On the merit of hot ion mode for tearing mode stabilization
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On the merit of hot ion mode for tearing mode stabilization S. Jin,1, 2, a) A. H. Reiman,1, 2, b) and N. J. Fisch1, 2, c) 1) Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA 2) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA (Dated: 16 June 2021) The stabilization of tearing modes with rf driven current benefits from the cooperative feedback loop between rf power deposition and electron temperature within the island. This effect, termed rf current condensation, can greatly enhance and localize current driven within magnetic islands. It has previously been shown that the condensation effect opens the possibility of passive stabilization with broad rf profiles, as would be typical of LHCD for steady state operation. Here arXiv:2106.07906v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 15 Jun 2021 we show that this self-healing effect can be dramatically amplified by operation in a hot ion mode, due to the additional electron heat source provided by the hotter ions. I. INTRODUCTION v2res /vth 2 is the ratio of the resonant and thermal velocities. As w0 ≈ 4 − 20 in practice15 , even small increases in temperature 2 The development of effective strategies for disruption can dramatically enhance the power absorption, and conse- avoidance is one of the primary objectives of magnetic fu- quently, the stabilizing current driven. This current is also sion research. The heat and force loads to the machine walls preferentially enhanced where it is most stabilizing, as the caused by the sudden loss of confinement can cause unaccept- temperature profiles are governed by diffusion and typically able damage to the device1 ; this threat is only becoming more centrally peaked. This amplification and focusing are termed dangerous as tokamaks are designed with increasing levels the current condensation effect.16–20 of stored energy.2 Large magnetic islands play a key role in As the nonlinear enhancement is dictated by the electron triggering disruptions, thereby setting a primary performance temperature perturbation (Pr f ∼ exp(w20 ∆Te /Te0 ), it naturally limit in tokamaks.3–5 Suppressing the growth of these unsta- follows that additional heat sources to the electrons would ble islands, known as neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs), is further amplify the condensation effect and associated stabi- accordingly a crucial aspect of disruption avoidance. lization properties. Such a supplementary heat source could Islands form at rational surfaces when helical magnetic be provided by operating in a "hot ion mode", in which the perturbations disturb the typically toroidally nested magnetic ions are maintained at significantly higher temperatures than topology. The resulting island flux surfaces enable rapid ra- the electrons. The hot ion mode of operation has tradition- dial parallel transport, locally flattening the pressure profile ally been of interest for its enhanced reactivity and improved over the extent of the island, in the absence of significant net confinement properties. Devices are typically limited by to- heat sources or sinks. This creates a "hole" in the bootstrap tal plasma pressure, while the fusion cross-section depends current, which in turn, creates a magnetic perturbation that only on the temperature of the fuel ions. Therefore, the elec- reinforces the initial helical disturbance, thereby driving the tron temperature contributes to the shared pressure limit, with- island unstable. Driving current via rf waves6 in the island out producing fusion power. Furthermore, hotter electrons interior therefore suppresses island growth by effectively re- incur greater power losses, through either radiation or trans- placing the missing bootstrap current.7 . port. Experimentally, hot ion modes have exhibited dramati- The rf stabilization of tearing modes has been the subject cally enhanced confinement21 , and have achieved the top fu- of extensive theoretical and experimental work. Only re- sion power records to date.22,23 cently, however, has the highly nonlinear nature of rf depo- sition in magnetic islands been identified. The closed mag- Yet, hot ion mode operation is no longer a priority in mod- netic topology of the island provides thermal insulation and ern reactor design24,25 . This is largely due to the perceived reduces the cross-field thermal diffusivity.8–11 This produces constraint that α-particles produced in burning plasmas will significant electron temperature perturbations relative to the principally heat electrons. Since the α-particle heating is background plasma in the presence of rf heating, with re- the dominant heating mechanism in reactors, as opposed to ported relative temperature increases as large as 20%.12 Fur- present day devices where external heating sources can prin- thermore, the power that both lower hybrid (LH)13 and elec- cipally heat ions, there appears to be no way of achieving a hot tron cyclotron (EC) waves14 can deposit is proportional to the ion mode in a reactor self-sustained by α-particle heating, ab- number of resonant electrons (Pdep ∼ nres ). This produces sent some kind of intervention. However, the α-particle power an exponential sensitivity to small temperature perturbations may alternatively be diverted to rf waves by capitalizing on fa- (nres ∼ exp(−w2 ) ≈ exp(−w20 ) exp(w20 ∆Te /Te0 )), where w := vorable population inversions along diffusion paths in energy- position space—an effect known as alpha channeling.26–28 In this way, much of the α-particle power may ultimately by di- verted to heating ions, supporting the ion temperature surplus. a) Electronic mail: sjin@pppl.gov The synergy with disruption avoidance, identified here for the b) Electronic mail: areiman@pppl.gov first time, significantly broadens the appeal of hot ion modes, c) Electronic mail: fisch@pppl.gov and calls for renewed attention to the subject.
2 Here we quantify the extent to which operating in a hot ion In slab geometry, the linearized Eqs. (1) become: mode may facilitate the rf-stabilization of tearing modes. We 3 3 show that even modest temperature differences between the ns ∂t Tes − ns χs,⊥ ∂x2 Tes = ns (Ter − Tes + Tr,0 − Ts,0 ) + Ps (2) ions and electrons can have significant impact on the rf power 2 2τeq required and island width at stabilization, provided sufficient where χs,⊥ is the perpendicular thermal diffusivity of species s collisional energy coupling between electrons and ions. The (hereafter we drop the ⊥ subscript). Note the 0-th order heat- rf-condensation effect plays an essential role—similarly dra- ing term due to the temperature differential at the separatrix. matic hot-ion mode enhancements are not possible for other For simplicity, we assume that the hot ion mode is sus- methods of current drive, e.g. ohmic, NBI. We also discuss the tained through ion heating sufficiently close to the core, rather issues raised by the dual impact of energy coupling: although than in the island, such that we may take Pi = 0. As for the enhancement to rf stabilization increases with coupling the electron source terms, it is typically found that pressure strength, so does the difficulty of maintaining a temperature profiles flatten within the island in the absence of rf heat- differential. We show that accessing a synergistic regime for ing, and the usual condition of comparable electron and ion hot ion mode and tearing mode stabilization places constraints temperatures.29 Then we might reasonably, and for the sake on coupling strength, power partitioning between species, and of simplicity, take Pe = Pr f . Alternatively, even if the ohmic relative transport inside vs. outside of the island. and radiation terms do not balance30 , our selective choice of The paper is organized as followed. Section II introduces source terms is justified as long as they are negligible com- the two fluid equations for the island temperatures, and sum- pared to the rf power. The nonlinearity of the rf power is re- marizes the essential features of the solutions. Section III tained in the following way: characterizes the impact of the temperature differential and energy coupling on the rf condensation effect, in particu- Pr f ∝ exp(−w2 ) = exp(−me v2res /2(Te,0 + Tee )) lar, the implications for self-healing in steady-state scenarios. ≈ exp(−w20 (1 − Tee /Te.0 )) (3) Section IV provides a preliminary investigation of the accessi- bility of strongly synergistic regimes. Section V summarizes ∝ exp(w20 Tee /Te,0 ) the main results and conclusions. Finally, Eqs. (2) can be cast in a more illuminating form by scaling the spatial coordinate to the half island width (xscl := Wi /2) such that the island boundaries are at x = ±1, and scaling the time coordinate to the electron diffusion time II. TWO-TEMPERATURE ISLAND MODEL τD,e := 3Wi2 /8χe . The nonlinear term 3 prescribes the scaled perturbed temperature us := w20 Tee /Te,0 . Multiplying Eqs. (2) The energy transport equations for electrons and ions can by w20Wi2 /4nTe,0 χe then yields: be written as: − u00e = P0 exp(ue ) + c(ui − ue + h) (4) 3 3 ∂t ns Ts − ∇ · (ns χs · ∇Ts ) = ns (Tr − Ts ) + Ps (1) − γu00i = c(ue − ui + h) (5) 2 2τeq subject to the boundary conditions us (x = ±1) = 0 at the is- where subscript s denotes either electrons or ions; subscript land separatrix. Here c := τD,e /τeq is the ratio of the elec- r denotes the other species; χs is the heat diffusivity tensor tron diffusion and electron-ion energy equilibration times, of species s; and τeq = mmei 38 m p e (kTe )3/2 h := w20 (Ti,0 − Te,0 )/Te,0 is the normalized temperature differ- 2π ne4 λ is the electron ion ential at the separatrix, γ := χ⊥,i /χ⊥,e is the ratio of the elec- equilibration time, where λ ≈ 20 is the Coulomb logarithm, tron and ion diffusivities, and P0 is the rf power density nor- ms is the mass of species s, µ is the ion mass in units of proton malized to Pscl := nTe,0 /w20 τD,e . We consider the case where masses. Ps contains whatever species specific heat sources the rf deposition is broader than the island width, as would be and sinks may be present, aside from the explicitly written typical for LHCD, such that P0 = const. electron-ion equilibration term. Eqs. (1) can be greatly simplified due to the large disparity between the MHD time scales on which the island width and A. Naturally peaked electron temperature in hot ion mode background plasma parameters evolve, and the characteristic diffusion times τD,s and energy equilibration rate τeq . We may Even in the absence of external electron heating (P0 = then consider "steady state" solutions for which ∂t → 0, and 0), magnetic islands in hot ion mode plasmas will exhibit background parameters are held constant, and linearize Eqs. peaked electron temperature profiles, given sufficient coupling (1) for perturbations Tes to the temperatures at the separatrix, c. Larger islands will have more strongly peaked electron tem- Ts,0 . In other words, at the separatrix, the electron temperature peratures, as c ∼ Wi2 . Eqs.(4) and (5) admit the following so- is Te,0 and the ion temperature is Ti,0 , where, in the hot ion lutions at P0 = 0: mode Ti,0 > Te,0 . On these timescales, the field lines will be p approximately isothermal, so Eqs. (1) may be written as 1-D h cosh( c(1 + γ −1 )x) ue (x) = (1 − ) (6) 1 + γ −1 p coupled diffusion equations for the perturbed temperatures Tes . cosh( c(1 + γ −1 ))
3 LHCD, and in sufficiently high power regimes such that the rf p would not be depleted within the island6 . h cosh( c(1 + γ −1 )x) Eqs. (4) and (5) admit two branches of solutions, with the ui (x) = ( p − 1) (7) 1 + γ cosh( c(1 + γ −1 )) stable lower and unstable upper branches joined at a bifurca- tion point (technically a surface in the c − h − P0 parameter The electron temperature perturbation at the island O-point, space, but we use the language "bifurcation point" to refer to ue (0) = h(1 + γ −1 )−1 (1 − cosh( c(1 + γ −1 ))−1 ), has the fol- p the P0 at bifurcation for a given c, h), as shown in Fig. 1. At rf lowing limiting behaviors: powers past the bifurcation point, the temperature in the island will continue to grow until encountering additional physics ue (0) → hc/2 c→0 not included here, such as stiffness 18 or ray depletion 17,19,20 . (8) We opt for the simplified rf model used here to isolate the ue (0) → h/(1 + γ −1 ) c→∞ physics of the condensation effect in hot ion mode, without in- In the low coupling limit (c → 0), the ion temperature pro- troducing particular depletion mechanisms; in exchange, the file is minimally affected, so the electron heating is mostly present investigation is limited to weak absorption regimes, determined by the temperature difference at the separatrix, h, i.e. the lower branch shown in Fig. 1. and the ion diffusivity ratio, γ, does not enter. The temperature perturbation also increases linearly with coupling strength, i.e. quadratically in the island width (c ∼ Wi2 ). For strong coupling (c → ∞), the electron and ion temperatures within the island equilibrate (except for a narrow boundary layer at x = ±1), and this balance is set by the diffusivities. A higher ion diffusivity γ translates into a larger electron temperature, as a larger diffusivity means the ion temperature profile has greater resistance to being dragged down by the electrons. This can be most easily illustrated by the limit γ → ∞: if the ions are extremely diffusive, their temperature profile remains flat, while the strong coupling pulls the electron temperature up to the separatrix temperature differential h. A peaked electron temperature in hot ion mode islands is then a simple consequence of the bulk temperature differential h, and the disparate power balance within vs. outside of the is- land. Within the island, the strength of coupling is set not only FIG. 1. Electron temperatures vs scaled power P0 , for γ = 2, w20 = 10. by the equilibration rate, but depends on the ratio of equilibra- tion and diffusion times (c := τD,e /τeq ). In the larger plasma, The h = 0 case reduces to the two-fluid equations studied in especially closer to the core, the temperature differential will Ref. 31, the basic properties of which can be briefly summa- be determined by a more complicated balance of heating and rized as follows. As the coupling strength c → 0, the electron transport processes. The degree of equilibration can there- and ion temperatures decouple, leaving a single-fluid equa- fore be quite different inside vs. outside of the island, such tion for the electron temperature:−u00 = P0 exp (u), while the that a large temperature differential h may be supported at the ions remain unheated. As c → ∞, the electrons and ions fully separatrix, while the electron and ion temperatures within the equilibrate (ui → ue ), again leaving a single-fluid equation for island equilibrate more effectively in comparison, producing the shared temperature, except with the effective power re- peaked electron temperatures. This point is discussed in more duced from the electron-only case by a factor of 1 + γ due detail in Section IV. Although this temperature perturbation to the additional diffusive losses incurred through the ions: alone can have stabilizing properties, as any Ohmic current −u00 = P0 (1 + γ)−1 exp (u). Increased coupling always re- will concentrate to some extent near the island center (as the duces the efficacy of electron heating for equal temperatures −3/2 resistivity scales as ∼ Te ), the full potential of this hot ion at the separatrix (h = 0). mode induced electron temperature peaking can be best real- In contrast, energy coupling with the ions can provide net ized in combination with rf power deposition. electron heating in a hot ion mode (h > 0), such that the elec- tron temperature increases with coupling strength c, as shown in Fig. 2. Net electron heating occurs with increasing cou- R1 B. Amplified rf condensation effect pling c for a given P0 , h as long as −1 dx ue,c=0 (x) < 2h. Even if the temperature differential h does not meet the criterion for The current condensation effect enters through the nonlin- net heating relative to the c = 0 case, any h > 0 still corre- ear rf heating term, P0 exp(ue ). Following the treatment in sponds to a higher electron temperature than the h = 0 case at Ref. 16, we take P0 (the power deposition profile in the ab- a fixed coupling strength c. Since the rf absorption is expo- sence of any temperature perturbation) to be a constant. This nentially sensitive to the electron temperature ue , even small "power bath model" is appropriate for rf deposition profiles temperature differentials (h) are amplified through the con- that are wide compared to the island, as would be typical of densation effect and can therefore significantly increase total
4 heating, provided sufficient coupling. mechanisms35,36 : dw ∝ ∆00 (w) − Σi ∆0i (δ ji ) (9) dt where ∆00 is the classical stability index, and ∆0i (δ ji ) are cor- rections to the classical tearing mode equation due to pertur- bations of the parallel current at the resonant surface. These corrections have the form35 : Z ∞ I ∆i ∝ dx dξ cos(ξ )δ ji (x, ξ ) −∞ Z 1 Z ξˆ cos(ξ ) = dΩ dξ p δ ji (Ω, ξ ) (10) −1 −ξˆ Ω + cos(ξ ) Z 1 = dΩF(Ω)δ ji (Ω) −1 where ξˆ = cos−1 (−Ω), x := r − rs is the radial displacement FIG. 2. Electron temperatures vs coupling strength c, for γ = 2, w20 = from the resonant surface, Ω is the flux surface label and 10, P0 = 0.1. ξ :=:= θ − mn φ is the helical phase, where θ (φ ) and m (n) are the poloidal (toroidal) angle and mode number respec- Since larger electron temperatures may be achieved for the tively. δ ji (Ω) denotes the flux surface averaged perturbed same unperturbed rf power P0 , and the absorbed power is R ξˆ current, and F(Ω) := ˆ dξ √ cos(ξ ) serves as a flux sur- given by P0 exp(ue ), this amounts to an even more dramatic −ξ Ω+cos(ξ ) enhancement of the driven current. Hot ion mode operation face weighting function. (h > 0) would therefore allow for islands to be stabilized at The dominant driving term for NTMs will be due to the smaller widths, for a given rf power. Alternatively, if the goal perturbed bootstrap current δ jbs 37 , while the stabilizing term is for islands not to surpass a certain target width, it could of interest for our purposes comes from the perturbed LH cost much less rf power to accomplish this goal. The extent current δ jLH . We may then take as the stabilization condi- to which stabilization outcomes are affected by the hot ion tion: 0 ≈ ∆0bs + ∆0LH . Following common practice36 , we take mode enhanced condensation effect, in terms of power saved the perturbed bootstrap current to be constant over the island, or width at stabilization, is quantitatively established in the such that δbs = −Jbs , where Jbs is the bootstrap current den- following Section III. sity at the resonant surface prior to the island formation. The corresponding contribution to the island growth rate is then: Z 1 III. ENHANCED STABILIZATION IN HOT ION MODE ∆0bs ∝ −Jbs dΩF(Ω) (11) −1 The rf condensation effect supports a self-healing property in tokamaks with a significant portion of the toroidal current The perturbed rf current δLH is given by the nonlinear en- driven by LHWs.31 As an island grows in the presence of am- hancement to the LH current at the resonant surface, due to bient rf power, the electron temperature perturbation and re- the the heating of the island. The current driven is roughly sulting stabilizing current increase with island width. This is proportional to the power deposition, neglecting the depen- due both to the increasing total absorbed power Ptot ∼ Wi , as dence of the current drive efficiency on temperature, which is well as the increasing confinement time τD,e ∼ Wi2 . In the negligible compared to the exponential enhancement factor6 . Then, the rf contribution to the island growth rate is: previously studied h = 0 case31 , even though parasitic heat losses to the ions also increase with island width (c ∼ Wi2 ), Z 1 the former two effects dominate. As a result, islands may ∆0LH ∝ JLH dΩ(exp(ue (Ω)) − 1)F(Ω) (12) −1 be passively stabilized by utilizing the ambient LHCD used for toroidal current drive, in combination with the natural where JLH is the LH current at the resonant surface prior to tendency of the island to heat up as it grows; no external the island formation. intervention32–34 (e.g. modulation, steering) would be re- In order to obtain the island temperature in terms of the flux quired. The extent to which this self-healing mechanism is function Ω, we now write Eqs. (4)-(5) in island geometry16 : improved by hot ion mode operation can be calculated as fol- lows. D̂ue = P0 exp(ue ) + c(ui − ue + h) (13) The width at stabilization can be calculated with the mod- ified Rutherford equation (MRE), which gives the island growth rate as a function of various driving and stabilizing γ D̂ui = c(ue − ui − h) (14)
5 where D̂ is a diffusion operator that accounts for the geometry h = 2.5 (25% temperature difference), or even quartered by an of the flux surfaces within the island: ion temperature surplus of h ≈ 5. Fig. 3 can also be interpreted in terms of power savings for a given width at stabilization. 1 d E(ρ) − (1 − ρ 2 )K(ρ) d Stabilizing islands at ∼ 25 cm would require ∼ 50 KW /m3 of D̂ := − (15) ρK(ρ) dρ ρ dρ rf power, in the absence of an ion temperature surplus. This can be achieved for roughly half the power if h ≈ 2.5, or a fifth where K (E) is the complete elliptic integral of the first (sec- of the power if h ≈ 5. ond) kind, and ρ is an alternate flux coordinate such that Note that a given ion temperature surplus makes a larger Ω := 2ρ 2 − 1, and ρ = 0 (1) at the island center (separatrix). difference for smaller rf powers. This is most obviously, but The stabilization condition follows by balancing the contri- incompletely, explained by the simple fact that the relative butions of the LH and bootstrap currents: power contribution of the ions (ch/P0 ) is larger for smaller R1 rf powers. Additionally, smaller rf powers allow the island to −1 −1 dΩ(exp(ue (Ω)) − 1)F(Ω) 1 =R R1 (16) grow to larger widths, which strengthens coupling (c ∼ Wi2 ) −1 dΩF(Ω) and the corresponding electron heating for a given tempera- ture differential, ch. For similar reasons, there are also dimin- where R := Jbs /JLH is the ratio of the bootstrap to LH currents ishing returns with increasing h. Once the hot ion mode en- prior to island formation. The island width and temperature hanced condensation effect is already suppressing the island differential enter the stabilization condition Eq. (16) through to widths where coupling is negligible, additional increase of ue , via the parameters P0 , c, and h respectively. h will no longer effectively provide additional heating. How- Figure 3 illustrates how the temperature differential h af- ever, it happens to be the case that at the experimentally rele- fects the width at which the stabilizing rf contribution to the vant plasma and rf parameters used in Fig. 3, the coupling is MRE overtakes the destabilizing bootstrap term, for a 50-50 sufficiently strong such that h = 0 is well before the point of rf-boostrap current split (R = 1). Of course, relatively larger diminishing returns, i.e. hot ion mode significantly improves bootstrap currents R > 1 require larger rf powers/larger island stabilization outcomes. widths to be stabilized; this dependence has been explored in It is worth emphasizing that the potency of this hot ion Ref. 31, and is thus not repeated in detail here. Plasma/rf pa- mode stabilization enhancement is only made possible by the rameters are taken from previous simulations performed for nonlinearity of rf deposition. The exponential enhancement ITER scenario 238 , except with various ion temperature dif- of driven current is unique to rf waves that act on the tail of ferentials assumed but not self-consistently calculated. The the electron distribution. Consider, for comparison, induc- caveats of this approach are discussed in Section IV. tively driven current. While ohmic current is also enhanced by the electron temperature, the form of the perturbed cur- rent is ∆ jOH = 23 ∆Te /Te0 . Fig. 4 shows the relative contribu- tions to the island growth rate of rf and inductive currents of equal unperturbed magnitude. Not only is the rf contribution larger even in the absence of an ion temperature surplus (to be expected from rf condensation alone), the relative stabiliza- tion contribution grows super-exponentially with h. Evidently, LHCD and hot ion mode operation are distinctly synergistic for tearing mode stabilization. IV. ACCESSIBILITY OF SYNERGISTIC REGIMES As far as tearing mode stabilization is concerned, the stronger the coupling to hotter ions, the better. However, from the perspective of hot ion mode operation, increased coupling makes it harder to maintain the temperature differential. The FIG. 3. Island width at stabilization vs. temperature differential h for question at hand is then, how feasible is a regime in which several rf powers, calculated with γ = 2, R = 1 and plasma param- the effective coupling outside the island is weak enough to eters of n = 1020 m−3 , Te0 = 5 keV , χe = 0.1m2 /s. As a reference, support a substantial (h ≈ 5 − 10) temperature differential in c = 1 at Wi ≈ 0.2 m. the bulk plasma, while the coupling within the island remains strong enough for there to be significant electron heating from It can be seen that hot ion mode operation (h ≈ 2.5 − 10), the hotter ions? In other words, is the region in c − h parame- would allow for islands to be stabilized at dramatically smaller ter space where rf condensation is greatly enhanced consistent widths for the same rf power. For a local LH power density of with hot ion mode operation? 10 KW /m3 with h = 0, islands would self stabilize only after First, the requirements for "substantial" synergy must be reaching an unacceptably large size of ∼ 0.8 m. The stabi- explicitly stated in terms of c and h. Although the nonlinear lization width can be halved by an ion temperature surplus of effects from current condensation are present at lower powers
6 FIG. 5. Reduction of Pbi f from ion temperature surplus h for fixed c. FIG. 4. Relative contributions to MRE of LHCD and inductive cur- rents (∆0LH /∆0OH ) vs. temperature differential h for several rf pow- script r 6= s indicates the other species, Ps is the external heat- ers, calculated with Wi = 20 cm, γ = 2, n = 1020 m−3 , Te0 = 5 keV , χe = 0.1m2 /s. Dashed lines indicate bifurcation thresholds. ing for species s, τeq is the electron-ion energy equilibration time as defined in section II, and τs is the energy confinement time of species s which is an aggregate measure of various and temperatures as well, the bifurcation point provides an un- heat loss processes, e.g. conduction, convection, radiation. ambiguous marker for the strongly nonlinear regime. As pre- Restricting our attention to steady state solutions, and rescal- viously discussed, past the bifurcation point, the island tem- ing Eqs. (17) gives the following: perature will dramatically increase until it is ultimately lim- 0 = −1 + c0 h0 + (1 − η)P (18) ited by an additional loss mechanism such as stiffness18 or rf depletion17,20 . The bifurcation point must also be reached in order to access a hysteresis effect16 that could allow for fur- 0 = −γ0 (h0 + 1) − c0 h0 + ηP (19) ther stabilization efficiency. The impact of hot ion mode on where η := Pi /(Pe + Pi ) is the fraction of total heating that the condensation effect can therefore be simply quantified by goes to the ions, P := (Pe + Pi )/(Ue /τe ) is the scaled total the reduction in the power at bifurcation (Pbi f ) achieved by a heating power, c0 := τe /τeq is the ratio of the electron con- temperature differential h, at a given coupling strength c (Fig. finement to the energy equilibration times, h0 := (Ui −Ue )/Ue 5). is the temperature differential, and γ0 := τe /τi is the ratio of Hot ion modes with dramatically improved reactivity and electron to ion confinement times. c0 , and γ0 are defined anal- confinement properties have Ti,0 /Te,0 ≈ 1.25 − 228,39 or h ≈ ogously to their counterparts within the island, but note that h 2.5 − 10. For these temperature differentials, it can be seen is defined with an additional factor of w20 ≈ 10 compared to from Fig. 5 that the accessibility of the bifurcation is substan- h0 . In general, γ0 6= γ, h0 6= h and c0 6= c. Eqs. (18-19) can be tially improved (Pbi f halved) for coupling strengths c ∼ O(1). converted in to a relationship between η, γ0 , c0 , and h0 : Having established the c and h values corresponding to strong synergies between hot ion mode and rf stabilization of islands, −γ0 (1 − η) + η h0 = (20) they must be checked for consistency with overall power bal- c0 + γ0 (1 − η) ance constraints. While a fully self consistent calculation would fall well beyond the scope of this paper, here we will In this form, some of the basic intuitions for hot ion mode outline the main aspects of the problem, and in doing so, for- are readily available: that hot ion modes are harder to sus- mulate conditions for accessing such a synergistic regime, and tain with stronger coupling (h0 → 0 as c0 → ∞), and that the at least roughly constrain the accessible c-h parameter space. ion temperature surplus increases with the ion heating frac- In principle, the parameter h that enters Eqs. (4-5) is a local tion (dh0 /dη > 0) and decreases with the ratio of confine- quantity, and would depend on the q, Te and Ti profiles. Mod- ment times (dh0 /dγ0 < 0). It is also immediately apparent elling such profiles presents a formidable challenge40–42 , even from the numerator of Eq. (20) that hotter ions are possi- in the absence of off-normal events such as island formation. ble only if: γ0 < η/(1 − η). To get a sense of what this We therefore opt for simplicity at the expense of precision means in terms of reactor-relevant parameters28,43 , consider with the following 0-d power balance model28 : n = 1020 m3 , Te = 10 keV , and τe = 0.1 s, such that c0 ≈ 0.3. Then to achieve ions that are twice as hot as the electrons dUs (h0 = 1), this requires an ion heating fraction of ∼ 75% if = −Us /τs + (Ur −Us )/τeq + Ps (17) γ0 = 1, or ∼ 65% if γ0 = 0.5. dt It is important to note that the total 0D heating fraction η where Us := 32 nTs is the energy density of species s and sub- and ratio of confinement times γ0 are effectively independent.
7 Although in Eqs. 4-5 for the island temperatures, we assume h ≈ 5, the desired c ∼ 1 can then be reached with manageable that the external heating to the ions is neglible, this is only fractional island widths of Wi /a ≈ 0.2. a local assumption at the island flux surfaces, and is entirely Relaxing the ion heating fraction reintroduces the depen- compatible with substantial ion heating concentrated near the dence on the confinement time ratio γ0 (Eq. 21). Once again core of the plasma. As for the confinement time ratios, the taking h ≈ 5 as a target operating point for hot ion mode, heat transport in the island is predominantly diffusive so γ re- Eq. 21 then prescribes a requisite ion heating fraction for a duces to the ratio of diffusivities, χi /χe —in the case of turbu- given confinement ratio γ0 . If γ0 = 1 for example, adopting lent transport γ ≈ 2 while if turbulence is suppressed such that the previous conservative assumptions regarding the confine- transport is nearly neoclassical, γ ≈ 10. A larger γ supports ment time ratio such that rc ≈ 10(Wi /a)2 , the desired c ∼ 1 a larger electron temperature perturbation in a hot ion mode coupling regime can be achieved for a fractional island width (see Eq. 6). For the 0D model of the larger tokamak, γ0 must of Wi /a ≈ 0.3 if η = 0.75, but will require an unacceptably encapsulate contributions from a variety of heat transport pro- large Wi /a ≈ 0.5 if η = 0.55. cesses, e.g. convection, radiation, internal transport barriers It is worth noting, however, that the above constraints on (ITBs), etc. For the purposes of maintaining the ion temper- operating parameters (Eq. 21) are based on a somewhat ar- ature surplus, a smaller γ0 is desirable. As a result of this tificially strict definition of "substantial" synergy (halving of independence between γ and γ0 , and η and our power balance the bifurcation power). An unfortunate consequence of quan- assumptions within the island, we treat γ0 and η as parameters tifying the "required" conditions is the implication of a false that are to be constrained by the synergy requirements of hot binary, i.e. a regime is either synergistic or not. The benefits ion mode and NTM stabilization. of hot ion mode for rf stabilization will certainly be present, What remains is to establish a relationship between c0 and if not as dramatic, for a much broader range of the c − h pa- h0 and their counterparts within the island, c and h. To the rameter space than the c ' 1, h ' 5 target explored in this extent that the bulk 0D temperature difference (Ue − Ui )/Ue section. That such stringent goals can still be met for a range would be representative of its value at the island resonant sur- of operational parameters η and γ0 , while adopting conserva- face, we can take h ≈ w20 h0 . Relating c to c0 is not as simple. tive assumptions regarding bulk confinement times (e.g. no As a first step, again assuming bulk quantities are sufficiently radiation, convection), strongly indicates the accessibility of representative of their value at the island, we can take taueq the synergistic regime for hot ion mode and rf stabilization. to be the same in c0 = τe /τeq and c = τD,e /τeq . Then, the ratio rc := c/c0 = τD,e /τe encapsulates the primary source of uncertainty in relating the electron heat transport inside vs. V. SUMMARY outside of the island. Then, in terms of the free parameter rc , Eq. (20) can finally be written as a relationship between c and The utility of hot ion mode operation extends beyond the h, which together determine the strength of the hot ion mode traditionally recognized fusion power gains, to the synergistic enhancements of rf stabilization: stabilization of tearing modes with LHCD. Due to the nonlin- ear enhancement of LHCD with small temperature perturba- −γ0 (1 − η) + η tions within the island, further electron heat sources can dra- h ≈ w20 (21) matically amplify stabilization via the rf condensation effect. c/rc + γ0 (1 − η) Thus, in a hot ion mode, islands may be stabilized at smaller We first consider the case where η = 1, assuming the elec- widths for the same rf power, or require less power to be sta- tron heating from LHCD is a small fraction of the ion heating. bilized at a given island size. Significant synergistic enhance- In this case, Eq. 21 reduces to the following simple form: ment requires not only an ion temperature surplus, but also sufficient energy coupling within the island, such that c, h & 1. hc ≈ w20 rc ∝ Wi2 (22) While the effective heat source to the electrons increases As previously mentioned, τe is an aggregate measure of with coupling for a given ion temperature surplus, this tem- heat loss processes, including conduction. Smaller τe , with perature differential will be difficult to maintain if coupling all else being equal, would raise γ0 , thus making the mainte- is too strong. Getting the maximum stabilization from hot nance of an ion temperature surplus more difficult. We may ion mode operation is therefore not nearly as simple as "the then obtain conservative estimates for the strength of the hot hotter the better", and "the more coupled the better", as the ion mode/rf stabilization synergy by adopting a lower bound temperature differential and coupling cannot be compatibly on rc by neglecting other loss processes, e.g. radiation and and simultaneously maximized. Despite approximations, our W2 χ preliminary investigation of the accessibility of strongly syn- convection. In this case rc = τD,e /τe ≈ a2i χe,0e , where a is ergistic c − h regimes reveals the major issues at play, i.e. the the plasma minor radius, and χe,0 is the bulk electron perpen- importance of the energy confinement times of island vs. the dicular thermal diffusivity. Thermal diffusivities within the bulk plasma, and requirements on operational parameters such island are reduced from those outside the island by 1-2 orders as heating fraction η and relative energy confinement of the of magnitude8–11 (again, assuming the bulk value χe,0 is com- ions γ0 . Contingent upon the feasibility of sufficiently high parable to the separatrix value). We then take rc ≈ 10(Wi /a)2 , ion heating (large η) or preferential ion energy confinement with w20 = 10, giving us the delightfully simple expression, (small γ0 ) from an engineering perspective, the strongly syn- hc ≈ 100(Wi /a)2 . Then, for example, a hot ion mode with ergistic c − h regime is indeed accessible.
8 We do not address exactly how the hot ion mode is attained; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS we only assume that somehow it is attained. Attaining a hot- ion mode in a reactor, however, where the main heating is This work was supported by U.S. DOE Grants No. DE- necessarily through the fusion reaction, requires some form AC02-09CH11466 and No. DE-SC0016072. of α-channeling, in which the energy from fusion byprod- 1 A. H. Boozer, “Theory of tokamak disruptions,” Physics of Plasmas 19, ucts is channeled into a wave (avoiding collisional heating of 058101 (2012). the electrons), and that wave deposits its energy into the fuel 2 A. H. Reiman, N. Bertelli, N. J. Fisch, S. J. Frank, S. Jin, R. Nies, and ions26 . The attainment of a hot ion mode by α-channeling is E. Rodriguez, “Disruption avoidance via radio frequency current condensa- admittedly speculative, but with high upside potential. 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