On the interaction between fast tides and convection
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MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2021) Preprint 7 July 2021 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 On the interaction between fast tides and convection Adrian. J. Barker? and Aurélie A. V. Astoul Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK 7 July 2021 ABSTRACT The interaction between equilibrium tides and convection in stellar envelopes is of- arXiv:2105.00757v2 [astro-ph.SR] 6 Jul 2021 ten considered important for tidal evolution in close binary and extrasolar planetary systems. Its efficiency for fast tides has however long been controversial, when the tidal frequency exceeds the turnover frequency of convective eddies. Recent numerical simulations indicate that convection can act like an effective viscosity which decays quadratically with tidal frequency for fast tides, resulting in inefficient dissipation in many applications involving pre- and main-sequence stars and giant planets. A new idea was however recently proposed by Terquem (2021), who suggested Reynolds stresses involving correlations between tidal flow components dominate the interaction instead of correlations between convective flow components as usually assumed. They further showed that this can potentially significantly enhance tidal dissipation for fast tides in many applications. Motivated by the importance of this problem for tidal dissipation in stars and planets, we directly compute this new term using analytical arguments and global spherical simulations using Boussinesq and anelastic hydrody- namic models. We demonstrate that the new term proposed by Terquem vanishes identically for equilibrium tides interacting with convection in both Boussinesq and anelastic models; it is therefore unlikely to contribute to tidal dissipation in stars and planets. Key words: planet-star interactions – planetary systems – binaries: close – planets and satellites: gaseous planets – stars: solar-type – convection 1 INTRODUCTION has recently become possible to test these scalings directly with numerical simulations (starting with pioneering work The action of turbulent convection in damping equilibrium by e.g. Penev et al. 2009; Ogilvie & Lesur 2012). Recent local tides in stellar envelopes has long been thought to be one of (Ogilvie & Lesur 2012; Braviner 2015; Duguid et al. 2020a,b) the dominant mechanisms of tidal dissipation, and has been and global (Vidal & Barker 2020b,a) numerical simulations proposed to circularize binary orbits and synchronize their have provided strong evidence that νE ∝ (ω/ωc )−2 for fast spins, as well as contribute to short-period planetary or- tides (though not for the reasons originally proposed), due bital evolution (e.g. Zahn 1989). In the standard picture the to Reynolds stresses involving correlations between convec- equilibrium tide is viewed as an oscillating large-scale shear tive flow components. As a result, tidal evolution due to flow in which smaller-scale convection damps it by acting equilibrium tide dissipation is predicted to be weak in most as an effective viscosity νE . An important issue is that the applications involving pre- and main-sequence stars and gi- tidal forcing frequency (ω) is often (much) larger than the ant planets (Duguid et al. 2020b; Barker 2020), though it is turnover frequency of the dominant convective eddies (ωc ) probably still the dominant mechanism in giant stars (e.g. in applications (e.g. Goodman & Oh 1997). For example, Verbunt & Phinney 1995; Mustill & Villaver 2012; Beck et al. the turnover timescale of convective eddies near the base of 2018; Sun et al. 2018; Price-Whelan & Goodman 2018). the solar convection zone is of order a month and the or- bital period of short-period hot Jupiters is of order a day, Recently, Terquem (2021) proposed an interesting way leading to ω/ωc ∼ 40 1 (the same regime applies also for to think about the interaction between fast tides and convec- eddies in the bulk). Phenomenological arguments by Zahn tion. She employed a novel Reynolds decomposition of the (1966) and Goldreich & Nicholson (1977) suggested that νE flow into a mean and fluctuation using temporal averaging should be reduced in the regime of fast tides when ω/ωc & 1 over an intermediate timescale (rather than spatial averag- according to either νE ∝ (ω/ωc )−1 or νE ∝ (ω/ωc )−2 . It ing, which is closer to the standard line of thought described above). The dominant terms in the (point-wise) interaction between tidal flows and convection were Reynolds stresses ? Email address: A.J.Barker@leeds.ac.uk involving correlations of tidal flow components rather than © 2021 The Authors
2 A. J. Barker & A. A. V. Astoul convective flow components. This suggests a new term may irrotational equilibrium tide onto the conventional equilib- dominate the interaction between fast tides and convection, rium tide in radiation zones or the (free) stellar surface referred to as DR (which will be described below). Terquem i.e. ξe,r (rb ) = −Ψ(rb )/g(rb ) (which does not apply in the (2021) made several assumptions to estimate DR , indicating interior), where ∂t ξe,r = ue,r and rb is any boundary of a that it could enhance tidal dissipation of equilibrium tides convection zone. Alternatively, in giant planets a solid core to such an extent that it may explain the observed migra- may instead be better modelled by ue,r (rb ) = 0 there. tion of the natural satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and play The equilibrium tide has an associated linear Eulerian a role in planetary orbital decay and binary circularization. density perturbation that satisfies Motivated by the importance of this problem for tidal ∂t ρ0e = −∇ · (ρ̄ue ), (3) dissipation, we revisit this issue and carefully determine the relevant terms in the interaction between tidal flows and and is neither incompressible (∇ · ue 6= 0) nor anelastic convection. We demonstrate that the energy transfers as- (∇ · (ρ̄ue ) 6= 0) for general ρ̄(r), such as in the anelastic sociated with the new term proposed by Terquem (2021) convection problem we will discuss below. However, in a ho- vanish identically in both Boussinesq and anelastic models mogeneous body the equilibrium tide is incompressible. of convection. This new result arises from considering spatial To analyse the interaction between tidal flows and con- integration and the correct (irrotational) equilibrium tide – vection, we split the total flow (u) into an equilibrium tide rather than the equilibrium tide of Zahn (1966), which is (subscript e) and the convection (subscript c) such that usually invalid convection zones – both of which were not properly treated in Terquem (2021). The new term proposed u = ue + uc , (4) by Terquem (2021) is therefore unfortunately unlikely to together with p = pe + pc for the pressure. Since tidal evolu- contribute significantly to dissipation of equilibrium tides. tion proceeds much more slowly than convective timescales The structure of this letter is as follows. In Section § 2, we treat ue as perfectly maintained and probe the (instan- we introduce our model and review equilibrium tides in con- taneous) energy transfers to determine the rates of tidal vection zones. We then go on to analyse each of the terms dissipation (which would modify the tide on much longer that contribute to the interaction between the tide and con- timescales). The primary interaction between the tide and vection by deriving an energy equation for the convective convection comes about via the nonlinear advection term flow in both Boussinesq (§ 3) and anelastic (§ 4) models. ρ̄u · ∇u in the momentum equation, which we will analyse We verify these results numerically with new hydrodynam- below. ical simulations in § 5, and conclude in § 6. The equilibrium tide as defined here is strictly valid if ω 2 Ω2 . However, for any Ω we can define ue as above, then Coriolis forces lead to wavelike/dynamical tides (plus 2 EQUILIBRIUM TIDES IN CONVECTION possible non-wavelike corrections), which will also interact ZONES with convection but are not our focus here. These waves can be incorporated as part of uc , which would then consist of We consider a star (or planet) of mass M , radius R, and uni- the convective plus wavelike tidal flows. form rotation rate Ω, with a convection zone that is either a spherical shell or a full sphere with volume V and boundary ∂V . This configuration is relevant for the convection zones 3 BOUSSINESQ CONVECTION of MKGF stars and giant planet envelopes. We adopt spher- ical polar coordinates (r, θ, φ) centred on the body, with the The simplest models of convection are Boussi- polar axis coinciding with the rotation axis. The body has nesq/incompressible, in which density variations are a spherically-symmetric density distribution ρ̄(r) that is in accounted for only in the buoyancy term in the momentum hydrostatic equilibrium in the absence of tides, with inward equation (e.g. Spiegel & Veronis 1960). In such models, we gravitational acceleration g(r). consider incompressible fluid of uniform density ρ̄(r) = ρ, We assume efficient convection such that the body with ∇ · ue = ∇ · uc = 0. The momentum equation for the is barotropic. The conventional incompressible equilibrium convection interacting with the equilibrium tide in the fluid tide of Zahn (1966) does not then correctly describe the frame is then tidal response (Terquem et al. 1998; Goodman & Dickson ρ̄∂t uc + ρ̄uc · ∇uc + ρ̄ue · ∇uc + ρ̄uc · ∇ue + ρ̄ue · ∇ue 1998) when ω 2 & −Nc2 (the squared buoyancy frequency), which is usually satisfied except near boundaries. Instead, +2ρ̄Ω × uc = −∇pc + ρ̄f e + buoyancy + viscous,(5) the linear adiabatic equilibrium tidal flow (ue ) is irrotational where f e = −2Ω×ue is the effective forcing of wavelike tides (∇ × ue = 0) in the fluid frame, defined by by the equilibrium tide, and pc includes the centrifugal po- ue = −∇Ẋ, (1) tential. We construct an equation for the volume-integrated kinetic energy of the convection by taking the scalar prod- where X is a potential and Ẋ is its time derivative. This uct of Eq. 5 with uc and integrating over the volume of the satisfies convection zone, with integration denoted by h·i. We obtain 1 dρ̄ 1 ∇ · (ρ̄∇X) = Ψ, (2) ∂t (h ρ̄|uc |2 i) = Icc + Iec + Ice + Iee + . . . , (6) g dr 2 where Ψ is the sum of the (quadrupolar) tidal potential and where the dots indicate work done by buoyancy and viscous the perturbation to the gravitational potential of the body forces not directly important for the present discussion, and (Ogilvie 2013; Barker 2020). Boundary conditions match the the term hρ̄uc · f e i, which describes energy transfers due to MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2021)
Tides and convection 3 effective forcing of wavelike tides by equilibrium tides. The also in idealized spherical simulations like those in Vidal & latter is not our focus here but will be important in rotating Barker 2020b,a, but it may not then vanish with stress-free stars/planets and should be studied further. We focus on the conditions). Since Iee vanishes, this implies hρDR i = 0 also. nonlinear injection terms I.. which appear on the right-hand Hence, the new term proposed by Terquem (2021) vanishes side, since some of these describe the interaction between identically after spatial integration in Boussinesq convection equilibrium tides and convection. Icc ≡ −hρ̄uc ·(uc ·∇uc )i is and cannot contribute to tidal dissipation in such models. not relevant for the interaction, but it can be shown to vanish Another perspective is that ue · ∇ue = (1/2)∇|ue |2 only using the divergence theorem, the boundary conditions and modifies the pressure, which has no effect beyond simply ∇ · uc = 0 (note also that huc · ∇pc i = 0 as well). We assume deforming the boundary in incompressible models. impenetrability uc · n = 0 at convection zone boundaries in We also find the bulge frame rotating with the orbit, where n is a normal 1 vector to ∂V (but ue satisfies the conditions in § 2). This is Iec ≡ −hρ̄uc · (ue · ∇uc )i = −hρ̄∇ · ( |uc |2 ue )i 2 appropriate at the surface when ωc2 GM/R3 (valid except I 1 2 for the very fastest convective eddies in the lowest density = − ( ρ̄|uc | ue ) · dS = 0, (9) ∂V 2 surface layers), for a solid core, and for radiative/convective interfaces if the squared buoyancy frequency (N 2 ) in the since ∇·ue = 0 in incompressible/Boussinesq models, which stably-stratified layer satisfies N 2 ωc2 . vanishes for similar reasons to F above. The tide-tide nonlinearity interaction with convection As a result, the only term contributing to the interaction is described by between equilibrium tides and Boussinesq convection is Iee ≡ −hρ̄uc · (ue · ∇ue )i Ice ≡ −hρ̄uc · (uc · ∇ue )i, (10) 1 = −hρ̄uc · ( ∇|ue |2 − ue × (∇ × ue ))i i.e. Reynolds stresses involving correlations between con- 2 | {z } vective flow components. Ice fully characterises the inter- =0 I action between equilibrium tides and convection in incom- 1 = − ρ̄|ue |2 uc · dS, (7) pressible/Boussinesq models. This term was analysed in de- ∂V 2 tail with numerical simulations in local models by Ogilvie & on application of the divergence theorem. This term vanishes Lesur (2012); Duguid et al. (2020a,b) and idealized spheri- after applying the boundary conditions on uc . To see this cal Boussinesq models by Vidal & Barker (2020b,a). While it is simplest to instead calculate this term in the bulge Ice vanishes for asymptotically fast tides (|ω|/ωc → ∞) un- frame1 . It also vanishes in the fluid frame on time-averaging der Terquem’s Reynolds decomposition, which is consistent over a tidal period for fast (linear) tides, in which uc is with an effective viscosity νE ∝ ω −2 , it is in general small approximately steady, since the boundary is periodically- but nonzero for realistic finite values of |ω|/ωc 1. deformed. Hence there is no energy exchange between the Note that Terquem (2021) referred to the integrand of st tidal and convective flows as a result of this term. We can Ice as DR (before spatial integration), and attempted to also write show that this term was much smaller than DR in stel- lar and planetary models. While the point-wise magnitude Iee = −hρ̄∇ · ((uc · ue )ue )i + hρ̄ue · (ue · ∇)uc i, of ρDR could potentially be larger for fast tides, we have I =− (ρ̄(uc · ue )ue ) · dS + hρ̄ue · (ue · ∇)uc i,(8) demonstrated that hρDR i vanishes identically in incompress- ible/Boussinesq models after integration. Terquem (2021) | ∂V | {z } =hρ̄DR i did not perform spatial integration until after approximat- {z } F ing this term with a typical magnitude, first assuming it to which relates Iee to DR of Terquem (2021). However, they be positive everywhere. We have demonstrated analytically defined DR before spatial integration, and also performed that this is incorrect due to its omission of cancellations. a time average. This last term involving tide-tide correla- They also adopted the (incorrect) conventional equilibrium tions and gradients of the convective flow was proposed to tide of Zahn (1966), which is not irrotational. These reasons be dominant for fast tides by Terquem (2021). may explain why the above result was previously missed. The flux term F is identically zero in the bulge frame Since stars and planets are not truly incompressible in which ue · n = 0 (see footnote 1), and in giant planets (though incompressible models were studied by all of the with cores satisfying no-slip conditions on which uc = 0 (as above-mentioned works) it is important to ask: how does this result carry over to more realistic models? To make progress towards answering this we turn to consider the interaction 1 Consider the “equilibrium tidal flow” with Cartesian compo- between tidal flows and anelastic convection. nents ue = γ(−ay/b, bx/a, 0) in the bulge frame rotating with the orbital frequency, for a circularly orbiting, aligned, asyn- chronously rotating homogeneous star with ellipsoidal surface x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 + z 2 /c2 = R2 , where γ is the difference between 4 ANELASTIC CONVECTION the spin and orbital frequencies and a, b and c are the semi-axes (Barker et al. 2016). This is not irrotational and has a uniform In the anelastic approximation we continue to assume slow vorticity component, but it is an exact solution satisfying Iee = 0 flows relative to the sound speed, but allow variations in 2 because ue · ∇ue = − γ2 ∇(x2 + y 2 ), together with ue · n = 0, density in the domain such that ρ̄(r) in the unperturbed where n = (x/a2 , y/b2 , z/c2 ). Specifically, we have uc · n = 0 star/planet. Anelastic models are widely used to study stel- in the bulge frame to leading order if ωc2 GM/R3 , implying lar and planetary convection (e.g. Jones et al. 2011). The 2 Iee = ∂V ρ̄ γ2 (x2 + y 2 )uc · n dS = 0 in this frame. H momentum equation for the convection is Eq. 5 except that MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2021)
4 A. J. Barker & A. A. V. Astoul ρ̄(r) is not constant and we also have ∇ · (ρ̄uc ) = 0. On 5 ILLUSTRATIVE HYDRODYNAMICAL taking the scalar product of Eq. 5 with uc and performing SIMULATIONS spatial integration, the energy equation for the convective To verify our results, we present new proof-of-concept hy- flow looks similar to Eq. 6 except that ρ̄ is not constant. drodynamical simulations of both Boussinesq and (Lantz- Once again Icc = 0, on application of the anelastic con- Braginsky-Roberts) anelastic non-rotating convection inter- straint here. Energy transfers by the tide-tide nonlinearity acting with (quadrupolar) equilibrium tides in a spherical satisfy I shell. We have modified the spherical pseudo-spectral code 1 MagIC 5.10 (Wicht 2002; Gastine & Wicht 2012) to solve Iee = − ρ̄|ue |2 uc · dS, (11) ∂V 2 Eq. 5, along with Eq. 2 for X assuming a rigid core. These constitute the first global anelastic simulations and the first which vanishes for the same reasons2 as Eq. 7 except that in shells for this problem. We adopt spherical boundaries the convection satisfies ∇ · (ρ̄uc ) = 0. In reality ρ̄ → 0 at the at r = rb = 0.5 and r = R = 1 on which uc = 0 to en- surface also, further justifying that this integral vanishes. sure the flux terms in § 3 and 4 vanish, with fixed entropy Hence, there is no energy exchange between the convective S = 0 at the top and fixed flux ∂r S = −1 at the bottom. and tidal flows permitted by this term. We can also rewrite We use constant kinematic viscosity ν equal to the thermal this term as diffusivity κ, and specific heat cp , with viscous time units, and unity outer boundary density. The anelastic case is a Iee = − h∇ · ((uc · ue )ρ̄ue )i +h(uc · ue )∇ · (ρ̄ue )i | {z } centrally-condensed polytrope with Nρ = 3 density scale =0 heights (factor of 20 variation in density) and polytropic + hρ̄ue · (ue · ∇uc )i, (12) index m = 3/2 (e.g. Jones et al. 2011) in which X is com- puted numerically, whereas the Boussinesq case has Nρ = 0, | {z } =hρ̄DR i both with g = g0 (R/r)2 . The flux based Rayleigh number is where the flux term vanishes as in Eq. 8. Since Iee = 0, we Ra = g0 (−∂r S)R4 /(νκcp ). p have the exact balance (using Eq. 3) We crudely define ωc = hu2c,r i/(R − rb ) here for Nρ = p 0 and ωc = hu2c,r i/((R − rb )/3) for Nρ = 3 (even if it hρ̄ue · (ue · ∇uc )i = h(uc · ue )∂t ρ0e i. (13) depends on r in the latter). Both simulations have Ra = This indicates that even though hρ̄DR i is nonzero in the 106 , a dimensionless tidal amplitude A = 0.05 for a circular anelastic case, it is exactly balanced and does not exchange aligned orbit (e.g. Vidal & Barker 2020a) with frequency energy with the convective flow because Iee vanishes. ω = 1000 for Nρ = 0 or ω = 5000 for Nρ = 3. We find We also find Iec = −h 21 |uc |2 ∂t ρ0e i 6= 0 in general since ωc ≈ 62.1 when Nρ = 0 or ωc ≈ 478 when Nρ = 3, so that the equilibrium tide is not anelastic (the flux term vanishes ω/ωc ≈ 16.1 or ω/ωc ≈ 10.5, i.e. we consider fast tides. as in Eq. 8). This describes energy transfers due to advection We show in Fig. 1 results from these illustrative simu- of convective flow energy per unit mass by compressional lations. The left (and middle) panels verify that Ice (and its motion of equilibrium tides, which balances a term in the running average) rather than Iee is responsible for the in- rate of change of total kinetic energy (1/2)h(ρ̄ + ρ0e )|u|2 i, teraction between tidal flows and convection, that hρ̄DR i is and we note that hρ̄uc · ue i = 0 using Eq. 1). consistent with zero in the Boussinesq case and (right panel) As a result, the interaction between equilibrium tides satisfies the exact balance given by Eq. 13 in the anelastic and convection is likely determined by case. In the latter, the time average of |hρ̄DR i| is nonzero but is much smaller than the value obtained by estimating Ice = −hρ̄uc · (uc · ∇ue )i, (14) it point-wise by a typical magnitude before spatial integra- tion (by a factor of more than 103 ). In both simulations just like in the Boussinesq case in § 3 (with a possible con- Iee (and its running average) is consistent with zero, with a tribution from Iec and terms proportional to ρ0e ). Ice is the tiny nonzero value due to numerical errors. Further details st anelastic generalization of DR (after multiplying by ρ̄ and of these simulations will be presented elsewhere. performing spatial integration) in Terquem (2021) and this term should be studied in future simulations to build upon its study in the Boussinesq case by e.g. Ogilvie & Lesur (2012); Duguid et al. (2020a,b); Vidal & Barker (2020b,a). 6 CONCLUSIONS We have thus confirmed that the term proposed by Terquem (2021) is also unlikely to contribute to dissipation We have revisited the interaction between equilibrium tides of equilibrium tides in more realistic anelastic models. and convection by carefully considering the relevant terms contributing to this interaction in two different convective models. This work was motivated by the tantalizing sug- gestion by Terquem (2021) that a previously-neglected term 2 Since ue = −∇Ẋ(r, θ, φ, t) in the fluid frame, there is an as- could dominate this interaction based on applying a novel sociated steady flow in the bulge frame rotating at nez (with Reynolds decomposition of the flow. In this paper we have quantities denoted by primes) for an aligned circular orbit u0e = studied this term using both analytical arguments and nu- −∇0 Ẋ(r0 , θ0 , φ0 ) + γez × x0 , and γ = Ω − n. It can be shown that u0e · ∇0 u0e = ∇0 χ − γez × ∇0 Ẋ for a scalar field χ. The latter term merical simulations of both Boussinesq and anelastic con- contributes only to the Coriolis acceleration defining u0e and the vection in spherical geometry. We demonstrated analytically former contributes as a surface integral in Iee (and hence van- that this term vanishes identically when the (correct) irrota- ishes using u0c · n0 = 0), and we also have u0e · n0 = 0 (normal tional equilibrium tide is employed in convection zones and vector n0 ) on the surface for general ρ̄(r). when spatial integration is performed. Our numerical sim- MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2021)
Tides and convection 5 Figure 1. Numerical evaluation of |Ice | (normalized by ρ̄(rb )u2c Aω, where uc is the root-mean-square radial velocity), |Iee | and |hρ̄DR i| (both normalized by ρ̄(rb )uc A2 ω 2 R) in a Boussinesq (Nρ = 0) and an anelastic (Nρ = 3) model. Left: quantities as a function of time (viscous units). Middle: running time averages. Right: anelastic case showing the exact balance (normalized by ρ̄(rb )uc A2 ω 2 R) in Eq. 13, where t1 is the term on the right hand side. Spatial resolution: 97 Chebyshev points in radius and spherical harmonics up to degree 85. ulations have confirmed this result. Hence, the new term ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS proposed by Terquem (2021) is unlikely to contribute to Research supported by STFC grants ST/R00059X/1 and equilibrium tide dissipation in stars and planets. ST/S000275/1. Simulations undertaken on ARC4, part of the High Performance Computing facilities at the University Our arguments generally apply for fast tides, but do not of Leeds. We thank Thomas Gastine for help with MagIC depend on sizes of convective eddies, or on the anisotropy of and Craig Duguid, Jeremy Goodman, Pavel Ivanov, Gor- convection. They also do not depend on (differential) rota- don Ogilvie, John Papaloizou (the referee) and Caroline tion (including centrifugal effects) as long as we define the Terquem for comments that helped clarify our presentation. equilibrium tide as in § 2. However, tidal forcing can ex- DATA AVAILABILITY cite inertial waves/modes in convection zones with rotation The data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable (e.g. Papaloizou & Ivanov 2010; Ogilvie 2013; Favier et al. request to the corresponding author. MagIC 5.10 website: 2014; Mathis 2015; Barker 2020), which exchange energy https://magic-sph.github.io/. with convection through hρ̄uc · f e i, which should be stud- REFERENCES ied in future work. We have ignored non-adiabatic effects Barker A. 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We have begun this line of Wicht J., 2002, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter, 132, 281 investigation here (building upon early work by Penev et al. Zahn J. P., 1966, Annales d’Astrophysique, 29, 313 2009), but much work is left to quantify and understand the Zahn J. P., 1989, A&A, 220, 112 interaction between tidal flows and convection. MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2021)
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