On the Predictive Power of Chemical Concepts - Ingenta ...

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On the Predictive Power of Chemical Concepts - Ingenta ...
Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020                                                                              CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4    311
                          doi:10.2533/chimia.2021.311                                                           Chimia 75 (2021) 311–318 © S. A. Grimmel, M. Reiher

                          On the Predictive Power of Chemical
                          Stephanie A. Grimmel§ and Markus Reiher*

                           SCS-DSM award for best virtual poster in Computational Chemistry

                          Abstract: Many chemical concepts can be well defined in the context of quantum chemical theories. Examples
                          are the electronegativity scale of Mulliken and Jaffé and the hard and soft acids and bases concept of Pearson.
                          The sound theoretical basis allows for a systematic definition of such concepts. However, while they are often
                          used to describe and compare chemical processes in terms of reactivity, their predictive power remains unclear.
                          In this work, we elaborate on the predictive potential of chemical reactivity concepts, which can be crucial
                          for autonomous reaction exploration protocols to guide them by first-principles heuristics that exploit these
                          Keywords: Automated mechanism exploration · Chemical concepts · Conceptual DFT · Reactivity prediction

                      Stephanie A. Grimmel completed her BSc                       stable intermediates, and products that are connected by transition
                      in Chemistry in Karlsruhe (Germany) in                       states. In the most basic formulation of transition state theory, it is
                      2016. Afterwards, she studied Physics                        necessary to identify the stationary points, i.e. local minima and
                      and Chemistry in Amsterdam (The                              first-order saddle points, on a potential energy surface to arrive
                      Netherlands), Rome (Italy) and Lyon                          at such a reaction network at full conformational resolution.
                      (France). For her master’s thesis she worked                 The mathematical definition of the potential energy surface
                      on the optimization of kinetic energy                        may be taken from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation which
                      functionals for subsystem DFT under the                      freezes the nuclear motion compared to that of the electrons and
                      supervision of Prof. Dr. Lucas Visscher at                   introduces the electronic energy. The electronic energy depends
                      Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since 2018                     on the positions of the nuclei frozen in space. It can serve as the
she has been a PhD student in the Theoretical Chemistry group of                   hypersurface for the description of reactive as well as diffusive
Prof. Dr. Markus Reiher at ETH Zurich. Her work revolves around                    processes. Quantum chemistry has provided routine tools to
the development of first-principles heuristics for automated                       calculate and explore such surfaces,[1–3] up to the point where
reaction space exploration.                                                        this is possible in an automated manner[4–6] in order to provide
                                                                                   the full detail of a chemical process in terms of thousands of
                                                                                   interconnected elementary steps. With subsequent inclusion
                       Markus Reiher received his PhD in                           of nuclear motion to arrive at free-energy differences for the
                       theoretical chemistry from the University of                elementary reaction steps, we have all information, obtained in a
                       Bielefeld in 1998, working in the group of                  first-principles way with no experimental information required,
                       Juergen Hinze. After his habilitation in the                to study the kinetics in the network.[7–15]
                       group of Bernd Artur Hess at the University                      While this procedure provides us with a quantitative
                       of Erlangen, he worked as a private docent                  description of chemical reactions in terms of relevant species
                       in Erlangen in 2003 and at the University                   involved, barrier heights, and concentration fluxes, it does
                       of Bonn in 2004. In 2005, he accepted                       not necessarily allow us to describe and understand what is
                       an offer for a professorship in physical                    actually going on. In particular, common reactivity patterns
                       chemistry at the University of Jena, where                  need to be identified from the quantitative data that is available
he worked until he moved to ETH Zurich in 2006. His research                       from experiment and from detailed calculations. In order to
covers many different areas in theoretical chemistry which range                   accomplish this, chemical concepts have been developed, many
from relativistic quantum chemistry to the development of new                      of them introduced in a rather ad hoc fashion to describe changes
electron-correlation theories and smart algorithms for the efficient               in electronic structure upon a chemical reaction. Examples are
exploration of complex chemical reaction networks.                                 the electronegativity concept as defined by Pauling[16,17] and the
                                                                                   hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB) concept by Pearson.[18–20]
                                                                                   In the past decades, it has become possible to root these concepts
1. Introduction                                                                    in quantum chemical theories. While this is natural for electronic
    Understanding chemical processes often starts with structure                   structure-related concepts such as partial charge and bond order,
elucidation of the relevant reactive species and their connection                  it is also possible for electronegativity and HSAB.
in terms of a reaction network. Quantum chemical calculations                           These concepts allow us to relate and discuss data obtained
allow us to detail the reaction mechanism by mapping it to a                       for different molecules and reactive systems. As such, they
network of elementary reaction steps characterized by reactants,                   have a categorizing value that can hardly be over-estimated.

*Correspondence: Prof. M. Reiher, E-mail: markus.reiher@phys.chem.ethz.ch
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
        CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4                                                          Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020

However, their predictive power remains obscure. Even though 2. Chemical Concepts
rigorous mathematical definitions for many concepts exist, most                Electronegativity, hard and soft acids and bases, Fukui
concepts are not unique in a sense that they can be introduced functions, and the dual descriptor, all refer to the electronic
in different ways (e.g. there exist various ways to define atomic structure evaluated for a frozen molecular structure, typically
and hence partial charge as an atom is not rigorously defined in the equilibrium structure of a reactant. Hence, we limit
a molecule without ad hoc assumptions – even Bader’s elegant ourselves to the standard electronic-energy based discussion
atoms in molecules theory[21] is difficult to develop consistently for specific individual structures on the Born-Oppenheimer
in a fundamental relativistic framework without additional surface, typically those that mark local minima. Accordingly,
assumptions;[22,23] loosely speaking, due to the lack of second thermal and entropic effects are left aside so that one can expect
derivatives in the Dirac equation[24]). Moreover, the concepts are predictions for enthalpic but not for entropic contributions.
typically evaluated for the unreactive, isolated reactants, i.e. in Naturally, these can only be sensible if the elementary step
their equilibrium structures. It is not at all clear how they could under consideration is governed by electronic effects. We note,
possibly point the way toward the minimum-energy reaction path however, that there exist generalizations of quantum theory as
and hence to the transition state and barrier height. Therefore, we well as chemical concepts towards thermodynamic ensembles
may anticipate that it will be difficult to define a predictive concept (see, e.g. refs. [36,37]).
that offers a rationale or better a quantitative relation between the
(molecular and/or electronic) structure of reactants and reactivity 2.1 Electronegativity
measures such as activation barriers (that eventually relate to rate
                                                                                   On the Predictive Power of
                                                                               Electronegativity is among the oldest and most widely used
constants, and hence, also to equilibrium constants).                     chemical concepts. The term dates back to Berzelius’ work in the
                                                                                      Chemical Concepts
     Reactivity predictions should allow one to answer questions early 19th century[38] and the concept even further.[39] It denotes
such as these: Will certain reactants react with one another under the tendency of atoms to attract electrons towards themselves.­[16]
                                                                                                                 †                                     ⋆
given reaction conditions? Which reaction paths and/or products Among      Stephanie  the many     quantitative
                                                                                             A. Grimmel              definitions
                                                                                                                    and        Markus   that Reiher
                                                                                                                                               have been   put
are to be expected, i.e. how do the reactants react with each other? forward, the first one by Pauling remains to be the most popular

From which direction is a given reactant attacked preferably?             one,of which
                                                                   Laboratory     PhysicalisChemistry,
                                                                                             why we briefly      consider
                                                                                                       ETH Zurich,              it here. Pauling2, proposed
                                                                                                                         Vladimir-Prelog-Weg         8093 Zurich,
We focus on the prediction of elementary steps as opposed to a thermochemical recipe Switzerland          driven by the availability of such data at
more complex multistep reactions to which our discussion         †  can ofthe
                                                                   Winner   thetime.
                                                                                  Best His  definition
                                                                                       Poster           relates
                                                                                              Presentation   Awarddifferences       in the electronegativity
                                                                                                                       in Computational       Chemistry at the SCS
be generalized in a straightforward manner.                               χ of two elements A Fall    and Meeting
                                                                                                            B to the  2020deviation of the dissociation
     For planning chemical synthesis, it is important to know energy            ⋆    of the heteroatomic diatomic molecule, Ed(AB), from
                                                                                   Corresponding author: markus.reiher@phys.chem.ethz.ch
whether and which of these concepts can be reliably employed. the average of the dissociation energies of the corresponding
Whereas one might argue that traditional chemical synthesis homoatomic molecules, Ed(AA) and Ed(BB):
planning has rather been based on chemical intuition that is
nourished by the vast amount of experimental knowledge (e.g.                                  
                                                                                                               Ed (AA) + Ed (BB)
                                                                                                                                           · (eV−1/2 ) (1)
                                                                               P       P
by name reactions) – even when exploited in a data-driven                      χA − χB := Ed (AB) −
manner,   [25–33] recent developments in automated reaction
exploration schemes[4–6] based on extensive quantum chemical
calculations would benefit from knowledge about the predictive                 With regard to the predictive capabilities of the electronegativity
value of reactivity concepts.                                             it should be pointed out M     that by I+ rearranging
                                                                                                                       A               Eqn. (1) one obtains
                                                                                                       χ :=               ,                                       (2)
     We have put forward the idea of first-principles heuristics, an expression for the heteroatomic                2 dissociation energy in terms
i.e. the idea of exploiting features of the electronic wave function of Pauling electronegativities χ and homoatomic dissociation

to cut the deadwood from the reaction space,[34,35] which for energies. Considering the reliability of a heteroatomic dissociation
bimolecular reactions alone formally grows with the number energy calculated in thismanner                          already sheds doubt on how
of pairs of atoms in both reactants. This can only be fruitful if reliable the electronegativities            ∂Ecan
                                                                                                                 el potentially be. Hence, examples
                                                                                                  χ := −                 = −µ                                     (3)
reactivity predictions based on concepts are reliable (at least to a of poor predictions can be easily        ∂N vfound, e.g. in the case of alkali
certain degree). Therefore, we elicit on what is known about the fluorides and chlorides.[40]
predictive power of chemical reactivity concepts in this work.                 Indeed, the definition of χP through Eqn. (1) has profound
     For a concept to have predictive power, it should enable us to limitations, some of which are:
judge reliably on the reactivity of a given set of reactants without 1. If the evaluation    χ− ≈ Eel (Nof −bond1) − E energies
                                                                                                                         el (N ) = I
                                                                                                                                      relies on enthalpies (4)
any a priori information about possible reaction products and                    of formation  + (as in Pauling’s work
                                                                                             χ ≈ Eel (N ) − Eel (N + 1) = A
                                                                                                                                      [16]), it depends on
paths. Note, however, that it can be equally important – especially              macroscopic environmental    +
                                                                                                                     parameters        such as temperature.
in automated mechanism exploration – to determine what atoms 2. The definition                      χ    +  χ       I  +   A
                                                                                               χ ≈ marries electronic          = with
                                                                                                                                  χM nuclear dynamics (6)
or functional groups in a molecule are unreactive.                               because experimental    2 data was2taken for the parametrization.
     In the following section, we review mathematical definitions                As a consequence, the data cannot be easily calculated with
of four chemical concepts. As examples we select the                             sufficient accuracy.
electronegativity and the chemical hardness, because they belong 3. It is not obvious whether                       only data on diatomics may be
                                                                                                           ǫHOMO + ǫLUMO
to the core of chemical concepts taught to chemistry students                    used for the definition
                                                                                                χM ≈ − or whether bond            .      breaking processes (7)
from high school education onwards – however, typically, without                 in any molecule can be considered. That is, the definition
discussing their quantum chemical foundations. Furthermore,                      ignores the fact that atoms in different bonding situations
we consider the Fukui functions and the dual descriptor for the                  may not be comparable. 1In other words, one will be forced
identification of nucleophilic and electrophilic sites of reactants.             to find a categorizing scheme that groups atoms in similar
We outline limitations of specific descriptors as well as overall                binding situations, for example, by introducing different
constraints. Finally, we expand on how to gather further insights                valence states (and we refrain here from a discussion of how
upon the predictive capabilities of chemical concepts. We                        that could possibly be accomplished in a rigorous way).
elaborate on why, besides the value of chemical concepts for 4. Moreover, Pauling’s definition only allows for the calculation
describing and understanding chemical processes, massively                       of relative electronegativity values, which requires an
automated reaction exploration algorithms will be important to                   arbitrary definition of an absolute reference. In his original
assess actual reactive behavior in full depth, shedding also light               work, he chose 0.0 for hydrogen, which was later replaced
on the application range of reactivity concepts.                                 by 2.1 and today is typically set to 2.2.[16,17,41,42]
                                                                             χA − χP
                                                                                         Chemical Concepts
                                                                                     B := Ed (AB) −
                                                                                                            Ed (AA) + Ed (BB)
                                                                                                                                         · (eV−1/2 )               (1)
 Chemical Concepts                                                           χ − χP  := Ed (AB) − d
                                                                                                              E    (AA)     + E d (BB)
                                                                                                                                         · (eV−1/2⋆)               (1)
           Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020            PA PB A. GrimmelE
                                                                      Stephanie                                 and       Markus
                                                                                                                            2Ed (BB) Reiher
                                                                                                                                                                  (1) 313
                                                                            χA − χB  := Ed (AB) −            d (AA)     +                      CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4
                                                                                                                                       · (eV−1/2  )
nie A. Grimmel† and Markus Reiher⋆                            Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETHMZurich,     I +Vladimir-Prelog-Weg
                                                                                                                       A                      2, 8093 Zurich,
                                                                                                      χ    :=
                                                                                                    Switzerland2          ,                                        (2)
ical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2, 8093 Zurich,                                                  I  +  A
           5. The     parametrization results in an overdetermined
                  Switzerland                               †
                                                              Winner of thesystem     when
                                                                             Best Poster      treating
                                                                                         Presentation χM   := in Computational
                                                                                                        Award             ,
                                                                                                                       atoms   or molecules.
                                                                                                                                        ChemistryThisat issue
                                                                                                                                                        the SCS    (2)
                                                                                                                                                               is discussed
                                                                                                               I +2A
                 of equations.
Poster Presentation Award in Computational Chemistry at the SCS
                                                                                      in great   detail
                                                                                                 Fall  M
                                                                                                          := 2020, [47,48,50–54]
                                                                                                    χMeeting                                                      (2)
           6. Fall
                 Depending    on which element pairs are employed the resulting
                    Meeting 2020                                           ⋆
                                                                                               practical   applications,         Eqn. (3) is most often evaluated
                 electronegativities may differ.                                      within aχfinite
                                                                                                  := − difference=approach.
                                                                                                           ∂N v
                                                                                                                             −µ          The electronegativity     (3)is then
 esponding author:     this list, it becomes clear that Pauling’s scheme is assumedχto
                                                                                                  := −
                                                                                                      be  equal
                                                                                                            ∂Eelto the average of the left and right derivatives
                                                                                                                   + [47]= −µ                                     (3)
           ambiguous for a couple of reasons. Most of these issues are not of            Eqn. (3), χ−and ∂E∂Nelχ : v
           present in the absolute electronegativity definition by Mulliken,
                                                                          P [43]P            χ := −                   = −µ                                      (3)
                                                                         χA − χB  := Ed (AB) − E∂N        d (AA)   v
                                                                                                                       + Ed (BB)
        which may be rigorously traced back to quantum chemical                                                                    · (eV−1/2 )                (1)
                        d (AA)
                      Ethat    + be
                             can  Ed (BB)
                                      routinely calculated on modern    computer           χ− ≈ Eel (N − 1) − Eel (N ) = I                                         (4) (4)
  B :=      d (AB) −                       · (eV−1/2 )          (1)
           hardware. The Mulliken       electronegativity χM of some atom is the           χ +
                                                                                             − ≈ Eel (N ) − Eel (N + 1) = A
                                                                                           χ ≈ E (N − 1) − E (N ) = I                                              (5)
                                                                                                              el                          el
            average of its ionization energy I and electron affinity A,                             +    χ−(N + χ) +−      I(N+ (N
                                                                                                                                 A ) ==M
                                                                                                 χχ−χ ≈EE
                                                                                                     ≈≈    el (N−
                                                                                                         elM        I1)+ elE
                                                                                                                       ≈      el + 1)
                                                                                                                                   = χIA                             (5) (5)
                                                                                                         χ − 2
                                                                                                               := +          ,2                                   (2)
                                                                                                 χ ≈ Eχel (N+)χ− E2el (N   I ++A1) = A                              (5)
                         I +A
                                                                                    (2)             χ≈                 ≈           = χM                              (6)
                 χM :=        ,                                       (2)                               χ− +2χ+          I +2A
                           2                                                                       χ≈                 ≈            =χ   M
                                                                                                                                                                    (6) (6)
                                                                                                             2               2
                                                                                                                ǫHOMO + ǫLUMO
           which is a natural      definition in the sense that it connects the                    χχ:= −≈ −∂Eel                       .                            (7)
                                                                                                                            2= −µ                                 (3)
                                                                                                                 ǫ          +  ǫ
           concept ∂Eto elthe two quantities that measure the energy required                     EvenχMthough
                                                                                                          ≈ − derived differently,
                                                                                                                   HOMO  v       LUMO          this expression is equal
                                                                                                                                                                     (7) to the
           χ := −               = −µ                               (3)                                                                  .
           or liberated
                      ∂N whenv
                                     an electron is removed or added to the                   Mulliken
                                                                                                     χ ≈−
                                                                                                                ǫHOMO +2ǫLUMO
                                                                                                      M electronegativity          χ M
                                                                                                                                         given  in Eqn. (2). Therefore,
           system. In our setting here, we may identify I and A as the                        differences clearly1 link   2 both approaches.
           vertical electronic energy differences calculated between the                          Rather than calculating the electronic energy of the system
           system’s ground state and the corresponding states at the same                     with                 1
                                                                                               χ− ≈different
                                                                                                     Eel (N −electron     numbers
                                                                                                                1) − Eel (N ) = I (i.e. N, N + 1, and N(4)– 1), one
        − structure with one electron removed and added, respectively                         may
                                                                                               χ+ ≈replace
                                                                                                     Eel (N ) ionization   energy
                                                                                                                              = A and electron affinity(5)
                                                                                                                                                         by orbital
      χ ≈ Eel (N − 1) − Eel (N ) = I                               (4)                                        − Eel (N + 1)
           (with proper sign conventions). With this definition, the concept                  energies−of the+ highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and
        +                                                                                            χ +χ           I +A
      χ ≈ofEelelectronegativity
                (N ) − Eel (N + 1) is =Ano longer limited to atoms (5) but can be             theχ lowest
                                                                                                   ≈        unoccupied
                                                                                                                 ≈         molecular
                                                                                                                           =  χM      orbital (LUMO),(6) ∈HOMO and
                                                                                                          2           2
             χ− + χ+ to     I+entire
                                A molecules.                                                  ∈LUMO, respectively, of the system with N electrons by virtue of
        χ≈              ≈          = χM                            (6)
                 2 at first sight,
                              2     different approach to define electronegativity            Koopmans’ theorem,[55] to obtain
           is taken in the context of conceptual density functional theory
           (cDFT).[44–46] For an extensive review of the foundations of cDFT                                      ǫHOMO + ǫLUMO
           see ref. [47] and for a recent perspective ref. [48]. cDFT provides                      χM ≈ −                      .                                (7)    (7)
n the Predictive Power of
          χM  ≈−
                   ǫHOMO +definitions
           mathematical        ǫLUMO
                                      .    of numerous chemical    (7) concepts (see
           also below). Its basis is the standard procedure of physical
  Chemical Concepts
           modeling and that is to expand a quantity that depends on a set                        Whereas Koopmans’
                                                                                                               1         theorem relies on error cancellation in the
           of parameters in terms of a Taylor series. In this case, it is the                 case of Hartree-Fock calculations[56] (owing to the neglected orbital
           electronic 1energy     Eel[N,ν;{Rk}] that depends
phanie A.      Grimmel† and             Markus Reiher⋆ on the number of
           electrons N and the external potential ν. The latter is typically given
                                                                                              relaxation upon oxidation vs. the missing electron correlation in
                                                                                              the independent particle model), it can be considered exact for
           as the Coulomb
Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich,  potential  of the underlying
                                   Vladimir-Prelog-Weg           nuclear framework
                                                         2, 8093 Zurich,                      ionization energies in exact Kohn-Sham DFT.[57–59] However, the
           in Born-Oppenheimer
                      Switzerland       theory, and hence, it also encodes the                LUMO Kohn-Sham energy cannot be exploited that easily.[60,61] It
           specific molecular structure given by the set of nuclear Cartesian                 refers to an excited Kohn-Sham electron rather than to an added
Best Poster Presentation Award in Computational Chemistry at the SCS
           coordinates of all nuclei, {Rk}.                                                   Kohn-Sham electron[60,62] so that one might consider the HOMO
                   Fall Meeting 2020
               Although this consideration is typically done in the framework                 energy of the N + 1 Kohn-Sham system and reverse its sign to
           of conceptual
 Corresponding               DFT, we emphasize that such a Taylor expansion of
               author: markus.reiher@phys.chem.ethz.ch                                        obtain the electron affinity of the N Kohn-Sham system.[63]
           the electronic energy may be written for any electronic structure                      Mulliken pointed out that the electronegativity is not only an
           model. However, DFT may offer specific advantages over other                       atom’s ground state property, but instead depends on its valence
                   (e.g. as Koopmans’ theorem becomes exact; however, see                    state.[43] This notion was formalized by Hinze and Jaffé[64–67] by
        our discussion
      P                    Edbelow).
                               (AA) + E The   identification
                                         d (BB)               of reactivity  concepts         introduction of orbital electronegativities. The electronegativity
A − χB :=     Ed (AB) −                          · (eV−1/2 )             (1)
           as responses of Eel towards2      changes in N and ν is in line with the           χi of orbital i with Ni being the number of electrons in that orbital
           understanding that they vary upon interactions between reactants                   is given by
           during chemical reactions.
               In 1961 – and hence even before cDFT evolved as a field –                                      
                              I +A                                                                χi := −                         .                        (8)          (8)
           IczkowskiχMand:= Margrave,     identified the electronegativity
                                                                         (2) with the                              ∂Ni
           negative response2 of the energy towards changes in the number of

           electrons at constant external potential:[49]
                                                                                           Dramatically different electronegativity values were found,
                                                                                      for example, for χ2 different valence states of carbon.[68]
                 χ := −              = −µ                               (3)     (3)              ω :=                                        (9)
                             ∂N                                                            Although 2η   there is a decent correlation between      Mulliken
                                                                                       and Pauling electronegativities,[64,69,70] the theoretical basis of
                                                                                       Mulliken-Jaffé electronegativities χM has the salient feature that it
                 Later on, this expression was recognized as the negative of links directly to quantities of electronic structure theory, in which
            the  chemical potential µ by Parr.[44] The minus sign is introducedAh Bany  s+A (fixed)−−
                                                                                              s Bh ↽  molecular
                                                                                                      −− Ah Bh + A scaffold
                                                                                                                     s Bs   represents a point on the Born-
                ≈ Eela(Nhigh
           χto− have       − 1)(positive)
                                − Eel (N ) electronegativity
                                           =I                           (4) tendency Oppenheimer surface given by the electronic energy, as opposed
                                                             flag a strong
           χto+ ≈
                   Eel (Nelectrons,
                          ) − Eel (N +and
                                        1) =hence,
                                              A    it should be associated
                                                                        (5)    with a to the profound problems associated with Pauling’s definition.
                   χ− + inχenergy
                                      A an M increase in N (note that for sufficiently     Electronegativities of atoms are widely used to identify
              χ ≈ molecular
            large             ≈ systems,= the
                                           χ electronic energy can be   (6)considered reactive
                        2           2                                                     1 ∂ 2 Ecenters    1within
                                                                                                                ∂µ molecules. For example, the fact that
            to decrease upon reduction of the system by one electron). Despite η̃ :=   tetrahedral
                                                                                          2 ∂N 2 v
                                                                                                          =    has
                                                                                                            2 ∂N v
                                                                                                                    a lower electronegativity
                                                                                                                                            (10)than chlorine
            appearing mathematically concise, Eqn. (3) suffers from the fact (8.07 vs. 10.05               eV according   to the Mulliken-Jaffé values from
            that the number of electrons N is restricted to integer numbers ref. [68]) allows us to predict that a nucleophilic attack on
                         ǫHOMO + ǫLUMO
               χM ≈ −                  .                                    (7)
                                                                                                        ∂ 2 Eel
                                                                                             η :=                     =                                   (11)
                                                                                                        ∂N 2                  ∂N
                                                                                    Ah Bs + As Bh ↽ −⇀
                                                                                                     − Ah Bh + As B χs2
                                                                                                              ω :=                                   (9)
                 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4                                                          Laureates
                                                                                         Ah Bs + A      −−
                                                                                                   s Bh ↽−− :AJhunior
                                                                                                          ⇀         2ηA
                                                                                                                 Bh +   Psrizes
                                                                                                                           Bs of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020
                                                                   Ah Bs + As Bh ↽    −− −⇀− Ah Bh + As Bs
                                                                             1 ∂ Eel             1 ∂µ
                                                                       η̃ :=                  =                                        (10)
         chloromethane should preferably occur at the carbon center. 2This        ∂N1 means
                                                                                         ∂ 2vEel this
                                                                                       2h Bs +  A    hprefactor
                                                                                                 2 s B∂N −−⇀ AhBemerging
                                                                                                        1↽−−  v∂µ    h + As Bs in front of any second-
         The question whether electronegativity can be used to predict η̃    derivative
                                                                                    2 ∂Nterm 2   of= aTaylor series expansion is to (10)  be understood
                                                                            1 ∂2E               1 v ∂µ2 ∂N v
         reaction barriers in a quantitative manner was tackled, e.g.η̃ :=
                                                                         in as included
                                                                                             = in the  definition,    implying   a scaling
                                                                                                                                      (10)  of the hardness.
         the context of hydrogen abstraction reactions: Nguyen et al. 2 In      ∂N 2 following, 2 ∂N
                                                                                          v         we
                                                                                                            v           to apply the scaled   hardness.
         established a correlation between the reaction barriers of theη := ∂InEelanalogy     =
                                                                                               1  ∂to
                                                                                                     2 electronegativity, the chemical hardness is
                                                                                                                   1 ∂µ
                                                                                  ∂N   2η̃ :=      ∂N           =                                    (10)
         abstraction of a given hydrogen atom from propene and methane often calculated  ∂ vEel2 ∂Nwithin
                                                                                           2                      a2 finite
                                                                                                                       ∂N vdifference approach, which
                                                                                                        2 v∂µ
                                                                               η :=  2  =                  v                              (11)
         and the electronegativity of attacking radicals. A larger share eventually
                                                                                ∂ 2 Eel ∂N
                                                                                              reads   as
                                                                                                  ∂µ ∂N v
         of chemical space was investigated in a study of the relation   η :=        2
                                                                                             =                                        (11)
                                                                                ∂N                ∂N v
         between different cDFT properties and 216 electrophilicity                        v

         values from the Mayr database[72–75] by Lee et al.[76] They               η ≈ I − A. ∂ 2 Eel           
                                                                                                                                      (12)           (12)
                                                                                           η :=                 =                                    (11)
         observed only a very poor correlation (R = 0.539) between
                                                                                           η ≈ I −∂N A. 2
                                                                                                              v     ∂N v                     (12)
         Mayr’s electrophilicities and electronegativities obtained with
                                                                           η ≈ I − A.                             (12)
         Eqn. (6).
                  Animproved, but still weak correlation (R2 = 0.737)
                                                                            The application of Koopmans’ theorem then yields
        χwas   found with. the cDFT electrophilicity (8) ω, which is a η ≈ ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .
          i := −                                    [77,78]
                  ∂Ni v
         joint property calculated from the electronegativity χ and the                  η ≈ I − A.                                                          (12)
         chemical hardness η:                                               η ≈ ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .                         (13)                                  (13)
                                                                                            η ≈ ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .                              (13)
                     χ2                                                                         The global
                                                                                                           softness, S, is identified as the inverse of the
              ω :=                                              (9)                (9)       hardness,
                                                                                                  S := .                                (14)
                     2η                                                                     η η ≈ 1ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .                          (13)
                                                                                            S := .                                   (14)
                                                                                           1      η
             The concept of chemical hardness will be considered in the             S := .
                                                                                                                                (14)         (14)
Ah Bs + A s Bh −
               ↽ −
                 −− section.
                  ⇀  Ah Bh + The
                             As Bpoor  correlation coefficients may be taken
                                  s                                   LiI(g) + CsF(g) ↽−−−⇀
                                                                                          − LiF(g) + CsI(g) 1
        as a clear indication that kinetic predictions based on Eqns. (6)                            S := .                                 (14)
        and (9) are unreliable. However, it should be pointed out that withLiI(g) +ACsF(g)
                                                                                              ↽ −⇀    example
                                                                                                 − LiF(g)         of Pearson’s HSAB principle is the
                                                                                                            η+ CsI(g)
        Mayr’s electrophilicities being obtained from experimental      data,+ CsF(g)
                                                                     LiI(g)     reaction
                                                                                             LiF(g) +LiICsI(g)
                                                                                                          and CsF:[81]
                  may    notbe exclusively attributed to shortcomings                 2
      1 ∂ 2 Eel
                       1 ∂µ
 η̃ := of the  2
                     =         definitions: Measuring(10)inaccuracies and                       2
      2 the∂Nprotocol
                   v   2 for
                           ∂N the
                                v calculation of electrophilicities from            LiI(g) + CsF(g) − ↽  −
                                                                                                         −⇀− LiF(g) + CsI(g)
        experimental rate constants (see ref. [73]) as well as limitations
        of the applied electronic structure method can also contribute to
          ∂ 2 Eel
                            This issue is considered in some more detail                        With I– being softer
                                                                                                                    2 than F– and Cs+ softer than Li+, the HSAB
   η := in Section
                    =4.                               (11)                                   principle correctly predicts that the conversion should be exothermic.
            ∂N               ∂N
                                                                                             This is especially notable considering that a prediction based on
                     v             v∂Eel
                         χi := −           .                                  (8)
         2.2 Hard and Soft∂N     Acids
                                  i  v and Bases                                             Pauling electronegativities and a rearranged form of Eqn. (1) fails
             Based on experimental observations Pearson formulated the                       for this example.[81]
         hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB) principle as follows: “Hard                        Nevertheless, the HSAB principle should by no means be applied
            η ≈ I − A.                                (12)
         acids prefer to bind to2hard bases and soft acids prefer to bind to                 blindly. Most importantly, as Pearson himself pointed out,[82] it only
         soft bases.”           χ
                           ω This
                              := means, that with A denoting an acid,
                                                                    (9) B a                  constitutes one amongst many effects determining the interaction
                                2η h and s hard and soft, respectively, the
         base, and the subscripts                                                            between two reactants. Considering the terms in the Taylor series
         exchange reaction                                                                   expansion of the electronic energy, this means that an exact
       η ≈ ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .                                     (13)                          correspondence between chemical reactivity and predictions based
                                                                                             on the HSAB principle can only be expected if all other derivatives
            Ah Bs + As Bh ↽     −− ⇀
                                   − − Ah Bh + As Bs                                         are negligible – a condition that is hardly ever met in chemical
                                                                                             reactions. For example, it is known that the HSAB principle tends
                     χi := −                   .                               (8)
                    1            ∂E∂N    
                                      el i    v
                                                                                             to be dominated by the preference of strong acids to recombine with
             S  := χ   .
        should beηiexergonic.
                       :=   −          In Pearson’s
                                              .                    (14)
                                                         early work, soft acids and bases
                                                                              (8)            strong bases.[83] Applications of the HSAB principle to ambident
                         2 ∂N    i v 
        were defined 1 ∂to    Ebe
                                el those     1 that∂µare easily polarizable, while hard      reactants were heavily criticized due to notable failures occurring
                :=                       = [18]                                 (10)
        ones η̃are   2hard∂N to2 polarize.
                                      v2     2 ∂NIt vis rather surprising that such a        even for prototypical systems.[74,84]
        phenomenological     ω := concept that was proposed as an attempt
                                                                                (9)    to        Although its now established roots in quantum chemistry
 (g) + CsF(g)  − −⇀
               ↽−− ω :=a  wealth
                       LiF(g)   + χ  of
                                   CsI(g)  experimental     observations  can actually be    allow for explicit calculations, the HSAB principle should not
        based on rigorous                                                     (9)
                         2 mathematical
                                  2η                 definitions in a quantum chemical      be mistaken as a universal tool for reactivity predictions. It may
        framework.       cDFT
                           ∂ Eel provided       ∂µsuch a framework, in which hardness        be regarded as one measure for reactivity in the context of all
                 η :=                    =                                      (11)
        η appears as ∂N     the2resistance
                                      v         ∂Nof vthe chemical potential µ towards       such concepts evaluated for a reactant.
           Ah Bs +inAthe s Bhnumber
                               ↽−−⇀− Ah of  Bh electrons
                                                  + As Bs N. Accordingly, a derivative
         Ah Bsin+ the
                    As Baforementioned
                           h ↽ −⇀− Ah Bh + ATaylor  s Bs
                                                            expansion of the electronic      2.3 Fukui Indices and the Dual Descriptor
         energy is interpreted as the hardness:[79]                                               To obtain information about where a reactant is attacked,
                            η ≈ I − A.                              (12)                     local reactivity descriptors are required. One prominent example
                      1 ∂ 2 Eel
                                       1 ∂µ
                                                                                            is the Fukui function f(r) with the Cartesian coordinate r denoting
               η̃ :=          2
                                    =                            (10) (10)                  some position in space. It was introduced by Parr and Yang as a
                    1 2 ∂ 2∂N
                           Eel    v 1 2 ∂µ∂N v
            η̃ :=                  =                            (10)                         density-functional generalization of Fukui’s Frontier Molecular
                    2 ∂N 2 v         2 ∂N v
                       η ≈ ǫLUMO − ǫHOMO .                          (13)
                                                                                             Orbital (FMO) theory.[85]
              However, the prefactor 1/2 is frequently omitted:[47,80]                            The Fukui function is the mixed second derivative of the
                                                                                             electronic energy with respect to ν and N at a given position r. It can
                          ∂ Eel         ∂µ
                  η :=             =                            (11)
                        ∂ 2∂N
                                  v     ∂N v
                                       ∂µ                                                    be represented either as the response of the chemical potential to a
                η :=               =                            (11) (11)                    change in the external potential at position r or as the response of the
                         ∂N 2 v 1 ∂N v
                              S := .                                (14)                     electron density ρ(r) towards a change in the number of electrons, i.e.
                           η ≈ I − A.                                       (12)
f − (r) ≈ ρHOMO (r)                                   (20)
                                                                                                                                           f + (r) ≈ ρLUMO (r),                                  (21)
           Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020                                                                                                           CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4      315
                                                                                                                                  f − (r) ≈ ρHOMO (r)                                     (20)
                                                                                                                                 f (r) ≈ ρLUMO (r),                                       (21)
                             δ ∂Eel                δµ                  ∂ δEel                ∂ρ(r)                               (2)       δη          ∂f (r)
            f (r) :=
                           δv(r) ∂N
                                                                      ∂N δv(r)
                                                                                                         .   (15) (15)         f (r) :=
                                                                                                                                          δv(r) N
                                                                                                                                                        ∂N v(r)

                                                                                                               δη             ∂f (r)
             Regions where  f(r) islargeare supposed      to   be those
                                                                             from which f (2) (r)Within                 =difference approximation, ƒ (r)(22)
                                                                                                                the finite                                    can be written
             δ ∂Eel   δµ   ∂ δEel [85]  ∂ρ(r)                                                 :=
   f (r) :=reactive
                δ ∂E  attacks  =areδµthe most
                                             =− favorable.
                                                    ∂ δEel = Due          to the
                                                                      ∂ρ(r)   . derivative
                                                                                      (15)                   δv(r)
                                                                                                as the difference
                                                                                                               (2)    Nbetween
                                                                                                                           +   ∂N the− electrophilic
                                                                                                                                       v(r)          and nucleophilic Fukui
                         el                                                                                  f (r) ≈ f (r) − f (r).                                (23)
   f (r) := δv(r) ∂N − = δv(r)         ∂ρ(r) = ∂N δv(r) =              ∂N     .       (15)
              δv(r) ∂Nf (r)with      respect
                                 := δv(r)       to ∂N
                                                    ≈ ρleft
                                                   N,       and
                                                        N (r) − ρright  derivatives are not(16) functions,
                                                                 N −1 (r)
           equal, and hence, two∂N        different
                                               v(r) quantities are typically reported,

           ƒ–(r) and ƒ+(r),     which    can be  approximated by finite differences:
                         f + (r) :=                 ≈ ρN +1 (r) − ρN (r)                   (17)      f (2) (r) ≈ f + (r) − f − (r).                           (23)    (23)
                                        ∂N v(r)
                             ∂ρ(r) −
               f − (r) := ∂ρ(r)
               f − (r) :=
                                            ≈ ρN (r) − ρN −1 (r)                     (16)
                               ∂N v(r) ≈ ρN (r) − ρN −1 (r)                           (16)
                              ∂N    +v(r)                                                     ƒ(2)(r) takes values between –1 and 1 with negative and positive
    δ ∂Eel f + (r) :=
                        δµ ∂ρ(r) ∂− δE
                                            ≈ elρN +1 (r) ∂ρ(r)
                                                          − ρN (r)                    (17)      values indicating susceptibility towards electrophilic and
               f=(r) :=
 δv(r) ∂N   δv(r) ∂N  ∂N
                                = fv(r)
                               ∂N       k ≈
                                            ≈qk,N +1=(r)  − ρN
                                                      −qk,N   (r).        (15)      (17)
                                                                                      (17) (18) nucleophilic attacks,      3 respectively.[92] The dual descriptor was
                                       v(r)δv(r)           ∂N
                                                                                           (19) reported to be more robust than Fukui functions, especially in the
    δ ∂Eel              δµ             ∂+ δEel            ∂ρ(r)
                =               = fk ≈ qk,N −=qk,N +1             .        (15)
  δv(r) ∂N            δv(r)          ∂N δv(r)              ∂N                                   frozen-orbital approximation.[94]
                 Hence, ƒ–(r) describes the response of the system towards a                           As a demonstration
                                                                                                                  3           for the identification of reactive sites
            decrease of N, i.e. towards electrophilic attacks and ƒ+(r) the through the inspection of ƒ(2)(r), we consider propanone in the finite-
                  ∂ρ(r)towardsfk− ≈ anqk,N
                                            −1 − qk,Nof N, i.e. the reactivity with respect
                                                                                         (18)      difference approximation (see Fig. 1). We obtained the underlying
                       − −
   f − (r) :=                 f≈   ≈Nq(r)
                                k+ ρ   k,N− −1ρ−   q (r)
                                               N −1k,N                       (16)        (18)
            to nucleophilic
                   ∂N −          attacks.
                              fk+ ≈ qk,N    To   allow
                                          − − qk,N +1    for  an   easier interpretation,   the electronic densities from a DFT/PBE[95,96]/def2-SVP[97,98]
                          v(r)          f (r)
                                            − q≈k,NρHOMO   (r)                                (20)
   f − (r) :=    ∂ρ(r)
            Fukui       + f≈
                    functions      ≈ qk,N
                                      (r)+− not
                                              ρN −1analyzed
                                                     (r)       in full spatial(16)       (19)
                                                                                resolution, but calculation with the program Orca.[99] The condensed-to-atom
                   ∂N                   f  (r) ≈   ρ      (r),                                (21)
   f (r) := instead in a condensed-to-atom
                          v(r)  ≈ ρN +1 (r) − ρN (r)  representation. Staying
                                                                             (17) in the finite values given in Table 1 were determined from Hirshfeld charges.[87]
                 ∂N +
                  ∂ρ(r) approximation, these Fukui indices ƒk can be obtained The fact that they turned out to be negative at the oxygen atom
            difference    v(r)                                             ±
 f (r) :=           atom k≈     ρN     (r) − ρN(r)                       (17)
    δ ∂Efor
                any            from   the
                                        ∂ atomic           ∂ρ(r)qk and are given in atomic and positive at the adjacent carbon atom agrees with the notion that
                   ∂N                +1                         
             el         δµv(r)               δEel
 δv(r) ∂N   δv(r) 
                                  =                   =              .       (15)                  these are the primary attack sites for electrophilic and nucleophilic
                                 −  ∂N     δv(r)          ∂N 
                               f−  (r) ≈∂ρHOMO     (r) ∂ρ(r)                          (20)      attacks, respectively.
    δ ∂Eel              δµ (2)               δE
                               f (r) ≈ ρHOMO (r)el          ∂f  (r)                      (20)
                 =        f +=(r) :=          ==                            .            (15)                        (22)
  δv(r) ∂N           δv(r) f + (r) ∂N δv(r) (r),
                                   ≈ ρLUMO
                                      δv(r)  N                        ∂N
                                                                       ∂N   v(r)                              (21)
                            f −(r)
                fk− ≈ qk,N −1      ≈ ρLUMO
                                 qk,N       (r),                                         (18)                 (21)
                f−    ≈ qk,N − q−k,N       +1                               (19)
               fkk ≈ qk,N  −
                                 −1     qk,N
   f (r) := k
     −          f     ≈   q       −
                            k,N ≈ k,Nq ρf (r)
                                           +1 − ρN −1 (r)
                                          (2)         +                     (19)
                                                                            (16)      (19) (23)
                                      N      (r)
                                                ≈ f (r) − f (r).
                ∂N −       v(r)  δη 
                                                        ∂f  (r) 
   f (r) := ∂ρ(r)
     −              f (r)+ :=≈ ρNδη(r) − ρN        = (r) ∂f (r)             (16)       (22)
                    f (2) (r)v(r)
                   ∂N          := δv(r) N =−1 ∂N v(r)                                  (22)
   f + (r) :=                           N +1 (r)N− ρN (r)
                                    ≈ ρδv(r)              ∂N v(r)           (17)
                   ∂N +
               However,     v(r) atomic charges are yet another concept without
                      (r) ≈
   f + (r) :=    f             ρHOMO≈ ρN(r)                                 (20)
            a unique
                   ∂N       definition.        Numerous
                                          +1 (r)  − ρN (r) mathematical definitions
                                                                            (17)        exist
                    +        v(r)
            because   (r)of≈
                 ff − (r)  ≈theρ    difficulty
                                 LUMO    (r), to define spatial boundaries
                                 HOMO (r) +
                               ρ(2)                                         (21) of an atom
            in a fquantum           (r) ≈ fsuch
                              f (2)system       (r) − f a (r).                         (23)
                                            f + (r) −asf −  molecule (see above). Therefore,
                      (r) ≈fρLUMO   (r) ≈(r),              (r).             (21)       (23)
             the choice among these can significantly affect the values of the
                 fk− ≈ Fukui
                         qk,N −1 indices.
                                 − qk,N [86] Hirshfeld
                                                 3      charges[87] are
                                                                     (18)a commonly                                         Fig. 1. ƒ(2)(r) = ±0.01 a0–3 isosurface for propane. Blue encodes negative
                 fk−+ ≈ qk,N−choice.
                                 qk,N                                (19)                                                   values, orange positive ones.
                 f ≈δη   qk,N −1 − qk,N
                                      ∂f (r)                         (18)
      f (2) (r) :=   frozen       = are assumed, ƒ–(r) and ƒ+(r) can
                             orbitals                                (22)be expressed
                       δv(r)           ∂N
                 fk ≈ of
        (2) in terms δη
                            theN qk,N +1
                               − removed        incoming orbital upon(19)
                                      ∂f (r)or v(r)                    change of the                                        Table 1. Condensed dual descriptor indices for propanone.
      f (r) :=                    =                                  (22)
             numberδv(r)of electrons,
                               N       ∂N v(r)
                                                                                                                                             Atom                                 ƒk(2)
             f (2)f(r)                3
                   − ≈ f + (r) − f − (r).                                                (23)
                     (r) ≈ ρHOMO (r) 3                                                   (20)                (20)                             OCO                                 –0.1
                f−  (r)
             f f(r)(r) f +ρ    − f(r),                                                   (21)
                          ρ(r)       (r).                                                (23)                                                 CCO                                 0.1
                       ≈    HOMO (r)                                                     (20)
                f (r) ≈ ρLUMO (r),                                                       (21)                (21)                             Cα                                  0.0

                                                                                                                                           H                                  0.0
                        δη           ∂f (r)
                  in terms
      f (2) (r)            of HOMO
                                 =     and LUMO densities, ρHOMO(r)    and ρLUMO(r),
                      δv(r) calculated
             respectively,     N    ∂Nasthe v(r) absolute square of the respective                                            Notably, the dual descriptor allowed for a back-on-the-
                        δη           ∂f (r)
      f (2) (r)  := which3 manifests
             orbital,            =                                  (22) Naturally,
                       δv(r) N         ∂Nthe v(r)
                                               connection to FMO theory.                                                    envelope discussion of the Woodward-Hoffmann rules[100,101]
           this interpretation is prone to fail for quasi-degenerate frontier                                               refuting the common belief that one requires an orbital model to
                       For +example,     it cannot reliably predict the regioselectivity                                    predict pericyclic reactions.
             f     (r) ≈ f
           of electrophilic  (r) −  f − (r). substitutions.[89,90] In orbital-weighted
                                  aromatic                             (23)                                                     Unfortunately, the applicability of Fukui indices and the dual
           Fukui     functions
             f (2) (r) ≈ f + (r) this
                                 − f −behavior
                                        (r).     is cured by the inclusion
                                                                       (23) of further                                      descriptor for predicting nucleophilicity and electrophilicity is
           orbitals – however, at the cost of introducing an empirically                                                    limited to orbital-controlled soft–soft interactions.[102] The most
           motivated weighting factor.[91]                                                                                  reactive sites for hard–hard interactions can be better predicted
                Instead of considering ƒ–(r) and ƒ+(r) separately to identify                                               using atomic charges or with descriptors extracted from the
           nucleophilic and electrophilic sites, Morell et al. suggested the                                                molecular electrostatic potential.[102,103] For example, Fukui
           use of the dual descriptor ƒ(2)(r) defined as the derivative of                                                  functions are known to poorly predict protonation sites.[102]
           the chemical hardness with respect to the external potential or,                                                 Another level of complexity arises due to the fact that for many
           equivalently,3the response of the Fukui function towards changes                                                 chemical reactions neither charge control nor orbital effects are
           in the number of electrons:[92,93]                                                                               highly dominating, but both have to be considered.[103–105]
       CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4                                                      Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020

3. Limitations of Reactivity Prediction by Local                             out and analyze vast numbers of quantum chemical calculations,
Concepts                                                                     inaccessible to manual work with quantum chemistry programs, and
    As we outlined for the examples above, the predictive power              can therefore deliver the data required.
of a single chemical concept is very limited. Following the Taylor               The compilation of such a test set is non-trivial: Typically
series expansion of the electronic energy, which explicitly states           researchers hand-pick reference reactions based on their prior
that various partial derivatives, now understood as different                knowledge or the literature or make use of databases such as the
chemical concepts, are to be added up, it is not sufficient to limit         aforementioned Mayr database. However, this approach bears the
oneself to one chemical concept when trying to understand the                risk of assembling biased test sets: Chemical concepts are integral
change in energy upon reaction, but several must be considered               parts of chemistry education. That is why it appears reasonable to
simultaneously. They all need to be incorporated into a reactivity           assume that reactions conforming to these are overrepresented in
prediction protocol. The fact that machine-learned models based              the literature and, hence, in the test sets. This should not affect the
on several indicators clearly outperform schemes based on a                  comparison of different evaluation schemes for a given concept.
single selected descriptor underlines this necessity.[106,107]               However, there might be a tendency to overrate the predictive
    The key difficulty of all reactivity descriptors defined in terms        power of chemical concepts as such in a circular-argument
of a Taylor series expansion of the electronic energy around a               situation. Automated reaction network exploration algorithms allow
reference point is that this is always local information in the sense        one to enumerate large numbers of different reaction coordinates
that it is valid for the unreactive and non-activated equilibrium            – including those that appear to be unpromising from a chemist’s
structure of a reactant, i.e. for the reference point: The local slope       perspective. Hence, there is hope that the bias in favor of known
and curvature of the energy functional is supposed to correlate              chemical concepts is less pronounced.
with the barrier height of eventual transition states. As formulated             Furthermore, reaction databases typically only contain
in Klopman’s non-crossing rule different reaction curves shall not           information on successful reactions, but no explicit information
cross between reactants and transition states.[108] In practice, this        about unproductive reaction coordinates. The possibility to sort out
means that the behavior at the onset of reactions has to be decisive         clearly unreactive reaction guesses is, however, one of the key tasks a
for the overall course of the reaction. This is why Geerlings et             useful reactivity predictor must fulfill, which is why this information
al. state that cDFT descriptors are expected to be unreliable for            should be included in a test set. A brute-force enumeration of
late transition states.[48] Making direct use of this statement for          reaction paths by automated exploration algorithms will certainly
reactivity predictions, however, is impossible because transition            also include unreactive scans. Finally, the fact that the target quantity
states are obviously unknown prior to the analysis.                          of the reactivity prediction (e.g. reaction barriers) is calculated with
    This issue may be considered more severe for all but                     the same quantum mechanical method as the reactivity descriptor
intramolecular reactions due to the fact that to project towards             itself, opposed to experimental data, offers the possibility to study
reaction paths and energy barriers the interactions between all              the reliability of the reactivity scheme separated from possible
reactants have to be considered, which will disturb the information          shortcomings of the underlying method compared to experiment.
gathered at the reference point. cDFT descriptors can be evaluated               So far, such extensive data has not been produced yet, but it can
for associated reactive complexes and even along entire reaction             be anticipated that this will change.[4–6,110]
paths,[109] but the relevant complex geometry and especially the path            Once available, the machine learning evaluation of reactivity
are, obviously, not known a priori in prediction tasks. For a list of        descriptors faced with explicit knowledge of vast reaction networks
further approaches which incorporate the effect of a second reactant,        will provide us with means to assess the extent to which we may
see ref. [48]. In principle, it would be possible to evaluate derivatives    prune quantum chemical reactivity explorations by first-principles
of Eel[N,ν;{Rk}] up to arbitrary order. In practice, however, there are      heuristics[34,35] in order to dramatically accelerate the automated, but
mathematical and technical difficulties associated with taking such          computationally costly exploration process.
derivatives.[48] Moreover, even if these derivatives were evaluated,
there is no reason to believe that the radius of convergence of              5. Conclusions
the series expansion is such that it encodes information up to the                In this work, we discussed why chemical concepts are not only
transition state structure. In other words, the series expansion is not      valuable to explain, describe, and categorize reactions a posteriori,
expected to converge for structures farther away from the reference          but also bear hope for reactivity prediction. Mathematical definitions
point on the Born-Oppenheimer surface.                                       allow for the quantification of well-known chemical concepts by
    Due to these arguments, a perfect matching between reactivity            means of quantum chemistry. In particular, partial derivatives of the
descriptors, which are evaluated at equilibrium structures, and              electronic energy with respect to the decisive parameters of a system
activation barriers (and even less so for reaction energies) cannot          (such as the number of its electrons) allow us to clearly define
be expected. They might, however, still be a valuable tool in order          reactivity concepts relying on electronic structure information.
to (de-)prioritize more or less promising reaction guesses for further            However, ambiguities may arise due to competing definitions of
analyses. I.e. if one can tell (for instance, in an automated mechanism      the same concept as well as different approximation and localization
exploration algorithm), which sites are very likely to be unreactive,        schemes. An exact correspondence between chemical concepts and
then this knowledge accelerates the exploration as unreactive paths          reactivity (measured, e.g. in terms of the activation barrier associated
can be omitted by the exploration protocol without the necessity to          with that process) cannot be expected because of the fact that the
consider them explicitly.                                                    concepts are evaluated for a specific molecular structure, whereas
                                                                             barriers require the comparison of energies of two sets of structures,
4. Reactivity Descriptors and Automated Reaction                             i.e. reactants and transition state structures (for an illustration of this
Space Exploration                                                            problem, see Fig. 2). The usefulness of chemical concepts critically
    To verify the usefulness of a reactivity prediction scheme and           depends on whether, despite these expected uncertainties, they still
gather profound knowledge about the associated uncertainties                 allow for discriminating between reactive and unreactive pathways
detailed statistical analyses have to be carried out. Automated              with a high degree of confidence.
reaction space exploration schemes cannot only benefit from the                   Especially automated quantum chemical reactivity exploration
exploitation of chemical concepts in the context of first-principles         can effectively exploit this situation. If, due to the aforementioned
heuristics,[34,35] they also offer the potential to help validating these.   uncertainties, we do not have clearly separable clusters of
For statistically rigorous analyses large and chemically diverse test        reactive and unreactive pairs of atoms, this will be a sign that our
sets have to be investigated. Automated algorithms allow to carry            methodology cannot cut deadwood in reaction space with sufficient
Laureates: Junior Prizes of the SCS Fall Meeting 2020                                                                                   CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 4   317

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