs of
• Real-world Scenario                                                      Audience
                                  child maltreatment.
• Gathering Evidence                                                       Clinical staff (working with children,
                                • Explain the importance of early
                                                                           young people and/or their parents/
• Overcoming Barriers             identification of risk factors in the
                                                                           carers and/or any adult who could pose
                                  lives of the parents and the children
                                                                           a risk to children), who could potentially
                                • Determine the appropriate level of       contribute to assessing, planning,
                                  support intervention case-by-case        intervening and/ or evaluating the
Duration                                                                   needs of a child or young person and/or
                                • Explain the principles of assessments
2 hours 15 mins approx                                                     parenting capacity.
                                  and how these can be put into

                                • Describe the common assessment
Optimised for                     framework and list its domains           Accreditations and
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                • Determine the appropriate level of       endorsements
                                  information sharing case-by-case
                                                                           Developed in partnership with experts
                                • Illustrate how information is shared,    from North Bristol NHS Trust, Aylesbury
                                  recorded and evidence is gathered,       Vale CCG, Bucks New University,
                                  including chronologies and body          Virgin Care and Dr Sheila Paul (forensic
                                  maps                                     expert).

                                • Explain how findings from forensic
                                  examinations are presented to meet
                                  clinical and legal requirements          This course meets the
                                • Describe how to effectively contribute   outcomes for level 3
                                  to multi-agency groups
                                                                           of the Core Skills Training
                                • Describe the issues surrounding
                                  misdiagnosis, uncertainty and risk

                                • Explain how important
                                  communication with children is
                                  including helping them to participate
                                  in decisions

                                                                                     Request a trial

Safeguarding Adults Level 1
An introduction to                      Overview                                   Audience
safeguarding that enables all           This courses provides staff in all roles   All staff working in health care settings.
                                        within healthcare with an introduction
staff to provide their statutory        to the key concepts and principles of
duty to safeguard adults.               safeguarding adults, including how to
                                                                                   Accreditations and
                                        recognise the signs of potential abuse,
                                        and who to notify.                         endorsements
                                                                                   Developed in partnership with experts
Course content                                                                     from North Bristol NHS Trust and the
• Introduction to Safeguarding Adults   Learning objectives                        University of Manchester.

• Identifying Harm, Abuse and Neglect   • Define the term ‘safeguarding adults’
• Taking Actions                        • Identify and describe the different
                                                                                   This course meets the
                                          types of abuse that may affect
• Legislation, Policy and Procedures
                                          adults who need care and support;        outcomes for level 1
                                          understand the circumstances which
                                                                                   of the Core Skills Training
                                          may cause adults to be at risk of
Duration                                  abuse                                    Framework.
1 hour 30 mins approx                   • Explain how you can work towards
                                          preventing abuse by promoting
                                          dignity and well-being through your
                                          own practice
Optimised for                           • Describe how you can work in a
Desktop, tablet, mobile                   person-centred and empowering way
                                          with adults

                                        • Explain how to raise concerns where
                                          abuse of an adult is suspected within,
                                          or outside, your organisation, and
                                          the roles that different organisations

                                        • Discuss the key legislation and
                                          the role of policies and procedures
                                          relating to safeguarding adults in
                                          your own organisation

                                        • Discuss the roles and responsibilities
                                          of the different agencies involved in
                                          investigating allegations of abuse

                                                                                             Request a trial

Safeguarding Adults Level 2
Develop knowledge and                      Overview                                   Audience
understanding of adults                    This course centres around preventing,     For all practitioners, who have regular
                                           identifying and responding to              contact with patients, their families or
safeguarding issues, how to                safeguarding adults’ concerns              carers, or the public.
respond and act.                           by applying the principles of the
                                           Mental Capacity Act. It also provides
                                           knowledge about responsibilities
                                           to raise concerns, maintaining a           Accreditations and
Course content                             professional awareness of how your
                                           own values and beliefs may affect your
• Introduction to Safeguarding Adults
                                           judgement, and keep detailed records of    Developed in partnership with experts
• Identifying Signs of Abuse               your concerns and actions.                 from North Bristol NHS Trust and the
                                                                                      University of Manchester.
• Making Observations to Identify
                                           Learning objectives
• Raising Concerns and Referring
                                           • Describe how to apply local              This course meets the
• Providing Advocacy and the Mental
                                             and national policy, procedural
  Capacity Act 2005                                                                   outcomes for level 2
                                             frameworks and legislation when
• Health Deficits, Attitudes, Values and     undertaking safeguarding                 of the Core Skills Training
                                           • Describe how to support people           Framework.
• Real-world Scenario                        and their carers to understand
                                             safeguarding to maximise their
                                             decision making, and support people
                                             to be safe
                                           • Explain the safeguarding adults
2 hours approx
                                             enquiry process, how to respond
                                             to safeguarding alerts and make
Optimised for                              • Identify and reduce potential and
Desktop, tablet, mobile                      actual risks after disclosure or an
                                             allegation has been made

                                           • Explain the immediate steps to
                                             take when you become aware of
                                             potential abuse, including developing
                                             protective strategies for those
                                             without consent

                                           • Explain the purpose of safeguarding
                                             adults investigations and be able to
                                             apply the duties and tasks involved

                                           • Maintain accurate, complete and up
                                             to date records, as well as preserving
                                             forensic and other evidence

                                           • Discuss the roles and responsibilities
                                             of the different agencies involved in
                                             investigating allegations of abuse
                                                                                                Request a trial

Safeguarding Adults Level 3
Develop relevant                          Overview                                  • Deliver and receive supervision
                                                                                      and/or peer review, and be able to
competencies to engage                    This course highlights relevant
                                                                                      recognise the potential personal
                                          competencies required where the staff
in assessing, planning and                                                            impact of adult safeguarding on
                                          engage in assessing, planning and
evaluating the needs of adults            evaluating the needs of adults where
                                          there are safeguarding concerns. This     • Apply the lessons learnt from audit
where there are safeguarding              includes appropriate supervision of         and serious case reviews/case
concerns.                                 staff involved in actual or potential       management reviews/significant case
                                          safeguarding issues, information            reviews to improve practice
                                          gathering and making informed
                                          decisions. This is viewed within the
Course content                            context of the Care Act 2014 and
                                          related legislation and how each aspect   Audience
• Introduction to safeguarding adults
                                          fits within the safeguarding adults
                                                                                    Registered health care staff who
• Making informed decisions               enquiry process.
                                                                                    engage in assessing, planning,
• Safeguarding adults enquiry process                                               intervening and evaluating the needs
                                                                                    of adults where there are safeguarding
• Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs)
                                          Learning objectives                       concerns (as appropriate to role).
  and Safeguarding Adults Reviews
  (SARs)                                  • Identify possible signs of sexual,
                                            physical, or emotional abuse or
• Information Sharing                                                               Accreditations and
                                            neglect using a person-centred
• Person-centred partnership working        approach                                endorsements
• Risk Assessment, enablement and         • Undertake a risk and/or harm            Developed in partnership with experts
  acting in the persons’ best interests     assessment                              from North Bristol NHS Trust and the
                                                                                    University of Manchester.
• Real-world scenarios                    • Communicate with adults at risk;
                                            those with mental capacity issues,
                                            learning disability or communication
                                            needs                                   This course meets the
                                          • Contribute to/formulate and             outcomes for level 3
3 hours approx
                                            communicate effective care plans
                                                                                    of the Core Skills Training
                                          • An understanding of the suspicion of
                                            adult abuse, harm and neglect, how
Optimised for                               to manage uncertainty and risk

Desktop, tablet, mobile                   • Contribute to inter-agency
                                            assessments by gathering and
                                            sharing information

                                          • Document concerns in a manner that
                                            is appropriate for adult safeguarding
                                            protection and legal processes

                                                                                              Request a trial

Health, Safety and Welfare
A course covering the                                                               Audience
responsibilities of both                                                            This course is aimed at all healthcare
                                                                                    professionals as part of statutory
employers and employees in                                                          training requirements.
ensuring that facilities are safe
for staff, patients and visitors.
                                                                                    Accreditations and
The course also covers how
to manage risk and the
                                                                                    Commissioned by the Department of
procedures for reporting                Overview                                    Health (DH).
health and safety violations.           Accidents can have many serious
                                        consequences on an individual’s health,
                                        family and social life, as well as having
                                                                                    This course meets the
                                        a major financial impact. This is why it
Course content                          is important to do all we can to avoid      outcomes for level 1
                                        accidents in the workplace. Everyone
• The importance of health and safety                                               of the Core Skills Training
                                        has a legal duty for each other’s safety
• Risk assessment                       at work. Employers and employees            Framework.
                                        must work together to make sure we
• Risk management
                                        maintain a safe work environment.
• Incident reporting

                                        Learning objectives
Duration                                • Staff and organisational compliance
1 hour 45 mins approx                     with relevant regulation and
                                          guidelines - both national and local

                                        • Ability to assess and minimise
Optimised for                             workplace risks

Desktop, tablet, mobile                 • Ability to reduce negligence,
                                          accidents and incidents

                                        • Ability to ensure the safety of
                                          patients, service users and visitors

                                                                                              Request a trial

Fire Safety
Statutory training on the                                                               Audience
nature and causes of fire                                                               This course is aimed at all healthcare
                                                                                        professionals as part of statutory
in healthcare facilities, with                                                          training requirements.
instruction in fire prevention,
signage and equipment, and
                                                                                        Accreditations and
what to do when a fire starts.
                                                                                        Commissioned by the Department of
                                          Overview                                      Health (DH) and endorsed by National
Course content                            A standardised, endorsed, national            Association of Hospital Fire Officers
• The causes and prevention of fire       core curriculum means cost effective          (NAHFO) who approved its use to
                                          training with minimised retraining as         raise awareness and support existing
• Fire related signs
                                          people move between organisations.            training.
• Safety equipment                        Fire Safety Legislation places fire
                                                                                        The 2020 version of the course was
                                          safety responsibilities on employers
• What to do if fire breaks out                                                         reviewed and updated by:
                                          and employees. Everyone has a
The course is not intended to replace     responsibility to ensure they have            Alastair Robertson, MSc Pgc CiPD,
the fire safety training delivered by a   regard for the safety of themselves and       Training Consultant, SME Charles Bloe
competent person.                         their colleagues, patients, and visitors.     Training
                                          Continued diligence is required to
                                                                                        Helen Harland, Nurse and Specialist
                                          ensure everyone knows what to do to
                                                                                        Trainer, SME Charles Bloe Training
                                          prevent fires and if a fire does break out.
1 hour 25 mins approx
                                                                                        This course meets the
                                          Learning objectives
                                                                                        outcomes for level 1
                                          • Understanding the nature of fire and
Optimised for                               why fires start                             of the Core Skills Training
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                          • What measures to take to prevent            Framework.
                                            fires from starting

                                          • How to identify fire-related
                                            equipment and signs

                                          • Knowing how to act in the event of
                                            fire in the workplace

                                                                                                 Request a trial

Moving and Handling
This course is a useful                                                            Audience
addition to practical training,                                                    This course is aimed at all healthcare
                                                                                   professionals as part of statutory
highlighting the importance                                                        training requirements.
of risk assessment and good
posture when undertaking
                                                                                   Accreditations and
manual handling tasks. In
this course staff can also
                                                                                   Commissioned by the Department
find information on how to            Overview                                     of Health (DH) and endorsed by the
maintain musculoskeletal              A standardised, endorsed, national core      National Back Exchange (NBE).
                                      curriculum is a key means to deliver
health, as well as how to             cost-effective training with minimised
manage musculoskeletal pain           retraining as people move between
                                                                                   This course meets the
                                      organisations. This course aims to
with a positive mindset.              help prevent injury to healthcare staff.     outcomes for level 1
                                      In health and social care, work often
                                                                                   of the Core Skills Training
                                      involves manual handling, so knowing
                                      how to do it safely is very important for    Framework.
Course content                        staff both at work and at home.
• Introduction to manual handling
• Maintaining health and well-being
                                      Learning objectives
• Risk assessment in moving and
  handling                            • How to promote compliance with
                                        relevant regulations and guidelines –
• Principles of safer moving and
                                        both national and local
                                      • How to assess and minimise
                                        workplace risks

Duration                              • Understanding of how to reduce
                                        negligence, accidents and incidents
1 hour 45 mins approx
                                        to patients, service users, and visitors

                                      • Using the right technique for moving
                                        and handling tasks
Optimised for
                                      • How to improve their musculoskeletal
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                        health - How to manage
                                        musculoskeletal pain

                                                                                            Request a trial

Patient Moving and Handling
This session provides an                                                     Audience
introduction to Patient Moving                                               This course is aimed at staff groups,
                                                                             including unpaid and voluntary staff,
and Handling. While Patient                                                  whose role involves patient handling
Moving and Handling is a very                                                activities.

practical subject, this course
aims to introduce you to the                                                 Accreditations and
key topics in addition to any                                                endorsements
practical training you may be     Overview                                   Commissioned by the Department
undertaking.                      A standardised, endorsed, national core    of Health (DH) and endorsed by the
                                  curriculum is a key means to deliver       National Back Exchange (NBE).
                                  cost-effective training with minimised
                                  retraining as people move between
Course content                    organisations.
                                                                             This course meets the
• Employee responsibilities for
                                                                             outcomes for level 2
  patient moving and handling
                                  Learning objectives                        of the Core Skills Training
• Risk assessment
                                  • Understand the law and legislation       Framework.
• Patient moving and handling
                                    associated with patient moving and

                                  • Understand patient handling needs
                                    and movement patterns
                                  • Understand principles of patient risk
1hr 15 mins approx

                                  • Applying principles of good practice
                                    when using equipment for patient
Optimised for                       handling
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                  • Undertaking the right process every
                                    time a patient is physically assisting
                                    to move or transfer

                                                                                      Request a trial

Information Governance
Information governance is                                                       • Describe your responsibilities with
                                                                                  regards to Freedom of Information
essential training for all staff.                                                 and Subject Access Requests
This course enables learners
to gain understanding of
how to use principles and                                                       Audience
standards in their everyday                                                     All healthcare staff.

work.                               Overview
                                    This session aims to provide healthcare
                                                                                This course meets the
                                    staff with an introduction to information
                                    governance including the principles         outcomes for level 1
Course content                      of confidentiality, data protection,
                                                                                of the Core Skills Training
• Types of information              subject access requests and freedom of
                                    information requests.                       Framework.
• Data security principles
• Data security threats
• Data breaches                     Learning objectives
                                    • Differentiate between confidentiality,
                                      data protection, Freedom of
Duration                              Information and Subject Access
1hr 45 mins approx                    Requests

                                    • Identify examples of information
                                      governance including confidentiality
Optimised for                         and the Caldicott principles, data
                                      protection, freedom of information
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                      rights, and subject access requests

                                    • Evaluate your own practice of
                                      confidentiality and data protection

                                    • Describe the principles of good record
                                      keeping, security, correct retention
                                      and disposal

                                    • Identify and discuss where records
                                      have not been kept properly and
                                      explain the potential consequences
                                      of this

                                    • Describe your organisations’ policies
                                      to the Caldicott principles, General
                                      Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
                                      The Freedom of Information Act
                                      and Subject Access Requests, and
                                      identify where you can find local

                                                                                          Request a trial

Infection Prevention and Control Level 1
Everyone has a role to play
                                                                                   This course is aimed at all staff, porters,
in the prevention and control                                                      administrative staff, receptionists,
of healthcare-associated                                                           laundry and cleaning staff, carers
                                                                                   and volunteers as well as healthcare
infection (HCAI). Learners                                                         professional staff new to the role.
can explore the effects                                                            Some staff may require more
of healthcare-associated                                                           detailed information and may need
                                                                                   to supplement their learning by
infections, how they are                                                           completing the Infection Prevention and
spread and how to help                  Overview                                   Control level 2 course which is more
to prevent the spread of                Infection prevention and control is now
                                        a major priority for the health sector.
infection.                              This course has been developed for all
                                        non-clinical staff working in the health   Accreditations and
                                        sector, to ensure that we all share the
                                        same understanding and good practice
Course content                          in this area.                              Developed with the support of
• Introduction                                                                     Department of Health and Public
                                                                                   Health England. It has most
• Hand hygiene
                                                                                   recently been developed with EPDC
                                        Learning objectives
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)                                              (Educational Development Committee)
                                        • Ability to describe and explain          on behalf of the IPS (Infection
• Managing the environment
                                          the consequences of healthcare-          Prevention Society).
• Safe handling and disposal of linen     associated infections (HCAI) and how
  and waste                               they spread

                                        • Describe the impact healthcare-          This course meets the
                                          associated infections have on
                                                                                   outcomes for level 1
Duration                                  patients and your duty of care to
                                          patients                                 of the Core Skills Training
2hrs 15 mins approx
                                        • Describe how hand hygiene, personal      Framework.
                                          protective equipment, management
                                          of blood, body fluids, sharps, the
Optimised for                             environment and care equipment help
Desktop, tablet, mobile                   prevent the spread of infection

                                                                                             Request a trial

Infection Prevention and Control Level 2

This course provides an                                                             Audience
opportunity to review in more                                                       The course is aimed at all healthcare
                                                                                    staff providing direct patient care.
depth the use of standard
infection prevention and
control measures.                                                                   Accreditations and
                                                                                    Developed with the support of
Course content                                                                      Department of Health and Public
                                        Overview                                    Health England. It has most
• Fundamentals
                                        This course deals with the                  recently been developed with EPDC
• The chain of Infection                fundamentals and principles involved        (Educational Development Committee)
                                        in preventing healthcare associated         on behalf of the IPS (Infection
• Hand hygiene
                                        infections. You will also learn how         Prevention Society).
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)   you should manage them, and apply
                                        your principles of infection control
• Managing the environment
                                        knowledge in practice.
• Safe handling and disposal of Linen                                               This course meets the
  and waste
                                                                                    outcomes for level 2
• Managing infection prevention and     Learning objectives
                                                                                    of the Core Skills Training
                                        • Explain what a healthcare-
                                          associated infection (HCAI) is and
                                          how these infections spread
Duration                                • Describe the impact healthcare-
                                          associated infections have on
3 hours approx
                                          patients, your duty of care to patients
                                          and management in the workplace
                                          that can prevent the spread
Optimised for
                                        • Describe how healthcare staff
Desktop, tablet, mobile                   can help prevent infections from

                                        • Explain what asepsis is
                                        • Describe how hand hygiene, personal
                                          protective equipment management
                                          of blood, body fluids, sharps, the
                                          environment and care equipment help
                                          prevent the spread of infection

                                        • Know about roles and responsibilities
                                          with infection prevention

                                                                                             Request a trial

Understand the Prevent                Overview                                      Audience
strategy particularly in context      This course aims to familiarise you with      All clinical and non-clinical staff that
                                      the Government’s counter-terrorism            have contact with adults, children
of safeguarding, using a              strategy: Contest, specifically the           and young people and/or parents and
wealth of examples to help            Prevent Strategy. It is aimed specifically    carers.
                                      at healthcare staff, with a focus on
learners understand what to           Prevent being a safeguarding need.
do if they notice signs that                                                        Accreditations and
someone may be at risk of                                                           endorsements
                                      Learning objectives
radicalisation.                                                                     Developed with the Greater Manchester
                                      • Describe what the Prevent strategy
                                                                                    Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust,
                                        is, core principles, and legal obligation
                                                                                    and the National Counter Terrorism
                                        that you have with the Prevent Duty
                                                                                    Policing Unit.
Course content                        • Evaluate your own practices of
• Preventing radicalisation             safeguarding adults and children, in
                                        line with your organisation’s protocols
• Duty in healthcare                                                                This course meets the
                                      • Define what makes an individual
• Identifying vulnerability factors                                                 outcomes for level 1
                                        vulnerable to radicalisation, how
• Taking action                         this follows a similar pattern to other     of the Core Skills Training
                                        forms of grooming such as child
                                        sexual exploitation or gang activity

                                      • Recognise the external signs of a
Duration                                person who could be being drawn
1 hour 30 mins approx                   into terrorism

                                      • Discuss how radicalisation works,
                                        and how people can be drawn into
Optimised for                           violent terrorist activities

Desktop, tablet, mobile               • Describe how radicalisers can
                                        influence vulnerable people and how
                                        their message is communicated

                                      • Identify who you should contact
                                        if you have a concern within your

                                      • Briefly describe what happens to a
                                        referral, the process this follows, what
                                        Channel is and where it sits within

                                                                                              Request a trial

Resuscitation Level 1
Develop an understanding                                             Audience
of the importance of                                                 Any clinical or non-clinical staff,
                                                                     dependent upon local risk assessment
resuscitation when dealing                                           or work context.
with cardiac arrest and
what you should do when it                                           Accreditations and
happens.                                                             endorsements
                                                                     Created with the kind contribution of
                             Overview                                the following experts:
Course content               Resuscitation can increase the chance   Alan Howe – Patient Safety, Quality
• Basic Life Support         of survival when a person is under      Clinical Skills and Resuscitation Lead
                             cardiac arrest. This module explains
                                                                     Monty Wild – First Aid Trainer, Red
                             what can cause a cardiac arrest, how
                             to recognise when a cardiac arrest is
Duration                     happening and how to respond.           Zoe Farley – Paramedic and Nurse
1 hour approx                                                        Practitioner

                                                                     The 2020 course review was kindly
                             Learning objectives                     carried out by:
Optimised for                • Identify the causes and signs of      Helen Harland - Nurse and
Desktop, tablet, mobile        cardiac arrest                        Intermediate Life Support Instructor,
                                                                     SME Charles Bloe Training
                             • Assess a collapsed person
                             • Place someone in the recovery
                                                                     This course meets the
                             • Establish when and how to get help
                                                                     outcomes for level 1
                             • Describe the steps of
                                                                     of the Core Skills Training
                               cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
                               in adults                             Framework.
                             • Explain the importance of automated
                               electronic defibrillators (AEDs) in
                               cardiac arrests.

                                                                               Request a trial

Resuscitation Level 2 - Adults
Understand your role and        Overview                                    • Explain how to report and record
                                                                              details of an emergency event
responsibility in a practical   This course builds on level 1 to provide
                                training specifically related to adult
interactive course looking      resuscitation. Interactive learning helps
at emergency response and       learners understand legal and practical
                                knowledge on policy, emergency
interventions in basic life                                                 Audience
                                response, chest compressions,
support for adults.             airway management, the use of               Any clinical or non-clinical staff working
                                lung ventilations and AED’s, and the        specifically with adults.
                                importance of the individual’s roles and
                                responsibilities in their response.
Course content                                                              Accreditations and
• Introduction                                                              endorsements
                                Learning objectives
• Effective CPR                                                             Created with the kind contribution of
                                • Identify the signs of clinical            the following experts:
                                  deterioration in adults
                                                                            Alan Howe – Patient Safety, Quality
• Resuscitation and Your Role
                                • Discuss how to respond when cardiac       Clinical Skills and Resuscitation Lead
                                  arrest is suspected
                                                                            Monty Wild – First Aid Trainer, Red
                                • Describe how to perform the recovery      Cross
Duration                          position in an emergency
                                                                            Zoe Farley – Paramedic and Nurse
1 hour 45 mins approx
                                • Describe how to open the airway of a      Practitioner
                                  collapsed adult
                                                                            The 2020 course review was kindly
                                • Describe how to initiate and maintain     carried out by:
Optimised for                     effective chest compressions
                                                                            Helen Harland - Nurse and
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                • Describe how to initiate and maintain     Intermediate Life Support Instructor,
                                  effective rescue breaths                  SME Charles Bloe Training

                                • Explain how an Automated External
                                  Defibrillator (AED) can be operated
                                  safely and appropriately                  This course meets the
                                • Describe the appropriate emergency        outcomes for level 2 adults
                                  response for choking
                                                                            of the Core Skills Training
                                • Describe the principles of DNACPR
                                • Explain why someone might have a
                                  DNACPR in place

                                • Explain the importance of
                                  undertaking resuscitation within the
                                  limits of your personal capabilities
                                  and training

                                • Identify your individual role and
                                  responsibilities in emergency

                                                                                      Request a trial

Resuscitation Level 3 - Adults
Understand your role and
                                                                                      Staff with direct clinical care
responsibility in a practical                                                        responsibilities, who are expected to
interactive course looking                                                           provide an initial response for sick or
                                                                                     deteriorating patients or participate as
at emergency response and                                                            part of the wider adult resuscitation
interventions in immediate life                                                      team.

support for adults.

                                                                                     Accreditations and
Course content                           Overview                                    Developed by the elearning
• Introduction
                                         This course builds on Level 2 and           development team in Liverpool
• Early recognition                      provides information on the safe            Community Health Trust. The material
                                         procedures relating to the resuscitation    in the course has since been revised for
• The ABCDE approach
                                         of adults, from early recognition to the    national use by Skills for Health.
• In-hospital resuscitation              ABCDE assessment, non-technical
                                         skills and post-resuscitation care.
• Reversible causes

• Post-resuscitation care
                                                                                     This course was developed
                                                                                     in partnership with the
• Audits and documentation               Learning objectives
• Decision relating to cardiopulmonary
                                                                                     Resuscitation Council UK.
                                         • Explain the importance of early
  resuscitation                            recognition of the seriously ill or
• Non-technical skills and team            deteriorating patient
                                         • Outline the rationale for Early
• Adults Immediate Life Support
                                           Warning Scores (EWS)
                                         • Define and describe the ABCDE
                                           assessment approach
                                         • Describe potential interventions
                                           required to treat the deteriorating
30 minutes approx
                                           patient or patient in cardiac arrest

                                         • Outline the principles for confirmation
                                           of cardiac arrest and initiating high-
Optimised for
                                           quality CPR, including safe
Desktop, tablet, mobile                    defibrillation

                                         • Describe the key aspects of post
                                           resuscitation care

                                         • Explain the importance of non-
                                           technical skills in emergency

                                                                                              Request a trial

Resuscitation Level 2 - Paediatrics
Understand your role and                                                      • Explain how to report and record
                                Overview                                        details of an emergency event
responsibility in a practical   This course builds on level 1 to provide        accurately
interactive course looking      training specifically related to paediatric
                                resuscitation (ages 1 year to 16 years).
at emergency response and       Interactive learning helps learners
interventions in basic life     understand both legal and practical           Audience
                                knowledge on policy, emergency
support for children.                                                         Any clinical or non-clinical staff working
                                response, chest compressions, airway
                                                                              specifically with children (ages 1-16
                                management, and the use of lung
                                ventilations and AED’s. Underlying all
                                this knowledge is the importance of the
Course content                  individual’s roles and responsibilities in
• Introduction                  their response.                               Accreditations and
• Effective CPR                                                               endorsements
• DNACPR                                                                      Created with the kind contribution of
                                Learning objectives                           the following experts:
• Resuscitation and your role
                                • Identify the signs of clinical              Alan Howe – Patient Safety, Quality
                                  deterioration in children                   Clinical Skills and Resuscitation Lead

Duration                        • Discuss how to respond where                Monty Wild – First Aid Trainer, Red
                                  cardiac arrest is suspected in a child      Cross
2 hours 20 mins approx
                                • Describe basic airway management            Zoe Farley – Paramedic and Nurse
                                • Describe how to initiate and maintain
Optimised for                     effective rescue breaths/lung               The 2020 course review was kindly
                                  ventilations                                carried out by:
Desktop, tablet, mobile
                                • Describe how to initiate and maintain       Helen Harland - Nurse and
                                  effective chest compressions                Intermediate Life Support Instructor,
                                                                              SME Charles Bloe Training
                                • Describe the appropriate emergency
                                  response for choking in children

                                • Explain what DNACPR is and it’s
                                                                              This course meets the
                                                                              outcomes for level 2
                                • Explain why someone might have
                                  a DNACPR in place and describe              paediatrics of the Core Skills
                                  the decisions around DNACPR for
                                                                              Training Framework.

                                • Explain the importance of
                                  undertaking resuscitation
                                  interventions within the limits of your
                                  personal capabilities and training

                                • Identify your individual role and
                                  responsibilities in emergency

                                                                                        Request a trial

Resuscitation Level 2 - Newborn
Understand your role and                                                              • Understand how different roles
                                                                                        respond to a newborn emergency
responsibility when dealing                                                             situation and how these roles work
with cardiac arrest on a                                                                together to achieve the optimal
newborn infant.
                                                                                      • List the good practice steps to be
                                                                                        followed when reporting and
                                                                                        recording details of an emergency
Course content                                                                          event

• Introduction                                                                        • Describe the current Resuscitation
                                           Overview                                     Council (UK) guidelines for starting
• Newborn hypoxia
                                           This course will look at the common          CPR using chest compressions
• Elements of Newborn life support         causes, risk factors and the stages
                                           of newborn hypoxia, elements of
• Keeping the Newborn Warm
                                           newborn life support, and the roles
• Opening the airway                       and responsibilities when it comes to
                                           managing cardiac arrest on a newborn       Staff with direct clinical care
• Aerating the lungs (inflation breaths)
                                           infant.                                    responsibilities working with newborn
• Ventilation breaths                                                                 infants.

• Chest compressions
                                           Learning objectives
• Roles and responsibilities                                                          Accreditations and
                                           • Recognise and respond to
                                             a newborn infant, escalating care
                                             in accordance with the current           This course was developed in
Duration                                     Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines    partnership with the Resuscitation
1 hour approx                                                                         Council UK and members of
                                           • Explain the importance of
                                                                                      Resuscitation Council UK’s Newborn
                                             temperature control in the care of
                                                                                      Life Support Subcommittee.
                                             the newborn
Optimised for                              • Outline the current Resuscitation
Desktop, tablet, mobile                      Council (UK) guidelines for
                                                                                      This course meets the
                                             initiating an appropriate emergency
                                             response                                 outcomes of the Core/
                                           • Describe the current Resuscitation       Clinical Framework.
                                             Council (UK) guidelines for basic
                                            airway management

                                           • Explain the current Resuscitation
                                             Council (UK) guidelines for initiating
                                             and maintaining effective lung

                                           • Detail the current Resuscitation
                                             Council (UK) guidelines for initiating
                                             and maintaining effective chest

                                                                                                Request a trial

Blood Transfusion



Dementia Awareness

Duty of Care

Fluids and Nutrition

Learning Disabilities Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Person Centred Care

Privacy and Dignity

Your Healthcare Career

UK Core Skills
Blood Transfusion

An introduction to blood                                                            Audience
transfusions for staff that                                                         Staff who are not directly involved
                                                                                    in blood sampling, the decision to
need to understand the                                                              transfuse or administering blood
process of blood transfusion                                                        transfusions, but who need to gain
                                                                                    a general understanding of the main
and real-world scenarios to                                                         issues associated with the blood
help support patients who                                                           transfusion process. Healthcare staff
                                                                                    who are specifically involved in the
have had a transfusion.                                                             blood transfusion process will receive
                                       Overview                                     more specialised training. Speak to
                                       This course develops an understanding        your line manager or learning and
                                       of the Blood Transfusion process for         development lead if you think this
Course content
                                       learners who are not directly involved       applies to you.
• Introduction to Blood Transfusions   with this process to widen their broad
                                       understanding of the subject.
• Introduction to Blood Transfusions
                                                                                    Accreditations and
                                       Learning objectives                          endorsements
                                       •	Name the different blood groups           This course has been developed in
Duration                                  and describe the importance of the        partnership with experts from the Royal
50 mins approx                            correct blood group                       Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

                                       •	List different types of blood products
                                          and name at least one purpose of
                                          each type of blood product                This course meets the
Optimised for:
                                       •	Describe how someone’s blood group        outcomes of the Core/
Desktop and tablet
                                          is determined
                                                                                    Clinical Framework.
                                       •	Explain why blood transfusions are
                                          sometimes clinically necessary

                                       •	Briefly describe the risks and benefits
                                          associated with blood transfusions

                                       •	Describe alternatives to blood

                                       •	Briefly describe the process
                                          associated with collecting a blood

                                       •	Briefly describe the concerns patients
                                          may have

                                       •	Explain why it is important to gain
                                          the patient’s consent for a blood
                                                                                             Request a trial

Communication is essential                                                 Audience
to all staff in the workplace.                                             Any clinical or non-clinical staff,
                                                                           including unpaid and voluntary staff.
Learn about how to use skills
to improve understanding of
others needs and preferences,                                              Accreditations and
as well as aids to support                                                 endorsements
communication.                                                             This course has been developed in
                                 Overview                                  partnership with experts from Health
                                                                           Education Kent, Surrey & Sussex,
                                 This course provides information and
                                                                           Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Course content                   opportunities to practice principles of
                                                                           and Barking, Havering & Redbridge
                                 effective communication in a health or
• Communication                                                            University Hospital NHS Trust.
                                 social care setting.
• Communication Assessment

                                                                           This course meets the
                                 Learning objectives
                                                                           outcomes of the Core/
Duration                         •	Explain the use of verbal and non-
                                    verbal communication in a health or    Clinical Framework.
25 mins approx
                                    social care setting

                                 •	Give examples of adjusting to an
                                    individual’s communication needs
Optimised for:                      and preferences
Desktop and tablet
                                 •	Identify when an individual requires
                                    assistance with communication aids

                                 •	Identify barriers to effective

                                 •	Practice communication methods
                                    that reduce barriers

                                 •	Describe what confidentiality means
                                    in relation to their role

                                                                                    Request a trial

This course considers the key      Overview                                      Audience
principles of valid consent with   The first session looks at ‘Gillick           Any health and social care staff.
                                   competence’ when seeking consent
adults who have capacity,          from children and young people.
how and when staff should          The second session looks at the key
                                                                                 Accreditations and
seek consent, the different        principles of consent when the adult
                                   may not have the capacity to make             endorsements
ways consent can be given          decisions, including the different fluid
                                                                                 This course has been developed in
and how to respond when            and fluctuating nature of capacity.
                                                                                 partnership with experts from Bristol
consent is refused.                It covers the different actions staff         Community Health and North Bristol
                                   may need to take in seeking consent,          NHS Trust.
                                   including best interest decisions,
                                   emergency situations, advance
Course content                     decisions to refuse treatment and
                                                                                 This course meets the
                                   lasting powers of attorney.
• Seeking Consent with Those Who
                                                                                 outcomes of the Core/
 Have Capacity
                                                                                 Clinical Framework.
• Seeking Consent with Those Who
                                   Learning objectives
 May Not Have Capacity
                                   •	Define ‘consent’ and be able to
• Consent Assessment
                                      explain the criteria required for
                                      consent to be valid

                                   •	Explain why and when it is
Duration                              neccessary to seek valid consent

60 mins approx                     •	Describe the different ways
                                      individuals can give or refuse consent

                                   •	Describe the implications of providing
Optimised for:                        insufficient information about
                                      proposed actions
Desktop and tablet
                                   •	Discuss the individual’s right to refuse

                                   •	Define the concept of a ‘person who
                                      lacks capacity’

                                   •	Discuss the core principles of the
                                      Mental Capacity Act (2005)

                                   •	Discuss how it is sometimes
                                      necessary to act in a person’s best
                                      interests, when the person is unable
                                      to consent to treatment, such as an
                                      emergency situation

                                                                                          Request a trial

Dementia Awareness
This course develops an                                                      Audience
understanding and awareness                                                  Anyone working in health or social care
                                                                             environments. This includes clinical and
of Dementia for Clinical and                                                 non-clinical staff as well as volunteers.
Non-Clinical staff.

                                                                             Accreditations and
Course content                                                               endorsements
• Dementia Awareness
                                  Overview                                   This course has been developed in
• Dementia Awareness Assessment                                              partnership with experts from Ealing
                                  This session outlines the main types of
                                                                             Hospital NHS Trust, the University of
                                  dementia, along with their respective
                                                                             Worcester and Herefordshire NHS
                                  symptoms and aims to make the user
                                  aware of their interaction with people
Duration                          with dementia. It also encourages
30 mins approx                    healthcare practitioners to find out
                                  more about the support that is available   This course meets the
                                  to people with dementia in their local
                                                                             outcomes of the Core/
                                  area and provides users with links to
Optimised for:                    some examples of information, advice       Clinical Framework.
Desktop and tablet                and support.

                                  Learning objectives
                                  •	Name the different types of dementia

                                  •	Describe the characteristics of each
                                     type of dementia

                                  •	Describe some appropriate ways
                                     of interacting with people with

                                  •	Describe the impact of dementia on
                                     the individual’s family and carers

                                  •	List some sources of information,
                                     advice and support for people with
                                     dementia, their families and their

                                                                                       Request a trial

You can also read