On Optimal Bidding in Concurrent Auctions
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On Optimal Bidding in Concurrent Auctions Michael N. Katehakis Kartikeya S. Puranam Rutgers University LaSalle University Management Science and Information Systems Business Systems and Analytics 100 Rockafeller Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 1900 Olney Ave Philadelphia PA 19141 USA USA mnk@rutgers.edu kartys.here@gmail.com Abstract: Online auctions have become a popular and effective tool for Internet-based E-markets. We investigate problems and models of optimal adaptive automated bidding in an environment of concurrent online auctions, where multiple auctions for identical items are running simultaneously. We develop new models for a firm where its item valuation derives from the sale of the acquired items via their demand distribution, sale price, acquisition cost, salvage value and lost sales. We discuss possible monotonicity properties for the value function and the optimal dynamic bid strategies that can be employed in developing efficient computations. Key–Words: Auctions, Dynamic Bidding, Simultaneous, Multi-period 1 Introduction eral functions of the market’s collective valuation of the items, cf. [10], [13]. Online auctions have become a popular and effec- Procurement auctions have become a primary tive tool for Internet-based E-markets. We investigate way with which firms acquire goods and services. The problems and models of optimal adaptive automated main drivers of this phenomenon are factors such as bidding in an environment of concurrent online auc- the belief that auctions are an impartial way of setting tions, where multiple auctions for identical items are the price for an item, and the proliferation of internet running simultaneously. We develop new models for which has made conducting auctions and participating a firm where its item valuation derives from the sale of in them efficient. Few examples can be found in the the acquired items via their demand distribution, sale following papers. (cf. [22], [24], [18], [12]). Other price, acquisition cost, salvage value and lost sales. recent related work includes [11], [15], [13], [5], [25], We discuss possible monotonicity properties for the [26], [6] and [21]. For a recent survey we refer to [1]. value function and the optimal dynamic bid strategies Further literature is provided in [17]. To our knowl- that can be employed in developing efficient compu- edge this is the first study of a multi - period stochas- tations. tic inventory problem where replenishment is done via In the current paper we present two models which auctions. extends our work in [13] and [17]. In the first model The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the buyer has to acquire a fixed number of items. we present the fixed demand model. In section 3 we These items can be acquired either at a fixed buy-it- present the variable demand model. In section 4, we now price or by participating in sequence of concur- present concluding remarks. rent auctions. In the second model, which is similar to [17], there are two phases. Each cycle starts with Phase 1 when items are bought in a sequence of con- 2 Fixed Demand Model current auctions. This is followed by Phase 2 when items are sold and any remaining items are salvaged 2.1 Problem Formulation for a fixed salvage cost. In addition in the present pa- In this model we assume that the buyer has to acquire per we the allow the demand distribution to be con- a fixed number L of items during the current cycle. To tinuous and the set of allowable bids to be a compact that end, the buyer participates in a sequence of con- interval. current sequential auctions of identical items. There A key notion in both the models is that the proba- are a fixed number N of sequential bidding periods bility of the buyer winning in an auction is a known each cycle. During each bidding period, the bidder function of the bid and the number of opponents can bid in a random number of concurrent auctions. present in an auction. These probabilities are in gen- The number of concurrent auctions during each bid-
ding period is a Markov Chain. The transition prob- and an optimal policy is followed thereafter. Note that ability cyy0 is the probability that number of auctions v(n, x, y) = w(n, x, y; an,x,y ). Finally, let in the next bidding period is m0 given that the number ∞ of auctions in the current bidding period was m. The X initial distribution of auctions at the beginning of each u(n, x, y) = cyy0 v(n, y 0 , x) y 0 =1 period is represented using cy . Every bidder submits a sealed bid, which is the and bid in all the concurrent auctions. One of the high- ∞ X est bidders wins the auction. If there is a tie we as- u1 (n, x, y) = cm v(n, x, y). sume that the bidder is chosen at random from the set m=1 of highest bidders. The set of bids available for each The MDP equations are: bidder is the set A = [a0 , ap ]. We assume that a0 = 0 represents the action of not bidding and that ap i the v(n, x, y) = max{w(n, x, y; a)} (1) a∈A buy-it-now price. The probability of the buyer win- ning in an auction is a function of the bid a and the where w(n, x, y; a) number of concurrent auctions y and is represented by the function py (a). − a y py (a) + py (a)u(n − 1, x + y, y) We next present the Markov Decision Process for- +(1 − p (a))u(n − 1, x, y) if x 6= L, y mulation of the problem described above. = u(n − 1, L, y) if x = L, 1. The state space X is the set of triplets (n, x, y) where n (1 ≤ n ≤ N ) represents the number of (2) remaining bidding periods, x (0 ≤ x ≤ L) repre- sents the number of items already acquired by the 2.2 Structure of the Optimal Policy buyer , and y represents the number of concurrent auctions during the current bidding period. In this section we derive structural properties of the optimal bidding policy under the following assump- 2. In any state (n, x, y) the bidder can takes one of tions. the actions from the set A(n, x, y) = [a0 , ap ]. Assumption 1. The function py (a) is twice differen- 3. When an action a ∈ A(n, x, y) is taken in state tiable in a with (n, x, y) the following transitions are possible. ∂py (a) ∂ 2 py (a) > 0 and ≤ 0. ∂a ∂a2 i) If x = L the only possible transition is back to the state (n − 1, L, y 0 ) with probability Assumption 2. The function py (a) is a decreasing cyy0 ) . function of m, i.e. ii) If x < L depending the next state is py+1 (a) ≤ py (a). (n−1, x+y, y 0 ) with probability py (a) cyy0 or (n − 1, x, y 0 ) with probability (1 − Assumption 3. There exists a function G with P∞ py (a)) cyy0 . G(i) = 1 such that: i=−∞ 4. The following costs are incurred. ( G(y 0 − y) if y 0 > 1, cyy0 = P∞ 0 (3) i) In states (n, L, y) there is no cost. k=y−1 G(k) if y = 1. ii) In all other states (n, x, y) a cost is in- The rationale behind assumption 1 is that when m curred only if the item is won in the auc- is constant, the probability of winning is greater when tion. The expected cost when action a is a is larger and there are diminishing returns for in- taken is ay py (a). creasing values of a. Assumption 2 implies that for the same bid a the probability of winning is lower The MDP equations: We use the following no- when there are more concurrent auctions. Assump- tation. Let v(n, x, y) denote the value function in tion 3 implies that the probability of there being y 0 state (n, x, y) and an,x,y the optimal action in the concurrent auctions in the next bidding period given state (n, x, y). Let w(n, x, y; a) be the expected fu- that there are y auctions in the current bidding period ture reward when action a is taken in state (n, x, y) depends only on the difference y 0 − y.
Theorem 1. Under assumptions 1, 2, and 3 the fol- 1. The set X = (n, x, y) is the state space, where lowing relations hold for all (n, x, y), (n, x, y + 1) ∈ n (0 ≤ n ≤ N ) represents the number of re- X : maining bidding periods, x represents the num- ber of items already acquired by the buyer , and y represents the number of concurrent auctions ∂w(n, x, y; a) during the current bidding period. Note that: ≥ 0, (4) ∂x i) If n = 0 then y = 0. ii) State (0, x, 0) represents the state of the system when all auctions are over. ∂v(n, x, y) ≥ 0, (5) iii) Possible states prior to the start of the N ∂x auctions, are of the form (N, 0, y). ∂an,x,y 2. In any state (n, x, y) the following action sets ≤ 0. (6) ∂x A(n, x, y) are available. i) A(0, x, 0) = {a0 }. ii) A(n, x, y) ∈ [a0 , ap ] for n > 0. v(n, x, y) ≤ v(n + 1, x, y) (7) 3. When an action a ∈ A(n, x, y) is taken in state (n, x, y) the following transitions are possible. an,x,y ≥ an+1,x,y (8) i) If n = 0, then starting from state (0, x, 0) the next state is (0, x, 0) with probability 1. ii) If n > 0 then depending on whether or not the buyer wins the current set of concurrent v(n, x, y) ≥ v(n, x, y + 1) (9) auctions the next state is (n − 1, x + y, y 0 ) with probability py (a) cyy0 or state (n − 1, x, y 0 ) with (1 − py (a)) cyy0 . an,x,y ≤ an,x,y+1 (10) 4. When an action a ∈ A(n, x, y) is taken in state (n, x, y) the expected reward ra (n, x, y) is as fol- lows. In the next theorem we establish monotonicity of ra (0, x, 0) = xd=0 (rd+s(x−d)) fD (d)+ P the optimal value function and the optimal bid with i) P ∞ respect to the number of opposing bidders m. d=x+1 (rx − δ(d − x))fD (d) ii) ra (n, x, y) = −a y pm (a) if n > 0. 3 Random Demand Model 3.2 Structure of Optimal Policy 3.1 Problem Formulation Theorem 2. Under assumptions 1, 2, and 3 the fol- We assume there are two phases in each cycle. Phase lowing relations hold for all (n, x, y), (n, x, y + 1) ∈ 1 is identical to what was described in the previous X : model. During Phase 2, the items bought in the above auctions are sold in the firm’s market where the de- ∂w(n, x, y; a) mand distribution D is assumed to be i.i.d. per pe- ≥ 0, (11) ∂x riod with a continuous probability distribution func- tion f (·) and a cumulative distribution function F (·). The sales price is r. Excess demand is lost with a penalty and unsold items at the end of the period have ∂v(n, x, y) ≥ 0, (12) same salvage value. Let δ(x) denote the penalty asso- ∂x ciated with x units of excess demand and let s be the unit salvage value. We assume that s < r. ∂an,x,y ≤ 0. (13) We next present the Markov Decision Process for- ∂x mulation of the problem described above.
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