ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering

Page created by Adam Tucker
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
        4    INTRODUCTION
        8    OUR PILLARS
        14 OUR VALUES
        20 OUR STRATEGY
        28 SAFETY
        32 PEOPLE
        40 QUALITY
        52 OUR SECTORS
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
Beyond50 is about

harnessing the
momentum we’ve
built up over 50
years to push further
and reach wider.

4     Mercury | Beyond50
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
  We believe that every day is a
  new day, just as exciting as the
                                      It’s a platform that aligns our
                                      business and our people. It’s a

  last. And we’ve channelled this     new way of thinking that reaffirms
  energy into a five-year strategy    our purpose to deliver leading
  aimed at bringing clear direction   edge construction solutions to
  to the company for the next         our clients and build relationships
  stage of our journey. We call it    that thrive.

  Introduction                                                          5
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
We’re still as
committed as the
very first day.

                               EOIN VAUGHAN
                               Chief Executive Officer

6         Mercury | Beyond50   DU
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
  I’m delighted to introduce you
  to our Beyond50 strategy, which
  aims to take Mercury beyond its
  50th year in business. It’s been
  an incredible journey so far. What
                                        with our leadership group of 40
                                        people, and a second with a
                                        broader group of leaders and
                                        high-performers. The goal was
                                        to identify solutions and projects

  began with a partnership of two       to achieve our strategy with the
  people in 1972 in Dublin, Ireland     assistance of our advisors. Lastly,
  has expanded and grown over           we surveyed our employees,
  the last 50 years. We’re now a        gathering responses which
  diverse workforce of over 4,500,      generated exciting new ideas on
  with 40+ nationalities currently      how to make Mercury the best
  spanning across 16 countries.         company we can be as we go
  We’ve restructured and refined        Beyond50.
  our leadership teams, strategies
  and direction over the years, while   This document provides an
  retaining the continued support       overview of where we are heading
  of the Morgan and O’Kane              as a business over the next five
  families to remain aligned to our     years. Without the support of our
  anchor value of safety and our        staff and business partners, we
  entrepreneurial foundations.          would not be able to achieve

                                        the incredible things that we
   We embarked on “Beyond50” in         are aiming for. Finally, I’d like to
   late 2019, having outgrown our       thank and acknowledge our staff,
  “Mercury 2021” strategy. Firstly      supply chain partners, clients and
   we aligned our vision as an EMT,     advisors for all their hard work in
   developing our charter. Secondly     helping make Beyond50 happen.
   we held two workshops; one

  Introduction                                                                7
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering

8     Mercury | Beyond50
ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW - Mercury Engineering
       These Pillars provide the
       foundation for our Beyond50
       Strategy. Each one has its
       own specific focus, but all
       seamlessly align to represent our
       ambitions for the next five years.
       They’re used as benchmarks
       in everything we do, to ensure
       Mercury’s unbounded success.

 7 STRATEGY PILLARS                         9
        OUR PILLARS                         9

        END TO END            Expand our end to end data
                              centre service offering to include
        DATA CENTRE           a full suite of services and
        SERVICES              facilities management support.

        EXPANDING             Build our advanced technology,
                              life sciences and pharmaceutical
        OUR ADVANCED          project base for new and long-
        TECHNOLOGY AND        standing clients.

        EMEA                  Continue to follow our clients,
                              focusing on expansion
        AND                   opportunities including data
        BEYOND                centres, advanced technology,
                              life sciences & pharmaceutical
                              hubs across EMEA, in addition
                              to supporting them with our
                              global deployment into new
                              territories worldwide.

10       Mercury | Beyond50
     DIGITAL       Ensure our frontline people
                   have the right technology to
     EDGE          enable them to deliver real value
                   to our clients, pushing digital
                   construction to the edge.

     ENHANCE       Enhance the foundations of
                   our business in Safety, Quality,
     OUR           Design & Construction with
     OPERATIONS    efficient processes and efficient
                   management structures.

     BEST          Attract, develop, reward and
                   retain the best people with the
     PEOPLE        mindset we need to deliver
                   sustainable growth.

     WINNING       Provide a dynamic learning and
                   work environment that promotes
     CULTURE       a collaborative culture where our
                   employees can maximise our
                   team performance.

     OUR PILLARS                                       11

        WORKSHOP             Executive Management Team
                             (EMT) aligned on the development
        01                   of a new EMT charter.

        WORKSHOP             Our Leadership Group met to
                             identify key business areas
        02                   to focus our strategy on.

        WORKSHOP             An expanded group comprising
                             our Leadership Group and
        03                   Mercury’s high-performers
                             identified projects and solutions
                             to achieve our strategy.

12      Mercury | Beyond50
SURVEY                  One-third of our employees
                        generated ideas, which were
                        incorporated into Beyond50.

COMMUNICATION           Beyond50 was delivered to
                        every staff member via
                        presentations on every project
                        and every Mercury office.

KNOW                    We are communicating Beyond50
                        with all of our clients & partners to
YOUR                    understand their needs and place
CLIENT                  them at the heart of our strategy.

ENGAGEMENT AND BUY IN                                      13


14    Mercury | Beyond50
 Mercury is built on a set of values
 that define our purpose and our
 priorities. They are a statement
 of our focus and determination,
 guiding everything from our
 people right through to our
 processes. These values ensure
 that we always work to the highest
 standards and drive our people
 to do their best.

            OUR VALUES                 15
Work Safe. Home Safe. This is Mercury.
         Safety is our anchor value. It underpins
         everything that we do. It’s a mindset that’s

         firmly fixed in every individual, team and rank
         throughout Mercury. Safety is embedded
         in our DNA. It’s the bedrock of our delivery,
         training and processes – it’s The Mercury Way.
         We insist that it is a fundamental component
         of every facet of our business. Working safe
         isn’t just our policy, it’s our duty.

 16      Mercury | Beyond50
As market leaders, we redefine industry
standards. We’re a European player with
powerful capabilities, yet it is our agility that
sets us apart – unafraid of change because
we understand its true potential. It starts
with our people. Our entrepreneurial spirit
challenges us, pushing us to new territories,
roles and ways of delivery. A commitment
to partnership means we balance ambition
with accountability. It lives in every individual,
team and rank throughout Mercury.

                           OUR VALUES                    17
We believe you have to be brave to achieve
        incredible things. We’re proud of who we are
        and our plans for the future. We stand over
        everything we say and do. We’re direct and

        to the point because we respect our clients,
        their time and needs. With a generous spirit
        and vibrant energy, hard work’s made easy
        because we genuinely enjoy what we do.

 18     Mercury | Beyond50
No matter the client or sector, we always
deliver. It’s our commitment and promise.
Success is the only option for us. It’s our
delivery, training, processes that make
The Mercury Way. This relentless dedication
earns a trust, security and assurance that is
second to none. It turns clients into partners
and builds relationships that grow and
prosper with time.

                         OUR VALUES                      19


20    Mercury | Beyond50
 The world keeps moving forward
 and so do we. Beyond50
 challenges us to push the
 limits of conventional thinking,
 unlocking new possibilities in the
 sectors we operate in.

           OUR SECTORS                21
Our forward-looking client centric strategy will drive
Mercury’s sustainable growth Beyond 50 years of
sector leading delivery. We are continuing to refine
our service offering, playing to our strengths, while
putting our clients’ changing needs at the heart of
our innovation in how we deliver.

PROVIDING A FULL    Mercury is Europe’s most               Our relentless dedication positions
                    experienced Hyperscale and             us to provide a highly complex
                    Enterprise Data Centre service         and specialised turnkey service.
CENTRE SERVICES     provider.                              Safety, quality, innovation and
                                                           value engineering are guaranteed
                    We make it our business to go          at every stage of the project,
                    further. Our teams, aided by our       from design & build, planning
                    local supply chain, consistently       and construction right through to
                    meet the challenges of an ever-        commissioning, ongoing facilities
                    growing Data Centre market.            management and ICT services.
                    These highly-skilled project teams
                    are internationally mobile, enabling   Although we’re already well
                    them to deliver leading edge Data      established as a general
                    Centres for many of the world’s        contractor and a specialist
                    largest tech companies and             provider of Mechanical, Electrical,
                    enterprise clients.                    Plumbing (MEP) and Fire

22                  Mercury | Beyond50
Protection services, our forward-   network infrastructure services
thinking focus has helped us        long-term, after construction
to identify a gap in the post-      projects are completed.
handover stage of projects.
A large number of operators         We’re committed to deepening
in the Data Centre sector opt       relationships further with our
to have different contractors       clients’ data centre operations
take over their facilities post-    teams, increasing our focus on
construction. We believe we’re      post-construction activities.
perfectly positioned to provide a   We will leverage our vast in-house
large range of services to data     expertise to become a leading
centre clients. This includes the   facilities management provider
management of facilities and also   in the data centre industry.
providing white space fit out,
data centre upgrades, facility
maintenance, fire alarm and ICT

                                    Our Strategic Development            23
We’re honing our capabilities to lead
the change in expanding our advanced
technology and life sciences offering
directly to clients.

EXPANDING       Throughout the 1970s, Mercury          this sector, where Mechanical &
                earned its reputation as a             Electrical elements are complex
                premium contractor in the              and fundamental to completing
TECHNOLOGY      pharmaceutical and oil & gas           these projects. It has also enabled
OFFERING        production sectors. From the           us to build long-term relationships
                1980s onwards, as the world            with clients in this sector.
                moved into the information age,
                we started delivering projects in      This dynamic, fast-paced sector
                the Advanced Technology sector,        has seen us continue to innovate.
                establishing close relationships       We deliver Advanced Technology
                with leading semiconductor             projects utilising an extensive
                manufacturers which have               offsite manufacturing (OSM)
                continued to this day.                 network and supply chain across
                                                       Europe, with the ability to execute
                Mercury’s base in Ireland was          projects globally from our offsite
                highly advantageous, as our small      hub in Newbridge, Ireland. We’ve
                island nation began to rebrand         completed a large number of
                itself as Europe’s technology          works directly for clients in this
                hub. We built relationships with       sector. Our goal is to cement
                the world’s leading technology         these partnerships to expand our
                multinationals as they started         service offering, supporting our
                to build highly complex plants         clients’ facilities across the globe,
                and facilities in Ireland. Our long-   making extensive use of our
                established presence in Advanced       Offsite Manufacturing Facility and
                Technology has allowed us to           Digital Core in Ireland.
                build up specialist expertise in

24              Mercury | Beyond50
EXPANDING OUR     Mercury has experienced high-
                  levels of growth over the last
                  several years. We’ve moved
PHARMACEUTICAL    towards a sector-led approach,
OFFERING          focusing on niche markets
                  that improve life in the built
                  environment. We’ve had a
                  long-standing presence in the
                  pharmaceutical sector since the
                  early 1970s as a Mechanical,
                                                         Our Beyond50 Strategy has
                  Electrical, Plumbing (MEP)
                                                         highlighted an important
                  contractor, delivering projects
                                                         opportunity to expand our
                  for many of the world’s leading
                                                         position in the life sciences &
                  pharmaceutical and biological
                                                         pharmaceutical sector beyond
                                                         specialist services. We will roll
                  Mercury’s Technical Support            out a new offering comprising a
                  Services and Fire Protection           full suite of services and contract
                  Teams have also delivered ICT,         management across our key
                  Facilities Management, Sprinkler,      areas of operation: Ireland, the
                  Fire Alarm and Small Works to          UK & continental Europe. We
                  leading pharma companies. We           aim to utilise our long-standing
                  focus strongly on health & safety,     relationships with existing clients
                  high-quality standards, cost           and develop new relationships
                  reduction, reliability and execution   to expand our presence in
                  to deliver world-class projects.       this market.

                  Our Strategic Development                                                25
We’re reaching beyond
borders for new opportunities
in our key sectors, harnessing
the reputation we’ve built
over the last 50 years to
make it happen.

EMEA AND BEYOND   Mercury delivers complex                markets. We now have a well-
                  engineering projects in our key         established presence in Ireland,
                  sectors across Europe. We work          the UK, Germany, Netherlands,
                  off a simple principle – when we        Denmark, Spain, Sweden,
                  know the client and the sector          Switzerland, Belgium, Poland,
                  we will deliver in any location. We     Austria & Slovenia.
                  enter a new geographical sector
                  to work with an existing client,        Most recently we’ve entered
                  not to build a new business. If         the French and Italian markets
                  we know them, we will go with           to deliver projects as a prime
                  them. It’s this client-focused global   contractor for existing clients.
                  deployment strategy that has led        We have also previously delivered
                  to our success and growth over          projects in Israel and Singapore.
                  the years.                              Prior to shifting our focus towards
                                                          Europe, Mercury operated across
                  This model has served us very well      the Middle East, North Africa and
                  over the last five years. In 2014,      Asia. With the groundbreaking
                  we outlined our Mercury2021             advances we have made in offsite
                  strategy. A key metric was to           manufacturing and assembly,
                  expand our European market              we are ready to explore re-
                  presence. We have doubled our           entering old markets and also
                  European projects in the last five      entering entirely new markets
                  years and continue to establish         beyond EMEA, advancing our
                  new geographies in our key              reach across the globe.

26                Mercury | Beyond50
1.    Dublin, Ireland
2.    London, UK
3.    Glasgow, UK
4.    Edinburgh, UK
5.    Paris, France
6.    Madrid, Spain
7.    Rome, Italy
8.    Milan, Italy
9.    Frankfurt, Germany
10.   Berlin, Germany
11.   Amsterdam, Netherlands
12.   Odense, Denmark
13.   Copenhagen, Denmark
14.   Luleå, Sweden
15.   Stockholm, Sweden                                                  13
16.   Warsaw, Poland                                            12
                                    3 4
17.   Zurich, Switzerland
18.   Geneva, Switzerland      1
19.   Brussels, Belgium
20.   Ljubljana, Slovenia                                           10        16
21.   Vienna, Austria               2        11
22.   Singapore, Singapore
23.   Tel Aviv, Israel




                                   Our Strategic Development                       27
Being brave means constantly challenging
ourselves to exceed the highest safety
standards and raise the benchmark for
our industry.

               As part of Mercury’s rebranding         construction, commissioning and
               project in 2019, we conducted           handover, our safety processes
               a survey of key Mercury                 ensure optimum coordination and
               stakeholders, comprising clients,       communication, enabling each
               supply chain partners and staff, to     project to be constructed safely.
               establish how we should present         Our team understands that by
               our brand externally based on our       sticking to the safe coordinated
               existing values. It was clear from an   plan we can guarantee that
               early stage that safety must remain     our team gets home safely to
               centre stage as our anchor value.       their families at the end of every
                                                       day. Safety is personal and our
               Safety underpins everything that        team intervenes proactively to
               we do. It’s a mindset that’s firmly     ensure compliance day by day
               fixed in every individual, team         and hour by hour. The mutual
               and rank throughout Mercury.            respect between our workforce
               Safety is embedded in our DNA.          and management means we
               It’s the bedrock of our delivery,       work as an integrated team with
               training and processes – it’s The       a common goal – to get home
               Mercury Way. We insist that it is a     safe each day. Through our
               fundamental component of every          Environmental, Health & Safety
               facet of our business. Working safe     (EHS) policies and procedures,
               isn’t just our policy, it’s our duty.   we ensure an industry leading
               We are dedicated to achieving           project delivery every time, and
               the highest possible standards of       most importantly, the safety and
               Health & Safety. From design to         wellbeing of all our employees.

28             Mercury | Beyond50
Safety is our
           anchor value
          – it underpins
         everything that
                  we do.
SAFETY                      29
RESTRUCTURING    A major component of Beyond50          The role of Group EHS Director
                 is to ensure that we always live       has joined Mercury’s Executive
                 by our values. The restructuring       Management Team (EMT) and
THE CORE         of Mercury’s Environmental,            has become more strategic.
                 Health & Safety (EHS) function         We have also developed a new
                 exemplifies this. In order to ensure   EHS Business Partner model
                 Mercury continues to be a global       aligned with Mercury’s Business
                 leader in Safety, we are making a      Unit structure. These initiatives
                 number of new appointments and         will help us to continue to expand
                 restructuring the Mercury EHS          and improve our leading safety
                 team as part of our ‘Safety360’        capabilities.
                 Beyond50 project.

                 Safety360 is all around us.
                 It lives through our improved
                 communication, onboarding,
                 coaching and mentoring.

30               Mercury | Beyond50
DEVELOPING A                            As part of Beyond50, we
                                                     intend to formalise our safety
             NEW SAFETY
                                                     communications strategy, in line
             COMMUNICATION                           with our overarching corporate
             STRATEGY                                goals – to communicate with all
                                                     internal and external stakeholders.
                                                     Our wide-ranging communications
                                                     programme consists of regular
                                                     toolbox talks, monthly campaigns,
                                                     posters, live events and more.
                                                     In addition, the recently created
                                                     Independent Safety Strategy
                                                     Group (ISSG), which comprises
                                                     Mercury’s senior management and
                                                     independent voices, will advise our
                                                     EMT on how we can improve our
                                                     already excellent safety standards
                                                     and culture within Mercury.

THE FUTURE   Our EHS team works alongside            we work in across the globe.
             internal support functions to           Mercury’s EHS team positively
             add value every day to our              influences every aspect of our
             project teams. We do this in            projects from design to handover.
             a practical manner using the            It works closely with our supply
             latest developments in reporting,       chain and national associations
             information management and              to achieve our goal of continuous
             analytics technologies. This            improvement, to ensure that our
             consistent approach ensures we          people work safe and get home
             bring all the tools in our toolbox to   safe every day.
             each new location, with the same
             consistent message plus our
             personal Mercury benchmark – to
             be best-in-class in any location

             SAFETY                                                                  31

     Executing world class projects
     takes the right people. We use
     a best-in-class approach to
     retain and attract the brightest

     minds. That way we’re always
     equipped with the talent
     it takes to deliver beyond

32       Mercury | Beyond50
ATTRACTING,   We know that in order to be a        specific measures to ensure
              leading European contractor we       that candidates have the correct
              must be able to attract, hire and    specialist knowledge for roles
ONBOARDING    onboard the best people. We’ve       where this is essential.
THE BEST      embarked on a major project
              to increase the diversity of our     Long-term, our goal is to provide
              candidates, solidify a winning       executives and hiring managers
              employee value proposition and       with access to training materials
              embed best-in-class recruitment      that will help our people conduct
              and onboarding processes within      interviews to recruit the best
              the organisation.                    candidates. Managers will develop
                                                   excellent interviewing skills
              We are implementing the use          including behavioural interview
              of personal style and behaviour      techniques, interview protocols,
              assessments for mid to senior-       documenting results and also
              level hires, to ensure that the      building an understanding and
              people we hire share our values      awareness of possible and own
              and fit culturally with our ethos.   bias in interviews.
              We are also implementing

              OUR PEOPLE                                                              33
TRAINING AND   Mercury strives to be a continuous    Learning, proprietary in-house
               learning organisation. We’ve          training developed specifically
               initiated a Training & Development    to suit our Mercury needs and
               project as part of Mercury’s          external specialist training, from
               Beyond50 ‘Best People’ pillar.        day courses to diploma and
               The project aims to provide a fully   degree programmes.
               rounded development experience
               for all employees. When a new         We want to push learning ‘beyond
               recruit joins Mercury – whether       the classroom’ and make it a
               they wish to become a leader, be      key component of everyday
               a specialist expert or simply do      working life in Mercury. Using this
               what they do every day as best        continuous learning approach,
               as they possibly can – we’ll put a    our people will upgrade their skills
               plan and the necessary resources      and capabilities on an ongoing
               in place to make it happen.           basis, enabling them to develop
                                                     in line with a constantly changing
               The plan comprises a blended          and challenging environment.
               learning approach including ‘on       It will also ensure that Mercury
               demand’ training through LinkedIn     continues to develop and excel.

                              Our mission is to attract,
                            develop, reward and retain
                              the best people with the
                                     mindset we need
                                 to deliver sustainable

34             Mercury | Beyond50
COMPENSATION       Our new compensation structure        to administer the compensation
                   has been designed to support          programme in a way that’s
                   our vision and values, business       consistent and free of any form of
                   strategy, operational and financial   discrimination or bias.
                   needs. The Compensation &
                   Benefits project aims to introduce    The process includes the
                   further transparency to employees     extensive monitoring of external
                   and their managers on all aspects     job markets to ensure fairness and
                   of employee compensation              competitiveness in compensation
                   according to our newly redesigned     and benefits paid to all employees.
                   Compensation & Benefits Policy.       Our strategy will be linked closely
                                                         with our recruitment, diversity &
                   In line with our company culture,     inclusion, career development and
                   we will communicate openly about      recognition processes, to ensure
                   the overall goals and design of       that we are taking a holistic and
                   the compensation plan for all         consistent approach to employee
                   employees. We will work hard          remuneration.

WE ARE LISTENING   We listen to our employees. In        a dedicated communications
                   fact over the past two years,         team within our Sales & Marketing
                   we have rolled out a strategy         function.
                   to change our communication
                   to ensure that all of our staff       To ensure we are true to our
                   working across different business     promise, our Beyond50 strategy
                   units, geographical locations and     has been delivered in person
                   projects feel that they are part of   (or virtually where this has not
                   our wider Group.                      been possible, due to Covid-19
                                                         restrictions) by our management
                   Understanding what we do as a         teams to all staff across Mercury.
                   business, who we do it for, and       In addition, regular updates on
                   how we do it is an important          Beyond50 are made weekly via
                   part of this. We’ve increased the     staff bulletins. All employees have
                   level of team talks delivered by      access to the internal Beyond50
                   our Chief Executive Officer and       website. This gives them full
                   Executive Management Team.            access to information and
                   We’ve invested in new digital         provides a platform to share their
                   technologies to help with better      views and get involved. This, in
                   communication both internally         turn, will help deliver our quick win
                   and externally and we’ve created      and long-term initiatives.

                   OUR PEOPLE                                                               35
The technology around us is advancing at a
speed like never before and we’re moving just
as fast. Our continuous investment in the latest
digital tools has pushed our capabilities beyond
borders, allowing us to deliver large scale
projects wherever our clients are.

DIGITAL PROJECT   Digital Project Delivery (DPD) is     our digital working processes
                  an initiative aimed at getting the    throughout the design, build and
                  right tools in the right hands.       operations lifecycle, while also
                  Providing our people with the         standardising processes and
                  best digital tools will enable them   broadening our efficiencies. DPD
                  to deliver projects at the highest    also aims to integrate our BIM
                  level of quality, safety, delivery    processes from our Digital Core
                  and innovation. DPD will enable       with our estimation, procurement
                  Building Information Management       and commercial departments,
                  (BIM) integration and digital         collaborating together to enhance
                  information management across         our future.
                  all business functions, advancing

36                Mercury | Beyond50
DIGITAL        The Digital Illumination pillar       better insights to our people,
               encompasses Mercury’s data and        enabling better decision-making,
               analytics projects and initiatives.   there is still huge opportunity for
               We’re transforming into an            further development in this area.
               information-driven organisation       We aim to develop our data and
               through enhancing our people,         analytics maturity to unlock the
               processes and technologies.           full potential value of data for our
               This allows us to deliver projects    organisation and clients.
               that benefit life and the built
               environment.                          Digital Illumination will help us to
                                                     learn to value structured, clean
               We are developing a data and          data that will enable the easy
               analytics roadmap to guide us in      interconnectivity of our core
               improving data quality, literacy,     solutions. As part of this project,
               connectivity, communication           Mercury will leverage analytics
               and visualisation. This strategy is   to allow our people to harvest
               outside-in, driven by the needs       the insights they require to drive
               of our business. While Digital        evidence-based decisions.
               Illumination is already providing

               DIGITAL EDGE AND OFFSITE MANUFACTURING                                       37
DIGITAL TRIBE    We will develop a technology          that our project teams can learn
                 ecosystem that unleashes              from one another’s successes,
                 collaboration, communication,         achievements and even their
                 innovation and knowledge sharing      mistakes. This vault means
                 across our entire workforce,          our people have access to the
                 enabling our ‘digital tribe’ across   collective knowledge that we hold.
                 Mercury to achieve more.              It will help to break down barriers
                 This involves the creation of a       between business units, project
                 dedicated knowledge vault so          teams and functions as
                                                       we work together to achieve
                                                       incredible things.
Digital edge delivers a mobile,                        Other Digital Tribe initiatives

integrated digital backbone                            include the successful creation
                                                       of a dedicated platform for
                                                       improving awareness and IT
for back office and frontline                          skills & applications training for
                                                       employees. We are also creating
workers. This seamless transfer                        a ‘next gen’ think tank of future
                                                       leaders and experts. This team

of information drives our digital                      will identify new technologies,
                                                       ensuring we remain agile and

project delivery straight to                           perfectly positioned to deal with
                                                       the challenges and opportunities
                                                       that we will face in
the edge.                                              the coming years.

OFF-SITE         Mercury has an extensive offsite      of virtual model data has a positive
                 manufacturing (OSM) operation         impact on all major pillars of
                 and supply chain spanning             construction: safety, cost certainty,
AND ASSEMBLY     the island of Ireland, as well as     programme management, quality
                 strategic locations in the UK and     & sustainability & waste reduction
                 Europe. Our Offsite Assembly          and geo-resilience. From fully
                 (OSA) Hub in Co. Kildare is easily    completed chilled water pipework
                 linked to Dublin Port. This enables   systems, to fully coordinated MEP
                 us to send fully assembled, highly    risers and above ceiling sectional
                 detailed and complex modules          horizontal services distribution,
                 into Europe and beyond for key        to high-purity cleanroom grade
                 clients in the Data Centre, micro     systems, our offsite manufacturing
                 processing, life sciences and         capabilities are extensive,
                 pharmaceutical sectors.               comprising anywhere from
                                                       5% to 35% of contract values,
                 As a prime contractor with whole-     depending on the project.
                 lifecycle scope, delivering design,
                 build, commission and operation,      Our investment in technology and
                 we’re constantly evaluating           our digital transformation have
                 innovative ways to improve our        made OSM & OSA more desirable
                 delivery. Offsite manufacturing       and achievable than ever before.
                 combined with leveraging the use      It has given us the ability to ensure

38               Mercury | Beyond50
every module is completed to the        we can prove that it will
exact specification required and        benefit our end clients. We are
delivered to site ‘just-in-time’. As    also currently testing technologies
our digital strategy develops, our      that utilise 4D modelling and
land borders are diminishing. We        Augmented Reality (AR) to
have refined these processes and        reduce non-value-add activities,
fully digitalised them to the extent    facilitating greater insights into
that we can confidently move            the visualisation of the complete
them to any country in the world.       module manufacturing process,
                                        considering safety, material
As part of Beyond50, we aim             selection, equipment, workflow,
to build on our existing OSM &          and people.
OSA strategy and capabilities
through constant R&D, looking           Our multidisciplinary Offsite
at the latest developments in           Manufacturing team, with
digital technology. We continue to      representatives from our support
evaluate the trade-offs between         functions and all business units,
offsite and onsite manufacturing        meet up twice a month to share
and are currently exploring             knowledge, collaborate and
opportunities to increase the level     further develop our OSM
of offsite activity on projects where   strategic roadmap.

The Offsite Manufacturing market is redefining
our industry and we’re leading the charge.
Our expansive OSM strategy and capabilities
will ensure our success continues to mount
as we step into the future.

                                        DIGITAL EDGE AND OFFSITE MANUFACTURING   39
We’ve built our reputation over the last
50 years through our unwavering commitment
to quality and we won’t stop now. We’re
constantly evolving, pushing the limits of
what we can achieve and setting the highest
quality standards in our industry.

               Quality is one of our core values.     Our quality roadmap for Beyond50
               Every day is another opportunity       was developed through a detailed
               to raise the benchmark. At             grassroots review of multiple
               Mercury, we place quality firmly       Mercury sites across Ireland, the
               in the cloud through our Digital       UK and continental Europe. This
               Construction Management                has enabled us to apply a holistic
               Platform (DCMP). Along with            framework of initiatives to enhance
               supporting our digitalisation          quality in areas such as client
               and sustainability initiatives, this   satisfaction, innovation, culture,
               approach supports not only our         process, standards, staff and
               leaders and managers, but also         supply chain.
               all our office and site-based
               staff, with real-time access to
               live project quality performance

40             Mercury | Beyond50
We look at quality
           through a fresh lens.
          Our holistic approach
             to delivery ensures
                 nothing is ever

QUALITY                            41
QUALITY AT   We believe that collaboration          We have also initiated Quality
             and communication with our             Notice Boards on all our projects,
             client teams, staff, supply chain      which are updated monthly with
             and other key stakeholders is          new themes, both group-wide
             the key to having a best-in-class      and project specific. The Quality
             quality culture. As part of our plan   Notice Boards are interactive with
             to improve our quality culture,        integrated QR codes which give
             we’ve introduced a digital quality     us the ability to communicate all
             induction for all operatives to        benchmarks and first of a kind
             ensure we always live our value of     (FOK) requirements to all site
             getting things right the first time.   personnel with a phone or tablet.

             ONGOING QUALITY                        This year, twenty-two members of
                                                    our Quality Assurance (QA) team
                                                    became independently certified
                                                    internal auditors, accredited by
                                                    the Chartered Quality Institute
                                                    (CQI) and International Register
                                                    of Certified Auditors (IRCA). This
                                                    will ensure active and constant
                                                    adherence to our Quality
                                                    Management System (QMS),
                                                    procedures and process at all
                                                    times. Enhancing the process
                                                    further this year also saw the
                                                    introduction of our new Civil,
                                                    Structural, and Architectural
                                                    (CSA) quality delivery framework
                                                    along with full digitalisation of our
                                                    commissioning processes.

42           Mercury | Beyond50
INNOVATION AND                       As we look to innovate in all areas,
                                                      quality is no exception. One of the
                                                      first initiatives in our Beyond50
                                                      quality programme in 2020 has
                                                      been to digitalise the process of
                                                      quality handover and inspection
                                                      of Offsite Manufacturing (OSM)
                                                      modules with our supply chain
                                                      partners. In these unprecedented
                                                      times, we also applied the most
                                                      innovative technologies, such
                                                      as the Microsoft HoloLens, to
                                                      conduct remote QA walks, Site
                                                      Acceptance Test (SATs), Factory
                                                      Acceptance Tests (FATs) and
                                                      placed virtual OSM modules on-
                                                      site through mixed reality, reducing
                                                      the need for physical presence
                                                      where possible, yet examining
                                                      quality closely.

We’ve worked hard to build a leading quality
culture. It’s driven through collaboration and
open communication with our client teams,
staff, supply chain and key stakeholders.

CLIENT           We consistently deliver high-        quality project and a safe project.
                 quality projects. This ensures       Enhancing quality never stops.
                 that we win repeat business          Mercury is currently developing
                 with our key clients. We proved      its QA Roadmap for 2021, the
                 this recently through the delivery   next step of our Beyond50 Quality
                 of a data centre project which       journey. This is once again being
                 achieved zero-defects and zero-      carried out with a customer
                 snags at project completion          and collaborative focus. We
                 – a clear demonstration of our       will continue our drive towards
                 commitment to the highest            enhanced quality in products,
                 levels of quality. The project was   services and processes in support
                 also completed without a single      of our promise to always deliver
                 accident or incident, highlighting   value to our clients.
                 the strong correlation between a

                 QUALITY                                                               43

Our planet needs us now.
We’re determined to do
our part and we’ve put the
resources in place to make
it happen. Beyond50 will
ensure that sustainability
reaches through every
part of our operations.

44             Mercury | Beyond50
At Mercury, we believe that it’s     of the local community and
everyone’s duty to play their        society as a whole. Through our
part to improve the quality of       operations, we’re determined
life on our planet. We have          to make a positive contribution
launched ‘Our Planet, Our            to the communities in which
Duty’, a key component of our        we operate, to our employees,
Beyond50 strategy. We are            to our business partners
committed to the adoption and        and to the environment. Our
promotion of good corporate          five strategic principles of
governance approaches in all our     responsible business have been
business activities. This includes   created following discussions
providing a safe and sustainable     with our key stakeholders. This
environment for customers, staff,    demonstrates our commitment
contractors and suppliers. We        to sustainability, ethical best
are also very cognisant of our       practice and continuous
responsibilities as a member         improvement.

                                     CSR AND SUSTAINABILITY – OUR PLANET, OUR DUTY.   45
It’s not enough to just
reduce our impact.
We’re determined to
positively contribute
to all the communities
we operate in – from
our employees to our
business partners and
to the wider world.

46               Mercury | Beyond50
PEOPLE, WELLBEING                       TECHNOLOGY AND                         OPERATIONS AND
AND SAFETY                              INNOVATION                             VALUE CHAIN

Mercury is committed to creating        We strive to achieve incredible        We are committed to engaging
a working environment where             things in areas such as digital        with all our supply chain partners
health, safety and wellbeing is our     construction, offsite manufacturing    to drive sustainability, good
top priority. We strive to create       and modern construction                governance and overall best-
an inclusive working environment        methods, lean principles and           practice working practices. Our
which values the diversity of all our   more. We are committed to              due diligence processes promote
employees. We aim to ensure that        applying all these principles to our   anti-corruption as well as fair,
all processes are transparent and       sustainability journey.                transparent and truly competitive
all employees have equal career                                                practices. These continue to be a
and development opportunities.                                                 key focus for our business as we
We are committed to prioritising                                               grow in size.
the improvement of occupational
health & safety, employee
wellbeing, diversity & inclusion,
security practices and human
rights assessments.

                                        SOCIETY &                              We are committed to engaging
                                                                               with the communities in which
                                                                               we are located. We strive to
                                                                               ensure our projects respond
                                                                               to the needs of the local
                                                                               community and address some of
                                                                               the environmental and societal
                                                                               challenges that impact them.

                                        CSR AND SUSTAINABILITY – OUR PLANET, OUR DUTY.                          47
Maximum performance is achieved
by having a winning culture where our
people feel empowered to do their best.
Our focused effort to optimise internal
structures will guarantee our sustained
growth and success for the future.

ACCOUNTABILITY   A key component of Beyond50          Over the lifespan of Beyond50,
                 is the continuous improvement        Mercury will continue to improve
                 of governance structures within      Accountability and Governance
                 Mercury as we grow over time         structures to ensure that we are
                 and aim to sustain ourselves as      set up for sustained success.
                 a business. One of the first steps   These structures will help
                 has been to double our Executive     to keep us fully transparent
                 Management Team (EMT) from 6         and accountable to all of our
                 to 12 people. We’ve also created     stakeholders, ensuring that we
                 an EMT Charter, which sets out       have best-in-class procedures
                 the expectation for our senior       in place to deliver continued
                 leadership to all key stakeholders   sustained growth.
                 including our employees, supply
                 chain partners and clients.

48               Mercury | Beyond50
BETTER     At Mercury, we believe that to         operations teams will work
           achieve incredible things, we must     together from the outset of each
           all work together in collaboration.    project. Our multidisciplinary
           The Better Together project aims       teams will collaborate together
           to break down barriers across          from the bid stage, through to
           Business Units and Functions           pre-construction and all the way
           within Mercury. Further reinforcing    to project delivery.
           a ‘team mentality’, the project will
           create an environment to maximise      Better Together begins with
           performance and give our support       our senior management,
           functions and operations teams         who will lead by example in
           every opportunity for success.         how we communicate with one
                                                  another. Improved communication
           In particular, we have identified an   between different teams and
           opportunity to improve our internal    projects will lead to improved
           processes so that our estimation,      understanding, processes and
           procurement, commercial and            reduced time and costs.

           WINNING CULTURE                                                           49
A culture where leadership
     and accountability thrive is vital.
     This will guarantee that we
     continue to execute projects
     with absolute precision as our
     operations scale.

50   Mercury | Beyond50

    Actively respect one another
    for the collective and continued
    success of Mercury;

                                              Embrace and fully understand
                                              our clients’ current and future

    Create a safe environment
    where our people can achieve
    their ambitions and excel,
    to support our shared goals;

                                              Invest in and nurture a culture

                                          4   of innovation and technology to
                                              sustain our growth and redfine
                                              industry standards;

    Embrace change and listen
    to our diverse workforce as
    we evolve;

                                              Continue to implement and

                                              hold ourselves to account to
                                              create a sustainable culture
                                              of ethics and compliance in
                                              a structured manner;

7   Share resources,
    knowledge and rewards;

                                              Improve communications to

                                          8   deliver clear messaging
                                              to connect our people
                                              across the group;

    Remain grounded and

    passionate about what we do,
    assuring the safety of our team
    and clients, whilst caring for
    one another’s wellbeing.

                        WINNING CULTURE                                         51
Mercury is focused on new regional
opportunities in our traditional sectors,
leveraging our vast experience and
clients’ trust.

                 ENTERPRISE DATA      Mercury is Europe’s most
                                      experienced Enterprise Data
                                      Centre service provider. We go
                                      beyond to meet the challenges
                                      of the ever-growing Enterprise
                                      market. Over the last 20 years our
                                      highly skilled international teams
                                      have successfully delivered data
                                      centres for some of the world’s
                                      largest data centre companies.
                                      Our cutting-edge construction
                                      methods mean we consistently
                                      deliver highly complex and
                                      specialised turnkey services.
                                      We design, build, plan, construct
                                      and commission data centres
                                      using the highest levels of safety,
                                      quality and delivery. We then
                                      manage the maintenance of
                                      facilities post-construction.

52               Mercury | Beyond50
ADVANCED          Mercury has been at the forefront
                  of Advanced Technology & Life
                  Sciences projects for almost 50
LIFE SCIENCES     years in Ireland & Europe. We
                  deliver bespoke and large scale
                  projects for the world’s largest
                  semiconductor manufacturers,
                  pharmaceutical and biologics
                  companies. We find opportunity        methods such as BIM, LEAN and
                  in challenge, leading the way         off-site fabrication. Every project
                  forward with unrivalled levels of     we undertake is underpinned by
                  expertise. World-class projects       exemplary health & safety, high-
                  demand the best. That’s why we        quality standards, cost reduction,
                  make extensive use of innovative      reliability and execution.

HYPERSCALE DATA   We deliver unrivalled Hyperscale      a highly complex and specialised
                  Data Centre services across           turnkey service. From design &
                  Europe. We are a general              build, planning, construction and
                  contractor as well as providing a     a commissioning right through
                  variety of specialist services. Our   to facility management and
                  highly skilled project teams have     operational support, we ensure
                  delivered data centres for over two   safety, quality, innovation and
                  decades. Our relentless dedication    value engineering every time.
                  uniquely positions us to provide

                  OUR SECTORS                                                             53
FIRE               We’re a world leader in the field of    alarm systems, we offer unique
                   specialist Fire Protection services.    solutions to meet our clients’
                   With over 40 years’ experience, our     specific compliance requirements.
                   clients can rest assured that we will   We can deliver complex turnkey
                   deliver everything needed to meet       projects, from planning and design
                   health & safety, legal, regulatory      right through to final handover
                   and insurance requirements.             and regularly scheduled ongoing
                                                           maintenance, prioritising safety
                   As one of only a few companies          and quality for our clients and their
                   certified to install water-based        stakeholders every time.
                   sprinkler, gas suppression and fire

TECHNICAL          Our TSS experts have the in-            DATA CENTRE
                   depth knowledge to fulfil each
SUPPORT SERVICES                                           FACILITY
                   client’s vision. We deliver the full
(TSS)              suite of colocation white space
                   fitout services. This includes
                                                           We have continued our journey of
                   structured cabling installations
                                                           expansion into providing specialist
                   complete with certified design
                                                           data centre services, to create a
                   capability, fire alarm & gas
                                                           dedicated facilities management
                   detection and hot & cold aisle
                                                           & maintenance support service
                                                           offering for some of our clients in
                   Our Mercury data centre                 this expanding market.
                   decommissioning & upgrade
                                                           Mercury’s Data Centre Facility
                   project teams have the in-depth
                                                           Management services means
                   specialist experience required to
                                                           we’re uniquely positioned to offer
                   work in ‘live’ environments.
                                                           clients a Design-Build-Operate
                                                           contracting model. This strategy
                                                           ensures we are 100% accountable
                                                           for the client’s building throughout
                                                           its entire lifecycle. Warranties can
                                                           be effectively maintained as the
                                                           contract moves from construction
                                                           through to operations. Mercury’s
                                                           facility team will mobilise to the
                                                           client’s data centre in parallel with
                                                           construction to ensure our team
                                                           are familiar with the building, the
                                                           systems, the local supply chain and
                                                           the client before the construction
                                                           project is completed. Through
                                                           implementing this strategy, our
                                                           facilities teams can then contribute
                                                           to the design and build of the
                                                           client’s next project improving
                                                           efficiencies and reliability through
                                                           this continuous improvement cycle.

54                 Mercury | Beyond50
HEALTHCARE   Mercury is a world-leading
             healthcare construction service
             provider. Our multidisciplinary
             teams have over 15 years’
             experience executing all aspects
             of mechanical & electrical services
             and installations across Ireland,
             the UK and Europe. We redefine
             industry standards, always
             delivering world-class healthcare
             facilities. We combine a highly
             experienced workforce with the
             latest innovations and technologies.

BUILDING     Mercury is a leading European           Europe. Our people are driven
             Building Services provider. Our         to make it happen for our clients
             specialist teams deliver shell & core   – no matter what. We believe in
             and fit out services for a diverse      the continuous development of
             range of developments, from             our staff. That way we can deliver
             office to retail and so much more.      innovative design solutions, going
             Our teams work on both private          above and beyond in our project
             and public sector projects across       delivery.
             Ireland, the UK and continental

             OUR SECTORS                                                                  55
Mercury House, Ravens Rock Road,
Sandyford Business District, Dublin,
D18 XH79, Ireland.
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