OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society

Page created by Rose Lindsey
OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021


                               OHM 2021
14 AVDC                         MORE INFORMATION ON
16 COVID-19 IMPACTS                         PAGE 18
OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
Bulletin is published by the
New Brunswick Dental Society.

Articles will be considered for
publication in the language of
submission. We reserve the
                                    IS YOUR HYGIENIST LICENSED TO PRACTICE?
right to edit all submissions for   The NB College of Dental Hygienists (NBCDH) takes this opportunity to
length and clarity. Final content   remind all dentists/employers that they must request a copy of their dental
                                    hygienist’s license yearly. This ensures that the employed dental hygienist is
is subject to space limitations.    registered to practise and confirms any specific designations if applicable
                                    (self-initiation and/or local anesthesia). If the specific designation does not
All rights reserved.                appear on their license, this would indicate that they have not yet been
                                    submitted their certificate of completion and received authorization by the
                                    NBCDH. Completing the education is only the first step.
Editor: Rene Comeau
                                    Note that dental hygiene licenses are valid from January 1st to December
                                    31st. However, licenses must be paid and received by November 30th.

                                    Their status with the NBCDH can also be confirmed by utilizing the find-
                                    a-member feature on our website at www.nbcdh.ca. A search can be
                                    completed by entering a first name, last name, or license number. Clicking
                                    on the name will provide their licence status with any specific designation
570 Queen St., Suite 504            obtained.
Fredericton, NB
                                    In addition, the NBCDH would like to emphasize the fact that all dental
E3B 6Z6                             hygienists are required to hold, at minimum, a CPR/AED level C certificate
(506) 452-8575                      every two years to be deemed valid for licensure.

                                    IS YOUR DENTAL ASSISTANT LICENSED TO PRACTICE?
Email: info@nbdent.ca
                                    Reminder By-law 3-2
Web: www.nbdental.com               (d) No dentist shall employ a person as a Certified Level II dental assistant
                                    unless that person holds a current Certified Level II dental assistants license.
Follow Us!                          You can find the list of licensed dental assistant in the members website
                                    (HOME PAGE - NBDS UPDATES)

     NB Dental Society

     @NBDentalNB                    NEW MEMBERS
                                    Dr. Carla Sherman                           Dr. Fay Pereira
                                    Dr. Elaine Weismann                         Dr. Maziar Dowlatshahi

                                    AED’S BECOMING MANDATORY
                                    Beginning in 2023, AED’s will be mandatory in all dental clinics across the
                                    province. We do have a partnership with CardioChoc which is available to
                                    members. They have the Samaritan 350 (semi-automatic) or Samaritan
                                    360 (automatic) available for purchase. If you are interested, contact info@
                                    cardiochoc.ca and indicate you are of member of the NBDS.

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

                                             A note
                                      from the
 Unity is strength.. when there is teamwork and collaboration,
     wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepanek
Naïve. Hopeful. Inexperienced.        hardships, we were able to            with science. We should do our
Unrealistic… Perhaps one could        take a step back and evaluate         best to educate and encourage
say I was all of these anticipating   what was necessary to return          dental staff to get vaccinated.
the arrival of a new year. A fresh    to work safely. Not only was          Of course, it is ultimately their
start. A life without COVID-19.       the collaborative effort of our       decision, but it is important they
                                      province evident, but our voice       make an informed decision. My
It has been just over a year since    was unified and supported             hope is that by the time you
COVID-19 consumed our world.          nationally. We have been working      are reading this, we will have
The sudden upheaval of what           closer than ever before with          received our first vaccination.
we once knew. Being forced to         public health, advocating for our
navigate through a multitude of       profession and witnessing the         We are privileged to be living
uncertain challenges has been         results. It has been humbling         in a province that is considered
exceptionally arduous to say the                                            to be one of the safest places
                                      and inspiring to be a part of this    to live in Canada. With that, we
least. Quite the roller coaster       progression.
ride!                                                                       have consequently been very
                                                                            fortunate to practice safely
                                      It is truly remarkable, that less     while providing comprehensive
I would be lying to you, and          than a year ago pharmaceutical
myself, if I said I have not felt                                           care. Dental health is critical to
                                      companies were just venturing         overall health and well-being.
discouraged several times over        into the realm of producing a         The sacrifices and restrictions we
the past year… mourning loss,         vaccine. Now, we are here, in         have assumed in order to provide
fearing decisions, toilsome           2021, with effective vaccines         the same standard of care is
conflict, feeling defeated… BUT,      being administered and new            commendable.
although I will not discredit these   advancements under research.
feelings, I will reflect and point    As vaccinations have been rolling     Although the uncertainty has
attention to and be thankful for                                            not gone away, I move forward
                                      out, it is essential we educate       with some comfort knowing that,
the remarkable changes and            ourselves and others on the
progressions that have transpired                                           despite the ongoing challenges,
                                      importance of getting vaccinated      there are many people working
over this past year. Finally, it      to achieve herd immunity. A           effortlessly and tirelessly to bring
seems like there is a light at the    research and consulting firm          health and safety to our world.
end of the tunnel.                    named “BEworks” conducted
                                      a study on vaccine hesitancy          I am encouraged by our
I am proud of our profession                                                profession’s perseverance during
                                      and found that around 28% of
as whole. During lockdown, we                                               this time.
                                      people are on-the-fence about
did what was right at that time.
                                      getting vaccinated while 9% do                     — Dr. Carlie Lemoine
By shutting down our practices,
                                      not intend on getting it at all. As
despite the encompassing                                                                             President
                                      doctors, we should always side

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
Paul Blanchard
2020 has been a whirlwind
                                       were pleased to hear the Minister    The NBDS continues to meet
year. At this writing, we will         of Health confirm that dentists      with the Department of Social
all have been living in a global       and dental assistants would          Development officials to discuss
pandemic for a full year. This         receive their vaccines in early      the MOU which has been expired
once in a centennial event affects     Q2. We continue to advocate          for more than a year. We have
everyone. You should be proud          for all dental staff. We have also   been working WorkSafeNB to
of the way you and members of          raised the issue of dentists as      enable dental technicians to
your team have responded to this       possible immunizers, based on        come into NB from Quebec to
unprecedented situation. Without       the positive interest we have        provide important maintenance
a doubt, your work has been            received from members on this        work.
appreciated and it has confirmed       topic.
that dentists truly are essential                                           April is Oral Health Month. Follow
healthcare professionals.              As the pandemic has evolved,         us on social media platforms
                                       the need for PPE has emerged as      as we continue to highlight the
Throughout this pandemic, the          a major issue. For this reason, we   lengths to which dental offices
New Brunswick Dental Society           have partnered with SOWINGO          are going to ensure everyone’s
has been working on your behalf,       to provide access to lower prices    safety.
to ensure that dentists are well       for office supplies and PPE. I
supported with an effective            encourage you to visit the NBDS      We recognize the hard work
operational plan. This plan            Supply Hub in the members            that dentists and their staff
has stood the test of time and         area of our website. We also         have been doing throughout
continues to be effective even         encourage you to go to our           this past year. To say that you
through the red and lock down          member website and check out         have been ‘adapting’ would
phases we recently experienced.        the “Top 5 Employment Law            be a serious understatement.
Members of the Covid-19                Issues Going Into 2021” written      These are indeed unprecedented
advisory committee chaired             by the law firm of Stewart           times. We thank you for your
by Dr Mary Ann Wiseman have            McKelvey.                            professionalism and dedication.
done a fantastic job and should                                             We are all looking forward to a
be commended for their tireless        The pandemic has affected plans      time when we can all safely be
efforts. This committee will be        for the 2021 dental conference.      vaccinated and return to our
meeting again in March 2021 to         We are collaborating with other      ‘new’ normal.
make any recommendations and           Atlantic provinces to organize
updates to the operational plan.       the Atlantic Virtual Dental
                                       Conference which will be held
The NBDS has been working with         from June 10 through 12, 2021.                       — Paul Blanchard
Public Health officials to ensure      Visit our website and join us                       Executive Director
that dental staff, especially front-   https://avdc2021.com/
line staff, receive the Covid-19
vaccine as soon as possible. We

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

                 LOOKING FORWARD TO 2022 AND A NEW
At the risk of stating the obvious,   determined that the regulatory      With respect to the philosophy
I want to pause for a moment          requirements for Continuing         of Continuing Education itself,
and recognize the teamwork            Education for 2021 was deemed       we expect to articulate a more
and collegiality that has helped      satisfied and a new process         thoughtful subset of education
Dentistry move through, and           would be announced for 2022.        objectives that place a premium
continue to move through, the                                             on clinical dental, dental practice
COVID-19 crisis.                      To be clear, we are not deferring   management, dental / medical
                                      2021 CE requirements. No matter     emergencies, and participation in
There is little that solidifies a     who you are, your requirements      the profession.
relationship between friends and      are currently satisfied, and we
colleagues, new and old, like         are building something new for      Also, in light of the experience of
going into battle and coming          you that will start in 2022.        the past year, it is expected that
out the other side. From my                                               some thought needs to be placed
observation, there are a lot of       The reason for this decision        on the role of technology and
new friendships out there!            was in part, a recognition that     hands on learning.
                                      COVID-19 was its own CE Cycle
The entire team that surrounds        and also that no one needs          Should you have comments or
dentistry has been remarkably         extra pressure to find hours in     suggestions which would lead to
strong, ready to learn, willing       this climate. It is also a good     improvements in the Continuing
to work as a team, and ready          time to reflect and come-up         Education process and / or
to adapt (almost daily). It is        with something new, hopefully       composition please feel to
remarkable.                           something better.                   contact me at registrar@nbdent.
Navigating a crisis requires          Consistent with other
an ability to adapt and a key         jurisdictions, we envision a        Stay safe and the best to you and
adaptation is a commitment to         modernization of Continuing         your families, and dental team.
learning.                             Education to permit you, as
                                      a member, to report your
This brings me to your                own hours “on-line”. Ideally,
Continuing Education                                                                          — Dan Leger
                                      a database sophisticated
requirements.                                                                                    Registrar
                                      enough to accept confirmation
                                      of participation in courses by
On December 18th, 2020, I
                                      providers, electronically.
reported that the Executive
Committee of the Board

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
                             Dr. Daniel Violette

                             Congratulations to Dr. Violette for receiving the CDA “Award of Merit” which recognizes an
                             individual who has served in an outstanding capacity in the governing or service of CDA and
                             dentistry in Canada. Dr. Violette has been a leader and contributor to his profession and his
                             community in New Brunswick for three decades. He was president of his local dental society
                             for 4 years in the late 1990s and also served as president of the NBDS in 2009. In addition, he
                             joined the CDA Board of Directors in 2014 and has been involved in many different task forces
                             and working groups over the years.

                             Dr. Mike Taylor

                             Congratulations to Dr. Taylor for being awarded the 2020 Canadian (AGD) Dentist of the Year.
                             Dr. Taylor has contributed substantial service, in conjunction with a consistent commitment to
                             enhancing the image of general dentistry through the continuous delivery of quality continuing
                             education while at the same time maintaining a busy general dentistry practice in Saint John
                             New Brunswick. Dr Taylor also has demonstrated leadership in many areas of civic involvement
                             though YM/YWCA Association and Saint John water fluoridation committee (1989) and has
                             held the position of Dental Consultant WHSCC (Work Safe) since 1990.

Dr. F.A. Godsoe Prize
The Dr. F.A. Godsoe Prize which based on the 2019-2020 academic year and is given to three New Brunswick Doctor of Dental
Surgery students was awarded to the following:

To support the New Brunswick student who has shown the greatest proficiency in Patient Care I.
(1st-year student going into second year) – Alexa Nicholson

To support the New Brunswick student who has shown the greatest proficiency in Cariology I.
(1st-year student going into second year) – Alexa Nicholson

To support the New Brunswick student who has shown the greatest proficiency in Foundation Sciences Clinical Practice.
(3rd-year going into fourth year) - John Chungman Yoon

    Congratulations to all the award recipients

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

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                                                                             DisabilityGuard™ Insurance is underwritten by
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OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
10 Things You Need to Know about Estate Planning as a Canadian Dentist
Estate planning is a topic many      pay today and through your             Whatever you wish to do with
feel uncomfortable raising – after   retirement. Consequently, you will     your practice, your Will should
all, death is neither a popular      retain more of your money for          outline a protocol for dealing
nor pleasant topic. As a dentist,    your estate.                           with it.
however, getting your estate in
order today can help ensure that     And, because you have (smartly)        4. YOU CAN PASS ALONG
your practice is protected, that     shared with your spouse, it opens      CERTAIN ASSETS TAX-FREE
your wishes are followed and         up more options for how you take
that your loved ones can receive     care of one another and your           Assets flowing through your Will
the proceeds of your estate as       family through two estates. An         are generally subject to probate
quickly and tax-efficiently as       early start allows you to better       tax. But not all assets need to
possible. Here are ten things        coordinate your plans.                 be transferred through a Will. By
Canadian dentists should know                                               designating beneficiaries in your
                                     What’s more, starting your estate      registered plans (RRSP, RRIF,
about estate planning.               planning early can allow you to        TFSA) and insurance policies,
1. ESTATE PLANNING ISN’T JUST        resolve any questions or issues        for instance, the proceeds of
FOR THE ULTRA-WEALTHY                that may take some time – and          those plans will pass outside of
                                     give you the opportunity to really     your estate, thereby minimizing
You have worked hard your entire     think about the legacy you wish        probate taxes.
life to build your dental career     to leave.
– and whether you own a large                                               Gifting assets before your death,
                                     3. YOUR WILL IS THE                    transitioning your assets into a
practice with multiple locations,    CORNERSTONE OF YOUR
a modest community practice                                                 trust and setting up co-ownership
                                     ESTATE PLAN                            structures are other ways to avoid
or you practice within a hospital
or other clinic – the assets you                                            probate. All of these strategies
                                     Your Will is the most fundamental      should be evaluated with the
have accumulated deserve to be       element of your estate plan and
safeguarded for both your future                                            assistance of an estate planning
                                     should be your starting point as       professional who can help you
and the future of your loved ones.   you take on this task.                 weigh the pros and cons of each,
While a common misconception         A Will dictates how your property      according to your situation.
is that estate planning is only      will be distributed to your
for those with a certain wealth                                             5. A TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS
                                     beneficiaries and identifies the       CAN (AND SHOULD!) HELP
status, it’s simply not true.        executor who is responsible for
Estate planning is something         carrying out your wishes. While
every Canadian dentist should                                               As an expert in the field of
                                     many Canadians believe that their      dentistry, you know the value of
undertake.                           assets will transfer automatically     professional expertise. When
2. THERE’S NO REASON TO WAIT         to a surviving spouse or children,     it comes to estate planning,
                                     without a Will, you don’t have the     it’s worth working with experts
Estate planning goes hand            opportunity to identify how your       to help you ensure smooth
in hand with tax planning,           property is to be divided among        distribution of your assets and to
which goes hand in hand with         them, or to have your say on who       maximize their value.
retirement planning, and a major     would be responsible for minor
part of safeguarding your wealth     children.
                                                                            An estate planning lawyer can
is minimizing the taxes you pay      What’s more, dying without a           help you map out your estate
– both during your lifetime and      Will puts more financial and           plan, draft your Will and identify
after your death.                    emotional strain on your family,       the strategies that can benefit
                                     as the distribution of your assets     both you and your loved ones.
For instance, if your spouse
earns a lower income than you        is more complex, time-consuming
do, setting up income splitting      and potentially subject to more        A tax advisor can identify tax
strategies – such as spousal RRSP    tax than necessary.                    strategies that will minimize taxes
contributions, pension income                                               paid by you – and by your estate
                                     As a dentist, a Will is particularly   after your death.
splitting or paying them a salary    important because you have your
to work in your practice – can       practice and patients to consider.
reduce the amount of tax you
OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

A financial advisor can look at          behalf should you be unable to          emotional and financial outcomes
your complete financial picture          make decisions for yourself. It         of your Will, Power of Attorney
and ensure your plans reflect            is recommended to have a legal          and other estate components.
your goals and priorities – today        advisor prepare your POA.               Such conversations may also
and into the future.                                                             reveal positions you may not be
                                         8. LIFE INSURANCE CAN HELP              previously aware of – i.e., your
                                         YOU REACH YOUR FINANCIAL                partner may not want to take on
A professional executor is worth
                                         OBJECTIVES                              the practice, or your sister may
considering, particularly if you
own an incorporated dental                                                       not be comfortable acting as
                                         Life insurance can play a               your Power of Attorney.
practice. Your executor will be
                                         significant role in your estate plan
responsible for distributing
                                         as the death benefit could either
your estate according to the                                                     Having the detailed – and
                                         be passed onto your heirs or be
terms of the Will – and if you                                                   sometimes tough – conversations
                                         used to cover estate taxes and
have a corporation, they will                                                    in advance can help establish a
                                         other fees. Generally, the death
be responsible for making the                                                    smooth transition of assets and
                                         benefit of a life insurance policy is
complicated decisions that are                                                   can go a long way to ensuring
                                         not subject to income or probate
required to ensure the most                                                      your wishes are carried out as
                                         tax, giving you the comfort that
tax-effective transition of your                                                 planned.
                                         the policy’s full value will be used
corporation’s shares. It’s a job
                                         for your intended purpose.
best suited to a pro.                                                            To learn how your insurance plans
                                                                                 and investments can fit into your
                                         It’s best to speak with a licensed
6. YOUR PRACTICE DESERVES                                                        estate plan, please contact Dana
                                         life insurance representative to
SOME SPECIAL ATTENTION                                                           Scott, Investment Planning Advisor*
                                         determine how your insurance
                                                                                 from CDSPI Advisory Services Inc.
                                         policy can be best used as an
As mentioned earlier, being a                                                    at 1.800.561.9401 or dscott@cdspi.
                                         element of your estate plan.
dental practice owner requires                                                   com.
some additional planning on
your part to ensure your practice        9. REVISITING YOUR PLAN IS              *Advisory services are provided by licensed
is managed according to your             JUST AS IMPORTANT                       advisors at CDSPI Advisory Services Inc.
wishes after your death. Business                                                Restrictions may apply to advisory services
succession therefore ought to            Life happens. And depending             in certain jurisdictions.
figure into your estate planning so      on when you create your estate
that you can effectively pass the        plan, you could have children,
torch. Whether you want to keep          those children could get married,
the practice in the family, sell it to   divorced and/or have children
a partner or associate or sell it to     of their own. You could buy
a third party, it’s worth taking the     or sell property or come into
time to weigh your options and           an inheritance yourself. As life
have conversations with individuals      evolves, it’s worth reviewing
who may factor into the transition.      your estate plan – a good rule
                                         of thumb is no more than five
7. A POWER OF ATTORNEY IS                years – and make adjustments as
AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF                needed.
                                         10. CONVERSATIONS MAY BE
While much of your estate plan           DIFFICULT – BUT THEY’RE
deals with issues after your             CRITICAL
death, another critical component
is planning for situations in            Before you set out to put
which you become physically or           your estate plan in writing,                Dana Scott, MBA, CFP®
                                                                                     Investment Planning Advisor
mentally incapacitated. That’s           it’s important to discuss your
where a Power of Attorney                wishes with family members                  CDSPI Advisory Services Inc.
(POA) comes in. A POA is a               and business partners. In doing             1.800.561.9401 ext. 6871
legal document in which you              so, you can feel confident that             dscott@cdspi.com
give another person/ people              the people you trust and care
the authority to act on your             about will be prepared for the

OHM 2021 IN THIS ISSUE: New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

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CDA & Advocacy
The impact of the pandemic                                  strategies of obtaining and securing                         corporate member, including the
continues to dominate CDA’s                                 PPE’s, and communications to                                 NBDS, will have a representative on
agenda. Dentistry in New Brunswick                          the public on dentists return to                             the GRSC.
has weathered the pandemic much                             practice. More recently, the Task
better than our colleagues in most                          Force is evaluating a short course                           The CDA has also started an
other provinces in Canada where                             on mental health in the workplace                            internal Organizational Realignment
the profession has been challenged                          from the Mental Health Commission                            Initiative. This process will examine
economically and professionally.                            of Canada. The Infection Control                             CDA priorities and assess how the
Having said this, more recently, there                      Working Group continues to meet                              organization can better prepare
is growing concern related to the                           regularly, and they are working on                           to meet the challenges ahead.
impact of the new and emerging                              a Resource for Vaccine Hesitancy.                            The CDA Board of Directors
variants and the availability and                           The resource will help dentists                              met last month to discuss this
effectiveness of the vaccines. The                          facilitate the discussion with their                         initiative and to set direction.
CDA will continue to do all it can to                       teams around the importance of                               The prospect of more Corporate
assist the Corporate Members and                            immunization. The Working Group                              Members transitioning to voluntary
member dentists to address these                            has also recently completed the                              membership including those now
challenges.                                                 resource Medical Gown Using in                               required to separate their regulatory
                                                            Dentistry which has been distributed                         arm from their membership services
The CDA has established a Covid-19                          to the NBDS.                                                 arm, has been a significant factor in
Practice Recovery Task Force (“The                                                                                       focusing CDA’s efforts on how they
Task Force”) as well as the CDA’s                           The CDA has also established                                 can better serve Corporate Members
Infection Control Working Group                             a Governance Review Steering                                 and member dentists.
(“The Working Group”). The Task                             Committee (GRSC) to oversee the
Force continues to work together                            external governance review which
with the Corporate Members,                                 was approved at the 2020 CDA
including the NBDS, to deliver on                           AGM. The terms of reference for the                                            — Dr. Kirk Preston
information exchange on return-to-                          review is completed and each                                            CDA Board Representative
practice across the country,

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VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

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VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

New LAY Representative
Janet MacDonnell
Janet and her husband live in       and to the profession. She has    (and vaccines) by injection.
Quispamsis. She is a graduate       been involved in a number         From 2009 – 2012, Janet was
of the Dalhousie College of         of community programs,            retained as a consultant (subject
Pharmacy and has been involved      particularly those providing      matter expert) for the Province
in the profession in Nova Scotia    support for addiction in the      of New Brunswick during their
and New Brunswick since 1986.       greater Saint John region.        implementation of an electronic
She has extensive experience                                          Drug Information System.
in providing pharmacy services      Janet has continued to be
to Long Term Care facilities,       involved in a number of           Janet was recruited to act as
specialty compounding and with      projects including the research   Interim Executive Director for
providing services to patients      and publication of a paper        the New Brunswick Pharmacists
dealing with addiction.             recommending solution for         Association from Jan- Sept 2020,
                                    “medication and syringe           supporting members during a
Janet has served a two year         disposal”, which was funded       global pandemic.
term as President of the            by a grant from the NB
New Brunswick Pharmacists’          Department of Environment.        Janet continues to practice in
Association in 2004. She was        She was a significant proponent   a relief capacity in pharmacies
also President of the New           in the implementation of a        across the Saint John region.
Brunswick College of Pharmacists    new Pharmacy Act in 2009 as
in 2010. Janet has received the     well as in 2014, which enabled    We are pleased and privileged to
Meritorious Service Award as well   New Brunswick pharmacists         welcome Janet to the board of
as the prestigious Bowl of Hygiea   to prescribe medications, as      directors of the New Brunswick
Award for service to community      well as to administer drugs       Dental Society.

Covid-19 had a serious impact on the practice of dentistry in New Brunswick as can
be seen in the chart below. The state of emergency was declared mid-March and
dental practices were not allowed to open until mid-May. Most did not open until June
2020. While the volume of claims remains close to 2019 levels, it still remains lower
overall. Dental offices may also be open longer hours than prior to the pandemic to
accommodate more patients. The fees being charged are up from the year prior, which
likely reflects more serious treatment, which is the result of patients not having been
treated for three months. Also, the likelihood that dentists are treating more issues
during one sitting as opposed to asking the patient to return for a number of future
visits. This is in part due to PPE and fallow time restrictions.

VOL. 47 • APRIL 2021

                      Dr. Thomas Priemer
                      We would like to thank and congratulate Dr. Priemer for his longstanding
                      contributions to the Economics Committee. He chaired the Economics
                      Committee for 16 years.

                      “I enjoyed my involvement with the NBDS as chair of the Economics
                      Committee. It provided me with the opportunity to network with
                      colleagues and professionals to gain insights about the myriad of factors
                      that influence our dental practices. Effectively balancing profitability
                      with affordable access to care has been the guiding principle and
                      challenge, especially in trying times like these.”

Dr. Nancy Jeffery: Dr. Jeffery started on the Peer Review committee in 2015, she
has retired from practicing but still remains on the committee. She also served as
secretary treasurer of the local Fredericton Dental Society from 2015-2017. Now she
spends her time giving back to the community by volunteering at Greener Village.
She was actually president of Greener Village for eight years. Thank you Dr. Jeffery for
all your contributions over the years.

Celebrating our hard working
Dental Assitants for Dental Assistant
Reconignition Week March 7-13

NBDS Ad Campaign
                   Oral Health Month
Theme: The theme of the campaign is safety. We want the public to feel safe when they book their
appointment and visit their dentist for treatment. We also want to make it clear that dentists are
considered essential and will not be shutting down, as was the case at the beginning of the pandemic.

Commercial: In April for Oral Health Month, we will be airing an English and French commercial
across the province. The English version will air on CTV while the French will air on CBC Radio Canada.

Digital Ad Campaign: The digital campaign began in early February with a graphic carousel ad
on social media. We have multiple graphics being used in ads; one example is below. We also have
a condensed version of our commercial which is 15 seconds, this will be previewed on social media
leading up to Oral Health Month. As always, everything is in both languages and will be targeted
based on location and the user’s language settings. We will also have a CTV Big Box which is a
digital graphics displayed on their website. This will go live in March leading up to the release of our

Newspaper Column: During Oral Health Month, we will also have an “Ask Your Dentist” column in
the provincial newspaper. The English version will be published in the Telegraph-Journal, while the
French will be published in the Étoile. The articles will be written by Dr. Abby Barton, president of the
local Fredericton Dental Society.

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